Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: The Raven, Bridge/Cockpit

Stehrr turned his head at the sound of approaching footsteps to find that Luke had joined him on the Raven’s bridge. As the captain slumped down in his seat, the Wookiee grumbled sympathetically, reaching over with a large paw to pat his friend’s shoulder soothingly.
“《It okay Luke. Kayala not stay mad long.》” after all, they were all a team, they had to keep working together. Everyone else would remember that too, right?

The various members of their team had quarreled on occasions before, but had managed to work around the disagreement. Stehrr shrugged to himself, figuring this time would be no different. As he returned his attention to the instruments on the control panel before him, he glanced sideways at Luke and asked.
“《Why Kayala so mad?》” unlike the doctor and the Face, Stehrr got on quite well with Matthew and simply couldn’t understand why they didn’t like the man. Perhaps it was because the mercenary never made jokes at Stehrr’s expense, but...he just didn’t see why they got so angry at his jokes.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, main hold --> Medbay

Denali’s gaze travelled from Luke to HK as the droid made an appearance, and he fought the urge to groan and roll his eyes. As much as he disliked the droid, especially not wanting to be left alone with him, at least it was better for he and Gol to have some kind of protection while the others were gone. The doctor wasn’t one to complain excessively without good reason, so he masked his dismay at being left in HK-86’s company well.

He simply rose from his seat and gave the captain a nod of respect, murmuring.
“Well, I wish you all well, Captain. May you all come back in one piece.” while he had the skills to heal most injuries by now, he still preferred it if there wasn’t an immediate need for putting them to use. Life-threatening emergencies were never something he wished for, despite how much he enjoyed his work. Denali returned to the medbay while the rest of the crew members either prepared to head out or returned to their own duties, sorting through the medical supplies and cataloguing everything the Raven currently had in stock. He marked off things that they had run out of, or which looked close to running out, hoping there would be a chance for him to find a merchant when the others returned and before they moved to their next mission.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Kayala Stalack

Location: Main Hold

Kayala had taken a seat in her chair and was sitting there running her fingers back and forth over a needlepoint she had been working on for the last couple of months. A little something to do here and there to help clear her mind and keep her focused when she had nothing truly important to do. Right then she felt she had nothing truly important to get to. They hadn't landed yet and the ship didn't need guarding yet. She figured right then she could just relax since she had been told she wasn't going. Everything she had taken out had been put away now and her mind was clearing of the Face she had planned on wearing that day. Everything was as calm as could be expected even though she was still rather irked about the entire situation.

That was until the call came out over the ships intercom and Kayala's eyes shot up and then narrowed. "You have got to be fucking kidding me...." she hissed from between her clinched teeth. Kayala was known for keeping her cool. She was adaptable, calculating. Taking everything in before she did anything. She weighed out the pro's and con's. She wasn't one to loose her head and snap. The little bit of a scathing remark she had left the group with before she had excused herself earlier was about the closest she ever got to snapping. A blank canvas didn't have a lot of reds and oranges on it in which to draw from. That was until now.

Shoving the needlepoint down into the chair she stood up and the door of her room slid open as she stormed out of it. It wasn't that she was angry for being called on the mission; she felt it was best that she should go. She knew the Hutts, had dealt with them time and time again. She knew the language, how to manipulate them, how to gain their trust and how to break it. This was the type of thing she was born to do. What was pissing her off was the fact one minute she was told that she wasn't going and had just wasted her entire morning of planning and then once everything was put away she got a "call" telling her to get her shit together. He couldn't even face her to tell her personally. That irked her more than anything.

Kayala was usually the voice of reason when it came to Luke, trying to get him to think things out. On the other hand Luke was always trying to get Kayala to open up. Oh she was opening up alright. In three, there he was, two, she got closer, one... "You need to get your shit together you understand me? You know full damn well if we have a mission that needs someone there that can handle something like this and requires the senator that I am first to get ready and start preparing. You fucking know good and well that it takes hours to get this shit sorted out so there is no stone left unturned and you know goddamn good and well that if I am told I am not going I wipe the slate clean. You want me with you fine. I should be. It's my fucking job but if you are going to flip flop on your fucking decisions as captain then you need to do one of two things. Either 1, have the fucking guts to come to my face and tell me and face whatever comes along with that shit or two, hand over command of this ship to Sutton! At least she has her fucking act together! Got it! Good!" she yelled, which was unheard of for Kayala; her voice echoing through the ship.

Turning she went to storm off and get her things back together before she stopped and looked back over towards Luke. "Pull another stunt like this and mutiny will be on the top of my fucking to do list!" she added before she stormed off. It was obvious she was outraged and offended by the entire situation. More so she was hurt. All three were things that usually never even registered on Kayala's radar, something a Face didn't show. Something some even speculated a Face was not even capable of feeling. It was obvious right then that those speculations were wrong.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: Conference Room ---> Jaina's Room ---> Hangar C; The Vindicator

Jaina's face scrunched up in confusion, recalling the last time she attempted to make a determination as to whether or not someone was dead or alive. She had done Kordath's test, shooting at them, but apparently she had done it wrong. The person had either been dead to start with and then alive, or alive to start with and then dead -- she'd forgotten what Jesmand had told her. The entire thing got mixed up in her mind, with up not being merely down by a one hundred eighty degrees rotation about the x-axis. "...Got it!" Jaina lied, figuring that she couldn't be blamed for the death of a rebel anyways. It wasn't like death meant anything to her. It was no different than sleep.

Jaina skipped out of the room once Kordath had finished, dashing to her private quarters. There, she loaded up with all of her usual weapons for a fight. She changed into her usual dress, identical practically in every way to the one she was already wearing, but it had become a ritual for her. The blue and purple strips fluttered as she spun in a circle, and with the splash of colors, she stood out. It was more fun for her that way. Picking up her two blaster pistols she stowed them away, before hiding her knives on her person as well. She put her playing card in her corset-like chest piece, and stowed away the rest of her normal belongings. With her hair, Jaina braided it into two pig tails, and began applying her make up. She painted her face white, before grabbing blue and purple shades, and smearing them into an almost grotesque smile on her face. Her eyes were in the same blue and purple, yet styled with little diamonds on them, such as this. By the time she was done, she looked like a mental patient had dressed her.

"Let's do this!" Jaina squealed, before cartwheeling out of her room, and headed to Hangar C where she expected to find Kordath.

Sutton Corandel

Location: Main Hold ---> the Bridge; The Raven

Sutton blinked at Kayala's rage, almost staring at Luke with an open mouth. She didn't expect him to fix his decisions--most captains would stand by what they had said, in order to prevent a crew from second guessing them. However, he was a classic scoundrel, and admittedly, she should've stopped him before he put his foot in his mouth. Still, as a second, she shouldn't have to clean up after him.

"Captain, how long until we arrive?" Sutton asked, leaving the Main Hold and heading back for the Bridge. She may have been on Kayala's side at this moment, but she didn't want to be standing there when she came back. It was only a matter of time, she figured, until the Face returned to her normal hobby of interrogating Sutton relentlessly about her past. "I imagine I look fine for Tatooine scum?" Sutton joked, as if she hadn't lived on the planet for years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location:The Bridge

Looking over at Stehrr, he nodded his head as he watched the Wookiee, leaning back in his chair as he watched space roll by, knowing that before too long they would be entering the Tatooine system. "I'm sure she'll find the time to scold me, then everything'll go back to normal." As if on queue, Luke turned in his seat somewhat to meet the approaching footsteps, Kayala coming into view as she made her way up to the bridge. He had assumed she'd just scold him like she tended to, but what he got was a little more dramatic and unexpected.

Luke wasn't quite sure he'd ever heard Kayala yell, not in this way anyway, she was clearly upset, not just angry. It made him somewhat concerned, less-so now over his poor decision-making, but over what might have been on her mind otherwise, Luke had always never been amazing at making decisions himself, he often overlooked something and had to go back over it, it was why he had the meetings before-hand. However, that was when the scolding came in, not this, something had to be wrong that was more than just this whole thing, at least that was how it was in Luke's mind.

As she left, Luke turned his gaze over to Stehrr, letting out a sigh as he turned back to the controls. "Y'know pal, there's times I really, really wish I was still running guns and contraband." Rogues like the one and only Han Solo may have turned out to make skilled leaders, but it wasn't always the case. Luke and many others had been taken from lives of crime or generally insignificant military service and in certain cases forced into positions of leadership, the only time Luke had really excelled was leading fighters, it was different there. Part of him just didn't have the drive to adapt to ground leadership, the only thing that kept him trying was not wanting to let the others down, but he'd always had the thoughts of retirement in mind, heading back to the life he was used to. Not that he'd brought it to any of the crew, not even Sutton.

Turning his gaze over to Sutton, he gave her a nod as she came back, reaching up to the console before him. "Should be here just about... Now..." He dragged the accelerator back some, slowly the ship shuddering as it came out of hyperspace a bit of a distance from Tatooine itself, it would be a short flight from here, but they'd come out far enough to avoid Imperial sensors. Looking over at her at her question, he chuckled, nodding. "Think I look rogueish enough?" He asked in kind, trying to put the incident with Kayala out of his mind for the moment.

Kordath Targon

Location:His Quarters -> Hangar C

Making his way to his quarters, Kordath cleared his throat as he moved to his display case, working his way out of his uniform as he changed into his more combat-oriented gear. It wasn't particularly often that Kordath wore something other than his usual gear, but his combat get-up sometimes let him blend in even more, it was complex, had an Imperial touch to it of course, but the styling as well was almost distinctly Mandalorian, helped to blend in with the scum and bounty hunters on any other planet.

Along with his armour, Kordath secured his Bo-rifle, running his fingers lightly over the weapon before he slung it over his shoulders. He took one last look at himself in the mirror and gave a winning smile before he placed his helmet onto his head, locking it into place before he moved out of his room and down the hall. It didn't take long to reach Hangar C, where a Lambda-class shuttle was already waiting for them all. He could see everyone was already starting to form up, smiling as he moved over to them all and nodded.

"Well then, let's get underway, shall we?" He'd say, moving up into the Shuttle and into the pilot's compartment, letting everyone get aboard and settled before he'd start the take-off procedure, piloting the ship out of the Hangar and back down toward the planet below.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Morgbra Bonwoo

Location: Conference Room -> Medical Bay -> Hanger C

Morgbra was a little more than surprised when he was chosen for this mission. It was no secret that he and some of the others on the ship did not really get along; especially him and Kordath. Excusing himself at the end of the meeting he rushed to catch up with the captain of the ship. The two stood on walkway, having a few words but nothing could be made out before he nodded and headed off to the med bay to get ready. Coming back a short time later looking less like the lead Medical professional on the ship and bit more like a rogue, especially with the SE-14r light repeating blaster on his hip and the grey clothing that had obviously seen more than just an OR.

Stepping over the group as they were starting to come together he adjusted his pack. Normally he would just carry his medical bag out in the open but if Jaina was coming with them, he didn't want it to set off alarms for her. He wanted her at as much ease as possible during this. If he needed to break it out he would but until then it would stay tucked away in his pack. He hoped he wouldn't need it but one never knew. Though in all honesty he feared needing it more for anyone the group captured than for the group itself. Glancing at Kordath he wondered just what the man would end up to doing to people they came across.

"Try not to add to the drain on my medical supplies today," he said before he stopped himself and then made a quick correction. "And I don't mean just killing people outright either."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: The Raven, Bridge/Cockpit

Stehrr turned in his seat as Kayala approached them, raising an arm to wave at the Face in greeting though he abruptly dropped it back down to his side once more at seeing the near-murderous look on Kayala’s face. The Wookiee kept his mouth tightly shut, shrinking as far down into his seat as he possibly could. He had never seen Kayala get angry before, and that alone was frightening even if he hadn’t had a phobia of angry, bellowing people. Truth be told he was more afraid of being hit than the actual shouting, but from previous experiences he had come to associate shouting with being beaten and so it was a natural reaction for Stehrr to shy away from any arguments and try to make himself as small and unnoticeable as possible.

Stehrr grumbled softly in response to Luke’s reminiscing the simpler times, the Wookiee sat back, arms folded behind his head, and let the Captain take over the controls to bring the Raven out of hyperspace, he would know the best vector to approach from to avoid being detected by the Imperial blockade. Though he had relaxed considerably since the shouting had stopped, Stehrr was still a little tense as he took over the controls again and brought the Raven down through Tatooine’s atmosphere. It was a short descent from then onwards to the landing area.

He tried to keep relaxed, but the Wookiee couldn’t help growling softly as he rose from his seat. He could never have let Luke go without him to meet the Hutts, but the slug-like aliens were one of the big monopolies in the galaxy when it came to the slave trade and that still made him nervous.
“《Luke, if Hutts not listen to Naboo female, what then?》” he asked his friend, hoping that there would be some kind of fallback plan to get them out of that potentially sticky situation. After all, Stehrr would likely be the first of the crew members that the slugs would put in irons and force back into servitude.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, Medbay

Though Denali tried his hardest to mind his own business and not pry, it was quite hard not to hear Kayala chewing Luke out for retracting his earlier decision to ask her to remain on the ship. The Raven was only small, after all, and it wasn’t uncommon for even slightly raised voices to be heard from any compartment of the ship. Funnily enough, he began to question himself whether it would have been considered ‘safer’ to have left the Face in her quarters stewing over being left out, instead of facing the roaring tirade of expletives currently coming out of her mouth. Hearing Kayala yelling was uncommon enough in and of itself that it elicited a visible wince from the doctor in reaction. He pitied Luke for being on the receiving end

Once the ship had gone quiet again, Denali leaned around the medbay door to check if the coast was clear, discovering that most of the crew had cleared out of the main hold by that point. Even Matthew seemed to have disappeared to plot another prank for the next unfortunate victim. Having completed his inventory, the doctor sat back in his seat, considering how he could best use his time when everyone else was planetside. He’d have to go check up on Gol and make sure she was resting up that ankle of hers. Rising from the stool he had perched on, he made his way back across the medical bay to rummage through the drawers, retrieving the earpiece for his holocommunicator from where he had left it tucked underneath the latest stack of medical documents.

Denali tucked the small electronic device into his ear and turned the communicator on, buzzing through to Luke and Sutton on the bridge as the ship shuddered and left hyperspace.
“Good luck out there, Captain, Sutton. I’ll keep my comm channel open, if anything happens and you need me out there, for fuck’s sake call through.” he didn’t want to jinx it by predicting a disaster prematurely, but...it happened a lot, their little band of adventurers just seemed to attract trouble like flies to Bantha crap. No harm in being prepared for the worst.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: Hangar C ---> the Shuttle; The Vindicator

Jaina eagerly skipped into the shuttle, before pausing in the middle of the space. Glancing around slowly, she remained eerily still, as if trying to determine the absolute best seat on the shuttle. She extended her fingers gently into the air, before spinning and twirling with an unnatural quality, as if she was bewitched. Gasping for breath, Jaina then took her seat, and glanced at the safety equipment.

"Do you think we'll crash or somethin'?" Jaina asked to no one in particular. As much as she loved flying, she loved crashes even more. They gave her an adrenaline rush, a sense of pure bliss with each and every near death situation. Despite not understanding the danger they presented, she still got the same thrill. It was perhaps lucky that she wasn't listening as Morgbra mentioned the medical supplies, with the unhinged maniac ready to the latest mission.

"Why so serious, Morg?" Jaina squealed, smiling widely. It only accented the lipstick she had smeared across her face, turning it into a grotesque grin. "Let's put a smile on that face~!" She reached over, and forced Morgbra's cheeks up into a grin, before giggling with delight. It was fortunate she hadn't decided to carve it into him, instead satisfied with the temporary solution.

"Koooooordath! Are we theeeeere yeeeeet?" Jaina whined.

Sutton Corandel

Location: the Bridge; The Raven

Sutton shook her head, despite the Captain speaking to Stehrr. She knew that he was a bit out of his depth on occasion, but she wouldn't have followed him if there wasn't a decent man underneath the snark and charm. "Untwist your boxers and deal with it, Captain," Sutton advised. "You know how Faces are. Angry one minute and completely blank the next. I doubt it'll come up again." Of course, she did happen to agree with Kayala about the Captain's poor planning--but that would be a discussion for later, and not in front of the entire crew.

"I mean, I could always punch you to give you some authentic bruising," Sutton offered, a cheeky grin on her face. They were practically there, and her stomach flipped and flopped around practically with nerves. Matthew's usual antics weren't calming her down at any rate, and Sutton briefly regretted sticking out her neck for the Republic. She watched as the small settlement came into view, and she nodded at Stehrr a bit of thanks for not crashing the ship--not yet, at least.

"Do we have any intel on if any of the big guns are here to play?" Sutton asked, knowing that Imperials would show up sooner or later. They never tended to stay gone long. And as her unease increased, Sutton made a mental note to not find herself in a situation where she was alone with the Face. She didn't trust Kayala to not hand her over to the Imperials if they were caught.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Morgbra Bonwoo

Location: Shuttle

Morgbra entered the ship after Jaina, watching her spin around like a little girl who was dancing in the rain he smiled. She was so carefree despite everything she had been through. How she had been able to retain some innocence was beyond him but he was grateful for it. Sitting down next to her his smile broadened, chuckling at her comment and shaking his head. Resting back in his seat he situated himself, glancing at Kordath and his smile faded. He didn't trust the man.

Sure, he knew that Kordath was faithful to the Empire. He knew the man would never commit treason against them but his methods left a bad taste in Morgbra's mouth. How could someone enjoy putting someone into so much pain? Looking over at Jaina he sighed a bit. He imagined the people that turned Jaina into what she was were probably like Kordath and it made the bile rise in the back of his throat.

Forcing a smile he patted the back of her head as he would a child. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about my little strawberry. Oldness just makes people grumpy and I am very old," he joked with her before making a very playful and sour face towards her.

Smiling, he eased a bit and decided to keep his attention on Jaina instead of Kordath while they took off. He would need to speak with Jesmand when they returned, he had a few things he wanted to discuss with the Commodore. He had been hoping to before they left but he knew there wasn't time and he didn't want to delay the ship, or worse be left behind. He wished he had crossed her path on the way to the shuttle but she wasn't anywhere to be found. He wasn't worried though, he knew Jesmand well enough. SHe was walking the ship as she always did as people left to take off for a mission, she would be in communication with the bridge but keeping quiet. She always used this time to think and plan things out, it was her little piece of peace before whatever shit that was about to hit the fan did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: The Raven, Bridge/Cockpit

Stehrr grumbled softly in acknowledgement that he had seen Sutton’s nod, sitting back from the controls as the landing gear deployed and the Raven glided down into the Anchorhead settlement. There was a brief moment of unsteadiness as they touched down, the ship rocking from side to side before it settled. The Wookiee slumped back in his chair, his small eyes flicking back towards Sutton as she asked Luke about possible Empire commanders, or troops, that could already be in the area. As predicted, they hadn’t seen any Imperial star destroyers on the way in...but that had been the plan, and that wasn’t to say they weren’t close by.

Somebody had to stop the natives getting too restless, after all.
”《Sutton’s probably right. Lots of Imp troopers, watching slaves and criminals, or Hutt bounty hunters looking for new slaves. Very dangerous. We must be careful.》” he spoke cautiously, huffing out a heavy breath and getting to his feet. He turned to look expectantly at Luke, waiting for him to confirm their suspicions. “《We go now Luke, or still wait more?》”

Denali Keesda

Location: The Raven, medbay

The medic sighed, leaning back in his seat and letting his thoughts wander for a moment while the comm channel was quiet. Might as well enjoy the peace while it lasted, as soon as the others were planetside he’d have to be on high alert for any sign that they were in trouble.

That hadn’t changed much, at least. He’d always been the sensible, level-headed one out of himself and his sister. Nali had lost count of the number of times Rhine had gone charging headlong into situations without thinking them through first...he noted with irony that he seemed to have a personal talent for attracting companions that were magnets to trouble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: the Shuttle; The Vindicator

Jaina couldn't help but agree with Morgbra's assertion. He was, at least, a million years old. She didn't even know with certainty how old she was, only recalling the fact whenever she glanced at her file. It was a beautiful file, of course. She had found the hardcopy and used it to make paper dolls, stringing them along the hallways of the Vindicator. It escaped her notice that there was an electronic version, and thus, she couldn't help but muse that no one knew how old she was--not even her twin brother.

"Can I tell you a secret, Morgy?" Jaina asked, going eerily quiet as her eyes became wide. She slid out of her seat on the shuttle and went onto the floor, holding herself perfectly still. Her arms were at her side, as if she was practicing for her final resting pose, whenever someone would manage to put an end to her. "You have to promise you won't tell anyone~!"

She giggled a bit, the slight seriousness gone to her. The madness in her eye was appallingly clear, as she rolled up from the floor, and back into a seat across the aisle from Morgbra. The entire time, she ignored the fact that others were in the shuttle. It was a dance, a game, something meant for only her and her cheerleader. The others in the room may well have not even existed. The others in the shuttle, of course, continued on talking and chattering away. Jaina frowned deeply, seeing them ruining her mood. "All of that talking is going to get you hurt!" Jaina jeered at them. "I'm trying to tell Morgy a secret here!"

She sniffled a bit, her hands nowhere near her weapons, but still, she would be able to pull them in a moment. She rolled her eyes at the other people in the shuttle, before looking almost apologetically at Morgbra. "You just can't find good help these days..."

Sutton Corandel

Location: the Bridge; The Raven

While Stehrr and Luke began discussing the best options, Sutton stepped into one of her few duties as the second in command. Turning on the comm, she set out a ship wide announcement. They would move ahead with the plan until she was informed otherwise, and that included her notifying the crew that would be leaving that it was time.

"Welcome to the shit fest that's Tatooine, folks. If you're on the away mission, it's time to shine. Make peace with your gods and grab a blaster, we move in five." Setting down the comm, Sutton nodded at Luke, already prepared herself. If he decided he'd change his mind and listen to her gut, the instinct that was telling her one of them wouldn't be returning to the Raven, that was fine with her. It wouldn't be too hard to get on the comm and tell the crew to abort the mission, for now at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location: The Bridge -> Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay B1

Luke idly listened to Sutton and Stehrr as he brought the ship into docking, making his way to the bay which had been cleared by their friends for their arrival. It was the usual set up, officials paid off so no one asked questions about the ship or its cargo, hell, the bay itself would've been completely empty as he brought the ship down, settling it carefully before he sighed and started to wind the engines down, turning in his seat to look up at Sutton, unable to help but chuckle at her offer. "I'll pass on the roughing up." He smirked as he rolled his head, cracking his neck as he stood, adjusting his holster.

"Imps tend to keep to the bigger centers like Mos Eisley, they shouldn't be down here, or at least not checking us or anybody for papers unless somebody screwed up." He paused for a moment as he watched her, clearing his throat. "Someone planetside that is, not me for once." He smirked, satisfied he'd gotten that out before any inevitable snarky comments to follow as he stood there, sighing before he turned back to Stehrr, shrugging. "If there are any around we'll run with the usual story, dashing band of bounty hunters, you know the gist." He nodded confident, for once, he had a decent feeling about this.

"Cmon, let's get going." Making his way down the hall, he figured Sutton's announcement was certainly enough to let everyone know the away team would be leaving. Heading down the ramp, where the Senator was waiting, he glanced around idly, confirming that the bay was indeed empty, so far, so good.

Kordath Targon

Location: Shuttle -> Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

Glancing over his shoulder as he began to hear Morgbra speak, Kordath let out a hearty and charming chuckle as he shook his head. "Oh, fret not, my dear man! It has been pre-ordained by the Commodore that we're to take prisoners, all blasters set to stun, no kills here." He grinned in an almost sing-song manner, if there was one thing Kordath loved, it was capturing rebels, especially new ones who were on some sort of mission, they always had the best stories to tell, even if you had to break a few fingers in order to get the stories out of them.

He grinned, sighing happily as he heard Jaina's whining, while Kordath was certainly not a father, there was something he adored about the incessant nagging and whining he got from Jaina, which he imagined he would get from his own child, if he did have one. "Soon, my darling! You'll have plenty to do soon enough!" He assured her, it was indeed soon as well, the Vindicator may have been sure to remain a reasonable distance from Ancorhead itself, but the shuttle got them there in no time. Making his way to one of the reserved Imperial docking bays, Kordath slowly brought the shuttle down to a careful landing, lowering the ramp.

Standing up, he clapped his hands together as the Stormtroopers piled out of the shuttle into the bay, already bustling with activity as Kordath rubbed his hands together and made his way downinto the bay himself. "Now, let's go and start with the newest arrivals, hm?" He asked as he glanced back over his shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Kayala Stalack

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay B1

Kayala heard the announcement and took a deep breath as she adjusted the folds of her pale linen fabrics, pulling the cloth over her nose and securing it over her ear. As she stepped out onto the spaceport from the ship one wouldn't have known it was her. She carried herself in a manner that was nothing like she did on the ship, her clothing perfectly fit for the situation. Her eyes painted, lenses over her iris to change the colors, even her hair was tinted to show something it was not. Her guise even went so far as to shade what facial and hand features that were showing to give a different bone structure.

Even the way she walked and moved her hips was different. She had seemed to be completely reborn to the role but that was not uncommon. Each time she had to take on a role she fell fully into the character, wrapping herself in it and completely taking on the role. This was what she did, it was her strength even if it did keep her true self stripped away from ever really knowing who she truly was, even to herself.

"Dobra chake. Jot ten yoieu tah bimay cay," she said in perfect Huttesse, the words rolling off her tongue with a harshness fitting of the language.

Morgbra Bonwoo

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

"Good to know," Morgbra said to Kordath before glancing over towards Jaina and smiling towards her, reaching back and rubbing her back lightly with the palm of his hand. "Easy little one, they will learn in time. We all had to Not everyone can be as perfect or deadly as my dear little strawberry now can they? Have patience with them or they will have to see a doctor and no one deserves that right?" he said with a broad smile before standing up as they landed.

"We'll share secrets as soon as we are back," he assured her before grabbing his pack and lacing it over his back. Taking a deep breath he righted himself and began to stroll down the the ship and out onto the bay. Glancing around he took a deep breath of the air before glancing towards Kordath. "We are taking prisoners, that also means no casualties of war if they aren't useful, that goes for the basic passer by," he said to Kordath before locking eyes with the man.

"Remember, every time I have to tend to an injury or the dead shows Jaina something, you don't want her snapping on his mission do you?" he whispered in a hiss to remind the man that not only was he under orders from the Commodore to not kill people but that he himself was forced to tend to people and act as a medical professional in front of Jaina that it could put her in harms way as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: The Raven, Bridge → Anchorhead Spaceport, B1

Luke was quick to reassure Stehrr that their landing bay would in fact be clear of any Imperial presence when they landed, and the Wookiee would take his friend’s word for it. Sutton shouted a summons to the rest of the crew into the comm unit, prompting Stehrr to shift his bowcaster onto his back once again and get to his feet. The Wookiee shuffled after Luke and Sutton as they headed down into the spaceport, taking a quick look around to get a feel for their surroundings.

No Empire-aligned troopers stormed out of cover to arrest them, so that was good as far as Stehrr was concerned! He fell into step beside Luke, nodding in confirmation. The usual cover, of course. Nothing wrong with sticking to the tried and true, it hadn’t let them down before. They wouldn’t have any trouble pulling it off, with their slightly ragged appearances, except for perhaps the Senator. But they could cross that bridge when they came to it. It was a slim one, but there was even a chance that their presence would go entirely unnoticed. That would be nice, for a change.

For now, he was content to keep to Luke’s plan and see how it went. Everything seemed fine...They should meet up with this contact on the base first and take it from there, he thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 days ago

Jaina Sarbye

Location: the Shuttle ---> Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

Jaina heard Kordath explaining that all blasters were supposed to be set to stun, and she glanced down at her own weapons. She wasn't even sure if there was a stun setting on them, having never needed to use that. On every other mission she had been sent out on, the Commodore never cared how the targets came back. Shrugging a bit, Jaina figured that she would deal with it when the time came to it. And once Kordath reassured her there would be tons to do soon, Jaina entirely forgot about the blaster setting, hers very much not set to stun.

"Hurry up, guys~!" Jaina squealed, having slipped off the shuttle, and made it onto the docking bay by the time the others left. With a bit of a shrug, she glanced around, her eyes darting wildly. Kordath and Morgbra were having some sort of conversation -- quite serious, by the sound of it, and Jaina pouted a bit. Where was the action, the fun, the lights, the whistle of blasts flying by?

And what skills did our marvelous Jaina have? She twirled a bit in a circle, not so much thinking as feeling. Intuition and tracking, she was terrific at the both of them. And in order to find the rebels, she'd need to use them. Almost like the dog that searches for the scent, but with the attention span of a puppy, Jaina wandered off from the group, spinning and dancing practically as she did so. Little trails of glitter and sparkles were left behind her, falling off of her makeup and her costume.

Eventually, Jaina found a reinforced door. Her eyes flashing with imagination, she pulled out one of her blasters, and aimed at the control panel. Firing round after round, Jaina pouted a bit when the panel resulted in sparking wires. She had been hoping for an explosion, for something fantastical to occur.

"What's this way?" Jaina called out, waiting only ever so slightly for the others to catch up to her.

Sutton Corandel

Location: the Bridge; The Raven ---> Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay B1

Sutton rolled her eyes. "I hope we don't run into any damn bounty hunters for real. They get weirder each year, I swear," she joked, following Luke off of the bridge and into the bay. Everything appeared to be perfect, and she relaxed a bit, thinking to herself that it was a very good thing that Luke was never asked to fill out paperwork. Otherwise, they'd be in a few more tricky situations than they normally were.

Sutton chuckled a bit. She had spent a far portion of her life around the Hutts, the very reason she knew how to speak Huttesse. And the more perceptive among the group would notice, whenever Sutton used the language, how authentic it was. She didn't struggle with the word structure, and she didn't put a great deal of effort into it. It was all a natural process. "Chatpop bom bom cahwapkeu. Boska, jot ten yoieu tah echuta woy," Sutton quipped, glancing at Kayala. She winked a bit, enjoying the bit of relaxation that came along with it all.

Glancing at the senator, Sutton realized she was looking at the weakest link in the team. No matter. Nothing had come out at them yet, though she didn't fancy the possibility of taking blaster fire for the senator, it was her job. "Looks clear--but it might not stay that way. Recommend we hurry and go now, Senator."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luke Teth

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay B1

As always, Luke momentarily took a double take when he saw Kayala make her way off the ship, he always found himself impressed by her work, it wasn't just her face that was different, it was like she slipped into a completely different role, literally, like she had shed her own skin and taken the body of another. In a different life, less-plagued by war, Luke couldn't help but imagine the woman would be quite the extraordinary actor.

The senator seemed to blend in well enough, she had started to get the hang of slipping into more rugged and rough roles than she was used to while travelling with the crew, and while she definitely looked more highly-born than everyone else there, it wasn't enough to make her stand out greatly as she formed up with the rest of the group. Things seemed to be going well enough so far. Looking over the group, he cleared his throat. "Our contacts should be meeting us outside the Cantina, usual cover for them as well." He gave a nod of confirmation to the others.

As Sutton spoke up with her suggestion, Luke nodded, idly tapping his thumb against the grip of his blaster as he usually did when he was nervous, making his way toward the exit. Everything so far had gone fine as they left the hangar, getting into the main hall which was relatively empty, cleared out for the most part by their associates, equal parts a good thing, and a bad thing, as they soon learned...

Kordath Targon

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

As they moved off the ship, Kordath let his gaze turn over to Morgbra, a smile resting on his face as always as he chuckled at the mans words. Reaching up, he set a hand on Morgbra's shoulder, and while it appeared friendly, the grip was tight, fingers pressing in the perfect way only a master of inflicting pain could've summoned. "My dear doctor... Believe of me what you will, but please... Don't treat me like a child." He smiled again, releasing his grip to give the man a pat on the same shoulder before he turned on a heel, moving off toward a console by the hangars exit.

For the time being, he allowed Jaina to happily dance about while he shoved the official aside and opened the console, searching through the new arrivals. It took him only a short while to find a discrepancy, after all the rebels had not expected anyone to actually be looking into anything until a fair while /after/ everything was well and done. While the 'B' section of the spaceport had been registered as full, there were no cataloged arrivals, at least now he knew where to begin the search.

"Well, Bay B should be through he-" He was cut off by the sudden blast of the panel being struck by wires. Shorting out, the reinforced door began to open to an empty hall-way, markings beside the door rather conveniently showing them where they were - section 'B'. Watching down the hall as the crew of the Raven came out of their hangar, only to be greeted by a retinue of storm troopers and Imperial officers down the hall, Kordath couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, convenient."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kayala smirked a bit under the cloth over her face as Sutton spoke. Nodding slightly towards the Senator she took her place just to the left and in front of the woman as she proceeded to follow Luke as they made their way out and towards their destination. Her eyes casually moving left and right to keep an eye out on matters. She never did like space ports or meeting in cantina's, something always went wrong. Little did she know how justified her thoughts were.

Chuckling as he watched Jaina, he just hoped that she wouldn't get herself or anyone else into trouble while they were out and about with this but he couldn't help but worry that she would. He didn't worry as much about Jaina though as he did Kordath. While both did similar actions, Jaina was innocent in her methods. Kordath was just cruel and drew far to much pleasure for someone that Empire considered mentally stable. If it were up to him, Jaina wouldn't be the one who had been placed under lock and key. Glancing over at Kordath his face went blank.

Morgbra eyed the man, not even giving a hint of pain as he stood there. "I only treat people as they deserve to be treated. Nor more and no less. If you are taking my actions or warnings as such, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your perception and actions. Only a child would feel it necessary to attempt to inflict pain when hearing something they do not like. A grown man would take the advice as nothing more than advice," he said in a clam voice as he looked at Kordath before stepping passed him and making his way quickly towards Jaina, wanting to keep her in his sights.

Kayala slowed her steps as she spotted others coming into the vicinity and her hand went back in a quick movement to stop the Senator as her hand fell to her shock whip. "Start to move off to the side some Senator if you would," she said before throwing Luke and Sutton a glance as she continued to walk forward, not wanting to deter her route just yet but her eyes staying fixed at the group now before them.

As the proceeded and he saw the other crew he placed his hand on her elbow. "Remember, the Commodore wants live presents, not dead ones little strawberry," he reminded her as he slipped a red bow in her palm. He figured it was his best best to ensure she wrapped them up night and pretty for the Commodore instead of delivering them in a wooden casket.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: Anchorhead Spaceport, B1 ---> Hallway(?)

Stehrr was for the most part quiet as he filed along beside Luke and Sutton close to the front of the group, though the Wookiee would throw a glance over his shoulder every few steps to check on the two women behind them and make sure no unsavory characters were trying to sneak up on them from behind. So far, everything seemed to be running as smoothly as Luke had promised, Kayala had everything under control with the Senator and if anything did happen it would be a simple enough maneuver for Stehrr to drop back to help the Face out if she needed it.

Still, he couldn’t quite shake the uneasy feeling gnawing away at the pit of his gut. As they rounded the corner, the crew of the Raven would find out that everything wasn’t as ‘according to plan’ as it had originally appeared. A contingent of Imperial stormtroopers rounded the corner at approximately the same time, blasters trained on the small party as they exited Bay B1. Emitting more than a few agitated roars and growls, Stehrr fumbled to grab and load his bowcaster, clearly not willing to try out diplomacy first.

Denali Keesda

The Raven, medbay

Denali had been relatively relaxed about the mission since the others had left, in fact the doctor had even made himself comfortable enough that he had almost fallen into a light sleep in his chair, absently day dreaming about former escapades during his time in the Echani military, or his early medical training, when he was abruptly jolted awake by the piercing sounds of Stehrr’s roars over the comlink.

Swearing, he sat bolt upright and fumbled to adjust the earpiece in his ear, calling out to Luke and Sutton for an explanation about the Wookiee’s sudden and unexplained outburst. “Captain, Sutton...what the hell’s going on out there?!” he briefly wondered whether they had hit a snag in the plan already. Surely not...it was far too early, and the Imps didn’t even know they were here. Right? ”Please tell me somebody just stepped on the Wookiee’s foot and everything’s still on track.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 days ago

Jaina & Sutton

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3

Sutton nodded, feeling a bit tense at the thought of going back to that horrid cantina. Someone there would recognize her, undoubtedly. She had spent her hours there when she worked for the Hutts, having had no place else to go. It was the cesspool of the galaxy into which all sorts of scum were inevitably drained--including people like her, who just wanted to disappear, and to remain that way. Following Luke as Kayala assumed a more protective role over the Senator, Sutton's heart fell as she saw they weren't alone in the spaceport. Stormtroopers, a crazed clown looking girl, and other terrifying individuals. As Kayala motioned for the Senator to fall back and stepped forward, Sutton cleared her throat. They were outnumbered and outgunned.

It was time to bullshit their way out of this, if possible. And if not, then resort to violence.

"Jeejee doth murishani du bu sinsa see Jabba bu Yih. Jeejee naee paupe kung bai tah bekia coo wamma Jabba wa koushonbe mevag," Sutton explained, slipping into her natural stance, the one developed from years of working amongst the Hutts. She held up a hand to Stehrr, shaking her hand at the wookie. "Cohbana ten, tee wookie dopkhaca pacwahh." Smiling at the stormtroopers and the other goons, Sutton noticed one of them was rather fixated, staring at Luke directly. She ignored the message on the earpiece from Denali, figuring that it would only ruin her attempted excuses before they began.

Jaina felt Morgbra slide the bow into her hand, but she let it fall to the ground. The eerie smile had vanished from her face, and the bounty hunter held her breath. There, standing in front of her, was a ghost from her past. She had known Luke before she was sent to the asylum, before her brother once again tried to fix what was hopelessly broken. Unable to move and unable to speak, Jaina stared at Luke, her eyes wide. Her vision almost flickered, shades of blue and purple, as clarity descended upon her.

What have I become? Jaina pondered for a moment, despair filling her mind. She shifted through her memories, wincing at the thought of all of them. All of the people she had killed, all of the horrors...What had she been thinking? A shiver went down her spine, as she remained wrapped up in this trance, or perhaps enjoying the brief break from the trance she had been forced into since she was young.

The blaster in her hand felt impossibly heavy. Jaina raised it, and while she felt it was slow, it was as quick as ever. Her eyes remained locked on Luke, a bit of fear in them, as if she knew that if she looked away, the moment would end and she would return to her deranged self. She aimed the blaster and squeezed the trigger.

She had aimed at Kordath.

"Why so serious, monster?" Jaina whispered, not yet aware as to whether or not she had hit her target. She turned her gaze away from Luke, and her vision flickered once more, an explosion of color. Her brain righted itself, and a smile plastered itself on her face, as she began to drip with laughter and glee and merriment. The sane girl who lived for a moment had perished just as quickly.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Morgbra & Kayala

Location: Ancorhead Spaceport

Kayala watched carefully as things began to unfold, keeping herself lodged between the Senator and the on coming group should anything go arise. She had been hoping that they would have just ended up walking passed them and on their way but it seemed that was not how things were going to. Their wookies growl and movement towards his weapon she knew was the just the start of shit beginning to hit the fan but she took a light breath and simply slowed her pace until she came to a halt next to some containers that were unloaded earlier in the day. They were piled high with rows between them, she wasn't moving beyond that spot for now as the Senator came up behind her. If she had to shove the woman behind them it would be the best cover they could hope for right that at time.

Morgbra groaned inwardly, feeling his stomach clenching within his gut. This was about to go very bad very fast. He just didn't know how badly as he watched Jania stop and seem to travel into another more sane world. It was a look he was not very familiar with and it actually unsettled him more than her usual mad state. Well you know how it goes, you can always trust a crazy person to do something crazy but with a sane person you never know when they will do something crazy so that makes them more dangerous than the crazy person. Such was the case when her gun turned and fired on Kordath of all people. Morgbra's jaw went slack. "Shit," was all he could manage to call out.

Turning his attention to Jaina, not knowing if Kordath had gotten out of the way or not. Granted it would have taken a god like feet to dodge a blaster at what? A range of a few feet? But Morbgra's concern right then was the one that pulled the trigger. "Little one..." he said approaching her slowly, trying to get her attention. He hadn't even turned to get a good look to why Jaina had went more insane than normal, so he had no idea it was Luke that triggered everything right then.

Kayala didn't hesitate, soon as the trigger was squeeze she shoved the Senator between the rows of crates to get her out of the way and to the closest thing that could be considered safe right then. She didn't care if the woman had fired on her own people, Kayala's job was to keep the Senator safe and that was what she was going to do, screw them blowing their own heads off down the platform.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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Location: Anchorhead Spaceport, B1 Hallway

Stehrr stood tensely just behind Sutton as the woman stepped forward to address the troopers in Huttese, his small eyes still glowering distrustfully at the new people though he did lower his weapon ever so slightly in an attempt to appear less threatening.
“Grrrrrrr….” the growl that rumbled from deep in his throat had no real meaning, other than to express his displeasure at their current situation. He made no move to lunge for the other group (though every part of him wanted to, out of sheer instinct), gaze darting from the strange woman staring at Luke, to the Raven’s captain, to Sutton and then back again.

A feeling in his gut told Stehrr that there was something...off, about the woman in the strange makeup. The way she looked at Luke just made the Wookiee feel uncomfortable, though he couldn’t have begun to process that there may have been a shared history between the pair, not without knowing Jaina and certainly not in his current agitated state.
“《Luke....why other human female stare at you?》” he began to enquire, but then Jaina’s blaster fired and the Wookiee was fumbling to grab both Luke and Sutton by the shoulders and pull them backwards out of harm’s way. Thankfully, for some strange reason, the female seemed to be shooting at her own companions and not his, so the Wookiee stopped before he accidentally crushed anyone’s shoulders with his hefty grip, instead standing there to watch Jaina now with a rather perplexed expression on his face.

Denali Keesda

Location: The Raven, medbay

Denali heard Sutton drop into the Hutt language on the other end of the line and fell silent, waiting with baited breath to hear the reply from the other party. The doctor reached up, fiddling with the earpiece in an attempt to reduce the amount of noise feeding into Sutton’s comlink. With Stehrr reacting the way he had, the last thing the group needed was for the other group to notice the devices in Luke and Sutton’s ears.

He waited, holding his breath, for someone else to reply. Then he heard a blaster going off, and felt panic drop into his gut like a rock.
“Shit...” Denali cursed under his breath, fumbling to get a field kit together, just in case. Of course there was no guarantee one of their group had been hit, maybe it was a stray shot or they’d dodged, but if somebody had been injured, they would need his help. “Gol, sounds like there’s been some shooting, just be prepared to babysit the Raven with that bucket of bolts if it turns out I need to go tend to somebody!” he warned the mechanic over the ship’s onboard intercom. With all his supplies gathered together, Denali perched on the edge of his seat and waited, listening intently to the comm channel, for any indication that one of the Raven members out there needed medical attention, all the while hoping that they could get out of the situation without getting hurt.

He didn’t like to treat patients in the field if he could help it, there were too many unpredictable variables and it was often a risky business, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
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