Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 12 days ago

I'm just glad everyone has stayed with this despite the turmoil. Hopefully that's a sign that the roleplay will take off once the IC actually goes up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Terminal said
I'm just glad everyone has stayed with this despite the turmoil. Hopefully that's a sign that the roleplay will take off once the IC actually goes up.

I'm with Terminal - it just seem quite hopeful!

I will get around to making my final edits to Jax's sheet either today or tomorrow. Sorry, I've been busy!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It is 1 am here, and I am only halfway done. I am also weak and need sleep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

ayyy the guild's back up~

Thats pleasant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Sofia Lost
Age: 19
Guild Band: Applicant Red Hawk

Archtype: Boisterous Bruiser

Backstory: Tel Avon, oh how the glorious have fallen. One of the first cities in the path of the Varisie Empire. A city of bright lights and low restrictions, it was a hub of commerce and more prominently vice. Everything was available here, for a price. However as the ruling families found to their detriment, gold is not a good defence against siege engines.

Plenty of noble scions fled the city in wake of the conquest as they sought to escape the new, stifling imperial rule. As a rule, they are blowhards with little to no concept of consequences, passable combat skills and no experience with the true hardships of the world.

Fortunately, this is not a story about them.

Tucked away in an alley near the largest barracks of Tel Avon there used to be a small Zehist temple. Here, the armour of the Unknown Soldier was kept, the material form of all those of Avon who fell unburied and unremembered on far away fields. A conglomerate spirit formed in the distant past, before Tel Avon was even Tel Avon.

It was here Sofia was ‘born’ for want of a better word. The specifics are lost to time, fire, and a really really big explosion. It is presumed that Sofia was a new priestess of the Shrine. Or perhaps a random worshipper. She does not know. What she does know is that she somehow found herself in a crater where the temple once stood, donned in strange metal plate, the neighbourhood on fire and chaos in her head. Somewhat understandably, she ran away. She ran until she no longer could. That took her about two days to her surprise, a feat she was fairly certain she was previously not capable of.

While she rested and meditated, she was able to establish some coherent timeline for herself. For some reason, the Unknown Soldier and herself had rushed into a pact. Bound without even the barest of preparations in place her own spirit and that of the Unknown Soldier mixed in a maelstrom of thought. Almost nothing of Sofia’s original memories remain as thousands of years of soldiering experience was forced through her mind. The spirit did not come out unscathed either. What was once a synchronised harmony has become distorted, shattered and incomplete. A diminished shadow of it’s former self, albeit with still very potent capabilities.

It was at this point that a band from the Guild found her. Forlornly staring into a stream, lost in thought. Largely through the efforts of the friendly and boisterous Red Hawk member known as Fornston, Sofia started to find her centre once more. With a need for murder, a stable income, and information she joined with the Guild as soon as the group reached civilisation once more.

For the moment her goals are somewhat vague as she is still piecing together what happened exactly that fateful night she and the Unknown Soldier bonded. She knows that the armour is incomplete as well, and wants to find out where the remaining pieces went.

Skills and Abilities:
Archaic Weapon Proficiency: Due to the failed binding, enough thoughts and memories were shunted into her brain to cause it to metaphorically leak out of her ears. This came with some perks too. For one, Sofia is proficient with any weapon invented roughly a century before. However she has trouble with more modern weaponry, though it remains unclear why exactly.

"I Cast Fist!": Sofia utilises a mixture of a vast array of different styles based on the thousands of years of experience that blasted her mind. However, these skills were honed by bodies not her own and as such she occasionally trips up, downgrading her to a ‘mere’ expert rather than a grand master.

Diamond Will: Sofia, now that she has her centre again, has a burning will that could put a gargantuan to shame. It is suspected to be the reason why Sofia was selected by the Unknown Soldier in the first place. It is confirmed to be the reason she even remembers her name and why she is frankly ridiculously resistant to mental effects.

Rookie Pilot: Sofia is still training with piloting, in order to meet the requirements to become a proper Red Hawk. While theoretically capable, she needs to gain more practical experience.

Equipment: Sofia usually wears the armour of the Unknown Soldier under a cheap white cloak. When it is not active, the armour reverts to a worn leather armour with a black undersuit serving as extra padding. When not at work, Sofia prefers to arm herself solely with a staff and a set of daggers strapped to her hip. For adventures, she comes more prepared. Slung over one shoulder is a quiver with a short yew flatbow, over the other a bag with common travel supplies. At her hip rests a plain steel longsword.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sorry it took so long, I had to down size it from 5+ page CS to 2 or so. So most the weaknesses, limitations and other more detailed information isn't listed as this is a bare bones one. Either way, enjoy! ^-^ **Appearance:** ![Appearance](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z8VEIzyaayQ/UrHnx8QR8GI/AAAAAAAAgEY/zajHvmc_f3o/s1600/steampunk+tendencies.jpg) (I take no claim over the picture, just borrowing for reference for Helen...) Helen’s built is rounded and short, her height reached up to five foot four and just an inch more with her boots usually adding the extra inch. When her hair is left off its normal bun, it settles a few inches below her shoulder and tends to grow wild around her dark green eyes. Helen tends to wear to types of fashion, formal and work related, the later also used for casual days as well. The one above is an example of the more formal wear. However, her work outfit is much different and is her usual getup worn around the guild since its made of stronger materials and far more mobile when it comes to machinist or doctor work. Her lower half is dressed in a what seems to be a plain, [leather skirt](http://www.corsets-uk.com/media/catalog/product/cache/13/image/800x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/r/brown_steampunk_skirt_side_detail_leather_belt_1.jpg) but when it is [hitch up and hook](http://www.corset-story.com/media/catalog/product/cache/14/image/800x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/r/u/ruffled_brown_steampunk_skirt.jpg), it allows better mobility while keeping her modesty. After all, she’s not an evening woman (hooker) for any man to look up her dress and get his day made! For the top, Helen tends to borrow one of her husband’s shirts which she rolls up and ties around her elbows. When she’s in surgery, she tends to cover it over with a leather butcher’s apron so keep it from becoming too bloodied. **Name:** Helen Govannon (maiden name: Rondell) **Age:** 29 **Guild Band:** Neutral as she values the individual rather any single band, there’s not one guild member who hasn’t been treated or doesn’t know her. **Archetype:** A fixer of man and machine (Aka, the doctor and machinist) **Backstory:** Helen’s life in her childhood was normal like any Varisie child as she grew up within the Rondell household, alongside her brother Eli. Her parents, Anthony and Catharine Rondell, were loyal soldiers to the military so spirits were a common thing to the pair which often led to misadventures into mischief. Naturally due to Eli being four years her senior, neither of their parents had noticed their young daughter’s natural knack for machines until Eli allowed it to slip one day during sword practice. That forever changed her fate. A few weeks after her ninth birthday, Helen was introduced to an obscured but well respected relative, an Uncle Howard. The years that followed, she was practically raised by the renaissance type man as he shared his knowledge about machines, art, magic and later on, medicine. Eventually she rarely recalled his eccentric nature, no longer noticed by her continual contact, while began to hone her natural gifts into something that her homeland could benefit from. When she became older, Helen later became a part time worker at her uncle’s clinic while Eli trained with her parents, their bond still strong despite the lessening time they spent together. It was more obvious when Eli was recruited and left home. Still, Helen was stubborn when it came to keeping contact by sending constant letters, trinkets, and other package exchange during his absence. Her focus was spent so much on keeping a bond between her brother and herself alive; Helen didn’t notice the danger so close to home. In the shadows and outside her knowledge, her uncle had slowly been driven insane by one of his older spirits. By the time she had discovered the behavior, it was too late and he attempted to kill her. The fight spread to the street and nearly ended Helen’s life until one of her Uncle's spirits, Ignis, stepped in. Knowing it was life or death, she naturally agreed to Ignis's pact conditions even while they were locked in combat. If not for his aid, she would've died a gruesome death. Shortly the Inquistors arrived and placed on trial. Barely found innocent, she was register following the incident and trained to become a summoner. During those three years she gained three more spirits in addition to Ignis and due to her gender, she was decided a field medic was more fitting to her role within the field rather than her skills with machinery. Afterward she was placed within a unit and served the rest of her conscription requirement. It gave her a taste of combat and blood, though it came to an end when she got news of Eli’s death. Helen’s world shattered as she left her military career behind to start fresh within the Western-Cities.She registered within Meduzart and tried to hash out a living for the rest of her life. Not easy until she stumbled onto a small group of men, hoisting a wounded courier, into the Adventure Guild one night. The victim was a young boy, fifteen, and in terrible shape. Going against her better judgment to mind her own business, Helen stabilized the boy while a doctor was sent for. This earned the attention of one of the overseers and eventually a job as the Guild doctor. A few years later, she met Adonair, her future husband, who she patched up after a brawl at a local bar. After getting a peek at his airship design, the spec ridiculous complex yet interesting enough to spark her old desires. As time went by during the construction, the two fell in love and a year ago married. The rest is history. **Skills and Abilities:** - Moderate Shooter: Basic firing skills, though her skill and aim is moderate enough she can at least hit her target within a fair range with a simple, revolver. However long range, you better get someone else. - Machinist Knowledge: Helen’s is a talented machinist as she’s proven by building Adonai’s Zephyr’s Machine right down to his bizarre specs.Skills among but limited in this area are welding expertise, assembling and manufacture as well as extensive knowledge of most metals and their properties, including best usage within machines. - Medical Doctor: Having developed a strong curiosity of how the inner body works when she lived with her uncle, Helen has a strong and in depth knowledge of the human body and its inner health. She is very adapted to patching up various woudns, from broken bones to torn muscles, and even damaged organs or limbs. **Equipment:** - [A basic and standardized Revolver](https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6066104/il_fullxfull.217611010.jpg) which can hold up to six bullets at one time. A Varisie manufactured piece from her days within the military, she keeps it well maintained with routine cleaning, practice shots, and much more to ensure it’s in the peak of condition. Though it is only an emergency alternative compared to her magic or should trouble get too close. - [Travel size medical kit] (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/070/2/c/Medical_kit_bag___detail_by_HamraBDG.jpg) filled with the basic necessities for patching anyone up while in the field or not. - [Less the portable Tool case](http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/1TPQ3G3UDoGUAweM8QsJtw-small.jpg) which is usually kept on board of the airship and a much smaller pack is used in the need of travel, depending on the job most the equipment is taken from here. Within are several key items from wrenches to torches, and even a crowbar or two to fix almost any kind of machine. **Spirits:** ~Simple~ _Sira_ ![Appearance](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130923172129/harrypotter/de/images/thumb/b/bc/Patronus_K%C3%A4tzchen.jpg/800px-Patronus_K%C3%A4tzchen.jpg) Sira, a male tomcat, seems to be completely made from light as his whole form seems to shimmer and waver with each movement. Height-10 inches and 57 inches in length Pact details: - Sharing a memory filled with warmth and light after both summoning and the danger have past is a requirement. - Unless her person is in harm’s way, Sira’s magic doesn’t affect Helen’s established allies or any innocent creature within range. - Helen’s survive is key because Sira can’t get his memory if any drastic happens to her, so he will do everything within his power to ensure she survive mind, body and emotion. To some extend this area of the pact had now included Adonai. Skills and abilities: Both Helen and Sira can gather any surrounding light within a mile range then condense it all into a center point for several second, but only Sira can cast the following spells. * Flare: Sira can condense whatever light Helen and/or he had gathered into his own body, making it brighter than usual. Soon, a blinding light is sent to flood the area within nine-foot radius creating a distraction or blindness only. * Focused Beam: Sira can open his mouth and send a focused beam of light straight at a target. When the light sets on the surface, then the hotter the affected area becomes until it either burns into flames (like fire sparked by a magnifying glass) or is very hot to the touch. * Light: When he doesn’t rid himself of the light, the glow casted by his body increased causing him to become similar to a lantern casting a warm, pleasant light wherever he treads. This light can chase away normal darkness up to five or six feet in front of him enabling things once hidden by darkness to be revealed. _Nahor_ ![Appearance](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-iu4dceduHKI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAACU/CL75tKBEeHI/photo.jpg) height- 14.5 hh Pact details: - A simple twirling horse on a jewelry box, powered by steam. - Unless she is in danger from someone she once trusted, Nahor magic doesn’t affect Helen’s established allies or any innocent creature within range. Skills and abilities: Nahor can create his element, steam, for either him or Helen to use at will which is a source free of outside influence. Like with Sira, Helen has only key spells she can use and that one, with Nahor, is Hot Touch. * Hot Touch: Depending on which one evokes this magic, the area focused on changes. For Helen it is within her hands while in Nahor, it's in his hooves. When activated, superheated stream emits from the focus and when contact is made it can sear flesh, burn clothes, and heat up weaker metals like copper and iron. * Vapor Geyser: When Nahor focuses his steam into his mouth, he can direct a rapid burst of heated vapor right at a target. Having similar effects to hot touch but with greater distance and lasting much less, it can cover a greater range within a 7 foot area from the horse’s location. _Heimda_ ![Appearance](http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/pokeaddict17xakatsukifan17/Mythical%20Creatures/winter_by_sandara.jpg) Height-4’3” Pact details: - She couldn’t get him to agree outright to never harming her allies or allowing his wind magic to be negated if they happened to be within its path. However, he did agree never to use his magic to kill a living creature, man or beast...on purpose that is. - The pact price was a small, ivory dagger made from what seemed to be made from wolf bone. Heimda requested before Helen died of natural age that she would bury it at the coldest peaks within Aesteria. Because of the seeming urgency that this happens, Heimda will do all he can to ensure Helen will reach an old age or at least bury the relic before her time is up. The others however, are not his concern. Skills and abilities: * Wind Gust: Able to conjure up a wind, usually bitter and frigid, wherever and whenever he is summoned. Heimda can then manipulate its direction and strength, from create a gentle gust of wind that can scatter dust to a strong, stormy like breeze able to move an entire airship. ~Humanoid~ _[Ignis](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72751/posts/ooc?page=6#post-2317985)_
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

**Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/d3/ef/ccd3efff104b15797fc1ea449ce7bc12.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Adonai Govannon **Age:** 31 **Guild Band:** Adonai follows his wifes Guild associations for the most part, as she is the reason he is associated with them at all. **Archetype:** Aeronaut, Inventor **Backstory:** Adonai was the first son of the Govannon family, a wealthy trading family with a long history in the free cities. Though he had an older sister, it had for a long time been traditional for the business to be passed down the male line of the family. Thus, though his earliest years were much the same as any other infant in the free cities, as soon as he reached his sixth year his father had his education begin. His father was determined that his son would not only take over the business, but should be capable of growing it such that the Govannon family could join the ranks of the dynastic merchant princes of the Free Cities. He would often take his son (as well as Adonai’s tutor) voyaging on one of the trade airships that provided the majority of the family profit, believing that a good businessman should still know what kind of trouble his ships could run into first hand. Though meant for education, the trips had a slightly different effect on young Adonai, who largely went through the motions and nothing more with his education. He rapidly grew to love flying, looking forward to every occasion he could get his feet off the ground. These regular airborne excursions revealed another of Adonai’s interests as well. When he was not on the deck with the wind in his hair, he was in the engine room or admiring some of the other steam driven technology, despite his father's attempts to discourage such dangerous behaviour. His adolescence only saw him gain more means to indulge his interests - the money he was given for personal use was used to buy tutorship from machinists and steam engineers, as well as various parts with which to experiment. He became something of a recluse even then, spending all his spare time in a workshop or on an airship, causing somewhat divided opinions among his family. He made his first working steam engine design in his fifteenth year, though it was quite inefficient and not worth any attempt to sell, it was still a significant milestone. He was nineteen when his father died - murdered in the street for his finery by common thugs, mere hours after canceling a trip on an airship due to the risk of piracy. The death hit the family hard. Adonai’s mother went into grieving and would hardly speak to anyone for months. His sister threw herself into study and work, doing her utmost to maintain the trade network in her father's sudden absence. Adonai himself took the first airship out of the city, embarking on a months long journey in which he did nothing but fly for the sake of flying. Upon his return, he found himself officially the head of the trading company, the family having followed tradition despite Adonai’s well known lack of interest in being a merchant. Adonai did his best to manage it on his own for six months, but the numbers were quite telling as to his capability in that area, profits reaching an all time low after a string of poor decisions. At his sister's insistence, he handed the majority of the administration of the company to her, preferring to honor his father's memory by keeping the company strong rather than doggedly following tradition. With the responsibility of the company finally gone from his future and present, Adonai was finally able to turn his attention fully to his invention. Having come a long way since his first barely functional steam engine, it took him only a year to perfect several easily made modifications to airship steam engines commonly found on the family airships that would make them far more fuel efficient. This contribution, as well as others he made later, secured him favor with his sister, and with the favor came money, enough to continue funding even his more extreme experiments. His experiments over the next several years became more and more extreme, sometimes succeeding spectacularly, other times leveling the building they were in, though he had an uncanny ability to avoid serious injury throughout this time. His mother died when he was twenty-five, and with that his sister became very distant from him, though they maintained the arrangement that saw his experimenting funded. Shortly after this, Adonai began creating the plans for the airship that would eventually be called Zephyr’s Machine. The design, containing experimental engines that would would prove volatile while under construction, was rejected by every shipyard capable of building it that he could find, their engineers not willing to take risks with an untested design. Adonai was quite distraught with the repeated refusals of his design, and one night after heavy drinking, picked a fight with half the bar. A short and furious brawl that spread into the street ensued, and an hour later Adonai was dragged into the clinic of Helen Rondell. She patched him up, and found the plans of the airship amongst his things. After some discussion, Adonai persuaded her to build the airship, with some slight modifications, making use of Adonai’s family resources to do acquire the materials and labor. As the project progressed, Adonai became increasingly attracted to the beautiful and intelligent lead engineer, a feeling which was quickly found to be reciprocated. He proposed to her after knowing her for only a year and a half, though she did not accept until much later, after the airship was finished and she had secured a position on the crew. They were married one year prior to the present day, and it is through Helen’s connections to the Guild of Adventurers that Adonai became involved. Prior to the completion of the Zephyr’s Machine, he provided the occasional experimental weapon or modification of a device to the Guild members, for a fee. Once the ship was complete, he moved more to take high paying courier jobs for them, whether moving people or objects. **Skills and Abilities:** Adonai is a creative and talented inventor, with a mind that thinks very much outside the box. His skillset is quite diverse. Aboard an airship he can fulfill any needed crew role with competency, though not always excellence. He is adept in the kind of combat that occurs between airships, both with the ships guns and the brutal close quarters fighting of a boarding action. Though not remotely as his wife when it comes to mechanical aspects, he is nonetheless competent enough to tinker with most designs on his own, and his theoretical understanding is excellent. Among his mechanical misadventures, he has also picked up the skills required to pick locks, though he could not be considered a master in this field. **Equipment:** Adonai maintains a large collection of equipment on his airship, but there are a few items he prefers to carry while off the ship: His Eyeglasses - not required for his sight, rather with various magnification lenses that can be easily pushed into place over his left eye. A six shot steam revolver and a single shot steam pistol-blade, both of his own making, rarely leave his belt whether on or off the ship. A versatile collection of tools is also often at his side, ranging from large multi use items to very small fine tools for the slightest of tweaks to equipment. Among the small tools is a modest set of lockpicks. **Spirits:** Adonai’s early attempts with spirits ended poorly, and he has avoided personally treating with them ever since. He leaves all things mystical to his wife.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 12 days ago

It's been quite a journey this past month. Is there any chance we can get a rollcall, see who is still in on this? We may have lost a member or two. Unrelated: Apparently posts made prior to the Guild transition cannot be edited. If there are any borderline cases in terms of our profiles that the GMs feel could be accepted with a little editing, could you inform the appropriate parties so they can post revisions?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

> Unrelated: Apparently posts made prior to the Guild transition cannot be edited. If there are any borderline cases in terms of our profiles that the GMs feel could be accepted with a little editing, could you inform the appropriate parties so they can post revisions? I support this notion, also I'm still here (obviously).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm here. But.. I never completely finished Jax's CS (there were only a few minor details that I hadn't yet filled in), so I might have to repost it, or just post the edits elsewhere by themselves. Is this going to be taking off anytime soon? I'm excited, and I would hate for this to lose steam because it never got properly moving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I know I've been around and kept in contact through a Chatroom Rtron and a few others from various rps use. Though with these nice CSes, I'm tempted to drag a few of you into the accepting ones like Relics or a future one. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> I know I've been around and kept in contact through a Chatroom Rtron and a few others from various rps use. Though with these nice CSes, I'm tempted to drag a few of you into the accepting ones like Relics or a future one. :p Go on? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

> > I know I've been around and kept in contact through a Chatroom Rtron and a few others from various rps use. Though with these nice CSes, I'm tempted to drag a few of you into the accepting ones like Relics or a future one. :p > > Go on? :P Don't you have a CS to finish first? Btw, I suggest making the edits and then reposting it again so any future edits can be made if needed. :p Besides, this might not be the best place to do this and seeing as I am on a iPhone (links are hell with this thing even on the older versions) then I suggest stalking Relics as I know for sure Ellri's still accepting. Though the one I'm GMing, Blood, is getting a little full for me. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I do have a CS to finish, yes - which I will get on to at some point. >.> I've been really busy the past few days/weeks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 min ago

(Note: Depending on if my character's summoner can join the RP, I may need to make a few edits to his backstory.) Name: Ignis Appearance: As an incorporeal entity, Ignis can take on whatever form he chooses, but most commonly, he prefers the form of a dragon. In his complete form, he has [this](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/206/5/b/dragon_age_origins__winged_drake_by_the_bloody_hunter-d58jter.jpg) shape, roughly the size of a human, but is translucent like a ghost, with a red tint. Although, he tends to float around in the air, his form sometimes incomplete, such as having his front half appear as a dragon, while his back becomes a wispy, ghost like tail. In a fight, he often engulfs himself in flame, such as in this [image](http://s1.zerochan.net/Fire.Dragon.600.420841.jpg). Age: 500-600, by his estimate. Skills and Abilities: Spirit of Heat and Energy- Ignis has the capability of manipulating and amplifying heat energy. Applications of this include igniting the air into flame, warming objects, and drawing heat from the environment into himself. As an incorporeal being, he can take on the form of heat energy itself, becoming invisible to the naked eye and able to transfer himself through objects. As he is not precisely a spirit of _fire_ he cannot create fire from nothing, but the oxygen in the air is generally sufficient for combustion. When in a warm environment or near sources of heat, Ignis can draw the energy into himself to become stronger, and his abilities more effective. Conversely, cold environments offer him less energy, and his abilities weaken. Most forms of magic apart from fire and heat can harm him, but ice and cold magic are particularly effective. Although, in many cases, he can also harm them just the same. To his summoner, he grants the ability to manipulate heat energy. Creative- Ignis is an intelligent and intuitive spirit. His constant mischief over the centuries has granted him a wide range of experience with different aspects of the world, as well as a knack for finding inventive solutions to problems. Mostly, he uses this creativity to find new and exciting ways to play pranks on others, but he can be persuaded to use it for more helpful purposes. Backstory: Ignis does not quite recall when and where he was created, he can only guess that he was born in fire, or at least somewhere _really_ hot. He has been roaming the world for over five hundred years, and has hardly matured at all in that time. Ignis is an energetic, mischievous, and troublemaking spirit. A favorite pastime of his is to find interesting ways to play jokes on others, something which never seems to grow old to him. He greatly enjoys travel and adventure, and despises being alone. As such, it was natural that he would begin to seek out summoners. Through the centuries, Ignis has made countless pacts with many summoners. Each had slightly different terms with different kinds of people, but in general, his reason for entering into each of them was simply to facilitate his love for adventure and need for camaraderie. He has never had any great goal or purpose and does not find wandering aimlessly to be entertaining, so he defers to his summoner for that goal. He has bound himself to everything from soldiers to entertainers, and rarely regrets his choice. He has learned to follow and observe potential summoners for quite a while before committing to a pact, as he wants to be sure his summoner is someone he could call a friend. Three years ago, Ignis formed a pact with Victoria Lark. after months of observing her, and other potential summoners.. As usual, he requested only that she facilitate his need for adventure. He could not simply demand that she become his friend, but he did stipulate that she could not prevent him from socializing with others, and that she should expect him to be around _all_ the time, if he chooses. While she is quite different from himself, he has thusfar enjoyed his time with her and does not regret his choice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm here! Obviously. Can't get rid of me that easily. That being said, I am now going to college once more as my Signature implies, so yeah. > Though the one I'm GMing, Blood, is getting a little full for me. XD Nonsense! The more the merrier. Maybe once we start overflowing you won't have anymore reservation if a few get killed off... I'm joking of course, but if your curiosity get's the better of you... [We'll welcome you with open arms.](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/727/posts/ooc)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us for this... admittedly longer than usual Int check... Me and Rtron will be deliberating on which characters to accept within the next 24-48ish hours. That being said, those who have yet to present a character and still wish to do so will have 12 hours following this post to finish said Characters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

right, still here. But that may change as Wind just posted the intro for another season of Essence of the World and I'm getting ready to start my own thing so if you liked a character lemme know and if you didnt want any that works too. just let me know
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here's an updated/slightly edited version of Jax's CS. I _think_ it's done, now! (Also, a bunch of the old code doesn't work anymore, so sorry for the horrible formatting!) ![enter image description here](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/48/94/1a/48941aa2f1e9a2d1e7444ba39e0aa728.jpg ) Jax stands at an average height of 5’10”, with olive skin and a relatively smooth complexion. The man’s build is athletic, similar to that of a runner’s: with narrow shoulders and a developed (although wiry) musculature. There’s not a pinch of unnecessary fat upon his form, and it’s clear from his appearance that he makes an effort to keep himself in peak physical condition. His eyes are blue and bright with intelligence (with a slightly oriental look to them), and his shoulder length hair of a similar colour to that of a raven’s feathers is almost always slicked back with the use of a colourless, odourless, custom-made wax - reaching to the nape of his neck when styled in this way. Jackson usually dresses in flexible or free-flowing trousers of some kind (such as riding breeches or cotton leggings), and will always have a pair of hardy work boots covering his feet. His shirts change daily, but are usually long-sleeved. He will also often wear a clearly worn (but well made) long-sleeved leather jacket over the top of whatever shirt he’s wearing, and it’s not uncommon to see a coloured handkerchief of some kind tied round his neck (doubling as a mask, should he need one). **Name:** Jackson “Jax” Harrowstone **Age:** 32 **Guild Band:** The Nimble Hands **Archetype:** Reckless Gambler/Lucky Bastard **Backstory:** Jackson Harrowstone was born a bastard - the product of a travelling Kusagi Merchant’s casual encounter with his mother; an almost coinless seventeen year old woman who made what little she could for herself in one of the Western City-State’s many backalley brothels. His mother’s coworkers had advised that she drink a large amount of tansy tea as soon as she had realised that she was pregnant, but she ignored them - allowing the baby that grew inside her a chance at life that was rarely given to those conceived in similar circumstances. This was the first in a streak of good luck that would follow Jackson in throughout his life. Jax’s childhood was nowhere near as easy or carefree as most, and anyone of a more privileged station who heard of the circumstances of his early years would proclaim, appalled, that he had been robbed of it. This, however, was not the case: although his childhood was not conventional, or spent wrapped up in cotton wool, it was not _stolen_. He never knew his father, but his mother clearly loved him - and as the only child within the four walls of the brothel where his mother lived and worked, he was lavished with a neverending stream of affection and attention from the day he was born. Despite this, he still had to earn his keep (or so said the shady ‘merchant’ who owned the unlicensed back alley whorehouse) - and, from almost the very day he could properly walk (and barely talk), Jackson Harrowstone was put to work about the gritty establishment where his mother was employed. At first, he cleaned - but, by the time he was three and a half, Jax had been taught how to sneak about and thieve, and was stealing from the clients of the establishment while they fucked one of his numerous ‘aunts’. He was barely ever caught, (as the men who were being robbed were often too preoccupied with other, more carnal pursuits), but even when he was no [i]real[/i] harm ever came to him. The matron of the brothel would apologise, with a fabricated smile, giving the toddler a cuff to the back of the head for “being so daring”: then, when the client had left, berated Jax for being caught, and ordered him to practice. The rest of Jackson’s childhood was spent in this way - cleaning and stealing, and lavishing in the affections of his extended, non-blood related family. It was not until he was older (about eleven or twelve) and began venturing out into the wider world beyond the only four walls that he had ever known that he realised that he was.. different. His skin colour was different to the majority of those he saw in the streets, as were his eyes - and he received odd looks from those he did not know who walked past him while he was out on errands, and the words “bastard” and “outcast” were muttered frequently in his direction; words which cut him like a knife once he understood what they meant, but that he would readily embrace in his adulthood. By the time he was fourteen, Jax was a little bit too big to continue earning his keep by pickpocketing his mother’s and aunts’ clients: he could no longer sneak around in such a small space without being detected on a regular basis. Instead, the men who owned the brothel (whom Jax never learned the names of, and had only seen a few times in his life) decided that he would help repay his and his mothers’ debt through conning and outright robbery - or, so he was told, before being taken from his mother’s arms by a pair of mean-looking thugs, and dragged, thrashing, through the doors of the dirty brothel which had been the only home he had ever known. He was given a tiny room in a dirty inn, and informed that he would be allowed to see his mother once a month _if_ and _only_ if he made enough money to satisfy his employers. Then, the door was slammed and he was left alone until morning. When his door next opened, it revealed a grizzled middle-aged man with calloused fingers and kind, smiling eyes. He shut the door behind him, and sat down on the end of Jax’s tiny bed - pulling a deck of cards out of his top pocket. And so began Jackson’s education in card magic, gambling, and con artistry. He spent the next few years of his life practicing and performing the tricks and routines he was taught, conning innocent people out of their hard-earned coin with the skill of a seasoned swindler: and feeling no remorse for doing so because of the slurs that had been muttered in his direction from the very day he had first stepped foot outside his mother’s brothel. He earned his employers a great deal of money, and was happy to part with the majority of it so long as he could continue to see his mother. Once his mother died (when Jackson was seventeen), after a few more months of continuing to work and also dealing with his grief, he realised that he no longer _wanted_ to work for somebody else’s gain. So, one day in the middle of his seventeenth year, he arrived on the doorstep of the Adventurers’ Guild Headquarters in his City-State, and, once he was let inside, proceeded to con the seasoned mercs and sellswords out of their hard-earned coin. Then, grinning, he pulled out a dagger and slammed it down in the middle of the table - proposing his intention to join them. He was accepted into the Guild, and never looked back to the gritty side street which had been all he had known for most of his life. After spending a few years learning the ways of the Adventurers’ Guild and working alongside its members, Jackson decided that he wanted to travel. He knew there was more to the world than the City-State where he had spent his youth - his own father had been a Kusagi! As soon as he had enough money saved up to fund his travels, Jax departed - saying farewell to the friends he had made over the last few years, and setting off to make new ones. He moved around a lot between the City-States over the next few years, never staying in one place for too long - doing the odd job (contracted through the Guild Headquarters of wherever he happened to be) to top up his savings whenever he needed to. Jax had been on the road for almost three years when he arrived in Meduzart; the birthplace and historical home of the Adventurers’ Guild. He had only intended to stay for a weeks - at most a month or two - but the weeks blurred into countless months, and the months into years. Soon enough, he forgot that he had only intended to visit - especially whenever he formed his own Band with a few other Guild members, which became known as The Nimble Hands; a group of street performers, pickpockets, thieves and mercenaries who abide by a self-devised code of ethics. He has stayed in Meduzart ever since, his influence within the Adventurers’ Guild growing with every passing year - especially with his Band becoming larger with every passing year. **Skills and Abilities** **Speed/Stealth/Flexibility -** Jackson spent much of his childhood sneaking about his mother’s brothel and moving through small spaces, and did so with relative speed and ease. He also had to do a fair bit of running throughout his teenage years, when he conned the wrong person - and became adept at quickly climbing onto rooftops in order to escape pursuit. He can still move with stealth when necessary, and outrun most people. He’s also quite skilled in the art of rooftop climbing. **Sleight of Hand -** As he’s been using card tricks and other games to con people out of their hard-earned coin for many years, Jackson is incredibly good with his hands. This also doesn’t just apply to the speed with which he can shuffle a deck of cards. He can throw knives with blurring speed and a fair degree of accuracy, and is able to hold his own in a fistfight. **Intelligence -** Jackson’s upbringing has shaped him into quite a shrewd man, although he may appear impulsive. He (usually) thinks things through before he does them, and can quite often be a source of original ideas. **Charisma -** Jax has a way with people, and whether it be through flashing a smile or dropping a witty pick-up line, he’s usually able to chat his way out of many a sticky situation. **Equipment** **Throwing Knives -** Jax carries a number of well-balanced throwing knives of a high level of craftsmanship upon his person at all times, which can usually be seen hanging from hooks on his sturdy leather belt. **Shortsword Revolver Blade -** Perhaps Jax’s most prized possession is a custom-made revolver blade, with a significantly shorter blade than most - to comply with his more close-range, quick-moving fighting style. The weapon’s ability to fire bullets is extremely helpful, and has saved Jackson’s life on more than a few occasions - by helping to allow him to get some distance between himself and large numbers of unexpected enemy reinforcements. It, also, hangs from his belt - although it rests within a sheath made from hardened leather.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Clumsywordsmith


Member Seen 1 yr ago

> Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us for this... admittedly longer than usual Int check... Me and Rtron will be deliberating on which characters to accept within the next 24-48ish hours. That being said, those who have yet to present a character and still wish to do so will have 12 hours following this post to finish said Characters. Pfft... With things here finally working again, I was intending on putting a character together this evening. But I work a full schedule, so a 12 hour deadline that starts an hour after I've gone to bed is a bit rough! I'll still try anyway. Expect something within 8 hours!
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