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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@gcoldjust clearing some things up with you before I make some changes.

There was no Smithing tournament, it was a competition of skill with a weapon, much like a tourney.

Axes are regarded as blunt- despite their obviously sharp edges the regard in blunt is that unlike a blade an axe requires weight and force behind an attack in order to 'chop' rather than stab, you would bring an axe down in a similar fashion to a hammer than a blade.

Anyway, that aside; as I don't want to fight the Gm ('cause I'll lose :P)
I can change the axes to something more appropriate- knives as Schaft said should be good because her small frame and large strength would make her quite the little stabbing bosmer if she got too close to you.


Happy New year everyone ^.^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sylvanis put her mentors teaching to good use, she acquired her first set of armour during the time she spent with the forge mother, the Orcish smithing process is incredible, the armour certainly matches it creators, requiring a strong arm to mold the metal to the shapes you requite- that being said it’s little wonder that Orcish armour is very jagged, the metal is very difficult to work with, and then she picked up a hammer and entered a tournament that celebrated the chief's birthday.
Much to everyone's surprise she hammered her way through the competition, the training and years of bruises and scars certainly paid off.
She didn’t win, she came second place to chief himself- typically the chief doesn’t participate but he got excited and entered it himself- another way to prove that he is the right chieftain for the clan at any rate.

I thought you meant a smithing competition, since the first half of the sentence was about smithing. Anyways, I get what you're saying now. You should modify this portion so it's easier to understand in the future.

Axe have properties of both blunt and blade, but most people here tend to classify it as blade for convenience. Anyway, how it works for Sylvanis is up to you. A dagger works too. The only issue I want addressed is the number of weapons.

And look, it's a whole 'nother year.

Any new year resolutions?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 1 day ago

Any new year resolutions?

My resolution is to keep being radical
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@gcoldRight the modifications have been made, I think I've got everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'd classify axe as blunt, really. Swordsmanship manuals contain many maneuvers that you would be unable to perform with an axe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Male Khajiit | 36 | The Shadow

Basic Information:

Place of Origin: Senchal; Elsweyr

Rhasha’Dar is unusually large for a Cathay – standing at 6’2 and weighing about 210 pounds, he’s not what you would call a small housecat. Heavy-set and muscular, with a broad back and shoulders, one would assume to look at him that he would move slowly. However, he is incredibly light on his feet. Large hands, claws none too small, are surprisingly gentle when it comes to finer things. His fur is a light golden brown; fur around his muzzle, throat, inner torso, inner arms, inner thighs, soles of the feet and palms of the hand are a short gradient into a light cream.

Hair on his head is grown out to shoulder length – this shade being a darker brown than his overall fur. Lots of plaits braided throughout – including several ones of different colours, ranging from an ebony black to a light caramel, from his family members. This came about before his sister fled the country – each member of the family cut and braided their hair so that each of them had a braid from each family member in their own hair; this was done in a similar manner to The Mane, whose hair is braided with countless other Khajiit’s hair. The seven braids that belong to each family member are bound with a small golden clasp, the remainder of his own simply being bound with minute leather straps.
All stripes on his body are the same darker shade of brown as his hair: including the fur above and around his eyes, which seems to give him a perpetual scowling look.

Eyes are a deep gold; flecked with hazel. Ears are more rounded than pointed; each ear has four to five golden hoops pierced within.
Tail is much akin to a Jaguar’s in terms of length and size – although not as long and slender as most Cathay, it still retains the same amount of balance due to the heaviness. The fur is thicker and tuftier, especially towards the tip.

Several scars mar his body – although some are minor, and of course, unavoidable in this world, there are claw marks in groups of four stretching over his torso, sides, back, and the top of his arms. Although they are not as unseemly or deep as they could have been, they are startlingly obvious due to his fur not growing back over them.

Rhasha’Dar is a softly-spoken and shrewd individual; he greatly values brains over brawn, although he isn’t foolish enough to rely on just one. As such, he’s kept himself rather balanced between the two, which has given him a somewhat diplomatic stance on what to do in certain situations. As is common for a Khajiit like himself, when met with racist threats or insults, he simply ignores them or counters them with words rather than fists; and generally, this leads to a lack of conflict.

It’s rare to see his temper snap – as a whole, he is very calm, and perhaps one could even say peaceful. He has no inner conflicts, and takes most insults calmly, for he’s wise enough to know that words cannot hurt him, so why waste time and energy fussing over them?
Because of this outlook, he hasn’t developed any kind of animosity towards Nords or Argonians; he treats each person with a quiet respect, no matter the hate they have spewed at him. On the other hand, the one thing he cannot stand are those who bully the weak, and addicts.
To him, insults mean nothing. But if he witnesses some brute of a man bullying an obviously weak person, he is swift to stand in their favour. For bullies are cowards, and cowardice is something that he does not appreciate.

As for addicts, he finds it hard to find sympathy for them – specifically Khajiiti who are hooked on Moon Sugar or Skooma. They give the rest of his species a very bad name, and he personally thinks that if they disappeared, the Khajiit could finally be treated with respect for once. Although he would never outright harm someone addicted to Moon Sugar, he would not be very likely to help them.

However, when among friends, the stoic Khajiit can relax plenty – it is rare for him to be offended by a joke, and he’s spent enough time with his mischievous siblings to appreciate acts of cunning and imp-like behaviour. Although considerate to most, it is among his friends that his true kindness shows.


Expert: Alchemy
Adept: One-Handed Blunt, Spear
Apprentice: Acrobatics, Athletics, Restoration
Novice: Medicine (Non-Magical), Medium Armour, Provisioning

Severe weakness to silver; silver touching his skin will irritate it, although thanks to his fur, there isn’t much chances of that occurring. It’s when he’s harmed by silver that his weakness will truly show – the wound will bleed profusely and burn like a fire.
A great amount of sympathy towards victims of War and the Downtrodden.
Has a great dislike towards addicts of his own species – they give Khajiit an overall bad name, and should be considered worse than the racists that persecute the entire race as a whole because of them. This has caused conflict with he and many Khajiit, because there are many Khajiiti addicts.

Relations and Affiliations:
Due to being in a Caravan for a good few years, is familiar with most, if not all, of the trading caravans that run through Skyrim, and a handful that are in Cyrodiil.
La’Dansharr; His elder sister, an Assassin in the Dark Brotherhood. Chances are that they know that she told him, but there hasn’t been actions taken against either party; probably because Rhasha’Dar knows how to keep a secret. She pops up occasionally to give him a hand, or just to talk... usually if she’s killed somebody near by.

Ri’Nhazi-Do; His Elder brother; upon remaining in Riverhold with his parents and youngest sister M’Vhrasha, he joined the army and began working his way up in the ranks. By the time the North began its siege on the South, he was a respected General, and helped lead the armies through Torval, aiding greatly in the overtaking of it. He is currently on the march towards Senchal, his previous home, in the hopes that if it is taken, it could be improved, and he could one day move back to it.

Ma’Zargo & Ma’Zardi; The younger twins. Impish, nimble-handed, and extremely entertaining, they have grown into quite the notorious pair. They have travelled with the Caravan throughout most of their time in Skyrim, but disappeared for a month or so in the depths of Solitude. When they emerged, one seemed to have been married, and the other one had apparently blown up a local skooma gang’s stash of moon sugar. Fair to say, they left the city quickly, and rejoined their caravan.

Denizens of Windhelm; many people in the city are known to him, due to he being the only Khajiit with enough balls to actually sleep and live in the city limits for a good long while. While many of the Nords are still rascist, he’s on very good terms with many Dunmer; and also friendly with the various merchants found in the market, such as the Blacksmith, and the Alchemists.

Sylvanis; Rhasha’Dar became friends with the Bosmer after their journey together – after one too many fights, he taught her some basic restoration skills.

Restoration: Fast Healing; Healing Hands; Steadfast Ward; Turn Lesser Undead.

Combat Style:
Rhasha’Dar is hardly one to shy away from conflict – if the situation demands it, that is. If a fight cannot be talked out of, then he is always ready to make some heads roll.
Although he prefers using his spear over his axes, it doesn’t particularly mean he’s afraid to get close to the enemy. In fact, with the acrobatic manner in which he uses his spear, he generally gets quite close to an enemy; knocking to the floor with the shaft of his spear before sticking them with the blade. As for his axes, well... any brutality left over from his training with his spear is definitely funnelled into his axes.

Other Capabilities:
Possibly thanks to his ability to create potions, he’s a rather talented cook – he knows how to balance flavours well, and creates meals that are pretty good considering they’re from a campfire.
A talented flute player – although he has an awful singing voice.


70 Septims

Keys and Lockpicks:
One lockpick – he has no experience in picking locks, but it never hurts to have one just in case.
One key to the residence of Belyn Hlaalu – After staying here for the majority of stay in Windhelm, paying rent, Belyn let him keep his key to the house in case he ever came back, which he was most welcome to do so at any time.
One key to the residence of his family in Riverhold – his Father insisted he take the key for when he eventually comes home.
One key for a chest in the caravan – everyone in the caravan got their own chest, be it big or small. He doesn’t keep much in it, but it’s useful should he ever need to store something important.

Clothing and Armor:
Rhasha’Dar’s armour is a mish-mash of various types, all picked up throughout his travels. In battle, he generally wears a leather jerkin beneath a light chainmail and then thicker leather armour – all of which are sleeveless - over that. Paired with this are iron pauldrons, padded with leather underneath, that cover his bare shoulders and upper arms. Leather gauntlets adorn his lower arms, being gloveless, as he prefers his hands being free. He wears leather greaves, so as to make his movements with more ease – boots are studded leather. With this he wears a thick hooded cloak.

He doesn’t care much for casual clothes – seeing it as an unnecessary burden. In his downtime he can usually just be seen wearing an undershirt and leather trousers, both of which he generally wears underneath his armour. He does keep one spare shirt, however.

Weapon and Ammunition:
One Spear – The shaft is made of a strong oak, standing at about 6’0 – the head is a wickedly sharp steel blade, about 8 inches long, barbed at the base to add extra injury when removing from an enemy. It was given to him by his trainer in Senchal, as he said he no longer had a use for it.
Two Elven War Axes – gifted to him by his brother.
One small steel dagger – He has no skill with blades, but it never hurts to carry a small knife.

Potion and Arcane Supplies:
Mortar and Pestle.
A small Calcinator.
A small Retort.
Three large potions of healing.
One large potion of restore stamina.
One large potion of restore magicka.
Stock of various alchemical ingredients (No more than 50 small samples at once; nothing bigger/heavier than a Mudcrab chitin, for example.).

Jewelry and Novelty Items:
Amulet of Azurah – a small brass pendant depicting the sun and the moon together. Each child in his family has received one of these.
A flute – he’s had this since he was just a cub, and still plays regularly. He’s rather talented at it too.
A tobacco pipe – unlike many of his kin smoking moon sugar, he prefers tobacco. He often has to replace the pipe stem, as he tends to chew on the bit of it while he smokes.

Books and Documents:
A journal in which he writes in daily – he is currently documenting his travels across the continent, hoping that they could get published into books one day. He’s already filled five – of which he sends home via courier for his family to read. Naturally, he’s left certain information out – such as his sister’s employment, and negative affects following his encounter with the werewolf. Only a fool would write down their weaknesses for anyone to read.
He also writes down his experiments with various ingredients – either in potions, poisons, or smoked with tobacco.

Food, Drinks, Provisions:
A skin of water.
A pouch of tobacco leaves that he keeps separate from the rest of his alchemical ingredients; it would be a damn shame if it got mixed up with nightshade.
Dried and cured ham.
A small wedge of cheese.
One small loaf of bread.
Bottle of Stros M’Kai rum.

Bags, Pouches, Packs:
He has one large knapsack, atop of which he carries his bedroll and items. Most of his ingredients are in separate little vials and pouches throughout the majority of his knapsack – other pockets on it hold his food and other items that he isn’t already wearing.
Also has additional pouches on his belt.

One small pot of ink, and a quill.
2 sticks of charcoal.
A small supply of bandages, slings, remedies, and various other non-magical medical equipment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yay! Walls of text! :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Leos Klien Your gal has passed my test. Her last quest would be obtaining the Schaft's blessing.

@MiddleEarthRoze By Azurah, that's one long bio.

It seems like you got Rhasha's history figured out, so I'll give you a hard time on capabilities.

-I consider Sun Fire part of light magic, the stuff ESO Templars, Skyrim Vigilants/Dawnguards and old time Ayleids throw around. Even if we do consider it as restoration, which he learns from Sylvanis, this wouldn't be possible because Sylvan doesn't know Sun Fire in the first place.

-Shadow power; vanishing once everyday is game mechanic, Rhasha would simply have a minor bonus when sneaking.

-You mentioned Rhasha's cooking skills, but he has no provisioning under skills sections. I would consider dropping medium armor to novice, and add in provisioning as another novice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Assuming I receive the blessing of Schaft do I wait for the group to arrive in Windhelm before introducing my character?
Just not sure on the procedure on how to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MenageAUne
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MenageAUne Queen Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh yeah, rip, I had a long period of inactivity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not sure what happened though.

Her brother is tagging along as a minor character.

And if a khajiit steals something and nobody is around to see it, does anyone raise an alarm? I left that part kind of vague, I'll rewrite it. Mostly they're just things that are left unattended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Will change those pretty soon; but it's Sylvanis who learnt restoration from Rhasha'Dar, not the other way round. Do you still want that spell removing?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 1 day ago

Here come those thieving Khajiit.

I'd classify axe as blunt, really. Swordsmanship manuals contain many maneuvers that you would be unable to perform with an axe.

But axe have sharp

Assuming I receive the blessing of Schaft do I wait for the group to arrive in Windhelm before introducing my character?
Just not sure on the procedure on how to start.

Hang around the OOC until gcold updates the IC to get us to Windhelm.


Will change those pretty soon; but it's Sylvanis who learnt restoration from Rhasha'Dar, not the other way round. Do you still want that spell removing?

No Sun Fire pls

Also, added stuff to Solveig's personality and changed some stuff in her bio. She never led a night raid and has never seen a pitched battle yet. The only fights she has under her belt are a few duels in the circle to first blood or until her opponent yielded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 2 mos ago

But axe have sharp

Well arrow also have sharp, but I don't see a marksman using similar techniques to a swordsman.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>

Well arrow also have sharp, but I don't see a marksman using similar techniques to a swordsman.

Well, technically, arrows don't have bladed edges, they have points, as they're made for puncturing and not cutting. So you can't really compare the two weapon types in the first place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm having a difficult time picking a name for my second character, any ideas for a handsome, blonde Nordic man? I was thinking Hjolf (pronounced Yuh-ulf), but I don't even nowhere to begin with names for men. >.>"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Peik>

Well, technically, arrows don't have bladed edges, they have points, as they're made for puncturing and not cutting. So you can't really compare the two weapon types in the first place.

Broadheads look pretty cutty to me, but I'm no expert marksman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MenageAUne
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MenageAUne Queen Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@macabrefoxI used to be in a roleplay with a guy whose northern barbarian-type characters were named Aedelric

Edit: they were all hot
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Frizan>

Broadheads look pretty cutty to me, but I'm no expert marksman.

I'm no expert either, but I assume, with absolutely no prior knowledge, broadhead arrows were made for, indeed, cutting into cloth or leather armor, but in conjunction with the point of the arrow piercing into the actual body of your enemy. So the main point of the arrow was still to dig into its target instead of cutting them up at range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Peik>

I'm no expert either, but I assume, with absolutely no prior knowledge, broadhead arrows were made for, indeed, cutting into cloth or leather armor, but in conjunction with the point of the arrow piercing into the actual body of your enemy. So the main point of the arrow was still to dig into its target instead of cutting them up at range.

Well, dueling swords were also primarily made for thrusting attacks but they still had sharp edges.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Peik>

I'm no expert either, but I assume, with absolutely no prior knowledge, broadhead arrows were made for, indeed, cutting into cloth or leather armor, but in conjunction with the point of the arrow piercing into the actual body of your enemy. So the main point of the arrow was still to dig into its target instead of cutting them up at range.

From what studies I've had, the broadhead was for penetrating the ribcage of large game such as deer. Having only two blades and more metal involved it had greater weight and could pass between the ribs if it hit on the correct part of the rotation. If not, it had the mass to punch through the ribs directly.

Armor piercing arrows were narrower with either a diamond like cut or another type with a pronounced point. Though, some broadheads did have swept back barbs for human targets. After all, penetrating a ribcage is what they're best at.
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