Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The date was May 15th, 1972 Reports from numerous doctors and hospitals around the world started to pour into health organizations about strange and new mutations occurring in young men and women. The symptoms were varied and all brought fear to those who knew but didn't understand. In an emergency meeting held deep within the secret coves of Washington DC. President Richard Nixon met with top members in the CIA, FBI, Health Organizations, and other top experts to discuss the matters. What followed was a long, intense discussion over what to do with what was now being referred to as 'the X-gene'. Finally top genetics scientist Dr. Charles Xavier, alongside Dr. Hank McCoy. Came up with a solution, the world might be prepared to except such people with powers, but the possibility of it was realistically slim to not at all possible. Thus using a new program known as Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, shortened into the acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. A program could be established which would essentially work behind the scenes and away from the public. Helping control those with these powers while keeping them out of the public's attention or knowledge. While just about all in attendance liked the idea, one man very much opposed the plan. Erik Lehnsherr, a man who at a very young age survived the holocaust and at this point a close associate of Xavier's. Felt that mutants shouldn't have to hide themselves from the public just because of something that wasn't their fault. If anything, mutants should be embraced, revered. His strong opinions and an already tense atmosphere lead to issues and after an incident that is closely classified. Erik Lehnsherr has gone missing and not seen since. When the program began, known simply as “Project X-Men”. The first five people brought in were Scott Summers, Jeanne Gray, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III, and Dr. Hank McCoy as an advisor and head of the science and research department. Slowly as time passed the organization grew and blossomed. What once was a single group of a few trained agents has become a world wide network of organizations around the world each holding the same task of helping fellow mutants while ensuring secrecy from the public. The original four agents have all since retired from active work and now either handle administrative work in the organization's HQ, head up training divisions, or have retired peacefully. As 2015 begins, Project: X-Men starts a new chapter as young agents finish their training in hand-to-hand combat, power control, firearm usage, automotive driving, and other courses. They will begin handling assignments in areas around North and South America. However, Project: X-Men's one naysayer from so long ago is planning to return, and he's bringing madness and anarchy with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Yeah I'll take a baconzilla value meal, with a cola to drink and the curly fries. Extra sauce with those fries.” “That will be 9.96 at the next window please sir.” “Bleedin' ell they running out of pigs to kill around here or something?” Pietro Maximoff was running fashionably late to work, again. You couldn't tell with him at the drive-thru of a nearby fast food place. Quietly tapping the top of his car's steering wheel as the cars ahead of him slowly got and paid for their food. Still considering the amount of times Pietro made it a goal to show up fashionably late. The higher ups have basically given up on getting him to show up when he was suppose too, as there wasn't a fine or punishment that would get him to stop. “Here's your food.” “Hmm, thank you love.” “I like your accent...” “Thanks.” Pietro chuckled as he left the drive-thru and back onto the main road. Nice try sweetheart, his never been desperate enough to hook up with some broad at a fast food place. Pietro drove through the city streets of Washington DC. Periodically picking through his bag of food for the occasional fry. Such was another day in the life of the mutant that life was made to forget. Sweep under the rug of society for something he didn't have any say in. Frankly though, Pietro wouldn't have it any other way. As he pulled up into the massive parking lot of the pentagon. Pietro quietly killed the engine of his car. Strolling out with food in hand as he made his way in. Using the numerous eye scanners, secret lifts, and other various security booths to make his way into the base for Project: X-Men which existed some feet underground. It was always an interesting sight when coming in. Seeing some giant pink blob with skeletal systems and organs carrying a vast amount of filled and lidded coffee cups. An Altantian scurrying past a Kree warrior and normal looking scientist looking like they were having a chat of the Premier League scores from the night before. Leaving Pietro the perfect timing as he walked past to give the both of them his single thought on the topic manner with a “Fuck Man U!” As Pietro strolled past the research and developments lab. A vast system of anything you can imagine involving science, along with other things varying from the normal to the bizarre even for people who work here. Pietro peeked in noticing how the place seemed unusually quiet barred for one man who was clearly sleeping at his computer using the keyboard as a makeshift pillow. Shaking his head Pietro gave the plexiglass window between him and the room a good slam with an closed fist before continuing on to his personally appointed office. Causing Dr. Nathan Richards to shoot up from his chair, keyboard grooves completely indented in his face. “UGH I WASN'T KISSING THE PENGUIN SANTA!” Nathan Richards declared as he was shocked out his sleep. Finally realizing where he was as he shook his head. Letting his face reform perfectly. Nathan Richards quietly groaned as he rubbed his face in his fingertips. All of its features contorting and squishing around before snapping back to normal as Nathan sighed. Finally realizing he had dozed off from the night before while working on his revisionist of the impulse laser system. A means of halting any guilty fiends without causing any physical harm to them. When the AI based computer tests of the theory were put into work, the laser only worked in causing the target to merely explode. Which isn't quite what they were looking for out of the system. Impressive as it is to see a human spine get crumbled and desiccated so beautifully unique in its horrifying gore. As Nathan sighed a bit to himself, he got up from the chair, realizing he was going to need to get out of the lab for a bit before his brain turned to mush.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Making his way to the pentagon building, Peter Parker sat in his car, listening to some pop song on the radio. It was one of two cars be drove, the other one being the car he bought with tournament money he had won the night of his uncle's death. He bought the car he was planning on getting as a reminder of his uncle, whom he had an argument with just hours before he was killed. Peter wasn't really the kind of guy to have a garage full of cars, but that one had irreplaceable and sentimental value to him, and he couldn't get rid of the old beater if he tried. A few minutes later, Peter parked his car in his usual spot near the pentagon and walked the rest of the way to the building. While he would normally swing through the city in his costume, his job working for SHIELD and with the Project: X-men had made changes to his life. Under his agent suit he wore his specially made stealth-spider suit, which had been designed by the people of SHIELD and project: X-men. He loved it, and it was much better than the [suit he had made himself](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/143/b/7/costume_study___rosy_s_spidey_by_fishnones-d66aix0.png). He kept his mask inside the hidden pocket on the inside of his suit jacket so nobody could see it, but it was still there when needed. Several scanners and secret lifts later, Parker entered the X-men level, where he had been working for the last few months. When he had first joined SHIELD, it was more of a simple affiliation since he continued to fight crime and work for the Daily Bugle to pay rent. A few weeks of that, and Peter was made an official SHIELD agent, where he was paid actual money by them, and a fair amount of it. While he continued to fight crime, he also did a plethora of missions just for the agency, like stealth and infiltration. Eventually, he was moved to DC to be a part of the X-men program, but still more or less did the same things. Though, he did make friends like Doctor Richards and Hank Mccoy who were also scientists like he was. With Richards in mind, Peter decided to take a peak into his office, finding the elastic man on his way to the door. Peter opened the door fully and smiled at him. "Hey Reed, you been here all night?" He asked him, taking in the signs of the office and Doctor Richards himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was already morning and the day was beautiful as ever. It has been long since she was in a good mood and actually wanting to go to her job. What was her job exactly? Susan was working with the project X-men. It has been a quite time that she started to work there with the others, especially because she gets to see her boyfriend there lots of times. As she woke up from her sleep, Susan put on her working clothes and strutted to her car, making her way towards her daily job. But first she made a quick little stop at the coffee shop, there she got two coffees one for herself and the other one for Nathan, such a good girlfriend right? Few minutes later, Susan arrived at her job. Smiling at the secretary saying. "Keep doing your job, good good job." the blondie said very happy as she went down to the project x-men base. First scanning and what not, as she sipped her coffee making her way to her boyfriend. "Well. It seems someone didn't sleep well? What's happened...?" Susan asked concerned handing Nathan his coffee. "Maybe that should wake you up or something." she did notice that he wasn't in the lab anymore. That was weird, he was always there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Riley raced out the door of her apartment grabbing her jacket and cell phone as she darted between the furniture and out the door, troting down the flight of stairs she checked the time on her cell, *Dammit* she was gonna be late, again. Hoping over the railing she jogged across the parking lot toward her bike, a sleek black ninja motorcycle she had parked purposefully to take up two lanes, not that the bike took up much of those spaces. Sliding onto her bike and starting it she checked the time once more, she didn't live far from the Pentagon but she still needed to get a cup of coffee and her alarm only ever gave her enough time to get dressed, grab a slice of yesterday's pizza and go, Riley also refused to change her alarm. Racing down the busy road she wound her small bike between the slow moving cars with a graceful speed. Stopping at the coffee shop just down the road from work she ordered the normal caramel latte, extra caramel, extra whip cream, paying the lady she set the cup in the cup holder between her legs and raced through the traffic to work, she wasn't happy about being late again, and she was sure her superiors weren't going to be to happy either. Sliding her bike into her normal spot to the right of the main doors she grabbed her coffee and walked quickly inside, waving at the secretary at the desk she made her way down to the Project X-Men base, sliding her key card, scanning her eyes and the whole shebang. Strolling through the doors she takes a sip of her coffee and makes her way down the hall passing Peter and Doctor Richards with a small wave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tires screeched around a concrete gymnasium, dotted with orange cones and streaks of black staining the grey, cold floor. The scream of the car protesting was matched by the squeal of the blonde woman behind it’s controls, who suddenly stopped the vehicle. Pale white fingers clung to the steering wheel as Katya breathed heavily, one of the orange cones the rear part of the car had hit just now slowly falling over. “Dammit,” she whispered, Russian accent tinging her voice. Her blue, icy eyes looking around at the driving course she’d just completed. Er well… tried to complete. She knew that the defensive driving course was her weakest subject, evidenced at the moment by the fact that half the cones were toppled over. “I should have starded de day wid gun training…” she mumbled, getting out of the car and running her fingers through her long hair. Katya slammed the door behind her and walked out of the large, echoing room. The black witch wore a dress, per her usual attire, this one cut off just above the knee and sleeveless. Her shoes were black ankle boots, a moon pendant bracelet dangling from her wrist. She opened the door that led to one of the connective hallways, and stuck her head out, looking back and forth. Good. No one had seen her looking incapable. She hated looking insufficient. Turning out of the room, door shutting slowly behind her, she walked with a slightly hunched shoulder. Being a little tall at 5’7”, she had a bad habit of trying to make herself appear shorter. She also had a habit of letting her wavy locks fall in front of her face, making many think she was shy, which she didn’t find true in her opinion. When she had something to say, she said it. That wasn't shy, right? While making her way through the labyrinth that was the headquarters of Project X-men, but what she had called home for several years now, Katya smelled warm caramel. Sniffing the air, shoulder no longer hunched, she followed the smell until she heard voices as well. Ah, so her fellow… mutants… had arrived. At least some of them. She followed the noise and smell until her eyes landed on Riley’s coffee and then Riley herself. “Ah, Good Morning,” she said, eyes flickering past the girl to see the others now and nodding, indicating her greeting was meant for all of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

It wasn't a beeping alarm clock which woke Megan Gwynn this morning, instead it was snoring. Extremely loud and irritating snoring, which didn't help the hangover. Its source, as Megan soon discovered as she swung out of bed with a groan, was the half naked body of her friend Santo on her bedroom. Well Santo wasn't exactly her friend. More like a friend of a friend, who coincidentally was also curled up on her floor. Rubbing her eyes she groaned once more, maneuvering around the two as she made her way to her wardrobe door, which was already ajar due to how full it was. A young pink-haired woman stared sleepily at her in the mirror on the back of the door as she opened it. The neatness of her hair made her smile, as it didn't look completely terrible to he relief. Behind her reflection, her fairly-like wings fluttered. Yes, Megan had wings. Dressing quickly, she pulled on a pair of black jeans, deciding to leave on the t-shirt she had worn to bed. Once foundation and mascara had been applied, she began making her way out the room, giving both of the sleeping boys a short kick as she passed, with the two awaking yelping in pain. The woman's laugh was cut short however as she discovered the aftermath of her roommate's party outside. The first thing she encountered was the sheer stench. The room stank of booze and strangely slightly of piss, although she didn't wish to dwell long on why. The floor and the majority of the apartment's shelves and furniture were covered with cans and bottles, as well as general leftovers. Gazing across the room as she made her way to the fridge, she spied a hat hanging on Victor's bedroom door handle which explain why he had ended up camped out on her floor with Santo. The sofa was also occupied, although Megan couldn't spy whoever it was. After a quick glass of juice, she made her exit, making sure that her coat covered her rainbow coloured wings. Despite how uncomfortable it may be, covering them was the only way she was able to keep a normal life outside of her job. Luckily Victor, Santo and all her other friends were complete dicks like her old classmates at college so they saw no problem with it, meaning at home she could flutter around the ceiling to her hearts content if she wanted to. Truly her life now was great, a fact she noted as she made her way down the street towards the bus stop. She had superpowers, great friends and above all, an amazing job. That's right, Megan was a secret agent! By day she was regular pink-haired Megan Gwynn, but by night and the majority of the day actually she was Pixie, agent of the X-men! Before long, the bus arrived down the road from the Pentagon and after a short walk she was inside, scanner her eye's and passing through the offer forms of security the place had. Passing through the central corridor of the Project X-men department, Pixie gave a wave to colleagues and the like. Ahead she spied the majority of the team. It was a fairly small bunch, although they were kind and if nothing else understood the pain and hardship she had faced throughout life as a mutant. Beaming she approached, stopping next to Katya and putting her arm around her. "How long until we got until the meeting?" She questioned with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nathan sighed to himself as both Peter and Dr. McCoy came up to him. Was it that obvious? He rubbed his eyes as he shook his head. “Look I was working a bit and I didn't realize what time it was until...” Nathan paused trying to come up with either the right answer, or an answer he could get away with. “Midnight?” It didn't sound very convincing but it had to do. “I think I figure out a breakthrough in the non-violent electro halt system. I tried reconfiguring the electrons that the main energy compartment gave out. Last time it made that watermelon explode if you'll recall right? Well this time only PART of the watermelon exploded when I tried it out. THAT is what I call a success!” It was a weird thing with Dr. Richards. Things when he was testing sometimes had a knack for blowing up. If it was the goal or not was usually not the point. Though thankfully Dr. Richards would make sure to protect the HQ if any blast was possibly too dangerous. Course their was that one time he made something that was going to detonate. So reacting quickly Dr. Richards swallowed it using an elastically unhinged jaw and throat. It worked, but Dr. Richards' body was so stretched out by the blast he covered the entire lab in a massive blanket of himself. A dizzy mess for about a few days before he could reform himself properly. “Still not here nor there...” Dr. Richards was going to go into his next plan of attack when he suddenly a warm paper cup tapped against his shoulder. His girlfriend Susan, in her beaming warm smile, instantly made Nathan feel much better. He delightfully took the cup and with a second arm stretched it around her waist. Bringing her close in for a kiss on the cheek. “Eh it was a thing sweetie.” Nathan told her warmly. “Thank you for the coffee though, I need a pick-me-up.” He took a sip, cream and a bit of sugar, just how he liked it. Seriously she was great like that. Before he could sip some more down he paused, a metaphorical light bulb popping up over his head. “Oh dear you know how when we were looking at your powers last I suggested possibly something that can help reverse the light rays that would beam off your eyes thus making it easier to see while you're invisible? I think I might have something but I need to get a shipment of statically charged carbon lenses that should hopefully work with a solar based battery to make it possible for the rays to not interfere with your vision but allow you to remain completely invisible. I'll try to get some tests going soon though.” “Tests that won't involve something exploding I hope...” “Well assuming HEY! That's not funny!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Susan blushed as her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Your welcome sweetie. You know you need the coffee because you are always working and you seriously should take a bit of a break honey.." the blondie said kissing her boyfriend's cheek while with her free hand she ruffled his hair. He was also working and he just needed.. at least an hour or two of rest. Probably more but still. "...." Susan stared at her boyfriend as he spoke and spoke about her powers and how he should make her vision better when she turns invisible. Her eyes squinted, as she shook her head and walked towards Nathan. Was he really serious talking about this? Well yeah... she did need to know more about her obtained powers but Nathan seriously needed to take some rest. All the time she talks to him, he always ends up changing the subject OR getting some ideas with a light bulb popping above his head about his super nerdy scientific stuff. WHICH she didn't care about having a boyfriend who is all into the science.. It was just Nathan has been working a little to hard, especially into finding more information about their powers. Susan couldn't help but to giggle softly as she placed a hand on her boyfriend's back. "Honey.... I understand you want to help me out and stuff. And seriously.. I need the help, but today.. you look like you have been working a bit to much.. so please just take a break for a bit.. drink some coffee..." Susan said grabbing Nathan's hand where the coffee was and lifting it up to his mouth so he could sip. If he wasn't going to do that, she should do it herself. "And we will just work on that TOGETHER but later on, alright? And please, seriously.. don't overwork yourself... you seriously don't want to end up exploding other things.... remember the last time you did? she rose an eyebrow shaking her head, poking Nathan's cheek playfully. How cute was he? "Who is laughing..?" And that was Nathan being random, ladies and gentleman. Susan's boyfriend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Peter lowered his head and shook it with a smile. He loved working and inventing probably just as much as Nathan did, but even he knew when to call it a night. He had offered several times before to help Nathan work on his and Susan's powers, but he knew that he couldn't offer too much help since they had different, yet somewhat similar power origins. Peter thought it was rather odd how their powers manifested, since the only ones that truly made sense to him were Johnny and Grimm's powers. When Riley passed him, Susan, and Nathan, Peter waved back at her. She was certainly an interesting character in the X-men, attractive as well to Peter, and took a small glance at the drink that she had in her hands before motioning her to join in the conversation. He definitely woulnd't mind talking to her more. When Katya entered the hallways and greeted them, Peter waved to her as well and replied to her with a simple "Morning" Before going back to the conversation he had with Nathan and Susan. Then Megan entered the group as well. Peter didn't mind her at all. She was a nice girl, but with so many people around him, it made Peter once again realize that he was essentially the kid of the group. Whenever the thought came to his mind, it always made him feel weird and awkward to be around people that he was normally always around. It was an odd feeling, and he began to slide out of the group, but not without a few words before he left. "She's right, you know. Take a little R&R, Reed. I'm sure nobody will mind if the man who hardly ever stops working takes a break every once and a while to gather his marbles." Peter said with a smile as he glanced at Susan. She was by all means a pretty woman, smart as well, but he knew they he wouldn't even try to take her from Nathan. Their relationship was pretty rock solid, and as snarky and smart as he could be sometimes, Peter wasn't the kind of guy to do something like that, not that it would even work on Susan anyhow. Once he was done speaking, Peter excused himself from the group to go and do something else. He could always talk to Maximoff, a man who could easily rival him in a smart-aleck contest, but he decided against it to simply roam the halls for a while.
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