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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Argutus Complex

"I have created a new weapon design to demonstrate" The Argutus on the podium said, and there was a pause as the crowd of Argutus looked on. Weaponry technology wasn't the most active area. The Argutus continued "It came to my attention that plasma is relatively slow and might be dodged by hostiles at longer ranges, even if very fast a short. This disadvantages our snipers... So I have devised a new weapon. Behold! Hardlight weaponry!" He said, as a hologram lit up and displayed differing types of weaponry "Hardlight particles, travelling at the speed of light, deadly to the target they impact with! Impossible to dodge! A single shot from this weapon would kill any unarmoured and many armoured targets, smashing through them at the speed of light and destroying them. One of the few effective ways to counter them would be shielding. Perfect for snipers."
"Are you suggesting we replace plasma weaponry?" One of the crowd questioned
"Not at all! Hardlight would be used in complementary to the plasma weapons. Hardlight is accurate, but it can't be fired automatically like some plasma weapons can. No, hardlight would be used for snipers and designated marksmen, while our conventional plasma weaponry would be used by other troops."
"How are you going to do this?"
"I have made many changes to the Hard Light components we use to create hardlight bridges. They are now much smaller, able to fit into the weapon, and able to change energy into light, and then compound it into hardlight. Being light, the shots are already travelling at the speed of light, meaning in the majority of battle situations the impact would be near instantaneous. No target could ever dodge it."
"I see... why can't it be fired automatically?"
"The generator is currently incapable of that, though maybe one day we will be able to achieve such a thing."
"What weaponry have you conceptualised?"
"A Hardlight rifle, which is a designated marksman rifle. It is a semi automatic rifle that is able to engage targets at long ranges with accuracy and ease. It has two fire modes. The first is a burst of three shots, and the second is a focused shot. The focused shot is more powerful than the three shot burst, more accurate and longer range, but the three bursts are better for shorter range engagements. Then there is the Hardlight Sniper rifle. A single shot from this should instantly kill any target, and even vehicles. Highly accurate, highly deadly,"
"Does anyone else have this?"
"None of the other known races have this weapon technology."
"The Equiis?"
"Even with their increasing rate, this is a millennia ahead of them at the very least... but why are you talking about them? If you ask me, we should Collectivise them immediately, they seem to have a goal which could very much require our assistance and if we joined with them, their technology would sky rocket, together we could..."
"The Equiis pact would never submit to Collectivisation, and their treaty is incompatible with our own system. Joining it would cripple us. That thought is incompatible with the greater good"
"Thought stricken. Back to the task at hand. I have already produced working prototypes, complete with self destruct sequences to prevent their capture in the field. A top of this, I am continuing my research into Hardlight technology, and the next step would be to make automatic hard light weapons. Imagine, a machine gun that would fire at the speed of light, tearing through flesh as it goes. No one could stop the greater good." He turned, leaving the podium and taking his seat at the bottom. Another Argutus stood, and quickly rushed to the podium
"This technology is brilliant... but why kill the enemy when you can control them?"
"What is it that you are thinking?" The Argutus who had first spoken asked, and the one on the podium grinned
"The biological mind is a pandora's box of energy we have been manipulating on an individual basis since we began. Now, most brains are only receivers, this is the kind we see in most other sentients, but some, like our own, are advanced; sending and receiving charges as they choose." The Argutus said, then raised his hand towards the hologram, which changed to reveal a strange looking device, with an antennae of sorts and three rotating prongs coming off of it "This is my Psionic Beacon. With it, we can send any energy message we want on a massive scale. It is enough to cover an area the size of Videt and it's surrounding area. If we are able to deploy this to the cities of our enemies, then they will be ours. Mind, body... and if you'd like, soul."
"Does it work?"
"I would not demonstrate it if it didn't, Parem Habui"
"Plans from here?"
"I am working on another version... the Psionic Amplifier. With it, entire planets could be taken under our control, if we were able to deploy it in the correct location..."
"I sense a drawback..."
"To my disappointment, yes. While the Psionic beacon, being on a much smaller scale, with attack the minds of any within it's radius regardless of it's deployment zone, the Amplifier is not as forgiving on placement. Due to the electromagnetic fields and energy fields of planets, I sense there would be approximately four places per planet that it could be deployed. If it was deployed anywhere else, it would not be able to subject the planet"
"With the Psionic beacon, it should take about thirty minutes to fully subject the location around the beacon. The Psionic Amplifiers time is unknown, but I believe it would be at least five hours"
"Level required?"
"I believe only the strongest of Psionics could use the Amplifier... an individual would need their psionics and then Intelligence mark of at least 115 (Earth IQ: 920) and..."
"So the average Field Master would be able to use it..."
"Yes, but his underlings would be unlikely to be able to interface with it correctly."
"And the beacon?"
"Mark of at least 102 (Earth IQ: 816)"
"Well within the limits of most Triarii in that case then."
"Indeed, this is with fine tuning to the Triarian Form, if I hadn't tuned it's neural relays we would be looking at a much higher number" The Argutus said, as he turned, grinning at the attention and slowly leaving the podium. Another stepped up to the podium
"I have my work to put forwards as well." He said, raising his hand to the hologram as it changed to a strange looking weapon "This is the Dark Energy Rifle. It works by firing minute Dark Energy shots at a target from a miniature dark energy generator within. A deadly weapon, anything the shots come into contact with would be destroyed as the shots burrow their way through. It has two modes of fire. An automatic, which would fire shots towards enemy targets, a launcher for a Dark Energy ball, that would plough through anything it hits and could be 'controlled' by the user of the weapon."
"Miniature dark energy generator?"
"Yes, you heard correctly... it's power is about enough to fire the weapon for thirty rounds at a time, or a single energy ball, after which it will need to regenerate... to remedy this, it had four of these small reactors contained in cells,cycling around this section of the gun at the press of a button. The cells will be regenerated by the Dark Energy within as they head around, and after reaching the barrel of the gun will be fully charged and available for use."
"It is in development, the technology for the miniaturised generator is still in development, but once it is done the weapon will be able to be produced"
"This sounds like it will require significant resource investment once it is completed to produce"
"Yes, I would advise making it an Elite weapon, allowing Elites to choose to field this weapon"
"Self destruct?"
"Upon the users death, the four generators will be destabalised, producing a small version of the same self destruct we use on our ships, The weapon will be completely destroyed, along with some of the soldier using it" He said, turning and heading off the podium. Another Argutus stood, heading up to present his sections project


"Stage four complete" The report came, and the world now had planetary energy shielding ready to be deployed if necessary, All the buildings that had been placed on the tubes reconfigured themselves into something else, from manufactures to defenses to living quarters, the new world was produced, ready for usage as a fortress of sorts The environment and it's structures were stunning... but the Overlord was not impressed. The Overlord grimaced, he wasn't impressed with the overall quality, more could be done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Sazkarjhia Archaeological Registry Index File No. 1032: The Moguhls


One of the few groups with different religions tolerated in Zarwaunist Sazkarjhia, the Moghuls are a small group of people nestled high in the Darab Mountain Range in the Daraban Region. They practice a religion, more so structured as a set of governmental and family practices rather than religious devotion, known as Galdoskialism, named after the man who originally developed the ideals; Serusis Galdosk'mum. The Moghuls live in a series of small villages and practice older, although somewhat modernized customs. As a result, they're considered the "Orientals" of Sazkarjhia, and are one of the few groups not persecuted by Zarwaunists due to their strong defense of the ideals.

Most notable about this clan, the Mumaso (Unique to here, as others like Tumallani and Kumador are specific to different regions, e.g. Dumark is indigenous to Daraban), is that each family's heirloom is a blade. They very between families but each one has the firstborn carry and use a sword that their ancestors forged in the past. They are considered skillful with this for melee combat and thus prefer it over ranged weaponry. Why this is stated is because several members of the Mumaso clan serve in the Peoples' Military. Many of them are lower down the chain of command, but the 8th Brigade, 3rd Battalion commander--Captain Aramas Baltoko'mum--is one of the highest, who uses a long, single-edged sword forged from steel with a long grip. It is also known that many of the Mumaso clan are also vagabond Sazkarjhians, or Pirates.

Why they use the demonym "Moguhl" is still largely unknown. We believe it may pertain to the Mogus Cave System, and they adopted the name as the first village has been known to be established there. Overall, the Moguhls are mysterious, and even those serving among the Sazkarjhian soldiers do not testify many of their origins. Perhaps it is for this reason that so little is known about their culture. That, and normal Sazkarjhians are not permitted to enter their territory. More research is being done, but until then we know very little else.

Sazkarjhia Archaeological Registry; Daraban Satellite Office
Dr Milo Terrakas'dum - Head Researcher

Research and Development

The Sazkarjhia Defense Firm has taken upon themselves to begin development on an oxygen capsule. Chemicals inside of it quickly travel through a Sazkarjhian's bloodstream, causing a physiological change where their body respires through oxygen, rather than chlorine. It will take some time, but now that Sazkarjhit are to travel out, and to help with vagabonds struggling to maintain with the same air as other species, it is being done for public, rather than military use, although it may see some action on the battlefield in urban situations.

Development Status:
Oxygen Capsule: 3%
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Project Reborn: Notes 005
"The Flesh part of the project is coming along nicely. It still not at the stage where we can use it to begin building "true" synths, but it should be soon. The Griffon Synths development has slowed a bit while we experiment with combinations for them and with more resources being directed for the Flesh, along with discussions on how to make Synths for the rest of the Equestrian Races and other Equiis Pact races."

Project Rerum Pharasim: Notes 001
"I thing I as a Doctor have encountered the hardest challenge of my life with this new project. Scientists from all fields of science are being brought on to this, along with resources from our Dark Energy Project. A theory, with some evidence to back it, has purposed a being augmented with Dark Energy in the right way could bend physics and reality itself to its will. Of course Dark Energy normally kills a being but the big guys in military in government have told us basically figure it out.

I don't know where the HELL we are supposed to go with this. Were digging into all the notes we have on Dark Energy. Aetherii and Drac notes to, along with asking the Triarians about the subject without actually telling them about what were doing.

We do have a lot of resources, but I feel this will be a very long project."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

((Uh, sectoids are weak telepaths... Even the Sectoid Commander never really had powerful abilities when you think about it. Triarii were an evolved form of them after the Aetherii created it from scratch, fine tuning the nervous system and brain, as the Triarii were created as a sort of second in command. Also, Sectoids aren't self sufficient, they were reliant on the ethereals (You can't survive without mouth, you cant breed with no genetalia))

"Don't you find it sad, Mentor?" The young boy said
"Find what sad?"
"That none of them know of the Greater good, that they can't embrace it"
"It is very sad, but..."
"I think we should kill all those who reject the greater good" The young girl said, and the boy shook his head, but didn't speak
"Hate not the Xenos for his ignorance, for we are all ignorant when we begin. Instead, seek to teach him, for there is nothing more beautiful than knowledge. Show him what it will do, the good it will bring and hope he will realise the benefits of the greater good. If he will not, then do not hate him but pity him, and do all that you can to help his kind, and let a thousand flowers bloom. The parent loves the child no matter their mistakes, and the Collective must keep peace, empathy, order and prosperity, for without these then from where cometh that love?"

Personal log

In order to field my Psionic beacon to its maximum efficiency I require better specimens. It is time the Triarii were willing to fully augment themselves, I must form a special Psi Corp of the Equitem in order to field this weapon to its best. Affirmed that, collectively, combined Triarian minds, such as that of when the Primicerii major council convenve, can destroy entire armies and see things far away and... Well, the device has limited room for additional Triarii to connect, and sources from the outside might destablising it. I ponder on the possibility of creating a Triarian Synth, our bodies are fine tuned but not perfect...

Weapons testing

The marksman fired the hardlight rifle a single time at the unshielded target, a piece of organic matter that was artificially grown, and watched as the light energy punched a hole straight through it, the force blowing a part of it away. He took the Hardlight Sniper rifle and took aim, before firing on a second target... The shot collided, taking a large chunk of the target off and disintegrating it.
Next to him was a Draconian Synth, armed with a dark energy rifle, firing at the target before him, the shots piercing it with ease and completely destroying the nearby organic flesh surrounding the point if entry. He tried the Dark Energy ball kode, and the ball game out, smashing the target and completely disintergrating it before flying down range. He pressed the secondary trigger again and the energy ball exploded, deleting everything around it.
On the next range, Ten new blood Triarian officers stood at the bottom of the range as dark energy rounds and hardlight was fired at them. They performed admirably, their eyes glowing orange as they communicated, massive psionic energy shields appearing, blocking some shots as other officers absorbed the energy as some of the shots approached and redirected it to keep the barriers online. All around this chamber, and some surrounding it, many tests were being performed on many different new technologies. A visitor might mistake this for a good day for Triarian science, but it was mostly average. This facility alone tested tens of thousands of different technologies a day, ranging from weapons, psionic beacons, shields, synths, ai, gravity, world building advances, suppression fields, medical advances, new ship parts, biolock upgrades... Anything and everything could be tested in facilities like these, which dotted the landscape of every world under Collective control and descended miles deep. The Argutus watched as their inventions were tested
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

((My Explanation: The Aetherii gave them stronger Psionic Abilities and Intelligence when they saw there Empire collapse, along with giving them a mouth and genitalia. Also lets keep OOC chatter to the OOC part of the thread please))
((Edit: The Sectoids no longer exist, Darkwolf made good points and I decided to just remove them.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Makudan Diplomacy
The Earth Alliance has drafted an official treaty agreement for the Makudan, while short, it is clear and states everything the EA has to say on the matter.

Treaty Terms said
-The Domaenus Makudan will not be required to assist in wars the Earth Alliance is involved in, but the Earth Alliance will be required to assist in any wars where the Domaenus Makudan are not the aggressors.

-Both the Domaenus Makudan and Earth Alliance reserve the right to voluntarily assist the other at any time, unless it is an internal conflict and it is clearly stated that assistance is not welcome.

-Shipyards and planets of the Domaenus Makudan and Earth Alliance will be open to the other nation, and both nations reserve the right to request repairs or resupply from either so long as it is
A: Required for the ship (If a starship with no life-threatening damage requests a spot in any shipyard, the crew of that shipyard may turn them down)
B: Safe for the contacted party to provide (No planet going through a famine is required to give food to a starship, no matter how low their supplies may be)

-Both the Domaenus Makudan and Earth Alliance reserve the right to make sure that all international guidelines are upheld between the two nations using whatever means they feel necessary.

Colony 257
The Abh motions to the sky for a moment, and the other Abh do so as well. The neural impulses controlling such motions send a signal to the leader that they agree with whatever they were about to propose. Shen then speaks for the whole group, aside from the human and Draconian, as interspecies neural transmitting is considered dangerous and is only permitted if the brain structure of the two species is completely identical.
"The Abh martial arts style is quite different from the others..." she began, apparently talking about something completely unrelated. "It teaches you to be in harmony with the enemy, thus you do what they least expect. If they lunge at you, step out of the way of their lunge and help them along with a push as they go by. Every move is calculated to use just the right amount of force to achieve what you want, no more, no less. In wartime, we are in harmony with our enemy, we understand them and use that understanding to defeat them. Harmony and understanding, those are the key principles of our combat technique. However, as was once said by a fictional character named Ender 'In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them'. Though we were created as warriors, we live longing for peace. Not just for us, but for all."

"Our definition of peace is different, too" She continued "It is not the state of no fighting, it is the state of no problems. Your people have a problem, and today we vow to solve it. We will take the boy and his family to a safe planet, and you can bet that we will return to help the rest of you. This is a problem that has to be solved not by war, but with help. We have a division devoted to pretty much just helping, in almost every way. The moment we get back, we'll bring them to the colonies with the military, just in case. You gave us the best food you had, since words of our language cannot convey the gratitude we feel towards you for that, we'll give you the best food we have. The EA learned to never deny anyone anything no matter how much it might help yourself long ago, while the humans were still trapped on their planet. They decided to finally help those in developing nations, even though it would drastically lower the quality of living. As a result, human culture was suddenly enlightened with new morals and their technology skyrocketed, all because of the millions of great philosophers and geniuses that lived there. As our saying goes 'never deny the weak what they need, for they are better than the strong'. All we need is the location of this boy and his family, and we'll leave."

Kepler Alliance
The Earth Alliance has publicly denounced the Kepler Alliance, saying that they have chosen to ignore history by rejecting the doctrine. The EA has also said that by doing so, the openly invite the horrors of the Common Sense War and Doctrinal Conflict to come back and claim trillions of lives once more. As such, trade embargoes have been put in place between the two nations, and no tourists are allowed to travel between them.

EAS Anvilicious, Battlecruiser
The captain walked onto the bridge of the huge starship, and with a loud and hardly subtle voice, declared something that every citizen of the Earth Alliance knows because they are just that awesome.
The rest of the bridge crew joined in on the screaming of random things.
((Been wanting to do that since I created the EA))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kepler Alliance
Two things have occurred in response to the EA's denouncing of the Kepler Alliance, the first is a response message.
"We are not rejecting our history, we refuse to accept the Doctrine as it defies our ideals as the Followers of Faust, and because we did not participate in that bloody war. The only acts of killing we committed were in defense of us, our homes, our families, and our planets. We can not be with you, and we can not accept the doctrine, due to the differences that now reside between us."

The second is a total embargo on the EA for all goods, materials, and services by the Equestrian Empire and the other member states of the Equiis Pact. Tourism and immigration has also been closed to the EA.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Kepler Alliance
Earth Alliance citizens and some officials have been quoted as saying "If they don't consider themselves human, then maybe they should make that true and change their DNA!" and other such remarks. The few followers of Faust still in the EA are probably the most neutral party in all this, and they are desperately trying to make the government see reason. As a follower of Faust and die-hard believer in the Common Sense Doctrine, Fergus has made a statement regarding it all.
"Centuries ago, humans denounced other humans because they had differing beliefs. That was just as bad as killing in the name of a god. Now we find ourselves denouncing the Kepler Alliance for not accepting Doctrine. I ask you now, why? They did not take part in the recent war at all! We must accept what they believe, and respect it!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Citadel
The construction was still mainly framework, but it was moved farther in Equestrian Space. The reasons for placing it where it was at first was because it was the easier point in the Milky Way for Equiis Pact Nations to ship materials to, but with new Quantum Gates opening this is no longer the case. It took a while to move and has halted the construction until its can be reconfigured for its new location.
Kepler-EA Diplomatic Crisis
Most of the Senators and Congressmen from the Kepler Alliance have stated that they wish to see this resolved peacefully, with the president advocating the same.
Invitation for the Triarians
"The scientists and managers of the Equiis Pact's combined science program would like to invite the Triarians to a demonstration of various new technologies developed by the ongoing projects there. They hope the Triarians will accept and are currently working towards repairing damaged relations that have occurred over the past few years."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The man reviewed the terms for a moment, before turning his head back towards the man in front of him.

"This document shall be reviewed first by the Council. This will take only a moment, as they sign from their holographic tablets." The admiral tapped his finger on the table, as he waited. A 'ding' sound was heard some time later, indicating that a response has been received.

"There has been some mixed opinions, with most of the no-voters on the female group, that excludes the fierce one who agreed. The 'no' opinions could be focused on Condition III. Nonetheless, the majority is a yes, with 7 Yes votes and 3 No votes. Let this document be the official beginning of a binding contract between us."

The file was sent to every government offices within Makudan occupation.

Council House
"Anyone home?"

The men shouted, calling for whoever was inside the house. Indeed, Retsukuu was, so she came down the stairs from the highest floor of the building, dressed in an elegant red and white dress reminiscent of traditional Earth Oriental uniforms, complete with long, loose sleeves, tassels on the collar and the bottommost part of the clothing and a modern "staff".

"How were you not stressed?"

"Jobs being done quickly on this genetic level also meant plenty of free time. And most of the work i had were simple enough to just be done on a tablet."

"How much free time?

"Worth 19 hours a day."

"....what? I can't imagine."

"Basically it also improved my mental work. What a convenience. Also, how's the job with the Earth Alliance?"

"The treaty is passed, and the research for the reason behind the identical appearances starts to be worked on. I don't know when it is scheduled to finish."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kepler Alliance

Triarian statement
"The Kepler Alliance did not appear to take part in many hostilities. While this shows minor promise, they are unfortunately prone to the same mistakes all humans are prone to, because they are short lived and short sighted. The Collective hopes the two will stay on peaceful terms. Note, the Kepler Alliance independence should be ratified by logical boundaries and this independence should be declared if it would be beneficial for the majority of both parties, beneficial for the majority of members of the Equiis pact, do the most to further the overall goals of all three parties effected and contain overwhelming support within the Kepler Alliance for independence. Should this be appealing to a minority or not be detrimental to the goals or more than it is beneficial to, then the Collective believes that the Kepler Alliance should dissolve and return to the EA. During the turbulent period shortly after the end of the Earth Alliances second... Civil viral malignant outbreak... the two should work to avoid a third such war. We notice the embargo imposed are damaging to the primitive industrial/economic system used, and thus we propose that both trade embargos are immediately stricken. We propose that the restrictions on this 'tourism' and immigration remain until the situation is fully resolved, as such a security risk is major even without the growing tensions. We then propose that a diplomatic meeting take place on entirely neutral species lands. The Collective is willing to suggest the usage of the Saeva Simius Homeworld, Tolrial. This will ensure that A: There will be no conflict in the meeting, as the Collective will be able to prevent either side from engaging the other in combat and the high gravity of the world in comparison to your own will result in combat movement being much more restricted. And B: That neither side attempts to hold the other to hostage for their own ends. And C: That both sides will enter on symbolically equal footing, with the same restrictions imposed on both and neither travelling to the other but both travelling to the same location."

A Triarian vessel is dispatched to the Equiis pact, carrying a couple of Argutus Scientists.

Animam comedentem Galaxy (Translation: Soul Eater Galaxy)

The battle raged on across the star systems of the new alien contact, who refered to themselves as the Aru'Shumi. The Alien Species may only have been tier 6 but they were fighting meter by bloody meter, though the Collective was dominating them, conquering their worlds one by one.. and Caecus had a plan to test his Psionic Beacon.
The skies above the homeworld of the Aru'Shumi were filled with combat as Collective ships used their energy projectors to cut through enemy ships, though the enemy desperately continued to fight. Dropships flew down towards the planets, some carrying the Psionic beacons and others carrying troops. They fought their way into cities, plasma and hardlight filling the air as the Collective fought their way through towards the center of each City.
In the Capital of the Aru'Shumi Homeworld, the government building, a massive palace, was half destroyed from the heavily fighting as marchers fired warp cannons at buildings, collapsing sky scrappers onto the floor with deadly consequences, crushing the enemy. Finally, the Psionic beacon was dropped in the center of the palace courtyard. The Emperor of the Aru'Shumi took out his steel sword in one hand, holding a balistic pistol in the other
"ARU! MURI PRE NI'SHUM!" The Emperor yelled, and he and his soldiers opened fire on the Collective forces that filed into the courtyard. Streams of plasma and hardlight returned on them. The Emperor watched in horror as several of his soldiers were hit, Lightrifle shots going clean through their armour and taking off parts of limbs, and plasma melting them. His only son stood from behind some cover and went to fire his pistol, only to find he was out of ammo. Tossing it to the side, the young boy pulled a sword from it's scabbard
"Muri pre ni'shum!" He yelled, and leaped over the cover to charge towards the enemy, and the Emperor watched in horror as his son fell to the floor, clutching his head and yelling in pain. One of the strange, small aliens floated down from above, his visor changing to be transparent as he came down, his eyes glowing a brilliant orange. The Aru'Shumi forces turned their weaponry to fire on him, but the bullets raised into the air to be met by a shimmering shield which appeared before him as he raised his hand. Then the strange alien spoke in a vocoded voice
"Aru'Shumi! Shu'lo, po kar muri" The Alien said, and the Emperor stepped forwards, dropping his weaponry and yelling an order to the Aru'Shumi
"Shu'lo! Shu'lo!" He yelled, and they in turned dropped their weapons. Strange aliens flew forwards, thrusters appearing to run into their body, with no legs and some form of plating grafted in their place, and entered the room, their weapons ready, barking instructions. The Aru'Shumi hesitantly moved forwards into the courtyard, the smaller, robotic soldier like aliens producing a small device as they were ordered to face the wall. They complied, the Emperor fearing for his still screaming son, and they soon discovered what the devices were as they were bound by energy cuffs. The son stopped screaming and fell to the floor, whimpering as he was subjected to the energy cuffs as well. Another dropship came down, and an alien that was similar to the one with strange powers arrived, but it was clear his uniform wasn't battle armour. He approached the strange beacon that had been dropped in the center of the caught yard and activated it, his eyes glowing orange as he hooked himself up to it. The Aru'Shumi watched the scene in confusion and fear

Same Galaxy, other side

The peaceful contact was proceeding well, and the species had been remarkably friendly. Still, they were no closer to realising their goal than when they began. The Argutus sighed as he examined the streets from a window as he awaited the return of their host
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kepler Alliance
Some EA officials have agreed with Fergus, must most still refuse to allow the Kepler Alliance to reject the doctrine. They continue to spread anti-Kepler propaganda, though some of it borders on anti-Equestrian. Obviously, these posters have been ripped apart and burned by most of the citizens, most of whom want a peaceful solution. It seems that every second a civilian message is sent through the public commnet towards Equiis Pact space, specifically the Kepler Alliance area, all of them apologizing for the idiocy of their leaders. Interestingly enough, multiple tractatori have been deployed into the streets. The official explanation is that they are conducting a "uninterruptive survey" to see what the citizens think about about the Kepler Alliance. They are using the medical nanorobots installed in their brains that monitor neural impulses and fix any problems with them -such as mental diseases- to conduct the survey.
This couldn't possibly have any ulterior motive whatsoever.

EA Research Colony, Draconian Front 001
"Focusing dark energy, buildup is reaching critical levels. The containment field will not hold in the effect if we increase the load any more."
The Dolphin scientist was speaking using a translator module installed in his tank, he was controlling the experiment using brainwaves, The actual experiment was taking place twenty light years away, of course. Dark energy had already been proven to be what keeps the universe going, it essentially counteracted gravity and let it keep expanding. As such, this experiment had two purposes. The first being testing a dark energy weapon, the second being to see if that weapon can be used as an excuse to harvest enough dark energy to halt universal expansion within the local group of galaxies so that they do not meet the inevitable fate of the "big rip".
"Deactivate containment field, observe effects."
The voice was unmistakable, deep but feminine, with an aggressive twist to the whole thing.
"Yes, Admiral Sora."
The sensors of the lab showed the image of a star system, all of the planets there were barren of course, and it was determined by hundreds of mathematicians that the system would never produce life. As the detonation signal reached the dark energy bomb, the star was thrust apart from the inside as globs of stellar material were ejected out by the dark energy's push. Some impacted the planets, devastating their surfaces. After about an hour, the system has been ripped apart, and the remaining fragments flew away from the dark energy.
The dark energy was recaptured using another container, and safely returned to the lab's heavy containment area.
"Good job, your research might one day save the universe. You might be remembered as the most important people in all of history."
"We wouldn't deserve it, the Draconians came up with the containment method."
"But you rediscovered it, surely that deserves recognition."
"I suppose so, but it feels like we're robbing them of the glory that should be theirs, no matter how oppressive they were."

"May today be remembered as the day our two peoples connected our paths, thus letting the illuminating light flow between them." Said the Governor, using the interestingly common path analogy. This time it didn't make any sense (since when does light act like a liquid), but at this point the EA has sort of given up on anything making sense at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kepler Situation
The Kepler Alliance still retains it rejection of the Doctrine, they how however have sympathized with people like Fergus and other EA citizens.

Dark Energy Reactors
The research division of the Equiis Pact has announced a newly working Dark Energy Reactor. These are being incorporated across the Equiis Pact nations, with all nations sending a few fleets at a time to be refitted, with the massive industrial capacity of the Equiis Pact this shouldn't take long. The Pact Military with the new reactors has also begun mass production of ships to supplement the military.

The Argtus ship is escorted further into Equestrian Space to a large complex. It spanned a small moon, huge amounts of energy could be felt coming off the compound. The ship was giving docking instructions, and they were greeted by Black Marble, who headed the facility. The landing dock had plenty of guards around it, with various resource transports heading in and out, carrying back and forth the materials needed to operate such a massive facility.

"Welcome! It is nice to see that you accepted the invitation, our first demonstration is almost ready, if you will follow me this way." said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Rogue Dwarf Planet" FH-121212
The lone, empty world traveled between the stars, seemingly lifeless. What is special for this world, however, is being the husk of another Caliber-strength giga-battlecruiser planned and built some time before the Zoradean invasion attempt, which was in it's very final stages of completion. The workers were setting up the dormitory beds and some more electrical and magical wiring for the ship, and hired crews and troops awaiting to enter the ship were falling in line towards its entrance. The assigned captain?

No one other than the famed Retsukuu Yomo herself.

The starbridge was a dark room, keeping in line with the tradition of Makudan design. Only monitor and hologram interfaces lit it up, in a reddish hue. The decorative neon lines on the crew uniforms also lit up in the same color, giving them at least some visibility in the room. On the center front of the starbridge was the captain's seat, and here she laid down on the backrest, smoking an exotic cigar with a fragrant smell. Her young appearance sometimes mistake spectating foreigners (if there is any) into thinking of minor smoking, but this is attributed to her agelessness from--- again, biological engineering. She didn't mind the announcement from the speaker about the entrance of the crews and the completion of the finishing touches, although when everyone was inside the ship, she looked back, towards her crowd, which are apparently nervous from meeting a supreme-order politician and a military head.

"You ready, boys?" She finally spoke, after watching the external cameras. Everyone gave an affirmative salute immediately.

The dwarf "planet"'s external surface cracked open on one side, turning the medium of construction for the Forbidden Harbinger into a lifeless asteroid field as the ship passes through a wormhole.

Planet Designation 492-OCW (Hach World)
The Forbidden Harbinger reappeared out from a massive hole in orbit of the planet, steadying it's forward direction towards its moon. The telekinetic specialists inside the ship surrounded a large device that amplified telekinetic powers enough to move small celestial bodies with group work. Once they have moved it off-orbit and towards the planet, they released hold, then the starbridge watched as the moon slowly descended to the planet, until it outright collides with 492-OCW and turns it into a molten hunk of rock, killing its inhabitants. The telekinetics took a rest, apparently fatigued. Seeing how the planet is now worthless, except for the minerals, fleets of mining ships exit from the bay of the Forbidden Harbinger. The reason for the destruction of the planet itself instead of only its surface was due to many vacant worlds still existing in Makudan territories, and also to test the capabilities of the new telekinetic amplification device.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Equiis pact

The first thing to exit the dropship was a Hunter, jumping to the center and scanning the area with a screech, before dashing off around the perimeter, assuring there was a sufficient perimeter. A single Triarian slowly moved off of a dropship. He looked around with old, weathered eyes visible through his environments visor and spoke in a wise voice, but that carried signs of being world weary. "I am Crassus..." He paused as he chewed on something "I am 208 Cycles old" The Triarian Expected Lifespan is 150. A cycle is 8 Earth Years. Biological immortality is only granted to high ranking members of society. Crassus was eligible, but had refused the biological immortality, instead keeping himself alive through his psionic ability. Some Triarii were known to take this route, as the constant use of Psionics, while requiring a lot of energy, built their strength in the same way exercise builds a muscle. "And I am here to represent the Collective" He paused, moving slowly across the room. Behind him two aides filed off, one was a much younger looking Triarian and the other was an Umbrae Populus, moving forwards in his natural chameleon like form. Forces filed off after them, securing the area as Crassus and he two aides walked forwards, following the Equestrian. Crassus moved extremely slowly through the halls, his two aides patiently moving along side him


The emperor took a few steps away from the wall... he was hearing odd voices. He shook his head quickly, at first thinking it was just tired, but then realised it was more than just that. He turned and stared at the device "What is it?" The Emperor inquired
"It is your future, Emperor, we shall understand each other perfectly soon enough" The Triarian using it said
"What does that mean?"
"My Command is your wish. Ah... your thoughts... so predictable. Come, be one with the Collective" The voices inside his head said, and then he stumbled backwards and then... yes, he could see it now. The Greater Good! They had come to spread such a doctrine! Crusaders! Princes! Warriors of what was right! He felt it all, knew it all and could see it clearly now. They were here to share with him a wonderful gift. He paused and smiled, the invasion had been for a good cause, he knew that now
Little did he know that thought was not his own. Little did he know he was being controlled by the Triarii.
This was the first step, now began a proper introduction into the Collective. The Collective estimated that the device would no longer be necessary after some time had passed, as they would be Collectivised in a 'true' fashion now. The Triarii who activated the beacon communicated with other Triarian Forces. This city was under complete Triarian Control... and now the Emperor and all the other members of the Royal family and Government who had been fighting in the city would go public, telling their people to join the Collective, telling them how right the Triarii were. The fact that the entire city was now in support would help dramatically
Just the first step on the road to collectivizing them...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Guards of the facility kept a close eye on the Triarian and his guards. Black Marble lead them through many hallways, each having observation rooms that showed off new ideas and inventions that were being tested, yet they were still ushered forwards to something that Black Marble said would be better then other testing that was going on.

They finally arrived in a small room in which many scientists were gathered. Below was what appeared to be a course of sorts, something that would help demonstrate the ability of the tester. Two Pegasi sat in two different rooms, but had the same version of the course. The Test was initiated and Black Marble explained the Pegasi on the left was a normal Pegasi and there control variable. The pegasi on the left seemed to have normal abilities of a member of his race, but the Pegasi on the right had abilities far beyond that of a normal sentient being. He reacted quickly to any situation, and spotted details that would have normally been passed by. Both Pegasi completed the course, with the right one finishing it much faster and quicker, and a lot better.

"Sad, the only thing we can't demonstrate is speed, then you be truly amazed." said Black Marble as the various other scientists wrote down notes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Triarian Aid showed a keen interest in what was going on, and the Umbrae Populus one was obviously impressed, but Crassus continued to push on, slowly observing as he passed. After the Pegasi display, the sound of chewing from Crassus stopped for a moment as he took a few steps forwards and examined the two. His eyes glew bright orange as he regarded the two Pegasi, he glanced to his aid, speaking slowly
"Mark down an Auctum for them." He said, as his eyes dulled slightly as he sent information to his Triarian aid, who nodded as Crassus eyes turned back to normal and his chewing continued for a few moments before replaced by a swallowing... presumably of whatever he had been chewing on.
"Yes, Praelatus Meus" The aid replied, and Crassus turned and looked to Black Marble
"Your shedding of your skin is remarkable, you were always considered too... idealistic to use this. Now, as for the idea of being impressed by speed, I shall be the judge of my own emotions... You have seen the demonstration of speed, I assume? Then you can show me, as long as your memory functions, that is." He said with an weak smile. "I assume what you have created is not dangerous to the user and his allies, after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"The Synth is fine, our procedures and operations make sure the synth remains safe. And my memory serves me well, I am prepared but be forewarned, stray where you should not and I will force you out of my mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Crassus eyes orange iris like ring closed in slightly "Had I been malevolent enough to do that, would I not have just neglected to ask permission and have dominated your mind?" He said, shaking his head slightly "It is courtesy to ask Exogens before entering their mind in most circumstances, though there are exceptions. This is because... Well, you always seem to be negative about it. You do not understand how confusing this is for us... We have our methods in our community and you are all so alien. I follow the lessons of old, Equestrian, you need not fear subversion from me" His eyes shot up in orange for a moment before returning to normal, he quickly sent it to the aides
"Your safe synth is not so safe... Imagine them all being close together, or near other units" The Umbrae populus said, while the Triarian aide remained silent, his eyes iris glowing ever so slightly
"Nonsense, I am sure the Equestrian meant he had procedure for activating this, and rightly so."
"Procedure or not, such an idea was dangerous from the start, the form is altered, for sure, but on the level it is altered are you sure they aren't just lucky it didn't fail?" The Umbrae Populus said, looking in on the display room again. Crassus did not return a comment. While it was true that it seed that much that the Equestrians did seemed to be reliant on chance, he didn't bring it up so as to not insult his host. In the Collective, the saying that someone relied only on luck was usually synonymous with 'illogical'. Besides, advancements were sometimes by chance, such as discovering how to achieve something by accident
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"While you concerns are noted Pegasi and Pegasi Synths know what speed there flying at and can use there inborn magical talent to adjust there speed. The Sonic Rainboom while devestating only triggers at one speed, groups of the Synths would not need to worry about triggering it and killing there fellows."
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