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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Target on the move, moving to intercept!"

With the unexpected flight of their target the drop ships wasted little time in reacting, reversing their thrusters as they spun and then flew off in hot pursuit, a simple task for the expert pilots working within the low gravity environment. They had accelerated almost another hundred feet into the air before Kanitah had started issuing challenges. Having no interest the unidentified humanoid. The ground team however, left behind as they were, quickly zeroed in on the only possible threat left to them to engage. Not a shot was fired yet of course, that is unless Kanitah attempted to follow the drop ships. Several had already begun to level their rail guns at him from their higher elevation, shouting warnings for Kanitah to identify himself and surrender, assuming he even understood their language after all.

Cruising at an easy 150 kilometer per hour they easily caught up to the ice man even as he face planted in the dirt. As he sat up they had already armed weapons in preparation. Knocking their target away might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but really it hardly delayed the inevitable, with all three ships already airborne, Khold creating a cold spot clear as day to their sensors and the drop ships capable of VTOL it wasn't even difficult task to pursue their target. A nose mounted device from the lead drop ship barked as it fired a unusual missile, one invisible to the necked. A highly pressurized wave of sound burst forth in Khold's direction. But the ship was only now decelerating and combined with the pilot’s lack of experience operating in such an environment, the shot went wider overhead then planned. Striking and destroying a column of stone as the force caused it to topple over.

By the time the drop ship arrested its momentum and charged it's weapon for another shot, this time right on target on the still prone man something unusual happened. The nose mounted cannon suddenly exploded in a burst of light and power creating a blinding flash of light for an instant before fading. The Drop ship swerved out of control for a moment as it spun away to its left, it's belly grinding against the tip of a large tower of rock. The other two drop ships had went wide, one going left the other right, as the sought to make as much distance between themselves and their fellow drop ship. Both had no idea what had happened, but only assumed that their target was to blame. Renewed volleys started blanketing the ground around Khold kicking up rocks and dirt. The sound waves easily reached beyond 240 dB, and while not deadly, would cause bone and joint damage to nausea and even visual damage with extended exposure leading to permanent auditory damage.

However the momentary confusion caused earlier had given Khold just enough time to get to his feet, while a perceptive eye might have noticed a fast moving white arrow hit the first drop ships cannon moments before it exploded...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Pundambayan almost literally steamed with frustration when some of the ships went off in pursuit of Khold, the Angar Ryllan's barked orders at him in an ugly hissing language. Not enough vowels for his tastes, it wasn't even cataloged in his translator either. Piece of junk, he payed way too much for it and it only works half the time. Kanitah's mouth opened and he let out a roar, lowering himself to the ground for a moment before launching himself into the air at the ship. Damn near breakneck speeds on such a low gravity planet, 1/6th or even 1/8th the gravity of the planet on which he trained to be a warrior on. The hero latched onto the nose of the ship just above the main cannon and dug his fingers into the exterior shell. "Open up, cowards and get your punishment."

Barking orders himself at the men inside of the ship, his translator wouldn't work in their direction so his language would come out as primarily growls and deep thrumming noises. Pundambayan is a damn near impossible language to learn if you aren't born on Pundambaya. With one hand firmly clamped onto the ship he raised his right arm and clenched his fist tightly around the strands of spider web tied on them, bringing it down sharply on the nose of it. Now, Kanitah's strength is pretty remarkable, and this will do one of two things.

Either A: Kanitah is going to tear his way into the cockpit and beat every single one of these men to unconsciousness.

Or B: This is where the engine is, and he's probably going to cause it to rupture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After Kholodny stands up and charges a bit more, he begins to be bombarded by the sound bombs from the ships that Tablurath sent after him. He growls angrily at them, and ceases charging, a powerful, thick cap of ice forming on his cannon arm, sealing the wind and magic inside. “WHY are you so fucking persistent! I have never done anything to you or your army Tablurath!” The ice on his left arm begins to grow and change, crawling up his arm, past his shoulder, forming over the left side of his neck and face. It takes the shape of half of a furious Griffon face, a ferocious beak made out of ice covering half his mouth, though not impeding his speech. An eagle eye forms over his own, sharp and brutal, like the most badass eye patch in the world. Khold's left eye is no longer visible, but he has no trouble seeing through it. This is an unconscious change for Kholodny. In his building rage, Stribog's link with him is becoming stronger and stronger, the old god bleeding into his mannerisms and his power leaking out even more. He can barely hear himself even think above the auditory assault, though he feels no pain, his pain nerves being dead and all, but he howls at the ships, Stribog's rage leaking through. “I'll KILL you! You want me to surrender quietly?! You lost that chance a long time ago you coward! There is no escape from the cold of the Russian Winter!!” This is directed at the Commader Tablurath, though he is no longer around. Kholodny cares not, these mooks interest him no more than an insect would.

With his arm capped and his charging stopped for now, Khold now has access to his other powers again, though he's lost the use of his left hand for the time being until he fires that cannon. His right arm will be more than enough though, in a situation like this. As the ships continue to fire at him, he turns to face the leftmost one. A noise akin to a train whistle begins to sound as the winds start to whip around fast and furious. Khold holds his right hand out as a hollow cone of ice forms in front of him. He directs the howling wind in two parts. One wraps itself, spinning around the one, diverting the sound in front of him to the sides, the ground to the left and right of him cracking from the increased force of the sound waves. The other use of the wind is to take purchase under Khold's frame and begin to raise him up, the cone rising with him as his body lifts off of the ground, a harsh echo beginning to creep into his voice as Stribog's grizzled personality comes through “You boys aren't the only ones who can fly around here.”

With that, he launches himself at the ship, the winds carrying him at 300 miles per hour, crossing the small gap in between them in less than a second. The cone stays in front of him the whole time, deflecting the sound and then ramming itself deep into the hull of the craft. Khold has no idea the kind of damage it will do, but he does know what it SHOULD do. First, just from the nature of being a giant spike, it should tear a hole at least large enough to allow Khold inside the ship. Second, the abysmally low temperature of the ice should begin to quickly freeze the hull and everything inside.

Khold continues on to land on top of the craft, turning towards the other ships. Raising his right hand, a large ball of winds forms, a miniature typhoon of 400 mile per hour wind and ice held in his hand before launching off at the side of the other military unit. These winds cut at the microscopic level, which should be more than enough to tear through the hull of something like the ships he's currently facing. At least he thinks so. He's never tried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Despite being hit directly with an unexpected energy blast that should have shot him to the moon and sliding backwards, Fury’s opponent was now more than capable of recovering in the mere second he was granted as the Fireen charged his position at immense speed. So much so that he apparently leapt to one side and threw forward some kind of plasma-fist. Fury’s speed was far too great to avoid it, but he could simply blow it away with his energy shield, which carried him past the defence and through to tackle the abomination. He could address the singing damage to his left shoulder, where the blow had been deflected, when his opponent was safely dead.

Provided he couldn’t come up with another instantaneous defence with his apparent super-human reflex, the Fireen would barrel into his lower legs and with a speedy take-down drive forward and transfer his momentum up and backwards, in a classic suplex which would drive the hybrid head-first into the ground when Fury’s own back crashed down. There wouldn’t be time for even the quickest of opponents to counter such an attack, but Fury had no doubts he’d react with no surprise and strike with his sword or some other similarly illogical defence.

Obviously none of this would happen though, because the instantaneous form-changing hybrid who had appeared from no-where would be invulnerable to both Fury’s superior momentum, positioning, and overall advantage in their skirmish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Khold launched himself at the first ship his cone of ice tore through the center of the drop ship as it ripped through its plated armor, eventually striking the main power core. An explosion that effectively cut the ship in two took place, sending the two flaming halves in separate directions. The second faring far better, the pilot able to avoid the worst of the missile attack. The vessels right wing catching most of the blast of ice, which sundered thrusters upon it and leading to the drop ship falling into a forward crash course with the web suspended island of rock and dirt bellow it. It took a column of rock and a tree form its roots as it turned widely to one side before finally stopping.

Which left the third ship now void of a nose cannon to wheel back as it scaled another 100 feet into the air. Even as it ascended, it fired off a volley of rockets around Khold, meanwhile the side door of the downed Drop ship opened with a hiss of smoke.

"Well, this certainly not coming out of my paycheck." A familiar humanoid figure emerged from the side door, agilely avoiding a pit. Assuming Khold weathered the storm of missiles Tablurath would whistle in his direction. "There you are! You’re a hard man to find you know that? After you little skip across the meadow, good thing I have I had taxis not too far away, huh? hahaha."

He stretched and flexed the joints in his fingers. One might notice that the lower half of his body was peculiarly coated in a sea of moving black...something....spiders? Though how they got there one could only guess. Standing his right leg stepping lightly forward so that he faced Khold at an angle he continued. "Now where were we? Ah, can't really recall....say you look awfully stressed, what do you say to a cup of herbal essence? Helps with the nerves it does!"

All the while the drop ship had reached 200 feet by now, and had begun to slowly circle platform both scions found themselves on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

It was actually kind of embarrassing when his punch was met with a thud, rather than his hand tearing cleanly through the ship. Kanitah had hit the one most structurally sound portion of the ship and had done little more than bend it. "Darn." When a volley of low caliber rounds began pinging off of his metallic hide he realized that the front of the ship wasn't the entrance. Being used to conventional spacecraft he had completely neglected the possibility of side doors. What with most conventional craft having underside doors, vertical cockpits, and back entrances. The Pundambayan gritted his teeth and swung himself around, releasing the nose of the ship and tossing himself forward. Left hand lashing out and g grasping the right wing. Two of the soldiers inside opened fire on him, damn near unloading their guns on him. They had been equipped to suppress, rather than kill. Unfortunate for them.

With his right hand freely dangling he stared at them, the bullet volley coming to a halt as they stopped to reload. "This is gonna hurt, so brace yourselves!" One quick movement later and his right hand was latched onto the wing. Kicking his legs back and forth he began to swing his weighty body, on about the third kick they had reloaded and began firing higher caliber rounds at him. As the shards of what appeared to be lead began burying themselves within the underskin of his metal body he released his grip on the wing. Both legs extended he slammed heel first in both men's sternums. They fell backwards and were met with another unfortunate fate, lying backwards with Kanitah standing on your chest.

Two other soldiers turned their guns on him and readied to fire, before they had the chance however, Kanitah brought his right leg backwards. Sliding his toe underneath the man on the right's groin he kicked forwards. This sent the poor bastard flying into the pair of soldiers and the trio fell out of the door and to the ground below. "I warned you." The old man chuckled, he was actually thinking about his actions now. Needed to stop lobbing haymakers and actually fight properly. The Pundambayan stepped off of the groaning soldier he had previously kicked in the chest, giving him a swift kick to the side of the neck. Not a hard enough kick to kill him, but hard enough to knock him out for a while. There were about three other men seated at the back of the dropship but they had their arms raised, having just witnessed Kanitah tank a few dozen rounds of bullet fire. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. But you should probably get off the ship, I'm gonna do something stupid."

The one on the far right nodded and scrambled out of his seat, hopping out of the dropship and falling to the ground with a loud thud. Ayna grabbed the other two by their collars and tossed them out, kicking the unconscious guy's limp body out as well. He looked out the doors to see if they were all okay. There was no intent to kill here, just seriously wound and likely make them reconsider their career choices. The lot of them were on the ground, writhing or helping their buddies up. The unconscious one just kind of limply hung on the arms of his comrades. He smiled and chimed up. "Now that that's done, let's see if this ship is automated."

Kanitah turned on his heel and marched over to the front of the ship, taking only a few steps , it's not a particularly large ship. With one hand he pushed the door down and smiled. "Knock knock!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The ship went down without a hitch, almost entirely destroyed by the impact with his assault and the crash. Khold leaped from the ship before it struck the ground, rolling a few yards before hopping to his feet. Conservation of momentum for the win. Stribog's influence growing inside of his heart, both Khold and Stribog were angry right now. And not like: "Oh I'm mad, I'm gonna punch you." No, Khold and Stribog are in almost perfect sync right now. This is the wrath of a god and his servant in tandem. Turning on his heel he began walking towards Khazna's fallen ship.

A volley of explosive devices hailed down on Khold's position, the iceman leapt forward and slid across the ground, grinding to a halt a few yards ahead. Avoiding the largest cluster of them, with his right hand he whipped up a small sphere of ice and hurled it at a straggling missile. It struck the nose and froze the weapon before it even struck the ground. Effectively disarmed it slammed into the ground and split in two. Without skipping a beat he uncorked the cannon and marched towards Khazna. "You ran from me!" From his head, two voices rang out in symphony. Keeping the barrel of his weapon trained on Khazna he continued walking towards him. The winds began shredding the ground behind him, a poweful tornado of air whipping and tearing at his left side. As the wind draws into the barrel near his shoulder, the left arm of his coat begins ripping to shreds, super durability or not. Khazna offered up some tea, mocking him, only serving to further anger the frozen warrior and his god.

Upon reaching about six feet away from Khazna he finally loosed the payload that he had been charging for a very long time. (Almost five turns, he half charged in one turn previously. So officially 4 turns.) With wind speeds well beyond that of the strongest tornadoes ever seen by man, and temperatures so low that it can kill on contact, Khold fired off a massive blast of frigid wind and frost. But that's just the first stage. The second stage after the innitial blast of wind is the seven, I repeat, seven ice harpoons launched at the same speeds as the winds. These seven harpoons spiraled around eachother and spread like a shotgun as they launched towards Khazna.

They would clear the gap so quickly that it would appear that they had moved almost instantaneously. If even one of those spears struck Khazna it could be fatal, but the spears are only one of the threats. The spread of the blast, the frigid temperatures being thrown at him in an attack that could be compared to one hundred times the potency of a tundra blizzard, with every strand of air chilled into sub-zero shards and snow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Under Your Skin

Tablurath simply watched as Khold touched earth once more, before he turned and started walking with purpose toward him. The volley of missiles came striking down from the sky as he approached. The ice man quickly avoided the worst of the barrage, destroying another with a blast of ice. All the while Khazna seemed unconcerned, even going so far as to start juggling right in front of the angry Khold! Three then four, then five blades, dark mist forming into each, all rising then falling again as Tablurath watched Khold approached with a smile behind his eyes, and mostly hidden under his skull mask. Though his expression easily matched the dark skeletal smile it held. Even as winds started whipping behind the approaching man, Tablurath was still juggling. However, it seemed a poor idea to juggle in weak gravity when one possessed his strength and speed, and before he knew it he had lost two of his for swords!

Both flung far into the sky as if to follow the ascending drop ship directly above. Which no doubt had created the large shadow over Tablurath's head. If one paid close attention to his feet however, they would find the black swarm at his feet even more perplexing. As it seemed to be pouring into the ground at his feet through small holes within the dirt, rock, and, soil. He stood perpendicular toward Zima, his right side facing him.

"You ran from me!" Khold shouted.

To which Tablurath only cocked his head ever so. "Odd." He responded. "I seem to rememebr you jumping away- twice, though I suppose one of those times someone did throw you..." Though Tablurath was indeed amused by his targets present state, often it seemed he was more fashioned after the trickster god then the son of war, unreasonably obnoxious as he was. His juggling had already ended by the time Khold was within 10 feet, deciding he did not want to lose any more of them. He could hardly believe how straight forward this one was, not that he had soon any degree of creativity thus far, but really he could not have made himself more obvious in intent. It would have been almost insulting if it was not so amusing.

Then Khold stepped within 6 feet of him, well within range of Tablurath's swords mind you. It would have been childishly easy to cut his arm off before he even realized it but he simply decided not to. Where would the fun in that be after all? Then Tablurath saw what he had been waiting for. Just a mere second before his cannon unleashed its payload the spark of energy that was the subtle command to do so flashing down Khold's arm. Invisible to all others including Khold himself, it was so invisible to Tablurath's inhuman senses. Even as Khold stepped within range Tablurath was already moving. However he didn't react in any manner one might have predicted. He didn't move within Khold's guard, he didn't move left, right, up, or back. In fact he did none of these things. He simply spun in place like a child's top, and even as he made the first rotation an opaque wall of dark mist swirled around him.

The very next moment Kholodny's barrage of ice and wind was unleashed, blasting away the wall of black even as it swept up swaths of dirt and loose rocks into the air to send them flying away. However, there was no sign of Tablurath as the winds blasted debris in every direction. Indeed Tablurath had not gone in any of the aforementioned directions; it seemed he had completely vanished into thin air.
But the wily Cardinal had not in fact truly vanished. The moment Khazna had started standing in that very spot the black swarm around his feet had not been one of spiders, but made up of countless nano machines. His mib army had been eating away at the very ground beneath his feet, and the moment Tablurath had spun in place, he had effectively turned himself into a living drill, his weighted body and speed cutting through the foot and a half of earth now left beneath him in the blink of an eye. His first observations of this planet had been that it possessed a remarkable amount of pits, not surprising given the realms name. He had made an assumption however and it seemed to have paid off. Even as he fell he felt the bone cold air above him, the wash of cold sending a shiver down his spin. He landed on his feet soon enough however, finding himself in a kind of tunnel, one filled with spiders crawling along the walls. With the small tunnel he had forged above him covered almost instantly, partly from his own mibs and the debris of ice caused by Khold's cannon, the place was pitch black.

Of course the infrared spectrum provided by his mask would have made the dark less intrusive, but there were so many spiders along the tunnel walls that the light of their living bodies provided as oblivious a barrier as cement walls. While he hated spiders with a passion, his vanishing act had offered him a window of opportunity he would not waste. Springing up he stabbed a copy blade straight through the tunnels roof just 6 feet forward from where he had been standing before. A physical barrier was no obstacle for Tablurath's god like sight; his blade piercing through the foot and a half of rock like it was so much wet paper to stab directly into Khold's right foot.

Something he would notice immediately as the nature of Starhilm would wreak havoc with Khold's ability to manipulate Seidhr, and while Tablurath was not immediately aware of it, it would also very well paralyze Khold for the time being, puppeteered as he was by the powers of another being. With that done he simply let go of the blade and fell back down to the tunnel floor beneath him, sprinting off down the tunnel before turning left as dictated by the many spider bodies. All this from the moment he seemingly vanished to Khold's foot behind impaled occurring roughly in a second and a half's time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The suplex ended with a resounding crack, and the interference was dealt with.

Having dispatched of his foe surprisingly easy, Fury stood and brushed himself off. With a moment of peace finally his there was time to take stock of his situation which wasn’t exactly tip-top. He was stood on a rocky platform above a webbed abyss, a large portion of his bones were fractured and some significant internal bleeding was simply to be expected. His foe was out there apparently fighting off Angar-Ryllan ships like it was going out of fashion, and Tablurath had his hands full with the Ice Fairy, who had manifested a great deal more power than he had earlier when Fury had used his abilities to judge his potential. That was strange, then again it seemed like everyone and their uncle could rapidly increase their strength around here, Fury included.

Scouring the battlefield with a trained eye, Fury sought out Kanitah once again to conclude their business. The man was now impeding his ‘allies’ progress, which meant he had gone from a nuisance to a genuine threat and had to be eliminated. That would be easier said than done, even for a steadfast warrior like Fury, in his current condition. Regardless, considering the fight they had the Fireen was pretty sure the older warrior had to be feeling it to, so with a few more knocks there was no reason why he couldn’t put him out of business for good.

He couldn’t see him of course, at least not in a conventional sense, but the energy signature of such a powerful foe was hard to conceal, especially when one makes no particular effort to do so. His eyes already drawn to one of the stricken ships, the one which obviously had not been interfered with by the Ice Queen (but was still impaired, even though airborne) who he hoped his ally was dealing with, there was no question that Kanitah was aboard and causing havoc. It was some distance away as well, and flying here wasn’t easy without consuming more energy than Fury could rightly afford burning away webbing and other obstructions.

“The things I do.” Fury muttered, oddly wistfully, before diving skyward with a sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

Inside of the ship Kanitah found another rather hapless pair of soldiers, they had drawn knives and proceeded to attack the Pundambayan Warrior. Their forearms were grasped by his and he pulled both of them downwards, smashing their faces into the doorframe. "Wonderful." The two knives that they had were actually stuck in their hands, when they were knocked unconscious their grip tightened on the handles. Though he usually wouldn't have to disarm enemies, he didn't want them falling on their knives. Plucking their weapons free he slid them into his waistband then kicked them both out the bay doors. He returned to the cabin for a moment and saw another ship nearby, circling Khold and Khazna. It was wide open for attack when it turned its back to the ship that Kanitah had just commandeered. He leaned over one of the seats and grasped the main steering controls, plunging his thumbs down on both buttons. This unloaded a volley of the remaining weapons on the ship that he was on, hopefully this would destroy its engines and send it to the ground.

Now that he had finished that, he kicked the main console so hard that it split in two down the middle. The flying machine began to spiral downwards as Kanitah made his way to the door. It drifted slightly to the right as he had planned, it would crash safely away from the unconscious and wounded mooks. With a little bit of a push he leaped out of the machine towards where Fury was. Hopefully he hadn't killed that green fellow, Kanitah was hoping that he'd get a bit more rest. Some of his skin was even scabbing back over now. That was great, that means he's not going to bleed out as quickly once he drops the engine. The old warrior soared through the lighter air, feeling himself drift to the ground as Fury flew towards him.


Fury was flying towards him.

"Darn." Touch down. Kanitah's feet planted safely on the surface of dirt, rock, and web.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury flew over and joined his foe on the rocky platform, his knees taking his weight more noticeably than usual. He winced inwardly, but outwardly he was a rock, and a pretty angry one at that.

“Now you’re pissing me off.” Fury spat, with no further time-wasting conversation spared with his hardy foe. His energy shielding blazed into life, unfortunately it wasn’t going to be very sustainable, but it was impressive at least. This battlefield was much like every other petrified island suspended by webbing, though it was at least fifty feet in diameter, and Fury was at least three quarters of that distance away from his foe by his reckoning. A speedy advance would be ill advised for both parties, considering the length of time the opposition would have to react.

With this in mind, Fury placed himself into a simple boxing stance with his left foot leading. However, his guard was purposely low to increase his field of vision, and all the while he judged his opponent’s strange metallic structure which glowed with energy from inside. Fury was amazed that he could still maintain the machine for presumably all the time since he had first felt it activate… Fury would have been dead long before now if he’d tried to maintain his own more powerful form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

Though Kanitah was able to keep face pretty well, his own body was beginning to falter. Every part of his body that still had skin was dripping sweat, and his heart had begun to have this pinching and sharp feeling about it. Gritting his teeth he unraveled the whips from his hands and let them drop to the ground, lowering his hands to get as much momentum when he started swinging these things as he can. As he stared down Fury he began walking sideways to the right, turning as he did so. This was to close the gap but stay to Fury's side. As he walked the began speaking to Fury. "I figured you were already mad, Fury. With you still stepping up to me to be knocked back down." He winced slightly, that pain again. Kanitah guessed those ribs that had broken earlier were pressing against his lungs. Hopefully. If it was against his heart he would be in big trouble.

To Fury it would look like Kanitah's still energetic and ready to go, but from Kanitah's point of view he's gotten his ass beat. The only thing preventing him from showing it is his stubbornness and pride. And the fact that it's hard to show exhaustion when the upper half of your face is missing about 50% of its skin and the lower half is covered in about a square foot of hair, but that's just semantics.

The Pundambayan gradually approached Fury, after a few dozen steps he had begun to swing the whips in small circles. Giving them a small crack every time to punctuate the movement, hopefully these would be sufficient to keep Fury from getting in close. The leech needed to touch him to eat his energy, and that was dangerous when he doesn't know just how much energy he has left. Another loud crack of the whips. Kanitah thought to himself as he wandered. What am I going to do if he goes into that form again? I can't use Darligrov, it would drain me. I'd better hope that these whips work, because if not, I'm going to have a big problem on my hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

A gap in Fury's defenses, a gamble to be sure, but Kanitah was pressed for time and energy so he had to make some risky gambles to make some headway in this fight. At a halfway point in his rotation he made a sharp movement, breaking into a sprint as best he could. The pain in his lower back was still noticeable, but it was fast enough to clear the gap in only a few moments. With Fury's guard down and Kanitah's fists ablaze, metaphorically, although literally isn't out of the question. All he needs is a little bit of friction and paper. Where was I again?

Oh right.

Bridging the gap between them in a few long sprinting steps, his right foot slamming into the ground just before he ran into Fury. This sudden stop turned all of that forward momentum into something that he could weaponize. Weaponize how? Well when he stopped he made sure he had his left fist raised. With an overexaggerated swing he brought his hand forward with every single pound of force from his momentum, weight, and swing. Kanitah's fist rode the wind straight towards Fury's gut, this is an upwards swing if you haven't noticed by now. Kanitah is a good foot shorter than Fury is, so this is obvious.

With a resounding crack his fist slammed into his diaphragm with more than enough force and speed to send his foe sailing through the air. Now, some factors to take into account. Kanitah was running at about 2/3rds speed, so we're at about 120 mph. His hands are wrapped in spider web which is stronger than steel cable, so when his fist collides with Fury it's going to have a softer impact on him and a harder impact on Fury. And finally, though he does not have Darligrov his strength is three fold with the engine. This is thirty tons of lifting force, baby.

Every single factor right there is going straight into Fury's gut, and to be honest, Kanitah's got a bit of a smug grin on his face. Though he's prepared. Kanitah's reckless and foolhardy, but this is still a gamble. If this punch doesn't send Fury flying he's got his right hand cocked backwards and ready to follow up with another punch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fury had obviously been more significantly injured than he thought when he was taken completely unawares by his opponent and launched skyward by a shield-piercing, bone breaking punch.

However, finding himself already airborne was quite the boon, as he decided to shoot upwards and far out of his opponent’s range, leaving the fight for greener pastures while he allowed himself some time to heal, after all there wasn’t really any reason to stick around anyway, and Fury didn’t care that much about Khazna, he could fight his own battles. So, without much else to do he floated off, his eyes taking in a large and interesting energy signature which he dimly remembered was their original objective.
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