Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hmmm...ZAFT must have invented some sort of advanced means of travel then because we of OMNI Enforcer have not invented such a thing yet. And believe me I know a lot about our scientific divisions even the stuff they don't want people to know about." Jason said casually as if he were simply referring to a offhand comment about a nearby gentleman's club rather than the top secret projects of a major faction of the Earth population. Jason looked around at the three whom introduced themselves. "Regardless of your origins Miss 'Wind' I suspect that your suit is a prototype or at least rare caliber. Many organizations like younger pilots to test out their machines first before handing them off to veterans. It seems stupid indeed but children can grasp concepts more easier than the adult mind not to call you a child young lady but I am unsure about your age." Jason said as Paul spoke up, "Sir do you REALLY think this girl can call herself a MARTIAN of all things? That's just st-" Paul started to comment as Jason grunted, "It's just as likely as the fact that a twenty year old soldier is one of my highest ranking officer's onboard the ship." Jason countered as Paul shut his mouth at a loss for words quite frankly.

And then he turned to the instructor whom he took a firm look at before nodding, "I've seen people like you before Instructor you're not some normal egghead from what I can see and perceive...well I suppose you could call us a 'Unified Earth Sphere Army' but our faction's name IS OMNI Enforcer. Hmmm I'd starting to get an idea about what's going on here....but I'd like to hear more first... but first let me clear something up first." Jason said as he considered his next words and answered after a moment, "There is no such coalition on Earth and if there is it's small enough to considered insignificant otherwise the good general wouldn't have sent us to investigate a signal out in space. He'd have all available captains immediately rip the threat's throat out so to speak. The last major Earth threat we faced was in the Fractured Earth War where Lao La Lugara turned rogue and caused more deaths than some ancient warlords would believe extreme. And the fact that you have no idea about coordinators, a group of humans whom are biologically gene spliced in the womb of the woman carrying the baby to give the child better stamina, sickness resistance, and space survivability, makes my idea about what's going on more and more probable by the second. I'll postpone my theory until Mr. Gabriel over there informs me of his origins. I know of your name because that was one of the first chunks of info we got. And while the fact that I was up and about rounding up my crewmen and women doesn't mean I didn't have the bridge crew keep me posted on what's going on outside."" Jason continued as he tapped his finger on the table slowly and rhythmically. "Now then as for PLANTS they are colonies themselves you see. Small hunks of metal in space giving the appearance of an earth like environment and are the current location of space fairing citizens. Now then for the final question from you my good instructor....I have absolutely zero information. All I know is that we're in large rural city scape in the form of ancient China of Japan. That massive citadel is the only thing here and it is practically abandoned. There's words of military compounds around here that are the exact same. No symbols are there to identify that compound as a part of anything. I'm as blind as you are and if you don't believe me then feel free to go ahead and complain to whatever deity you worship because only he has the answers. Quite frankly I'm more interested in why so many people from Earth specifically are here...so then I've shown you the cards in my hand would you kindly show me yours?" Jason said calmly as Paul simply smiled and felt proud that Jason both gave away everything and nothing at the same time.

He gave them enough info that it'd seem he was being casual but the good captain had told them absolutely nothing that they couldn't have known before hand. If they were being recorded and transmitted than that just means that he'd have an enemy to shoot at soon and there were already suits outside to strike out at enemy ambushers who'd be nearby. If they tried to shoot either of them, if they had weapons, they'd be gunned down by the guards and nobody would win. Even if Jason and himself died here Calhone would take over and make sure operations got moving. Of course he hoped the last part didn't come to be but it was a possibility. Besides he could always just overwhelm them with his superior strength if he had to. Now it was just on the floor between Gabe, Wind, and the other two weirdo's from Earth...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel listened to Paul’s description of what this O.M.N.I faction was, and things still didn’t seem to make sense. These nations that had joined together to form this O.M.N.I had been pretty much flattened during the war’s end and none of them would have the power to rebuild an ordered government or unite under one banner. And this Z.A.F.T organization sounded like a bunch of terrorists, but then again the victor is the one to wright history so without seeing either side Gabriel really couldn’t judge. When the pilot finished and called him over to meet the captain Gabriel gave a little grin, “Right time to go meet the boss man, maybe we can shed a little light on this situation.” He said falling in line ready to be taken to the captain. The security escort was to be expected, Gabriel knew it would be crazy to let any of the newcomers just have free reign to walk the ship, sure they had all declared allegiance to the earth, but words alone aren’t good enough to place your trust in people. Taking the stairs was a little tedious, but Gabriel didn’t mind it much as again four unknowns in a small cramped elevator is a recipe for trouble. When they reached the conference room the Captain started off with a bit of humor, Gabe caught on and gave a smirk, “True it is more effective, and let’s face it biting random people kind of makes you look weird.” He joked as he moved to a char where he could at least see all the others who sat on the table, although this wasn’t really necessary, because as a Newtype the only one who could really match his reflexes was the lieutenant but it was always good to be cautious. “Ohh and I am Gabriel Cross, the one who got the fancy introduction. I must say this is a fine ship you have here Sir.” He added as he sat and listened to the others talk for a bit.
As he listened Gabriel almost smirked, this captain defiantly knew how to handle people. Although he was just giving what would be kindergarten information to him to the group he was working it in a way that it wasn’t insulting. Again the information itself was new to Gabriel, but he could tell it was nothing more than you would learn from a history book. The captain had also let on that he had a theory in mind and Gabriel wondered if it would be the same one running through his own thoughts. When the Captain had finished Gabriel decided that it was his turn to speak.
“Well since I have already been labeled a crazy by your men, I think I should be the one to start off with a crazy theory. What if somehow we are on an Earth not our own, each of us pulled from a number of parallel universes or something like that?” He started off with the question he had been thinking up for a while now. “I say this because otherwise things don’t make sense, None of us know each other’s organizations or affiliations, our lines of history and fact don’t seem to line up and well even the designs of our suits and this ship are foreign to the others.” He continued with his little theory, “Now with that all said I’ll tell you a bit of what I know to be true. About nine years ago I was fighting in something called the 7th Space War, A pointless fight between the United Nations Earth and the Space Revolutionary Army over a missed dinner date or something stupid like that. But anyway that war ended when the SRA decided to drop colonies onto earth itself, not just one but a lot of them. My soldiers and I tried to intercept these colonies and neutralize the threat, but we couldn’t do enough. The Earth went up in flames as Colonies pelted the Earth’s surface. By the time I was able to get back to Earth things were well bad to say the least, when I was finally able to find survivors from my home town there were barley 500 left alive, And that was the survivors from London England, and nowhere else on the earth seemed any better from my view in space. After the drops the Earth entered a Nuclear Winter which lasted 7 years and my community has just barely been able to rise from the ashes.” He explained the events of the war and its aftermath not really wanting to reveal any more than really needed. “And this is why I came up with the crazy theory I mentioned earlier, because in my world, none of this exists, even this landscape is far to pristine coming from what I am used to” He added not really thinking it would persuade anyone to believe him, but he was already considered a crazy by the men of this ship so it wasn't really all that bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul sighed and wondered how much long this guy would continue on with such nonsensical BS. He was the only person here sprouting nonsense about wars that the others have no clue about. Paul was starting to wonder if this man was a spy. "I'm sure the men outside told you the man is out of his blasted mind captain." Paul stated as Jason nodded and listened to every word the man said intently. Jason remained silent for some time afterward but he didn't ignore any of the words said by the others if any were said either. He looked at Gabriel and smiled, "Interesting so your people are none like our own it seems? War is a dreadful business as I'm sure you know and I know that fact first hand." Jason replied but he didn't agree with Mr. Cross just yet. "Here's my theory one or more of us are under the influence of indoctrination. Given fake memories and such as if to cause confusion in an attempt to have friend fight friend. So is it not likely that some or more of us in this very room are enemies disguised as allies? Ponder that for a moment." Jason commented before waiting for a brief moment for everyone do to so. "On the other hand parallel universes sounds extremely far fetched to be considering the facts. I believe my first theory is far more likely and that this is some hellish nightmare." Jason said plainly as he twirled around in this chair. "But that could also be taken as a false theory in itself. We're in one hell of a bind though so anything would be welcome. We could be on Earth. I doubt it but it could be Earth, or we could be on some sort of space fairing colony of sorts, which I think is more so doubtful than the former. So what do the rest of you think of all this?" Jason asked as Paul sat down heavily in a seat, "Sir I BELIEVE that you are letting this get to your head with all due respect. I have little to no doubt that we're indoctrinated as I doubt the time I've spent with my loved ones...and my mortal enemies....are all those memories false? I would doubt so and who would put me in a gundam or a suit with similar performance because that machine I pilot still ranks high up in the performance scale when I looked at the statistics when I was still piloting it." Paul said with frustration in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In Donna's opinion, everyone was just as crazy with Naina probably the sane out of all of them with a bonus of piloting a known Mobile Suit. What Blackstar said with his chewing of the wild theories had a point. Nobody would want to see their life as a forged script but at the same time he would be the one to be indoctrinated with a helpful topping of rudeness.
Instructor W spoke again. "Wherever we all came from whether O.M.N.I., ESUN, Mars or a collapsed world, it is fact that we are here because of something or some reason we can't comprehend." The Instructor pointed out. "There could be others that are brought here too but there's nothing on whether they'll attack us. We can assume that ZAFT, warbands from the collapsed Earth and the Falson Coalition can be there as well and assuming a worst-case scenario, form an alliance that can overwhelm each and one of us if scattered."
Donna heard what her superior officer was saying which was more fitting for a diplomat. She was going to protest but he gave a sign to keep quiet.
Instructor W continued. "As a ranking officer of the ESUN, I propose an alliance or a truce of sorts Captain." He proposed. "If we're from Earth (with the excepted of Ms. Wind here), then we're not enemies nor allies at the same time byt the nature of this meeting. It will be better to work together and try to find out why we're here" He looked at Jason, waiting for his response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel listened to the others as they spoke, although the captain's theory wasn't as far fetched as Gabriel's it seemed just as improbable, who would go through all the trouble of rewriting peoples memory to the point that none of them knew what the other was talking about. But he gave the captain the same respect he had been shown and didn't openly blast the idea saying how that couldn't be what happened, because in reality Gabriel's idea was by far the one less likely to happen. And aside from Blackstar's blatant disapproval of the idea it was clear that all the younger members at the table seemed to share his doubt of the ideas. It was laughable how the older men of the table seemed to the the most open and accepting of the situation. When the the professor suggested an alliance of sorts Gabriel spoke up, "I agree, a combined force is better than a single one, and well seeing how this is the only real shelter in the area, I would prefer to stay on your good side and not have to sleep in that old suit any more than I have to." He said knowing the captain still held all the cards and could delegate the conditions any way he pleased.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"How do we know what to do then captain? We have spare rooms seeing as Omega and some of SIGMA and Beta as well are all gone but can we trust these men not to slit our throats in our sleep? I'd prefer not to have to sleep with one eye open on my own ship sir." Paul said to his captain whom silently nodded and smiled at his young subordinate whom he had so many memories of. So young but so full of fire in his eyes that he knew the kid would make a great officer one day...if he could learn to actually trust someone. Not that the boy's history is unfounded the kid had been through so much it wasn't funny. "Easy now my young friend. I suppose we have three options here then...some of which you are not bound to like." Jason commented simply before taking a deep breath and looked at them all. "Before I go on I must insist on telling you this one bit: There is to be NO acess to the bridge, communications room, medical bay, or kitchen (the part that holds the food supplies not the table area which is fine) without my permission or Black Star's first. I'm sure I am not being too forward in my limitations. Now moving on first off for those whom want to be directly affiliated with us there is the option of conscription. It had been revoked in the past but was reinstated some years ago in order to effectively fight battles in Pro-ZAFT South America. You will be given the same duties as the rest of us and you will be recognized as a member of the Earth Alliance. You listen to me and I promise I WILL not betray you. I expect loyalty and resolve from my soldiers because that's what I give to them. This is my most....unpleasant option because I dislike the policy entirely as a personal matter is directly linked to it. Black Star has one or two ideas of why I may feel that way but I'd like if you would keep that secret for me." Jason commented as he waited for any angry comments if he received none he continued. If he did he simply looked at them in an extremely uncomfortable way until they stopped doing so or raised a hand for a collective silence.

"Well then now there's two: You simply work as an independent ally of ours in which you're more or less free to do as you like and I will be even more generous in the fact that you need not do chores around the ship. However you WILL fight when I say so or you will be kicked off the ship. Likewise crewmen and crewwomen are prioritized over you. I quite frankly can't feed you over my own officers and I refuse to give a room to a person who doesn't pull their weight. In other words you come second but you need not submit to the will of 'the man' if you so desire or if it conflicts with your own sense or morals." Jason said as he finished he took a breath again to make sure he didn't pass out from to much talking all at once. "Finally: Leave. If you don't like the options go off on your own I'm sure someone else would be more than willing to help you out there if don't like my given options. That's if you can find someone to help you there is no life signs anywhere within the nearby radius. We're sending signals out but have yet to receive a reply. Now then if you really are a spy you can bring the enemy here and give them my numbers all to your hearts content...and then I will have Black Star kill all of them with malicious glee. He may not look like it but the boy has downed more enemies aces than I can count on my hands in two wars and internal OMNI conflicts. I am almost nothing short of overwhelming fire power will take out Raigo once and for all especially with Beta Team covering him. I hate to sound so cruel but I have no love for spies. Now on the counter side you could ask me why should you trust me. Well for the fact that I have two shotgun armed soldiers outside the door that I could have ordered them to shoot you as soon as you exited your cockpits. I also allowed you in my ship and didn't make you go to the brig like some common brigand, and am offering you food, a place to sleep, and a multiple choice option between three choices is more than most people would give you. If it means anything I will go ahead and tell you my name. Jason. Jason Hiyan is my name now time to choose what will be your choice. I'm tired of talking and while I may seem 'cruel to you' I am actually being extremely generous short of disrespecting my current staff and crew by making you all equals to them. Men and women alike whom as I said have fought for me in many conflicts or are bright young minds entrusted to me so I can help the next generation. I will not disrespect them by letting strangers come in and call themselves their equal I'd sooner die." Jason commented plainly almost computer like as he scanned the room for any sense of hostility from the group. Paul stood there not sure what to think of this but proud that his captain still cared for him so much. This was why he served the man because he'd never put anyone above his crew not even himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Naina was disliking Blackstar more by the second. She was 100% certain now that he didn't have a slight inkling of manners in him. Captain Jason on the other hand knew how to use manners. When he said he was unsure about her age and to prevent these people from calling her a child all the time she said: "It's not polite to ask a lady her name, but I am 15 earth years old." It was a habit on mars of saying earth years since a year on mars was 2 years on earth. The information captain Jason was providing could be useful to know more about their Earth if she went with her earlier alternate earth theory, but didn't tell her anything other than some history. He was very smart in giving out no information that could be used against them. Though their 'world' sounded quite normal the guy named Gabriel said some stuff about colonies falling. To her this sounded like an 'earth' where the original project Meteor actually happened. Hearing it all like this she was kinda glad her father had been stopped all those years ago.
She then heard captain Jason had a similar theory to hers, although he considered brainwashing a more realistic option. Still the biggest question wasn't how they got here, but why and by whom. Hearing instructor W propose an alliance between them seemed like a good idea. From the way Captain Jason was acting in comparison to blackstar made her feel like she could at least trust them enough to not stab her in the back at night. Listening to captain Jason voice his options she found option 1 to be undesirable. She was the daughter of the president of the mars federation, enlisting in another military would have severe repercussions. "I would have to decline this due to personal reasons" Option 2 sounded like a much more viable one, it would mean she at least had somewhat of a safe place to stay instead of going completely solo. Also this option made her see the captain in a new light. Most captains she had met or heard of before were just stuck up types who cared more about themselves than their crew. Option 3 wasn't good at the moment with all these unknowns. Deciding on the second option she said:"Captain I am choosing the second option. Me and the Tallgeese shall aid you in the upcoming battles." She figured that instructor W and Donna would choose this option too as they were in a very similar situation as her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna whispered to Instructor's W's ears. "I don't think the first option will be good." She spoke softly
The Instructor gave a nod. "There is the luxury of being trated as other crewmen but at the cost of our independence." He agreed. "I know what to choose."
"We will choose the second option as well." The Instructor declared. "It is well-justified to look after your crewmen first. It will be better to work as independent allies for us when thinking about our ties with the ESUN." He turned to Donna, who agreed with the second option. "The Gundam Sandrock will be an invaluable addition to our forces, excelling in close-combat with the heat shotel that can cut through most armour and well-defended with Gundanium alloy as it's armour. Second Lieutenant Lindemann is also an excellent pilot that can use the Gundam to it's fullest potential."
What her superior said lightened her up slightly. She would use the chance to prove that she can match Blackstar in combat as well.
Instructor W continued on. "I on the other hand can handle the maintenance of the Sandrock as it's developer. Although the Mobile Suits of the ship are alien to me, I will adapt to assist in their maintenance also." He turned to Naina. "Miss Wind, I can offer maintenance for your Tallgeese as well. I am familiar with it as it is the template of the Gundams themselves." When he looked at her at a closer distance, there was vague resemblance to someone he hasn't seen or heard of in a long time. Someone who went to Mars and never heard of when the Coalition began it's Martian theatre. He brushed it off as coincidence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel listened to the Captain's proposals. The first was pretty much signing back up for the military, which wasn't exactly a bad thing considering he had never really left the military and it had more just crumbled and disappeared. The second option seemed to be one for those who had to much pride to lay down their current allegiances, but saying as he didn't really have any right now the option was about the same to Gabriel. And the final answer, we that was the one just for the idiots, or somewhere else to go, and by far this was the option Gabriel has considered the least. He had listened to the others decide to keep their allegiances and gave it a bit of thought, but when the others had finished. "Well seeing how you are offering a warm bed, hot food, and a shower, I think I will go with the Conscription. It has been a long time since an employer has been able to provide me with any of those luxuries, So I don't see any harm in working for my food." Gabriel said knowing he might regret the choice later, but for now it secured him food and a place to lay his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul smirked and laughed at Miss Wind's comment about the name and age which is practically the exact opposite of everyone else he had known. Hell if he asked his female subordinates their age they'd kick him in the nuts for it most likely. "Hey Wind you understand most women handily give out their names but when if I learned one thing from women is that they never give out their real age so what's the deal? You do thing differently from where I come from?" Paul said cockily as Jason told him to pipe down and not to antagonize their new allies. Jason wondered why Paul was acting that way in the first place he normally was so casual. Maybe it was perhaps because he thought of this entire scenario as a ridiculous to him or maybe it was a defensive mechanism for him to rely on mocking others when he was stressed. Pilots often taunted one another in his line of work to get their minds off the fact that they were in the midst of a fight. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Jason listened to the rest of them and chuckled happily to himself, "Well I expected these responds from you all at least I can say I'm a decent judge of character hm? Well then Miss Wind would you feel more inclined on giving us your name if I gave you Black Star's? Paul come now introduce yourself to your new friends." Jason said rather sarcastically towards the end because he knew Paul reaction would be incredulous as the boy looked at him just as he expected him to...with anger. "Captain! WHY WOULD YOU-Sir why would you give my name around like that I'm a ace with-" Paul began with a mix of disgust and sudden aggravation plus disbelief. But Jason held up his hand, "Calm yourself Paul now please remember that you should be polite in negotiations with possible allies. We're all lost in this world together so we may as well give them the benefit of the doubt or at least that's what I think. They have an honest air about them and I know a slimey dog when I see one. Now then back to business....Instructor you may give whatever design or repairs we can make to Sandrock given that it is not to costly towards our own suits. We have our own engineers so you're not to worry with our own suits. Perhaps you may find a kindred spirit in our head doctor, of which we have three doctors in total on this ship, his name is Wilber Fillmore and he will be taking care of you so I recommend not pissing off the doctor if you don't mind. He's a bit....cold but he is as good as a doctor as any I've ever seen and he's saved my life many times over. You two will be sharing Room B-4 and Mr. Gabriel...welcome to the Sundown, that's our ship's name, I welcome you as a brother in arms and as an official member of OMNI. You shall be bunking with a young man named Grant whom was recently bunking with SIGMA squad but has unfortunately they lost a few members in this recent events. You will be given a uniform if we have one to spare...and before any of you ask about the reason why our ship is so big and has so many crew members...our operations are meant to last weeks if not months at a time and a fully functional crew is kept on this ship at most times in order to provide the maximum coverage possible. Unfortunately in a battle situation our bulk gets in the way but we have more guns to make up for that...now then DISMISSED!" Jason said plainly as he turned around and Paul saluted their captain and looked around at the others quickly and distrustfully. At least they weren't pro-spacenoid zealots. "if anyone needs directions just ask ok. The rooms are decently spaces out but still rather small think of them like a small hotel room but with less comforts of home. Showers are at the end of the barracks and officer decks as well as the cafeteria being on the end of the officer's deck. Medical room has it's own floor." Paul put bluntly before leaving the room quickly. Jason simply sat there with his chair turned away from the new-comers as if provoking them to attack him if they were really spies. But that wasn't his attention in reality the man was simply thinking,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Naina had guessed Donna and instructor W chose the second option too. Hearing his comment about helping with the maintenance of the Tallgeese she decided it would be better to have someone work on it that knew the suit. "I would be delighted if you helped with the maintenance of the Tallgeese." She was getting really annoyed with blackstars comments though. Could he not for one moment shut up. Thankfully captain Jason shut him up. The next thing he said made her laugh inwardly at 'Paul's' reaction and also cringe inwards. Deciding she had already decided to join them and it being proper etiquette she reluctantly gave her real name. Although maybe Paul wouldn't hear it after storming off. "Fine then since you gave Paul's name away I shall too. My real name is Naina." Looking around at the others she again got that familiar feeling from instructor W. That hair and that voice, it was like she knew him, but not completely. She then thought about what he had said about being the developer of the Sandrock. And then something clicked in her head, he looked and sounded a lot like Katherine whose older brother piloted the Sandrock gundam all those years ago. She had told her about her older brother once. Figuring it was worth a shot she asked: "Instructor W do you by any chance know of a Katherine Winner?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well it is very nice to meet you Lady Naina...I trust that you will be most forthright in your conduct with my men on this ship. And don't let the lieutenant bother you...he's challenged at making friends. All his bonds since I've known him have either been made or broken at gun point." Jason said calmly responding to the girl before letting her go about her business.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Katherine... Name sounds familiar." He responded, showing a slight sorrow. "The Katherine I know of is in a tragic state. She is in a coma after we fled L4 for Earth." He remembered how Naina is from a different world. "Katherine also exists in your world? At least I know that she has a friend. I should also note that I'm not the Instructor W from your world either and there may be a Naina in our world as well."
Donna held her laughter at Paul's reaction. It was a guilty delight with how he's been rude everytime she's seen him. Being dismissed gave her an excuse to release the remaining laughter outside the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel sat patiently waiting while the others left, and as the last one did Gabriel turned to the captain. "Well Sir, If I could have a moment of your time I would much appreciate it." He started, "Since you are my new CO I think you should know that my Gundam is equipped with a Super Weapon called a Satellite Cannon, It is a weapon powerful enough to destroy a colony and well even though I had disarmed it years ago, it seems to have been reactivated upon coming to wherever this place is. That being said I don't know if you would want everyone knowing about the firepower that my Gundam possess, and now that I am under your command that weapon falls into your care. I'll pull the trigger if you deem it the right course of action. And as I am sure you know it is not a decision to be made carelessly, but I trust your judgement." He told the captain about the weapon refraining to mention how he knows the weapon could destroy a colony, but the images did rush into his head. "If you want to tell the others about the weapon that is also up to you, but it might be nice to keep an ace up your sleeve for a worst case scenario." Gabriel said giving the captain full power over the weapon. "Now if you have any questions about the cannon I'll answer what I can, but I have another topic I would wish to talk to you about if you have the time." he finished giving the captain a moment to take in the new information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason stood there alone in the room with Mr. Gabriel for what seemed like an endless moment but was just a couple of moments in reality. He listened and wondered....was such power in a single weapon even possible...if so his engineer captain Boris should be able to figure out if it was really on it on not. Be he didn't doubt that this man meant what he said from the tone of his voice. Maybe he was and Jason was just getting on in years..."You're too quick to trust me Mr. Gabriel. I am your commanding officer but I hardly know you and vice versa. Trusting strangers is not something to take lightly hence why there are still two guards outside of the door. I want to earn your trust but first I need to actually see how you behave. From this point on I hope that you will see me as a brother or simply as a good man I am no father figure to a man almost my age most likely. Most people call me by my title and my first name be it as it may do as you wish." Jason stated as he slowly breathed in and then turned around. "This weapon....is exactly that a weapon. If what you say is true than it is more powerful than most things I've seen with few acceptations and it's length and size is much more portable as well...tell me would you hate me if I said that I would prefer not using that weapon?" Jason simply asked as he turned around and smiled silently at Gabriel and chuckled. "I've seen good men die, children orphaned, and mothers wailing for their husbands and sons. It's a horrid experience and with a weapon of mass destruction like that is leaves the user.....blank so to speak. Tell me do you feel more of the gravity of the moment coming down upon you as you push the button or pull the trigger be as this...satellite cannon and watch as it activates and causes horrid mass death? Or do you feel it harder to gun down individual soldiers knowing that you ended their lives with that blow? For me it's the latter the former is simply more efficient indeed, but it is likely much less personal as your gunning them all down indiscriminately in a show of power rather than individually ending the lives of the man you're fighting, which presents the fact that you are choosing to aim at that man and shoot not just in his general direction." Jason continued simply shrugging and then laughing a good hearty laugh, "Or maybe this is just the blathering's of an old man who clings to the system of 'remember the kill' regardless...it seems that you will have to figure out when to use it. I will not order you to pull that trigger you must willingly do it. For all that I am I can't MAKE you do anything YOU are the component that makes the wars so horrible and thus more likely to be remembered. The human element of war is the more real and it scares people to prevent future ones. Or at least it should given how many fights I've been in that hardly seems to matter anymore." Jason said sighing deeply before shaking his head and looking back at Gabriel, "Go ahead if you wish to ask something of a man your risking your life for than do it. I however will not willingly give away much before you until you earn it. Blackstar has fought with me for most of his military career him and his....old companion. But less said of Blackstar the better the boy's past is his own and it is one even I would hate to own. But what is it that you wish to ask?" Jason said simply sitting back deeply into his chair.


Before the group could continue talking about this Katherine WInner a young girl approached them in a rather bumbling fashion, "Um...excuse me but Mr. Calhone sent me down to...escort you to wherever your destinations may be." said a young girl in a light blue military dress designed for bridge handlers. She was quickly fondling through a book that seemed to be a manual of some sort unsure of what to do. It was clear she was green but whether or not she actually knew what she was doing remained to be seen. She had her hair pulled back into a large cap that seemed to almost cover the top of her head in an almost comical fashion and she looked very uncomfortable. [B]"Great so now we got greens on a special forces ship...The Captain is being far to lenient..." said one of the guards by the door quietly hoping that no one heard it but his partner nodded not even looking at the girl. Paul had gone down to the mess hall it seemed to check things out down there while the new group talked to each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Instructor looked at the girl, who was obviously new to the job. "Can you take us to our room later?" He asked. "Our room is B-4 according to the Captain." He returned to speak to Naina on the Katherines. "So what does the Katherine you know of do?" He asked. "Judging by how you asked earlier, you must be pretty close."
Hearing the conversation Donna thought of herself in that world as well. If the Falson War is not there then her mother shouldn't be killed by an assassination and her father not driven by vengeance to sponsor the war but in exchange, she wouldn't be able to meet the Instructor. There could also be some people that wouldn't exist and vice-versa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel listened to Jason's thoughts on the weapon. "Well, we want to be on a trusting field here, and I would much rather tell you about a weapon of that magnitude myself then your engineers coming to you with the information. That wouldn't exactly put me in a good light. As for your comment about not using the weapon, I would agree to not use it if able. I have used it once to try and save my Earth, and I have seen its destructive capabilities. Not a day goes by that I am not haunted by the destruction that weapon caused, and if I never have to use the weapon again it will be to soon." Gabriel said his tone getting cold as he finished with the weight of actions weighed on him. "As for your question, War is war, death is an inevitability, But personally that weapon carries more weight to me than killing your opponent itself. At least when in a firefight your opponent has a chance to defend themselves and fight back. Against that cannon there is little that you can do, and innocents are more likely to die in its use. And I understand your ideals, but then again as you said I might just be as old as you, so old men seem to think alike." Gabriel joked at the end giving a smile. "Now as for its use, I am a ground solder and a weapon, although I might not like the weapon given to me, I am willing to use it if necessary, and I will live with the consequences of me using it. But the reason I give you the command of the weapon is just that I am a soldier, not a strategist or a leader it is not my place to make a call when to use a weapon of such magnitude so I leave that to you the one in charge. But given your disposition against it, I hope for both of us you don't feel the need to order the weapon fired." He finished his talk on the weapon for now and continued to his other question. "My other question is about your Lieutenant in fact. I don't know if he informed you, but I am a Newtype or Innovator as you called it as well. And my question is, how do your people treat Newtypes? I see how you interact with him, and it is refreshing to see a Newtype accepted by a government official, but how do the others who know what he is treat him? I ask this because where I came from, Newtypes were nothing but weapons in the eyes of the military, we were feared in battle, but lab rats in between battles. Is it wrong of me to hope that somewhere Newtypes like myself are treated as equals instead of just weapons?" Gabriel asked not trying to dig to deep into Paul's past, but more a general question on how people treated him. "And I would also ask if I may watch him in combat, and possibly teach him to use his potential powers, not now of course, as you said, first I must prove myself to you, and he must prove to me that he is ready to move forward and has the potential for the growth." He added before waiting for the captain's reply
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason nodded simply to the first admission the man gave him because while he didn't tell them Jason had his techs downstairs prepare to diagnose the machines downstairs to give him a sort of...advantage of sorts over them and while he had not yet gotten back information from them he was sure that the crew was working hard on it. He appreciated the man's sentiment but wondered if this was all a part of some sort of plan per say. Jason wasn't stupid he didn't really trust these strangers in this strange place that he had just met literal a dozen minutes or more ago. It'd be pathetic for a man of his ranking and experience to fall prey to such a elementary level ploy. If you ran a ship of this caliber with this many soldiers on board the ship and didn't take cautionary steps than you were a dead man. Jason halted the man when he spoke about war and raised a finger, "That's where your wrong. War is a physical means to an end as political maneuvering is the mental game. War without reason is a massacre and a waste of lives. But enough on philosophical nonsense please continue..." Jason said and when he was called an old man he gave a slight shrug as if to say 'hey it's true but I don't like it any more than you do." But Jason didn't speak in the end he just implied it. "Very well then...if I must be given charge of such a large weapon I suppose I will do so. I don't like having those calls in my hand but something's....something's are required for progress unfortunately." Jason quietly accepted his appointed duty as captain with as much gravitas as he could but in the end....it always came down to some new fangled weapon. When the subject changed to the lieutenant he was surprised he was expecting something of him or his mobile suits not of his personal second in command. "Yes Paul is classified as a newtype and is the official reason why he pilots the gundam and not per say the company leader of Beta Squad, a man of thirty two years of which he has twelve years of experience and is a multi-ace from wars past. How you know that is unknown to me...unless you newtypes have a secret handshake that spreads across the multiverse which apparently you claim to be from."[/b] Jason said as he suddenly became more suspicious of this man. He'd have to confirm this with Paul later....if this was not mutual....he'd have this group put in the brig for being spies. One slip up was all that was needed for Jason to pounce on. "I'm afraid that you don't understand however is that certain other more....basic qualities are frowned upon in my organization and in politics and by the public eye as well that are rather unfair. qualities that come from birth. Coordinators...perhaps you may fight one later and find out for yourself...is it better to be true and blue like some believe Earth should be or....or perhaps it should be altered at it's core. If you think being a lab rat is bad wait to you find out what people think of humanity's coordinators." Jason replied as he let the man continue and stopped him dead straight as he started to laugh at the suggestion of Paul of all people, his young Blackstar, being open to any sort of training from an outside source. "You CLEARLY don't understand Blackstar's personality or feelings. He wouldn't take anything from you unless he requested it himself. His comrades fear and respect him because of his abilities and sheer skill and each has a battle forged bond with him. I'd be a fool to request that of him without him knowing who you are. If you want to 'teach him' you got to earn his trust and friendship...something his heart needs to accept and after his experiences will not let him do. If you want go ahead and see how he fights if it helps. If you want more you have to earn it in his eyes or mine...or perhaps someone even more dear to him than me." Jason commented as he quickly discarded the idea. Lacus wasn't here and she certainly would be able to open Paul's heart to something but what that is, is to be seen at sometime in the future.
"Of course I just....uhh....I believe it's down this way.....do you need a moment to talk to each other first? I'm sorry if I'm interrupting the conversation but I just want to be sure that you don't get lost on the ship. Not that I'll be much help being new here myself. I'm fresh out of ANOTHER ship after all!" the girl said as she shook her head and smiled at them as if trying to convince herself that she was doing a good job showing them around before she even got started. "Sorry it's just I'm nervous around new people is all. I'll just be quite now...." she said slinking back to the corner of the hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel listened to Jason's response and it did seem that he had struck a nerve when he mentioned the Lieutenant. "War is war, and the last one I saw fell into that massacre territory, Earth reduced to a craters and ash over who even knows what, then the colonies just decided to let it be, no occupation, no relief effort, and sadly if things had gone the other way, I don't know how much more the UNE would of done for the colonies. But enough of that, I don't exactly like recalling that war as I am sure you aren't fond of bringing up all of your own battles." He said leaving the talk of war behind and focusing on the Lieutenant for now. "As for how I knew what he was, it is part of out abilities, we are able to sense other Newtypes around us it is sorta like a psychic link shared between all Newtypes. And this connection can even be used as a weapon against us either on purpose, or in a fit of fierce emotion, it is like a mental attack what can be very damaging if the attack is strong enough, and especially if you aren't ready for it. I would demonstrate this for you if you would like to see it, but seeing how the only Newtypes around are your Lieutenant and I, I don't think either of us want to chance it." Gabriel said plainly not trying to sound threatening but just stating what is fact in his world exactly like Jason had done earlier. "As for the mistake about the coordinators, one of your men had mentioned them earlier and they sounded like the artificial Newtypes both governments had been producing at the end of the war, I meant no offence by bringing up the term. As for training the Lieutenant, if he does not wish for the help, that is fine, it is his prerogative. But from what I gathered your people don't know much about Newtpes as is and I was just trying to lend some aid being an old Newtype and having some knowledge to pass down. Like bits, that is one of the first things that started being developed once a Newtypes abilities were found out, Do your people have them yet? If not think of it like a set of deploy-able weapons that move and fire at the though of a pilot. Magnificent weapons that changed the battlefield completely. And even then my government had moved the technology even further, instead of just weapons Newtypes were able to control entire suits with their minds. Personally I had three suits just like mine set up under my control and was able to completely control all four suits in battle without problem. Regrettably over the years I have had to cannibalize those three suits in order just to keep mine moving or well you would have quite a fighting force on your hands from just me alone." He explained a bit of the technology that his government had used during the war. "But I have gotten off track here, the point is I feel a potential in that kid and if it helps us survive this planet I would like to help develop that potential. But as you said that will be up to him I guess, If he proves able to handle himself and wants the help or knowledge I will be happy to help him out. And as for other information on Newtypes, I don't mind if your scientists pick my brain if they want to know some more, its basic knowledge to me so it shouldn't hurt to much to share what I know. But otherwise Captain, I know you must have work to get to so I thank you for your time, and I'll take my leave now." He says while standing up and moving around the table. "I look forward to working with you and your men." He said waiting at the door for a moment before leaving and looking for whoever would be his guide to his room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"If what you're saying is true...then you have my sympathies for your lost comrades. I have only mine and the thought of Earth being gone...it makes me ill. Such unwarranted mass slaughter not even ZAFT would stoop that low...I...I need time to consider what you've brought to my attention. However I will not apologize since it seems that you're no different in the bare essentials than any coordinators are. Earth may be gone for you but it changed nothing people still act like garbage which only reinforces my loyalty to my planet and home despite what atrocities it has brought to the forefront both man and nature made alike." Jason commented calmly and smoothly as he turned around in his chair. "I don't know you and I don't know what you've done or been through and Paul is a soldier under my command. If you seek to teach him as I said learn about him and find out about his past. If his heart allows it to then maybe you can but as for the moment my good soldier you are an unknown and I'm taking you at face value. You've submitted yourself to me and thus I will do my best to mold you into a better man but you must earn your place here in this unknown world. Newtypes...coordinators....pure humans....it means nothing to me in the end. It's the man who makes the man not his genes. His actions and his life will be shown in the face of his deeds and he will be judged by his fellows accordingly. That's how I believe things SHOULD go and I am not one to admire some almighty being either." Jason responded as he sighed, "I have no 'scientists' pick your brain over just one very crude doctor who get's the job done and I doubt he very much would care to do so. If he was curious he would have talked to Paul many years prior to this. Very well I will once again say it: You are dismissed from this Room Conscript Gabriel have a nice nap or whatever it is you intend to do." Jason added in at the end. As he sat there in the cold room around him he wondered....where was he at exactly? Was he in some sort of simulation? Was this all some sort of ZAFT trick? Or was this something more substantial behind this? Regardless he wondered what exactly he was going to do now...despite having a core of highly skilled soldiers he was also burdened with a handful of trainees whom had been put on board the ship as filler for other soldiers who earned their break. Now....he was not out of his element exactly but he was certainly not prepared for this. If it wasn't for the fact that this ship was meant for long journeys into space and had a massive stockpile of food, ammo, and a decent chunk of medicine then he wasn't sure what he'd do. Rationing....it would demoralize the crew but he'd make sure they understood...and then there was the fact that he had an unexperienced youth, or at least he believed her to be, as a ship hand on the bridge...of all the times for Donna to be missing....Jason grunted and then stood up. "Well I can't simply keep the crew waiting they need a captain...."
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