Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm sorry, Xodus, but I feel that I have to bow out... again. I don't see a point in me being here. Simply just realized that since I've come back to RPG, I really haven't RP'd at all, anywhere. I'm tired of waiting for the middle point of the short prelude.

But I've really added nothing to our story here, so not much should be missed after I go.

Have fun, guys. See you around, maybe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Have fun, guys. See you around, maybe.

Sorry to see you go. Good luck in your endeavors!


I'll definitely have a reply up by wednsday Night. Rl should let me go by then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mikael the middle point arrived 18 days ago, that's when I said that your cue to post had arrived. You may have missed that post.

Also Rtron that's great :) can't wait to see what the would be banshees decide.

Oh yea can someone tell how to do that thing, where you write someone's name on a post and that person gets a notification type thing. I'm really bad at these kind of things >.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Find the @mention button in the bottom right of their post, click it. Alternatively, hit the button next to the preview button the one with that little @ symbol and just write in the user name. (leave the @ of course!)

@Username <---- Just hitting the @ symbol button to the left of the preview button.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mikael the middle point arrived 18 days ago, that's when I said that your cue to post had arrived. You may have missed that post.

Also Rtron that's great :) can't wait to see what the would be banshees decide.

Oh yea can someone tell how to do that thing, where you write someone's name on a post and that person gets a notification type thing. I'm really bad at these kind of things >.>

18 fucking days ago? I was expecting a PM from you or a skype message. -.- sighs

And nobody else noticed? WHere is this post..??
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well ladies and gentlemen we are quickly approaching to the event which will change everything. Our Asylums will fight a world of madness, but it is these students that will witness the prelude that will bring about madness. There is always a bigger picture in the works, and the blueprint is what we are and will experience.

Oh and Mikael your cue has come. You are more than welcome to speed boat your way in, that is unless your team was caught in the nuclear explosions and died. =x

Some serious shit is about to go down people. I am guessing you though the Vile was bad. Huuhuhuuhuuhahahahahaaaaaaaaa


I'm incredibly pissed atm. And embarrassed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

FUcking kill me!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I kinda assumed you were just ignoring me since you didn't reply to that xD

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fair enough. I had assumed you'd forgotten about me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A Xodus does not forget >=D

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A Xodus does not forget >=D

I've heard that one before.

But damn, guys. I was complaining about the middle point taking forever to show up even after he put up the post 18 days ago... and nobody thought that maybe Rumples needs a helping hand with a reality check? ;~;

@xodus: Also, busy boy? Don't bother using the keyboard for code. It's counter-intuitive. Just remember these 3 easy steps the next time you wanna make sure someone gets a notification to your post.

1. Click the button.

Wait, which button?

2. Click Username and fill in the name.

Wait, it's not working!
You have to spell their name exactly. If you can fill in the recipient form of a Private Message, you can do this.

3. That's it.

Wait! You said THREE easy steps...
I wanted to surprise you for being so attentive to instruction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Think I got it @Rumplestiltskin whoot

And yes I do not forget, I am just unable to maintain offsite socialization. This is why the great Ryvvy is the face of Chrono Asylum.

Though this brings me to an important point. Ryvvy has been dealing with quite some back lash which she shouldn't. It has come to my attention that there has existed a degree of discomfort for some regarding my RP. And while I have attempted to fix those issues to a degree.

Such as improving my response time and activity on CA (which I intend to continue, not only will I be more active on the OOC but now there will be an IC post from me within a week. This should address any issues regarding pace.)

Another aspect is maintaining more interaction via skype with those that show interest.

Others include misunderstandings like the one's with Mikael, however the linky thing should help solve that. However if my ooc posts go unread, I will not take complete responsibility.

Now I am improving as much as I can, because this community means a lot to me. Fact is I don't do anything half ass'd in terms of plot and my only goal is to create an environment this community would enjoy.

I got the valid argument of indestructible villains, that too will be restructured to allow greater team mechanics.

Next I believe there was the issue regarding plot direction, it was being felt one sided. The entire aim of the next chapter is to create a chapter that will be structured based on the actions of the majority. Instead of the RPers adjusting to the plot, I shall adjust the plot to the decisions made by the RPers. This should prove to be an interesting situation. For one I have already calculated about 11 different possibilities as such nothing should feel out of place.

Finally as far as information regarding the world of CA goes, that will always be limited. Fact is this entire RP follows a progressive suit, info becomes available as you climb the ladder. More importantly the element of surprise is within that aspect. I have comprised a certain degree, as such I will give a rough idea of the chapters that will come. However the entire workings of CA cannot be disclosed due to the simple nature of its complexity.

With that said, while Ryvvy maybe the face of Chrono Asylum she is not responsible for damage control. That is my task and as such any problems concerning the matter should exclusively be tasked to me and I will, to the best of my abilities, try to alleviate your worries. ^.^

Xodus is at your service.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 day ago

@xodus Hey, glad to hear you're taking a closer hand in things.

It's not just indestructible villains, Xodus. If the Chrono really has that sort of power compared to a normal Asylum, there's no point in us even trying to do anything. I get they're more powerful, but there needs to be some sense of scale. For example, turning that much matter into fissionable material would not only destroy the island, it'd probably destroy the PLANET. You also, in the last go round, set up a team against a Chrono and possibly a Lost Number as well. That's ridiculous if even combined efforts are no good. For that matter, Joux. An older, retired Asylum. Yes he has more experience, but he also probably has more insanity. For that matter, Alistair/Elliot combined was /clever/. That's the sort of thing a DM should reward, or at least give a nod to. But it was utterly useless and Joux wasn't even phased. I will give you that Elliot has a few years before she graduates, but she's perhaps halfway through her education -- and the alchemy used to speed her up, that was alchemy done by a vet. And Joux didn't even need to step back, or think "oh, wasn't expecting this". It was utterly useless. The whole fight feels like it was thrown in just to show us how terrible our chars are at fighting, and this is an old normal-level asylum. Active asylums are probably better, and Chronos a tier unto themselves. Now if you wanna make Viles (which aren't even the worst thing insanidiction produces) even more...see where I'm going? It just isn't reasonable. Furthermore, the Vile is tough, yes, but unscathed? My suspension of disbelief keeps taking more and more damage here.

I don't mind so much not having information on some things. But if my character has experienced or is experiencing it, I should be able to get the information I need to rp such a thing accurately.

I also still feel like AMRO's the bad guy, and my characters are being pushed toward rebellion. Maybe there's good reasons not to, but if neither I nor they know said reasons, that doesn't help any. AMRO keeps coming off as the bad guy -- and a rather stupid bad guy to boot. I still don't get why they are so much harder on their more promising students with life-or-death consequences. Those students are going to be the more effective operatives, yet it seems to be mostly A ranks that make it to graduation. There's no preparation to help you learn how to minimize the effects of insanidiction, or education as to its stages. You're sending operatives out into the field without what, to me, seems like it should be an important survival skill. There's expendable, and then there's unreasonable neglect of education. Additionally, if you're still going to run the jungle with no alchemy at all and no tools at all, it seems like a ridiculous test, especially if there's serious dangers (rogues, monsters, whatever) and not just basic survival.

*sigh* I've mentioned most of this already, but not to you directly, so here it is.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Understood, Xodus. I've known that about Chrono Asylum all this time. You remember we had a long.... long chat about it.... I've come to terms with it, but you still don't make it easy to understand you sometimes. But that's in any relationship, really -nods-

I understand your points, @shylarah, but keep in mind: this is a fictional story, not a reenactment of real life. I mean, I know that's obvious, but some things you've just gotta let go and roll with it. Still, I would like to hear what Xodus has to say about it. It's discouraging to be dismissed or ignored, whether imagined or not.

In the mean time, I'll work on my IC post. I'm going to fast-forward right to the action with my team, and I'll do my second flashback to fill in the gaps later.

Also, @xodus I skyped you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Power level is something you will always face. It is the ultimate reality our characters have to deal with. That there are things out there with unimaginable power and our characters have to cope.

Everything works in progression. There is a reason I told our characters to wear the prototype power armor. I always reward players :p but not at that moment Mikael knows this. A situation will always present itself that will reward your efforts.

As far as the fight with Joux goes, he wasn't merely a soldier but an elite in a specialized division with a focus in evasive alchemy. To beat him a frontal assault would never work, you have to be so unpredictable that even he can't follow.

Also no, the alchemy used to speed her up was not done by a Vet. Alistair is roughly an year or so in experience by this time.

Chronos and Viles are another story. I have made it abundantly clear that it due to the dread of insanity that amro was formed, that chronos were formed. While the first stage of insanity can be dealt with, the second stage is extremely difficult (especially for a chrono who is holding back).

And also let me just restate, the consequences of this chapter will set the stage of Chrono Asylum. There are far more horrific things afoot, in terms of power there is no scaling.

But that is the point. Our characters face a threat so great that they will have to improve, cheat and use stuff that shouldn't be used. Our characters will get stronger to meet the threat.

That is where the Gemellie come in. While they don't contribute much to a fight, their forte is knowledge and with it we will get lots of cool little things.

As far as training to control sanity goes, that should be assumed. Our characters are in the final grade, there is only so much that can be done, also there is a reason our characters have weapons. They are taught to use alchemy sparingly. This goes without saying, it doesn't need to be showed.

Also I don't understand why it is hard to comprehend. Amro is nit a baby sitter or a mother figure. It is an evil to battle other evils.

Your derivation of the conclusion that mostly A students rise to graduate is flawed. I have never mentioned such a thing. In fact even less Rank As graduate. Have you heard of the poison pit? A situation where starving venomous snakes are thrown into a pit and they fight for survival, eating each other. The one that survives has the most potent poison.

That is how Rank As graduate, it is a blood bath to select the greatest one.

The Jungle will not be happening. We are already near the end of this chapter, only the last twist remains.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 day ago

@xodus I understand you want to highlight the difference. But you can do that and still be realistic. At this point I'm not sure any method of beating this Vile will come across as believable to me, because the thing just survived a nuclear explosion. Even cheating can't match this, particularly since Asylums can't match Chronos. I don't mean get rid of the power gap, I mean just dial it back. Especially if you plan on having the team grow, you need somewhere to go. Don't start off with nukes. That's jumping the shark.

What the heck is a Gemellie? I've never heard this term before.

I meant the lower rank, which it seems is B, not A. Mostly Bs survive, and As (the skilled ones) get killed off. Not a wise policy.

So the education does cover insanity and its effects? In that case, you should be a bit more open with the details there, because our characters would have learned about it. I have to admit, even if you didn't say outright that they didn't get a class on it, you certainly gave the impression that they were left in the dark.

I'm not seeing much to inspire loyalty to AMRO, is what I'm saying. Yes, a lot of asylums will not know anything else, especially those that started young, but unless AMRO specifically tried to brainwash them (which would have been nice to know in advance), I'm not sure they do a good job of convincing people to stay -- especially with what AMRO puts them through.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Chrono has been holding back instinctively, that is why even if the attack seems strong it isn't. Another reason is the Vile is in transition to level 3. Something Julie mentioned with shock, which also explains why the attack had minimal affect.

Let me explain this, if you watch Marvel. There is the avengers who handle the earth shattering threat, then there are the defenders (daredevil, luke cage) who handle the more grounded threat. However the defenders are always aware of the disasters that happen.

There is a street cop and then there are terrorist bombings. Things much bigger than you, always happen. That is as realistic as things get. In my RP this is progression. I find those RPs mundane where you fight an equally skilled threat and grow stronger. That is nonsense.

The morbid truth is, you either except your position as fodder and live on the sidelines or you gaze at the stars and constantly try to grasp it. Every failed effort brings you closer.

There will always exist two variables, the controllable and the non controllable.

Our characters will face threats which they can handle and then there will be threats that will cause them to evolve their approach, their thinking, their fighting.

You must try and comprehend what is going on. The first chapter is introducing the "real threat". I am talking about the threat that will shape everything. You will survive an encounter with a devil not a cupcake.

Once the stage is set, than things will get grounded and we will begin our rise to face those devils.

This is my GMing style. Before criticizing, experience the entirety else the bases becomes warped. I enjoy criticism, but said criticism should have a bases and logic. Griff and Ryvvy posed questions with both and that is why the second chapter is going to be a completely different experience.

As for your second query.

Let me give you an example,

There is an extremely well known university, say Harward which takes the best of the best. Then there is a sub par university, that takes in a lot. The graduation rate of said sub par university would be higher compared to the excellent university.

Why you ask? There is quantity, then there is quality. Make the exam so difficult that only a genius can pass it. The one's that will pass maybe few, but they will be certifiable geniuses to have succeeded.

Do you see the logic there? It is a little different from the norm.

Again this chapter serves to be a prelude. I cannot go into every single detail. How do you control sanity? Is it really that difficult? We use alchemy when needed, we use alchemy sparingly, we use alchemy smartly. We learn to utilize weapons that are created to be superior than anything. We use anti alchemy bullets. We train so that are bodies are in tip top condition. All these minute details are drilled into an Asylum in training. You body is trained to be that of a pro athlete. Your mind trained to be sharp and cognitive. Your reflexes trained to exceed average humans. You are trained to be soldiers who use alchemy, not alchemists who use their soldier skills. But in the end it depends on the person.

What is the greatest inspiration? Set aside wishful thinking and idealistic banter. It is fear. Why don't our countries fight against each other for dominance. Fear of an all out nuclear war. It has nothing to do with peace efforts, if that was true we wouldn't have any wars. And yet many turn a blind eye or seek vengeance, why? Fear of the aftermath of say World War 3? Why does a soldiers stay loyal to a country amidst hellish combat? Do you assume it is patriotism? A human is conditioned to preserve his life, what can cause said human to negate this conditioning. You could say it is the love for those closest, albeit when put in that situation that is not it. It is the fear of what would happen to those loved ones.

It is called reality.

A.M.R.O represents this reality to a frightening degree. We are talking death at insubordination, death at defiance, elimination of your family and loved ones. Your very worst fear is what A.M.R.O will use to torture you till you are nothing but mush and jelly.

Then there is the plus side. You agree with them and if you meet their standards you can very well get anything. Asylums do not worry about where to stay, what to eat, what to drive. As long as they don't reveal the existence of alchemy and meet certain standards, they are allowed the finer pleasures of life.

Most would prefer this life as opposed to being hunted by A.M.R.O. Some may feel grateful and look at A.M.R.O as their savior. Some may think themselves slaves but fear the outcome of defiance. This negativity towards A.M.R.O will be expressed and will play a big role.

A.M.R.O does not need to brainwash. It gives you a choice, fight and be empowered or watch everything you love including you.... die.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well said, both of you.

Ironically, most everything Shy is complaining about OOC is something you'd expect a conscientious asylum to complain about IC, lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rumplestiltskin
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Rumplestiltskin The Dark One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awesome =D

I can't wait ^.^

Also as far as the second chapter goes, I have been contemplating two titles but can't pick the best one.

Chrono Asylum: The Tainted Crest

Chrono Asylum: A Soul's Currency

Which one do you guys think is the best?

The Crested Taint I like best. A Soul's Currency... seems lacking. >.< Needs reworded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Rumplestiltskin I've been told that I should wait to have my asylums say anything. ^.^;;
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