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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I smile confidently when I realize that I’d managed to both damage the two enemy pokemon and give them status effects, using their own abilities against them. If anyone asks me afterwards, I totally meant to do that. I consider turning around and doing another cool pose, but I didn’t really win the fight yet, so they’d probably just hit me with some horrible attack while I had my back turned. It’d be really stylish if I managed to pull it off, though... Like, SSS-levels of stylish... Nina manages to snap me out of my tangent by saying something, though it predictably gets cut off by the Interrupting Rival Squad.

“Nina,” I say to her urgently. “We can’t convince them of anything until we beat them up! It’s like, a rule or something. Between you and Levita it’s like- OH ARCEUS IT’S IN MY HAIR!” I’d heard that Leech Seed wasn’t exactly a pleasant attack to be on the receiving end of, and man, whoever said that was totally right. The feeling of having your vitality slowly and constantly drained out of you is less insanely, agonizingly painful than insanely, agonizingly creepy.

WHAT BREED OF EVIL ARE YOU?!” I ask the Shroomish in a very Disarming tone of Voice. “YOU… DEMENTED PUFFBALL!” I try to use Confusion on the Shroomish again, but it’s not nearly as powerful as it was before. It was probably due to some mix of me having neglected to train all that much and currently having a conniption like never before, and I think Nina's badly hurt, but it’s kind of hard to care all that much about these things when you’re being attacked by eldritch demon seeds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I see a shroomish launch a leech seed into Rebecca's 'hair' and I target him as I use Leech Life, taking his health for stealing my partner's health, and it seemed to hurt it quite a bit. I felt Rebecca use Confusion on the shroomish, and he was lucky that he was still awake after that barrage of attacks. After I sensed that that I heard a fire type move come at me and I screamed, but it didn't instantly fry me into a crisp or burn me because it was raining, and I turned towards Nina, sensing she was looking for something, and I run over and help her, climbing halfway into the bag and smelling everything. It mostly smelled like a swamp but I could faintly smell an Oran berry, and I took it out, handing it to Nina as I suddenly get driven into the ground by a tackle.

"How do we know that they can even walk?" I ask Bonnie as we head downstairs. I let Eralion plot out whatever he needed to plot out to keep the vile criminal under that bookshelf and to keep him in, and I took out the bag of quick seeds. "I can carry one more but the others should come down to get the rest... but how are we going to deal with the gallade? He used close combat, but that'll only help so much..." I say as I look through the bag for any other seeds. I grab a wooden plank and cautiously open the door and see the gallade hitting the captives and he turned towards me and I froze up a little from shock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Something was certainly strange with Team Zan, as they would just get back up after taking a beating from one of us. Not only that, but a random pokemon just decided to barge into our fight, a beldum, to be more precise. I honestly didn't mind, as it seemed to be attacking the enemy, and heck, even declared that it wanted to join up with one of our teams. Not mine, the other one, Team Bee, or whatever. I notice the bright light that appears whenever one of them gets knocked out, and decide that they might be using that to hide something. I attack the koffing with a void whip, focusing on hitting a weak spot. I manage to find and hit said weak spot, and then shield my eyes as the bright light fills the area once more, and for some reason, a wall of intense heat accompanied it this time, which obviously hurt quite a bit. Due to me shielding my eyes, I could just barely make out another shape trying to pull the koffing backwards. I attack whatever it was, and the light dies down to reveal it as another koffing, oddly identical to the original, or, whichever one I actually attacked. "Uh... Uh-oh! The jig's up, boss!" the koffing shouts back to... somewhere. "Fine, then, since they already know about our little plan, let's see if they can take on ALL OF US!" after that, many more koffing, sneasel, and zubat appear from the forest, flooding the area, as there was a total of ten of each. "Uh..." was all I could manage, as I finally remember that they each have a type advantage (and the zubat have two) against me. I take a few steps back, and look at the horrible situation that I accidentally caused. Each and every one of them seemed to look at me with sheer malice.


I do my best impression of someone shaking their head, and respond with "I dunno. I mean, apparently I knew that kadabra back there on Mt. Bristle," I then focus my attention on the battle again, where the zubat smiled at me as if he had a plan. I prepared to counter whatever he could throw at me, but I certainly wasn't expecting what came next. He somehow created a wall of fire and heat, which covered our half of the battlefield, conveniently missing his own teammates. It didn't do much to me, and, most likely Josh, but I worried for the sake of our newest teammate, as well as that magnemite... oh, and that Spruce guy, too, I guess. I couldn't counter it, however, and just as I was trying to attack, that bright light filled the area again. Spruce revealed a second koffing, who shouted back at his invisible boss, and made the situation literally ten times worse. Spruce seemed to be at a loss for words, and all I could say was "How...? When...? WHY!?" the look on Spruce's face was, honestly, priceless, as he looked as though he finally figured out that he really shouldn't have any business fighting ice, poison, and flying types, as if this concept just dawned on him now. I resisted the urge to laugh as there was something much more important to deal with, the multitude of enemies that practically appeared out of nowhere. There's no way someone as weak as they are have this many teammates. There HAS to be something else at work here, or, someONE else. I think as I check the nearest enemy, a zubat, who seemed particularly mad at our magnemite friend. Said zubat, like all the others, had a giant bandage on his head, however, something was off... this one's head was dented, as if he had suffered some serious blunt trauma recently. The others had the bandage, as if they were trying to keep up the illusion, but only one of them had a disfigured head, at least, the only one I could see that had a disfigured head.


Eralion was talking about setting up traps, and I nodded, saying "Yeah, you should go deal with that," I then hear William saying something about them possibly not being able to walk, and I think about it for a moment, until coming up with "Then why don't we just teleport them? I'm sure they wouldn't care if they lost items, they most likely don't have any, and honestly, wherever the badge sends them, it's going to be safer than here. We'll each take some of the quick seeds from that bag, and run from captive to captive, freeing as many as possible... and then use one extra quick seed to run the heck away from this place. Sound good?" I don't know where I got this sudden surge of courage, but I was not about to waste it. I walked up to William as he froze up from seeing the enemy, in this case, that gallade from before beating up one of the captives. Oddly, I was in such a state that I simply saw him as an obstacle, and figured I had a way to pass by him, mainly through the use of this bag of quick seeds. I take about four, and eat one right away. Unfortunately, quick seeds were notoriously crunchy, so the gallade noticed the sound and started running towards me. I ran into the room, and turned to my left, towards one of the captives, as if I was ignoring the gallade, who thankfully couldn't attack me at this range, and, after just a bit more running, I use my badge to teleport the captive, in this case, an aggron, away from this horrible place. I then started to run towards yet another one, but, one of my friends was more likely to get to them before I could.


Rebecca, after taking the leech seed was too unfocused to help me find my oran berry, however, Chip, after attacking and nearly knocking out the shroomish, finds it for me. "Thanks, Chip," I say to him as I eagerly eat the berry, which cleared up my vision a bit, and, obviously, healed me enough to keep me going. I breathe a sigh of relief, and look squarely at the aron, who looked at me with a smug look on his face, as if I didn't have any attacks that could possibly hurt him. I smirk back at him, and probably surprise him with a double kick, kicking the iron-clad creature twice in his face, and sending him back a couple feet. It also seemed to hurt him quite a bit, as he looked a little dazed when I looked back at him, and he started digging around in a bag very similar to my own, though, much like I was, earlier, he didn't seem to have any luck at all with the bag. The abra seemed content to go after me by somehow electrocuting his hand, and punching me in the exact spot where I kicked their aron friend, as if he was trying to mirror the damage done to his friend. It didn't work very well, however, as the abra didn't seem to have very strong arms, and, well, he kinda hit me right on the poisonous spike, the idiot. The rhyhorn decided to focus on Chip with a tackle, and not much else... did that rhyhorn even know any other moves? It should know SOMETHING else, right? Maybe that rhyhorn just liked tackling things for some reason. The shroomish, hilariously tried to use absorb on Rebecca, however, before he could even do so, he just sort of toppled over, apparently from the poison. Through the commotion, the other nidoran continued to snooze, somehow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh boy. This is not funny at all. Not funny at all." Cobalt said as he looked at the insane amount of enemies. "I'm going to take on the Sneasels!" He yelled to the group as he began preparing his Bullet Punch. He saw a Sneasel glaring at him and formed his plan of attack. He had no plan of attack. He rushed one of the Sneasels and knocked it down, only to he attacked by another from behind using Feint Attack. That one hurt quite a bit. He turned around and glared at the new Sneasel as he swiped at it with a Metal Claw. He was getting absolutely swarmed as he dashed around attacking with Bullet Punch and Metal Claw. He was just annoyed by these pests overall. They weren't even good, there was just a ton of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, seeing how now there was a literal group of them, backed away, staying near Spruce. She knew he would have a big difficulty with this... and she knew she would also have a hard time, them being mostly poison types.... and able to evade her hidden power. She looked around.
"This.... might be a problem..." she says before getting some light chains out. She then started to flail them towards some of the group, trying to keep them away from her and Spruce.
"Any idea's Spruce?" she says, before having a slight idea. If they were stupid enough....
"Hey... if you guys think your so strong.... then who is the strongest out of all you guys in the group!" she then yells, hoping to cause some kinda of chaos, having zubats saying they were and having each other fight.... If that works, then it would make the job so much easier.... If not... then it was worth trying. She needed to get some some of them out of commission at least, get them weakened.

Eralion nodded before starting to work on a trap. He started moving bookcases around, making a barricade with them, working on making it hard to see what was afterwards. He then, using karate chop, started to work and strike the floor multiple times while backing away, making multiple holes in it. It was now really hard to even walk in it quickly unless you wanted to sprang your ankle. He then looked in his bag and got some string. He started to attach multiple objects that were heavy in each side and then placing them over the holed floor. If that persian were to pass here, he would have a hard time even getting through easy, having multiple objects tangled over him. He then continued and finished off with 2 bookcases blocking the way, and a attempt for a pitfall tap afterwards. He breath deeply, having used a lot of energy to make this thing quickly, and admired his work... This was going to be great.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


So they thought they could swarm them did they? Well they were about to be proven wrong. Kamina's first instinct was to charge blindly at them with Flame Charge. However, for some reason, he ended up putting more thought into his next action. That's when he realized it; every single one of them had an advantage against Spruce. This was not good, since it would be far too easy for the little guy to get caught up in a chain of super effective attacks. Therefor, there was only one option available to Kamina. He rushed at Spruce and coiled around him, making sure to leave him some breathing room. Kamina wasn't constricting around him, so much as making an igloo around him out of his body. Since Spruce was so tiny compared to him, that meant that Kamina didn't have to use all of his body to make a shelter. This left him with enough room to move his head around to pelt Sneasel with his Ember. "Don't worry Spruce; I'll will shelter you with my very body!"



Looking around for any other bookcases that he easily drop on the pined Persian, Tini soon found one that was conveniently angled just right, so that when the right force was applied to it, it would fall down and lean on the bookcase already trapping Bonnie's dad. Getting himself into postion, he cried out "Fairy Wind!" and a minty gust pushed down the bookcase, sending it right where Tini had predicted "Yay! That should be enough to keep him stuck here until people come here to take him away. Now, I wonder where Bonnie is?" He said out loud to himself, ignoring the Normal Type he had dropped a second bookcase on. With his current objective completed, he went off in search of his Bunnery friend, and quickly found her munching on a Quick Seed. Deciding to surprise her, he pulled her into a hug
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Chip makes the generous decision to help me out of this horrible situation by attacking the Shroomish, stealing his own life force in a strangely ironic form of payback. Wait, if the Shroomish absorbed my energy, and Chip absorbed his... does that mean that he technically drained my energy? I should probably stop thinking about this... I gasp when the Shroomish gets up after facing the barrage and tries to steal even more of my life out from under me, and then sigh in relief when he falls over and passes out, succumbing to his wounds a little while too late for my liking.

“Is it finally over?” I ask in exasperation. I look around and notice that the abra, aron, and rhyhorn are still up and about. “Close enough... Thanks for the help, Chip!” After readjusting my scarf, I ruffle my hair and dislodge the now dormant leech seed, the accursed thing falling to the ground and withering away. I run my hands through my hair and use my psychic powers to straighten it out and return it to it’s former, fabulous position; a use for said powers that was much, much more undervalued than it’s practicality would suggest. Noticing the rhyhorn rushing towards Chip, I use Confusion on him, hoping to repay the favor. Unfortunately, rhyhorns tend to be a good deal heavier than the average shroomish or nidoran, so I can’t really toss him around like that without getting an unspeakably bad migraine, let alone lift him off of the ground, so the attack only manages to damage the rhydon and break his attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It seemed like the clones were using a bright light to switch places without being seen. Once Spruce discovered this, they were overwhelmed by a massive swarm of enemies.
"Talk to me, Matt." Josh said, hoping he would have at least a vague idea of what was going on.
"I'm afraid I'm just as confused as you are." Matt said, putting up Light Screen. "I still stand by my Zorua theory, but they would have to be incredibly skilled in order to pull off an illusion like this one."

Josh then looked over at Anthony, who seemed to be focusing on one Zubat in particular. At first, he couldn't tell what made this Zubat so special, but then he got a closer look at him. All of the Zubats had bandages on their heads, but unlike the others, this one had a dent in his head, as if someone had hit him with something.
"Couldn't hurt to try." Josh said to himself, using Confusion on the Zubat. He hoped that this one was significant, and that it would have some kind of effect on the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Great. I was burnt by the fact an orb/ancient lighting device came into play. Was I vampire now or something? That stuff isn't lethal, and it shouldn't be for a Pokemon like myself.

I almost lost balance and fell from the use of that thing, but I was determined to kick ass and take names. Surprisingly enough, we were in a bit of a stalemate against these guys. We could keep up the pressure, but they'd just recover as if they just arrived here. I got a bit lost, from trying to recover from blinding light to losing count of how many Pokemon were on both sides. There was definitely a new guy on our team, and they... well, let my next paragraph perfectly sum up my reaction.

"Well, good game boys." I didn't really know who I was praising, let alone if I was praising anything at all. I squinted my eyes for a bit, shocked and confused as to why there was suddenly duplicates everywhere. What did they do, find a secret cloning facility? Those things NEVER existed, at least according to Davis' recording of a treaty prohibiting that stuff. Gotta be something causing illusions then. Or they collaborated with Dittos. Or... we were screwed. "Arceus. You'e not a god." I really did begin to notice that I was on fire, and it was PAINFUL. Never had ANYTHING like that before, and not even Desia could do that to me. Stifling my groans, I quickly turned to my team and then back to those - I had hate burning in my heart again, but this time I actually felt like breaking skulls. Heh. It would be nice to get back at those bastards, a little revenge of course. How about frying some brains, maybe I could just slam your tiny faces into the dirt, and... I am going to go do something bad, aren't I? I could do many things, like ripping apart a Zubat skull! My friends, it's time for a little lightning and thunder! I AM ON FUCKING FIRE, I JUST LOST AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE, AND IT'S TIME I GET MAD AND TELL YOU ALL TO FUCK OFF AND DIE!"

I was literally just yelling at the damned swarm, spinning my magnets and twitching irrationally. My scar looked as if it was revealing a purple ball of light within me, and I swear to Arceus the little arcs sprouting all over my body began to dance with the fire, apparently waiting for something to happen... oh, I know. I'm just going to rush in and cause an explosion.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After getting up from that tackle, I see the Abra sway a little, and i jump in with a Leech Life, sinking my bug teeth into him and regaining my life forces from that devastating tackle. It tries to get me off of its shoulder but to no avail and eventually it falls over and I smile. "You are weak little side-kick type!" I say triumphantly, seeing the Nidoran, and I whisper to Rebecca "I think that neato-ran is almost fainting!" I look at Nina and whisper the same to her, too, hoping to pick off more of this mean enemy team.
I saw Bonnie dash in and teleport as many pokemon as she could back to the guild and I ran, trying to do the same, but the Gallade approaches. I back into the corner and he grins, walking towards me. I run under and behind him, dashing to free more captives, and I got one or two more before I decided it was time for me to run out of here, and instead of sticking around and getting Bonnie next, he chased after me and I led him upstairs into the other room of the basement. I quickly used Transform to become a Joltik, scuttling past him again, leading him on a wild goose chase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Celes tried to get the group to fight, but they just laughed at her, as if they already knew what she was trying to accomplish with that statement. Kamina then coiled around my general area, and due to our comparative sizes, it actually worked, and not only that, but it worked well. All of the sneasel tried to use Ice Shard on me and oddly enough, one of them used pursuit instead, only to fail and hit Kamina, instead, the koffing came next, and they seemed to be trying to spread their poisons by using Poison Gas on as many of us as they could... oddly enough, some of the gas actually found its way to me, but I didn't get poisoned, or even would have noticed it if it wasn't visible, this ended with the swarm of zubat splitting up and trying to use Supersonic on everyone, well, everyone except M, who they were afraid of, and at this point, I didn't blame them. He must have malfunctioned somewhere in this fight as he was angrily narrating everything that he was doing... as well as making threats, and telling the rest of the team to move out of the way. His entire body was covered in arcing lightning, and there was some sort of darkness forming around him as well thanks to the dark scar that Desia left on him. I did exactly that, jumping over Kamina and running away from the opposing team until I felt I was a safe enough distance from whatever M was planning to do with them, and with Kamina who I assumed was completely on board for this, as it seemed to be right up the alley, and was spoken in his language, shouting. I could only imagine what M might be up to, but it probably has something to do with soaking them and then electrifying them.


Tini tried to pull me back, but I was too quick for him, and William decided to start helping by changing into a joltik, and running around the place, luring the gallade away from me, and away from the other prisoners. "Thanks, William!" I shout back at him. I then turn back towards Tini, and ask "Tini, would you mind helping me with this? Use your badge to teleport as many of these prisoners back to the guild... here, this will help," I then throw Tini a quick seed, and run off to teleport more of the victims, managing to teleport two of them back before I wonder where Eralion ran off to. The gallade was still completely distracted by William, who really took a huge risk doing what he did, and I noticed an odd trend in my father's victims... they were all big, and tough. A salamence, a rhydon, an aggron... and yet, the bidoof from our mission was, at one point, here. Maybe it was just because he intruded on my father's property, or because he knew something. Something that could potentially put my father away for life. Of course, given the circumstances, and what I've witnessed in the basement, it was more than likely that it was both. The bidoof 'broke into' my father's house, and stumbled upon either a literal or metaphorical skeleton in the closet, and got caught by my father, who wasn't hungry, thank goodness for that, and wanted another long-term victim, much like I was. Yes... was, there's no way I'm staying here, even if I get caught, even if I end up in that jail cell, I WILL break out again, and this time, it won't take a year, it'll be instant.


The abra was the next to fall from Chip, and he said something about the other nidoran being ready to drop, however, I already knew my target, the aron who was still trying to find an oran berry in desperation. The rhyhorn who was trying to tackle Chip seemingly changed its course at the last second, resulting in a miss. The thing looked at me with a look of either stupidity or confusion, and started charging in some random direction, running into a tree, and a couple rocks that were behind the tree due to his sudden confusion. I then finished off the aron with a double kick, which flung it into yet another tree this time, and look towards the sleeping nidoran, who finally decided to wake up, only to notice most of his team gone. "H-how!? When!? J-just who do you think you are to destroy most of my team while I take a nice, long nap, huh!?" angry at us, the nidoran tried another one of his shadow-tackle things on Rebecca, and normally, I would have taken the hit for her, but I was too far away to do that... well, that and I just took a tackle from the rhyhorn who shouted random words without building a coherent sentence "ORAN BERRY YELLOW GUMDROP PLUM!" I had... NO idea what he meant from that sentence, if you can call it that, other than he was probably hungry, or had a very poor grasp on language... well, then again, he was confused at this point, so that probably contributed to it. Of course, his tackles still hurt, and I was flung two feet further away from Rebecca, and was now on my side trying to make sense of why he'd put those five words in that exact order, or even say them without other words to tell everyone what he's thinking.


Once Josh used confusion on the zubat with the dented head, TWO of them seemed to take damage, with one of them almost flickering out of, and then back into existence. What in the world...? I guess that one's an illusion, but shouldn't there have been more illusions? I think before I hear M shout some narration, as well as shouting for everyone to get out of the way. I tried to move away from the enemies as fast as I could, which wasn't all that fast, mainly due to the fact that the enemy got the chance to attack me, as well as... what the heck was Kamina doing? Either way, I took a supersonic and had no idea which way was which. It seemed as though everything was scrambled, not just my vision, but my hearing, sense of smell, and sense of touch, as well. "Who on turned crazy the?" I end up saying, even my speech scrambled due to the horrible attack. Whatever M was planning... it was probably going to hit me, as well. I wasn't sure if I was going to live through it, either, and yet, I couldn't even string together the proper sentence explaining that I was in trouble. I tried, once, but it ended up as "Grass help bug need door now," yes, even my speech was scrambled and encoded in some weird way. I honestly don't know if anyone was trying to crack the code, but I knew it would take them a while... too long, of course, to be of assistance. I still had some rational thought left, so I decided against attacking, and simply tried my best to move away from the enemy... of course, with the way everything was, even I knew that I was heading in some random direction, or worse, was moving towards the giant attack instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who heard what was happening with M, quickly moved away, moving away from all the supersonic, knowing full well that being confused here might mean victory or defeat for her. She quickly got away, only to unfortunately get hit by one supersonic. She then started to wobble around, trying her best to not to move towards where M was. She continued to move before in her confusion hearing Anthony talking gibberish. She then tried to say something.
"Bob return save, must glob year you," she then says, shaking as she moved a bit more away, before wobbling to the right and hitting a tree. She then move a bit more away, shaking her head. god dang confusion. She should have brought some kind of berry to counter it... something to stop it from happening to her. She shook herself.
"Tree run must... cook crazy metal from." she says as she moves away more, hitting another tree. She was far away now, but she had a good bump on the side of the head now from hitting those trees.


Eralion, who had finish his trap, quickly moved away and went to help the team, only to see a Gallade chasing a joltik around as Bonnie went to save people. He stared for a bit.
"What in the..." he says, before quickly moving and helping Bonnie to free the prisoners.
"Sorry it took some time... I had to prepare something in case your dad were to get out of those book cases." he says, before using his own badge also to teleport prisoners, using karate chop to break any link that were there. He looked at Bonnie as she had given a quick seed to Tini.
"I hope you have a quick seed also for me..." he says, ready to eat the seed quickly if Bonnie gave one to him. The faster they free the prisoners, the better. He just hoped that the trap he made would stop Bonnie's father and make it easier for the group to escape. With how strong these guys were, it was best to use all the resources in their disposition to try and win this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


While getting bombarded with attacks wasn't pleasant by any means, Kamina was glad to take them in place of Spruce. Especially since they're super effectiveness against him would have cause him serious harm. The Supersonic attack had left him dazed for a bit, but M's shouting brought him out of it. "Heh, It's good to see you embracing the fire in your heart M. I'm not sure what you have in mind, but you have my full support!" He responded to his little floating buddy. While he didn't know any Water Type attacks (how weird is that?) he could still spit out large amounts of water from his mouth. Charging out of the mob of Pokemon, he quickly turned around and began to soak mob with water.


Tini caught the Quick Seed in his mouth and ate it "yummy!" he chirped as he got to work. Like Bonnie had requested, he used his badge to teleport all of the captives to safety "don't worry, he can't hurt any of you anymore. Now it's time for him to be the one hurting" he said to them before they left. After Eralion voiced his worry about not getting a Quick Seed, Tini said "don't worry, I can give you a ride. In fact, I can give both of you a ride. That sounds like it would be fun!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cobalt kept getting smacked around by various enemies when he saw Anthony getting smacked around by various Zubats. He had not gotten hit by any Supersonics yet, but if he tried to help him he might be. "Hold up buddy! I got you!" He headed towards the Goomy in need and cursed in his mind. 'I wish I had arms! Then I could carry around bags with supplies! Damn my lack of arms!' He used Confusion on one of the Zubats who was attacking Anthony and floated to him. "Snap out of it!" He moved to slap Anthony, but couldn't due to his lack of arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"NOBUNAGA!" I cry as I burst through the doors to his chamber and draw my sword,. He's sitting with his back turned to me, facing a shiny Mega Rayquaza coiled up in the back of the room. It looked kind of cramped.

"You're too late, sister," Nobunaga says as he raises his head skyward. "I've already transferred my power into this Golden Evil Rayquaza! Mmm... LOOK AT IT! Anyone who witnesses it will kneel before it's might!"

"NEVER!" I reply, realizing that things were maybe starting to get a little ridiculous.

"Hmph...," he remarks, standing up and turning towards me. "You are not WORTHY!" He raises his arms and head again and starts screaming at the top of his lungs as the Mega Rayquaza bursts out of the room and flies west, towards France.


I listen to what Chip has to say and nod, staring at the sleeping Nidoran. If he’s so close to fainting, then I should at least try and take him out in the best way… the stylish way… I take note of the fact that I’d managed to confuse the rhyhorn earlier and stifle a laugh as I return my attention to the Nidoran: If he’s too confused to aim an attack or even form coherent sentences, then he won’t notice any set-ups I’m, well, setting up. I move so I’m standing between the rhyhorn and the enemy Nidoran watch as the latter of the two stirs and rises to his feet.

“If I were you,” I say to him with a cocky smile. “I’d stop right there, and either give up, or go straight back to that nice nap of yours. I mean, there’s really only one place your team will ever be able to win this fight in, now…” That’s it, you’ve just gotta goad him into doing into something stupid…

“And what place is that?!” The Nidoran asks, fuming a little too much to guess what I’m going to say next. Even without the power to read emotions, I can tell now that he’s pretty angry, but thankfully I left myself a good opportunity to really push him over the edge. I turn sideways and point at him, cocking my head back as I do for maximum smugness.

“Dreamland!” I answer, successfully fighting the urge to laugh. The Nidoran charges towards me, falling straight into my trap. Nina flies past me, and the other Nidoran cloaks himself in some creepy shadow effect, but I fight the distractions, remaining focused on waiting for the last possible moment. Right… about…. NOW! I focus on the spot behind him, and teleport to it, completely evading the attack. Thankfully, I dodged while he was about to hit me, and therefore at his fastest, so he’s still going forwards. Reacting before he can slow down, I use Confusion once again, using both my power and his own to send him careening straight into the rhyhorn.

“Like I said,” I tell the Nidoran, “You should have gone back to sleep. I guess knocking you out isn’t exactly the same thing, but I guess that’s what you get for disregarding a psychic’s advice and having evil buddies like that shroomish over there.” The Nidoran quickly faints, and whatever that shadowy attack was seemed to be effective enough on the rhyhorn to knock it out to. I adjust my scarf and chuckle a little, guessing I can be pretty good when I can actually focus. I’m not sure if I can keep up the psychic powers for much longer, though.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Josh's attack seemed to hit two of the Zubat instead of just one, and also seemed to make one of them fade out of existence for a moment. On top of that, M was about to do some kind of combo attack with Kamina. He urged everyone to get out of the way, but then a bunch the Koffing started to spread poison gas everywhere, and the Zubats started using Supersonic on everyone. Thankfully, though, Josh was immune to the poison and didn't get hit by a Supersonic.

Matt, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. He took a hit from both attacks, and was now both confused and poisoned.
"Here I hat bean. Evades corn the fell to sky dragon." He said as he began to float around uncontrollably.
Josh was trying to keep the bucket upright, but with Matt's unpredictable movements, that was pretty difficult. "Come on, Matt! Snap out of it." He said.
"Get the other need the toast we do. Tail we aim I me going." Was the only response he got, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I didn't want to think.

That... the first time I knew I just let myself go. Definitely wasn't the last time either, no. Now, I can barely remember what even happened that day. I just knew that something really bad happened.

If I can recall details... well, I was screaming wildly, and I proved myself resilient to a screeching that affected everyone else. Everything was going to hell quickly, and I knew we were losing this battle badly. Only five days into this adventure, and we didn't even go down fighting. It wasn't against Desia or some otherworldly evil. It was just against a bunch of thugs. I supposed they deserved it, but clearly not like this.

I remember myself facing the world, two magnets spinning in front of me faster than a propeller of a plane. A small gust around me had formed, followed by a darkening of the battlefield. Yes, somehow the battlefield actually started to get darker. Lightning that sounded like cracked wailing rang in my ears, and presumably was real considering that my team mates were running. "This is my world. You are not welcome in my world!" The only one insane enough to stick by me and follow up my previous instructions was Kamina. He just stood his ground, before drenching everything and everyone with a torrent of water from his mouth. I expected it to hurt, but no; presumably it wasn't a move or anything.

I had... dark thoughts. Well, more like murderous thoughts that didn't sound like me. But, the more I think about it... again, that's why I don't want to think. Really. I imagined death, pain, fire... all at once. I literally created hell in my head. With that in mind, I quickly followed up Kamina's use of water. Everyone was now surprised, their faces turning to horror when a small spark of electricity forced all of Team Zan to twitch.

"Sorry lads. This one's for me." I cast lightning from my magnets, spinning so hard that my 'joints' would continue aching for hours. Suddenly everything was a musical cascade of yellow thorns swirling in the air, a smell of charcoal and screams in the air, followed by dead silence. I still ask myself what I did that day, 'cause I don't want to bloody remember.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yay! Chip is very happy!" I said as I gathered the rest of the papers from the defeated enemy team, and I spat in the rhydon's face before I had returned to the team with all the papers that we needed. "... One... Two... Tree... Five! Yes, Five papers! No, wait... Five... Six... Seven! Yes, seven! Chip thinks we are done!" I exclaimed as I took out my badge and pressed the button to return to the guild, papers in mouth. I waited for the rest of the team, and i got the urge to bite down and eat these confidential papers, but that would be detrimental to the mission and make it so no one got paid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thassa shared a quiet look with Dexter, examining him when he gave her his name. He wouldn't simply turn his eyes away like Favlev did. Somehow, it was more reassuring that he didn't. Even so, she didn't respond immediately - not until that chatot approached to solicit their purpose. Only then, looking up at the colorful avian with a wide smile, the ekans slid one long loop of her tail over Favlev's back in an almost possessive gesture to indicate that they were together. "...My name is Thassa, and I have come to start a team."

She was.. very quick to put herself forward, though she then lowered herself over Favlev and pressed her nose behind the creature's 'ears'. "...Favlev travels with me. Perhaps you would like to join us... Dexter?" It was the obvious offer, of course! They were looking for a third member, and lo, a prospective applicant stood before them? ...His attitude might need adjustment, she thought, but rather somebody like him than somebody she would have to protect! ...He looked strong, after all, and the species had quite a reputation for loyalty...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Thankfully, I got out of the way before M used some sort of combination attack with Kamina, which doused everyone, and then shocked the living heck out of them. At first, only about half of them so much as responded, and a second afterwards, the crowd shrunk, with only five of each pokemon apparently actually existing... as well as one Zorua, who looked scared out of her mind. None of the zubats were still conscious, making the original group of thirty shrink down to a more manageable eleven. The zorua, still scared about officially being out in the open screamed, and said "NooOOO! They figured out our ruse! What should we do, Sean?" The sneasel, all five of them, argued for a moment before finally saying "Zoe, you're too inexperienced for this, you'll die horribly. Go home, we'll contact you when we need your help again," The zorua, apparently named Zoe, then ran away, tears streaming from her eyes. Wow, she's a little oversensitive, isn't she? All that happened was her illusion was broken, and all of the zubat on their team have fainted. I think as I watch her run. I decide to let her leave simply due to the fact that we really don't need to fight any more of these guys than we have to at this point. "Hey... how the heck are you guys still conscious?" I ask them. They simply shrugged, apparently not having any answers, themselves, but I did notice something... they're weak, or, rather, they're about to topple over from the pain. With this knowledge, I run up to one of the sneasel, and vine whip him, and yes, this was enough to get him to faint. I then wondered if this would even be enough to knock out the koffing on their team. I then notice Anthony use bubble on one of the sneasel, and speak in that weird, garbled confusion speech. I managed to hold in my laughter, as he was probably in a lot of pain just from M's attack.


I still couldn't make heads or tails of anything, however, apparently I didn't run far enough away from the enemy to not get hurt, as the next couple of things I felt were a refreshing rain... and then a sharp, electrical jolt of pure pain. This electrical attack was apparently enough to destroy more than half of our enemies, as by the time I could even remotely find my bearings again, there were significantly fewer conscious pokemon, and some of them were just flat-out gone somehow. Yet another pokemon decided to run away, and I tried giving chase to that pokemon, only for me to run in a giant circle instead. I turn to face... something, and then use bubble on it, saying "Dark blurb forget here am is me am!?" not even I had an idea of what that was supposed to mean, but my target fell to the ground after that. Thinking I was victorious, I turn around again, and, without any idea of where I'm facing, I shout "Winner dark lightning thing turnip basket!" of course, this only got laughs from whomever I was facing at the time, making me mad at them. I then dug around in my bag, and, feeling a berry of some sort, I tossed it into my mouth. Whatever I got just seemed to make that injury from M's attack go away... maybe it was an oran berry? Either way, that allowed me to take a sludge attack from exactly the pokemon I was facing at the moment, and unfortunately, I still couldn't tell whether that was an angry teammate, or one of the enemies... given that Josh could probably learn sludge at some point, right?


Everything seemed to be going according to plan, or, at the very least, we weren't getting attacked by anything, and that gallade was still chasing around William who is still in the form of a joltick. I manage to rescue the final pokemon here, however, I notice that gallade aiming a psycho-cut right at Eralion. He didn't say a word, apparently just to make sure that nobody gets in the way, but I saw him, and I used my speed to tackle Eralion out of the way of the attack just in time... to take the attack, myself. Oddly, it didn't even hurt a bit, which was really weird, considering the source. "...huh? Hey, why didn't that hurt?" I ask Eralion and whoever else was listening. By all logic, I should be on the ground, barely alive, possibly gasping for breath, and begging Eralion and the rest of my team to go on without me, and yet, I was unharmed by the attack, somehow. This caused the gallade to take a step back... and then start running right at me, as if he was trying to use close combat on me. Thankfully, I still had a few quick seeds left, and, after taking one (as the last one ran out the moment I took the psycho-cut), I started to make a beeline right for the entrance, I suppose, acting as yet another distraction for the gallade, at least for the moment. I rushed past the dead pokemon, and right upstairs, where my father apparently found his way to a pitfall, and couldn't really move at the moment... unfortunately, Eralion's traps made this place a little difficult to traverse, and that gallade was approaching fast. I was sandwiched between my father, and the gallade... this couldn't end well.


As soon as Rebecca finished off the last of our rival team, Chip confiscated their papers, and I said one last thing before leaving, knowing that at least one of the two could hear me, even if just barely. "I tried to tell you not to fight us... I tried to tell you that I wasn't affiliated with Desia... I tried to tell you that I didn't even know who Desia was, and you just couldn't listen, could you?" a groan from the nidoran meant that he probably heard it, and, soon enough, Chip had us all teleport back to the guild, with all of the papers in hand. A drifblim accepted the papers, and shuffled them into what was probably the correct order. The drifblim had a few strange-looking badges covering him, as if he was in some sort of military or something. Of course, one of those hasn't existed in a long time... and that was during a time in which castles, dukes, lords, and kings existed. "Very, very good young ones, now, here's that reward that... hey, what was supposed to be the reward again?" I shrugged, not even remembering if the mission offered a reward, but he simply laughed, and handed us one hundred and fifty pokedollars each. He then said "There you go, buy some nice food or something with that... and with that, I'm off!" the drifblim then floated away... and kind of reminded me that, for some reason, Levita wasn't with us, and she didn't participate in that giant fight from earlier. "Hey, Rebecca, have you seen Levita around here, anywhere?" I ask Rebecca, wondering if she had any idea where our balloon friend could have gone.
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