Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The guitar leaned gently against her seat. It was a fine black leather armchair, created with some of the finest materials in the entire world. Hirayama Chinatsu, President of Sengoku High School’s Student Council, sat, resting her hand on the top of the guitar as she remained completely still. Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. Her slender fingers tapped upon the right arm of the chair, gently repeating a simple pattern of four taps, one for each finger. The Student Council President was deep in thought. There was much on her mind, today. To many, it was another school day in Sengoku City. To her, it was another link in the chain that would raise all the trash in this city from their pathetic, worthless state to something worth caring about.

Yes… The long, long chain to success.

Chinatsu rose to her feet, taking her guitar in one hand as she strode out. The daily address would be occurring quite soon. She would not allow herself to do any less then her best.

It would soon be time.


It was lunchtime at Sengoku High School. Members of the disciplinary committee patrolled the halls, sharp eyes on the lookout for any students who were doing anything aside from getting a meal. The food provided by the school was prepared by the Cooking Club. If you were loyal, you got a decent meal, club members got a better one. Club leaders got one that was even better… and members of the Student Council received an excellent, gourmet meal far beyond all of the others. In the President’s words, it was to set an example of what the truly loyal could obtain for themselves. After all, those in the Student Council were the most loyal to her in the entire school.

As for those on the “trash” level, well… the food they were provided with was edible? The cooking club had seemingly pulled out all the tops on making in the most unpleasant sludge possible. It was as if they had distilled the horribleness of all of the world’s worst restaurants into one perfect storm of absolute disgusting food, and yet prevented it from actually causing any harm to the students who consumed it. Of course, outside food was allowed, but this didn’t exactly make things better and there was even a steep fee for bringing it in, while the school lunches were free.

The President’s addresses always came directly after lunch, as well.

Of course, some students tried to take advantage of the relative peace of lunchtime to perform a bit of rebellion…

The boy grinned as he shook the spray paint can. This school was way, way too damn strict, and he… he…

Where had that shadow come from…?

Nervously, he turned around to see the form of one of the Disciplinary Committee’s finest.

“Uh… uh… uh…” he stared wide-eyed up at him. “… It… was a j-joke…?”

“Attempted defacement of school property… GO SEE THE HEAD!”

And with that, the huge Disciplinary Committee student’s hand latched out on wrapped around the boy’s hand. He had only a moment to let out a whimper before he was suddenly spun repeatedly, both the student’s arm and the boy blurring rapidly as the speed picked up further and further… before he was hurled high into the sky, rocketing through the air like he was the ball in some kind of incredibly violent sport. Screaming for his life, the boy rocketed higher and higher into the sky, carried above the cloud layer as the air rushed past him… before hurtling back downwards. In retrospect, this was quite a bit worse than the going up part.

The boy covered his face as he hurtled towards the ground. The roof of one of the school buildings was rapidly approaching, he was going to hit it…!

And then it opened. Well that was a relie-

There was a loud smash as the boy’s head was buried up to his neck in solid concrete, right outside the Disciplinary Committee’s office.


It had been the perfect damn plan. Eiko was pretty damn pleased with herself.

She rested her bat on her shoulder. Sneaking out during lunch… alright! The fighting was pretty hard to conduct during class time, but sneaking out during lunch was the perfect plan. Sure, she had small numbers, be she was pretty confident in herself. The plan was simple, take out the tanks guarding the school gate, break through the main defenses and take the President on right in the middle of her address! She’d wipe the smug look off that bitch’s face for sure! She leaned around the corner of one of the many smaller buildings surrounding Sengoku High School’s ground. They hadn’t spotted her or her gang sneaking out… Oh yeah, this was going to be awesome!

It was just a matter of watching and waiting for the right time. She glanced back. Sure, her gang was only six people… but they were pretty damn dedicated! … When they got here. They’d all said something about grabbing a bite to eat while they weren’t subjected to the School’s terrible “trash” food.

But they’d be here soon! Yeah!

… Hell, if they weren’t, Eiko would do it herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 24 days ago

"Illogical." Ray mumbled to himself despondently. Ray was torn, could he really try the Riemann Hypothesis today. It was said to be the hardest problem in the world, and he wanted to tackle it. Unfortunately, his brain kept reminding him that it would be illogical to try it. No matter how hard he tried, his brain would not let him work in the problem. Ray sighed, he knew he would have to try someday, he was considered a mathematical genius.

Ray took another bite of his lunch, for a Council Members and a Club Leader this food was amazing. He could not help but pity the delinquents, those who walked down the illogical path. Those who could not obey the rules of his school that the "choose" to attend. Ray could not help but laugh at the there predicament. While he enjoyed a 5-star level meal, the delinquents enjoyed food that was scraped of the side walk.

Logic is was governs our world, when you choose to go against logic, you always lose. Ray smiled, it was on of his own philosophys, one that he based his own life own. Delinquents choose to fight logic, so they lost, eating the food or the weak. Maybe on day, such ones will see the light. "Maybe." He mumbled to himself despondently.

Ray looked at the entrance to the cafeteria, the President was supposed to give a speech today. Ray sat upon the Student Council lunch table, which was not to far from the door. He picked at his food, things weren't going so well for the delinquents. The President was not in the best mood today, which was logical. Ray smiled, he felt bad for the delinquents, maybe he would pray for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eiyuu was certainly pleased that he had decided to be part of Sengoku's system by becoming the president of the video Game club. Yes, a meal was certainly the best company for a Street Fighter X Tekken match. Eiyuu had recently been hooked to that game. It wasn't good as many other games, that much was certain, but it at least had him entertained for a while. For a while, only though, as he looked at the screen and pressed buttons at an astonishing speed, his character was already unrivalled by anyone else, no matter what difficulty it was in. And he had just started it the day before that. Fighting games were short like that. Finishing yet another match of the Arcade mode before the rolling credits with a 'PERFECT' in his screen, he left his controller in the table and sighed. "How come things can get this boring this fast.... Hm.... I should get to fight someone in real life, I'm aching for it, now."

Being easily influenced by his games, Eiyuu was the type that just wanted to do what he had only recently done inside a game. Unfortunately, he was now aching for a fight, and he might be able to easily get one, given that the delinquents were aching for one. He might as well keep near the StuCo president, waiting for a fight to brew. Also, he might get to see her in a fight finally. Saying he was curious about what she could do would be an understatement.

Then, he decided to change the game and wait for the president to arrive. Today, he'll be near her, as much as he could, now that he knew a fight would come at any time. Having Juri's powers during a fight would be just great. And yes, he loved playing with women, even though sometimes his attires were less than pleasant to look at. "At least Juri's is a bit more decent. Last time as Ivy was not pretty, neither was it comforable..." He remembered the last time he fought with Soul Calibur in his controller. Never had he felt more uncomfortable in an attire, just because he used Ivy in his last fight.

And then, there was Io. Her lunch was that of the trash students, given that she just refused to be part of a system like that. It was just a bit too idiotic, to think that was for the best and to think trash would stop being trash just because she fed her that. That stuck up bitch that called herself the Student Council president. Hence, Io brought her own lunch, ignoring completely the student fee towards bringing their own lunch. Io just couldn't care less, and having someone arrive to tell her off didn't make her any happier. She was eating a lunch box that seemed to have been made in heaven and towering just as far. And she had already eating a fair part of it, and was still digging in on it. Someone would most probably arrive and tell her off.

If they can go past her Yakuza thugs, that is. Surrounded by her family, Io calmly ate her lunch, with a book in the table, which she was calmly reading. The thugs seemed to be tough as tough can be, and able to go toe to toe against the disciplinary committee. At least, in reduced numbers. Io continued on eating, her faithful katana resting by her side. Well, it seemed to be a slow day today. Somehow, it was boring. The most interesting thing around was her book, and the many attacks between her thugs and the committee members. It was amusing to see either of them fly away.

Before long, and unexpectedly, Io had finished her lunch. She pushed the box away from her, before bowing and saying in a quiet voice, "Gochisou-sama. It was... delicious.... as heck." She then stood up and took her katana with her. She wasn't in the mood to be hearing the ojou-sama's speech. It was a real pain in the ass. "Get out... of my way.... you bastards..." She said to the thugs from her family.

"Yes, jou-chan!" They said, before moving aside and making a path for Io, keeping anyone who'd come near her out of range.

"Don't.... call me that. Just... call me... Io. I... fucking hate that.... word now." She quietly said again, before walking through the path opened to her by her Yauza family and making her way out of the cafeteria. No, where could she go to pass some time?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ah, lunch. Normally the most looked forward too time for any normal high school student. Food, socializing, getting out of class and being able to generally do whatever for however long the lunch period was. She supposed she should look forward to it too - there was good food and socializing to be had...as long as you were one of those dumbasses on the student council or one of the morons that conformed to their idiotic rules. Those who didn't? Well, they were stuck with something that could hardly be called 'food'.

Thankfully, for one such student by the name of Seiko Yung, she had never really been one to eat healthily anyways. As long as it got rid of her stomach complaining about the lack of food, she didn't particularly watch her diet too much. Truthfully, she'd rather be working on one of her babies right now instead of being cooped up in here. TAK could always use a tune-up or test drive. It was always fun to ride up the wall of the school too, just to piss off a certain little girl that fancied herself a tyrannical empress. If only TAK could be successfully maneuvered inside of the school hallways...maybe she should put him on a diet and trim him down a bit...

Seiko sighed, bored as she finished eating. She wanted to do something fun, but what? Everything had started to get so...boring. She needed to up the ante a but. Do something new and exciting...but what? She should probably leave before little miss empress started her speech though, unless she wanted to end up on the receiving end of the disciplinary committee. On the other hand though...

"Now there's an idea." She giggled quietly to herself. She had always pissed off the Disciplinary committee, but she had never gone after the head girl herself. Now how, was the best way to insult her? She had heard someone once say, the greatest insult you can give to your enemy is to ignore them. Perhaps that saying held some truth to it.

As she thought, the girl noticeably giggled to herself, thinking of all the possible outcomes that could come of this. Today announcement, was going to certainly be fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 18 days ago

Into the cafeteria strode Ryuji Monshiro, grace and confidence rolling from her petite form in near-palpable waves. Behind her followed her intimidating and ever-loyal butler, Herman Hellsing, walking with his head held high, yet ever-wary of potential threats to his mistress. Students caught sight of the elegant, silver-haired girl, and many soon rushed to her side, each trying to gain her attention for one reason or another. Hellsing tensed, but did not discourage their advance. If Monshiro was perturbed in any way by the sudden crowd, she did not show it, as she calmly answered each of the calls for her attention one by one.

"Mon-sama, can I get your tray for you?"

"Oh, no thank you, I'll be retrieving my own tray today"

"Monshiro-sama, I saved a seat for you."

"Thank you, that is very kind, but I have business with the student council this hour."

"M-Mon-sama! Please marry me!"

"If you're serious, you'll ask my father, brother and elder sister for my hand."

The crowd began to thin, and Monshiro made her way to the serving line. Students ahead of her bowed out of the way, allowing her to quickly make her way to the front. The student serving meals was quite tall, and quickly noticed Hellsing, stood to Monshiro's right. The student gave an uneasy glance to the butler, who returned his gaze with his signature sinister gleam in his eye. The student swallowed, now apprehensive, but brought himself to speak to the terrifying man.

"H-Hellsing-san, are you here for Mon-sama's tray?"

Hellsing said nothing, but casted a gaze down to his left, and a loud voice cleared its throat. "Ahem, down here."

The serving student looked down over the glass partition to notice Monshiro, whose mere 142 centimeters of height barely brought her into his peripheral vision. "O-Oh! Mon-sama, sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"That's quite alright, no harm done."

"Here's your tray, we made sure you got something special today."

"You have my gratitude. Remind me of your name again?"

"Kumagi Mitsuru."

"I will not forget it."

With that, Monshiro departed the line with her tray, laden with various sweet pastries and fruits, and marched back toward the designated Student Council dining table, where she seated herself amiable in the middle. Hellsing stood behind her, still ever vigilant of the teeming numbers of students in the room. There seemed to be an unusually high number of unsavory types in the room for some reason, but Monshiro paid them little mind. She awaited the Student Council president's daily address, and the arrival of one Zaibatsumaru Ginko, a personage with whom she had business to discuss.


In one dilapidated corner of the cafeteria, crowded around a few pushed-together tables, sat the gang known as the Sheer Heart Attacks. White leather, shining golden accessories, slick pompadours and surly dispositions marked the members of the notorious group. Fresh-faced juniors fluttered about the perimeter of the gathering, blooded members stood shoulder to shoulder, leaned on walls, or sat around lackadaisically, and the seniors sat together at the core of the gathering, with their leader, the man known as Crazy Diamond, at the very center. Banter and chatter prevailed, with members passing around cigarettes, bits of horrifying school lunches, or whatever packaged food or home-cooked meals they managed to smuggle in. Other students kept their distance, even disciplinary members; the Sheer Heart Attacks weren't some upstart group, they had a reputation, and knew how to put the squeeze on people when needed.

Despite the chaos at the gathering, Yoshikage Kintaro was unusually still. He rested his head on his tented hands, deep in thought. He usually only showed up at school two or three times a week, but today was special. Near-on the whole gang was in attendance, and so they had their full forces available for... something. Kintaro had received a cryptic invitation that one girl, Eiko, a sukeban with a reputation rougher than Kintaro's own. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he was already apprehensive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 day ago

The school's resident perfect and elegant maid, as was the usual for her, located not in the cafeteria, but in a classroom, cheerfully sweeping away at the floor, leaving nothing but sparkling brilliance behind her. The walls, windows, desks... basically, everything in the entire room was clean enough to eat off of. From errant pencils to the ceiling itself. The same was true for every other classroom she had visited up to that point.

Chiaya made one final sweep, dust and dirt seemingly vanishing into the aether once it made contact with her broom, and the maid admired her handiwork proudly. As always, it was an honour to serve her delightful school, and free it from the grime and stains that dared attach itself to the wonderful building.
Glancing at a clock on the wall, she sighed to herself. Once again she'd gotten so absorbed in her wonderful work that lunch was nearing its' end. And the President had another speech to give. If nothing else, Chiaya shouldn't miss that.
Stepping out of the classroom, Chiaya strode swiftly towards the cafeteria, movement unhindered at all by her dress's many layers, or her twintails that seemed to encircle her body with every movement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Blair Crescendo thought himself a genius when it came to lunch. The cafeteria sucks at food, well his position meant that you it wasn't really food, something vaguely food shaped perhaps, Blair just called it the "not food", but bringing a fruit basket? Genius. I get food that doesn't taste like what the trash bag juice smells like, what could be better? Probably actual cooked food, but fruit is still nice. With his fruit basket in one hand Blair made his entrance, kicking the door open and announcing his presence with a short trumpet fanfare. Smiling broadly Blair heard a familiar giggle and saw the familiar back of the head and weaved his way towards them and gave them a hug.

“Heeeello Seiko. Would you like an apple? Or maybe aaaan… orange? Grapes? Maaango? Oh! How about a Pineapple? Those are pretty sweet.” pointing out each one as he named them Blair finally releasing her and sat down next to the older girl, making himself comfortable. “I think I'll have a mango. I haven't had one before, but I have heard good things about them.”

Taking a fruit knife carefully out of the basket Blair started peeling the mango, trying his best to keep the peel in a single piece. "How have you been, Seiko? Have you been having a good time? Making friends?" having successfully peeled the mango leaving the skin in one piece, coiled like a spring. Turning slightly to face Seiko with pride etched on Blair's face he announced.
"Success!... Mango's sure are sticky. Is there a proper way to eat a mango? Or do you just make a mess trying to eat it like an apple?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To one of the cafeteria's far corners lie a table akin to the ones you would find at some sort of banquet, but on a much smaller scale. It was here that the Science Club would conduct their meetings whilst eating. In addition to the various plates of food and cups filled with drinks, there were also several supplies relating to the club. Beakers of varying shapes and sizes; some filled with unknown liquids, Bunsen burners, thermometers and even a microscope.

The members were situated from the head of the table to the bottom of it, with the more prevalent members and rising stars of the club sitting closer to the head of the table, while the non-contributors and down-and-outs sat nearer to the bottom. The introduction of a hierarchy within the Science Club naturally put a slight animosity amongst some of its members.

Sat at the very head of the table was none other than the Science Club's president and Chair of Research and Development, Kaito. He never did feel obligation to sit at the Student Council's table very much; he saw the research and maintenance of the Science Club to be significantly more important than most of the affairs of the Student Council - unless of course they involved the Student Council President in some way. There was also the fact that there were quite a few Club Leaders sitting at the Student Council table. More than Kaito was happy with, anyway. He didn't like to consider most Club Presidents as a part of the Student Council. In his opinion, you had to be the chair of something, or you had to be an extremely useful Club President in order to be called a member of the Student Council.

Kaito had only started to eat before his attention shifted to someone attempting to speak to him; it was one of the non-contributors of the Science Club.

"Um, sir... We've recently discovered a few more things regarding pre-"

The non-contributor was hit in the face with an empty beaker, effectively knocking them out of their seat and silencing them. Kaito replied to the unfinished report.

"One, I'm eating, underachiever; don't speak to me. Two, we don't talk about that topic here. Wait until you go back to the science laboratory, then maybe I'll listen."

With the issue solved, Kaito continued to eat his meal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Tch, the food takes like shit. It's like they forgot to kill it before they cooked it." The red head said as he looked down at what was claimed to be food. The meatloaf that was served to him was stone gray and certainly as cold as a stone in a river of melted glacier water. The peas were orange and the carrots were green, emitting a smell that seemed more familiar with arsenic than actually food. He dipped his spoon into a bowl of mashed potatoes...or what really seemed to be more like an unknown substance that was far from food. Even though he hate the slop calmly like the man he was, he'd rather eat a bowl of nails without any milk than eat this imitation. To call it an imitation would be an insult to food that tried to imitate food. This was a plain fuck you to the students who weren't in the student council or a dog that followed all of these nonsensical strict rules imposed by the queen of this school.

He heard a squelching noise and Lloyd saw his meatloaf was beginning to crawl away from his try. It turned to look at him and it hissed at him before it kept moving on. "Oh hell no!" The Brit grabbed the living meatloaf creature and threw it against the wall with full force, causing the thing to splat against the wall all the way on the other side of the cafeteria, near the student council table. "Not even a man should be forced to eat that crap!"

Today was his first day in Sengoku High. He arrived in Japan from Britain only three days ago and was only just adjusting to his surroundings. As of now he was living with his godmother who got him into the school after he got kicked out of his old school for beating a thug into a blood stain. Coming into this school was certainly a shocker; it seemed more like a place to house monsters like him under the rule of a ruthless master. To call this a school wouldn't be accurate. It was more like a prison camp where only the ones who suck up the most get benefits. It wasn't like any school he'd been too before and by god he wasn't going to become a dog nor will he be treated lesser than a maggot.

Lloyd lit up a cigarette and leaned back in his seat, puffing out a ring of smoke from his lips. "God this is so boring. Somethings needs to happen!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Blair wrapped her in a quick hug, Seikos giggling promptly stopped. She let out a small yelp of surprise as he held her. She was really not ready to be hugged in such a fashion. In response, Seiko simply gave him a semi-annoyed glare followed by an annoyed huff. He was going on about fruits or something, offering her one. She wasn't hungry - she had already eaten all she wanted too of the mystery lunch served by the school. Though, she didn't even eat much of that. "Nah, I'm good Blair." She replied when he released her. He then went on to peel a mango and eat it, asking her about how she had been doing.

"Hah." She replied to his question about if she was making friends and how she was getting along with others. "That answer should be painfully obvious, genius." She grunted, resting an elbow on the table. "You know the only thing I do is mess with the student council. When I'm not doing that, I'm playing with TAK." To emphasize the point, she pulled black cube out of her pocket and held it in her hand. The item in question was smooth on all sides, like polished glass. The only feature on it was a suspicious looking red button, that seemed to just beg to be pressed by someone.

"But I can handle myself. The council's just a bunch of bullies and pushovers." She smugly snickered, somehow spinning the cube on her fingertip as though it was a basketball. "I am kinda bored though, So I'm thinking about doing something that's probably...just a tiny bit stupid." She snickered rather loudly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A Different Time...

The fires burned, their unnatural blue-purple colouring casting its self over the entire area. It'd take a long time for the labs to be completely repaired after this.

"Is there anyone left inside?" Sen Daiou had been part of the disciplinary committee from the day he first stepped through those gates, a no-nonsense and serious sort who fit the bill of a member perfectly. He'd seen all sorts of delinquents try to disrupt the delicate order set up by the Council, but this act of arson felt off. The Labs were, for the most part, an untouched part of the school by delinquents, mostly because they had nothing to gain from it. Certainly not worth an unusual blue-fire bombing. Not to mention the amount of trouble you could get into for it was not worth it.

"One! I-Ikusa Kikai. She was in Lab 7 when it went off." One of the evacuated bespectacled Science Club members. Sen quirked a brow, perpetual frown deepening somewhat.

Lab 7 was where the fire originated from, according to the security feeds.

"What was she doing in there?" The Disciplinary Committee member asked, keeping his hawkish eyes on the blue blaze in front of him - the bad feeling in his gut was not going away.

"Uhm...she was being rather secretive about the details, but she claimed to have been nearing a breakthrough in Zero Press-"

"Movement, Daiou-sempai!" One of the additional Committee members who he had brought with him barked, cutting off the Science Club member before he could elaborate further. Sen knew how that would end anyway, and the involvement of Zero Pressure only made the report that much difficult to write.

The dark silhouette of a person shambled through the flames towards the exit, unimpaired by the heat and fire. The fire seemed to move at its approach. Sen brought a hand down to his chosen weapon, the trusty combat knife.

It stepped out from the burning labs, the fire its self clinging to most of her body, an uncovered red eye staring forward madly at the evacuated Science Club members and the Committee response. She took a step forward. Sen raised his hand, stopping any action by the other Disciplinary Committee members under his command.

"Kikai-san?" Asked another one of the Science Club members, disbelief and awe in their voice. The girl, seemingly unaware at the inferno burning away on her body, looked towards the speaker, eye wide.

"Can you hear us, Ikusa Kikai-san?" Sen inquired, grip on the stowed away knife tightening; his bad feeling was coming from her. The response they got was a mutter, only a slight movement of the lips. Sen tilted his head, as if asking her to repeat.

"...It has to go..." The fires clinging to Ikusa intensified, even moving and taking shape on her. They almost started look like...arms?

The knife was already leaving its holster when the burning girl charged him, parrying a weapon seemingly made from the same blaze which burned around them, stopping it from hitting one of the Science Club members. He forced Ikusa back from their brief clash, each now-combatant landing a few feet away from one another - one in front of the Science Club members and the other in front of the burning labs. In that brief second, all the Disciplinary Committee members present had readied themselves for a fight.

"This is quite the act of delinquency, Ikusa Kikai-san..." He brought the knife into stance, light from the labs glinting off of its flat. "I hope you are ready to face the consequences."

The ungodly wail was her answer. She charged, six apparitions for arms following her.


The pain of the knife could be ignored. She had literally been through worse that day. It was the exhaustion which was killing her, feeling all of her energy drained from fighting, both outnumbered and out skilled by her encounter with the Disciplinary Committee. Not that it helped them in the end.

Shambling through the back alleys of Sengoku naked was not a smart decision, but it was the only one she had left. What she had learned in the labs... had to be forgotten. She was not use to anyone if she forced herself to forget, and the President would not allow her to forget if she stuck around. She had to find help for her condition and soon, if it wasn't the burns then the knife would have done her in eventually. There was only one place left for her to go...

A certain back alley doctor.


If you're going to do anything, do it with a smile; that is the current motto of one Ms. Kikai. Unfortunately for everyone else, Ikusa's idea of a smile appeared to be anything but friendly. It wasn't a huge thing, but it did a good job at showing teeth and adding to the whole 'dangerous' look going on with Ikusa, althought admittedly not as much of a contributor as the knife sticking out of her brow like it's no big deal or the mummy-like bandage work.

The cafeteria staff were on the other end of it as she went through the lunch-time motions. Even upon receiving the harmful-smelling waste that the cooking club managed to produce for her sorts, the smile did not waver. Even when finding a table all to herself (some students would rather stand than be near her, for whatever reason), and actually ingesting the 'food', Ikusa smiled. If you're going to do anything, including eating something which is so bad it could give Gordon Ramsay an aneurysm, do it with a smile. Not even a flinch out of Ikusa.

While the food was beyond awful, it was not actually doing any harm to her. Sustenance was sustenance after all, and delinquents made the choice to walk the hard path - that included less-than-ideal school lunches on top of fighting the power - and they had to accept it. And accept it she did, eating the food without any complaint. In fact, her lack of reaction to the sickening food frustrated some of the Cooking Club members, they had made it specifically to get a reaction out of the 'scum' after all. Tilting her head upwards, she let out a little hum, feet kicking under the chair joyously.

"I wonder what the President will talk about today."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It was around then that the school's intercom let out a brief, sharp sound as it was activated. The voice that spoke through the system was bubbly and cheerful, a voice that many students would be familiar with. The ultra-rich Zaibatsumaru, the ultra-terrifying Matsudira, the ultra-scientific Daichi, it was another name on their level, a member of the student council who was often heard long before she was seen. The happy tone in her voice was a bit misleading given the way she could treat her fellow students.

"All students, please drop what you are doing and immediately report to the Sengoku City stadium~" said the voice of Ito Akiko. The tiny, silver-haired head of both the cooking and baking clubs. There were nuances to both that deemed their separation, according to her. The sweet voice and sweet behavior she often sported was deeply misleading, given that not only was she in charge of the process that created the 'food' served to the 'trash', but she was reportedly potentially one of the most terrifying students in the school, along with several of the student council members. Just why was a mystery to most, but it was known that she could turn from as sweet as her cakes to viciously sarcastic in seconds. "Punctually, please! Any trash who do not wish to hear Hirayama Chinatsu-sama's magnificent address can face the consequences~"

The Sengoku High School Stadium was the site of the Student Council President's mass addresses. It was vast, placed just slightly behind and central to the school itself. The structure of the stadium ensured that no-one was unable to hear Hirayama's voice.


The announcement was loud enough for anyone to hear it, including those people on the outside. Eiko glanced behind herself. If her gang wasn't showing up now, they were going to be late and she was not in the mood for waiting... without any hesitation, she swung het bat forward and charge.

Take down the tanks and get right to the stadium. Eiko knew they wouldn't interrupt the address for this...

That's where the fun would begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

That overly bubbly voice didn't need to tell him twice. He was already getting out of the cafeteria out of the risk that some giant meatloaf monster would burst through the walls at any split second. Ain't nobody got time for that! Still, it was a matter of whether or not he actually wanted to go or not. If he went to hear the queen talk a whole lot about nothing then he'd just be wasting his life there, but if he didn't go then he could only imagine how severe the punishment would be if they served food that hissed at the consumer. Either way he really didn't know where the stadium was so he figured at least he could follow the students just so he could learn the format of the school grounds a bit better.

That's when he saw someone do something incredibly stupid; a girl with a baseball bat charged towards the tanks that guarded the stadium. He stood there with his arms folded. "A man must pick his own battles. She's picking a losing battle, but do I walk by like common bystander or do I help her...? Oh fuck it." Shrugging, he loosened his black tie and with stupendous speed he sprinted so fast that he caught up to her seconds flat.

"Ello love, care for help?" His yellow eyes seemed to glow dimly as his 'Aura of a Man' through every fiber of his body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Blair enjoyed Seiko. She was fun and had a robot motorbike which to his positive mind was pretty much the coolest thing ever. Sure she could be a tiny bit snarky, but Blair never held that against her, he didn't tend hold anything against anyone really. While listening to Seiko Blair finished off his mango Hmmm, not as good as I was told. That disappointing. refocusing on Seiko he saw her take out little black box with a big, red, button on it. Grabbing a napkin to clean his fingers Blair watched the small box rotate on the tip of Seiko's finger. It looked like it was important and Blair would be lying to himself if he didn't find it tempting to try and push the button. But the box wasn't his so pulling himself together Blair put an arm around Seiko's shoulder and said.

"That doesn't sound like you Seiko, I don't think you would do anything particularly stupid. You are far too clever for that. So if you are doing it, it must not be stupid at all." letting go of Seiko, Blair was about to continue when intercom activated.

"All students, please drop what you are doing and immediately report to the Sengoku City stadium~" Ito! Maybe she would like some fruit. She's good with food."Punctually, please! Any trash who does not wish to hear Hirayama Chinatsu-sama's magnificent address can face the consequences~"

As the intercom message faded into the air a stray thought went through Blair's head I should ask someone if I can get in that intercom room one day... that would be fun. I could make music all over the school! turning to Seiko, Blair tried to put on his best 'serious gentleman' face and asked

"May I accompany the lovely Lady Seiko to the stadium where she can find the 'bunch of bullies and pushovers'?" And then he cracked. He couldn't do it. Blair doubled over trying to suppress his laughter and managing to only bring tears to his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, I-I just can't hold such a straight face." catching his breath Blair stood up and picked up his fruit basket "Well we should still probably go. I'm gonna bring the fruit basket. Maybe Hirayama Chinatsu-sama would like a pineapple. It looks a bit like a crown, sorta, is kinda royal and I suppose she's kinda school royalty. Who knows? She might even smile and not a patronizing or condescending smile... what? I can dream. Or at least delude my self."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 day ago

Her meal, while not gourmet, was still enough to make her fellow club members jealous. Some, in the past, had accused Chika of 'gaming the system', but she had made sure she was well within the rules. She had joined the Literature Club in her first year but had found its purpose laughable. Who CARED about READING books, Chika was more concerned with the words contained within them. Her fellow Literature Club members were more content with reading terrible books about...about silly supernatural things; and not even a single book by Fumiko Ishiguro, or ANY of the Ishiguro women. For shame. So of course Chika, after thoroughly researching the topic, formed the Etymology Club, a club devoted to words. There was crossover from the Literature Club which was why Chika was still technically a member, a ghost member for the most part, but it helped facilitate goodwill.

Either way, Chika was now entitled to a superior lunch so her plan had come together wonderfully.

Today's meal of choice was a rather salmon-pink looking dish served with a garnish of basil and eaten cold. Chika did so love her foreign cuisine, it made her feel so...fancy. And it afforded her a chance to stretch her vocabulary. Which was Chika's method of showing off.

"This is a salmon terrine, thanks for asking," No one had asked her, Chika was just speaking to the very clearly uninterested members of the club, "You might have assumed as such, being as you're all not single minded prehistoric troglodytes still confused by the concept of something as incandescent as a blazing inferno, but terrine is French, as is the dish in question. Terrine comes from the French word 'terrin' which means 'earthen' which, right around the eighteenth century, turned into 'terrine' or 'earthenware pot' to now having its culinary definition. Though I'm almost positive you don't make a terrine with a terrine!" Chika laughed at what she thought was a very clever play on words.

The others at her table laughed once they were aware a joke was made and they didn't want to face the wrath of Chika. Being scolded was one thing, but more than a handful of people at Chika's table would happily take being flung to the disciplinary office than listen to Chika's scolding lectures.

"Now then, where was I-" Chika, as she often was when she got onto her favorite topic, was cut off by the announcement. Though Chika would never say as much, Chinatsu-sama was the only one Chika would consider a worthy word rival, simply because of Chinatsu-sama's ability to hold the attention of a school. Granted, that was her position, but Chika was often impressed at that position. Not always in the selection of words, but then Chika was always fond of using the longer, more important words.

Regardless of personal thoughts, Chika, like the other attentive students, made for the Stadium. She tapped at the book clipped to her waist and the scroll of paper on her left...how easy it would be to avoid the traffic of student bodies...all she would have to do was 'levitate' or maybe even 'teleport'. No...teleporting could very well land her in the next city over for how well she could use that particular word.

Ho-hum, just a flight of fancy. Chika would shuffle along with the rest of them, but she was going to be getting a seat close enough to read lips. It helped in the study of words, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All right! Time for the every day speech of their dear president Chinatsu! Yaaaay.... Not really. Eiyuu lifted himself from the seat he was in and let out a heavy sigh. He ached for a fight, yes, but why the hell should they go all the way to the stadium!? It was a waste of time and resources, why couldn't she give her speech through the intercoms? Well, nothing he could do about it, honest. He preferred eating like a king while he played rather than defying the girl that called herself the 'Queen' of the school. Or at least, that's how Eiyuu saw her. Welp, he'd better hurry before they thought of him as a traitor. The disciplinary committee and just about anyone in general were so paranoid that they thought being late was an act of defiance.

He took his controller from the table and started walking towards the stadium. Or he would have done so, had it not been for his butter fingers that made his controller slip from his hands and him throwing himself to the ground to catch it. It almost seemed as if he was going in slow motion as he flew to catch the controller that slipped from his hands. "Noooo!" Sounding way more fired up than most times, upon catching the controller mid air, he rolled through the ground and kept it tightly against himself.

He then stood up and let out a relieved sigh when he saw that his controller had no major damage on it. Well, it was a relief. The first one was (probably) really expensive. He took good care of it, regardless, as there was no visible dent on it, as well as no kind of damage to the paint of it in the buttons. It was hard to tell whether it was used a lot or not. Regardless, Eiyuu decided to store it in the special pack inside his jacket that was somewhat of a norm in the video game club. That way, everyone would be able to carry their own controllers everywhere with them.

Eiyuu made his way to the stadium along with everyone else. "My, I hope the speech is as impressing as always. Well, knowing Chinatsu...-sama, I'm pretty sure it will, anyhow." He said, to whoever was standing beside him. He didn't really care for some small talk, it'd help him get things off his head, since he couldn't use his controller anyway. Last time, someone threatened him to stick something up his you-know-what.

As many others, Io had already made her way outside, followed by her extremely big gang of Yakuza thugs. She made her way towards the stadium, but of course, 'trash', like her wasn't the type to be in those kinds of things. Besides, watching the whole speech with that bitch Chinatsu would merely piss her off. Then, she decided to go watch it through the panorama view of the school, though she had to live her gang in there. Maybe if they made a circle in which the center could be hardly seen, people would actually think that Io was still there.

"Bastards... get around me....!" She ordered them and they did just as they were ordered to. Surrounding her, Io was soon out of sight from everyone else, or maybe someone could see her head full of straight black hair if they got in their tiptoes perhaps. Regardless, Io took her katana out of its sheath and slashed the floor below her, using her ability and stepping into the rift she just created. She couldn't care less about what the disciplinary guys had to say about it, to be honest, and it wasn't as if anyone could see what she had done anyway.

She soon jumped out and was now in the rooftop. "Perfect...." She simply said, before settling down there, while hugging her katana, to watch everything from a hawk's point of view. It should be more entertaining and she would be able to jump faster into action if she could see everything from there. She hoped, at the very least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aw, now there wasn't any time to eat. How tragic. Oh well, the announcement was far more important than a single meal, and Chiaya's stride did not falter as she re-routed to her new destination, throngs of students quickly joining her as they rightfully made their way to the stadium.
It was good to see so many of them behaving. Subservience to Sengoku was absolutely mandatory in one's life, if they wished to enjoy it. Unfortunately, there were a few undesirables that refused to acknowledge the blessing of being a student at this wonderful school, but fine. Let them make that silly mistake. They would be crushed by the strong.

...Speaking of undesirables, Chiaya noted a bat-wielding girl rushing towards the tanks, closely followed by red-headed boy. How unbelievably foolish of them. The maid considered letting them get inevitably crushed, either by the tanks - or the disciplinary committee, because whatever they planned on doing, it sure as hell wouldn't work.

Still, as a devoted member of Sengoku, she should probably make sure those two didn't get too... rowdy.

The perfect maid strode at her usual, relaxed pace towards them. An elegant servant would never run, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Absul prowled the tables of the cafeteria. It was the easiest way to describe what he was doing. Hand on Yotō-hō, posture stock straight and his gait nothing less than the practised step of a military man, Absul breathed in the air gently. He could smell the delinquency that radiated from parts of the room. Namely from the group known as the “Sheer Heart Attacks”. Absul’s tongue played with the lip ring as he moved slowly and with methodical practice. Hushed whispers from the tables he walked by ushered his movements. Everyone knew about Absul’s ‘sense’, and his ruthless loyalty to both his Committee Head and the President.

“Quiet, The Hound is close” came a gentle whisper of fear from a group that bordered on delinquency. Absul’s piercing emerald eyes shot towards the group. His thumb pressed gently against the tsuba of his blade, the sharp sound of the blade unsheathing was enough to silence the whispering delinquents. Absul looked up to the table that held the Science Club, the raven haired man giving a short nod to the Club Head before continuing on his patrol. Absul liked things to exist in black and white, of the student council few saw this; but in Kaito, Ray and his own Club Head…he had found men that shared his need and compulsion for order. Absul’s fingers began to tap against his blades tsuka, a simply repetitive thrumming. One two three four one two three four. The pattern engrained in his mind, the sound of a metronome.

As the PA system blared to life, Absul’s mind wrenched. He could feel a large pull out of the cafeteria and towards the Stadium. He closed his eyes slowly, the blackness that hid behind his eyelids igniting with his read of the land. Delinquents blazed in the blackness as thick red pillars of flame. Loyalists were bright blue pillars of light. The rest in between, the Trash, were weak lights of varying colours. Absul saw to gouts of flames moving towards the brightest blue light. The president. Absul bit his tongue, copper washing over his taste buds before he gripped his katana and shot out of the cafeteria. He was pulled towards what seemed like a coming fight. He arrived quickly before a girl with a baseball bat and a red headed man.

Unsheathing Yotō-hō, Absul stood before the two. He pointed his blade at them and gave a short smile “Fujikowa Eiko, Lloyd Cumberbatch” he said gently, his voice soft as the wind slowly began to pick up “I suggest you rethink this course of action” he fell into a simple fighting stance, an index and middle finger wiping slowly up the blade before he held it in front of him “I will not be held responsible for any injuries or death.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Some members of the Science Club had began to tend to the knocked-out member which had been previously hit with a beaker. There was a small crack on the beaker, alluding to just how hard Kaito had thrown it - and by extension, how annoyed bothered he was by the non-contributor's comment. Around this time, the head of the Science Club was just about to finish his meal when he heard an announcement from the school intercom. Interestingly enough, he had input in the creation of the intercom, and proposed the placement of the various speakers which ensured that everyone would hear the announcements from it without fail.

"All students, please drop what you are doing and immediately report to the Sengoku City stadium~"

Kaito cringed at the announcement, recognizing the voice of the speaker almost immediately. Kaito had a very select few members of the Student Council which he did not like to associate himself with. Ito Akiko was one of these people. The two have had their fair share of arguments riddled with intense snarkiness and extreme sarcasm, the topics of the arguments regarding things which were completely trivial and irrelevant - something which he would very much like to avoid this time around. The boy snapped his fingers, and the members of the Science Club stood up in unison - save for the one who was still on the ground, but the other members of the club assisted him in him standing up. Before leaving, Kaito did notice the greeting from the Chief Enforcer, and naturally returned it with the same conduct.

Together, the Science Club began to make their way toward the stadium alongside the other students.

Slightly later...

Under most circumstances, Kaito would be on the technical side of the stadium, working with the lighting and special effects, although there was never really a chance to use those special effects. However, this job was recently handed over to a different member of the Student Council as a way of "proving" themselves. This didn't stop Kaito from avoiding sitting with the lesser students of the school, and he instead opted to sit further to the back of the stadium's stage. Perhaps he was supposed to sit on the stage, but at the far back? He wasn't actually sure. He preferred his current seat regardless.

It was at this point that at least two delinquents appeared to be heading toward the stage. Kaito did nothing; he could see that Absul had already made his move on the disruptive students, not to mention the tanks which also guarded the stadium. But, if they were somehow able to pass Absul, or any more delinquents decided to involve themselves in this act of defiance, Kaito would surely enter the fray as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As more and more students filtered into Sengoku High School's stadium, it became quite apparent just how vast the student body of the school was. There were no empty seats, and some students had to sit on the floor, even with how massive the stadium was. It stood to reason, all students of high school age attended Sengoku. Shortly after Chinatsu had taken her place as the Student Council President, every other high school in Sengoku suffered a swift and violent end, their faculty and students absorbed into the monolithic educational facility. All students of Sengoku High School were expected to follow Chinatsu's iron-clad rule. All students were expected to show loyalty and a respect for order.

All students were expected to strive for nothing less than excellence. The President held herself to only the highest of standards and expected all students to follow suit.

Down, far below the highest seat in the stadium, there was a tall, vast spire with a long walkway that extended from its base. The top of the spire was a large, round room, high above even the tallest portion of the rest of the school. This was where the student council met to discuss matters. Far below, at the base of the tower, the walkway led to the stage. Seats for each of the student council members were present, but there was none for the President. For the president, there was only a microphone.

Hirayama Chinatsu did not sit during her addresses. With the stadium's design, the eye would always be draw to that stage. To the President herself. The student council members were not required to make themselves present on the stage, but one already had. The silver-haired form of the tiny Ito Akiko swiftly hopped atop her seat, a bright pink bench covered in stuffed animals, and laid on her side, supporting her head on her hand with a cheery smile.

The other seats were mostly the same, though one was shaped strangely like the symbol for yen.

It would be only a few moments until the President began her address.


The barrels of the various tanks turned to aim at Eiko as she charged. This'd be a whole lot easier if she had her gang with her... but she could do it! These tanks were nothing! She glanced away from her charge to notice some redheaded guy offering some help, as she brought her bat down on the first of the vehicles, seconds before it could fire. There was a resounding crunch as the metal dented inwards and fractured, critical systems crippled as the front of the vehicle slammed into the concrete. The impact forced it further, and with a crashing sound a crater formed under the spot the tank had been struck in. Eiko hopped on top of it, grinning, and looked over her shoulder at the guy who had come out to help.

"Sure! My buddies are late anyway!" she said cheerfully, as the other tanks swiftly attempted to train their barrels on her. Of course, her cheer was cut short when one of the school's disciplinary officers showed up. Well damn, it was one of the more notorious ones too! Gaah, she didn't have time for something like this! Eiko had to cut her path right to the President and crash her address!

"Like hell I'd come quietly!" she snapped. The girl glanced towards one of the tanks. It was getting ready to fire... "You're wasting-"

The tank fired, the shell erupting from the barrel with a crack. As it hurtled towards Eiko, she drew her bat back and smacked the shell. It spiraled off course, hurtling towards Absul! "-My time!"


Meanwhile, though commotion could definitely be heard, students were being strongly encouraged to come to the address and ignore it.

This one must have been important.
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