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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria Fabre
After Kotori left she noticed that despite saying sorry she left and she was still in possession of the bento. With a small sigh she went out a bit to the courtyard. Might as well search for her after all Aria thought to herself before whistling a small tune. Standing there for a bit a small yellow bird flew down and landed softly on her shoulder "hey little one" she said softly as she used a finger to rub the top of its head. Hearing the bird chirp Aria couldn't help but let a small smile cross her face "come on little one we got to find someone" she said as she watched the tiny bird take flight.

Looking around she hoped to gain a glimpse of Kotori from what she knew she worked at a cafe of some sorts "Mocha Dreams" or something like that. Suddenly she heard a bird chirp singing almost seeing the bird fly down she opened up her palm for it to land on. As the bird landed on her open palm it pecked it twice lightly as a gesture to follow it must be that it found the place or one of its many many siblings found it. Smiling as the bird took the sky once more she followed it until it landed on her shoulder looking up she saw the sign of the place "Mocha Dreams" this is it she said as took a step inside.

Walking inside Aria gripped her violin case a bit harder as her bird rubbed it's head against her cheek for comfort. Spotting Kotori she walked up to the counter "Ah hello I would like a cup of espresso" before the bird decided to chime in with a small trill. "Ah a small slice of coffee cake as well please." Aria ordered as but not before handing the bento back to Kotori "a-a-lso Kirima-san wanted me to hand this to you" Aria stammered while handing the bento back to Kotori. Seeing that she was done she quickly grabbed a seat nearby as the small bird hopped down from the table and started to jump around a bit eagerly.

Tsukuyomi Yayoi
Staring back she was literally unsure on what to do now it was a evil spirit who by his admission made him kill his parents yet seeing the sight in front of her she was at a literal lose. "Ah I see well if you want you can stop by later for a purification until than I can give you some reusable ofuda that will act as a shock tag for it and or silence it?" She said as he dug through her pockets pulling out two ofuda stacks that was divided by a small piece of blessed rope. Handing it to him she looked at the duck with a small smile on her face she kneeled down before opening her hand so the duck can grab some of the bread. "Tsukuyomi we dont have time to waste here you know theres a spirit right there exorcise it already!" Hakurei exclaimed showing herself to Kazeno in her semi transparent state.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bang Constantine

Mocha Dreams.


It sounded tasty.


Alas, one could not "sound" tasty. It could "seem" as if it is tasty, but never does taste actually come in the form of sound unless a person is in some Final Fantasy thing.

Or if a generic antagonist is making up common bullcrap to sound cool.

Bang walked up to the cafe with a paper full of scribbles on it. A familiar Mexican friend, Araceli (who lived somewhere within Japan), had sent him a letter revolving around places he could visit at Academy City.

He did not find the entire process of visiting places to be grueling. Instead, he saw it as a magnificent time-killer. After all, he had so little to lose.

The boxer stared at the entrance of Mocha Dreams.

This is it.

A mysterious man walked up to Bang as he whispered,

"Dude, shall I tell you the epic art of taking upskirt pictures?"

Bang punched the man so hard, he flew into a trash can that collided against a brick wall, causing the can to bounce between two walls before falling into a large dumpster. With a blank look that never fazed, he daringly walked into the cafe.

It smelled like heaven.

Actually, it smelled like heaven and people. He did not know whether to like it or not. He decided to like it because he did not want to be a massive bother to anyone.

He took a seat.

When suddenly...!!!

"Welcome to Mocha Dreams!"

The boxer flinched and stared at a bubbly maid(????), his eyes wide in surprise, but his mouth refusing to open. The maid smiled brightly at him.

"How can I serve you today?"

Bang remembered what one of his friends told him in a Chinese restaurant back at his home.

If a woman smiles at you,

Fortunately, Bang was truthfully decent enough to not believe in such assumptions. No longer feeling intimidated by the girl's sudden question, the foreigner blinked before taking a brief look at the menu.


"Me want br- er, I'd like some brownies."

With her bright smile intact, the girl nodded. "Anything else?"

"Water. That's it."

"Alright, then!" The waitress said as she picked up the menu. "I'll be coming back very shortly!"

The waitress left, and Bang soon found himself staring blankly at the table.

By "coming back very shortly," he wondered thoughtfully, is she saying that she's going to become smaller when she comes back, or is she just being stupid?

All of a sudden, Bang looked up to scan his surroundings. He saw some dude bobbing his head to some music, two girls chattering, and-

Iron Giant.

Bang intensified.

It was the Milkman.

The Milkman and-


What? Bang blinked at the sight of a feminine-looking person sitting across Sasuke(?). Who was the person?

Did the Iron Giant enjoy spending time with little girls?









Bang shook his head. No, that was not the problem here. What he wanted to know was the person's relationship so that he could adjust well to the Iron Giant. After all, he did not want to look like a generic "silent dumbass," even if he... kind of is. With that said, Bang quickly analyzed the situation.

Sasuke was blushing, and so was the woman (Kei) sitting with him.

Bang knew that he was right.

Sasuke was dating his little sist-

Nononononononono, that's not his little sister.

That's right. Sasuke was dating his mothe-

Where did that come from?

That's right. Sasuke had a girlfriend.

Hallelujah. He learned something about Sasuke.

Bang felt happy for Sasuke, but he also felt concerned about his girlfriend. After all, the waitress serving them looked quite pretty. Should Sasuke decide to pay attention to the waitress (whom he decided to call "La Pinata" because he was suddenly reminded of his Mexican friend), then things could get pretty messy at the cafe.

It amazes me how love is everywhere I go to.

With that in mind, he started analyzing the situation while pretending to stare off at a distance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ria's Apartment

@Styrgwyr and @Hebigami Shiho

Restating the fact to the hostage that his Skill Out friends kidnapped a girl from Kirigaoka Girls Academy, the girl's name is Nishikara Wendy, a 12 year old middle school girl and the younger sister of Nishikara Mei. Back in April 1, Nishikara Mei approached Ria for help instead of Judgement due to her doubts that Judgement and Anti-Skill can't deal with the threat they are facing. Ria agreed to rescue Wendy safe and sound from the Skill Out. However the situation seems to have changed as the Akurans and the Haha! group wants a piece of the action.

Trivia and Recall


Is a term used to refer to Academy City's student-based disciplinary committee.hey are composed of students of varying grade levels and power, and along with Anti-Skill, they are tasked to maintain peace-and-order within the school system. Judgment members can be recognized by the armbands they wear over their right sleeves, which are green with white stripes and which have a shield symbol.


Is the term used to refer to Academy City's police and security forces. Unlike Judgment, members of Anti-Skill are ordinary adults who work in the city. One is essentially a volunteer when they join Anti-Skill, and as such is not paid to do Anti-Skill work; however, the city compensates for Anti-Skill members' help in the experiment by giving them various gifts and privileges.

It is often assigned to situations that members of Judgment are unable or not allowed to handle, such as engaging terrorists, handling hostage situations, or stabilizing dangerous areas. Judgment is often assigned to assist Anti-Skill in these cases by evacuating civilians or handling crowd control as well as dealing with rogue espers who abuse their powers. It is also shown to assist Judgment with meager work such as directing traffic, helping lost people, and enforcing curfew, and can also be hired for events. Anti-Skill members are also tasked in training Judgment recruits. Moreover, it is also their duty to keep watch of Judgment, and vice-versa. It is a checks and balances system that should prevent prevent internal corruption in the two organizations.

Is an armed group of Level 0's in Academy City which numbers in the thousands. Many factions proclaim that their goal is to fight for rights in a city where those without abilities are picked on by those who flaunt their higher esper abilities, while the authority sometimes turn a blind eye to the injustice or just can't help. The fighting abilities of Skill-Out's members are generally weak, with the average fighter having brawling skills although he stated that he cannot take on more than three at once. Some members carry weapons such as collapsible large blades, batons, and guns that are as lethal as Level 3 esper abilities. The favoured tactic is to swamp an enemy esper with numbers when fighting since they can not normally win one on one.

Former Skill Out members grouped together and affiliated to the Yakuza and bonded to illegal activities in Academy City; District 9 is where they are most abundant. From smuggling activities in and out of Academy City, their uprising is barely controlled by Judgement and Anti-Skill. The Akurans comprise of level 0's, Magicians, and Espers that are level 3. They are known as the Akurans as a group, Akura is the name of the group. The group comprises of delinquents and underground criminals. They originate from China and had been in Academy City for 15 years. Their fighting tactics are dirty and decisive, aiming at precise spots of the body and taking hostages as well as rape.

Back to Ria, she feels displeased with Taiki not doing anything other than smiling like a fool he is. "I'll ask you again, Marcus, where is Nishikara Wendy? Don't give me false excuses." Ria said coldly with her firm and calm expression after defrosting her hostage. She had been doing this to him for a week. The hostage is beaten up and frosted many times. Ria took care of her hostage like how a mother would take care of her child but in a twisted way in this case. Recalling her fight with Skill-Out and Akura last week, her life also depend on this. She flashes her body to her hostage, stark naked without a care. "About that serum that you injected me, how long do I have?" She asked while pointing near her torso as part of her chest is partially covered with black marks. Ria now reads between the lines.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboyuki & Introducing.... Marcus

"H-Hey! D-Don't ignore me! I-I mean, didn't I, like, give you some kind of reason to be at least crept out! I mean, h-hey, I'm still here! Are you hearing me? Um, moshi moshi, Ria-san? Um, Tsurara-san?" Noboyuki went on trying to get everyone else's attention, but with no success. He decided after that to sulk over in a corner all by himself, since there wasn't anything else he could do to attract everyone else's attention.

Meanwhile, the bearded man that was Ria's hostage slowly came back to live. And the first thing in his face? A mocking smirk.

"Now, now, little esper shit," He spoke in a deep, hoarse voice, defiant as he had been all through last week. "You shouldn't be flashing at other people like that. Or ignore your other friends like that." He motioned with his head towards Noboyuki, who was still sulking. "If you monsters don't care for each other, who the hell is going to care for you? Damn sure no one is stupid enough to want a ticking bomb right on their living rooms." He smiled again, confident that he couldn't be killed. After all, he was the one that orchastrated the kidnapping of the bitch that was Nishikara Wendy.

"But, you know," Seemingly, having reflexed on his own ways, the man seemed to be a bit more ashamed than before, and week. Hell, he had been through hell the last week. Being able to talk back like that was nothing short of a miracle. The man indeed seemed to have inhumane resiliance, at the very least, against esper powers. Or just strong willpower to let him live through being frozen several times already, "I am not a fan of fucking being frozen like that, so I'll talk. The bitch ain't worth having my balls frozen every five minutes."

He took a deep breath. He knew it was damn outright betrayal what he was about to do, but the fire in his eyes never died down. "The girl is in the 7th district. Where else did you think a girl would be held in this city anyway, dumbass?" Marcus said to her, laughing at her for not thinking of it earlier. "And the serum? The serum will kill you in about 24 hours. If you use the least bit of your powers, though, you'll die right away. See that nasty looking speck of black climbing up your waist? That means your time in this world is running out. So you got no option but to not use your powers and let your other two friends handle this, miss frigid bitch." Marcus said to her, with a smile on his face all the while.

"And now that I've sold the boys out, fucking kill me already." Marcus said, showing the trio his neck. "There ain't no pride between men after one of them sells the others out. I am as good as dead anyway. Now, hurry! You, the ice bitch! Get an icicle through my throat already and we can both rot in hell for a while." HE laughed heartily at the prospect of his own death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Haruna Launcher package story arcs!

Three stories, one goal!

Rescue Wendy Arc

Synopsis(Participants are full here)
Nishikara Wendy is a student from kirigaoka Girls Academy, the younger sister of Nishikara Mei. Both are distant relatives to Hybrid Academy's, Nishikara Kei. It's been two weeks since she was missing however; Ria managed to get a lead on her whereabouts after taking hostage of one of the Skill-Out members, Marcus who have valuable information about Wendy's whereabouts. Her whereabouts leads to Mocha Dreams, Kirigaoka Girls, and District 7. However it seems like the Skill-Out aren't the only who wants a piece of the action, the Clowns who are like of a Skill-Out group are working with Skill-Out. To make things matters worse, the Akurans are also on the move and Ria is injected with a serum that makes her AIM fields go wild and face symptoms. It is up to her group to pull through safety.

The Black Mage, Haruna Arc

It might take a while but its been mandatory for the past three weeks. That's 11 hour shifts, by religious group of cults thus a tiring work by kidnapping Espers. Rumor has it that Espers are killed because of heresy and atrocious ways of thinking by cult. For they believe that these people are offering to revive a Black Mage, Haruna. Selected members of Judgement in every district are assigned to investigate the Nagatenjouki District. It is an undercover task as suspiciously believed that Nagatenjouki are linked with the disappearance of these people.

Unnatural Arc

It is believed that every night. Some people who are at District 21, the mountains have been disappearing. Based on reports, it is said that vampires are the cause of the disappearance.

With all the mysterious disappearance occurring at the three fronts. Could these events be connected? Will our heroes unravel the mysteries behind it?

A man from the shadows looks at a flat crystal HD like TV.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"S-say, you also possessed?" Kazeno jumped back at bit at the sight of the floating mass of pixels now hovering around the shrine maiden, "You sure you also don't need an exorcism?"

Chi Ni curiously peered over Kazeno's head, a ghostly WW2 helmet still remained on her own head for whatever reason. Kazeno could feel the air become tenser as Paragade questionably pecked at the bread from the girl.

Anderson watched from his folding computer the chaos that ensued as he shouted actions and orders to his agents and strike teams. The Radio chatter streamed in as Anderson was more then capible enough to reponsd and control all of them.

"Team 5, cover Team 3's advance."
"Copy Anderson-sama."
"Keep your distance Team 2, don't get to mingled with the gangsters."
"Roger, will keep several feet back."
"Yukihara and Shingin here, we've captured the girl with Skill-Out, orders?"
"Yukihara and Shingin, direct the Skill-Out to the next location. Oswald, prepare to support our friends as they move in, the chopper gunner will be arrive shortly."
"About damn time, if Anti-Skill gets here now, we're fucked."
"Edelweiss, switch to your rocket launcher and take out the western wall of the building, Katyusha stay with Edelweiss incase something happens to her."

Anderson smiled as he looked towards Sakura who was now grilling something over a something on Yakiniku. It must be for Anderson and Amelia who was now lounging around in her PJs, reading questionably titled books on an e-reader. Sakura always had her own meat rare or even raw.
Soon, you'll be all better Sakura. Anderson thought as he watched her blow air on to a piece of chicken, You're cure will be soon. Then we can proceed with the Midnight Requiem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sitting at a bench in the park, nearby the Nagatenjouki Acamdey, a girl could be found rapidly tapping away on a handheld device, a look of utter concentration, as she played using only her right hand. Her left hand was busy holding onto half piece of bread, while the other half was in her mouth.

Placing the bread in her mouth again, she lightly bit, before allowing the bread to be held in her mouth as she used her now free left hand to brush strands of her white hair from her eyes. However, just as she was about the grab the loaf once more, a fanfare-like sound emitted from the device, and the girl jumped up, with what would have been a yelp for joy, if not muffled by her occupied mouth.

Dropping back into her original seated position, her stance was now more calmer, with the device left on her lap, both hands holding her lunch, as she watched the screen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In Which Kei and Sasaki Talk and Stuff

Earlier That Day...
The edges of Sasaki's lips curled into a bemused smile upon hearing the artist's shameful admittance to his perceived, and probably legitimate, misbehavior. Now, Sasaki wasn't typically the kind of weirdo to take pleasure in the often flustered reactions of others. No, he had to deal with enough of that at work. But the kid's atmosphere of genuinely naive innocence was hardly common in a place like Academy City, where dark machinations lay underneath the thin veneer of peace. Thus it came as no surprise that Sasaki appreciated the pure, lighthearted air of the situation, even if the young man didn't know it. "Heh, nice," Sasaki chuckled, leaning back into the bench, "Consider it my intuition, but something tells me she wouldn't mind a bit more attention."

Geddit because she's invisible

"But you should still ask probably permission next time," Sasaki added with sudden seriousness, eye contact and scolding finger point included. Being the big brother to a troublesome young girl evidently had its merits. "That aside, what's your name, artist-kun?" he asked, tone back to its usual almost-monotony "I can't just call you 'artist-kun' forever."

Kei's expression went quickly from "full of shame" to slightly relieved, though he once again looked puzled when the giant suggested the violinist wanted more attention. Was he suggesting something? The magician decided to try and seek the girl later. Maybe befriend her.

"Yes, I'll be sure to ask for permission from now on." Kei answered, really meaning it. Though, it would be a real shame if he had to disturb a good scene just to ask for permission to draw. "Artist-kun...?" It was really weird being called like that. As far as Kei was concerned, his sketches were very far from art. "My name is Nishihara Kei. First year, class A..." The magician added, just a bit timidly. "And you, giant-san?"

"Ah, Kirima Sasaki of 2-EX-2A," the young man in question answered. Though he didn't rather like the idea of nicknames, the moniker 'giant-san' did bring to his attention the vast size discrepancy between the two students. Fortunately the tinier one didn't seem to hold any obvious fear of him based on size, so Sasaki had that going for him, at least. Though such an occurrence wasn't exactly common for the giant, it couldn't be said to be uncommon either. He allowed a calm silence to settle between the two for a few moments.

"Hmm... Kei-kun," Sasaki said, breaking the dreamlike intermission, "Can I ask you a personal question?" The boy stood from the bench and stretched out his limbs, turning and looking down towards the literal magical boy. "Why did you hide your sketchbook when I sat down?" he asked anticlimactically, much to the disappointment of anyone watching through the window and hoping for something out of a certain genre of romance work.

"A personal question? Sure, Kirima-senpai." The smaller boy looked at the giant with an expectant look, before quickly turning a bit gloomy. Why did it have to be about his sketchbook? Kei let out an audible sigh. "It's just not something I like showing to people. They are only rough sketches." The magician spent a a few moments examining Sasaki. The scenario behind... It didn't look like it worked with him. Too big. "Either way, it's nothing but a silly hobby. I think of it as merely training my focus." Kei fidgeted a little, seeming eager to let the topic die but unsure as to how to direct this conversation elsewhere.

Ah, so his art was his own personal focus training. It wasn't exactly Sasaki's idea of focus training, which was a much less serene process that involved hitting and getting hit through countless almost-if-not-actually life-threatening situations, but to each their own. Still, it didn't quite get a clear answer to his question, but from what Kei had explained, the giant could make a hypothesis of his own. "Still, I don't see why it's so bad," he shrugged, "Even if they're rough, I thought they were good." That wasn't a lie made to encourage the young magician to open up; Sasaki meant every word of it. "Whatever you do, you should be able to take pride in it, right?" Sasaki asked rhetorically, voice taking on a more disheartened tone. He knew he wasn't quite living up to that himself, and felt like a complete hypocrite saying those words to Kei. But that was his problem, wasn't it? He couldn't honestly take pride in all he'd done.

Before he could devolve into an angst-ridden monologue about regret, Sasaki's phone buzzed loudly. "...Excuse me, Kei-kun," Sasaki said, removing his phone from his pocket and checking what message he had received. Beneath the emoticons and text speak was a message from his boss that roughly translated to 'Sasaki, get me a ludicrous cafe beverage before you come to work today.' Sighing, the giant pocketed the phone and asked the magician who might've already managed to read the hieroglyphic writings of the message, "You know any good cafes or anything?"

Kei just listened in silence as Kirima continued to go on about the subject of the sketches. He seemed dedicated to change the magician's opinion on the drawings, but it was futile. The smaller boy would not be so easily persuaded. Rather, Kei did his best not to let show how uncomfortable the subject was becoming. His relief was almost palpable when the giant's phone buzzed.

"A cafe?" Kei wondered why the giant suddenly asked about that. Probably something about the phone message? Either way, if it was a cafe, he knew about one near the apartment he had been staying before classes started. "I know one not far from here. Kirima-senpai, do you want me to take you there?" He had some time to kill, so it should be no problem to show the place to giant-san.

The giant took note of the increasingly suppressed fidgetyness of the effeminate magician before him and decided to shelve any related topics that could incite a similar response for the time being. Motivational speaking just wasn't his thing, was it? He snorted at the thought. 'Stick to your sciences, Sasaki,' he thought blithely, turning his attention back to the magician who had evidently used the settled silence to ponder on his query. Fortunately he did, saving the giant the effort of looking up or asking somebody else about a high-quality - because there was no way Kihara Sen would accept just any run-of-the-mill drink - cafe. "Ah, no thanks," Sasaki shook his head upon the suggestion of being led there immediately, following it up with an explanation, "I don't have to head out there just yet. Just a favor for someone after school. But, ah..." The giant sheepishly scratched at the back of his head, smiling awkwardly and averting his gaze.

"If the offer still stands, let's meet up here after school, ne?"

Somewhere in the building, a few schoolgirls watching from the window fainted.

Later That Day...

Even though the conversation with giant-san earlier had had it's uncomfortable moments for Kei, he felt just a little bit grateful later when he realized classes had come and gone without the restless he felt during that week resurfacing. Thanks to that, the magician was feeling in quite high spirits when the bell rang. "Ah, that's right... I need to meet with Kirima-senpai." Kei had after all agreed to show giant-san the cafe place after class. Thus, the magician packed up his belongings into his bag and headed to the courtyard.

On the way there, Kei wondered why exactly were there a couple of girls giving him weird stares. He decided to pay it no mind and just reached the courtyard and sat on the same bench as earlier. Wait, why the hell were those girls hiding in the nearby bushes?! The boy eyed his watch nervously. "I hope Kirima-senpai arrives soon."

To say that Sasaki's day went by fairly uneventfully would have been an rather accurate observation. There was a distinct lack of friends in most of his classes, Bang excluded, so the giant was allowed to focus solely upon his studies. Which was good, he was behind on those. Thankfully he'd managed to quickly get the gist of what was going on in the oh-so-exciting classes. As he mentally contemplated the merits of his decision to send the meek violinist to find the meeker songbird, the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Gathering his materials in his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Sasaki began to head to the courtyard. He had a magician to meet, after all.

"Good afternoon, Kei-kun," the elder student greeted with a big wave as he made his way towards the Amakusa mage. He stopped right in front of the effeminate boy, large frame obscuring the bush-dwelling fujoshi, who moved to a more suitable vantage point as a result. "Ara... You re....ady to... head out?" Sasaki asked, voice trailing awkwardly as his attention was averted by flashes from a trash can. "...I think we should leave," he suggested.

Kei's expression visibly brightened up upon seeing the giant approaching. The thought of spending a while waiting was distressing. "Good afternoon to you too, Kirima-senpai." The magician promptly stood up when asked whether ready to head out. "...Sure." Kei was also distracted briefly by the flashes. Was someone photographing something? Wait, maybe there was a scene worth capturing and he did not notice it! Such a shame to not have the opportunity to capture it himself in drawings. "Ah, yes, let's go." The smaller boy wondered why Kirima seemed to suddenly be in a hurry as they headed to the gate.

Arriving at the school's front gate, Kei stopped briefly, wondering what would be the best way to reach the café place he had in mind. "I forgot to tell you where we're going. There's a good café called Mocha Dreams, it should take us only a few minutes to get there from here."

"Nice name," Sasaki remarked with a nod. The name gave him the impression of somewhere relaxed and peaceful, like any good cafe ought to be. It wasn't a name that brought terror and foreboding into his heart, at least. The giant figured for what he was going for, it should do nicely. "Let's get going then, ne?" he suggested, gesturing out at the Academy City skyline, "Lead the way." The young magician took his senpai by the hand and pressed onwards, like a child leading his parent. Or a girlfriend leading her boyfriend.

Someone was probably having a fun time with that thought.

Not long afterwards, weaving through backalleys and sidestreets to streamline their travel, the pair made it to a rather stereotypically cafe-like building with sign labeling it as 'Mocha Dreams'. Sasaki held open the door for the younger of the pair before entering himself, noting the presence of a certain violinist but not remarking on it. Deciding upon a two-person seat closer to the windows, the two young men waited for someone to take their order...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotomaid - An Invisible Songbird

Having gotten into the swing of things after taking the order of a few patrons who had stared creepily a little bit longer than she would've liked, the little Songbird settled into a steady stride. Taking orders, making some of them or having the order put onto the wheel for the cooks to make pastries or something of the sort; and then of course delivering them. Slowly, she gained the eventual grace that caused drinks, beverages and various sweets of the breaded type to smoothly slide onto the table in front of captivated customers.

Walking back behind a counter, Kotori nearly jumped out of her skin with the presence of a familiar voice. Turning sharply to see none other than the violinist, the waitress actually smiled warmly at her request. Though her request was truly peculiar, particularly the fact that she wanted a cup of full Espresso. A bit strong in terms of caffeine, but then again everyone has their respective tastes; Kotori would not be one to question them.

So to the coffee making machine she went, her fingertips nimbly pressing a series of buttons much akin to how she so wonderfully played the piano. Soon after, she traced a leafy pattern of foam into the drink artfully; and gingerly carried it to Aria.

"Here you go, as a first time customer it's on the house!" The waitress trapped in a maid's garb exclaimed warmly.

Settling the warm drink in front of the violinist, the little Songbird offered her a slight smile that suddenly faded as Aria extended her hand outward with the bento box. The one that had been destined for the giant. Slender fingertips lightly plucked up the box and she gently took it from Aria as the weight of it told her all too easily that it had been untouched. Dismayed slightly by this, Kotori bent to the side to place the box into a small fridge beneath the counter for later.

Hopefully the food hadn't spoiled already.

"Well thank you for returning it to me, Aria-chan." The pianist stated softly to the violinist, pausing for a moment as the bell tied to the door announced the arrival of another patron or two. Glancing up to see who arrived from behind the station where the various breads and sweets were displayed so appetizingly, Kotori's eyes widened slightly in a mixture of surprise and fear.

The Iron Giant and Artist had arrived and sat at a table. One of the tables she was assigned to cater towards. Thankfully it seemed that she hadn't been noticed quite yet, and she was allowed an anxious glance between herself and Aria.

In her mind, an eternity passed and she swallowed the knot that had been growing so quickly in her throat. She was at work, she couldn't run, she couldn't hide, a few hastened breaths eventually slowed into deeper ones as she offered an apologetic nod to Aria and stepped from behind the counter. Intentionally, or perhaps even unintentionally remaining out of Sasaki's range of peripheral sight as she walked up to the table where the two boys sat.

What she vainly strove to fight but simply couldn't was the horribly embarrassed blush that crept up on her cheeks. The Iron Giant and Artist were going to see her in clothes as ridiculous as this? In her mind, she cursed Ria's stubbornness towards dressing the little Songbird in such revealing outfits, but even then she lightly folded her hands in front of her as she held tightly onto her notepad for taking orders.

"W-Welcome to M-Mocha Dreams, Kirima-san and A-Artist-kun." The little songbird softly stated bashfully. "How c-can I serve y-you t-t-today?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria Fabre
Aria took a sip of her coffee enjoying the slightly bitter taste she enjoyed so much. It was a odd thing but she never drank anything but a espresso something she picked up from her father she supposed. Shaking that depressing subject from her head she went about drinking before the bird started pecking her hand. It seems not only did she forget about the coffee cake for it Kotori forgot it as well either way it was a small thing standing back up she went back to the counter standing behind Sasaki and another person a girl perhaps it was hard to tell from looks alone. Either way she supposed it wouldn't hurt to wait a bit as the bird flew from the table back to its spot on her shoulder.

Tsukuyomi Yayoi
"It's not a ghost so dont worry" She said as she looked over her shoulder to see Hakurei "its a A.I. so dont really worry about her being a ghost." Looking she couldn't help shift a bit uneasily it was really tense she thought all they were doing was staring each other down. The duck it seemed was blissfully unaware of the the situation pecking at the bread it seems. She was seriously starting to wonder if chasing after a supposed "spirit" was worth this overly tense situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Three Arcs Begins!

(I have to control your OCs to move on)

Ten Minutes Ago
Convoluted by the current situation, Ria decided to let Taiki handle Marcus to interrogate him and for once earn legit information instead of hoaxes in which Marcus is so sly at, he is good in lying and making the interrogation nowhere. Such as N - AG 69's effects, a false claim made by Marcus that it would kill the female level 5 in 24 hours but the truth is that it will kill her after three days. The serum is made of liquid metal, silver which is condensed with poison and having the effect of severe loss of AIM control, physical strain, and blood loss. Normally it would work on Esper who are at lower levels but for a level 5, the effects are slower. Ria took her friend Yuki with her to Mocha Dreams and rendezvous with a friend who is none other than Kaori and they arrived faster thanks to Kaori's warp ability. Yuki finds himself in a situation to where he is dressed up as a girl, depicted as an employee of Mocha Dreams Cafe. The disguise is simple, Yuki is wearing a calculation assistance device or rather a similar device to it because it is still powered by Misaka Network, it is a voice modulator device that doesn't look like one for it appears as a mere choker. Ten Minutes Over @Styrgwyr, @Hebigami Shiho

The reason why Mocha Dreams employee are wearing such alluring outfits, is because Ria won the bet she had with Kotori a month ago. She told the so called new employee; Takahatsu Yukina, a pseudonym used by her friend Takahatsu Noboyuki who is now disguised as a Mocha Dreams' employee. Ria in her Mocha Dreams' outfit groped Kotori's breasts and whispered at her ear, saying it's going to be fine. She not only greeted her fellow classmates, Kirima Sasaki and Nishikara Kei but at the same time she gave the boys a good view of pleasure by groping Kotori in front of them. The cafe started getting dropped in temperature which is very common and it is Ria's style of attracting customers, especially the fact that the weather today is becoming warmer and warmer as the season summer is near. Ria got every customer to sit at their seats because Ria formation is happening; an ice floor is summoned, Mocha Dreams Employee are to wear their ice skating shoes and serve the customers in Style, Ria on the other hand need not wear the shoes because she can just create ice skate shoes from her ice abilities. In this formation, the happy 7 best selling flavors of Mocha Dreams are always served in Spring be it cold or hot. [@Feisty Pants]

Ria sits next to her upperclassman, Sasaki and classmate Kei. The ice floor is meant for Mocha Dreams employees to skate on and serve with love, care and serve faster. She talks to Kei and Sasaki about Nishikara Mei and her kidnapped sister. "I know this isn't the perfect time and I need your cooperation as much as I don't like it." Knowing the state of herself and anything related Marcus, Ria have to act with less pride and be more open with the situation in order not to make it worst. "Kei, you're cousin's kidnapped. Do you know whereabouts to where I can find clues? Sasaki-senpai, I know that you know more about Skill-Out, please tell me everything you know and I heard something about idiotic pervert clowns everywhere, it's not like they are part of the Yakuza. Please tell me quick" With her usual cold expression, Ria waits for their reply. "Not like I care about Kiyoshi and Kenobi-sensei's concern, I already know they're gonna punish me for this but I beg to differ, I can't just stay still and do nothing. It's not like I wanna help the girl anyway but....

-Ria lives in a secluded apartment near the former level 5, Accelerator.
-Ria Formation serves as a faster way of Mocha Dreams to serve their customers in style.
-Mocha Dreams Employees constantly change outfits.
-Mocha Dreams product are engineered by Archa Ach Tung Tung, a 30 year old Chinese Engineer of food related stuff. He is the founder of Mocha Dreams.

Inazuma Taiga
Hybrid Academy
On the way to the Teacher's Lounge.

Now part of the Newspaper Club; Taiga earned the title of Gossip Girl because of her consistent and no end of dwelling into people's personal space. "Dylan-san. Stella-sensei and Anti-Skill wants to see you. Hurry up don't need to waste time, I touch your balls." She winked. Taiga has been annoying a lot of people lately; especially Ria and Dylan whom she both sexually harasses. All along, Dylan is fooled by a hologram of Stella sensei.

She grabbed his hand, and troll with Akira and Tsumiki. Who knew that there is a person as annoying as Yagami Kaori. "TsunTsunmiki-chan!, Akittan!" She glomps them both. "The teachers wants to see us!" To make things worst, Kaori is temporary part of Judgement, she and Taiga have been working together and rounding up the students in one place, they even got Kazeno. @ClocktowerEchos

The reason why they are all being good today yet naughty was due to Judgement Captain, Kinoshita-kun's orders.

Stella is with Kae and Bagua-sensei right now discussing about a cult and people disappearing all over the place near Nagatenjouki District. She's also with Zentaro Ray, her number one hotdogger student. @LokiLeo789, @chukklehed, @RaijinSlayer

Kinoshita Toshiki

Thanks to the device that keeps his power in check, he can freely talk. "Katamori-sensei. I'm sorry I have failed to convince Tsurara-san to withdraw from her dangerous pursuit against Skill-Out but it's not just that. Mishima-sensei is on her side as well, who knew he'd be an accomplice."

The rest of his team is in his side.
Kurogane Hajime

"I would have dated her but I guess a girl who is as cold as ice is also nice to date~!" Hajime and his nonsense. "I can't find Kiyoshi-sensei, it's not like I'm his son trying to get his attention nor I roll in both ways, that's b--." Toshiki shuts him up by controlling his mind.

Mei has a flashback regarding Ria and her missing younger sister.

Later. All students are gathered by the trouble-maker team who are under the authority of Judgement are all in the auditorium. (Everyone must be here, including teachers)

Anti Skill are also there.

Anti-Skill Chief- Yomikawa Aiho

A cameo of an old friend/character returns!

"No time for introduction but an immediate action have to be done. According to news weather reports it is 15-20 degrees Celsius, humid and the chances of rain are 60%-40%. It is going to be a bumpy ride if we don't take immediate action. Anti-Skill, Judgement and any volunteer student will be participating in this operation."

Yomikawa's Message:
The Black Mage, Haruna Arc
It might take a while but its been mandatory for the past three weeks. That's 11 hour shifts, by religious group of cults thus a tiring work by kidnapping Espers. Rumor has it that Espers are killed because of heresy and atrocious ways of thinking by cult. For they believe that these people are offering to revive a Black Mage, Haruna. Selected members of Judgement in every district are assigned to investigate the Nagatenjouki District. It is an undercover task as suspiciously believed that Nagatenjouki are linked with the disappearance of these people.

Unnatural Arc
It is believed that every night. Some people who are at District 21, the mountains have been disappearing. Based on reports, it is said that vampires are the cause of the disappearance.

With all the mysterious disappearance occurring at the three fronts. Could these events be connected? Will our heroes unravel the mysteries behind it?

A man from the shadows looks at a flat crystal HD like TV.

"We will be splitting in groups in different districts, that is a job for Anti-Skill. One Judgement be it Esper or Magician are with Anti-Skill otherwise make it evened out. Dr. Lin, we need you on the cult mission."

Later on the teams will be send into their respective places.

Separate Events happening at the same time...

The followers of the Black Saint, Haruna known as cult named Advent. A man dressed as a priest chants while "purifying" his victims in a Church.

Advent Priest(Member)- Min Sung Ling

This man is a devoted Priest of Advent, the cult and fanatics of Haruna the Black Saint. He performs sinister exorcism on his victims especially Espers. Advent is a cult that originated from Europe. Worshipers of all twisted things especially the Black Mage, Haruna.

"I know that my redeemer lives and that he will stand upon the earth...And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh, I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes, I and not another, how my heart yearns within me. AMEN." After a brief of silence, screaming agony of a sudden killed the people rounded up in the black room. Blood spilled everywhere. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Rejoice! Rejoice! Your sacrifices are all to the Black Saint, Haruna.
He himself rejoices in the presence of blood and moniker, Black Saint Haruna whom this cult is trying to revive.

The following members of Advent said the same.
Advent- Beeber
Proclaims to be the judgement of their moniker, Beeber has the power to control bees. The magic of Beeber is Aculeus69. Which means Bug Demon. F.Y.I this kid is a boy. His name is Richard aka Rica.
"All Hail Haruna!"

Advent Member- Anaconda
"Thy serpent sly and opportunistic thy deceit fell upon Adam and Eve.
All Hail Haruna!
This woman's name is Anaconda, one of the high ranking followers of Haruna. Her magic is Angustio733, constriction of the snake. Her nickname is Nicki but her real name is Obama Barako.

"All Hail Haruna!" Says Gagita the worshiper.

"All Hail Haruna!" Says Yeezus one of the high ranking members of Advent.

"All Hail Haruna!" Says Wrecking Ball the Manslayer.

A few victims from Hybrid Academy are identified as Otonashi Shizuka, Matsuda Seiji, Lovejoy Daphne and a few Amakusa Church members. "In the name of Nishihara Keimaru! You cultist will receive the wrath of God, you ar---" The member of the Amakusa Church was beheaded by the Evil Priest.

To be noted that the students of Hybrid Academy are still alive and some of the hostages as well.

Meanwhile in the Unnatural Arc

Vampire Lord- Vlad Damian

Referred to as the descendants of Cain, the brother of Abel and son of Adam and Eve, who was forced to wander the earth as punishment for the murder of his brother. These are vampires!

"Vlad Damian distastes filthy human blood. I desire feisty blood that causes pants to bleed like virgin ladies. It won't be
ong before the
agnificent meal of
arvest takes place, isn't that right my children." A hidden and symbolic message drawn by their "father" is scored definite with those words engraved into their minds.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei
Mocha Dreams

So, here we were, Mocha Dreams. I was sitting on table near the window, across from me sat giant-san, Kirima-senpai, and we waited for someone who would take our order. Slowly, I noticed that the waitress aproaching us was familiar, but only realized it when she asked us our order, seeming very nervous for some reason. I guessed it was the clothes. "Ah, you're the glasses girl from this morning." Kirima-senpai's not-girlfriend also called me artist-kun. Had she also noticed my sketches...? That actually gave more urgency to talking with the violinist later.

As I was figuring out whether to just order normally or turn this into a conversation (probably not advised since glasses girl was working), my mind was captured by Ria suddenly appearing behind glasses girl and harassing her. Ice delinquent was ice delinquent after all, could that be her way of greeting co-workers? "What was that for?" Ria's "greeting" could not have been nice to the nervous girl.

The ice delinquent apparently decided that she needed to speak with us, and sat down at our table, while I wondered if that was all normal behavior for her. Considering her habits, it probably was. "My cousin...?" I stopped to think for a moment. There was a fairly distant branch of the family with which I had little contact. I though they did have children close to my age. Was that what Ria was taking about? "How did you come to know of this? Which one of them was kidnapped?" I unconsciously grabbed Ria's arm, feeling now nervous myself. Even though they were relatives which I barely knew, if someone was kidnapped, I really needed to do something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Feisty-Pants@Kyun@Suku@Masaki Haruna
The atmosphere of the cafe itself was almost exactly what Sasaki had expected from a name like 'Mocha Dreams'. It was hardly the kind of bustling, crowded cafe that something like most Starbucks establishments could be described as. Instead, he figured that it could be likened to a library. A library filled with the scent of appetizing baked goods and freshly brewed drinks. No wonder people spent so much time around here. Well, it probably was that and the scandalous outfits that these servers wore. The giant safely averted his gaze from the cafe's nexus of activity to his companion and the window overlooking the Academy City streets. Though he had to wonder why exactly the young man before him knew of a cafe in which the servers wore such revealing clothing... Catching sight of the violinist and her fluffy, yellow avian companion once more, Sasaki chose to wave her over to their table and interact with the artist and himself rather standing all lonesome at the counter.

Although, it didn't take long for someone to come to Kei and Sasaki's table, which saved the pair from the anxious waiting that typically accompanied two person outings such as this one. And saved Kei the potential embarassment of answering the question that Sasaki was formulating in his mind. Unfortunately, such a development was not as simple as initially suspected. Namely because their server was none other than...

"...Kotori-chan?" Sasaki's eyes widened in shock for a brief moment as he turned caught sight of the waitress who spoke with the soft timidity characteristic of his friend. The last place he'd expected the demure songbird to work was somewhere like this, but under the dangerously short skirt and scarlet face was none other than Namashiya Kotori. Taken out of his stunned silence by Kei's own remark regarding Kotori being Kotori and not some kind of Kotori look-speak-and-actalike, Sasaki opened his mouth to order before recoiling backward, hand over his eyes as Ria began her attack. "Um, anyway I'd like to- HUH?!"

"...Ahem," the giant coughed awkwardly, face turned to Kei and eyes directed at a random streetlamp. For all he knew, the groping was still going on, and subjecting the songbird to more humiliation would make him a terrible friend. "Tsurara-chan, if you could please stop... erm... fond- um... If you could stop... Please don't do that to Kotori-chan," Sasaki requested uncomfortably. He wouldn't be the first to say that his own boss was overly casual, but the manager of Mocha Dreams had to be on a whole 'nother level to let this kind of thing pass on what he assumed to be a regular basis. The blatant display of Level 5 power to affect the business' routine was one thing - if Sasaki was a business owner who had a Level 5 working for him, he too would leverage that kind of power and publicity - but this public display of eroticism definitely wasn't what he'd call 'justifiable from a business sense' by any means. Maybe Ria just got that kind of pass since she was a Level 5. That was probably it.

Though fortunately for both the songbird and Sasaki's sensibilities, Ria stopped and stole a seat at the duo's table, explaining with a surprising degree of seriousness an issue that struck deep into the heart of his friend. She was requesting their help to rescue Kei's cousin from peril, a cause that, naturally, troubled the young magician greatly. Sasaki placed a reassuring hand on Kei's petite shoulder. "Calm down, Kei-kun," he advised gently, "Let Tsurara-chan explain. Getting all riled up won't be good for you or your cousin." The situation struck a nostalgic chord in the heart of the ex-Skill-Out. "Don't worry," he said softly, "Even if nobody else can or will, I'll help you save her. We're friends after all, ne?"

Sasaki turned to Ria, the cryomaster requisitioning his underground expertise. How she knew that he was affiliated with Skill-Out was a question for another day. Granted, he was a Child Error with no powers and a body built for fighting, the chances of him not knowing about Skill-Out was dwarfed immensely by the chance of him possessing any bit of knowledge. At least she didn't know that he was Skill-Out, just that he knew of them. "Well, I used to know a few delinquents," he answered, emphasizing the past participle, "But on the topic of Clowns... All I've heard is that they're pretty big on the whole 'anarchy' idea, and then something about there being Skinheads - y'know, like neo Nazis - or something like that." He shrugged. "Sorry, that's all. I don't really associate with Skill-Out-types."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kototomaid - A Flustered Songbird

The slender artist was the first to notice her as she approached, and it only made her further waver. Even despite that she still stood steadfast waiting to take an order as finally Sasaki noticed her. Utter disbelief came from his voice as it even took him a few seconds to realize that she truly was the Songbird that he knew. Watching as he mulled over exactly what he wished to order for a split second, she reached into the pouch of her apron to reveal a pen; and she stood ready to take his order.

As much as this transaction being simpler would have eased the scarlet hue of her cheeks, fate would of course intervene in a horrific way as suddenly up from behind her; Ria snuck up and seized Kotori's chest with her hands.

Crimson cheeks only deepened in a mixture of fear and humiliation as her head tilted to look back at the Ice Manipulator. "R-Ria-senpai! W-what are you doi-stop please!" She begged, she pleaded, but there was little that she could do as frigid fingertips greedily dug into tender and sensitive flesh. Horrified with the thought that swatting Ria's hands away would only tear the fabric that protected her from the rest of the world, Kotori stood helpless while Ria had her lecherous fun.

All the while, even Sasaki requested that the Ice Manipulator stopped while looking away. At least he had the kindness to do so, otherwise she might have had an aneurysm from how incredibly embarrassing this was. Honestly the little Songbird was quite tempted to quit, as no one else had been dealt such a cruel hand by Ria, but she needed this accursed job. No matter how horrible it was sometimes.

Finally, the cryomaster let her go, and she stood in a wobbly state for a moment, trying to catch her stolen breath and regain any sense of focus.

Slumping in defeat as the fondler promptly sat down to speak with Sasaki, a slew of alerting details could be overheard. Particularly that one of the artist's family members had been kidnapped. Like the noble Giant she thought him to be, Sasaki immediately volunteered to help the distressed boy.

"I-I will help too." Kotori solemnly stated, piping in to the conversation ever lightly. "I'll help if you'll let me, at least. I know I'm not capable of much, but I think I might be able to do some good, right?"

Sidling into the seat beside Sasaki as she looked worriedly to Kei, she set the little notepad and pen onto the table. Trying to have at least a slight amount of determination in spite of the overly alluring guise she was forced to wear. What had once been a flustered crimson face was now etched with worry about Kei's family member.

"Don't worry Artist-kun," She timidly stated, biting her lip in hesitation. "Kirima-san came through and helped me once, I'm sure he'll help you too. There isn't anything he cannot do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bang Constantine

There was a woman groping another woman like a Japanese pervert fondling a Chinese dictator's manboobs.

Sasuke turned away, presumably to look at that magnificently beautiful pigeon right outside Mocha Dreams, and his girlfriend seemed as if she had experience in fondling other people's breasts, as she gave no real response.

It was a certainly chaotic day at a certainly chaotic academy.

...The phrase would have fit perfectly if they were actually in a school.

The boxer blinked as a tray lay itself on his table. He turned to face a bubbly waitress.

"Here are your brownies," she said.

"'Kay, thanks."

He took a brownie from the plate it sat on and suddenly felt curious about something.

Why were boobs so plump?

It has to be the mammary glands, he thought as he took a bite out of the brownie. It must be all of the mammary glands. Unless people can contain helium in their chest, there has to be something that makes them so round.

Bang continued to observe the group as he began to go over the Biology lessons on reproductive systems he remembered going over.

He found Sasuke's reaction to be surprisingly hilarious. Thus, Bang developed an inner demon that enjoyed watching Sasuke suffered, though he doubted that the demon would last long in his quiet brain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria Fabre
She was confused first Sasaki shows up than she was dragged to their table by him. "Ah may I ask why you dragged me here" Aria asked while her bird flew from her perch on her should to Sasaki's and started to peck lightly at his face. Seeing the small bird trying to protect her Aria let out a tiny giggle. It was a interesting sight to see such a cute and tiny bird peck at a giant's face with such determination like it was trying to crack a nut. "So I know of most of the people may I ask for your name?" She questioned looking at Kei.

Kishiko Tachibana
Kishiko walked in to mocha dreamsits been a few days since she started but already she felt like she was in charge between Ria being her self and practically doing what she wants. To Kotori's quiet nature it was a miracle that any work got down considering those two was the main workers. Dressed in her Maid outfit she quickly and elegantly served the customer's before seeing Ria casually molest Kotori. Sighing to herself she noticed they stopped but still they shouldn't have done that in the first place. Bring out a harisen from her large bow on the back going up the two she slammed it down on Ria and gave Kotori a light tap. "Ria I think we have been over this no harrasing and or molesting people in front of the customers. While Kotori you need to get back to work there's still some people lining up at the cashier." She added since the cashier was currently unmanned.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Three Arc Burst

Separate Events

@LokiLeo789, @Kimiyosis, @Kiso, @chukklehed, @RaijinSlayer, @Kal-El, @Hebigami Shiho
Black Saint Arc

Nagatenjouki Academy; Ms.Katelyn, The Twins, Kimiyosis character(Please post your CS on the tab).

Hybrid Academy Students; Tatsuya Tsumiki, Zentaro Ray, Justeaze Jeager, Dylan Brooks.

Others: Amakusa Church.

Arc Antagonist: Advent Cult.

Objectives: Covert Operation.

NOTE: While all arcs are happening at the same time. It happens in a different time and day. So don't complain about it.

Judgement and Anti-Skill are tasked to investigate at District 7 in Nagatenjouki Academy. Both respective Judgement leaders of Hybrid Academy and Nagatenjouki Academy meets up in the given place, the school along with the Heaven Canceller

Zentaro Ray is the leader for this mission.

Nagetenjouki Judgement Captain-Arvin Kendricks Hamilton

The third year and Captain of Judgement Nagatenjouki District. He is a level 4 Photokinesis Esper. He is one of the brightest as no puns intended with his power, brightest student in the school knowing to rival Kinoshita Toshiki.

"So this is Shiki's cubs. Make yourself at home and together we'll find the culprit but for the meantime we need to stay cool and hidden. We got rooms for you peeps." As bright as his personality is, he accommodated to his fellow students. "Oh! My bad, Arvin Kendricks Hamilton, Judgement Captain of this school. Oh and these are my friends, Ushio Kurenai, Hebigami Tatsuya and Hebigami Shiho. Then that's our teacher, Ms. Katelyn! Together we'll bring justice Kate-sama!" He makes an attempt to glomp his teacher but it fails all the time anyway.

Before he could do so, he got whacked to the ground by his right hand man; a first year like him and the rest.

Nagatenjouki Judgement-Ibara Seo

This young lady is Ibara Seo, a first year and a level 3 Esper, also the best in her class, 1-EX-1C. Her power is invisibility.

"Tch... it's been a long time isn't it. Zentaro Ray, Where is Tsundere Sparky Boy, and who's the new guy?" Seo is always mean and impatient with everyone. She shares an odd friendship with Ray and had a history together. New person is he refers to Dylan Brooks.

Then her eye twitched. "Liz-chan. Didn't see you there." She smiled, Seo seems to be in good terms with Justeaze.

"And like I said, let's all investigate before the party, Captain! Kurenai, get your ass over here!" She cried out.

-YOur move guys.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Unnatural Arc

@RaijinSlayer Kurogami Akira sacrificial bait
@NadareRyuLin Min Hai Yet another sacrificial bait
@ClocktowerEchos Kazeno and Paragade
@chukklehed Tatsuya Tsumiki
@NarayanK Anti-Skill
@Suku Anti-Skill
@Grey Sunye Kirima
(GM power blessing)

Thwart the Vampires, mission is to stay hidden for three days. Infiltration and undercover is a given and optional depending on those willing.

Escort the Miko- Nishihara Sayaka to safety. She knows valuable information about vampires and is part of the Amakusa Church. A direct relative/cousin of Nishihara Kei.

Others: C.O.O.L- Also related in the Black Saint Arc.

Time: Night Time, 7PM
It is believed that every night. Some people who are at District 21, the mountains have been disappearing. Based on reports, it is said that vampires are the cause of the disappearance.

Team Daffy Duck comprising of Tsumiki, Kazeno, Akira, Sunye and two adults, Anti-Skill elite members are already at the towers. Tsumiki is the leader of his team of students. Sunye is on a creepy chill with Akira which is very turning off with their new profound relationship(friendship) thinking as if his blood is made of candies.

C.O.O.L on the other hand has partnered up into two. Silva Rogan and Nadia in Tsumiki's team. While the mysterious member is in Ray's team. Eita is hidden.

Lin Min Hai is only here to supervise in a way as a proctor. If they succeed, this team will be exempted from all their exams in the coming mid-terms for their grades will be perfect.
Silva Rogan

This little kid is one of Eita's COOL MEMBERS! He likes to tease a lot of people especially Tsumiki and Akira.
"YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! Tatsuya-senpai! Are we gonna meet vampires? oh! yeah! this is so cool you know I met a vampire before I even meet one, like what the frack, I like them before I even know them, and you hate them compare to how much I like them Aki-chan! I know them before they even know me! Do you know......" And so Silva starts talking nonsense as he is overexcited in this expedition, he starts glomping Akira and Tsumiki. The crazy motormouth he is just like with his friends.

(To enjoy Silva's annoyance, please read it very fast in as in motormouth)

Mocha Dreams Cafe

Ria got her head smacked by Kishiko, she is different when it comes to Kishiko, she behaves! In all seriousness, she humbly apologizes about it. The level 5 Esper highly respects her friend, she lets it a slide. "Sasaki-senpai, Kei. I'll talk to you later." Ria stands up and rang the bell. "Mocha Girls!@ Break time!" She hurriedly grabbed Noboyuki and meet up with Kaori and warped back to her apartment.

Ria's apartment

@Styrgwyr and @Hebigami Shiho
"Taiki, how's he doing so far?" She asks the situation and condition of Marcus their hostage. She sighed and goes to her closet and wears a Kirigaoka uniform. She looks a lot like her twin sister Kaname and even sported her hairstyle.

After dressing up. "I made up my mind, we're going to go to Kirigaoka and infiltrate. If we're playing Sherlock Holmes here, we'll have to investigate where it all started and gather information to its base. Get dress." She throws in three Kirigaoka uniform. "Kaname might ask me for her lack of uniform but I always get her clothes bleached and shrinked anyway. Hheheheheheheheh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Zentaro Ray

The bus ride to District 7 was not the greatest for Ray. It was nerve racking, ever since he had been given the job to lead this mission he had every bad thought imaginable. What if he lead them I'm the wrong direction? What if someone died? Can I tell at them? All these question bounced around in his head, and despite that, the Captain still had the mind set to pick Ray for this mission. Apparently it was because of his student council activities. He rally did not believe him and assumed he just wanted to torture Ray, which might of been a stretch by the Captains standards.

They were supposed to meet Nagetenjouki Academy's JUDGEMENT Captain, and Heaven Canceller, or the food faced doctor. This was the first time he would be meeting any of them, he really was not looking forward to it. The bus stopped in front of the school gates, Ray sighed, it was finally time. He was the first to stand up and walk of the bus, he was greeted by Kendricks, the schools Captain and Esper. Ray already hated the guy, the way he spoke irritated him. "Alright, thank you." He said despondently, greating everyone else that was with Kendricks. He glanced at Ibara Seo, a friend he could almost say, although they weren't the closed of friends. "It has indeed, Sparky he is around, somewhere." He said vaguely. "As for Dylan, he is a member of Judgement."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


"That's very interesting Silvia-san," Akira said, though he doubted the boy could hear him anyway. He was glad that he was in control and not Akuma, or else he was sure Silvia would've been sent through a wall with in 5 seconds of their first meeting. "But I don't really think we're dealing with vampires here. I think it's just some espers, maybe Haemokinetics like me, who are trying to stir up panic, though I've no idea why." That was his thoughts on the whole thing, because he saw no reason why they'd send two haemokinetics to fight vampires, which are already rumored to be practically invincible. It's just going to be some crazed cult of Espers or something, you'll see. You'll fight them, arrest them, hand them to the authorities, and get a perfect grade on test that you forgot to study for. Everything turns out great and everybody wins. What could possibly go wrong


Dylan nodded at the slight rude girl as Ray introduced him, his foot tapping excitedly against the floor as he couldn't keep himself still. He was pumped, it wasn't everyday you get called in to face a freakin' cult. He wondered how tough they'd be, he was looking forward to some really fun fights. The more he thought about it, the greater the frequency of his foot tapping, and he had begun to fidget as well. He couldn't take this waiting, he wanted to go up int there and bust some cult heads.

"Nice to meet you all, as Ray here said, my name's Dylan Brooks and I want to cut straight to the chase, when do we get to smack around these kidnapping cultists. Soon, sooner, or now?"
@Masaki Haruna
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