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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Wraithblade6@Remipa Awesome@the grey dust

Nora Baker

Nora had just applied the last of her rouge and sat at her dressing table and reached for her necklace that her friend Anne had given her. It was a beautiful ruby necklace. Her hand halted in mid air as she noticed it was not where she had put it. "Freya!" Her thrall appeared almost instantly. Freya bowed deeply with her head hung low. "Yes ma'am?" "Where is my ruby necklace?"

"I sent it to the jeweler to be repaired ma'am. When last I removed it for you the clasp broke on it so I had Bartlett take it to be fixed for you. It is at that jeweler that you liked." Nora sighed. "I wish you had spoken to me about it, but thank you for getting the repairs done. When is it due to be picked up? ""Today ma'am." "Good, is Bartlett back yet?"

"I don't think so. Did you wish to feed now?" Nora thought for a moment and said. "Yes, can you send in Able?" Freya nodded and disappeared out the door quickly. A few moments later a very muscular young man with long hair came in and knelt down next to her. He pulled his hair back exposing his neck to her. Her eyes loved to feast on him but her appetite was of a more commanding nature at the moment. She murmured something to him and she bit into his neck quickly so it would be less painful for him. He seemed to get turned on by the biting process and as she feasted on his neck he carried her to the bed to satisfy her other appetites.

Later that day Freya brought in her necklace and put it in it's normal place. She remained looking away from her mistress' bed. "Ma'am are you in need of anything?" Nora walked out of the shower and dried herself and walked into her room naked. Freya turned her gaze downwards and brought the chosen gown to her mistress and the appropriate shoes. When the dressing was finished Nora redid her makeup and inspected her necklace. Freya held her breath and let it out slowly as it was approved of by a slight nod. Nora finished her hair and stood up to leave.

As soon as Nora felt the summons she became curious. Dracula was the only one who would summon her and he had been dead nigh on a few hundred years or so. Still, the pull was undeniable and she became excited by it."Grandfather." she said aloud. She put her white gloves on and she donned her cloak putting the hood back so as not to mess up her look. Bartlett was waiting. She slid into the car and Bartlett closed the door and drove her to the location she told him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

''Well I tend to bite down in a good story'' Sasha joked back.

With a few quick breaths Jean found his calmt once again, Silently he thanked his years of training that gave him the nerves of steel he needed from time to time. It seemed like Vladimir did not recognize him.''Alright, buckle up. Ticket is on you if we are caught without a seatbelt'' Jean joked as he trapped in the pedal and shifted his gear from neutral to one. With screeching tires he pulled up, quickly leaving the Streets of NY behind him. Sasha seemed still in shock afer she had seen Vladimir hurt himself, one way or another he had burned himself by just touching the iron panel of the car.

''are you nuts as well, mister Vladimir? Hurting yourself like that. Even if you are a vampire, or something in that direction, that does not mean it won't hurt'' She said concerned as she took off her red ribbon once again. The thing was about 6cm wide and was very long so that Sasha was able to tie a butterflyknot in it. She leaned forwards for a bit and grabbed Vladimir's hand. Quickly she wrapped the ribbon around his hand, as a means of some sort of bandage. She really did not have anything else to bandage him with now. It was probably compleatly unnesecairy, but Sasha felt like she should help.''There'' She said satisfied with her own work. Behind the weel Jean sighed as he turned onto a highway, it would be a long drive towards Montreal this way.

After a few houres Jean took an exit that said

'Welcome to the Niagara falls' and drove onto an unhardened forest road. The headlights illuminated the pathway, otherwise it woud be next to inmpossible to see in the pitch black darkness of the night. Sasha had fallen asleep in the backseat and jean as well found it hard to keep his focus. He could not afford to let it slip though, the vampire he was playing taxi driver for was still untrusthworthy to him. Sasha's soft sleeping breathing could be heard within the Mercedes as Jean dimmed the lights. He looked behind him and tried to push Sasha back up, to no avail for she fell back onto the backseat inmediatly.

''Really she can be such a kid sometimes''
He said smiling soft before turning his gaze to vladimir.
''Well, here we are. Thank you for not tearing our troaths out,I recon you will be able to handle yourself for tonigth?''

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The canopy of trees held off some of the sunlight as Mithias stopped the car and got out to "unlock" the gate that barred their way to his estate. It was a chain-link fence with a rusted chain and a Masterlock that he just broke with his strength. The road at the base of the mountain could barely be called such, since much of the plantlife had begun to reclaim it. Finally, Mithias drew up to a building, a large house in the middle of nowhere with ample garage space. It was somewhat in need of upkeep, but impressive nonetheless.

"We're here." He said as he lifted the garage door and came back to pull the car in. "Better to keep this vehicle hidden for now. I haven't been here in a few years, but the power and net should still work. I have to turn them on..." Eventually they settled and could begin planning their next move.

Sometime later.

A computer was available, a television, and a radio. The news fell into the usual slander and manipulative bullshit sprinkled with speeches from well known vampires, politicians and religious leaders. Everyone was afraid of vampires and zombies, and even the humans now circulated the rumor that Dracula had come back to life. Little did they know. Mithias stood in the darkness of the living room eyes fixed to a story about an attack by rebel vampires in Texas. It was the most recent, but unfortunately not the only one. He heaved a sigh in frustration. "Damnit. The world is falling apart."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
As his hand was wrapped the healing started. The ribbon muffled the odd noise as it occurred, but it was still somewhat audible. He raised an eyebrow but did not comment, figuring that she wanted to help.

The trip was silent. With Vlad focusing on literally anything other then the two ample supplies of blood, he felt like at any moment he could lunge and try to kill them. He thought he did fairly well considering that did not happen. His eyes were fixated out the window when the car stopped.

Vladimir blinked and watched Jean exit the car. He took that as his cue to exit also. It was night, but the predator scraping the surface could see just fine...see hear and smell. He nodded to Jean. "I can handle myself...though you need to get someplace for the night." he patted his pocket and handed Jean a large portion of cash on a roll along with Sasha's ribbon. "With the virus I have a bad feeling....when times were this bad I used to charge for protection...but" he pulled out a small sharpie, grabbed Jean's hand and wrote his number on it. "If you contact that number I will head to whatever address you send....now I'm going to go hunting and I would recommend getting out of here"

With that he turned, threw back his head, and out from his mouth escaped an unearthly wolf howl. His fangs fully extended and his skin somehow paled out all color. His skin became hard like marble and he inhaled before running. He smelled deer and he was going to have fun.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

Sasha awoke to the loud howling of a wolf. Powerfull like the strike of thunder it roared throughout the pinewoods. Quickly she opened the door of the car, as she had noticed that they were standing still. Just in time she stepped into the darkness of the night, having trouble to see. She saw a white ghost like being run away through the forest.

''whas that a wolf?'' She asked Jean. He was bussy noting down the number he had recieved just now in his Phone. Jean turned around and smirked abit.
''Yes and no, but you just missed the most interesting base for a story ever'' He said as he ruffed through her hair.
''apparently the vamp you dragged with you is some sort of a hybrid"
''Hybrid, as in half vampire, half...''
''wolf. I guess that man, Vladimir, was a werewolf and got bitten by a vampire.''
Sasha widened her eyes as she looked into the direction Vladimir had gone off to. She hung her head in her typical sadness, when she missed somthing great.
''why did you let him run off like that, really, I really want to interview him now'' she pouted as she sat down on the hood of the car.
Jean grinned as the urge to tease her rose in him.

''How nice am I, Love. Come on, tell me who is the best on this team'' he grinned as he showed the hand were Vladimir had written his number onto, to Sasha. Overcome with joy Sasha jumped off the hood and locked her arms around Jeans neck. She hugged him while laughing.
''you are'' She said as she grabbed her own phone and noted down Vladimir's number as well. Once sasha had saved the number she looked around herself once again. Jean handed her the ribbon and she tied it back on the place it belonged. The forest was dark and dangerous. With the recent events going on she knew it was dangerous to stay. They needed to move, she was curios as to what the new had broadcasted already. She hated it that she could not write about the attack in NY right now. They had to little inforation to work on. The only thing of value they had was the foothage the drone had made while flying into the quarentine zone. Sasha had send the inmages already to her boss during the car ride before she fell asleep. They were really thankfull and her name would hit the screen, even though Jean had made the clip. He really should allow himself to stand in the spotligth some more.
''So here we are, in the middle of the forest. We have no information to write about. Our only source of information is a vampire werewolf who probably won't come to us again, and will not share his intel. I refuse to go back like this'' Sasha said frustrated, she took place in the passangerseat of the car, closing the door. She felt a bit safer that way. Jean as well stepped into the car again and turned on the headlights.
''Me to, we can stay nearby for now. See what we can dig up. I will call my buddy's and so should you. We are going to write the best dammed article about this attack as we humanly can''

The engine got started, it sound starteling a nearby deer. Jean drove the mercedise back to the main road and drove for about half an houre before they found a motel they could stay in. They rented a room using the money they had gotten from Vladimir. They moved some stuff with them to the room. Among the stuff was a long black case that belonged to Jean. Sasha had never seen it befor, but she had seen him take it out from a compartment underneath his trunk. No questions were asked however as they settle down, tired of the days events.
''Good nigth Jean'' Sasha said as she went into her own sepperate bedroom.
''Good night Love'' Jean wished her as he decided to sit down for a bit before going to his bedroom as well. He found todays events more than desturbing. And to him the movements of SOLDIER were more than strange. He eyed his suitcase, locked within it was his old friend. He held his leather gloved hands and moved the gloves a bit, revealing but a part of his finger tattoo. If he needed to he would shoot again, he had a life to defend right now.

On the other side of the door Sasha had grabbed her phone and dialed the number she had gotten before. She was sure that Vladimir was done hunting by now.
'' Hey with Sasha. If you would like to come here Jean and I are in Pine groove’s motel, room 306. You are are more than welcome to join us again. ’’

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The war drums are beating, banners raised high. Now the world marches as the gears of Armageddon turn. Once more would the earth be bathed in blood. It started small of course, as all flames did, rekindled and resparked by a return of the most famous vampire of all. There he beckoned, and those who answered his call rose like maggots burrowing out of a corpse. Such insects cared not for the stability that was for years, the game of shadows so cleverly manipulated by the oldest of sires. Now they would be an infestation, tipping the fine-tuned balance of power and forcing the vampire race to step into the spotlight. And how the spotlight burns, for they were creatures of the dark. The eldest among them formed a council, a formal gentleman's club for the most powerful of their kind, to which a long-standing agreement made between the old-timers made it possible to prevent such wars from breaking out and destroying what worlds they have made.

The invitations would find their way to the hands of the invitees. They always have, and always would. For the rules of a council meeting were simple. Those who could rightfully attend were either the sires of their kind, or the most powerful representative in such an event a sire was unable to attend or passed on such an occasion. The latter, rather than the former was Bedivere's right to attend as he burned the message with cold fury. Once night fell upon the day of the meet, the magic gathering of the greatest vampires in all the world would begin, each summoned to make his or her voice known, to take a stance and decide the future of the world in relative peace. They shall be the judges of humanity, and they alone have such right, no lesser vampire should decide unless they wished to usurp such a seat. And to do so was unwise, for old relationships bore tension, and even the bitterest of rivals must convene the call unless they wish to omit themselves from deciding the fate of the world and destroy any chance of political pull they would have gained.

Yes, for the council meets in what short hours that it does, and by sunrise, they will be gone. For The ancient rules creed that no invited vampire is to attack another invited vampire for the duration of the council which lasted until sunrise. Then once outside the boundaries of the designated spot, anyone was fair game for the others. To kill an old rival, or a dissident opponent who failed to support your side. A purge and culling, often guaranteed which is why some old bloods preferred to send their delegates in lieu of arriving themselves or stationing back up outside to receive them.

But yes, it was time as Bedivere finished his painting. A white canvas upon which blood was painted. The angular lines of red to form the shape of an open casket, but the line of blood that flowed down from its silhouette dripped off the painting. And there in floating above the subject of his work, three simple words that shall make this the perfect gift for the returned youngling: 'Kukri or Bowie?'


Oh Mithias, how are you faring with your newest fanboy? A rather mindless servant who, longed for you and obeyed your every whim? What went through his mind right now? Other than thoughts of you? How he threw himself at your command, waiting on ever word that drizzled out of mouth to serenade him in orders? How he rushed to grab the car, how he pumped for you, how he did whatever was asked. There was no will, no spark, no remembrance to eat but only to serve.

Yet his sire had bade him to eat. Reminding him that he was indeed human. Enthralled and bound to a vampire, and yet still human. And being human required several functions to still occur. Sleep, eating, drinking, the works that keep the living alive. What an existence was this then? To waste away without the commands of another being. To fall sickened with an undying devotion.

"I've polished up your cars Master," Lucan's voice piped up as his arms wrapped around Mithias from behind. A rather queer embrace, although perhaps it was akin to a child hugging a parent from behind and asking for his next task. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir hunted to his hearts content. He had found large bucks that provided plenty of blood and meat. He even filled his syringes with blood to hold him off when he wasn't near animals. All in all, a good hunt.

He had just finished a syringe when he recieved a call. He let it go to voice mail so he could listen to it. When he did he raised an eyebrow at it. Usually he gets calls for missions or emergencies so that was something new. He stuffed his phone back into his surprisingly deep pocket and looked at his shirt. It was coated with blood and no longer the shade of grey it was before he hunted. With a small sigh he ripped the shirt off and tore it into stripes. He tossed the stripes away into a trash can as he made his way to the hotel.

He casually walked to the front desk and tilted his head at the woman behind it. He gave a small smile and nearly purred at her. "Excuse me...it would seem my friends got here before me...I don't suppose I could get a room key for room 306 could I darling?" the woman blushed deeply but handed over the key. He lightly kissed her hand and flashed a smile. "Thank you" he took the key and chuckled as he heard her get water.

He made his way to the room and plunked the key in. He opened it and walked right in. He saw Jean and looked at the case with a raised eyebrow. "Where's Sasha?" he figured she'd be in the other room but this way she could probably hear him. His skin was back to its regular hue and his eyes were the cool grey they were meant to be...showing he isn't even contemplating eating them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 29 min ago

Kathryn Miller

The ride for Kathryn was long and painful. She knew physically she was fine, but every bone in her body felt like it was ready to fall apart. She had trouble figuring this out. Was it the Hatred that her father didn't care about her until he had almost killed her? Was it the fear that she was a spawn of something as evil as Deon? Was it the Anger caused by being apart of her family's death yet again? She didn't know. All she knew was she wasn't going to take it lying down this time. But she wasn't on her own now. Now, Mithias was here with her. Maybe she could even find some of Hank's old friends to help track down Deon. She was going to be the one to kill him. She was going to watch the river of red flow with his blood, and she would be there letting him suffer. She would enjoy every bit of his suffering.

Arriving at the piece of property, Kathryn worried that she just entered a horror movie. Then she remembered she's a teenage vampire, with a Vampire Hunter as a father, a vampire lord at her side, a zombie apocalypse going on around them, and every other person is trying to kill her. She was in all sense, in a horror movie. Didn't change the fact that the old looking house was creepy to her. It was old, in need of work. But unlike most Haunted looking houses this one looked like it was actually kind of modern.

Pulling up to the Garage everyone got out inspecting the place. It was... Dark. But she was used to the dark. Many times she was more scared of the light then the dark. Mithias had a someone kind of like a follower who always seemed to be by his side, at any given moment. That was honestly more unnerving then anything else. Internet and TV were mentioned to be able to start working once the power is back on. Power would be nice.

Kathryn found Mithias watching the news later on, things were looking bad. Even though the infection was "Under Control". She could tell by how fast New York fell. No one was pleased with this set of events. Except maybe Deon, Deon was probably jumping up and down like a little boy on Christmas right now. "So what now? We sit here while the world goes to shit? Should we be like forming an army to Kill Deon?!" Anyone that had fought Deon in Army against Army knew that wasn't the best of ideas. Plus Deon had been preparing for a fight since the last Nightwars. Human government had armies, everyone knows how that is going with the spread of infection. Now, what forces are standing are spread thin.

Deon Erickson

The Helicopter took a while to get to it's target location. Changing routes every time Deon thoughts there was someone following them or he was worried about being tracked. What should have been a single day ride at longest, turned into a four day trip as Deon kept changing routes and Helicopters. He considered a plane, but figured it wasn't worth the effort. Harder to switch planes as well, too much air traffic control. Especially in times like this. But eventually the last Helicopter carrying Deon, Dracula, and the two Pilots made it's way to his base that was secluded somewhere in the southwest of the United States.

Deon had converted an old Missile silo into a Bunker, large enough to hold a small army, and small enough avoid detection. With that, it was strong as hell. Able to take bombing campaigns, infantry, tanks, anything short of a nuke really. The Main hatch has been sealed, leaving the secondary building to enter it from, and a larger hatch attached to said Silo. Deon also preparing for the worst, has set up several hidden passages that can be used to escape the silo and flank an enemy attack. The Original silo was abandoned shortly after the end of the cold war, most of the that was already installed was old, Deon liked that a lot. It was harder to track by many modern pieces of equipment, and it could survive an EMP if it ever came to that.

Deon Stepped out of the Chopper holding out his hand for Dracula to take. "It's not the prettiest of forts, but it is one of the strongest places I could get my hands on. And it's isolated. The nearest signs of mortals is the road, roughly 60 miles out." Deon didn't mention the abandoned Military complex about 25 miles out. He had a few of his guys out there as scouts, but he saw it as no big deal. And if it became one, a small army was all he would need.

Escorting his father into the secondary building to an elevator that connected tot he tunnel system that was around the Silo. "If the mortals are good at one thing, it's weapons of mass destruction. Me personally, the Machine gun was what got my attention. I knew they had decent potential after that. Nuclear weapons though? That was something pretty intense. You may know his already, but this place was once used to store a rocket that could wipe out millions in mere seconds. Vampires included. Now, it's our converted fort." He led Dracula down one of the new add-ons to the silo, a hallway full of barracks and other living quarters and anything else a small army would need to live here. But his army wasn't here. It was spread out through the planet ready to strike their respective targets when need be. Right now, he had about 20 of his best soldiers guarding, and about another 20 essential staff. Each and every time Dracula passed by one of the staff members, they would stiffen up, back up, and do what ever to stay out of the way. This wasn't just fear of what Deon would do if they disrespected Dracula, that had little to do with their respective fear. It was a mix of Fear, and Respect for Dracula. No one had been able to be resurrected like this after over 300 years. And Dracula was no regular vampire to begin with, he was THE Vampire.

Deon leading Dracula into an old style bedroom, it wasn't the largest but it was definitely a cozy size. "You are free to wonder around the silo, but this is your private quarters. I hope everything is how you please it to be. If you have any questions or requests, let me or one of the staff know and it will be yours. We have a war room just around the corner, and a blood bank to have our current staff last months if need be." Deon was trying to do what ever he could to make Dracula comfortable. And to prepare for the war. Even though his primary facilities were out of commission right now, he still had this one. There was a productive lab, and he was able to communicate with his officer from here relatively easily.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora's customized limo pulled up to the base that Deon had setup. It was just after sunset and Nora was just waking up. She noticed the car stopping. She sat up and straightened her hair. "Bartlett? Are we finally to the compound?" "I believe so mistress. I'll go see if I can confirm that and let the master know you are here." Nora smiled. She was so excited to ask so many questions. Looking around at the base she was not entirely certain but she suspected that it was Deon who had put this all together.

A few moments later Bartlett reappeared and opened her door. "Mistress, the master is in the building on the right." Nora got out of the car and straightened her dress out. Bartlett held the door for her at the car and again into the building. She truly appreciated him. So many men were lacking in manners these days.

Upon entering the main room she looked around. It looked fairly ordinary, comfortable. "Hello? Deon? Are you here?" She decided to follow the hallway. She knocked on the largest door. When it opened a moment later Deon was standing in front of her along with Dracula. "Hello Grandfather! I felt your call. It was wonderful! Did Deon somehow bring you back?" She took Dracula's hand in hers and kissed it as she bowed to him. "I have missed you so very much Grandfather." Nora turned to Deon. "I have no doubt you would be involved in bringing him back. I am in your debt. Thank you so much Deon." She looked from one to the other still beaming. "How may I serve you?"

@Remipa Awesome
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

The jumpscare of the night occured to Jean when he had ungloved his hand and the door got unlocked. Faster than ligthning he pulled his gun, only to see Vladimir standng at the end of the barrel. He lowered his gun wondering how the hell he had found them before a heavy sigh fell from his lips. He put his gun back in his holster and gloved his hands once again.

''Sasha!''Jean called frustrated as hi figured she would have called him. There was no reaction coming from her room, Jean figured she was asleep.
''Ever heard of knocking, I could have shot you..... well... not that it would have hurt you much. Nice to see you without the need to tear our throats out'' Jean grinned as he raised his eyebrow at the shirtless werevamp before him. He made his way towards the room Sasha was sleeping in adn softly knocked before entering.
''Oh Sasha~ sleeping beauty'' He said teasingly before taking on a more serious tune. Light was cast from the dooropeing and shone just on the bed where Sasha was sleeping. Thightly hugging her pillow, enjoying her dream.
''Ey, Vladimir is here, waky waky sunshine''

''hmmmmm'' Was the replie he got as Sasha slowly opened her eye's. She glanced at the intruder that had awoken her form her slumber. Then her gaze befell the indivdu that stood behind Jean, Vladimir. Within a split second she was awake and trew her pillow at Jean, Who dodged it for he just knew how Sasha awoke. The pillow found its way towards Vladimir and hit him in the face. Another split second later Sasha realized she was in her PJ's and with some spastic movements ended up on the ground compleatly covering herself with the white sheet. She looked like a moping ghost that sat besides a bed. Jean could not supress his laughter.

''Get out, close the door'' Sasha said angry and Jean closed the door, still laughing.
''What can I say, woman rigth?'' he grinned as he sat down in his chair.

''So you're from SOLDIER?'' He asked as Jean did his best to at least try to keept he akward silence away. ''Is it still the messed up group it is rumored to be?''

about 15 minutes later Sasha came out of the room, dressed in a pair of jeans that Jean had brought with him from new york and a white blouse.
She opened the door took one look into the room and slammed the door close again, hiding in her own room once again. There was a half naked vampire werewolf sitting casually in a chair. 'Great, now I can never act professionaly around him again' She tought and opened the door without a sound and moved towards the couch as she sat down.
''I am glad you came, Did your hunt go wel?''
''and why in heavens name are you half naked?''

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir raised an eyebrow as he was greeted with a gun. He then chuckled as Jean lowered it. "oh it would've hurt...I've just gotten to the point where I'm used to it. And nice to see you too" he made his way to the doorway leading to the room and leaned in it while Jean tried to wake Sasha up.

Being that he wasn't expecting a flying pillow, it found its mark on his face and made a paff noise. Vlad blinked and had a befuddled look on his face and then chuckled as he saw Sasha wrapped up in a sheet. As Jean did as Sasha asked, he made his way to a chair and lounged in it. In now way was he sitting the proper way, with his legs dangling over one sid. "I am soldier and....I'm not really sure" he gave a shrug. "I'm used more as a weapon then anything...need backup I get sent...need a job done fast without casualties...I'm sent" a look crossed his face for a second before it vanished. "I'm hardly teamed with anyone...but it's fine"

Vlad looked up as the door was opened then promptly shut again. His eyebrow raised and he chuckled. He looked over at her as she walked out. "Hunt went very well. Very plump deer" when she mentioned him being half naked he looked at his chest then at her and a slow smile spread on his face.

"Well I generally do not like looking like a serial killer with big canines...generally does not go over well." he studied her and chuckled. "Would it help you if I put the pillow on my chest?" as in he knew exactly the affect he had on women...sometimes men. He grabbed the pillow before she could answer and put it on his chest with an obnoxious smile.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair


A shot of jealousy fired by that nasty green monster that resides in us all could be felt withing Jeans heart as he saw the way Sasha looked at Vladimir. She could not blame her, if he was gay or a she he would definatly also stare at the piece of gorgeous that sat infront of Sasha. Why was it that every vampire he ever encountered were handsome. Jean stood up from his chair as he felt the need to have some fresh air blow through his head.

''I am going to see if I can buy some food around here. Unfortunatly not all of us can survive on *kuch* tomato juice'' He said and closed the door behind him. He was in dire need for a long morning sun stroll through the woods.

'No don't leave me alone with him' Sasha's inner being yelled as she silently watched Jean leave the room. What had gotten into him, he knew they had roomservice here,... right?''

''Sooo... you're a werewolf....and a vampire. Must be one hell of a story behind that'' Sasha was way to glad he at least had covered himself with the pillow. She knew that he kney very well what kind of effect he had on her. Luckely for Sasha he did not came over as a very dangerous vampire who really used his looks to the limit. Heck he even declined her blood though he was starving.
''Also, thank you for not biting me back then. When I go in reporter mode I forget all my borders and do whatever it takes to get to a story. I was honestly a tad scared after I realized what I had said'' with an obvious 'never been bitten before' attitude. She smiled akwardly as she laughed as well.
'' I can become rather annoying when I go in reporter mode''


Jean walked through the Woods. It was still dark, but the first ray's of morning sun hit the roof of trees. The old Pines stood high and mighty and the song of an Robin could be heard. Ruthlessly singing, defending its territory against other birds. The scenery got broken by the occasional Oak that with his broken outside stood out from the pines with their rough dark brown trunks.

''well that is going to be fun'' He said out loud. A secret ex-soldier working together with a vampire werewolf from soldier. It was sheer luck Vladimir was not a team person and probably did not go much through the 'wanted' files. Jean widened his eye's when he realized something. He had not counted on Vladimir coming to them so the black case was still in the room. It was typical soldier stuff, he had stolen it when he left it. Jean could only pray, Vladimir would not try to open the case. Not everyone carries around a sniper rifel.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sargent Ashley Harper (Disavowed)

The words of General Fenix broke the silence between Ash and Allison. A second voice came shortly after. "All Elite agents are to be captured and confined for questioning."

Ash dropped her radio to the floor and crushed it beneath her foot. "Allison, we need a vehicle. We've been disavowed." the two soldiers behind Ash stood forward and grabbed a pair of handcuffs off their belts "Miss, were sorry to do this but were detaining you" Ash sighed. She pulled the gun from its holster. She pulled the trigger and shot both men in the thigh."Right, better we were off then."


Sargent Katya Moreno (Disavowed) & Corporal Sonja Night (Disavowed)

The same walls echoed the halls of the barracks. All Elite agents are to be confined. They both knew what that meant. Their time with SOLDIER was up and their time had come to leave. Luckily they still had a safe house just on the outskirts of Vegas from their days of running a PMC. They gathered the absolute essential equipment and made a run for the outside of the compound.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vlad recognized the look of jealousy on Jean's face. He raised a brow and looked at Sasha before watching Jean leave. He also noted the small look of something akin to panic on Sasha's face. He chuckled quietly as he realized he was causing a bit of trouble for the two of them.

He looked at her when she started speaking and sat properly in the chair...still holding the pillow of course. He tilted his head. "It's an okay story...one that caused me to be pretty much by myself for quiet some time" he shrugged. "So it's not that interesting."

He chuckled as she talked about loosing her boundaries to get a story. "It's fine. even if I had..my bite is not that bad" he studied her. "Besides..I didn't take you up on it so no need to even think about it." as he spoke his phone went off. He rolled his eyes and dug it out of his jeans and answered. "The elites have been what....you want me to...how about no. I can't do that. Let me rephrase..I won't do that. I've done every thing else you've ever asked of me but I will not hunt down those who used to work for you. Yea take that sentence and shove it" he clicked the phone shut and rubbed his face while inhaling.

"Well...I'm ex soldier now." he looked at Sasha. "probably not good..but I've survived this long" he ran a hand through his hair briefly exposing the left side of his face...and allowing the hoop in his ear to shine for a moment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Kurai Assassin
"All Elite agents are to be captured and confined for questioning."
"Well I was planning to take my leave anyway."

"Miss, were sorry to do this but were detaining you"
Allison watched the two approaching soldiers, already having an idea on how to disable them quickly with a few quick movements. However Ashley acted first and shot both of them in their thigh. "Right, better we were off then."
"You know we could have just knocked them unconscious without wounding them and giving SOLDIER a reason to hunt us down for sure. About the vehicle, we'll have to find one first that is still working and not stuck." Allison turned around and started moving, expecting Ashley to tag along.
The man inside the car was now even more shocked about what just happened, of course she couldn't just leave him there. Standing next to the door she just stopped and said without even looking at him "Just wait here for a bit, reanforcements should arrive soon. Just stick to those two guys for now. If you get questioned, don't hesitate to tell them exactly what you saw or at least can remember." After that she began moving again, target were the cities' outskirts. It was more likely to find a car to get away there than the city centre. "So, I guess you already have plan what to do once we find a vehicle?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@The Grey Dust


As he stood, arms folded, glaring at the screen for its selective reporting, Mithias sensed the approach of his one innocent and gentle slave. Warm arms with coppery red hairs encircled him, to be covered by his own in front of himself, and he felt the subtle rise an fall of Lucan's chest against his back, a warm humans' breath against his shoulder. The moment was both touching and sad as Mithias realized he hadn't checked on Lucan in a while, long enough that the youth could polish a car or two, and that he poor man's will was even still completely not his own.

His vampire body solid as steel, Mithias tried to soften and slowly turned to face Lucan. He hadn't asked for this favor, yet the only respose he could think to give was a kind acknowledgement. "Thank you, Lucan."

The issue of the boy had heavily weighed on the vampire's mind ever since he had learned of Lucan's accidental enthralling. One young man, innocent and righteous, brave, and thoughtless of himself had rushed to a burning car and dragged Mithias to safety, saving his life when he would have been torched in minutes. And for that, he was repaid with a curse, his own life stolen away from him by the irresistable power of Mithias' particularly potent blood. Lucan would never again be his own man, in charge of his own destiny, for now all his thoughts were bent on serving his lord. It was an unfair trade. It was never meant to be this way.

Much more subtly, Kathryn entered in, seemingly catching Mithias offguard in his thoughts as the two, master and thrall, were staring into each other's eyes. "Ahem, yes Kathryn..." Mithias stayed where he was as he answered her, still intent upon Lucan as he was coming to a decision about the boy. Kathryn had become very focused on her mission, almost irrationally so, but such was to be expected from a teenage, fledgling vampire with wild emotions. Her liveliness was actually refreshing. Mithias kept his eye on his red-headed hero as he answered, "The last time I spurrned a revolution, it started with some friends. We need to get in contact with the few at Soldier who I know we can trust and any ex-Elite agents that are still loyal to the cause. Cellphones, emails, last known locations, anything, and get them to regroup here. I've got a small arsenel in the attic, as I'm sure you've discovered, and then we'll at least be capable of making an attack with a surgical strike team. Deon Erickson has a lot of allies and had a long time to plan, but he made enough mistakes to get caught. If Dracula is still relying on him, then we should be able to find them again taking advantage of those same mistakes. I'm going to try to contact Sir Bedivere and find out what he knows. I'm... not sure where my old knight brother stands on the upcoming war exactly, but I'm sure he wouldn't be inclined to support Dracula. He wasn't a fan of Magnus."

Lucan stood motionless and quiet in front of Mithias, obedient while the "adults" spoke. Mithias looked from him to Kathryn, as if he should offer some form of explanation for why he was apparently just using this... attractive young man like some kind of pet. Kathryn hadn't even ever said two words to the boy. Was she embarrassed, or did she not even care what Lucan's deal was? Mithias took Lucan's hands into his own, alabaster-white ones and prepared his words. Not many were going to care about a lonely thrall, a single, mortal life, in the turmultuous time to come. Mithias owed a debt to Lucan, and on his honor, he had to repay it.

"Lucan. Listen to me, and think hard on my words. You must know that you don't deserve what has happened to you. You've been enthralled by my blood, by no fault of your own and by no intention of mine. Now the dark vitality that sustains me has control over you, complete control, it seems, and you are no longer living your own life. You saved my life, and for that I owe you. I cannot simply abandon you to an endless obsession with trying to find me. It would certainly lead to your inadvertent death, especially with war on the horizon. Nor can I kill you and continue to live thinking I am still capable of any morality in this world. It must be your choice..." Mithias seemed hesitant, for he couldn't possibly have had enough time to consider all the potential consequences of this, but it was time. "I will offer you a new life, my life, as an undying vampire. Do not take this decision lightly, and do not look to me for direction. I will not make you to become hateful or suicidal by making this choice for you. It is only a gift, and one you must sincerely ask me for."

"There is yet time to consider if you need to think on it. My offer will stand as long as we are both 'alive.'" He added, "Turning you, should return your self control."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

''For me it does not matter if a story is interesting or not, I am not a reader I am a writer and I love to listen to the tales a teller shares with me'' Sasha said as she noted his gaze was upon her. She went silent as Vladimi'rs Phone went of. She supressed a smile when she saw his huge Phone. She almost thought that the museum of techinical history called, for they missed their exhibition piece. Her inner reporter surfaced and Sasha listened very carefully. When he hung up she was silent for a moment before she dared to ask something..

''So, now that you are no longer with SOLDIER, can you maby tell me what exactly happend within NY?'' she asked of him as her eye slid towards his silver Earring. The little piece of precious metal had pulled her attention before, and now again. She wondered just whant kind of story was hidden behind that earpiece as well. She looked at the time, Jean had been gone for a while now and Sashe felt the akward feeling of being alone with Vladimir rising within the minute.

''Even if you do not wish to share your own story right now I would love to hear it anytime soon. You can always say no to publishing your tale'' Sasha offered with a smile. She was legit interestid in his background. How old was he, where was he born, all those questions floated through her mind. She remembered that he was, ontop of being a vampire, a werewolf. Nervously she played with her hair, braiding it in this styla and then in that style. Everything to distract her from the handsome piece of greek, no russian, god that sat infront of her.
''Your wolf form is also very pretty. Though I only saw but a flash of it''
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir ran a hand through his hair one more time with a grumble. He looked at Sasha and tilted his head. "Well...since I'm already on their bad side...why the hell not. The virus was airborne and released by a vampire. It made humans become a form of what I'm calling 'vampire zombie' they had vampiric traits and acted like zombies. Like zombies bites transmitted the disease and I got a bit sick...worst feeling considering I haven't been sick for a very long time." he felt the awkwardness but he was a tad bit irritated.

He blinked when she asked about his story. "...there are certain events in my past I do not enjoy talking about...the sting is still there even with so many years gone" he shook his head. "Man that made me sound old." a chuckle escaped him and he looked at Sasha when she complimented his wolf form. "My vampire form thanks you. I have three forms. Vampire wolf and my normal self. What you saw would be the very pale marble like skin of my vampire form. Though you did hear my howl" he shrugged. "Very old habit of hunting for me is to howl before doing so. That one was a warning that I was right minded and might attack any other werewolf."

He studied her. "...Thank you..." it seemed random, but being a hybrid meant he was used to fear or anger when it was discovered what he was. Someone treating him like a sentient being...was refreshing...maybe that's why he was being nice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

Jean still walked through the Woods, he had followed the trail and found himself staning on the edge of the forest. A small town could be seen and , Lucky for him, he saw a opened supermarket. He entered the night shop, that distinguised sound of a belldoor you heard when you entered a shop could be heard. The shop clearck looked at the inmages of a smoking NY, before it switched to the inmages he had shot with his drone. Underneat the screen stood the words,

Source, Montrealy daily. By Sasha O'Neill

He grinned as he saw it, the film they had shot got through towards their boss and got broadcasted.

''Good evening sir, how can I help you'' The shop clearck said, having finaly noticed Jean standing in the shop. Jean nodded slowly as he walked down the aisles.

''Do you have something of clothing, a hoody or something?'' Jean asked, thinking of the half naked Vladimir he had left Sasha with. He oped he had done right by trusting Vlad enough to leave him alone with his partner. Sasha could take care of herself, thoug alone against one vampire werewolf, she could not hope to win if he decided to harm her. The shop clearck pointed at a rack of souveniers, meant for straveling tourists. On it hung a varietie of hoodies in all kinds of colors. Jean was almost tempted to pick the pink hoody with the text, pink princess at the falls, printed on it. He went for a normal black hoody with the text Niagara falls, printed on the back. Jean took the largest size he could find, hoping the muscle covered man would fit into it. He also bought some sandwitches, drinks and a few USB drives as well as a flashlight. Jean stepped out of the shop, after he had paid for the groceries. He made his way back to the pine groove hotel.

Sasha quickly noted down the story that Vlad told her about NY. It sounded terrifying. Quickly an article formed in her head as she typed down her story.

Sasha send the article to her boss together with a picture she had made of the human mass standing infront of the wall of NYPD swatss.
Not so long afterwards Sasha recieved a mail back, her article won't be published but be send directly to the broadcasting department where it will be read out loud by the news anchor. Her article would be published later, when more information was known. For now the Montreal daily had more news than the other news papers.

She smiled as she had gotten a step closer to her dream. She had gotten a good chunk of information thanks to Vladimir.

''Thank you, my boss is really happy with the information'' She grinned as she stood up and moved to the window peeking outside. ''where in heavens name did Jean walked to get some food''Sasha said and she moved back to the chair Vladimir sat in and ploffed down besides his chair on the ground.

I understand that, most of us have things we do not wish to talk about. And indeed you make it sound like you are way way wayyy older than me’’ She smiled and the door got unlocked. Jean stepped inside carrieng a pair of bags .
‘’Jo, I am back. Here I bought you a hoody’’ Jean said as he trew the black thing towards Vladimir.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Wick@Remipa Awesome

The central room of the compound was mostly lit by computer screens and also by a large candelabrum that stood centerpiece on a large oval table that served for holding maps and letters and several wads of cash. Draculian vampires moved about as necessary in their duties, several stopping to hone in on the interesting development of a new arrival. Deon Erickson himself accompanied their patriarch to the door, ever Dracula's most fervent lapdog and most trusted commander.

Red eyes scanned her in a heartbeat as the living legend himself came forward. "Nora..." Dracula seemed to remember in his kindest voice, when in truth he had no hesitation in reading her mind. "My dear child. So good of you to join us." He accepted her reverent greeting with a smile and bade her come in. "Yes, I have returned, much in debt to my lieutenant, and I am also in great need of your service." She rose and Dracula bid them both to follow him.

The three of them followed into another more private room where there were surprisingly exactly three glasses of blood waiting for them on a smaller table. Dracula took one and dismissed the guards without so much as a gesture, leaving them alone with the irrationally powerful, young lord of darkness, who would certainly have been able to handle himself. The reinforced glass window behind him was far too small for Dracula's liking. "Welcome to my current, humble home, Nora. There is much I must share with you before we may continue." He looked at both of them, and his presence was captivating. It would have been difficult not to listen to his every word. Was he doing this on purpose?? Dracula continued softly. "Each night, I discover more and more about this new world and our enemies. The humans are disorganized, strong in their weaponry but confused in their leadership. They are stricken by fear and disease and have no king. This... Solder organization that once served them has turned against its only true source of power, its vampire warriors, leaving the humans to rely only upon each other. We must find these rejected brethren of our kind and invite them to our cause, but if they refuse to joins us, then they must die."

Dracula took a moment to procure a small letter from the pocket of his coat. "But there is something more. A convention of the great elders has been called, and I, of course, have been summoned. This," He said belying his excitement, "is an opportunity to gather the following of every vampire on Earth, every bloodline, every lord and clan under one banner, mine." He set the mysterious letter upon the table, his full name written clearly in script. "I would have you both accompany me, but first, I would give you each a precious gift." He looked upon them again, and something about his face was frightening, as if the most insane thought was crossing his mind, as if he were about to do something to them. The elegant dress and practiced etiquette fell away like curtains at a magic show, doing little to hide the monster beneath. "My blood has run too thin over the generations, and I would rekindle its flame in you." He loosed his wrists from his sleeves. "Come. Kneel before me and accept my gift. Drink from my veins and let my power flow through you and strengthen you like you have never before felt. You, Nora and Deon, will be my closest allies, my chosen heralds. The world will tremble at your feet."
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