Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu gently sighs staring up with a smile. The girls behavior reminded him of when he was first rehatched into the world. A feeling and image of a Red Demon appeared before him. Ryu nodded the creature common in his world putting the image aside. "I think we're both from different worlds. In mine a goddess was just killed, If you don't know Myria then we're both from separate realities. If that book on death isn't helpful we could look further, but it seems unlikely we'll get back to our worlds. "

Ryu set the book down knowing all the citizen's knew about there history since the break. Ryu blushed the woman looking at him like he was insane which in truth was a possibility. "Myon it's good to meet you as well I'm sorry for not asking your name earlier. If you have a way of hiding it could help these people don't seem familiar with ghosts" Ryu thoughtfully removes his pink glow "Or glowing blue haired men. There is a Demon to the north. If you'd like it's possible that the creature may know a way out of here or to a netherworld."

Ryu studied the religious men close by the girl. The majority had fled at the sight of someone with an ethereal half floating around her, but more had formed a line of people chanting something. "If it would be acceptable to you I'd like to shadow step with you somewhere a little more private" Ryu shut his eyes concentrating on the nearby area before finding a presence causing fear ready to go straight to it. @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Monkey D. Luffy

A lone barrel sat quietly in the midst of a bustling street...a peculiar sight, as there were no others like it sitting around nearby. More peculiar still were the noises it was making- or rather, the noises of the cargo that lay inside. Long, drawn out, loud snores emanated from within the oaken barrel. What could have been inside it? A captive? A smuggled animal? Bypassing townsfolk were no doubt curious, but none would open the barrel in time, as the snoring was suddenly cut off by a hefty yawn.

Then, the barrel twitched, then twitched again, then lurched a few feet in several directions. Then, all of the sudden, the barrel exploded, sending shrapnel to and fro in many different directions, having been burst open by the strong arms of its wide-mouthed, grinning occupant.


Luffy yawned and stretched, enjoying his newfound elbow room after having escaped the confines of his resting place. Why did he even take a nap in that barrel to begin with? He couldn't rightly recall the reason, but it probably didn't matter, anyway. He was starving, and it was time for food! Wondering to himself what he wanted to eat this morning, he opened his eyes, expecting the lush, green, grass-covered deck of his ship, the Thousand Sunny.

"Hey, Sanji! Can I have fried meat for breakfast today-?"

What he saw, however, was a city street.


....A very unfamiliar city street.


In a completely unfamiliar city.


He pivoted all around from where he stood, utterly baffled and confused. This wasn't his ship at all! Had the guys docked here while he was sleeping? He scratched his head, still trying to wrack his brain for the circumstances the night before which led to him being asleep in a barrel in the middle of a town....Eventually, however, he gave up on that endeavor, and decided to simply find where his ship could possibly be docked. Which was easier said and done, given his complete lack of knowledge of where the harbor would be....or which direction anywhere was at all.

No matter! Luffy resolved to simply pick a road and run right down it until he hit a body of water. Where water would be, the Sunny would no doubt be, as well. And so, he ran, racing through the city streets, ducking and dodging out of the way of passerby.

"'Scuse me! Sorry! Comin' through! Pardon m-...WAH- GAH!"

Having been facing the direction of the latest subject of his apologies, Luffy's back was turned completely from the direction he was running in, causing him to crash directly into someone....a blue-haired young man with his eyes closed, in fact.

@Masterkeun @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

Just who were these people who had shown up out of no-where? Casting a spell or something... Almost immediately, one hand was on Roukanken's hilt, as she turned entirely away from the blue-haired boy who had been speaking with her about... a lot of confusing ideas. He had just addressed her phantom half as anything but an extension of her own being, which was a strange feeling to say the least. Facing the strange men, she looked back over her shoulder at him.

"Myon is me. Just like an arm or a leg," she explained, quickly, before her attention returned entirely to the unusual chanting people. Crouching lightly and entering a wide, low stance, her hand curled to grip the incredibly long katana's hilt. These people... trying to cast some kind of spell at her and start a duel of some sort? It wasn't exactly conventional danmaku, so it might not have even fallen under the rules... what were they thinking? Where ever this was, it certainly had strange customs if they didn't use spell cards or danmaku. That made sure that everyone was on an even playing field and no-one got unnecessarily hurt.

"I don't think this is a time to start a fight," she said, simply, calling to them, "But if you keep casting your spell, I won't hesitate to defeat you before you can draw another breath. All of you. Is that clear?"

The men stopped, and there was some unnerved murmuring among them. Youmu's phantom half drifted about behind her, and she turned back to the blue-haired boy.

"It won't be-ah...?"

She stared blankly. Some other boy in a straw hat had just knocked right into him.

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu having been about to warp them out opened his eyes as a man bumped him into a book shelf. The man had a large scar on his chest that he was showing off proudly. Ryu smiled the two of them between bookshelves wondering where the barrel had come from. Ryu refocused on the fight ahead of him whispering to Youmu "No need to kill him that will only make them hunt us down with more force. The spell sounds like a ward or barrier." Ryu laid a gentle hand on Luffy's shoulder "We should probably take him with us if we're accused of a crime I don't want him paying the price with us" @VitaVitaAR@MacDuffy

Ryu didn't have much time before the spell was completed and the men seemed to have resigned themselves to die. It seemed a shame to escape alone so instead Ryu gently cast a reflect spell to protect them from the enemies spell hoping no one would have to die
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

'Sounds like a ward or a barrier'? It didn't to Youmu. It sounded like the men were starting a fight for no reason. To be fair, that wasn't exactly uncommon in Gensokyo... but Ryu's concerns about their deaths were unfounded. Her hand firmly gripped her Roukanken's blade, and she shut her eyes. They weren't in the air, perhaps they couldn't fly? That made this challenge even more foolish. Regardless, that made it all the more easy to defeat them. Youmu was not confident in all areas, but she could hold a great deal of confidence in her ability to wield a sword.

Perhaps if one watched closely enough they would have been able to see the blur of green and white as it flashed through the crowd of men. But what was visible for certain was Youmu's sudden appearance behind them, sheathing her katana. Some of the men hit the ground more quickly then others, but they all hit the ground, in pain or unconscious. However, naturally, Youmu had utilized danmaku rules in her attack. The lethality of her blade was blunted, and as a result there was no physical injury to any of those she had attacked.

The small girl straightened.

"Please, don't attempt to challenge us again," Youmu said, straightening as she glanced back towards the men lying on the ground, addressing the ones who were still conscious, "We're still trying to figure out what's going on."

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Vivi listened intently to the fairy's explanation of Negari, growing rather worried at the prospect of a monster that seemed unaffected by swords. Only magic could hurt them? That was a frightening prospect, and Vivi could only hope he didn't run into one. He doubted any spells he knew of were strong enough to work.

Upon declaring Yuki to be a magical girl, the black mage faced the confetti-covered girl once more, head tilting slightly, "...does that mean you're a mage too, Miss Yuki?" he asked with some surprise. He'd never met another person like him, and... that was still the case, really, but an actual magic user? Even his grandfather's brand of magic was completely incomparable to Vivi's own.
The young lad was slowly losing some of his nervousness as they talked. Between Yuki's gentleness and the fairy's cheerful disposition, it was putting the lost magician at ease.

"And, um... thanks for the explanation, Miss... La...lalalai... lalo..."

The poor boy's formality was now proving quite the obstacle.

"...Lalelulilo... lillio?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hylozoist
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Hylozoist totally confused / the passing piranhas.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

In today's thrilling installment, introductions are made, the call to action is heard and there's also a cat! Starring @Nerevarine as the mysterious Heilong Yu and featuring equally mysterious figures in black played by @CorpusMundus! Action!

Peacock listened to Heilong Yu, or, rather, felt her thoughts press down on her own brain, and decided that the whole experience of hearing what somebody was thinking was neat enough to not worry about for the time being. Telepathy was undeniably awesome, just like the sort of thing you'd see in a cartoon, and it sounded like she didn't like slavers either. Like two peas in a pod, except the pod is an unknown land, the two peas aren't particularly alike and the food metaphor was beginning to make Peacock's stomach rumble.

"Hear... hear what?"

The young girl followed along behind Heilong Yu, joining her at the hole in the wall that passed for a window. Raising an arm up so that the string of eyes attached to them could see, Peacock made a thoughtful, if rather exaggerated, hmmmmm sound. The strangers, dressed in black, stood out just as much as Heilong Yu did, except their style of dress was more authoritarian-chic compared to Heilong's. The words were considerably more interesting and, as Heilong Yu went to spruce up her outfit, Peacock just stood three, straining to listen to the words of the Grand Confessor outside. It didn't really sound so bad.

"Some really weird folks out there, I think they're a cult or something, and- yeah!" Peacock pulled the emergency brake on her own train of thought as Yu suggested getting out of the slum and going somewhere. At this point, anywhere would be better than here, and somewhere might at least have some popcorn and a comfortable place to sit. Without any warning, save for a slight narrowing of the eyebrows above her empty eye sockets, Peacock vaulted through the hole in the wall with a joyous, and possibly bloodcurdling, shout. A passing cat jumped, hissed, and scurried away.

Sheepishly, Peacock turned around and peered back into the building, through the window, at Heilong Yu. The cloud of dust kicked up by her acrobactics and subsequent landing began to settle behind her. If there was anything else in the street that noticed her, or heard her, Peacock was merrily oblivious to it for the time being. As for the other senses, well, Peacock was almost certainly offensive to those too.

"Peacock. Name's Peacock! Good to meetcha, Yu."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy wasted no time in pivoting around to apologize to whomever he bumped into.

"Ahh, sorry! My bad! I was-"

When the blue-haired fellow placed a hand on his shoulder, he blinked in mild confusion. "...Eh? What? Crime? Are you guys pirates?" His attention then turned to Youma, just in time to see her deftly defeat a gang of men in the blink of an eye. Getting a good look at her as she came to a stop, his eyes widened, and his jaw sunk.


He eagerly ran up to her, vaulting over the procession of unconscious bodies with ease, and came to a stop right in front of her, crouching down to her eye level.

"You're so short!"

@Masterkeun @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu chuckled gently happy to see this strange new man was safe. While the other two were enjoying each others company Ryu let the spell fade feeling fatigued as he leaned against his chair. The girl clearly had more skill then she'd originally led on. Ryu again glanced at the map hoping to find a bounty office or somewhere to find work. Ryu reasoned from the bazaar that food cost money as it did in his world.

"I think I'm heading to the government seat to warn them about what's going on. It's doubtless that both good and evil people will be drawn here. Unless you have a better idea in mind?" Ryu says warmly to his companions. Then remembering what the man in the straw hat had said Ryu responded simply "I'm an outlaw and father to the prince of Windia."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nishimura Yuki

"... A mage?" Yuki paused for a moment, thinking that suggestion over. While it was true that she used magic, she wasn't necessarily sure that she qualified as a mage exactly. But that could have a lot to do with her personal perception of what exactly one would call a mage. To her, mage brought to mind someone who cast ancient spells and did a whole lot of reading from scrolls and stuff. Or books. Maybe, in some contexts, summoned ancient spirits from the past to fight for a legendary relic or something. Yuki herself punched things. Really hard and in a very awesome fashion she was quite proud of, but she wasn't sure it exactly made her a mage. Still, she did use magic. "Ummm... I guess you could say I'm a mage? I use magic and all, so that's one way to describe me."

Her hand found the back of her head. She really wasn't sure about this, and it made her feel a bit awkward... and then her irritation swelled as she tried to brush the confetti out of her hair. Where had the fairy even gotten so much?!

Meanwhile, Ruru seemed to swell with pride as Vivi attempted to pronounce her name.

"See, Yuki-chan?!" Ruru declared cheerfully, "This is his first time meeting me and he's trying to say my name way harder then you did! You're awesome, Vivi-kun!"

Yuki's attention turned from brushing the confetti out of her hair to glaring at her fairy.

"It's not my fault your name is nearly unpronounceable," she complained, folding her arms under her chest once more. "None of the other fairies have a name like that."

"It makes me more memorable!" responded Ruru brightly.

Yuki sighed, before her attention returned to Vivi.

"Anyway, Vivi-kun... you said there was a castle, right? Do you know where it is? If we head there, we might be able to figure some things out."


Konpaku Youmu

Who... who was this straw hat wearing guy, just suddenly jumping over the pile of unconscious bodies to run right towards her? He looked impressed by her defeat of the strange men(one of whom was stubbornly clinging to consciousness and weakly groaning, possibly about poor decisions he had made that day), but that assumption was quickly dispelled when he knelt down in front of her and... loudly commented on her height. For a moment, Youmu's blue eyes were simply wide in bewilderment at the situation, as her phantom half drifted to and fro behind her. Her hand slipped off the hilt of her katana... and she found herself blushing in embarrassment.

Her height wasn't... that is, she wasn't too short or anything, was she? Sure, there were a fair number of people no matter where she went who were taller, sometimes by quite a bit, but... that blonde witch was about the same height as her and there were some others, so it wasn't like she was strangely short or something, right? The white-haired girl's gaze drifted to the left and downward, her phantom half making a similar motion with the bulkier upper portion of its shape.

"I-I'm not that short..." Youmu mumbled, her cheeks still flushed from her height being taken note of.

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Date Unknown: Location Also Unknown
I'm not sure when I'll be able to post this journal, but such a fascinating thing has happened! It seems that during my travels I seem to have somehow (I'm not sure how right now!) travelled to another world! I'm not quite sure how it happened, but just think of the exciting new possibilities this could bring up! If there are other worlds, then that means that (amongst other things) we can use them to help us figure out new ways to take care of our world!

This is all just too exciting for me. Yes, I'm in a strange new world, but at least 雪球 is here to keep me company, and I just know that what I'll find here will potentially benefit everyone in our world, human and omnic alike.

- 美

Mei let out a content sigh as she finished typing up her journal, before wiping her forehead with a gloved hand. Ah, if only she had a change of clothes... She was definitely a bit overdressed for this kind of weather, really, but right now there wasn't much she could do about it. Even if she was a bit warm right now, finding out more about where she was was more important than remedying some mild discomfort, and it didn't take long for her to notice something that seemed a bit off about the whole situation.

Specifically, a pink-haired Japanese girl wearing an old fashioned school uniform. That didn't seem to quite fit with the European fantasy setting she seemed to be in, even if she was talking to what looked like a fairy and a diminuative wizard. With Snowball hovering behind her, she approached the strange looking group...

"Ah, nihao!" The overdressed climatologist waved towards the three, a friendly smile on her face even as Snowball floated over to gently nudge the fairy. "I couldn't help but overhearing you, but you seem to be strangers here too, am I right? I mean it's pretty obvious I'm not from around here either, really, I mean just look at how I'm dressed right now!" Pausing for a moment to prop back her glasses, she realized she'd forgotten something rather important. "Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry! Where are my manners? My name is Mei-Ling Zhou, but please, just call me Mei!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Set Harth -

It appeared that this girl had a friend, another massive figure in power armour, this one less.... neon. It appeared that they knew each other, and from that Set concluded they originated from the same world. It made sense, seeing as how both Vader and himself had come here from at least the same galaxy. Probably. Again putting on a charming smile Set made another bow at Reinhardt when he was referred to. "Ah, so you are from the same world as her? Indeed, this is no world that I have every visited, and I have visited many over the years. I fashion myself something of an explorer. This forces me to consider that we may be from completely different galaxies. I was planning on finding a number of technologically capable..... arrivals.... and then using their combined knowledge to construct starships. Then we could all return to our respective worlds, or at least I could begin the journey to make that happen." Even if he was in an unknown branch of space using a hyperspace drive it should be relatively easy to explore the area, and eventually to find his way back to the Empire.

"I would be honoured if you were to assist me in this mission, sir. With your help I am certain I will be able to soon see you off to your own worlds, and we may wrap up this business swiftly. I am certain there are important tasks you have to attend to back home, and so do I have several things I would rather return to swiftly." Just a dash of supernatural charm was powdered over his worlds. From the stranger's medieval-styled armour it was clear he fashioned himself a knight, and such figures could rarely keep themselves from helping out others, even when they probably shouldn't. "My name is Set Harth, legendary explorer, pleasure to make your acquaintance." If he was able to get both of these fools to follow him not even Vader would be able to kill him. At the very least they would buy him the time he needed to escape any situation that got too sticky. Considering how competent they looked he doubted there would be many situation where that would be necessary, however.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 day ago

Reinhardt Wilhelm

"Ah, I'm not a fan, a... friend is," the man quickly claimed, quieting down a little then coughing to move on. To admit that a man of his years and standing was a fan of a gamer turned actress would be quite embarrassing, "But a new world, you say? That is interesting..."

A new world meant a new set of problems to tackle and new people to help. A world like this, technologically far behind home, was a chance to make a large difference once again. Even without the numbers of Overwatch or something like the Omnic Crisis to stop, his advanced armour with nothing that could natively penetrate it would be enough to fight an entire army!

Laughing, the man freed his arm from D.va, only to instead sling it carelessly around the white-haired stranger with a not inconsiderable amount of force, "No, my friend, there is nothing to be done at home that could not be done here! Even if this strange world might be reachable from the stars, there is glory to be found in doing justice. This old dog still has a few tricks for that."

"And if you find the innocent in need of protecting, just seek Reinhardt Wilhelm and I shall come to their aid!

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Monkey D. Luffy

"You're tiny!" the straw-hatted pirate responded declaratively. Though evidently lacking tact, there was no edge of mockery to his voice, sounding instead like an enthusiastic observation. "You've gotta be pretty strong if you can use a sword that big when you're so small! You fight kinda like Zoro, d'you know him? What's that weird thing behind you, is that a friend of yours?"

Before he could resume his rapid-fire assault of questions on the poor flustered girl, he overheard Ryu speak, and looked back toward him, standing upright.

"An outlaw, huh?...." he mused. "That's like a pirate without a ship, right? And the son of a prince, too!....Wait....what do you call the son of a prince? A princette?" As he spoke, he absentmindedly reached out at Youma's phantom half in an attempt to touch it out of curiosity.

@Masterkeun @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu laughed happily at the comment "I honestly don't know what you'd call it." Ryu watched the young man grabbing for the spirit saying gently "When I asked she said the ghost was like a limb so she may not like it being touched." Ryu walked closer to the man leaning down to check on the other people in the temple hoping they weren't drawing the guards attention.

Ryu smiled gently after a few moments nodding to straw hat. "I don't know when you'd want to hear this, but the harbor is currently to the east" Ryu tries to gently hand straw hat the map

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Galaxies? Starships? This guy was talking like a Star Wars character or something! Wasn't this totally the wrong setting for that? Unless it was some kind of Final Fantasy style thing and they were about to see some kind of airship or something... that'd be cool, honestly, even if D.Va had some more pressing concerns right now. She still didn't exactly know whether to trust him or not, but at the same time there was no reason to start a fight or anything like that. Still, this was all really weird. She felt like she'd definitely seen a similar setup to this in something though at the moment she couldn't remember exactly what kind of media it had been that she'd seen it in. "I didn't get here on a ship or anything. I was just suddenly... here! It was like a level-skipping cheat code!"

That was a good analogy in D.Va's mind. It's what it felt like to her, in very old games there was frequently a lack of any options in terms of selecting a level yourself. Therefore codes were sometimes completely necessary in order to pick a level out. At least, provided the game was split up into levels like that.

Admittedly, she couldn't help but smile a little bit, though, when Reinhardt, an actual former founding member of Overwatch, attempted to deny that he was a fan. It wasn't the first time she'd heard something similar, and it wouldn't be the last. It's not as if she really minded. As long as the appreciated her, it was okay if they were reluctant to admit it!

"Doing good is great and all," she added, "But I need to get back home. I was just wrapping up a combat operation, my teammates and my fans need me!"

@thewizardguy @Raineh Daze

Konpaku Youmu

Youmu's embarrassment at her own small size rose when the boy reiterated his comment about her relative tininess. Sure Yuyuko-sama always calls her small but... but it's not like she's... Mentally, Youmu simply trailed off for a moment. At least until she realized what the straw hat guy was saying. He'd transitioned from calling her short to complimenting her on her swordplay and strength? That was nice! A lot nicer then talking about her height! And then... comparing her to someone she'd never heard of? And then asking about her phantom half... those questions had call come pretty fast...

"Ah, er, thank you!" she said quickly, looking back up as she tried to respond as fast as she could. "I've never met anyone called Zoro and er, Myon is a part of me!"

Youmu gestured towards the drifting ghostly shape, but the straw hat bow had already moved on to Ryu. He certainly seemed energetic, to say the least. Aaah, talking about her height was still embarrassing though...

And then he prodded her phantom half. It would feel cool and soft, like a slightly chilled pillow. Youmu let out a yelp and covered her head, feeling the sensation of the poke to her phantom half just as she would have if she had been poked directly.

"Please... please don't do that," she said, after a moment, "I feel everything Myon feels, so if you wouldn't do something to me don't do it to my phantom half."

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Monkey D. Luffy

Rubbing his finger at the touch of the phantom, Luffy smiled. "Ooooh....it's cold!" He then looked at Youma at the sound of her yelp, tilting his head in confusion as he explained her connection to her phantom half.

"...Oooh, okay...." he replied, only half-getting it. "So you both feel the same stuff?...Wow, you must be really good friends, then!"

At Ryu's mention of the harbor, Luffy turned to face him, elated. "Ah-..The harbor? Great! That's actually where I need to go! Thanks, Blue Guy!"

He took hold of the map, staring at it intently for a moment.


"....Which way's East?"

@Masterkeun @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu shrugged fine with the nickname "I don't know but there are buildings here that we could use if we found our way to the top of them. We might even be able to see the harbor. Is your boat docked there if your a pirate?"

It wasn't a boat along the route of the Black boat, but if straw hat needed the help there was no harm in exploring the surrounding area. Ryu turned to Youmu curious "Have you seen the harbor or dock? So far you've known more than me." Youmu had shown she knew a lot more about the after life. It was possible she'd also arrived on a boat. Ryu knew nearly nothing about ships. He had only ever ridden on a mechanized boat on auto pilot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Vivi wasn't quite sure how to react to the fairy's praise. He was pretty sure his attempt to say it was mangled beyond all comprehension, but to be called awesome? The only suitable reaction that came to mind was to try and hide. And so, Vivi lowered his head, hands lightly gripping the hem of his oversized, floppy hat as he apparently tried to sink into the earth. At least the ever-present darkness shrouding his face would hide the blush on his face.

It took Vivi a moment to regain his composure and answer Yuki's question. He once more took a look around the vicinity, trying to confirm the direction he was facing, "I... think it's this way?" he pointed in what he hoped was a Northern direction, though his voice was devoid of any confidence, "maybe if we move, the cast-"

At that moment, someone else approached, greeting them in a cheerful manner. Almost instinctively, Vivi took a small step towards Yuki, as if intending to hide from the glasses-wearing woman. He was surprised that someone else had approached them, and studied her appearance curiously. Indeed, clothes that seemed way too hot and furry for anywhere outside of an arctic region seemed to make little sense - not that Vivi wore anything lighter than a leather hat and poofy, robe-like clothes.

At least this person had a much easier name to remember. He gave a small nod of his head and quietly answer, "...Vivi."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Who Will Know

Tokyo City, Japan. May 16th, 2017.

(Theme: 0:39 -0:52 - 1:32 - 1:58) The entire city was burning. Such a devastating scale of destruction has not shattered Tokyo in over 60 years. A kaiju gijinka invasion has not appeared in the city for over 12 years and even then the threat of the monsters from beyond had declined. Everyone thought it was all over. However, tonight's battle shattered the dream for good...

Two giant humanoid gijinkas, both of the same species, square off in a final showdown to reign superior over Earth and decide the fate of humanity itself. The girl on the left, towering over Tokyo Tower, was already bleeding heavily with blue smoke coming out from her maw. Her clothes were badly torn, burn marks plagued her skin, and scratches were rittled across her body. She was battle-hardened, yet heroically beautiful with orange eyes. On the opposite, a slightly taller, but much more menacing figure looms over her hunched body with nightmarish features. She looked very much like the figure on the left, but her skin looked severely charred-looking, resembling that of the radiation burns suffered from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Her eyes were gleaming crimson, and had hair only one her right side of her body, while the right was nothing but burned flesh, with few strands just hanging on by threads. Her teeth were like those of a horror film and had a tail being longer than even her entire body.

The latter creature growls as she walks slowly towards the severely weakened hero. The entire battle was a long slug-fest and for awhile no one seemed to have been getting the upper hand. Now, fatigue was taking over Gojira-Sama's body, as her mortal enemy 'clone' Shin Gojira-Sama* was at last taking the upper hand. Grabbing the hero by the hair, Shin throws Sama to the side like a ragdoll, showing no remorse as she once again slowly walks menacingly towards her. Gojira-Sama's distorted growls of hatred and vengeance began getting louder and louder, as he begins to get back up. She wasn't going to let this abomination of a "clone" stop her from protecting the city and the Earth from being engulfed by her.

(Theme: 2:11 - 2:36) She fires a blazing-blue atomic breath at Shin, with her firing back an equally powerful purple beam. The two beams crash into one another in an intense beam battle, to see who's is the strongest. Both were trying their hardest to push each other back, yet their beams at this stage were equally matched. But just before one could get the upper-hand, the beams' energy signals became unstable, resulting in a giant climactic explosion, engulfing the two beings and several kilometers of commercial buildings that surrounded them. The last thing Gojira-Sama saw before passing out was a bright white light, followed by a loud shrieking roar from her opponent, until blanking out.

While she was blanking out, she had an intensive flashback of all the years she's endured. It was every battle she had ever thought, all being seen in her mind in under 10 seconds. It was a sensory overload for the poor gijinka warrior, agonizingly painful, as if she could feel every blow being inflicted upon her, while at the same time feeling like she was unstoppable, as she defeated every single opponent. But this would only last for 10 seconds, as she blacks out into the void...

(Theme: 2:37 - End) As she blacks out, unaware to her, she has then teleported into Phoria as the blazing "comet" from several hundred feet. Gojira-Sama's body would then hit the flat cobblestone floor, causing a shockwave and perhaps a miniature Earthquake to last for a few seconds. She has made impact with the hard ground, but yet she was out-cold and on her back. Anyone nearby would've felt and heard her crash into the cobblestone below.

(*I drew that figure btw)
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