Avatar of BCTheEntity


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10 days ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
11 mos ago
2 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
2 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

...technically, Sett could pray to a god for subtlety. He nodded to Alice, and as the group of people wandered off toward the village, Sett got down on one knee and began muttering to himself, clasping his hands and praying to Fineki under his breath to grant the scouting group a bit of stealth against those who might wish them harm. Half in jest, because so far as he was aware, Fineki rarely if ever granted favours that were selfless in nature, and making it partially joking could convince him otherwise. Or something. Really, it didn't matter either way. And in fact, even if he was called out now, he could use Alice's asking as an alibi for it, since his current guise was as a priest of the gods, plural. Perfect cover.

Once all was said and done, and he'd stood back up again, the people left behind were Geradin the Dwarf, What's-His-Name the Skayleigh, and this newcomer, the skinny human hermit lady. And his acceptably-embroidered self, of course. With that in mind, he wandered over to the new lady, hoping that any charms Fineki had placed upon him were still present whilst he spoke. And in fact, since Geradin and Skayleigh both seemed to be belligerent, he could convince her he was the firendlier of the group...

'Greetings and hello, my good lady!' he began with a cocked grin, strolling up next to the other two people as he locked gazes with the poor woman. 'My, my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? If my companions to either side of me are being somewhat needlessly threatening-' He gestured to Geradin and the Skayleigh. '-I apologise for their behaviour in their stead; we've been travelling for a while, and I think everybody is just a little touchy as a result. I'm Settionne, a priest of the gods, and might I ask what your name is?' He held out a hand for her to shake, the thought only occurring to him afterwards that maybe she could use that opportunity to inject some form of deadly poison into his veins, maybe even magic something into his hand directly, but it was too late to withdraw the hand now, that'd just be impolite.

@POOHEAD189@The Fated Fallen@Banana@Fetzen@Sypherkhode822@Ink Blood
@Kratesis Yeah, I was going to say. Again. @Jbcool, we're ready to progress whenever you are.
Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters

...God damn it.

She'd woken up so refreshed, after the downs and ups of last night. She was so glad to have a clear head, so ready to get to training for their next bout of heroics. And then Dean just left. God damn it. God DAMN IT, Dean. At least Collin's power loss was an unforeseen tragedy; Dean's upping stakes like that was just... almost selfish, she wanted to say. For once, she was partway inclined to agree with Margrave's assessment, that when things got tough, you couldn't just abandon your responsibilities, else what state would the world fall into?

But, she reminded herself, not everybody was as obsessed with heroics as she was. She'd never describe Dean as wearing "a mask of audacity and ego", and indeed he hadn't given off that impression at any point... they were all human, and alas, not every human had what it took to do what the Protectorate did.

Having said that, she now needed to pick a new second-in-command. An inconvenience, but ultimately not a crippling blow: her previous assessments stood, and with Dean gone, that left Ira as the next most viable candidate for second. As Elliot and Lyn both began their run, Alessa first walked over to Ira, running alongside her if she took off on that physical task as she talked.

'So, Ira,' she began, as congenially as possible, 'Dean's gone. That's a shame, and I hope he changes his mind at some point and returns to us, but like Protean says, we need to move on from it relatively quickly. That said, I need a new second in command by the end of the day, and I think you'd do a good job of it. You're calm, you're a good thinker, you can create tech that everybody benefits from, not least that amazing power nullification device... I can't tell you how much I appreciate your development of that, by the way,' she said hurriedly, gushing a little with admiration. 'I know you'll do a great job of helping Collin out with something similar, and just... it's great, it's amazing, thank you so so much. Aaanyway, I'd do a more formal interview sort of thing like I did with Dean, but now's obviously a bad time for that. What do you think, are you up to the task?'

Raymond Haywood: Highway Robbery

And like that, Love Craft was out of commission permanently. Or, probably permanently. What a pity. At least everyone else had more than a fighting chance. And why, what a surprise, both the heroes - Crop Duster and Morales, if he recalled - were just begging to get themselves shot through the head and killed... really, all the remaining mooks were, if he though about it, simply pick them off and... no, hang on, that was not a good plan. He wasn't doing regular work anymore, he needed to leave targets alive. But given the nature of the ex-commando causing his overconfidence, he felt it was a good idea to... ah, Arsenal had him in check for the moment. Best to take out Noble, then; the Captain would hold for a couple of seconds.

No target on Noble.

...wait, what? She was right there, in the open, he was sure she was! He could- no, no, that was the overconfidence doing its thing again. And if she wasn't there, then there was a... he could see him... no, the chances that Morales wasn't where he appeared to be were similar. Headhunter quickly moved to a kneeling position, leaving the M16 in place on the ground and drawing his FN P90 instead, scoping in once again to try and target Morales.

Target Captain Morales-

As it happened, Morales was approaching from Headhunter's eight o'clock. And it was a damn good thing the angle wasn't any greater, because the jerk round to that distance was extremely jarring in itself. And how'd he get there, anyway? It was like he'd teleported, or been elsewhere all along, or... but no matter; he was in view now, armour and all, and almost certainly able to be dealt with quite readily. A quick movement of his right shin, and now Raymond was facing the Captain almost directly.

Target Captain Morales. Aim for the skull. Graze and/or deflect off without breaking bone, induce concussion and unconsciousness. Permanent brain damage is undesirable. Shoot. Change point of skull to target, similar result, manage targeting to prevent permanent brain damage. Shoot. Change point of skull to target, similar result, manage targeting to prevent permanent brain damage. Shoot.

Unscoping to admire his handiwork more effectively, Headhunter decided now would be a good time to contact the other Jacks. Activating his earpiece to talk to them, he uttered 'The Captain and Crop Duster you're fighting aren't real. Morales is down, and I can't get a bead on Noble. Somebody grab the target soon, we need to leave ASAP.'
Well, with the tau gone, and Hank AWOL, that leaves Depressed and Sophrus as the last two to post before a full round.

I was just about to say. @Sophrus, @DepressedSoviet, @Hank, you've all been addressed by Lucius IC. He needs you to respond to him.
@EmzyOfNeverland Nice. He's in the Characters tab now.
@EmzyOfNeverland What do you think of Vlad? Is he alright, or...?
@Mangrale I do like that idea. Your character's name will need to start with an L, in that case. Other than that, I think most further discussion about this can be done in PMs; @Turboshitter, @tobiax, if you could get Mangrale and I into a PM with you guys, that'd be brilliant.
@tobiax Sounds good to me. Dracula and Frankenstein are both relatively specific myths/tales, so a Lindworm-based character is excellent. Now we just need our fourth person to have a connection to... well, some form of monster, if they can think of something reasonably specific, rather than a generic creature like werewolves or ghosts. If we're talking werewolves, maybe Beowulf's Grendel? Or Norse mythology's Fenrir, or what have you.
@Turboshitter That is also a very good plan. Vampire king and Frankenstein are both there... if @tobiax wants to go with something relating to Arthurian legends, like something dragon-related or what have you (and the character is named Lindworm, after all), then that resolves the issue of what exactly your character is or does, assuming you aren't comfortable discussing it publicly as is claimed.
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