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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Shit." Mikkish said, approaching the shattered window. Before he reached it, however, a knock came to the door. He was in trouble.

"Fuck!" Mikkish barked, but in a hushed voice. He turned to Leon "Hey it your gun, and considering we're on a school campus I would say you're in as bad a situation as me right now. I'm just sayin. I mean, do what you want, but I'm outta here." And with that, Mikkish knocked away the glass shards that might cut him, and jumped to the other side of the window, still clutching the the windowsill from the outside to stop from falling. He looked to see if there was anything he could grab onto to climb down safely, when he saw David's bleeding body laying in the grass.

"SHIT!!" Mikkish yelled, his fingers slipping from the shock, not of having killed a person, but of knowing he was probably in big trouble. Luckily (or maybe not) for Mikkish, he hit tree branches on the way down, which hurt, and the branches snapped, but it broke his fall enough so he didn't break any limbs. He did, however, twist his ankle when he hit the ground, so when he finally landed on the grass, he knelt on his knees, moaning with pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 19 days ago

after Mikkish jumped out the window Leon picked up his gun, put it back on the desk, and got up to see who was at the door. when he opened it he saw finley standing there "Hi, Finley"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Erin got up and looked out the door to the sight of a girl standing in the hallway, 'Is she our roommate or theirs' she thought to herself as she peeked around the corner watching for what happened next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Hey!" One of the students standing near David's collapsed body said, pointing at Mikkish "That's the guy who shot this dude." Immediately, several students speed dashed into Mikkish, holding him down, though its not like they needed to. He wasn't getting anywhere with his ankle out of shape.

They pinned him to the ground and started beating him. Their bare fists felt like blows from a baseball bat. Could it be they had magic similar to what Mikkish had?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Young Gun
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David slammed his fist into the grass his body shifting as he pushed himself off the ground, crimson leaking from his forehead.
The bullet that had hit him fell to the ground from split in his skull it had made. The bullet's top top smashed in……no doubt by David’s wonderfully hard forehead.

He staggered to his feet.

"Wow....." He said his voice trailing off as he stumbled left and right. "That fly hit way....way....harder then my daddy does."

He down again to a knee. "Owie."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Remliel saw the new girl and gave her a wave, right before exiting the room to check out the commotion. Just a moment ago, she and pretty much everyone else had heard a gunshot ring through the dorm, followed shortly by shouts and the sound of a mob.

"Now what in the name of the Aeons is going on here," she muttered. Looking down towards the sound of the mob. There, she saw several students ganging up on a single dude.

"Oh hey now, that ain't fair!" she shouted outloud. She jumped straight down from her floor, no magic augmentation at all, and landed with a dull thud, looking completely fine, if a little excited and a bit annoyed. "No ganging up on one person! If you're going to beat him up do it fair and square!"

If they complied, she would leave them alone and probably ask why they were mugging him, if they refused, she would start a brawl right then and there. She was hoping they would say 'no'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"What?" One of the students said, seeing this guy that had just got shot in the head...get up right off the ground and start talking like he was fine "Hey man, are you okay?" One asked, while the others let go of Mikkish.

As the students suddenly shifted their attention to the amazing David, Mikkish used what little healing magic he knew to fix his ankle. Small, faint ribbons of pink light swarmed his ankle, until the pain diminished significantly.

The students meanwhile ignored Remliel. They were too amazed and concerned by what happened to David.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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Remliel's eyelid twitched in irritation. Okay, so they'd chosen a third option. That was fine and dandy and all, but it got on her damn nerves.

Still, now there was no reason to start a fight, and Remliel had built up all this steam for nothing. Grumbling, she approached Mikkish. "Oi, you okay?" she said, grabbing his arm and hefting up while supporting him. "Looks like you've got your ankle fixed all right. Was that healing magic?" she asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Yeah, that was healing magic..." Mikkish said to the girl that approached him, yet stared at the guy who pointed him out with a vengeful glare "And this is ass kicking magic." He said, speed dashing at the guy, and punching him with so much force, it dislocated his shoulder. Mikkish' attack came out of nowhere, and the kid who caused the mob to attack Mikkish didn't know what hit him, even now that he was on the ground, yelling with pain about what Mikkish just did.

But before Mikkish took the time to brag, or call the kid a princess, a pussyshit, or some other form of vulgar insult, he couldn't help but wonder...how the fuck was David now standing there, after being shot in the head?

"Are you for real, dude?" Mikkish was truly beginning to wonder what the deal was with David. A super strength retard? Well yeah, how else could a retard get into a college like this one? The guy didn't look very muscular. It was obviously magic. But carrying a tiger around...and surviving a bullet to the head? Unreal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Hey, what the fuck? You just hit Pete!" A girl yelled at Remliel, blaming Rem for what Mikkish had just done. Looks like the others were too dumb to notice it had been Mikkish, as the rest of the group began to approach Remliel menacingly. How dare she hurt their friend?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Remliel was busy looking at Mikkish, her mouth slightly open. That . . . that cheating bastard! She wanted to do that! And she even made sure there would be a reason for it and all that crap, that way, no one would be able to blame her! Then this guy just ups and punches someone, and . . .

Wait . . .

It was at this moment that Remliel realized that the mob was now glowering at her, looking considerably angry. Oh you've got to be kidding me, she thought, then she decided, 'whatever, it's better than nothing' and gave a cheeky smile. "And if I did hit him? What're you guys gonna do about it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Finley half-smiled at Leon, "Oh, Hi Leon. I was going to my room when I heard a gun fire. Is everything okay?" Finley let the flames slowly die and her fists released and softly rested at her sides. Just as the words came from her mouth the noisy commotion coming from the broken window behind Leon caught her attention. What was going on down there? It sounded like fighting and yelling- oh great more fights. Finley looked back to Leon with her ocean blue eyes softly, "I didn't mean to be nosey, just concerned," Finley said with a small shrug of her narrow shoulders and a gentle smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Young Gun
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Young Gun

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David nodded at Mikkish wiping his bloody head with his bare forearm. “Yeah I think I’m pretty real.” He said. “I thiiiiiiink.” He frowned. "It sure would be weird if I wasn't real!"

David groaned, pain shooting through his head, that bullet had done its best to give his rock like a head a fracture.....whatever a fracture was but smart people in white coats used it.

"What kinda fly hit me?" David asked.

"It wasn't a fly you moron, you were fucking shot. I shouldn't of warned you either in fact I should of told you to open your fucking mouth and let your brains explode."

"Well that's not very nice Junior." David seemingly talking to nobody.

"Of course its not nice I'm a fucking demon!

"OMG!" David said. "Just like OMG! That is the CUUUUUUUUUUTEST NICKNAME LIKE EVEEEEEEER! David and demon! Daemon can be our official couple name."

Our what!?

"I don't know but I know people really like fusing the names of people when they like each other like mommy's and daddy's do." David looked at Mikkish after speaking to Junior.

"But yeah I'm pretty real." He looked over at Remliel. "Mikkish! The mean girl who yelled at me earlier is in trouble...." David knew....David knew this was the chance to prove himself.

"I'm gonna save her." David said.

He'd need to consult Junior for this.

"What should I do?" David asked.

Why do you even care?

"Well she'll probably be nice to me if I save her." David said. "I like it when girls are nice to me."

"Oh well then I have the perfect idea.

David beamed. “Really?”

“Oh yeah.” Junior said and relayed the idea to his host.

“Junior.” David said. “That is genius!”

“Isn’t it? Muahahahhaha, its fan-fuckingtastic!”

David gave one last glance at the angry mob before leaving for exactly several seconds disappearing before he returned…….
His face still bloody, his skin pale and a look of excitement in his eyes as he suddenly reappeared he smiled at the arguing group.
David was dragging along a now partially dented pickup truck with its windows shattered, the metal of the truck screeching across the ground sparking flying in various directions.

"Hey!" David woozily called to Rem and he strained for a moment but with a massive snap of his left arm he sent the truck tumbling towards the mob....Rem included.

Unlike the bus it didn't soar through the air but flipped and rolled like a destructive soccer ball.....a soccer ball that weighed as much as a truck and looked like a truck!

"Okay!" David called. "That's not a bus so that should be A-OKAY!" He said giving a thumbs up, watching it go hoping he did good.....he knew he did GOOD!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Remliel was getting ready for a nice little scrap, when something big, heavy and made of steel came flying at her. Seeing the truck coming at her, she gave a small panicked yelp, right before grabbing the vehicle at the center and lifting it above her. Her grip caused the metal to bend around her fingers like tin foil.

A strong sense of deja vu flashed through her eyes as she looked for the idiot that threw the thing at her. "You again!?" she snarled, facing the most likely perpetrator. "So ruining one fight wasn't enough, now you have to go and ruin mine?! Well fuck you too!"

With that, she hefted the truck up, found a better grip, and ripped it right in half before tossing both halves towards David!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-as i dropped down from the bus i was hanging on to i roll from under the bus and walked into the academy-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Leon Adjusted his eye patch and lightly smiled back at Finley "yeah, everything's fine here, Mikkish was checking out my gun and accidentally fired it out the window" he indicated the broken window "then he heard you knock and jumped out the window, then all that commotion started"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Finley bit her lip and looked away, "Oh- umm- I didn't mean to startle him," Finley stated in a softer then normal voice, almost in a whispering tone. She looked over to the door to her room.

"What model of gun do you have? I prefer a sniper, I'm not very good at accurately hitting close targets."

Finley loved the compacted sniper in her backpack- even of it wasn't useful in close contact it was stealthy and deadly when used correctly. Finley heard metal tumbling outside an hoped everyone was okay, the last thing they needed was to attract even more unwanted attention on their first day here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Leon thought of his revolver as Finley asked about it, like his rapier is was a bit ornate and a little worn from use "just an old Remington, it's not much but it works" when he heard crashing metal he looked at the window 'is that kid throwing cars again?' he thought
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Finley nodded and smiled softly, "Maybe one day we can go target shooting," Finley said in a friendly tone before turning to go toward her room once again. She walked into the room to see some of her roommates were already there. She threw her bag on an empty bed before climbing onto the clean sheets and starting to pull out The parts to her sniper, cleaning them with a red cloth she took from her home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Smiling, Leon said "Yeah, maybe" he closed the door after Finley left to her room. sighing, he laid back down on the bed and passed out as he had only had a little sleep in the past few day before getting to the academy.
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