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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"In case you forgot, Miss Anderson, my middle name is rowdy, loud, and obnoxious... Knowing my dad that actually wouldn't surprise me if that really was his first choice." Robert said with a grin. Sure, he hated his dad, but he could still smile at it. "and as for the food it wouldn't be a Yankees game if we didn't get the beer, hot dog, fries combo. This not date will be a total time for relaxation. Go all out girl." Ray said with a laugh. The drive didn't take much longer, and as he was parking Marian was nearly jumping out of her seat. He looked over at Marian who was looking at the stadium. Could this woman get any more adorable? When commenting on this being her first time, his jaw dropped. "What?! Your first time?! Oh I might have to make a citizens arrest on your dad for never taking you to a ball game! A true anti-patriot crime." Robert shook his head in fake disappointment.

When approaching Marian he wasn't expecting her to take his hand... so it was only normal for his brain to explode and his heart to soar as she rushed towards the ticket booth. She grabbed his hand and he felt like he was a puddle... God help him. He threw out the occasional sorry as car horns blared at them for rushing in front of them. Before he knew it his hand felt a bit cold and they were in line for admittance. Marian was hopping up and down out of excitement, and Robert's heart was melting. What he wouldn't give to kiss that woman right there and then.

With a mental sigh of that thought never happening, he gave a smile to the woman in the booth and handed her the tickets. They were in. "Alright, first things first: We need to get you a foam finger stat! Then some cold beers!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

This was a dream come true! She was at a YANKEES GAME! There was no doubt that the blonde jumping up and down was excited about something. The thrill of the oncoming game maybe? The joy of being in the crowded stadium with massive amounts of fellow fan or the fact that she was with a good looking guy for the adventure. Depending on what onlooker you asked, you'd most likely get one of the three answers.

The entrance into the stadium was like a dream come true for the starry-eyed blonde as she stared down at the lush green field with the white lines and perfect diamond squares, holy crap she was here!!! "Foam finger!" She announced with a tone of determination as she turned and started towards the selling booth. Oh this was too joyful for her. Her hands were out of her pockets and swinging freely to match the nearly skip in her step. Her father was always too busy with the force to take her to any of the games and when her mother was alive it wasn't something she was really excited to see but allowed it to be watched in the house. But that didn't matter to Marian anymore, she was here---finally here! Did she ever picture it would be with Robert though? No way.

At the front of the line she examined the display of foam fingers as if to pick out the perfect one. Not giving Robert the chance she pulled out her small wallet from her front pocket and requested two of the blue #1 fingers. "I got this, you got us in." She said with a grin as she handed the woman the money and presented him with his own foam finger. "We aren't truly at a game without a giant foam finger!" She said with way too much excitement that it seemed like she was going to explode with childlike joy from her womanly body. Can you blame her though? "Now off to find beer!" That, that was not so childlike but still as excited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Could Marian get any more adorable? She was practically jumping out of her skin, her eyes were wide and excited, and her determination to get a foam finger, he could have practically turned in to a puddle from her cuteness. She skipped off to the gift shop, and Robert put his hands in his pockets and smiled at her. He would often think about what a date would be like with Marian. Or what it would be like to just spend time with her outside of work. It was better than he imagined, even if this was a not date and would not end with a kiss goodnight (or will it? No, don't think like that, Locksley. You're already getting more time with her than you deserve). Before he caught up with Marian he felt his phone vibrate. Little John... Was everything alright?

"Yeah." Robert said, putting the phone to his ear. "Guess who's making an appearance today at your ball game. Governor Lyon himself." Little John's voice said. Robert gave a sigh and looked away from Marian for a second. "Are you trying to ruin this moment? I've literally dreamt about taking Marian to a Yankee's game forever! You're just the anti-Cupid." Robert announced. "Look I'm not saying that you should ruin the game by announcing who you are and robbing everyone. I'm just saying you can probably get information off of him while you're there. If we want to pull off this grand heist you've been planning--"

"I'll see what I can do. But Marian comes first." Robert said after a moment of silence. Then he hung up, and walked over to where Marian disappeared to. Robert gave a genuine grin when she saw she had two foam fingers and a stunning smile. They made it to the counter, and as his hand touched his pocket, Marian already pulled out her wallet. "Alright, but I'm buying the beer." Robert said with a soft smile. Robin laughed and took the finger, placing it on his hand. "You're right, and I think the beer is... That way!" He used the giant foam finger to point in the direction, giving a laugh as the two headed for the counter. It's been a while since he's been at a ball game, and now he was here with the girl of his dreams (on a not date he keeps reminding himself), and now luck has it that he should also try and steal from the Governor of New York. A risky gamble... And he was debating on whether or not to test his luck...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Was she... Actually having a good time with Robert? Robert Locksley of all people?! But as he took the foam finger and put it on his hand she couldn't help but grin largely. He really was one of those cases of "don't judge a book by its cover" had she known that under the arrogant, obnoxious, self-righteous exterior was this playful, fun loving, humorous, decent human being underneath. Or maybe he was the above before and getting knocked down really changed who he was. Either way she was enjoying her time now.

She followed suite slipping the foam finger on her hand and pointing in the same direction. "Charge!" With that they were off to collect beer, much needed accessory to the national pass time! Upon receiving their oversized beer containers full of the necessary liquid they proceeded to the stands which she followed Robert down the stairs to find their assigned seats.

It wasn't until they were shuffling through people muttering sorry as they did that she realized just what type of people were there. From where they could see (which were good seats and she was highly surprised) there were a lot of people from higher end of society present at the game. What if... Oh god what if Robin were to show up?! She could hear the lecture now, What were you thinking? What if he tried to get information from you? What if he found out that you were a Merry Men? I said go after Guy not Robert! What if he saw her on the TV? Her phone could blow up... If Guy or Edward saw her they could blow it up as well or---or...

"So I take it as you got my dad's okay to take me to the game right?" She asked with a cheeky grin on her face. "I mean you were supposed to let him know right? Or are we taking a walk on the wild side?" Her lips wrapped around the straw as she took a drink out of the oversized oddly shaped souvenir cup. He had mentioned to her that her dad wanted to know the next time they had a 'not date' and she was more curious then ever to see if he followed through with that. "Because if we're going to walk on the wild side we're going to have to lay low."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert paid for the beer, slipping in a generous tip to the people working the stand (even if these were overpriced, he was sure these guys weren't getting much of that money). He held his beer and foam finger as the two made their way to the seats, giving nods and smiles to people as they squeezed by to take their seats. He wasn't a fan of being in the same section as the wealthiest of New York, but those thoughts were quieted when he saw Marian look over at him with a smile. He took a large sip of his beer. It was a nice day in New York, the ballpark music played, the players started to warm up on the field, and the beer was great.

Her question put a grin on his lips and a hint of mischief in his eyes. He looked at her, took another sip and shrugged as he did so. "I mean if your dad asks, and it helps you relax a bit, I totally called him a dozen times to make sure it was alright, but he was so busy, and never called me back." Robert took another sip of his beer, putting his baseball hat on with his free hand. "But in reality I thought it'd be more interesting to take a walk on the wild side. We work for the law! It's alright to break rules every once in a while!... Don't quote me on that." Robert added, looking at Marian with fake sternness before giving a lighthearted wink.

The audience stood for the National Anthem, Robert quietly singling along with his hat over his heart, and when it was over, he joined in with the crowd as everyone yelled "PLAY BALL!!!!" The crowd went crazy, and the two sat back down. Robert looked over at Marian an eyebrow raised. "So you've never been to a ballgame before. Even when you're a mega super fan?" He asked, still in disbelief. "What else haven't you done? For potential not-dates, of course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cold beer, warm day, baseball AT THE FIELD and… well good company. This wasn’t that bad of a day for Marian as she settled into her seat. A small sigh of comfort left her as she felt her body relax and she took a long deep drink of her beer. She was here, she was at the stadium and… well she’s with Robert – could be worse really. She could be with Edward. Maybe Robert wasn’t as bad as he made himself out to be. She felt surprisingly comfortable around him and with his willingness to step in between her and Edward she felt – almost like – she could be protected. How weird.

He didn’t ask her father… well now. That’s taking a walk on a very dangerous side with the man who’s been rather trigger happy with the whole Robin Hood thing. Poor Robin, stuck with her father attempting to hunt him down; good thing he had Marian on his side… but Robert was on the side of her father. It’s surprising to hear about him ‘breaking the rules’ his comment made her raise a blonde eyebrow up to him. “Surprised to hear you walk on the wild side like that Locksley…” She gave him a little nudge, “I like it.”

They stood politely with their hats off as the anthem played and the crowd (along with the two on the not-date) before sitting back down in the seats. His comment about her never being to a game made her laugh again as she stuck her hat back on her head, “You just can’t let that go can you??” She asked playfully before continuing with a shrug, “Um… I’ve never… let’s see…”

“Why if it isn’t Miss Marian Anderson.” An older man’s voice said in their direction and Marian turned around to see Governor Lyon giving her a small wave from the walk way. “Lovely to see you.”

“Hello Governor!” Marian called back in surprise. “It’s nice to see you again.” She returned the wave with a small.

“Nice to see you out and about young lady. I was worried your father had put you on house arrest.”

“Well, when you go out with someone you trust your father tends to look the other way…”

“I’m sorry,” The Governor said quickly realizing that there was a young man staring at him, “I didn’t realize you were out on a date… I’ll be on my way. I must use the men’s room before the game goes too far. Enjoy the game, I’m sorry I interrupted.”

“No you didn’t…” It was too late; the Governor had left the area and headed towards the bathroom. She fell back into her chair feeling a bit defeated; her blue gaze moved back to Robert as she gave him a soft smile, “My dad and Governor Lyon went to college together.” She said with a small shrug. “Hopefully he doesn’t have him on speed dial or our ‘walk on the wild side’ could turn into my phone exploding.” A laugh left her before she shifted in her seat. “As for things I haven’t done… I’ve never been on the back of a motorcycle. I’ve never been to the top of the Empire State Building and I have never had ice cream in central park. Tried to convince someone…” Robin Hood, “To meet me in Central Park for ice cream but they turned me down. Sad really but oh well.” She said with a shrug before giving him a playful nudge. “What about you?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Don't look too surprised, Anderson." Robert said, returning the nudge to her arm. "I was never known for following the rules. Spend one minute with MY old man and he'll tell you all about it." Robert said the last part with a little hint of aggression towards his father. He never liked the man, and especially didn't like how he sold out his own son to keep him from doing the right thing. But he had no intention of talking about his father to Marian. When she started to laugh his heart started to melt, but covered the fact pretty well. He smiled and started to take a sip of his beer, listening to Marian about to list off things she's hasn't done... But he nearly choked on his beverage when he heard the voice of the Governor himself.

Robert met the man a few times when he worked in the law firm long ago, he liked his dad, and would send meaningless Christmas cards every year to them (often getting Robert's name wrong). The governor wore casual clothes, but still looked very wealthy, and very powerful. His eyes were stone gray, his hair was a dark salt and pepper look, and he had broad shoulders. He wore a Yankees t-shirt, a very expensive watch, and he was sure his very expensive wallet was in his jeans... His attention turned back to Marian when she looked at him with her blue eyes. He gave a quick glance of where the Governor was. A VIP section, shocker. He was sitting with what he assumed was his family, and his body guard friends. A small smirk escaped his lips. He was afraid of getting a certain visit by a certain thief?

He could very easily get by those baboons. He could find a disguise, find an excuse to get in, and take a lot of information and goodies.. But if he did that, the Governor will probably shut down the game if he figured out his items were missing. It would ruin Marian's very first live baseball game... He couldn't do that to her. She meant everything to him, even if the feelings weren't mutual.

His gaze was already focused on Marian again, and as she listed the items, he nodded at each one, a smirk on his face. She just might be the most adorable and amazing woman on the planet. He would absolutely keep those things in mind. But the last comment made him raise an eyebrow. "You might have just scared the dude off. Ice cream in the park is like a fifth not-date step." Robert said jokingly.

He wasn't expecting her to ask him the question. He gave a grin, and leaned back in the chair, thinking. "Well lets see... I have never left the state of New York, I have never been to one of those Jazz clubs in Harlem, and... I've never seen the Statue of Liberty up close." Robert confessed, a bit hesitant. These weren't huge jaw dropping secrets, but he was a bit cautious about this stuff. He's spent years keeping things a secret, and now he was back in the social world. He wasn't just Robin Hood anymore, and he definitely wasn't the old Robert Locksley everyone knew.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Well if I have to wait that long in order to have ice cream in Central Park, then so be it.” She said without really thinking before hiding her face into her beer. Maybe he wouldn’t catch on that they were the only ones who would have things like ‘not-dates’. Was this really a date… nah, it was a ‘not-date’, just two people hanging out, sitting together… at a baseball game, her first one, with giant foam fingers, beer --- so close. Oh shit this was a date!

Yeah, in the back of her mind she knew, but at the same time she wasn’t going to openly admit it. It’s funny though, he was the first guy to actually listen and pay attention to what she liked. Edward was always thinking about himself and she cringed at the thought of even being near the man. And Guy, well Guy was nice but he was a bit aggressive for Marian’s taste in men. Be coy about it, be flirtatious and playful. Maybe a little sneaky like --- Her mind popped back to Robin Hood. His cheeky voice, his friendly gestures, his mystery… what girl could deny a man shrouded in mystery with a flirtatious way about him. Her body tingled with at the thought of him and it wasn’t until Robert’s voice began to echo in her mind and snapped her back into reality.

She had brought her beer to her lips and nearly spit it on the hat of the person in front of her when he said he had never seen the Statue of Liberty before. Cough cough cough, she smacked her chest slightly before finally getting herself together and turning her wide blue eyes to him. “You’ve never been to the island? You’ve never climbed up to the top in the crown?!” She found herself laughing hard as she poked him with her foam finger. “That’s as bad as me with this game. I know what we’re doing for our next not-date.” At that moment, the Yankee’s batter’s bat made a cracking noise and took off in a run. Marian, much like the rest of the crowd was on her feet screaming at the top of her lungs with excitement and joy; cheering her favorite team on.

Marian fell back in her chair with a grin as the man settled in on second base and had brought in two other runners. “Alright we’re off to a great start!” She said with excitement throwing her hands up into the air. It’s funny how that simple statement meant more than one thing; even the ‘not-date’ was a great start. “So Locksley, Truth or Dare?” She asked coyly grabbing her beer and taking a drink.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"yeah yeah yeah, laugh it all up, I just never had the time." Robert said with a grin, looking out at the game. It was half true. His parents never did anything like that when he was growing up, and when he was dirt poor he was either getting really drunk, or starting his whole "Merry Men" crew. The crowd went up in an applause as the batter made the satisfying CRACK! through the stadium. Robert flew up with them, giving a large high pitched whistle, clapping with a cheer. The batter fell on second base, but got the Yankees two points on the board. Before Robert sat down he glanced back over the Governor... Even his security was getting excited about this game. So excited that they were cheering along with everyone else... Interesting.

He sat back down, taking another swig of his beer, then crossing his arms. Her comment made him look over at her with a cheeky grin, a bit of playfulness in his eyes. "Not a bad start at all." Robert agreed, looking back at the field. When she asked the same question he asked on their first unofficial not-date, he gave a small laugh and shook his head. "Bringing it old school, eh Anderson? I choose Dare. Hit me with your best shot." Robert said, the alcohol, and his nerves, starting to kick in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Well, who would have thought that the two of them would have such a good time together? Cheering at a Yankee’s game in good seats with beer, foam fingers and laughter. This wasn’t bad to say the least. His acceptance of a dare made her raise her eyebrow at him. “Bold move Locksley, I don’t know if you’ll regret it or not.” She said playfully as she began to look around for inspiration on a dare.

Then… she saw it. “Over here!” She waved to the concession boy who was walking around with the warm beer and popcorn. Upon his arrival she got a beer and a bag of popcorn and paid for it. Then, with one in one hand and the other holding the popcorn she looked Robert dead in the face and dumped the beer over the popcorn, the bubbled formed towards the top of the bag before Marian placed the cup down and held the top closed with her hand. She gave it a few vicious shakes before placing the paper bag in his lap.

“ Eat two handfuls. Yes not just one; but two handfuls of soggy beer covered overly salted popcorn.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert moved his gaze towards the game as Marian thought of something to dare him to. He seemed to be a bit too overconfident. This was a ballpark after all, one of the oldest. There would be a lot of nasty things in this stadium that she could dare him to do, but he was here with the woman of his dreams at a ball game, having an amazing time, and he had a feeling Marian was too. When he looked back to Marian his expression frowned a bit as she dumped the popcorn in the beer, shook it up, and tossed the back on his lap. The sound of eating popcorn wasn't a very appetizing, but then again, this wasn't all tooo bad... "Oh I can eat two handfuls. You forget I was homeless for a little while. I've eaten much worse." Robert half bluffed, looking down at the bag. he put his hand into popcorn, retrieving some soggy, dissolving popcorn covered in beer, and popped some in his mouth. He could hear the people around them laughing for shaking their heads in disgust at the scene. Robert struggled to swallow the first handful, but he managed to give her a weak grin as he reached for the second round.

Beer by itself was delicious. Popcorn by itself was also delicious. But both of them combined left a weird, gross texture and taste in your mouth. Robert Locksley was not a fan of beer covered popcorn. After a few seconds of chewing and trying to get the taste out of his mind he finally managed to swallow the last of it, giving a shudder and look of disgust. "Truth... Or Dare...?" Robert managed to say, wondering if they sold gum at ball games. he needed to get this taste out of his mouth! He couldn't have the smallest possible chance of getting a goodnight kiss out of this not date later if his breath reeked of the worst combination of ballpark food ever!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

His face! Oh god his FACE! Marian was practically snorting she was laughing so hard as he chewed on the god-awful mixture that was the beer and popcorn. She had found herself almost half way off of her chair and nearly crying by the time he had finished his last handful of the horrible mess. Slowing down her laughter she caught her breathe and climbed back into her chair. Wiping the tears from her eyes she let out a long sigh of relief and held her stomach for a moment before looking over at him with her sparkling blue eyes.

“I’m sorry but the look on your face was priceless. Much like what you did to me at the bar!” Taking in a few deep breathes she was about to answer Robert back when the Yankees caught a pop fly ball with an impressive dive-catch from the outfielder. Marian was on her feet screaming and waving her foam finger in support of the team. “Good catch!!!” She felt more excited and alive then she did watching the game at home and screaming at her TV. What an experience this was! And she had Robert Locksley to thank for this.

She fell back into her seat with a small thump, a bright smile across her full glossy pink lips as she tugged on her baseball cap to make sure it was in place before looking over at Robert. “I’ll take a truth.” She said with a nod.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert wondered if eating this god awful combination of food was going to be worth it, it didn't taste too bad at first but the aftertaste was like he just drank cardboard flavored juice. But hearing Marian laugh and seeing her so happy, it was absolutely worth it. He would do literally anything to hear that woman laugh. It was music to his ears. The Yankees made another great play and Robert leaped out of his seat, giving a huge cheer and loud whistle as the catch was made they quickly made a throw to third base, getting another man out. After the celebrating was done, the two of them took a seat, and he once again stole a glance towards her. God she was beautiful! When she answered Truth, he gave an approving nod and glance around the stadium. "Good choice. I still have to think about my revenge" Robert said with a mischievous grin. He leaned back in his chair, and gave a casual nod down the stands, towards where the Governor was. "What do you think of Governor Lyon?" He asked, looking over a her.

"He seemed to try and be buddies with you, and he does NOT look like a sports type of guy." Robert said with a laugh, glancing back at New York's most powerful man... He was curious to see if she had anything bad to talk about the man. As his days of being Robin Hood, he knew he was definitely a piece of work. He was basically the mastermind behind it all. He was the man who got a little bit of share of every corrupt business, and did really nothing for his citizens. He hid everything behind a smile, empty promises, and "fundraisers". Robert Locksley and Robin Hood were not a fan of him... And one day, he will take him down. One way or another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The fact that Robert and she were having a good time was something she really didn’t expect. Especially since she came here with an ulterior motive; to find out how much he knew about Robin Hood and how far along he and Guy were on his trail. Yet she was sitting here laughing, talking, joking and yelling at a sport she loved. Why would he ever take her to something like this? A small amount of panic began to bubble inside of her. Does he know that she has a connection with Robin Hood? Her stomach turned at the thought and she shifted slightly in her seat as she observed the field. There’s no way, she hasn’t done anything to lead someone to that conclusion and the only person who she’s even asked anything about the Robin Hood case from was Guy. If anything he’d be the one getting suspicious.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she absentmindedly pulled it out of her short’s pocket to check it. The text on the front was from Guy Gibson; apparently she had missed more than one text because there were three about a half an hour apart from each other. All asking what she was doing in the evening and expressing that he wanted to meet up with her. She clicked the button blanking out the screen and sliding it back into her pocket. Why would it matter to him what she was doing? Plus she was with his partner at a baseball game. Then, a thought occurred to her; could she pit Guy and Robert against each other? Guy had feelings for her, that much was obvious… maybe he’d get jealous of Robert if she hung around him more and it would cause a rift in their ability to work together…

The thought floated to the back of her mind as she realized Robert was asking her the ‘truth’ question. Her blue gaze turned back to him as she watched his nod. The thought in the back of her mind now became mixed with questioning whether she could actually do something like that to Robert… he had really shown a different side to him and the side she was seeing was something she actually enjoyed… Could… could she really do that…

Her gaze then moved to the governor as he sat with his family and body guards pretending to enjoy the game. “He’s a bastard.” She said bluntly, her small hands balled up into fists in her lap. “I only converse with him because he’s technically my father’s boss. But he’s a bastard in my book.” Nodding, she shot daggers with her eyes in the back of the governor’s head. “All the money he gets from the city, all the help he gets from my father and all the assistants he promises his employees… it’s all a lie.” For some reason, before she could stop herself she was speaking freely to Robert as if she believed it would stay between them. “When my mother passed away in the car accident, he refused to let my father take time off. He didn’t grant my father bereavement leave and on the day of her funeral; my dad was cooped up in his office doing paperwork and couldn’t get there until after they had put the casket in the ground. ‘The city needs you’ he said, ‘Your wife wouldn’t want you neglecting your duties to the city you love so much.’ So instead he forced my father into neglecting his daughter on a depressing day and a hard week, and missing the love of his life’s funeral.”

Her knuckles were nearly white as she clinched her hands into fists and a single tear rolled down her cheek as she moved her eyes back to the field in an attempt to push the memory from her mind. “I hope the heartless bastard gets what’s coming to him one of these days.” She said in a soft voice before looking down at her lap with the tear slowly working its way down her soft cheek. Taking in a few deep breathes she claimed herself down and loosened the grip on her own hands. “I’m sorry.” She spoke louder this time to insure that Robert could hear her. “He’s obviously not my favorite topic.” At that she turned her blue gaze to him and pushed a smile across her face. “Truth or Dare?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert wasn't really expecting this reaction to his question, and the more she talked the more his heart broke, and when he saw how angry she got and the tears form in her eyes, he hated Governor Lyon more than ever. His gaze turned over to where the governor was, and he glared with hatred. He and Marian had something else in common: they were both screwed over by this man. Robert was lost in thought, still glaring at the man until Marian asked him truth or dare. He turned back to her and his gaze softened slightly. "I'll be right back. The popcorn-beer combo is finally getting to me." Robert said with a weak grin, getting up from his seat, climbing up the stairs, and disappearing into the crowd.


It wasn't hard to sneak in and find a vendor outfit, and it wasn't hard to find a hat and glasses to hide his face. He wondered how much time had passed since he left Marian, but he didn't care about that at the moment. All he could think about was Governor Lyon. He grabbed a tray full of popcorn and cotton candy, put it around his neck, and walked down the aisle of the stands, giving a fake thick Boston accent. "POOOPCORN, COTTON CANDY, COLD DRINKS!" Robert yelled, his accent think and unrecognizable as he made his way through the crowds, tossing people the items. He got lucky to see that a family behind the Governor was asking for him to make his way over. Robert shimmied his way into the stands, and once he got behind the Governor, he accidentally dropped a couple drinks on the governor and his family.

"Oh geez, sir I am so incredibly sorr--HEY!" Robert was grabbed by body guards, and he was expecting that in his plan. There was no doubt that they knew Robin Hood used disguises, but they wouldn't find anything on Robert's person. After the initial search, Robert was released, and he quickly went to help the governor. "I am so sorry sir, here, let me get that for ya. Would you like some free popcorn? Its on the house!" Robert said, his accent thick as his hands quickly patted him down with a towel. Lyon was very angry, and did a poor job at hiding it, but he eventually gave a sigh and shook his head. "Its fine.... We'll take a couple bags of each. Please let someone else come here next time. I don't want another soda shower." He said in a passive aggressive tone. Robert wanted to punch the man up close, but he nodded and smiled weakly as he handed the people their items. "So sorry, sir. It won't happen again... eh, enjoy the game!"

Swiftly Robert walked out of the aisle, and back up the stairs, and nodding his hat at Marian who was still sitting there enjoying the game. It was a subtle hello as Robin Hood, and she wouldn't think twice about it at all until the news reporter tonight will talk about how the Governor was robbed of hundreds of dollars from his personal wallet.


Robert came back before quickly fixing his messy hair before he sat back down next to Marian, holding fresh beer, and a bag of cotton candy. "Sorry, lines were killer... Did I miss anything good?" Robert asked, looking at the game casually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Her emotions got the best of her and Robert was suffering because of it. The weak smile on his face made her heart drop for an unexplainable reason. Nodding softly she watched him leave and she fell back into her seat in almost defeat. Did she depress him? They were having such a good time and now he was gone. And… and she was sad about it… weird how time changes things.

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she struggled to pull it out. Sliding over the bar, she placed the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

“Hi Marian,” Guy’s voice echoed on the other end of the phone and Marian let her eyes expend in surprise, he called her from a different line. “How’s your day going?”

“Oh um…” Marian said softly looking around at the people she was sitting near. “It’s going well just out and about having fun.” CRACK a bat made contact with the ball and sent it flying. People around her exploded and the announcer followed the play of the ball.

“Are you… at a game?” Guy asked shouting over the background noise.

“Yeah…” She shouted back into the phone. “I’m at a game with a friend…”

“What game?”

Marian hesitated before admitting she was at a Yankee’s game. A friend knew she was a fan of the sport and was able to get tickets so she’s there. “Oh I’m watching that on TV. I didn’t know you were a fan.”

“Yep huge Yankees fan!” Marian said sounding a bit more excited than she had meant to only to be met with some hesitancy on the other end of the phone. Oh so he was a fan of the other team.

“Maybe I’ll pick you out in the crowd. Hopefully your friend’s taking good care of you.”

“Yeah… yeah my friend is, anyway I’ve got to go; it’s rude to be on the phone with them around. Bye.” With that she hung up the phone quickly and let out along sigh. That is when she noticed the commotion over at the Governor’s area. He was soaked in soda and Marian pulled off her hat to bury her face into it laughing hard at the face that he was covered in sticky and warm soda. The poor boy got searched intensely before he was let go and he got a chance to apologize to the Governor and left. She slipped her hat on her head before she realized she had made eye contact with the man who seemed to tip his hat to her. Not really thinking anything of it, she continued to watch the game, yelling at a few plays before Robert finally returned. A smile moved across her full lips. She felt better after seeing the Governor covered in soda and her eyes twinkled with excitement as the game called for half time. “Oh a little of this, a little of that… including but not limited to our fancy pants Governor getting covered from head to toe in soda! Had I known that was going to happen I could have recorded it for you. It was amazing and so incredibly funny.” Shaking her head she turned her attention back to him.

“Oh you got cotton candy!” Again, the twinkle in her eyes had returned thanks to her nearly front row seat to the Governor getting humiliated and Robert arrived with cotton candy. Before she could reach for the cotton candy to ‘steal’ some, the crowd began to get noisy and it drew Marian’s attention to the large screen across from them.

KISS CAM was written along the top of it and it was flicking from couple to couple in the crowd. Her arm was stretched across Robert as the camera flicked to them. Shit! What if Guy sees them?! Without thinking about it she slapped her hand against Robert’s cheek, turned his face and planted a kiss directly on his lips, using her hand to hide his face. The crowd exploded just like with any other couple but she couldn’t hear anything. It was as long the world went silent around them. She couldn’t hear anything but the sound of her heartbeat which seemed to slow down to a mere thud---thud---thud. The crowd’s attention obviously went somewhere else because the seats began to shuffle to go get snacks and go to the bathroom.

She slowly pulled her lips from his; feeling a little frozen in place as her hand slowly fell from his face and onto the arm rest. To took her a moment before her blue eyes flickered open and dropped down to the cotton candy. Using her hand that was on the arm rest she took some cotton candy and shoved it in her mouth before falling back into the seat to look over the empty field, some cotton candy sticking to her cheek as she munched away on it, her face as pink as the fluffy sugar in her hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The money Robert stole from the Governor made him happier, but seeing Marian's face of satisfaction was worth more to him than all the money in the world. He pretended to act surprised as he looked down to see the man covered in soda, and he gave a laugh. "'Governor Stick-Up-His-Ass' had it coming." Robert said with a grin, leaning back, and offering out the cotton candy to Marian. His gaze moved to the field until the screams and cheers became loud and he looked up to see that he and the beautiful blonde next to him were on the Kiss Cam. Well this wasn't really what he was expecting. He would do anything to get a kiss from Marian, but not this way. She was probably going to laugh and shake her head at the camera, leaving everyone (including him) disappointed that she wouldn't play along. Should he make a move, or just leave the choice up to--

Marian's hand touched his face, and then their lips touched, and all of Robert's senses were on fire. The world could have ended right there and then, but he wouldn't have cared. Her lips were too perfect to describe, for years Robert has been totally in love with this woman, and it seemed that his stubborn attitude finally paid off in this moment. Marian pulled away, and Robert was still in place, his lips wanting to go back to her's but he didn't. He opened his eyes to see her reaching for cotton candy, and looking away at the empty game. Robert had no idea what she was thinking, if she liked the kiss or not, why she so quickly kissed him in the first place, or if this just ruined their "Not-Date"

For a few minutes they sat in silence, until Robert finally spoke up, giving a little cough before. "I choose Truth." He said, looking over at her with a little grin, remembering that she had asked her before he left.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Stupid, stupid-stupid, STUPID!! Marian was kicking herself mentally as she stared out at the open field. What would it matter if Guy saw them here? Would it really matter if Robin happened to be watching TV and saw them there? Could he really go against her idea of getting closer to Robert to figure out what he would know about the Merry Men? It was dangerous to think that they might be getting close to figuring out Robin’s identity. Maybe… maybe the kiss was a good thing. Maybe Guy did see it; if he did it might just throw a wrench in Guy’s trust to Robert and that could cause some issues between the two. Some perfectly timed issues when they really needed to focus.

Marian finished the cotton candy from her hand and picked up her beer, taking a long drink to boost her confidence to sit next to Robert for the rest of the game. What was she thinking?! Why did she do it?! And more importantly, why is her stomach in knots? Why his her heart slowing down to the point of nearly stopping? Why did she feel light-headed, in a daze and… and---and wanting to kiss him again!?

His voice pulled her back to reality as she downed her beer and placed the empty cup in the cup holder to the side opposite him. Pressing her full lips together she thought about her question for him. She should probably ask how much they’ve learned about Robin Hood so far, this would be the perfect time to ask, no one’s really around and, if he’s going by honest grade school rules, he’d have to tell the truth. “Did I just ruin our ‘not-date’ by doing what a giant TV screen told me to do?” Wait… that wasn’t the question she meant to ask! Apparently her slow beating heart and light-headedness had a mind of their own as her blue eyes flicked back to him awaiting an answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert wasn't expecting her question to be... well, genuine. Robert himself was still light headed from the kiss, and to be honest, he didn't really know. There was no doubt that he loved the experience he just had with her, he would do it again and again if he could... But he wanted it to be genuine. He didn't want her to kiss him because of what a giant screen told her what to do, or take her places he knows she'd like... He wanted her to like him, and he knew that that was a very wishful thinking. After all he's done to her in the past, he wouldn't blame her. After a few seconds of thinking about a right answer, he gave a faint smile, and shook his head.

"Look, I know you haven't gone to any ballpark games, but its considered bad luck to not obey the Giant Television of Fate. It brings bad luck to your team." His voice was back to its playful self, but his heart was still pounding, and it was very tempting to kiss her again. He didn't want to leave the game soon because of that kiss, he was enjoying himself and he prayed that Marian was too... And he also prayed that the Governor wouldn't glance in his wallet to find his cards and cash missing. "So no, I don't think you ruined the 'not-date' just let me know when you're about to kiss me again so I can at least get my good side on the camera." He hoped his joke and smile assured her that everything was alright between the two.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marian’s whole body was unnaturally tense. What was with her? Why was this a sudden problem?! She could feel her nails dig into the denim of her pants and her shoulders tighten as she moved her attention back to the field. Breathe… breathe… She had to remind herself over and over again as she listened for his response.

His mention that it would be bad luck if she didn’t obey the giant screen sent a wave of relaxation through her body and the tense feeling melted away. Oh thank goodness. Her body nearly slumped back into the seat when he said about making sure camera got his good side. Chuckling softly she gave him a nod, finally looking back at him. “Fair enough.” Before the conversation could continue the announcer said the game was about to return to play.

Marian’s stress had melted away as quickly as it came and the blonde soon was energetic and bouncy as they watched the game together. Screaming, cheering at the top of her lungs with the rest of the crowd she joined in the mockery of the umpire, making faces at the other team in an attempt to distract them and all the other good things that happened the game. A few home runs went flying out in the opposite direction and soon one came flying their way. “Oh. Oh, oh!” Marian explained as the ball came their direction, “Oh it’s too high!” She said in an explanation as the ball came hurling in their direction. “Drat I’ll never be able to reach it!” She yelled over the excited crowd. Oh well, at least she was having a great time!
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