Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Camp Half-Blood ~ Day One of Camp

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lady Aphrodite, Lord Ares, Lady Hera, Lord Hermes and Lord Zeus

Olympus ~ New York

Throne Room of Mount Olympus...

New York, the City that Never Sleeps. And of all the buildings that the gods had decided to claim their home, the largest most obvious skyscraper was the ideal choice.

One figure among dozens of others stepped through the front doors, stopping just inside the entrance to adjust his tie and lapels.

The man seemed ordinary enough to the normal passerby; he was tall and well-built with a broad physique. Though appearing to be at least in his early-forties, the man still held an attractive air to him, with a strong jaw and styled up chestnut brown hair.

Garbed in a gray pinstripe suit, the man looked as though he was ready to attend a business meeting of some kind. Stepping into a vacant elevator, the man waited for no one as he immediately pushed the 'Close Doors' button, waiting for the sliding steel doors to shut before doing anything else. As the doors closed in front of him, the elevator grew totally silent aside from an instrumental version of Call Me Maybe playing in the background, causing the man's lips to twitch most irately.

Reaching towards the button panel, the man's hand slid across its length before stopping at a distinct button that sat separate from the others. Pressing it with his pointer finger, the elevator lurched suddenly, as though being yanked by a force much stronger than it. It shot up at an intense speed, the only indication of whatever was going on outside being the blindingly bright sliver of light that beamed through the slit between the two doors.

Finally after an intense ascent, the elevator practically slammed to a stop in a stomach-turning lurch, causing the man to briefly lose his balance before quickly recovering.

"Keep telling them to fix that damn thing." He mumbled to himself, briefly fixing his hair before the elevator doors slid open with a resounding ding, revealing Mount Olympus to him in all its glory. A thin stone bridge, wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side lit with eternal-burning torches led the way to Olympus itself, a massive palace, tall and daunting in the stormy dark sky. Tendrils of lightning emanated from its roof, scattering through the clouds and illuminating the entire area in an electric blue glow.

The man was undaunted, clearing his throat before walking down the path, his steps casual yet dignified as well. But the man could tell something was amiss -- and he knew that for whatever reason he was summoned...it wasn't a good one.

Ares sat indolently upon his throne, one leg thrown over an arm while laying against the other. The god of war glowed a sooty red, rage bubbling underneath the surface as he held an upset Aprodite's hand. He stroke the back of it, one of the few loving gestures he might show to another being. He seemed almost haughty as he looked at his father, Zeus. How could the king of gods be such a pussy? Didn't he realize that Hermes' children should just be wiped off the face of the world, they were more trouble than they were worth!

"Father... we need to address this issue, we all know Hermes' oldest child is to blame! I say we make an example and flay him in front of his brothers and sisters." Ares grinned broadly, taking a perverse pleasure of the idea of inflicting so much suffering. "I could use his hide as my new bike seat and he could finally be of use." His eyebrow cocked, as if challenging the idea that a demigod was worth more than the flesh and bones they were made of. "What do you say? I could be there and back, find my love's dove, all before that insufferable Hermes actually arrived. Who was late to their own summons?" The nerve of the god of messengers set Ares to grinding his teeth.

“Enough, my son. We sit here to discuss what is to be done about this matter- do not allow the anger you feel towards your brother cloud your judgement.” Bringing his hand up from where it had been resting against the arm of his throne, Zeus lightly rubbed at his temple, trying his best to relieve some of the stress that had accumulated since the matter had first been brought to his attention. His son was angered far beyond anything he had seen in many millennium… his beautiful daughter was curled up upon her love's lap, tragically distraught and crying at having her beloved pet dove stolen from her domain… his ever loyal wife sat dutifully by his side as the voice of reason among those which were occupying the room… and his other son, Hermes, was running late for his own summoning- things it seemed could not get any worse at this point in time…

“We shall await Hermes arrival; then we shall seek out the course of action to be taken. Though do not think that this matter shall be taken lightly- it is a serious crime, I agree that as such, the punishment of which should also indeed be severe…” Lowering his arm back down so that it was once more resting upon the arm of his throne, Zeus turned his head so that he was able to meet with his son's gaze, his grey eyes narrowing and his lips pursing together as he let the gravity of the situation once more fall down upon his shoulders, “..but until such time, I believe the best place for you is by your love's side, do you not agree..?”

Keeping a quiet eye near her husband's seat, Hera watched her children carefully. Her husband's voice rang true in her ears and she turned to Ares to see if he had heard what he had meant. She reached up a careful hand and stroked over the back of Zeus's, watching her son carefully as he sat protectively over Aphrodite. "Zeus is right, dear child," Hera's calm voice rang out over the area. "You must be patient and wait for your brother to arrive before you decide the fate of his children."

She carefully crossed her legs and rested her palms on the edge of her knees. All in all, she was nervous, as she knew that Ares could be rash and jump to conclusions. She would not believe that Hermes' eldest would have stolen the dove until there was absolute proof of it. Yet she would not reveal this to the group that approached, as a fight would more likely break out against her with her son at the lead. She leaned back in her chair, her careful eyes scanning over the room. The air was thick with tension, between father and son as well as the anger of the son pierced through the air. The two children who sat in that chair sought vengeance against the culprit, and the anger and distraught was taken into the air. She rested her hand on Zeus' once more and waited, falling silent.

"You could say that father. Or you could say that me and taking care of the perpetrator of this crime would be the BEST use of my abilities. After all, my love wouldn't be upset if not for the thief!" Ares roared, slamming a fist upon the arm of the chair he lazed against. Even with such relaxed posture, any of the gods could tell he was close to bursting. One could almost pity the demigod that faced Ares' wrath. His hand relaxed and resumed its comforting gesture against his wife's hand.

"Action is what we need, not petty talks! I should be out there, finding the fucking whelp!" the god of war snarled the last, eyes glowing red now. The children of Ares should feel that rage through their divine connection to their father, so great the turmoil in the god. He breathed out a sigh of frustration, settling into the back of his chair once more. He'd heed his father's words... for now. "But as you wish, father, mother. We'll wait for Hermes to lie to our faces and say, once again, it could never be HIS child that could enact such a crime--"

"Sorry for being late, folks." A fourth voice cut into the conversation straight in the middle of Ares' rant as the man in the gray suit -- Hermes appeared in the throne room of the gods, both hands planted firmly in his trouser pockets.

"I had lunch at the most amazing sandwich shop, seriously, best cheese-steaks you could ever ask for." Hardly skipping a beat, Hermes sauntered forth into the room, eyeing each of the gods on their thrones, paying special mind to Ares and Aphrodite.

"Did you want a Snicker's, Ares? You don't seem to be you when you're hungry." Grinning in amusement at his own quip, Hermes' demeanor quickly turned somewhat more serious as his attention turned to the largest throne that belonged to Zeus.

"What did Griffin do this time, Dad? Put another stink bomb in Dionysus' room? Though...I gotta admit, that one was pretty funny..." Trailing off, Hermes appeared to become lost in his own train of thought, though his clear gaze never left his father's.

“..how dare you… how dare you defend such an ungrateful little thief..!” Not sure when exactly she had sat up upon her love’s lap, Aphrodite stared over at her brother with tear-stained eyes, her light blue orbs flicking back and forth as she searched his own for reason as to why he was playing such a serious situation off as light… answers as to why he was joking around when it was clear to everyone that it was no time for such petty games.

“You know what he did, and yet you stand there as though it is nothing more than a joke for your own amusement..! He-… He-…” Seemingly unable to go any further in her explanation as the words caught within her throat, Aphrodite shook her head, her long blonde locks flying back and forth before eventually they once again settled against her back, her body turning until she was able to hide herself against the warmth and safety of Ares chest, her body pressing ever closer against his as she once more began to sob into him.

"This is no joking matter, you insufferable buffoon!" Ares roared, hand cradled against Aprhodite's hair, trying to console her as best he could. His eyes burned with undisguised accusation while staring at his mercurial brother. How the man could stand there, keeping them waiting, even as he tried to deflect his son's obvious guilt! He itched for his sword or shotgun respectively, just to teach his brother a much needed lesson. Yet... Zeus would never forgive such an act of aggression.

"This is no child's act of mischievous fun, this is as serious as when your other disgrace, Luke, tried to topple Olympus! Where is my love's dove? OUT WITH IT!" Ares made the throne room vibrate as his rage bubbled into his voice, a sonorous tone that no mortal would've been able to withstand, but which the Gods would find no more than an annoyance. He couldn't help his anger, however, Aphrodite still weeping uncontrollably upon his chest. That alone was enough reason to start a war, for the god. If Hermes couldn't see that... he'd suffer the consequences. "Perhaps you would sing a different note with your staff, surrounded by snakes, shoved up your lying ass!" Ares' throat bulged with his roar.

Hermes initially remained silent, staring his brother in the face with a blank expression. "Do you have proof that Griffin stole your...precious bird?" He finally said, his tone remaining even, though one could detect thinly-veiled anger beneath it.

Breaking his brother's gaze, Hermes looked down at his watch and sighed. "You know, I was gonna go see a movie right about now..."

"Missing the show time is the least of your worries. How long your son will live is the greatest." Ares growled, allowing himself to rise to the bait. Hermes was not helping his son's case in inciting the war god's ire. He'd just as soon disobey Zeus's orders and kill the boy outright, but none knew the location of Aphrodite's divine symbol.

"The proof is your own proclivities, god of thieves and how easily your offspring seem to follow said nature... Speak to your son and find out the truth, make him find the dove. Or I shall do it for you!" the threat was there, laid out like a naked sword. Ares didn't heed subtly like Hermes, had no need of it as conflict was his nectar, battle his aphrodisiac.

Letting out a short laugh that held no true mirth to it, Hermes stared directly at Ares once again, his deep blue eyes now cold and dangerous.

"You're losing your touch, brother, if your only evidence of my son committing this crime being one of my titles." As Hermes spoke, his tone gradually became angrier, losing all the warmth and friendliness it defused moments earlier.

"But hear me, and hear me well. If you lay a single finger on him, I will make you regret it." Hermes swore, letting his words fall as he grew silent.

Ares stood quickly, depositing his wife in her throne in the same motion, hand going to the hilt of his sword as his mouth opened in a scream. "You mangy piece of filth, I'll gut you like a fucking-"

“Enough; the both of you..!” Zeus’ booming voice sounded clear and strong throughout the room causing loud claps of thunder to be heard along with it- he had heard enough of their childish bickering. They were supposed to be family; and it was high time that this matter was put to a rest before it went any further than it already had, ending in blood being spilled upon the floors of his glorious Kingdom. Reaching over his body, Zeus lightly patted the top of his wife’s hand a couple of times, his body hunching over so that he could sweetly kiss at her delicate knuckles before eventually, he lifted himself up from where he had been sat upon his throne; his attention turning over to his two sons as they stood before one another, seemingly ready to wage war at but a moment’s notice.

“The boy in question must answer for the crimes in which he has been accused of; stealing the sacred symbol of a Goddess is something that cannot be forgiven lightly. Though you have my sympathy, my son, I cannot allow such a thing to go unpunished.” Slowly stepping away from his throne, Zeus made his way over to where the both of them stood, making sure that he had their full attention before he continued on with his decision, “Ares speaks with wisdom; if the boy has nothing to hide, then allow him to prove his innocence to the court. He shall have a single lunar cycle to return the dove to the Goddess Aphrodite; shall he not succeed, then the boys fate shall be left to the mercy of your brother.”

Turning to his father with an expression of genuine shock. "Dad, there's no proof! You can't...condemn my son when there's no evidence..." Trailing off once again, Hermes eventually grew silent, knowing that nothing he said could change his father's mind.

He'd lost too many children already, one who's death still pained him. He could not lose another. Not like this.

Ares' demeanor had significantly calmed, hearing the good news from Zeus. He let his sword fall back into its sheathe, having been drawn halfway. He straightened from his charging posture, crossing his arms and grinning smugly. Finally, someone was being forced to take action! Optimally, he wished to do the deed himself and make Hermes' child piss in his little demigod pants. But he'd settle for Hermes having to suffer the indignity of telling his child that his legacy had made him guilty.That his father was to blame for his suffering. His grin widened gleefully as he thought of the hate that would foster between the two. Let this one meet the same fate as the last, Ares thought.

"Poseidon said the same, dear brother... And Percy proved his innocence. If your son has done nothing wrong, what could he possibly have to worry about?" Ares posed to Hermes, with an arrogant satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. Not bothering to wait for an answer, he gathered Aphrodite, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. He held her close as he dipped his head to his father. "Thank you for your wise decision, Lord Zeus. We'll take our leave now. It's been a taxing day for Aphrodite." He dipped his head once more in farewell to Hera and walked past Hermes as if he wasn't there, unworthy of even acknowledgement. Let that be a thorn in his ass. They walked proudly out of the throne room, all too pleased at how events unfolded.

Bowing his head in farewell to his son and his daughter both as they left the room, Zeus waited until the doors had shut behind their figures before he turned his attention over to Hermes- his son’s expression saying it all… he was mortified; terrified of losing yet another son... the very sight of his son’s pain caused his heart to tighten within his chest, but there was no way that he could go back upon his decision. He had given the boy seven days to prove his innocence to the court- longer than he had given his nephew after he himself had accused him of stealing his master bolt.

Taking those couple of steps to close the gap that was between the both of them, Zeus lifted his hand up until he was able to rest it upon his son’s shoulder, his hand squeezing it gently in an attempt at comforting him, even if just a small amount, “My son… the pain you feel is but temporary. Have faith in your boy; just as Poseidon had faith within his own, and I know that he will rise to the occasion and do you proud. I shall not interfere in the workings of the camp, nor will I have Dionysus approach your boy with such grave news; go to him when your mind has had the time to settle upon this situation… I feel that it is best he hear such things from you and you alone.”

Hermes remained wordless at first, still attempting to process what had just occurred in his mind. He felt his father's firm hand on his shoulder, but did not react, a feeling of total numbness running through his body.

Nodding once, slowly, Hermes turned to leave Olympus, clearing his throat in an obvious attempt to hide its shakiness. "I best go. Don't want to miss that movie." He said, attempting to defuse his own feelings with an admittedly poor attempt at humor. That being said, the god of messengers left without another word.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Erin Marie Chase and Syleste Astrea Nioré

The Big House & Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood

The sound of the wooden floors cracking apart beneath her feet filled the office of the camps director as her patience began to wear thin, and her frustration about the whole situation began to show in the expression upon her face; disgust… pure unadulterated disgust. The camp was filled with plenty of other demigods who would both volunteer, and do a much better job than she would; so why she was picked for it in the first place was far beyond her comprehension. What it came down to was the fact that the camp director, Lord Dionysus, had it in for her; even after she chose to put up with that psychotic daughter of his- Arianna was a raving moron with mental issues, everyone knew it, but she was the only one who was brave enough to speak the truth, “You have got to be kidding me! I’m the daughter of the Underworld, not some bloody glorified babysitter that you can just go and dump all the fresh meat on whenever you don’t feel like doing your damn job, Mr. D.”

“Actually, I can Eirene; you see, as much as I hate being here looking after you lazy lot, this is my camp… and I’m the one who makes the rules! You’re on tour duty; so hop to it, or whatever it is that you kids do these days…”

“Oh for Zeus’ sake..! My name is not Eirene and you know it..! I’m like completely on the other side of the family to that snow freak..!” He didn’t even seem to flinch at all the moment that both of her fists slammed down upon the desk in front of him- it was clear that she was losing her patience with him and his stupid games… she had lived in the camp for Gods knew how long; and each time, without fail, he had gotten her name wrong- choosing instead to call her by the name of one of his many sisters who lived up upon Mount Olympus with most of the other Gods, “No more after this; it’s the last time I’m doing this, you got that..? I didn’t come to this stupid camp so that I could show all the damn freshmen around like some tour guide. Next time, get your psycho daughter to do it.”

“You’re really beginning to test my patience; watch your tongue, unless you want me to turn you into a pathetic little minno-…”

“Empty threats again, Mr. D..? You should really take a page out of my father’s book- if you’re going to threaten them… make sure you can back it up.” Not bothering to even give him the chance to go and respond to what it was that she had said, she turned on her heel, her long and wavy dark brown locks bouncing lightly upon her back with each and every single step as she made her way out of the office, and in turn out of the big house and into the fresh air of the camp- she didn’t care about what the great Lord Dionysus had to say; he could sit there and insult her for days, but it was never going to change a thing. The relationship between the two of them had never been a great one; the both of them arguing almost every single time that they came face-to-face, it was just a normal routine, and everyone in the camp knew it too.

“..Erin..? How did it go..? Is he going to let us swap so you don’t have to worry about greeting all the new campers..?”

The sound of a soft and sweet voice hit the brunette’s ears, causing her to turn her head so that she was able to look over the girl who had spoken to her- the girl herself sitting patiently on the edge of the porch where Erin had left her when she had first entered the big house what felt like ages ago. It was typical behavior of the girl… she was too nice to just get up and leave to do what she wanted to do, and then with the smile lighting up the girls features, Erin couldn’t even tell whether or not she actually enjoyed sitting there waiting for her return, “You sat there this whole time..? Seriously Syleste, you’re too nice for your own good; grow some backbone will ya…”

Rolling her dark eyes though unable to keep the small smile that flickered across her face, Erin sighed softly before making her way down the steps and over to where Syleste was sitting, her head tilting ever so slightly and her hands slipping down into the back pockets of her black denim shorts as she looked over the girl in front of her for a few moments before finally answering her questions, “The answer is no. The drunkard refuses to let me swap with you; so I’m stuck as the bloody welcoming committee for all the little greenies…”

“Well, what if I came with you to welcome them to the camp..?” Lifting herself up from where she had been perching upon the porch, Syleste smiled brightly in the direction that she could hear her friends voice coming from; her beautiful sky-blue though ever unseeing eyes staring in her general direction as she slipped her hand into the back pocket of her light pink denim shorts, the girl pulling a light blue bit of material out of it before bringing her hands together in front of her body, her fingers lightly playing with it, “At least this way you won’t be alone, and I will be able to help you out with all the new campers- it would mean less work for you, and as a bonus, I get to spend time with my friend in the process. Please… please can I help you Erin..?”

“If you really want to tag along and greet the new freaks, I’m not gunna to stop you Syl; especially if it means you doing my job for me.” Shoving her hands deeper down into her pockets as she shrugged her shoulders lightly in response, Erin slowly began to make her wander away from the big house and through the camp, keeping in mind to drag her feet over the ground to make noise for the girl to hear as she led the way towards where she was supposed to meet the new campers: half-blood hill. It was the only way to get both in and out of the camp… unless you wanted to get wet by taking the ocean route that was, and even then not many people were stupid enough to go that way- okay, maybe the fish-brains in cabin three were stupid enough to take that path…

Seeming to light up the very moment that her friend had given her permission to help out with the new campers, Syleste hurried to catch up to where she could hear Erin’s footfalls, her own bare feet brushing lightly over the top of the grass causing a gentle tickle against their souls with every step that she took to keep up; her free hand coming up to softly brush some of her long wavy bubblegum pink locks back off of her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear as her expression turned to one that was seemingly more thoughtful- her unseeing eyes staring off into the distance making her seem as though she were in her own little world, when in reality she was thinking about what was waiting for them at the entrance to the camp, “I wonder what type of campers we’ll get today… Oh! I hope I get a sibling! Wouldn’t that be so much fun..! I really hate being on my own in that cabin…”

Unable to help the scoff that slipped through her lips at the girls words, Erin shook her head lightly from side to side before she closed the gap between the both of them, her arm brushing softly up against her friends out of habit; a sign that they were there and that they were going to be stopping in a few moments, “I’ll pass on the whole siblings thing… I happen to enjoy being alone and having a whole cabin to myself; means no one is there to mess around with your things. But if you really hate being on your own, go move in with the hot head; I’m sure Ky’ vie would just love having someone else to look after when she’s actually here…”

“Oh… that could actually be a lot of fun..! We all have to have a sleepover soon..!” Seeming to miss the point the brunette was trying to make completely, Syleste quickly came to a stop by the hill, her head stooping ever so slightly as she lifted the material, wrapping it delicately around her head and being sure to secure it firmly so that her eyes were now completely obscured from vision- it wasn’t as though she particularly liked hiding herself from people… but then she also knew that not everyone she met was going to be as comfortable about her disability as she or those she had known for years were. It was something that could be unnerving… that could make people feel uncomfortable… and that was the very last thing she wanted to do; make people uncomfortable on their first day- that was what Erin was for.

“You care too much about what people think. Take off that stupid blindfold; if people can’t handle your eyes, then they aren’t worth a bit of your time…” Turning her head away from where Syleste stood happily bouncing up and down on the spot while waiting for the campers in question to show up, Erin let her sentence trail off into nothing, her dark eyes falling upon a familiar figure standing not too far away from where they were situated- if he was here waiting, it could only mean one thing…

“Let me guess… she’s coming home today, isn't she? And like the little puppy that you are, you’re waiting for mistress to return and give you a treat- such a faithful little fly-boy you are, Grif.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Archer Trey Andrews and Gideon James Carlyle

The Training Grounds ~ Camp Half-Blood

He was knocked completely off his feet, falling to the ground with a huff. His blond tendrils fell in front of his face and he held up his hand, breathing heavily. "Gimme... a... minute..." Sucking in air through his teeth, he let out a wheezing noise before staggering to his feet. The more muscular, towering guy across from him smirked and crossed his beefy arms across his chest, completely ignoring the fact he had one half of a katana pair in his hands. Stabbing it into the ground, he walked closer to the skinny blond and crouched down, scooping up a fall sword and tossing it to the side. He shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Athena would be disappointed, Archer," he said with a grin. "Losing to an Ares..." He made a tut noise with his tongue and Archer glared at him from underneath his sweaty hair.

"You knocked the wind out of me, Gideon," Archer stated, one arm now wrapped around his stomach. "I think she'll understand." The armor straps pulled tight around his muscles as he straightened up.

Gideon laughed, the booming noise echoing across the training grounds. Some of the other trainees turned to look at him. Some of the younger kids looked nervous, and Gideon smirked at them. They all immediately looked away and Gideon rolled his eyes, backing up slightly from Archer. Cracking his knuckles, he walked back a little ways and stood across from Archer, who was leaning back on his heels, still trying to catch his breath.

"You ready?" He got a thumbs up from Archer, who was still keeled over. He walked over to the sword that was on the side, taking deep breaths as he walked. He picked it up and Gideon, in turn, picked up his katana pair. Archer made his way back over and stood across from him. "Three. Two. One. Fight!" Gideon yelled and he charged Archer.

It was at this moment Ares decided to get bitchy with Hermes.

Ares' anger filled Gideon and he slammed down with more force than he meant to. Archer, shocked by Gideon's attack, only barely got his sword up in time to block the attack. He twisted the blades away and dodged out, whipping back around to face Gideon. A burning anger was forming in the pit of Gideon's stomach and his teeth ground against each other. He leapt at Archer again, swinging for his neck. Archer blocked one of the swords with his and swung under the other one. He was honestly surprised at the ferocity that Gideon had. He was fierce when it came to battle, but he normally wasn't this ferocious. He spun out of the way again and this time, he attacked first. He swung for Gideon's arm, but Gideon was able to block it with the flat end of his right katana. He laughed out loud and a chill ran through Archer. That was not a happy laugh. That was one of menace and evil.

"You think that attack can work?! Let me show you how it's done," Gideon snarled, his voice dropping to a deep bass. He shoved Archer back, kicking him directly in the stomach. Archer fell backwards, but managed to get into a roll and jump back up to his feet. He held his sword in front of him as a barrier, but Gideon would not stop with that. Gideon charged him again, and swung both his blades together, hooking Archer's sword with both of his. Archer kept a hold of it, but his hands slip, and he felt the rush that normally kept him steady with ασημένια φωτιά slip away from him as he lost his grip. His hands tightened on it, and the rush came back, but late. Gideon pushed forward with his hands, shoving the flat of the blades against Archer's chest and the force knocked Archer back onto his back.

Gideon let out a menacing howl and was about to do what he did best, show no mercy. Not even to his friend. Archer saw this in his eyes and rolled up to his feet, drawing his crossbow from his back. Drawing his hand in a straight line in the air, a bolt appeared in his hand. He notched it quickly, raised it to his eyes, and pulled the trigger. Gideon was suddenly dragged back and found himself pinned against the wall of the armory. He tried to jerk free, but the bolt had gone through his loose armor into the wall.

"Gideon!" Archer yelled and ran after his friend. He came to a pause in front of him. "You need to cool down. I've never seen you so angry."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? 'cause that didn't look like-"

"I said I'm fine!" he snarled. He lurched against the bolt, but Archer knew that that bolt was not coming out soon. Only he would be able to pull it out from the angle he was at. Gideon glared at him, his eyes dark and almost red colored. The Athena child recognized the eyes of his father in him. "Come on, let's fight."

Archer stared at him. The soft thunk of his crossbow and sword could be heard as they hit the ground. Archer stepped back and held up his hands, his dark eyes worried and carefully wary. "I'm not fighting you. Not while you're angry." Gideon growled, but he seemed to get his right of mind back slowly. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. He breathed in deep through his nose and let it out slowly, opening his eyes at the same pace, looking back to Archer. The dark brown color was now back.

"I'm sorry. Will you help me get this off?" he asked, his voice now quieter. Archer still eyed him, but he stepped around his weapons and, with an easy, swift pull, the sharp bolt slid free of the metal and wood. Archer tossed it by his crossbow and crossed his arms across his chest. Gideon rubbed his arms and lowered his eyes sheepishly. "Sorry. You know I can't control it sometimes when... he gets angry."

"I know," Archer murmured. "Why don't we step back from fighting for a bit? We could head back to your cabin and work on battle strategies for the next Capture the Flag game."

"Sure. Good thing too. I heard I'm getting a new camper today," Gideon said, straightening up. He grabbed his katanas off the ground and sheathed them on his back. Archer did the same, but only sheathed his jian. He wrapped the crossbow over his shoulder, strapping it across his chest.

"Really? Know anything about them?"

"That's the thing... They haven't told me anything about them. All Mr. D said was I was getting a new one..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aella Lorraine Stedford

Half-Blood Hill & Training Grounds ~ Camp Half-Blood

Pulling back gently though firmly upon the reigns to slow the pace as she drew closer to the top of hill that she now knew to be the entrance to the Greek camp, she steered her mare off slightly to the side, her balance never once seeming to waver on its back as the creature reluctantly came to a stop before shaking out its beautiful mane, the action causing the demigoddess to lean forward over the saddle, her hand softly gliding up and down the animals neck a few times in thanks and appreciation for getting her as far as she had. Leaving her life in Camp Jupiter behind had been easier than she had thought it was going to be- sure it meant leaving all her friends and those she cared about behind in her wake, but she’d made Nolan a promise… and she intended on keeping it, even though it meant uprooting her life and shipping herself off to Camp Half-Blood. Sitting up tall once more in the saddle as she turned her head back to the camp, her attention falling to glance back and forth between the other demigods milling about at their own pace and leisure- this place was so different to what she was used to… where were the uniforms..? Where was the structure..? It was going to take her a while to get used to living here…

Frowning slightly as the sound of voices speaking floated up to her from where she could see a large pine tree standing guard over the camp, she turned her head and allowed her attention to settle down on the three figures chatting among themselves; one with gentle pink hair flowing down her back and shoulders, one with a sneer plastered over her features and looking like death warmed up, and the third, a male, hold up in his own little world causing her to wonder if he was ignoring the brunette, or just simply hadn't heard her. Deciding it better and possibly wise not to disturb the trio in question, she pressed onward, clicking her tongue a couple of times as she lightly pressed her heels into the side of her horse to once more gain its attention, she lightly flicked the reigns, urging the creature forward and down the hill to where she could see the most demigods milling about in the one area; her eyes flicking about her person so that she could take in as much as she possibly could before her eyes finally settled upon a small group staring up at her from where they stood within the grassy knoll surrounded by the cabins, her eyebrow quirking ever so slightly before she finally chose to speak up, her voice both clear and confident as she spelled out exactly what she wanted to the Grecian's before her, “I'm looking for Gideon James Carlyle; where can I find him?”

“Uh… Gideon..?” Looking slightly confused and quite distracted as he gazed up at her in the saddle, the camper quickly righted himself, his cheeks and ears flushing a bright red in color as he felt his friend's hand smack against his shoulder, “Oh, Gideon..! Right..! If you're looking for him; I suggest that you try the training grounds. He's always there or in the armory. “

Stooping her head slightly in thanks to one of the guys who pointed her in the right direction, she once more urged her mare to move forward, following the path that had been lined out for her to follow before eventually, she once again came to a complete stop, though this time it was a few feet away from what she could only assume was the camps training grounds, the familiar sound on metal scraping against metal filling the air around her helping her to relax and calm her nerves, even just a little.

Frowning heavily for a few moments as she looked out at the grounds from where she sat upon the saddle, she leant herself forward just slightly, her hands lowering down in front of her for a few moments as she watched the scene unfolding before her eyes; two of the demigods using the grounds seeming to be going at it harder than the rest- warriors… one of them, the larger of the pair she assumed, had to be the guy that she had been looking for. Patting the horse lightly and rather affectionately against its neck a couple of times, she once again clicking her tongue and gently nudging her heels into her horse's sides, she closed the gap between her and the two guys that seemed to be both winding down from their session upon the grounds, her back straight and her head held high within her pride as she slowed the creature to a stop in front of them both, “Father give me strength…”

Waiting in complete and utter silence until she had the attention of both guys, she once more lowered her hands and the reigns down to the saddle in front of her, her both intense and attention demanding dark eyes moving over both of their figures before finally, they settled upon the eyes of the guy she believed to be Gideon Carlyle.

“Gideon Carlyle I assume- my name is Aella Lorraine Stedford... daughter of Mars.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Claire Bellerose
The Stables~ Camp Half Blood

Hurrying across camp grounds, the little blonde French girl could be seen dodging around trees, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as the wind caught it. She let out apologies in French as she bumped into different people. She ran bare foot, in a pair of short jean shorts and a skimpy tank top. She was dressed for summer and easily recognized as Claire Bellerose, one of the Big Three children. She smiled and waved at her friends, giggling and laughing as she tiptoed and ran around in the soft grass. The dark, wooden stables came into view and she smiled even wider, taking a deep breath.

She approached the stables cautiously, making sure none of the keepers were there, else they might get mad at her. Seeing no one around, she made her way inside, keeping a small, bright red apple hidden behind her back. The stables were full today, with nickering horses and whinnying foals. Down the way, she could hear the beating wings of a Pegasus trying to fly in their entrapment. There was a whinnying of anger as they hit the top of the stables and fell back to the ground. Claire giggled and rolled her eyes at the daft creature. It had tried that many times before and it had yet to learn that there was no escaping the stables unless it was let out.

There was only one stall, however, that Claire was thoroughly interested in. It was the quietest stall and the smallest. She made her way toward it, moving carefully. She did not want to startle the poor creature. Moving up next to it, she peered inside, looking into the darkness. In the shadows of the stall, near a small hale bale toward the back, next to the water, there was a small noise and a dark gray shadow moved the dust and hay. A beautiful silver dapper mare made her way toward the stall door. Her normally shiny pelt was slightly dusty, but with a small shake, the dust flew off and toward Claire. Claire let out a sneeze and the horse whinnied, the whinny resembling something close to laughter.

"Oh, be quiet," Claire said, her light French accent coating over her words. "I brought something for you, darling." She pulled out the apple from behind her back and held it out to the horse. She neighed with delight, but before she could get the apple, Claire pulled it back. "Apologize." The horse shook her mane. "Cascade..." Claire sounded as if she was talking to a child, and with how the horse was acting, it seemed as if she was. The horse snorted, scattering dust across the door. Claire narrowed her eyes as the horse dipped her head and nickered quietly. Claire smiled and held out the apple to the mare.

The horse's head shot up and she immediately took the apple from Claire's hand, munching on it happily. Claire giggled and opened the stall door, walking into the dusty stall. She gently took the reigns on Cascade's neck and led her forward and out of the stall. Gripping onto the reigns still, she swung her small body up onto the beautiful horse's back. Cascade, a little surprised at the sudden weight, staggered forward slightly and neighed loudly.

"Sorry, girl," Claire murmured, patting her neck. Unbuckling and unstrapping, Claire took the bit out of the horse's mouth and took the reigns off from around her head, tossing them back into the stall. Neighing happily, Cascade shook her mane out slightly, scattering more dust particles. Claire sneezed again. "You must stop doing that, Cascade." Cascade nickered and Claire smiled, digging her heels into the beautiful horse's sides. The horse took off, full gallop, out of the stables and they began to ride around camp.

The wind blowing through her hair, Claire threw her head back and laughed, smiling widely. This was the most fun she had had in ages. And she wasn't planning on stopping soon. Unless she hit somebody, of course...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hawley Griffin

Camp Half Blood ~ Thalia's Pine

Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release it

To the random passerby, Griffin simply appeared to be relaxing. Clad in thick pioneer headphones that blared 90s rock, Griffin was lost in his own little world. But there was a purpose to his lone vigil on Half-Blood Hill, though he'd never admit it. For days, Ky' vie had been gone on whatever glorified errand the Oracle had sent her on, and was expected to return today. That, and the potential for him hide from any work Chiron would put him to if he was found made such an opportunity truly golden.

Lazily leaning against Thalia's Pine, Griffin did not initially react as he caught two figures approaching him out of his peripheral vision. One brief glimpse of bubblegum pink hair was enough to identify Syleste. And no one had a more melancholy air than Erin, who walked side-by-side with his bubbly blind friend.

Griffin picked up Erin's mocking words over his music (unfortunately), and pulled his headphones down so they rested around his neck, mussing up his hair for a moment before turning to face the two girls, both hands finding his jacket pockets.

"I'd rather be a puppy than a tour guide, love." He finally replied with a bemused grin, knowing full-well that Erin had been 'honorably chosen' to greet any newcomers to Camp.

"'Fraid your PMS can't contest with Wine God's bullheadedness, Skeleta -- he threaten to turn you into a minnow again? I've been keeping count." Not waiting for an answer, Griffin moved closer to the duo, the subdued music still audible through his displaced headphones.

Cocking his head to the side to land on Syleste, Griffin cast a more sincere smile, though he knew she couldn't see it. "Hello, Syl." He greeted in a tone that was almost uncharacteristically warm; one he saved almost solely for her.

"You on damage control?" He asked, eyeing Erin briefly. He'd known the daughter of death for a number of years now, and many things she was - but welcoming was not among them.

"I hear we've got a newbie coming - one of the Romans." Griffin casually switched subjects, mock reverence in his voice at the word 'Roman'. At Erin's subtle, though inquisitive quirk of a brow, Griffin brusquely explained his more intimate knowledge of the newcomer: "I'm a son of Hermes, if there's something juicy to learn in Camp, I'm all on it." He finished with a mischievous grin.

There was no denying the small amount of disdain between the Roman and Greek camps. Camp Jupiter, according to what little knowledge there was to be had by the inhabitants of Camp Half-Blood, was far more militaristic and disciplined. If Camp Half-Blood was a summer camp for demigod kids, then Camp Jupiter was the bloody ROTC on steroids.

"Well, I suppose you best get on with the tour-guiding. Shouldn't let any tenderfoots miss out on your dazzling personality, love." Griffin then added to Erin, performing a two-fingered salute in her direction as a farewell gesture. "See you 'round, Syl, try not to get into too much trouble." He bid to his pink-haired friend with a manic grin and wink before once more putting his headphones over his ears and turning back towards the horizon, ending the conversation.

Roy Montag

Camp Half-Blood ~ Cabin One

Cabin One. Very few demigods were able to call Zeus' Cabin their home, and such a claim could be confirmed by its almost immaculate appearance. Not marked by stains, carvings, or other signs of previous inhabitants like many of the more well-inhabited cabins (with Hermes' especially coming to mind), Roy enjoyed the cleanliness such a home brought him.

Though typically, campers without a cabin for their parent were sent to Hermes', Roy managed to convince Chiron and Mr. D to let him stay in Cabin One, due to Boreas' close association with Zeus. Who better to pair with the lord of the sky than the North Wind?

And so Roy sat on his bed, a small block of wood in a single callused hand while another deftly held a Swiss army knife, whittling the sharp edge against the block, paring small shavings and slivers off the block autonomously, giving the block of wood shape and definition - meaning almost.

Roy could hear his father's words echo through his head: "Whatever it is you do, son. Do it well, and put your all into it." Those words, insignificant as they may be to some people, stayed with Roy since he first went to Camp. He applied this motto everywhere, whether it came to quests, to competitions, or simply whittling. What point was there to doing something if you treated it without your full care or attention?

Roy's eyes, bright and blue like slivers of ice themselves, were keenly focused on the piece of wood, picturing the final product of his creation thousands of slices ahead of his current progress. The more he whittled, the more shavings began to gather into a neat pile on the floor. Hircine, Roy's shaggy beast of a dog, buried his wet snout into the pile of shavings, immediately regretting his decision as a loud sneeze ran through his body, scattering the shavings all about the cabin room.

With an indignant shake and a huff, Hircine walked out of the room, too disgusted by the behavior of the shavings to stand even another moment in their presence.

Snickering as he caught his dog's antics in his peripheral, Roy continued to work ceaselessly, finding solace in its simplicity. The more he lost himself in his work, the clearer his mind became. And he would find himself humming that very same song his mother would often sing for him in his younger years - a song that, like many memories; stuck.

There are loved ones in the glory
Whose dear forms you often miss.
When you close your earthly story,
Will you join them in their bliss?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 8 days ago

~Lang Monyethabeng~

Lang walked up a hill. It was the seventeenth hill in this damn hilly countryside. There weren’t this many hills where he came from. He heard a small yip from his left ear, undoubtedly Zuko complaining about the bumpiness of the ride. Lang stopped, and cocked his head at the tiny fox sarcastically. “Well I don’t suppose you want to start carrying me, do you?” He asked. Zuko responded with a small lick to Lang’s cheek “well that’s what I thought” Lang answered continuing on down the seventeenth hill. It was as he was walking down this seventeenth hill, as he finally rounded the bend on his journey that he saw it, Camp Half-Blood.

His mother had told him so much about it, she had perfectly described it. From the large gate opening it’s maw to the world inviting in demigods, to the powerful pines that rose up to reach the sky, even the lake defining the camp’s back. Somehow this small summer camp for troubled, yet super powered teens seemed to stretch miles. Lang was baffled. He set foot inside the gate and was immediately overtaken by commotion. Men and women alike were carrying things, moving others and sparring, just out in the field. It was his kind of camp alright.

He quickly found himself staring at the cabins, didn’t take too long after all. He knocked on the door which slowly peaked open to a sunset paint job filled with oranges, yellows and reds. He took a note off of the back of the door which held with it an envelope with three keys. One for his room, one for the house and one for the infirmary. The note also included instructions to the infirmary, oddly enough Lang felt as though he understood them. The note explained that too, stating that as children of Apollo they held dominance over healing the sick and injured. Explained his natural talent with reading the instructions of the letter well enough.

Lang through his bag on his door before he and Zuko departed, deciding to get the lay of the land rather than sit in an empty cabin. He found himself wandering around what seemed to be a dining pavilion, seemed simple enough. He waded through crowds of people and watched as they all took some of their food and dumped it into the fire, allowing it to billow out in smoke, seemed reasonable enough must’ve been some kind of proceeding that typically happened with their food. Worshipping their parents and all that. Lang quickly found himself trying to depart the pavilion, but somehow he ended up right back at the cabins. This time he went a different direction that he had when he had begun however quickly, once more he ended up at the pavilion. He looked up towards the trees attempting to deviate from his repeated path, but when it came to it he was shoddy with directions.

Attempting to seek help at the cabins, he found himself at a stable instead. But it was inside this stable that he saw a girl, with black hair, as black as the night who seemed to radiate the light around her itself. He soon found that he was approaching her, even though he had not told his legs to make it so. And soon, he was standing beside her. During the midst of the current heart attack he was undergoing he attempted to make conversation.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, and your equine friend.” Lang said motioning towards the beautifully pale horse. “I’m lost and I seem to be Lang.” He said looking at her puzzled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emerald Dosen Armsted
The Iris Cabin, The Stables ~ Camp Half-Blood

"Aquina!" Em hissed, looking for the small wolf pup that she could hear the scrabbling of, but not actually see. Her long dark hair fell in front of her face as she peered underneath the bed. The dark gray wolf was no where to be seen. Sucking in her cheeks, she sat back on her bed, sitting criss-cross on the bed. Tapping the side of her cheek with her lips pursed, she looked to the side and saw a piece of bacon from this morning's breakfast on a plate on her vanity table. She grinned and grabbed it. Just the same, she grabbed an old shoelace and a tree branch that she had grabbed this morning on her walk.

Tying the shoelace to the top of the branch and then tying the other end to the bacon, she threw the bacon out into the middle of the floor. Adjusting herself to where she was laying on her stomach and was out over the bed, she made sure she kept her eyes on the bacon. She waited for a few minutes. Then a few more. Right as her arms were starting to become numb, a small pointed nose poked out from underneath the bed. A small dark gray and brown wolf pup began crawling forward on her stomach. Her tongue licked the air like a snake, as if she could taste the bacon in the air.

The pup pounced on the bacon and Em pushed herself off the bed and pounced on the pup. There was a small yip before there was suddenly a wriggling pup now in Em's arms. Em giggled, holding Aquina close to her chest and rocking her back and forth. Dust puffed off her fur, causing Em to sneeze.

"I think you cleaned underneath my bed, you daft dog," Em said with a laugh. She stroked the pup's stomach, who looked up at her with big, puppy dog eyes. Em rolled her eyes and, with the dog still in her arms, walked toward the entrance to the cabin. "I know you don't like the stables at times, but you can run around while I check on some of the pegasi. They can't go for very long without light and rainbows, you know." She winked at the pup, who just looked at her with confusion on her face. Em rolled her eyes and walked out the cabin.

It was beautiful outside. It was almost the perfect summer day, minus a few clouds here and there in the sky. She saw Claire Bellerose, a good friend of hers, riding around the camp on her beautiful horse. She smiled and waved to blonde, but she seemed not to see her. Em shrugged and walked forward a bit more, her bare feet brushing over the ground. Aquina struggled in her arms and finally giving in, Em set the rambunctious pup down on the ground. Taking off like a shot, she immediately sprinted toward the lake.

"Aquina!" Em yelled and the dog slide to a stop, turning back. She pointed her finger toward the stables. Aquina, ears and tail now lowered, trotted unhappily in the direction of the stables. "We'll go to the lake afterwards if we have time." Em followed behind the disheartened pup, but the wolf wasn't sad for long. A butterfly came out of nowhere and landed on her nose, and then flew off. Aquina found solace in chasing the beautiful creature toward the stables. Em giggled and followed but she walked inside the stables instead of going around it.

She headed toward the back of the stables, where the pegasi were in their stables. She smiled as she stood outside the stall of a little foal that had yet to get their wings. She smiled at it and the foal nickered at her. Focusing her energy, her skin illuminated and she reached out and touched the foals bare nose. A shimmering and glittering rainbow flew down the pegasus's back and they whinnied, shaking from the shock.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, and your equine friend.” A voice came from nearby and she turned, tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear. A very handsome and broad gentleman stood before her, someone that she had never seen before. She smiled politely as he continued. “I’m lost and I seem to be Lang.”

Em raised an eyebrow. "Did you mean 'I'm Lang and I seem to be lost'?" She covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled. Holding out her hand for him to shake, she said, "I'm Emerald, but everyone calls me Em. I can show you around, unless you seem to actually be Lang." She giggled again as she began walking out of the stables, expecting him to follow. "That's a wonderful accent. Where are you from?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Archer Trey Andrews and Gideon James Carlyle

The Training Grounds ~ Camp Half-Blood

Gideon rubbed the back of his neck with a towel as he and Archer put away their weapons before walking back out onto the training grounds. "The was a little harsh, wasn't it?" Gideon said, rubbing his shoulder after tossing the towel to the side. There was a hole in the strap of the armor now and it was beginning to tear. He pulled it up over his head and tossed it to the side. He cringed when he heard it hit some of the weapons and the familiar metal clang echoed through the grounds. Archer cocked an eyebrow at him before shaking his head with exasperation.

"What? What was harsh?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement.

"Shooting me through the strap. You ruined a perfectly good set of armor," Gideon said, his voice sounding a little bit whiny. Archer just rolled his eyes and strapped his crossbow across his chest again after he took over his armor. He heard the sound of horse hooves and he looked up to see a brunetteish blonde girl approaching on a horse. She was headed straight for them. Gideon was still looking down at the armor and fixing things, so Archer smacked him. "What?" he snapped, finally looking up, but he saw the horse straight away, so there was no need for explanation.

The girl did not get off the horse. Instead, her intense glare fell upon him. Gideon crossed his arms across his chest, waiting for her to speak, as she had approached them, which must meant that she needed something from them. “Gideon Carlyle I assume- my name is Aella Lorraine Stedford... daughter of Mars.”

Gideon narrowed his eyes. "You would assume correctly. That is a..." The horse blew air at him and he wrinkled up his nose. "...lovely horse." He eyed the new girl. "So you're my new half-sister..." Archer, who was entranced by the girl's beauty, cleared his throat and smacked Gideon again with a cough to go along with it. "What?!" Gideon snapped again. Archer made a motion with his hands for Gideon to introduce him to his sister. Rolling his eyes, Gideon said, "Rrrriiiiggghhhttt... Aella, this is Archer Andrews, my best friend and son of Athena. I take it you don't know where you are going and need our help to find the stables and the cabin?"

"Way to sound blunt and uninviting," Archer muttered to him. He smiled up at Aella. "Sorry about him. They barely told him anything about you, so he's a little upset."

Gideon stared at him in surprise. "Fuck off, Scamp. Anyways, Aella, we can take you the stables and then head back to the cabin for you to get settled." He began heading toward the stables, not saying another word. Archer just shook his head and looked back up at Aella, gesturing for her to follow him politely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Benjamin Schafer

Cabin One

Though he had only been there for a week, Ben feels like he got the layout of Camp Halfblood figured out. It was even better that it was mostly handicap accessible, So a guy with a fake leg could get around with relative ease.
Early each morning, Ben woke up and started his early routine. He saw his cabinmate, Roy, sitting on his bed doing something with a knife. Ben left him alone and walked outside.

The son of Zeus wore his orange Camp Halfblood t-shirt and camp issue khaki shorts. He had hoped that he could get some full sized pants, as he wasn't quite comfortable with everyone seeing his prosthesis, but he had not been successful yet in procuring some. Also on his belt, he wore the sword his godly father gave him. One that he still have very little idea on how to use.

He jogged over to training arena, thankful that his prosthetic leg was working well. Comfortable that his leg wasn't going to fall off, he enjoyed his run. He casually ran past fellow campers, and they seemed to ignore him. He was used to getting gawked at, but the people of the camp seemed to either not notice or really not care, which was definitely a switch.

He was pondering this when he turned a blind corner and was met face to face with a white horse. Ben had just enough presence of mind to take a few steps back as the beast went roaring past. Way to almost get run over, dingus. he told himself. He took another look at the horse and realized it wasn't white, but more like silver.

"Sorry, that was my fault." Ben said to the rider. "This is a bit of a blind corner."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ky' vie Morgan

Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood

The familiar roar of the engine ripped through the normally peaceful air of the area surrounding Camp Half-Blood, growing both louder and more prominent with each moment that past her by and brought her closer to her destination; home. Gripping the handlebars tighter as she leant herself over, pressing her chest against the body of the custom made motorbike, the tires almost seeming to fly over the tar that made up the road beneath her, causing the loose bits of gravel to crunch underneath the weight as she sped down the familiar route that would lead her back to the only true place that she could call her home now; the feeling of being away from the only family and friends she had left, lessening with every second that ticked by- she just hoped that her friends hadn’t caused too much trouble for the rest of the camp in her absence; Erin was volatile… Syleste was innocent… Gideon was testy… Arianna was- well, she was Arianna, there was nothing that could be done about that… and Griffin; he certainly knew how to push the limits to their maximum…

Slowing down her speed as she came close to the discrete path that led through the forest and up to half-blood hill from the road, she took the turn with a small smirk, her body lifting up just slightly from the bike, seeming to manoeuvre with ease through the trees and down the path as though it were the most natural thing in the world- she had been living full-time in the camp for years now; and thanks to the many quests she had been sent on, coupled with all the trouble that she had gotten into during her younger years, she knew every path, trail and road around the area like the back of her hand. She was almost there… almost home- she was almost back with her friends and family where she was meant to be. She’d been driving for Gods knew how many hours straight to get back; being chosen to receive a prophecy from the Oracle was an honour for any demigod, and while going out on quests was both fun and something that they all strived for, nothing beat the feeling of returning back to the camp so that she could just relax and hang out with everyone that she cared about.

Drawing ever closer to the base of the half-blood hill, she both readjusted and tightened her grip over the handlebars of her bike before she twisted the throttle, not only revving the engine but also forcing more gas into the cylinders causing it to pick up speed once more as she passed under the arch and in through the safety barrier surrounding the camp; her smirk twisting into a more warm and sweet smile within the confines of her helmet at the very sight of the familiar pine that she drew increasingly closer to with each and every inch that flew past. She could practically taste it now… sitting back in her cabin with her friends; cooking up a few good steaks on the barbie, and throwin’ back a few ice-cold stubbies while they all enjoyed a long overdue game of cards against humanity… It was something that she had been looking forward to for the last few days; now if only she could find her frien- catching sight of the three familiar figures standing around as she finally hit the top of the hill, she slammed the brakes on as quickly as she could, her feet dropping down and pressing firmly into the ground below her causing the tail end of her bike to swing around; kicking up both grass and dirt in their direction before it finally came to a complete stop, resting up against her inner thigh as she readjusted herself over the seat.

“..look guys, I know you all love me, but don’t you think it’s a bit excessive for you to throw me a welcome home party on the top of the hill..? You know, I’m pretty sure I’ve told you all before not to bother coming to meet me up here…” Stooping her head down slightly as she loosened her grip and lifted her hands up from the handles of her bike, she unclipped the strap of her helmet before taking a hold of it; a flash of bright red catching under the rays of the sun as her long and wavy apple-red locks falling both down her back and over her shoulders the moment that she removed her helmet, placing it down on the bike between her body and the handles.

She had been expecting Grif to meet up with her once she had gotten back… Gideon was a maybe- but Erin and Syleste as well..? It was definitely a nice little surprise to say the least. Dropping her attention down to her hands for a moment as she brought them together in front of her, she tugged a couple of times at her leather gloves in an attempt to make sure they didn’t slip any further than they had before she unzipped her black leather jacket, allowing it to fall open to reveal the top she wore underneath as she let her gaze finally catch upon the muscular figure of a demigod that she had never met before.

“Ah; wait a minute… now it begins to make sense; and here I was feeling all loved cause I thought they came for me. Don't tell me... we have some new campers showing up today, right? I look forward to meeting them.” Chuckling softly to herself as she shifted her body slightly in the seat, she pressed the palm of her left hand into the cushion behind her as she smiled warmly while she brought her right hand up to gently run her fingers back through her long red locks, ruffling it ever so slightly before she dropped her hand back down to rest on the top of her helmet, her expression clearly showing her happiness at being back home where she belonged as her gaze slowly flicked back and forth between the people grouped around in front of her- her attention settling down on Griffin, knowing for a fact that he was there for her with the other two being a bonus, "So... did ya miss me..? Or did ya miss me..?"
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