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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh found himself rising from slumber, as the sunlight flowed into the room, and he heard different sounds. The rooster had slowly brought him from slumber. He came to consciousness at the sound of little metal clinks, his view obscured by a pillow. He rolled over reaching his arm over Sana and felt a slight brush of someone's clothing whom was sitting up in the bed and was not Sana.

He lifted his head up to peer beyond her and noticed there sat Arianna, playing with something made of metal. He hadn't the foggiest of what it was, as she was turned away from him. Hugh brought his other arm underneath Sana, wrapping it around her waist. He then poked Arianna, and simple stated "Good morning, beautiful" with a cheerful smile on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

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Ariana turned to face Hugh as she heard him and smiled, dropping the rings against the outside of her shirt and reached over to him, pressing her tiny finger against his lips the way that Sana had done to her during the night. “Shh,” she whispered quietly and then pointed at Sana still sleeping peacefully there. Pulling her finger away she smiled and went back to playing with the rings but it did not last long; the child grew restless very quickly now that Hugh was awake and began to look around as if plotting what she could get into now. Turning she rested on her knees and faced Sana, tilting her head to the side as she watched her protector sleep; her golden hair falling to the side and the flakes of amber in her eyes shining in the early morning light. Then the child did what most children do when they want attention, she did something to get attention.

Sana could have likely slept for another several hours but it was not an option at that point, the little one was getting anxious and was tired of waiting. Feeling a push against her forehead Sana slowly opened her tired eyes and could see Ariana leaning over her, pressing against her head again and again. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, reaching down slowly as she pulled Hughs arm from around her waist and then quickly scooped the child into her arms and tickled her as she sat up in bed. The little one giggling and squirming as she tried to get away; Sana finally stopped, laughing slightly as she sat up and kept the child in her lap.

“That’s what you get for waking me up,” Sana said in a light hearted voice as she tucked Arianas hair behind her ear. Ariana stuck her tongue out at Sana before sliding off the bed and running to the other side of the room.

“Can’t get me,” Ariana taunted as she held her hands up, pretending to be a cat and rawring at Sana. Sana chuckled as she shook her head some but slowly moved her legs to hang off the side of the bed. “Rawr!”Ariana said playfully and Sana pounced, pushing off the bed and wrapping her arms around the little one, spinning her around before flopping the child gently on the bed next to Hugh.

“Gotcha,” Sana teased. Ariana just lay there laughing; Sana sitting down on the edge of the bed watching her and enjoying the moment. Ariana seemed to have a lot of spirit to her, even after everything she had been through here she was; up and playing as if it was any other day. She had to admire the childs resilience, few adults could have survived what Ariana had been through, much less wake up with such a positive attitude about life. If only everyone could recover from the trials that life threw at them that quickly. Sana knew that Ariana would need a lot of time and that she may never fully put behind her what happened but seeing her sitting there laughing gave her hope that at least what she had endured had not destroyed her.

Looking over to Hugh, Sana smiled. “Good morning dear,” she said in a joyful voice before leaning over and giving a quick kiss. Ariana giggling once again at the sight. Sana shook her head slightly and looked over towards the little one. “Okay, enough of that. I think a big breakfast is in order this morning, what do you two think?” Sana asked as she righted herself and sat there watching the two.

“Yes! Smells so good!” Ariana exclaimed happily before she took Hughs hand and began to pull on it trying to get him out of bed. “Come on, come on,” she said as she tried to move the man. Sana had to cover her mouth due to the want to laugh hysterically at the sight of the child trying to move Hugh under her own force.

Sister Agnes glanced towards the upstairs as she heard the laughter and smiled to herself, it seemed Ariana was awake and having fun already. After everything that had happened with Sana with the first fight she had been worried when she saw her ride into the town with the child but after seeing her place herself between the child and the Evil one on his mount from hell without a thought to her own safety put Sister Agnes’ worries to rest. The woman might have it in her to be brutal but then again, didn’t so many when someone they cared about were put in danger?

She pushed the thought out of her head and smiled as Fiona came over and sat down with her. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she finished the bite of food that was in her mouth before she answered; nodding slightly in the meantime. After a moment the old woman placed her fork down now that she was able to speak. “Morning Fiona, I trust you slept well,” the sister said in a light hearted voice. “And to answer your question, yes I did, thank you for asking. Was up a little bit after Sana got Ariana in bed since the wee one decided to take a walk last night but as you can hear,” the sister said pointing up stairs about the time Ariana was rawring and laughing. “She decided to sleep elsewhere. So I was able to get some very peaceful rest,” she said before taking a drink of the water she had next to her plate.

“Everyone you brought back was settled down nicely last night. Some here at the inn, the rest were placed with families in and around the village. Thanks to what you all brought back for the village we will be able to get them back on their feet. We are truly in debt to your group for what all you have done,” the sister said in a grateful voice. Turning as Vaeri spoke the sister took a deep breath and smiled brightly. “Those smell wonderful, you are going to spoil the village if you keep cooking like this but I won’t complain. Thank you ever so much,” Sister Agnes said towards the elf woman. The group had really come together to protect the village and keep it safe and it lifted a lot of stress from the nun to know that the slavers would not be bothering them again.

Rising from her place she looked back towards Fiona and smiled. “I think Wylsen was up all night, I doubt he stopped brewing potions after him and Lob finished up taking care of the Hell Hound, I am going to take him some food. Excuse me if you will,” she said in a kind voice before stepping over to the food to fill up a plate for the old apothecary. She wasn’t sure if Lob was still with him or not so she grabbed another plate and filled it up as well, not exactly sure what to put on it she stuck with a variety of things just in case before heading out of the inn and towards the apothecary shop.

Glancing over to where Derrix had made his self-appointed post she smiled towards him. “Have you been up all night?” she asked, though it was came out as more of a surprised conclusion than a question. “Please, go get something to eat; there is more than enough for everyone,” she said in a gentle voice before continuing on her way to the shop to see what Wylsen was up to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hanzo awoke surprisingly late in the morning than he typically might, with the sun's rays of light already shining through the window of his room. Though, perhaps, he wasn't always one to sleep in a bed, especially not after fighting a horde of bandits and a hellish paladin. whatever the case, the monk awoke quite late and quite hungry, and was hoping to at least sate the latter half of his immediate predicament.

Making his way down to the main room of the inn, he was greeted by a few others and informed there was a buffet going on. Basically, when explained, a sort of 'choose your own meal' event. Hanzo couldn't exactly claim to understand it, but he went along anyways. As faithful as he tried to be, sometimes it was nice to try something different, something more than what one was used to. Thus, after gathering a muffin and some berries, Hanzo decided to act upon some unseen urge and turned it into a more high-piled breakfast, like his comrades were helping themselves to.

Taking careful strides up to the table where Fiona, Tobias, and some of the others were gathering around, Hanzo greeted them. "Good morning. I trust everyone is alright after the- well, excitements yesterday?" He spoke, seeming slightly out of character than yesterday's counterpart (something his plate could attest to).

Taking a free seat, Hanzo began to dig in to his food, mannerly as ever in that regard at least. He would certainly admit, a warm meal like this was a lot more sweet and wholesome, especially when one had been conditioned to live much on the road. For a moment, he considered the fact that not every person in the world who awakened this morning would not have the luxuries Hanzo was helping himself to... but, strangely, he found himself shaking that thought away. His thoughts turned to why - it wasn't exactly befitting of him to ignore that sort of issue. Was he becoming more like an adventurer, living more in the now and for themselves?

No, he supposed, trying to reassure himself, he wasn't. Hanzo had allowed himself to indulge in some luxuries before, whenever they were so graciously offered by the people he had helped. So, an opportunist, then? Simply accepting gifts like this was more of a courtesy than an opportunity to be seized, he imagined. Maybe so, maybe not, it was hard to tell.

The monk got so absorbed in his self-criticism that his pace of eating slowed to a stop, until he was just sitting there pondering. A moment later, he shook himself from his trance and returned to his food. It probably wasn't so healthy to be judging himself like this, anyways. Why not simply take what life gives you?

Well, Hanzo thought, maybe I just don't want to be a terrible person. But in a world like this, sometimes it's hard to know what that means.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The stranger waved politely as the woman he had conversed with all night left. He felt happy to have met such an intelligent person to help wind away the hours of the night. After grinning contently for a while, he let his eyes travel upwards to the morning sun, and he nodded at it, content with the completion of his night shift.

An elderly voice snapped his eyes back down to the earth and just as quickly as the old nun addressed him and offered him food, she was off to some other business.

The stranger hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should leave for food or stay around his area. He tumbled the idea around in his head for a while until he concluded that he won’t be abandoning his post if he grabbed some food real quick, and only because his post’s mark was right where he was to be gathering food. Knowing that he would only be getting closer to his duty, he tied the lance to his stallion and patted it’s rump as he walked into the tavern.

He walked past a few tables, his helmet filtering the sweet scents of the breakfast foods and early morning smokers, and his determination in turn filtered out the sounds of chatter and the sights of early risers.

He stayed in such a state until he came to a stop by a bar of food. With quick hands he snatched a plate and began organizing food onto the plate, making sure it was neatly placed. His eyes darted around for bready foods and grains to share with his horse, and a few cured meats for himself, until finally his plate was full and in order. He nodded in approval and spun on his heel, plate in hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana smiled as she watched Ariana but she knew that they needed to eat and Sana had a lot to take care before they left to try to find the rest of the ingredients for the orphanage; the most important of which was making sure Ariana was going to be taken care of. Rising from her spot on the bed she pulled on her boots over her pants legs and laced them up. Leaving her shirt untucked she wandered over to her bag and pulled out her brush, running it through her hair and then walking over to Ariana and sweeping her up in her arms. Setting her down on the floor, Sana sat down on the edge of the bed and brushed the young ones golden locks. Once she had finished she tossed the brush back in her bag and stood up.

“Ready?” Sana asked the little one in a soft voice and Ariana nodded quickly with a broad smile on her face, holding her arms up to Sana; apparently wanting to be carried instead of walking. Sana smirked slightly but acquiesced to the childs silent request and propped Ariana on her hip before strolling to the door. Reaching for the handle she smiled over to Hugh. “Going to get her fed and then need to get her some more clothing. So we’ll either be down stairs or in the general store,” Sana said lightly before heading out, closing the door behind her.

Making her way downstairs, she took note of those that had already gathered but didn’t see Sister Agnes. Pursing her lips slightly she hoped she could find the nun at one point because she needed to speak to her about Ariana. Pushing the thought out of her head she wandered over to the buffet and set Ariana down before grabbing some plates. “Okay, what do you want for breakfast?” Sana asked as she looked down at the little one who was wide eyed as she looked at all the food.

“All of it!” Ariana exclaimed excitedly. Sana rose a brow and then chuckled.

“Okay, well it won’t all fit on your plate, so what do you want to start with?” Sana asked and Ariana started pointing out various things. Sana piled the food up for the little one and grabbed a few things for herself before turning and looking around for a table to set up at with the little one. She was tempted to pick one that was far away from the rest of the group, not sure if Ariana was ready to be around others as of yet but then she decided to leave it up to the child. “Where would you like to sit?”

Ariana looked around for a minute and then pointed to the table where Fiona was sitting at. “There! She has pretty hair!” Ariana said with a smile. Sana laughed slightly and motioned for her to go ahead. Ariana giggled and ran over to the table and jumped into a chair. “Hi!” she said to Fiona as she sat on her knees in the chair and looked around. Sana wandered over and set the little ones plate of food down in front of her before resting down herself next to Ariana.

“Morning,” Sana said to Fiona before introducing them both. “Fiona, this little one is Ariana. Ariana, this is Fiona, a friend,” Sana said in a kind voice. Ariana waved at Fiona before she began to dig into her meal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vaeri stood back and watched the breakfast pass peacefully, certainly far more smoothly than yesterday. It seemed that the group was coming together quite nicely. It was likely that they would need to leave once the meal was finished. One thing bothered her though. The Stranger came into the inn, piling high a load of food onto his plate even though he'd put on his helmet again for some unknown reason. She had spoken to him quite a bit through the morning, but she had never actually bothered to ask him his name or when he showed up. Everyone else seemed to nonchalantly accept his presence, but they accepting a lot of oddities without batting an eye. Taking note of the emptiness in her stomach, Vaeri grabbed one of the warm sweet breads she had set down and walked over to the stranger.

"So Stranger, I take it you're coming with us? You came after finding one of the cinder sickness flyers while Sana, Fiona, Drizzak, Lob and I were busy dealing with the slaver camp up North, right?" Vaeri took a large bite out of the bread looking expectantly at the stranger. Really, it was the only option that really made sense. Unless he was just a traveler who happened to pass by last night. Maybe he didn't actually make it into town until the fight with the anti-paladin. Well, no matter when and why he arrived, nobody seemed to know anything about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The stranger turned to the woman he had chatted with all night, and behind his helmet he studied her carefully.

The names she listed off were of no recognition but he remembered a handful of other fighters in the recent battles, however, it wasn’t the names he was interested in.

“Sickness?” He said abruptly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"The cinder sickness." So not only did he not know of the deities of non-humans, he was not aware of the cinder sickness. "You know, when sores resembling tiny fire pits start sprouting on a person, and if left untreated ends with the patient burning to death from within. The orphans in the Apothecary have been cursed with a version of disease that will not leave from normal means of healing. That's why we're here." Vaeri gestured at the odd occupants of the inn, and accidentally flung a bit of icing onto the floor. Vaeri mentally took note of this screw up and then pretended like it never happened, taking another bite from the piece of bread.

"To gather the required ingredients for a cure. I'm sure one such as you could help if you are so inclined. You can speak with Sister Agnes," Vaeri pointed at the elderly nun, "Or Wyslan in the Apothecary if you wish to know, Sir " Vaeri lead off the end of the sentence, trying to prompt the stranger to give his name. After he gave his name, or declined to do so, Vaeri would leave to go to her room, waving farewell to him. About 10 minutes later she would return, now clad in her armor, cloak, and no longer barefoot ready to head out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

A strange relief lifted a weight off of the stranger’s chest at the description of the disease. While it wasn’t what he was thinking of, it still was unacceptable. Although now he questioned leaving the strange child from the anti-paladin in this place even more skeptically. He shook off the thought as the woman urged him to give up his name.

“I am Derrix "Nightbane" Herchiv” He said, “and I will help.”

Nightbane wasn’t about to refuse to help the children from their disease and he decided he might as well take a trip to the shop to see Sister Agnes.

The woman he had been talking to suddenly waved to him farewell and started to walk away. Nightbane called out, “you owe me your name.”

With the debt sealed he continued on his way out of the tavern. As he passed his white horse, he laid the plate on the ground. He snatched what cured hams that were laid on top and lifting his helmet just enough to pop them into his mouth before letting the heavy helmet fall back in it’s place.

His horse happily started to gobble wetly on the plate of breads and grains, and Nightbane continued past him and into the shop.

A variety of smells would have assaulted his nostrils if not for his thick lavender mask hiding behind the face of his helmet. He blinked past the light of the apothecary that rivaled the soft morning glow of the sun and laid his eyes on the elderly nun.

“Sister Agnes?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sister Agnes came out from the back of the shop where she had left off the food for Wylsen and spoken to him briefly as she heard the chime of the bell ring out from above the door. Looking over she saw the man from earlier who had seemed to keep watch over the village the previous night. Stepping over to him she smiled gently and held her hand out to him to shake in greeting.

"Ahh, good morning stranger," she said in a kind old voice as she stood there. "I hope you were able to get something to eat. What might I be able to do for you this morning?" she asked in a gentle voice as she looked at the man. "Forgive me, I didn't get your name yesterday. We were a little, preoccupied yesterday."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

“I am Derrix ‘Nightbane’ Herchiv,” Derrix replied thankfully, shaking the woman’s hand. He slid of his helmet out of respect for the conversation and scratched his tattooed cheek for a moment, taking in the scents of the shop with a long inhale, doing his best to ignore the polluting smell of lavender from his helmet.

“I have heard you have a problem with a disease,” Derrix said grimly, “and if you would allow it, I would be inclined to help.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The sister smiled at him and shook his hand as he placed it in hers. She waited as he removed his helmet, he looked different than most that she had seen but it was not enough to surprise her; this newest group alone had already proved to be an interesting mix of humans and other creatures so for her it wasn't something she would judge.

"Yes, we are actually," she said as she stepped over to the counter of the shop and retrieved one of the scrolls that Wylsen had written up for the group the day before. Handing it over to him she smiled softly.

"And I am sure the group would welcome you, especially with as much as you have already helped out. I might suggest speaking with Sana. She seems to be the one that has taken the reins so to speak with the group. You should be able to find her in the Inn. Woman, about her 30's, waving golden blond hair, amber tinted eyes. She will most likely have a child that looks like her with her," the sister informed Derrix once he took the paper from her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Derrix took the paper and frowned, “I overheard that the small child who was hunted by the dark knight is to be staying here. I won’t insult your judgement but I will ask, is that safe? I only ask because of the infamy this town seems to attract now on top of a plague.”

He set the paper into the hollow of his helmet he had tucked under one of his arms, “I mean no disrespect of course, just voicing my own concerns.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"None taken and trust me I have my own concerns as well," the sister said in genial voice as she clasped her hands in the front of her habit. "Though sending her off with the group worries me as well. I plan on speaking with Sana about the child this morning since she is the one that initially rescued the child and seems to taken it upon herself to look after the little one. I feel it would be prudent to ask for her input about little Ariana before any decisions are made," the sister added.

"If there isn't anything else I can be of help with, I should probably tend to that now. Did you need something else from the shop? I can retrieve the shop keeper from the back for you if need be. Or you can walk with me back to the inn and I can introduce you to Sana properly," she said as she motioned towards the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

With a bow of his head, Derrix quickly agreed, “I would be honored to escort.”

While he was sure this wasn’t what she had meant by walking back with her, a noble custom took his instinct as he opened the door for the old nun and offered his armored arm in escort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"The honor is mine," she said in a grateful voice as he held the door open for her. Taking his arm she walked out of the shop and made her way back over towards the inn. Once they had reached their destination, she glanced around and was pleased to see Sana sitting there eating breakfast with Ariana and some of the others with the group. "There she is," the sister said softly as she motioned over to Sana as she wiped some milk that had spilt on Arianas clothing. "I'll introduce you two," she said before continuing over towards the group. Sana caught the sister out of the corner of her eye with the stranger from yesterday and rose from her place in greeting.

"Morning sister," she said. "Were you able to sleep last night?" she inquired towards the old woman.

"Oh very well, perhaps more than you," the sister laughed as she looked over towards Ariana. Sana rose a brow as she looked at the little one and smiled.

"Actually, she went straight to sleep. No problems. So what can I do you for?" Sana asked as she looked back over to the sister.

"Actually, yes. Two things. First would be I would like to introduce you to Derrix Herchiv, he was asking about the cinder sickness and seems to want to help," the sister informed Sana. Sana nodded and turned her attention to the man escorting the sister. Sana looked the man over for a moment before extending her hand to him. Sanas lips curled slightly into perhaps what would have been a familiar smirk to Derrix, for it was the same one that her sister wore from time to time. Sana and her sister Ramara looked so similar, as if they were twins, minus a few small details and the newly acquired burn scars that peaked up from under her collar and went up one side of her neck.

"Sana Rawn," the woman said as she stood there. "Welcome to join, we can use all the help we can get and you seem to have a knack at fighting as it is already," she said in a welcoming voice. Once he shook her hand or not, she would lower it and turn her attention back to Sister Agnes. "And the second thing?"

"Could I talk to you in private for a minute?" the sister asked and Sana nodded.

"Yes of course," Sana said before turning her attention back to Ariana. "I will be right over there," Sana said as she pointed to another table and kissed the little one on the forehead. Ariana grinned with a mouth full of food and nodded before Sana looked back at the pair. "If you would excuse me for a moment," Sana said towards Derrix before motioning for the Sister to join her. Agnes nodded and followed Sana over to the open table and had to seat, wanting to speak to Sana about her plans for Ariana.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Derrix shook Sana’s hand and nodded, “Derrix ‘Nightbane’ Herchiv at your service then.”

He stood aside as the two women left to talk privately, presumably about the situation with the young child. While they did so, Derrix scanned the other residents of the table and gave a curt nod of recognition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You have a way with her," Sister Agnes said as she sat there, clasping her hands in front of her. "Do you have a plan for what is going to happen with the little one?" the sister inquired as she looked at Sana with a presumptuous smile.

"Actually, yes I wanted to talk to you about that," Sana said as she down and leaned back in her seat.

"So what is your plan?" the sister asked as she sat down. Sana sighed deeply as she ran her fingers running through her hair a bit to push it out of her face.

"I want to leave her with you," Sana confessed.

"What? At the orphanage, what if she was to get sick as well?" Agnes asked in a worried tone to which Sana shook her head no adamantly.

"No, I want her to go to the convent. The orphanage risks her getting sick, leaving her in the village puts her at risk of another attack. I feel the convent is the safest place for her. At least for now, it is too dangerous for me to take her with us," Sana said as she leaned back in her chair.

"I see, that I can do, but what about afterwards? When you return?" the sister inquired. Sana drew a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment.

"I honestly don't know sister. I am not exactly in a position to raise a child right now; please don't get me wrong I would love to. She reminds me very much of my little sister whom, from what I am told, I have lost but well, to be frank. Aren't certain events in life supposed to happen before one raises a child?" Sana asked as she rubbed her temples with the tips of her fingers.

"Fair enough and yes, they are supposed to but life doesn't always happen in the order in which we think it should," Sister Agnes said in a sympathetic voice. "Have you spoken with Hugh about this?" the sister asked as she leaned closer.

"No, another reason I don't know what I will do yet. That is something we need time to discuss and well, let's just say I don't want to end up being a replacement," Sana said as she glanced over towards Ariana, still tearing into her food and periodically swiping a piece of fruit from Sanas plate.

"A what?" the Sister asked confused.

"Long story, I'll figure it out, but yes, can you take her to the convent? At least for now?" Sana asked looking back over towards Agnes.

"Of course."

"Thank you, before you do, I want her to finish her meal, take her to get some clothing and such before I head out with the group and explain things to her as best I can," Sana said as she rose from her place. The sister nodded in understanding and let Sana leave without another word. Resting back in her seat she watched as Sana sat back down and went back to her meal with Ariana and the rest that were at the table with them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tobias ate like he'd never see food again. The food was good, plenty, and best of all, safe, and so mouthful after mouthful of it disappeared down the rogue's throat at breakneck pace.

The dead would had to have risen for him to be shaken out of his engrossment, which, it turned out, is sort of what happened. The zombie plopped down next to him and immediately began saying... something or another. Tobias was busy gawking, taken totally off-guard by the corpse's sudden appearance and remembering full well his savagery from the previous day.

A small whimper emerged from the thief's full mouth as the thing's pet fey descended and began buzzing around. He was outnumbered. It was time for Tobias to execute one of his favorite strategies - run away.

"Oh, look at the time, got to go steal something over there," he said quickly and snatched up his plate, moving it over to the table where Fiona was sitting with several others from the party. He hadn't forgotten he still had business with Sana - but for now, it could wait.

He sat down and gave a broad smile to the child the party had apparently adopted. "Hey there, smiley. Good food, am I right?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

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Everyone was getting up and moving around now, making the previously quiet inn a small hub of activity. Fiona started by trying one of the sweet rolls Vaeri offered. She couldn't quite manage any words in reply, but the mm while she nodded would have to serve as her thanks. She was pleased to hear Agnes's report on the people they'd rescued, and nodded when she excused herself to go see Wylsen.

Fiona waved a greeting to Hanzo, though he seemed to be keeping to himself, and she didn't want to bother him. Her attention was soon drawn by a child taking a seat in front of her, Sana following shortly afterwards. This was the cause of all the commotion the night before, and Fiona had to admit this was her first good look at the girl. She was an adorable thing, if a little skinny, undoubtedly from what she'd been through. They'd fix that up soon enough, Fiona didn't doubt.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ariana. That's a big breakfast you have. I don't know if I could eat that much." Her tone was light; Fiona was very used to dealing with children from her village, and she quite liked them. Judging by this one's demeanor, she was a spirited little girl. She had to be, to not be comatose after her ordeal. In fact, she looked cheery even.

They continued their meal until Sister Agnes returned, the stranger from the night before in tow. He was introduced as Derrix Herchiv, and Fiona took note of the name when he stated his intentions to come along with them. When Agnes departed with Sana to speak privately, Fiona caught Ariana's eye again and pointed down teasingly with her fork at the girl's plate.

"Getting full yet? That was a lot to take on." Next to her, Derrix looked to be gazing over the others at the table quietly, and so Fiona put down her utensils and extended a hand out to him to shake.

"Derrix, was it? I'm Fiona, traveling with the party as well. It's nice to meet you. You were most helpful yesterday." After that, Tobias arrived, having successfully escaped and rejoined her. She grinned, glancing at him and bumping him slightly with an elbow in greeting.
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