Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Fel'blade System
Krux's ship landed within the Space Station's hangar bay, a depressurizing noise filling the air just before his ship's visor opened. His fighters entered behind him in a uniformed fashion, exiting their ships in the same fashion and grouping up in their squadrons to receive further orders. Krux gazed at them, and gave them a nod of approval. "At ease, my brethren. Go to the feast chamber and eat hearty. I would say you've earned it, but these machines hardly put up a fight. Perhaps they were humans in disguise." There was a laugh from the warriors at that, and they all dismissed, going to fill their bellies. Krux would have joined them, but he needed to see his Warmaster, who had just arrived back himself with news that was about to cause an uproar throughout the entire Honored nation.

They met in the Raulek command room, which also served as it's war room and planning center. A table akin to an island was set within the center of the chamber, the only part of the place not made of Xarkonian metal. Daixanos was staring at the table as Krux entered, for it served as a holo-map as well as a communications device. "That was easier than humans." Krux said, striding in with his reptilian gait. "Do not underestimate their numbers." Warmaster Dax replied. "We are a moderately populated people against a galaxy of trillions. These machines just well might be the most populated nation in the galaxy." Krux stood across from him now, his bladed armor making him appear just fierce enough to carry his next words. "One rat or 500. All it means is I need to take more time in shoving them down my gullet. You are not truly worried about them, are you?"

Warmaster Dax did not answer at first. "No." he said bluntly. "Nor am I worried about anyone out there before us. But it pays to be wise, and sometimes diplomacy is needed." Krux narrowed his gaze at his commander. "You want to break bread with machines?" Dax roared a laugh at that. "No, but I have just been in contact with Warlord Jex." The statement in and of itself held immense weight. There were only 20 Warmasters in all of the HRF, and they were 2nd only to the Warlord, who controlled all. Krux was 3rd in line, a Battle Commander that had a retainer of generals at his call if need be. "What did the Warlord want, Warmaster?"

"Hexana is now ours once more. The word is being spread throughout the systems." Dax said, and Krux roared in joy once he had collected himself enough to be able to utter anything. "It is as the prophecy foretold! We will rip this galaxy from it's human womb and create a new era of honor and strength!" "Yes." Dax answered, his voice grating. "And I am being sent to break bread with humans."

"...What?" Krux asked. "Explain." Dax shook his head. "We are going to cut into the machine empire, just as you said. You will do this in my stead until I return. Already now, Warmaster Gatar has successfully launched an invasion into the barbarian hordes that we so often used to test out mettle. Our hundreds of systems are mobilizing, as is the dozen vassals of the Fel'blade system. But I am to go to the nation called 'Musashi' and give them terms. Worry not though. I will not be gentle. They will bow to our wishes or feel the wrath of our race until their dying breath."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paradise Station, Paradise System, Sovereign Star Confederaton

The nineteen podiums of the cabinet chamber were filled, and below them all Steve Woolsey stood on a small platform looking up at the judging countenances of the distinguished cadre to which he’d once belonged. It was a sobering feeling, even if he wasn’t there in the physical sense. Regardless if it looked, even felt real, he reminded himself that this was just an illusion conducted by the many hidden projectors below him. He was still on Bushu, left to his exile.

With a restrained smile Kaela started the session, “Steve, It’s good to see you again. I take it something has already come of your efforts in Musashi?”

“Likewise First Chancellor,” Wooley paused as he caught the momentary glare of his replacement, Richard Ainsworth on Sevaren’s right, but continued unfazed, “I have a number of things to report. Firstly the Embassy nears competition and we expect to open within a matter of days, which puts us on target-.”

With a stifled huff Ainsworth interjected, taking no efforts to hide his contempt, “Surely you’ve not come before the Cabinet to waste our time with trivialities, former Chancellor Woolsey.”

Woolsey remained composed enough, even if he fantasized about slamming the fools head into the table for embarrassing his country. Ainsworth had never been able to put on a mask and carry on, he was a creature of unrestrained emotion and in times of tragedy it was always men like him that people turned to. They could sympathize with him, see their own feelings in his booming speeches. Woolsey couldn’t blame the voters for that, even if it was foolishness to trust a man because he lacked the calm to restrain himself. With a nod Woolsey forged on, “Of course not Chancellor Ainsworth, as I said there were a number of things to report. If it is the Cabinet’s wish I can skip the lesser concerns for the moment?”

With a sigh and a glance at Ainsworth, Kaela nodded, “Perhaps that would be best Woolsey. What is the primary reason for this briefing?”

Woolsey adjusted his tie for a moment, and looked up again, “Very well First Chancellor. The foremost reason for my addressing the Cabinet pertains to a visit I received from the Imperial Princess the other day.”

At that Chancellor Sally Cooper of the Foundry Worlds Alliance, seated to Sevaren’s immediate left, perked up, “The Princess Yuki?”

Woolsey shook his head, “No Chancellor Cooper, to my surprise it was the Princess Saeko. If you’re not familiar with her she is the Emperors niece, and due to the strain caused to Yuki’s reputation by the Laioning Crisis a valid contender for the throne of Muashi.”

Cooper leaned back in her chair and brushed a lock of blond hair out of her eyes, “Interesting, what was Princess Saeko’s objective in this visit?”

Woolsey hesitated, all too aware of how Ainswoth would twist his words, but spoke, “Ostensibly the visit was to offer the Confederation a defensive pact similar to that which the Dominion recently signed with the Empire. However, Princess Saeko only offered this deal begrudgingly and with conditions. You see, the Princess informed me quite explicitly of Musashi’s intent to invade the Second Imperium in concert with the Dominion in a war supposedly aimed at rectifying the refugee issue. She offers the defensive pact only if we deem such an intervention legitimate and refrain from intervention.”

Murmurs filled the room and Ainsworth all but shouted, “Outrageous! They have the audacity to align with the Dominion, embark on a war of aggression, and try to mollify our concerns with table scraps?”

Sandro Espanta, the Iberian Chancellor, rubbed his brow and looked over to Ainsworth, “I have to agree with the British Chancellor, this is unacceptable. Furthermore such a defensive pact offers us nothing, as it stands it is Musashi and not our Confederation that risks reprisal. They declare their intent to assail the most unstable sector of space in the known galaxy, if we accepted their pact we’d only be forced to defend them when their designs backfire.”

Woolsey agreed, though reluctantly, “That was a concern of mine I was to mention Chancellor Espanta. That said, we must be cautious in outright rejecting the proposal. From my brief meeting I can attest to a simple fact, Princess Saeko is not our ally. She showed a thinly veiled scorn in her negotiations that goes beyond simple inexperience and arrogance. I am certain her conduct was at least in part intentional, given she only looks to gain if it appears Princess Yuki’s peace is failing so soon.”

Ainsworth smirked, “Of course she has something to gain, but what does it matter to us? Musashi will never be our ally! We should reject this Saeko’s proposal and openly condemn her actions and conduct. Or are we really going to bend the knee to monarchists who offer us unequal treaties as if they were deigning to do us some favour?”

A number of the Chancellors shared glances, silently debating if the admittedly uncouth statements from Ainsworth had merit. Eventually Sevaren herself spoke, quickly gaining the attention of the room, “Woolsey and Sancho are right in saying the defensive pact offered would be to our detriment. Beyond that it is also clear that Princess Saeko’s behaviour was unacceptable. Yet we cannot bury our heads in the ground and pretend the internal politics of our neighbours have no bearing on us. If this Saeko is not our ally we cannot allow her to gain the throne in Musashi, even more so if it looks like she might favour the Dominion over us.”

Most nodded, even as Ainsworth scowled. Looking over Cooper spoke again, “Perhaps we could refuse their defensive pact and counter with one of non-aggression? As much as it may benefit the Dominion and Muashi’s hawks to be left alone to invade the Second Imperium, we shouldn’t pretend we have any immutable interest in stopping them either. Having the Dominion embroil itself in that quagmire surely serves to lessen the danger posed by Faust no? Beyond that Yuki would suffer less of a hit to her reputation, and we could undermine this Saeko by directing a formal complaint to the Emperor concerning her.”

Ainsworth seemed to be satisfied by that and Sevaren nodded and addressed all the Chancellors, “Very well, all in favour of turning down the proposed defensive pact and renegotiating a non-aggression pact as well as issuing a formal complaint concerning the Princess Saeko’s behaviour, do speak.”

The majority spoke their ayes and Woolsey nodded, “Very well Chancellors, I shall make preparations to do as you say at once.”

With that the room around him disintegrated and he stood in a small grey chamber, isolated from any surveillance. He leaned against the wall and sighed, Ainsworth was a problem that would only grow larger, but at least he could see reason. Even if Woolsey thought an official complaint regarding Saeko was disproportionate, he had to agree it was an acceptable compromise, and one that might lessen the impact the Cabinets decision would have on Yuki.

Standing up and smoothing out his suit Woolsey stepped out of the chamber and prepared for what was certain to be an interesting next few days.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rezervovat za Shest, Kniha 2, Hladat 40
( Volume of Heroes, Book 2, Page 40)

Grozda, The Hero of Oblast drove his dragoons through the forrest. Dodging trees, he urged the platoon to at top speed to flank the opposing Canakk forces. Emerging from the tree line just behind the Canakk lines, Grozda cut into the side of the enemy lines and immediately splintered their formation. Grozda’s dragoons continued to drive into the formation, slashing their way to the Canakk elite guard. The Canakk elite guard sat ready as Gorzda’s dragoons dismounted and charged into their lines. Many heroes existed in the Canakk elite guard but Grozda was victorious in breaking through their lines and challenging King Juzhizkov Hladat of Oblast. The King was a massive man, at least three heads taller then Grozda. The two heroes battled valiantly for what seemed like ages before The King was slain. Without their king, the army collapsed and the Laumites were victorious. The Magna Armada marched on the city of Oblast and held a triumph in their enemies honor, reclaiming the city as part of Laumides once again. Mercy was shown to those who surrendered and the army rested, before moving on again.

About 90 million miles past the edge of Hol Known space
( Unknowingly around Palatine)

The MX-20 had exceeded its expected performance, easily making it one of the more advanced ships in the exploration fleet. Both Chev and Kiyvch were from the artisan class, born into ship building families. The two were childhood friends and grew up together, eventually becoming talented architects.
The MX-20 started as a freight drone prototype, which Kiyvch quickly modded into the piloted craft. It was relatively small, with the engines and reactor making up most of the space on the craft. Pilot and Navigator sat side by side on the bridge with a jumbo jet style instrument layout, keeping it compact. Both men shared a berthing that was barely the size of a conventional bedroom, with an equally small bathroom to match. The largest area on the vessel was the cargo bay, spanning the entire underside of the ship. Big enough to fit two fully loaded jeeps, their cargo bay was stocked to the brim with provisions and exploration equipment.
“ Reactor temperature?” Kiyvch asked cooly. “ Were good, its cool..” Chev said calmly, without even looking at the gauge. “ 1 AU on a single jump, that is not bad” Kiyvch said in an impressed tone. “ Easily a couple hundred thousand miles past our competitors”. We are at the target coordinates” Chev said with a hint of apprehension as the ship dropped out of faster then light speed. “ Engines powered down, drifting at a rate of 4500 kilometers a second, planet in sight” Chev said again.
The planet didn’t look much different from Itil, it looked habitable from their eyes. “ Lets deploy a probe” Kiyvch said, stepping onto and over the back of the chair. The pair had dropped communication probes to act as Hubs and signal repeaters for any communication back to Itil. This drastically reduced the time it took to relay messages and increased their clarity. A message from this distance would take weeks to get back to Itil, now it would take hours. “ Send the message quickly” Kiyvch said excitedly, “ tell them we have reached the target destination at least a month in advance”. With a chuckle Chev obliged and readied the message to be sent as he stepped over the back of his chair to walk aft.
Two space suits sat neatly hung in a equipment locker, showing signs of heavy use. The pair didn’t expect to use the suits with this frequency and the number of on the spot repairs were obvious. The suits were just not designed to preform physical labor this frequently or consecutively. This, amongst other information, was invaluable to the monarchy and was needed to further modernize the state.
The pair had to physically pull the probe from the cargo bay and out of the airlock to deploy it in space, a tedious process that took upwards of 45 minutes. Too any other ships orbiting the system, the MX-20 was small enough to classify as space junk on radar. Even the radiation signature it gave off when entering would look like an echo. As the pair ignited the engines to move towards the planet, a relatively small, yet significant thermal signature could be detected.
The underside of the craft glowed a sinister pink as the craft fell through the atmosphere. If the glowing red ball of fire didn’t alert everyone to their presence, then the loud sonic boom would. at around 2000m the retro-rockets slowed the crafts decent significantly, as it closed in on what remained of a large city square. The deafening sound of the retro rockets at full throttle echoed off the buildings around them as the craft pulled into a hover before gently setting down on the wrecked pavement. The ship whined as the engines powered down before the hissing sound of a hatch opening could be heard.
“ Yep, 70 percent nitrogen and 20 percent oxygen….its breathable” Kiyvch said though his breathing mask. “ Good” Chev said before ripping off the mask and goggle assembly, “ I always hated these things” he finished. Chev smacked his lips together like he was tasting the air, before grimacing slightly “ Tastes metallic..” he quipped still grimacing. “ Really? Kiyvch answered before taking his own mask off and nodding in approval.
The pair finally got a chance to analyze the square they landed in with a mixture of awe and terror. This was the first alien planet the two had ever seen, much less landed on. There were obvious signs of intelligent life, which mean something lived here. The state of the square and the surrounding blocks was concerning however. Yes, another species of being lived here but what caused all this destruction. Even the square the landed in showed recent signs of combat, with explosion craters and blood trails still fresh.
The two continued to mill around the square for a moment before retreating back into the ship, leaving the hatch open. They needed to write a report for the royal ministry and start putting together a map for their exploration.

It was going to be a long night for these two
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Embassy of the Sovereign Star Confederation, Bushu,
Musashi System, Empire of Musashi

As James walked into the office of Ambassador Woolsey. James smiled and took of his Dominion officer cap and held it in between his arms.
As he gave a quick look around the room everything was nice and tidy. “Good evening Ambassador Woolsey, I’m so glad we have this opportunity to chat. I’m Executis James Conrad, though James is fine.” Jame then began to walk closer to the ambassador desk. “I’m here to allay any fears you or the Confederation may have about our conquest of Earth as well as the soon to be invasion of the 2nd Imperium.”

Woolsey carefully removed and folded a pair of reading glasses before tucking them into a desk drawer along with the document he’d been reading. Looking up at James he questioned, “Are you now Executis? I must admit I had expected something more significant than a simple reassurance when you set this appointment. Still, I’d be remiss in my duties if I dismissed what you had to say. Do take a seat and make your case.”

As James smile began to fade he took a seat he then set his hat on his side of the desk before continuing “Well Ambassador, the Dominion would like to offer the confederation a place on our mutual homeworld of Earth if they’d be interested we believe Europe would be a fair setting aside from Italy as that is the one true capital of the Imperium and would be kept under Dominion control. The Dominion would also like to offer a defensive pact or if you’d prefer a pact of non-aggression. That way the Confederation would have nothing to worry about.” James smiled once more and did another glance around “Do you happen to have some water. I’m a bit thirsty.”

Woolsey gestured to a small pitcher and glass set to his right, “An interesting offer Executis, and one I can pitch to my government on your behalf. That said, you are aware the Confederation does not deify Earth like some governments? Certainly we recognize its worth as the cultural heritage of mankind, but unlike the Dominion we gain nothing by possessing some piece of it. Beyond even that though, I fear your offer may well be insufficient. Just short of half my government's member states do not claim Europe as the birthplace of their culture, and are certain to be quite perplexed by this sudden move from your Dominion.”

As Woolsey spoke James had poured himself a drink before having a sip and setting it down on the table. “Why would this come as a surprise to the people of the Confederation. I’m sure you know we’ve already made contact with the Musashi,Remnant and of course the Varangians. The Dominion simply wishes to open diplomatic ties with all of the closer nations, especially those with ties to Earth or the Former Imperium. Though if the Confederation wouldn’t like Earth perhaps there’s something in my power or the Dominions that will allow the confederation something to gain from the deal?” James said raising his eyebrow

“I fear you’ve misunderstood,” Woolsey leaned back in his chair, “I mean your offer of Europe would be a strange one, given many within the Confederation have no cultural ties to that region. As for your attempts to open dialogue, yes those were expected, but do not mistake this conversation as a sign of alacrity towards the issue from my government. The Confederation is well aware of your government's moral transgressions, and we have long condemned Faust for them. I may not be able to make the decision here Executis, but I will tell you with great confidence as a man who once served on the Cabinet, so long as your Dominion condones slavery and conducts the genocide and massacre of non-human sapients the Confederation will never legitimize you through a treaty. You ask if there is any way my government would reconsider, and I tell you that short of Faust and all his cohorts facing trial for the iniquities they have committed there is none.”

James once again smiled. “Perhaps, but at least everyone knows there place within the dominion human or alien. Unlike the false democracy you hide behind one in which anyone can become a power player is as false as our love for aliens.” James then inhaled for a small moment looking woolsey dead in the eyes. “It’s a true shame that you are out here after what happened in the war you are practically thrown out and put into exile when your talents could be used more effectively elsewhere. Wouldn’t you agree ambassador?”

“You make a poor serpent Executis, for your apple is rotten.” Woolsey met James gaze, “I more than accept my circumstances, for I alone am responsible for the choices I have made. You can disparage my government and try feebly to to commiserate with me, but I know what you are and what you have done. Your smile is nothing but a mask and your words nothing but empty promises.” Standing up Woolsey spoke commandingly, “I will forward your offer to my government, but read my lips Executis, this is the last time we will meet. You would be wise to leave of your own volition now, lest I surrender to the temptation to have you dragged out by your collar.”

James gave a small chuckle “I suppose it is getting late.” James then grabbed his hat and stood up “Woolsey, while we may have gotten off on the wrong foot I imagine we’ll speak again.” The room stood silent for a moment before he continued “Don’t take this the wrong way Woolsey, I mean no threats against yourself and am interested to see what the confederation does next. However I fear for you and those within the borders of the confederation if they don’t at least pretend to open up to us I can’t hold back Faust forever.” James then gave a small smile before heading for the door and leaving.

Returning to his chair Woolsey leaned back and fumbled for a small key in his pocket, eventually grabbing hold of it and opening a small bottom drawer. Within he extracted a bottle of whiskey and a glass before pouring himself a rather large drink. Taking a sip he waved to the now empty doorway and muttered, “Au revoir, asshole.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Research Outpost, Classified Location, Ⱥthistan ℱederation

“We are being careful about studying the satellite, because we don't want to damage it anymore.” Sirak Zere said to the hologram of President Roshawna in real time. Zere was the head scientist assigned to the outpost. His work back at Athistan has improved the health for all Xreihzs and made it that they can change their eye color with eye contacts. He has been at the outpost for three years, but he hasn't found anything like this satellite. Roshawna didn't select him as head scientist, but the last president did before his term ended. It caused some drama with the scientists, but they couldn't do anything about the president's decision.

“That's good. I got news about the results, It seems that the Federation has allowed scientists to study fast-than-light travel, meaning that you have to be more careful from now on.” the President said as he was reading the results from his datapad that he got from his desk. Roshawna was the thirty-fifth president of the Federation and one of the most popular presidents so far. He helped to advance research on nanotechnology, got the approval to build the space station, and he got the rights for scientists to study into FTL travel. He only has been in office for two years, meaning that he still has four more years to go before his term ends.

“Oh. Do you have anything about the research or the scientists?” Zere asked the president.

“Sadly, I don't have that information as of now. That might change in the coming weeks.” Roshawna answered as he turned his head towards the door as he heard a knock.

“We will talk more later.” he said quickly as he went to turn off the hologram projector. Zere didn't even get the chance to say goodbye before he disappeared. He grabbed one of the many unused datapads from his office desk and left for the laboratory. The laboratory was home to the satellite for the moment as the entire thing is being analysed by other scientists and mechanics before being sent to the repair section. Zere walked towards the satellite and looked at it.

He didn't know the purpose of the satellite, but he was going to find out. One of the mechanics walked towards Zere and greeted him. The mechanic immediately asked about the state of the satellite. Zere didn't have anything new information to give to him other than the obvious facts. It was damaged when it crashed and some of it's information has been lost, but they still don't know how long it has been at that asteroid. The scientist were hard at work to figure out the questions, but there were worries that the mechanics will damage it to the point that it becomes useless.

Because of that, the mechanics were isolated from helping out with the satellite until they are told. This has caused tension to raise in the outpost. Zere didn't care about the whole thing as he just wanted the information inside the satellite. Then, he saw the alien language among with the symbol. He wanted to know what it means and how to translate into their language since the code inside the thing might contain more of this language. The datapad was placed next to the satellite and Zere started to look at the language.

The mechanic walked away from the head scientist as he didn't get his answer. One of the scientists walked towards Zere while drinking a cup of coffee.

“This language is clearly alien.” the scientist said as he finished with the cup and placed next to the satellite. “We are stuck as to what the word is.”

“Don't we have an translator or anything?” Zere asked the scientist.

“There was one that some scientist was working on back at home, but he didn't have any funds to keep going.” the scientist said as he saw the datapad next to it.

“Alright, give me information about this scientist and the translator as soon as possible. Take the datapad and type in any important notes.” Zere said as he pointed at the datapad while looking at the satellite more. The scientist grabbed his cup and the datapad and headed towards his cabin. He wanted that translator at this outpost right now if it was to help understand why the satellite was in his system. He didn't care if he had to finish it in the laboratory, he just wanted it here.

The Abrik Talot Space Station, Ⱥthistan ℱederation

Roshawna heard the knocking coming from the door. He turned to Zere and said, We will talk more later.”. He immediately turned off the hologram projector and fixed his suit. After that, he went to the door and opened to see one of his guards at the doorway.

“Sir, King Amir Gebreselassie and several leaders wanted to discuss something with you about yesterday's discussion.”

Roshawna knew that Gebreselassie wasn't happy about the results, he always wasn't happy with anything. Gebreselassie had been King of Fusheaya for sixty-nine years, it meant that he part of the World War and saw the Qihona Incident. He was stuck in the old ways and believed in Tutrix. Fusheaya was one of several nations that rejected nanotechnology and banned augmentations when it became popular. Gebreselassie didn't like Roshawna at all because of his help with advanced research on nanotechnology and the recent approval to study FTL travel.

Roshawna made way to the small meeting room, where he saw Gebreselassie and several other leaders were already standing. “Mister President, won't you like to have a seat?” the king said as he walked to a chair.

“Why are you here?” the President asked as he took a seat on the chair.

“Mister President, I am here for a good reason.” Gebreselassie smiled as he looked at the other leaders and then took a seat as well. There was a moment of silence as both men were trying to figure out what to say next. They didn't like each other because of their history. Figuring out what to say to your rival without sounding too caring can be hard. Roshawna broke the silence with another question. “Is this meeting about the last discussion about FTL travel?”

“Why else would we be on this pointless space station?” Gebreselassie answered. “It's my turn to ask the questions. Were you thinking about the people at Athistan during the discussion?”

“Of course I was.” the President said confidently.

“No you weren't.” the King challenged Roshawna's answer. “You weren't thinking about the poor, dying people as you willing spent money on this space station. Or you were thinking about the poor countries, like mine, while allowing those freaks to get augmentations. If you gave the money that people spent on augmentations, then you are able to get our countries out of debt and allow children to get an education for free.”

“We are working to-.”

“Stop lying!” Gebreselassie smashed his fist on the table as he shouted those words. The President was scared out of his mind and quickly shut up to stop tensions for raising. He reached for a datapad and threw it to the President, which he grabbed and started to read it. It contained pictures of people that were killed or hurt in the attacks by augmentations that had issues. Roshawna couldn't care least about those killing as the chances of an augmentation having issues were very low and Gebreselassie knew that.

“You're the leader of this world, but you're acting like a CEO of a nanotech company. I suggest that help out our people before you help them.” the King said as he got up from the chair and started to walk from the room.

“If I don't?” Roshawna questioned his request

Gebreselassie laughed at the question and said, “Well, I do think that the Treaty of Savilo doesn't state that any country has to stay in the Federation. So, unless you want to find out what the treaty actually says, you'd be better off just doing what I said.” Then, he and his friends left the room while Roshawna couldn't believe that he said that. Alone in the room, he threw the datapad towards the wall and it broke into pieces. Then, he got up and left the meeting room to think it over.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Cruelty of Man

A young girl, maybe three, sat cross-legged, staring intently at an animated cat trying his hardest to smash a mouse. Her giggles echoed through her home, a place that had never seen conflict. In the next room, her older brother, around five, was nothing short if head banging to a educational song. His room was adorned with posters of bands and women in provocative clothing. Even more laughter was heard down the hall was a young couple in their very early twenties baked a cake together. The man purposely making mistakes and the woman exaggerating her disdain for them playfully.

The room had blue trim borders, the little girls favorite color and there were green vertical stripped wallpaper. It was assumed that the boy liked that color as his favorite poster had a woman wearing what we think is a bathing suit, one that amounted to two bandaids and a cork. This happy family went through their daily routine. Husband would go to work at the Hospital, taking the girl with him for the sitter. The wife would take the son to elementary school then continue on to Johnson and Sgargler'lawksr'ier and sons lawfirm, a Local family, khororitdkfod Johnson, a tall blue eyed alien (female? most didn't ask.) and her human husband Ed Sgargler'lawksr'ier.

When the day was done, the wife would call her husband to talk about their day as they drove to their kids. The Husband now picking up the son while the wife getting their daughter. The weeks seemed to mesh in to one long day as their routine became their life. They didn't hate it though. Their kids were kept healthy and they always made time for a night on the town at the end of the work week.

When did this change? The Day the wife took the Oberon case. An out of town man who would visit his estranged wife who had long been a resident of this town. One day, the woman reported a domestic violence and won her case, showing up to the trial with a blackened eye and broken arm was more than enough to convince the jury. It seemed like it should've been over as the man was locked up. Days later he had escaped but were caught only fifty some kilometers from the prison, cowering in a drainage ditch.

The Wife again prosecuted them and won, sending not just the convicted men to prison, but the one who had broken his friend out, to death. His rap sheet was a mile long. Rape, Murder, extortion, stealing candy. It was horrific how this man survived all this time with his conscience intact. It didn't matter though as when he died, instead of pleas for mercy or a sinister laugh at his jail mates beaten but recovering wife, he stared at the prosecutor, stared with a sickening smile until his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

That night was unsettling for her, the Husband had to work over at the hospital and the sitter was angry that they went way over the allotted time. The school was more forgiving but the son was not, he wanted his toys damn it! right now! But he got his desire, the husband returned home and all was quiet. But her mind was racing, the mans gaze had cut to her core. Time does indeed mend all wounds as months passed and nothing transpired. Peace had returned to the town.

Until the note. The note on their vehicles windshield that had a simple red handprint, "Your next." It said in a sloppy but bold print. The Husband discarded it, failing to tell his wife as to not worry her. When he approached the authorities they said they couldn't do anything but bolster patrols, which he graciously appreciated. Weeks later, word of riots on their worlds capitol city (which was only fifty kilometers away)
, things became hectic again. Law had appeared to break down across the globe as the riots continued. Local governments abdicated to this new movement and the Husband and Wife feared for their safety, being civil servants and all.

The Wife secretly gained a weapon and had been training how to shoot it with her neighbor, a weapons enthusiast. When the Law office closed due to the burning of the worlds supreme courthouse, she had all the time she needed to practice. It meant nothing on the day, the Day of Days for her family. The Day she became next. It was dinner time now and the family sat peacefully around their kitchen table. Strange Blue cars drove by often, replacing the police that had long fled in the wake of the now violent riots. The Blue cars held men with strange arm bands. They claimed to be the new law and were surprisingly polite and nice so long as you abided by their laws which were, surprisingly lax and relative to their now deposed justice system.

Dinner time had just ended and the Wife made her way to a shower, washing any remaining filth of the day from her body. A loud crash drew her attention and with a quick turn, ceased the shower. Her hastily assembled attire felt loose on her body as she rushed towards the sound. There was nothing there but shattered glass and waving curtains at a now broken window. she placed her hands upon her hips, disappointed at this scene until the gargling sound caught her ears. There was a rush to her daughters room and inside a sight, a sight of her now dead daughter, half inside a squid like aliens maw. It's tentacle arms wrapped tight around the innocent child's collapsed neck. The Wife burst into a frenzy, eyes wide open and a quick swipe of a nearby plush toy, she assaulted the creature with all her might, Inflicting much pain upon it even with such a simple object. Her rage was pulled back when a large hand grasped her arm, throwing her out of the room.

As she gazed upon this new foe, she could see blood dripping from its chin and the remainder of hairs, hairs of her son. The rage filled her heart once more but the creature placed its foot upon her chest, nearly killing her but the quick attack by her husband, holding a lamp, had caught it off guard. It fought back though as with one quick swipe his head flew from his shoulders, Splattering against the wall. Her eyes went from rage to tears as her family was all around, dead. The Squid like creature had finished its meal and was now bearing down on her as well. Then her savior came, too late for her family. A close blast from a mighty shotgun had blasted the squids core, sending its innards in all directions. The creature then turned towards the new arrival and reared for an assault, only to be stopped by the sound of it firing again.

The Wife looked about, seeing lights passing by from waves of the blue cars, some now with machineguns attached to their roofs. Gunfire could be heard and the cries of men and the roars of aliens. Her attention changed from the outside to a now kneeling figure. "Thank- Thank you." she said, trying to talk through the blood that was in her mouth, choking her slightly. The figure removed its mask, revealing a male face.

He looked about and signaled other men and women who came rushing in with more shotguns and a couple with medical equipment. "You will be ok." He said calmly and sincerely. "Never forget what you saw here this day. Never forget the horrors that came from outside of mankind. Your family should not be seen as victims but rather heroes, heroes in that they will never be forgotten, they will always be strength within you."

The Wife tears turned to resolve as she did her best to rise. The man stood and replaced his mask and made his way out of the door. Screams filled the nearby house and that one word was shouted, "Medic!"

"Are you ok?" the nearby medics asked. She coughed but began to finally stand upright on her own. "Ye-Yes I am fine. Go help them." she said, hoping that who ever that was could be saved. The last selfless act of the night. She rushed through the house to her hidden rifle and upon grasping it, she heard that mans voice again shouting for reinforcements along a long picketed fence.

The Widow now rushed to the front yard to see two creatures bearing down on the man's position. Blue cars were approaching fast but would never make it in time. She brought her rifle to bear and with a deep breath she placed her finger upon the trigger. Then she exhaled, and released her vengeance upon the beasts.

Tears filled her eyes again, her mind couldn't process what had happened and now that she was a killer. The Man turned and saw the Widow collapsed on the ground, bloodied and broken. He walked to her and dropped his weapon next to her. "I-I cannot believe any of this. Please tell me this isn't real."

"I'm afraid it is real. This is all too real." he said, speaking grimly. His voice perked up again as he reached out his hand. "I hail from another family who was murdered by vicious beasts. Like you, my pain runs deep. But will you let them win? Will you let Them Gain the last laugh at your family? or will you avenge them, take from these aliens as they took from you?"

She gazed up, staring at his face and then his hand. "How are men capable of such hate?"

"It is not hate, it is conviction and the belief that we are not going to take the oppression anymore. It is the conviction that we save our fellow families from being victims." He nodded to her. "You saved my life, now, please.. You have helped me, will you help others?"

There was a moment of silence and then thunder and lightning from a gathering storm. Her mind drew conclusions from all corners of reason but as she stared into his outstretched hand she made the choice.


Years later in a dark alley, the Widow walked slowly towards four creatures clawing at a wall to escape the demon she had become. "Did you think you could get away?" She said with a smirk. The first creature turned, "You're.. You're a monster!"

"I know."

With a loud bang, the first fell to the ground. Her smile grew larger, "I know." The Trigger was pulled until all the innocent creatures lay dead at her feet. Her face turned neutral once more as she leaned the gun against a wall. Her hand reached into the top of her shirt, pulling out gently a necklace with two rings and a heart pendant, the pictures of her family.

She pondered about the question she asked the masked man so long ago, How are men capable of such hate. "I can still feel your warmth.. I can still feel your love. I miss you so much." she said softly, clinching the pendant. "I need your help. Do I know nothing but hate now? How did that man's words change me so."

A voice creeped into her mind, it was her own voice. "Because you lost who you were."

Time passed by and her deeds grew more dark. Hanging children in front of beaten parents to gain information. Empty promises that they would all live should they talk. A ferocious hunger for revenge had turned into bold apathy for most life, Even towards her own race. Maybe that is why she was favored so much, given so much attention and resources for her crusade against the galaxy.

Later that same girl sat sobbing, feeling as if she was still in her home, staring at her dead daughter. The pain filled her mind as powers beyond her still spoke of grand deeds and glory for the family of mankind. She told herself that it was worth it, the lives that she had saved far outweighed her own. It wasn't enough anymore, the words were becoming as dull as her lust for vengeance. But she still owed the masked man, she still cared for him as if he were family. She had to.

In this land so far from her picket fence heritage, she stood up and clinched her fists, prepared to continue with her mission. The necklace still clung to her but was long abandoned to rust and dirt. Her mind drifted back to that day in the rain once more, with the masked mans hand outstretched. As she grasped it he asked, "May I know the name of my savior?" She took one last look at her old life, "My name is Morinth."

"Morinth." he said, "Such a uncommon name. In all honesty I have never heard it spoken before." He removed his mask once more, "I suppose I should return the courtesy, especially with our paths seemingly intertwined." He smiled, "I'd be humbled If we kept it simple, you and I, just call me Faust."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
Avatar of LordZell

LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Dominion Embassy, Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

As James looked over the reports that had been coming in from the invasion of Earth he smiled. With the embassy already under construction and the soon to be conquest of the second imperium it seemed everything was coming up Dominion. However James knew he’d required allies within Musashi if the dominion is to gain further ground and as such had request to speak to Xiao and Itami.

After a while James was notified of their arrival he quickly allowed them entrance and put on his new mask. A pure gold mask with strange alien markings.

Two the Musashi officials were admitted into the room. One, dressed in a fine hanfu with a simple white mask decorated by lines of purple, bowed lowly as he introduced himself. “I am Xaio Zhi, the minister of the interior.”

“And I am General Itami” The other man, dressed in a hakama, bowed as well. His mask was made of a black stone or stonelike material, the eyes had been made to resemble those of a serpent. Both men seemed perfectly content to remove their masks before James.

“You said you wished to discuss your military technology, I believe” Xaio commented.

James smiled underneath his mask “Indeed I did, Minister and General. I had noticed that you use human soldiers in combat when that can easily be changed to Drone or robotic soldiers which would be just as useful and have far less casualties. It’s even the main bulk of Dominion forces.” James said as he looked to both of them.

Itami immediately perked up, only to attempt to hide his interest behind a mask of indifference. His attempts were very unlikely to succeed as Xaio simply raised an eyebrow as he looked at his companion. “That is… an interesting thought” Xaio commented after a moment. “Before we begin our conversation in earnest however, would you mind if my niece joins us? I’m trying to give her as much experience I can before she assumes an official role in the palace.”

James nodded “I think I’d be fine with that. Plus I’d like to get to know to the people of the court another one couldn’t hurt.” James said with a soft smile behind his mask.

“Thank you Conrad-dono” Xaio said. “Xiang-chan?” He said as he opened the door. “Would you care to join us?” He stepped aside to grant a young woman access to the room, closing the door behind him. She promptly removed her mask, revealing her fair features, before bowing.

“I am Xaio Xiang” She said. “Feel free to use my given name Conrad-dono.” Itami stared at her for a moment before shifting his attention back to James.

“You said you used robotics as the bulk of your forces” Itami said as Xiang gracefully walked to a chair and sat down. “How do you maintain control over them? How do you prevent someone from assuming control over them or from the robotic soldiers from rebelling on their own?”

James put his hand on the table before explaining. “Well the assault troopers are genetically engineered to have a squad of sorts that controls the drones around them. Usually that’s about 6-10 men. The drones however usually act on their own and work just as a normal soldier with maybe more maintenance than the average joe.”

“Interesting” Itami commented. “I have been pushing to augment our own troops with drones to help minimize losses in future conflicts, but…”

“Not many in the army high command are interested in utilizing drones or robots for warfare” Xaio finished. “It's not ‘honorable’ is what they usually fall back on. Or it's not reliable.”

Itami let out a long sigh as he said “I can’t exactly disagree with them. It isn’t all that honorable to kill a man while in the safety of a military base.”

James nodded “I understand it’s not honorable. However is it not better to save casualties in war and preserve your people and you culture while losing less life?” James asked

“It is a… heated debate within certain circles” Xaio stated after a moment.

“Heated?” Xiang said with a raised eyebrow. “Didn’t Takeda-dono try and have Itami-dono removed from his position over this very subject?” Xaio’s scowl elicited a half-hearted “My apologies uncle. I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

Itami let out a long sigh before saying “What she says is true. Takeda-dono fights against any proposal of the use of drones or robotics in general as if it was a fight for his very life. It has been especially… frustrating as of late. And central headquarters has generally listened to Takeda-dono more than myself.”

“By central headquarters I assume you mean Shoichi?” James asked “As he seems to be the only potential heir with military influence. I imagine if he becomes the emperor it’ll be war without end causing further casualties and losing the one true musashi people?” James made a small smirk hidden behind his mask

Xaio scowled. “Shoichi-sama” He placed extra emphasis on the honorific “Is not the only one with his fingers in the military. And you would be wise to refrain from speaking so bluntly about a prince of the Empire in the future. Not all are as forgiving as I am.”

Itami kept his expression carefully neutral. Xiang meanwhile watched the exchange with a look of amusement, although her face instantly went neutral the moment Xaio looked in her direction. After a moment Itami said “I am sure Shoichi-sama has only the best of intentions, even if I personally don’t agree with his aspirations. I am, however, a loyal servant of the Empire”

“Oh my apologies I meant Shoichi-Denka. If I may ask you all something personal. Who would you like to see on the throne?” James asked raising an eyebrow behind his mask.

“Who we want on the throne is irrelevant. Yuki’s ascension to the throne is inevitable” Xaio didn’t sound delusion, despite how his statement didn’t seem to account for reality. “She remains the official heir to the Empire as stated by the Imperial Court.” Itami simply closed his eyes and slowly nodded his head.

“Perhaps, though from what I’ve heard after the recent war with the confederacy Yuki-denka lost a rather large bit of influence. That is why Shoichi-denka and Saeko-denka have been doing much more than they had before the war and isn’t it the emperor’s choice who becomes the new emperor or empress. I don’t suspect he’d appoint one unless he believed they’d be trusted and liked enough by the men and women of the court and army such as yourselves?” James then began to lean back on his chair trying to study the three before him.

Xaio opened and closed his mouth a few times, not quite sure how to respond to James. Itami looked at Xaio with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. All eyes turned to Xiang when she burst out in laughter. “You certainly understand the basics of the situation” She said. “Yuki-denka’s influence is waning, fast.”

“Xiang…” Xaio’s voice held a hint of warning.

“Please uncle, Conrad-dono has certainly done his homework. He’s smart enough to realize that the Imperial Court’s officially stated heir hasn’t changed because certain people have wished it not to.” Xiang met Xaio’s scowl with a calm look.

Itami leaned towards Xiang and quietly said “That’s enough. You have spoken out of turn and beyond what your position warrants.”

James once again smiled underneath his mask. “Please, minister. Your niece here is correct I have done my research. By her openness I suspect she’ll be a fine politician.” James then took off his mask in front of the three before him. “Please I know that you, minister and the general are influential people. No matter what happens after there is a new emperor or empress. Depending who it is may not keep those jobs. Personally I know the Dominion would rather not have a hot-head like Shoichi-Denka on the throne. Also from my time here Yuki-Denka seems to be a waning power. It seems the most peaceful option would be Saeko-Denka she believe in the culture of Musashi as well as the need for friends.” James then gave a small smile “That is why I asked who you all supported to see if I could perhaps change them.”

“I… What?” Xaio seemed to freeze up. Xiang seemed quite surprised, raising a hand to hide her lower face and smile behind the sleeve of her hanfu.

“You are out of line!” Itami snapped as he rose to his feet. “How dare you interfere in our affairs!” He scowled at James before saying “This meeting is over.” And turned towards the door.

“I… can’t be seen talking to you.” Xaio said as he turned to follow Itami.

Xiang gave an exaggerated sigh before commenting “And here I wanted to talk about tariffs and trade.”

“Do as you like” Xaio said as he put his mask on. “But make sure you run any agreements by me.”

“Of course uncle” Xiang said as Xaio hurried to leave to. “I hope you understand that I’m not important enough to bother trying to convince.”

James simply shrugged “You may think that. But I myself don’t believe it. You’re an interesting one Xiang-san . Though, do you too care to be upset and leave in a mad rush. Even though you know I’m right.” James then looked towards the door. “I suppose not otherwise you would have left. So I assume you have some common sense.” James gave a small smile to the young lady.

“Or maybe I simply don’t care who takes the thrown.” Xiang said with a smile of her own. “Or perhaps I don’t have any common sense or intellect. Or maybe I just want to talk about those tariffs that much. Who can say?”

As James leaned forward his eyes looked towards his desk. “I’d prefer if you simply told me what you wish to talk about.” James said with a sigh before looking back at her.

“But where is the fun in that?” Xiang asked. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that proper ladies liked to keep secrets? Fine. Perhaps I could be convinced to spread word of Saeko-sama’s greatness, however I have to wonder what would be in it for myself.” She gave James a completely innocent look.

James chuckled “Oh in my time I know most women like to keep secrets. Though usually not for long.” James once again looked at Xiang “While that’d be interesting I see three problems. The first being I’m sure the General and Minister will be spreading word of this soon enough causing faith to be lost in myself and perhaps Saeko-Denka. The second being you’ve seemed to have acknowledge you’re not important enough to convince otherwise. And of course finally I’m not sure what a man in the dominion could offer you someone who seems devoute to Musashi. So please prove to me why I should even try.” James said with a raised eyebrow.

Xiang let out a soft chuckle. “Despite how much homework you might have done, you’ll never be as attuned to the political workings of my homeland, not like someone who was born into it. My uncle and Itami-dono wouldn’t dream of spreading word of this meeting. At least not to many people. That would harm her more than anything and they wish for her to ascend to the throne, even if they won’t say so. How would it look if the minister of the interior, arguably the second most powerful man in the Empire, went around telling people that Yuki-denka’s influence was so decayed that other countries sought to push her out of the running for the throne?”

“And what if someone else was to publically ponder if such allegations from the those two men were, in fact, a clumsy attempt to make Yuki-denka appear to be the victim?” Xiang asked. “Certainly it would raise an eyebrow if that person was a blood relative, if nothing else. You know what I find truly fascinating about those in power? Despite possessing all that power they are still dependent on others to give them information and advice. The Emperor relies on his ministers, who in turn rely on lower ranked court officials to help manage the empire. This makes one wonder, what if those court officials worked together to push their own agenda?”

James began to chuckle “I knew my assumption about you were correct. Although sometimes officials such as myself do their own homework.” He chuckled before continuing “But that’s besides the point. What you suggest however would be interesting indeed…” James thought for a moment. “Yet aren’t the musashi people an honorable one because if the stories are true then how could they truly pushed their own agenda if they’d still have to answer their superiors I wonder?” James said as a smile crept to his face.

“In all places and at all times it is possible to find those who are motivated by fear, greed, lust, ignorance, self-righteousness, or an overabundance of nationalism” Xiang said. “Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, these individuals always seem to find their way into positions of power.” Xiang smiled at James. “Now I’m sure you are wondering which of those motivates me, no? Well perhaps for now we shall say greed. I will aid you if in return you promise to aid me in my ambition to become the prime minister of Musashi and should my efforts to aid you result in me being forced from Musashi your country would offer me both asylum and a position of power.”

James nodded “I think that is reasonable. However how am I an outsider supposed to make sure you become the next Prime Minister, especially when no one even currently has the title?”

“One could ask the same about helping Saeko-sama ascend to the throne.” Xiang said. “Support me when the situation calls for it. Seek to involve me in your dealings with Musashi. Help me excel in ways to ensure I’m noticed by those in power in a good way. Just don’t be blunt about it. It wouldn’t do for those in the government to think you wish to empower your own puppet.”

James nodded “Yuki is far to peaceful and Shoichi is far to war-like. Saeko is the only one that can truly help the dominion’s needs. As for you perhaps you can be my personal representative to the musashi people and help me in who to speak with next. That should certainly gain you something should it not. Unless you’d prefer something else?” James asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“I would be most pleased to serve as your liaison here in Musashi” Xiang said. “And as your liaison I would be remiss if I didn’t advise you to use honorifics at all times when referring to a member of the Imperial family.” She paused for a moment before adding “And I do need to return to my uncle with something to show from this lengthy ‘trade’ negotiation we are currently having.”

“Ah yes our trade negotiations perhaps you can propose a change and I’ll counter.” James gave a light chuckle

“Very well then.” Xiang said. “We are willing to drop our tariffs on raw materials from your country from thirty percent to five percent if you drop your tariffs on general goods from Musashi to ten percent.”

“Those are very shall we say interesting proposals. Xiang-san I believe those are reasonable terms. The Dominion always requires weapons for the vast military.” James smiled “ Xiang-San is there anything else that I should maybe know before we are done?” James asked as he once agained raised his eyebrow.

“I don’t believe so-” Xiang frowned as a thought occured. “Actually… It would be best if you steered clear of a woman who goes by the name of Kau Rong. She is a… devout retainer of Yuki-denka’s, but more importantly there is something…. Off about her. I’m not sure I can put into words an explanation that you find sufficient for this, but I hope you won’t take my warning lightly.”

James was confused for a second. “Kau Rong didn’t seem off when I first met her. Is there something known about her or just speculations?” James asked

“Her… relationship with the Imperial family is odd” Xiang seemed hesitant to speak on the subject. “I know someone who’s friend was an imperial guard. The imperial guard told me friend he had witnessed Kau Rong entering and leaving the throne room on several occasions. A few days later that imperial guard vanished into thin air. I… know this sounds like nothing more than rumors and gossip… but I just can’t shake the feeling that there is a hint of truth in those rumors.”

“I’ll be sure to keep my eyes out I suppose. Though if this is all then I shall see you soon. Though any suggestions on who I should speak to next or would you rather surprised me?” James smiled

“I’ll look into who will find your stance in this matter the most agreeable” Xiang said after a moment. “I suspect that you’ll find Takeda-dono sending a few feelers your way in the days to come. He is likely to support either Saeko-sama or Shoichi-denka. A gentle push is likely to commit him to one or the other. Something else to keep in mind is Admiral Lian. He is unlikely to support Saeko-sama, but his mere presence in the navy has thus far kept it from falling into line behind Shoichi-denka. It would be catastrophic to our plans if something was to happen to him at this point in time. I will also be identifying less influential people that may, in due time, become powerful enough to play a role in things to come. In short I’ll keep informed. Now then… Is there anything else I can help you with Conrad-sama” She placed extra emphasis on the honorific.

James thought for a few moments. “I don’t believe so. If you should need me for anything you’ll know where to find me.” He smiled

“That I do” Xiang said as she rose from her seat. She rendered a bow before placing her mask on. “I shall take my leave then Conrad-sama. Till we meet again.”

James merely smiled as she left thinking of the future this deal could result in. A rather wise move on James part or one that could backfire. Either way only time could tell.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
Avatar of Isotope

Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Imperial Palace, Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

Following the conference of the Confederation’s leadership a letter detailing a list of grievances inflicted by Princess Saeko had been sent to the Emperor of Musashi. The letter had made its way to him during a session of court and he had decided to view its contents then and there. A few moments later he had dismissed the court and locked himself away in his throne room. The court had increasingly attributed this sort of behavior to a coming storm, many officials choosing now was the time to find something urgent to personally attend to outside of the palace. And the further from the palace the better.

A court official had been sent to the Confederation embassy with instructions to bring the Confederate ambassador to the Imperial court so they could discuss in person these so called grievances. At the same time Princess Saeko had been summoned. It was thus that Woolsey and Saeko found themselves standing side by side, looking up at where the Emperor was seated atop his throne.

“I have heard that you feel slighted by my niece.” The Emperor said as he looked down at Woolsey, his tone conveying the annoyance his masked face couldn’t. “I shall grant you the opportunity to word your grievances now. Speak.”

Bowing deeply and apparently unconcerned with Saeko’s presence Woolsey did as he was bid, “Of course your Imperial Majesty. In accordance with my role as the legal representative of the whole of the people of the Confederation, I shall convey to you those elements of your nieces behaviour to which they have taken exception.”

His attention focused on the Emperor alone Woolsey continued, “To begin, in our recent negotiations your niece unequivocally stated that the Confederation and its people are in large part responsible for your Empires impending invasion of the Second Imperium. The Confederation takes this opportunity to refute the validity of these accusations and convey to you, on whose behalf such statements were made, that it finds the notion of its culpability for the sovereign actions of another state thoroughly offensive.”

“Furthermore,” Woolsey paused only momentarily for breath, “Mere moments after her preceding transgression your niece proposed a defensive pact between our two states, but while doing so showed unveiled contempt through her reluctance and demeanor. By doing so it is perceived that she disrespected the representative, and by extension the people of, the Confederation. As such the Confederation wishes to state that if the representatives of your Imperial Majesty and the Empire cannot treat negotiations with the Confederation as negotiations with an equal state, they will cease.”

“Lastly, the Confederation expresses its willingness to see the slights inflicted by your niece as mere signs of inexperience. However, the Confederation also expresses its disappointment that a novice statesperson was assigned to act as the representative for your Imperial Majesty in such high level negotiations. As such it must be stated that if the Empire of Musashi is unwilling to treat its negotiations with the Confederation as serious and demanding care, they will cease.” With that Woolsey fell silent and still, not for a moment expressing his uncertainty given the Emperors seemingly poor disposition.

For a moment the Emperor simply stared at Woolsey, almost statuesque in how he didn’t move. Finally however he rose from his throne and began to descend the many steps that raised it above the rest of the room. “I have heard your grievances” The Emperor stated. “You speak of my niece’s inexperience, but you forget one thing. Experience is of secondary importance.” The very tips of Saeko’s lips began to turn upwards as the Emperor spoke. “Of greater importance is her status as my relative.” By this point he had reached the bottom of the stairs and was standing in front of Woolsey and Saeko and it only now became clear how much of a giant the Emperor was, standing just short of being head and shoulders over Woolsey. “I sent her as a sign of how important I felt the matter was. And in return you spit in my face.” He sounded truly disgusted. “There is but one who stands above her and that is me.” He seemed content to simply tower over Woolsey for a moment before continuing.

“And what have you to say about his accusations?” He turned to Saeko.

Saeko couldn’t quite keep a triumphant look out of her eyes as she began “I simply stated that our actions were in part caused by our recent war with-”

“Enough.” The Emperor’s voice seemed to boom. Saeko’s mouth snapped shut and the color drained from her face.

“I sent her to your embassy with one purpose” The Emperor said as he turned back to Woolsey. “To ensure that you would remain neutral as we dealt with the Second Imperium. Speak honestly and do not hold back. Did she put this objective at risk with her behavior?”

The reaction of the Emperor was near enough to make Woolsey cringe, but he remained unflinching. Looking to the Emperor and Saeko he answered, “Had the Princess Saeko never even come to offer us a defensive treaty, the position of the Confederation would have remained the same in regards to our neutrality. We will abide by the peace treaty we signed and honour its intent, that has not changed. However as a result of the Princesses transgressions, even with the gesture of her presence in mind, the attitude of my government towards Musashi has changed markedly. As a result I am obliged to inform you that the Confederation officially declines her offer of a defensive treaty.”

“I wouldn’t have even offered a defensive treaty had Yuki not insisted that-” Saeko blurted out, only for her sentence to be cut off as one of the Emperor’s hands shot out with startling speed and clenched her throat.

“Do not blame Yuki for your own mistakes. It is unbecoming child.” The Emperor’s calm tone contrasted starkly with the hand clenching Saeko’s throat. “If you did not agree with her advice you should have simply disregarded it.” His hand clamped down on her throat as he lifted her into the air with the one arm. “I gave you but one objective” He snarled, “and you put that at risk. You decided that your own agenda was more important than mine. I assure you that is not the case.”

Saeko gasped for air as tears streamed down her cheeks. A few times it appeared that she would bring her hands up to try and claw away at the Emperor’s grasp of her throat, but she somehow remained rational enough to keep them at her side.

“This is my Empire!” The Emperor shouted as he drew her close. “Not your plaything. You would do well to remember that.” He released his grip on Saeko’s throat, dropping her to the floor.

“My…. apologies” Saeko managed between gasps for breath as she prostrated herself on the ground before the Emperor. “It… will not… happen again.”

“Ensure that it doesn’t.” He said as he turned his back to her and began to ascend the steps back to his throne. “I tire of these games you, your brother, and cousin insist on playing.” He said as he reached the throne and settled back into it. “Tell them that the next time this occurs I shall not be so forgiving.”

The Emperor paused for a moment before turning his head towards Woosley. “Tell your masters that I desire no conflict with them. I shall not point my sword at them so long as they do not point their own at me.” He seemed to ponder something before adding “I shall pay for the materials needed to build your embassy here as an apology for the way my niece impugned upon your master’s honor. Is there anything else you need to address while in my presence?”

Woolsey was still somewhat pale from what he’d just witnessed when he looked back to the Emperor. To see a man threaten his own blood in such a manner, and before a foreign dignitary? Woolsey had thought he’d seen the underbelly of politics in his time, but this was unlike anything he had conceived of. He’d not dared to interfere though, even as he feared his actions would again cause a life to be extinguished; it was not his place even if he desperately wanted the power for it to be. Finally he spoke with as much poise as he could manage, “You have the gratitude of the Confederation for the gesture Your Imperial Majesty. As an affirmation of our mutual commitment to peace, and in the hopes of reconciliation after this unfortunate happening, if it is your wish we could codify such commitment in an agreement of non aggression if nothing more. Only if such is your desire of course.”

“If such a document is prepared I will personally grace it with my signature” The Emperor answered, suddenly sounding exhausted. He seemed to have slumped in his throne, seeming almost on the verge of sleep. “You may leave now” He said with a lazy gesture. “Both of you.”

“Thank you for speaking with me heika” Saeko said before rising from the ground. She spared Woolsey one glance before all but running for the door, pausing only to put her mask on before slipping out of the throne room.

Woolsey gave another deep bow, “It was a great honour, your Imperial Majesty.” Turning to leave he grasped the mask that had been prepared for him and looked down in shock to see his hand shaking. Saeko’s glance had been poisoned, and he feared it would overwhelm him. As he fled the room holding his arms close to still them he began to wonder if Musashi was at all the place he’d imagined it to be.

“Saeko-denka!” A man said as he approached with purpose. He wore no mask, implying that he was the lowest ranked individual in the palace, or at the very least this section of the palace. Saeko turned towards the man and he suddenly flew backwards as if he’d been struck by a car. Several of the Imperial guards tensed, seeming about to draw their katanas or level their rifles at Saeko, but immediately reverted to their guard stances. The man, from somewhere down the hall, let out a long groan before climbing to his feat.

“I appreciate the learning experience” Saeko said as she turned towards Woolsey. She carefully kept her tone neutral. “I shall take it to heart.” She didn’t wait to hear his response, instead turning and making her way down the hall. The poor servant she had thrown like a ragdoll with her psionic powers rushing to catch up with her.

“Well that was interesting.” A woman said as she approached Woolsey. She removed her mask as she neared, clearly not phased at the thought of Woolsey or the Imperial guards viewing her face. “What caused that?”

Woolsey hesitated, “I… I would say that was the result of an official reprimand quite foreign to me. I’d be overstepping my bounds to elaborate though, I am a stranger in the halls after all.” Stopping momentarily Woolsey collected himself just enough to remember basic etiquette, “I don’t believe we’ve met though, I am ambassador Steve Woolsey, chief diplomat of the Confederation to Musashi. Would it be too much to ask your name?”

“Of course not” The woman said with a warm smile. “I am Xaio Xiang. And before you ask, less my uncle is the minister of the interior, but that’s where my importance ends.” She winked at Woolsey. “Not many get to speak to the Emperor. Especially of late. In fact… you may be the only foreigner who ever has or ever will speak to Yamamoto-heika. You should be honored.”

Woolsey smiled wryly slightly under his mask, an honor was it? He took a moment to take stock of Xiang and replied, “It was an experience I will not soon forget, and an honor that I will take to heart.”

“Well it pleases me to hear that.” Xiang replied. “I for one fear that I will never have that honor myself.” Something in her tone implied that that wasn’t such a terrible thing. She smiled again as she said “I hope to see you again after the completion of your country’s embassy Woolsey-dono. Have a good day.” She rendered a bow before putting on her mask and turning to leave.

Woolsey scratched his head and spoke simply, “And to you as well.” Something about the woman said she was, or expected to be, a great deal more than one whose importance ended at a family relation. He shook his head and made a note of her name before turning to leave himself. The Cabinet would be pleased, if not horrified, by the way things had resolved. They had gotten what they wanted, and now they would push for more.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 9 days ago

A collab by @The Spectre and @Sigma

Far Reaches of Space
Location Unknown (Near the World of Ⱥthistan )

In the deep darkness of space, a lone, massive object, a Collective Templeship, had drifted, and had continually done so for many decades, the scarring and damage on its hull showing it had survived quite a few battles, but none of it unscathed. This one particular vessel was a lone survivor of a grand fleet of thousands upon thousands of ships, sent to conquer some far off civilization, but never returned, and were massacred emass. This one ship had managed to flee, but was damaged in the escape before it initiated an FTL jump to some distant star system, further away from home.

It had escaped, but was no longer in a position to return to the Collective, and now remains adrift in the dark void itself and as such, the ship itself, or more precisely, its commanding AI, had fallen into a deep sleep indefinitely. That is..until something happened.

In its decades of drifting, the ship had detected radio signals and the like, a habitable world was close by, these signals had awakened the sleeping "god" with new life. The AI, known to her cohorts as "Grana", was both ecstatic and intrigued by the signal, it seemed more primitive, nearly resembling the old creator civilization, Humanity. Nonetheless, she would aid in her Queen's vision of the Galaxy, assimilating this primitive world would prove a good act of redemption in the eyes of her superiors and despite the less then perfect condition of her vessel, she focused all power to the thrusters and made the move towards this world at great speed.

Research Outpost, Classified Location, Ⱥthistan ℱederation

It had been days since the satellite was discovered in a lone asteroid and it has caused tenision among the crewmates. Scientists and mechanics are divided over what they should do with the thing. Sirak Zere was growing tried of the daily debates during breaks and the presentations on what would happen if they would to repair the thing without discoving it. The mechanics were tired of them as well and suggested that they would just grab the thing without everyone knowing.

However, someone found out about it and it caused things to blow up. Zere was sleeping as he should shouting in the laboratory. It was around seven in the morning, right about when the sun would be up in Athistan. He rubbed his eyes and got out of the bed to a normal day on a classifiled outpost. His clothes were already laid out nearby the bed and he looked at the white lab coat for a moment. Until he heard more shouting, that was when he quickly got dressed and ran towards the lab.

He saw the scientist and the mechanics were getting ready to fight until the guards got in the middle of them. Zere was pissed off and wanted to know what was going on.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"Sir, the mechanics were going to take the satellite away from us!" one of the scientists said in anger.

"Hell yeah we were! You guys were going to just keep eyeballing it like it was going to hatch something!" one of the mechanics, that talked to Zere yesterday, confirmed the simulation.

Zere realized that spending time away from your loved ones and inside this dark outpost could make someone go mad, but he didn't think that it would of affected the entire crew. He sighed in frustration and said, "Look, I know how important the satellite is and we want to be careful with it. But, we can't turn against each other. Listen, the scientists are correct. It may look like just your avange satellite, but we don't know what's inside of it. It could be something that destroys it and kills all of us. We don't want that to happen."

The mechanics all sighed and rolled their eyes as they left to their workplace. The scientists were happy that it was over and went back to work. There was finally some peace in this outpost. That was until the sensors went off like the city lights from Ylont. Zere raced over to them and the scientists followed to investagate them. And they were going crazy.

"What the hell?" he questioned.

Then, the outpost shook up like an earthquark was happening. Things started to fall onto the ground and one of the scientists raced over to the satellite. It was about to fall off of the table and damage it even more. Thankfully, someone caught it before it fell and placed it back on the table. He, of course, held to it like it was a kid.The mechanics rushed back to the labs, wondering what was going on.

Suddenly, they saw it. A massive ship going through the asteroid belt like it was nothing. Zere and the others were in shock as this was their first time seeing the massive ship before. One of the scientist passed out due to shock. He noticed that the ship wasn't attacking the outpost. It was damaged for unknown conditions. Was this ship a part of a large war? How did it get here? Why is it here? What do they-

Zere stopped thinking as he realized that the Federation was having their discussion in the space station. He must warn them before something terrible happens to them. The crew were still in shock as Zere pushed past them to head to his office, where his long-distance phone was located. The door opened and he was in a panic mode as every minute wasted could bring the end of the Federation.

The Templeship pressed onward, pushing through the local asteroid belt like a knife through butter, however, the ship had sustained some damaged while pushing through as asteroid chunks collided with the ship's hull, further wounding it, even parts of the thrusters were damaged upon impact, causing the ship to move at irregular speeds, the landing was certainly not going to be "orderly" and their usual landing impact would be less effective in the destruction factor, there will certainly be many surviors in the aftermath. It didn't matter however, Grana would have her prize, and cease this blessing in disguise.

Deep within the ship, in some sort of command center, lights begun to flash frantically as the ship was losing its structural integrity. "Damn it all!" A disembodied feminine voice spoke out on anger. "Hold damn you! Hold!" The ship continued its course, and miraculously, after some time had passed, the ship was nearing its destination, Athistan was on the horizon, and would soon feel the terrible wrath of the Agonis Collective.

The Abrik Talot Space Station, Ⱥthistan ℱederation

President Roshawna had just given another speech during this discussion, which was about what The Federation should do to help the lower class. He wasn't afaird of Gebreselassie's 'threat', but it did help him make the next discussion. Another discussion about FTLs or augmentations were going to bore him to death. Besides, it would make Gebreselassie happy enough to stay.

"As the ruler of Fusheaya, our people need the help of the Federation before we even consider to expand beyond this system. That's why I put forth my fifteen year plan to ensure that our citizens are able to live healthy and smart. After the fifteen year plan is complete, then we can consider space travel." the King said proudly of his plan that spent years figuring out the details.

"I agree with King Gebreselassie!" the leader of Ocrar proclaimed, "I support his Fifteen Year Plan as my country is also suffering from crime and health issues!"

Roshawna smiled as the room finally agreed on something for once and put it to a vote. "Those that support the idea say 'Aye'."

The whole room said 'Aye' and none objected it. As he was going to make it official, someone shoved the doors opened and he immediately ran towards the President. The leaders were confused by the man running towards the President. Once the man stopped near the podium, he began to speak so quickly.


"Woah, woah." Roshawna stopped the man before he fell to the ground, "Slow it down."

The man shook his head in some sort of agreement and breathed slowly. He spoke again, "There's something on our sensors, mister President. You need to head to HQ immediately."

Roshawna followed the man out of the conference room, leaving behind fifty confused leaders. He wanted, no demanded, to know what was going on. He asked as they were in the hallway nearby the view area just outside the conference room. "The situation will be explained once we get to H.Q." the man answered and he wasn't going to give anymore details.

Suddenly, they heard screams and gasps as they were heading towards the elevator. The President rushed back towards the view area as the man told him to stop, but he refused to stop. He saw all fifty leaders frozen as if someone opened the airlocks and sucked all the air out. Then, he saw it. This massive ship that passed by the space station and heading towards the planet. He couldn't speak. The only words that he could get out was, "Oh Lord."

The man grabbed his arm and dragged him to the elevator as he said, "This is why we need you!" But, he couldn't hear nothing. He was running as well, but he couldn't respond to the situation. This was the first time in history that they met aliens and they are heading for the planet without any warning. And he was the first President out of thirty-five other Presidents that met aliens. He knew that was going to happen, but he wasn't prepared for it.

Then, they just got on the elevator and the man pushed the emergency button to H.Q. Roshawna first heard the happy music from the elevator still playing like nothing had happened. That was when he came back to reality.

The templeship made its final descent downward to the planet below, targeting any nearby city center on the world to begin the campaign to cull this world. It passed through the planet's atmosphere, the hull glowing brightly from the intense heat of entry into the planet, it was quickly approaching a nearby city, making trials of smoke and a loud booming sound overhead, the populace below taking notice of the massive object above them, mass panic ensured as the templeship was close to final impact. Most fortunate however, especially for the citizens, the templeship was in no condition to enact their usual orbital strikes, the templeship instead, slowed down in its descent, looking as if it was landing near a body of water, dragging itself across the water as it neared the city, giving the people time to flee as the ship forcibly passed through the city, causing untold damage as it pushed through block after block, towers and other buildings collapsing in its path until it reached the very center of the city.

The Ship itself begun to "bloom" in a way, parts of the ship rising up like flower petals.

Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation
The Priuca navy was on patrol as usual on the famous Deita River, home to the famous Battle of Cleim during the war. The battle was a major victory for Priuca as they were able to destroy the majority of the enemys' navy. Private Varinder Ganwan, one of the many Acelop aboard the AF Oasin, was amazed by the view of the city and it's many buildings. He was too focus on it that Captain Rasjog Phulsawal walked up on him.

Ganwan saluted the captain and said sorry as he was scared that he would get yell at. But, the captain just laughed and stood beside the private to look at the city. She spoke up, "You know that I have passed this city before on this river many time in my life. But, I never just stood here and look at Cleim before until now. It's goddamn beautiful."

Ganwan agreed and just watched the city until he heard a loud booming sound. He turned around and stood in horror struck. Phulsawal immediately. shouted on her radio that they must fire at the ship while getting out of the way. And soon after, they aimed their big guns at it and fired. Several bam sounds were made as the large bullets traveled towards the unknown ship.

It hit the target, but nothing happened. They kept firing at it until it was near the river. She knew that ship was going to cause a massive wave that could sink the entire navy on patrol. Shouting at the private to follow her, they ran inside the Oasin before the ship crash. The ship landed in the body of water and dragged in the city, killing thousands or millions of people in that moment.

After a breif moment of silence as the ship moved up and down, the two went outside to see the aftermath of the crash landing. The ship began to "bloom" and the two knew that something big was about to happen. The navy couldn't get a clear shot at the risk of killing more people. None could do anything until the Federation responds by sending help.

The captain looked at the once beautiful city was now on fire and ashen smoke rose up to the sky. She covered her mouth in shock as she didn't know what to do next. The private was horrified by the destruction as he hasn't been on the ship for more than two weeks. He asked the captain, "What do we do?"

She couldn't respond to the question.

The smoke cleared out after impact, the population was both afraid and confused, crowds both running as far away from the impact site as possible, others however, were more curious, crowds slowly making an approach to the alien structure, pulling out any mobile devices to record this very historic moment, from the distant, cried out sirens out as emergency response teams were in action, tending to the dead and wounded all throughout ground zero, not too soon, News teams followed behind, setting up all around the impact site.

All was calm for a few moments, the alien ship dominating every news channel. After some time had passed, a piece of the alien vessel begun to move, it seemed to be large door, soon a boarding ramp followed behind as the door raised up. The crowd was in a dead silent pause as they awaited the visitors to make themselves known. Much to the surprise of the crowds, a small stunted creature waddled out, looking shy, afraid and intimated, adverting it's eyes from them.

A small child was scared at the whole situation as he heard lots of sounds and he hugged his mother as they were too curious about the crash zone. With his father and brother, they followed the others to the zone. The media were already on the scene and showing billions of people the historic moment that they first meet aliens.

Then, a piece of the vessel started to move around as a door raised up among with the ramp. There was a moment of silence before a small creature existed out of the vessel. It was scared and intimated by the crowd. The child soon realized that there was nothing to be afarid of and let go of his mother. The family, along with the crowd, just frozen at the first ever sight of an alien creature.

The family decided to greet the creature as the father and the youngest child went first while the mother and the oldest were with the crowd. The media was eating this up as they showed the father and the son, one was an acelop and the other was a xreihz. They were standing infront of the creature as the father extended his hand out to help the creature up. People started to take pictures or film the event as it would forever appear in history books.

The Creature looked up with it's large wide eyes at the father, looking to his hand as his offered it friendship, it slowly extended its own hand, almost seemingly accept his offer for help, however this would be an rather infamous moment in the history books. The creature gripped the father's hand tightly, its fearful expression replaced with something more...sinister, it growled and made a wide grin as it leapt onto the father, mauling him in front of all to see in sheer horror.

The crowd was in horror as the father was being mauled infront of them. Some ran away and others just didn't move at all. The child screamed and cried out his father's name as another creature jumped out of the vessel and into the child. The thing grinned as it began to tear open the child's chest. It laughed.

The mother was crying for them as she was being dragged away by her oldest son as more of them appeared from the vessel. People were running away from the things as they jumped onto people and forced them to the ground. You couldn't hear anything because of the screaming. Then, a cop started to help people to safety and he saw one of those things running towards him. That was when he pulled out his gun and fired several shots.

It dropped to the ground as it's blood started to leak for the bullet holes. Then, the others saw the lifeless body and went crazy. The officer fired several more shots before being overrun and mauled.

Many people didn't know about the creatures before it was too late. People, who saw the others running, assumed that they were still running from the crash zone; however, once they saw the creatures running towards them, it was too late. Hundreds were already dead in minutes. They killed men, women, and even children as they made their way to other parts of the city.

Before long, more of the creatures emerged from the ship, however, these were a different breed, many were taller, some even taller then the others, they all shared reptillian features to them. One of the larger ones steppped forward, rasing a large weapon up in the air as it shouted in its alien tongue "Varusch! Gula shiska ma!" it shouted, the others flowing out the ship like a flood.

The larger creature walked forward towards a dying kid, not older than eight. "I want my mommy!" the kid cried out in pain. The creature looked at the kid and placed his foot on the neck and saying something that the kid couldn't make sense of, "Na Chakka ura tama"

Then, it stepped on it hard as he heard a cracking sound coming from the next. It grinned and went back to his job: killing more people.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Kasius System

The sky on Kasius was clear blue, without a cloud in the sky. At first it appeared to be a terrorist attack of the highest caliber when a distant explosion just outside of the atmosphere signaled the Divine Class Command Ship's explosion. So great was it that even those on the ground directly facing it could feel the slightest tremor in the air, like a small wave passing over them. If it were terrorists, the act would have ended there.

Less than a minute later, unidentified flying objects began to descend rapidly onto the planet in a uniform but ruthless fashion. As they came closer, they slowed down and became more visible. They were ships, resembling the heads of axes. Despite their slowing descent, they hit the surface none too softly. A few of the ships crushed various Varusch Troops and a small contingent of AC-350 Assault Drones. When the dropships were done landing, it was the beginning of the end for the Agonis hold over the system.

As the ships began to open, hundreds of thousands of Hexanagallion Reavers, Warriors, and Destroyers waded out onto the Kasius surface and began to systematically tear apart any who stood in their path. Oh, the songs would not omit how formidably the Agonis collective was, of course. Krux would see to that, for as he observed from his Harbinger Commandship above, he noted that the various troops of the machines were much more of a challenge on the ground than in a dog fight. He grinned, his mandibles curving.

So were his troops.

He watched as an orange plated Reaver disemboweled a Varusch Brute and ripped the head off of a tiny Khraal conscript, only to be gunned down by the curious biomechanical abomination known as a 'Rejected Chimera.' The Reaver's armor held for a moment or two before his center was torn to shreds by the bullets. Krux continued to gaze and nodded with satisfaction as a fellow Reaver, clad in similar orange, attempted to exact justice against the monstrosity. He leaped from cover to cover through the hail of fire, before rolling out into the open and taking 3 bullets before slicing into the fleshy center of the beast. It didn't kill it however, and the Reaver ducked a heavy swing of the thing's gun, grabbed the device and heaved the off balanced thing with all of his might, sending the creature end over end to hit the ground hard. As it slowly began to get up, the Reaver began hacking it apart, before taking out its Scythe pistol and ending the things life. How Krux wished he was down there to aid his brothers.


Entering Musashi Space

The Harbinger Command Ship was the largest vessel in the HRF's fleet, second only to the artificial Homeworlds they create to substitute entire planets. This Harbinger was dubbed H'arkruk, or The Cleaver of Worlds, and at its command deck was Warmaster Daixanos. His great armor of Gold with red outlines signifying his system glinted in the overhead lights. He stood at the center of the deck, upon his platform. He had not been upon his personal ship in many years, since he had last conquered a system and had not been stationed as the Warmaster of Raulek and the Fel'Blade system (and all its vassal systems). It was good to be home.

At H'arkruk's fore and back were 50 Predator class Frigates. They were only a show of force, and not meant to be used unless absolutely necessary. It would not be long before they reached the Musashi system. He had sent a transmission out to request an audience with the Nation's leaders. They had not replied back as of yet, but he was confident they would shortly. It would be hard to ignore an armed fleet. "Divine Light, give us guidance." he whispered.

Xeno-Barbarian Space

This was a fine night, if Warmaster Gatar had ever seen one. He sat within a field of his brothers, surrounded by stars in the sky and corpses on the ground. He was surprised they could still see the stars in the sky, for what roared beside him was the largest group of (purposeful) fires the system had seen. He nodded to his battle commanders as they joined around him, having flown in from the other planets of the system. They sat down and began to eat on the field of victory. Behind them, Hexanagallion warriors heaved Tisk-Tiski and ApSankar bodies into the fires as the commanders devoured the remains of what was left of their enemies.

"A good fight. I had forgotten how hard ApSankar's die." one of the commanders said, biting into a cooked arm of the aforementioned enemy. "I had not fought their kind since I was first blooded." A few of the other commanders agreed with nods, and they began retelling old war stories as they enjoyed themselves. Gatar sat at the center of them, his metal appendage shining in the firelight. He had lost it fighting ApSankar's dozens of years ago, and it gave him pause.

It was a weight they all felt, he knew. Even as the Battle Commander spoke and reminisced and laughed, he knew they felt it too. The times were changing. For centuries, the HRF had purposefully stayed their hand from invading the barbarians, for they provided a good fight for the younger warriors. No need to exterminate them. Let them come at their forces and hold them back year after year. But now, this conquering heralded an end to their previous way of life. An end to their way of preparation. It heralded an end, but also a beginning. Where would it lead?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caberra, Commonwealth Constituent World
City of Talusia

Javelin let the warm water run over her hands, turning it red with blood. Not hers of course; it belonged to the three corpses in the next room, each of them freshly adorned with a slit throat. She’d cleaned up all evidence of her own presence, and every trace of their involvement with the human insurgency, which she now knew was called Talon. Javelin considered retrieving the building’s security footage, but ultimately decided against it; simpler to change her face once she left.

This first few insurrectionists had been surprisingly easy to find. Javelin had started with Lydell’s tearful wife, who had pointed her to Lydell’s poker buddies. She’d left the wife alive, a quick probe of the distraught woman’s mind revealing she had no knowledge of her husband’s treason before it came up on the news. Javelin had not honestly expected the ‘poker buddies’ to be co-conspirators, but they were worth investigating. She’d arrived at their apartment door dressed to impress, and implied to the man answering the door that she was looking for a rather special kind of party. She’d soothed his suspicions with a deft touch, been shown to the den, and incapacitated all three men before they could get a word out.

Oresteia taught that physical torture was almost useless for extracting information. Sleep deprivation and mental stress was moderately effective, but a trained psintegrat was best of all. Javelin, happily enough, was a trained psintegrat, and pulling information from the men’s minds had been fairly simple. After that, well, the Queen’s exact words had been “kill them all”, and Javelin was of nothing if not a patriot.

Sufficiently washed up, Javelin made one more sweep of the apartment, making sure there were no clues left behind. She wanted any investigation into the incident to end with unanswered questions. Satisfied with her work, Javelin let herself out the door, down the elevator, and out into the night.

Javelin spent the next few hours slowly letting her face rearrange itself into something new. The Yanissan geneticists who created operatives for Oresteia boasted that their wares were ‘shapeshifters’, but that was overselling it. She was capable of changing her skin and visage in limited ways, but couldn’t do anything to fundamentally alter her skeleton. Still, it was a useful enough feature.

The three poker players had given her a useful amount of intelligence. Some she would act on personally, the rest she’d send back to her superiors. Each of the men knew eachother and one other member of another Talon cell. The orders for the Dubrovnik strike had come through a man called Artemis Lochte, a store owner here in Talusia.

Arriving at Lochte’s store in downtown Talusia, Javelin was somewhat surprised to see it was a high end furniture store selling hand made, genuine wood pieces. She wouldn’t have guessed that Talusia, or even Caberra as a whole, was quite wealthy enough to support such a niche business. There was a young couple inside, well dressed and admiring mahogany bookshelves. Lochte was hovering nearby, keen to make a sale. Javelin needed some privacy, so she gently picked through the couple’s thoughts. Both had doubts about the expense of genuine wood, so Javelin massaged those doubts, gently coaxing them to the surface until the couple decided that they’d better go check synthetic wood options, just to be sure. Once they left, Javelin preoccupied herself pretending to admire a teak bureau until Lochte sidled over.

“Beautiful, isn’t it ma-” Javelin knocked him unconscious with a swift blow to the temple. Locking the shop’s door, she then dragged Lochte into the work space at the back, securely tied him to a chair, and applied a stimpatch to his arm, letting the chemicals slowly revive him. Trying to sift through the thoughts of an unconscious person was an exercise in futility. Lochte slowly came around, his head rolling forwards. Javelin preempted any confusion or obfuscation by reaching out and firmly grasping Lochte’s head by the jaw, forcing his eyes level with her own.
“You, Artemis Lochte, are a member of the Talon insurgency. You played a direct role in an attack on Dubrovnik station over Praetoria. Tell me where the orders for Dubrovnik came from.”
The words were not specifically necessary, but they would focus Lochte’s thoughts and make them easier for her to read. The insurgent didn’t say anything, but his jaw tensed up and he glared daggers back at Javelin. His thoughts scattered to a thousand different places, drowning Javelin out with white noise. Lochte had been trained to resist psionics. Ah well, even the best training could only do so much.
“Dubrovnik,” she said calmly. “Tell me about Dubrovnik.” As she spoke, she began to apply pressure to his mind, no longer skimming through superficial thoughts but actively pushing into his consciousness.

Lochte began to sweat, a good sign by all means. He spoke for the first time since being roused. “Rot in hell, bitch,” was his stubborn response. Javelin was unphased, and pushed harder into his mind, using her words to reinforce her efforts.
“Dubrovnik. Tell me about Dubrovnik.”
All at once, Lochte’s defences failed, and Javelin dove into his mind. There was no pain, contrary to what many thought, but there was a profound sense of intrusion and wrongness.
“Tell me about Dubrovnik,” she repeated, and his thoughts coalesced around that word as Javelin sampled them. She pulled out names and places, sampling them all and filing them away, letting Lochte’s own mental processes push towards what was important. Lochte had been tasked with finding a ship to transport the strike team, and had recruited Captain Lydell. He didn’t know where the strike team members had come from or been trained, but he knew where the power armour had come from...James Gallagher...Duranin.

Javelin sighed in satisfaction. Lochte’s other leads could be pursued by other operatives, but she was going to Duranin. Lochte himself seemed to sense she’d prevailed. “You’ll never stop all of us,” he said, still defiant. Javelin didn’t say anything. She simply drew a knife and slit his throat.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Gifu System, The Musashi Empire

Darkspleen & POOHEAD189 collab

The Gifu system was unremarkable in most aspects. It was home to seven planets, three of which were little more than searing hot balls of rock, three that where massive gas giants, and one terrestrial planet that had long ago been stripped of its atmosphere. The sole asteroid belt was home to a few minor mining operations, but nothing major. By all accounts the Gifu system should be an unimportant, backwater system and yet it wasn't. Its location made it ideal as a transportation and logistics hub for anything moving into or out of Musashi to the Second Imperium. Unsurprisingly this made it home to a fairly substancial military garrision under normal circumstances. These were not normal circumstances.

Over the past month Musashi's military presence had more than quadropled as it made preparations for an invasion of the Second Imperium. It was currently home to a staggering three hundred ships, and that number grew with every passing day. And at the center of that massive fleet one could find the Musashi, the second ship of the Yamato-class. It was in this ship that one could currently find Prince Shoichi, who was in the midst of preparing for the coming war.

Prince Shoichi had recieved the message of the HRF request for an audience with mixed feelings. On one hand it was he and not Yuki or Saeko that would be dealing with them. On the other hand he wasn't keen on the HRF possessing the knowledge of where a signifigant portion of Musashi's navy currently was. It wouldn't due if they decided to warn the Second Imperium of the coming invasion. The gathered Musashi fleet had, upon receipt of the original HRF communication, strongly requested that it remain on the edge of the system once it had arrived and await further instructions and a communication from a high level government official.

Within the Cleaver of Worlds, Warmaster Daixanos stood tall and firm upon the pedestal of his command room as he awaited news of a reply from this 'Musashi' nation. Before him, dozens upon dozens of Hexanagallion pilots and crew members fulfilled their duties, holo helments blinking confirmations from all across the vast ship. "Warmaster," the High Pilot called to Dax. "What is it?" he replied, his voice even deeper and more ominous than most of his brethren's guttural growls. "We have been contacted, and asked to halt our ships. It seems they have a large invasion fleet at the ready just at the edge of their space."

"Truly?" Daixanos asked aloud, though it was more of an intriguing statement than a question of confirmation. They would only be invading the Second Imperium if they were mobilizing here. Perhaps Warlord Jex knew what he was doing when he sent Dax to negotiate with this nation. Just outside Musashi space, the humble fleet of 100 frigates and the monstrous Harbinger Dreadnought slowed to a halt just as requested.

Within a minute of the fleet's arrival it was hailed by the Musashi fleet. A human male with long white hair, his face hidden behind a mask, spoke "I am Admiral Soh of the Imperial Musashi Navy. We have recieved your request for an audience." There was a pause. "Shoichi-denka is willing to grant you the honor of an audiance on the Musashi. Your representatives are to come via a transport craft. We will guarantee their safety. That is all."

The message was relayed to the Warmaster, and he replied to his First Officer. "Get my ship ready, brother." The request was fulfilled, and Daixanos stepped off his command deck and strode toward the hanger bay, flanked by 8 Honor Guards and a Priest of the Divine. As he walked, he pondered on how curious these humans would be. No doubt they would think him some dumb brute or barbarian from the edge of their own space. He had seen it enough times before when he had given warnings to systems. Many humans were dead now who had thought they were smarter than he was.

The Warmaster shook his head at his own thoughts. It does himself and his Warlord dishonor by thinking of such petty things. He would stride into this meeting with his maw high and his words refined like true Xarkonian steel. He and his entourage stepped into the transport ship and set off toward the coordinates they were given.

The Warmaster's ship reached the Musashi unmolested. The small ship easily found space within the superbattleship's hangar. An honor guard of bushi soldiers had formed, two clusters of twenty on either side of the Warmaster's ship. In between the two clusters of soldiers stood Admiral Soh, waiting paitently for his ship's guests to arrive.

"Welcome aboard the Musashi, pride of the IMN" Admiral Soh said as the Warmaster's party entered the hangar. "As I introduced myself previously, I am Admiral Soh. I will escort you to where Shoichi-denka awaits."

Warmaster Dax stood head and shoulders above the humans, but did not attempt to intimidate or intrude. "Very well." he said simply, and ordered his men to follow. His Priest stepped forward first, the Hexanagallion's head bare, showing its smoothed scales and predatory eyes.

The admiral simply nodded before turning and heading towards a door at the far edge of the hangar. The Musashi soldiers turned and escorted the group of Hexanagallions on either flank. Once they had reached the door Admiral Soh led them through a number of halls till they reached a doorway labeled "Conference Room 1". It was here that the escort stayed behind, with only Admiral Soh and the Hexanagallion party entering.

The conference room was a large room, its center dominated by a large round table and thirty chairs. Next to the far wall stood six Imperial guard bushi at attention. A human male, his face hidden behind a mask like Admiral Soh, sat at the table. He rose as the Hexanagallions entered. "Welcome to the Empire of Musashi" the man said. "I am Yamamoto Shoichi." He paused before continuing "Here in Musashi we do not show our faces to inferiors" He gestured towards his guards, "However as a sign of respect to you and because you are acting as a representative of your homeland..." He removed his mask and set it down on the table. Admiral Soh was quick to follow suit. "Would you care to take a seat?" He gestured towards the chairs. "I am most curious about what brings you here at this point in time."

Standing there before this leader Yamamoto, it dawned on Daixanos yet again how different their species were. He supposed the thought came to him because of how similarly to his own people this man spoke, other than the 'inferior' comment. He was about to insist that he stand. His Golden and red ridged armor was made for war, not resting. However, he decided he would honor this request, and he sat opposite to this man. The seat was quite cramped for one such as he, but he reclined as best he could without complaint.

"I am Warmaster Daixanos Kel'atar, leader of the Fel'Blade system, as well as over two dozen Vassal systems. I have been given leave by my Warlord to speak for the entirety of my nation. I have heard little of you, as you no doubt have heard little of us. I hold no love for humans just as the rest of my kind, but nor do I believe they are inherently evil. I am more...tolerant of your kind than some of my brothers. I am to understand you and this...Second Imperium have received billions or refugees in recent years from Reaver attacks at the edge of space. It was our Honored forces that were responsible, for these systems held slaves, held allegiance to the Imperium, or attacked us initially." He glanced behind him, only for a fraction of a moment. More because he was wary of an attack for such a proclamation. He gazed at Yamamoto Shoichi fully once more, and his presence seemed to grow as he spoke. A born leader was he.

"For over a thousand years, ever since the Imperium assimilated our world of Hexana, we have been growing and multiplying. Honing our abilities and advancing our technology. Building ships and growing warriors. Watching the Galaxy as history unfolded. Now, we are ready to begin what is our destiny. We have set off upon a holy crusade that shall consume the Galaxy in holy fire and drown the makers of chains in spilled blood. Our prophets have foretold such events, which has lead us inexorably here. I have other news to tell you that is perhaps unknown to you, that at the edge of your space, we have recaptured a single system that holds our ancient homeworld. Such an act, coupled with our prophets, has set my people in a zealous mood, to put it lightly." His great tetradactyl hands were placed together in a contemplative fashion as he spoke.

"I must admit that I was not expecting to be treated in such a manner. Many humans view us with fear or outright hatred. I will honor you however, with being blunt and presenting to you our terms that we shall provide all others. Allow me to make something perfectly clear. Compromise is not generally our strong suit. We are not here because we need you. We are not here because we like you. We are here because honor demands it. Because without honor and respect, you and I are no different than the Xeno barbarians that ravage this part of the galaxy. That being said, here are the terms we have come to present to you and to all nations who will listen. One, there is to be an abolishment of both slavery and oppression of citizens throughout the galaxy, particularly non humans. Do not mistake me however. Even at this very moment, we are cutting a swath through the Agonis Collective and liberating humans who are enslaved. Two, there is to be no recreation of the glory of the old Imperium. Such an act would only promote oppression from humans and remake mistakes long since forgotten. It is a pleasing sight to see your fleet at the ready to invade the Imperium we have so long hoped to meet in combat. And three, a mere request. We ask that you allow us passage through your nation, if need be that is, to reach our ancient home world without conflict. Perhaps such a request might not be needed, for it seems we share a common goal of obliterating this Second Imperium and will likely invade in time, just as you are." He let out a growl, though not threatening. Merely a gesture. "If you agree to these three terms, I would offer you my friendship, and my fleet as it is to help in your attack. If you accept the first two terms only, I will leave respectfully and not raise arms against you unless provoked. If you accept none of them, I will still leave and not raise arms against you. But I cannot promise the future, or my nation's future actions. I can guarantee however that soon, there will be little places to hide in this galaxy. Forgive me if I have been percieved as 'rude.' We tend not to mince words, and I have not negotiated with humans for many years. What say you, Yamamoto Shoichi of this Musashi nation?"

Shoichi listened to Daixanos intently, raising an eyebrow at more than one point but otherwise revealing little about how he felt. When Daixanos was finished speaking Shoichi simply regarded him for a moment. Finally he said "My sister often says that a civilized xeno is far superior to an uncivilized human. I admit that you are the first xeno I have ever spoken to. I am also quite surprised to find that you are indeed far more civilized than many of the humans from beyond Musashi that I have encountered." He tapped his mask with one finger as he continued. "Many in our culture follow what is called the Bushido code. This code has eight core tenets: rightousness, courage, benevolence, respect, sincerty, honor, loyalty, and self-control. I feel that, even if you do not know of the Bushido code, that you yourself follow it. No person, either human or xeno, is a slave to another in Musashi."

"You demand that we do not aspire to recreate the Old Imperium" Shoichi continued. "You need not fear that from us. We have learned from the past. The Imperium failed. Those that wish to see it rise again, the Second Imperium, Imperial Remnants, and Dominion of Man are all rotting cultures that know nothing of honor, rightousness, or self-control. They are all doomed to suffer the Imperium's fate. I have spoken to men who hail from the Dominion. They claim to be civilized but I found them to be quite barbaric." He looked Daixanos in the eye as he said "Had you simply demanded that Musashi grant you transit rights to this homeworld of yours I would have declined. Instead you showed proper respect and for that I shall grant you the passage you request. And I will offer you something more. These beings that you call the Xeno barbarians are a known entity to us here in Musashi. Once we are finished with the Second Imperium, we may be willing to establish a unified front with you in order to destroy these xeno barbarians. Would your... leader find this agreeable?"

Dax met his gaze, and determined that this man was not mocking him, he believed. He let out a low thrum of a growl as he contemplated. "I will relay your message to him on that count. And you honor me with your words and manner. It seems we both have our wars to fight, and as I leave here in friendship, I determine that we shall meet in the middle and create a new galactic landscape upon the field of victory." Warmaster Dax pushed himself out of his chair slowly, made the gesture of 'comrade' in the air, and placed his guantleted fist upon his broad chest. "This has been an interesting but fruitful meeting, Yamamoto Shoichi. Let us hope that our words are followed through with actions in the months and years to come."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

-The Royal Palace, Laum-
-Planet Itil -
-Prince Cato Aurelia Castus Anzac-

The sound of doors being quickly flung open echoed around the large throne room as a rather rugged looking man hurriedly ran into the room. Normally someone who looks like this wouldn’t of gotten past the gated courtyard, but this man bore the seal of the Royal Post.
The man was soaked and tracked mud as he walked through the large expanse of the throne room, stopping to bow at the foot of the raised throne platform. “ My Prince! We have news from the Cosmos!” the man said in a rough tone, the result of years of hard travel. The man quickly slipped the small pack off his back and opened the top. A small cloud of dust appeared as he rummaged around inside before finding a small paper wrapped box. With a smile, he courier stood and held the box out to the young prince.
“ Really?!” Prince Cato said almost as excited before trotting down the large steps to the floor. “ Thank you sir, there is wine and food down by the kitchen. Get yourself washed and fed before moving on again” he said taking the small box. The courier nodded and bowed his head again before tracking mud out of the throne room.
The prince hummed as he waked out of the side of the throne room and into a large living room, used for entertaining guests. falling down onto a rather large and ornate couch, he quickly tore the top off the box and pulled out a small white rectangle. “ A memory drive?” he quipped in a surprised manner before sitting up and placing in a small dome on the table in front of him.
The Memory Drive’s lights flashed amber for a moment before changing solid green. The room automatically dimmed as the holographic generator spun up, projecting a map of the solar system. The map had changed drastically from when he last saw it, growing by leaps and bounds. The prince typed a series of commands into a remote keyboard as a small line began connecting the different signal repeating nations, making the map look like a large web. With a pleased chuckle, he typed in another series of commands, revealing the last known locations of the exploration craft and removing the web of communication lines.
Each crew had orders to wait at their designated locations and explore upon arriving. Almost all of the crews had made it to their destinations but only half actually landed on planets. Cato raised an eyebrow and scrolled up to one of the ships on the edge of their territory, clicking on the icon to bring up the report.

Udaloy ( SU-88b)
(29N133E72W90S-180°) As of 23:30
( Unknowingly around the edge of Totalst territory)

LOG: Heavy militarized ships frequently scan border territories, unknown origin, unknown strength. Lost three drones to hostile fire when attempted to probe border, so I will not be trying to make contact with new beings. Closest planet to the “ Border” is 13 million miles at 130°, will take pictures and fall back to ( 15N129E65W45S-130°) to begin exploration.

The Prince’s jaw dropped as he read the reports of more ships, seeing that they were infact surrounded by life, highly intelligent life. Most of the reports noted patrols along the borders, with sporadic attempts at moving into what he wanted to be Hol space. If the Hol wanted to control this sector, then they would need to make a presence in the region.
Quickly shooting up, the Prince ran back into the freshly cleaned throne room and down into the kitchen, catching the now clean courier mid meal. “ Sir?” he courier said, raising his head from the table as the prince ran in. “ I have a message for the Commandant, its urgent” Cato said as he placed a small freshly sealed letter on the wood table.

Kajaki plains, Legion Headquarters

The message had sent the war room into a frenzy, officers were rushing around trying to locate gear and resources. There was a huge call to arms for artisans of all types and large amounts of building materials were being gathered and staged. The entirety of the Legion was being called in and the reserve detachment had been activated, bringing the total number to 1200. The Navy had began aggressively recruiting crews for its vessels, the thought of exploration appealed to many. Out of the 800 ships that sat lifeless, only 25 were modernized and fit for service. Out of those 25 the Navy only had the crews for five of them.
Senior military leaders debated about where this first force would go, determined to make an impact in the region. Some advocated for the “Udaloy” region, due to the heavy militarized presence. Other voted for a more desolate system to being the appearance of order. After hours of fierce discussion, the decision was made to send the task force towards a particularly odd planet. The MX-20 and the crew of two had discovered the remnants of a rather large war torn city. The planet was inhabited but seemed to be contested. Its size made it a perfect target for this force and the situation made it perfect to try and promote order and diplomacy. The Prince’s orders were simple and to be followed to the letter.

“ Establish a presence in the region, I am giving you the authority to create, maintain and deploy a colonization force to establish our regional borders. You are assemble forces to: Build infrastructure, Establish colonies and peacefully promote Hol culture throughout the region. You will not forcibly conquer any territory or engage in any hostile actions against any xeno-species encountered. All dealings with xeno-species will be done in a peaceful and diplomatic fashion”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

A lone, diplomatic vessel entered the Musashi system amognst the blackness of space. It's destination was Bushu, where Selene and Lila would meet with James of the Dominion. Both of them were very reluctant to do so, and couldn't understand why their Queen had accepted a meeting with one of the Empire's greatest rivals. Both had tried hard too talk her out of it, as they could see no good coming from such a meeting. In their eyes, it could only serve too worsen relations between the two nations, as both Lila and Selene could not imagine they would agree with James on much. Still, they had no right to defy the Queen, and so carried out the orders that she gave them.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. They landed on Bushu, introduced themselves and went through all of the checks necassery. Somebody lead them through too where they needed too be, both of them sucking in deep breaths as they were shown the door too the room where they were too meet James of the Dominon. The door was pushed open, and the two Alorian delegates entered the room.

As James looked up from his desk he smiled. "Hello, I suppose you two are the Alorian delegates?" James said as he raised an eyebrow.

Lila nodded as the door was closed behind them. "Yes, and you are James, diplomat from the Dominion?" She walked over as Selene walked slowly behind her, looking over the room. They both pulled chairs backwards from the other side of the desk, sitting down and looking over at James.

"Diplomat is one word you could use to describe me. Though normally I am refered to as Executis James Conrad. The second in command of the entire dominion." James gave a soft smile "So who do I have the honor of speaking to?"

"Second in command of the Dominion? Impressive, Executis James Conrad". Lila spoke, "I am Lila, one of the Queens advisors and this is Selene, one of the Queen's head Generals". She relaxed a little in her chair as she spoke.

"It is nice to meet you both then." James said with a smile " So how may I help you two today? Perhaps you're interested in some trade deals or something furtur you wished to discuss?" James said as he raised his eyebrow.

Lila didnt speak for a moment as she thought about what too say, watching James carefully. "You mean too say, your Dominion would conduct trade deals with a nation not fully populated by Humanity?" She said. "The Dominion doesn't have a very good past when it comes to dealings with aliens, James Conrad".

James nodded "I agree, we have not done our best with trading with aliens. However it doesn't help when aliens go around killing innocent humans now does it?" James said, looking Lila in the eyes.

"Innocent?" She sucked in a deep breath again, "I suppose. However, the same could be said for you, and in a much greater number". She countered, looking straight back at him.

James gave a small chuckle "I suppose. Though we hope to rectify that problem in the future. But that is besides the point. What is it that your queen wished to discuss?"

"Her Majesty the Queen is concerned about the Dominions motives, and future actions. She has taken note of the alliances the Dominion has been making with nations as of late". Selene finally spoke up, looking towards James. "We want too make sure that there is no malicous intent towards the Alorian Empire, directly or inderectly through any other conflict that would see us involved".

"Well, General. It depends on what your relation to the Second Imperium is." James said with a smile.

Selene sat back in her chair as she raised an eyebrow. "The second imperium? And why would our relations with them affect our relation with you?" She said, both Alorians unaware of the iminent invasion.

James gave a small smile "Well the musashi plan to invade the Second Imperium and as they are our friend should you stand against them we'd have no choice but to stand with them."

"And why are the Musashi commiting such an act?" Lila asked. "Have they not considered the galactic reprocussions of this? Such a war would create deep divides between nations, James Conrad. Even more so than there already is". She asked him.

"I believe they have thought the pros out weigh the cons. Such as the amount of refugees that have been coming from across the borders. As for the divides I believe most of us are rather well suited with one another. Save for maybe the confed who seems to be disliked within the mushai court." James said with a clear face.

"And what happens too the majority alien population within the Second Imperium space that the Dominion and the Musashi take? Thrown in concentration camps or killed? Genocide?" Lila looked straight at James. "The refugees?"

"Well I'm not sure what the musashi plans to do. However I am under the impression that the Dominion will simply incorporate their conquored lands. Those within them will be treated as second class citizens such as in the old days of the imperium." James said with a half smile.

Selene and Lila both nodded, neither one happy with the answer given. "And, your Dominion is not at all considering the possibility that such an act will spark a larger, much more devastating war?" She spoke.

James put on a fake frown "Why how nothing would like that would come about. The Dominion which to maintain peace and security. After the Second Imperium we plan to reinvigorate ourselves. Perhaps open up new doors that were once closed." James then opened up with a smile hinting to the alorians.

Lila shook her head. "Is that a threat, James conrad?" She asked, looking at him with much less of a neutral expression now. "What new oppertunities could possibly arise?"

"A threat, no no no. Of course. I'm here to open up relations with you. The Dominion wishes to expand it's relations with all nations. Aliens or Humans. Much like the days of the old Imperium. So please how can I help you and make sure the peace is maintained?" James gave a nod to them.

Selene and Lila were quiet for a moment as they pondered what he had said. "After your conquest too the east of yourselves, our people and our leadership predict you will turn too the west. We need to be sure that there is no planned agression towards us". Lila had spoken. Both delegates knew it was only a matter of time before something happened between the Alorians and the Dominion. Tensions had been high for a long time, the two nations were polar opposittes and werent too far away from eachother. With alliances being made and war being fought, they would be fools to not sense conflict. "It would be niave of you too deny that your government is not fond of us".

"Well we had no plan to fight you specifically. In fact we'd like to keep the peace after the intervention with the Second Imperium. Though I fear the Confederation and Remnants have different views. In fact when I tried to open contact witht the confederation their ambassador openly insulted me. Yet when they were supposedly insulted made a request to the emperor. Yet I heard that didn't go as planned." James sighed.

Lila listened and waited for a moment before she spoke. "Your saying that you believe that the Confederation and the Remnants are looking to exaggerate the conflict with the second imperium?"

"From what I've heard they have plans to do something like that. Even after they've spoken to myself and the Musashi diplomat of Saeko-Denka." James then looked at the too "So you can see the predicament the Dominion is in."

"I see two nations wanting to intervene in a conflict that the Dominion should not be involved in". Lila spoke freely, watching James. "If you are free to align yourselves with one side of a war, what makes them wrong for doing the same?"

"They wish to expand the conflict into a galaxy wide war that will end worse then how it was started. The Musashi have every right to attack the Second Imperium especially due to the Refugge crisis. The Dominion wishes to help our friend. The Confederation and Remnant just wish to expand the conflict. Which is unneeded wouldn't you agree?" James said as he rose an eyebrow,

"As a matter of fact, I disagree". Selene spoke. "I believe that, just as you are helping your 'friends', they are helping theirs". She paused for a moment and looked over at Lila, before returning her attention too the man infront of her. "War could have been avoided here". She stopped.

"I suppose you are correct, but now we only have the future and whatever that entails. Though I suppose all I can do is keep you neutral even if I wanted you to become friends I doubt you'd accept."

They both nodded as he spoke, "But you dont want us too become friends, Executis. We know that. Honestly, we do not see a future in which our two nations are good friends. I'm sure you feel the same. However, a future in which we are not enemies is most desirable, as you said".

James nodded. "Personally, I think we can be very good friends under the correct circumstances. I hold no ill will towards you or most aliens." James sighed "However, Faust as well as other humans believe it was the aliens that caused the downfall of the orginal imperium and they seek justice. But I've tried to tell him you can re-create the old imperium on the ashes of the aliens that were once friends and allies to the humans. That is why I wish for us to be friends. Rather then fearing the other over power and petty plays at alliances." James smiled.

Lila did not waste much time thinking before she opened her mouth to speak. "Your personal feelings, James Conrad, are not what matters here. Nor are mine. We personally do not hate Terrans. However, they have something we need, and will not give it up willingly anymore. What happens, happens". She stopped for a moment. "I'm sure under the correct circumstaces we could have been very good, very strong friends. Sadly, those conditions have not been met, and however much both of us wish that they were, they are not. Your leader, nor mine, would never accept such a thing, however much we tried to convince them". She was not fond of him, but she spoke with no hatred towards him, simply the truth. Even if they got along like good freinds, both leaders would never legitamise such a thing, nor would she want them too.

"I suppose. That is true. However if we can't be friends we at the very least don't need to be enemies. If you were to stay out of anything with the second Imperium the Dominion would be welcomed to help your or rather stay out of a conflict that you wish to carry out." James said with a smile.

Lila smiled softly as she spoke. "Of course, us as enemies would not help either the Dominion or the Empire. We will not enter the conflict with the second imperium, if we can be sure Faust will keep too your word and will stay out of any conflict we become involved with in the future".

"I'm sure that can be arranged, though we'd like knowledge of who you plan to encounter due to the fact if it's a close partner we can't allow the empire to attacking whomever. These things would take careful negotiations. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked in a calm manner.

They both nodded. "We understand, and the same can be said for us. I'm glad this is something we can both agree on". Selene said.

James nodded in agreement "Then unless you have something else to discuss I believe we are done here no?"

"We are. Thank you for your time, Executis". With that both Alorian's stood up, turned and left.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Imperial Palace, Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

“Did you hear what happened the other day?”

“You mean when Saeko-denka and that ambassador from the Confederation spoke with the Emperor?” Xiang stopped as she heard the two servants speaking. She strained her ears to hear what the first servant, a woman, said in reply.

“Yea” The female servant lowered her voice slightly, making it harder for Xiang to listen in. “I heard there was some kind of disagreement between her and that ambassador. And the Emperor agreed with the ambassador!”

“Surely that is not the case” The male servant replied.

“Well that’s what I heard!” The female servant shot back. “But get this, instead of just giving in, Saeko-denka stood up to the Emperor and told him what’s what.”

“And she lived?!” The male servant nearly shouted the question. A deep blush spread across his face as he noticed a few guards looking in his direction. “And what happened then?”

“No one really knows” The female servant answered, “but a number of the Imperial guards noticed Saeko-denka’s neck was bruised. I think… the Emperor might have physically struck her.”

“Are you saying the Emperor would strike his own flesh and blood?” The male servant didn’t sound convinced.

“It’s happened before. Remember what happened to the Emperor’s brother?” The female servant commented.

“True…” The male servant allowed.

“But that’s not even all that happened!” The female servant continued. “After Saeko-denka and the Confederate ambassador left the throne room they were attacked by an assassin!”

“Now you’re just making this up.” The male servant shot back.

“Am not! Ask the Imperial guards stationed by the throne room! They saw Saeko-denka use her psionics to throw a would be assassin away as he tried to attack the ambassador!”

“Even after he was the cause of the Emperor’s displeasure in her?” The male servant’s tone held a hint of awe in it.

“She must have felt honor bound to ensure the ambassador’s safety.”

Sensing that the hushed conversation was coming to an end Xiang approached the pair of servants. “Don’t you have something better to do then spread false rumors” She snapped. The eyes of the two servants widened before they quickly rendered a low bow. “Who did you even hear this from?”

“A uh… I don’t remember” The female servant answered.

“Well stop spreading that nonsense and get back to work!” Xiang said. The servants rendered a second bow before scurrying away. A wide grin spread across her face as she watched the pair rush away. They would continue to spread that rumor if for no other reason than to spite the ‘cruel’ aristocrat that was Xiang. It was exactly what she wanted.

She had put a lot of effort into ensuring that a number of rumors about Saeko’s recent run in with the Emperor caste her in a good light. Her efforts were clearly paying off. She herself hadn’t even considered claiming that Saeko had saved Woolsey’s life from an assassin. Now all she had to do was carefully whisper the right words into the right ears and Saeko’s image would be even better than it was before.

But that would have to wait for another time. Xiang had allowed herself to be delayed for long enough. Her uncle had summoned her to partake in an official meeting. What that meeting would entail was a complete mystery to her, but she would soon find out. She hurried down the halls of the Imperial palace, finally reaching her destination.

“Ah Xiang-chan, right on time” Xaio Zhi said as she entered the room. He, along with four other rather important ministers from the ministry of the interior were present and seated around a round table. Each one still wore his mask as was his right given how much lower ranked she was. She quickly removed her own mask as she rendered a low bow.

“I apologize for making you wait Xaio-dono.” Xiang said as she rose from her bow.

“Think nothing of it. Please take a seat.” Xaio gestured towards the sole unoccupied chair in the room. “There has been much talk about you in the ministry of the interior as of late” Xaio commented as Xiang took a seat. “I find that your name is on the lips of many individuals these days. And I speak for all of us when I say you have done excellent work in the Emperor’s name.”

“Thank you” Xiang said.

“No, thank you” One of the other ministers countered. “The trade deals you negotiated with the Dominion and Commonwealth most of been divinely inspired.”

“Indeed” Another minister nodded his head. “We’re already seeing our economy climb out of the recession it’s been stuck in for decades. The influx of cheap raw materials and new markets to export finished goods to is already causing a marked growth in our economy.”

“And it has also demonstrated just how important our country’s interactions with other countries will be in the days to come” Xaio stated. “This, along with a marked decrease in isolationist tendencies in both our own government and population, has made it clear that we need a segment of the Imperial government that focuses purely on foreign affairs. This can no longer be the domain of the ministry of the interior.” Xaio took a deep breath before he continued. “As such it has been decided that a ministry with the sole purpose of overseeing our interactions with other countries shall be established. The Emperor has decreed that you shall be in charge of this new ministry. Congratulations… Xaio-dono.” Xaio Zhi removed his own mask as did the other ministers, showing that they saw Xiang as an equal.

“I…. I don’t know what to say” Xiang said. She was genuinely shocked by how things had turned out, not expecting to be given such a prestigious position. Did her uncle realize just how important this new segment of the government would grow to be?

“You have attracted the attention of the Emperor” Xaio stated. “Be sure you do not earn his ire. Now I believe the Dominion has personally requested you to act as its official liaison. You surely managed to impress them as well. Seeing as I am the minister of the interior and you of foreign affairs, it is up to you whether you accept such a role. I would recommend you do so until you assemble a larger staff.”

“Then I shall do as you recommend.” Xiang said.

“Now shall we celebrate tonight?” Xaio asked. “From tomorrow on I’m sure you’ll be quite busy.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
Avatar of Ozerath

Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


RCNS Piggyback
Duranin System

There were a lot of ships in the Royal Commonwealth Navy, and only so many ‘good’ names to go around. The ‘good’ names tended to be snatched up by larger, more important ships; the Unboweds, the Dauntlesses, and the Victories. Vigilance class cruisers were extremely numerous, and had to settle for less striking names. Still, Captain Belthas Rekkavik thought that whoever had named his ship in particular must have been drunk or otherwise impaired.

He was evidently the only one who didn’t like the name. The crew took to it with a fierce pride; amongst the enlisted and even some of the officers, the ship was affectionately nicknamed “Miss Piggy”. Rekkavik would have clamped down on that especially inane nickname, but he was new to the ship and didn’t want to alienate the crew. Being a Valerian in the RCN wasn’t difficult, per say, but it certainly wasn’t easy. Valerians tended to have distinctly flock based mentalities, and that could make it difficult to integrate with a new crew. That, and they lacked the ‘social grease’ that allowed Vit’azny officers to slide up the ranks. Favoritism was sternly frowned on by the RCN, but it could never be eliminated entirely.

Still, Rekkavik was in a good position. He had command of his own ship, a well trained and loyal crew, and a post with plenty of opportunity for advancement. The space around Duranin was surprisingly busy for a colonial world. The planet itself may have been destitute, but there was a thriving asteroid mining industry in the system, and it was a convenient stopping point for traders in and out of Varangian space. And where there were traders, there were smugglers…

“RCNS Piggyback to MSV Tumeric, this is your last warning, stand down for inspection or be fired on,” the comms officer spoke sternly into his headset. Still no answer.
“Looks like he’s going to run for it,” the XO commented.
Rekkavik nodded. “Indeed. Tactical, prepare five EMP missiles for immediate launch, I want that freighter disa-”
“Captain! FTL signature on the edge of the system. No transponder, unknown configuration,” the tactical officer called out.
Rekkavik turned to the main holo display, noting the readouts on the neutral gray blip at the edge of the system. Of the three RCN ships in-system, they were the the heaviest and Rekkavik was the most senior captain, meaning investigating unknown contacts was his responsibility.
“Looks like MSV Tumeric’s lucky day,” he commented. “Prepare for tactical jump, bring us to standoff range.”

With a flash, RCNS Piggyback disappeared, leaving the would be smugglers to get away. An instant later, the warship reappeared in another flash on the edge of the system, at a moderate range from the new contact. Rekkavik peered intently at the readouts as sensors swept over it. “Looks like an unmanned probe” he said out loud. “Unknown configuration eh? Could be a first contact situation then. Prepare a gunship to bring it aboard-”
“Captain, the probe is charging FTL,” his tactical officer interrupted him for the second time in as many minutes. The bridge crew watched as the probe disappeared into FTL and out of their reach.
“Well, so much for that,” the XO commented dourly.
“Perhaps not. Navigation, did we catch the inbound trajectory on that probe?” Rekkavik asked.
“Yes sir, assuming a linear course.”
“Yes, let’s assume that. Plot out the nearest system in the probe’s trajectory, and we may have ourselves its launch point. Certainly something worth investigating.”
The main display zoomed out, and an overlay of the probe’s trajectory appeared, tracing backwards to…
“The Kelmarthy system,” the XO said. “Surveyed but uninhabited, interesting.”
“Interesting indeed,” Rekkavik replied. “Navigation, plot a course to the Kelmarthy system, best possible speed. Comms, inform Captain Brand aboard the Falcon that he has authority over the system while we’re gone. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s see who came knocking.”

RCNS Piggyback disappeared in yet another flash, and the inky void of empty space returned.


RCN Regional Command

“Certainly full of themselves aren’t they?” Commodore Johanson said wryly.
“That they are Commodore,” Admiral Friesland replied. “Still, the telemetry checks out, that temple is every bit as ancient as they say it is.”
“But what do they expect us to do with that knowledge? They were clearly trying to send a message, but to what end? They have ancient temples, they’re powerful psintegrae, so what?”
The two of them were silent for a moment, contemplating the last few images of telemetry from the probe that had investigated the Gashathi temple.
“Show us your potential…” Friesland murmured, then shook his head. They needed clear answers more than anything. “Well, regardless of their ancientness and claims of ruling the universe, let’s treat this as more or less standard first contact. Let’s dispatch Captain Evandriss and the Fearless with a diplomatic team to that world. Have Mjolson head up the diplomats.” He paused. “Better send along the Doldrum, Silkweed, and Bonaventure as well. Oh, and let’s double up the psy-ops branches on all those ships. It never hurts to be careful.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Imperium

-Aboard the IWS Orion, high above Astrion

Unlike the Dominion’s ornate halls and grandiose rooms, The core Imperium was gritty, Dull and gunmetal grey. This ship was the testiment to a seemingly desperate failed system, ship halls with exposed wiring and some corridors with flickering lights. Take this decrepit situation not at face value though, as The Imperium was far from weak. Uther tapped into this, knowing that practicality was key and with the new arrival of Musashi’s Young Empress-to-be, Yuki, Things could be looking up for this seemingly doomed nation.

Inside the command center of the Orion, an offshoot room held a small table. It had a simple computer monitor, uncomfortable metal chairs and a hastily placed potted fern. Uther was standing at the door as armed guards escorted the Princess through the dark halls of his war ship, of his home.

As she approached, Uther held out his hand in friendship. “Welcome to my ship, Princess. I would be honored to have you join me in my office.”

“The honor is mine Uther-sama” Yuki said as she grasped the offered hand, having had enough previous interaction with foreigners to know what he wanted. “I thank you for meeting with me on such short notice.”

With both parties seated, Uther gave a stern look and spoke very clearly, “Princess Yuki. my apologies for not knowing your customs. I require no titles here and I will from here keep our names simple. I would like to just get to the brass tacks.” He said, clearing his throat. “So, Yuki, What have you called this meeting for.”

“War I’m afraid.” Yuki said as she removed her mask, her tone and expression grim. “The situation in the Second Imperium has reached a point that my father, the Emperor, finds intolerable. It is thus that I have come to you seeking your understanding and blessing in our future conflict. And I would also like to set our sights towards the future as well. Once we have stabilized the Second Imperium we will have to deal with the root of the problem. The xeno barbarians.”

“Blessing.” he said with a chuckle. “The Second imperium does not need stabilization. “ He shook his head, “While we have barbarians battering our borders, you talk of attacking the imperium itself. Why not just try and align with them and work together to smash this horde.”

“As much as I would like to” Yuki answered “the Second Imperium has been completely unwilling to work with us to resolve what has become a refugee crisis. Their government’s ability to maintain control over its own territory is crumbling even as the barbarians push against their borders. And forces from within the Second Imperium are just as likely to tear it apart as the external threat of the barbarians. What would happen if we sent our fleets and armies to combat the barbarians, only to have the Second Imperium fracture into a thousand individual warring states?” Yuki slowly shook her head. “We can not risk a conflict with the barbarians until our supply lines are secure.”

Uther leaned back in his chair and began strumming his fingers on the table. “So you’re saying that Regent Lawrence has been completely ineffective? A man whom I spoke with just three days ago after the Dominion sent its puppet to try and stay my hand at earth.. A man that has kept the second Imperium together through this whole ordeal? You are going to sit here and tell me you offered him aid and he refused?” He took a deep breath, “Honestly? Has this been done? And be truthful because I am going to ask him.”

“Fifteen years ago my father offered the aid of an expeditionary force if the Second Imperium funded it from their own offers. They decided it wasn’t worth the cost.” Yuki said as she leveled a gaze at Uther. “Ten years ago that very same offer was renewed, to the same effect. Five years ago I, on my own initiative, sent representatives to the Second Imperium, offering to provide military aid once again if they would pay for just half of the expenses and vowed to end the stream of refugees and take back any that had crossed into Musashi.” Yuki shook his head. “My representatives were told that that was simply not possible.”

“So go ahead, ask him all you want.” Yuki continued. “Ask him why his government was unable or unwilling to accept Musashi’s aid when offered so long before. Ask him why he allowed things to reach this point. And there’s something I want you to remember when you ask him these questions. We came to you to discuss our plans for the future out of respect for you and your nation. And we are willing and able to work alongside you to end the threat caused by these barbarians once and for all. Once matters in the Second Imperium are concluded.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. “Please excuse me Uther-sama” She said as she opened her eyes. “I allowed myself to get a little hot headed. It is not often that someone brings into question my integrity.”

A small grin ran across Uther’s lips. “I admire your honesty here. Sometimes prodding someone is the only way to get a real answer. So many are too proper and are just hollow words behind hollow lips.” He leaned forward. “Alright, so lets say I believe you. What would you do with the Second Imperium should you succeed? Who all is involved?”

“First allow me to get this out in the open: the Dominion of Man has promised to support our invasion of the Second Imperium” Yuki held up a hand to forestall anything Uther might say. “I am aware that relations between your two countries are less than stellar. And I am also aware that to intervene directly the Dominion would have to move through your territory. I will not ask that you grant their military access to your country. All I ask is that you allow civilian and military shipping to flow from the Dominion and through your country to Musashi. If need be I am more than prepared to negotiate terms.”

“As for the Second Imperium’s fate after the war” Yuki continued. “As of this moment there are three lines of thought, but very likely only two of those will actually be implemented. We do not seek to outright annex the territory of the Second Imperium. If you know anything about our country, it is that we are very particular about our culture and do not wish to see it be diluted by others. No instead we will replace the overarching administration of the Second Imperium with our own while allowing the individual planets a wide degree of autonomy. Once the situation is stabilized we will be able to reassess the situation and decide from there what our next course of action would be, with the hope that that will involve a scaling back of Musashi control in the region.”

“Hmm.. So tell me this. How does this major change in culture help my situation? This entire revolution would completely change the dynamic. Beating them militarily will not be easy whatsoever. So you destroy the second imperium’s fleets at the cost of your own. Who stands in the path of this newly risen ‘God King’ in the horde. Long has the second Imperium defended your freedom.”

Uther rubbed his chin. “And it’s amusing that you would Invite the Dominion to help “Liberate” the second Imperium. All those refugees from their oppression now flows into yours, and my lands. I’ll make you a counter offer. You aid the second Imperium in defeating this Horde. If you choose that path, I myself will pledge military and logistical support. The Horde is the real enemy here.”

He looked to Yuki, staring her in the eyes, “Would that be acceptable? Gaining yet another ally in this cause. And I would do my best to keep any new refugees in the Imperium, both the second and my own.”

Yuki closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that what she said now would have a ripple effect for possibly decades to come. But she also knew that one way or another her fate would be sealed. Her father had sent her with very explicit orders to keep Uther’s Imperial Remnants out of the coming war. Failure was not an option and neither was insubordination. And yet she found herself wedged between those two very things, failure to keep the Remnants out of the war or insubordination in agreeing to prevent the war from occurring in the first place. Even if she simply kept Uther out of the war, if he disallowed the Dominion access to the Second Imperium she would still be seen as a failure. Even if she was spared an execution or jail, she would never sit on the throne.

“Very well Uther-sama.” Yuki said after several minutes of silence. “I shall accept your terms with the condition that you grant Musashi the right to move military assets through your territory to and from the Dominion and that you freely allow our merchant ships to traverse your territory.”

Uther never broke eye contact the entire time but rather leaned forward even more, resting his elbows upon his table. “I will allow merchants but not military assets from the Dominion within my borders. I cannot afford Faust and his Childish fantasy of creating a second true imperium come to fruition. Not him. However, I will pledge my support to help the sovereign Musashi Assist the second Imperium to defend its borders and as you say, stabilize the region.” nodded and leaned back, “Lord knows Lawrence could use the help.”

“Would you allow me to travel through your territory with just a handful of warships?” Yuki asked after a moment.

Uther nodded once more, “Who would I be to Deny a princess passage through my humble nation, We are now, after all, friends. I would ask that you respect our space lanes and a word of advice. Earth may not be a good place to stop and visit on your travels.”

-Hours later,
After casually walking through the Orion’s halls and some reflecting on his most recent diplomatic victory over Faust, though at a decent cost. It had been over ten years since the Imperium had mobilized its mighty forces in an offensive war. Uther however knew that the times were changing and not always in his favor. Calculations of costs went through his head, knowing that he had already dashed the young princesses dreams, he had to at least make her not regret taking his offer, albeit it was the only one really available.

He grinned again, thinking of how he had completely ceased another attempt by Faust to use his nation as a playground. This thought was paused when a voice came over the ship's intercom, announcing that a shuttle had docked. Uther returned to his little room after getting word that his guest from the Confederacy arrived. It was true that he had already favored them due to an already long standing and fruitful relationship. He stood at the doorway as with Yuki and outstretched his hand as Anastasia Kozlovskaya was led through the bridge.

“Welcome aboard my ship Ms. Kozlovskaya. I am Uther. As I am a simple man, I’d prefer if we kept our talks on a first name basis.”

Anastasia nodded and took his hand, for a moment letting out the grin she’d tried to suppress all day, “As you wish Uther. It’s an honor to meet you, though I do feel this talk will have been a long time coming.”

As the two took their seats, Uther nodded, “Well, Anastasia. Hopefully your travels weren’t too uncomfortable but let us get down to business.” he said, without any change in tone. “I am curious as to why my friends in the Confederacy went through the trouble of sending an actual representative to me.”

“Simply put?” Anastasia folded her hands on the table, “Things in the Confederation have changed significantly since the short lived war with Musashi. That reality along with news of you permitting Faust to act upon Earth and the Dominion moving to establish its network of alliances across space has finally spurred those within my government to action. I’m here to negotiate a new era in our relationship, or that’s what they’ll say back home at least.”

“Well, sadly what they say is true. I indeed gave Faust a shot at earth.” He then leaned back further in his chair. “A new era in our relationship you say. That is indeed a very important reason to come here.”
Uther took a deep breath, “So, Anastasia, what would you like to discuss?”

“An offer Uther, or more accurately a great number of them. My government is concerned about the deal you made with Faust, whatever it was, and we’re more than willing to do what it takes to make you reconsider. That said, I’m not so certain their anxiety is entirely justified, after all I have serious doubts you’re bowing to that genocidal child.” Anastasia looked at Uther closely to judge his reaction to the statement, “No, I think you have a reason, and I’d be very interested in seeing how what I have to offer can play into it.”

Uther smiled, “Well, I suppose I could let you in on my secret but assure me that it will not get out. Even if that matters.” He leaned forward, “Earth honestly doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s time as a symbol has long passed. I’m merely keeping Faust occupied.“ He sighed, “While I build my forces for the inevitable confrontation between he and I. Let him waste men and materials... “

Having listened intently Anastasia leaned back and bit her lip, ‘It would be a solid plan Uther, against a rational enemy. That said, I’ve heard some rather worrying news from our ambassador to Musashi that points to the Dominion being anything but. Tell me, would you be surprised to learn the Executus James Conrad, Faust’s second, strolled into our Embassy and offered us a continent? From what I hear the fool even implied he’d made similar offers to the other nations the Dominion has been stringing along. You may have less time before that confrontation than you think.”

“It will likely surprise you that I am not entirely angry about this as it was suspected and in all honesty, expected. However, the agreement between Faust and I was rather loose for that reason. Now that you’ve given some absolution regarding it, I will be even happier when I will thank Faust for his help in retaking earth. Then declaring his claim invalid, as he violated our agreement.” He sighed once more, “You see, I had two options, I could either let him think he is having his way while I prepared for the horde and him, or just deny him access to earth and have him and the horde hit from both sides. The Imperium couldn’t survive such an event.”

“These days are all about risks, luckily Faust is very easy to predict. Keep him busy and he will focus everything on it. Just like his desire to help Musashi with removing the second Imperium. Tell me, Have you learned of that little plan?”

“I’ve heard of it, yes.” Anastasia almost scowled at that and pinched her brow, “My government has decided to stay out of the affair for much the same reason as you thought to let Faust concern himself with Earth. They think the Dominion will waste its troops there and Muashi will weaken itself enough for neither to remain a threat. I’m not quite as confident, still that does bring me to the next concern my government had. How did Musashi convince you to let the Dominion pass your territory?”

Uther gave a puzzled look, “Pass my territory? No such arrangements have been made. Rather, very recently a request for such an act was denied with no shame. There is no Dominion operating within my borders without my explicit knowledge. Only a while ago one single Dominion ship was granted passage due to a high level distress call. It headed to a moon, picked up a small team and left as quick as it came.” He shook his head, “What else would you be referring to?”

Anastasia chuckled, “Then it seems the Dominion has been negotiating with what it doesn’t have. So far as anyone in the Confederation was aware this Dominion-Musashi joint invasion of the Second Imperium was already agreed upon, and we were merely being informed of it after the fact. Still, in both this and the case of Earth it’s reassuring to know my government's support for you isn’t coming too late.”

“It is Faust's method, well.. Rather his ignorant lackey, ‘James Conrad’, to make these false promises. But if you are indeed offering support in blocking Faust's obvious desire to entrap my Imperium and slowly devour it, I am more than humbled. The true threat though is not Faust in his obvious and predictable methods, not even his second in command but a force from within the Horde. A force that with my help, Musashi will likely engage. My hopes are that Musashi and the Second Imperium can take the blunt of this attack. I find myself rambling, my apologies. I now am wondering what this ‘support’ entails?”

“As I said Uther,” Anastasia smiled enthusiastically, “I come with a number of offers. Recent events have forced the Confederation to finally realize how vital your Imperium has been in providing it the century of peace it’s enjoyed, and now we come to repay the favour. To begin with, we are proposing a military alliance. Such an alliance would of course include defensive assurances to guard us both against the inevitable aggression of Faust and this Horde, but it is my hope we could make it something deeper. If you are willing the Confederation would like to include additional provisions concerning the cooperative development of new technologies and elimination of international military export restrictions for private entities between our nations.”

Uther began gently rubbing his chin, “That’s a very bold offer.” There was a few moments of silence as he began rocking gently in his chair. “So let us talk about how the other nations will perceive this. As I am personally happy with your terms, I’d like to discuss how this would affect the dynamic in this galaxy. Currently I am preparing to assist young Yuki of the Musashi in aiding Lawrence in halting the Horde and bringing peace to the region.” He smiled, “Then to deal with the Dominion.” He then leaned forward and stared into Anastasia’s eyes, “Can I count on the Confederacy to aid in this conflict?”

“When the time comes for the Dominion to answer for what it’s done Uther, I guarantee you that I and my government will be standing beside you.” Bringing a hand to scratch her head as she leaned back she went on, “Having said that, I cannot promise aid beyond your own border with the Barbarians. Not yet at least. If you truly have convinced the Empire of Musashi and Princess Yuki to stay their hand and work with the Second Imperium I feel they’d welcome the Confederations help, but…” Anastasia sighed, “So long as my government's agreement with Musashi stands we cannot interfere with their actions in the Second Imperium without their consent. If we did it would reduce our word to nothing, and even this agreement would be at risk.”

“Then we truly have an issue. My brothers, the second Imperium have long been the only gates against the various floods that have came to ravage the free nations of the south. If I were to abandon the second Imperium in the wake of this coming storm, who would I be? I will agree to some of the terms you offer, The defense against the Dominion and Horde would be acceptable but sadly they’re intertwined in this upcoming war. This Inevitable war. Working together to advance our technologies is acceptable as is any removal of any trade restrictions. It would seem our pact is more so economic than military. As this military pact would hinge on what happens in the second Imperium.” He sighed, “And I would be displeased to force the confederacy into choosing between Musashi or The Imperium.”

Anastasia looked down for a moment as if unsure, and quickly calmed a clenched fist, “As if that were really a choice Uther. Or at least, in a proper world. Musashi has already shown it cares little for peace and stability, but I fear my government is dead set upon changing that aging Emperor's mind. I digress though. If you won’t accept a military pact limited to infringement upon your own nation's borders Uther, perhaps the Confederation could offer something simpler in the hopes that one day we may revisit this. A single fleet, ostensibly to gather information and advise on strategy as part of a greater partnership. It may not be much, but perhaps it could free your forces to deal with events in the Second Imperium.”

There wasn’t any change in his posture as she spoke. “I will allow Observers.” He said then cracked a smile, “And perhaps one day a greater partnership can be attained. It is greatly desired but this day and age is so chaotic. I am happy to see there is still some semblance of Civility left in this galaxy.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
Avatar of Isotope

Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

On the Edge of Commonwealth Space

Lyon Guillot combed his hair carefully in the ornate mirror that dominated the common room of his quarters, paying close attention to avoid even a single errant hair. After all, it wouldn’t do for the man leading the first official mission to the Commonwealth in decades to look unkempt. Satisfied with his appearance he checked an antique mechanical wristwatch and dusted off his already immaculate jacket. In a matter of minutes they’d finally escape the hellhole of independent planets and endless war that his government had apathetically dubbed ‘Unaffiliated Space’ and reach the border of the Imperial Systems Commonwealth.

Making his way to the bridge Lyon felt the near imperceptible tingling that came with every exit from superluminal travel and prepared himself for what was sure to be an interesting meeting. It wasn’t particularly that relations with the Commonwealth up to now had been poor, but more that they had been complicated. The Confederation had opposed the Systems Commonwealth’s expansion into the buffer of space between the two states vehemently, but at the same time had been more than willing to deal with the only other ostensibly democratic nation in the known galaxy.

All said, even if the Commonwealth wasn’t particularly keen on meeting him he wasn’t terribly concerned. How could one be aboard a Charter class Battleship alongside a cadre of Destroyers and Cruisers? With a smirk Lyon passed through the bridges reinforced triple doors and greeted the captain with a wave, “Have you made contact with them yet?”

The rather gruff Russian gentleman who commanded the ship, Captain Sokolov, nodded in reply, “Yes, we’ve informed them of our intent and are expecting an answer to our request for a dialogue shortly.”

Lyon grinned wider and took a seat to the Captains right, a position normally given to the ships XO but one granted to him for the remainder of the mission. Soon enough they’d see just what this Commonwealth was really about.

Captain Isandis nearly had a heart attack when the Confederate 'delegation' dropped out of FTL. He was at this particular segment of the borrder expecting Confederates on a diplomatic mission, but not quite this many. He was halfway to sounding a Case Sigma and alerting the entire Commonwealth to foreign invasion when the message from the Confederate battleship came through. Isandis sat back down in his chair with emphasis. An invasion would not be coming today. Or at least, not as far as he knew. If the Confederates turned hostile, his Reliant class battlecruiser, RCNS Eclipse, would not do much to stop them, even with three heavy cruisers and four destroyers in support.

"Comms, open a response channel; This is Captain Yannel Isandis of the RCNS Eclipse. We are glad to open dialogue with the esteemed Confederation, and invite a party of your choice aboard my ship for a small reception celebrating cordial relationships between our great nations, as well as to conduct negotiations."

Isandis would have preferred if Anderson Ribbentrop, the diplomatic attache assigned to his ship, were on the bridge, but long tradition dictated no civilians on the bridge while the ship was at General Quarters or Action Stations. Anyways, he'd delivered a fairly standard address, and Ribbentrop would doubtlessly be able to smooth over any mistakes.

Sokolov nodded and merely looked to Lyon who spoke in his place, “This is Lyon Guillot, diplomatic head of this delegation. I gratefully accept your invitation and shall make my way to your vessel posthaste so as to begin negotiations with your distinguished nation.”

With that the communication was cut and Lyon stood up, again dusting off his already shining suit. The hanger bay was a fair walk away, but it only served to give him time to think. There was a great deal the Confederation and Commonwealth could offer each other normally, but he feared this mission had been sent for a rather solitary reason; The Dominion of Man.

With a sigh Lyon went about boarding the shuttle and briefing the honour guard on what they were to do, all the while thinking how best to approach the problem in negotiations. By the time he boarded with the ISC Battlecruiser he wasn’t any more confident than when he departed for it. With an inaudible huff he decided he may as well improvise, and when the shuttles door opened once more he was as ready as he could be.

Isandis, Ribbentrop, and a hanful of diplomatic staff and officers were waiting for him. Now off the bridge, Ribbentrop took over. "Mr. Guillot, I am Sir Anderson Ribbentrop, of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. May I present Captain Yannel Isandis, commanding officer of this vessel."
Isandis saluted formally. "A pleasure, Mr. Guillot. If you would follow me to the reception hall?"

Reception 'Hall' was an apt discriptor. Tucked away at the bottom of the battlecruiser in what he'd assumed was a sensor suite was in fact a large, luxurious chamber with large windows out into the void. There was champagne, a beverage the old Imperium had introduced into the Commonwealth which had grown immensely popular. There was a chocolate fountain with strawberries so rich only a true gourmet could tell they'd been recently re-hydrated. There was even a string quartet of crewmen, all resplendent in their dress uniforms.

At what seemed like exactly the half hour mark, a suitable amount of mingling time later, Ribbentrop approached Guillot and gestured towards an enclosed room on the upper level of the reception hall. "Mr. Guillot, I thought it time we spoke formally. If you would accompany me to the Salon? Please, inform any staff you wish to accompany you."

The Salon was equal in luxury to the reception hall. Lyon was caught somewhat off guard by the resplendence; the descent to the diplomatic area from the port hangar bay had been through highly utilitarian corridors and lifts. To find such a luxurious venue, so open to space, was somewhat unexpected. Ribbentrop sat down on one side of the long table, two staffers seemingly materialising from thin air beside him. Ribbentrop shuffled a chiffe of papers, then looked pointedly across the table. "So, Mr Guillot, the Dominion."

Lyon smiled, briefly reflecting upon how much he’d fussed over how to introduce the subject with mild amusement. Interlocking his fingers he met Ribbentrops gaze, “The Dominion indeed Mister Ribbentrop. As it seems we’re on the same page I’ll dispense with the pleasantries and promises and state it like it is. I’m sure you’re aware that they’ve gotten a great deal bolder since they dug their claws into Earth, and now it seems they’re assembling the support they need to expand their repulsive crusade to the rest of the galaxy. Needless to say, it would do for those of us certain to be on the other side of that conflict to start preparing for it.”

"Mr Guillot, I hope I do not presume too much when I say I am relieved to hear those words from you," Ribbentrop said with genuine relief. "The Dominion threatens not just our way of life here in the Commonwealth, but literally the lifeblood of over 80% of our population, mine included." He shuffled through the chiffe of papers, and withdrew a moderately long document. "Mr Guillot, as you said, let us dispense with the pleasantries. I have here a rough draft of what could be a mutual defence pact between our nations. Obviously we have not had the chance to consult with the Confederation, so it is a very rough draft, completely open to negotiation and moification." Ribbentrop assumed an almost conspiratorial whisper. "Between you and I, Mr. Guillot, my government would be willing to discuss stronger ties between our two nations, the only democracies to survive the fall of the Imperium." His tone changed back to something more formal. "However we recognize such an association could be viewed as openly hostile by various third parties, so perhaps it is better to focus on mutual defence for the moment."

Extracting a pair of reading glasses from his jackets pocket Lyon accepted then skimmed the document, quickly finding the clauses he knew would have to be altered before replying, “It is as you say Mister Ribbentrop, for now we prepare. Anything else can come later. Regarding a defensive agreement I’m as relived as you that our governments have similar stances on the issue. If the Dominion is arrogant enough to presume it can spread it’s hatred as it pleases it will soon come to realize how severe the folly of that action is.” Looking up to Ribbentrop and removing the glasses for a moment, letting them hang in one hand, Lyon asked, “Would you believe they had to audacity to offer my government a similar pact to the one we’re contemplating here? It boggles my mind that Faust imagines we’ll fall in line with his perverted vision simply because the Confederation is a mostly Human state. I swear the madness of that man is incomprehensible, next thing you know he might be offering the damnable Alorians a treaty and crossing his fingers behind his back like a toddler.”

Ribbentrop shook his head. "I would not have believed it, Mr. Guillot. To think that Faust imagines all the great nations of the galaxy will abandon their principles as easily as he does...unbelievable." Ribbentrop pointedly avoided bringing up the Alorians. He was still personally uncomfortable with their defensive pact. It was possible Guillot already knew of the pact and was trying to force him to openly aknowledge it, but Ribbentrop figured if that was the case, let the man expose his hand before confessing anything. He turned the conversation to happier subjects.
"I have full confidence of the crown to negotiate a defensive pact, barring final approval of course. Shall we get into the fine details?"

Lyon nodded, "Indeed we shall Mister Ribbentrop."

It took a few hours, many pitchers of water, and a few strained moments to hash out an agreement, but ultimately the two diplomats produced a document they felt would be satisfactory to both their governments.

Standing Lyon pocketed his glasses once more and covered his mouth as a yawn beyond his conscious ability to suppress escaped. Extending a hand to Ribbentrop he smiled, “This has been a most pleasant meeting overall Mister Ribbentrop. I look forward to our nations ratifying the agreement we’ve forged here, and perhaps with time others may follow.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Imperial Palace, Bushu, Musashi System, The Musashi Empire

“Do you know why I summoned you?” The Emperor of Musashi asked. He stared down from atop his throne at the multitude of ministers and military officers that had been suddenly summoned without warning. Princess Saeko stood next to the holographic image of her brother, Shoichi, who’s face held an expression of intrigue. Most of those present had sported expressions curiosity, only for those expressions to melt away into anxiety the moment the Emperor spoke. When no one dared answer his earlier question the Emperor continued “I just received word from my daughter regarding her negotiations with the Imperial Remnant. Instead of ensuring this so called Uther stayed out of the coming conflict she herself not only promised that Musashi would not invade the Second Imperium, but that it would also send its armed forces to fight the Second Imperium’s enemies for it.”

“Yuki-nee… No…” Saeko quietly whispered. Beside her a wide grin spread across the holographic image of Shoichi’s face.

“This is not just a failure” Shoichi’s holographic image shouted. “No it is something much more foul then that! Heika this is a clear act of betrayal!” A number of officers and ministers murmured their agreement, although just as many did their best to keep their faces perfectly neutral as they remained silent.

“That it is” The Emperor’s voice instantly silenced those that were gathered. “She believes that her will is that of Musashi. It… Is… Not… The only will in Musashi that matters is my will. Someone who believes otherwise is not fit to be my daughter.”

“Perhaps we should summon her to the court to explain herself.” Minister Sanada spoke up. “I’m sure that she will have a goo-“

“Be silent” The Emperor’s voice was ice cold, “before I come to believe that you are defending the actions of a traitor.” Sanada’s mouth snapped shut, his face losing all color as he bowed his head. “I tire of barbarians meddling in my affairs. It is time we teach this Uther a lesson. Admiral Lian!”

The holographic image of Admiral Lian stepped forward and bowed. “How may I serve?”

“Your fleet shall spearhead our invasion of the Imperial Remnant.”

“We are… invading the Remnant?” Lian hesitantly asked.

“Of course we are!” The Emperor snapped. “Clearly the are an enemy! We must destroy our enemies before they destroy us! How can you not understand that?!”

Saeko turned and saw the holographic of her brother staring at her, a look of dismay on his face that was surely matched by one on her own. Shoichi slowly nodded his head before he shifted his gaze back up to their uncle. “Uncle” Shoichi said. “I would caution restraint and caution in how we respond to this.”

“You fool” The Emperor spat. “Hesitation will only lead to death.”

Shoichi winced but pressed on “Our enemies expect us- No! They hope that we react rashly. They want us to attack! And that is exactly why we should not. Let us not do as our enemies wish, instead let us frustrate their plans! We shall fight them, but on our terms not there.”

The Emperor remained silent for a moment before calmly saying “What you say has merit, Shoichi. Very well… we shall not allow our enemies to distract us from our current objective.”

And that was that. Saeko felt like she had been punched in the gut when she realized that Yuki’s sacrifice would be in vain. She must have known that she would be labeled as a traitor for acting as she did, but had done so anyways in the hopes of obtaining peace. And Saeko herself was partly at fault for pushing Yuki into a situation where she would be forced to sacrifice her life for what she felt was right. It wasn’t what she had wanted.

Saeko looked down at her hand, which was shaking uncontrollably. She could remain silent and let Yuki’s sacrifice be for naught or she could stand up and do something. Clenching her hand into a fist, Saeko forced herself to look up at her uncle. “I advise that we delay our invasion of the Second Imperium.”

“Explain yourself” The Emperor’s demand held a promise of death in it.

“Although Yuki’s actions were a betrayal she was still negotiating on behalf of Musashi at the time. Should we arbitrarily go back on her promise the other countries will believe that we do not honor our agreements.”

“Yuki does not speak for Musashi.” The Emperor stated. “Thus Musashi is not bound to what she may believe she had negotiated with the Imperial Remnants.”

“But other countries will not see it that way!” Saeko countered. “We will forever be seen as untrustworthy and without honor!”

The Emperor turned his gaze to Xiang as he asked “Does the ministry of foreign affairs agree with this assessment?”

“It does” Xiang said. “An invasion of the Second Imperium would be catastrophic at this point in time. I humbly beg that you reconsider.”

“Hmmm…. Very well” The Emperor stated. Shoichi couldn’t hide his disappointment. “Musashi shall not invade the Second Imperium at this time; but neither shall Musashi blood be shed defending it. And from his point on our navy is to lock down the border with the Second Imperium. Any ship, civilian or military, that attempts to cross the border without my explicit permission is to be destroyed.”

“As for my daughter Yuki.” The Emperor continued. “Henceforth she is stripped of her status as a member of the imperial family and is no longer to be considered my daughter. She will be brought to me, where I will personally see to her punishment.”

He paused for a moment before adding “That is all.” The various members of the court rushed to leave the presence of their Emperor. Word of what had occurred would spread, and quickly, throughout Musashi and beyond. Only time would tell what sort of ripple effect it would have.

Once the throne room was emptied of his servants the Emperor removed his mask as he stated “You do not approve.”

“No I do not” Kau Rong said as she stepped into his line of sight.

The Emperor let out a long sigh before saying “She made her choice.”

“And so did you.”

“What is it you expect from me?” The Emperor sounded weary, exhausted. “She was the one who betrayed me.”

“She wasn’t the first to betray you,” Kau Rong said. “And she certainly won’t be the last. It’s what happens when you push others too far.”

“They can all rot” The Emperor spat. Kau Rong slowly shook her head, her face a mask of sorrow.

“I wish I knew what it was that blackened your soul so.” She let out a long sigh before turning and heading towards the door.

“Where are you going?” The Emperor demanded. When she didn’t respond he shouted “Mother!”

Kau Rong stopped to look at him, her expression one of pity. “I am not your mother.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Commonwealth Embassy
Bushu System
Musahi Empire

Kessel was nervous again. Since he'd opened the embassy, things had been relatively straightforward. He thought fondly back to Xiao Xiang's visit; such a charming, intelligent woman. He'd heard she was appointed minister of foreign affairs recently; he mentally made a note to visit with a bottle of fine wine from Whitehaven. For the moment though, he had something distintly less pleasant to deal with than the young Musashi woman. James Conrad, Executis of the Dominion. For some ungodly reason, the Executis had requested a meeting. Kessel was in no mood to risk his life, so he'd called on his Su'urtugal, and been somewhat surprised when not one but two had emerged from seemingly nowhere to answer his summons. And then, the door chime rang.

As James rang the door he heard a distinct "Come in" and so he followed suit. He opened the door to see a nicely decorated room though when he looked towards the ambassador he chuckled as he was flanked by two of his reptillian guards. "Ambassador I don't think those are nessacary, though if you truly believe that I'd hurt you I'm afraid the deal I had plan will take more than I hoped for."

"Executis Conrad, my Su'urtugal ensure all our safety. The two of us meeting together could present a desirable target for....well, let's not count the enemies." Kessel chuckled. "Drink?" he offered, pouring himself a glass of fine old Terran scoth.

James shook his head no. "Fair enough I suppose." He said as he moved closer to the ambassadors desk before taking a seat. "Ambassador Kessel, I must say it's a plessure to meet with you. Though this shouldn't come as a surprise, I have been speaking to all delegations on musashi. While most have been fairly well as I hope this one to be one was not. But that is besides the point. Shall we get down to business?" James as he crossed his arms and looked at him with a soft smile.

Kessel shifted in his seat. "Executis Conrad, let me tell you a story before we proceed. In the time of the old Emperor, before the fall, my great grandfather was a moderately prosperous businessman. He worked hard, he paid his taxes, he fathered four sons. He struggled, but was comfortable, and every day hoped that his sons might be even more successful than he was." Kessel took a drink from his glass. "Fate spat upon his dreams. The imperium collapsed, the local Imperial Noble turned into a power hungry warlord, and three of my great-grandfather's sons were worked to death in the mines. My grandfather survived by virtue of being to young to work in the mines. Where was the Imperium, or any trace of it? Gone, forgotten, obliterated, I don't care. And then came the Commonwealth. Oh, times were hard at first, but nothing compared to what we'd endured. And then, then our world received constituency. My father saved enough to earn citizenship, married a beautiful woman, and happily raised three children." Kessel laughed. "My sister is a doctor, on Praetoria. My brother is assistant deputy minister of agriculture for the colonies. And I am an ambassador to the Musashi Empire." Kessel leaned forward in his seat.
"Executis Conrad, the Commonwealth has done more for my life and my family than the old Imperium or its successors ever did. Your Dominion and everything it stands for intends to rip that all away. What could you possibly have to offer us?"

James smiled "I understand many people aliens and humans had to endure the hardships when the Imperium fell. Yet the Dominion isn't the only one which wishes to return the Imperium back to glory if you havn't noticed." He took a small pause to look at the guards before making eye contact once again "Now, I believe the Dominion has plenty to offer. Resources,Manpower,Aggreements and more. Though I believe it's not what we can offer but rather what you and the commonwealth want?" James said as he cocked and eyebrow

Kessel was tempted to swear at the Executis until he left his office. But, you didn't get this far into the diplomatic corps without learning to control your temper, so he reigned in those baser instincts. "Sir, forgive my rudeness, but there is nothing that jumps to mind that her Imperial Majesty's Government wants from the Dominion. Perhaps it would be better if you stated what the Dominion wishes for, then we can discuss what might constitute an equitable trade. Despite your 'track record', the Commonwealth always believes there is a diplomatic resolution for any situation."

James seemed rather confused as to what track record the commonwealth has been following unless he meant it for the dominion politics in general manner. "Well, Ambassador, I'd like to fomally offer the Dominion's hand of friendship to the Commonwealth. As such a pact of Non-Aggression would have to be agreed upon."

A brief slash of surprise marred Kessel's face before he brought it under control again. "Well, Executis, that is a most generous offer. Unfortunately however, I have been granted full confidence of the crown...to negotiate with the Musashi. I would have to confer with my government before accepting such a Non-Aggression agreement. The supspace web between Bushu and Corinthene is not the most well maintained, and I fear it will take several days for your request to reach Parliament. However, know that I will convey your request with the strongest possible endorsement. Now, I hope I will see you later tonight at Xiang-dono's inaugural reception!" Kessel managed to legitimize his enthusiasm with thoughts of Xaio Xiang's porcelain skin and...voluptuous figure.

James had yet to recieve any news of Xaio Xiang and so his face turn into a small smile. "You know Xaio Xiang aswell? Why this is excellent, myself and her had conducted a trade meeting recently as she did with you. It was rather satisfactory. She is certainly one to watch for. In fact perhaps we could speak more there along with our mutual friend." James gave a small chuckle.

"Indeed!" Kessel again overlapped his enthusiasm. "Now, Executis, if you would please excuse me I have a thousand trade embargo requests to deal with from private citizens. I will let you know as soon as I have a response from my government."

"Very well, if the parliament wishes I'd be more then happy to speak to them in person as well." James gave a small smile and nod as he stood up and headed for the door.

The door closed, and Kessel took another sip of whiskey, vaguely offended Conrad hadn't taken any. "I'm sure you would, asshole" he murmured to himself.

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