Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Your post was better than mine so trust me, it was well worth the wait, luv.

And it's okay to delay posts if you're tired. Sleep is important. Yes, indeed it is.

The color is a bit too close to Botan's. At first I wondered if she was speaking haha. Crimson looks like it might be tough to read, but let's see... testing...1...2...3? Yeah it might be a bit too dark on dark. The color color is fine with me unless you'd wanna try another new one out. Coral or palegreen maybe?

I can imagine doing an action scene with a whip would be tough. Should I end the fight and take them home for the night? Did we wanna skip to school with depression setting in? Gosh, high school all over again >__>

Nooo don't call her waifu *cries*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oooh, stop it <333

Yeah but if I give you a day and then I don't post on that day, I'm kind of an asshole for that.

I'll try coral next time xD sorry!

Um, let Botan land the blow, let Kurama bind the little shit up, but before he can get any answer out of it, the imp explodes on them. Let Botan react to it. I'm gonna have Kurama do that thing where he's super smart and shit, and then I'll get them home. I figure that opens you up to the next day, where you can describe how different Botan is, and Kurama can try to talk to her about it at lunch or whatever, or even the greenhouse after school? She's not herself. This whole imp thing was also a diversion to choose Botan as the next suicidal student.

But she's waifu material, someday to be his wifey. She's close to being his bae though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Seriously, you did good. :)

Naah it's okay, I figured work was beating the shit out of you so I didn't wanna bug until the weekend rolled back around lol

Okie dokie and no don't worry about, thanks for being concerned~

That's a good plan. I'll leave it so you can skip us, maybe to the next day at lunch? They could eat in the greenhouse maybe. If Botan is already feeling the oppression of the demon itself, she may take some coaxing to go or do anything at school. Aww thinking about writing a sad hopeless Botan is making me sad. Kurama gets to sweep in and save her before the worst though. <333

Gosh, you sound sooo hipseter, hun. XP Thank god it's the 90s and they don't have that slang. But something tells me Yusuke could coin bae...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thanks babe. Out of every opinion on this website, yours means the most!

Oh dude work sucks ass. Stocking is shitty in general, but I'm sadly becoming good at it. Really organizational about my shit, too. It's a gift and a curse xD

No problem :D And yeah greenhouse can work. Don't worry, Botan being sad also makes me sad. Were we still rolling with the idea that the student confronts Kurama as Botan wanders to the school pool to drown herself, or is she going to the roof to jump? Cause if its the roof, I had this idea that Kurama shifts into Yoko form to be fast enough to save her without being seen.

Are you shitting me? KUWABARA would say that! DON'T FORGET HOW CORNY A ROMANTIC HE IS! Calling Yukina 'bae' is totally something he'd do. He heard it on an American sitcom once!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Awww, same here. :3

Any chance you'll get a raise or a promotion or anything like that?

I was thinking the student would distract Botan while she did go drown herself but it would be during lunch. I don't think she'd jump from the roof but instead just quietly slipped in, maybe so that no one really sees her? My thought was that the demon influencing her wants it to go so calmly that it slips under Kurama's radar?

I thought about him for a moment...we gotta make that happen in the RP now.

Btw, Orphan Black's final season is in June. I am gonna cry so freaking hard.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Promotion my ass xD We get raises every certain amount of hours, but they're cutting them back. I gotta go back to at least semi-full time, otherwise I gotta look elsewhere. Four days a week minimum or bust.

Hmm, so distracts Kurama I assume you meant? In that case, does Botan send out some sort of spirit energy that he can detect that just SCREAMS I'm in trouble? Maybe a student passes by and mentions the 'hot new girl' heading to the pool and Kurama realizes its just a distraction?

Dude we GOTTA make that happen! Kuwabara is a GEM!

I'm gonna cry simply because its over. I'm gonna miss those sestras so much xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Darn, it probably would be better if you got something less draining. I do worry for you. :/

I figure a student or two would mention seeing hot girl without Shuichi and how she may have been going for a swim without changing or something weird like that.

You just know Yusuke would try it on Keiko and would get shot down. Bless Yukina and Kuwabara though, those two lovebirds. Though I wonder if Keiko and Yusuke are even together in our lil AU...we do have Genkai maybe...

I do love the sestras. I was so happy to see it from start to finish. It's been a great ride and I hope it ends on a good note. I kinda want some main clone to die though, it would be too 'nice' if they all lived. Cosima is hella sick, I'm gonna be shocked if she makes it out alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

If it was easy, they wouldn't call it work. Even writing is work, only its work I'm passionate about. Gotta keep grinding both IRL and in this crazy literary world.

LOL that is funny for two reasons. One, they just HAPPEN to be passing by and saying that, then catch his eye and then awkwardly clear their throat like, "Oh, uh... h-hey Shuichi.." and TWO, because Botan holding her head underwater is TOTALLY swimming to them xD

You still wanna try that crazy Yusuke and Genkai subplot we discussed way back when? It'll have to be summed up or moved elsewhere since its not even in relation to the story. Hell, Kuwabara and Yukina even have more relevance, but I say that because Kuwabara is a gem and I want him to be hella invested in what's going to be going on between Botan and Kurama later. He will ship them. You have been warned.

I'll take Cosima who made so much possible at the expense of her life. I didn't care much for the others but I think Alison dying would destroy me. She really grew on me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

But balance is important. You can't push yourself too much. Gotta enjoy life too, not just work. XD

They're stupid teenagers, they don't think! XD Besides, this is supposed to be part dopey anime ;)

Kuwabara is a baby, he grew on me as I got older. He's such a love. He and Yukina are cute but I don't care for or against her since I don't know much about her. She will be in the background but part of me wishes I could see more done with her. We don't need to include the pair, I was just suggesting it since it was something we had talked about. XD I can take it or leave it but with our background stuff, we do need to keep at it so it stays moving and all.

Cosima has done a lot for the group. I love Alison so much, she grew on me a ton. I feel like Helena may make some kind of sacrifice for the group as well. I think Rachel has had an interesting development and I love her and Ferdinand together. Also wanna see if anything much comes of Kira, as things have been implied with her dreams...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

I enjoy every second I'm not putting something on a shelf or helping a customer. Believe me.

Boy, is it. And I don't think the evil student wants to cause a scene because Kurama has a mean right hook. I think he'll be fucking mad at that complete coincidence. What are the actual fucking odds that they HAPPEN to walk past and mention Botan?

Well the difference between canon and our AU is that we are in control of the AU. More CAN be done with Yukina behind the scenes. Working with Genkai could teach her to better defend herself. She could even wear Genkai's style of dress and be sort of a next generation younger version of herself. She could even help Kuwabara WAAAAY later against Goshikuro's mobs of peons attacking by using a really weak but still effective Shotgun, courtesy of Yusuke.

Helena and Alison are the ones I don't want to see die. The rest I could endure with. But on the other hand, maybe Kira would do it for them? She loves all of them and has not a shred of anger in her heart towards them at any point, unlike her mother who is super hard to love. How she got a gentleman like Cal is a mystery.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Life is short, just making sure you're happy.

Demons don't account for hormonal curious students who happened to be the right place at the right time. XD

I just found her to have the kind of personality of Hinata, kinda plain, soft spoken, not much else going on. I'd love to see her do more with her skill and have more of a void. She came off so shy in the anime. It would be cool if Kuwabara and her could sort of appear with Yusuke in the incident we bring Goshikuro back for the final fight though that won't be for a while. It did seem in the manga that Yukina was Genkai's sort of apprentice.

I love Cal. I hope we see him and Vic and fucking Angela again. I hope Felix can find someone by the end of the series, he's always putting his life on hold for Clone Club. I feel so bad for him. I like Sarah, I'd be bummed if she died. But yeah she's tough to love. I kinda don't care about Mrs. S myself. She's always been tough to read.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

I could be happier. But I need money, so...


I understand where you're coming from. I did want everyone relevant to the group--Yusuke, Kuwabara, surprisingly Yukina, and even a surprise appearance by Hiei who was looking for a good fight--to show up for the last fight in this arc. And Goshikuro doesn't HAVE to be the last one, but we'll see.

I hope we see them happy, too. Vic was a dick but he was kinda screwed over massively. And I totally understood where Felix was coming from in the last season. Mrs. S can kick the bucket. She's cool but not cool enough for me to HATE if she dropped dead.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Money does pay for wifi...

Goshikura will be just an arc. I'm not sure what we'll have for them after Goshikura is dealt with but it'll be nice to have something come after the first arc. XD More than two pages! Dare we go past 3 pages? XD

Vic was scary but yeah he got screwed over so I hope they don't forget about him even to just mention he's trying to stay straight now or something. Cal fucking vanished so I hope he comes back. I hope we see ho Scott is doing too, I never thought he'd still be around after what we saw of him in the beginning of season one but he's still around. I don't really care for Kyrstal that much not that it's her personality but it's that she was introduced so late. Oh I hope we see more of whatsherface, the quiet creepy one. Starts with an 'M'. I was glad we got to see more about Beth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hey, REEEEEEEEAL quick... Kurama killed the first three imps. I didn't think Botan had enough strength to blast one through the fucking chest. I thought she'd just knock the wind out of it and make it fly back, kind of how Yusuke's first Spirit Gun wasn't strong enough to pierce anything, but hit hard enough to knock that dickhead teacher or whatever over.

Maybe I misspoke the plan? You wanna maybe edit that a smidgen? HMMM ;333??
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Shit. I'll edit it and make her hit its shoulder, then Kurama can deal with it. It was late and I was totally multitasking. My bad. >____> Such dishonor on my family! I'll edit it now and get started on my LoK reply cause I have time before class this afternoon. We on a roll but I know you've got work and other posts to get to so don't worry~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Don't forget that there is dishonor for your cow as well.

Eh actually not many right now. Other partners are slow. This is next up for me when I have time. I may end up just dropping yet another 1x1 because of a lack of communication but I prefer giving people a week before I say anything unless they aren't worth me actually messaging them and telling them. Some people are just a waste of time trying to appeal to and aren't worth the time you spend typing to them.

Your promptness and ability to actually have social skills when it comes to keeping a partner informed give you an edge over my others, so there's that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Noooo not my cow!

You're right, some partners aren't worth the trouble. I've learned or am still learning to just distance myself. If they post, cool, if not, they're busy and clearly not considerate enough to give heads up about it. Some people really suck at communicating, well a lot of people...a week does seem reasonable. I'm guessing your other roleplays are more through PMs?

XD I just see not communicating to be hard. Like I figure someone knowingly doesn't communicate. It can't be hard to give someone a heads up. You're one of the good guys, that's for sure. We people with manners are a def dying breed, sadly...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Even your fucking cow.

I'll typically ask once or twice to make sure but I'm not really in the mood to be jerked around by people who don't give a damn anyway. And yeah most other rp's I'm working with are in pm's and have mature elements out of boredom. One was working well until the rp started, then suddenly they stop communicating OOC, which is really fucking weird because we were talking just fine before this rp. How do people start a rp and suddenly decide its not worth talking about AFTER the fact? Shit really bugs me. Probably gonna pull out of that Power Rangers rp because it's taking too long to get started and I simply do not believe in the cast that's already voiced interest, especially in a certain attention whore that joined, so I may just not even waste my energy giving more of a fuck than all of them combined. I put too much into a group rp and always end up burned or burned out. Gotta know your limits.

Yeah. I think we have a good balance. You can talk to me and not be fucking annoying about shit that happens to you. Some people either don't talk or don't shut up about themselves, honestly...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

At least my fucking dogs are safe. XP Though they lick themselves...probably don't have much honor.

That's so stupid. Talking during the RP is just as important, if not more important than before it even begins. You gotta make sure and gauge how people are feeling with tone and plot. I would hate to have someone go silent on me. It's like, you gotta do all the plotting yourself until they voice a complaint and it's like...yeah if you talked more, you'd probably be more happy with how shit is progressing. I mean if my partner isn't happy, I'm not happy. Some people give zero fucks out of nowhere. It's bullshit. I keep trying to pull you into a group RP but they are tricky. I was gonna ask how the power rangers thing was going but I hadn't seen you posting much so I figured it might have been dead already. :/

People are dicks man. Whole planet full of dicks. It's crazy. The world is crazy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dogs. Now with edible honor. Naaah I wont dishonor your dogs... yet.

But that's the thing: I pretty much DID discuss everything by myself with the last three partners I had to let go, because I think they just 'go with the flow', but I like a flow that has a direction we float down the river towards. And then they cry like a little bitch when it's like, "I WANTED TO ASK ABOUT THIS BUT YOU WEREN'T SAYING SHIT YA DUMB BITCH!"

Uh, the PR RP is... slow because homeboy has a busy schedule irl and I assume that's what made him stop updating us on the OOC he had the write. But the Interest Check to OOC period is just dangerous because how people feel at the time won't match how they feel if you took, say, a week or two to get the OOC up. It's not going anywhere. I was excited to prep my OC ahead of time but the lack of updates put that to a stop. And I think I'm going to end up working with people who do the bare minimum. That's the problem with doing anything casual when you know you're not a casual writer. Others have an excuse to not care. Maybe it was a mistake to put in interest after all.
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