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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

"It's pretty sobering," he admitted, gazing into the fire as she finished cleaning the last bit of his wound. "But I'm glad it happened, to be honest. Difficulties make me who I am, no matter how terrible they were at the time." He spoke with a solemness that belied his age, making him seem that much older just from the memory of that single experience.

He grunted when she was done, and nodded. His face lit up at the prospect of food. "Let me check." he breathed, leaning forward and then making it to his feet before opening the bubbling pot. "You know falling off a horse is still pretty dangerous. I've known someone who fell off and couldn't walk after. It's quite the fall." After sticking a bit of the ham with his cleaned dagger, he realized it was indeed ready. "Yup. I'll grab you some."

It took less than a minute for them both to have a fair sized bit of ham, though due to being out in the wild they didn't necessarily have silverware or plates, but he handed her half of the meal stuck on one of his throwing daggers. Markus winked at her in good spirits at how odd it was, handing it over, before taking a big bite out of his own slice. It wasn't much, but it had a bit of seasoning and the main thing about it was it filled their bellies.

Once Markus was finished, he took a large swig of his water jug and was just about to burp when he realized Valerie was right there with him. It was a bit awkward for him to slam his palm on his mouth at the last moment as his mind caught up with him, but he patted his chest with his fist and grunted. "Sorry."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie wasn't sure what that kind of experience would do to her, how it would compare to how Markus had changed. If she could survive it at all, of course. Her fortitude was not of the same caliber that Markus had built his up to... but maybe it was things like that that made it so. She had no desire to test it, of course, but considering her line of work and her willingness to take risks, she wondered if it wasn't simply a matter of time. Sobering, indeed.

But the food was ready to take her mind off of it, and Valerie sat up to eat. She took the throwing knife from Markus with a mock daintiness, as though she was being treated to some kind of delicacy in her family's dining hall. She snickered lightly, and took a bite. Delicacy it was not, but it was far more nourishing than any treat she'd had growing up, and she found she appreciated it quite a bit more.

When they were both full and satisfied Valerie's sleepiness began to creep in, and she eventually toppled back over onto her bedroll, untying her hair and yawning. The yawn turned into a stifled giggle halfway through as Markus held back a burp. "No, go right ahead," she laughed. "Just keep it down. We don't have any leftovers to share with orcs and goblins, after all."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

He couldn't help but laugh a bit, enjoying the fact they could relax even out here in the wilderness. It was heartwarming to say the least, and as Valerie fell into a slumber, Markus decided to stay up for a bit and enjoy the fire. He doubted anything would try to infiltrate their small makeshift shelter, but he wanted to be sure of it. He wasn't about to have this woman accompany him and then not watch her back.

He reached into his pack, and pulled out a fair sized bit of cloth he'd been keeping. It was always good to have some clean material for various uses, such as bandages or to clean food or wounds. Without thinking, he whipped it to let it sprawl out, and then slipped it onto Valerie as she slept. The wilderness was cold, particularly at night, and she needed to be fully rested by morning. She needed it more than him. He was used to harsh temperatures, the fire providing more than enough warmth for the young man to keep sudden illness at bay. Markus gave a small smile, inwardly. Even though his logic was sound, apart of him realized it was simply him justifying doing something to help her sleep.

It was not long before he felt his own body growing heavier though, and he knew that it was time to sleep himself. There was only a few hours left before the sun would peek over the horizon, and it wouldn't do for him to need rest in the late morning. As he sat, he contemplated many things, and realized they were probably heading into something far more risky and dangerous than anything he'd yet faced. The sudden realization fell upon him like a cold winter rain, and he looked to his slumbering companion.

Without even realizing the source of the conviction in his mind and body, he promised himself that whatever happened out there, he'd make sure she made it out. Even past his endearment toward her, he felt as if he let her down, he'd let his younger self down too. To be out here right now, instead of back where he'd been born. To choose this life. He knew it was the right decision, but dammit, it had been a selfish one. He wanted, no, needed to prove to himself that he could help someone who had just started out as he had, that his and her choice were not to be regretted. Don't fret on what's coming, just get some rest.

With a light grunt, he lay back on his cloak and curled up by the fire. His vision blurred, and darkness took him as his body gave way to a deep sleep.

He awoke, though he didn't move. He'd gotten used to waking without a sound now, and he simply opened his eyes slowly to take in whatever he could. There was eerie quiet around him, and he realized that everything was fine. The fire had died down to embers, and the sun had risen about two hours previous. He could see the shining light filtering through the brambles and sticks that encompassed their camp. Good, that means there's a small bit of warmth outside, he thought to himself when he saw the sun. Unfortunately, that means that once the fire had died and the sun's rays had not yet entered here, it was particularly cold in their small hut.

He would have felt it a bit more than Valerie, only having his linen shirt, trousers, and cloak. The Swordmage stood up, unsteady at first but regaining control over his body. He shuddered at the cold, and took a small bit of ham out of the pot. Half of the small bit that was left, anyway. As he chewed, he strapped on his armor once more. Chainmail, tabard, belting his sword and running his hands through his thick hair as he waited for her to awaken and get ready. He would have made another fire, but he'd rather no smoke give away their position.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie wasn't as good at waking up silently, and groaned softly when she came to. There was definitely a degree of soreness and stiffness to her muscles that she noticed, undoubtedly amplified by the cold that had seeped into their shelter and thus into her. She propped her head up slightly, pushing some hair from her face and rubbing gently at her eyes. She noticed Markus awake and busy with donning his armor, as well as the blanket that had been draped over her while she slept. She smiled to herself, and pushed herself into a sitting position.

"You didn't keep watch all night, did you?" she asked, stifling a yawn. She'd noticed Markus had remained awake while she drifted into sleep, and considering that it was obviously morning, he hadn't woken her for a shift on watch, which they hadn't really discussed taking. It seemed so secluded a shelter as to render the effort of keeping a watch mostly meaningless. All the more reason she hoped Markus hadn't passed on a chance at a decent rest on her behalf.

Slipping out from under the blanket, Valerie also felt the cold sharply. She crossed her arms over her chest and rubbed for a bit of meager warmth while she chewed the last of the food that remained to them. Not much, but enough to sustain her while they got moving. Getting moving was the important part, as the issue of the cold would fade away then, too. To that end she tried to get ready quickly, tugging on her boots and tightening them. She hastily tied up her hair into a bun before strapping on her breastplate.

Once she was all set to go, she stood and buckled her sword belt around her hips. The blanket she neatly folded and offered back to Markus with a grin. "Thanks for this, by the way."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

"No," he chuckled, tying up the last bit of his shoe and speaking through the ham within his cheek. "But I needed to stay up a bit to recharge my spells." He did indeed meditate a small bit before drifting off to get back a few of his key spells and his mystical strength. He really wished he was more advanced in the arcane arts, but for now what he'd learned so far would have to do. He took another swig of water as she got ready, and collected the small pot and throwing daggers they had used last night. The mercenary was shoving the equipment into his side pack when she returned the folded up blanket. He gave a wink and returned her grin with a boyish one of his own. "I had it on hand." he replied.

They made it out of the shelter and into the small bramble field they had discovered the night previous. Small, roughly forged trails made by animals, and perhaps Orcs or bandits twisted and turned through the widely spaced gnarled trees and the rough vines and sticks that crowded about them. Hand resting on his sword hilt, Markus led the way, doing his best to take them as far northeast as he could without finding a dead end. Once or twice they had to double back, but within the hour they had made it to the small creek Markus had found last night where their water bottles had been replenished.

It was shallow and cold water, but clear and quite serene as it flowed over small pebbles and stones. Markus refilled Valerie's bottle and handed it to her as she stood guard, and then he filled his own before they were off once more. There were a few clouds in the sky, but the sun was still clear and bright. Markus thanked the Gods the weather had not seen fit to rain the past week. Out here and without a good roof, that would be a terrible thing to endure.

The edge of the 'bramble dale' was a rise in the ground, akin to a small cliff. It was slightly taller than Markus, and passed it looked to be a quaint wood of birch trees. What wasn't quite so quaint was a sudden, dull roar in the distance. At first, the dark eyed young man thought it was a monster, but there seemed to be many deep voices in the noise, and it died down within moments other than a few aggressive hoots and cries. Markus shared a look with Valerie.

"Let's go," he breathed, kneeling down and cupping his hands to hoist her up. With his equipment, he could make it up the rise himself, but it would take some scrambling even with his fit figure. He'd grab a-hold of her hand once she was above him if he could. "Probably best to go slow through the trees and bit, and stay low," he whispered to her. It was an obvious statement, but he wanted to tell himself the same thing. Those voices were more than likely Orcish, and the sound of so many could unnerve and take the rational thinking of a hardened adventurer. @Luminosity
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Any sort of relaxed mood she'd been in disappeared quickly enough after they got moving. The cold became an afterthought to Valerie once they were no longer protected by their shelter; being vulnerable to attack from any side at any time had to take precedence. Still, Valerie kept a cool head. Her blade remained sheathed while she made her way through the wilderness, though she often kept a hand lightly resting on the hilt. She could have it out and ready to fight in the blink of an eye if needed.

She tensed visibly at the deep roar in the distance. It echoed off the trees, making it difficult to tell which direction it was coming from, and for a moment Valerie was unsure if they were about to be attacked or not. Wary of making too much noise or making herself too visible, she looked around in place, but located no threat. It had to be further off, then, and unrelated to their presence. It wasn't just one voice, either.

"Right," she said, nodding and stepping forward. She fit her foot into his hands, and pushed off of his shoulder as he gave her a boost up. With the help she was able to clamber up on top of the rise and get to a knee. Valerie took a moment to confirm that there was no immediate threat waiting for her before she turned to help Markus up. He was certainly heavier than she was, but with some help he was able to ascend smoothly enough. She wiped dirt from her palms on her pants and nodded to him, taking a steadying breath and heading forward cautiously through the trees.

"It sounded like it might have been an army or something," she quietly speculated, worried. Admittedly, she'd never heard what an orc army preparing for war would sound like. Perhaps it was just another war party. Regardless, Valerie didn't expect they would survive long if they were discovered by so many. They would need to be very careful.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

"These might be famous last words but...only one way to find out." he said, unsheathing his bastard sword while they were still far and away enough. He also took off his shield and strapped it to his left arm and went into a half crouch, before he and his partner made it into the brush, traveling relatively unscathed and unhindered physically. Unfortunately, the grunts, guttural calls, and occasional roar in the distance made every bush look like an enemy waiting to gut them.

Suddenly, Markus slowed. It was almost a sixth sense, but perhaps he thought he saw movement in the distance? The Swordmage backed into a tree for cover and gazed northeast, eyes adjusting just long enough for him to see they were near the cusp of the tree line. He whispered as much to Valerie, and motioned that he was going to get a small bit closer. Hopefully not at the expense of my life.

With the care of a craftsman, he slipped out of cover and stayed below the brush and bushes the next ten paces, doing his best to keep his sword and shield low. If Valerie followed him, he didn't look back to find out until he made it to the edge of the forest.
Before him, the forest end was slightly curved to almost encompass the border of the landscape before the two, gingerly. There was flat ground to their front and right, heavily trod with little grass other than patches here or there. Just to the left led to a series of foothills with blasted and scarred ruins that looked to be at least over a hundred years old, perhaps two. Trees, brambles, and bushes ubiquitously dotted the rises and generous slopes.

"There's something in the air," he breathed, eyes scanning the horizon. "Various magics of some sort..."
He was telling the truth, and it was something he was more than a bit professionally interested in, but apart of him was focusing upon the magics at first so he could truly cope with what was happening upon the barren ground before them. Scores upon scores of Orcs had laid out the mutilated corpses of their kinsmen, along with many more men, and a few Ogres and Elves. There was even a giant, fully 16 feet tall and bearded, ashen faced and slain by an opened, festering stomach wound.

Beside this gruesome display, was a pile of skulls that rose up to rival the height of the trees that loomed over Markus and Valerie now, and Orcs feasting upon the flesh of their victims, as well as various forest critters such as doe and rabbits caught in traps. It was odd, to see such a barbaric and strange ritual, next to Orcs that feasted and laughed and spoke to one another as if they were simply rough humans. Their primitive, beastial faces that bore scars and tusks quickly brought anyone questioning their morals back to reality however.

"I sense something up in those ruins." Markus whispered to Valerie, pointing past the Orcs to the rises in the ground and the various openings of stone within and above the earth. Despite the carnage wrought before his eyes, the magic began to permeate his senses. There was various sources but...something was very old and powerful. An ancient magic.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie kept close to Markus all the way to the forest's edge, her weapon remaining in its sheath as long as she didn't need it. Unlike her partner's weapon it was quite easy to draw when needed. There was still some distance between them and the orcs, but the tenseness that Valerie felt was something she had to constantly fight to keep at bay, to prevent herself from panicking. Her mind was working at a mile a minute, distracting her from being quiet with constant thoughts of what would happen if they were discovered. A quick, bloody death at that point might even be the best case scenario.

Markus said something about the air, and magic in it. Valerie only half heard him, but the whisper held to pull her mind back to the task at hand. She couldn't sense any magic in the air, as she wasn't attuned to those sorts of things as he was, but he was willing to trust that he was right. What she did catch on the air was the scent wafting from the scene of the carnage ahead of them. It was a wretched smell of death, one that threaten to turn Valerie's stomach and the meager breakfast she'd had. She had to cover her mouth and nose to ward against it somewhat, at least until she could grow accustomed to it a little. She suspected that might never happen.

She followed his pointing finger to the ruins beyond the orcs in their path. Old and scarred stone structures delving into the earth. She couldn't guess what sort of artifacts they might find inside, or what dangers, but she was willing to bet Markus wasn't pointing them out for their sightseeing potential. Valerie couldn't help but think that this wasn't normal behavior for orcs, savage though they were. Laying out the bodies like that, and the pile of skulls... it all seemed a bit much for a feast on the dead. Perhaps the ruins could explain it. Assuming they could get in and out alive, of course.

"Okay," she whispered back, lowering her hand from her face momentarily. "We need to get inside without being seen."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Markus tore his eyes away from the Ruins and the Orcish barbarism before him to look at Valerie. Their faces were very close as they sat crouched behind the bushes, and he merely looked at her for a few moments in admiration at her suggesting they go forward. Not that he wasn't going to suggest it, but he seemed to have underestimated her daring, despite the fear they both felt. He gave her a small wink, more of a sign of trust that anything. "Follow me," he breathed.

They retreated further into the forest, the Swordmage buckling his shield again but keeping his sword out and ready. East they traveled, moving over brambles and gnarled roots, having to twist their legs and hips to avoid sudden bushes and other obstacles of foliage. Markus kept his sword high when he could to keep the blade from getting caught, and they helped one another from slipping more than once, before they made it to the treeline northeast of their previous position. The length of the open ground between their concealed place and the foothills before them wasn't so far, but still far too exposed for their liking. Not to mention the Odd Orc or two that loitered about.

Just before them, a particular Orc relieved himself on the bush not six paces away, and this time Markus did cover his nose and mouth. Once the deed was done, the Orc trudged away towards the main camp and roared for more food. Once they were relatively safe, at least safe enough to speak, Markus held silent for a few more seconds, contemplating the best course of action. He then placed a hand on Valerie's shoulder once he broke himself out of his reverie to have her look at him. "I can get us across I think. But not all the way. We'll need to make a dash for the next treeline as soon as my 'blink' spell is done. But...I can teleport us."

He held out his hand for her to take, and gave her the nod of a comrade, and something more.
A friend. "Do you trust me?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

To say that Valerie was apprehensive was something of an understatement. Scared, even, and she couldn't deny it. It was the tension, knowing that one false step could give them away and see them slaughtered by orcs. Even the fights she'd been in earlier hadn't been so frightening as the threat of this one. Still, she was disciplined enough to bury her fear within herself, and focus on the task at hand. Stealth was not her most practiced skill, but she was quiet and careful enough to avoid detection with Markus's help, and hers in return when he needed it.

When the orc at last finished his business in front of them and returned to his kind, Valerie almost shuddered with the dissipating of tension. Of course the orcs were still a stone's throw away, but they weren't close enough that Valerie was worried they could smell their human flesh anymore. She met Markus's eyes when his hand settled on her shoulder.

A blink spell. Valerie couldn't say she'd ever been teleported before; her parents had never been too fond of the use of magic, especially on their own children. She didn't doubt Markus was capable of it, having seen what he'd already done... though the fact that they couldn't get all the way to cover in one jump was disconcerting. The thought occurred to her that it wasn't too late to turn back, get out of here while she still could in one piece. But if they didn't get to the bottom of this, no one would, not until these orcs had done some serious, possibly irreparable harm. No, she had to do this.

"I trust you," she said, taking his hand and squeezing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Her words brought a surprising smile to his face. He'd always been for one living on the edge, and having someone like her to do it with him was something he'd not experienced. He squeezed her hand back, and then pulled her a bit closer to him before closing his eyes and concentrating on his magics. "Seiroch" he intoned.

Suddenly, Markus and Valerie felt the faintest weightlessness before gravity returned to normal nearly instantly. It wasn't entirely disorienting, just an odd feeling for a moment as it was an instantaneous movement. They opened their eyes and were out in the open, a dozen feet from the hillock and the next treeline that led upwards towards the ruins. Before them was an Orc guard with his back turned. Markus wasted no time and grabbed the brute's mouth before running him through with his sword. He let the Orc drop and hissed "Go," to Valerie.

They made it to the Hill. It's a start, Markus thought. He cast a glance behind them at the Horde still milling about as he ran on. The trees were not so near and thick as they were back in the forest, but it was better than nothing, and they would be covered by canopies as they climbed higher up the Hill. The going was steep and definitely did a number on their legs as they ran, but any Orc who would look up towards them might see a glimpse of them and think it was merely a passing doe, or a fellow Orc exploring.

The first structure they made it to at the crest of the rise was a smaller building of timber so old it creaked from the wind. Markus barreled through the cracked door, sword leading as he looked about quickly. "No one." he called to Valerie, and let out a breath. He'd fought in urban environments before, and while he was used to populated cities, he had a good sense on when to open doors and when to keep your head down just in case. Inside their small structure was a few desks and an old table, with a cupboard wrought of ubiquitous and odd designs that looked archaic yet exquisite.

As Markus gazed out one shattered window, seeing across a few more overgrown streets of dirt and stone, was an archway covered in vines and brambles. Behind him, a Skeleton that had been standing up (next to the cupboard) due to an arrow in its chest cavity keeping it upright, shattered and fell apart next to Valerie due to their commotion with a rattle and a crash that seemed far too loud.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie felt the contents of her stomach rise for the briefest moment before everything was normal again, save for her sudden change in position. She'd expected it to be more of a shock, more of a strange sensation than that, but it was over in an instant, the teleport complete. Immediately she had greater things to worry about, such as being vulnerable in the open with orcs treacherously nearby. Markus took care of the most pressing threat, and they were off, racing first to the hill and then up it.

At any moment she expected a shout of alarm to be raised and for arrows to start flying over their shoulders from orcs in pursuit, but they never came. What came instead was a burn in her legs from the uphill climb at high speed. By the time they reached the top Valerie was winded and sweating, and eager to get inside and into some cover. The old wooden structure would do well enough for that.

It didn't look to be someone's house, as far as Valerie could tell. There was no bed and no pit for a fire. It would get cold in the middle of winter. Perhaps it was some kind of storeroom. She studied the designs on the cupboards, wondering if any of the symbols would catch her eye, and spark some memory of her history lessons as a child. Sadly, they did not.

She almost overlooked the skeleton in the room, but noticed it quite clearly when it suddenly came crashing to the ground, apparently disturbed enough by their entry. The sound made Valerie jump, her hand darting to the hilt of her sword at her hip as she turned towards it. It was perhaps the first unfortunate thing to happen during their daring little break for it.

It was immediately followed by the second, however. A moment after the skeleton crashed, an arrow whistled through the open door, just barely missing Valerie, but still skimming her upper left arm, leaving a bloody cut in its wake. She yelped in pain, instinctively sidestepping to cover and pressing her hand to the wound. Somewhere outside, an orc's attention had been drawn by the noise, and it'd seen Valerie clearly enough to know she did not belong here. It bellowed a guttural call to someone unknown number of orcs nearby.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," Valerie said, briefly examining the injury and preempting any concern from Markus. "We need to move." They would be overwhelmed quickly if they stayed, and though Valerie was still out of breath from the climb, she liked her chances of survival better if they fled than if they fought.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

He whirled, sword leading at the noise and the yelp of pain given off by Valerie. He was glad she was alright, but his heart still raced from the initial shock at the knowledge the two had been discovered. 'We need to move,' he heard. Markus nodded. "Into the ruins," he breathed. He shouldered his way out of the front door, the rickety and worn door breaking off at the strong young man's action. Dust flew as it fell, and both sprinted across the overgrown streets and further into the dead city.

It was strange, for the structures were so overgrown and archaic in design that it seemed as if they were running through both open streets, yet also apart of one huge ancient complex. Even some of the roads were covered by enough vines to warrant them being halls. Markus had little time to marvel at such things, for he heard pursuit ever behind them. He only saw glimpses of a few Orcs, but their warcries echoed off the walls of the archaic buildings.

Finally, Markus saw a causeway at the end of their street before forking left, that led upwards towards massive columns that stood vigil, keeping the towering structure they were entering standing tall for all to gaze upon. Little did the Swordmage and Valerie know that they had stumbled upon the Citadel of
Tombs and the resting place of Kings.

Markus was sure the Orcs had not seen their last turn, but he was taking no chances and continued to run forward. They passed the two central Columns that were wrought of marble and bronze, and within they seemed to be inside a central courtyard of what appeared to be a Palace. Markus slowed and looked about. At the center of the room was a lush and vibrant pool of water, with an extravagant fountain at the center that flowed as if it was still maintained. The water looked clear enough to drink, despite the vegetation that had grown about it. Above them, the ceiling looked to be made of a type of steel glass that Markus did not recognize.

"What is this place?" he asked, more to himself than Valarie. Beneath his feet, the cobblestone had tufts of grass sticking out, as if reaching for the sky and the sun for energy. The two adventurers made it past the courtyard and into what looked like a very mundane great Hall that lead to various different hallways. "Shit..."

Hoots and howls echoed off the walls, and Markus suddenly sensed something down the hallway to the right. "Quick" he said, and ran into the unknown, through halls of stone, marble, and gold. Luckily for them, much of the broken stonework led to sunlight creeping in often enough for them to see at least immediately before them.

Suddenly, Markus skidded to a stop without warning once they reached a certain doorway within one of the halls. Once he stopped, they realized it was no doorway, and they were within no large hall. They were in a much more grand structure. A mausoleum.

At the edge of the room, past statues of Noble Men and Women of high birth, was a great archway covered in stone, with flowing runes that drew the eye with their glow of magic, burning lightly into one's retina if they looked away. Markus approached cautiously, examining the runes and placing a hand upon the rock of the 'doorway.' It was warm to the touch...

Behind them, Orcish cries echoed. It was hard to tell if they were close or not. He believed he could read these runes. "This was the magic I sensed...or...a part of it." he said.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The ruins were gorgeous, a remarkable find, but Valerie couldn't pause even for a moment to appreciate them. They ran and they ran, through the open streets and away from wherever they heard the echoes of the searching orcs. There hadn't been so much as a minute to rest after Markus had teleported them, and Valerie was really starting to feel the effects. Her legs burned, her breathing came fast, fatigue starting to set in. Something told her the orcs would not tire as quickly.

But they were lucky enough not to be forced into a confrontation just yet, and they made it inside the massive structure that seemed central to the ruins. Finally Valerie could slow to a stop, pushing sweaty strands of hair from her face and trying to catch her breath. The pool of water in the center of the courtyard was as beautiful as any she had seen, perhaps due to the circumstances, and she made her way to it, falling to her knees beside it to scoop her hand in.

She washed off the wound on her arm first, examining it through the tear in her shirt. It was bleeding slowly, but the cut was shallow, and the pain wasn't too bad. She didn't actually use her upper arms too much in fighting, so it wasn't a serious injury. Valerie scooped more water into her hands to wash her face, and take a bit to drink before she stood.

She had no more idea where they were than Markus did. It looked as though no one, or at least no one civilized, had been here in many years, judging by the way it was overgrown. She wished she could stay to find out, but the howls echoed in the halls again, dangerously close. Her heart sank.

They were running again, still with no chance to catch their breath. Valerie was starting to suspect the orcs could smell them. They weren't leaving much of a trail behind to follow. She realized as they ran what sort of structure they were in, the obvious hints being the rows of statues, likenesses of the highborn. A tomb, and a very large on at that. Valerie tried not to think about the ominous implications or ironies of that.

She let Markus take the lead on examining the magical runes, as it was beyond her scope of knowledge. Mostly she tried to use the moment as another brief chance to catch her breath, though the orcs were still searching loudly, somewhere in here. She thought they might be getting closer, but it was hard to tell. She leaned against one of the statues, wondering if Markus was as winded. Perhaps he was just better at concealing it.

"Do you know what it is? Its purpose?" She wasn't sure she wanted to know. Magic relating to tombs didn't strike as the kind likely to be pleasant.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Markus breathing was labored, in fact. Long hours of practicing calming techniques to help concentrate on his mediocre magic skills did allow him to have control over it somewhat, which helped him keep himself steady in high tense situations. He gazed at the glowing runes upon the wall, perspiration giving his skin a small sheen in the glowing light that permeated from the glyphs.

"We...we don't have time." he said suddenly. The hoots and howls of the Orcs filled the hall outside the cavernous, archaic mausoleum. He reluctantly broke eye contact with the runes, turning about and grabbing Valerie's arm to help get her moving, pulling her nearly to the door. He didn't like pulling her, even as a help to get her going, but now was not the time for manners.

As he stepped out into the hall, the stomps and grunts echoed off the walls, and to the right he saw three Orcs step into view. Brutish faces and tusked jowls growled at him. He turned the other way, and he could the shadows of more Orcs approaching there as well. It was at that moment, the realization they were trapped hit Markus like a slap to the face.

For a moment, he did not know what to do. No! He knew what to do. He just needed time. He let Valerie go, and with his free arm he summoned a flame. "Stand back," he told her, pressing against the walls as more Orcs poured in from the right. Three seconds later, he leaped into the hall again and spent his fireball spell, engulfing the first Orcs and sending the rest screeching and singed.

His next action was to make it to the roughly hewed magic doorway once more. "Hold them off me, Valerie," he breathed. "I need only a minute." He did his best to concentrate on the runes in front of him, muttering to himself and forming bits and pieces of the opening incantation.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie didn't need much more than the initial tug from Markus on her arm to get moving again, as much as she wanted to rest. The threat of an imminent encounter with the orcs was enough to keep her adrenaline up, and let her keep expending energy. It seemed there would be no more running, however. They were faced with orcs on either side in the hallway. Valerie drew her sword, feeling a bit of panic well up within her.

It subsided a little when Markus seemed to still have a plan, and she ducked back away as he launched his fireball to put up a flaming barrier on one end of the hall. That would make things a little easier, but more were coming from the other side. She watched him run for the magic doorway, taking a moment to comprehend what he meant. He was going to open it, or something. Offer them an escape. That was good, but it meant that Valerie would need to withstand the orcs on her own. He said he only needed a minute, but she wasn't sure if she would last that long. She offered no argument, though. It would only delay him, and she needed to focus if she was going to survive.

The hallway was pretty narrow, which was a benefit to her. It would help her keep the orcs in front of her, stop them from attacking her flanks where she couldn't defend herself. The lighting wasn't great, but it would do, and the fire behind her actually helped. Valerie widened her stance a little, settling into a defensive guard. You can do this, she thought to herself.

Two of them came at first, the lead one with a two-handed axe and the second with a sort of spiked metal club. They charged fast, and for a moment Valerie thought they meant to run her over. Her instinct told her to get out of the way, but she couldn't let one get behind her, so she stood her ground and lunged. The decision surprised the axe-wielding orc, who was caught in the midsection with a stab and forced back. The second couldn't quite slip around the first.

Valerie went on the offensive while she had the chance, making several slashes aimed for the orc's torso. Her swings weren't as fast as usual, the orc able to deflect her attacks away, eventually returning them with strikes of its own. She had to dodge backwards, the axe head whoosing past her face twice. She planted her back foot hard after the second strike and lunged forward and up, driving the point of her sword under the orc's chin and ending its life swiftly.

Withdrawing the blade, the body fell to the floor. It was immediately used as a sort of jumping pad by the second orc, who came down hard on her with an overhead blow with the club. Valerie got her guard up and blocked it to the side, but the impact was heavy enough to ring through her arms, the effort of staying on her feet sending a burning through her tired legs. She stumbled backwards towards the doorway into the room Markus was in, momentarily putting a hand out to the wall for support.

The orc sensed her weariness and pressed the attack. This one was quicker, giving her no time to counter. Valerie was forced to block heavy blow after heavy blow, with less efficiency than she preferred, each one sending her another step back. An uppercut knocked her guard high, and the orc stepped in to throw an underhanded punch to her midsection, the blow connecting fully. Valerie staggered backwards fully into the doorway, coughing and gasping, briefly falling to a knee before she forced herself to her feet. Any wind she had left was long gone after that, along with her ability to mount a decent attack. She tried to focus on her breathing and her guard, and just staying on her feet. I can't take many hits like that...

She could hear more of them coming, but the one in front of her wasn't done yet. At full strength she would have been fast enough to outmaneuver, but Valerie was exhausted and breathless. More swift and hard strikes came at her, and she tried to hold her ground to keep the doorway, to make sure Markus's back was covered while he worked. Had it been a minute? It was impossible to tell. The orc caught her flat footed and waiting for a strike, rushing in instead with a shoulder bash to her chest. She was knocked off balance, and the next strike bashed her guard entirely to the side. The orc spun about and swung the club in a wide arc.

With a heavy and wet thud the club struck Valerie in the side of her abdomen, the little spikes on the weapon digging in to her. She fell to the side with a moan of pain until she hit a statue of a noblewoman, the only thing that kept her on her feet. Her right hand immediately went to her side, where blood was escaping from the wound, running down onto the blue sash tied around her waist. The pain bloomed along her entire right side; her heart hammered in her chest, her legs threatened to give out.

Somehow she managed to stay on her feet and deflect the next strike, though she was forced further backwards into the room. The orc snarled at its wounded foe. Valerie forced herself to hold her blade with both hands, her right palm slick with blood. She blinked rapidly, fighting off the desire to collapse and trying to anticipate where the next attack would come from. She would have to; any more damage would almost certainly bring her down.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Markus's thoughts and focus were completely upon the runes that held the key to their survival. Not only for the obvious need they had for opening the portal, but it was magic he had not seen before. Powerful weaves of various spells that yet still somehow unlocked with a (relatively) simple incantation. He almost had it. He only needed to decypher the last bit glowing script, his mind moving fast by sheet instinct. He couldn't, he...
Got it.

He placed a hand on the stone, and spoke. "Elen Tha Mas, Mor Vaheco Naesh." Suddenly, the runes blazed brightly, and the stone grinding against the archway as it slowly opened. His elation and relief was short lived, when he heard a thump and a cry of pain that sent a cold chill down his spine. Valerie!

The Orc stood over her with a glowering hatred, spittle dripping off its tusks. It grunted something in its guttural language, and raised its club to strike her down. The Orc's club flew down like a meteor, only to thunk into something hard and metal. Using his knees to brace himself, Markus had blocked the heavy blow with all of his strength.

"Get back," he ordered the Orc with menace he did not realize he had. If he had the chance to self examine himself, he'd surprise himself at the level of danger that had entered his dark eyes. With a deft movement, his sword flowed downwards and sliced into the Orc's belly, carving its spine. He twisted the blade, and tore it out with a terrible sucking noise. Blood pumped down the Orc's abdomen, and Markus kicked it backwards to sway and fall over.

The next Orc behind that one swung its Axe in a vicious arc, causing Markus to dance back. The portal was now open fully, and he knew that he could not hope to keep up any battle momentum. He was far too tired and winded to hold off for long. "Valerie!" he cried, ducking an Axe swing that cracked the statue of a Nobleman. "Get inside the tomb! I'm right behind."

He tried to block the next swing of the Axe, but so powerful was it that his sword was ripped out of his hands to hit the back wall. It was all he could do to produce his shield, and the next block nearly broke his arm, the impact causing him to cry out in pain and weariness. With the only wind he had left, he screamed at her. "Do it!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie barely heard the blazing runes behind her, or the door grinding open, and neither really registered with her while the orc was still in front of her. Her attention was occupied by annoying distractions like the blood now dripping from its club, her blood, and the way she couldn't seem to properly draw a breath. She wavered where she stood, but refused to give any more ground, despite how weak she felt. The orc knew she was too drained to dodge anything, and pulled back for a wickedly heavy downward swing. Valerie tried to brace herself for it, knowing full well it would demolish her guard and surely leave her vulnerable to another wounding strike.

It never came, though, instead being met by Markus's shield before it could reach her. Even though he spoke menacingly to the orc and not her, Valerie found herself stumbling back a few steps by instinct, grateful for the relief from the fight, even if it was only a short one. Markus was able to swiftly and brutally dispatch the orc, but another took its place immediately afterwards, this one fresh and more than a match for him.

She heard his command, but didn't immediately follow it, looking back briefly at the opening before her eyes fell back on the battle between the two of them. Markus was barely able to block the next attack, and he lost his weapon soon afterwards. How was he supposed to be right behind her if he wasn't going to get away from this beast? Was he going to fight it hand to hand, as weary as he was? Even wounded, battered, and out of breath Valerie still had a better chance to attack, especially with the enemy distracted.

Rather than flee for the tomb, Valerie found herself lunging forward a few steps, temporarily pushing her injury to the back of her mind. She aimed a lunge for the orc's left leg, stabbing the point of her sword through its knee and immediately debilitating its ability to move. It roared in pain as that leg gave out from underneath, immediately turning its attention on Valerie. A swing of its axe came up high towards her head, and she was only barely able to lean away in time to avoid decapitation.

Her sword came free as she did, the sudden backwards momentum overwhelming her balance and causing her to fall onto her left side several paces from the orc and Markus. The ground proved magnetic, and Valerie's ability to ignore her injury swiftly ran out now that the attack was made. Her right hand went back to the bloody wound in her side, and she struggled to rise, obviously trying to get moving towards the doorway and their escape. Her body stubbornly refused her. Just need to get to my feet...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Markus saw Valerie's attempts to help. Perhaps she'd been too hurt to hear him. As odd as that would have sounded to a younger Markus, he knew it to be true. When he'd been stabbed in battle, it was as if the world had shut out all of the battle cries to be replaced with a dull roar of throbbing in his eardrums. Somehow though, he doubted that's what had happened just here. He didn't have time to be angry though, moving with the instinct and grace one received when training under an Elf.

As the Orc staggered, the Swordmage spun, using the momentum to move his weary limbs just as much as his honed muscles. As he spun, he took out one of his throwing knives. By the Gods, he was glad he'd bought them! His spin ended with his throwing Knife punching into the Orc's chest cavity, being just long enough to find the brute's hate-filled heart.

The Orc spasmed, blood dripping out of its maw as it slumped, life now escaping its body. More brutish roars could be heard from the doorway, but Markus's mind whirred. He pressed his body to the cracked statue, using his momentum once again, pushing with his full weight to have the statue crack and rumble, before falling atop the dead Orc to help create one last barrier between them and the Orcs now rushing in.

He moved now through sheer will, unable to give up even if he wanted to, his mind set. He knelt down and grabbed Valerie under her arm. "You stubborn..." he breathed, pulling her along with him at a half crawl. He heard the Orcs bashing against the statue. One behind him even attempted to leap over it and tripping, though it made it to the other side and began to draw itself up. To make matters worse, the tomb was now closing once more, the incantation to open it spent and reverting back to its original state.

He pushed himself to more speed, yanking Valerie now just as he yanked his own screaming muscles. Dust and dirt flew into the air as they dragged themselves along the ground, footsteps now filling Markus' ears from behind. The portal was halfway closed, and closing faster.

Markus screamed in anger and frustration, and with a surge of adrenaline, yanked them both into the Tomb just as the runic two-ton rock closed, the cries of Orcs that had filled their ears were suddenly silenced. If they were in a position to care, it was an unnerving change. Markus and Valerie crashed to the stone, weariness and wounds taking hold of them. Little did either of them know, their adventure, and indeed their peril, had just begun.

Chapter 2: Tombs of Wonder and The Accursed

The Swordmage could not help it. Once they had entered the tomb, and the cries of the Orcs had been silenced, he had allowed himself to slump into the cold stone of the ground, gasping for air and aching as if he had been beaten mercilessly. He couldn't move. He did not even have the strength to close his eyes fully, and for a moment, he thought he was dead, for he could not see his hand in front of his face.

Get up, he told himself as he lay unmoving. Get up. Valerie needs you. His tired mind began to filter in images of her bleeding, the pain on her face and the sight of her on the ground below the screaming Orc. The words that escaped his mouth were filled with a rasping desperation. "Gods...dammit."

Slowly, second by agonizing second, he placed both of his hands below him and pushed upwards. "Valerie?" he seethed with his spent lungs. He didn't have the magic strength to create a light on his own. He needed one. But where? "Torches," he told himself, fumbling in his pack and producing one. He would congratulate himself on that purchase later. He began to mutter a small incantation, placing his hand on the torch head. He doubted he could start even a regular fire, but torches were made to be lit.

A few sparks sprung from his hand, and a small flame appeared on the torch. Soon it spread, bathing the corridor they were in with light. The stone was Seastone, oddly enough. Hewed and carved meticulously, in intricate patterns that belied most 'modern' lore or hieroglyphs. Markus didn't pay attention, now being able to see Valerie. Setting the torch down to burn beside them, he fell to kneel beside her and took off his jacket, seeing the blood pumping out of her wound with each beat of her heart. He ignored his own cuts for the moment.

"Hold on," he breathed, pouring water over the wound to clean it as best as he knew how before wrapping his jacket about her slender waist. It was a painful few seconds for the both of them, Markus not having the time to be too gentle, though it hurt his heart to think he was causing the young woman pain, even more than the pain his muscles felt for merely moving. "You're ok," he told her. He tied his jacket tight around her abdomen, pressing his hand to her wound and sliding a bit closer, letting her head rest on his leg. "You're ok. As long as we can stop the bleeding, you'll be fine. And I am making damn sure the bleeding stops, do you hear me? Valerie?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie rolled over onto her back shortly after crashing to the ground through the doorway. Wherever she was, complete darkness had taken over, the sounds of battle and struggle all but wiped out. Her wounded side was wet and warm; the effort of helping Markus and the strain of escaping afterwards had worsened it somewhat. More than that, her escape from the fight caused her desperate adrenaline to subside, and an intense tiredness surged through her body. For a moment she could only just lay there, breathing in and out, her eyes fluttered closed.

Markus's voice was a dull hum in her ears, and she couldn't make out the words. The only response she could come up with was a low groan, her head lolling to the side, arms sprawled useless above her head and to the side.

The sudden glow of light was the first thing she reacted to, tilting her head away from it and weakly writhing on the ground. Any sound of the blaze or of Markus was still drowned out by the regular gusts of her heavy breaths, and the steady thumps of her heart. At least until the pain came back. Her side had been dully throbbing ever since she'd been struck, but a sudden sharp pain caused her to gasp and wince, her whole body tensing again.

It was actually enough to bring a bit of sense back to her, and her eyes peeked open to see Markus's jacket being cinched around her abdomen, his hand pressing down on her as he moved closer. There was a decent amount of her blood on the ground beside her. More than she was comfortable with, but actually less than she'd feared. It was almost certainly the worst wound she'd suffered, but if she could just get a moment to rest she knew she could fight through it.

She adjusted the position of her head on his leg, working to keep her breathing steady despite the pain. She grimaced, and bit down on her lower lip. Slowly his words began to register with her. "Yeah," she managed, her voice breathy. "Yeah, that sounds good." Her eyes started to move around to the walls of the tomb they'd sealed themselves in. She had to strain to focus, but it looked like seastone.

"Are we safe here?" If it was safe to stop even for a moment Valerie knew she needed to take it.
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