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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern
Interacting: Trinity, Zero/Zenoram,

As Karn sensed the blast, his instincts immiedietly warning him of the oncoming danger, hard to miss with that much power really, he was prepared to defend against it but Trinity quickly deflected the powerful blast, leading to destroy several walls and pieces of road.

"Thanks Trin!" he chirped blinking as the strange man suddenly stood on his back before leaping into the fray against the Godslayer. He pondered in joining in the fight, still worried if the water spell user would join eventually. Even if she was knocked out, water wizards were very worrying to even be in the same room. He was even on edge with Amaya who was a ice wizard. Plus several wizards were now jumping into the fray after that cheap stunt. He had to question just how cocky this wizard was. Sure, she may be powerful, but she was also outnumbered with several powerful wizards as well. A Guild Master as well. Pissing them all off to attack her all at once just didn't seem wise.

As Zenoram spoke, Karn chuckled a little. "Yeah, they all are pretty tough, but nice. Like having a huge family." he said, his golden eyes keeping a eye on the battle. If he needed to, he'd sink his fangs into the Godslayer.

As Zenoram mentioned of staying, the large beast grinned and sat on his haunches, wrapping his large paws around Zenoram in a big furry glomp. "Oooo that would be awesome! We could be on jobs, have some fun, maybe form a team together! It would be great!" he cheered.


The blonde hummed as she watched the Earthlanders before stretching and walking over to Mayt. Looking at the giant lizard with a soft hum, tapping her fingers together before grinning a little. "Good to see you're eager to go." she mused, easily hopping ontop of the legion as the beast exited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joshua and Amelia

Amelia looked over at Mayt when she heard him say they had ten minutes before heading out of the guild with Sasha. She wondered what was going on that was causing them to leave. Maybe they wanted everyone from Earthland to come along. She just wanted to stay in Edo-Jarvis' room for the time being but she knew that if she was needed, she would want to be there. She looked down at her locket when she felt Ellis' soul return to it's stone and she held the piece of jewelry for comfort.

Sighing, she went up to the room and grabbed the few things she had there before exiting and heading outside, taking a few seconds to let her eyes adjust to the bright sunlight. After she could see without having to cover her eyes, she looked around and spotted Sasha still with Mayt. Walking over to the older girl, Amelia tugged on Sasha's sleeve to get her attention
"What's going on?" She asked

Joshua meanwhile, had heard Mayt clearly and got up from his meditation and walked over to the other man, giving him a slight nod as a greeting as he placed his katana across his shoulders.
"So... is this a simple monster hunt or a possible way back home? Maybe both?" He asked. He was eager to return to Earthland so that he could begin working and refining his magic and fighting skills further.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Though Fleo's dusty shell would have dissipated a direct lightning attack, the thought of abusing the electricity's brilliant glare never crossed her mind. The flare before her filled her eyes with dazzling pain, a rubber ball inside her skull, forcing her to scrunch them tightly shut. Even before her vision fully returned, she fumed with rage. “Gagh!” She cried, casting off her dust armor in a miniature explosion that adequately summarized how she felt. In need for something to obliterate, Fleo wordlessly manifested a hammer made of ash left behind by Nolan's Ash God's Gluttony, hoisted it above her head, and smashed it on the ground. The combined force of her fury and the mass of the construct was sufficient to create a small, rather unimpressive dent in the cobblestone. Satiated for now, Fleo allowed the hammer to fall apart, and buried her face in her hands. Blocking out her vision of the outside world, however, did not insulate her from hearing it. The news from Damian hit her like a wooden mallet.

“What a horrible thing to happen before breakfast on such a nice morning!” She said after a moment. When she removed her hands from her face, they left behind dust that etched into her frown, making her look several years older. “We don't stand a chance! I can't even run from this now that I've attacked one of them!” As distraught as she was, Fleo couldn't help but think of pancakes. After such a terribly eventful morning, a double helping sounded like the best thing in the world. Truthfully, Fleo didn't want comfort or pity from any of the guild members; it wouldn't do much to help the predicament they were in. Still, it would be helpful to know that the Pheonix Wingers had her back. During her few days with them, their mantra of caring for one another came up all the time, but only under circumstances like these could those ideals be tested. Fleo wiped the dust off her face with her burnt orange collar, and with it wiped off a grimace sour enough to bring her guildmates' spirits down too. What use were her gifts if she bogged herself down in self-pity and worry? That wasn't any way to be the best that she could be, and certainly no method of bringing out the best in others. A dry smile appeared on her lips—not truly genuine, but evidence of trying hard to be optimistic. “Guess there's nothing for it but to keep living, huh?” She addressed the closest wizards, Jamie, Ariel, Damian, and Nolan with her arms crossed beneath her chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 1 mo ago

ayuri was about to respond to Penny when a pair of soldiers walked up to them and offered to take them back to Earthland with them. When one of them removed his helmet she leapt from her seat and grabbed her sword glaring at him, "Sorry but I'm not inclined to trust someone with that name or face. Especially when I know he has his magic. Besides what is your interest in Earthland anyways?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Fleo's dust covered smile was only met by Nolan's piercingly cold gaze, one that had a surprisingly more menace behind it than usual due to his recent burst of outrage, a rare sight to see. "Tch fool, living for the sake of living is pointless. Would you say that to a man who has nothing to live for? Someone who's existence is completely devoid of meaning? That is a torturous hell that those who live through it suffer a slow death." Nolan closed his eyes and sighed, a wisp of ash came out of his mouth. "To live for a purpose is to truly live. We strive to protect our comrades, motivated by our own personal goals and desires, endure pain and sacrifice just for the sole reason to give a reason why we exist. As soon as you lose that purpose then you lose sight of what is truly important and nothing is left for you except for death.

The God Slayer sat down on a pile of rubble from the destroyed tavern. "I haven't been back in Magnolia for more than a half an hour and everything's gone to shit." He crossed his arms and took a long pipe out of pocket, stuffed tobacco, and then lit it up just so he could smoke it. Smoking a pipe was a habit he had picked up when he lived in the temple with the elders. He reflected on the Lightning God Slayer and how she used her magic. Oh those old men would probably be rolling in their graves if they knew that their precious magic that they've protected for so long was being misused. "What the hell happened while I was gone?" He asked to no one in particular. He was surprisingly calm for being near a woman though that may had been because they were a comfortable distance from each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Master Jamie

Master Jamie looked to Damian, and just smiled, looking to the female god slayer as she left, and laughed softly, as if finding something amusing. "Ah, Damian. I am not afraid, nor am I worried. We are Phoenix Wing. I have trust, and faith, in everyone of our members. We will take the Dark Guilds down. Its what we have to do, so we will do it"


Sasha looked to Mayt and smiled, almost sadly. "Worrying is my job, Mayt" She said, watching as he opened the door for her. However she stopped as Amelia tugged on her sleeve. and looked at the young Girl. "Oh. Well. We actually have a reason for being in Edolas. Our original Mission was to search for a missing guild members. The Master Believed he was transferred here. So we are looking for him" she said, knowing it wasn't really an explanation, but more the reason.


Jarvis sighed softly, leaving the stew where it was, and gathering his things, before following the others out.


Penny rose as someone approached them, fire forming in her hands. She narrowed her eyes, and said "I will not give my guild away, to strangers, let alone someone who is doing this to my world. We will stop you, all of you, from going to Earthland. It can only damage both words"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucas Ryder

Lucas was far away now, almost on the edge of Magnolia. He turned down an ally way, trying to get away from the public. Well Lucas, that could of gone at least a tad bit better. He looked down at his arm, I need to train more, emotions affect the magic... An image appeared in Lucas's head, the girl with whitish hair with the hood, Lucas's face widened with a smile. "Whats gotten you so happy?" Lucas's face changed to anger in a flash, he turned towards the ally way entrance. He was met by Draco. A purple haired, purple eyed teen. "Relax, you're father just sent me to send you a message." He gave a little smirk. "Draco. Is my father that much of a coward he sends his bandit to do what he couldn't?" "Bandit!?" He sounded sarcastically shocked, "That's no way to treat family kiddo." "You're no family, just another obstacle in my way of my revenge." Lucas moved in closer, he was now at least 5 feet away. "Oh right the message." His arms suddenly were engulfed in black feather, Razor Feather: Hane Ya! (Wing Arrow) His arms rose in the direction of Lucas and uncountable number of black feathers shot at lightning speeds. Lucas raised his hands, Crash: guriddo toku! (Grid Shield) A grid of light appeared before Lucas's hands, turning the feathers into nothing, negating magic. Once the feathers were gone a right hook followed through, connecting with Lucas's face. Spiraling backwards landing on his back Draco took advantage, plunging onto Lucas with a left punch to the throat and a right to the rib, breaking at least two. Lucas, gasping for air and fighting through the enormous pain he punched at Draco, using crash magic to add an extra little bit of power. It didn't do anything, the attack went through Draco's heart, but instead of blood, only feathers. "You're pathetic Draco." Lucas spat blood and fought to spit the words out, "Sending a feather, cl-clone to do you're work. You're a coward, just like him." "Stay away from you're father Lucas, what he has in mind for you is much more then this. This is my warning to you kiddo, get out of Magnolia." Lucas used crash magic and negated the clone, turning it into nothing. Lucas laided there in pain and spitting up blood, he got up and leaned against the wall. Phoenix Wing... I need you're help, a lot more than I thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fleo Plector -=- Magnolia Town

Seconds trickled by while Fleo stood frozen, the words of the Ash God Slayer worming their way through her mind. Fool...pointless...devoid of meaning...truly important...nothing is left for you except for death. The declaration reverberated inside her brain, infesting her psyche with a seed of despair. “No...purpose...” She whispered, and a tear streaked a wet line down her dusty cheek, exactly following the mark beneath her eyes. Those craggy lines, Gaudium had said, were the symbols of the Dust wizard; they embodied the suffering that the mage went through. Dust magic could not simply be learned, her mentor told her many years ago. It had to be given as a sacrifice, and even then only given to someone tormented by a fate worse than death. There had, after all, been so many tears. Lying on a bed for three years, with no glimpse of the outside world she loved but the light streaming in through her window—nothing had been left for her then. But now...?

Now, in the present, she still wept. Living for the sake of living had been all she ever wanted. Did that mean she had no purpose? That the gift of life meant nothing? Fleo wanted to defend herself with vehemence, to sling counterpoints like stones and throw her story straight through his heart, until Nolan was the one crying, not her. But no words came, just tears. How could somebody who she worked alongside a moment ago, who in the same sentence professed the importance of protecting comrades, say such a cruel thing? Fleo lowered her gaze to the cobblestones, torn between shame and fear, and ran away, tears streaming once more. Each step left behind a distinct footprint, and she didn't get far before her magic reacted to her despondency, buoying her up on a thin carpet of dust, that carried her far away from the scene of the fight with the Lightning God.

By the time she felt like stopping, her Sirocco had traveled her out of the city and onto a grassy hillside nearby, and she was thankful that her desert wind blew so speedily. The warm morning sun made the landscape glow, not only the grass and crops in the farmhouse gardens but also the timber of the houses themselves, and the livestock milling about the pastures. Fleo collapsed against a shady, ancient tree and blinked away the last of her tears beneath its dappled canopy. Her head pounded from the nasal strain of crying, so further lamentation served only to deepen her pain. The city of Magnolia stretched before her, no longer seeming like a promise of a bright future. She imagined it burning, alight with fire and awash with the glare of black lightning. The actions of the guild meant that sooner or later, overwhelming foes would ransack Magnolia in their quest to obliterate the guild she had foolishly joined. The townspeople needed protecting; hell, Pheonix Wing would need protecting. But even if she were there, how much could she accomplish? The life she would risk anything to preserve, even if it meant nothing, meant less in death. Magnolia needed every wizard it could to protect it, but Fleo just wanted to live.

So many stories involved a hero realizing that, to save the day, he needed to sacrifice himself. Fleo, staring down at the city she called home for two and a half days, couldn't imagine her being that hero.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Damian didn't wait for Fleo to be completely out of sight before slamming Nolan up against the wall, hefting him up by shirt. "And who the hell are you to decide that for people, Nolan? Who are you to decide if living for the sake of living is a Fool's Errand?" Letting the man go, Damian turn away from him and started back to the guild hall. He needed to work out the frustration and anger he'd built up fighting Janice again. "Go find her and apologize. Now. You had no right to insult Fleo like that." Vanishing around the corner, Damian went two more blocks before breaking into another run jumping and catching one of the rooftop access ladders and climbing it. He needed a run before he used any of his magic. He might actually hurt something if he didn't calm himself first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya VanIsis- In a alley

interacting with: Lucus Ryder

Amaya had once again gotten herself lost in the city. She wasn't angry or worried cause she had the one thing that always brightened her mood, a ice cold treat. Amaya never understood why she enjoyed only cold things or why she couldn't stand to be near fire. Maybe that was just who she was or how the world shaped her over the years.

Amaya stopped under a tree to relax and finish her snack, or at least that was the plan before a frightening scent hit her nose. Blood? She thought before finishing her treat quickly once again before sniffing the air more quickly moving towards the scent before stopping a few feet in front of its source.

"It's you...what happened?" She asked Lucus while moving over to his side. "We need to get you to the guild you will be safest there...Do you think you can walk or should I carry you?" She asked letting her hood down before she pulled out a silk blue cloth cleaning the blood from around his mouth as worry showed in her ice blue eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edo Shutler

Location: Edolas Capitol

He noticed how quick the two became alert and ready for battle once he took his helmet off. Unsure why they instantly became defensive, he was confuse as to what he might of said. I was only trying to tell them that we can grant them a free ride back to their home world. But are they upset because of us going there or is it just how I appear? He let a out soft sigh as he watched their slightest movements as he tried to calm things down. "Easy, I'm pretty sure we haven't met before, especially since we're from different worlds. We're not all born with a perfect face. I only came here to grant you and your friends a free ride back home since we're leaving soon. Yet, you're opposed to us leaving this world and living in yours, why?."


Location: Edolas Capitol -> Gentsai's Titan

"Excuse me Shutler, I'll leave the Earth Landers with you for now while I'll report to Gentsai. I'm sure he'll need help guiding people to and through the titan." With that, he slowly crouched and turned into a ball of light that soon shattered, releasing a large bird that flew towards the titan. When he arrived, he could see Gentsai at the foot of his titan with a entrance open to allow anyone to walk inside. Once he landed and reverted back to his human form and walked towards Gentsai, "I came to report back that everything seems calm. As you said, not everyone was likely to come, but from the looks of it, a few decided to come. For the people who decided to not join, some seem still disagree what we're doing, even we when we tried to reassure them. With the report done, is there anything else that you need help with?" Gentsai listened and told Bryght to help guide the people who were through the titan and to where they will reside and live during the travel. While Bryght was doing that, Gentsai continued to welcome anyone who came and greeted them before they entered inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt --- Edolas Phoenix Wing
Mayt glanced at Amelia, "Right now, those of us willing are heading to go take down a golem that's heading to Earthland, our world, with a lot of people from here. Those of us that don't want to I just want you to come so we can head back home togeather. And I think the person we're looking for is going to be there." Glancing up as Karn came out riding the legion, he narrowed his eyes a little. "Must you insist on pretending to be Karn?" He shook his head a little before hefting himself on skillfully. "So long as we get there I guess I won't stab you for it." Despite the clear malignant tone, the last sentence was all in jest, and he made sure to convey it in the tone as well. He leaned over some and offered his hand to Amelia and Sasha.

Mithera looked amused as the large Chimera jumped at Zenoram, and made sure to shift so that should Karn try the same with her she could get out of the way. She glanced over at Zenoram, nodding softly at his decision to stay, her tail flicking back and forth a couple times. She turned her attention slowly to the fight, and narrowed her eyes at the man Damian picked up. Living life for the sake of living is pointless? Well, he'll certainly change his tune when I end up being the one saving his life. She growled a little, standing up, and starting to walk off towards where Fleo had gone. She had resigned herself to being the guild's sort-of 'pet', and so needed to play that role by helping to cheer up the dust girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The cold hearted man didn't even flinch at being slammed against the wall, his neigh-emotionless eyes stared deeply into Damian's own. They were the eyes of a man who simply didn't care what happened, someone completely apathetic to almost everything around him or at least he tried to appear like that in front of them. The God Slayer blew the smoke from his pipe into Damian's face and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "And who are you to decide that I'm wrong? Can you honestly say that you yourself are living for the sake of living or are you just wandering aimlessly?" Nolan landed on his feet as soon as he was dropped and he manipulated the ash in the pipe to get rid of the burnt tobacco. Well, he didn't try to maker her cry nor did he try to insult her with that he said. "....God dammit."

It didn't take much to find her. When one's body is made to take on the attributes of that a god then it can be expected that one can smell out the scent of a person. In this case, Nolan followed the dusty scent and footprints of Fleo to the outskirts of Magnolia until he found the dust mage under a decrepit tree, looking over the city that the both of them lived, the place that they protected and fought for. He just walked over to her side, but he didn't even look at her, he just stared out to the city with that cold, even gaze. Nolan put fresh tobacco into his pipe and lit it up with his lighter. He placed it in his mouth and sucked on it, then puffed out rings of smoke. "Everyone I ever cared about is dead. My family was swallowed up by the sea. My mom and dad drowned in the storm and I don't even know if my brother and sister ever survived though it wouldn't surprise me if they died as well. I nearly died, but I was rescued by these elders from a temple. The elders that took me in, raised me as one of their own, and taught me the art of God Slaying were all brutally murdered in front of my very eyes and the man that did it laughed at me and how weak I was. The only thing I have left of them are my memories, my sword, and my magic." Why he was telling her this he didn't know.

Nolan took a brief moment of silence and puffed out more smoke from his mouth. "I've dedicated my life to not only finding that man and kill him with the magic that he dare slandered, but to make sure that I find every sick bastard and leave them as a blood stain to give justice for those harmed by them. That is the meaning to my life, my purpose, my legacy. Even if I am faced by an army of dark mages or corrupted members of the Council I would lay my life down. I am no hero nor do I wish to be one, I'm just another person that just wants to do good even if I have to get my hands dirty." For the first time he was there he finally looked down upon her, tearing his gaze away from the city. "What is it that you want to do with your life? Do you simply just want to live or do you want to leave a legacy?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fleo Plector -=- Tree near a Hillside Farm

Almost half an hour passed while Fleo Plector sat. Her headache, soothed by deep, peaceful breathing, faded mercifully away. The wind rustled the leaves above her head, creating a soporific melody that soon saw the dust woman dozing off. All those painful questions of past, present, purpose, and protection vanished as the veil of sleep took hold, and for a few minutes she lay, propped against her friendly tree, in a comfortable, dreamless slumber. The sound of gravel crunching beneath Nolan's heel as he approached roused her at length, but no sooner had her eyes flickered open then they were shut again. While the Ash God Slayer's callousness couldn't be denied, Fleo hadn't thought of him as a bully purposefully pursing her with a sadistic desire to upset her further. She suspected that one of the other guild members, one who actually practiced what he or she preached, had forced him to come.

Did she want an apology? No definitive answer revealed itself for that question. An apology wouldn't kill the flower of hopelessness and terror blossoming inside her; only she could do that. Having glimpsed a sliver of Nolan's true nature, Fleo expected that such an apology wouldn't be genuine, either. She sat, once again surveying Magnolia, as the Ash God Slayer smoked his pipe and milked the silence for all it was worth. Then he began to speak once more. Fleo managed not to flinch at the sound of his voice, vacant of feeling as it was. However badly she wanted to ignore him just to spite him, she forced herself to listen.

A few moments in, she realized with a start that he was telling her his story. Her first instinct was to brush it off, as brusquely as he had treated her, but as the tragedy of the Waltz family laid itself before her, she grew more conflicted. No etiquette class could have prepared her for a situation like this—what could she say? Did he think he could excuse his cruelty by telling her what cruelty he himself had suffered? Or did he mean to share a buried secret with her to show he was human too?

No apology then, it would seem. Nolan merely uttered more questions, probing the wound he created thirty minutes ago. This time, however, he looked directly at her. Fleo examined his face, no doubt as he did for her. He had shiny black eyes, feathery brown hair, and an unflinching face that hid behind it a mind that she now realized was damaged goods...just like her. Though several years her junior, Nolan appeared older by the seriousness etched onto his features. Either out of her heart's fairness or its pity she decided to humor the Ash God Slayer with a response. “Before I answer that, I guess you should see something. A little insight into me, since you just gave me a little into you. You had better keep it a secret, though, to pay me back for making me cry. If you tell anyone, I might suffocate you in your sleep. Or hug you. Whichever hurts you worse.”

Fleo held up her left hand and began to unwind the bandages. After a few moments, her entire left had was uncovered, and her secret was bared to the person she now hated most. In the back of her mind, she hoped that leveling with Nolan would help remedy the strife between them, and maybe turn an enemy into an ally. She blinked twice and allowed her magical grip on the dust to loosen, and just like that her hand fell apart to be spirited away by the cheery hillside wind.

“The both of us are damaged goods. You lost people, which I can't pretend to have gone through. The experience made you what you are. Lay down your life, huh? At least you could do that.” Her tone turned bitter. “You had the power to do something about it, to swear vengeance, to find a purpose, to help people. I...I got sick. I was in bed a long time. I couldn't... couldn't do anything about my situation. All I could do...was sit there. Unable to live, but too afraid to die. It was a miracle that the right person happened along to give me a second chance. That's why I want to live, but it's not that simple.” Her soft voice took on a certain edge of resolution, no longer bitter, but affirmative. “I've never narrowed my existence down to a single purpose. I can't say, 'I'm going to accomplish X, no matter what.' I don't just sit around with my life, though. I've traveled the continent, been in multiple guilds, had many fights, done many jobs, seen incredible things, and a whole lot more. I've made lots of friends—given them lots of memories. Um, and they've given me a lot too. Whether I try to or not, that's the legacy I leave behind.”

Pleased with herself for thinking up a nice speech on the fly, Fleo put her head down and reformed her hand, then set to work embalming it again. A weight, however small, seemed to have lifted from her. “Remember Mr. Afraid-of-Women, not a word, or I will find you, and I will hug you,” she threatened, that trying-to-be-optimistic smile gracing her face once more. She jumped to her full height and almost toppled over, momentarily woozy from the sudden rise. Shaking her head, she steadied herself and lifted off the ground on a layer of dust. Perhaps being quick to forgive was a sign of weakness or spottiness, but it remained a trait permanently interred in her character. “I, uh I'm in the mood for pancakes before these dark wizards come calling. How about it?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Master Jamie

Master Jamie stood there a moment, eyes closed, and sighed softly. "Children. Think they know what they are doing, and just wind up chasing their tales. Well. I wouldn't love them half as much if they did" he chuckled lightly, and opened her eyes. She looked around, to search for the girl that had been thrown, that he had defended. Seeing that Karn was okay, Jamie left him to Trinity, Zero and Zenoram.

She knelt by the girl, and studied her a moment, eyes curious. "You stepped into a fight, like that. You are quite brave, Child. Let me take you back to my guild, and make sure you are okay" Not waiting for an answer, Jamie rose, scooping the girl up into his arms, assuming that she would be unable to bare her own weight, after a shock like that.


Penny stood, in a position ready to attack, if need be, a serious expression on her face, as she just stared at the man. She waited a few moments, before saying, "I was giving you time to see your own foolishness, but evidently, that isn't going to happen" she sighed, as if completely exasperated with what was going on. "Evidently, you are as dumb as you look. There needs to be a balance between all things, and if you bring a bunch of Edolasans to our world, that balance will be tipped. ANd Tipped, that will lead to damage to both our worlds. It will lead to magic being destroyed in Earthland, Edolas being worse of then it is. So, tell me, how is that beneficial for either of our worlds? Tell me while I should just burn you to a crisp here. Tell me"

She spoke calmly, rationally, her face blank, and serious, eyes watching the man. Then her voice become angry, and her expression dark as she said "We will find our own way home, after we stop you from trying to ruin our world"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Jamie was right in thinking Ariel couldn't stand on her own power. Her failed attempts at trying was proof enough. The complement prompted the girl to smile weakly and chuckle. "I don't know if brave is the best word to describe it. Maybe foolish would be a better choice. Wah..." She hadn't been ready to be picked up and being held was not an experience she had since she was little.

The motion also sent another shock through her and she winced. It was beginning to get rather tiresome. They were going to go back to a guild hall? "Which guild are you from?" Obviously not being from around these parts she did not recognize the guild mark everyone had around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zenoram was laughing. Yes laughing. The furry beast glomping him was just too much. "K-Karn... Wait!" He laughed as he wiggled in the chimera's grip. It must have been an odd sight considering the much more serious ongoings which seemed to be occurring simultaneously. Still what Karn was saying made him happy. Form a team go on jobs. Jobs? JOBS! He gasped. "Karn!" He said quickly wiggling his hands up out of the strong grim and grabbing the beast's face forcing his eyes to focus on the snout's captor. "When we first got here you said something about a job Zero and I might want to see or something like that. What was it?!" He asked quickly. If he'd forgotten Zero would be pissed.

"That guy sure had some balls pushing what he thought was true without considering the feeling of those around him."
"What? You're awake? But... Oh... Yeah. But he probably has a reason for that. So...
"Yeah... But still You're just trying to live for the sake of doing it. Doesn't it bother you?"
"I guess... But I have a goal. So... I guess at the same time..."
"Goal?! What goal?! Come on..."
"Nope~ I don't have many things I can hide from you. But this is one of them and it's my choice."

Zero growled after that, leaving the subject alone as Zenoram refocused on Karn and partially on Mithera's figure. Why? Why wasn't she stopping the Chimera?! If he asked this it would be more comedic than serious. He was having fun to be quite honest.

((Aha! Focused on one thing while following the events around them. This is Zero and Zenoram x3))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern
Interacting: Mithera, Zero/Zenoram

Karn continued to huggle the Dragonslayer, gently of course. He probably didn't need to as much since Dragonslayers were apparently sturdy wizards, from what he heard of at least but it was just to be safe. As his ears flicked a little in the direction of the Ash Godslayer as he spoke to Fleo. Actually frowning a little in response. Whether it was to live to continue living, or to have a drive to live, either way it didn't matter when it came to Karn. In reality, both paths would in the end just lead to pain. Living to live, sounded nice. It's something he wouldn't mind, but in the end that was just a dream and out of reach. So he simply accepted destiny and chose his drive to continue. Making friends and having a family. Even if it was just his woven fairytale.

He soon snapped out of it as Zenoram grabbed the beast's face and looked directly at his snout. At the question, the golden eyes blinked as the beast tipped his head a little as he thought about what Zenoram was talking about. It was something important. But he had probably said it too quickly for it to be understandable and he had been quite distracted to notice it. Humming, ears twitching against the curved black horns before perking as he realized what it was.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Right! Well..." Karn started before his golden eyes glanced around to see how many Guildmembers were around. Only Trinity was in definite earshot as she was next to them, as Mithera had walked away, in which Karn eagerly waved his tail to say a brief farewell or have fun.

Leaning his snout closer to the dragonslayer's ear in order to whisper so Trinity didn't hear. "Well there's a job on the Guild's Job board. It's supposedly about getting rid of some creature at Mount Hakobe, suspected as a Dragon. And well... I was kind of worried if it was about your dad. Sorry, it slipped my mind, it's kinda important, especially if people start trying to look for him." he whispered quietly.


At Mayt's words, she simply chuckled. "Well hey, at least I'm no longer your Karn so no need to stab. Though I suppose the Edolas versions probably would have reason. Considered theirs is gone." she mused as she stretched out the body, wearing the brown leather jacket to cover the heavily mutilated body this one had.

Looking to Sasha and Amelia, the blonde smiled in mild amusement. "Hopefully your friend turns up soon." she mused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucas Ryder - Interacting with Amaya VanIsis

Crap, it's her. How pathetic I must look... "I ca- I can walk on my own, thank you." Lucas replied with a struggle for air. Amaya had her hand supporting Lucas as they walked. "Remember how I was looking for someone at the tavern. That man is my father. He's a lea- a leader of a group called 'Golden Lust'. Their not a guild officially, they only have 5 members. One of them jumped me, but it's weird. I can take a beating but I feel, funny." He gave off a little chuckle, which he finished with a little 'ow' as his ribs began to hurt. Lucas looked at Amaya's face and was stunned at her beauty. "I wear my hood to hide my face from my enemies and to not show pain. Why do you wear yours?" Before he could he hear her answer he looked down at his rib and found a black feather sticking out. He yanked at it and observed the tip. Lucas's face widened. He looked at Amaya and she looked worried, "He poisoned me! Taking it out was a bad mo-" His voice came to a slur, his vision to a blur and his legs to a wobble. He collapsed onto Amaya, completely on conscious. I need to tell her, I need to use crash magic on my rib to negate his poison magic. Maybe a guild master will know... Lucas's mind wandered into nothingness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

For most people they would've been surprised at seeing a hand made of dust and watch it be blown away, in fact they would've been most likely shocked at such a revelation, but for Nolan it didn't phase him one bit. No matter how tragic the event, no matter how horrendous, or terribly sad it was he still had a face that was like wood; unmoving and emotionless. Why this woman was showing him this he would never know. Was she trying to reciprocate for Nolan telling her about his past, letting her know his most private, innermost secret that he had been keeping or was it to simply create pity? In all honesty he didn't really care which was the right answer because that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that she was showing him something he must hold his tongue forever more and out of respect he would certainly keep it.

Damaged goods huh? Well she isn't exactly wrong about that. He couldn't say that he wasn't left undamaged by his past experiences, hell they made him into the man that he is today. Everyone's got their own monsters, in her case it was an illness that left her crippled or to something with that effect that would hinder her limbs. At least she hasn't let that destroy her life and used that second chance to live life to the fullest. What she didn't realize was that she wasn't living just to live, she was living to learn and have many different experiences with the freedom that her dust limbs had given her. If that's her life then perhaps he wouldn't hold it against her.

"Not a word about what?" The world must be coming to an end because a small smirk cracked along his face let alone make a joke. The only thing that could truly mean that the apocalypse was near is if Nolan laughed and fell in love. "Pancakes huh...I like waffles more, but pancakes sound good."
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