Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Roxy] || [Turnpike Cafe and Bakery (TCB For Short)]

She sat in one of the empty booths, folding silverware into napkins for the guests to use, her eyes soft. She was thinking about what she was going to do later that day. She'd probably head back to her apartment and get some well deserved sleep in, but she knew that probably wouldn't happen. No, she'd end up staying up all night helping poor souls find what they need in order to cross over to the other side.

She was a bit of a reaper after all. Though, one of the nicer reapers. She let out a long sigh and picked up another napkin, folding silverware into it. It was a slow morning, not many people out. The sun was just beginning to rise and the smell of coffee was drifting through the air. It was a nice day, one Roxy wished she could be out walking in. Maybe on her lunch break...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 16 days ago

["Fish"] || [Golden trout way (small street in which TCB lays)]

The girl sat in the familiar position, knees hugged to her chest, chin rested on her hands, she stared a bit vacantly at the store parallel to her,


It wasn't a "store" if you wanted to be particular, it was indeed a cafe, as well as a bakery...

The girl stared into the windows, she seemed to be waiting for something, perhaps something ordinary, or, perhaps something out of the ordinary...

nonetheless she was waiting, she didn't move at all and didn't seem uncomfortable on the ground, in fact, she seemed quite used to the spot.

For the first time in what seemed like quite a while, the girl moved, turning her head expectantly to the side, as if on cue a short and stout man exited the building the girl was leaning on, he had an apron and gloves on, with a large cleaver in his hand, he turned to see the girl there and sighed heavily

"Come on now, Iv'e told you every day not to hang around here! There isn't much we can do for you, or you for us, and you scare away some of the more shy customers, come on get out of here!"

The girl had waited for the man to finish speaking before she had stood up, and walked over absently to him, she stared at him for a short while, which made him obviously uncomfortable, and then slapped each of her hands to each of his plump cheeks,


she stated simply, the man sighed once again,

"No, no fish, get out of here!"

he raised his voice slightly and the girl tilted her head a tad bit,


she said a bit sadly before turning to walk away, the man, who I shall now mention is the local butcher, sighed and raised both his hands in frustration, this was a conversation they had far to often.

The girl sauntered into the building across the street, she seemed used to this action just as well

She walked to the counter, ignoring anyone she passed, and began waiting once more,

another usual encounter was with the kindly old woman who worked at this bakery, she wold give away any extra bread crust to those who needed them, and apparently, this girl needed them quite often.

The girl stood at the counter, anyone who was not used to this would think she was at the start of a line, and would file behind her, of course being the kind soul this girl was, she would not tell anyone otherwise, and let them wait until they gave up. or became angry enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[guy] [turnpike bakery and cafe]
Guy bust into the cafe and limped behind the girl in line. He hadn't eaten in a restaurant in 2 years now, and had been dying for someone else to cook for him the whole time. He had never been here, and was glad to get a change in scenery from the hills of Sicily, as he had become bored with them after training there for so long. slouched down a little, as he was still sore from the last day he spent there. Guy looked at the girl infront of him and quickly looked back down, he had forgotten his trouble with girls and began feel like he didn't want to be here again, only to add that t his anger that the young girl was still waiting, not even going to get something or do anything prodoctive, just standing there waiting. He would have moved her, but that was the old him, he realized that would be rude and did nothing about it. As he sat there he felt something squirm in his pocket and puled it out.
"Styx welcome to rosie's corner, they call this a cafe, you just ask for food and they give it, isn't that awesome" he said petting his rat companion with his finger "I guess in a way I was your cafe" he said laughing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Cecilia] || [Home with Aunt]

She smiled up at her aunt, who was standing in front of her, on the phone with her mother. A few things crossed her mind... Was she going home? Did Momma miss her too much? She continued to watch her aunt, watching her facial expressions. For a ten year old, she was pretty sharp. She could tell when something was wrong or if something wasn't going to go her way and from the way her aunt kept looking at her, it looked like things weren't going to go her way this time.

She let out a long sigh and walked away from her aunt. Her name was Clara, but Cecilia enjoyed calling her Aunt. She sulked over to the living room which was being filled with a golden light from the windows. At least it was a pretty day outside..She pulled Jacob up to her chest and hugged him. "We'll be okay, Jacob. don't worry. You don't need to cry." She told the old stuffed teddy bear with her small angelic voice. Her hair feel against her face, hiding the inevitable tears. She tried her best, and eventually was able to calm the tears and send them away. She looked down at Jacob and hugged him again. He was always there for her. The small brown bear was so worn that his right eye had all but popped off and his fur was beginning to fall away. She'd laugh and say he was getting old like Daddy and was going bald, trying to hide the fact that her best friend was probably dying. She looked around the room, and eyed the front door. With a grin, she walked over and opened it, walking outside. The sun hit her like a wave, hurting her eyes. She shielded Jacob's eyes and kept walking. If she remembered correctly, Aunt lived very close to town, where the bakery was. She grinned to herself. Maybe Jacob would cheer up with some sweets!

Making sure to look both ways, Ceclia crossed the street. She looked over and saw that it read, Golden Trout Way She blinked and looked down the road. There were many stores all along the street. She looked back and saw her aunt's house, sitting right next to what looked like a general store. Her eyes grew big and she nodded her head. "That's right, Aunt owns that store." She said, talking to Jacob. She turned to face what looked like the bakery and walked over to the door. She pushed with all of her might and eventually was able to get the big doors open. When she walked inside, she noticed a line forming at the counter. With a bright smile, she skipped over to wait behind the boy at the back of the line. Even after a few moments of waiting, she didn't think to wonder why the line wasn't moving. She was content to looking around the room, daydreaming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iciclerapierfaize
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iciclerapierfaize SRF Navigator

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Souchi] [Turnpike Cafe and Bakery]

(My, the cafe was busy with all sorts. Hadn't expected that when I applied for the job. I told my father it was only to pay for living expenses here, but that's not entirely true. I'm curious, most often fatally so. I'm curious about the people that live here. Shame I can't work the counter on the first day. )

Mixing another beverage, I dazily stared out behind the preparation station in the back.

"Oi! What are you doing Sochi? Stop ruining the customers orders! " One of the cashiers shouted at me, never moving their eyes from the register.

(Oh!) I cleaned up the mess of liquids on my hands, salvaging as much as I could before placing it on the counter with the order ticket.

Sauntering back to the station I prepared the next order, gently adding cream and sugar to fresh brewed coffee.

(Have to focus or you'll get fired from this job too Souchi! Remember your passion for cooking! )

With renewed passion I sent out orders, beaming with joy.

( Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to keep this job...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 16 days ago

[Roxy] || [TCB]

Oh my, it's here again...

The familiar girl stood in front of the line, the line that shouldn't actually exist.

"Alright hold on, I will get this sorted..."

the young woman made her way behind the counter and into one of the backrooms of the establishment, if Gladis, being the kind old woman, wasn't working then that girl would wait until the store closed, and that wouldn't do...

she picked up a simple clear plastic bag, within it were many bread crusts, cut off from various pieces of bread for sandwiches and other such bread oriented foods.

she walked over to the counter and plopped the bag down in front of the girl,

"Now please move along...your keeping up the line" she waved her hand to show the girl what she was doing wrong.

["Fish"] || [TCB]

The young girl watched every second of the waitress' actions until the wave of her hand, she nodded as thanks to the girl and picked up the bag with bot hands.

she twirled around to see the small line that she had created. She tilted her had slightly once more and made one hand free to count out each head with her fingers, after she had them all layed out she looked back to Roxy, "Will do better next time", apparently she was keeping record.

she took a single piece of crust out and motioned to place it in the hands of the person behind her


she said pointing at the small animal the man had, she seemed to want to feed the rodent, or at least let him do so with her food.

She waited until he accepted the bread and still didn't seem to move from her spot, it looked like the line wouldn't be moving until the little creature ate
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[gaetae] [tbc]
Taking a moment to understand the notion and accepted the food and smiled as he took a hunk of it of and put it in the greedy hands of his pet.
"thank you ma'am you are very kind" he said taking a large bite, and widening his eyes as he smiled.
"this is amazing, I haven't eaten like this in years" he said taking another mouthful. He didn't think the people would be so nice to him, the girls hospitality made him smile.
"is there anyway I could make it up to you?' he said as his mouse grabbed ahold of the bread handed to his friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Cecilia] || [TCB]

She didn't really even see what was going on, not that she'd understand it if she did. She turned to look and suddenly the people are her were either gone somewhere else or munching on food. What had happened?The curious little girl walked around the counter, watching as the waitress smiled at the young boy in front of her.

[Roxy] || [TCB]

She smiled at the young boy, glad to see he was willing to repay his debts. Though, somehow she couldn't get mad at the strange girl from before. She glanced over at the girl. There was a chance she was mentally ill and what kind of person would she be if she yelled at the young girl? Roxy sighed with a smile and turned back to the boy in front of her. "Well, there isn't much but... I guess you could wash the dishes if you felt inclined." She told him, an awkward smile forming on her face. She hated giving people work because they didn't have money. Something about it made her feel very guilty and gross. But, if he asked for work, she'd give it to him.

[Cecilia] || [TCB]

She watched with wide eyes as the woman turned to the boy and told him he could clean up the dishes. Why would he need to do that? Did he do something wrong? Then again... what if he's like me and just wants to be helpful? I like being helpful... The small girl though for a moment, her head hung low then... as if coming to life, she lifted her head and a smile appeared on her face. She skipped over to the counter next to the boy and beamed up at the woman at the counter. "Can I help too?" She asked, her voice high pitched but loud enough to hear.

[Roxy] || [TCB]

She looked down at the small girl that had also come up to her, but a bright smile was on her small face. What did she want? Did she need food as well? Then, Roxy blinked as the girl offered to help the boy. Roxy smiled, intrigued at the little girl. "Sure but, that's up to him." She told the girl, winking at her. She then looked up expectantly at the boy from before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[gaetae] [tbc]
As the woman at the countered gave him his order, guy rushed to the sink behind them and began and shove the dishes in water and glaze them in soap. As he worked on the dishes, the mouse grabbed silverware and washes it with a small bit of the man next to him's shirt. The mouse was a sight to see, as it picked up forks about half it's size and washed them as if it was a person, it would be cute if he wasn't a rodent.

"hey styx I didn't know you knew how to wash dishes, maybe you are more traveled than I thought" said the short young man and he laughed

He was happy to do normal work, not extensive lifting and grueling sparring with the wildlife. He was a nice child, and it would be strange to believe he was son of such a rude and irrational being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iciclerapierfaize
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iciclerapierfaize SRF Navigator

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Souchi was super focused, pushing orders like a well oiled machine. He didn't have time to listen about people asking for bread and repaying people. At least he tried not to listen. He made sure not to look though, otherwise he'd be completely enamored with the subject, and as he thoght before, he needed to be focused. Then while he was putting back a freshly filled water tank for the coffee maker something tugged at his sleeve. He looked back.

(A...mouse? Whats it doing here?)

He resisted the urge to grab it though it was so tempting. Trying to refocus he noticed the owner was a small boy, the one who had asked for the work? He supposed so as he saw the girl wash dishes next to him.

He couldn't move, the rat still using his shirt like a dishrag. This was his nice shirt too. He sighed, brow furrowing in mild fustration. The water tank was really quite heavy and he was having trouble holding it aloft.

"Umm...sir?" Souchi said tentatively "Could you please tell your mouse to stop using my shirt for a minute or two? I can get it a dishrag to use."

Patiently waiting for the boys response he strained against the weight of the water tank. It was really heavy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[geatea] [tbc]
Geatea picked up the mouse and scolded it.
"now now styx, it's rude to use people's thing without permission" he said as he looked back at the man in front of him.
"say I am really sorry, but are those cat ears you have there?" he said confused by the man. HE was nice enough, as he didn't hurt the rat, but clear he didn't like it. Still he continued to wash the dishes.

After a moment he realized that the guy in front of him was having a hard time with the container and it's contents, so being as gentle as he could he put his hands on the tank and easily pushed it up, he was the son of a titan, this strength was expected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iciclerapierfaize
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iciclerapierfaize SRF Navigator

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To say that surprised when the small boy easily pushed it onto the counter like a paperweight would be an understatement. I mean maybe he had weak noodle arms, but it seemed like quite an incredible feat for a small boy like the one beside him. Then he remembered the boy had asked a question.

"Cat ears? Like these?" Souchi pointed at his ears. " Ah, they're genetic, got 'em from my mom. Not much of a big deal I think. People don't make too big of a fuss. They do get awfully red-faced sometimes, don't know why..."

He looked at the enticing rat and remembered what he was trying to do before the boy's question.

"Oh right! I was going to get the dish rag for your mouse!" Souchi exclaimed, turning and running towards the storage closet almost knocking over some precariously stacked boxes on the way there. Thank goodness the manager had shown him where it was earlier or he would've never found it. Tossing aside some empty boxes he pulled out a brand new dishtowel from the stack on the bottom shelf. He returned with the dishrag, placing it on the counter beside the water tank.

"Say, what's your name? Mine's Souchi. Love your mouse. You're really strong, has anyone else noticed that?" He inquired, looking past the boy at the girl still washing dishes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[geatea] [tbc]
Geatea hid the rat behind him as he cautiously took the rag for himself and went slowly put his hand out to shake souchi's hand.
"m-my name i-is geatea, b-b-but call me guy" guy said in fear. He was never good with cats, they scared him like how people were scared of his rat, it made him squeamish and want to run away, but he was not to be rude, don't judge a book by it's cover as he was taught.
"I g-guess I a-a-am kinda strong th-thanks" he said looked at the cat ears frantically.
"wha-what's your name" he asked as he fearfully let his pet continue washing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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[Mateiu][A floral shop near the TBC]

"Oh come on, pleeeeaaaaasseeee?", A voice cried from the interior of a flower store. The voice was attached to one Mateiu Rivera, a zombie currently on his knees begging profusely for a job, "Look dude i'm sorry, my boss said we didn't have any more job positions, look man, i'm sorry but you're starting to freak people out. You gotta get up." the cashier -a young somewhat scraggly looking teen- said as he tried to help Mateiu up and usher him out of the door. Mateiu sighed heavily as he was promptly escorted out, "So much for landing a job fresh off the boat..." the zombie muttered dejectedly as he shuffled down the sidewalk.

Despite being told to head straight to the Turnpike cafe when he'd stepped off of the vessel escorting other nonhumans to the island, Mateiu figured he could at least try to score a job on the way there, clearly to no avail as the first place of interested rejected him in less than ten minutes. Head and shoulders slumped, Mateiu shuffled behind the crowd and waited for them to enter, 'Cheer up old boy, this is a fresh start, not everyone gets what they want on the first try. Just gotta stay positive!' he thought in an effort to perk himself up. God as his witness, Mateiu was going to make something of himself on this island even if it killed him...again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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[Cecilia] || [TCB]

She nodded at the woman but never got an answer from the boy. Her brows furrowed and she followed him closely behind, heading for the dishes. She pulled what she could find, a small box, and stood on it to give herself the height she needed to help wash the dishes. Without another word, she picked up a plate and began lathering it in soap. She hadn't even noticed the other boy on the other side of this one, though if she did, she'd stop what she was doing just to go see him. It wasn't everyday you saw a boy with cat ears. With a stern expression, she continued to clean the plates, oblivious to the conversation between the two next to her. But, after a moment, she turned, curious to see what the other boy was doing. She blinked, not sure if she believed what she saw. A boy with cat ears? As quick as she could, she hopped off of the box and ran over to the boy. She jumped up at him, tugging at his shirt, trying to make him bend down. "You have cat ears!" She shouted, a gleeful smile on her face. Her aunt had never let her have a cat, but she'd always wanted one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iciclerapierfaize
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iciclerapierfaize SRF Navigator

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"It's nice to meet you err, Guy. As I said before my name is Souchi. Souchi Matorou." He beamed before noticing the shakiness in the boy's voice. His brow furrowed with concern, otherwise perky ears flattening against his snowy head. " Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

He tried to knell only to be pulled down forcefully by the small girl who only moments previous was intensely washing dishes with no spare attention for anyone. She had asked him about his cat ears. The ones that the boy had looked at with fear only minutes before. He supposed he'd have to repeat his explanation to her as well.

"Yeah, I have cat ears. And a tail." He pointed toward his back to the soft tail attached to his spine. It wasn't as prehensile as some people thought, most of the time it was just there. It was such a pain to have pants tailored because of his tail sometimes. "Their genetic, from my mum. Why are you looking at me like that?" He looked confusedly from the girl's ecstatic curiosity to Guy's unidentified fear. Had no one seen someone like him? His employer hadn't looked at him strangely at all. Perhaps it was just the people on this island that hadn't seen others like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Cecilia] || [TCB]

Her smile only grew wider at his explination. "Really?! That's so cool! I wish I had a tail!" She yelled looking up at the boy. She smiled and backed away bit, still looking up at him. "Sorry, if I'm annoying. I just... I think it's cool." She told him, a blush forming on her small face. "I'm Cecilia!" She continued, putting out a small child-sized hand for him to shake.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mateiu let out a soft whistle of approval as he finally entered the cafe/bakery behind the crowd. It was a nice place, spacious, but not so much so that it lost that warm feeling one usually got from,say, their home. Couple that with the pleasing aromas of fresh brewed coffee and sweets fresh from the oven, and it was enough to make Mat feel as though he were human again. "Yea...I think I might just like it here..." The zombie said to himself as he eyed the pastries on display near the counter through his tangled locks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iciclerapierfaize
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iciclerapierfaize SRF Navigator

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He looked at her hand before taking it firmly in his own.
"It's okay, I don't mind. It's nice to meet you Cecilia my name's Souchi."

He let go of her hand gently before turning towards the counter and picking up the water tank again. It was still as heavy as before but at least he was able to put into the coffeemaker without too much trouble. A fresh stack of orders awaited him, the cashier glaring at him expectantly. Oh. He had gotten sidetracked again. Taking the first order in hand he resumed his previous pace, only briefly looking back to cheery Cecilia and fearful Guy. He still couldn't parse what was wrong with him. He supposed he would have to ask before the boy left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Cecilia] || [TCB]

Souchi... She smiled, grinning at the name. It was a nice name. She watched as he moved away from her and went back to work. Well, so much for that... Maybe she should try talking with someone who wasn't working... She turned and looked around the cafe, watching for anyone. She spotted a boy that looked rather... pale and... well, dead. She blinked, looking at him. She rushed over as only a small child could. "Are you okay?!" She yelled as she approached him. He was eyeing the pastries in the display. "Do... do you want something to eat?" She asked tilting her head. Maybe he looked so sickly because he was hungry.

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