Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

vietmyke said
I was about to point out, Sep and Ena, that under the criteria you two just put down, I wouldn't have expected Kast to pass the inspection either..Also, I usually feel that combat flaws are fairly unnecessary... if a character is Overpowered or too perfect, its because the person writing them wants it that way, Even if you impose restrictions on them, if they want to be OP, they'll be OP. I've seen many times when a person is told to remove some of their abilities- for example marksmanship, and they do so, but on the In Character, still act like their character is thoroughly skilled and competent in the field of marksmanship, only, instead of straight up bragging about how good they are, its more like... humble bragging... and 'modestly' implying that they are quite talented. Typically because immature people will be immature...I'm of the belief that mature, competent writers will always find a way to keep their character balanced, because its more entertaining, fair, and overall much easier to relate to and empathize with.

I understood it, I never denied him and wasn't going to as the final decision was Enalais' as I put him in charge of ze Republic dogs.

To be perfectly honest, at this point to keep some level of freshnesh I think I'll close Mandalorian Apps anyway now I have you two. As they're always combat experts that can't make friends easily, and while that's all and well if I were to allow more that would become the majority on the Republic side or even an equal portion, the balance as it is now is fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gonna throw up a post after I help out at cubs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

I'm sure Sep is tired of hearing this, but i am trying to tell everyone. I got an interview for my dream job on Tuesday. If i get the job i will be gone for six months to a year, which means i probably won't be around to see this through. But if i don't get the job on Tuesday i will probably be back on that day to post again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vietmyke: Assume Rorwoorr is aboard, want to start up dat dere collab for lift off?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura bitch you almost got blood on my timbs

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Name: Shae Gael
Gender: Female
Species: Echani
Age: 28
Homeworld: Eshan

Personality: Shae is quite a… spirited young woman, to say the least. Outspoken, loud and passionate about life and her job as a merc to call her reserved would be like calling a wookie ‘sportsmanlike’. She’s a rather social lass despite the solitary nature of her work, often going out of her way to make friends and acquaintances whenever she is. Loyal to a fault, once she’s properly made a friend of you it’s almost impossible to shake away her faith and she’ll come running to your aid whenever she can. Being an Echani, she does have the tendency to get a little violent sometimes and holds a rather volatile temper on a very short leash, leading to ‘disagreements’ with other fairly often.
Flaws: While it comes with many advantages, being of cybernetic nature also gives Shae several disadvantages. Being mechanical, it is vulnerable to damage from things like EMP Grenades and other anti-droid countermeasure. While it is more durable than your average flesh arm it boasts the flaws that machines face out in the elements. If exposed to water, dampness and the other portions of the outdoors for too long it’s prone to malfunction, making it less than ideal for long drawn out campaigns on a planet. Being that she has customized it rather heavily to make it perform more than a base model Shae is also one of the few people who can repair the limb. If anybody else tinkered with it they’d find repairing to be more effort than its worth.

Being a mercenary Shae possesses the combat skills above your average soldier, but she lacks the leadership and teamwork skills that come with military enlistment. Having specialized in one-on-one or one-on-many combat for her job, functioning as a member of a squad is difficult for her out of sheer inexperience. That, coupled with her hardheadedness makes following orders of a superior to be quite difficult for her and thus makes her a liability when in the heat of combat in large scale battles or skirmishes.

Skills: First and foremost, as an Echani, Shae had trained in martial combat for most of her life. Her body is in its prime, kept in the peak of physical condition to allow her to overcome her opponents in nearly every front thanks to her conditioning. She possesses intricate knowledge of her native martial art and has shown herself able to take apart trained combatants when up close and personal with relative ease. Additional to her great knowledge of Echani, she is a strong practitioner of the Teras Kasi form of fighting and incorporates the predictive abilities that come with it into all aspects of her combat skills. It also has trained her to discipline her mind and as a result, given her the ability to resist force related mind tricks despite having no skill in the force.
Despite heavily preferring martial combat, Shae has trained herself as a marksman during her time as a gun for hire. She is highly skilled at gunslinging and dispatching foes with her pistols at close and medium range as well as with her carbine at longer ranges.
While not something she bothers with often, as a cyborg she has a necessary skill with mechanics and circuitry. She's capable of maintaining and repairing her arm and by extension, any other cybernetic based device with minimal effort or supplies. Her knowledge also extends to starships and vehicles, although she isn't quite as familiar in those fields and would likely only be able to make temporary fixes.

Equipment: A pair of dual blaster pistols, modified to produce particularly powerful bolts at the cost of ammunition efficiency

She also owns a blaster carbine of similar design, modified to possess enhanced accuracy both at close and long range.

Along her utility belt, she boasts a considerable number of devices. Stun grenades, thermal detonators, breaching charges make up the more offensive sides. She also keeps anti-security blades, data breakers, bacta patches and ammunition there. She possesses a datapad to collect information on assignments.
Her most complex piece of equipment is likely her cybernetic arm, made of a lightweight metal to boost resilience without slowing down her movements with the outermost layers fused with a cortosis weave to make it immune to energy based damage. Aside from possessing strength beyond that of a normal, organic limb she has outfitted it to hold a grappling hook launcher with roughly one hundred feet of cord wrapped within to allow her to not only catch people off guard in combat, but to remain mobile while on the field.
Force Abilities: N/A
Personal History: Shae was born among the frozen tundra that was Eshan, the only child to two former Republic soldiers who had retired to their homeworld after years of service. Her early days were nothing particularly exciting for an Echani like herself. She fought with the neighborhood children as so many did among their warrior culture, although she was always more rambunctious than the other kids. Seeing their daughter was quite the spitfire, her parents decided to send her to train under the tutelage of a renown Echani fighter, a family friend who had taken on many pupils in the past and taught them the way of the Echani through martial arts training and discipline. The young Shae always resented being sent away though and while she benefited greatly under the teachings and became quite the warrior in her own rate, a strong wanderlust was always present in the girl ever since she learned of the wide galaxy outside of Eshan.

It only made sense that as soon as she could, the girl made off of the frozen rock she called home. At the tender age of sixteen she faked her credentials and signed up on the crew of a freighter bound to the Outer Rim. By the time her parents or master managed to find out of her escape, she was out of the atmosphere and cruising for the galaxy's wild west. Having been raised a fighter, she had very little trouble adapting to the rough and tough world of the outer rim. By the time she was seventeen years old she had already brawled with several scumbags and had shot a man. She found combat to definitely be her forte and while the life of a freighter was decent and all, she wanted to go solo out on the rim. When her contract expired at the age of eighteen, she decided to break off contact with the crew and take up work as a mercenary.

For years, Shae wandered the outer rim taking any kind of job she could. Whether it was hunting down a smuggler who crossed a Hutt or protecting some planetary diplomat, she took every job in stride. She managed to eventually save up enough credits during her two years to buy herself a ship and open up more avenues for herself. She took great enjoy in the work, a point that was tested when she was twenty one. Having been hired by a low ranking government official on some backwater planet to hunt down and capture some punk who had apparently crossed him , she was certainly surprised when she ran across a Dark Jedi than some dirty pirate or con man. In the ensuing battle, the fallen Jedi managed to take Shae's right arm before escaping her grasp. Wounded and defeated for the first time, the Echani wasn't discouraged from her job. Ordering herself a mechanical replacement arm, she was back on the job after her recovery with a vendetta for those lightsaber wielding assholes.

Going out of her way to track down a practitioner of the ancient art of Teras Kasi, a form of martial arts her old master had praised during her training on Eshan, Shae hardened her mind against the force and learned the highly reflexive anti-Jedi skill with reasonable ease thanks to her heritage. From there on it was back on as usual, with the mercenary making quite a name for herself among various cartels and local governments for her tenacity and effectiveness as the job. She even managed to best one or two holdouts of the Sith who had been destroyed so long ago. It was these few victories and her knowledge of Teras Kasi that perhaps spurred the Republic into contacting her and offering her a job on some kind of special taskforce. With the credits being offered to her for what seemed like a simple job teaching some of their soldiers the art and accompanying them on some of their assignments, she accepted with gusto.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Good luck Ena, you got dis.

and yup I'm ready to go Sep send me the linkage whenever you're ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

vietmyke said
Good luck Ena, you got dis.and yup I'm ready to go Sep send me the linkage whenever you're ready.

Aw but Viet, I was trying to drag you to the IRC...

This one is empty Lift off, there isn't going to be a lot going on so the others won't miss out on much and will be able to catch up.

Then once in Hyperspace I'll let you have some time to yourselves to socialise. Once everyone says they are ready we will move on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

ive actually lost the IRC link... so.. if you could PM me that it would be real dandy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Asura said
Shae Gael Female Echani 28 Eshan Shae is quite a… spirited young woman, to say the least. Outspoken, loud and passionate about life and her job as a merc to call her reserved would be like calling a wookie ‘sportsmanlike’. She’s a rather social lass despite the solitary nature of her work, often going out of her way to make friends and acquaintances whenever she is. Loyal to a fault, once she’s properly made a friend of you it’s almost impossible to shake away her faith and she’ll come running to your aid whenever she can. Being an Echani, she does have the tendency to get a little violent sometimes and holds a rather volatile temper on a very short leash, leading to ‘disagreements’ with other fairly often. While it comes with many advantages, being of cybernetic nature also gives Shae several disadvantages. Being mechanical, it is vulnerable to damage from things like EMP Grenades and other anti-droid countermeasure. While it is more durable than your average flesh arm it boasts the flaws that machines face out in the elements. If exposed to water, dampness and the other portions of the outdoors for too long it’s prone to malfunction, making it less than ideal for long drawn out campaigns on a planet. Being that she has customized it rather heavily to make it perform more than a base model Shae is also one of the few people who can repair the limb. If anybody else tinkered with it they’d find repairing to be more effort than its worth.Being a mercenary Shae possesses the combat skills above your average soldier, but she lacks the leadership and teamwork skills that come with military enlistment. Having specialized in one-on-one or one-on-many combat for her job, functioning as a member of a squad is difficult for her out of sheer inexperience. That, coupled with her hardheadedness makes following orders of a superior to be quite difficult for her and thus makes her a liability when in the heat of combat in large scale battles or skirmishes. First and foremost, as an Echani, Shae had trained in martial combat for most of her life. Her body is in its prime, kept in the peak of physical condition to allow her to overcome her opponents in nearly every front thanks to her conditioning. She possesses intricate knowledge of her native martial art and has shown herself able to take apart trained combatants when up close and personal with relative ease. Additional to her great knowledge of Echani, she is a strong practitioner of the Teras Kasi form of fighting and incorporates the predictive abilities that come with it into all aspects of her combat skills. It also has trained her to discipline her mind and as a result, given her the ability to resist force related mind tricks despite having no skill in the force.Despite heavily preferring martial combat, Shae has trained herself as a marksman during her time as a gun for hire. She is highly skilled at gunslinging and dispatching foes with her pistols at close and medium range as well as with her carbine at longer ranges.While not something she bothers with often, as a cyborg she has a necessary skill with mechanics and circuitry. She's capable of maintaining and repairing her arm and by extension, any other cybernetic based device with minimal effort or supplies. Her knowledge also extends to starships and vehicles, although she isn't quite as familiar in those fields and would likely only be able to make temporary fixes. A pair of dual blaster pistols, modified to produce particularly powerful bolts at the cost of ammunition efficiencyShe also owns a blaster carbine of similar design, modified to possess enhanced accuracy both at close and long range.Along her utility belt, she boasts a considerable number of devices. Stun grenades, thermal detonators, breaching charges make up the more offensive sides. She also keeps anti-security blades, data breakers, bacta patches and ammunition there. She possesses a datapad to collect information on assignments.Her most complex piece of equipment is likely her cybernetic arm, made of a lightweight metal to boost resilience without slowing down her movements with the outermost layers fused with a cortosis weave to make it immune to energy based damage. Aside from possessing strength beyond that of a normal, organic limb she has outfitted it to hold a grappling hook launcher with roughly one hundred feet of cord wrapped within to allow her to not only catch people off guard in combat, but to remain mobile while on the field. N/A Shae was born among the frozen tundra that was Eshan, the only child to two former Republic soldiers who had retired to their homeworld after years of service. Her early days were nothing particularly exciting for an Echani like herself. She fought with the neighborhood children as so many did among their warrior culture, although she was always more rambunctious than the other kids. Seeing their daughter was quite the spitfire, her parents decided to send her to train under the tutelage of a renown Echani fighter, a family friend who had taken on many pupils in the past and taught them the way of the Echani through martial arts training and discipline. The young Shae always resented being sent away though and while she benefited greatly under the teachings and became quite the warrior in her own rate, a strong wanderlust was always present in the girl ever since she learned of the wide galaxy outside of Eshan.It only made sense that as soon as she could, the girl made off of the frozen rock she called home. At the tender age of sixteen she faked her credentials and signed up on the crew of a freighter bound to the Outer Rim. By the time her parents or master managed to find out of her escape, she was out of the atmosphere and cruising for the galaxy's wild west. Having been raised a fighter, she had very little trouble adapting to the rough and tough world of the outer rim. By the time she was seventeen years old she had already brawled with several scumbags and had shot a man. She found combat to definitely be her forte and while the life of a freighter was decent and all, she wanted to go solo out on the rim. When her contract expired at the age of eighteen, she decided to break off contact with the crew and take up work as a mercenary.For years, Shae wandered the outer rim taking any kind of job she could. Whether it was hunting down a smuggler who crossed a Hutt or protecting some planetary diplomat, she took every job in stride. She managed to eventually save up enough credits during her two years to buy herself a ship and open up more avenues for herself. She took great enjoy in the work, a point that was tested when she was twenty one. Having been hired by a low ranking government official on some backwater planet to hunt down and capture some punk who had apparently crossed him , she was certainly surprised when she ran across a Dark Jedi than some dirty pirate or con man. In the ensuing battle, the fallen Jedi managed to take Shae's right arm before escaping her grasp. Wounded and defeated for the first time, the Echani wasn't discouraged from her job. Ordering herself a mechanical replacement arm, she was back on the job after her recovery with a vendetta for those lightsaber wielding assholes.Going out of her way to track down a practitioner of the ancient art of Teras Kasi, a form of martial arts her old master had praised during her training on Eshan, Shae hardened her mind against the force and learned the highly reflexive anti-Jedi skill with reasonable ease thanks to her heritage. From there on it was back on as usual, with the mercenary making quite a name for herself among various cartels and local governments for her tenacity and effectiveness as the job. She even managed to best one or two holdouts of the Sith who had been destroyed so long ago. It was these few victories and her knowledge of Teras Kasi that perhaps spurred the Republic into contacting her and offering her a job on some kind of special taskforce. With the credits being offered to her for what seemed like a simple job teaching some of their soldiers the art and accompanying them on some of their assignments, she accepted with gusto.

We talked before and now that you got flaws and such you can consider (Maybe) One of the last i accept. Congrats feel special.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

vietmyke said
ive actually lost the IRC link... so.. if you could PM me that it would be real dandy

It's in my sig silly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Just want to get the weigh in on whether a Jedi Knight is needed or not. I have one in the works but of course I can hold off on him if he isn't needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Renny said
Just want to get the weigh in on whether a Jedi Knight is needed or not. I have one in the works but of course I can hold off on him if he isn't needed.

You want to make one, I won't stop ya.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll have a post up soon!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm lost as to what's going on the way the IC is......
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

reem said
I'm lost as to what's going on the way the IC is......

That's cause the mission we started with was a little bit of improv. We were on Abridon, taking out a Sith Enclave when Crusade turned up and ripped the Republic Fleet a new one. Since then the Republic side has gained information from the Data Core(And that there is a so called Emperor indicating the SIth are more powerful than they thought) which is leading them to return to Coruscant with due haste, while Crusade has nefarious plans that include a Corellian Senator, discrediting the Jedi and going to Coruscant.

If you want to jump in Asura is doing something on Mandalore and I can ask her in the IRC if you want to collab with her, unless you'd like me to think up an alternative mission for you to be doing right now until you can group with people on Coruscant?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sep said
That's cause the mission we started with was a little bit of improv. We were on Abridon, taking out a Sith Enclave when Crusade turned up and ripped the Republic Fleet a new one. Since then the Republic side has gained information from the Data Core(And that there is a so called Emperor indicating the SIth are more powerful than they thought) which is leading them to return to Coruscant with due haste, while Crusade has nefarious plans that include a Corellian Senator, discrediting the Jedi and going to Coruscant.If you want to jump in Asura is doing something on Mandalore and I can ask her in the IRC if you want to collab with her, unless you'd like me to think up an alternative mission for you to be doing right now until you can group with people on Coruscant?

Lol sorry the site was problems, so I couldn't edit. I'm working on finishing up reading the IC.

I'm not sure who "Asura" is at the moment, my apologies. Mandalore is definitely a place I can handle as well as Coruscant, but I did write into the backstory for my character that he was conscripted into the Task Force so however you think he should be worked in, I'll roll with it. But I was thinking he could be new to the Task Force, Choruk's skill as a soldier would be invaluable for the Republic but also his wide conections as well, he as contacts on Mandalore and Coruscant that could be of help.

EDIT: finished reading the IC, I'm thinking I should be on Coruscant apart of a mission for the Republic/Jedi or (linking up with a Republic char IC). Are you in charge of the Task Force? What's going on Coruscant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Good day minions, i didn't get the job so i'm here to stay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

reem said
Lol sorry the site was problems, so I couldn't edit. I'm working on finishing up reading the IC. I'm not sure who "Asura" is at the moment, my apologies. Mandalore is definitely a place I can handle as well as Coruscant, but I did write into the backstory for my character that he was conscripted into the Task Force so however you think he should be worked in, I'll roll with it. But I was thinking he could be new to the Task Force, Choruk's skill as a soldier would be invaluable for the Republic but also his wide conections as well, he as contacts on Mandalore and Coruscant that could be of help.EDIT: finished reading the IC, I'm thinking I should be on Coruscant apart of a mission for the Republic/Jedi or (linking up with a Republic char IC). Are you in charge of the Task Force? What's going on Coruscant.

He could do what Kast does and be in charge of teams of troopers, and given the fact that the Task Force just lost an entire fleet, they may be overdo for some reinforcements
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

vietmyke said
He could do what Kast does and be in charge of teams of troopers, and given the fact that the Task Force just lost an entire fleet, they may be overdo for some reinforcements

Me and Reem got it sorted.
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