Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aya refused to back down as Sarah cast her argument, and tried hard (Oh, so hard) not to grin. Arguing was a favorite pastime of hers "Oh please, you have GOT to be kidding me. That took about as much skill as a guy hitting the toilet bowl, which, if gas station bathrooms are to be believed, is impossible. If it weren't for those winds, you probably would've hit me! And I was BEHIND you" By this point, Aya was grinning. She couldn't help it, messing with people was just so much fun "Storm probably unconsciously directed the javelin to her jaw with her winds" she finished, turning her head and waving her hand in air in a sign of dismissal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zagan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

John was still trying to tend as best he could to the wounded, but was distracted by two of his team mates, gently lying Storm down again he walked over to the two who were arguing:

"Is this really necessary girls? It was a team effort as I doubt any of us new recruits have the skill or control over our abilities to take out someone of Storms level, So if you want to argue about who did what can you save it for when we are back at the school? In the meantime can you help with the wounded or anything else of use?"

John turned back to watch over the Weather witch, the earth mover had taken to trying to clean and dress her less serious cuts and bruises with a small first aid kit that they had brought, hoping that the battle against the shadow king was in Storm and the Professor's favor.

Doing all that he could for Storm at this time John stood up to try and locate Plasma so that he could tend to her wounds and to try and patch her up as best he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Control at this point was pretty much gone as the professor and the Shadow King went at each other. Xavier soon said “Looks like you lose this time Shadow King, now we finish this.” The Shadow King seemed a little worried as he soon said “I won’t go down, not yet” as the two clashed a few more times. There was going to be a final clash as the two headed towards each other but near the last few moments the Shadow King pulled away in an attempt to escape which bore fruits for him as he had managed to get out of the professors grasp. Xavier looked out to see if the Shadow King was hiding before realizing he was nowhere in sight.

Out on the battlefield the Shadow King came into view in front of all the mutants there. The king grinned evilly as he shouted “Surprise little kids, I was not beaten by Xavier. NOW WHO SHOULD I TAKE.” He scanned each member quickly; Plasma caught his attention though she was hurt at the moment so she was no use at the moment. The mutant known as John was also one to take over as well. “HOW ABOUT YOU BLUE FUZZ BALL?……. No maybe you little GIRL?” He was referring to X-23 at this point. “Decisions, Decisions.” He eventually picked up on Darkshadow making him laugh a little “Mahmahamahmah”

The Professor soon informs the group of the Shadow Kings plans. “My students, listen to me. The Shadow King is planning on taking over a new host. Prevent him from doing so in any way possible. Make sure to protect yourselves as well. Plasma was aware as she saw the big beast of shadows, she did not move to much as she watched him point out to Darkshadow like he was attracted to her. She watched him approached Darkshadow like he was going to court her and make her his like he did to Ororo before her. The professor was on standby for the worst; he was sure the Shadow King would defeat the students and get his new body.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aya turned to look at John as he dressed Storm's wounds. The boy was really ruining her fun, but unfortunately he had a point. "Meh, whatevs. Imma go see how Ms. Kinney's fairing" she said, turning away from Sarah and heading towards Laura. Or rather she would but she hadn't taken five steps before she heard something that sent chills down her spine. Quickly turning back, she was more than surprised to see the Shadow King himself standing there. To be honest, she had completely forgotten about him. And that was a grave error. He took his time taunting them a bit, before turning his sights onto Sarah.

Before she could think about the logistics of her idiotic move, Discharge pushed Darkshadow away from the... the... thing in front of her (to be honest, I have no idea how to describe this guy). "Goddamn, you are one ugly motherfucker" (Well... I suppose that's one way) Aya said, before blasting it with as much electricity as she could manage. Although, she was pretty sure it wouldn't do jack-shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solemn
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Solemn The Phantomwise

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

X pulled herself up from the dirt just in time to watch Storm get taken down. The tiniest fractal of a smile formed on her typically stern lips as she retracted her claws and stood. They'd done it, the team had pulled it off. Without the storm whipping around unbearably in her ears, she could finally hear her team without the need of a comm device, even if she'd been whipped...what appeared to be...a good thirty yards away. She hardly remembered the fall, but that didn't matter. But...of course, the moment of pride shimmered into nothingness as soon as the egos opened their mouths. Not that the women were completely serious, but perhaps they should've been. They were standing over a fallen teammate in a strange countryside that was covered in mud and debris.

The air shifted, X sniffed at it and extended her claws once more out of habit. Not that they'd actually do much against a mostly formless enemy. She hoped and feared being chosen at the same time, it froze her for just an instant thinking that...within her mind she may have been able to trap him. So much damage had been done and undone, the scar tissue in her memories was as good as a shield, but...well, she could have easily killed every one of them. They wouldn't be arguing with each other then. X noted to chastise herself later for being sardonic at a time such as this.

Being cut off from the team brought a sudden rush of apprehension, she couldn't do that much from the other side of the battle field. With claws or otherwise, what they needed was a powerful psychic and, of that, they were precariously short. Save for the Professor, of course...What a damned mess, this shouldn't have been left to the kids. She wondered if...perhaps...Darkshadow could manipulate his entire form? X wasn't entirely sure and if the idea didn't come to the girl she would be absolutely floored. Useless to concentrate on that for now, what else could she do? Charge it? Laura was desperately, frustratingly in need of an enemy she could sink her claws into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Magnus approached with a smile on his face but a hand still in his pocket. "Girls, your all beautiful, no need to fight. It doesn't matter who did what, check your egos at the door. That goes double against a telepathic enemy. John, you broke the plan, I see you had an opportunity and took it, but you should have kept the wave up in case she moved out of the way so the rest of us could do our jobs."

He pulled out a length of paracord to start hogtie up Gold leader and a first aid kit for those who needed it. His skin began to crawl as he felt a disturbance in spacial relations around him out of nowhere, useful for feeling an incoming telelporter or in this case a manifestation. He formed the dojo in his mind, closing off all the doors but the arena he would allow access to if the battle were to begin, a novice maneuver but more than others in the group had.

"Spread out, this is the biggest game of tag of our lives! Wear him out, exhaust him, don't let him touch you until he can't keep a physical body."

He took out a needle from the first aid kit and stabbed storm in the arm with a heavy dose of a neural suppressant made by forge to make her an inviable choice by shadow king. The same medicine for fibromyalgia and seizures, it suppresses synaptic response to keep her from doing anything else but sleep, same for the psychis if he were to try to take her again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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A real ninja would have instinctively rolled with Aya's push and come up in a crouch. Sarah, however, was only partially trained. Stumbling and falling, spreading her length across the savannah floor with her tresses askew. The blond X-Man quickly propped herself up with one arm and turned her gaze back in the direction of the Shadow King. She was prepared to roll, to skitter across the landscape, anything to escape falling into the clutches of the black mist with an all too human visage and crimson gaze.

Darkshadow gazed up at the small Japanese girl standing in front of her, wondering whatever it was that Aya could be thinking. Whatever did she hope to accomplish?

She considered trying to help, to throw some conjured shadow stuff at the psychomorphic entity but Aya was in the way.

"Uhm... Shouldn't we bail?" Sarah asked as she rolled over and crab crawled away from the Shadow King.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zagan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Magnus had walked over to the group, firstly seeming to agree with the earth mover about the girls and their egos, but then chastising John for moving off the original plan - which made John sigh and shake his head.

Things had taken a nasty turn, Storm was safe from the grasp of the shadow king, but it seemed that the foe they were facing had not given up and had formed as a manifestation and it seemed to be picking a new host, it turned, almost as if it was considering them each in turn as to who to chose as its next host, for a second or two, the Shadow King looked at John, but then turned away. After a few moments it seemed to settle on Darkshadow - but before he could take his second host Aya had pushed her out the way and tried to shoot it with a blast of her power, not really knowing if it would slow him down at all.

He stood there as Aya tried to do something, John wondered if a box would seal it, something with no gaps in it, but Earth did not behave like that - but then again he was a mutant with the power over the element they walked on, and it was worth a shot, kneeling down John punched the ground either side of him as he had learnt from his stay at the school that at this time he had the most control over his power when part of him was in direct contact with it. his eyes closed as he concentrated harder then ever on a earthen box forming around the Shadow King, even if it slowed him down it would be worth it, but as unsure as he was about electricity doing anything to a shadow manifestation he realized that Earth would be perhaps even less effective, but as it was all he could do, he had to try...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Discharge cut off her electric stream as John enclosed the manifestation in earth "Like that will do squat either" she grumbled to herself, turning to Darkshadow and pulling her to her feet. "Sorry bout that, but it looked like he wanted to play with you... and I don't like sharing my playthings" she gave her a grin before turning to Bamf (god, that's a stupid code name, Imma call him... ... yeah, that works) "Hey, Blueberry" was all Aya could get out before she started giggling. "I'm sorry, that one was funny. Ninja Smurf! Think you can get Storm back to the Blackbird? I think Shadowtits has a point, we need to get the hell outta here before we lose someone else. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna have to go through that crap again" she finished, running over to Talon, her whole demeanor switching to be far more... submissive "Sorry to bother you, Ma'am. But, what do you think, Miss Kinney? Should we get away? I don't know if we have the experience necessary to defeat the Shadow King"...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Shadowtits? Plaything? Sarah rolled her eyes. She supposed she should be used to the nickname by now. Still, she hadn't really expected Aya to continue using such strange nicknames outside of training. This was a real mission after all and not a romp through the danger room.

"If we manage to get out of here," Sarah replied as Aya extended a hand and helped her up, never once taking her blue eyes off of the dark nimbus that was their adversary,"you can play with my tits all you want."

She really didn't like the way that the Shadow King was fixated upon her, his crimson glowing eyes seemingly poring through her flesh, into the marrow of her bones and somehow deeper. It was not a sensation she relished, somewhat like a group of drunk guys leering at you after midnight, their loose inhibitions festering dark thoughts to prominence.

Eying the Shadow King warily as he circled and approached, Sarah wasn't the only one surprised to find the very earth around him rumbling. She would have to thank Mantle later for that, as the ground began to seemingly bubble and attempt to rise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When the Shadow King was struck by the attacks of Aya, all it did was make him grin even more evilly. The attacks did nothing, though Darkshadow was now further away from him. “Don’t you want to play little Shadow” making him eye those around him. “It will be easier if you don’t resist me.” Before he could do anything else the Shadow King noticed he was being imprisoned in an earth like tomb making him laugh as he was covered completely. At first it seemed like it worked as no movement was made though after a minute had passed he escaped the earth like prison and forced it to collapse around him. He still had his grin as he went “If you won’t play with me then I know who will.”

His first step was away from where Aya and Darkshadow were. He seemed hell-bent on getting a body and none of them could really stop them. He did not pay attention to John, X-23 or Bamf either. His street rat was down for the count forcing him to charge to the one other mutant who was left and it was not Wolverine. Like a stampeding rhino he charged to the mutant he wanted, hitting any and all he got in the way. She was left pretty much defenseless. Plasma was his target though by this point Plasma had just got up from what she did not too long ago. The Shadow King shouted “Too late X-Men, I win this time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” He soon leaps into the host which knocks Plasma back a few steps.

The mutant known as Plasma soon found herself standing still as she put her hands on her head before screaming like she was being tortured. She could hear the Shadow King speak “Bend to my will little puppet, I have plans for you. But first let’s break you in.” Another blood curdling scream left the lips of Plasma before finding herself crashing to the ground like she had suddenly entered a coma like state. The Shadow King put his grip around Plasma’s inner spirits neck in order to keep her in control and to make her obey him. “Rest little Plasma, rest.”

Wolverine had watched the whole thing and he was not happy one bit as he roared out some orders. “We are withdrawing, bring Storm and Plasma here and let’s get out of here.” The last part he sounded disappointed though he was not disappointed with the newbies but at himself for letting this happen though he was powerless to stop the Shadow King himself. He soon whispered to himself “Sorry kid, I did not mean for this to happen.” He waited for the X-Men to return to the Blackbird. Within Wolverines mind he said “Charles we have a problem.” When they were on board he lifted off with the Black Bird leaving the battlefield behind him and setting off to return the students back home. He was pretty quiet at this point, he hoped the newbies were not down in the damps either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Magnus waited for orders from higher up or else teamwork, what he got instead was questioned orders and now they were down a teammate. He took out a second needle and teleported beside the newest victim before he stabbed plasma right in her neck to neutralize her with shadowking stuck inside. He hoped Xavier could pull them apart later, but for now it was a wash.

"Blöd verdammten Dummköpfe, Loki Ihre Seelen für Spielsachen"

He screamed out to no one in particular as he hoisted Plasma to one shoulder and trudged her up the stairs. On a good day German was not the kindest of sounding languages, now with him in a tiff it really did emphasize his displeasure. Dear Loki he needed to unwind, sushi and seven samurai when he got to his room. For now, he plopped in his chair on the black bird and popped a pain killer for his back before it started to scream at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zagan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Shadow King destroyed John's prison as if it were dust, mortified the young earth mover was starting to panic that he would not be able to do anything, his fears were soon confirmed as the manifestation took a new host in plasma. Though this plan of action was short lived as Bamf had taken care of that much the same way he had done with Storm, just before Wolverine had sounded the retreat. Grabbing Storm John trudged back to the blackbird with the weather witch cradled in his arms.

As he walked past Wolverine it would be plain to the clawed teacher that the Earth mover was dejected about something, after lying Storm down and strapping her in John went and found a seat towards the back, hoping to keep some distance from the other students on the flight back.

Why couldn't I protect anyone? My powers are useless!

With his elbows on his knees and head in hands John started to think about a multitude of things; a self hatred about how poor a part he played in the mission, how his powers were useless or only part working, and lastly a way to make himself stronger and to try and find out how far his powers would grow... it was so bad he didnt even care that the professor could read his mind as he sunk further in to his self hatred...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Asha stood in the main hallway, a dark smudge is a classic and beautiful place. With the newly reenergized starlight in feeding her body now at a regular pace, her head was clearing. Mama... She probably wasn't going to see her again, was she? Not with her dad fortifying his family from any and all mutants. Including her. But at least he could move on without the fear of damaging his reputation, no longer having a mutant for a daughter. A mutant... abomination... Asha sighed softly and looked at her black shoes.

She was dressed head to toe in thick, light absorbing, black cloth. The same kind they made blackout drapes from. The only skin showing was a narrow slit around her eyes. And there her mutation was hardly noticeable. Her once deep brown eyes now seemed to be lit from the inside, glowing bright as if hit by the sun. At least she wasn't radiating rainbow colored light right now. Sitting on her two suitcases, she surveyed the hall around her. This was a place for mutants? It looked more like a private school refurbished from an old manor or mansion or something.

Not that that was at all a bad thing. In fact it was almost beautiful. She'd read a book on architecture once. The molding and elegant decor of this hall seemed to be authentic, which was unusual in this modern age. Asha looked around even more and then spotted a mirror. Her entire body stilled. Slowly she got up and, putting one foot in front of the other carefully, approached it. Her slightly glowing eyes stared back at her, her black dressed form looking alien to her. Hesitantly she put a hand to her face. She cautiously drew down the thick black cloth covering her mouth and nose.

A creature changing color like a fish from the deepest depths of the sea stared back at her in disgust. The faces of her horrified face flashed in front of her mind. Quickly she pulled her mask back up over her luminescent face. Horrifying. She was horrifying. Tears stung at her eyes, threatening to spill over and brand her weak. But she blinked furiously and trudged back over to her suitcases, sitting back down, clenching her eyes shut in determination. No crying. She would never cry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Meanwhile back at the X-Men’s home of operations, Xavier, Cyclops and Beast discuss the info they obtained during one of blue teams missions. Xavier had put his hands together as he looked down at the desk in front of him. The news was troubling if it were to be true, he could not be sure and so had to treat it as if it were real. Beast and Cyclops exchanged looks; they themselves were shocked though really Beast and Professor X were more shocked then Scott was.

Xavier “This is troubling news and here I thought we were making great strides in making the world understand us.”

Beast “We cannot breathe a word of this until we know, we must have blue team investigate more. Maybe we can stop it before it is too late.”

Xavier “Yes that is the best action we can take right now, in this every growing split between man and mutant we must make sure we take the right steps.”

Cyclops “I will go out now and see what I can find Charles.”

Xavier “No……. Wait Scott, you can leave right after we greet the new member of the institute. As one of the older members I think it is only fitting.”

With that the discussion ended as the three soon made their way towards the location the young mutant was. The trio enter one hallway before making a left to another hallway where the young mutant was. The three walked up to the girl who was with her suitcases.

Xavier “Well hello there Asha, Asha Nightenlowe…… Do you remember me?”

Xavier would have mentioned his name but he was sure she remembered him; he was a beacon of light to most if not all the students and X-Men. Cyclops was standing to the left of the Professor X, though stood a few cm’s away and Beast was to the right. He had smile on his face, something Scott did have. His face was mostly blank though it also had a slight warm feeling to it.

Beast “If I may, why do you hide yourself young lady?”

He was curious to know about her, he was big and blue and in many ways knew what it was like being different in appearance; this was a guess he made and was not aware of her appearance due to her concealing herself so well. Only those conscious of themselves hide themselves, for all he knew he could be wrong about the guess he made. He could only wait for her to reveal herself if she was comfortable about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solemn
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Solemn The Phantomwise

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"We must escape, yes. It is not lack of experience, sometimes you must know when to retreat," Laura said not unkindly, mimicking what she knew to be a calming gesture by placing one hand on Aya's shoulder, eyes locked on the mess behind them. As she felt the earth shift once more she shifted her attention to John and then the Shadow King's ethereal state. A look of concern washed over her for the briefest fractals of a moment. The air smelled of fear and discouragement, she couldn't help but let it seep in, "Discharge, prepare to escape."

Laura's claws receded with a *snakt* and she bolted around the younger mutant, knowing full and well Discharge was one of the fastest they had - she'd be fine. As she predicted the telepath demolished the earth prison, but...switched targets. Shortly thereafter she heard the comms crackle to life, someone else's of course. A familiar voice, a calming voice. Time to leave. Thanks to Magnus's quick reaction they didn't have another fight on their hands quite yet, though. He definitely earned the right to be called a ninja.

X met the others in the Blackbird, she noticed some glances of avoidance and practically bite through the anger and disappointment that was emanating from her team. She eyes locked with Logan for an instant and knew full and well it was coming off of him just as strong as everyone else. Laura's shoulders didn't dare drop, though. "We have done the best we could. There is no shame in this. We have the Shadow King, we have subdued Storm and the Professor will save Plasma. We fought an impossible enemy, do not forget this," she stated with an odd amount of pride and exhaustion in tandem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

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Asha's golden glowing eyes watching each of the trio that approached her. A tall man with odd choice in sunglasses, a man in a wheel chair and a... blue furry creature-man. Any expression that might be on her face was hidden by her dark cloth, the only key her glowing eyes. The older man in the wheel chair spoke first. His voice was... familiar. Clam and clear, saged with wisdom. She nodded her head forward and stood up, hands folded in front of her, feet together, back straight, as if she were to be inspected. It was just a reaction that had been ingrained in her.

"You are the one who spoke,” her voice was soft and smooth, gentle yet guarded, "You guided me here."

The man with the odd sunglasses looked at her and she nodded her head forward, distantly but politely. She did the same towards the beast man. It was the beast man who asked her something she reacted to. She winced. Why hide...herself. At first it had not been her choice to hide, but her mother had decided she would not invoke so much anger from her father if he could not see her... mutation. Asha touched the cloth at her face, but it dropped down to her other gloved hand. Slipping the glove off her slender hand she kept her eyes on the ground.

Her hand glowed softly, pulsing the lights with her heartbeat. The multicolors lights like millions of stars beneath her skin, swirling and waltzing slowly. Her thick clothing had become sort of a cocoon. It made her feel safe. Without it she felt vulnerable...naked...defenseless. Turning her had over slowly, she made sure they could see and take it all in.

"It...doesn't turn off," she said softly, her voice drifting through the quiet hall, "I can't turn it off. But if I'm locked away from the nightsky for days on end, it softens, flickering like candle light just about to go out. That's when I begin to feel sick and weak..." Quickly she slipped her glove back on, her eyes still on the ground. "It never turns off..." she held her hands in front of her, eyes on the ground, "I've...never been around...others like me." Her eyes came up to meet the Beast's. "I hide because I do not want to anger or sicken anyone. And this way...I feel safe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Magnus tried to get some sleep on the way home, reaching into a cubby to take out a headset, he blared Rammstein into his pointed ears to try and drown his mind out from trying to replay the fight and coulda-shoulda-woulda himself to an ulcer. If he wanted to replay his failings he could think of his real home where the mutants lost the war on the first day. Yes, PTSD teleporting ninja on a blackbird, just what the doctor ordered. When the mix rolled around to "Pussy", he smiled knowingly while opening one eye to look over at Sarah. Not that anyone could tell where his solid black eyes looked in any direction at any time, they had that odd quality of his fathers to seem like he was looking everywhere and nowhere at once, but if one could feel when someone was looking at them, he was evident.

He never got up to get closer to her, he seemed content to keep an eye on her, waiting for her to relax and let her guard down which would most likely lets her shadows go too unless she remembered to bundle up or change into something more real. He always had an eye on her for two reasons: Her powers of 'shadow' and ninjutsu training blended well with his own powers and skillset so they were often paired for training sessions. Second, if he's going to stare at someone then it might as well be the woman he's already spent many a time tumbling in the shadows with already.

Germany was far more liberal with things like ages of drinking and consent set at 14, but then again he was already killing people before then. Born in a war that no one should ever have to suffer of humans greatest inhumanity. The 'cure' never reverted people with the x-gene, it killed those with the chromosome. When dealing with ways to cope with such stress, his parents rather he become a... lovehound rather than an alcoholic.

But in that realm, those that survived were often more mutated than most with a greater power but at a cost of appearance, Such was not the case here with so few physical mutants who could do such incredible feats without tax to their bodies. He was stuck a freak, there weren't any girls or women at the mansion who couldn't turn off their powers like him that he could relate to. Alone amongst the alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

At first Aya was relived the order the retreat was given... but then she realized why it was given. Plasma had been taken... while she had been fooling around... a comrade had been taken... for the first time since she escaped that hellhole, Aya felt weak. Pathetic. And useless. Trudging back to the blackbird, she kept up an air of indifference on the outside, but as she passed by Wolverine, she could tell... he could smell it. Her anger. Her frustration. Her despair. And in a small part of her mind... her glee. Yes, she was also glad. Glad she hadn't been the one taken by the Shadow King. Being a powerful psychic, she was all to aware of his ability to make her relive the darkest parts of her past. Memories she had been hesitant to share even with the professor. And memories she hadn't shared with the professor. He could've unlocked her subconsciousness and released her full power. And she wasn't sure if any of her teammates would've survived it... even Talon and Wolverine. And that led to the biggest emotion running through her mind, what she knew had a firm grasp on her heart right now, seeping into her mind, and oozing out her pores, into the nostrils of her hyper-sensitive comrades. Fear. She could keep it from her face, from her voice, from her body, but Aya was terrified of what might have happened. And for that, she was thankful. And that led to other emotions. It was a vicious cycle. One that continued to turn and turn and turn... consuming her mind throughout most of the trip, until she felt a burning sensation under her eyes.

Touching her fingers to her face, she was surprised feel wetness on her cheeks. Was she... crying? No, tears weren't red. Blood? 'Dammit!' Quickly wiping her face before anyone saw, Aya clenched her teeth in pain, suddenly fully aware of an unfortunate side effect of her ability. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid' she chastised herself. Without even realizing it, her powers had burned her tear tracks into her cheeks, making it impossible to hide the fact that she had been crying. Luckily, she was sitting right next to the door. As soon as they landed back home, she would be gone, using the circuitry throughout the mansion to get back to her room before anyone could ask what her problem was...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sarah wasn't sure why the group was so glum. They'd won the day after all. Admittedly it hadn't worked out exactly the way they'd intended but once the Plasma was in the holding cell that was shielded against telepathy there wasn't going to be anything that the Shadow King would be able to do except maybe stew. That was a good question. Could the Shadow King even retreat to the astral or ethereal planes in such a cell? No matter, the Professor would have this entire thing sorted out within a couple days. If anything, they were better off then they were before. Storm had been exercising her powers for years while Plasma was still a rookie. Powers were like muscles, growing stronger with use.

When the others told her to shut up after explaining this to them, Sarah actually complied. Not that she didn't think she was right. They were just defeatist idiots.

Besides, it was also Becky. Plasma or Rebecca or Little Miss Fuchsia Hair was a goody two shoes, always doing what the professor said, always trying to be helpful and was god awfully honest. Sarah could stand the stuck up little snit. Mind you, she wasn't really all that stuck up and was probably too bloody humble but Sarah liked to think of her as that snotty little brat.

Silently, all she could think was that she wanted to get into one of the several danger rooms and relax with a good D.R.A.W. session, a Danger Room Augmented World session, The others were seriously huge downers and she seriously felt like battling against goblins and necromancer or cutting down stormtroopers with both blaster and lightsaber.
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