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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

All of Videl's years of experience in bullfighting came rushing back to him when the two wolves lunged at him and he gracefully dodged them. The bulls back in Spain were more tactful than these two and Videl couldn't help but smile at himself. They had messed with the wrong ship today! One of the wolves, who had previously been a white haired male, quickly turned around to snap at him and Videl curled his arm around his neck, getting him in a chokehold, and held his muzzle shut with his free hand. The fact that these two were werewolves was surprising, since it was rare to see one while travelling at sea, but Videl had fought some in the past. The only real thing they had going for them was their teeth and claws, while Videl had his raw strength to rely on, so he was confident in winning.

The other wolf, the white one's brother, came running towards him and Videl delivered a swift kick to his mouth, blood and teeth splattering everywhere. The white wolf started to struggle more in his arms, trying to break free of his hold, and Videl tightened his hold around his neck, but his hand couldn't hold his mouth shut for much longer and let go, the wolf's teeth barely scraping his fingers. Quickly, he wrapped his other arm around the wolf's neck so it couldn't turn to bite him and tried to stop it from struggling so much. He only had a small amount of time until the older wolf recovered from the kick, so he needed to deal with this one fast, so he finally came to his decision.

Dropping to his knees, Videl rolled them over until the wolf was on it's back and he was lying diagonally over it, his arms still locked around it's neck, and got the wolf's hind leg between his own and twisted. A deafening crack echoed throughout the supply room and the wolf howled in pain. Videl quickly let go of the animal and rolled away before it had a chance to counterattack. A broken leg wouldn't get him very far, so as long as Videl kept his distance, he would be safe.

But the brother was still a problem and when Videl turned to look for him, he came face to face with the wolf's snapping jaw. He moved to avoid it but was too slow, crying out as the jaws locked on his shoulder. Even with a few teeth missing it was painful and Videl tried to shake him off but the teeth only went in deeper. Blood trickled down his shoulder and he cursed loudly. Thanks to his vampire blood in his system, he wouldn't fall pray to the werewolf's bite and turn into one himself. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt.

Trixxtal barely managed to dodge the talismans flying towards him, but only by a fraction of a hair. " What the hell is that?" he wondered, turning back to look at the piece of paper, now stuck on the wall behind him. But that only turned out to be a mistake when more talismans came soaring towards him. By the time he turned back to see them, they were already too close to dodge. One of them landed on his chest and he instantly felt the energy draining out of him. " What...have you done??" He stuttered, tripping over his feet and barely caught the wall to avoid landing on his face. He gripped his chest to try to pull the paper off of him, but when he touched it, sparks of electricity nipped at his fingers.

Truthfully, he didn't think that disabling the vampirate would be so easy. He thought that he would put up some sort of a fight, but the blonde went down just as easily as the two they caught last time. The male and female vampires that they had found hiding in that small port hardly fought at all, and just kept begging not to hurt their precious child. Kakeru only laughed at them as he knocked them unconscious, but kept admired them for their courage, and decided to fufill their wishes and left the boy alone. This one though...he had little fighting spirit and hardly had anything to be admired for. He glanced over at the other vampire in the room and was thankful that he had told Remus and Romulus to take care of him instead. It would probably take five or six talismans to bring someone like that down. He brought his attention to the blond infront of him and pulled his arm away from the wall, catching him as he fell to the ground. Now, he just had to decide; should he take him back to the SkullKracken and use him as a ransom, or simply kill him? No...Fenrir would be much happier if we had a chip to bargain with, just incase this plan doesn't succeed, he agreed with himself.He scooped the vampirate up into his arms, surprised at how light he was, when he heard Romulus whimper in pain.

The wolf was wreathing on the floor and from where Kakeru stood, he could see that his leg was twisted in an obscure angle. On the other side of the room, Remus had his teeth set in the vampire's shoulder, blinded by rage.

Before the white wolf had the chance the chance to attack again, Videl grabbed the darker wolf on his shoulder by the scruff of his neck and pulled him off, throwing him forward and causing him to crash against the supply room wall. " Trixxtal, I think it would be best for us to go to the deck. The Captain might need our help." He turned to look at his friend, but without the wolves occupying his attention, he finally realized that the first mate was no where in sight. He almost called out for him until he saw the blond, cold and unconscious, in the arms of the third intruder. Anger flared up within him instantly and growled, " Let go of him!"

Ready to attack, Videl lunged towards the black haired stranger, only to be intercepted by one of the wolves midair, as it viciously latched on to his leg. Another cry of pain left Videl's mouth and in a fit of rage, he kicked one of it's front legs and a crack echoed through the room. Just as he intended, the white wolf let go and now that he had a broken leg and a freshly broken arm, he was incapable of attacking again.

Too preoccupied with the wolves, Videl failed to notice Kakeru reaching into his pocket and pulling out an ofuda.

Kakeru was helpless as he watched both Remus and Romulus fall to the talented vampire. With the blond in his arms, he couldn't do much but just stand there. But when Romulus' arm broke, Kakeru jumped into action. Carelessly dropping the vampire to the ground, Kakeru pulled out an ofuda and began his spiritual chanting. If he got anywhere near the vampire, he would surely suffer the same fate as the wolf brothers, so long distance spells had to work.

With the vampire's back turned, it was the perfect time to strike and Kakeru sent off the ofuda along with his chant. It landed straight in the middle of the brunette's back and as soon as he finished the prayer, he watched as the paper talisman slowly began to drain the fighting spirit out of Videl. It wasn't permanent and since this one was vastly stronger then his companion, the effects would wear off faster. As Videl stumbled to the ground, Kakeru picked Trixxtal off the ground and turned to Remus, who was now trying to comfort his crying brother, " Retreating now would be our best option, Remus. I don't think your brother can take much more." As he spoke, Romulus reverted back to his human form, his arm and leg now pushed back into ugly directions, only proving Kakeru's point further.

Videl had no idea what kind of magical spell the stranger had placed on him, but it was different then the time that that wizard attacked. Instead of simply sending him to sleep, this spell was physically draining him of all his energy, until it became a struggle to even keep his eyes open. Out of his blurry vision, he saw the three intruders leave the room, with the unconscious Trixxtal in their arms. He tried to muster all the strength he could to try to go after them, or to even plead them to stop, but it was no use, the spell was just too strong. His last thought before loosing consciousness was how mad Jecht was going to be when he found out that Trixxtal was gone.

The woman was feisty and Nico liked that. It was pretty much all fun and games for him until she aimed her fire alittle too close to his vital regions, and he let out an alarmed yelped. How dare she try to mess with a man's jewels! They were a man's pride and glory, and getting them burnt off was unacceptable! Even in a fight! A new fire kindled in his heart and he was rejuvenated with the fighting spirit, ready to go again. Only, as he made his move to counterattack, a cry of pain came from below the deck and Nico knew instantly that it was Romulus. The stupid pup had probably gotten ahead of himself and bit off more than he could chew, but Nico knew that if Remus was with him, he wouldn't have let anything bad happen to him. Meaning that not only had Romulus gotten himself into trouble, but Remus too. Nico shot a glance over to Fenrir and their eyes met for a second. Nico then knew what he had to do.

Transforming into his wolf form, Nico jumped straight over the girl he had been fighting, now forgotten, and bounded over to the doorway leading to the supply deck. He passed Gwendolyn, who was squabbling with a boy only a few years younger than her, but she seemed to be on top of things, so he rushed past them. Kakeru and Remus were waiting for him at the doorway, with two unconscious bodies in their arms, and they silently loaded them on his back. " Take Romulus to the medic bay and the blonde to the cells." Kakeru instructed and Nico nodded, turning back from where he came and made his way back to the ship, making sure to avoid Fenrir's battle with the ship's captain. Even if they were retreating, the battle wasn't over until Fenrir stepped foot back onto his ship.

☆protettore && gwendolyn☆
" Please, please, please make him stop!" Protettore pleaded, trying to shake the flamelion off of his leg. The flames were eating through the cotton of his pants and if it wasn't stopped, it would reach his skin in no time. Gwendolyn made no noise from where she stood, watching the fire eat away at Tori's pants, but he could see that her expression was uneasy. Right before the heat touched his skin, a burst of water killed the flame and Tori's leg was safe from a serious first degree burn. He looked up to find a cute water sprite standing next to Gwendolyn, twirling around as it awaited it's master's next command. Tori could feel his heartbeat slow down, now that he was no longer in danger, and he let out a sigh of relief, " T-Thank you so much!" He quickly got to his feet, unsure if she was going to attack again. But the spirte stayed inactive and Gwendolyn crossed her arms, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

" It wasn't like I wanted to save you or anything, i-idot! I just didn't want to see your leg being burnt off, that's all!" Tori didn't know if she was lying or not, but he sure was grateful anyway. Suddenly, a black haired man appeared from nowhere and grabbed Gwendolyn's arm, " We need you back on SkullKracken, Romulus has been hurt." Gwen's eyes widened and she nodded quickly, only sparing Tori a single farewell glance. " Don't stay on this ship any longer, it isn't safe for kids like you." And with that, she ran off with the stranger towards their ship. She might have only been a handful of years older, but Tori could tell that she was way more prepared for this life than he was. He wasn't strong enough to fight invaders or summon his own monsters, or even swim for that matter!

Tori shook off the doubts clouding his mind and focused on the task at hand, now that there were no more obstacles in his way. He ran down to the cargo deck, eagerly awaiting his uncle's embrace, but when he got there, he found Videl unconscious on the floor. " Oh no, not again!" His mind flew back to the night of the wizard's attack and feared that he had come once again. After trying to shake Videl awake, he got up and searched the rest of the room for his Uncle, but ended up empty handed. Where could he have gone? Didn't they say he would be here...? Suddenly, he remembered where he had seen that stranger who had taken Gwendolyn back to her ship! He had been the one who had taken his parents! The raven haired man with the purifying hands! But if that was the case, and he had been here on this ship, did that mean that he had taken Trixxtal too??!

Fenrir didn't understand why the mere mention of wizards made this vampire so mad, but he enjoyed the new gusto in which he fought with. Fenrir gleefully dodged his attacks and counterattacked with his own, only to be blocked with the same manner. Fighting with other ship's captains always got his blood going, and this vampire was no different. Afterall, you weren't named captain for no reason. Every twist and turn of their little dance brought enjoyment to Fenrir and the electricity radiating from the vampire made it much more exciting. He got distracted though, when he heard Romulus' cry, and hesitated while dodging. The Captain's sword pierced right through his side and he hissed, jumping backwards before the electricity did anymore damage. He met eyes with Nicolao and silently gave him his instructions, clutching his wounded side while holding up his sword defensively in the other.

He was an alpha, which meant that his pain tolerance was higher than his betas, but another stab from that sword would make him just as weak. And now that Remus and Romulus' mission had failed, getting the supplies now would be impossible. He felt Célestin's eyes burning into his back and he turned to look at him. No words were spoken, but Fenrir knew what he wanted to say. Kakeru had caught a prisoner, and a prisoner meant bargaining. If they couldn't take the supplies by force, then they would find other means. Fenrir nodded turned back to Jecht, leaving Célestin to gather up the remaining crew members and take them back to the SkullKracken. " I must admit, your fighting style isn't bad. Your use of your powers is average, at best, but don't think that this is over yet. We will return and next time, I'll have your head on a stake." Fenrir warned, sheathing his sword and retreated back to his ship. Célestin pulled up the anchor and SkullKracken floated away from theFlyingDeath. The vampires too had their own casualties to worry about, so he didn't worry about a quick counterattack, and Fenrir went down to the medical room to check up on his beta.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
Avatar of Azalea

Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

An odd memory struck him now, as sweat slid down his face, the heat from the electricity and his quick dodging and the strikes of the swords beginning to add to his fatigue.

I had a mother once, he recalled as he slipped past the oncoming blade, making sure to remain light on his feet, gripping his sword tighter, I remember. She used to dance ballet, didnt she?

Jecht spun as he slashed his weapon, feeling an intense satisfaction watching the werewolf scramble backward, grasping at the wound Jecht dealt to his side. Never miss a step, she always stressed, he remembered, giving the werewolf a smug smirk, memories floating towards the surface of his mind, This fight feels like a dance. [i] Mother was right. One wrong step could mean my life…. [/i]

The fog in his mind started to lift, the maddening anger beginning to fade away. The werewolf then started spouting some nonsense and Jecht nearly snorted, replying hostilely, "Retreating, coward? Fine, return when you arent so pathetic. I will welcome your challenge."

Now that the adrenaline from the fight was beginning to fade, he began to feel the pain he suppressed during the fight. The captain honestly did not know whether they were wounds from the werewolf or from his previous fight with the wizard, but now he felt relieved the fight was over, not that he would admit that thought out loud. He growled as irritation crept up into his mood once again and he glanced towards his crew, searching for the nearest least injured person.

"Mariemaia." he finally called out, slowly walking towards her, wincing slightly with each step. "Check the ship for any casualties then tell the first mate to watch the ship if he is uninjured, if not, then you take care of things. And we have to get to land for medicine, if you feeling well enough, will you steer the ship for me, Mariemaia? I will be in my quarters, I would do it myself but I… have to rest." he admitted, a faint blush on his face out of embarrassment for his state of weakness.

Usually he would just ask his first mate for help, but they werent talking right now, and Jecht was beginning to feel guilty about yelling at Trixxtal for trying to make him rest. He did not want to admit he was wrong just yet, so he would just have to do with asking Mariemaia instead. She at least had experience steering a ship, since she was a captain herself before she joined his crew.

[i] Ugh, I should have listened to Trixxtal, maybe I would not feel this embarrassingly weak if I had. Ill just…apologize to him later, when I wake up. [/i]


Her battle ended in a stalemate, with both her and the vampire receiving little injuries, to her relief. She did not have time to be recovering from injuries while her comrades were suffering; earlier she noticed Romulus bloody and unconscious being carried away by his distraught brother.

"I enjoyed this spar, vampire. Thank you for the challenge." she retreated alongside the others, sheathing her sword as she left. On her way back to the SkullKracken she noticed Regulus stumbling back, holding his stomach in pain. "Little Reggie, were the last ones on the ship, we need to hurry."

"R-right…,"she heard him mutter, and as she guided the teenager to safety, Fantine silently wondered if Fenrir managed to secure the dragon sphere.

ImahorriblebrotherIm sorry sorry sorry. Pleasebealright Remus dontdieIm sorry.

His mind was racing, thousands of thoughts flying around at once, each one reminding him of his failure to protect Romulus.

He swore that they were just on that ship, where Romulus blood was spilt; his body twisted and broken, where he failed to protect him. He was a failure. He was a failure. He was a failure. How strange, when did they return to the SkullKracken? Remus didnt know what was going on anymore. He ignored the intense pain he was in. But he failed at that, too, because it hurt to speak. Was his jaw damaged? Oh, right, he remembered getting kicked in the mouth by that vampire. He was such a failure. He cant even speak, cant even apologize to his brother for failing him.

All he could do now was stay by his side in the medical room and watch over him as he rested, but even then Remus felt like a failure, because he felt so tired; so much in pain, that it was becoming hard for him to stay awake. He wanted so bad to lie down too, and rest his aching body, but, his brotherhis only brotherhe wanted to watch Romulus, stay by his side. "I failed you."

Cepheus, Charlie, & Nemesis

"Thank you for the blood, Cepheus, I needed that!"said Nemesis, followed by Charlie muttering a soft "Im sorry for wasting your time and taking your blood like this but thank you."

"Youre welcome, Nemesis. And its fine, Charlie, I offered to help." replied Cepheus, who watched as the bite marks on his wrists began to heal.

"See, you managed to hold your own against him! "Nemesis suddenly patted Charlie on the back, but the male vampire merely sighed and just felt uncomfortable.

"I didnt really do anything though both me and that werewolf were fighting pretty half-heartedly. I dont deserve any praise, Nemesis." he replied, disappointed at his reluctance to fight and protect the ship. "What if somebody got hurt because I couldnt give it my allit would have been my fault if I let that werewolf injury anyone."

"You did fine, Charlie." assured Cepheus absently, worried about the wound on his face. The boy finally managed to swipe his face with his claws and to Cepheus astonishment, they had not healed yet. There were three slash marks running down the middle of his face; ever since he was cursed he always healed quickly but unlike all of his other injuries, these slashes didnt seem to be healing at all. Was it because the child was a demon? He needed to remember to stay away from him if they ever crossed paths again. "Do you want to accompany to the supply room? I need to get something. We can check on Trixxtal and Videl, too." he suggested, wanting to find something to help the wound before he went to find Jecht.

When the three of them entered the room, they nearly froze at the sight. "Videl!"shouted Nemesis, worried for her friend as she rushed to his side.

"H-hes unconscious, the room is a wreck." Charlie commented nervously, joining Nemesis to try and help Videl.

It was Cepheus who uttered the three words that made all three of them again shiver with fear.

"Where is Trixxtal?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
Avatar of Midorimacchi

Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

☆kakeru && gwendolyn☆
" There isn't anything else I can do...I'm sorry." Gwendolyn said, wiping the sweat from her brow. She wasn't able to completely fix Romulus' arm and leg, nor stop the pain either, but both bones were set back into place and with his advanced healing, he would be able to walk again in a few weeks.

" You did everything you could Gwen, thank you." Kakeru smiled, wiping the blood from his hands with a dirty rag. The two had left Remus alone with his brother in the medical room so they could talk outside in the hall without disturbing them. Since getting back on the SkullKracken, Gwen had spent all of her time with Remus, casting little healing spells to try and fix his arm and leg. When she saw them for the first time, she felt like throwing up at the grotesqueness of it all, but she had sucked it up and went to work. Kakeru himself would have helped but his ofudas worked best on open wounds and most of Romulus' wounds were internal. " Some of the other crew are wounded too, do you have enough energy left to help them?"

" Yes!" She suddenly said, light returning to her eyes, " I'll try my best Mister Yamamoto!"

She scuttled off down the hall, determined to help anyone who needed it, and Kakeru breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried about her passing out from stress, but she seemed okay enough so he wasn't as concerned.

He thought about going back to the medical room to force Remus to get his face looked at by Gwendolyn, but then he suddenly remembered the glass bottle he had in his pocket. Gwendolyn had handed it to him to hold when she had been healing Romulus and never asked for it back, and he had simply put it in his pocket and forgot about it. But now that he thought about it, she had said that it was something like a pain reliever, a special potion she brewed, and it would probably help Remus with his current situation.

He quietly entered the medical room and approached Remus who was no doubt tormenting himself over Romulus' situation. Not one for the mushy stuff, Kakeru simply held out the bottle for him to take, " Here, Remus, take this. It'll help with the pain."

Steering the FlyingDeath brought back memories from when she was the Captain of her own ship and she found herself smiling as she directed the ship towards land. Her days as Captain had been fun, but her days as a crew member weren't bad either, especially with the crew she was in now. Speaking of the crew...

" Where are those guys??" She asked herself, looking around the deck for any sign of life. Apart from the odd crew member passing by, she couldn't see any of the regulars like Cepheus or Videl. Infact, when she had went to look for Trixxtal to give him Jecht's orders, she couldn't find him either. Was there a party somewhere that she didn't know about? Why wasn't she invited??

" Hey! You!" She pointed to a random guy that passed by, beckoning him over. " You can steer right? No? Well today is your lucky day! You see that?" She pointed to the distance where the light from the city could be seen, even in the dark of night, " Well just head towards that and call me when we get close so we can get ready to dock. Ahaha! Don't look so scared, you'll do great!!" She roughly patted the guy's back and handed the wheel over to him.

She made her way down to the lower decks, searching for where the metaphorical party was. " Hellllllo," She called out, waiting for someone to call back to her. As she passed the supply room door, she heard muffled voices in the distance. She opened the door of the supply room and smiled, finally finding everyone she was looking for, " There you guys are! What's going on?" She was the only one with a smile on her face, however, and she instantly knew something was wrong. In the corner, Protettore was crying and Cephus was trying to talk to him and Nemesis and Charlie were huddled around Videl, who was unconscious.

This was not the party she had been hoping for.

" He's goneeeeeeeee!" Protettore cried, clutching Cephus' shirt as he cried into it. He had been hiding in a corner, unsure if the battle on the upper deck had stopped or not, when the three pirates came in. He instantly threw himself at Cepheus, his only friend on this awful cursed ship, and began to cry into his pant leg.

" They took him!! They t-t-took T-t-t-trixxtal!"

"Ay.....dios mio, my head..." Videl opened his eyes, noting how heavy they were. It was hard to keep them open and he felt them going cross-eyed for a few seconds and everything was blurry, but when he saw Nemesis and Charlie's heads hanging over him with worried expressions, he sobered up. Struggling to sit up, Videl used Nemesis and Charlie's arms for support. " W-What happened?" He blinked, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings. He heard a child crying somewhere in the room, which only made him more confused, and he looked towards Nemesis and Charlie for answers, spotting Mariemaia behind their shoulders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
Avatar of Azalea

Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Accepting the bottle without a word or glance at Kakeru, he continued watching his motionless brother. Romulus had yet to wake up but his lack of consciousness did not stop him from crying out in pain from time to time. Every whimper cracked Remus' heart further and, if he could move his jaw, he would ask if he could give this vial to his brother instead.

He looked at the pain reliever once more, then back to Remus, before returning his attention back to the pain reliever. Finally, he made his decision and brought the glass to his lips, carefully drinking the liquid.

"T-thank you..."he managed to say to Kakeru, his jaw already feeling slightly better, but it still pained him to speak.

Cepheus embraced the young child in a hug as he attempted to comfort him.

"Shhh, it will be fine, we'll find him..."he said softly. "He'll be back...they took him because they want us to fight them again...so we'll have a chance at getting him back. And we won't waste that chance, alright?"

Tori still wasn't soothed, but Cepheus didn't blame him. He had lost his family and all he had was...well, himself and the vampires. "I'll protect you until we find Trixxtal. Even, uh, from Jecht."he added, hoping Tori didn't notice the slight fear and hesitation in that promise, "Were you hurt in that fight?"

Nemesis & Charlie
Wait here, I'll go find some medicine for your shoulder Videl!" Nemesis hurriedly searched through the mess of supplies that had scattered during the apparent fight.

"What happened is that we just received a death sentence."replied Charlie despondently, helping Videl stay on his feet. "The first mate has...been taken. We're dead. We're all dead the captain will kill us for letting this happen."he clarified gloomily.

When Nemesis returned to the two males she began to apply some salve she successfully retrieved on Videl's bite wound, hissing at Charlie simultaneously.

"Do you have to put it like that Charlie? Maybe we're mistaken! Mariemaia." Nemesis suddenly turned her head, looking desperately at the other female with hopeful eyes, "Please tell me that you've seen him?"


Still holding onto the sobbing Tori, he quickly interjected, "Well if Trixxtal is not here I am not going to be the one to tell Jecht."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
Avatar of Midorimacchi

Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" He hasn't woken up yet," Nico said, his gaze trained on the unconscious blonde in the cell and Fenrir hummed from behind him. He knew the extent of Kakeru's spells and didn't expect their blond captive to wake up any time soon. What confused him though, was why they took him in the first place. " Did Kakeru say why he brought this vampire onto my ship? I thought the two we captured last time was enough." Nico shrugged and was about to answer, when another voice cut in.

" He's the first mate of that ship." Kakeru supplied as he walked into the room, having left Remus to be alone with his brother. " That means that he's important to them, and since our plan to raid their supplies resulted in failure, I thought using him as a bargaining chip would be much more resourceful."

He hadn't even felt the pain in his shoulder until Nemesis pointed it out, but it had already reduced to a dull pain. " Ah, gracias, but I assure you it looks worse then it really is." But he thankfully accepted her help.

" Eh....." Mariemaia wished that she had some good news for them, looking at their hopeful eyes with guilt, but she didn't. " Jecht asked me to look for him but I haven't seen him anywhere..." She gulped. " I haven't searched the whole ship yet, so maybe h-- "

" No, they took him." Videl said solemnly, hanging his head, " I saw them take him and when I tried to stop them, they hit me with some kind of magic spell!" He tightened his fist, his teeth grinding. " If only I had been strong enough! I could have stopped them!" His anger fizzled out quickly and was replaced with fear when he realized that one of them was going to have to tell Jecht. " Me neither!" He jumped in after Cepheus. " I've fought many beasts in my time, but the Captain is the worst I've seen!"

Protettore shook his head, rubbing his snot deeper into Cepheus' shirt. " M-my pants were burnt," He mumbled, pulling away from the grim to look down at his ruined pants. His skin was a little red from the exposure to the flames but other than that, he wasn't hurt. He continued to cling to Cepheus as the others tried to sort out their problem, fearful that they would force him to do it. " P-p-please don't make me do it..," He begged Cepheus quietly, not wanting to face Jecht's anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
Avatar of Azalea

Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fantine trailed behind Kakeru as she walked into the room, listening to the men speak about the hostage they had taken. "I agree with his reasoning," interjected the first mate, "And using that vampire can help you retrieve the dragon sphere from that ship as well, Captain."

Nemesis & Charlie & Cepheus

"So...he really is taken, then?"asked Nemesis with a frown, finishing up her healing of Videl's wound, "I hope Trixxtal is alright..."

Charlie sighed and closed his eyes. "He is probably really hurt, considering the state of this room and the fact that Videl was stopped..." he said solemnly, but quieting down once Videl began to explain what happened.

Charlie just continued to look gloomy off on the side. "I'm really sorry but...I would rather not be the one to tell him either...I would probably start crying, which would make the captain angrier."he explained before sitting onto the floor and curling into a ball. "He's scariest when he is angry...and I saw how mad he got at that werewolf captain, especially after he mentioned a wizard, and Videl said Trixxtal was taken because of a magic spell...and um, I don't want to get burnt by his lightning..."

Cepheus nodded his head. "Oh yeah, he's definitely terrifying. If I deliver the news he'll probably lose his mind, then drain me of all my blood and throw me overboard out of anger."he agreed with Videl and Charlie, shivering slightly at the thought of his death, "I'm not looking forward to an early grave, I've had already been to hell once and I do not want to go back there anytime soon, no thank you."

When Protettore began begging him not to force him to be the bearer of bad news, Cepheus quickly jumped in for the little vampire's sake. After that ridiculous stunt with "teaching" him how to swim, Cepheus felt he was the only one left on the ship good enough to watch over the kid now that Trixxtal was gone. "Ahahaha, of course you don't have to do it either! Isn't that right, everyone?"he stated, looking each vampire in the eye and letting them know that the exact chance of Protettore doing the deed was zero.

Nemesis huffed at the males and crossed her arms. "All of you men are cowards! I'm afraid of his wrath too but...Where is your bravery?! Why don't we tell him together?"

"I would rather not..."mumbled Charlie, still lying on the floor looking depressed and defeated.

"Yeah, what Charlie said."jumped in Cepheus, holding Protettore protectively.

Nemesis threw up her hands in exasperation. "You are all ridiculous! Are you really going to throw me and Mariemaia under the boat?! Argh, I can understand the kid being excused, but come on! We are the crew of the FlyingDeath. The most feared ship on the entire ocean! We ride this boat together and we die together. Crewmates for life! We're all in this together."she continued preaching to try to inspire them, but Cepheus just chuckled.

"Oh Nemesis, I'm not some crazy wildcat like you! I'm a dog with his tail tucked between his legs because I know I'll be in trouble with my master."he laughed nervously, "In fact, I am going to go find Protettore some new pants so we are too busy with this important task to speak with Jecht. It could take a long time. Hours, even."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fenrir is dead set on going back to the ship and kicking Jecht's ass and taking his sphere, but Kakeru manages to convince him not to and just search for the rest of the spheres instead.

videl slinks off somewhere, leaving the task of breaking the bad news up to mariemaia.

astonished that she was left by her crew members-all but nemesis- she supposes that this is a blessing in disguise. She would be able to comfort Jecht about the loss of his FRIEND and be there for him. Not to necessarily confess her feelings, but if the moment presented itself...well, she would have no control over that, would she?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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Fantine frowned, feeling the frustration that Kakeru no doubt felt as well but was relieved once Kakeru managed to persuade Fenrir not to act rashly. She was glad another level-headed member of the crew was here; it made dealing with Fenrir's bloodthirtsy werewolf behavior easier. "This plan will make the search for dragonspheres go much smoother, I think."she commented. "Which I believe should be the top priority, since we have a time limit for our search."

The vampire 'hmphed' at the leaving males, before turning back to Mariemaia. "What?! On your own, why?"she asked, confused, frowning a bit at her. "You want to see Jecht alone...? Are you sure?"

Nemesis was full of confusion, but the determination expressed in Mariemaia's face was absolute. Why would anyone want to be alone with their angry captain? she wondered, but then her eyes widened and her frown curled into a smirk. "Oh...Ohhhh, I see. You want to be alone with the captain. Trying to ensnare him in your fangs while Trixxtal is gone, huh?"she teased, remembering gossip around the ship that Mariemaia had a crush on Jecht, but Nemesis herself was unsure if the rumors were true. But if they were, how could Nemesis refuse such a request?

"In that case, alright, I'll go make sure the men know how to clean properly. Good luck Mariemaia!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

fenrir agrees and tells nico to alert akasha, who is on neverisland, that they will be stopping by to drop trixxtal off.

she basically freaks out on her way to Jecht's room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jecht's rest was not going very well. He kept waking up again and again, his weariness not at all leaving him, and every few minutes he slipped back into unconsciousness only to awaken once more.

His wounds were already beginning to heal thanks to his vampire abilities, and with the addition of extra human blood he drank from Cepheus, but Jecht's recovery was still coming along slowly. Two difficult fights over the course of just two nights was not something that happened that often, especially him practically losing those two fights. Ashamed of his failure, he closed his eyes and turned onto his side to continue his pitiful rest.

The darkness was all he knew for awhile before the cycle of no-sleep-for-Jecht renewed and once again the vampire's slumber was disturbed. Pound, pound, pound...he heard the gentle knocking from outside his room. Dazed, Jecht forced himself to wake up and he slowly sat up on his bed, glancing towards the door. A bit miffed that his rest was interrupted, he called out, "Come in."

It was only when the door started to open that Jecht remembered he had tossed his shirt on the floor of his room before he went to sleep. He inwardly began to panic. It was bad enough the crew knew he was so injured he had to actually rest and recover; he didn't want anyone to see the recent wounds and bandages he pathetically acquired from the wizard and werewolf! Jecht quickly lied back down and covered the blanket over him, feeling like an idiot because he accidently made one of his injuries hurt more from him rushing to hide his body. He felt ridiculous because he was sure he looked embarrassing, cuddling onto the blanket as if it were a matter of life and death.

As Mariemaia entered the room, he hoped she didn't notice or comment on his injuries, and wondered why she was here. "Mariemaia, I was asleep, what do you want?" the words flew out of his mouth automatically and Jecht cursed himself. Great, he already had to admit he needed rest in front of her earlier, and now she would probably figure out that his rest hadn't even done any good by the way he was complaining. At that memory, he also remembered that he had given her orders before he returned to his room. She must have been here to discuss her tasks with him then; if she already completed them, just how long had he been resting?

"I mean." he tried to sound less agitated, looking at her from were he was laying on the bed, "Do you have anything to report?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Although he still wasn't sure if having the vampire on the ship was a good idea, Fenrir had no plans about throwing him overboard just yet. Like Kakeru said, he could prove himself useful in the future if things go wrong with the other two vampires they captured. It was always nice to have a backup plan afterall.

Checking that the chains around the vampire's wrists were secure, Fenrir stepped closer and began to dig through the pirate's pockets. There was always a chance that there was some gold in there, or something of value, and Fenrir was willing to touch a disgusting vampire to get it. But one after the other, the blonde's pockets turned out empty and Fenrir heaved a sigh. He should have figured that he managed to capture the only pirate in the seven seas who didn't have gold on them.

But not all was lost when Fenrir brushed his hands across his chest and felt a small tick. It was strange, since vmapires were known not to have heartbeats or anything of the sort, so he investigated further. Dipping his fingers in the breastpocket of the pirate's vest, Fenrir pulled out a beaten up old pocketwatch. It was hardly anything of value and he would be lucky if he even managed to find someone willing to buy it, but then again, he had always needed a watch to keep track of the time. He tucked the watch into his pants pockets and straightened up, fixing his clothes before heading up to the deck. The vampire was due to wake up at any moment and he thought about sending Little Reggie to go feed him some of their packaged blood.

After receiving Jecht's permission to enter his chambers, Mariemaia opened the door and slipped inside, debating on whether to break the news to him slowly, or short and sweet so he could go back to resting as soon as possible. But one look at Jecht made her decision easier to make.

The poor Captain looked terrible.

More rest was certainly what was needed, and she had half the mind to just turn back and leave him so he could sleep, but when he asked her what she was doing in his room, she froze. She hadn't noticed it until now, but Jecht was lying shirtless in bed, his shirt thrown carelessly on the floor. Bandages still covered his body, which she assumed, but she could still see the tips of his bare shoulders from under the blanket. Suddenly flushed by the realization, Mariemaia pushed her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. She felt guilty that she was having such emotions when she was originally sent here to deliver bad news, but she couldn't help it. The mere fact that Jecht trusted her enough to allow her inside his chambers during a time when he was so vulnerable made her weak in the knees. But when Jecht asked her again why she was there, she was reminded of her task and kicked all those feelings to the side for now, focused on delivering the news the best she could.

Carefully, after picking up Jecht's disregarded shirt off the floor, Mariemaia approached his bed and sat down on the chair next to it. She kept the shirt in her hands, incase Jecht wanted to put it back on (and it gave her something to fiddle with), and took a deep breath, unsure how Jecht would react to the news she was about to tell him.

" Well..." She started hesitantly, averting her gaze away from his bare shoulders to his face instead, " The rest of the crew seem to be doing fine. There were some injuries, but nothing life threatening...And we successfully defended the supplies from those pirates. Lil' Tori's pants were horribly burnt in the battle though, so Cepheus is finding him some new ones..." She was definitely beating around the bush now, coming up with anything and everything to say other than the fact that Trixxtal was missing.

But she couldn't stall forever and she needed to do what she was sent there to do, no matter how much it was going to hurt afterwards! Taking a sudden deep breath, she quickly exhaled everything she needed to say,

" Trixxtal is gone; they took him!"

Now, she and everyone else on the ship silently waited for the fallout.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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“Oh, no permanent injuries? That’s good…” he commented, glad that nobody on the crew was as pathetic as he was right now. The last thing he needed was to deal with anybody dying. “Right, right, protected the supplies. Pants? Tch, good luck with that, I’m pretty sure Cece won’t find an abundance of children’s clothes on the ship.” he responded absent mindedly, half listening to Mariemaia’s report. It wasn’t until he heard the news that she had Jecht’s full attention.

Jecht stiffened and at once he felt like he was in front of that wizard all over again; helpless and weak, powerless to stop his enemy. He was so used to victory, he never had any idea what to do when he actually lost, and apparently he had just been dealt his biggest loss in a long time.

“…Gone?” he repeated, his body still frozen from shock at the news. No. It couldn’t be true. He must have heard wrong. He clenched his fists together and gritted his teeth before glancing at Mariemaia, in complete denial over the situation. “No…no you’re lying. Lying! They can’t have taken him!”

But the look on her face told him the truth he still adamantly wanted to deny, and dread overcame him. Jecht shoved his blanket away, discarding his pride with it, and stood up. His bandages were in plain sight, bloody from his own wounds, and the rage in his eyes made him look terrifying. “Out of my way! He has to be on this ship somewhere!” he shouted deliriously, pushing Mariemaia out of his way as he stormed out of his room.


He frantically ran all over the ship, his wounds from the previous battles opening once more and beginning to leave a small trail of blood behind him, but Jecht didn't notice. He searched furiously, attacking anyone unlucky enough to run into him, shouting for Trixxtal the entire time.

“DAMMIT TRIXXTAL! SHOW YOURSELF!” he screamed, not at all ready to accept that Trixxtal was nowhere to be found. Out of anger, lightning began to spark around him and the vampire captain growled as he started shooting bolts of lightning through the walls. “YOU CAN’T HIDE FROM ME!”

The crew frantically tried to dodge Jecht’s fury and they lamented the damage to the ship, but no words could calm the furious captain, and Jecht continued throwing lightning at every obstacle he saw until he finally felt worn out. The vampire collapsed to the floor, his breathing heavy and his head dizzy from blood loss from his reopened wounds. Red liquid covered his torso and stained most of his pants but his condition was the least of his worries. Kneeling down, Jecht tried to keep tears from falling and he started to punch the floor of the deck out of frustration.

“TRIXXTAL?? ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME? ARE YOU STILL MAD ABOUT EARLIER? I- I’M SORRY, OKAY! JUST…I..no no no! T-this wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…Trixxtal…!” Jecht was crying by now, not caring who saw him anymore, he just wanted Trixxtal back.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

☆mariemaia & protettore & videl☆
Jecht's crew were all experienced when it came to dealing with his tantrums --you wouldn't be able to survive for long without it-- but nothing could have ever prepared them for the fit Jecht fell into when he heard about Trixxtal's disappearance. " That could have gone better." Mariemaia sighed to herself as she hid with the other crew members in the crow's nest, safely away from Jecht's wrath.

" Si, there are a number of ways you could have handled it better, but it would all have had the same outcome," Videl added solemnly. " Mi dios look at all the damage he's causing!"

A stray lightening bolt flew over Protettore's head and he clung tighter to Cepheus' arm, " When will he stop?" He was close to tears and the only thing stopping him from crying was the fear of Jecht hearing them and getting more angry than he already was.

Mariemaia ducked lower behind the wall of the crow's nest as she heard Jecht's anguished cries. Who knew that he and Trixxtal were so close? Sure, it was understandable that he was so angry, given that it was his best friend that had been taken, but destroying the whole ship because of it? Now that was going a little overboard in her opinion. When Jecht gave his last cry before falling to his knees, Videl poked his head out to survey the scene, making sure it was safe and to access the damaage. " Look's like he's finally tired himself out, pobrecito."

Mariemaia however, was not so lax upon seeing Jecht collapse on floor, covered in his own blood. "Jecht!" She cried out, jumping over the wooden ledge to land gracefully on the floor, rushing to his side without a moment's notice. Videl on the other hand was not as brave and remained where he was. He would wait until Jecht was truly down and out before going down there, incase there was more fight left in him. He rested his arms against the ledge and watched as a panicked Mariemaia helped Jecht to his feet. " Amazing what love can do to a person, huh?" He asked Nemesis with some amusement in his tone, unsure if he was talking about Mariemaia or Jecht.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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Cepheus & Charlie & Nemesis
“He took the news fabuously.” Cepheus said dryly, his voice laced with sarcasm as Mariemaia joined the crew in their hiding spot. The captain was currently on a rampage and he had to duck a few times to dodge lightning, and he tried his best to shield Tori from any oncoming attacks.

Cepheus patted Tori on the head, but he did not look away from his anguished friend, observing Jecht with concern. The captain was bleeding, partly his own blood since Jecht had fed from him earlier, but he made no move towards him. “Soon, I’m sure.” He lied, having no idea when Jecht’s tantrum would end, but he or Tori weren’t going anywhere near him until he calmed down.

“He’s going to destroy this ship, and take us down with it, at this rate.” Charlie commented, standing off to the side as he warily examined a stray lightning bolt that had barely missed them. “When he’s like this, it’s like we mean nothing to him anymore…” He sank down to his knees and sat in a corner, his face solemn.

“Charlie, that’s ridiculous!” Nemesis huffed, frowning at the blond vampire. But the crew was given mercy as Jecht’s attacks finally died down, and Nemesis watched as Mariemaia left their safe spot to go to his side. She turned to Videl and giggled at his questioned. “Well, it apparently makes you go crazy!” she answered, her tone light. Jecht obviously went insane at the news of Trixxtal’s kidnapping, and Mariemaia was crazy for even daring to go near Jecht in his current mindset. “Mariemaia sure is brave, though!” she praised, admiring the vampire as she watched in awe as she fearlessly went towards the captain.

He barely heard her voice, and it wasn’t until he felt himself being lifted off the ground that he even noticed her presence. His eyes flicked upwards towards his helper, hoping that it was Trixxtal finally through with this cruel joke, but he couldn’t help the disappointment he felt when he saw that it was Mariemaia that had picked him up from the floor. No longer attacking everything in a fit of blind rage, Jecht was coherent enough to notice the panicked expression on her face, but made no comment.

“…He’s really gone…isn’t he?” he asked her weakly, but wasn’t truly listening to any response she might have said to him, since he could no longer ignore the truth. He glanced down at his wounds and if he cared, he would have felt angry at himself for stupidly reopening them.

“I want to go into town…” was all he told her, before glancing past the ship, spotting land not too far away. His reasons for going into town should have been more responsible, such as obtaining more supplies or repairing the ship, or feeding on the blood of unsuspecting humans to speed up his recovery, or even look for Trixxtal, but no, Jecht didn’t want to visit for those reasons.

He wanted to visit a pub and drink until he forgot about his problems. Then he wanted to destroy the town, even if he wasn’t in any condition to do so. The anger was still buried under his skin and the only way Jecht would feel better is if he tore apart somebody limb by limb, preferably the wizard-loving-kidnapping-werewolf, but since that filthy beast was not here, Jecht would have to make do pummeling some unsuspecting townsfolk instead.

He wondered if stopping by this port had been a good idea. The town itself had nothing of interest to him, mostly ordinary humans living their lives, and he only booked an inn so he could rest for a few days. The sky was dark and he was currently outside headed to the pub the innkeeper recommended but…something in the air felt strange. Just now, the fallen angel felt an odd feeling, and cautiously looked around him before his eyes settled on the ocean.

Raphael felt slightly unsettled at the sight of an advancing ship but turned away from the sea, continuing down the dirt path he had been walking on.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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" Y-yes, I'm sorry, they really took him," Mariemaia answered quietly, struggling to hold up Jecht's weight. His blood was beginning to stain into her clothes, turning them a bright crimson, when she wrapped Jecht's arm around her shoulders to hold him up better, but she didn't mind. That was the whole reason she left her crew and Captain-ing days for; to be there for Jecht and be his support when Trixxtal couldn't.

But she couldn't let him go into town in his present condition, angry and bleeding. That was just a recipe for disaster and she was going to stop it if she could. " W-what? No Jecht you can't! You're bleeding everywhere! The last thing you should be doing is going into town! You need rest!" She pleaded frantically, looking back up to the crow's nest for some support. If the other crew members were there, they could band together to stop Jecht from going into town, but it was just her and she didn't think that she was powerful enough to try, even in Jecht's weak state. With his anger how it was, it was possible that he could do anything he wanted.

With no one there to help, she had to pull out every trick in the book to get him to stop. Even if that meant hurting him. " Please Jecht, don't do this." She said as she turned back to him, placing her hand on his bleeding chest. The blood was warm beneath her fingers and she frowned deeper, " Trixxtal wouldn't want you to do this. He would want you to rest!"

" Obviously!" Videl said, shaking his head, amazed at Mariemaia's strength. Not only was she down there with Jecht right now, but she had actually told him about Trixxtal's dissappearence, something neither of her fellow crew members were willing to do. It took a certain type of bravery to do all that, and Videl commended her for it. He turned from the scene and placed his hand on Charlie's shoulder, " Don't worry my friend, it's all over now! The worst has passed. Still...we should find him a doctor once we get to port." He then turned to Cepheus, " You shouldn't give him any of your blood for a while, you still haven't recovered from last time." The town that they were approaching had enough people to feed Jecht, no doubt. It was just a shame that that many people had to suffer for Jecht's recovery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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He frowned at Mariemaia. "Don't order me around. If I say we're going to town, we're going into that fucking town." he argued childishly, his voice still weary, but even bleeding to death would not stop him from arguing to get what he wanted. His eyes darkened at the mention of Trixxtal and he slapped away the hand she had placed on his chest. "Don't even think you know what Trixxtal would want!" he began to yell, even though he knew she was right, because this was exactly the last argument he had with Trixxtal before he disappeared. He took a deep breath to try and restrain his anger. "I’ve rested enough already. I don’t need any more! But fine, I’ll rest until we make it to port. Then I'm going into town. Bring me one of the humans from below the deck if you're so…worried." he acquiesced, annoyed that he was so weak that his crew felt so worried for his life. Jecht would probably have to drink a few humans to death in order to heal to a state that would make Mariemaia stop fussing over his condition, but if he remembered to give out the order, the crew could capture some new humans from town to replace them anyways. Killing humans was already on his to-do list, so capturing a few survivors would not be an issue for him.

Charlie shrugged. “A doctor…? As if a human doctor would be willing to treat vampire pirates…well we could threaten them but…I still think it’s impossible to find one. ”he sighed, but the thought did make Charlie wonder if a doctor would know how to heal a vampire anyways. He had never heard of a vampire doctor living in a town of humans. If anything, they would probably live among their own kind, so Charlie did not feel too hopeful about finding help for their captain.

Cepheus & Nemesis
Cepheus nodded. Even with his self-healing, the hellhound knew he would not be able to give enough to help Jecht. The captain was currently shouting something at Mariemaia, but with his human ears he had no idea why Jecht was angry again. If he had to guess, it probably had to do something with Trixxtal. “What is he yelling about?” he asked out loud, and it was Nemesis who answered him.

“I think the captain wants to go to town.” She said, noticing poor Mariemaia struggle to convince Jecht to rest instead. “Should we stop him?”

“Probably.” replied Cepheus, but he looked uneasy at his answer. Usually he would not be so afraid to confront Jecht, but calming Jecht down after a fight with Trixxtal was much different than calming Jecht down after him losing Trixxtal. “He’s still bleeding. We should at least get some new bandages for him…” he suggested with concern in his voice.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mariemaia had no idea that Jecht would be so angry towards her, but nothing he could say would stop her from helping him. Most of in a situation like this. However, it hurt her deeply at the affirmation that she would never be like Trixxtal or mean half as much to Jecht as he did. " I just want to help you..." She said honestly, afraid to say anything more incase she got on Jecht's bad side again. Lucky enough for her, the rest of the crew members were beginning to move around, now that the shock had settled, and were moving all around them. " Lemme help you Captain!" Said one of the bigger and stronger members, taking him from Mariemaia's grasp and helping him over to his private quarters. She was left standing on the deck by herself, feeling that she had failed in every way possible. She had failed to comfort Jecht, had failed to help him, and failed to even stop Trixxtal from being taken. Was there anything right she could do?

" A doctor could atleast look at his wounds, " Videl sighed, grimly noticing all the blood Jecht was loosing. For a pirate ship they weren't well stocked for accidents like these, part of it being that they were vampires and rarely take damage from mere humans. However, they hadn't expected to run in to other supernatural beings at sea, very least fight with them. "Looks like Phillipe is taking Jecht to his room, it should be safe to go down now." He announced in relief, " You know, that's not a bad idea Cepheus, I'm glad you suggested that. Give Jecht our regards when you see him." He smiled brightly in feign innocence. He loved all of his crew mates and they were all special to him, but Videl was not above throwing them to the metaphorical dogs if it meant saving himself.

Mariemaia had been the one to sacrifice last time, now it was Cepheus' turn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Having some shred of decency in his cold and unbeating heart left, Jecht sighed at the sight of Mariemaia’s distraught expression, mostly out of guilt for losing his temper again. “I know…I’m just angry.” he mumbled, but his half assed apology ended once another crew member named Phillipe approached them. The burly vampire had good intentions, but Jecht was not interested in any more charity.

“What? No, I don’t need help!” he whined, but Phillipe just laughed good-heartedly and patted Jecht on the back. “Nonsense, captain, let me help you to your quarters!” the vampire insisted, causing Jecht to scowl as he was escorted back to his room to rest, and he argued with the vampire the entire way.

“You fiend.” he hissed at Videl, not feeling very happy that he was being volunteered. He glanced towards Jecht and Phillipe and saw that the captain did not look happy either, but he truly was concerned for Jecht, so Cepheus resigned himself to doing the job. “Fine. I’ll bring him bandages. But he’s still mad, so I’m not bringing the kid with me, Tori might remind him of Trixxtal.” he said warily, looking at the young child clinging to him. “I’m going to get some bandages for Jecht. Stay here with them where it’s safe, alright?” he placed his hand on Protettore’s shoulder protectively, giving the young vampire a smile before leaving to go find bandages for Jecht.

Cepheus left after Videl stuck him with the task of caring for Jecht, so that left them with the responsibility of babysitting the first mate’s nephew. Nemesis glanced towards Mariemaia, who still looked sad over whatever Jecht had said to her. “Hey, why don’t you two help with cleaning the ship? Mariemaia and I will look after little Protettore!” she volunteered suddenly as she spoke to Videl and Charlie, gently grabbing the boy’s hand before leading him towards the other female vampire. “Both you and Mariemaia look like you could use some cheering up so come on; you’ll have more fun with us girls. The boys over there have been left with the boring job!” she laughed as she spoke to Protettore, glad that she would not have to bother with the mess that Jecht made of the ship.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

" Nooooooooo," Protettore moaned, clinging to Cepheus' pant leg for dear life. Cepheus was his only friend on the ship now that his uncle was gone and he didn't want to be left alone again. But his little fingers were powerless to stop Cepheus from breaking his hold and leaving anyway. " Please don't go..." He mumbled, watching him leave sadly, close to tears again until one of the few female crew members on the ship approached him. " Um...o-okay..." He replied tentatively, unsure if he could trust her or if she was just was just as crazy as Mariemaia. But spending time with the girls sounded better than the guys, since the remaining two vampires, the sad one and the strong one, scared him.

Mariemaia was pulled from her depressing thoughts about her failures by Nemesis and was confused at first. But when she heard her friend's plan and Protettore's tear stained face, she instantly brightened up, " Yeah, that's right! You, me, and Nemmy will have some fun together, okay?" Being with Nemesis and Protettore would help her forget about the disaster with Jecht and help her get her mind off of things. Jecht seemed to be doing fine with Phillipe anyway, all he needed was rest.

Bending down, Mariemaia ran her hand through Protettore's tangled hair, softly taking out the knots, " What do you wanna do?" She looked down at the makeshift pants Cepheus had managed to pull together at last minute and grimaced to herself. " Tell ya what, when we get to shore we should get you some new clothes!"

Videl merely waved off Cepheus' comment, unfazed. Better facing a disgruntled hellhound than a heartbroken vampire any day. He nodded at Nemesis' suggestion, willing to clean up the ship than to take care of Trixxtal's nephew. Not that he didn't like the kid or anything, but Nemesis and Mariemaia seemed to know a bit more about childcare than he did. Leaving them up to their own devices, he turned to Charlie and rubbed his hands together, ready to get to work. " So! Where do you want to start off first?" It was a bit of a strange question to ask, considering the ship had taken an absolute beating in the past few days, what with the wizard attack, the werewolf attack, and Jecht's fit of rage, so the whole place was a complete disaster. But it was best to pick a spot and start from there.

" Hey! You guys!" He shouted to some crew members who were passing by, " Let's get this place fixed up!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Aww, yeah that’s a great idea! We can get him a new wardrobe.” She smiled, wondering if Protettore had brought anything else with him when he was brought here from his home. Well, that didn’t matter, because it wouldn’t hurt to obtain a few extra clothes for him in case more got ruined in another attack. Of course, with so much damage to the ship and crew, Nemesis did not know if she should spend her money so frivolously. She may have spent money extravagantly as a child but now that she was a pirate, she stole items she wanted while saving her funds for things she needed.

“Hey, here’s an idea kid, do you know how to steal? If not, we can teach you while we get you some new clothes! It’s a great survival skill to have.”

“…Let’s start with the deck. I think it has the most holes.” he suggested, slowly getting up from the ground and looking towards Videl. “It’s also the most obviously damaged… Jecht might get madder if the ship stays like this for too long, I think…”

Charlie didn’t mind cleaning at all. In fact, it made him feel useful to help out as long as he did not mess up. And he certainly had no idea how to act around a scared child; he would probably make things worse anyways because he was a failure. “I’ll try to help clear up some debris but…” he paused, glancing over to the charred areas of the ship as a result of Jecht’s lightning, “We’ll probably have to find more supplies in town to fix all of this.”

He walked past Videl and sighed when he saw the mess on the floor. Various pieces were scattered around in different sizes and Charlie even noticed that a wooden door was barely hanging on to the hinges. "Better get started." he mumbled, bending down and picking up a random piece of wood that was formerly apart of the wall.

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