Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The day started off nicely enough, with the sun rising to the sound of chirping birds. Light glittering of the dew hanging on the grass, the rich scent of nature enveloping the Blackwing Apartments. Some tenants woke up early, others never slept, some found that the sunrise coincided with their return to home. Nonetheless, it was a good enough morning that there weren't noises too crass to disturb it, or situations too dire to cause a solemn silence. The peaceful morning passed quickly, starting to lead up to a rather hot noon.
Adonis "Andy" Ring

Andy tended not to leave his window open at night ever. When he was asleep, he couldn't keep an eye out on what freak decided to come in, but it just so happened that the night before (or the morning earlier? It was one, last time he remembered), he ended up falling asleep over his laptop before he got a chance to shut the window leading to the balcony. Of course, no body dared sneak into his abode (partially because he was on the second floor, mostly because he resided in the infamous Oddball Apartments), but something else entirely crept up.

"Achoo!" sneezed the teen into his bandaged arm, sniffling as chills ran throughout his body. He'd eaten the breakfast Daniel'd left out by his front door, the clutter of empty bowls and dishes littering the floor of his balcony. Looking out below, Andy couldn't help but wonder how easy it would be to jump. Of course, given his slight fear of heights, he knew it wouldn't be easy at all, and given his cheap build, the damage would cost more than the adventure was worth. Not to mention that he'd probably spazz out again once ejected from his comfort zone. Even he, a child genius, failed to understand how his body limited him to such a small space, the all too familiar clenching in his stomach and rising hairs in his body preventing him from even setting a foot out of his apartment door.

The teen had long decided not to question it, however, accepting that he should be thankful to even get out into his balcony, though the spasms that lead to such an achievement was hell he refused to ever go through again. "Ah," he gasped as he watched his spoon fall down to the ground below. His eyes wandering from between the bars of his balcony railing to his cup jello, Andy found himself in a conundrum. How was he gonna finish his meal now?
Daniel Wordsworth

Whistling a weary tune, a tall man made his way through town, large sunglasses framed over a delicate face, lips pink at the hint of lipstick. His hair fell over his face, bouncing in a way that seemed to shout money, slender and pale fingers rising to brush stray strands behind a pierced ear. His hand, adorned with rings, dropped back to fitting snugly into his pocket, the black, slim, high-waist dress pants accentuating the length of his legs, leading to sick shoewear. Patent leather round toe lace-up oxford with matte black grommets, waxed laces and allover tonal spike details, to be exact. Louboutins. Signature red leather sole.

"Are you by chance looking to live there?"
Daniel's eyes flickered from distraction, focusing to an elderly lady in a wheelchair, arms abundant with groceries, her young daughter(?) behind her. The woman was talking to what looked to be a jogger that had stopped in front of rich looking gates, slightly ajar, slightly covered with vines. A small couldn't help but form on Daniel's lips at the sight- home. His attention flickered back to the conversing old lady and jogger as the man apologized with, "Ah, no, I just- this place looks nice, but I haven't seen it in any ads. So-"
"Wondering if they got an opening eh? Wouldn't reccomend it." There was a pause as the woman urged the man to bend down, and when he lended his ear, she whispered loud enough for Daniel to hear-

"Place is full of freaks."

Daniel walked by the man, accidentally brushing bare skin against the jogger's tacky suit. The jogger turned to glance at him, Daniel lowering his sunglasses just as the two made eye contact. The other man was shorter than Daniel, but only by slightly, thought the Blackwing tenant to himself. His pinked lips formed a small smile as he, as sweetly as he could, pardoned, "Oh, I'm sorry." Even beyond the redness of the jogger due to exercise a rising blush could be seen. The young lady behind him- who, now that Daniel was closer and could observe with ease was much too young to be the crone's daughter- also looked a bit starstruck as well.

"If you'll excuse me," Daniel said with his sugar coated voice, smiling as he turned to the gates, smacking them open and entering gracefully, his eyes practically glaring the words 'fuck you' as he slammed the gates shut behind him. With an irked sigh, not even bothering to look back to see the reaction on the groups' faces. Not that he needed to, given that the silence was enough.

"I left the gate open for a reason, you know," said a familiar voice, the landlord greeting Daniel as he made his way over stone steps. The man was sweltering, but was still watering the lovely plants like the lovely soul he was. Daniel apologized with a simple, "Sorry~ I'll keep it open next time~" as he continued to the front door, making his way over to his mailbox, opening it with a click of a key, fishing through letters on the spot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Keller

Mornings were awful.

Afternoons were nauseating.

Evenings were perfect.

At least, until they ended. Erin, who was probably well-known around the apartments for being an insomniac and a night owl, spent most of her nights out on the town. She found mysteries in darkened back alleys, and life in twenty-four hour stores, and her imagination and anxiety-filled mind was at ease when she could see the lights on the streets and the lack of eyes on her past. But now, the night was fading, turning from black to white as the sun claimed the moon's sky and cast light across the land which Erin had been watching from a tree-covered hill in the park. Joggers and dog-walkers were awakening, and she could only sit and wait on the wooden bench, huffing on a packet of cigarettes as she glanced around for the perfect time to move on back home. Time passed though, and she had yet to move as her mind felt dry from the lack of sleep and proper food, and it was only until she felt... it on her body that she leaped up and limped home.

It was, of course, eyes. Curious eyes, scared eyes, pitiful eyes, disgusted eyes. People who were never taught not to stare, who found her deformities both amazing and gross. People, Erin hated people, more than she hated herself, and with that thought in mind she put all her might into rushing home, where other freaks and people who minded their business lay. She would have been able to make it back to Blackwing before the mid-day sun claimed the cool morning air, if not for the sudden hand on her shoulder. A rough, unfamiliar hand,

"Miss...?" A gruff, unfamiliar voice. Erin felt her throat close with fear, head slowly turning as she was met with the bearded-face of a male, who was holding on loosely to a few scraps of paper. Writings that had been inspired by the lovely night, she must have left them on the bench... "You dropped this." He held out the papers slowly, eyes focused on her crutch, and Erin felt her jaw clench as she attempted to nod and reach for them with her free hand, but all at once she whimpered and swung, pushing the man back with enough force to knock him over,

"Don't touch me!" Her voice was shrill, threatening, "just throw them out, leave me alone!" And with adrenaline-fueled speed she bolted out of the conversation, limping as fast as she could manage until she was finally out of the park and back in the streets. Her lungs clenched and she breathed out heavy, painful sighs, but did not stop to relax, instead power-crutching down the sidewalk, retracing her steps from last night. Erin had traveled a long, long way by mistake, the obvious euphoria in her brain last night had failed to realize how far her leg could take her, so the walk home would be a rather hated one. So now, with the ever present fear of the man she pushed away following her, she pushed her body to the limit in an attempt to rush home and perhaps get some rest.

By the time she made it to the gates of the apartment it was noon and sweltering. The sun's ray were furious for some reason, which of course meant that the day was going to be uncomfortably warm. Well, at least she could spend it in the comfortable, air conditioned room she called home. Some of the other tenants seemed to be up and about already, as Erin caught sight of the familiar, fashionable back of Daniel and the owner, Jin. Not wanting to have another unwanted conversation she slunk through the gate slowly and stuck to the left of the stone path that led to the entrance, freezing as she watched Daniel enter the front doors.

'Wait for a moment, then enter. Good plan, good pla-'

Her mental monologue was cut short by something hard hitting her head. She balanced it on her head for a moment, then let it clatter to the earth without a word, taking note of the slender shape and metallic shine as it fell. In the end, Erin came to the conclusion that it was a spoon. How odd, spoons don't normally fall from the sky. She slowly lowered herself down and picked it up, glancing about to see if it had been thrown before turning her eye upwards. A balcony was straight above her, and she deduced that it was probably room 2B's... Meaning...

"Uh..." She backed up slowly until she could see the boy on the balcony, and after assessing the situation she decided it was safe for her to speak to the other recluse. Still... She wasn't a big fan of the brunet, and it was obvious that he didn't like her much either. After another moment of thought she held up the spoon with her freehand, loudly shouting:

"Hey, fucktard! You drop this?"
Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure

The apartment of Mensah-Coure was as silent as can be, which was to be expected, seeing Cody had left for work early on in the morning and Lucy was still sound asleep. However, as the sun began to rise and shine light down upon the earth, it also glowed ruthlessly into the windows of the apartment, and just the light alone was enough to wake the small child. She rose without elegance, her brown hair sticking out every which way with tangles and cowlicks. The room around her glowed with mid-day light, and she took a moment to rub her eyes and rid herself of grogginess before fully getting up. Even then, though, she wasn't fully awake. Her small body moved as if zombified, reaching aimlessly toward the doors of her closet while her feet continued to get tangled in clothing and toys. She eventually managed to pull out a suitable outfit and change, awakening more and more with each jerking movement until she was finally able to raise her arms and let out a loud, excited yell:


Though, as soon as she received no response, her arms lowered and she shrugged, jumping over her messy floor and out of the room. Lucy was a smart girl, she was aware that adults had to work and that Cody was in fact an adult despite always playing with cards and stones and other weird toys. She was also aware that Cody wouldn't leave her without leaving some food behind, and with that thought in mind she wandered passed the creepy living room into the kitchen. Instantly, her eyes landed on a plastic-wrapped plate of bacon and pancakes, and with quick movements she unwrapped it, threw it in the microwave, and began to set the coffee table for herself, putting down napkins, a fork and knife, and finally a glass of milk. By the time she was finished the microwave was beeping, and once again she moved quickly and finally placed the plate with the rest of her set up. She then took a seat on the couch and flipped on the TV, smiling as she cut into her caretaker's amazing breakfast.

Meanwhile, Cody was busy being a chef. Yes, stir those eggs, fry that pork, cut those onions. Go, you chef, go do chef-y things. Your shift is eight to two today you'll probably be in the next post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Thank you again for helping me move in, Brandon," A man of a mocha complexion said to his companion as he carried a couple of lamps into his new apartment. "You're welcome to stay for lunch, if you want." His voice was masculine, but smooth. There was a very pronounced accent to it; the R's were rolled and certain symbols were emphasized strangely. He was clearly not from around here. The man that followed him in, carrying a box full of items, was a lean built African American who stood at least a head taller than him.

"No problem, man. I'd be damned if I let you decorate the place." Brandon grinned as he set the box down and went back out to the U-Haul truck. The Arab man smiled as well.
"I am so glad that I have you to make sure my apartment is decorated however you please."
"Last time you didn't even take the shit out of the boxes!" Brandon clearly found this amusing. "You probably wouldn't even have furniture if the place didn't come with it."
"I'm a simple man with simple needs."

"Yeah, sure, Isam," Brandon grabbed a large, suspiciously gun shaped case from the truck and hopped down to take it inside. "Simple needs my ass." Isam climbed into the truck and loaded yet more suspiciously gun shaped cases into a box and headed in with them. He paused to glance at one of the residents that was out and about: a man wearing women's clothes.

His first year or so in the United States had been something of a culture shock. Brandon had accused him of "acting like my ninety year old grandpa" every time he saw a same sex couple out and about. They were just so...open about it. They weren't afraid of being seen. Isam soon learned that in America, homosexuality wasn't a crime. He could remember his days back in the Iraq military, when two young men had been beaten to death by their own comrades for sleeping together. Isam had never been agreeable to such violence, fortunately. After living in a large, American city for a while, it stopped being a surprise.

Isam took his things inside and set the box down to go get another. Brandon was already bringing in his folding cot. "Seriously, man, when are you going to get a real bed?"
"They are too soft," Isam said simply as he passed him. He went back to the truck to get one of his food boxes.

Another culture shock in his new country had been the clothing styles, particularly women's. Isam remembered when he'd first ridden by a public pool; Brandon had been driving. He claimed that Isam had turned a shade of red when he'd proclaimed that the women were practically naked, in public! Brandon had never let him live down how flustered Isam, then only nineteen, had been at this. It was just another thing he had gotten used to over the years.

"Is that all of it?" Brandon came in after him, looking at the grand total of eight boxes that were scattered across the floor. All of Isam's worldly belongings. Having lived most of his new life in apartment buildings, Isam didn't really own any furniture. He looked around at the boxes.
"I think it is. Want to stay and help unpack?"
"Sure, man."

Unloading the truck had taken less than an hour, and unpacking only took two. Brandon rolled his eyes as he unpacked one of Isam's clothes box: full of nothing but cargo pants and t-shirts. For a guy who got paid by the government, very handsomely at that, he sure didn't seem to spend much. While Brandon unpacked, Isam went into the kitchen to make lunch. He went grocery shopping the day before and loaded the fridge. Since he didn't particularly feel like cooking, he made ham sandwiches.

"You know, one of these days, I'm going to teach you how to dress." Brandon came in from the back bedroom and flopped himself down at the kitchen table.
"What's wrong with how I dress?" Isam set a sandwich down in front of his best friend and pulled up a chair. They talked, swapped banter, and rested as they enjoyed their lunch. The door to the apartment was still halfway open, having been forgotten.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 1 day ago

The day had begun, light creeped into existence with little restraint, other stars falling behind it's radiance. It brought warmth to people and things, bringing an earthy aroma to waft from the heated dirt. The cold window of a certain apartment became layered with steam. A crack of dawn broke through the un-properly set shutters. It cascaded down from the glass and onto a pale face, calling a somewhat annoyed groan from it's base.

The slender boy shoved the thick covers lazily off his body. Unlike most people who wore proper sleeping attire, he seemed to have crashed in his day clothes. The jeans, long sleeved black shirt and even belt were still on his person. He groaned and sat up, his head slumping and his hands laying on top of it, somewhat dug into the thick locks of dark hair. A yawn escaped him with an empty tone and he looked up, scanning his own abode as if it had changed over night. "...Better eat something..." He argued, looking down and yet to the side, as if someone was whispering into his ear he nodded modestly. "...okay." His heavy lids slid down for a few seconds and soon after they rose with some new sense of being, they seemed brighter, more confident, more, interested in what was going on. "Well. Time to start the day." The voice that followed was also a tad off, it seemed lighter and less dragged down, less meek, more average. Standing up straight the boy cracked his neck, tilting his head to each side, a light pop ringing out at each sharp angle. "I feel like oatmeal today." A similar look down and the internal debate was made. A half nod to the side and the body moved. "I feel like oatmeal, so it's oatmeal." Before leaving the room they made sure to slip into their shoes, the second pair next to the doorway, the red sneakers.

Sarah entered the small and somewhat bare kitchen. Cupboards were shut tight, the counter had little things strewn about it, the calender pinned to one wall was from last year, and was set to a month earlier. A little hum entered the air, and the boy went about making the simple sustenance. A kettle left to boil, a little packet shaken to mix it's contents. "We're having banana today." A little tilt of the head, as to listen better and a small smile formed on the owners thin lips. "Nah, we're out of cinnamon, I could pick some up later." A shrill tin howl and the water was ready. Setting out a decent sized bowl, one with a cartoon character placed in the very bottom, Sarah went to turn the little stove off. "Sure, you can pick what we wear I guess..." He hardly ever asked for anything, so she could put up with that much. "Anyone have any plans? I wouldn't mind shopping, we need some stuff." The one way banter continued as the amount of steamy oats lowered. Placing the bowl and spoon in the sink carefully to soak for a little, the boy turned to the clock. "...Well, sure, you have some time."

An extended blink and the eyes where new. Looking down to his feet the body smirked a little. "Nope." Entering their room they threw off the covers with little restraint, the two red shoes landing lazily about the place. "I don't get how you can wear those all the time." The voice was more lax, a little aloof, and somehow sounded deeper. After changing into a simply white T-shirt and some khaki pants, the man slid on his flip-flops. Alex scooped up the bag and tossed all the shoes inside. "Hope boss dude is up and about." He soothed happily as he went to leave the building, locking the dark area away securely. There where flowers to water, and thoughts to be meditated on.

An easy glance to the world and Alex saw some moving bodies. It seemed others where already up and about, neat-o. The always well dressed Daniel, and the caretaker where down by the front gates, Alex leaned over the railing with a soft grin. This place was full of interesting people. Looking to his right Alex saw a half covered streak of light. Someone had their door open, someone who lived in...room C or room D, only one of which was supposed to be occupied. "New guys here, maybe we should say hello...come on, it can't go that bad." Ignoring an internal argument or two the man walked casually down the stairs, looks like he had plans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was such a early morning, and a long night at work, moving large crates and boxes. It was hard for someone like her to find any sort of job. She wasn't even signed in with the government. Luckily, if you look in the deep city and dark alleys there is always some sort of job. Of course, usually they aren't as pleasant jobs. They were darker jobs that they usually got when the twins were homeless.

Jobs Cat usually was the one to handle. But luckily she found a nice little butcher shop that needed a extra pair of strong hands. Although Dog wasn't quite as strong as Cat, she was still stronger then most people thanks to severe training. In which her brother never let her quit, even if she didn't much care for it.

Walking along the sidewalk, she stopped and stared at the shut gates curiously. That was odd, these gates were never closed. Shrugging it off, the tall boyish girl pushed the doors open and walked through. Her short messy dusty brownish blonde hair slightly moist with sweat. Her rusty brown eyes looking slightly tired and her tan dark copper face slightly moist from her work out.

Wearing her usual ragged brown hooded jacket and dark brown jeans, black tennis shoes worn from years of usage, and black gloves covering her hands. It was indeed hard to tell she was a girl at all.

Seeing Jin and Daniel, she waved cheerfully with her right hand.

"Morning Jin, Daniel!" Dog chirped, her deep husky voice emitting from her raw throat. It simply was habit to talk like a guy, though the husky voice from the years of childhood usage helped with that.

Cannot be too careful. After all, never know what may happen in the dark alleys she has to travel and Cat was no longer traveling with her. Speaking of her brother, she'd have to check one of his hiding spots before going to the room. Just like his name, Cat liked high places and one of those spots was the big tree to the right of the apartments.

Quickly waving to the others, the tall brunette quickly jogged right toward the tree. Her brother could usually be found in three places. The tree, the roof, or their room. Sure enough, she found her tall brother up high on a sturdy branch that was close to the top. He seemed to enjoy using it from roaming between it and their room. She wasn't sure how he was so agile when he was basically a giant, but he was and was much lighter on his feet the.

Narrowing her eyes as she stared up at him, not at all as confident in climbing up after him, she simply cupped her hands around her mouth and called for him.

"Hey Bro! Get down here man! Ya know I can't climb that high! Hey! Don't ignore me I know you're awake!" she called, coughing a bit afterword and rubbed her throat comfortly.
It was dark... Complete blackness. There was rarely any true color in this place , this dark place. One could call it terrifying as a choking feeling seemed to clasp around the throat, yet it was somehow calming. Because it was only darkness, one of the things he knew quite well.

The calm did not last however.

Through the empty darkness, a thin white line emitted, slowly opening to reveal a large eyeball. It's pupil large and leaving no room for any further color that made up a human eyeball. It watched... Waiting... Staring.... It had been silent before, but now the beating of a heart started to slowly throb. Each throb opening up another eye through the darkness.... Until there was too many to count. All simply staring with their black pupils staring.

Blinking only occasionally.


After what seemed like a eternity, in the middle of the black pupils appeared to be its replacement, except this new pupil was blood red, a simple slit like a cat's eye. Widening ever so slightly as they moved ever so closer around him. Looking down, darkness had left his feet to be replaced by a sticky red liquid. Looking up again, he saw all the staring eyes crying, yet at the same time it almost felt like they were laughing.

Looking at the lake of blood that now stretched miles over the ground, he frowned as the beating heart continued it's ever noisy beatings. Looking down, he saw his chest bleeding. Absently, he stretched his fingers, digging into the open wound and pulled out the source of this sound.

Instead of a the expected organ, in the palm of his right hand, was a small bloody black kitten. It only gave a pitiful mewl, its fur puffing each time the sound of a beating heart emitted. Watching the creature silently, the eyes closing in and the bloody liquid rising higher, he closed his fist.
"Hey Bro!" came a familiar voice.

Opening his cold blue eyes, the tall man saw the peaceful green leaves flutter above him. Another one of those dreams. He's never had anything much different. Not one those smile to or not even having none at all. They were always different, yet the same. Dark and horrifying as what Dog would call it. He had grown used to it and didn't often share unless asked to.

His sibling accepting the fact that this was just another part of him.

Heaving a silent sigh as he sat up, his strong back leaving the trunk if the tree. His black hair slightly messy, the right side of his head bloody as dried up blood caked his cheek from the head injury. It wasn't serious, just enough to let himself bleed. His tan skin was mostly hidden by his ragged black hooded jacket, his brown shirt slightly torn as well worn dark blue jeans. Wearing black sneakers. The chained necklace with a rectangle attachment dangling around his neck.

Briefly the man looked down at his twin he gazed up at him with her crossed arms. As he ignored her, she shouted up at him about how she knew he was ignoring her. With a smooth movement, the tall man swung down, his fingers expertly gripping known gripping points of the tree as he climbed down quickly. Before simply jumping down and landing nearly on his feet in front of his twin.

Standing tall, he looked down at her with the same emotionless expression.

As he said nothing, Dog gave a soft sigh and shook her head, frowning at the sight of blood on her brothers cheek. Quickly she took out a napkin, and some medical supplies from her bag. Her hands moving expertly to at least disinfect the cut.

"Really? What did you do now? I leave you home, you get hurt, I let you outside and you get hurt. I can't win with you." Dog grumbled with a sigh but smiled. "But I'm glad it's nothing serious by the looks of it. It's good to come home to my dear awaiting brother." she laughed softly before yelping as Cat lightly smacked her upside the head.

Whining, she pouted up at him before eagerly watching as he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a ziplock bag with a rice ball inside.

"FOOOOOOD!!!!!" Dog howled before eagerly snatching it and pretty much devouring the food. Unfortunately, rice was pretty much all they had... They could barely afford anything else. And somehow Dog always ruined thing when she cooked, even rice, so it was up to Cat to cook for them.

Watching his smaller sibling eat, the black haired man blinked slowly as he watched the messy eat devour the food like a rabid dog, before giving a ever slight smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stella groaned as she turned in her bed. The sounds of people outside her room drove her crazy in the morning and well... at night too. She needed to invest in ear plugs but... who had money for that? Besides as much as she hated it, she'd rather be able to hear everything they did. At least then she'd know what they were up to. It was eavesdropping, it was protection. Or was it paranoia? Eh, she didn't know.

She sat up from her bed and threw the covers off of her. She listened for her roommate but couldn't hear much.

Strange... Must still be sleeping...

She shook her head slowly and let her feet touch the cold bare floor. A smile crept on her to her lips because, for some reason, she liked that feeling. When you lose one of your senses, you tend to gain an appreciation for the others. Most of the time, Stella could tell the different between different things just by touching them. How else do you think she knew the difference between the milk jug and the orange juice jug? Other than the fact that they were different shapes. A small chuckle escaped the girl's lips as she stood up and walked over to her closet.

Neatness was key to this whole operation. She had to know where everything was 100% percent of the time. If anyone came into her room and moved something, she'd more than likely trip on it. Still, having a small room meant that the closet wasn't too far away. It was diagonal from her bed and only a few steps away. A few minutes later, she was dressed. Well, one probably wouldn't call it dressed. It was her off day, so what. She could wear grey sweatpants if she wanted to right? It wasn't like she tried to impress anyone. Especially anyone here. She pulled on a simple T and pulled a small sweater over it and turned on her fan to dull the noise of her neighbor's outside. She wanted a peaceful morning.

She turned her head to where she knew the Buddha statue was and smiled. Turning her whole body, she put her hands together and bowed deeply, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she was walking over to a small pillow placed outside her closet. She sat with her legs in the lotus position and sat still for a bit, simply meditating.

In about 15 minutes, she'd get up and go get breakfast. After that... she didn't know... Maybe go bother the locals? Maybe not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


Member Offline since relaunch

A steady beeping sound sliced through Alice's dream. She groaned and rolled away from the irritating noise. She had no desire to end this dream. Wait...what was the dream about again? Her eyes slowly peeled open, just enough for her to glance around her room. A stream of golden light peeking through her open door. A groan escaped her parted lips as she reluctantly threw the covers off revealing a dull pink night gown and a thin white tail. Throwing her hands above her head she stretched out causing a few soft cracks to drift up from her spine. "I guess it's time to get ready." She said to herself and anyone who could be watching.

The first thing she had to do was repair the atrocity that was once her bed. Her dull robin blue comforter was twisted and rolled up into some disturbingly winkled monster and her sheets liked like what was left of the monsters shredded prey. "That is not ok." She said allowed as she slide her fingers through her red hair. With a quick crack of her knuckles she was off to work. The big blue blanket was ripped from the mattress and expertly folded before it was returned to its home, a small light oak dresser. The dresser stood no more than 4 feet high and only occupied a small corner of her smallest closet. With that taken care of she turned her attention to the sheets. In a flash of blue and green strips they were folded and placed in the bottom drawer. She smiled feeling a little relieved. "It's almost perfect."

In a much lighter mood, she folded the futon into the coach position and added two yellow circles of pillows her masterpiece. A huff of pleasure as she looked where that eyesore once was. "Perfect." A smug smile slide across her cheeks.her eyes traced the coach of perfection. "Wait." She called out as something caught her eye. A soft padding of footsteps filled the apartment as she crept towards the left most pillow. A crease appeared above her eyebrows as she shook her head in disapproval. She slipped out of the room and returned with a small tape measure. Reappearing near the faulty pillow she measure the distance from the top of the coach to the top of the pillow. Then she turned and repeated the action to the other pillow. "I knew it!" She boomed all of a sudden. The pillow in question was raised another inch and the smile reformed under her freckles.

She let out another sigh and headed into the kitchen. As she passed the balcony doors she could not help but get a glimpse of how beautiful of a day it was. With a quick shrug of her shoulders and a twist of her heels she retreated to her room. She returned fashioning a loose yellow hoodie topped with cat ears and a pair of blue jeans with a hand sewn tail attached. She opened her balcony door and slid out. Her bare feet making a soft pitter-pat on the warm wood floor.

"-you drop this?" She heard from somewhere below. Where did that noise come from? Her eyes quickly scanned the area. Her eyes caught sight of her neighbor, Adonis. No, it couldn't have been him. The voice was softer, femine. Fear began to grip her. Who said that? Another quick skim of the area. No one else was up here. But what about bellow? Her feet reluctantly lead her to the railing. She reached out for the bar that ran atop the railing and peered over the edge.

"Erin" She sighed quietly and smiled. She waved and smiled down below. She loved to talk to Erin, but Erin did not look like she was in the talking mood. Alice shrugged and stepped back from the railing. If Erin wanted to talk she would let Alice known. Atleast that's what she wanted to think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As usual, Mackenzie awoke to her alarm clock blaring some 80s rock song she could never properly identify in her groggy state. Guns N' Roses? AC/DC? Probably one of them. Still half asleep as her feet dragged along the cold wooden floor, she moved through her morning routine mechanically. It was funny; she could never remember the first ten minutes she was awake, but somehow she managed to get things done. Anyway, a quick shower always helped get rid of the last vestiges of her sleepiness, so that was first on her routine.

Before she made her way to the bathroom, she took a detour to the balcony and peered outside, noticing all the bustling outside. It seemed the other tenants were up and about already, which she supposed made sense, considering it was almost noon. Kenzie usually woke up earlier, but last night saw her marathoning a bunch of Disney movies (she watched them in order for fun, but she skipped sequels) and she didn't finish until about four in the morning. She used to be conflicted every time she had an unproductive day and often wondered whether she was just wasting her life away, but she found that her answer was always 'hell no' so she stopped bothering.

Her shower only lasted three Little Mermaid songs (after the marathon, it seemed she would be stuck singing Disney songs all day), and she finished up with a grand rendition of "Under the Sea," complete with Jamaican accent. Right as noon hit, she was already dressed in denim short shorts and a pink crossback tank top to combat the day's sweltering heat, completely awake and ready to rock the day. Because she was in pretty good mood, she decided to forego her usual mask, though she did stuff it in her pockets just in case. So, Kenzie actually had no plans, but she thought she could go bother her fellow Oddballs. Maybe this was the day she could drag Andy out of his damn room and play with him, or get close enough to Kitty Cat for that piggyback ride she so desperately wanted to try.

"Morniiing, Stella!" she greeted loudly as she made her way to the kitchen. "Or, afternoon, I guess. So whatcha gonna do today?"

Kenzie grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and filled it with milk, stupidly amused that she finished the jug exactly on the day of its expiration. She then filled it to the brim with Froot Loops and stuck a spoon in her mouth. Instead of settling down at the dining room to eat, she dropped by her room to grab her guitar, currently in its case, and slung it across her back. She liked to bring around with her whenever she roamed the apartment, just in case she needed it (like in those musicals, she sort of hoped everyone in the apartment would just spontaneously burst into choreographed song and dance).

"Goin' to Lucy's," she called out, words muffled. Kenzie headed out to the balcony and expertly hopped across the railings without spilling a drop of milk. Then she climbed over her neighbor's balcony and rapped against the sliding door with her right foot.

"Hey, Princess, open up!" Kenzie liked to drop by and check on Lucy during the day, when she knew Cody was out working, because she hated the thought of anyone being alone, especially someone as young as Lucy. Thinking about it made her flashback to the olden days, back when foster family number eleven would leave her alone for hours on end, and it made her upset. And she didn't like being sadfaced. "Eat breakfast with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgniSpirit


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amelia didn't run to stay in shape. Nor was she some health freak who wanted to live longer. No... she ran every morning to calm the thousands of synapses in her brain that would not let up. She's been doing this for so long she didn't need an alarm clock any more. The moment the sun's rays hit her face, Amelia was up and out of bed a second later. That morning had been no different as she woke up bright and early to the sounds of heavy metal music playing in at the lowest volume level possible. Even if half of her neighbors didn't care if she had whatever kind of music blaring on her speakers, she still had to be respectful to the neighbors that did. She still kept it at that volume as she dressed into a magenta tank top, black athletic tights and an extra large dark red hoodie. By the time she was out the door, the heavy metal anthem had been replaced by a soft, jazzy melody that she could almost barely catch. Amelia made a mental note to turn on the volume when she got back home but the itching in her limbs took priority as she bounded downed the steps and out the front gates.

It always took her at least an hour of straight running to get most of the excess energy out of her system. She always ended the first leg of her routine near the Chinese restaurant she worked at. Thanks to Jin's connections, the mute was able to snag a job as a delivery girl. Even if she only worked on a minimum wage salary, she got to bike everywhere and keep all her tips. Plus, they always gave her free food whenever she passed by. So after smiling her way into getting a meat bun, Amelia was out the door to finish off the second portion of her run.

She always got back to the apartments by noon, hungry again and drenched in sweat. But all that paled in comparison to the wonderful feeling of accomplishment coursing through her veins. With her mind clear and energy at a decent level, Amelia skipped through the gates. Already the Blackwing Apartments was buzzing with activity as most of it's residents got ready for the new day. The red-head saw Daniel conversing with the ever-popular Jin and she herself was tempted to say her hellos but she realized she didn't have her notepad with her. Today's sports pants lacked in pockets so she couldn't even slip her tiny notepad anywhere. Deciding to skip out on that conversation, Amelia was about to head inside when she heard a familiar, irritated voice.

Standing to her left was Erin Keller, her friend and neighbor. She was in the same clothes she had on yesterday so Amelia assumed that Erin had just come home from a night of wandering. The amputee always did that and Amelia used to worry that she'd never come home. But she always came back, usually without that aggravated look on her face. Maybe she had met another guy; Erin did hate guys after all. Amelia bounded for the shorter girl and waved excitedly in front of her face. That's when she noticed something silver in her hands. Amelia pointed to it and tilted her head to one side, a look of confusion gracing her face. She had said something about someone dropping it so maybe...

Amelia looked up and saw the handsome face of Andy staring down at them. Her face immediately flared up, almost matching her hair color and she quickly pulled her hood over her head to hide it. She took a quick breath to steady her rapid heartbeat before looking back up at the Greek. She happily waved at him, hoping she could translate the 'good morning' she so desperately wanted to yell up to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yawning a little, Dog rubbed her eyes a little sleepily before blinking as she saw Amelia by the gate but headed the other way. Eager to greet her friend, the brunette gave a excited chirp and grabbed her tall brother by the arm before he could escape. Jogging after her, waving to Daniel again as she passed, ignoring how Cat seemed somewhat unamused as being dragged around in the morning. This was usually his nap time after all.

Seeing Amelia and Erin, Dog happily waved to them with her free hand.

"Hiya ladies!" Dog practically yipped cheerfully, though stopped a respectful distance away since Erin seemed to get uncomfortable around men.

Dog was sometimes tolerated, but Cat was generally scary to people. So someone who didn't like guys would probably be even more terrified. So it was probably a bad idea to get him too close to her, since her brother tended to react if anyone even tries to lash at him. Be it child, animal, or elder. It was a weird instinctive reaction for him to lash back. And Cat lashed hard. The smacks she received were hard, but she could take it. Dog was also a street rat and pretty strong. Getting beat up a bit was practically normal. But she wouldn't wish any smack from Cat for anyone. His gentleness was almost non existence. He did it for her if she wasn't being a idiot, but it was rare. How do you show gentleness after showing violence your entire life?

Curiously, Dog eyed the spoon in Erin's hand before looking up to see a small boy. He was quite tiny compared to Cat or Dog. Thinking deeply, she grinned and waved to Erin again, but didn't move closer.

"Hey if he dropped his spoon I can have Cat return it. Since ya know... Andy-boy up there." Dog yipped. She wanted to get closer and just glomp Amelia at least, but refrained.

Cat on the other hand remained devoid of any emotion. His blank cold blue gaze watching each person around him for a moment, before simply closing as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned up against the building. He didn't understand the attraction to running up to people and bothering being friendly. His sister really was like a dog, eager for affection and attention. Dumb but friendly. He would scold her for it if they still were in the gang, but now he didn't really care so much. There was little danger here so she could do whatever she wanted. Though he didn't know why he exactly had to be dragged into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Adonis "Andy" Ring

Where'd that spoon even go? Adonis wondered as he peered from between the balcony bars before finally choosing to stand, looking over the side and- oh.

"It's you."
The comment didn't mean to slip out, but it did, and in his heart Andy hoped it was low enough that the older woman below hadn't heard because frankly, the comment was a bit rude. Then again, it wasn't as though he typically wasn't rude to the girl- it was Erin. The man hater, the amputee, the snarky smoker, the one that glared and traded shouts with him now and again.

In one word, she was a bitch.
In two words- huge bitch.

And she had his spoon. "Oh yeah, that's mine," started Andy as he raised a hand in a sort of half wave, half telling the teacher that just called out his name that he was present, "Just-" just what? Throw it up? Andy had little to no faith in his own catching abilities, much more Erin's throwing skills. And he didn't want to tell her to walk it up to him, given that stairs must've been a nuisance for the lady. That and it'd have to involve door opening, which frankly, Andy wasn't still used to doing.

As he continued his pause, the group of surrounding persons seemed to have largened, the sound of his neighbor to the side pulling him from his thoughts. "Oh. Hey," he greeted as politely as he could, offering a small wave to Alice with his still raised free hand before glancing back down. Yet another girl seemed to have appeared, however, and though she seemed unfamiliar, her red hair seemed to strike a chord in Andy's memory. Which was strange, given the teen's abilities, but he chalked it up to him probably not having seen her face to face until now, and prior engagements were probably minimal. She waved as well, and quite enthusiastically, to which Andy offered one back.

His hand was getting kinda tired from all the waving. He contininued with Erin, "Just- it's not mine. I mean it is, but-"

The CatDog pair bounded into play, the smaller of the two suddenly piping up and offering to use his giant of a brother to return the spoon. Oh gosh, all this for a spoon? Honestly-
"No really," assured the greek boy, his waving hand subconsciously rising to itch at his bandage covered forehead, "it's fine. You can just give it back to Jin, he would've picked it up later anyways."

Sighing, he glanced at the jello cup in his left hand, a single dent in the clear green dessert, it being the only spoonful Andy took before his spoon flew away. Whatever, he was full from breakfast anyways. "And if you guys want this," he offered, trying to sound polite as he leaned further over the balcony edge, stretching out his cup holding hand, "You can have it I guess. Thanks for, uh. Worrying about the spoon. I guess."
Daniel Wordsworth

Several tenants had come and gone, said several waving at Daniel as they passed, the tall gentleman always offering a smile and a small wave back. A number seemed to have gathered at a spot in the front yard, and upon further observation found that they were all looking up at a familiar face- Andy Ring, of apartment 2B.

Jin seemed to have set his hose down, making his way to the front steps to grab at a pair of gardening gloves, to which Daniel posed, "Any idea what kind of party's going on over there?"
"Something about Andy's spoon," said Jin, offering a small smile and a shrug that said 'eh, they're cute whatever they do'. Or, that's how Daniel perceived it.
"Quite a fun group indeed," agreed the taller of the two to a statement that hadnt been said, shutting his mailbox as he did so. He toyed with the idea of joining them, deciding against it and holding to head back instead. His night and morning had been rather busy and long, and what Daniel truly needed was a fresh shower and a change of clothes.

"Well," started the beautiful man as Jin finished pulling on his second glove, "I'll be heading up now. I'll grab Andy's lunch on the way down."
"Thanks," nodded Jin as he started back to the garden, ready for some intense weed pulling. He stopped and turned back, calling out, "Oh, and the new guy just moved in today, if you were wondering."
"Hm? Really? I'll greet him later then," Daniel smiled and waved, taking off his sunglasses as he started for the stairs.

Upon arrival in his room, Daniel had stripped of his shoes, placing his shades at a nearby table as he did so. He unbuttoned his shirt after shutting the door behind him, heading straight for the balcony and giving it an open to let in the sun. Oof, and the weather could've been better, but for now it'll have to do. Daniel after all, was going to take a shower, and last thing he needed was to come out to a freezing home.

He entered the shower and continued undressing and basically he is now showering and should be done by the next post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Keller

At Andy's comment her eye narrowed and the spoon lowered. She lost all motivation to attempt to give back the spoon and or start a fight once Alice appeared and smiled in her cute little way, and as she turned to leave another shape appeared beside her. Amelia, the mute one. A friendly, somewhat forced, smile met her lips, but faded as the girl showed confusion over the spoon,

"Oh, this belongs too..." Her finger drifted upwards, but it seemed as though Amelia was already distracted by Andy, as Erin deduced from the brunette's red face and wild waving. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she nodded another farewell, half-listening to Andy's babbling as she thought of simply giving the spoon to Jin as to save herself from the trouble of delivering it herself, but all ideas vanished when two familiar faces joined the fray. Two MALE faces. Instantly she backpedaled away from the two, taking cover behind the small body of Amelia as her eye sharpened and sent dark glares their way. Dog, who was a lot less scary when standing next to his behemoth of a brother, greeted the two cheerily and remained a respectful distance away. Erin didn't hate Dog as much as she did other men, he seemed friendly and stupidly cute and kind enough to realize her fear. He even suggested to help her out, offering to have his brother deliver the spoon in her stead. At this suggestion Erin moved away from Amelia slightly, the glare fading as she nodded,

"That'd help a lot, actually." Instead of handing the spoon over, though, she took her time to place it on the ground and kick it towards the feet of the two men. Erin had made the mistake of making eye contact with Cat, which was giving her a few too many chills to handle, and once the spoon was as close to the brothers as possible she headed towards the door.

"I'd love to stay and chat but, ya know, I gotta.... Yeah... See ya." She called over her shoulder, crutching up the front steps and into the building. She had her fill of people for the moment, and to tell the truth, she felt kind of sick. So, as quickly and carefully as she could, Erin rushed up the stairs and entered the second floor of the complex. Her apartment, 2F, was located to the far right of the building, and with loud, thumping footsteps (which was all she could manage, to be honest) Erin made her way to the unlocked door and entered, letting out a heavy, tired sigh. The room, unlike the hall just to her back, was filled with cool air and sunlight. She must have accidentally left the air conditioner on last night, oops. The cripple entered fully, closing the door behind her with her shoulder before curtching over to the living room, collapsing fully onto the floor with a thump, just in front of the couch.

A loud meow and black shape entered moments after Erin ceased moving, curling up beside the girl, and Erin moved only slight to wrap her arm around the cat's small body, letting out a lazy sigh,

"Afternoon, Cinder." She mumbled into the carpet. Things to do swirled in her brain, take a bath, change, start a new chapter, but the ever looming achiness of her limbs was holding her back.

'I'll start later... Rest now.'
Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure

"Hey, Princess, open up!"

Lucy glanced up from her breakfast and afternoon cartoons, turning her attention to the sliding door that was just out of her line of vision. Seems like Kenzie wants to hang out. A large grin met her face as she turned down the TV and scrambled up from the couch, running over to the glass door. The rock star stood, grinning as she normally did, with a glass of milk (and cereal?) in hand and a guitar case on her back. Lucy waved excitedly and opened the sliding door with just a bit of effort.

"Hi, Kenzie!" She greeted cheerfully, brushing a strand of hair from her face. Lucy couldn't help but admire her neighbor, a rock star with a cool fashion style and friendly personality. She was all Lucy aspired to be, well, save for the rock star part. Despite thinking she was good at everything, Lucy knew how tone deaf she actually was, and wished to save the people of this planet from hearing her awful, cracking voice. Nonetheless, Kenzie was a role model for Lucy, and she was going to play with treat her like one!

"Come sit down, we can eat breakfast together!" Lucy took Kenzie's free hand and lead her inside, giggling to herself. The rock star always seemed to visit whenever Cody was working, and Lucy could only deduce that she was worried for her well being. Lucy pulled Kenzie to the couch and then finally released her, returning to her own seat as she patted the cushion next to her, inviting the older girl to join her,

"You sit here, I'm all set up already, see?" Lucy pointed to her own breakfast setup, grinning ear to ear as if she were showing off something amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dog grinned happily as she picked up the spoon before cheerily waving Erin as she quickly made her exit. "Okay bye bye have a nice morning! Uh I mean afternoon!" she yipped before looking up at Andy curiously as he held out what looked like a cup. She wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed to be some sort of food and she was tempted to ask for. After all, that riceball didn't fill her up and some free food sounded something to die for.

Of course, Cat took interest at the offer as well, his large left hand snatching up the utensil from his twin's grasp before wasting no time in scaling the side of the building. His fingers digging into any little crack and his powerful legs pushing him up further. In no time, he reached the younger male's balcony and vaulted over the railing. Calm blue eyes looking down at the much smaller individual, his right hand didn't hesitate to take the cup before simply leaning against the railing and starting to eat it sight the spoon. Obviously uncaring where he was or who was in his presence. Just perfectly content in getting a child's snack.

Dog's jaw dropped a little as she watched her brother before face palming herself. "Bro! Don't just take people's food like that and eat it all casually! And at least give me some instead of inhaling it." she shouted up at him, only to be ignored as the larger twin continued eating in a calm slow manner.

"Ca---" she was about to continue until something cool and sticky smacked against her face. It was a spoon flicked piece of jello from above. Her brother having somewhat granted her request without even looking at her, before continuing on ignoring her.

Groaning, the brunette started wiping her face before licking her hand, glaring up at him. It soon faded as she broke out in a laugh and grinned at Amelia. "Never changes." she snickered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


Member Offline since relaunch

Andy was giving some quiet ramble about the spoon and something about Jin. That was all background noise to Alice. Since the moment Cat had stepped through the gate her eyes and attention had been on the tall boy. Every time Alice caught sight of the him her hear seemed to go into a frenzy. She let out a sigh of sorts and leaned against the warm metal railing. Cat was with him again. She shifted her attention to the smaller boy.

Alice didn't understand the relationship between the two boys. She was not sure if they were friends, roommates, or...well...the other thing. She did not want to think of the other option. Whenever the thought crossed her mind a twang of jealousy would hit. She was not sure why though. It's not like she ever talked to him before and with the rumors of him being some ex mobster she really shouldn't speak to him. Still the thought of the man being with anyone else caused her heart to feel heavy.

She pushed back on the railing as Cat snatched up the spoon and jumped onto the building. She watched wide eyed as he scaled the building and landing on her neighbors balcony. Her breathe caught in her throat. She tried to remember an instance when she had been this close to her but her mind went numb. She could feel her face burning and she quickly wiped her head to face the other on the ground.

"Ca-" she heard the smaller boy call up as before he was pelted with the substance Cat was eating. What was he eating anyway? She glanced back at Cat. It kind of looked like jell-o but it could have been pudding. Wait? Did he steal Andy's breakfast? She could feel her eye brows pinch close together as she thought about this. Well that was rude. she thought to herself. But that could not be right, the very idol she worshiped was rude? He couldn't be. She watched as the boy scarfed down the jello. He looked like one of those skin and bone dogs on the side of the highway, fur matted with dirt and starvation written in their eyes. She let out a soft sigh when her eyes caught sight of Andy balcony. Dishes were every where. How did she not see this monstrosity before? SHe pushed the thoughts of Cat out of her mind and focused on the mess. Then it happened.

"Can I please clean your balcony?" She called at Andy. Her palms shook as she clamped them over her mouth. Oops. She did not mean to say that. Sure she desperately wanted to fling herself over there and eliminate her arch enemy , untidiness, but that was rude. She should have been more tactful about the situation. She gasped a little and bit one of her fingers. Now Cat was going to think she was rude. Her flesh turned to a deep rose color and she took a step back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A smile appeared on the still face of Stella as she listened to her flatmate sing in the shower. Just another thing she didn't tell people she knew about. Obviously, time spent in the shower was private. Stella kind of wished she could turn her ears off at times like this but she just knew she couldn't afford to. With her luck, the moment she did would be the moment someone would choose to try something with her.

Stella stood up in one swift motion and turned to face her laptop, to which she walked. She turned the piece of crap on and then waited for it to boot up. The damned thing took forever to turn on. It'd be at least 30 minutes before she could do much of anything with it. And then her internet... Slow crap... Then again, not like she could afford much better. Another smile as she heard Kenzie greet her and ask what she was going to today.

Sometimes, I wish I could tell her she doesn't have to yell. I could hear her even through my closed door. But then... I don't want her to know either.

"Morning Kenzie." Stella called back and opened the door, walking out toward the kitchen. She followed the sounds as her flatmate moved around and smiled at her. "I'm not sure. Today's my off day. Not much to do. I might try to compose some music today." She answered. She let out a small sigh when she heard Kenzie say something about going to Lucy's and then walk off, presumably by balcony. Maybe she should try and go too? It wasn't like she had too many other people she wanted to socialize with. But then what if she felt like a third wheel?

Stella let out a groan and ran her fingers through her hair.

I'm just ganna do it. Though... Not the way Kenzie did...

Stella grabbed her hoodie and pulled it over her head and went out the door. It would be a long while before her computer was ready to do much of anything anyway. She made way for Lucy and Cody's apartment. She turned around, watching everyone outside and knocked with her knuckles. "Got room for another misfit in there?" She called out, chuckling a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A couple hours passed as the two sat and chit-chatted. Finally, Brandon got up. "Well, if I don't get home and change clothes, Rhonda might bite my head off. I'm taking her to that fancy Chinese restaurant downtown tonight, and you know how she is about getting all dressed up." Isam chuckled.

"Well she is the boss, after all," He teased. Brandon waved off his remark.
"Yeah, just wait till you get one." They exchanged a few more words and hardy pats on the back before Brandon departed. Isam shut the door behind him and turned too look around at his new apartment. It was a decent place, he supposed. Better than some of the ratholes he'd stayed in. He picked up one the boxes off the floor and began to unpack.

He didn't have much to his name, but what few sentimental items there were held importance to him. There was a picture of him and Brandon from a few years ago, when he'd first came to America. There was a knife given to him as a parting gift, by one of the soldier that had captured him in Iraq. And at the bottom, there was a small wallet sized photo, tattered around the edges, of a woman that- well, it didn't really matter anymore. She was little more than a memory to him now.

When he finished unpacking the box, Isam figured he might as well scope the rest of the place out. He took his key and tucked it away in one of his many pockets and headed out the door. There were several tenants out and about, but he didn't really make an effort to go greet them. He never really got attached to people outside of work; it was too dangerous..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kenzie laughed as she let Lucy lead her through her apartment, glad that the girl was in high spirits. Lucy was really smart, so she probably understood that Cody has to work, but Kenzie knew that didn't mean she wouldn't be lonely from time to time. When she first got to know her neighbors, she didn't even think that the spoiled little princess could last a minute without Cody by her side. She had expected a full tantrum every time Cody had to leave for work, but there never was one.

"Looking pretty as usual, aren't you?" Kenzie quipped, smiling as Lucy beckoned to the seat next to hers.

There was a little pang in her heart when she saw Lucy's breakfast setup for one—what the hell was that all about?—but she quickly brushed it off as indigestion. Instead, she oohed in marvel and returned her wide grin, genuinely amused at the girl's adorable preening. "It's like we're at Cody's restaurant," she said as she set down her bowl on the coffee table. She plopped down on the couch gingerly and sat as properly as she could, back straight and legs crossed. "I guess that means we have to eat all fancy."

Kenzie made a show of sticking out her pinky as she took a spoonful of cereal, then grabbed one of the napkins on the table to wipe her mouth. "Was that fancy enough, Princess?" she asked with a silly British accent.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, followed by the totally unexpected sound of Stella's voice. "Looks like you're popular today," she told Lucy, playfully bopping her on the nose. "I'll get her, go and finish your fancy breakfast."

Kenzie made her way to Lucy's front door and opened it for Stella, grinning excitedly. Her flatmate didn't usually bother joining her when she played with Lucy. "Miss me already, Stella?" she joked. She was about the pull her along, but she remembered that she was going to start her new 'announce-everything-so-Stella-won't-get-mad' tactic. Kenzie hoped this would work, because sometimes she really needs a hug and it makes her sad that her roommate doesn't like to give them.

"I'm gonna grab your hands, okay?" she warned, although she didn't really wait for her consent before doing it. Before dragging her to where Lucy was she whispered an aside. "I think Lucy's scared of you, and I want her to see you're not scary… well, most of the time." Kenzie laughed at her little jibe, but she really was scared of her flatmate sometimes. She was 109% sure Stella had superpowers (how else could she see so well when she's blind?!), and sometimes she was worried Stella will use them against her if she pissed her off.

With all that said, Kenzie finally led Stella to the living room and presented her to Lucy in an exaggerated manner. "Stella was lonely 'cause I left her by herself. Can she join us here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Adonis "Andy" Ring

"Oh my God!"

Adonis slammed back in shock as, in what seemed like seconds, the giant scaled over to his balcony. Rushing back so as not to be in the way of the amazing spidercatman, the teen found himself accidentally smacking his head against the glass of his balcony window, the pain sending a shock through his body. But the throbbing wasn't as important as the guy currently leering over him, casting a shadow over Andy's being. His eyes flickered about, gauging that the guy had, probably, about an easy two feet or so on him, not to mention the additional weight, and the build. Jesus, he was huge. Like, fucking huge. He was a huge ass guy. What did he even eat to be that huge? He seemed to look at Andy strangely. Not to mention he was tall as fuck. Dude, does he slouch because he has to duck under doorways all the time? Wait no, more importantly-

As thoughts ran rampant in the shorter male's head, the only small comment that managed to squeeze breathlessly out of his mouth was- "You're fucking giant." Welp, Andy thought as he inwardly facepalmed, his super sonic speeding thoughts having been thrown to a halt at the realization of his words. He really needed a muzzle, he decided, especially when frequenting around people. Especially when said people were from Blackwing. His thoughts were, however, once more stopped at the sign of the giant moving, swiftly and easily plucking the cup of jello from Andy's hands. "Yeah, no, sure, okay," said the young shut-in waving his hands as though ushering Cat to take it, "Go ahead, man. All yours."

He sighed in relief as the large man's attention was taken from him to the snack, Andy's right hand rising to scratch at the bandage on his forehead. Behind trying to figure out what time was a good time to abscond from the situation, Cat's other half shouted below and some other stuff presumably happened. "Okay, well," started Adonis as he straightened himself, reaching down to grab at his stray dishes, "I'm just gonna go back in and you guys can-"

"Can I please clean your balcony?"

"Fuck no?"

At that time, Adonis seemed to make eye contact with the owner of the first question, the back of his right hand rose over his mouth the same time Alice's hands covered hers, dishes gathered in his other arm. A muzzle was definitely something he'd have to ask of Jin next time he came around. Even he didn't understand what was going on. Honestly, Andy thought to himself, he was usually much more controlled. Perhaps it was because of all the shocking events that unfolded that such blundering slips occurred. That was probably it. "No, sorry," he apologized, "I mean, yes, go ahead and clean. I'm gonna. I'm gonna go in now."

With a weak salute-like wave to Alice he opened the balcony window with his free hand, the rush of cool air blowing at his face, pausing a moment before stepping in. "Oh, and thank you for the spoon thing," he said over his balcony, waving to Dog and the other girl, shifting the thanks meant for Erin to the others. Whatever, not like the cat lady would've liked an apology from a maaaan anyways. He continued into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. Andy debated for a moment at locking it, but decided he didn't want to seem like he didn't trust Cat- and he totally didn't trust the guy, but you're not supposed to be obvious about it- and left it otherwise.

He continued across his room, resting the dishes beside his front door, knowing that whoever was due to pick them up would be there soon. After doing so, Andy took to washing his hands in his kitchen before resting at his living room, shoving aside pieces of paper and unfinished oragami, laying himself on the pile of pillows by the corner. It was barely two o'clock and he was already so done.
Daniel Wordsworth

A towel wrapped around an unhealthily slender waist, Daniel exited his bathroom, his long hair wet and slicked back. He was holding another towel to wipe at his neck and face, making a quick pass from bathroom to bedroom, the rush of cool air sending shivers down his spine. In his room, Daniel quickly dressed, and being in the mood for heels and shorts- it was rather hot out, after all- he decided on his next wardrobe with ease. Putting on a white peasant blouse adorned with simple dark blue patterns, Daniel also decided that this weather was no weather for wearing padded bras. He slipped on a pair of shorts in a similar dark blue hue, tying the strings up with a cute bow. Observing himself at a nearby mirror, Daniel couldn't help but squeeze at his legs, wondering if they'd gotten a bit... thick. Tugging on his shorts, he grimaced at the idea, but they really were a bit tighter than usual.

No, Daniel, he scolded himself, looking up once more at his reflection, his hair starting to fall forward, dry enough to be shapely but wet enough to stick at skin. You look fine, he assured, these shorts are supposed to be this tight. Turning so he could view himself at all sides, the tall gentleman finally gave himself a solid nod as though to end the matter before heading to his bed. He picked up one of the towels he'd tossed aside using it to continue drying his head as he made his way to his closet, looking over shoes he wanted to wear. No wigs today, he decided, given the weather. As he looked over the row of heels, he decided against any of them, opting instead for some sandals. It would match the outfit much better anyways.

Matter figured out, he reached a thin arm to grab at the other towel on the bed, heading back to the bathroom to let them dry, a gust of warm air rolling over him as he opened the door. It had yet to air out, and after hanging up the towels, Daniel propped the door open to let the warm air out. Amongst other decisions he made so far that day, Daniel decided he would also grab a lunch, and continued to head over to his small kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and observed his contents before shutting it, deciding that a lunch was too heavy given it was way past noon and he would have dinner soon and maybe a snack would be better. Opening a nearby cupboard, he found the soothing pile of gum packets, and as he reached for one, Daniel decided that he wasn't all that hungry anyways.

Daniel opened up the packet and popped a piece into his mouth, the minty taste engulfing his lungs like a fire. Tucking away the rest of the pack into his pocket, he continued to start for the door, deciding that given he was rather dressed down, he may as well help Jin around. Or perhaps visit that new comer Jin had mentioned? He tossed on a pair of white t-strap sandals then grabbed his phone before heading out, locking the door behind him. What floor was the tenant supposed to be moving in again? It was the first floor, right? One of the rooms by the pool?

Well, if he was heading that way, he may as well pick up Andy's lunch along the way. And so, Daniel chose the stairwell farthest from his room, the metal steps lightly clattering at each step, the sound echoing off one another. Upon arrival at the floor below, Daniel gave a swift knock to tenant 2B's door, opening it with an apologetic, "Just here for your dishes." Upon opening, however, he was met with no one, the dishes set before him. Somewhere to his left, behind the wall of the closet, called out the young teen's voice- "Thanks, sorry. I thought it was gonna be Jin."

"It's fine," answered Daniel with a smile Andy couldn't have seen, bending down to pick up the haphazardly piled dishes, restacking them so they had a lesser chance in falling over before picking them up. "I'll visit later maybe, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," answered the other person rather wearily, and with a helpless breath Daniel backed out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him. He made his way once more to the stairwell, moving slowly so as not to drop anything, yet still managing to arrive at the first floor in a timely manner. Thankfully, Jin's door was open- wide open, actually, as it tended to be- and Daniel didn't have to fumble with arranging the dishes about in order to get a free hand. He gently placed them down into the landowner's sink, letting water run over the platters while also washing his hands, drying them off at a nearby towelette.

Before heading over to the new guy's place, Daniel took a quick search in Jin's apartment, deciding to grab at a bundle of fruits- specifically a cluster of bananas and an apple that looked decent. With quick graceful steps, he started down the hallway, knocking at apartment 1C. "Hello?" he called out, "My name's Daniel. I've come bearing gifts!" Welcome gifts were always appropriate, though sometimes he did miss the arrival of a tenant. Whenever he could, though, he gave gifts, usually in baskets, wrapped up with ribbons. As it was, the new tenant arrived around the same time Daniel was a bit busy, and as such, had to suffice with stealing from the landowner. Not that Jin ever minded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cat was continuing to casually eat, his eyes closed until he watched the boy made a comment about the tall man's height. He pondered this, not saying a word as his cold blue eyes were now fully trained on the small form. This kid was younger, smaller in both height and build, it was quite apparent if Cat really wanted to, he'd break him. It be like a cat and mouse in a way. Both clever creatures, but different size and power.

Little mouse.... That's what this boy reminded him of. Shutting his fragile body in the safety of his little home, not so keen in picking a fight with a predator and having the smarts to stay out of the way, not hesitating to snip at those who were on his level. A little mouse.

It was then the girl next door spoke, about cleaning this mouse's balcony. The tall man absentmindedly glanced over to the cat girl. In ways, he felt she was making fun of him before shrugging it off. For some reason, she was one of those girls who gave him looks and went red face. It wasn't ones of fear like he was used to, but he wasn't sure what exactly. It made him a little curious.

Dog insisted it was because, for a man, he was attractive. Something about look wise, he was one of the ideal types for normal girls. Such things were illogical to him, especially since fear was the single emotion he ever received from people other than Dog. Even she though has that emotion. So attraction seems off base. Then again he could say blood is attractive so why the hell not? He wasn't going to overthink things over stupid emotions. If he couldn't understand how to handle his own, why bother with others he didn't know?

Still, his blue eyes gave a girl the once over, a habit he did with anyone he encountered to mentally evaluate them. Never know when danger hits. But she seemed harmless as well so he looked back to the boy whom was now retreating back into his apartment. Right when Cat finished the jello, the tall man narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at the shut door, watching the kid move around inside.

As if annoyed at the boy leaving without permission, yet his expression remaining neutral, the black haired man opened the sliding door. Making a small grunting sound, as if in amusement at such a action. It was strange, it was a illogical move to leave your home open to a obvious predator. Quietly, he ducked under the door and strode in, his steps surprisingly quiet, obviously quite used to always sneaking around. It was harder for him to do so due to his height and weight but people like this kid probably would be fooled.

Finding the kid on a bunch of pillows, the tall man strode over and kneeled down. His blue eyes as calm as before as he took the spoon from his mouth and lightly pushed it into the boy's mouth.

"....And your really tiny, mouse." Cat said before simply standing and walking away. "Thanks." he said before closing the sliding door behind him and stretched out his tall body outside. These doors were way too small for him. It was like putting a tiger in a box, makes him restless and stir crazy.

As Andy thanked and waved to them, Dog smiled and waved back cheerfully. "No problem!" she cheered before her rusty brown eyes widened as she watched her brother eventually follow him.

"Cat! Cat, don't you do anything to him You don't just go walking into people's homes!" she called up before taking a breathe of relief as Cat came out then glared at him. "You're so unpredictable." she grumbled.

"I'm going home to make lunch." Cat called down before climbing up to the roof with the same ease.

"Fooooood Wooohooooo!" Dog chirped happily as she watched her brother disappear up on top of true building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


Member Offline since relaunch

Alice was stunned at Andy's response. She hadn't spoken to him much but she always thought of him as a fairly nice guy. However a 'Fuck No' was clearly not needed. Then again she had been rude first. Before she could apologize for pointing out the poor condition of her neighbors balcony he had already given her the green light to clean. 'Fuck No' to 'yes go ahead and clean it'.Ergh. She did not understand what the answer was. When asked a question a person is supposed to say 'yes' or 'no'. They are not supposed to say both. A soft growl of confusion slide past her teeth when she felt a set of eyes on her.

He looked at her. It might have been for a fleeting second but Alice felt her heart speed up, and without even checking, she knew her palms were starting to sweat. Her hands flew up to her hood and she nervously pulled at the sides of the dull fabric. For a moment Alice was distracted by the scent of fabric softener tat still clung to the cotton, by the time she looked back up Cat was at Andys door. With a quick motion Cat disappeared inside the apartment. That's odd. Andy doesn't normally let people into his home. Oh. My. God. He went in uninvited. Andy the recluse, occasionally mean, guy was not going to like people just entering his apartment. Then the thought hit her. Cat had easily slipped into Andys home seemingly unnoticed. Her eyes drifted back to her door which was left particularly open. What if someone had snuck into her home just as easily.

She gulped. Her face whipped away from the door as she tried to focus the thought out of her mind. It was pointless, the more she stood there with the door agape, the more she thought of people sneaking into her home. The one place she was supposed to be safe. Her feet glide across the porch as she flew to the door and slammed it shut. Her brown eyes slide back over to Cat as he made his was up the side of the building, and on to the roof.

Cat was going to meet up with the other guy, she had heard them say something about lunch. Alice's small hand tightened around the handle of the door as she pressed her head against the glass. She shouldn't have feelings for a home invader-possible murderer-ex gang member but its not like she could help it. With another sigh she pulled the door open and returned to the ,possible,safety of her room. The cool air rushed over her granting her welcome relief for the almost sweltering heat.

But there was no time to relish in the air conditioner. Alice locked her door and then scoured the apartment for any possible intrusions. The hunted was fruitless and ended rather quickly, given the lack of possible hiding places in her apartment. She let herself flop against her futon when all was done.

"What's wrong with me?" She said aloud to herself before rolling over to face her closet of colorful wigs. She was attracted to a guy who just walks into peoples house. I mean who does that? On top of that she was rude to her neighbor and she found out her neighbor was rude along with confusing. Was she allowed to clean the balcony or not? She let out a soft scream of confusion before standing back up. She couldn't help it. A travesty like that balcony go uncorrected? No.
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