Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna stuck her tongue out at Serena as soon as the Guardian's turned away, proving that she wasn't all ice, but she had to give off the impression she meant business for the same reason that Gunner was a robot around Guardians he didn't know... Guardians were loyal to the families they served and at court... Well, politics was a blood sport... Everyone secretly poking each other with stick pins under the table and smiling in each other's faces as they do it. Plus, there were royal Moroi men used to getting what they wanted and though not all of them were the same many of them assumed that female Dhampirs were open for... business. Anna, most certainly, was not. She just... didn't like court and so her guards were up.

When they reached the room she smiled as Gunner, as thorough as always, looked over the room... perhaps checking for bugs which was smart since she wouldn't put it past the Lazars. As Serena sank into her seat and pried off her shoes Anna looked at her sympathetically, it couldn't be easy trying to keep up appearances... Hopefully, soon, she wouldn't have to.

"I know... I bet this was the Queen's doing too. I doubt she wanted the Lazars trying to split you and Seb up or trying to claim Serena was enough to Guard as she is. This is kind of perfect..."

There were three bedrooms(one large with a king bed, dresser, walk in closet, flat screen tv and the other two only big enough for a bed, a nightstand, and small closet) two bathrooms (one attached to the master bed with a garden tub, toilet, dual sink, and separate shower and the other to the living area that only had a toilet, sink, and small shower), a kitchen area with a mini fridge, sink, counter with stools instead of a table, coffee pot, and microwave, and a small living area with a couch, two chairs, a flat screen tv, and a stereo system.

Anna laughed a little, "I get the master bed," she teased before she vanished into one of the small rooms to unpack her few things. When she came back out she sighed.... "I'm hungry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena laughed as Anna joked about taking the master bedroom, "I'd break your arm before sleeping on one of those small beds," She joked before patting her belly lightly, "I already have enough keeping me awake at night," She ran a hand through her hair, "Although... I do wish our room wasn't such a... stark difference," She said, feeling bad about their friends staying in the small rooms that only had essentials.

Gunner locked the door from the hall before he gathered his own things and walked into his own room, "Don't worry about it, Serena. We really don't mind," He started to unpack his things. He was comfortable knowing that anyone who wanted into the room was going to have to knock, meaning that Anna or himself would be in the room before they even had the chance to enter. It didn't take him long to have all of his suits and the few workout clothes he brought hanging neatly in his closet. He stepped out into the main room as Anna emerged announcing that she was hungry. He nodded, "I could eat," He looked at Serena and Sebastian. Serena, at this point, seemed to eat everything or nothing at all, which was a little worrying at times.

She smiled, she hadn't even bothered with unpacking yet and instead took to looking over their room. She liked the thought of her things in her bag, meaning they could just leave as soon as possible. It took almost a month before Serena gave into unpacking at Sebastian's. Although, she had a feeling that she'd have to unpack sooner than later here to avoid all of her clothes getting wrinkles. She wrapped her arms around Sebastian's and looked up at him, "I'm famished to be honest... So we best get a lot of food," She made a small face, "And hopefully the medication the nurses gave me will help with keeping it down," She walked over to her bag and grabbed out pill bottle and shook it a little before tucking it away into a purse that she had just recently taken to carrying with her everywhere. It had everything from snacks to medication and basically became her pregnancy survival kit.

She looked between her friends and fiance, "Should we go and eat out or order something in?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna grinned, "No big deal Serena, you know what it's like to be a Guardian. We're supposed to only be sleeping when we have to so it isn't really expected that we need the luxuries... You, on the other hand, are pregnant and shadow-kissed. You're special, just enjoy it while you can."

She glanced at Gun and shrugged, "Well, Serena... You and I did have a date for a girl's day if I recall and you did say you needed new clothes. I say we head to one of the strips and do our shopping there and grab something to eat while we're out." Anna was completely against the mall anymore, understandably, after what they'd all been through. The place might as well be cursed because they sure as hell weren't going there.

The strip was closer, would allow Serena some time outside, and the shops were close enough together to keep the pregnant lady from getting too worn out. Plus, Gunner and Seb could play far Guard and friend and chat about whatever they chatted about.

Seb shrugged, "I'm in the mood for air already... the courts aren't exactly my favorite place to be."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena nodded at Anna's offer to have their 'girls day' even if it would consist of Gunner and Sebastian following them like a hawk. She also picked up of the fact that she didn't offer the mall, despite it probably having more options. Even with it being four years ago, Serena had no interest in going back to the place she had died. She smiled, "Sounds good to me," she looked down at herself and over her clothing, "I think more comfortable clothes are needed."

Gunner's eye twitched slightly at the mention of leaving court. The good thing about the last two years was he had become very good at masking any emotion. He didn't want them to go. He didn't know what his mother was doing, the guardians hadn't reported anything in the last month and it worried him. With his friends going out of the wards there was the chance that she'd come after them...

He took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright, the strip it is. I'll stick with Sebastian," he looked at the man, "I'm sure you won't be wanting to go far."

Serena released Sebastian's arm and grabbed her coat, pulling it on, "You don't have to, Sebastian," she looked at him and smiled, "Anna is a great guardian and I'm pregnant, not incapable. If you have something you need or want, you can," she looked at Gunner, "We'll be fine."

She started to do up her coat before realizing it was rather tight around her midsection and definitely showed off her bump. She sighed and undid her coat, "Seems I need a new coat as well..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Though Gunner's face didn't register the emotional change, his eyes did. They went from their usual crystal blue to stormy in the span of a heartbeat. It occurred to Anna belatedly why he'd be so emotionally charged being at the courts and why leaving them might set his nerves on edge. She suddenly regretted offering the outing but Serena was so excited she didn't have the heart to say no after getting her hopes up like that. She'd just have to break it to Serena that the boys would HAVE to stay close. She chuckled a bit despite her worry when she saw Serena huff and strip off the coat she'd just tried to put on.

"It's probably best they stay close, all things considered. The courts have been having trouble with strigoi so we'll just force the boys along on the shopping trip with us, buy ice cream and nail polish and do the whole girly thing with romantic mushy movies we can cry to..."

Seb groaned but smiled, "Who am I to deny the girls their fun I suppose..." Noticing Gunner's shift in aura and being slightly more intuitive than Anna at times he had already known Gunner's mom could be an issue. However, Gunner had come a long way and Anna's extreme approach to training lately had given her a unique edge. He was sure that so long as they stuck together and all of them kept their eyes peeled it would be alright. "Anna is right though, we should stick close..."


Once they'd reached the strip Anna smiled and helped Serena out of the vehicle, beating Seb to it. They'd brought two extra guards, both which Gunner knew through passing when he was at the courts, and let them know they wanted distance but safety. Honestly, as soon as they were out of the vehicle the two all but disappeared. Anna led Serena up and down the strip, popping in and out of clothing stores. She helped Serena pick out maternity clothes and let the other Dhampir girl pick out one or two things for Anna within her budget. As promised, she stopped and picked up two mushy sad movies so that Serena could vent some of those pent up out of control emotions, and a funny one to lighten the mood. Then, they stopped at a little diner because Anna's stomach was growling something fierce and she was sure Serena was starved.

Anna refused to allow the boys to set with she and Serena, instead the two got their own table and when the waitress came over Anna ordered a coffee and pancakes despite the fact that it wasn't anywhere near morning. "This is nice," she smiled. "So, truth time... How are you feeling? I haven't run you ragged have I?"


At their own table Seb and Gunner were waiting for their own waitress. "It's good she's getting out... I know you're worried, but with the extra eyes and both you and Anna close by I think we'll be alright till full dark." They'd gone out a few hours before sunset and Seb was the only one who had to wear shades... so honestly it was best this way. They still had about an hour before the sun went down. "How are you? I mean... obviously it isn't easy knowing your mother is out there but... How are you holding up?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena let out a small huff when they all quickly rejected the offer to let the men walk on their own for a little. She knew why but it didn't make her feel any better. In fact, Serena was feeling a little useless these days. Each one of them had basically shoved her out of the line of fire and took her off guardian duty. She knew that at some point during her pregnancy that she'd have to take a step back and allow someone else do her job. In fact, she had every intention of letting someone do her job full time when the baby came... But ten weeks into her
pregnancy... It was all just too soon. Sure, her stomach didn't allow for a full range of motion and she got sick from time to time but she was still capable of fighting.

She ordered a burger and fries from the waitress when her and Anna finally sat down to her. Serena had a few bag around her chair and leaned back as Anna asked how she was. As much as she appreciated what Anna was doing for her, getting her sometime away from Sebastian (who had been far less over bearing since their talk), but the girl, though she tried, wasn't much better. Serena could see the worry in her eye and how the girl helped her do just about everything... It was all just too soon. Everyone doing everything for her... Of course, she couldn't say any of that to her friend. She smiled at Anna and shook her head, "No, I'm fine... I used to run a lot further and for much longer... I've got plenty of energy still."
Gunner was watching Anna and Serena so intently that he had hardly noticed the waitress approach them. He quickly ordered then went back to his watching. He looked at Sebastian when he spoke and sighed. He took a moment before letting out a small laugh, "Who are you talking to? Me or you?"

He leaned back in his chair and looked at his friend before scratching the back of his neck, "Fine... I guess..." He shook his head a little, "I mean... I had prepared myself to kill her two years ago. It's been something I've wanted to do since I was a kid," He let out another short laugh, "Twisted child I was... But I just hate the thought of this version of her running around but when I got there and she was gone... I don't know, something changed," He groaned a little, rubbing his eye with the palm of his hand, "I don't know if I saw her now... if I could and that haunts me... That when I see her, because she is coming, that I'm not going to be able to kill her... And I have to kill her. Either that or she goes on stalking me and killing those around me... She's too far gone to save her..."

He took a deep breath, "I guess I'm as good as a guy could be with his mad mother stalking him and murdering innocent people because of him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna shook her head, "It's not that, I just know you can't move around a lot without getting sick lately." She sat back in her seat, and eyed her friend. She knew that it must be hard for Serena, having everyone take Guardianship over. Anna knew what it was like to feel useless and that was the last thing she wanted her friend to feel so she took a bite of her food and considered how to approach the topic.

"So, I know that you must be feeling kind of overwhelmed... I mean, you go from being a kick ass guardian to having to set back and be taken care of. It's important though that you know WHY everyone is making you take that step back. You have to think... if we have a run in with strigoi or even if you're just training, it takes one hit and that would be horrible for you and Seb. I don't think he could take it. We know you're tough, we know if it comes to it you could take care of yourself just fine, but unless it comes to it you should leave the physical part of Guarding to us... Though it wouldn't hurt for you to keep your eyes peeled and those handy shadow-kissed abilities sharpened. You can warn us before anything comes and that's a huge advantage... Even if you might mistake it for morning sickness on occasion."

She took a sip of her coffee, "If you wanted you could join me for practices against compulsion... It would make you feel more like a Guardian and it's not something other Guardians have trained at since aside from Strigoi, Spirit users are about the only ones who can do it. I know you could use the time out."


Seb smiled somewhat at Gunner and went for the more difficult question, "And how are things with you and Anna? I've noticed your back to being friends..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena sighed a little as her friend spoke, saying everything that the rational side of her brain was telling her. However, she just couldn't shake the need to get involved... To still be a guardian. She rested her cheek in her hand and looked at her friend, "I know... It's just... This is something we've worked toward our entire lives... A child... I never planned to have a child and I'm happy, I'm really happy, I am... I just... wish Sebastian and I were in a better position."

She ran her hand through her hair, "I don't think I'll take you up on the offer... I don't think I'm going to be a guardian anymore... I've been thinking about... letting someone else guard Sebastian when I have the baby... Let me be a mother and his wife... Let me be part of the family," She sighed again, "And I knew I would have to stop guarding him well before the baby was born but... I still feel like I can fight... I've fought through feeling ill before," She shook her head, "I'm sorry, Anna... You're right.... You really are... I just wish sometimes that... I didn't have to give it up the... title to have a family."

Guardian... That was a title she had worked for her entire life and now, when the baby came and her and Sebastian married, she'd be Mrs. A title that would love just as much but it was a shame she had to forsake a part of herself to get it... And it wasn't like Sebastian was asking her to but she didn't want to have to be professional in public with her family... For that, she'd give up anything. Besides, she could still train... Still protect them but it wouldn't be her job, it would be someone else's.

She sat back a little, "I'm feeling fine though... The nurses back at the Academy said that I should start to feel better now, the worst of it should have passed."

She ran her hand over her stomach and smiled a little, "The wee one has been a bit of a pain but... I think the worst has yet to come," She laughed a little, "Sebastian can't wait..." She stole a glance at him over at their table and her smile grew slightly, "He's going to make a good father... Better than his own," She felt her eyes stinging and laughed a little, "And here I thought I was done with the unnecessary crying..."
Gunner stiffened slightly when Sebastian asked about him and Anna, "We are... But just that," he glanced over at the girl before turning his eyes to Sebastian, "I don't know if it is ever going to be the same between us... I mean, after dating and... I guess our break up... A lot has happened. I'm just hoping that she can get back to who she was before... any of it really.... Before Jace," His face darkened a little at the thought of the man, "I hate that she's working with him... I mean, I'm glad that she is finding a way to... help herself... but I seriously just want to break that man's face."

He took a deep breath, pushing the anger back under his mask and looked Sebastian, changing the subject, "So, you're going to be a dad... You know, can't say I ever pegged you for a family man... What with your insanity and alcoholism," He winked a little, bugging his friend about his old ways of self medicating his spirit abilities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seb laughed a little, "Well, I'm not going to lie and say it's been easy... There've been several times where it just would have been easier to drink myself to oblivion than let Serena take any of my darkness on but she doesn't give me a choice either way... I love her for it but I just wish she didn't have to share the crazy with me. Besides, if she'd going to take it anyway there's no reason to drink... especially not with a kid on the way..." He shoved a hand through his hair, "Honestly, I've dumped every bottle I can find down the sink except for the red wine because a glass is good for Serena's nerves on occasion but it's hard to have it there and not down it when I start to tip..."

He shook his head, "Serena helps, more than she'll ever know... I don't get the way I used to nearly as much anymore and it's not just her sharing the darkness... It's just having her around seems to keep me level."

He sighed when Gunner told him about Anna and he shook his head again, "That's tough... All I can tell you for sure is that when I look at Anna's aura lately she seems more steady, a little too peaceful for Anna if you want the truth. When she's around you though... she both lights up and dims down all at once. It's like she's torn... I think she'll figure things out though. She's smart... As for you, you're hard headed as hell. There is absolutely no hope for you," Seb teased.

"Honestly though, I can see you still love her but you're just as conflicted as she is. You two might have gotten the big stuff off your chests but it's going to take some more work for either of you to figure out where you're going."


Anna listened to her friend and grabbed her hand to give it a gentle squeeze, "Gunner or I could always Guard Seb. It was always the plan before everything else, maybe this was meant to be? Gunner and I split, you have a baby... Now, there's no conflict if one of us takes a Ward."

She sighed and felt the weight of Gunner's glance even though she'd looked over at him too late to catch the look, she shifted in her seat and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"I don't know... I love Gunner but... after everything that happened I don't think it will ever be the same. We're friends now and part of me thinks that that's all we'll ever be." She let out a breath, "We were always great as friends, when we tried the relationship... everything kind of fell apart."

She smiled sadly, "I miss him but... I don't like the idea that I'd hold him back and I don't think he's ever going to REALLY forgive me for leaving... I know I haven't."

She swallowed the lump in her throat, "Ugh... Now you've got me started on the water works," she laughed shakily.

"I don't know..." She glanced at Serena, "He was... my first, tmi maybe but..." She shrugged, "And he's still my only. I'm pretty sure he thinks I slept with Rae but I never did... I couldn't. The whole time I was with Rae I was mourning after Gunner and now that we've fixed things he basically said he doesn't want to be with me until I'm me again... I just don't think I'm ever going to be the way I was, so... Like I said... maybe this was supposed to happen? He can go on with the Elites and I can stick around here and pester you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena shook her head when Anna offered up that she or Gunner take her place, "That may have been the plan but you made it to the Elites..." She looked at her friend and placed her hand on top of her's, "I think you should go back to them... I think you need to challenge yourself more. All I ever hear from you now is how you are holding people back... Anna, there is a fire in you and I don't need to be in Sebastian's head to see that. You challenged and pushed yourself all through our last year and you and Gunner started to fall apart when you started to see yourself as less than you are," She smiled at released her friend's hands, "You are feeling better, I think, because you have a goal again with your compulsion... Sebastian and I will just bore you and you won't get any closer back to being that girl."

She bit her lip a little and glanced over at the two men again, "I don't think Gunner really wants you to be the old you again... I know that that is what he's said but... he's not even the old him... I think he just wants to know that you are okay. That you aren't thinking yourself as the worst thing that could happen to someone."

At the mention of Gunner being her first, Serena laughed, "I assumed. Not to mention," She cleared her throat a little, "Sebastian could always tell when you two had... um... it was in your auras..."

She reached out again and patted Anna's hands, "I think there will be a time when you will be okay again... I struggled... after my father and dying and the new burden of Sebastian's darkness.... but I think I've come out of it a far stronger person than before. I know you will too," she sat back as the food was brought to their table and she started to pick away at it, glad to actually have an appetite, "You two still love each other... I think you just need to decide if that love is worth fighting for... maybe that will be your next challenge."
Gunner dropped his head, letting his chin lowered to his chest as he groaned a little, "You know Sebastian... It is a lot harder to ignore the turmoil inside of me when you are poking your little spiritness in where it doesn't belong," Despite his words, there was a small smirk of Gunner's lips as he looked back up at his friend. He ran a hand over his mouth, "You are a real pain... I don't know how you managed to convince Serena to marry you."

His eye was brought back to the girls' table when Serena suddenly stood, the look on her face caused him to rise and toss some money on the table before grabbing Sebastian and walking over to the girls. Serena looked at them, "I feel sick.... and... it's not the baby..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna smiled at her friend, it was good to have someone who believed in her the way Serena did. She knew Gunner had faith in her but his faith made her feel worried that it was misplaced... scared she wouldn't live up to his hopes for her. Serena had pointed out the obvious flaw, Anna was still having a hard time seeing herself as someone of value. Maybe if she could just-

Serena's face changed, the color faded from her skin... She looked...

Anna was already scanning the street outside the window when Gunner and Seb came over. She didn't see anything but that didn't mean nothing was there. The sun had gone down just enough that Strigoi would be fine travelling about and it was shadowed just enough to give them dark places to hide. She slid her hand to the stake at her hip as she stood, still scanning the shadows until she saw a slight movement... and again.

"There's at least two... I don't know if they know we're here but I don't think we should take the chance."

She touched the bluetooth in her ear and frowned when there was no answer. "The other two guards aren't picking up... The car is just outside. What do you want to do Serena, Gunner? We can go for the car past those two or we can stand our ground here... There's a backdoor but it leads to a darker ally. I don't know if there might be more, but if the other two aren't answering it's likely."


Seb noticed the change in Serena's aura as Gunner's abrupt stance caused him to glance that way. He stood and frowned, a quicksilver jolt of fear and anger zipping through him for a moment before he put a muzzle on it and reminded himself his friends were trained for this... that he wasn't completely helpless anymore either. He moved to Serena's side and took her hand, rubbing it with his thumb as he waited for Gunner and Anna to decide what to do. When Anna asked Serena's opinion he frowned, his friend had better not be even thinking about letting Serena fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Gunner looked at Anna when she asked what it was that they should do. He pulled two stakes out from his jacket and one to Serena. His eyes met Sebastian, "Just a precaution."

He then shed his jacket entirely and rolled up his shirt sleeves, "Right now, I only know of one Strigoi that are hanging around here and I know what she wants," He looked at his friends, "I'll go out. Anna, you stay with Serena and Sebastian. I'll deal with the Strigoi then the three of you run for the car. You swing by and pick me up. If you can't get me," He looked directly at Anna, "Then go. I'll find my own way back to Court."

He handed his jacket to Serena and looked at her next, "You had better only use that if Anna isn't there."

Then without a word from the group, as if any of them could stop him, Gunner walked out of the building. He made it all of ten feet to the car before a blonde woman was standing before him. He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath, "Abigail."

Gunner's mother pouted, "Is that anyway to greet your mother?"

Gunner face gave away nothing, "I don't have a mother."

The woman's hand flew and struck Gunner across the face, shattering his cheekbone. He spun his stake in his hand and took a fighting stance. The Strigoi seemed to take no offense to her son pulling a weapon on her. A moment later, Gunner turned and sent his stake through the heart of the Strigoi trying to sneak up on him. Hardly without stopping, he turned to face his mother again, "Is that how you greet your son?"

The woman laughed, "So you are as good as they've been saying, of course you are... You're my baby boy."

She grabbed him by the wrist and tossed him onto a car, causing the hood to dent, "You'll be the strongest Strigoi ever..."

She started walking toward him, oblivious to the rest of the parking lot. Gunner groaned but sat him, his head still holding tightly to his stake, "You'll have manage to sink your fangs in me to even try that."
Serena looked at Sebastian when he took her hand and leaned into him a little. Something about being in danger made the gravity of the whole one hit thing a lot scarier. She was grateful when Gunner handed her the stake and quickly wrapped her hand around it. Sebastian had asked her to leave her stake at home, saying she wouldn't be needing it. She knew it was just because he wanted her not to be his guardian on this trip, not while she was pregnant. However, having the stake in her hand made her feel like she could manage something.

She watched as Gunner went then took hold of Anna's arm, "He'll be fine..." She took a deep breath, she needed to keep calm or who knows who would. With Anna worrying about Gunner and Sebastian worrying about her, they needed someone to worry about how they were going to get to the car. She squeezed Anna's arm a little, "The moment we get the chance, we run. You take up the rear. I'll lead, Sebastian in the middle," She looked at him, "Like it or not, you are the least qualified to be on the outside... even if I'm pregnant. Just keep vigilant, okay?"

She looked back out the window and watched as Gunner was thrown into a car and the female Strigoi walked to him like he was her prey. She squeezed her hands on both of her friends, "Now. Gunner just gave us an opening."

Then she was running, like it or not, the others would have to follow. She supposed that was one good thing about them being so protective.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna's heart-rate accelerated, it was his mother out there? She bit her lip, the woman was a powerful stigoi... powerful enough to have torn her way through Guardian ranks trying to get to Gunner once before. However, despite her desire to worry for him her Guardian training took the lead. This is what she'd trained for, these are the decisions she had to make. One of them would have to be a distraction and since it was Gunner that Abigail wanted, Gunner was the best suited for the job. That left her with only one choice, protect their friends. Gunner was a Guardian, so was she... They knew the costs when they signed up.... So, despite her fears she nodded at Serena. She was about to tell her she needed to stay in the rear, that Anna needed to be ahead to see the danger coming but the Dhampir girl took off before she had a chance.

Both she and Seb cursed and pelted after her. Anna yanked Seb behind her and ducked under a Strigoi arm to shove a stake into it's chest before shoving her ahead of him again. Serena was safe, obviously the Strigoi had been a little late on their arrival and Serena was fast for a Dhampir anyway. As they reached the car Anna shoved Sebastian inside and staked another Strigoi coming up behind her. "Serena! Behind you!"

Anna practically leapt over the hood of the car and the two Dhampir women faced off with the Strigoi male in front of them. "Serena, get in the car... Get Seb out of here. I'm not leaving Gunner alone but I'm not leaving you two in danger either... Get out of here and if you don't hear from us in an hour send help."

The Strigoi sneered as it paced back and forth in front of them, "How sweet, worried about your boyfriend? Don't he's going to be one of us soon, more powerful than you'll ever be."

Seb, never one to be pushed around, opened the door. "We have to go Serena, Gunner can't hold them off forever and Anna can't be focusing on us all at once."

The strigoi, finally choosing a target, lunged for the pregnant Dhampir. Anna shouted and leaped between them but the strigoi had been ready for that. He caught her arms and hurled her aside like a doll, Anna was back on her feet in an instant.

She leaped on the Strigoi's back, locking her arms under it's arms and around behind it's head, effectively subduing him. "Kill him and get out of here!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena's head was swirling, there were more Strigoi than she had thought and the group was making it hard to think. Luckily for her, fight was so engrained in her that she didn't need to. She kept running until she reached the car, pregnant or not Serena could still be anyone in a foot race. She pulled the door open and let Anna push Sebastian in. Serena turned at Anna's warning and on instinct rose her stake. The only thing that stopped her from throwing a punch at the Strigoi was Anna's sudden appearance. She watched the Strigoi as Sebastian told her to get in the car. She started to back up when the Strigoi was suddenly lunging at her.

Anna, who jumped in front of her, was lucky that Serena didn't accidentally strike her and managed to pull back her blow.

She watched as Anna was tossed aside before she jumped back into the fray. The woman didn't even have a chance to get all of her words out before Serena was driving a stake through the Strigoi's heart. She didn't wait to be told again and hopped into the car. She took a deep breath, pushing down the sickness, which worsened for a moment after killing. Killing was always the worst, the ghosts started to encroach on her right after and she had to take a moment to push them away... She didn't always have that time, the good thing was that Strigoi seemed just as scared of the ghosts and she had used that once or twice to her own advantage. She touched her head against the steering wheel and placed her palms against her temples. The piercing headache from the souls was prominent and she was struggling to keep the ghosts at bay. She took a deep breath, a thin layer of sweat covered her face, "You need to drive," She told Sebastian before she quickly climbed out of the driver's seat and into the passenger's, thankful that they had pushed him into the back of the car.
Gunner stared his mother down as she walked toward him. She clearly had told her Strigoi to keep out of sight because there were now a lot more than two attacking Anna and the others. She smiled, "Are you admiring my army? I couldn't waste all that talent, now could I? Especially when they were going to help me get to you."

By the time anyone had a moment to breath, Gunner and Abigail were gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seb watched as Anna stood guard as Serena got in and watched his soon-to-be wife struggle with the ghosts he couldn't help with. As she slid into the back seat he kissed her brow, "You did great... I'll get us out of here."

However, when he looked up Anna was cursing... Gunner was gone and of the few strigoi left behind, Abigail wasn't one of them.

Seb pulled up to her and rolled down the window, "Anna get in... He isn't here and there are too many Strigoi."

He watched her aura fluctuate and raised his voice, "Get in the damn car Ross, NOW! We aren't leaving without you."

That seemed to snap her out of it and she got into the vehicle. Seb slid to the back with Serena and Anna took over driving. As she tore out of the parking lot, leaving the Strigoi behind, she shook her head.

"They weren't attacking, after Gunner was gone they just... they stood there like they were waiting..."

She gritted her teeth, Abigail had obviously expected Anna to go after Gunner and Vlad knew she wanted to but her training won out... the lives of the two others in her care won out. She parked, slid out of the vehicle, and slammed the door shut behind her. Seb watched her go and let out a tense breath before kissing Serena again, "We'll let the Queen know what happened... They won't send anyone after Gunner but the group of Strigoi was large enough... maybe it'll get the attention of the Elites. Anna is in no shape to talk to them... How are you feeling?"


Anna had screwed up, she'd been too busy over protecting Serena to pay attention to Gunner and Abigail... The Strigoi back at the Strip had made it clear what Abigail planned to do to him and Anna felt ill. She couldn't kill Gunner but there was no doubt in her mind that he'd be too strong as a Strigoi for Sebastian to even get close enough to him to bring him back... She swallowed the bile rising in her throat and headed to her room. There was no way in hell she was leaving him out there though, she'd left him once already and she wasn't doing it again.

She knew this probably wouldn't end well, she wasn't Rose Hathaway and some speculated that Gunner was just as good, if not better than Guardian Belikov. In the end she'd probably end up dead herself or a Strigoi but she had to do SOMETHING. Anna strapped two stakes to each hip and pulled on her jacket before exiting her room again. She had no idea where Abigail might have taken Gunner and sunrise was still hours away... giving her plenty of time to get far away from here. Anna would follow whatever lead she had, she couldn't just leave Gunner out there...

As she was walking down the stairs of the dorm and rounding the corner she almost ran face first into Jace. The moroi frowned, "I hate being right... Premonitions in dreams suck by the way."

Anna rolled her eyes, "Move."

Jace caught her arm until she yanked it away and drew her stake threateningly, he held his hands up and sighed. "Calm down Ross... I'm here to help. You can't just go off on your own half cocked, it won't do Guardian Robot a damn bit of good... Not to mention you'll get yourself killed."

Anna gritted her teeth, "I can't just leave him."

Jace shook his head, "You're not, you're making a plan... a coherent one and then you're going after him. Give yourself time to think Ross."

"And in that time Gunner could be a Strigoi in the making, I can't-"

Jace caught her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply, Anna yanked away and slapped him hard. "What the fuck?!"

He smiled crookedly, "You were hysterical, I helped."

She punched him, hard, but put the stake away and watched him cup his now bloody nose with a grimace. "Dammit, I think you hit harder than Marks..."

She shoved a hand through her hair, "You were looking for me... you said something about your dream?"

He shook the blood off his hand and she took off her jacket and offered it to him. He cleaned himself up with it and then answered, "Yeah... a blonde lady, lots of fighting, Marks as a strigoi, you dead, fun stuff really."

She glared, "Get to the point."

"The point is if you'd taken off just now, you'd be dead. I saved your life, you're welcome... As for Marks... I saw something... Caves."

She frowned, "In your dream you saw caves?"

"And a town, a shabby one... all burned up. It wasn't a pretty picture."

Anna shook her head, "You're coming with me and we're going to the Queen... Now."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena's hand were shaking as Sebastian climbed back into the back of the car with her. She let him kiss her and felt as though she were a little more grounded to reality, to life. As Anna, bringing back her walls and pushing away the ghosts became easier and the sickness that overwhelmed her faded away. She looked up at him before she curled up against him, "Better... It's getting harder to push them away," She said quietly. Sebastian's darkness wasn't the only thing that threatened her sanity. It was one of the few reasons Serena enjoyed being at the school or Court, she didn't have to worry about the ghosts, the wards kept them out. She decided that they would have wards around their house, where ever it was that they decided to live, "I'm fine," She kissed him back, "The baby's fine."
When they got back to Court, Sebastian and Anna basically both rushed her back up to their room and Serena wasn't even going to complain. Whatever she had said to Anna about having plenty of energy, that was all zapped from her. She called the restaurant and asked them to send the bags of clothing to the Court when she realized she had forgotten all her things in the mayhem before she curled up on the bed. Sebastian joined her and the two watched a movie as Anna allowed them sometime to themselves. Serena didn't really want to leave Anna alone... Not after Gunner was taken... but lying in bed was such a pleasing offer.

She played a little with Sebastian's shirt, not paying much attention to the movie, "I love you, Sebastian," She told him. She almost always said that after a run in with Strigoi. She was always worried that she didn't say it to him enough. She didn't want one of these run ins to stop her from saying it... She looked up at him, "I was talking to Anna... I'm going to let someone take over as your guardian... Permanently. When the baby comes, I want to be a family... No matter where we are..."

She sat up a little and kissed him, "I want to be just your wife and mother of your child."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seb smiled and kissed her back, "I love you too... tonight scared the shit out of me. I won't be lying when I say I'll be glad to have you as just my wife... Our child needs it's mother and having someone else take over gives me an excuse to keep you out of the line of fire. I know you can take care of us, of yourself... but I don't want you to have to..."

He pulled her into his arms and kissed along her face and neck, resting his hand on her belly. "There is no one else in this world or the next that I'd want to have my child... I never even thought I wanted kids but with you it's different... I want everything..."


It didn't take long for Anna to get an audience with the Queen, being an Elite had it's advantages and so did having a member of one of the royal families with you. As she explained the happenings, leaving out her personal feelings over Gunner and focusing on the Strigoi threat, Vasilissa Dragomir looked increasingly concerned. "Such a large group of Strigoi poses a risk to us all... I thank you Guardian Ross for bringing this to our attention. The Strigoi Abigail has proven twice now that she'll go to any means necessary to have her son at her side... and now that she has him I fear what that means for us all. I will call together the Elites and dispatch them to take care of this nest. Is there anything else?"

Jace surprised her by speaking up, "I want to go with them... If Guardian Marks is a strigoi it would be a tragic waste of his talent to simply end him. With the help of the Elites, perhaps I could bring him back."

The Queen frowned, as a Spirit user herself she knew what bringing another back from the brink could do to a person, "Are you sure this is what you want? Guardian Marks knew the risks when he took his title, but you are correct... losing him would be a tragic loss."

She sighed, "Very well, Jason Szlesky, you may go with Guardian Ross and the other Elites... but you do this understanding the risk."

He nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets, "I do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena smiled as he moved his arms around her, pulling her in close. She moved her head to the side as he kissed down her neck. She rested her hands atop his and glanced down at her stomach, visible now that she had changed into a tank top and pajama pants. She smiled softly, "I never thought I could find someone I could love... let alone marry and have children," She slipped her fingers between his, "You don't just make me want everything," She giggled a little, "You make me feel like I can have everything."

She moved her head a little to rest on his shoulder, her back against his chest, "Six and a half months... Twenty two weeks... It seems so long," She whined slightly, "I just hope the sickness subsides a little... I don't think I could handle another six months of that..."

There was a small knock at the door, causing Serena to look through their door to it. Not seeing Anna move to and get it, she was suddenly curious as to where the girl had gone. One good thing about feeling sick whenever Strigoi were around was that she knew when they weren't. She got out of the bed and walked over to the door and opened it, maybe Anna had somehow managed to lock herself out. However, the woman on the other side of the door made Serena sick in a whole different way. She looked Serena up and down with a look of disgust before scoffing, "Are you slacking on the job, Dhampir?"

Serena took a deep breath before forcing a smile and looking over her shoulder, "Sebastian... Your mother is here..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seb frowned and stood, his mother's words sending irritation coursing through him. He went to the door, kissed Serena's brow, and gave his mother a challenging look.

"Mother... what a surprise."

His mother snorted, "Should it be Sebastian? You've been at court a single day and your..." she waved her hand dismissively at Serena, "Guardian... has already managed to put you into danger by leaving the courts."

Sebastian practically bared his fangs, "Serena had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, if you're looking for someone to blame, blame yourself. You knew about Gunner's mother, yet you still insisted we come, knowing full well Strigoi enjoy targeting family and their friends."

His mother looked shocked, despite she and Sebastian's tense relationship he'd never spoken to her that way before... He'd usually just blown her off. After the shock faded she seemed to decide on a different tactic, "I'm only worried about you Sebastian, I'm your mother... I'm trying to look out for you. I understand your feelings for the girl... but she can't protect you like... this."

Seb rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you're absolutely distraught over my well-being, Mother... What do you really want? Why are you here?"

Mrs. Lazar didn't drop the act just yet, obviously she was determined. "Tomorrow I'm approaching the Queen about another Guardian for you. Even if she is a Guardian herself she can't protect you... not like... THAT."

Sebastian shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from doing something stupid, like shove his mother back out of his door and slam it in her face. "We were going to do that anyway, it was Serena's suggestion. Now will you go?"

His mother smiled a little too sweetly, "It's good to see she has SOME sense of her place... I will speak to you again tomorrow, Sebastian."

With that she walked away and Sebastian groaned before shutting the door and turning to Serena, "I'm sorry..."


Anna thought about telling Serena and Seb what was going on but she didn't feel like having to fight them in order to get out of court and she wasn't going to allow Seb to risk himself with a baby on the way. Maybe that was his decision to make, but she wasn't going to be letting him make it. The moment the Elites showed up the next day she packed her things again and met them in the courtyard.

"Have you heard anything," she asked anxiously.

"Mr. Szleskie's tip paid off, a few hours trip from here there is a Dhampir commune that was attacked in force last night. There is more than a good chance that it was Abigail's Army."

Anna grimaced, "There weren't any Guardians there, were there?"

The Dhampir, named Thomas shook his head. "No... it was a massacre. You'd best prepare yourself."

Anna nodded, "Let's go. The sooner we get there with daylight to spare the more likely we'll get out in one piece."

They left, Jace was oddly quiet the entire ride. "Are you sure you want to do this? You're risking your life... there's a good possibility you could be killed. Even with the Elites, we don't know how many Strigoi Abigail is hiding."

Jace shook his head, "It's not about you... or Gunner... Did you know I had an older brother?"


Jace nodded, "Past tense... He's Strigoi. A few weeks ago I got news he'd been sighted... I thought about talking to you but let's face it... Why would you help me?"

Anna grimaced, "Jace... I don't hate you, not anymore. You're an ass and I don't particularly like you... but if you'd asked me to help you with your brother I would have."

Jace frowned, "Why?"

"Because... no body deserves to see someone they love like that."

Jace put a hand over hers and squeezed lightly it was an innocent gesture, not a come on... for once. "There's a possibility that Gunner is still himself. Most strigoi won't turn family until they cave from..." He made a face, "Well, it usually takes a while. Maybe he's still himself."

She shook her head, "I can't afford to think like that... If I go in expecting him to be Gunner then I won't be able to... fight him. I have to expect him to be a strigoi, I have to expect that he'll look and sound just like Gunner... but he won't be."

She took a breath, "If your brother is there... I'll do what I can."

Jace nodded and the vehicle fell back into silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena stood in silence at Sebastian spoke with his mother. The way she was talking... Serena didn't understand why she kept acting as though her pregnancy was something horrendous... like she had lost both her arm and was still insisting on guarding Sebastian. She wasn't even Sebastian's guardian right now! But Vlad knew where Anna had gone and Gunner... She took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm in the presence of Mrs. Lazar but the moment she left the waterworks began. Serena was usually very capable at keeping her feelings under wraps but around Sebastian and now with her hormones going haywire, that was a lot harder. She shook her head, "It's not your fault."

She walked over to the couch and sat down, wiping under her eyes. She looked up at Sebastian, "Can we hyphenate our last name? I don't want the same name as that... woman."

Her fingers trembled a little, as they usually did when she was particularly upset. She tired to wipe away her tears but more just replaced them until finally, she gave up. She shook her head, "She's right though..." She looked to Sebastian, "The only reason Anna suggested the trip was because I need clothes... Had... Had I been in better shape to fight then maybe Anna could have assisted Gunner while I got you to the car," She covered her face with her hands as this warped reality crashed down on her. Anna must hate her right now... It was her fault that Gunner might be a Strigoi... She sobbed before wrapping her arms around herself. Everything that happened was her fault. Everything that was going to happen was her fault. Her hands started to shake more and her aura darkened as a depression that Serena had been fighting off engulfed her, "This is all my fault..."
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