Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mike Schmidt "Mikey"

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Equipment: Mike usually wears an special, bullet and magic-proof nightguard suit, allowing him to take many hits to the chest and not get gravely injured. He usually carries a shotgun, infused with EMP tech which allows to shock and paralyze the animatronic. For melee he also uses a special baton that can shock and paralyze an opponent, and a steel bat for emergency instances.

Personality: Mike can be a hard-ass at times, especially towards newer members. Usually he would bark out orders and insult them while in training, just like an general would be (though never hits them). He is known to have a deep hatred of the animatronics. Yet despite his negative attitude, he does care for every single one of the members. He really means good, as he doesn't want to see any of his teammates die. He is also known to cuss a lot.

History: Mike Schmidt is one of the oldest and most experienced officers in the NightGuard Division. Yet before his time as a NightGuard defender, he was just simply a regular ol'e NightGuard. At the age of 18, in 1994, he got his first job at the now infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, specifically at their third location (After Fredbear's Diner and the first AND second Fazbear building). Mike was only desperate for some money as he was kicked out straight at the age of 18 and was forced to rent a crappy apartment building. Right after his first night there, with the animatronics turning into their human counterparts and attempting to turn Mike into one of them, he knew that he had made a pretty bad career choice. Yet he decided to go on for 4 for days, plus a 6th night, and had managed to survive each night, until quitting the job. It was "the most horrifying experience in my life!" Mike quotes.

He thought that he would never have to seem them again... or so he thought. 2 years later, the Animatronics had broken free of their metal suits and became perfectly organic humans with strange yet magical powers. They began to terrify the citizens of the city each night! Mike was unfortunately one of those people who had encountered one of the animatronics, most specifically the purple bunny, Bonnie. Bonnie pounced on the defenseless mike, ripping some flesh from his right shoulder and chest. Yet before the animatronic could do more damage, he was driven off by the leader of the newly formed Nightguard Division. After taking him to the hospital, the leader, who is known simply as "the Phone Guy", asked Mike if he wanted to join the Division after he recovered. At first he refused, but after some deep persuasion he finally accepted the offer. Mike has been in the Division for around 20 years, and is currently a Senior Officer.

Voice (Warning: LOTS of cussing):


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Bridget Winston
Age: 35
Sex: Female
-A special version of the uniform's hat that seems to send shocks to Bridget's brain. A preventative measure because of something insidious, but it is also thought to be Bridget's punishment for breaking rules now and again.
-Shoes that help her run faster than normal, and have very good traction
-A baton that also can shock and paralyze someone, for close quarters combat.
-A pistol that is infused with fire magic for distant combat.
Personality: Rash, and brash. Sometimes she breaks the rules if she thinks that they're stupid rules in the first place (in a sense, chaotic). She also always seems angry, pessimistic, and sarcastic. However, despite her shortcomings, she is nice to people she considers as her friends, and is quite loyal to those she trusts. She is the kind of person who wouldn't just let some random kid get killed or cursed by a damn animatronic either. She will also never give up. She also likes to make puns once in a while.
History/Reason in Joining:

Bridget was just an ordinary child who lived a normal and stable life. Her father was always gone when she was younger, but she always figured that he would come back considering that he was always away because of his job. However, her life takes a dark turn at her seventh birthday party at a pizzeria with walking animatronics. She got too close to one of the animatronics, and tragedy struck.

Bridget woke up to find herself in the hospital, with no memory of the incident. The doctors were amazed that Bridget had managed to survive, and not fall into a coma. Her mother told her that she had been in an accident and her frontal lobe had been damaged, but when Bridget tried to ask about what exactly happened during the accident, her mother never answered her. Bridget was soon discharged and was allowed to try and go back to an ordinary life.

Due to the fact that Bridget's frontal lobe had been affected (to say the least) by the incident), Bridget found that her memory was worse then before the incident, and others had noticed that she became much more impulsive and had a hard time planning long term. Some of the other students started to tease her for being 'stupid' and 'brain-damaged', and whatever friends she had had distanced themselves from her. Her life was generally hell, and there were times where she felt as though she wanted to actually murder the bullies in their sleep, but she never followed through on that impulse. Her middle school and high school years had allowed Bridget to learn how to fight, and she committed misdemeanors such as shoplifting.

During Bridget's college years, things somewhat got better. She managed to get into a good college despite her difficulties, and she met a nice guy named Sam, who soon later became her boyfriend. The two grew close with each other as Sam helped her with her studies, and she helped him stand up for himself (he was a bit of a doormat when she first met him). However, she desperately needed money, and so she ended up working at the old pizzeria as a security guard at some point. However, after finding out that she had to guard herself against killer animatronics she wanted to quit, but didn't since she needed the money.

After five nights, life again, went back to normal. However, it was after one night after coming home from work. While Sam and Bridget were walking home, the human animatronics attacked the both of them. Bridget and Sam tried to fight them off and run away from them as best as they could. However, Sam took the killing blow that was meant for Bridget. After Sam shielded her from the attack, the night guards came and the animatronics ran off. Bridget and Sam were sent to the hospital.

Bridget was alright...but Sam had died upon arrival.

Bridget and her mother attended Sam's funeral, and Bridget was the last one to stay at his grave. There, she was met with the Phone Guy. The Phone Guy offered her a position in the Night Guards, and offered her a chance to avenge Sam. Bridget only gave the offer some minutes of thought before answering that she'll join, even if the chance of finding and taking down the animatronic responsible for Sam's death was slim.

She has been in the Night Guards for about five years. She's not a newbie but she is not a senior officer. She takes her job at the Night Guards seriously, despite penalized now and again for not following protocol sometimes.

Theme Song-No More. Her boyfriend came with this song for her after she told him that she felt as though somebody was trying to get into her head (despite that she thought that her boyfriend would laugh at her for thinking such a ridiculous thing). She often sings this when alone, to help herself and in memory of her boyfriend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Terror, Thomas Johnson

Appearance: A large man that wears black. Black leather jacket, black boots, black jeans, e.c.t. When the chips are down he will remove his jacket, revealing powerfully built arms....and everything else. Terror stands at 6'3 and what skin is visible is deathly pale. Finally you never see his face, instead there is a black leather mask that hugs his face tightly. Two white discs are the only apparent eyes and a zipper runs vertically from the middle of the face, chin to forehead.

Sex: Male

Class: Nightmare

-Great strength, Terror is far stronger than any human could ever hope to be.
-Healing, if given enough time time Terror can heal from almost any wound.
-Intimidating Presence, an illusion that greatly increases Terror's already great size and fills one with dread.

Personality: A consummate professional in a lot of respects. Terror takes no particular pleasure in his role, instead he moves forward with grim determination and the notion that this is "just a job." However he does love a good fight, getting excited at the prospect of either killing a worthy opponent or getting killed himself.

History: Thomas was never a great kid. He would never actually do anything bad but it was apparent that he did not like other people. As the child grew older he became much more withdrawn even as he was surrounded by others, instead focusing more on himself than anyone else. As a result when he graduated high school, Thomas knew more about himself and what he wanted more than many kids his age.

However his personality blocked off many job opportunities, he was too scary or too negative. So when a night guard position opened up at a local "fun house" and the bills starts to pile up he did really have a choice. At first it was all right, watch the animatronics and the surrounding area. Then things got weird right about the time as the murders. Needless to say he didn't need the job that badly.

Sadly shortly after he met his end. Walking home he had the misfortune of having a knife lodged into his neck. As he lay bleeding on the ground Thomas heard words. They didn't make sense but nor where they any language he had heard but he recognized who was saying them. It was HIM, but who "him" was was forgotten when Thomas died and Terror awoke.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Bonnie; "Bradley Rider"

Sex: Male

Class: Regular

Powers: Bonnie is incredibly fast and agile, able to run and dodge many projectiles and punches coming his way. He can also leap extremely high, about the height of a five-story building. In addition, his red glowing eyes can also petrify one that looks into his eyes for log enough for a short period of time.

Personality: Bonnie can be described as highly energetic and sneaky, able to master at surprise sneak attacks. He is also rather impatient, usually one who is the first to go into a fight or brawl. Yet if angered, Bonnie is merciless. He will fight and FIGHT AND FIGHT, until you are exterminated. He is also fond of his guitar.

History: Bradley Rider was a good kid at heart. He was bubbly, very friendly, yet highly energetic. He also loved to play music as a tween, especially the electric guitar. In addition, he was part of a band known as The Flying Tigers, based off the WWII squadron of the same name. Bradley was loved by many of his friends and parents and strived to become a famous rockstar when he gets older.

However, he would never live to see his dream come true. In the first Freddy Fazbears building, Bradley, as well as 5 other children were lured into a backroom by a person inside a golden springlock costume... a Golden Freddy suit to be exact. The children were expecting to get a nice big surprise, possibly a cake, or maybe even meet the crew in the back stage? But all they received... was death. One by one, they feel the cold, sharp, steel, puncturing their skin as they drop to the floor in a bloody death. All he could hear before his demise was this:

"IT'S ME..."

Bradley and the others were hidden deep within the pizzeria, away from public view and were forgotten. They would've continued to slowly decay if it were not for the Puppet, who gave the children the gift of new life by turning them into the human animatronics. Bradley's personality allowed him to transform into Bonnie the Bunny, who was also his favorite as a kid. For years he and the others were haunting the halls of the Pizzeria, until the year 1996, where he and the others broke free of their binded curse towards the original animatronics and escaped, causing havoc over the city.

One of Bonnie's first victims was the former nightguard Mike Schmidt. He attacked him, biting several times onto his chest and shoulder, yet didn't kill him. He was forced to flee as the Phone Guy came on scene and dragged the nightguard away. Bonnie swore that one day he will get his revenge on him... and so he tried in 2005. Bonnie encountered Mike, who was now a veteran Nightguard Defender, and the two fought viciously. Unfortunately for the Animatronic, his whole face got destroyed after a rocket blasted it open, and was left to die on the floor. However, thanks to the Puppet once again, he got resurrected AGAIN. However... he would never have his face again... and the only thing that remains in his head, are two red dots... as his eyes. He will do anything in order to get his hands on that bastard Mike... anything... and at all costs.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Foxy (Russell Herring)

Sex: Male

Class: Regular

-Great Vision: Can see in the dark, and can see past any disguises.
-Superior Fighting Skills: He can expertly fight using guns, hook, and his cutlass (keeping up with the pirate theme),
-Psychic Link: Accidental result of the Bite of '87. This psychic link allows him to pick up his victim's small thoughts and emotions (at the least). If Foxy focused, he could try and probe his victim's mind for any specific thoughts or emotions he could use. This psychic link can allow Foxy to even try and possess his victim, but it takes a lot of energy and renders him unconscious. Another downside to this Psychic Link is that his victim could also try and use these same abilities if she figured out how, while he was using the Psychic Link.

Personality: Generally calm and suave, and sees his doings as an animatronic as mercy killings. Can be a bit flirtatious if he's dealing with a woman. However, he becomes merciless and silent when angered. Fiercely loyal and determined.

History: Russell was once an imaginative, exuberant, creative, and somewhat mischievous child. He always liked to come up with stories, and they usually involved pirates. He often wrote stories and drew pictures in his spare time as he got older, and dreamed of becoming an author. He made a lot of friends when he was alive.

Unfortunately, he met his demise when he was lured to the back with his friends, by a man wearing a Golden Freddy suit. He had thought that they were going to get something nice like cake, or presents, but instead, they were attacked. Russell tried to fight off the attacker, and let the other five children escape. But things didn't go as he hoped. He was the first to be killed, and he couldn't do anything as the attacker killed the other five children. The last thing he heard was "IT'S ME..."

Russell was hidden away and left to rot along with the other children. After he was turned into the human animatronic of Foxy, he ended up picking up on strange thoughts and emotions that weren't his own. He learned that those thoughts belonged to a girl, who was bitten by the original Foxy animatronic, and lost her frontal lobe. For his entertainment, during the stay in the pizzeria (when he wasn't trying to kill the night guard), he kept his attention on the thoughts and emotions of this girl. At some points, he tried to encourage the girl to get back at the bullies that tormented her. However, she didn't go through with those suggestions. Eventually, the thoughts and emotions soon stopped coming to him, and in its place was a song two voices sang together. The song was annoying to him but he got the message: She was keeping him out of her mind.

He was surprised to see that she was a night guard in the pizzeria, but he still tried to get to her and stuff her in a suit. She managed to avoid him and the other animatronics.

In 1996, he broke free from the bond to the animatronic itself, and he left the pizzeria with the others, and wreaked havoc on the city. He soon found the girl with a boy. He attacked the both of them, and he aimed to take her life, but instead, the boy sacrificed himself instead. He soon had to flee when the night guard division came.

The nights of causing chaos and havoc continued, until he was soon confronted by the same girl...this time, she was wearing the night guard division uniform, and was holding the weapons they used. The two of them fought, but he fled once again. He realized that if he managed to probe her thoughts, then the animatronics would have a huge upper hand over the Night Guard Division. But she was still singing that stupid song, which acted as an irritating mental barrier. Ever since that night, when he wasn't causing havoc, he focuses on trying to find a way past that barrier.

Theme Song: Open Up
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TimeToRP
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TimeToRP Spider-Man

Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Freddy (Johnny Hares)

Sex: Male
Class: Regular
-Great Sense: Freddy can sense far movement, studying his enemies.
-Great Combat: Freddy has great combo, making him able to beat his enemy. But this oftenly fails, so he uses his common sense.
-Mechanical Work: Freddy knows how to operate suits, fix animatronics. He only knows how because of his childhood.
Personality: Dark, calm, smart, and depressed. Freddy is mostly depressed, laughing makes people think he's laughing. But he is always depressed.

History: Johnny was mostly a dark deep boy. He hanged around the dark shadow, he was a foreshadowing child. For his life as a kid, his parents always had somewhere to go. Always ditching him at the house with a mean old babysitter, the babysitter never really cared for him. She only got the job for the money, Johnny anyways really would sneak from his home to Freddy Fazbear's keeping a low profile. He was patient and stared at all the children. He was lured into a room, by a purple guy. Johnny was awfully saddened by this, he's mostly disturbed and cries most of the time. Johnny didn't really suffer from anything really, but twitched out sometimes. He had problems and had to go to the doctor many times throughout the years. This is how he knew how to operate suits and stuff back in the day and always had a dream of being a doctor. He was mostly intelligent and made a pass throughout all the subjects. Once he was stuffed, Johnny wasn't really happy. Once he was stuffed, this caused him to mostly try to stay still. He could rarely be happy, but it doesn't happen with him. Freddy's voicebox doesn't work well, on the other hand in 1992 five years after the rot. It was fixed, but he could speak because of the soul. After the five nights, he uses music to tell what he's saying. Though, he can talk after the seven nights.

Johnny mostly in Northern Hemisphere DESCRIBED IT. Johnny was a cold soul, not really active or anything. In 1996, when Johnny was out of the suit his father was at Charlestown State Prison. Johnny attempted to try to get his dad loose, but in 2007 his dad had came out of the jail and was killed. He was depressed and sighed. He also figured out in 1991 his dad murdered another child, because he was angry that he didn't have his own kid back. Because of this, the Purple Guy wasn't found earlier.

He still lies on, sad and angry.

Voice: https://youtu.be/g9XeFzplTPo

Theme: https://youtu.be/Cb5ivIXV38I
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Golden Freddy "Roy Beckham"

Sex: Male

Class: Nightmare

Powers: Golden Freddy is notorious for teleporting in and out of battle, sometimes disappearing for ranging for a few seconds to several minutes at a time. And while looking weak, he can also levitate people off the ground for short periods of times, though only one person at a time. His most infamous attack is his ability to cause literal heart attacks by scaring right into the faces of his opponents. Most of them would die right after their heart stopped.

Personality: Mysterious, broken, and mentally unstable, Golden Freddy is one of the most dangerous of all the Animatronics. While looking weak and defenseless at first, to the point where he will usually runaway, his attacks are lightning quick and most devastating. He is also usually solitary, often hiding in places where no one will see him.

History: (Coming soon)


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeToRP
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TimeToRP Spider-Man

Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Animatronic Name & Victim: Sarah Crosswoods

Sex: Female
Class: Regular
-Sharp Teeth: Like Foxy, Chica has about 3 rows of teeth or sometimes 4. She often tries to bite people with her sharp teeth, and Freddy's was almost closed. But she bit someones hair.
-Meal Weapon Combat: Chica has a lot of good combat when it comes to meal weapons, she also is very violent around night and can kill people if she is bothered with at night time.
Surveillance System- Chica has a cupcake that can spot data and transfers history into it, if she sees something bad, she will report it to the band or anyone she most likely will trust. Her reliance is hard to earn from security guards and she has a great scan.
Endoskeleton Teeth- Chica, when she attacks has 4 teeth sticking out, however when she is on the stage or not near anyone. Her teeth are normally just have an out of teeth set placed on her beak.

Personality: Violent and depressed, rarely happy. A slaughter animatronic, most likely she can be happy sometimes and forgive the poor.

History: As a kid, Sarah Crosswoods was in the kitchen. She spends more of her time in the kitchen, her parents found out that she was really good at slicing up food. She went to a cooking school and she was often yelled at. This made her violent and she often played with knives pretending that she would kill her teacher. In 1986, her parents found a nice restaurant Freddy's and she was took there, in 1987 she was murdered. And before she was, she died with her mouth open while she was eating food, her pizza was on the floor and investigators found this as a clue. She always cut up her food before eating, and this was a clue.
In 1996 she broke out with the other animatronics.

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewtboOcrGHk
Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpbydW0A5Eo

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