Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hyznia, CMAS HQ


"Whoa, whoa, Sulfrax?" Zack blurted, moving towards Pincy, only to have his path blocked by Sarah. He caught himself and staggered. "You can't expect me to-"

"I expect you to do as you are told, lest we find our arrangements to be less agreeable than once thought. You wouldn't want that, now, would you Zachary?" Sarah barked with untouchable fortitude. It made her guards shudder. Zack was less phased, but took her vague threat rather seriously. "Be happy that his choice falls upon Stephanie, and not you. Perhaps it is better this way."

"It's fine, Zach," Stephanie grunted, "I'll do as I'm told." Zack flinched at the woman's remark, and backed away from Sarah, throwing Pincy a deadly glare. Working under mutually agreeable conditions? What an ignorant oaf. The CMAS were not agreeable with anyone, unless you found yourself within their ranks. Even then, you could not consider yourself safe.

"Excellent. I shall make preparations for your journey. You two will be free to roam Hyznia as citizens for now. Report to the main gates within the hour, or we will fetch you ourselves," Sarah ordered, nodding to her guards. "We will provide a small vehicle, and any supplies we can spare. If you have any specific requests, you can speak with me via telepathic link." Sarah placed a hand on Pincy's shoulder as she said this. A moment later, an echo found itself inside of Pincy's head, one that matched Sarah's voice with absolute perfection.

"I will maintain this link, as long as i see fit"

"Stephanie, you know what you are to do. Please, do not disappoint me," Sarah said, narrowing her eyes. With that, she left the room with her soldiers, leaving the door wide open. "Zack, Jo-Jo, you may leave at your leisure as well. However, it is imperative that you do not leave the city. Good day to you all."

Illon, Reginald's Quarters


"That is unlike you," Pride mused, turning towards the room's exit, "The swamp is too large and too dangerous to investigate further. We shall follow this path to the slums. But if this is indeed a rite of necromancy, then the living puppet which we may face is still walking upright." Jaymee was unnerved by the prospect of the living dead. Not once in the past several years had there been a documented case of necromancy in Illon. She hadn't even seen the magic performed herself. What little she did know about it, was not enough to explain what she saw. Lingering Ki? That didn't make any sense. It felt too strange, different than that of the dead.

"How peculiar."

Illon Slums

Jaymee and Kasumi arrived within minutes, finding their way through the castle's main lobby, and across the drawbridge that lead towards Illon's main square, a devoid circle of stone and dirt that connected all of the major districts surrounding them. The castle district, the Slums, the residential area, the marketplace, and the Hill district. Citizens that recognized Jaymee and Kasumi, however few they were, averted their gazes and minded their own business. It was wise to do so in Illon, regardless of your affiliation outside of the king's inner circle. The city was a breeding ground for crime and horrendous acts. Murder wasn't uncommon, at least, when it came to the common rabble. Yvin rarely acknowledged it, but with Reginald's death, it became clear that this was a threat to Illon as a body, not just the lives of its people.

The slums were a husk of Illons previous secondary residential district, several broken homes with holes in their roofs, missing walls, and critters that posed threats beyond being simple pests. The dreaded marsh was not divided by any sort of barrier, and Illon's FFG was inept at keeping Snappers at bay. Those wretched little reptiles killed any who fell into the thick marshlands that divided the island-like terrain of Illon, but also served as a natural defense for the city. The fortress was practically unbreachable from any angle.

"The smell is strong here," Jaymee remarked, leading Kasumi through the streets of the slums. Few people lived out in the open here. It was a hub for crime and illegal activity. The branch of CMAS in Illon never bothered going anywhere near the slums. It posed too much of a danger to mages with curious little noses. "I do not know what, or whom, we are looking for."

Jaymee's eyes were sharp, but not sharp enough to detect the presence that followed them closely, from behind. Through the alleys, like a snake, it moved quickly. But within moments, Jaymee had heard its footsteps, and no doubt Kasumi would be aware of its presence as well.

"I cannot track it," Jaymee grunted, "This Ki is too thick, spread like a mist. It is interfering with my eyes.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Illon, Slums


"Ugh... the smell..." Kasumi said, covering her nose with her hands.
"There is no law in this place. If necromancy is really at play here... then we can safely assume that the necromancer in question has a wide influence in this area. He succeeded in killing an Archmage after all..."

"I dont know exactly what, but something is wrong here. The atmosphere is somehow... wrong. The air reeks of something, and i'm not talking about the usual smell of the slums." she said, her eyes darting around, scanning every nook and cranny. It was too quiet... Even for the slums... Something odd was happening, and Kasumi could feel it.

She continued walking through the slums in full alert. Her eyes were darting, scanning every little movement she saw in front of them.

"I dont see anything... at all... Its too quiet, too empty... even for the slums. Be ready for anything."

Just as she finished that sentence, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning her head to Pride, she looked to her with a mischievous smile that Pride surely understood.

Kasumi quickly reached her throwing needles with an imperceptible movement. Two needles rested in her grasp, ready to be thrown, as Kasumi continued walking like nothing had happened, waiting for Pride's movement.

Whatever it may be, it was wise to not kill it straight away. It could provide them with valuable information.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lila Vyner~
Divers Paradise


Lila followed Mira, the barrage of questions catching her slightly off guard. Should have expected it, really. Most people wouldn't just say 'sure, lets waltz into a potentially dangerous area no questions asked!' She wouldn't. She'd need more information most of the time, but this little venture was just a bit too good to pass up. She wasn't afraid of a calculated risk every now and then. She could at least answer everything Mira was asking, though.

"Not any specific area or contract," Lila answered, leaving the deeper parts of the paradise slowly behind as they made their way towards the exits. "Nothin' official like that. Just something I cooked up on my own after stumbling across some overly chatty and possibly drunk CMAS officers. Now, I don't know the details," Lila began. "But they said something about the CMAS sending some sort of team or something to investigate out in the desert. After a bit of...let's call it, 'intel gatherin' I managed to work out where I think they might possibly be headin, or at least the route they're takin'." The only problem was, she currently didn't have any way of traveling out there. Not without some vehicle of her own or something that she could...'borrow' from another Diver maybe. "So we got some preparations to make and need to get our mitts on some sort of transportation, but whatever the CMAS are doin' out there, could be fun...and might get our mitts on something pretty cool."

By now, they had nearly reached one of the exits. Lila turned to Mira, giving her a smirk.

"And don't worry your pretty head over it. I ain't about sharin' loot with anyone I don't know or trust so it'll be just us. It'll probably be dangerous, but that ain't nothin' new. Them CMAS fucknuts are gonna have to learn the hard way not to fuck with No Man's Land. We just need some supplies, somethin' to carry 'em in...and who knows. Even if it ain't nothing, it'll be worth it just to fuck with the CMAS."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oswyn Ainsworth
Diver's Paradise, Western Entrance

Oswyn merely watched as the large man walked off. It seemed he got tired of dealing with his shitty attitude. Much like everyone else. The alchemist shrugged as the other man spoke to him. As the small gathering of people slowly dispersed, Oswyn figured it'd be a good time to get back to what he was doing. Resupplying and then leaving. However a few things weighed on his mind, his curiosity hanging about like a bad smell. 'The orb dudes and the CMAS couldn't possibly be allies.. or could they..?' He pondered as he sat in front of his portable alchemy station, the potions bubbling away as he got lost in thought. He really wanted to meet these 'orb dudes', but they'd surely attack him on sight. There's just not telling what these guys would do.

Perhaps he should get into contact with this Luke person. Maybe he knows more about this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Illuna Forest

At the...disturbance?

Sulfrax took a long pause to stare at the tiny drunken man with an odd-looking gun running around in circles and spouting nonsense. He had been distracted by this? Of course it would start a fire. It was likely too stupid to use whatever sort of cannon that was in the first place, let alone use it safely. Even its arcane network looked like a strange jumbled mess that he didn't care enough to make heads or tails of. There was only one thing he came to care about after his quick analysis.

He didn't like it.

"This little...thing, is already annoying me, and I don't even know its name. I thought there was a chance of being ambushed by a beast or assassin. I'd rather be in Illon facing Dictator Yvin right now. I'm tempted to kill it, if it doesn't make itself useful and leave." Sulfrax's fingers twitched a little. His disregard for life was showing, although it could be arguably justified against the smelly dwarf.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Greenguy
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Greenguy o.o

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Heedy Haw Haw The Disturbed

Where all the wood's burning

Heedy Haw Haw pauses, noting he saw the same tree for the fiftieth gazillioth millionth time. He looks up at the B-rated horror villain and his compatriot, then immediately pulls out his flask and takes a solid drunk. "Nope. Not okay. I got asshat McGee callin' me an it and threatenin' my life cuz he's got an edge complex sharp enough to kill 'emself with." He gives the three round "ammunition chamber" of the B.O.B. cannon a test spin and looks up at said grumpy-face frilly pants McGee.

"Although if yaz expectin' good 'ol Heedy Haw Haw to waste his time play destroyer of frilly asshats, then fetch yourself a beer cuz I ain't here to do that. Ya'll know anythin' bout the smoke smell goin' about?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Illon, Reginald's Quarters


"Ahoy!" A raspy voice called out joyfully. Pride spun towards it and summoned a layer of Ki around his hands, forming visible claws that protruded past her fingertips and resembled those of a beast. A unique trait among Ki users, the ability to manifest Ki outside the body, even if only slightly. The approaching figure became clear as day, not hidden by any trickery, and revealing himself as a relatively tall, lanky man with long silver hair that he kept tied back in a braided ponytail. He widened his hands and offered a sparkling white smile, wide as he could manage. His skin was pale, similar to that of a dead man, and his eyes were hollow, white as well with slightly faded pupils. Peculiar, that it was. His features were strange, from his pale skin and hair, down to his elongated, sharpened canines. This man was trouble, but he walked without alertness in his stride. "Aren't we out past our bedtimes, oh but what a silly fool I'm being as the sun is still high, Idiot! Greetings, salutations, a bundle of hellos, to my two new friends of the Seven Sins! Pardon me for asking, I'm quite uninformed about this region's deadliest, but would you be so kind as to offer me your names?" The man asked, shifting the speed and tone of his voice at random. He spoke with a melody in his voice sometimes, and shrilly with increased tempo others, with the occasional brutish overtone that made him sound more vicious than he initially appeared. Pride looked to Lust for a moment, somewhat puzzled on how to proceed.

"He is the source of this wretched Ki," Pride said, "He was present in Reginald's chamber, but.."

"Oh, pish posh! Accusations so soon? We've only just met!" The stranger said, bowing politely. His new posture revealed a long, straight blade, sheathed on his back. It was at least 5 feet in length, unusually long, and had a black hilt that seemed to suck all light away. "I am called Damien Valefor," The man stated, "Kust call me Vale, if you'd please," He hissed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Divers Paradise

A shriek of pure terror ripped across the entire breadth of Diver's Paradise, sounding loud enough to alert Anyone inside the cavernous space. It was Abigail Mara, a casual Diver who's ear-rending vocal magics made monsters flee in fear. With he last breath, however, she'd done well enough to alert the entire cavern to her distress. Only a few hours after the CMAS attack, the local Divers were under attack once again.

Divers Paradise, East Entrance


Luke immediately backed away from Jenso and Len, shocked by the sudden burst of noise. He recognized it immediately, Abigail's voice, just as he'd recognize any other unique magical prowess among the Divers in his paradise. "Abbie??" Luke croaked, moving towards the edge of the eastern overlook, and scanning the many facilities within the pit of the Paradise. "Jenso, hey! Jenso!" He called out, immediately trying to catch the man's attention when he noticed that something wasn't right. "Everyone! Everybody, scatter! We're under attack!"

The streets and paths below him were suddenly tainted with chaos. In mere moments, men and woman were being pulled out of plain view and into the shadows. A chorus of screams rang out briefly, one after another, only to be silenced by whoever had pulled them aside to begin with. Luke caught sight of a few victims before they'd been disabled, at least 5 Divers he'd recognized by name, and shook his head angrily.

These new attackers were specifically targeting the most powerful Divers in the paradise.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!" Luke howled, turned towards the exit ramp as quickly as he could. But before he could leave, another scream echoed from behind him, further back to where the Pillar had been undergoing repairs. Another man he'd recognized, Tulio, was pulled behind a pile of stone by one of the Divers that were initially working with Len. Not moments later, the two aggressive Divers behind Len, lurched towards him and Jenso with spherical objects in their hands, eager to press them against the skin of their new targets. "Jenso, Len!" Luke shouted, too late to assist either of them with his own strength. He hoped dearly that it was enough, that they would turn around and fend off their attackers without issue.

Diver's Paradise, Western Entrance


After the initial shriek, there were more, and more. Shouts of agony, whiffed out one after another but an unknown threat. Oswyn could hear it all, but one voice rang familiar. It was Kevin's, closer than any other, not too far from where he'd been set up. Such a powerful man, at least in theory, was shouting for help. But his voice was not immediately snuffed out. What in the world was happening?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@tex @LokiLeo789

Divers Paradise, East Entrance

Jenso stared in shock as he heard the scream and got in a combat stance immediately. Had the CMAS already launched another attack? He looked over to Luke as he shouted his name, about to dash to Luke's side in order to ask him what was going on. Things happened rather quickly before he could do so however, and two divers were already about to attack himself and Len as Luke shouted a warning. Jenso turned to face the incoming attackers and saw that they were Divers rather then CMAS troops. 'More bounty hunters..?' He thought, unsure why else a group of Divers would turn against Luke and other strong Divers. It was possible that some of them no longer felt safe under Luke's rule, but Jenso wouldn't be able to find out right now.

As one of the attackers rushed at him, he took note of the spherical objects in their hands. They didn't seem harmful at first glance, but Jenso has no intention of letting his guard down. As the Diver tried to push the spheres into him, Jenso attempted to duck under the incoming strike and attempted to grab the man's wrists with his hands. He thrusted his left knee forward after doing so, aiming for the man's stomach. "I don't know who you are, but you messed with the wrong people!" He barked in an angry tone. The Divers were still recovering from the attack from the CMAS, and now this? Jenso certainly wasn't happy, mainly because the Divers would suffer even more now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Illon, Slums


The moment he bowed down, showing its blade, Kasumi's fingers tensed around the needles
"Pride, don't take your eyes off him, even for a second. We don't know his abilities, nor anything about him." she whispered to her

"You are in a very delicate position, Damien Valefor." Kasumi said, walking around the man, watching every movement he made, analyzing him.

"Reginald is dead. Just like many others. They met their demise in similar circumstances as Reginald. And you are the main suspect." she said.
"Reginald was a powerful Archmage. To kill an archmage without any resistance, and getting out of there without without any trace but some clumps of hair and a small cut on the window? And this weird aura you emanate... We know that you were there, Mr. Valefor." she said, standing behind him, with Pride just in front of the man.

"I suggest you drop your tone, and start explaining yourself. The only reason you are still alive is because we need information. Be careful with what you will say, we are not known for being merciful."

"Who are you working for? What were your reasons to kill Reginald?" Kasumi asked, hissing. Her eyes piercing the man, with a predatory glare.

"And don't you dare to try escaping, doing anything funny or using this beautiful blade on your back. If you do... be prepared, because I DO like to... play... with my prey before killing them." she said, licking her lips with a grin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oswyn Ainsworth
Diver's Paradise, Western Entrance

Oswyn clicked his tongue in irritation as people began screaming for help all around. He couldn't catch a break, he just wanted to restock his potions and be gone. Obviously he picked the wrong time to be here. A familiar voice screamed nearby. It was that angry guy's voice, how interesting to hear it in such a state. The alchemist sighed as he packed up his table once again, swiftly placing everything back under the rock. It couldn't be the CMAS, they only just passed through. Perhaps it was the orb dudes? Here's a good opportunity. Interrogation time.

He shifted his gun from his back, getting it ready for a fight if need be. He quickly walked over to the nearby scream, not wanting to run as that would consume too much energy. "Can't a guy resupply in peace around here?" He grumbled as he arrived at the scene, his lab-coat fluttering dramatically in the slight breeze.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pincy nodded to his orders, looking expectantly as Sarah left the room. He was not concerned about the little details. He didn't concern himself with those things for the most part, since he liked to allow his employers their privacy. Most of his workings are not exactly legal and often frowned upon by the majority of society, as he has expressed before. Besides, a key identity of any fun adventure was not knowing what will happen next, right? And he was always good at improvising his way out of a deep hole, if they ever found themselves in trouble. The first step was easy anyways, it was doing the dirty work that would provide them with the most trouble on this little 'odd job'. As soon as they were alone, the lanky mage then started out the room and waltz off down a random corridor, puffing his chest and confidently swinging his arms. He looked like a over-blown ostrich of sorts, but brimming with gusto, of course.

Suddenly, he popped his head back in, the mask leaning to the side, "Umm. Actually, does anyone know the way out? They kept a bag over my head the whole time. Can't say it really helps self-navigation."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Diver’s Paradise


“Well at least it sounds interesting” Mira commented in an cheery tone, she could feel every fiber in her body vibrate with a longing and excitement that could best be related to the first time her parents took her with them on one of their royal travels - yet it wasn’t something that was rare for her to feel: in fact, she felt this longing almost every time she was about to venture into the harsh environments of the No Man’s Land. After all, where else could a person experience the wonders that existed in the world and find the treasured hidden there? Or perhaps it was just her that felt like that, Mira herself couldn’t really tell as she wasn’t one to speak about these things to anyone - or be close enough to others to get a feeling for how they viewed the world around them. Other than Lila, of course, but she was… special, after all.

“Plus,” Mira added after a brief pause as her mind juggled these thoughts for a moment, “I would love to pay a visit to the CMAS and have a bit of a chat about what their organisation have done here…”

Mira added a small notion with her right hand to the remains of the chaos that had washed over the Paradise following the brutal attack by the CMAS agents. “Although I am certain I am not alone in that” she added with a cheeky smile.

Drawing to a stop as they reached the exit, she turned towards Lila. “Well I guess we should begin those preparations for our little trip then” Mira started, “seems to me that we need a lift of some kind, no? And definitely some supplies - plus I bet you need to get your hands on some liquor to refill your reserves that you lost”

The last part she said with grin, adding a cheeky wink just to tease Lila before she continued. “So how should we do it?” she added with a more serious tone: a tone she always used whenever she had to accomplish something and that was part of her analytical and cold persona that she usually wore on the outside if she wasn’t in the company of the handful of people she actually knew.

“I guess we both need to get our belongings and equipment needed for the trip” she continued, gazing through the exit to the world beyond their little Paradise in No Man’s Land. “and of course getting some form of transportation that can carry us through the desert - though I am certain that you are much better at acquiring that than I am, after all, I am not the Diver around here with the best connections nor social skills…”

And who’s fault is that? Mira added for herself in a dry thought, you really should start to interact more with those around you - and god forbid actually being friendly, it won’t hurt, you know? Ah shut up... Mira argued with herself. How was it even possible to be scolded by your own subconscious?

“So how about we split up and meet back here…” Mira quickly estimated the time needed for them to be able to gather the equipment needed for their mission, “at two? That should give us enough time to gather all the things needed - after all I don’t really need to gather much, I tend to travel light as you know” she grinned before nodding a farewell towards Lila and took her leave.

After the first few steps her thoughts were already occupied with the needed preparations : she had to check all her equipments, refill her ammunition as well as sharpening her blades and countless of knives - but before she had made her way too far away from Lila she turned around and added a final farewell in a surprisingly cheeky tone and a grin.

“Oh and my head ain’t that pretty!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lila Vyner~
Divers Paradise


"Just make sure you ain't late or I'ma leave without you and your ugly mug then!" Lila shouted back as Mira walked off. She should probably get her own things together. Shouldn't take her long to get some ammunition for her rifle, extra ones for her pistols...and maybe a knife or two for emergencies. Food and water as well of course, alcohol wasn't going to help them in a desert. Not that she wasn't gonna take some. By the time her feet had carried her a few steps, Lila was making a mental note of the things she'd need to get...and of how the hell she was gonna get her mitts on a vehicle.

Probably have to call in a favor. Ugh. Might as well head there and see if she could get it before going and packing up. With the recent attack, she wasn't sure she'd be able to get it...but well, she could be persuasive. She turned, deciding to head there quickly and get this over with. At least she could have some fun with this.

A few minutes of walking later, Lila had arrived outside of what looked like a garage. Normally you'd be able to hear either vehicles being worked on or the bickering of someone trying to haggle the price down on something. With the attack though, it looked like the place wasn't faring very well. Looked like it was closed, though the guy who ran it was probably still here somewhere. Thankfully, he was someone Lila was at least...acquainted with, and with her usual charm getting one of his vehicles shouldn't be too hard.

"I'm surprised you haven't stormed out of here all the way to Arcadia to sue the CMAS for all their worth, heh." She chuckled, walking up to one of the open garage doors. The garage inside was an absolute mess - more so than usual. Normally the floor was covered in machine parts, tools and grease. Now it had a few bullet holes, burns, and a few burned pieces of scrap laying around.

"I'd have better luck wrestling a Xena serpent." As usual, he sounded annoyed, overworked, and a bit tired. He was wearing his usual somewhat tattered suit, and looked like he hadn't slept for awhile. He turned from a table where he was cleaning a tool of some sort to Lila, letting out a sigh as he saw who he was speaking with. "Oh good, I was just wanting some more bad luck."

"Hey the bullet holes add a bit of charm to it," She chuckled. "Besides, ye could tell a fun little story of how you heroically fended off a horde of CMAS all by yourself."

"I have better things to do than come up with implausible stories to entertain the masses." Lila rolled her eyes. Prickly as ever, he was.

"As fun as ever, aren't ya Irwin?"

"What do you need, Lila? I am busy trying to see how much this little attack is going to cost me in time and money."

"...I wanna borrow your jeep." Irwin gave her the most hostile glare she had ever seen him give someone.


"Aw come on."

"No." He turned around, walking to an office connected to the garage obviously not to thrilled with the idea of handing over his vehicle to Lila.

"Come on. I got this great little venture." Lila hurried after him.

"I said no."

"Come on! I'll bring it back in one piece this time, promise."

"You've said that the last three times."

"Not my fault No Mans land might as well be a vehicle graveyard." Lila snorted as he walked over to a work desk, taking a seat in it. The blond placed her hands on the desk and leaned on it. "Come on Irwin. I always pay ya back if something happens. Sides, ya owe me, or are ya gonna find someone else that don't mind doing a bit of...persuasion work to make fuckducks pay up for ya? Or that goes hunting for some parts off CMAS schmucks for practically nothing?" Irwin sighed, holding a hand to his head.

"Fine. Just bring it back in one piece this time."

"Heey, don't worry about it! I know what I'm doing. I'll make sure your precious little vehicle is back in one piece."

"Just go already. I'll have it to you once I get it ready."

After making sure that they had a vehicle, It didn't take her long to reach her little home. A small four room shack a bit of a walk away from the paradise out in the crags. Bedroom, kitchen, restroom, and a little workshop where she typically kept all of her guns. Lila had built it with the help of a few others when she first moved to the area. It was far from a five-star hotel, but it was enough for her. She walked in the front door, the hinges of it creaking as she pushed it open.

She was glad to see it was pretty much as she left it, almost completely clean, aside from a coat of dust covering everything. She wasn't staying for long, so it wouldn't have time to get dirty either. She went straight into the workshop, placing her guns on a table along with her rifle. A bit of routine maintenance was always needed to make sure her guns were in working order. A rail shot fired out of any of them was hell on the barrels, not to mention the firing pins and mechanisms. She couldn't use too many without maintenance of some form.

After that, she grabbed a bag and stuffed it with some luggage they would need. Normally she'd just hunt for any food and travel light, but that'd only slow them down for now. Thankfully she always kept some on hand for this sort of thing. Water, a bit of alcohol, and a few other necessities. With a satisfied hum, Lila holstered her guns and slung her rifle and bag over her shoulder and left, making sure to lock it up behind her and made her way back to the Paradise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Illuna Forest
Near the smoke?

Rem placed himself between the two. Sulfrax twitched, clearly irritated and ready to blow this Heedy person away with whatever raw element pleased him. At this point some ice would be good, the forest fire was starting to spread and Heedy brandished a strange gun as any marksman would to intimidate another. It seemed a little more lax and absentminded coming from this man though. He was a little off.

"Senna, to me." He calmly commanded. Senna growled in annoyance at him, a quick small noise. As if to spite Rem she uncharacteristically moved over to the clumsy dwarf and rubbed up against him, rounding around him and staring back at Rem.

"Senna?" Rem looked at the man with curiosity. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and finally relented. "If Senna's fine with him I'll give him a chance." The wanderer mage turned around and gave Sulfrax a firm nod. "Whether this guy started the fire or not we can talk this over. Save your magic so another poor fool can have a permanent makeover."

"Heedy is it? I'm sorry I have no idea where this plume of smoke came from." Rem looked suspiciously at the gun. "I don't use that kind of magic. Do you?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Divers Paradise, East Entrance


Jenso easily disarmed the men, promptly taking one down without much effort. The attacker that received his knee fell forward and dropped his sphere, allowing it to roll across the ground towards Luke, while the second successfully placed the sphere against Len's skin. Within moments, the light in Len's eyes left him, and he fell forwards, unconscious and defeated. Luke didn't show any mercy. With a flick of his hand, a single bullet flew from Luke's thumb, and into the skull of the man that Jenso attacked, executing him on the spot.

"Jenso! We have to get down into the main tunnels!" Luke shouted, taking no time in running down the leftmost eastern ramp.

Illon, Slums


"Cocky!" Vale spat, reaching for his blade and drawing in a single fluid motion. It was black, from the hilt to the tip, with two white spherical designs at the epicenter of the blade. Pride stepped back and focused her Ki into a pair of gauntlet-like claws that extended past her fingertips. They were designed to tear away at Ki, and feed Pride's own. But Vale didn't seem phased. "So much talk, willing to throw away their lives, 'how high?' They ask! When your master says jump, feh!" Vale eyed the two sins, but his aggressive stance melted away moments later, and he lowered his blade to the ground. "Very well! You have intimidated me! I will answer but one of your questions before I make my devilish escape! Pick wisely, as I will likely answer without regard, not even the slightest, for your investigative efforts!" Pride paused and turned to lust.

"Does he think us foolish?" She muttered to her ally, ready to attack at any moment.

Diver's Paradise, Western Ramp


Oswynn arrived to see Kevin struggling with an unfamiliar diver who held a sphere close to his throat. Kevin had his attacker's wrist grasped tightly, and slowly forced it away, but upon Oswynn's arrival, he looked at the alchemist expecting immediate assistance.

"H-Help!?" He shouted, barely managing to keep himself inches away from a gruesome fate.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Divers Paradise, East Entrance

Jenso smiled as he managed to defeat the man and stared over at Len. He was shocked as Len was defeated instantly simply by being touched by the sphere. He was certainly aware that the spheres had to have been some kind of weapon, but he never expected that they would be able to knock someone out that easily. He gave a slight frown as Luke executed the man that he'd been fighting, and turned to him. "Alright! Let's go!" Jenso shouted back at Luke, dashing after his ally without hesitation. He was unsure exactly what the spheres did to people, but now wasn't the time to find out. This was a whole new threat, and he would protect Luke as best he could. He tried to catch up to the Diver in order to make sure that nobody would try to assault him as he moved.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oswyn Ainsworth
Diver's Paradise, Western Entrance

Oswyn examined the situation for a moment as he slowly unholstered his revolver from his lower back, attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible. His pistol made a satisfying 'Click' as he finished cocking the hammer. The diver on top of the angry man from earlier had an orb in his hand.. How peculiar. Obviously it was one of the men who assaulted the sick dude before. The alchemist wanted him alive for interrogation.. He wanted to know what the orbs were, and now was a great opportunity to find out. Oswyn smirked as the man called for help. He liked it when people owed him favours, not that he really acted upon them all that often. "Hmm. Maybe. Just maybe." He replied with a chuckle as he spun the chamber to the intended concoction. He wouldn't want both of the men to become viscera.

In an instant, he drew his revolver and fired, shooting out a small crystal that left a trail of thin blue smoke. He fanned the hammer, letting off 2 more shots in succession, these shots were a little off target in anticipation of movement. Should the bullets hit their mark, the target would be incapacitated within moments.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Illon, Slums


"Does he think us foolish?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that he knows better to try to pick fight with a sin, especially two sins." she said.

"Mr Vale, I see you aren't as dumb as you look. Although your tongue is too sharp and loose for my taste..." Kasumi said, doing, rolling her eyes, and putting the needles away.
"You aren't in the position of making any demands, and your little act of trying to bribe us with information, sadly, didn't worked." Kasumi said with a mischievous smile as she grabbed the chained daggers, holding both of them as only one dagger in one of her gauntlets.

"You will answer our questions, and depending on your answers, you will meet death right here, by our hands, be arrested, or, if you answer the right things, we may even let you go. But I suggest you think very well about every movement and word you speak from now on."
she said,

"Are we understood Mr Vale?" Kasumi asked, in a menacing tone.
"I'm glad that you do. Now, could you give me your blade?" I promise I will give it back to you once we are finished. Even if we do decide to kill you, after all, it would be very boring to fight an unarmed man..." she said, giggling and throwing one of the daggers in the direction of the man's sword, while holding the other one. Using the chain, it would coil itself around his sword, being used to take it out of his hands.

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