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Fareeha chuckled herself. "And I'm sure that responsibility will keep you plenty busy. Given the situation," she said. Finishing up her plate, she pushed it aside. She rested her head on clasped hands. "That'll help around here. We've started turning to young ones for soldiers. You're aware that all Egyptians enter ESF training? Very basic. None are expected to use it. We're pulling from everything, Angela. This helps more than you can possibly imagine."

Fareeha gestured to Angela's meal. "It's not exactly fancy, but it staves off starvation. That's a plus," she said. Seeing the 'look' from Alawa, she knew the others were curious. "Since you've been ... in the civilized world, how is it out there? Are the Asia and European front still holding? Last we heard, South America is almost routed. The US is still protected. I wish they'd send some of their relief efforts here. Any of them as bad as here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela took a few bites of her meal while Fareeha spoke, listening to what she had to say closely. On the matter of the rest of the world, Angela could report on what she knew, though she doubted it would bring any relief whatsoever.

"I can't say much for Asia. I know Genji is in Japan, so they have him. I can imagine that at least they are decently protected, being an island nation and all. But I cannot confirm anything for Asia as a whole. I know Russia is... well, falling apart at the seams. But it is such a large country, the civilians must've fled into unpopulated areas to hide while the soldiers do battle. I've seen a few videos, and none of them have civilians... I don't know if that is because they died or if they escaped."

She paused to take a sip of her drink before continuing.

"Europe is locked in war in most countries. Switzerland barely took any brunt of the omnic attacks. Italy, Germany, and France have received massive casualties, but continue to fight. The French are employing guerilla tactics to fight. They realized that head on attacking and defending wasn't working. Moving constantly is exhausting their forces however."

She sighed. "Germany is just as bad. From what I've seen and heard, many Crusaders have died in battle... They're reinforcing key points in cities and defending 'til the last man is down. I can only hope that Reinhardt is still alive and kicking. His body is not what it used to be... He's in his sixties now. Knowing him, he's probably still fighting, shouting nonsense about glory and Hasselhoff."

"You are right about South America, that's for certain... I don't know the details. I suppose it's a bad sign when you don't see an news cominf from a whole continent. As for the US, since they've always had the strongest military force in the world, they are using every last bit of it to protect their people. Jesse actually made contact with me a few weeks ago, wondering if Overwatch still existed. So I know he's over there, helping where he can."

"The only person I've had consistent contact with throughout the crisis is Torbjorn. Scandinavia is working together very well to defend their nations as a whole. He has built hundreds of turrets, and continues to work as hard as ever, even though he's a few years shy of sixty years old."

"The only people I can't say I know where they went are Jack and Gabriel. It worries me. They simply up and disappeared... but there is nothing I can do, and I know both of them can handle themselves."

"All I can say for certain is that Egypt has the worst fighting I've seen. Even the nations surrounding Switzerland look better than here. It just goes to show how brave all of you are and have been, continuing to fight despite all that has happened. I really must commend all of you for your hard work. Especially you, Fareeha. You have grown into an excellent leader. I still remember when you were just a sweet little girl playing with dolls."
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Fareeha, her officers, and even officers from the other tables were listening in. It was rare getting news these days. Egypt's news networks covered the whole Cairo campaign and the valiant, indefatigable ESF that resisted humanity's arch enemies. Most of the coverage was glorified, propaganda to keep hope flaming in each Egyptian heart. Though there were kernels of truth packed in here and there.

The names Angela spoke of, Fareeha recalled, were members of Overwatch. She was too young to really remember too much of them, but she knew of the people. Particularly Reinhardt. She always thought his laugh was too loud. Too rambunctious. But it had its own charm. The others were blurs.

"I bet they're all fighting the fight," she said when she had a chance to jump in. "Germany's not going anywhere with Reinhardt there. Scandinavia's got an army of turrets. The other countries? Well, we now know their current state. It's a shame about South America. Never been there, but they were lives lost regardless."

Coming back onto the topic of Egypt, Fareeha was slightly surprised that her country was the hardest hit, in Angela's recount. She had expected the Omnics to concentrate on the more modern, populated areas. Europe. America. Russia. Asia. To have the heaviest fighting take place over barren sand was beyond her. There was nothing for the Omnics to gain here. Nothing that could've threatened them like the other countries. But who knew the logic of machines?

Fareeha rose an eyebrow at Angela's portion about her. Her officers gave her playful smiles. So did the others. "Why don't we keep private life private, yes?" She looked at her officers. "Wipe those smirks off your faces."

"I never took you for the type," Nero said. He rose his hands. "Cap, ma'am."

"Stow it," Alawa said. Though his smug expression didn't change. "Dolls though. What an image."

Fareeha sighed. "Thank you, doctor." As annoyed as she sounded, her lips tugged into a small smile. "But thanks for the kind words. It's funny how something so little can bring such comfort." She leaned on the table towards Angela. "If you're comfortable, have you heard from my mom at all? Any news on her?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela smiled apologetically at the other woman for embarrassing her in front of her peers. She'd just gotten too caught up in memories. It wasn't all that bad though. To see Fareeha smile at a time like this warmed the Swiss woman's heart. She was fighting so hard for her country, she deserved a few moments to feel at least a little happy.

Angela couldn't help but glance down as Fareeha asked about her mother. Truth be told, she hadn't seen Ana in years. It was a shame. Her skills and prowess with her sniper rifle could easily come in handy at a time like this.

"I'm sorry, Fareeha, but I haven't seen or heard from your mother in a long time... When she disappeared early in the conflict, that was the last I saw of her. I'm sure she's still out there. She is like you, in the way that she is stubborn and wouldn't ever give up."

Angela reached a hand over and place it upon Fareeha's strong forearm, giving her a comforting look in the eyes. Her voice was soft and gentle. Speaking to the Captain about her maternal figure was a tough endeavor, and an emotional one.

"She did not want to ever hurt you. This I know."
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Perhaps it was too much of a question to ask Angela. The disappearance of her mother was something Fareeha obsessed about for many years when she was younger. At times she thought the older Amari to be dead, yet no body was ever found. She asked anyone she could, but each potential lead led to another dead end. Angela was the final lead in her immediate circle. If she didn't know anything about the disappearance, others would perhaps yield the same answer.

Though Fareeha expected the answer, it didn't make it any easier. She swallowed her disappoint. "It's okay. I don't remember that much about her, but she's still family," she said. "Until I see a body, I'll keep looking. Or simply move on."

Surprised by the touch, Fareeha looked at the hand then to Angela. Her next word brought a mixture of yearning and betrayal. "Angela. If she didn't want to hurt me, she wouldn't have left," she said. Remembering where she was, Fareeha cleared her throat and pulled away. "Sorry, that got too personal. Why don't you finish up?" She pointed at Angela's plate. "Take your time. When you're done, I'll introduce you, properly, to the medical elements of the 5th. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela quietly took her hand back. She couldn't ever say that she understood the pain that Fareeha had gone through and was clearly still going through. She wanted to be empathetic, however. Wanted Fareeha to know that she wasn't alone, that she has support from Angela.

"I apologize, this discussion should have been kept private." She said, sitting up straight. "I would be grateful to be introduced, thank you. I don't think it would keep anyone from staring at me though... These soldiers must not see anyone not from their own home at all."

She gave a quick glance around and sure enough there were peering eyes upon her. She tried to ignore it as she focused on finishing her food. It was a tad unnerving, but she could endure. After all, it wasn't hurting anyone.
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Fareeha laughed. "The nice thing about the ESF is that we're mixed. Man, woman, you fight. So don't worry about them going stir crazy." She looked at Angela's pale complexion and contrasted it against her own. Then she thought about the implications of having a foreigner fight amongst them. "But you're right. They don't see Europeans that much. You also represent something more than your appearance difference. You remind all of us there's still a world beyond our burning Egypt. An Egypt where we can't even afford our dead a proper burial. You show us that the world still cares. Or least people still care."

Whatever could be done to maintain moral, Fareeha didn't dismiss it. She used it, milked it for all that it was worth. There was more to war than numbers and weapons. There was the psychological aspect of it as well. Many times, she wanted to break. To seek a mentally unfit dismissal from what she'd seen. However, she survived the massacre at Tanta. After surviving that, she knew she could survive whatever else the Omnics threw her way. It fueled her hatred for the machines while strengthening her resolve of saving anyone she could. No life was expendable in her book.

"Anyway, we'll get you settled in. You can either stay with me or stay with the other medical personnel. You're a rare exception to normal military protocol. I think," Fareeha said. "We'll also have to get you up to speed on the current situation here in Egypt. We've got a long day ahead of us. Unfortunate, hmm?"
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Angela smiled and nodded her head, affirming the plans Fareeha spoke of. The Swiss woman knew she'd be very busy here. She'd likely help the medical unit while she was here on this base, and be busy with the wounded when she followed Fareeha's soldiers into battle against the omnics.

"If you do not mind, I would prefer to stay with you instead of the medical personnel. We have talking that we need to do in privacy." She said, sliding her empty tray aside. Once they were ready, they went to the medical unit and introduced Angela to the various medics, nurses, and doctors.

She was polite and calm, and even checked on a few of the patients that were from Fareeha's unit. The one that had been missing a leg was one she spent a little extra time talking to. He praised Angela for helping him gain some hope. It had been what had pushed him to complete that two hour trek from the caves to the base.

Angela smiled, humbly accepting his praise. She was used to being thanked for ehat she felt was her duty. Some would say she was a miracle worker, but she wasn't. She had limits to what she could do.

She exited the room the man was recovering in and looked to Fareeha, who had been waiting. "He is doing much better. His leg could easily be fitted with a prosthetic when it heals... He could even return to duty if the prosthetic is strong enough." She informed. It was only right that the Captain know of the condition of her soldiers.

"Where to now? Is there anyone else important that I need to meet?"
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Fareeha nodded. "That's fine with me. The space they gave me was too big for one." Letting Angela finished her meal, they got to their feet after they cleaned up. First was to the medical tent. Introductions she supposed.

It always amazed her how well Angela could mingle in. Sure, Fareeha thought of herself to be a good leader. Moral and all. But the civilian and support side were different. It was hard to talk to someone who wasn't a full fledged soldier. Doc Marsala and her company medics were the exception.

As an officer should do, though not many did, Fareeha did the rounds. The wounded were in good hands. Some telling her not to head back out without them. She said she wouldn't although the promise was something she may not be able to keep. Some wouldn't be able to move without prosthetics. Some would be able to given enough time. Two days, however, was hardly enough from what she'd seen for the vast majority.

Exiting the medical ward, Fareeha waited patiently, her officers dismissed to their own devices and keeping the 5th from getting too rowdy and soft. Angela appeared soon after; she had been visiting one of the more critical cases. Not knowing what to expect, Fareeha stood at ease while she listened to the doctor's report.

Fareeha nodded. "I feared for him back at the caves. Not many make it with something like that out here," she said. "In no small part to you though. If you'd listen to me to withdrawal, the bag of dog tags would've been heavier."

Gesturing back towards the door, Fareeha entered the sandy terrain of the designated military area of the safe zone. "You met the medics and Dr. Marsala already. Officers as well." Fareeha pursed her lips. She shrugged. "That's it. Do you have any personal belongings? I'm heading back to my quarters. You can drop them off, if you do."
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Admittedly, Angela had neglected to bring any personal items. She hadn't thought she'd need them, and with how dire the situation was, she didn't believe for a second that her own comfort mattered. He belongings were better off back home in Switzerland. The small backpack hanging from her shoulders contained nothing but a few rations and some medical tools.

"I don't have much. This backpack just has some food and a few medical tools for if I run out of energy and can't use my suit to its full extent. I... may need to borrow a change of clothes, but it isn't the most important thing to me. This is war, and comfort is a luxury."

"Swiss troops may find themselves a bit out of place here, really. Back home they have time to rest and recuperate for much longer than the ESF has. The danger isn't immediate, and many civilians still reside in their own homes, with weapons to protect themselves with. I must admit, your people are much braver than my own. Those two companies that are coming will be pushed to their limits, that is for certain."

Angela looked up at the taller woman. Perhaps when Fareeha wasn't in the eyes of the soldiers, some of her walls would come down and Angela could speak with her on a more personal level without fearing that the other soldiers wouod overhear something they didn't need to.

"I suppose all that's to be done is to go to your quarters and talk. I have a lot to ask you that I felt wouldn't have been appropriate for our previous conversations. Lead the way, Fareeha."
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Packing light was the smartest thing Angela could've done. Fareeha was impressed. Her personal effects was the locket she wore around her neck, the G-Suit she wore, and the armor given to her. A blue that rivaled the sky. It contrasted against the sandy beige of the typical jumper armor. She had reservations at first but grew into it as of late.

"The commissary may have extra fatigues. Can't promise that they have anything, but it's worth looking into," she said. She laughed at the comment about the Swiss forces coming in. "They'll adapt. War has a way of doing that. Our civilians never had a chance. The Omnics came in too quick. Too fast."

Beckoning Angela to follow, the walk back to the area designated to 5th Company wasn't far. Freeha nodded to her people, familiar and unfamiliar faces nodding to her. Entering the small tent away from the others, Fareeha gestured at the spartan accommodations. A single desk, cot, and a chair. "Welcome home. I'd offer something, but I haven't had the time to go to the market," she said. Fareeha settled on the chair. She gestured to the cot. "Take a seat. Let's talk. I have to be formal around the jumpers."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela seated herself on the cot, very relieved to finally have a momemt to relax. She breathed a sigh as she relaxed, before looking to Fareeha to start their conversation. Time was somthing they didn't have a lot of, so even in moments like this one, she couldn't waste time.

"Fiest things first, I want to say that I am sorry about your mother, Fareeha. I don't know everything, and I don't know why she did it, but I do know that she loved you with all of her heart... She wouldn't have left without a reason. But she hurt you, immensely. A wound of the heart is one that takes ages to heal, if it ever does. And... I know that you're in a lot of pain, especially now."

Angela smiled slightly, clasping her hands on her lap. "You can't fool a medical expert, you know. When I look at you, I can see a strong and beautiful woman pushed beyond her limits. She's trained her body and mind to be at peak performance one-hundred percent of the time. But deep down this fighting is gnawing at her... no time to properly rest, soldiers, friends, dying at an alarming rate..."

"Fareeha, in private times like this you must allow yourself not only to relax physically, but emotionally as well. Every leader stands tall in the eyes of those entrusted to them. But you are in no one's view but my own, and I know in my heart and soul that things just keep getting harder and harder."

"I keep hearing whispers of a place called Tanta. It is spoken with fear and regret... something horrible happened there, correct? I know you do not want me to sit here and lecture you on emotions. But you know well that I am here help you, to listen to you, and to be here for you should you need me. I know that you have seen Hell and beyond, and this war isn't over... It's okay to be weak when your soldiers aren't looking. You're human, Fareeha."
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Fareeha watched as Angela took her spot on the cot. It amused her to think what Angela's accommodations back in Switzerland looked like. Surely nothing so simple. So hard. Fareeha remembered her simple twin mattress back at her apartment she returned on leave. She missed it dearly.

Having the conversation starter be about her mom made Fareeha frown. She listened though she didn't want to linger long on this subject. "You don't need to apologize on her behalf. Whether she loved me or not, I don't really know. I don't really care about much these days," she said. The spiel about the war wasn't anything new to her either. Didn't mean it was easy to practice what Angela suggested. "In war, Angela, there's no time to stop. I don't mean to offend, but only one who isn't under the pressure of war every day can say something so ... peaceful. This respite we've earned? This is but a rare occurrence. Largely in part to you joining my company. I don't see R&R happening again any time soon."

Talking, remembering, about the Massacre at Tanta made Fareeha's heart elevate in cadence. She felt uncomfortable, angry that Angela should bring it up. Angela was only being a doctor, a friend. Fareeha knew that. However, she hadn't seen the doctor in a long time. They weren't friends. They were acquaintances under extraordinary circumstances. If not for Overwatch, Angela's familiarity with her mom, Fareeha had little doubt in Angela finding her way to the desert lands.

"Tanta was a ... breaking point for many. It isn't something I feel comfortable in sharing," she said. She regretted the hard tone she took with Angela. "I appreciate what you're trying to do. I do. But it's not necessary. In this war, where the enemy doesn't stop? This was ill-affords all except the will for total victory. This enemy doesn't feel. Doesn't stop. We can't either. Do you understand?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela could feel the spite, the anger that Fareeha held. It made the Swiss woman somewhat uncomfortable, though perhaps she'd made Fareeha just as much, bringing up many of the things that she likely never wanted to speak of. But some things Angela felt just needed to be said. She wanted Fareeha to understand that as a doctor, she was here for more than just physical wounds. She was there to give soldiers hope, to make them feel human. Though it was likely, with them facing the omnics, that they never felt the fragility of humanity more.

"I understand, Fareeha, and I do apologize if I've upset you. I know combat, and I know war. The whole time this conflict has been ongoing, I haven't just been sitting in Switzerland, safe and sound. I am not a pacifist. At least, not anymore. I am prepared to sacrifice every comfort I have to give your people and your soldiers hope in this fight. And I am not afraid if my life is to be taken... I am a leader in medicine. I have seen death in many forms right beneath my hands. You know of Genji, right?"

Angela sighed, reflecting on one of her own questionable decisions. "He was... is a human man. When his brother attempted to kill him, I brought him back to life as mostly machine. Perhaps the only things human about him are his face and his heart. Other than that... I made an omnic out of a man. He had a hard time accepting what he was... and especially with the omnic crisis ongoing, I feel that I may have made the wrong decision. It was my choice, as the leader of the research facility in Switzerland. It was my decision to bring a man back from death as a machine. But Genji is a valuable member of Overwatch, or at least, he was when Overwatch still had a purpose. I have to live knowing what I did may not have been the right thing to do, and that it may have been better if I had simply left him to die. My point is, Fareeha, sometimes it can feel as if your decisions are questionable, even wrong. I mean... who am I to tell you all of this as if I'm some kind of wise monk? You know more of leadership in battle than I do. But in that sense... You must know the feeling of doubt more than I do as well."

"Whatever happens in this war here in Cairo, I will be right by your side to support you and your troops. I know that we are nothing more than acquaintances, but even with the rough past that we share with Overwatch and your mother, I am not here to annoy you or anger you. I am here to help you. If it helps that I shut up now and never speak so personally to you again, then that is what I will do. I overstep boundaries often in my line of work. Sometimes they shouldn't be crossed, but I've never been one to stop myself without being told what I'm doing is wrong."

Angela stood up, not feeling that her ramblings would make any sense to the younger woman sitting before her. Something told her she needed to leave, to take Fareeha out of her discomfort in the situation. "If you'd like me to stay elsewhere, I can. You are in command of me."
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The regret grew tenfold. Fareeha listened to Angela. She knew that this woman had been through war already. Seasoned just like she'd been. It was hard to remember. With the conflict raging on in Egypt, the rest of the world seemed far away. From the ferocity of the ongoing fight, it felt, to her, that her people was carrying the world. But that was a false thought. The world was burning as well. No matter how little or how grand. Innocents died everyday. People like Angela kept them from passing to the other side. People like her, soldiers skilled in arts of killing, was a shield through destruction. For the preservation of humanity, she dealt death. Majority of the time it was to omnics. Sometimes it was onto her own.

When Angela stood, so did she. Fareeha shook her head. "Stop. Stop. I'm sorry, Angela. I'm tense. I haven't had a normal conversation in a very long time. I've been stuck out there," Fareeha pointed in the general direction of the front lines, "for as long as I can remember. I've stopped counting. Rocket fuel and copper is all I smelled. Not the flowers and greenery that sprouts upon the shores of the Nile. The omnics burned it. Burned it all!"

Fareeha gently grabbed Angela's hand and sat her back down on the cot. She sat back on her chair. "I command some of the best most hardened jumpers I've had the pleasure of meeting. They're too good for me. I ask of them much, and they give me more in return. Egypt's odd. Everyone knows how to fight. When the machines came to us, the standing army wasn't enough. We've resorted to the draft," Fareeha said. "Have you ever seen a child hold a weapon, told to fight against an unfeeling enemy, and then die? Alone? Forgotten?

"When the coastal cities fell, Tanta was the second line of defense before nearing the outskirts of Cairo. Command had a total war mentality. Children and whoever else was capable were given weapons. Some were trained. Others weren't. There was a kid who fought with a ground company my company supported." Fareeha looked at her hands, frowned, then looked back up. "I don't want to go into too much details. I'm still trying to resolve it myself. If you were here, I - you - could have saved him. Our medics couldn't. Not even Dr. Marsala. I ... gave him mercy."

Reining in the emotions that welled in her chest, Fareeha offered a sad smile. "Leading is two edged sword. Pride and doubt. I doubt many things I've done in this war. But my jumpers still fly. For now, that's all I can do. Save whoever I can. Win the war," she said. "I remember when I grew up with Overwatch. Especially you. I always saw you around my mom. As long as you're with me, you have authority with anything medical. All I ask is you trust me with the fighting."

She reached over and placed her hand on Angela's shoulder. "If I say, you run. I've lost my mom. Maybe she's dead. Maybe she's not. I've lost the one family I've always wanted to be with but no longer exists. I won't lose one of the few remaining people that remind me of a different, happier life. Do, you, understand?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Angela was surprised, to say the least, to see that her words had brought out the way that Fareeha was feeling. Perhaps not being afraid to speak of what pained herself, with what she'd done to Genji and her own doubts in her medical leadership, had made the combative woman in front of her realize that she too needed to let her feelings exist. She too needed to feel human for once, and not like a machine, fighting mindlessly like the omnics that opposed them.

"Fareeha..." Angela murmured as the woman sat down again, though she silenced herself to listen to the rest of what the Egyptian woman had to say. It was heartbreaking. The tale of the child, given mercy from his suffering. That was a word she knew very well; mercy. It was almost ironic, in her line of work. She eased the suffering of others, but sometimes, mercy wasn't always meant to save the life of a victim. Sometimes, mercy meant taking away their pain quickly. Angela wished that she'd done that for Genji, but by the time she'd began to feel regret, it was far too late. She knew how to rebuild a body from scratch, but she would never want to do something like that ever again.

"I understand, Fareeha. In a way, I am dear to you. Dear to your memories of a time when things weren't so difficult. I will do everything I can to save your people, you know that. I won't let any other children die if I can do something about it. And I assure you, what you did to that child... You did the right thing. Mercy is a word I know very well... Sometimes the hardest decision to make is the one that frees people from their pain. Even I have taken life, instead of saving." Angela looked down at her hands. She could practically see the blood that had once stained her palms, as if it had embedded itself into the crevices of her fingerprints and into every wrinkle where her knuckles bent.

"I know you do a difficult job, and it will only get harder as the fighting grows more desperate. I believe that the omnics targeted this place because they knew the defenses were lacking... I think they know that no one was prepared for the scale of the war that they are waging. They expected this to be a quick victory... but I know, so long as you and your jumpers remain, they won't take Cairo. You embody the soul of this country. All of its hope and will, Fareeha. You are the strongest woman I have ever met, to go through this war and keep on fighting with no end in sight. You are stronger than your mother ever was. I believe in you. And you should believe in yourself."

Angela stood up from the cot and walked over to Fareeha, reaching hear hands out to take Fareeha's own. She guided the woman to her feet, and the Swiss woman smiled up at her. Then, Angela wrapped her arms around the much taller woman in a warm hug. It was likely something Fareeha hadn't felt in a long, long time. Affection, care, warmth. A simple gesture, but scarcely seen in this cold, hopeless conflict.
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Dear to her. That was a simple way of putting it.

To take a life, the emotion behind it, wasn't something easily explained. Pulling the trigger or using the knife. Regardless of whichever was used, it was a tool. It cared not which life it took. Leaders to common citizens. It was the user that bared the burden. It never got easier. Not to Fareeha. Not for the child she sent to the lands across the Nile. Angela looking down at her hands, distanced, was common. For her, Fareeha's demons came in the night. Her dreams didn't bring respite. It was yet another battlefield she had to conquer. It wore her out.

Fareeha smiled. Even if Angela offered expected words, they brought comfort to her tired soul. "I don't know if I believe you, but thanks." Feeling the tension easing ever so slightly, Fareeha leaned back against her chair. When was the last time she had the chance to truly relax? "Gave them quite the surprise, didn't we? They thought they could take Egypt without cost? Those delusional machines. No Angela. We'll keep fighting. Command has given a no retreat order. Kill order for deserters." Fareeha's expression darkened. She looked to the entrance of her tent. "My company was lucky. I as well. It's bad for morale, but we lose more people that way. A kill order? No retreat? Barbarism!"

As the omnics began their invasion several months ago, the military was a mess. Defense forces were erected while cities were turned into massive strongholds. Economy shifted from commerce to military as munitions were pumped out. There was mass desertions. By the dozens, soldiers fled their posts from the imminent of defeat and doom. So far, the omnics hadn't taken any prisoners. Countering this problem, officers were ordered to shoot those who would flee from their duty. Fareeha, luckily, kept her executions to single digits. It wasn't even for her own company. Jumpers were steel hardened warriors chosen from the average conscript pool. Still, it left its mark on her. Human blood stained her hands more than she cared for.

Looking up at Angela as she stood, Fareeha blinked in surprise as she stood up. Angela took a little step closer, which she didn't mind. There was something about that smile that alleviated the invisible burden Fareeha felt on her shoulders. How someone so beautiful would volunteer to come here was beyond her.

Fareeha's eyes widened even more so when Angela embraced her. Her body stiffened before it relaxed. Wrapping her arms around Angela, she looked down on the Swiss woman. She closed her eyes and immersed herself into the simple contact. She felt wonderful, as if a small piece of humanity finally found its way back to her from the Hell whole she'd been fighting in non-stop.

She chuckled ever so slightly. Angela's scent was welcomed. It beat the smell of death, blood, and ordinance any day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Dewey Deftones Skidaddle Skidoodle

Member Seen 9 days ago

Angela hoped that this small gesture, this kind embrace, would do something to help Fareeha's morale. She'd been through so much that it made the Swiss woman feel almost desperate to see that their defense of this land succeeded. Failure after so much fighting and so much sacrifice just wasn't an option. If they survived, they'd be absolutely devastated. Angela knew that kind of feeling could easily lead to suicide. It was just a known fact. History repeated itself, and in every war, the losing nation often found themselves without hope, and hopelessness led to despair. Despair led to death. Angela didn't want to see it happen to these hardy and stalwart people.

Unwrapping her arms from around the tall soldier, Angela looked up at her, peering into her deep brown eyes. She found herself captivated, reaching up and running a finger delicately across the tattoo under Fareeha's eye. The Eye of Horus. Ana had a similar one, different in design but with the same meaning. But what did it mean to Fareeha? Surely it was almost like it wasn't even there at this point. Just another mark on the skin, like a freckle or scar. Realizing that perhaps she was getting too close, Angela's cheeks tinted pink and she stepped away.

"Sorry," She apologized, walking back over to the cot and sitting down. "I have to ask about the tattoo under your eye. I'm just curious. What is it for? Is it a symbol of heritage or a family tradition, or something else? I know your mother had one, but it was different in design. It's the Eye of Horus, right? Or was it Ra? I never really studied Egyptian culture... all that I know about it is what I learned when your mother talked about it many years ago."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Fighting down the desperation of not wanting to let her go, Fareeha reluctantly pulled away only to find Angela's baby blues staring back at her. Fareeha couldn't breathe as Angela traced a finger along the tattoo on her eye. The Eye of Horus. Resembling many things, it meant protection to her. It was her promise to protect the innocent, to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. That promise had been failure after failure so far. That was the problem with fighting an enemy that could continuously replenish itself.

But that wasn't what she focused on now. Nor did she want to focus on anything concerning the stupid war. She felt wonderful as Angela kept touching her. It'd been far too long.

Then she pulled away.

Fareeha frowned when Angela pulled away. Her pale complexion turned a rosy red. It was cute. There was nothing Angela needed to apologize for. Yes, Fareeha would've forcibly removed anyone if they'd touched her like Angela did, but she was different. She felt like she could let her guard down with the woman. An uncommon feeling given present circumstances.

Joining Angela on the cot, Fareeha pointed at the tattoo below her right eye. "Family tradition? Not really. I suppose I could see why you'd think that. Mother had one on her left. Her's was the Eye of Ra. In ancient myths, it supposedly decimated the enemies of the Sun God," she said. "I, however, have the Eye of Horus. Protection, health, royalty. It has lots of meanings. Not only symbolism but also to those that get the tattoo. To me, it's my promise to protect those that can't protect themselves. To save the innocent when it's within my power. I've ... been breaking that promise terribly as of late."

Staring at her small bag of personal effects, Fareeha got up. She bent over and searched her bag until she found a small doll. It was barely the size of her palm. She went back to the cot and offered the toy to Angela. "You know who that belonged to?" The doll was worn, a dark stain in its midsection. "A little girl I couldn't get to the exodus convoy. She was so close...!" Fareeha snapped her fingers. "Then gone. Gone. I'm no hero, Angela. I'm just a human placed under extraordinary circumstances. Even I make mistakes. Even I regret though the ESF would see me as a stoic, unshatterable woman ... They couldn't be more wrong."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Dewey Deftones Skidaddle Skidoodle

Member Seen 9 days ago

Listening quietly to Fareeha explain her tattoo's meaning, Angela understood much better what purpose it served. A permanent promise to herself to dedicate her life to protecting the innocent, and fighting for justice. She could feel her heart breaking, knowing that Fareeha likely felt that she'd failed to protect anyone or anything from the omnics. And when the Egyptian woman held the stained doll in her hand, telling the story of the girl who didn't make it, Angela couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat, choking up. Fareeha handed it to her, and the Swiss woman gently ran her hand over the rough fabric.

She'd seen dead children before. Seen their little playthings scattered about as haunting reminders of the innocence lost. But it never, ever failed to bring her own emotions to light and get the best of her whenever it was brought this close to her. What human wouldn't feel this doll tug at their heartstrings? Angela forced herself to stay composed. This was not about her. This was a time for Fareeha to get her feelings out, this was a time for Fareeha to break away from her stoic leader facade. This beautiful soldier had been in this war much longer, what right did Angela have to cry at a time like this?

"Fareeha," She began, careful to keep her voice steady. "You and I both know you did all you could. That child... it could not have been your fault. The only ones to blame for any of this Hell are the omnics themselves. The fact that we make mistakes is what keeps us all from becoming like the omnics themselves, slaughtering everything in sight... We're human, Fareeha. You're right about that. But I'd rather be human and make mistakes that cost lives and have to live with the regret, than become a killing machine without emotion or morals. Sure... holding this doll in my hand upsets me greatly. In fact, it brings tears to my eyes and makes me want to cry, but that feeling... that sadness just makes me want to fight harder. To prevent these deaths as much as I can, to make certain that I can heal everyone I can."

She handed the doll back over to Fareeha. "You know, Fareeha... I don't think there's any place I'd rather be right now. I've never felt more motivated to help. I've never felt more human, never felt more alive. We are the opposite of the omnics, and that is a good thing. We all have our limits, but... sometimes we humans can do remarkable things when pushed to the limit. Sometimes miracles happen." Angela felt a small smile tugging at her pink lips. "The Swiss companies will be here tomorrow. I think they're a miracle that the ESF has been waiting for... Two companies may not be much, but I know these fresh, strong troops will be a relief, even if only slight."
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