Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Akira couldn't help but giggle at Yuki's reaction to her introduction. She wasn't exactly used to that kind of excitement, given how often people were pre-occupied with running for their lives when she said it. Maybe when she got home, she could make more of a point of sticking around after saving the day. It could be pretty great meeting some of her fans. Maybe get Sol involved...Though of course she'd still be the star of the show. The armoured woman snapped out of her musings when she noticed the group was on the move.

Momentarily distracted by Vivi's fall, it took Akira a few seconds to process what Ruru was saying. Yuki was a magical girl? That made sense. Was Mei a magical girl too? Themed outfit? Check. Cute "mascot" helper? Check. Her offer to give Vivi something cold in a place like this had to mean she had magic, right? ...Wait, what was that other bit? Yuki's expression told her it was probably best to avoid saying anything about it.

"Ah! Yeah," she replied, nodding at Yuki, "well, monsters and some other weirdos...It's gotta be the same for a magical girl, right?"

@Rin @VitaVitaAR @RolePlayerRoxas
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Konpaku Youmu

Thankfully, the red demon man finally left. An enemy was an enemy, and while plenty of enemies had been forgiven before it was rather hard when they were honestly trying to kill you and the only other people you had talked to since arriving in this strange new place. Speaking of those people, however, they rather quickly left. To be honest with herself, Youmu was beginning to doubt if they would be able to help her return home. And, given she had done her job and protected the man with the saw weapon(even if he had been quick to toss himself into danger once more, much to Youmu's frustration), now it was time to focus on her true purpose. Which was, and would be until she achieved it, returning to Yuyuko-sama's side.

The exact method of going about this, however, was a more difficult matter to discern. The small, silver-haired girl found herself walking through the streets and looking around. There were... people, lots of people, doing various different things. However, none of them seemed as if they were particularly helpful towards Youmu's cause.

But regardless, she had to press on. Youmu would not give up and she would not stop, she absolutely had to find away to return to Yuyuko-sama as soon as she could.

And yet, ahead... there was some blonde man, some dark-armored individual, and... wait, was that... Reisen?

"Reisen-san?" she asked, approaching. It was nice to see someone she recognized at least...

@Raineh Daze @PKMNB0Y @TheFake
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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"...I'm fine..." Vivi muttered, somewhat bashfully, as Mei fretted over him. This was certainly new. He was almost at a loss for words at the concern, and shyly looked at the ground for a bit. At Yuki's offer, he shook his head. It wasn't like he was terribly injured or anything. Besides, he was used to it.
"...The castle should be over here," he mumbled, walking onwards once more. It was quite disheartening to see nothing resembling the massive architecture that dominated the view earlier. How could he have gotten so lost...?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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@PKMNB0Y@TheFake@Raineh Daze

- Daemon Magnus -

- Zone 5+6 -

The giant winged daemon eventually drew a large crowd with his charisma. The people of Phoria were used to non-human members of their society, most of which lived in zone 2, and it wasn't like "magic" was banned anymore. They had their own mages, regulated and sanctioned to prevent such disasters as had happened in the past under the Evocators centuries ago. Magnus was quite the anomaly, yet not a preposterous invader. He conversed with the crowd, inquiring of their history and commending them on their more mature return to the use of sorcery. He asked about their troubles, hearing about the poorly understood "horrid beasts" that lurked in the darkness and plagued the city. These Phorians had a lot to learn, yet Magnus found that they were open minded. This pleased him, for it gave him hope for the future.

"You say your mages have seen glimpses of other worlds? ... Indeed. I would be most pleased to see this college of yours. I would certainly be willing to train others in return for a place to preserve my knowledge. There is no folly in its simple pursuit. It is the most noble endeavor..." Magnus walked along, speaking to one of the Phoran mages as they passed through zones 5 and 6 on the way to zone 8. A small gathering of the magically adept and interested followed them. Magnus' intentions of course involved more than mere bookkeeping, but it was a beginning. His ultimate plans were to regain the power he had lost and to fully understand this world, but of course, he meant for no harm to come to his newly adopted followers. In fact, their protection was paramount to his success. Soon, he would create a place to draw all sorcerers and mages the world had to offer, a sanctuary for the advancement of the art and the true fortification of this planet.

The group eventually marched up a group of unusual strangers, a golden warrior, a pink rabbit, and black clad woman who all seemed to be facing each other.

Magnus stopped casually a short distance away, sensing power from the group of them. The gathering of Phorians around him moved up to peer at the odd looking bunch in front. The black-clad woman was bowing to the golden one.

"I sense a powerful sorcerer among you." The Red King said. "Fear not, and reveal yourself to me."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Mention: @thewizardguy, @Raineh Daze, @VitaVitaAR
District 22

As Vader attempts to crush his opponent's windpipes, he suddenly recognizes Set Harth having been able to escape his attack, setting himself free. A violent surge of inner rage began to fume from the Dark Lord's suit, prompting him to intensify the force on the other two units. To his surprise, these warriors seemed to be much more resilient and durable, as even they began to fire their own weaponry upon him. Reinhardt attacks first as he fires a vertical arc of fire at Vader. Refusing to let go, he decided to tank the blast, almost blasting him off course and loosing his entire concentration. He looked as if he wasn't exactly phased at it, though his grip was slightly weakened to a notable degree. But meanwhile, the mech pilot began to find herself the strength in which to fire her guns at the dark lord. Of course, shooting with one's throat getting a nice hug isn't going to make the shots do that much damage or accurate for one matter. Most of the blast shot down at the ground close to the sith lord, with one shot only barely gazing his right shoulder plate.

Yet Vader barely budges, the dark side feeding his strength and power into quickly killing them. Or at least, that was his plan until he sees the armored warrior on his left begin to charge at him, somehow being able to free himself! He almost was caught on guard, but his Force Precognition was already warning him that a shift of power may be coming on board, which it did. He simply didn't want to listen to it. With no time to issue a force push, Vader was forced to dodge out of the way, but not without swiping his remaining hand at Dva to send her back with a force push towards some nearby buildings. Then, with a surprising amount of agility, which he only shows in short bursts, the Dark Lord leaps high into the air, just enough to dodge the charging knight.

Yet as he lands, he is suddenly engulfed by steam that clouded the entire battlefield. He could only assume that Harth was behind this, somehow using the elements through the sith sorcery to activate it. He couldn't see where his opponents were, but he wouldn't need to. Relying on the force once again, he tries to pinpoint their locations as best as he could. Yet the fog was simply too thick for him to accurate find them. The rival force-user continued to mock Vader, stating how the force will not save him, and how it was foolish to attack him, yet the sith lord was not fazed by it, simply standing still in the battlefield. He grips his lightsaber hilt.

"All I'm surrounded by is fear..." he booms ominously into the fog, igniting his crimson lightsaber blade, "And dead men."

And with a violent twirl, he slices a piece of rubble, cutting it cleanly in two. Several other pieces were thrown at him, forcing Vader to slice any that came straight in his line of sight. Only several small pieces seemed to knock into Vader's armor, achieving nothing of interest. Yet as soon as he was finished, he could hear the faint sound of a lightsaber being ignited from beyond the fog behind him using the force to amplify his hearing. And as Set finally attacks with his blue lightsaber, Vader retaliates by turning towards him, issuing a powerful heavy strike as both sabers clash in a stand-off, with the ominous dark lord looming over Harth. It was no use negotiating with him now. The sight of a blue saber began to infuriate Vader, as if the former dark jedi seemed to revive back into the light. From jedi, to sith, and back to being a jedi again. It almost was rather insulting. He then proceeds to produce several strikes at his opponent with strong, yet swift motions, attempting to overpower him. Even if the other opponent would attempt to assist Harth in battle, Vader was more than ready to deal with them himself.


Section 10

As Guhna begins to recover from Gojira-Sama's punch, the hybrid suddenly begins to have another hallucination in regards to her last opponent. This time however, he makes a last dish effort to purge it out of her mind. She wasn't going to allow it to take over her mind. With another powerful roar, she attempts to purge herself of these mind tricks, glowing a vibrant atomic blue as she does so, her eyes glowing white for a second or two. But before she could finish the process, the opponents suddenly gets back up and launches at her again, this time throwing a series of punches at the hybrid. Gojira-Sama was caught off guard, getting hit by the first batch of punches to the gut.

Her pupils dilate as they look menacingly down at Guhna, growling in slight pain, as it prompt her to unleash her pent up energy she was trying to keep in for so long. With little hesitation, she steps her heels into the ground, and unleashes a powerful Nuclear Pulse with one final roar, pushing back her opponent a good distance and damaging several walls of the nearby buildings. Yet at the same time, the mindfuck of Shin-Goji-Sama began to ultimately wither away in the flames, evacuating the depths of Gojira-Sama's mind.

A few seconds in and she would find herself onto one knee, breathing heavily as she shakes her head again to get ahold of herself. She begins to cough, sounding much like a human's, as she begins to assess the situation, almost forgetting about the opponent she was fighting.

"Graaaaaaaahhh..." she moans with a deep, yet feminine voice, looking around her as if she is waking up from a hangover, "W-What happened...? W-Where am I?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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She had been released... as well as pushed backwards at the same time. But D.Va knew how this kind of thing worked! If enough force was used, she could push back! Triggering her thrusters, and taking advantage of the fact that the push wasn't a consistent force, D.Va jetted back into the fog, her boosters roaring before her MEKA's feet hit the cobblestones, casting up a shower of sparks on impact. Fog, huh...? Even if she couldn't see Vader too well, she was pretty sure Reinhardt was nearly bulletproof just in case she accidentally grazed him and that Vader couldn't deflect anything that was actually a physical projectile with his lightsaber.

And so the next course of action was simply to open fire into the fog, trying to swivel and cover a wide area with her fusion cannons as she did.

@thewizardguy @Raineh Daze @Lmpkio
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Oh? This was interesting, the madwoman was able to recognise his rank even dressed so casually for this world. Perhaps she would be more useful than he had thought. Showing this world the proper order of things might be a more worthwhile activity than allowing the Holy Grail free reign over his world. Or should he say, his other world? Though Kirei had every reason to let Angra Mainyu have free reign should his return be delayed or impossible.

Yes, that would be his goal.

Another traveller had approached the group, one now beginning to attract attention from the returning locals since all the fighting had come to a halt. This one, from the same world as the rabbit--Reisen, obviously, had a strange wispy thing following her around. That paled in comparison to something far more pleasing to the king's eyes: two weapons, of a clear enough quality that they would rightfully belong in his treasury if they weren't duplicates of some older blade; he had no desire for fakes.

Then, as if his presence was literally magnetic, one more foreigner to this world showed up. A lurid red colour, with only one eye, and more inhuman features than he cared to count at this minute. None of which was remotely important compared to being ignored. The rabbit wasn't a powerful sorcerer and it would make little sense for a Japanese swordsman to count. His newest subject, with the ever-changing voice?

"You would do well to not ignore a king for their subjects. What business do you have with them?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

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Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

Reisen stared blankly at the newcomer in confusion, looking between them and the blonde man for a few moments in utter confusion. She was clueless as to what sort of wordless agreement had been reached here, and was almost at the point of simply walking away and leaving. A familiar voice, however, stopped her from doing just that. The Lunarian took a moment to turn and face the source, and the sight of the green-clothed samurai girl with that all-too-familiar ghost bobbing beside her told Reisen all she needed to know.

"...The half-ghost gardener? Thank the moon, I'm not the only sane one here!" she said, a far cry from her otherwise stoic front as she walked over to Youmu's side. "Do you have any clue what happened to bring us here? The barrier didn't slip up again or anything, right?"

Regardless of the state of affairs, Youmu was certainly a reliable ally... And a formidable foe, as her past experiences could definitely attribute to. One less unknown in this entire ordeal meant that she could at least feel a bit safer.

...Or, well, she would, if it wasn't for the demonic creature that seemed to be following behind Youmu. That didn't bode well, and the blonde man's lofty provocations didn't feel very useful in turn.

"...New friend of yours?" Reisen asked Youmu half-sarcastically, drawing her pistol and keeping it at the ready in case a fight broke out. "Well, in any case, this does seem like an incident, and I don't see the witch or the shrine maiden here. You think it might be time for us to find out the cause ourselves?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@TheFake@Wraithblade6

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

"Wh-whoa! Careful with that sorta thing!" Gunha shouted as the subsequent blast threw him back into the air, causing him to flip around a few times before he ungraciously landed on the ground a good distance away. There were a few minor bruises present on his body, yes, but nothing that was ultimately dangerous to his life in any regard. That certainly hurt, though; that was something he couldn't really deny. Well, compared to those thugs, at least.

Before the esper could get ready for another round, though, his opponent seemed to break out of whatever insanity-induced trance they were in when the fight first started. Letting his body relax for a moment, Gunha shook his hands out and walked back over to the crater. Given the fact that cohesive sentences were coming out of the woman's mouth, it seemed as if problems weren't going to continue.

"Yo!" he called out, acting as if the fight before had never happened. "You were freaking out a bit there just now, but it seems like you've gotten a little less crazy. Guts in order and all that. As for where we are... Well, I dunno, either."

Shrugging his shoulders, Gunha stood at the edge of the crater, his jacket once again billowing in the non-existent wind.

"Name's Gunha. Sogiita Gunha. You've certainly got guts, I'll give you that!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@TheFake@Raineh Daze
- Daemon Magnus -

- Zone 5+6 -

(Sorry. I just realized Youmu was there.)

Magnus suddenly realized that the white-haired girl was there as well, speaking to the strange looking human-like girl with pink hair and rabbit ears. They obviously knew each other and were from the same original world, just as Magnus himself and Luigi shared the same origination. Quickly, he began to wonder if whatever transported beings to this place always brought them in pairs. This would be critical information for his figuring out how all this was happening. He spoke none of his thoughts as the gears in his head began to turn, working on an answer for how he and everyone had gotten here.

It was Soulcatcher that had been kneeling before Gilgamesh and who was the source of sorcery that Magnus had identified.

Rather than focus on her, however, the red giant pointed his eye at Gilgamesh who had addressed him. "A king? As am I, but I am without my subjects. These humans..." Magnus indicated the mages and Phorians who had been walking with him. "...are my allies, my friends. They have been kind enough to offer their aid in assisting me, and any other displaced strangers to this world, in finding a way to return home. In return, I have offered to show them how to expand their magics and defend themselves from their foes.

We are travelling to the college of magic in Phoria, which is the name of this settlement around us. There, I invite other magic users to join me in forming a coalition to the benefit of all. What say you, King? Will you and your subjects here join us?" Magnus completely acted as if all the girls belong to the golden one. In truth, he was curious if only the black-clad sorcereress was also from the golden king's world, for this would be consistent with his hypothesis of there always being two individuals coming from the same world together.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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"OK, I think I see it." Rikka reached over and pulled the cartridge out of the belt-like device strapped around the bike's saddle, before pushing the lever across.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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"OK, I think I see it." Rikka reached over and pulled the cartridge out of the belt-like device strapped around the bike's saddle, before pushing the lever across.



The bike soon changed back into what appeared to be a man in his late twenties, wearing a red leather jacket that draped off his shoulders. Beneath was a Hawaiian shirt and large oval sunglasses attached to the shirt. He gave Rika a cocky grin and got up.

"Thank you for that." He tuttered as he looked at the Gashat. "Dan... That bastard gave me this on purpose, didn't he?" He muttered. He then looked to the girl and her mascot. "So, I guess we can do introductions. I'm Kiriya Kujo. I'm a medical examiner..." He then paused and thought for a moment. "I basically cut dead people open and see how they died for a living, to put it simply." He explained, assuming Rika had no idea what a medical examiner is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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District 4

Ryu was sparring with an instructor when he heard the sound of orders being changed. It was something about a sudden fog and creatures fighting in the mist. A mist dragon could be of interest. Was there such a creature in this land? Ryu could only hope if there were the creature would still be intact. The blade of his instructor hit Ryu hard on the side of the head. The man had been a good teacher so far, but very strict with Ryu. The master had yet to transfer skills to Ryu as was customary, but instead focused on good fundamentals. The instructor had somehow discovered more than one style of sword play. The man had somehow found a way to use both speed and strength together. It was marvelous what these people could do with a simple blade. Youmu's speed flashed through his mind for a second. It could be that level of speed was agility and strength combined. The process of learning to use these together was arduous requiring more energy then Ryu would normally have assumed a person could spend in training. If anything he needed a training partner. The nearby tower had a look out where Ryu could stand looking out over the training fields and be visible to others. Ryu bowed to his master interested in the concepts and techniques. Ryu practiced on the tower his blue hair plainly visible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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"I'm Rikka Hishikawa. And my mother works in a hospital, so I kind of already know what a Medical Examiner is."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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"Ah. perfect." Kiriya then looked around. "... You wouldn't happen to know where we are, do you?" @Lost Cause
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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"Not really. I only just got here actually."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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"Not really. I only just got here actually."


"Hmm... Perhaps we'll explore a bit then. You've seen my... Ehe... Ability. Wanna go on a trip?" He wagged the Gashat around like a little treat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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— Intersection of 5,6, & 12 —

Catcher straightened up, her helmet and mask dangling from one had. She spoke in a softer voice than usual.

"A sorceror I am, and more."

She left it at that. Soulcatcher was many things, as cruel as calculating and as dangerous as her sister ever was. She was also loyal, in a strange way. After a heartbeat she moved to stand to Gilgamesh's right, placing the helmet and mask back on her head and standing at attention. His lack of assent meant that his sense of manifest monarchy was as strong as she believed it to me. She was his subject and there was never any need to say so.

Another was professing to be a king. Was this to be considered a rival or just a pest to be swatted down or ignored?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Konpaku Youmu

That... glitzy-seeming man was eyeing her blades. Youmu wasn't sure how to feel about that, so instead she was quick to draw closer to the person she actually recognized. The taller(though only in comparison to Youmu, who was rather short), rabbit-eared girl was a welcome sight, a familiar face among all the less then familiar sights. If it was something going wrong with the barrier, Youmu couldn't necessarily be certain. This didn't seem like the outside world at all. Exactly what it seemed like, again, the small white-haired girl truly couldn't be certain. "I don't think this is the outside... But whatever this place is, I'm glad to see a familiar face. I've been trying to figure out a way to return to Yuyuko-sama."

And then... the red demon man again. Youmu's eyes immediately narrowed as she rounded on her heel to face him, a hand coming to rest on Roukanken's hilt. The gold-haired man seemed to rather displeased... and tremendously egotistical. At the moment, given her previous experiences with the demon man, she was on the arrogant gold-haired man's side, even if there was that creepy multi-voiced woman hanging around him.

"... To a friend," Youmu said, shortly, eyes fixed on him, "He tried to kill a man and attacked everyone trying to protect him. I don't trust him no matter what he says."

After a moment's pause, she decided to continue.

"If this is an incident, we should do everything we can to solve it."

@Wraithblade6 @PKMNB0Y @TheFake @Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Reinhardt Wilhelm

As his charge failed to connect with anything, Reinhardt came to a slow halt and turned back to get into the fighting. Except, for some reason, it was foggy. Now, the weather wasn't prone to changing that fast without any reason and this wasn't something that he knew Vader to be able to do... and that meant that it was the work of their ally. Why did he think this would help? It impaired their visibility just as much as their foe's and the clearest idea of direction that the huge German was retaining came from the occasional plink as one of D.Va's shots failed to penetrate his armour.

Fortunately, his arms were strong, his hammer was long, and what came up had to come down. Unless Vader had a desire to be even more lost than anyone else, that should mean he came down somewhere close to where he went up...

... and now there was a rocket hammer being swung through that area.

@VitaVitaAR @Lmpkio @thewizardguy

Yukine Chris

After having tried--and failed--to keep up with the cultists' trail through the twisting back alleys and running out of breath, Chris admitted defeat in chasing the flamethrower maniacs around (at least for now, there was no way that they wouldn't end up making an obvious scene at some point). This meant that she could get round to something that had been nagging at her mind since Hibiki had shown up:

"If I'm here, and you're here, where's that other idiot?"


Once again, a redhead with ideas above their station had approached the King with an offer of a partnership. Once again, it was a request doomed to be denied. There had only ever been one that was worthy to be his partner and even they hadn't dared lay claim to any mantle of kingship. "Presumptuous" was putting it lightly, let alone to lay claim to those subjects that were rightfully his so brazenly.

Arms folded, Magnus received his reply: "Denied. What right does a ruler with no subjects have to claim equality with me?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Tachibana Hibiki

"Um..." for a few moments, Hibiki trailed off into silence. Tsubasa... last time she'd seen Tsubasa, it was right before she ended up... here. And she had no idea where here even was, or how she'd actually gotten here. Walking through a door certainly shouldn't have brought her here, but somehow it did none the less. It was, in a word, absolutely confusing. This left her with little to no idea of how to figure out where Tsubasa was. Or... where anyone she knew was, aside from Chris. For a few moments, Hibiki's mind drifted to Miku at the realization that she had no idea how to contact anyone she knew.

"... The last time I saw Tsubasa-san was right before I got here," Hibiki concluded, "but I don't know how I got here and I don't know where here is, so I don't know if she's still close by."

@Raineh Daze
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