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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Sayuri sighs, "Oh. You're out for revenge? Well your anger may be misdirected. Unless the person worked under my Father, as in a part of his criminal network, he wouldn't have killed them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"You're probably right. But like with anything else. You wanna crush something. You take out the head." Lennox said simply as he stared down the girl. "Besides, this is going past revenge. The dude is bad news and I figure... If I'm gonna go out on a limb for a personal vendetta, I might as well try and make it count." Finally he sighed. "And the insinuation that everyone he's killed or had killed worked for him as criminals isn't very good. Things aren't always so simple. They go deeper than that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

"Oh I never said that. Plenty of good people work for him. I'm just saying that he has only ordered three non-criminal deaths. And all three before I was born. Now if we talk about the people who work under him... That's a completely different story. My father is too smart and we'll protected to care about whatever rumors civilians spread."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Lennox sighed. He couldn't be bothered with the details of who her father was. He was a criminal. Yes. And he was the cause for a lot of pain. Whether he did it himself, or simply gave the order, he was a bad dude. "Let's be honest. My personal problem doesn't really mean crap to anyone but me. I just need the info. You gonna give it to me or not?" He asked calmly a little tired of the discussion thus far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sayuri sighs, "We're gonna have to fight aren't we? Sure you don't wanna wait until we're on teams? I'd rather not be on a team with someone who will repeatedly try to fight me for information. That I have I will never give."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Lennox sighed. "I'm not gonna fight you. The threat didn't work. And as much as he would have loved to act on it to show that it wasn't an empty one, he knew they were being monitored. And officially, and and Sayuri were a team now. Working together would be better anyway. Give him a chance to have her willingly give him the information. "Look... We're already technically teammates. So I won't be doing the whole threat and try to force info out of you all the time. Regardless of how much I want it." He said calmly as he put his weapons back into their holsters, once in gun form, as a show of good faith. "Now we're supposed to get to a temple or something right?" He asked figuring it best to just drop it for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Varg looks around cautiously as he makes his way through the Emerald Forest towards what he hoped was north. He held his rifle loosely with one hand ready to pull it up and fire at a moment's notice. He was actually fully stocked on rounds for once. He'd taken Sayuri up on her offer getting dust from her for his rifle. He paused hearing a noise behind him. He sidesteppend just as something flew by him crashing into the ground.


Viola sighs internally as she falls towards the forest, 'Of course. I am, quite literally, being thrown into a forest full of Grimm... What else was I expecting?' as she gets close to the trees she draws her sword. She cuts through each branch before hitting them. Transforming it into a bow she pulls the string back gathering energy in it. Just before hitting the ground she releases it slowing her decent to a safe speed and lands on her feet. Changing it back to a sword she looks around and takes off in a random direction, 'Hmm... Wonder who I'll meet... Sayuri wouldn't be a bad. At least she knows how to fight. The guy who took my scroll probably wouldn't be bad either...' She was so lost in thought she runs into a short brown haired girl knocking her over, 'And never mind..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Rosalia sat up on the ground rubbing her head. "Owwww..." She groaned. She wasn't expecting that rough landing. There was a small dust cloud covering her as she stood up. She dusted herself off lightly, patting her rear a bit due to the same pain. "Ugh..." She coughed lightly before swinging her sword quickly driving the dust away with the force of the swing. When it was gone she saw Varg. "Oh! Um... H-hi..." She'd been hoping for Sayuri or something... But Varg... Couldn't be so bad right? Though he didn't talk much... She didn't really know him. "Looks like we're partners." She said with a small smile.

Nel hadn't been all too surprised by her sudden launch from the cliff. Still, she couldn't help but look down with surprise as she flew forward. What should she do?! She was heading down fast. She sighed. "Right." She pulled her blade from his sheathe and quickly switched it into it's revolver formed. She quickly loaded a round into the cylinder and spun it closed. She began to move her free arm, seeming to be writing in the air. She drew a circle first and then a symbol which strangely seemed to materialize. "Okay." As she moved to make the last stroke, however, she was pulled from the air. "Wha?!"

"Whoo! Snagged a partner early." Liz laughed a bit as she held onto Nel. She was standing on her hammer, constantly blasting it to properly through the air. "So how are you Nel?" She asked still giggling lightly.

"I was good until you pulled me from the air." Nel answered calming down as she saw her old friend.

"I know I know. I'm such an idiot. But I wanted somebody I knew. So here we are." Liz was much more calm too. Neither seemed too fazed by the situation. However, they seemed to be getting closer to the ground. They weren't slowing.

"So what's the plan?"


"The landing Liz!"

"Oh... Right..." A small bead of sweat dripped down her brow as she chuckled nervously. "About that..."

"You're so annoying sometimes!" The pink haired female shouted as she repeated her movements from before before shooting into the circle. Out of it flew a large pile of snow which would cushion the blow. "Fire towards the ground!" She ordered, which Liz quickly obliged. They slowed a bit before landing in the sweet embrace of the soft mound of snow.

"We're alive!" Liz said happily. "That was great Nel." She hugged her friend.

"Sure... But there are others with better more fast acting ways of doing this..." The girl sighed as she got up and brushed herself off. It was going to be a long day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Varg nods looking around, "It looks that way. I question your experience however considering your landing," He waits for her to stand before continuing the direction he was going before.


Viola looks down at the girl she'd just run into. She stared at the girls ears trying to figure out what they were, "You're a Faunus..." the girl flinched at the statement, "Y-y-yes... I-is that a p-problem?" Viola looks at the girl frowning slightly, "No, not at all. Just making an observation," she holds out her free hand to help the girl to her feet, "So since we're now partners. I'm Viola. Nice to meet you."

The girl smiles and takes her hand and pulls herself up, "N-nice to meet you. I-I'm Ari," she notices Viola looking at her ears, "Squirrel," Viola blinks, "huh?" Ari gives a small nervous smile, "I'm a squirrel Faunus," her ears twitch, "A-and I-I think the temple is th-that way..." She points in the way she'd been walking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Rosalia sighed as she looked at Varg. "I'm sorry. I promise I am much better than this... Usually..." She said murmuring the last word, almost inaudibly. "S-so! Varg was it?" She asked for clarification since they had met the night before. "Which way do you think we should head? It was too bad she got a partner so abruptly. She might have been able to sniff out somebody else. Wait... No... Sayuri would sure have made a joke out of that.

Liz and Nel were now walking through the forest. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. Though the two were rather calm, considering the circumstances. One of them at to speak first though. It might have had to be Liz. "So, I think we should head this way." She said calmly as she stopped moving once they hit a clearing.

"Why do you say that?" Nel asked as she stopped soon after.

"Well... This is the third time we passed this clearing."

"What?" Nel looked shocked. "No it isn't. There's no way."

"Well... I put a piece of cloth on this rock each time I passed it. Soooo..."

"Wait... So you let us pass it one time more than necessary?"

"I wanted to see if you would notice."

Nel froze and facepalmed in annoyance. "Okay fine Liz. I'll follow you. But please don't cause anymore unnecessary trouble."

"I won't. And we shouldn't run into any big trouble. I surveyed the area while we were in the air..." She paused chuckling a bit as she adjusted her glasses. "You know... Before the crash landing." And with that the two were on there way, heading towards the Temple.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sayuri looks around at her team, as in her team, she was team leader. She was now Sayuri Takashi leader of team SLVR. It was great knowing that the hard work she'd put in til now was finally paying off. She was finally living completely how she chose and was confident that she would succeed. Her confidence wavered slightly when she though of her team however. Not because a lack of strength just cause of how they would work together. First off there was Lennox. She had no idea what to think of him. He threatened her for information about her father and his company and then helped her through the rest of initiation. She couldn't get a read on that though he was undoubtedly strong with his weapons. Then there was Varg. A silent guy who seems to distance himself from everyone and wields an odd weapon. Then there was Rosalia. Really strong when she puts her mind to it. Though she could use a confidence boost.

Sayuri looks over to where Viola and her team was, 'At least it looks like my team will get along much quicker than Viola's... Hope she doesn't get too pissed... Whatever,'Shrugging Sayuri looks back at everyone, "So you all ready to find our room and get set up a little bit before bed?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Lennox shrugged. He had no real problems with the team itself. In fact it was more beneficial. Maybe he could get some information after all, though he obviously wouldn't attack or threaten his team leader further. That would be idiotic. "Sure I guess. There's nothing much else to do. And we know a bit about each other regardless." He spoke calmly as he turned towards Sayuri, awaiting her movement since she had the room assignment.

"U-um... Don't you mean rooms? Like with an s?" Rosalia asked a bit, hiding very closely behind Sayuri, blushing a bright red.

"Sorry Wolf girl. It's all one room. One time. Mind, body, spirit, and all that." Lennox said calmly. "Don't worry. You can trust us. I may seem like a jerk, but I can be reliable when it counts." He said eyes focused on Sayuri for confirmation. It was true after all.

"I guess..." It was more her upbringing and the reaction of her parents that worried her and weighed down on her mind. Still, Rosalia could trust, at the very least, Sayuri on this subject. She would follow willinging.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sayuri gives a Rosalia a smile and rubs her head, "I actually have a plan for that. I had already thought of it before coming here... I hope..." she pauses for a second before spinning on her heels and heads off into the hallways leading everyone to their rooms, "Anyways let's go!"

Varg eyes the rest of his team for a half a minute letting them move ahead before following, 'So this is my team? A rich as shit, might as well be a noble, heiress, some random Faunus, and a another street rat that seems to be decently off... Beh just my luck. The fuck is up with their team systeming anyways? The first person you see after you land? that's just fucking ridiculous. Whatever I'll just deal with it til we inevitablely fall apart...' he picks up the pace so as not to look like he was lagging, 'Our leader probably just paid her way here. While she can still fight well I doubt she entered through work. The faunus... I'm not even sure how she got here... Sure she fought well enough once we met up with those two but outside of combat? Not worth much. As for him... I could probably get along well enough.'

Sayuri led them down several different hallways obviously knowing where she was going even though they'd never even been shown around the dorm area which had been off limits until they'd gotten teams. She stopped and pulled out her scroll, "Here we are. Welcome to your home for the next four years!!" she swiped her scroll over the pad next to the door. A small beep and a click was heard before Sayuri pushed the door open and stepped inside to look around. All their stuff was piled neatly in front of four twin sized beds all lined up along the far wall with a single window. Sayuri looks around and frowns, "That's... Weird. I thought the rooms were a little bit smaller than this... Ah well. Do you guys wanna get set up tonight or crash and worry about it in the morning before class. Which is at nine by the way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Lennox and Rosalia were fairly quiet as they followed Sayuri along, although their moods were evident in their faces. Rosalia was smiling, easily much more excited then the male walking beside her as they followed their appointed leader. Lennos on the other hand was rather indifferent regarding the whole thing. Cocky as it may have seemed, he hadn't once doubted that he would pass and make a team. However, right now, finding his room, following this girl he needed to get information from, doing it all. It didn't feel right. Not when he had his own agenda to try and get done.

"Well isn't this just dandy." Lennox said calmly with a small yawn as he entered the room. "Never been in a room this big before. Pretty cushy place." He remarked as he jumped onto one of the beds. "Mine." He called dibs.

"It's nice alright." Rosalia smiled brightly. "Though, despite the spacious appearance, we should probably arrange it so to give us the most room to do as we please. Any thoughts on how to move stuff around Sayuri? Lennox? Varg?"

"I got nothin... But hey... Why not wait until after classes tomorrow?" He asked, though typically he was the type to get things done sooner than later if he could. Today was just a special time he felt like relaxing after a job done moderately well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Varg looks at the room and shrugs, "Not really. I don't have a lot of stuff so I won't be taking up much space." he moves over to a bed next to Lennox dividing the beds down the middle, "As long as we don't get in each others way I don't really care." he sits down on the bed and pulls off his shoes, socks and shirt tossing them on the floor next to it and lays down.

Sayuri frowns slightly at his attitude then sighs and turns to Lennox, "If you wanna wait that long sure. They're probably won't be much homework and we'll easily have enough time. A night to relax wouldn't be so bad. Well... first thing I'm gonna do is take a shower," she walks over to one of her bags and starts digging through it and pulls out a tool bag, "Oh this reminds me. When I'm done I'd like to take a look at your guys weapons and check out their condition," she takes out a set of clothes and make her way to the ajoined bathroom. She winks at Rosalia as she walks into the bathroom, "You're free to join me if you want. I'd welcom the company. Besides long ass hair like ours is a pain to wash on your own."

When the door closes Varg scoffs, "Is she always this freaking annoying?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Well okay then." Lennox was calm as usually as he got comfortable on his bed and interlocked his fingers behind his head. He closed his eyes and crossed his legs before letting out a sigh.

"I guess that's that then." Rosalia said calmly as she went over to her things to check on it all.

Both Rosalia and Lennox seemed to say "Okay" in unison as the redhead proclaimed she'd be going to bathe. Then, Lennox opened his eyes when she brought up their weapons. Rosalia was fine, but he wasn't so sure. It wasn't a really big thing to get worked up over, but she'd better be careful.

"Okay so I'll just..." Rosalia stopped mid sentence, her ear twitching slightly as she glanced at Sayuri. Join her? Bathe? T-t-t-together?! Of course she couldn't really mean anything inappropriate, but really! Was this just her messing with Rosalia. The girl's face was crimson.

"Better hurry. 'Less you're gonna wait for one of us to help ya." Lennox scoffed a bit as he sat up obviously enjoying the reaction Sayuri got from the wolf faunus who immediately headed to the bathroom not even taking a second to worry about whether or not Lennox was kidding after grabbing her clothes. Once the girls were gone he sighed and turned to Varg since he'd spoken up after their leader had gone. "Honestly, I just met her like yesterday. So you know. I don't know how annoying she is. But compared to lots of people, she's pretty tame." He stretched a bit. "Still, she's the leader. So, might as well get used to it. Unless you know. You're planning to rock the boat. I don't mind a little conflict. Though I'm not sure who's side I'd join." The young man continued to remark before grinning and taking a deep breath.

"WE CAN HEAR YOU ROSALIA!!" Lennox shouted quickly prompting a resounding yelp from the shower direction. This probably wouldn't be an all the time thing, but he'd seen her doubtfulness and her insecurity. He had to mess with her. "Heh... This could be fun." He said with a small laugh. Obviously he couldn't hear a thing that was spoken at a normal volume, but maybe she'd hear him. He must have been right given the reaction he'd heard. Unless Sayuri actually... He shook his head. Nah.


"I'm not so sure about this whole team thing. Or living with... B-boys..." Rosalia said after she'd closed the door behind her. "I mean... If dad found out... Or... Or what if they try..." She stopped immediately when she heard Lennox's voice and got into a crouching position. "Whaaaaa!" She yelped covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. The wolf faunus peaked out of one eye towards Sayuri. "Do you really think I was heard?" This was going to take some getting used to. And her father could not find out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sayuri looked at Rosalia with mild surpise as she decided to follow, "Well then. I wasn't expecting you to actually join me. I thought you'd be to flusttered to. Meh, gives us more time to talk. I'm not acutally all that bothered by it. Lennox seems like he's on trustworthy. Not sure with Varg though... And I'm pretty sure he was just yelling to mess with you. The walls are thicker than that," Sayuri shrugs and getting undressed but pauses before taking off her hand wraps leaving her in her underware and a shirt. She looks at Rosalia, "Oh um... By the way could you not tell anyone about what you see? Especially about what's on my back? I don't want people accusing my father of more stuff he hasn't done... Enough of the rumors are true anyway I don't need false ones on his head too."

She waits until Rosalia gives her word before removing the bandages revealing a large number of scars criss-crossing the back of her hands and forearms. The worst was revealed once she removed her shirt revealing a large X shaped scar on her back. Each line was obviusly deep and reached from the shoulder to opposite hip. Walking over to the standing shower she turned on the water to a decently hot temprature before looking at Rosalia to gauge her reaction.

Varg just stares at the ceiling, "Rock the boat huh?" he thinks for several seconds before shaking his head, "Not sure. Though if she pushes me I definitely will. Especially if she starts throwing the fact she has money around..." sitting up suddenly he looks at Lennox, "Speaking of that how do you feel about it? The fact that we have an obviously rich girl on the same team as a Faunus and two street kids and don't even try to lie. Nobody who didn't have to can pickpocket as well as you can."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rosalia gave her word almost immediately though she wasn't sure what she was in for. However, when she caught a glimpse of the scars that marked her new friend's body she couldn't help but gasp. "S-sayuri... What... How did..." She couldn't get the words out properly and didn't even know what or how to ask. She was truly shocked. She wouldn't expect Sayuri to have such scars. She didn't think anybody would at just a glance. Even so, she wanted to know more. She couldn't just see Sayuri like this and NOT want to know either.

"Um... I can't say I have anything quite as interesting under my own clothes." She spoke trying to lighten the mood a bit, while also choosing her words wisely so as not to offend her friend. As she did she began to slow undress. "I understand if you wouldn't want to speak about it. It doesn't seem like it'd be such an easy subject to discuss." In moments she was also standing there in the nude ready to bathe. "But um... I'm here for you... You know?"

"I wouldn't lie about who I am." Lennox said calmly as he shrugged and looked away from Varg. "I'm a product of circumstance. I deal with things as best as I can. Do pretty damn good too." He grinned, but soon glanced at the door. "I've met a good amount of people. Some good. Some total shitholes. It'll some more time to gauge them, but for now I got no problems." He paused. That sounded a bit too goody goody for his taste. "Still. If Red proves to be a bad leader I'll have to make her step down. But till then, long as I can get what I wanna get done done, I'm just gonna ride it out. Ya know?" With that He'd answered all the questions and was about ready to lay down. We're gonna need to get this room set up tomorrow morning. At least make an effort to look like we can live and get along together. He sighed letting his thoughts roll about. Whatever.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sayuri shrugs at Rosalia's reaction, "Don't worry about it. They're old," she pauses, "Well most of them anyways. A few of these ones are only about 6 months old," she raises her right hand before stepping into the now steaming shower. She smirks before responding to Rosalia's satement that she didn't have anything interesting, "Oh? To some people it might be a little bit more interesting than some scars. As for talking about them... The ones on my arms are fair game. I hide them to keep questions to a minimum," she pauses and sighs while starting to lather up, "As for the one on my back... Let's just leave it at I was young, well younger, and stupid," she smiles and rubs Rosalia's head as she gets in, "Thanks. Maybe I'll tell you someday."

Varg sighs noticing Lennox was done talking. He looks around seeing how Sayuri had easily the most luggage and mutters to himself scoffing, "What're all those bags for? She has like 4 suitcases. What'd she do? Bring her whole damned room. I bet she'll be sending two of those back. Fully packed."

He lays down and is silent for several minutes before suddenly speaking, " What do you think she wants with our weapons? Maybe prove how superior hers are?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Ah, well that's an entirely different subject." The young female faunus said, cheeks reddening as she too stepped into the shower. "B-but I'm not one to pry. So just tell me over time." She said that, despite her curiosity about the scars. She wanted to ask, but she really wasn't sure where or how to begin. But even then, she was growing more and more flustered at the situation. Her ears twitched when Sayuri rubbed her head and she sighed. Part of her wanted to hug Sayuri because of everything she'd just learned. But the other part was freaking her out more and more. He face was practically crimson. The only thing that could embarrass her any more was if she'd actually had a nose bleed. Luckily she wasn't some perverted boy in an ecchi anime. She sighed trying to calm herself as she began to lather herself up as well. "You know... At first... I guess... I guess I thought you would be more intimidating. But I'm glad I could work up enough courage to walk up to you." Probably wasn't a good time for a touchy feely moment. Feelings were fine, but Rosalia was sure she might die if touching beyond the hair were to occur.

Lennox grumbled and turned onto his back to respond to Varg. "So you really are a talker huh?" He asked calmly, referencing Varg's relative silence upon initial meetings since yesterday. Still he felt he might as well answer. "Maybe she's curious about the weapons of the teammates she'll be leading. It's not uncommon for a leader to want to know." He shook his head and then glanced in Varg's direction. He already wasn't liking him too much. Varg seemed like the type to want to cause trouble or get a rise out of people. But as of now Lennox could not really judge him. It was only the first night after all. Still, he was going to keep an eye on Varg. It's like the whole 'Don't Rock the Boat' thing went right over his head. Maybe he oughta learn to keep some thoughts to himself. He thought calmly since he apparently wasn't going to be taking a quick nap before the girls came out.
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