Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

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Huzuni, who was still as unsocial as he is, tought to himself that maybe if he gets the crew to know him, they might trust him better. And perhaps, help him find answers about his death, and also who killed his master, long ago.

"They probably won't be much help, but having people who I can call "Friends" would be good... maybe if I settle arround in a public area... it's going to be awkward for sure... but maybe they'll understand."

With such, he decided to walk arround the ship, to see if there was a crowded area. He didn't go to the cockpit cause he didn't want to disturb who was having an eye on it, so he didn't bother. He didn't go to any are where members of the crew were working, for the same reason as the cockpit. So he ended up finding pretty much no one.

"Should have know they're all busy... oh well, I guess I'll get some sleep. Don't have better things to do anyways" And so he went to his room, layed down on his bed, and slept away.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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"No problem," Belle replies to Ramia. After tapping her wrench on the side of a plate to check it, she looks up at Ramia, cocking her head. "Ramia, you're sounding a little off," Belle says, pulling herself up, looking straight into the eyes of Ramia. "Tell me," She says, tilting her head. "Tell me, tell me, tell me." Belle speaks quickly, smiling at the other woman kindly. There was suddenly a loud clunk as something lands on top of the flight suit, sounding more like it slammed into it, and peered it's head over to stare at them. Belle looks up at Penny, then looks back down at Ramia with a little giggle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramia smiled. It was a sincere smile - one that she nearly had forgotten how to do. She averted eye contact nearly instantly and shook her head, the smile dying down as soon as it had appeared. What am I going to say to her? The dark haired woman blushed ever so slightly, but resisted the urge to turn her back on Belle. "I-it's nothing... I... I just..." Oh god! I sound like a nervous schoolgirl... Get a hold of yourself, damnit. She coughed a bit nervously as the color of her bionic eye switched to a beautiful gold.

After an awkward pause Ramia was able to collect her thoughts slightly. "I just find it really weird that none of you have asked any questions - like who I am, where did I come from, why do I have a Guardian Mk. IV Flight Suit with me that has seen better days?" She twitched noticeably when Penny landed on the Flight Suit and glanced at the little robot "O-oi! You break it you buy it li'll rascal." The dark haired woman giggled with sincere amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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James awoke in something that he did not see coming. the never ending void of space. James screamed in panic but quickly realized that he was sleeping dreaming and looked around. he then saw something that had haunted him for years. he saw two ship a big battleship and his small corvette under fire from a giant fleet . And then everything went black. When he saw again he was in his cockpit looking at his youger self who was shooting at the enemy. Then he heard the comms rattle and he knew what was about to happen next he closed his eyes and ears trying not to hear or see but it did not work. "James get your ass out of hear ill handle these bastards." his younger self screamed." are you mad im not leaving my brother left behind to die." then the radio went dead and his youngerself and his present self saw how his brothers ship exploded.

" WILSON NOOOO." tears runing down his face younger James fled crying like a baby as he did. and then everything went black again. this time he was in a big room he was surounded bye his family dead friends lovers girlfriends his children and his wife. all saying the same thing again ans again." its all your fault its all your fault its all your fault." James was terified and started screaming." Im sorry im so sorry please i tried to protect you i tried !!!." they dident dtop and just went on going and going." stop stop stooooop !!!!!!"

He woke up coverd in sweat and then slowly started to cry trying not to let the rest of the crew hear him. His ai came to him and for a long time she was actually nice to him. " shhhh its over now its all over."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

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"Stop, stop, stop!", Huzuni heard, coming from one of the rooms, wich seemed to be from his captain. The samurai woke up, got his blade and suit ready and opened the door

"I hope nothing bad happened..." He tought to himself, as he ran to the captain's room, hoping that James was OK, and when he got there. He saw him crying. His AI was trying to confort him, from what he could understand.

He closed the door of the room and walked up to him a bit. Then said "What the- Captain, are you alright? You seem... to be crying... What happened?"

Huzuni then aproached James and asked the same thing, but this time in a more calm matter. Hopping to get something out of the poor guy. So he sat down next to him, taking of his helmet, and then proceeded to hold it on his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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" Its nothing just a very bad dream. it happens every so often." He then looked at Hizi his fear and pain still fresh in is eyes."Please dont tell this to anyone." He pionts to the ai aswell." Now if you will excuse me im going to the brige to relax." He then looked at the time seeing that he had only slept a few minutes. He then went to the brige looking at the warp thinking to himself." i will avenge you all of you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

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"Well, I've seen many people say the same thing... "It's ok", when in fact, it isn't. Oh well, I guess I'll practice a little. I don't know where tough"

And with that, Huzuni whent to the bridge as well. Seeing James there, he asked if it was OK for him to practice there, otherwhise he'd go away and do it somewhere more apropriate.

"Capt- I mean... James, can I practice a little here? I'm rusty on my fighting skills, and since I don't know much of the ship, I think the only place were I can practice would be here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"go ahead we will be entering the next system soon anyway."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Huzuni proceeded to pull out his blade, wich started to have a nano, blue glow to it. His suit also had the same outer glow.

He started with a bow, something that was common before training. He then proceeded to attack some drones that had been teleported in. They were useless AIs.

He used various wind techniques wich, combined with his nano suit, were enhanced into something amazing to look at.

All of his moves were precise, affective and strong. But one of his moves was "forbiden", in a way... he called it- "The Last Breath"

Huzuni stopped, closed his eyes, and concentrated... James started feeling a breeze, wich was bizare for being in the middle of space. He looked back, realizing what was about to happen.

The samurai prepared his blade, and swung it towards the drone, screaming "Hasagi!" ("Cutting Edge!"). And a considerably small tornade formed, not just any tipe of tornado, an nano one.

Once the wind hit the drone, it got launched up into the air, and consumed in the tornado, then, Huzuni quickly blinked to the drone, and did swift, and sharp strikes on him, while saying "Sorye!" ("Take That!").

Once He landed, he put his blade back, and after such, the drone got split into bits.

"Sorry for any damage to the ship, but I needed to know how to do this technique, otherwhise I would not suceed in any battles that could be ahead"

He then sat down, to recover, since that was the first time in a long while he was in a "fight".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"why did yo do that in my-" before James could finish his sentence they where out of warp and looking straight into a blockade of 10 destyroyers of the linden wood conglomerate. a messgage was sent to his comm." we know you hace two ai,s aboard your ship surrender now and we will not open fire.
And with that James talked into his comm saying." ladies and gentalmen this is your captain speaking as you are aware we are could be boarded any second now so if some of you could please get to a turret and start fireing on the enemy that would be greatly apreciated." He then went back to his seat and said to hizi to leave and then he said one simple thing to the blockade." Hey conglomerate? SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aet9wYHaufk he then fired his lazer cannons blowing up one of the destroyers and then put full throttle to his ship."evi take control of the shields and use a engine boost on my command. 3 2 1 NOW!!". The speed of the ship was amazing and it flew right through the blockade." WE have six squadrenss gaining on us sir." James who needed to blow of some steam after his nightmare screamed into the comm channel. " get your asses in a turret now dammit"!!! While trying not to get hit byr the enemy fighter wings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Huzuni, who had never been on a situation like this, decided to go to the turret, but since he never used one, or anything simular, he trying pushing random buttons, accidently blowing up a part of an enemy ship.

"Hmf, This will be "fun", I hope we can get out of this sooner or later."

He started firing randomly against the ship that was chasing their's, hopefully landing a few shots. What he didn't know, is that the turrets, altough had pretty much infinite ammo, had an overheat system, where you can only fire when the turret is not in overheat, if it is, then it'll shutdown until it cools of.

"Work dangit! If we were face to face I'd show them who's supperior here..." He said with a growly tone.

"Hey! Could someone help me with this? I'm having some dificulties!" He said, using his helmet to make the sound go arround the ship, making the other members know he's in the need of help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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"You see, I have wanted to ask questions. To find out more. However, there are things you can learn more from not asking questions. For example, from not asking anything, I have learned that you are quite awkward." Belle gives a giggle, reaching up to Penny. The bird, still not impressed with Belle's words from earlier, gave Belle a small zap with her tail, on one of the lowest settings. "Hey, lil bugger." Belle says, looking at Penny with raised eyebrows and a smile that said she was more amused than hurt. "Hun, I'm sorry." She says. The bird flaps it's wings and hops onto her shoulder, nuzzling Belle's cheek. "She's quite... I'm not even sure how to say it, but I like it. I always have." Belle says to Ramia.

Suddenly, the voice of the captain rang out, and Belle straightened. "You heard the captain. I'll see you around, I hope!" Belle says, before dashing to find where a turret was. "Penny, see if you can scavenge parts, just some spare metal and whatever. I need something to work with when upgrading Artyem's robot, and you ain't gonna help much in a space battle. Oh, and wireless link to the datapad, please. Go text." Belle unhooks her datapad from her toolbelt and hands the toolbelt over to Penny. The bird, for it's size, was strong enough to lift the belt and fly away. Penny, herself, had already made a connection to Belle's datapad, and Belle saw the text as she mounted a turret. Why make me carry this thing? Belle laughs, beginning to operate the turret.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramia was about to give Belle a snark filled comment, but instead shook her head and quickly climbed to the cockpit of the Guardian. She activated the Flight Suit and turned on the communications systems. "McLoyed, would you be a nice chap and close off the 2nd storage room/hangar from the rest of the ship and open the door to the outside? Oh and please depressurize the room, I'd hate to have all the stuff flying around." The Guardian straightened up and took position on the exit ramp. "There isn't much I can do with this thing, but at least I'm more used to the Anti Flight Suit MG's than a turret." Ramia hoped the the leg situated boosters could give her at least a few minutes of flight time before they'd stop working completely. For the time being the scanners showed that the damn things were still operational to a degree - though the efficiency counter was ticking down from 24%. Still the Halcyon General smiled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Since the samurai, for the time being, couldn't recieve much help, he tried to focus. He relaxed. He closed his eyes. "Everything is going to be fine, we're all going to live, and keep moving on..."

Once He opened his eyes, he felt as if everything had slowed down... like he had slowed down time itself.

"Well, this is my chance..." He said, as he aimed the turret precisely, and fired. He had hit one of the enemy ship's laser launchers, and a bit of the top of the ship.

"Hmf, no challange. Like always. Keep firing i guess." He tought. After such, everything started to look like it was going at a normal pace, and he kept the enemy ship being shot down, like he was told to.

Altough, not everything went as he planned. The turret got hit, and was put to rest. Huzuni went against the wall, and almost unconcious. He tried to get up, but failed. The turret was now disabled, and with not much to defend himself, he tried walking to the cockpit, while hugging the wall.

Once he got there, his helmet opened the visor, and with that, he colapsed onto the floor.

"I... failed... Ugh!" He said, and then went unconcious, in the need of medical assistense. Then the suit made a noise. "RECOVERY MODE: ON"
And with that, the suit placed Huzuni in a comfortable, sleeping position, and tried to make him recover from what happened.

But his suit was also damaged, having to only be put to sleep, and not use any way to make his wounds heal, letting him still in need of any assistence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

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As soon as the word conglomerate was thrown out, Artyem bolted out of his bunk. Getting up, Jack was beginning to ready his rifle. Artyem tossed his rifle to him, and still clad in his armor, made his way to one of the remaining turrets. Running his hands through the haphazard display, Artyem set the turret to a three round burst, and began leading one of the fighters. Quickly depressing the trigger, Artyem hit the ship square in it's engine. As the ship blew up, he quickly swiveled around to cover Huzuni as his turret cooled down.

"How did they find us so fast? he messaged Jack.

"I do not know, though I have a few ideas. Jack replied near instantly, "They must have been tracking us through their proxy companies."

Snarling to himself, Artyem blew another ship to smithereens. Keeping an eye on his heat meter, He made sure to keep the gun below 50%. Looking at his radar, he saw at least 15 more ships coming at them. Yelling towards James, he shouted, "Hey, those ships are drones pioleted by an AI, yah think you can hack 'em?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

James was having fun. It had been a while that he had done this but the old feeling was back the adrenaline the old star wars music the explosions. " i havent had this much than that one time on vermilion 2. He then got a call from Ramia or as he would her ice queen. Asking him to open the airlock. " Will do ice queen have fun down there and remeber be back for dinner." He was just had opend the airlock when hizi came in and bye the looks of him he did not look good. When he collapsed however his alarmbels started Ringing " fuck fuck fuck! I wish i hired a goddamm medical driod Well i cant help now. EVI try to get him working again. Evi quickly tried to Enter the mans suit but was thrown out of the system." I cant Enter its half biological you did not desgin me for that idiot." Wel exuse me Princess im kinda Busy trying to not crash the ship. Is he stable?. "" Yes but if whe dont do something to his wounds soon his Health Will decline."" Roger that" He then contaced Artyem." Dident you used to work for these Guys"? What the hell did you do to Piss them of and Whats with a second ai? What is that andriod of yours anyway."!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramia smirked and simply closed the comm before she activated the thrusters. The Guardian flew above the ship and landed surprisingly gracefully on top of it, attaching itself to the hull with magnets. "Damnit, I have no idea what type of fighters those things are..." The dark haired woman muttered to herself and readied the Guardian's arm mounted MG's. "...Well here goes nothing..." Two bursts of high caliber fire took out the four closest fighters with ease.

Ramia turned the Guardian ever so slightly to get a better field of view while utilizing the human like articulation of the Flight Suit to her advantage. Judging by the quickly dwindling fighters the Halcyon General was if nothing else a far above average gunner. She activated the comm again. "Ice queen to Mr. Suave and impolite, I'm going after the closest of the destroyers. Might need covering fire." The Guardian's leg thrusters moved to full power and sent the Flight Suit towards the closest destroyer. Ramia smirked and readied the dual MG's again - this time she'd have to aim exactly on a certain weak spot on the ship to disable it. She took a deep breath, concentrated and aimed well. When she felt that she was at the optimal firing position she opened fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I already told ya! the fighters are un-manned dummy AI drones, get EVI to hack them, then send them to support Ramia!" Artyem shouted to James, as he continued to cover Huzuni's position from the drones. Leading a pack of 2 drones, Artyem managed to blow up one, while engulfing the other in the explosion. Then he messaged Jack, ordering, "Go get Huzuni to the medical suite, ASAP." which was quickly answered by an "Acknowledged" from the robot.

The constant pattern of three round burst, pause, burst, pause, burst was almost like a lullaby to Artyem's enhanced ears, and soothed him as he contiued to fire at his former company. "Wonder how Belle's doing"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

" YOU HEARD THE MAN EVI HOW MANY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HACK THEM". He said over the loud sound of the turrets fireing. " I cant there defence systems seems to be buffed bye one of those destroyers." "Well wich one then dammit." The one Ramia is headed for right now if we destroy or atleast damage it i can take control of them." James quickly contacted hear describing it to hear. Ill try to give as much support as i can good luck ice queen". He doged a missle baragge from one of destroyes." If we make it out hear alive free round is on me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Ok, I'm going to target the bridge then. Try to keep as much of the enemy fire off of me, ok?" Admittedly Ramia sounded a bit less icy now that she had gotten in to a combat situation. She took out another small group of drones and headed directly towards the destroyer's bridge.

The Halcyon General was about to do something she hadn't done in a long time - and certainly not on a Flight Suit that was in such a horrid condition. "Ok... they have shields, but that actually protects only against smaller projectiles and lasers... Let's see how they like a projectile of this size..." She muttered to herself as she diverted most of the power of the Guardian to the leg thrusters and aimed directly at the front of the bridge where one of the largest windows was.

Ramia took a deep breath and turned the the Guardian's right shoulder towards the window as she prepared for impact. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. She closed her eyes just before the Guardian collided with the window of the destroyer's bridge.

The bridge crew of the destroyer didn't have enough time to make any kinds of evasive actions. The Guardian crashed through the window and brought with it the vacuum of space and instant death. Ramia was momentarily dazed, as far as she knew she might have lost consciousness for a brief while as well. To her amazement the Guardian was still able to move - though the impact had damaged the right arm even further, disabling what was left of it's movement.

Her head was pounding as the dark haired woman cautiously moved out from the bridge - after taking out the drone communication system ofcourse. She felt a bit proud of herself - after all she had more or less disabled the destroyer. "Ok, I think that takes care of that." She sounded weary and still a bit dazed as the Guardian began moving back towards their ship while taking out a few more fighters that got on her way. "Remind me not to do that again... The impact dampeners of this thing aren't working properly." Ramia did her best to ignore the fact that her nose and the side of her mouth were bleeding - she must have hit her head during the impact. "I'll lock the Guardian on top of the ship to give you more fire support." The Guardian's thrusters were already nearly giving out, they were down to 7%.
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