Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katya wanted to stop it but even she knew it was too late. "Im sorry but im not standing by as another of my commanding officers is taken from us. not again." She screamed as she went to draw her gun from its holster but Sonja had gotten there first and taken her gun before she did something stupid.

"I do apologise for this evenings events, do go back to your partying 'Lord' Bedivere" she said dragging Katya out of the bar by her jacket. "What in gods name do you think your doing, pulling a gun on someone that gave us an out. are you actually that stupid Kat. Look i dont like the fact that right now we have lost our CO but dont think we aint going back for him. even if command says no. You know how i like my Ops to go, live to fight another day."

Ashley was still inside the bar as Katya was dragged away. "So i guess this is goodbye Commander Varomere. its been nice knowing you. i guess." she went to walk out the door too but turned at the last minute to talk to the two agents still inside the club. "Allison, Roman you coming." she was stood close by the werewolf aswell and she couldnt imagine what they'd do to it if she didnt offer to take it with her. "You coming to boy?" she said to it as if speaking to a dog.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just like the rest of the crew, Allison neither did stay put as the fight began. The three girls next to her kicked their chairs into some of them and immediately started firing their pistols. Finally some action! She grabbed her chair as she stood up and smashed it right on the closest vampire head Join us on our next mission they said, it will be a piece of cake they said!

Instead of making things worse by simply shooting all hostiles dead Allison decided to warm up with a bit CQC. She cracked her knuckles with a smile as she noticed the black-haired woman who made fun of her before "So you will be my oponnent? Come at me, I will show you what this 'fair game' is capable of, bitch!"
The vampire sighed. Smiling at Allison she said "Oh my I think someone has to teach you manners. I am going to give you a severe beating so that you realise where your place is."
"Oh don't worry, I exactly know my place. It's with my fist in your face!" Allison snarled at the woman as she charged at her.

Still smiling the vampire woman either dodged or blocked Allisons attacks "What is that all? And I thought you wanted to beat me." It was this single moment where she underestimated Allison and let her guard down. With a low kick Allison instantly sweeped the vampire off her feet. "Oh, I am just getting warmed up." Allison mocked her, but before they could continue their fight something, unfortunate happened.

With the glass ceiling shattering the 'Lord' made his appearance. All the fighting stopped abruptly as he grabbed a drink from the bar after disposing of the bartender. He offered four options to the intruders or rather Mithias, who seemed to know Lord Bedivere of Sinews. Sonja tried to talk them out of their situation, but even Allison facepalmed at her.
You can't talk yourself out of this one, we are clearly at a disadvantage. But he is right, with these geniuses fucking up the Op and shooting people, SOLDIER will have no other choice if they don't want to be labled as a group of terrorists. Not really like I have a problem with that, there are enough people out there who want to see me dead already...

Allison wasn't too happy with Mithias picking option three, but it probably was the best choice as the leader of the group. Katya was about to screw up some more, but thankfully she was stopped by Sonja. While Katya was dragged outside and Ashley walked to the entrance Allison was sill standing there a bit longer. "You know, Varomere, SOLDIER just paid me to follow your orders, so if this is your final decision. I'll take my leave." Allison said before she turned around. As she walked towards the entrance she glared at the black-haired vampire woman as she passed her You got lucky this time...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sonja grabbed her radio from her belt and changed the frequency to that of SOLDIER command. "Command, this is Hunter two six. Mission is a failure. Commander Varomere has been captured. we have very little equipment left. requesting immediate Evacuation of all Remaining agents."

Katya heard exactly what Allison was saying. how could she leave now, after all they'd been through in the past she was just gonna up and leave. "Hey what the hell. you cant just leave, not now not after everything that we've been through. did none of that matter to you at all?"

A voice came back over the Radio to Sonja. "Negative Hunter two six. We cannot spare any of our extraction units to get you out of england at this point. We can however give you the location of hidden cache in the area that has a zodiac boat. if your squad can get to that and get into international waters, then we may be able to get a chopper to come and pick up the boat. The cache is on the coast at Weymouth, the helicopter will pick you up at Rousse in Guernsey in a week. Acting as of now Hunter two two, Agent Radcliffe is in command of your Unit. Good luck Hunter two six"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The creature gave a last threatening bark, then allowed Mattias to regain control, shifting forms into that of a human. There was no more need to fight. Not here and not now. Mithias really was something, wasn't he? There weren't that many vampires out there that would give themselves up to someone like Bedivere to save the lives of a few humans. Mattias sighed deeply, and lit a cigarette. "You know," He said between drags. "The world could sure use more vampires like you in it." The werewolf nodded at Mithias. "I'll take my leave now." He caught up with Ashley, carefully stepping over the corpses and broken furniture littering the floor. "Never call me that again if you value your neck, toots." The tone of his voice was jovial, but one could barely perceive the veiled threat beneath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rin clung to the body of a half unconcious human female that got hit by the hundreds of pounds of water pouring from the broken celing-pool, poorly thought up architecture in Rin's opinion. The soaked body came to life as mist filled her already water filled lungs causing the body to convulse as if drowning, Rin didnt bother to spit up the excess water since she was going to kill her afterwards anyway. Instead she stood there motionless like a mannequin as she felt her hosts low gargles and gasps for air as the apparent "Club Owner" made his debut. She did not recognize him despite his little knowledge of her. The lights grew dark as he approached which gave quite the omonious and powerful presence but She soon realized it was merely the broken pool hitting the power lines. She could be standing in an electrified pool of water right now for all she knew but couldnt care less.

The mans words were entertaining at least, almost as entertaining as the club itself, the part where he decided to strike down the DJ slightly upset her since that meant no more music. Maybe she could grab the mix tape they used before everyone dies? She thought...

Roman on the other side of the bar as the Host Vampire reached out for the private stock and supposedly poured a glass for Rin and Mithias. Proposing his "Options" to the group like he owned the place... Despite the fact that he did. It didnt give him the right to boss them around. With shotgun now empty he tossed it frustratingly at a nearby mirror crashing it into thousands of tiny pieces. His mind was swimming with emotions and the fact that Mithias gave into his bullshit options made him furious.

"Ты чертовски шутишь? Вы серьезно слушать эту лошадь петух? Ты бледен перед Twilight подражатель трахал мистер Арахисовое тростниковый меч шлюх мать." Roman spat at the Vampire as he reached over the bar grabbing the cheapest bottle of Vodka on the shelf.

"Are you fucking kidding right now?" He spat at Mithias.

Roman walked right up to the Mr. Peanut wannabe and smacked the glass poured for Rin right off the table with the base of his vodka bottle and replaced it with an empty shot glass. Slamming the bottle down and pulling his Makarov out of his Jacket holster.

"Mr. Big bad Vampire likes to make options for us huh?" Roman put his face inches away from the owners. Stretching his pistol hand out he fired a shot right between Rin's eyes. Her body fell limp to the ground.

"THATS HOW MUCH OF A FUCK I GIVE ABOUT YOUR OPTIONS!" Roman spat right in the mans face. "You want to play the big boss here? Then take responsibility for the ignorant blood suckers that run your club. If it wasnt for them we wouldnt be in this mess."

Roman took the Vodka bottle and poured a shot, offering it to the Owner. "Im not leaving here until i get an apology from you-or so help me God i will get all Option five on your pasty white Monopoly looking ass." Roman placed the Makarov by his side at the ready and placed his left on his fathers revolver ready to get at least one shot out before he gets struck down, he didnt care. If the vampire can bleed, it can die...

By this time Rin had left her posessed body  behind and snaked her way up to Roman merging together. (Well that was quite rude.) She remarked with a small voice in the back of his head. The ferocity in Romans eyes was only reinforced with the return of Rin's natural "high" she gave him. This meant he was not going to back down until he gets what he wants. They made him shoot through his lucky jacket... His leader was not going to make him slink away like a little bitch after a stunt like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All three agents heard the shot ring out. shit was probably about to kick off and Sonja of all people knew they were under prepared for the fight. "Ash, go and help Roman. Me and Kat will get the van with the weapons." She quickly made her way across the road along with Katya to a car that she had stashed next to the Apartment. Ashley meanwhile ran back into the Club.

She quickly drew her gun pointing it at quickly at the guard that had stood by the door. "Yo, Wolfman. i think we got a bit a problem here wouldnt you say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

A gaze piercing like ruby lancets drawing crimson blood. Staring into the core of the interrupting solider girl, eyes engaged with barely restrained fury seething out as she began her spiel. Was she daft? Who was she to speak to him? What right did she have to speak for the group? Mithias was the one addressed, this girl? She was nothing more than a mouthy bloodsack wrapt in meat. Had she not been so cordial and polite, she would have been the first dead among their numbers, defaulting the options to option four. Killing them all was beneath him, just like they were beneath him, and it was hardly sporting to bring a sword to a gunfight. "Was I talking to you, Human?"

"Do know that you are in my bar, in my city, in my Kingdom The only rules that apply here are mine. Stepping into this establishment as a human has already stripped you of your privilege. Remember this next time you wish to step beyond the bounds of your Diplomatic Mission. And if you come out of this alive, I would highly recommend the fish and chips on King's street." His words came out as eloquently as they were aggressively, though perhaps subtly suggesting that the squad was not entirely in control of their mission at all. Those keen enough to draw the lines may realize the rumors were indeed true then, and this was the very man who stood behind it all. If the liberal use of the possessives would not have triggered this epiphany, certainly the last mention of fish and chips would have drove the suspicions home.

Mithias spoke, and took the stand while the others seemed to hold themselves off for now. The werewolf was well trained at least, enough to hold a proper conversation, yet beasts often realized when they were overpowered here and would submit until the danger passed. But it became rapidly clear to Bedivere, that there were at least two independent parties here, outside of the Solider group. His scarlet eyes returned to Mithias who had the bright spotlight upon him through the ever-hungry darkness which swallowed his form into merely a head and neck to the frozen audience. All the world's a stage they say, and this destroyed bar was no exception.

"You are too polite to introduce me Sir Varomere, certainly Sir Bedivere would have done. But certainly wise in your descion to keep the thin peace we have here tonight and join me for this lovely drink. And as promised I shall allow them to live tonight. All the humans associated with you, should leave this nation by the next sunset. Alive, or after the sundown... Dead and returned to their respective countries of origin in bodybags. I am even more than willing to provide transportation if required so let it be known I am quite reasonable in my fair negotiations. Now how's the bloodbrandy? It's a shame the master brewer died several years ago, not one of mine, some French vampire whose name eludes me at this moment." Hardly a fair negotiation when you are pretty much negotiating at gunpoint, or swordpoint technically, but Bedivere seemed to be rather relaxed enough to entertain his special guest in what would probably be regarded as either asinine, pompous or just sheer arrogance in his totalitarian control that he did not even consider anyone having the spine to go against him.

But someone did.

Expletives in Russian, exploding from the mouth of Roman, as he took to himself to upstage the tense melodrama and turn it into a circus. All they needed now was a bear on tiny bicycle, as Bedivere began to chuckle after hearing the Russian go off on his rant. "Option five was not listed, but I can... Improvise." Oh dear gods, Roman was now a dead man, well not a dead man, but definitely could be one soon if it had not been for Mithias accepting the terms of three and giving himself up Bedivere's obvious benefit. Yet, letting the human go without some sort of punishment for insubordination was highly unprofessional of him. For he expected his vampires to obey his will, so too should Solider respect the authority and descion of their commanding officers. Thus a favour to Mithias would be to certainly smack that Russian in the mouth. Or perhaps something more befitting given the insults slung at his honor.

It happened rather quickly, too quickly for thoughts to truly understand what happened. Yet the eye certainly saw it unfold. Bedivere rising from his seated position, his hand grasping the back of Roman's head, roman's finger beginning to curl around the trigger as those pale claws wrapt around his skull. A force smashing a face into the stone bartop, a fired gunshot fired nicking the shoulder. An interesting exchange, but certainly one where Bedivere came out on top as a broken nose was not the only thing which he left Roman with.

"лошадь петух для хуесос." Was his curt reply after Roman finished realizing what happened. Though the old blood was certainly more than a bit miffed at getting shot at at pointblank range, he was fast enough to avoid getting the bullet embedded into him, merely being grazed by the shot but certainly his pride taking more injury than he. His suit was also ruined now, at which the tear began to drink his own blood. It must have been silver rounds used in there, for all other metals would quickly be healed by the regenerative abilities the old knight had as a creature of the night. But this bullet certainly retarded this ability to the point where it visibly ruined the elder's entire illusion of being untouchable. And yet his reaction was hardly befitting of the reality of being harmed. Far from it as he poured another drink for himself and Mithias casually as if he had neutralized Roman enough to return matters to business as hand and close the circus down.

In truth, Roman was neutralized, by a single olive pick plucked from the bar. A small steel object shaped like a metal sword reminiscent of portrayals of Excalibur had impaled his tongue into the stone countertop. Nailed in and tethered by a sword in stone, certainly not going to be able to backtalk to Bedivere anytime soon until the olive pin was removed and slight disorientation from the blunt force trauma to the head cleared up. An incidental tongue piercing, from the whiplash of the sudden attack which gave Bedivere enough time to apply his proper correctional justice.

"He has balls of steel, but a bit short on brains for my liking. Commendable bravery and punishable stupidity. Perhaps his vampire half is the brains here, Care to join us M'lady?" Bedivere Spoke to Rin this time, as he did last time and returned the her offered glass to Roman's side while watching the humans begin to either leave or stay, either way Mithias was now his captive audience. And an ally in Mithias was worth far more than this bar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hank Miller

It had been almost a week since Hank killed the vampire in Nevada. But he had gotten everything he needed from the vampire's friend. Hank was about to finish something that was started 13 years ago. He was going to finally avenge the death of his family. After the brutal torture he preformed a while back he was able to find the vampire that he had shot well in the Marines. Fergus O'Brain. Took Hank much of his later life to find the vampire that had massacred his family. Now he was going to make the dead fuck pay for his actions. To get to him Hank had to travel over seas all the way to Ireland to a small town he had no hope in trying to pronounce. In the far outskirts of the town laid a small shack well in need of repairs.

Hank walked up to the shack wearing his trench coat. Underneath it, his .357 magnum, a sawed-off shotgun, his machete, and a folding hatchet. Along with some other odds and ends to make sure this sick bastard paid for what he has done. Hank entered the house with his .357 drawn and ready to fire. Inside it he had an explosive round designed to almost vaporize organic material. Each bullet was worth more then the gun they were loaded in. Hank entered the kitchen where sat what seemed like an old man reading a newspaper. He seemed sick, really sick. "It's about damn time Hank. What took you so long?" Hank pulled the hammer back on his gun. "I ain't gonna run if that's what you think." He folded the news paper slowly and set it down. His face was sunken in, his skin was shaded green over his pale tone. Parts of his head and torso looked disfigured like something has tried to rip him apart and put him back together with Elmer's glue. "You're not going to fight? You realize I can here to kill you right?" Hank still had the gun trained on the vampire's head. "I'm dead anyways. I might as well clear up my conscience before I kick the bucket." All Hank could think was what made a vampire so sick that he no longer worried about death, and wanted to die on a clean slate? "Come, sit down." The fugly vampire spoke.

Hank sat down in the chair across from Fergus. The vampire looked even worse up close. Up close hank could see his messed up face, and the effect spreading down tot he torso of the sick old looking vampire. "Thanks Hank my boy. Now..." Fergus pulled a string Hank didn't see when he entered. Fergus laughed as Hank turned to see a shotgun sitting behind him. Though instead of the gun going off the hammer hit the gun creating a moment of light as the gunpowder from the shell went off like a sparkler for a solid 5 seconds. "Well that sucked. I was hoping for more blood." Hank turned and pressed the gun to the Fergus's head. "You think this is some damn game you sick demented fuck?" Hank screamed as the relaxed vampire sat.

The Fergus slowly pushed the barrel away from his head. "What can I say? I was hoping for one last point before I died. I wasn't joking about that part. The way I say it, if I got one more kill in all this pain would be worth it. If it didn't work you'd put me out of my misery with either some fancy blade or some fancy gun." He wasn't wrong. Hank had a lot of plans to kill this... thing. "But what I want to make clear is I ain't the vampire that turned your kid." He spoke with a smile. Hank sat back in his chair confused, the gun still trained on Fergus. "So you don't know? Goody, story time!" He spoke with glee, soon cutting himself off as he started coughing. "You shot me, and fucked me up pretty badly. So badly I never healed right. You got that one in a million shot boy." His smile soon faded. "Did you know that vampires do get sick? They are just better at fighting it off then humans. But... Every once and while something comes in that has the ability to do some damage. In my case, I got that unlucky one in a million chance of my healing factor fucking up and giving me cancer. Yay me." He leaned back looking to the roof. "In basics, I was so fucked up that I couldn't do much of anything. The tumors were so bad trying to remove the many that had formed by the time I knew what was going on would be impossible. So I called in an old favor." He leaned forward. His smile slowly starting to reform. "I asked an old friend of mine to avenge my coming death by killing off the survivors of your unit one by one. But he went above and beyond! he broke you all. Killed your units, your officers, then your families!" He was laughing at this point. "He went above and beyond with his job! I was so damn happy I could die!... Only I was already dying."

Hank was speechless. His target was another vampire? And not only one that has caused the death of his family, but of the families of the other survivors of his unit. And this Prick set it all in motion. Hank leaned forward and pressed the gun so hard against the vampire that his chair rocked for a moment. "You will pay for the damage you have caused Fergus O'Brian." Hank pulled the hammer back again, he was going to enjoy the suffering that he would bring upon this... creature. "Do it! Kill me! End it already you fucking human! Put one right in my head and finish me off before these tumors do!" They were both quiet for a moment. Then Hank slowly put the hammer of his gun back in place and stood up. "...What... What are you doing?" Fergus asked the hunter. "Making you suffer for all the damage you have caused." Hank started to walk away. "hey! Don't you fucking leave me like this! Don't leave me like this to rot you fucking asshole!" Fergus screamed. But hank just ignored him. Fergus being desperate for a quick death tried to plead to Hank in a way that only he could provide right now. "I can save you Hank!" Hank stopped.

Fergus smiled. "That's right. I know what's wrong with you." Hank turned to face the dying vampire, still stuck in the chair. "I can hear your heart skipping beats, it's beating very weakly. Your body is failing on you Hank my boy. But I can save you. I can turn you. Your heart will heal, it will function a hundred times better then in the prime of your life Hank!" Hank simply looked at him with a blank expression. "You're dying Hank. You're living on borrowed time now. But I can give you the time you need to get your revenge on Erickson." Hank still had a blank expression when he spoke. "I have a name. That's enough for me." And Hank turned and walked away. Leaving the vampire he crippled to die a slow painful death. "FUCK YOU HANK! You will PAY for what you have done today! YOU WILL FUCKING SUFFER FAR WORSE THEN ME!"

Fergus at one last attempt to get Hank to finish him screamed something that would for sure catch his attention. "Kathryn's in London! She's killed to. Because you were too weak to finish her off last time you met! Because you didn't have the guts to kill her when she killed your son. When she killed your wife! They're dead because you were too weak to kill her!" Hank gripped the gun tighter now. "I am a lot stronger then I was back then. Next time, I will finish the job." Hank continued his walk out. Fergus was left in shock as the old Hunter walked out on him.

Kathryn Miller

Kathryn was weak at this point. She rarely was in a state strong enough to function beyond walking around and pretending to be fine. But for a vampire, she was weak, she was fading away. She was young for a vampire. She wasn't even old to human standards. The teenage looking girl walked the streets of London to what she believed one of her last hopes of not wasting away. If it came to it, she could easily find someone to feed off. She still feels guilty for doing so, but she was dying from her thirst for blood. She wasn't the best of hunters, but she refused to give up either way.

It wasn't hard to find. Despite not being local to the country any vampire who had a decent sense of smell could find the place. Between the blood storage it held, the vampires inside, and the smell of spent sulfur from firearms, it seemed like the place to go for blood. She walked up to the place trying to avoid drawing too much attention to herself as several humans walked out. The sulfur smell seemed to be coming from them primarily. Best to avoid them. She entered the night club to see a mess of was looked like the most intense bar fight ever known to happen. It almost seemed like world war three had just happened and was somehow contained to this one structure. Lots of blood and bodies lay about. Lots of tension still was in the air. Kathryn thought about a lot of her options, but if she didn't get some blood soon she was going to be in trouble. Though she was probably in trouble now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Troublesome, isn't it?" Lupa Regina coyly whispered into the ear of the fledging that had entered just before her. Gina tilted her head, examining the situation. Yup, a chaos already. And in the middle the man she was seeking to meet, Lord Bedivere. Showing some sort of old-fashioned justice. Which no doubt, would keep them busy. She caught a whiff of the scents. So much gunpodwer and violence. There were some human instigators, and lots of vampires, one of which made her narrow her eyes.

One of the traitors who joined the humans. Peh, vampires. The elder werewolf shrugged, and kept staring at the situation from the door, taking a couple of moments to straighten up her fine leather jacket and dress. The thrashing of the man pinned by one of the olive picks was quickly becoming more an annoyance than an actual amusement. Is this your idea of modern art, Bedivere? Gina pondered. He probably wasn't to be free any time soon.

Her eyes rested on the frail vampire fledging next to her. It looked barely a teenager, a starving one at that. Regina sighed. It had to yank her heart, had she? The old werewolf had a soft spot for defenseless youths. Extending her own hand in front of Kathryn, she deftly made a cut with her nails on her wrist.

"Drink up a couple of sips, sweetie. The situation might be go like this for a while." She whispered to the young vampire. "But careful, I'm told my blood is potent and intoxicating."

It was then when her nose caught a familiar scent. One that brought memories. Her sight rested on the man who was smoking. Well hello there, lost puppy. She smirked. She would address this man later, as soon as Bedivere was so kind of finishing his business first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias picked up Lupa's scent before she even managed to enter the club, but the moment she did, Mattias was set on edge. He knew that smell from somewhere. He also knew that it made him uneasy. The elder werewolf's sudden appearance coupled with the brutality done unto Roman was agitating him deeply. The werewolf began to take deep steadying breaths between drags of his cigarette. "Hey Soldier girl?" Cigarette drag. Deep breath. "We really need to leave." Drag. Breath. "Like, now." Drag. Breath. "Unstick your friend and let's get the hell out of here." Picking up the sound of Lupa's words had driven Mattias to the brink. Drag. Breath. Drag. Breath. Drag. Breath. He awaited Ashley's reply with great trepidation, tapping his foot rather quickly in contrast to the slow breaths he was attempting to take.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shit. Katya and Sonja hadnt returned with the van yet and they had to leave. Ash quickly ran up to the counter and pulled the blade from romans tongue. "Roman were leaving now whether you like it or not"

Meanwhile down by the River Thames

Katya and Sonya had just arrived by the Van that Mithias had stashed earlier containing all their gear. The cracked open the back door of it to reveal all the body armour, and Assualt Rifles and Shotguns and Sniper rifles and EVERYTHING they had brought. "Ok we got the stuff now to get back to Ash Roman and Allison." It was then that Sonjas radio came to life. "Sonja, Kat its Ashley. we got a problem were gonna have to scratch the original plan and just get the hell out of here. Roman opened his big ruskie mouth and he got nailed to the table and you know what ill explain when i get to the Rendezvous point"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kathryn Miller

Kathryn had mixed feelings about the offering. She was desperate, but she could tell from the small alone that she was a wolf. Last time she had an encounter with werewolves it ended with Kathryn in a fight she had no chance of winning. But desperate for survival she took a chance and decided to trust her. "Thank... Thank you." She spoke as she started to drink some of the blood. It was definitely difficult to swallow but it was bearable. And being half starved she didn't mind at all.

All that was going through Kathryn's mind when she finished was who was she this woman? Kathryn at this point was focused on a whole bunch of people, like the vampires. She recognized one of them relatively fast as Mithias Varomere. An agent of SOLDIER. She knew him from various between both vampires and humans. She didn't know if he would be an ally or an enemy. The other one she didn't recognize, but she felt a connection to him. He seemed to hold the attention of the room. Did everyone have this connection? Though the way everyone else was looking at him as if they knew him. She turned to face the woman. "So am I the only one confused on what's going on or is everyone just as confused?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Instantly, Mithias knew what would happen. Roman had egregiously crossed the line, and now, he was about to suffer the consequences. If Mithias could have stopped it, he would have tried. Soldier had other, more official ways for dealing with insubordination. Nonetheless, even for a vampire, watching Bedivere man-handle Roman with such speed and grace was fascinating. Mithias furrowed his brow at the pinned Russian and reminded Bedivere of their agreement on Roman's behalf.

"We've agreed to terms, Beivere. You cannot kill him." Mithias relaxed somewhat as he watched the old knight settle and return to pouring drinks. Of course Bedivere wouldn't kill him. The vampire was lawful, if not evil, and he already had what he wanted most out of this.

Before she left, Mithias spoke to Ashley once more. "Ash, I need all of you to lay low. No expensive rescue missions on my behalf. Trust me. Bedivere's not going to kill me, or he would have done that by now, and I'm not going to let him convince me to leave Soldier. Go back to the States and give your report. I promise I will return in one piece."

Other characters were still present in the darkened bar. Mithias scanned over them quickly, noting now more than one werewolf. It made sense there would be more than one. The lycans always ran with packamtes, of course, but what did their presence mean? Coming into a very populated human city must have an important meaning. Something interesting was going on here. Perhaps Bedivere would know something.

Roman began to recover from his ordeal and staggered back, placing a hand over his mouth to discover the blood. He growled in frustration, but with Ashley's insistence, and a disapproving glare from Mithias, he relented, dragging Rin with him back to where Sonja and Kat were scheming at the van.

Mithias touched the glass in his fingertips for a moment, then tried his drink. "Apologies for the mess, brother..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Van carrying all their gear in screeched around to the front of the bar. Sonja was driving with Katya in the back holding her own rifle. She backed the van up into the door way and opened up the back doors, "Ash, Get Roman inside quick." she shouted. she turned to look at Mattias. "Look I dont know you too well, but you seemed to have Ashley's back in there. Your welcome to come with us." She turned to look at Allison. "You coming or what ya crazy bitch" she joked knowing she didnt mean the insult.

"Good luck Mithias, we shall meet again hopefully in better circumstances." Sonja shouted back as Ashley helped Roman into the back of the Van.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias followed Ashley and Roman into the back of the van, his face grim. He needed to get the fuck away from Lupa and those vampires. That much power condensed in one place could only mean trouble. These Soldier agents could get him out of dodge, then he'd find some way to get back to the States. Mattias started to take another drag on his cigarette, but paused. "Anyone mind if I finish my smoke?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Deon Erickson

Many years ago, The Nightwars

"Let me get this strait? You failed your mission at the airport, and you want me to cover up your mess?" The man speaking sat in an improvised war room. The room originally seemed to be the main living area of a private estate. He was a tall man, well built, and gave a natural uneasy feeling as he spoke to the people around him. Though right now the only one with his was the disfigured Fergus O'Brian, who was still struggling to heal from his wounds from his mission over a month ago. The man leaned forward in his chair, leaning against the table with a map of the world pinned on it. "Do you realize how badly this loss hit us Fergus? Pretty damn bad. Bad enough I want to mount your head on a wall and put it on a plaque that says 'I fucked up' across it." Fergus didn't speak, speaking now would only make things worse on his end. "The only reason I am not doing that is because you're not the one who fucked up. No that was Sasha. Her head I am already putting on a plaque for this. But you, you're not out of this. So unless you have some reason for me to not beat you into an oblivion you better start running."

Fergus sat in a chair across from the man scared shitless to speak to him. "I... I was already punished. My injuries are not healing right as it is. I am still trying to figure this out myself!" The man wasn't pleased with this response. He stood up as Fergus listed reason number two to have his life spared. "I got their names!" He screamed as he fell back in his chair holding his arms up. This got the man's attention. "Who's names?" Fergus saw a glimpse of hope. "I got the names of the Marines that cut the mission short." He hesitated for a moment. "I... I got one name. But I got his units memorized! With his name and the name of his unit we can track down the survivors and make them pay!"

The man gave Fergus a blank look. "You're a fucking coward. But for once that actually was a good thing for us. We can do more with them now then just kill them." He said with his thoughts going. "But knowing you, it would have to be someone else that would go on these errands." He clapped his hands together with a somewhat creepy smile on his face. "I can take care of it tomorrow! Then that will help bring up the point of stop getting in my fucking way!" He said pissed off now. "People are always getting in our way now." He looked the quivering vampire in the eyes. "This war is coming to an end Fergus. And we're on the loosing side. I need you to remember this when the times comes."

Fergus stood up on two feet to give his reply. "I understand, but I think your doubts are a bit over estimated. For every one of us that dies at least ten humans are killed off!" The mans expression was unchanged. "What's seven billion divided by ten Fergus. Then figure out if that number is smaller then the known vampire population. Then do the math that not all vampires are on our side, or on a side at all. Now we just prepare for the next big move." Fergus was confused at this point. But he wasn't going to question it. "Alright Erickson. I see your point. So we just wait out the war until another one can kick in?" Erickson laughed at his comment. "To put it bluntly, yes." They were both quiet for a while. Eventually Fergus left as Deon Erickson prepared how he wanted to end this war, and how to start the next one.


The shack at this point was in worse condition then when Deon saw it years ago. Then again, it had survived a madman like Fergus living in it. Deon walked in the front door, it was wide open. After walking inside he noticed a few things, the smell of spent gunpowder, and the lack of the smell of blood. After walking into the kitchen he saw the mentally unstable vampire half dead leaning against the table. "You drunk or dead?" The deformed vampire sat up. "Dead." Deon smiled. "Good! Time to get to work then." Fergus was pissed at this comment. He could tell Deon knew he was dying and all he was concerned about was work. "Guessing by the spent powder and the faulty gun on the counter you didn't kill who ever came here to kill you." Fergus didn't reply. "Alright then, be a dick. I came here giving you a final chance of glory." Deon started walking out, soon being cut off by Fergus. "Wait! wait! What do you mean?" Being on the verge of death, Fergus was willing to do anything to get the last laugh in. Deon turned to face his former employee. "It's finally time Fergus. Just need to get some final things taken care of." Before Fergus could speak Deon started giving him a list of things he was to do before he died. "I left a car outside with all the things you will need for your job. Some weapons, not a lot but enough to get you to your mark. Some tools, some chemical mixtures, those kind of things. I want you to get creative for once. And as long as you get some specific things done, I don't honestly give a shit what you do beyond that. Just make it memorable." He said with a smile. He knew Fergus was desperate to get back into action at least one more time. And was crazy enough to do anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Allison wanted to respond to Katya, but she couldn't get that far since Roman had refused to accept Mithias' decision. Thankfully they got off lightly with only Roman receiving a brand new tongue piercing.
Now this mission was... disappointing... Allison thought as everyone got on the van. Picking the front passenger seat, she resting her feet on the dashboard. She knew that Katya would want some answers about what she said before, but she hoped that it would take a while before she would mention it again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the final door closed Kat nodded to Mithias before banging on the metal interior of the Van signalling Sonja to drive. They sped off towards the nearest motorway, looking for signals that might lead them to Weymouth so they could reach the SOLDIER cache and eventually get picked up. Ashley ejected the clip from her pistol to check how much ammo she had left, which surprisingly was not alot. "Sure dude, Light up. If your coming with us though Im gonna need a name"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias nodded gratefully and took a drag. "A name? Call me Mattias." The werewolf looked at Ashley. "I already know your name, but I'd appreciate it if you'd answer a question of mine." He took a drag of his cigarette, then proceeded without waiting for a response. "What's Soldier doing here? It's to investigate the rumors, right?" And then as an afterthought, "You want one?" Mattias dangled a pack of cigarettes between him and Ashley.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Eh, sure why not. Not like this is the thing thats gonna kill me anyways." She looked to Sonja and stuck her hand out. "Uh for fuck sake. Here" Sonja said throwing the lighter to Ashley, who lit the Cigarette and took a long drag from it. "So Mattias, We're investigating how the UK is operating without any vampires in it, or so they said however after that shithole that they dare to call a bare back there i think you can see how wrong they are. but shits gone sideways. So now were going to a Soldier cache where theres a boat, from there were going to Guernsey where a Helicopter will pick us up and take us back to the states. Your free to come with us back to HQ if you wanna help the good fight against the vampires who plan to break the Blood Compact. or we can drop you off back in the states somewhere. Up to you."

Sonja turned a dial on the radio to put it on to the Radio. The rather chirpy voice of the BBC Radio 1 presenter Nick Grimshaw sounded throughout the van. "That latest song by American Artists twenty one pilots, now were gonna play something a little different. This is Warriors by Imagine Dragons"and then the presenters voice vanished and was replaced by some music

Meanwhile Katya was dealing with Romans rather unfortunate situation regarding his tongue. She had remembered something from a Medic course she had taken a long time ago that if no sterilising agent was around that cheap vodka was similar to a sterilising agent. Luckily the Russian would be used to the taste of cheap vodka from the old Motherland or whatever they called it. "Sorry Roman, this might sting" she said as she forced him to drink some of the Vodka she had taken from His pack. Luckily it would suffice till they had time to get him proper medical attention. "Yo, Sonja were gonna need to get this guy to a hospital at some point ok"
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