Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hajime Hyuga, “Haji”

“I want my Hyuga, my place in the sun.”

Despite Iwao's attempts at making it sound like Hajime would have a choice, it really felt like there wasn't much choice to begin with. It was as if Iwao was waving a large amount of money in front of Hajime's face and then saying 'you're free to not take it'. It was just too stupid to not take the offer, even if Hajime didn't really feel like taking care of all that stuff. There was the moving, and apparently, the watching over Chihiro. “Hai, Iwao-sama. I will take your offer. And you can keep your money, because I am a branch member. It's my duty to follow your orders. ” Even if I'd rather not. He bowed again, deeply this time, and maintained that position to show his respect. He veered up again and waited for a moment, to see what else Iwao had to say. Likely he'd offer to give the money anyway, since Iwao was doing what he could to keep Chihiro away from Momoi apparently. Hajime could see why.

Chihiro wasn't exactly the perfect heir that someone like Hinata or Neji would've been, not in a long shot. Times had changed, but the visions of the Hyuga hadn't changed much. Fact remained it was not very possible to see people like Hinata or Neji again. The world was too modern, and values had taken the place of the values of those times. Values that Momoi seemed to hold dearly, and values that Chihiro as a result took over.

Hajime couldn't find a way to blame Chihiro. She was just doing her best in his eyes. But the main branch.. they did what they could to protect Chihiro from outsiders it seemed. An endeavour likely to fail if you'd ask Hajime. But nobody asked Hajime. He was a branch member and wasn't supposed to think, let alone be asked about things. He was supposed to do what he did - nod politely and bow, accepting whatever Iwao wanted of him. That was the way, the fate, of the branch members. “I assume you'll want me to find Chihiro and inform her of your decision to reinstate me as her protector, Iwao-sama?”

With the meeting over now, atleast so Hajime thought, he made his way out again and picked up his jacket when he passed through the hallway. Regardless of whether Iwao wanted him to find Chihiro or not, he'd go looking for her anyway. Despite the guard stating she wasn't here, it wouldn't harm to double check. He walked towards her room and knocked on her door, waiting a minute for an answer to see if perhaps she'd been sleeping or something. When it was affirmed that she wasn't there, Hajime sighed and looked at the ceiling. “Ksuuu.. Chihiro-sama making me go out in the rain again..”

His footsteps went down the hallway again headed for the main exit, exitting the building and going around the compound first, with his hood on and his jacket open once more because he couldn't close it in time to stop the rain. AFter circling the compound he wondered where Chihiro'd be.. He'd have to go all over the place just to look for her. Or.. he could use his byakugan. Hajime's byakugan had less range than that of most people, but it had a clearer vision when looking for chakra and tenketsu. Still, the range would be just enough to check nearby surroundings. Sighing once more because of the troubles, he formed the tiger seal. “Byakugan!” With the byakugan now active, he started searching around, looking for any sign of Chihiro.

Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”

Saburo's Brother

The question was a bit surprising, for Saburo atleast. As he guided Uchiha Daiki to the top of the building again, he'd explain the process to him. “Many of us arrive from childhood, including me. We never knew anything like a shinobi training you underwent. We weren't taught about this shinobi code, and the nindo of some heroes of the past. We only heard about it in passing, to explain that we are different.” He'd enter the elevator that took them up, showing his pass quickly to a scanner to let Daiki through the mechanical gates.

“Some prominent figures are invited into the 11th by insiders. I myself have such privileges, but we always need to request permission from superiors and do extensive research. I once had permission to recruit Yamato, after giving a sizeable amount of research to the commander.” Saburo turned to Daiki as he pressed to button for the top floor, giving him the characteristical fake smile that Saburo was known for nowadays. “He said no. That is a possibility.” The elevator slowly slid up, but the mechanics had made sure to make the elevator as soundless as possible. Only the soft whirring of an engine was audible before the characteristical ping sounded again.

As they headed for the exit, Saburo wondered something to himself. It was visible on his face that he was questioning something, too. But the 11th corps never really accepted asking questions, and although this wasn't quite the same as important mission facts, it still irked him. Finally he gave in and just asked Daiki. “Why do you ask? I didn't take you for one who was interested in the 11th. We're not quite the most positively seen group in Konoha, especially after the misunderstanding of the coup.”

Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”

“Watashi wa Kami, I am God.”
The Minamoru

With the meeting concluded, Reijo lingered around for a moment more to ensure that people were all done speaking. It had seemed so. But then that annoying kid, Shin, always so full of himself in that annoying way of speech, assuming he was better just for being a cop. Tsk. However.. it'd seem it wasn't an accident, as Reijo felt a brief interaction between his pocket and Shin's hands. Hrng. Reijo's hand went into his pocket and grabbed the small piece of paper, taking it out and unfolding it before reading it. That was.. interesting. A possible ally in the form of the very same cop that wished to lock him up earlier those years? No, no. Reijo was thinking unreasonably. Perhaps it was a ploy to set up Reijo.

Regardless, there was only one way to find out. And given the recent demise of Kaito's employment, Reijo didn't have much to lose. He'd follow the letters orders, if anything just to see what Kaito wanted from him. He didn't look at Kaito, nor Shin, and just pocketed the letter again, pretending he had had it all along. Not that Reijo suspected anyone was there to see it - though ofcourse Reijo wasn't a shinobi like the others here, and thus couldn't feel the prying eyes of the 11th all around them. He returned his gaze to Yamato, who had stood up and waited for his father. There was a sense of anger in the air between them, though not visibly so.

Atleast, not visibly so until Reijo approached Yamato and grabbed his arm harshly, ordering him to come with him and head outside without words. Yamato was physically strong enough to withstand it if he wanted to, easily, but he didn't simply because he respected, and feared, his father. The two walked outside, in a fast pace to avoid getting stopped by anyone.

Once outside they turned a left corner, and Reijo attempted to be a bit more out of sight, although that didn't work quite well because of the shape of the building. If anyone wanted to, they could simply look over and see Yamato and Reijo, only slightly obscured by the building. Reijo spoke with a hushed tone, but that failed ultimately as he was quite angry. He somehow retained his facial features, looking only slightly angry, but Yamato could tell he was infuriated. “Don't you ever embarrass me like that again. You keep your arguments and fights with those low lifes outside of politics, you hear me?” Yamato didn't answer, only looking at his father in anger.

SLAP! Reijo's hand flew up and backhanded Yamato in the face, who'd seen the slap coming from a mile away but hadn't tried to stop it at all. Slowly the side of Yamato's face turned red. Reijo's hand remained in the air for a second before lowering it. “Do I make myself clear, you little shit? You're my heir, not some off spring of a far away cousin of mine. We leave the dirty arguments and fights to them, not ourselves.” Reijo said, letting go of Yamato's arm now. “Yes father.” was the answer he received, with Yamato's expression still being one of anger, not pain. He'd grown accustomed to the beatings and had learned early on that crying only meant you'd get beat harder the next time. Meeting the pain with no expression at all was the best way to go, and that he had learned to himself.

Reijo's hand went downwards and straightened out his suit, before nodding at Yamato. “Good. Go home.” he said, before leaving himself, passing by the Hojo and the Naito, only granting them a small bow in passing by. Yamato followed his father with his eyes, staring at him before turning around and heading home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Assassin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shouken Washi

"The Oasis"


Shouken followed his new mentor out of the village and proceeded toward the Grass. Questions filled Shouken's head and he figured he'd have plenty of time to ask them on the way there. The first one involved Mashin, who was he? and what exactly did he do to end up in the place he's in?

"So this Mashin guy. Why the hell is he imprisoned? And why was he somehow okay with it?" The question lingered for a second as Kumo was troubled as to where to start with the tale.

"Well I guess I'll start from the beginning." He slid his fingers through his greasy hair and blew air acrossed his lips making a motor noise. "Mashin was the original Lord and founder of the Land of Webs. He created the realm by developing a powerful jutsu that allowed him to transverse between dimensions. This technique was only capable of being used once before the user feels completely lifeless if not dead. Doing so, Mashin found himself trapped in the dimension unable to escape. After years of meditation and training, he developed another technique. This one would allow him to create a portal between his dimension and the real world. Mashin's goal was to rule a world of his own and to become a God of his own. He recruited thousands of spiders around the world and brought them to the Land of Webs, promising them eternal peace. He avoided conflict within the real world and remained a neutral land, despit the fact that he was completely unfair to his own kind. After 100 years of cruel treatment, his personal guard sought out to bring him down. Leading this force was Hakeisha, the strongest of the personal guard. After Hakeisha succesfully defeated Mashin, he took the throne and cast Mashin to a prison deep within the lands."

Shouken was dumbfounded upon hearing this, due to the fact that in all his studies, he had never come across a phenomena known as the Land of Webs. Before he could think any more, Kumo continued..

"As for him being okay with it...I guess hundreds of years of thinking made him realize how much of a dick he was being. When I met him, he was completely evil..." Kumos voice eased off as the two continued walking in silence through the woods.

After a few minutes of walking, they stopped at a small crossroads. A sign stood on the corner and listed the Leaf, Sand, Grass and Mist on four different pointers in each direction. The Grass's path was covered in vines and shrubbery while the others were quite clear.

Shouken brewed another question in his head and blurted it out at Kumo who was just beginning down the path.

"How did you meet my father?" Shouken was troubled with the recollection of events in the Leaf. He remembered his father bowing which angered and saddened him at the same time.

Kumo stopped and looked back at the boy. After a second, he returned his gaze to the path and continued with Shouken close behind.

"I was 18 and working for the Grass's Secret Specialist Division. Comparable to the Anbu, however, we were much stronger individually but didnt have quite the numbers of the Anbu, this is irrelevant though. I was doing some work in the Sand and things got dicey real quick. I was outnumbered by about 5:1 by some elitist rogue ninja. They were extremely powerful and should have had no problem dismembering me in the shaded streets. Seeing my defeat, I ran through the tight alleys until I came across Danguu. The ninja were dead on my trail and with no knowledge of who I was or why I was running from the people, Danguu drew his blade..."

Blade?? Pops was a swordsmen?

"...And faced the Ninja in my defense. I had never seen anything like it, you're father weilded a sword like no other. He deflected powerful ninjutsu and held his own against the ninja. I eventually helped out and we overcame the ninja together, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without Danguu. He showed me courage that night and sparked a little bit of reason in my life. After that night, we became best friends."

Shouken's head had sunk but a grin still remained.

So pops was a badass...

Shouken began recalling his past with his father and all the things he taught him as a person and a ninja. Shouken's father was single-handedly the most influential person in his life and for the first time he was disappointed in him. Thinking of him bowing immediately angered him as his hands clamped down on the straps of his small backpack.

Kumo observed the boy's emotion and only fixed his sight on the path, refusing to spark any kind of conversation on the subject.

They walked about a mile in silence before Kumo halted the travelling pair with a forceful swing of the arm into Shouken's chest, stopping him. Shouken didnt react, but gave the old man a grimaced look. Kumo paid no attention to the stare but sniffed the air instead. In one quick motion, Kumo leapt from the ground and vanished from Shouken's sight. Confused as to what was going on, Shouken only stood and waited until he was confronted by 2 nationless ninja. They were dressed in long white robes that appeared to be ceremonial with read markings and lines covering it. Each bore a plain black mask that only revealed the ninja's eyes. Along with their creepy attire, they also were equipped with standard looking katana's.

Grunts...I shouldnt be in too much trouble...But where the fuck is Kumo?......

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Akimichi had taken his leave and his papers after he was cleared to go. He looked to Daisuke with a grin and exclaimed "Alright let's go." as he followed behind him out of the Hokage's mansion. After he had left the building he strolled up beside him and looked down the street, spotting one of Chokashi's personal favorite spots, "Old Cho's Hibachi". As he leaned to the side he pointed to the place. As they approached the place, a white banner could be seen with black kanji for "Old Cho's Hibachi" It's outside showed tradition while and simplicity yet one were to look inside, they would see a mixture of tradition with a modern flair. When they had approached, Chokashi had a hungry look to his eyes.

" I swear this place is the best. Like I tried the others in Downtown and all but this place takes the cake. It's got fresh beef butchered the same day, live fish that was brought down from wave country the day prior, fre- He looked over at Dai-san and waved a dismissive hand. "Ah you get the idea. Come on let's go." Cho led him into the place as a hostess approached them. She was young like them and but held a bright smile as she saw Cho, quickly giving him a hug as he returned one himself. However, after the brief hug she hit him in the gut, causing him to let out a light "oof". "Hey Onii-sama! It's been awhile since I last saw you. Where were you?" He scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously. "Hey Naomi, I've been busing with daiko lessons and preparing for the Barbecue. Don't be too mad." Her eyes shined brightly to the barbecue until she flinched slightly from the manager yelling at her to get back to work. She turned to wave off her manager until out of the corner of her eye she took quick notice to Chokashi's raised eyebrow and crossed arms. Instinctively she yelled back "ok" and continued to show them to their table. It was a booth/chair table, which would allow room for Cho to sit down without problems. She handing them their menus however for Cho, he had been there enough to have his order known to most of the staff. But out of respect Cho would wait for Dai-san to order. Naomi looked at Cho with a smile on her face. "So you have to tell me about the barbecue this month. Any new additions to it?" He drooped his head down and to the side and gave her an expecting gaze. "I'll tell you about it AFTER your done work, okay?" She gave a playful pout before lightly punching his are as she stomped off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Giichi Uzumaki

Giichi sat up in his bed once the woman had pulled his sheets off him. He wasn’t sure how he would have reacted normally but at the moment, he felt agitated and pissed off. A lifeless stared stabbed her as he took a moment to show his disapproval before ultimately deciding to ignore the intrusion and turn his back to her again.

Giichi wondered the same after she had finish speaking. His uncertainty had showed on his face as he avoided her eye-contact. Not that he cared for where her loyalty laid but it did matter that he couldn’t determine the meaning of the village’s philosophy anymore. Everyone had knelt to the assassin so easily, that it seemed—to him at least—that the flame had been snuffed out. Stomped till only a drifting ember was left. With a warning push, he urged her away from him.

The next intruder managed to pull a aggravated groan from him. He yanked the covers that the girl had pulled off him, covering himself in its seclusion. He didn’t need it at the moment; the sword, the company … none of it. He was better off just sulking, trying to grasp at straws hidden in a barrel of needles.

Not even sparing a glance to the blade, Giichi’s hand raised up and pointed to a cushioned chair near his computer desk. “Take a seat. Just … Just try to be quiet. The both of you … please.” he said with a remarkable amount of disinterested in them.

Several minutes went by. He thought intently on the girl’s question and though determined to keep his peace, knew that she needed an answer in order to leave. Through the silence or their conversation, Giichi finally spoke. “You’re better off asking a Sarutobi. The Uzumaki is just famous for their guts. The Will of Fire is a joke now, the Leaf Village doesn’t believe in it and neither should you.”

“I use to think It was protecting your family.” he whispered to himself.

Daiki Naito

Daiki leaned against the cool metal of the elevator wall, his hands tucked in his pockets as he listened. For whatever reason, a very bothersome reason at that; Saburo spoke of his once attempt at recruiting Yamato. Daiki hmp! at that part, letting his eyes stray to the upper corner of the elevator.

In-between the soft whirring of the engine and their eventual stop, Daiki let his thoughts free. “I don’t get what everyone sees in him. Why try to recruit him?” he wondered out of personal curiosity.

Daiki walked at a quicker pace than Saburo, with long strides he managed a foot or two in front of the lad. So when his question came, he paused in his walk, partially turned to him, and thought. He had known the answer himself but would it be smart to tell the truth? Was it for the best? For some reason, he felt that he owed it to the guy. After all, they were more or less family now. And Daiki found it hard to do anything against his kin.

With a sigh and almost certainty that his words would bite him in the ass one day, he answered with a natural calm. “I want to experience it for myself. I feel like you’re being honest and that bothers me. If its true than Konoha, the world too, is about to change drastically. Whether for the worst or not is still lost on me but i want to see it with my own two eyes. The decisions that can shape the world and its identity.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”

Saburo's Brother

Saburo glanced at Daiki as he walked with him, wondering and musing to himself about what Daiki really wanted. He wasn't surprised that Daiki lashed out at Yamato, since Daiki was still stuck in an emotional state that all normal shinobi had. He didn't see the true potential of Yamato Minamoru, and probably not his own potential either. “Because he is powerful. Power is a commodity, not a trait. We should utilise his power to benefit the 11th corps and Konohagakure, denoting that we do not care about people's personality or history.” Saburo told him, smiling again before looking straight ahead at the upcoming security checkpoint. They went through without much hassle. Daiki's next words were surprising, but Saburo had already figured out what Daiki wanted since he started asking. It was just surprising to hear the words from Daiki's own mouth.

“I see. I might be able to arrange something. You'll be severely tested and investigated. Likely, without you noticing it. My superiors, Fujitora in this case, will need to agree to it as well. So do you wish to join the 11th corps? It will certainly give you an inside look, and a certain hand in the world affairs. But I must warn you that while it comes with perks there are also certain things that might hamper your ability to communicate with the outside world. Your family will see very little of you. The Naito's even less. They are no longer considered your direct family by the 11th and as such you will probably not see them much at all anymore, in fact. You should think about that. If you then still wish to join, I can set it all in motion, denoting I will ask my superiors for agreement and start the investigations.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ascension of a New Leaf

1 Week later - Subarc 3.5

A week had passed since the Hokage, Zeno Hakarasu, was brutally murdered in front of Konoha's leading shinobi force by his trusted assistant Ayame Choko and his right hand man Fujitora Choko. Ever since, the leaf had been drenched in a never ending drizzle akin to Amegakure's constant rainfall. Apart from the weather, shinobi were not all that affected by these changes, there has actually be a decrease in mission activity. However they all knew this was bound to change sooner or later, and today the Choko assert themselves as the leaders they've promised to be, no matter the cost that it may entail. A long day awaits the Konoha nin whether it is in a lighthearted festivity or deep within the lion's den.

Steamy Investigations

Akio Tendou, squad leader
Reihana Minamoru
Nobunaga Inuzuka
Seta Kunisada

@Raijinslayer @Partisan @Kal-El @Mugin

After the meeting had been conducted, and the reports that Saburo made had been delivered to Fujitora and Ayame Choko, a decision had to be made. Given that most of the clans seemed unwilling to fight back against the coup, bar one, the decision was easy. A quick mission was drawn up to investigate the Hojo bathhouse given recent suspicions only being furthered by their act in the meeting. It was finally time to act on some of these suspicions, such as investigating the clans ties to questionable entities. All in all the investigation had been some time coming, even under the reign of Zeno Hakarasu, but has recently been kickstarted by the new Hokage.

The selected chunin to lead this mission was Akio Tendou, a promising chunin in truth, handpicked by Ayame Choko to test her field effectiveness and see if she is capable of the job. The others were picked simply for availability, and are all considered good followers, to make sure that Akio gets a team she can actually work with. The chunin are also capable, each and every one in their own ways, and are complimentary to eachother. Nobunaga is the short ranged swordsman, Reihana and Akio both have medium range capabilities, with Seta to top it off with a summoning expert.

However this mission doesn't revolve around combat - quite the contrary, it revolves around finding out as much as they can about the Hojo clan, a relatively new clan all together, and no limits were placed on what info is required and what isn't. In short, every detail is of importance.

The Good, The Bad and The Retard

Reijo Minamoru
Kaito Maru
Shin Maru

@j8cob @Partisan

The day after the meeting, Reijo does indeed follow Kaito Maru's orders, sending a minor Yakuza thug to the meetingplace, with a weapon in his hands. It's now up to Shin to arrest the man and do his part of the job. Upon arrival at his home the prior day, Reijo spent an awful lot of time contemplating what Kaito could possibly wanted, but came up empty. Kaito was a mysterious man, just like how Reijo kept to himself largely. The key difference was that Kaito's plottings often related more to his visions of order and peace, while Reijo was motivated by power and money. A true clash, but a powerful force if combined.. that's all that Reijo could come up with.

Trouble in Trap Town

Katsu Hyuuga, Squad Leader
Yamato Minamoru
Giichi Uzumaki
Tatsuya Terumi


The Hokage, Ayame Choko, was recently contacted by a contact in a country not too far away. Systemetical thefts of artworks and other valuables had been occuring recently in the borders of small, meaningless villages and countries. The prime targets seem to be valuable artifacts, although there were also just random valuables stolen.

Normally, these missions would be given to a squad of genin, since it surrounds a meaningless thief who fancies himself a master thief and thus goes around and steals items worth stealing. However, the contact has stressed that the thefts so far had been nearly untraceable, no, even so mysterious that they suspect a shinobi is the criminal involved in this case. For that reason, Ayame has personally picked Katsu Hyuuga as the squad leader, since he has the byakugan, a valuable tool in searching for the criminal.

Furthermore, Yamato was selected for his prowess in battle, in case the criminal turns out to be an actual shinobi. The same goes for Giichi and Tatsuya, who are perhaps a bit more collected and calm than Yamato, and will be able to help in the investigation.

It Runs in the Family

Saburo Uchiha, ''Squad leader''
Daiki Naito
Yuen Uchiha


Word on the street says a man known as Fuyushi can supply the highest bidders with the 'cursed eyes', an issue only now being addressed by the authorities after three years. Although this mission may entail much more than just an arrest, this is the 11th Corp's first step into establishing a new process in order to reduce the gangrene poisoning Konoha.

The goal of the mission is simple: Locate Fuyushi, confirm his identity and incriminate him for organ trafficking. The 11th Corp will handle minor details and the capture of associated individuals. The choice of what agents have been used in this operation seems to translate something that goes beyond simply taking down another thug.

Fuyushi is an individual known well to any bearer of the sharingan, given that he frequently chases them if he sees the opportunity. He has always gotten away with it due to his complicated but useful set of skills. The 11th corps would like to learn more about this set of skills, so preferably he is to be caught alive. However his dangerous nature, as a shinobi and also his personality, leads the 11th corps to have authorised lethal force. The usage of the 2 non 11th corps shinobi was however, done on purpose. It's the 11th corps way of opening up their ranks a bit more, to show that they are not the evil that some perceive them to be. The two selected shinobi were selected for their Sharingans, to make sure they can combat anything Fuyushi throws at them.

The Age of Steel

Chihiro Hyuuga
Hajime Hyuuga
Momoi Yasei

@Savato@AgentFallenSoul@Partisan@Akashi Mayhiro

It's a typical day in the Hyuuga compound and Hajime prepares to execute Iwao's demand concerning Chihiro. The issue is that Momoi holds the same idea but only to have her live with Chihiro alone. Added to that would be N.C.4 pahtological obsession over Chihiro after the previous mission, prompting it to take part in this micro-feud and things are inevitably going to get heated.

Akimichi's (cholesterol) Heart

Chokashi Akimichi, "Squad Leader"
Aoi Don Maquia
Daisuke Yama
Yuna Hojo
Chen Chideta

@FallenTrinity@Savato@Lost in my Mind@Kimono@floodtalon

On the battlefield dedicated to the Akimichi will commence the promised sparring match between Daisuke and Chokashi. Aoi planned it so that she would win something from it no matter the alternative, so as consolation she summoned Yuna to at least cater to the poor lads after crushing each other to save a few pennies. All the while, Chen is also summoned by the Akimichi household as a sponsor for the grandiose event and is free to associate himself with his colleagues. He better hold his tongue however as Aoi demonstrated a keen lust for fighting nowadays!

No matter the alternative, the BBQ event is to happen and more or less anyone is welcome to do whatever they want as long as it remains reasonable. Hopefuly nothing bad will happen during such a jolly time...

Fancy Talk for a Dog

Ayame Choko
Fujitora Choko
Tsukiko Umene

@j8cob @Partisan @Savato

After recent events, and allowing the Honeybadger of Konohagakure to calm down, an informal invitation was extended from Ayame and Fujitora Choko to Tsukiko Umene. A dinner at the Hokages' office, away from prying eyes and the 11th corps constantly watching over Tsukiko's back. All at Fujitora's orders of course. The contents of the discussion remain hidden from Tsukiko for now, under the guise of a normal, friendly meeting as friends. Recent events will likely prove to Tsukiko however that this might not be the case.

Not showing up, however, will not be an option for her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen Chideta-Akimichi Battlefield

Chen looked around with a aura of bloodlust as he waited for the fights to begin. It was always an amazing day when you got to see two people duke it out for the purpose for growing stronger. He munched on some food he had bought earlier, several corn dogs and a hamburger, while he waited for the battle to begin. In the meantime he was quite interested in the fighters themselves. Or one of them anyways.

"Daisuke is just another grain of sand in the endless beach of mediocrity, but the Akimichi. He is quite the prime rib, heh." He laughed a little under his breath and waited for the conflict. Chen also noticed the Hojo woman was here, most likely to heal any idiot in case they got some wimpy injury.

And finally there was the last one here, Aoi Don Maquia. From what he's learned she has something to benefit from this fight, she would be one to look out for. Chen's smile grew bigger after he saw her. She felt like a warrior to him. A crafty one too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daisuke Yama

One Week Ago

As Daisuke stepped outside he took a moment to gaze up at the clouds, the rain splattering against his face. Now the he was aware of the reason behind the rain it no longer worried him. He hadn’t had enough time to process the little that Aoi had told him about the events preceding his arrival, but the rain itself was not a concern anymore. Even with one mystery replaced his shoulders still grew taut as his body tightened. The clown had managed to disengage most of his overly alert behavior while they had been catching up, but now it reemerged. Daisuke leveled his head when he noticed Chokashi catch up to him, and surpass him by a few steps. He was completely content with letting the Akimichi take lead.

When the place came into view the clan heir almost immediately began gushing over the place. Daisuke couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as his current companion went off, even if it weren’t for the heir’s size there would be no doubt that he was an Akimichi. ”It has been quite some time since I ate out, I never really had the chance to since I left. Even if the place was half as good as how you describe it, it would still be the best place I have eaten at in years.” Daisuke faded into the background, as well as a man his size could, when they entered the place. It became clear that their young hostess seemed to know Chokashi quite well, which was no surprise, and he felt that it was best to allow them to catch up. After the grilling the hostess gave Cho, they were quickly lead to their table. While he sat an approving smile formed on his face, it wasn’t often that there was seating suited to his size and he was pleasantly surprised to find a place that did. Without knowing what they served he knew for a fact that he would be coming back here regularly.

With menu in hand he gave the young woman a slight head bow, before scanning the list of dishes. Even though his eyes danced along the various words and images his mind could not grab hold of them, it was preoccupied with the upcoming spar against Chokashi. He wasn’t concerned about the fight itself though, more so with how he should approach it. Forcing the thoughts away he set the menu down, to signal that he was done looking, and as the hostess from before returned. ”I would like two Dragon Rolls, and a glass of water.” As he spoke he lifted the menu for the woman, making it just a little easier on her. He had already decided that he would leave a good tip, he knew that her quick service was likely due to her connection to Chokashi but good service was good service.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia

Let's Stay Positive!

A week had followed since her last assignment, a bureaucratic one to add salt to injury, and the clown was growing increasingly bored. Her lover was gone doing some hunting and shinobi jobs were scarce, including the least amusing. Those who were asked to work the most were patrol chuunin at the edges of town and she couldn't be one of those anymore because of her rank. Not that it would help her boredom that much anyway. The depressing rain didn't help much either, the soothing effect it had on her quickly died out when the sound of droplets hitting the window was as common as breathing. There wouldn't even be a flood which would prompt her to act a little too heroic, at least not in the outskirts. With each passing minute her desire to do something grew, and the BBQ quickly felt like Christmas to a sleepless child for Aoi. When the day finally came, she did her maximum to look her best. A fancy blue dress, mild makeup, hair carefully brushed and every minute detail accounted for.

She left her mobile home in a hurry, forgetting to stick a note on the fridge for Akio when she'd come back from her current mission. Just as she got back she was summoned to do some mission regarding information; the clown didn't know much about it and found these types of operations a little too complicated for her. Releasing her multi-colored umbrella, she was ready to go and enjoy another stormy day on the damp streets of Konoha until she'd reach the Akimichi compound. She didn't take long since the Akimichi's was't too far off the outskirts which were in turn close to Smalltown. The jonin didn't bother to manifest her presence however, no she went full shinobi ninja on everyone and trespassed like a delinquent into the battlefield where she'd swiftly find herself a nice training log to sit on before getting this party started.

hey yuna chan tiem 2 healz da big bois!!!! >;3 <333 inda feelds btw

She quickly texted as she scrolled down through her phone to check if she got any messages in the meantime. By the, the two fighters would be standing in the mud covered training field. A lot of it was just dirt and shattered rocks along with many distortions of the land considering giants were using this place regularly to duke it out. There were only a few training logs at the edges near the large fences that surrounded the massive field. She grinned at the sight of her two buddies about to lash out at each other to determine who would be the one exempted from paying the full price of a Collector's edition 3DS.

"Okay Bois! Kick yo butts now so we can have first dibs on the ribs! First one I declare to lose, loses!"

She wailed to encourage her friends to start this battle. She observed to make sure none of them got out of hand, after all it was her job as their superior to insure the stupidity levels didn't reach critical levels. It didn't prevent her from strolling on her phone from time to time like a disinterested teen who had absolutely no shame in displaying her boredom. Luckily for them she simply multitasked to get some things done on her side too. However because of this and the harsh rainfall, she couldn't see nor hear Chen nearby commenting and wandering around in the first place.

kiki wassup??? luv u!! <3333 (^3^)

After its return to Konoha, the robot that had just finished a top priority mission was finally set back into a passive state in the 11th Corp's depths. It didn't feel anything from the past experience nor did it regret leaving Gin behind to be slaughtered by these psychopaths at the Tonaka castle. To N.C.4, the mission was complete, its absolute superior having not only received the operation's content but also dismissed it through approval. However as it sat down at the same, abandoned store in the Financial District to wait for its next assignment, it dove into the abyss that was the thought of his past colleague, Chihiro. At first it simply recalled the events to calculate various ways the events could have went and updating itself on more efficient alternatives to face such variables in the future. But the more it analyzed, the more Chihiro's behavior and expressions seemed to spark something else in its mind. A combination of fascination and dumb confusion overwhelmed it and made it consider the idea of allocating through processes to her case despite it having no real added value to its main use: Performances.

Upon making a conclusion that Chihiro had a form of importance compared to the common people is was meant to defend, the robot's left eye twitched only once. There was something it simply couldn't comprehend and was growing more and more dedicated to understanding the anomaly that was the Hyuuga heir. Was it her will? Or perhaps her dedication to the smaller details that concerned the village? Elements that, for N.C.4, seemed rather ludicrous to have on a leader of a prospering nation were suddenly factors that made it reflect deeper than various numbers and probabilities. It wouldn't go as far as using silly emotional explanations, but there was surely something about her charisma that convinced it that she could very well be something beyond what its rational eyes could see.

It was only a couple of days after the mission's end that N.C.4 acted without orders for the first time in a while. It had no problem getting around unnoticed, even by its fellow 11th Corp as it knew their patterns by heart. Every evening, near 18:00, it'd be standing on a massively tall tree's branch to have a good view on the Hyuuga compound's grounds. It was usually at this time that Chihiro would see her girlfriend, Momoi Yasei, without others in the household noticing. The robot quickly grew a dislike for that individual. Momoi could be considered a loose canon, consider her very laid back life and tendencies to go wander despite Konoha regulations. Added to that her intoxication problems were majorly negative influences for Chihiro. N.C.4 didn't go as far as to see Hiro as a form of daughter, but for a prospering light of Konoha, she had no place with this ticking time bomb.

It didn't help that this Hajime individual was added to Chihiro's often frequented individuals recently. A cousin of her's but evidently with a particular goal. The robot couldn't make too many conclusions, but if it were to find out that he'd be attempting to get her away from the compound, possibly the only save haven for someone of her status these days, it would certainly disagree as well. It didn't take the role of a parent, but it slowly started to consider itself as the guardian of the greater good that was Chihiro.

It now waited, earlier than usual, on one of the roofs of the Hyuuga mansion, hoping to be noticed by Chihiro eventually so it could address her about the issues it could have observed. Little did it know who else would have the righteous idea of seeing her at early hours as well.

Fujitora Choko ; The Overseer

Magic is Everything

It was perhaps the longest week of his life for the ex Jonin commander now Head of the 11th Corp. Fujitora was slowly but surely adapting to the overwhelming workload that came with reforming the entire 11th Corp along with the usual every day work and meetings. It didn't have that much of a toll on him, considering Jonin Commander was no cake walk as a job either, but he could feel the responsibility being worlds apart from one another. Luckily, he could take some time off to tie up some loose ends and deal with Tsukiko's position in all this, and what better way to do that than to invite her to the new Hokage's place directly? She'd be the first to have that honor, as such she'd already have bragging rights. A squad of four 11th Corp agents were sent to pick her up and 'escort' her to the location, not that Fujitora expected her to let herself be accompanied like some vulnerable little girl.

The man in question was sitting on a visitor's seat, opposite to his sister's claimed throne behind the massive office that was the Hokage's. As usual, he was smoking on something. If one were to take a closer look, they'd see the top quality of the cigar in his mouth and of course question the use of his power to gain access to such novelties. Puffing away, he gave his sister multiple counts of silly faces to distract her as he blew the cloud of smoke right at her, doing his best to prevent any form of work as they waited for the feral Jonin to arrive.

"So ... Life as a ruler. How does it feel? Sure as hell ain't a cake walk down at Shady People Incorporated. A bunch of crazy drones these agents are at times. Damn."

It was true that Fujitora had a hard time asserting the nearly emotionless 11th Corp agents, despite agreeing with the utility of this type of individual. They were unreadable, almost scary in a sense that they could literally kill anyone with just one order without questioning it unlike typical shinobi who would often question morality behind certain acts. They were but tools made of flesh. The positive side was that he hadn't gotten angry since his talk with Katsu as no externality would come over and impose their opinion at the workplace. Actually his opinion, even as a bad job, was considered to be the most valuable because of his position. He liked that.

"Anyway. I took care of the Eye issue Zeno kept lingering to promote Sage knows what with other countries and superpowers. It didn't take that much effort either, especially with the ... Unique squad I've concocted. You've read the report so I ain't pissing anymore details on you."

With that said, she'd crush the burning end of the cigar against the ashtray on the bureau and patiently waited for Tsukiko to come over so they could have a nice, soothing chat accompanied with inevitably yelling and furniture breaking. The price to pay for an efficient guard dog, sacrifice a few teared up cushions for one hell of a ball biter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

One Week Prior to the Fight

The time at the restaurant wasn't long however the bill was quite high, mostly thanks to Chokashi for his order. It wasn't a surprise to the staff at the amount the boy could eat. But as they ate he conversed with Daisuke about the upcoming barbecue and fight while at the same time sending out a mass text to everyone about the time and day of the event.

>To all my friends and colleagues, the Akimichi Barbecue is still a go and will start at 12:00pm when the door opens. We are expecting a big turnout this month as well as a few acts and a main stage performance by one of out very own. I look forward to seeing you all there.

"Yeah so...I know that you'll be in the house, most likely second floor. I don't know where as far as room goes but that's where some of our guests go. Also you'll be expected to help build the stages and set up the tables and all for the barbecue. You may have to help get the grills going but besides that leave the rest to the Akimichi." He said, putting down already two thirds of what he ordered with vigor. "I hope your ready for that fight Dai-san, cause-" He paused for a moment as he finished the last of his meal. cause I won't hold back on ya, no way. But I'll make sure it's entertaining for the both of us. Just be sure to bring your 'A' game." After they had finished their meal he had went around the village, asking small shop owners like local butchers for meats, bakers for specialty pastries and bars for drinks. He'd hand them a paper about the event and a number to contact for answers, most of them going either to his father or mother. With Daisuke in tow, he brought him back to the compound and introduced him to his father and mother, who happened to be in a panic because she had lost the list of ingredients and recipes that she had made or gathered in the week for the event. That alone was rather, amusing. But he had led Daisuke to the bed room on the opposite side of the courtyard but directly across from Cho. His family was quite hospitable to Daisuke and showed him around. They had also warned him of the service that he would provide for staying, mostly to help setup for the barbecue.

Morning of the Barbecue

He had awoken to the sound of yelling, clanking of metal and other chaotic noises that related back to the final preparations for the barbecue. Apparently, his mother, had had gone on a rampage about a large roast being dropped by one of the other Akimichi clan members"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR SORRY!? THAT ROAST TOOK 18 HOURS TO COOK! AND IT WAS NO-". "Um.. Hun you need to calm down we an-" Cho had just rolled his eyes as he continued to get on his training gear, only flinch when he heard his mother scream at the top of her lungs quickly followed by his father attempting, horribly at that, to bring his wife down from her anger. After he was ready he made his way downstairs and past the kitchen, to which he avoided a flying pan, and out of the compound to the training ground where he would spar with Daisuke for Aoi's enjoyment. Aoi's enjoyment, he couldn't get over the fact that she was having this sadistic streak going and it kinda spooked him a bit. But he placed that aside as he made his way to the muddy training grounds. He stood there in the rain, his hands behind his head with a big smile on his face. He was ready for this fight. He adorned the normal Akimichi battle armor as well as a navy blue trench with the collar that reached his neck. Over that he wore his chuunin jacket and strapped to that was his bo staff, Heaven's Branch. He kept on his person his favorite gloves that hopefully he wouldn't have to use. He heard Aoi call out to them and his smile turned into confusion when he saw her dressed up for the barbecue....that wasn't for a few hours. "Oi! Aoi-sensei! The barbecue don't start for like another three hours or so. Why are you dressed up in that? Aren't you the least bit concerned about it getting dirty?" After her answer, which he could only assume was that she didn't care he would shrug and turn his attention to Chen. 'So he's the one that chipped in for a large portion of this, huh? Guess he'll be sitting at the main table with us.'

He then took notice to his friend who he gave a competitive look, a smirk on his face. He called out to Daisuke. " Are you ready for this Dai-san? Because like I told you a week ago, I won't hold back!" He yelled out to him over the rain. His smirk dropped into a serious look and his stance became low. His right foot shuffled back and his left forward slightly. His right hand, closed into a fist and close to his side. Far enough to attack but close enough to grab hold of his bo staff should he need it. His left hand was an open palm, facing Daisuke. His stance looked ridged yet was loose enough should he need to dodge or counter. "Ready when you are Dai-san"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 15 days ago

Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger

"Fuck off! Unless you idiots are here to carry me like a princess from one of those stupid fairy tales then I don't need you babying me." The four agents around her remained stoic and composed but weren't quite sure what to do with Tsukiko. On one hand they were ordered to escort her to the Hokage's Office, which she was walking to on her own anyways, but on the other she was belligerent and almost completely non-compliant. If it wasn't for the fact she had already intended to go to Fujitora and Ayame it was plausible that they wouldn't be able to convince her to move. The solution they came up with was to continue following her, but at a more respectable distance where she wouldn't keep stopping every twenty paces to yell at them.

Without the 11th Corps harassing her, Tsukiko made it to Ayame's office without much delay. The woman was always inconsiderate, but she was almost always punctual. The sight was just as she expected, with Ayame sitting where Zeno once sat and Fujitora sitting across the desk from his sister. "Yeah, tell those goons to stay out of my face next time," Tsukiko greeted, walking over to the desk and standing next to the seated Fujitora. She was notably dripping wet, having taken no care to shield herself from rain during her trek across Konoha. "Almost didn't come here just to spite 'em. So what's up? Got a task for me? Or is there something more important going on?"

Shin Maru, Topaz

The young detective walked into the building, closing his umbrella once shielded from the rain. It had been a long time since he had gone to the Minamoru's headquarters. Two years in fact. Last time he was here it was different. He came in not knowing what to expect back then. But today he knew. Things had changed since then, and so had he. Shin approached the lady behind the front desk. She was clearly older than him, though not particularly old at all, and most certainly had an attractive appearance. A grin formed on Shin's face as he casually leaned on the desk. "Hey there. Come here often?" The woman seemed confused for a moment, unsure how to respond to the terrible ice-breaker and unsure if this man was really here to ask for assistance. "Nah, I'm just playing with ya. Anyways, the name's Shin Maru. I'm with the Konoha Police Department. Perchance is Mr. Minamoru in today and not have anything scheduled?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. I'd have to check. Of course I will also have to ask why you want to see him." Shin removed a small business card from his pocket, holding it out for her to see. It was Reijo's card, notably crumpled slightly on the corners. "Found this on a guy that tried to mug me on my way to my shift. He was quite the unlucky soul. Assaulting a cop, with a deadly and illegal weapon no less. But he also had this in his pocket. If I recall correctly, this looks like the cards that Reijo gives out personally. The dude I arrested had tight lips so I figured I'd pay Mr. Minamoru a visit." The woman seemed unsure still, as it almost seemed like Shin was preparing to start investigating the building for criminal activities. With what he was presenting she couldn't feel sure that there wasn't any going on, but at the same time she was loyal to the company.

"I would just make it easy and ask for the surveillance tapes but I already know from past experience that there aren't any cameras in Mr. Minamoru's office, so I wouldn't gain anything from them. But I tell ya what, I'll make it easier on you and just head up there myself. His car is parked in the garage next door so surely he's here." "Uh, sir, you can't just intrude on Mr. Minamoru. He's a very important man and-" "Relax, he's a family friend. I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to see me, until I give him the story I gave you." Shin began walking away from the front desk towards the elevator, putting his hands in his pockets and leaving the woman flustered and confused. "Oh, and are you available between the hours of seven and eight o' clock? Because I'd like to treat you to coffee for your troubles?" "Uh... no?"

Taking the rejection like a champion, Shin moseyed into the conveniently ready elevator and pressed the button. He didn't remember the exact floor number when he first entered, but he remembered there were two floors above Reijo's office. Only after the doors closed did Shin let out a sigh and the charismatic persona fade. "I just don't understand. I talk smooth and I look good. Man, I really need to step up my game..." Luckily Shin didn't have to share the elevator with anyone as nobody called it during his ascent. He strode out with confidence, walking past the secretary's desk as if it didn't exist and headed straight for Reijo's door. "Excuse me, sir, do you have an appointment?" she called to him, but the only response Shin gave was flashing his badge. Rather than barging straight through the door, Shin stopped and politely knocked exactly three times. "It's okay, miss," Shin finally began to explain. "It's just a routine check-up. Like the dentist, ya know? Nothing to get worried about. Definitely nothing to call security about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Ayame Choko, “the Sewstress”

Ayame had spent the last week working tirelessly, almost doubling Zeno's efforts in order to get stuff in order. Just because she had commited a coup, didn't mean she could just do what she want. There was so much to do - that one person in the other village wanted a squad of shinobi to protect some valuables, then another squad had to be arranged for the guy with the sharingan trafficking, though luckily she just had to grant clearance to use some shinobi to Fujitora. He did the most work. Then, there was also the Akimichi barbecue that she hadn't been invited for. A subtle slight if anything, but one she didn't care about. She figured that Fujitora would've done his best to atleast ensure safety at the party using his 11th corps, since it was a big barbecue if her memory served correctly.

She was still shoving papers around, signing some of them and reading others quickly while giving Fujitora the occasional sideways glance, annoyed at his antics as he was always playing around, even in times like these. “It's okay. Not much different than when I was an assistant, since Zeno never did the paperwork. And yes, I suppose the 11th is like that. They're weird. The ones that stand guard in my office are often more like robots than humans. Like Asura.” she said, looking at him a bit before looking back down at the paper in front of her, using her pen to sign it quickly and drag it to the side.

The entire office had undergone a refurnishment, with the normal setup being completely tossed away. Now, she had a desk that was facing towards the center, with the chair on the side of a wall. This was done to limit assassinations through the window, or any risk of an attack being limited this way. The window now had large blinds on them, pretty much always closed too. Then, there were large black cabinets lining the wall on the other side of the desk, which held a variety of items. Mostly they were used for paper filings. In the center of the room, there was a set of three chairs, comfortable and big, with a single table between them. They were arranged casually, and one was facing the desk now since Fujitora had been so free to adjust his seating. In the corner a coat rack stood, with Ayame's black coat hanging on it.

“Hai, the Uchiha's. I read. Interesting setup, I'll be reading it closely.” she said, not even looking up because she just knew he'd be making stupid faces again. It was then that Tsukiko entered, causing Ayame to look up at him and her both, before standing up and pointing her open hand at a chair. When Tsukiko would move to sit down, Ayame would come from behind her desk and sit down as well. “Thanks for coming, Tsukiko. I appreciate it. No task for you today I'm afraid, we're just here to discuss our future as friends together.”

Ayame didn't have to say a word before an 11th corps shinobi walked in with a wooden plate full of sushi and ramen bowls, with a second following closely with a glass of water, some wine and a very expensive, high class beer. Ayame would grab the wooden plate and place it down in front of them, then take the glass of water and put it before herself, with the wine being placed in front of Fujitora and the high class beer being put down in front of Tsukiko. “I hope you like that brand, I had it specifically imported from Kirigakure, but I am not a beer lover. I figured I'd let you try it for me, see if you like it, and then make my decision on whether I want to import more for situations like these. You seem like someone that enjoys beer, Tsukiko.” she said with a smile, a genuine one at that, but a smile that didn't tell much more about the situation even when it was clear that they weren't just going to discuss their friendship.

Reijo Minamoru

Reijo had been working on his large company, managing the multi million company he was running at this time. Only when he got interrupted he put down his pen and folded his hands together. “Enter, please.” he said to whomever was behind the door. As soon as Shin would enter, Reijo would ofcourse realize what this was about. “Ah, hello Shin. What can I do for you today? Have you finally come around and decided to stop working for the police force? You can earn more money working here, you know that right?” he said, pretending to be oblivious to what was actually going on here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chihiro Hyūga

@Savato@Partisan@Akashi Mayhiro

Chihiro laid up in her bed, her head pounding and moving to get up, she felt warmth on her body and she raised her blanket to see a not so clothed her or Momoi "Oh fuck..." moving gently, she opened the blinds and quickly put her hands up and the blinds closed "fuck fuck fuck..." trying to move from under the girl, she moved her to the side and shook her gently "Babe..." Momoi moved and wrapped her arms around Chihiro and she sighed "alright...I can figure this one out, yeah..." looking at the ground next to the bed, there were dozens and dozens of bottles everywhere "Ah fuck..." she laid back and but a hand on her head, obviously hungover. Typically they would get wasted and then Chihiro would just sleep over there, and honestly any other day would have been fine, but Takeo was here and Momoi wasn't even suppose to be here. Looking for a towel, she wrapped it around her body and peeked her head out and Takeo was sleeping on the couch, the T.V watching him. Sighing, she went back into her room and locked the door behind her.

Looking over at Momoi, she smiled, kinda happy she was there instead of over at T's house, it was different in a way. Walking over to her, she pulled the covers over the girl and then kissed her cheek. Shortly after, she started Walking over to her bathroom and quickly began to take a shower.

Takeo woke up at the sound of a shower being run and it seemed Hajime was already in the kitchen "Seem's Chihiro awake, good I need to talk to both of you as a matter of fact about the clan and it's current situation" getting up he went into the kitchen next to Hajime and started making tea for himself, however he didn't really acknowledge the boy, simply remained quiet and waited for his tea to finish. Around the same time that Chihiro finished, Takeo stretched "let us go see her" he motioned for Hajime to follow, more of an order then a request, the boy following after him, they walked to her door and knocked.

Chihiro's eye's went wild "One second!" she quickly moved her clothes onto her bed and piled the bottles under her bed, however she missed one that she didn't see "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

"Hoi, what's going on in there? What's with that noise?" Takeo twisted the knob, it being locked.

"Im trying to find my underwear, give me a second dammit!" praying that Momoi wouldn't wake up, Chihiro moved towards the door, however Takeo had already begun unlocking it and him opening it. Chihiro's foot met the bottle she forgot and was launched forward, however Takeo easily sidestepped the rapidly approaching Chihiro, however the unlucky Hajime was...well unlucky. Chihiro collided with the boy and then landed ontop of him in only her towel, adding to the embarrassment, however she hit her head in colliding with Hajime and didn't even realize the position she was in "fucking ow...you guys couldn't wait a second, I'm rash but for fucksake im a girl, and im in a towel, you could have gave me a second..." she held her head, opening her eyes and then suddenly seeing Hajime under her, her face turned red and she slapped the boy, getting up, going back into her room and slamming the door.

Takeo waited till Chihiro went back into her room, before falling back and laughing "Holy shit, that is probably one of the best things I've seen in a very long time, you're a branch member, so naturally I look down on you, but damn do I pity you, I know those slaps, they are not painless" getting up, he walked over Hajime and reached for his phone on the couch, checking it and wiping tears from his eyes after laughing so hard "well it seems I'm needed, but later, you will report to the main estate, with Chihiro preferably" he walked towards the door and left, leaving Hajime in the hallway on his back.

Katsu Hyūga


Katsu stood at the front of the enormous entrance gate, waiting for his team to arrive so they could begin the mission. Getting asked by Ayame was interesting enough, he understood the reason, but for something like this, they could have asked Chihiro or Hajime, or any other Hyuga for that matter, maybe a test, or they just needed a jounin to assist the team. Though looking at the rooster, Yamato and Glichi could probably handle themselves, Tatsuya for a genin was also quite strong. For something like the mission they were being sent on, it was quite interesting to see who they decided to have go on it.

But who was he to argue? Shifting through his red over coat, he looked into his overcoat pockets and pulled out his phone for a second checking it and scoffing "Takeo and Iwao are some damn fools...." closing the phone, he pulled out a red zippo and lit a cigarette before playing with the zippo. He looked down at his arm and his head band sat, he hadn't been on a mission in a long time, it just occurred to him, but ever since the whole ordeal a week prior, it seems it has been decided that he split his time teaching and leading, but with this team, it would probably be more so suggesting what they should do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 6 days ago

Akio Tendou

Steamy Investigations

"I've been meaning to visit this place for a while . . . having to go for a mission does take the fun out it though."

Akio was currently sitting next to the bridge that led to the Hojo Bathhouse, waiting for her team to arrive. She'd sent them all a text telling them all where to meet, so they should be here any second by now. She had also told them to keep their weapons to a bare minimum, as they were here for information gathering only and combat was hardly a factor in this mission. The only reason she didn't tell them to not bring any is because one never knew what could happen on even the most mundane of missions. Combat may have been very unlikely, but who knows what secrets the Hojo clan held and what lengths they'd go to to protect them. She held a small number of senbon and shuriken hidden on her person, as well as a kunai just to be safe.

As she waited for the others, she mentally went over the members of her squad, having read up on their files as soon as she knew who she'd be working with.

Rei's a good worker and sociable, plus she's got a good head on her shoulders, so she should be an asset here. The Inuzuka kid could be a problem if he still has a chip on his shoulder, especially since this mission is exclusively for the benefit of the new regime. I doubt he'll sabotage the mission, but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on him. Then there's this Seta kid. I've never met him, but he doesn't seem like he'll be any trouble and his summons could be helpful, especially with all the water that was going to be around. Over all, a solid team with only one possible trouble maker.

Akio sighed, looking at the bathhouse and wondering what the Choko siblings were worried about. Whatever secrets the clan had couldn't be that important, as they were not one of the more powerful clans, nor were they large. Akio doubted they were much of a ninja clan either, but what she thought didn't matter in this instance. She was told to find out everything she could about them, and that was what she was going to do.



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 13 days ago

It Runs in the Family

”Again Yuen.” Her mother ordered.

Yuen’s heart was pounding in her ears and she could feel sweat moving down her rapidly expanding and compressing chest. She reached to her side and withdrew two shuriken and a kunai, each with some metal string attached to them. She inhaled deeply before beginning her assault.

She opened her eyes, the Sharingan whirling as it obtained its target. Yuen launched a shuriken and kunai to the right and left of her mother who did not even blink. As Yuen threw her second shuriken she pulled on the kunai’s cord propelling the second shuriken faster than ever but it was deflected by her mother.

”Your form is weak, pitiful for a woman your age.” Her mother lectured, untangling the kunai and shuriken from the trees they were latched onto and handing them back to her daughter. ”You’re done for today, go see if you can’t figure out what’s going on.” She spat with a disgusted tone ringing clearly through her voice.

Yuen just nodded, placing her tools back in her pouch.


Having changing into more comfortable clothing Yuen walked into her dining room about three hours later, the sun was setting beautifully illuminating the room in an orange-red bask.

“Sit down Yuen.” Her mother said sitting at the table, a half drank bottle of sake beside a letter that had just been opened. Yuen’s name was clearly visible on it.

“Yes mother?” Yuen asked softly, but with a certain readiness. The letter could only mean one thing.

“You have a mission it seems. An opportunity to make life here in Konoha better for everyone who bears our eyes.” Yuen’s face hardened, she knew that this mission meant more to her mother than her own daughter being born. This was an opportunity for the world to see what she had transformed her daughter into. No longer was she a weak cowardly girl from the Uchiha clan. She was a machine, one meant to preserve their honor, and protect the clan completely.

“You will meet tonight with two other young men who share our eyes. They will be able to find you, I’m sure; a drunken lecher could find you dressed as you are.” Her mother said cruelly. This roused Yuen to readjust her loose fitting clothes.

“I’ll change mother, don’t worry.” Yuen spoke, her voice was calm and she showed no signs of anxiety or fear. But her mother knew her tell. Yuen's fingers tightly wrapped themselves over her knees, gripping at something, not even Yuen was sure of what.

“We will debrief as soon as you finish this mission. Do not disappoint me Yuen.”

Yuen found herself shrugging off her baggy clothes and wrapping herself in bandages. Not because she was hurt, but just so that she had the freedom of movement a kunoichi needed on a mission without worrying about what she was wearing. Every bandage that wrapped itself around her form found itself covering a scar of a fight. Yuen had only truly fought a few combatants, there was the Chunin exams and a few missions that got complicated while she was a Genin. However she had fought her mother at least 300 times.

Some in the village found themselves disgusted by their attitude towards training. It was that one had to be prepared to end the other’s life otherwise nothing would be learned from the engagement. It would simply be wasted time.

As soon as Yuen had dressed herself she headed out, the sun setting as she exited the Uchiha compound. She had directions to wait for her soon to be teammates, thusly she went to her usual pre-mission spot. Surely, they’d be able to find her there.


She walked into the small Sake bar and gave a small nod to the server there, taking a spot at the bar. He left a small cup of Sake and left her to be by herself while she began to mentally review her teammates.

"Thank you Kentou" Yuen said smiling warmly to the barkeep; wrapping her scarred and calloused hands around the cup. Both were said to sport the Sharingan, there’s was probably more advanced than hers. She had a notably weaker Sharingan than most other Uchiha at her age. She hadn’t yet developed her third tomoe in either eye. It was something she desperately wanted to achieve.

The Sake bar was interesting because it wasn’t typical in that it didn’t require a certain age from its trusted customers. Yuen had first stumbled in after her first failed mission. She was only sixteen years old, had just taken on a mission as a Chunin. It was a solo mission, a trader required escort from one side of the Land of Fire to another. He passed around the time they should’ve been passing Konoha. It was something that she had feared happening ever since her mother had begun her tutelage.

When Yuen was on her way back from her debriefing from said mission she stumbled into the bar. Dreading returning home weeks early and seeing her mother. A drink was left on the bar for her that was replaced by another until she woke up the next day with a warm towel on her head. She and her mother never had the conversation about that failed mission, something Yuen is incredibly grateful for.

Ever since that day she has returned before every mission, gotten a drink before the mission and collected herself. She hadn’t failed a mission since. But it felt less like a streak and more like she was hanging on to a cliff, the only difference was that her grip showed no signs of letting up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”

@Renny @Write

Saburo had spent his early hours doing some mundane tasks - cleaning some of the 11th corps clothing, arranging some files for his superiors, handing out breakfast to those that lived inside the 11th HQ. Basic tasks that everyone in the 11th corps was expected to do at one point or another. However he had known he had a mission later that day, or atleast he'd have to leave for one. Whether the mission would be completed today or not would be up for questioning. However, this meant that Saburo had to leave the headquarters early. As soon as he left the headquarters, however, he would head for Yuens house. Being in the 11th corps, Yuen would probably not know much of Saburo, if she knew anything at all. He, however, knew a great deal about Yuen, reports, filings, and even some closer investigations. She was a part of the Uchiha clan, and whether she wanted to or not, she was related to Saburo in some form or another. She fell into, what was known to the 11th as, Saburo's greatest fixation.

He noticed Yuen leaving as soon as he had arrived, and instead of greeting her, he trailed her from a distance. He walked on top of the roof, in utmost silence, utilising his 11th corps training to walk in complete silence. It would be extremely unlikely that Saburo would be noticed by her, unless she'd activate her sharingan for some obscene reason. As he stepped Madara's Gunbai swayed gently on his back, from both the movement and the wind. And so, he would follow her until she entered some derelict bar. With a quick hop he let himself fall down onto the ground, landing on one knee and a foot, touching the ground with his hand to stabilise himself before getting up completely. Taking a minute to enter, just in case Yuen would think it was strange for Saburo to immediately follow her in, he stood outside the door and texted Daiki. He'd need to know where to go, obviously. With a few quick touches of the buttons on his phone, he texted Daiki the adress and then headed in.

“Hello, cousin.” he said as he stepped inside, patting down his clothes a bit, as he was still wearing the 11th corps uniform, with only the white armband missing. He glanced around the bar briefly, before looking at Yuen with a warm smile, though one that was obviously as fake as the peaceful state the world was in at the moment. He must've been practicing his fake smiling “I knew that the Uchiha had fallen deep..” he said, looking around some more before walking up to the counter and sitting down next to Yuen. “.. but as low to visit places like these, I never had imagined.” Gently he tapped on the counter as he turned his body to face Yuen, looking her up and down. It was like he was judging her, though in reality he was just making a mental imprint of what she looked like, to refreshen his memory. Last time he'd spied on her under orders of the 11th was quite some years ago. As he was done, he spun his body back towards the counter and looked around some more. “I am Saburo Uchiha, senior member of the 11th corps. I'll be leading the team for this mission. You read the mission statement, correct? Am I right to assume you know who we are going up against, and the dangers attached to that, denoting the targets fondness for the Sharingan, and stealing them?”

Slowly he turned the stool around, and stepped down onto the ground, leaving the chair behind him. He walked to the doorway, which wasn't more than a curtain hanging in front of the entrance to the shop. He raised the curtain, and looked back at Yuen. “The 11th corps had been chasing this man for a while, but we never got the okay to take him down. Zeno Hakarasu considered it a danger to the public, disregarding the harm that might befall the world if the Yakuza get their hands on even more Sharingan. It's a powerful tool we have, one that shouldn't be in the hands of those with bad intentions, and more over, those that lack the self control to use our tool.” He smiled eerily once more, without a use, without a reason to smile. He just did, for some reason. He then stepped outside, without telling Yuen to follow, although that much was clear from his behaviour and him telling her he was the leader. Perhaps it remained from the 11th corps, where he expected people to follow in the same way he followed without having to ask for permission or orders to follow.

As soon as Yuen would join him outside in the cold evening breeze, he would look up and down the street to find a trace of Daiki.
“Now, we wait for my new brother. He recently came back to the clan, in case you didn't hear. Similarily to me, he was in a different clan. The difference was that I remained a part of the Uchiha clan, and he didn't. But I brought him back. I gave him a present, you'll see.” he said, talking about the Sword of Kusanagi, the sword that Sasuke had used before and that had been broken, but after some time, restored again. Now, two of the worlds most valuable artifacts were in the hands of the Uchiha clan once more, the Gunbai that Madara used, in the hands of Saburo Uchiha, and the Sword of Kusanagi, in the hands of Daiki Uchiha. Saburo turned and faced Yuen, smiling as he did, before walking closer and putting a hand on her shoulder. “Tell me cousin, what kind of gifts do you like?”

Hajime Hyuga, “Haji”

“I want my Hyuga, my place in the sun.”
Gurens' Theme
@AgentFallenSoul @Akashi Mayhiro @Savato

Hajime had awoken after an annoying night, filled with stupor from two fools, who he could only guess at the time were drunk. He had been too busy at the time trying to sleep, and so he had only murmured “Shut up.. I wanna sleep..” in the middle of the night, before falling back asleep with one arm under his cushion, and the other hanging off the side of his bed. It was extra strange for him, because while Chihiro had the luxury of having her own bedroom, Hajime's bed was more or less right besides the kitchen, practically in the living room. The small amount of privacy he had came from a kitchen counter that blocked Chihiro's vision from her room to his bed, but that wasn't nearly enough for him to feel any sense of privacy at any time.

THe next morning was, mostly, spent in his bed. Hajime had a spell of laziness overcome him, and somehow didn't notice that Takeo had entered the appartment. Why did Iwao demand the keys to the appartment again, he wondered briefly when he woke up, but realized quickly enough that he was living with the heir, and not some random Hyuga. Ofcourse he'd demand the keys. That only made sense. A quick peek with one eye made it clear Takeo had fallen asleep, which only added to the weirdness of this morning. “Hrng.... tea... I need.... tea...” he moaned, as he got up and stumbled into the kitchen. As soon as he had made his tea, he heard the annoying loud sound of a shower turning on. Well, atleast he had his tea. It seemed Takeo woke up at the same moment too. The next things happened in a blur for Hajime, only managing to drink a few sips of his tea before being ordered to come with Takeo. “Huh? ye-yes, okay.”

Waiting in front of the door they heard all kinds of sounds, but Hajime had expected Momoi to have left early in the morning, as he didn't hear much more for the rest of the night. He was actually kind of surprised neither Chihiro nor Momoi had asked him to join in the drinking, though he would've declined anyway. He was more or less only here to watch over Chihiro, and that wouldn't go so well if he was drunk all the time. He'd have asked Momoi to leave, but Iwao never really said anything about that so he didn't bother. Her presence wasn't exactly enlightening or making Hajime more happy, however.

Then suddenly, BOOM! Something or someone ran into him, and he was suddenly on the ground. While it took Chihiro apparently a minute to realize what had happened, Hajime was fully aware of what had happened. The sudden press of a female body up against your own was hard to miss, especially for a boy his age, and while Chihiro was not exactly a Tsukiko - breast wise - she still pressed up against Hajime hard enough for him to realize what was what. But before long he received a rather hard slap on his cheek, instantly making his cheek red and causing Takeo to give, what Hajime could only expect to be, a comforting kind of mocking laugh. Meanwhile Chihiro got off of him and ran into her room, causing Hajime to yell after her. “Hey! You ran into me! What was that good f-” He only had his sentence cut off when he saw a glimpse of what looked like a foot in bed, causing the sudden realization that Momoi had never left. He quickly looked over towards Takeo, but he had turned around quick enough to not see it at all. That was a relief, since if he had seen it, that meant that it wasn't only Chihiro that was getting a rant, it was also Hajime. In fact, it was more than likely going to be just Hajime getting a beating for this, since he was more or less responsible for ensuring Iwao's wishes regarding Chihiro were fulfilled in a respectable manner - unlike Chihiro, who seemed to never give a damn.

He quickly scrambled to get up, and then faced Takeo, bowing quickly. “H-hai! I'll make sure she arrives shortly.” he said, before turning around and knocking on Chihiro's door a few times, rather hard.

Reihana Minamoru, “Little Master”

“For the Minamoru, everything.”

@Raijinslayer @Mugin @Kal-El

Rei was quite ecstatic to have received a mission, after waiting so long. She'd been quite tense ever since the Great Coup that took place, and the amount of missions had been astonishingly low, giving Rei a reason to believe that she'd never do a mission again. An exaggeration ofcourse, but it genuinely felt that way when she was forced to sit inside a full week, waiting for the rain to subside, which it ofcourse never really did. The morning of her mission however, she was up extra early to make sure she had all her gear. Kunai, shuriken, it was all assorted. Ofcourse, it was only later she realized they were going on a semi-spying mission. There were extremely slim chances of her getting to use any of these tools.

So she simply showered, applied all her make up, combed her hair and put on her shinobi outfit, with the athletic crop top, half zipped hoodie with the hood up, since it was raining today. The only thing she knew about the mission, other than the goal, was that she'd be led by one of her favorite chunins, Akio Tendou. They'd never really spoken but the girl was extremely friendly, just like Aoi, so there was really no reason why Rei wouldn't get along with her. That, and Akio was pretty, and Rei always liked telling people how pretty they were. Especially Akio's hair was a focus for Rei.

She headed out after getting some quick breakfast, running through the rain, causing splashes behind her whenever she ran through a puddle. She ran all the way to the village, enjoying her time outside for once, even with the rain, and ran up to where she'd meet Akio. All she had with her was a few kunai, and even those were obviously not going to be used according to her. As she closed in on Akio she realized she was the first. Getting closer, she slowed down her pace and started waving cheerfully at Akio. “Akio-cháááán! Hiiiii!” she yelled, before stopping in front of the girl, smiling at her like an idiot. “Your hair looks so nice today, even with the rain. How did you do that? You have to tell me your secret some day, or else I'll be angry at you forever, haha!” she said, obviously joking. Though, really, none would understand why Rei had such a fixation on beauty. Perhaps it was something that came with always having been the popular girl. Atleast now she was treading outside of her usual friend circle, and was even trying to make friends with people she usually wouldn't speak to except in passing, such as Akio and Aoi. “Can you tell me what the plan is? That way I can lecture the other two about the mission, and pretend I know everything. That would be funny, wouldn't it?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daisuke Yama

Daisuke nodded in response to Chokashi’s declaration, though he did no such thing in response. Instead he took in the area around them, an area perfect for close range combatants as expected in the Akimichi compound, and the distance between them which was a little too far given that this spar would basically be the equivalent of a brawl. Keeping his actions non aggressive he took a few steps forward, shortening the distance enough that it wouldn’t take much effort for either of them to clear it. He inhaled deeply as he cleared his mind of all other thoughts, even if this was only a spar he would not allow himself to lose just because he was distracted. He began to shift his body, settling into the starting stance of his family’s Taijutsu style.

However as he was getting into position he noticed that Chokashi was already in a defensive form, which temporarily threw Daisuke off. Given the Akimichi’s exuberant claim of not holding back he had expected the heir to charge in and take the offensive, which suited Daisuke since his style primarily relied on being on the defense. He stopped halfway into his stance as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. This is not good, not in the slightest. The only time I take an aggressive first move is when I use a jutsu, but I refuse to resort to that in this spar unless it is my only option. I have to do something though. I have to get him to get on the offensive as soon as possible.

Already in a half crouched position from his earlier attempt at getting into his stance, every muscle in his lower body tightened for a moment before he launched himself forward. Due to his earlier steps the distance between them wasn’t all that long and he cleared it fairly quickly. Upon entering Chokashi’s zone Daisuke struck out with a right jab aimed at the Akimichi’s lower left side ribs. As he thrust his right fist out, he raised his left arm up and angled it diagonally so that his hand was level with his face with the palm facing Chokashi. Whether he landed the hit or Cho dodged he would snap both his body and right arm back, placing the arm horizontally in front of his stomach it’s palm also facing his opponent completing his guard position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen Chideta-Akimichi Battlefield

Chen was absolutely giddy with excitement as they both settled into their stances. It was unusual for an Akimichi to go into a defensive form, but not too unusual. The other combatant who's name he could not remember also began getting into a defensive stance as well but stopped in the middle of it. "Well, well. How will this play out? A battle isn't a battle without an attacker." He mused quietly. Chen waited for a few seconds then yawned. He blinked once and the action began. The other fighter, Daisuke! That's his name, Daisuke. He had made the first move and dashed towards Chokashi in an attempt to rush him. A wise first move, he would've taken that choice as well. Chen's hand brushed over where his sword would usually be and frowned. If it weren't for the fact that he was a guest here, he would have his blade out of it's storage seal and he would be picking fights. "Woe is me, a swordsman without his sword." Chen muttered as he continued to watch the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seta Kunisada
"The Young Salamander"


Seta smiled when he first heard about his new mission. He had not been on one in a while and was a little more excited than usual. After the Coup, everything had taken a turn for the worse. This mission would the 'pick-me up' that he needed. It was a quick investigation mission and would not require much. Seta was only going to bring Kunai, considering this was not meant to be a combat mission. The team leader was Akio Tendou. Seta had never met her, but knew her by name.

On the day of the mission he woke up earlier than usual and got ready. It was raining outside, so he added a jacket to his casual shinobi outfit. After getting ready he strapped on his scroll and left his house. The bathhouse he was going too was surrounded by water, so if the did get into trouble Jaku could be useful. He did not know who they were investigating but he knew that it must have been important. He headed out to meet at the bridge. Rain falling all around him, when he arrived he could see too women standing there talking. "Akio Tendou?" He said to the white haired girl when he arrived. "My name is Seta Kunisada. so this is the bathhouse were the investigation will be taking place. Never been here before can't wait." He said this with a lazy grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He took notice to Daisuke as he seemed to be put off by his defensive stance. 'Maybe back in the day of Choji and all us Akimichi would be the first to go but this ain't then Dai-san. Besides, I'm not about to completely mess up the training field, I'd have to clean it up after all.' He thought. The seriousness that rested on his face had moved to slight confusion as Daisuke looked around at his surroundings. 'Eh, what are you looking for Dai-san?'

While he had been sitting in his defensive position, he had gathered chakra throughout his body into his fist, a light hue enveloping it. As Dai-san had made his into his proximity, with a jab going to his, he stepped forward and shifted slightly to the right, allowing for the fist grace past his stomach. Even for just a brush past he could feel the momentum that it had. Chokashi, however moved on instinct as he quickly shifted forward and slightly to the right, crouching low enough to get his left arm down and around Daisuke's arm at the elbow and locked it against his side. His right, which had built up a decent amount of chakra, came in low and angled up to Dai's stomach. Ōkashō!. The release of the built up chakra would explode outward towards Daisuke's mid left ribs as Chokashi would lift up and back in an attempt to get him off balance and with the explosive force, airborne. With the momentum of Daisuke's movement and the force from Okasho, it would be easy leverage. If he had him airborne, Cho would wait until he was directly above him and then simply twist down and to the left, using all the force and momentum including his own weight that had been built up to slingshot Daisuke to the ground. There was always the chance that this didn't work but with Daisuke moving into Chokashi's area, the would be a high chance, considering Cho had earlier decided to go on the offensive.
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