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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

that moment when gloating about how civil your thread is, makes your thread pretty un-civil

ohh I dont think this thread is particularly civil, all hope is lost on this one.

Still doesnt change the fact that some political threads can be civil, as per the ones I've mentioned.

EDIT: but apart from the ace of hearts and pug butter thing, we've largely stayed away from the personal attacks so I'd agree its still civil enough, just not particularly friendly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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@Dinh AaronMk Brought a lot of the table to discuss with that one didn't ya?

No, the theory in my opinion holds absolutely no water in my eyes. It doesn't make any sense. That was my point...I'm also completely aware of the differences, so thanks for the implication otherwise. Scientifically backed theories have been proven wrong before. So why not now?



Here's the thing: scientific theory arises out from observation of the universe and tests and experiments to prove or disprove a presently standing hypothesis. The theory is devised after the fact as a way to wrap up all evidence that arises and either proves or disproves to starting hypothesis. The over-all theme of science is to continually scrutinize standing theories, that is true and I won't deny that. But because something is a theory does not mean it should be automatically written off, especially with purely anecdotal evidence ("I'm white and my ghetto black friends like all my race jokes!" is hardly a sweeping statistical observation).

There is also the point to be made that much of what's listed in this link can be summarized as being folk myth. Either lacking the scientific tools of the present day, or not having it been explored before the wider populace can be lead to believe that of course the stars orbit Earth, or of course a penny dropped from great height can kill you because reasons. But in the case of the later any physicist could have explained to anyone the case of terminal velocity and energy potential in relation to an item's mass vs terminal energy. We only really consider it debunked because MythBusters did it, when really it's been mathematically dead since gravity.

Going further, taking your anecdotal cases to task (X thinks Y joke is funny because X is my friend) then if you would actually bother going further into it then these alternative situations arise, but don't disprove the idea because they also studied and read into those cases. His TED Talk actually goes into the detail of this.

The case being that because of the relationship between you and them neutralizes the malign aspect of telling a nigger joke and makes it benign and acceptable. As would be the case telling any other sort of joke may be considered malign or benign depending on the person you're telling it to (In a case provided in the video: A religious person would groan over a church raffling off a Hummer, a non-religious person would laugh at a church raffling off a Hummer).

So now we have to invariably come around to "PC Culture" and being in the public sphere: when you do anything in public you ultimately open your image, message, or product to a broad audience who can see or read into what you're presenting according to their personal biases. A White woman blandly and unapologetically telling an open joke about black men may not go over as well if the same joke was told by a black man. This bleeds into the realm of performance art, or any art rather. In order for something to work it HAS to be spun in some creative manner. Sure, you could make a comment about Jews, Auschwitz, and showers but simply screaming "GAS THE KIKES LOL PRAISE KEKE AND MOLOCH" is unsurprisingly not going to be taken very well unless you've taken the time to take it from the threatening sphere it otherwise exists in to subvert it with absurdity and subtlety.

You could also say, "JAIL THE NIGGERS, THEY'RE SUBSERVEANT TO THE WHITE MAN. LOL CSA IS GRAND". Or you could, you know: explore the entire master-servant relationship and subvert both sides and actually have an acceptable relatable joke for the public sphere.

But you're really not doing anything right now except exemplifying feels over reals, assuming one-of anecdotal incidents otherwise useful for examples to illustrate data. If you think the theory is flawed, then where is your theory? And "people are just over-sensitive because muh friends" is not theory, it's hypothesis.

And if theory is flawed, then let's just liquidate capitalism already.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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And if theory is flawed, then let's just liquidate capitalism already.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dynamo Frokane You're grasping at straws and can't even form proper sentences while addressing me. You're deliberately twisting my words. (but yes those three posts weren't real examples of discussion.) Plus, since you've already called me creepy among other things.

So can I just say, I don't particularly take this conversation seriously...But as an adult, I post because I legit have nothing better to do at 2 am and I occasionally find this entertaining. So if you wanted to make me have fun...you're doing a good job. (if all the emoticons weren't clear on that.) It's really hard when I can't take it seriously because of your actions previously and currently. You can keep trolling me, or doing whatever the hell you think you're doing. Like trying to get something over one on me. I'll humor you. Social tip 101. Discussions are had when people try to learn something. It doesn't happen when both (or one person specifically) are desperately trying to win...


I could do this all day. By the by, I do know what you're doing. (I just really don't care.) If this really excites you, man I could show you people that will give you much more interesting reactions... <.<
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dinh AaronMk I'm very tired, but I will attempt to read and respond. Be lenient. <.<

I know that was a joke, but really people that can look at America. See that it's the most powerful, richest nation, largest population, who uses it's military overseas to protect the rest of the free world. Yada yada 'Murica' yada. Just saying to make a point. (of course every system is flawed and can be corrupted. Humans exist.) And go..."Yep, Capitalism probably doesn't work as well as Socialism does." and be sincere about it...the internet would not be what it is today, without it. (yes, it may have possibly existed, but not in it's current form.)

Just to briefly state a few things. The theory makes it seems likes it a universal statement. Like all people are equal in what jokes they find acceptable, but clearly isn't the case. The Irish went through plenty of shit and they had senses of humor and absolutely no one is rioting for past transgressions, nor are they offended by others making fun of them. (And honestly it seems a little racist to assume that blacks, are the only ones that -can't- take jokes from others outside their social circles.) Which I know isn't true, because friends or not. I was in a ghetto high school and lived there. Racial jokes are nearly an exclusive source of jokes, to friends and strangers. If you heard a joke, it would probably give the average crybaby on the net, a heart attack. Everyone of my friends grew up in the ghetto and not exactly well off and not all of them were black...But that aside.

If it's true, I must just know plenty of anomalies within the theory. I'm sure there's some truth to it, but at the same time I think. My point is more than ever people are taking jokes, far too seriously and trying to silence and label people as evil for jokes. Usually it's people getting offended for the sake of others who don't care. It's a growing and I'd argue a recent problem. Safe spaces did not exist back then...this is a legit concern of where the future is going. I don't find that because teenagers post things on the internet, that makes PC culture somehow valid. Freedom of speech is actually being attacked...(Canada right now, is undergoing parliament to ban all criticism of Islam...) That's not the only example, but it's a recent one. An example of literal thought policing. Which legit scares me to put into law. I can only fucking imagine, if something like this for Christianity passed in America...
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@SleepingSilence So now its not only goal post shifting you are adding qualifiers. 'Twisting your words' give me a damn break. You can just make up these standards and say what does and doesn't count as discussion to you, but all those threads were a discussion. I'm starting to get Deja vu of you accusing me of trolling, when I'm just responding to your posts, which would place you in the same boat as me. I also don't really care how much emoticon fueled fun you are having but the fact you need to bring it up makes me think that the lady doth protest too much.

You cant stay away from these 'divisive' threads you claim to hate so much, so clearly me and everyone else who makes them should continue for your benefit.

I didn't call you creepy, I said your one comment was creepy and over familiar, and I removed the post at your request, but for someone who's having so much fun, it really seems to be making you quite upset, sadly I can do nothing to erase it from your memory, you're just going to have to deal with it.

Anyway I'm sure everyone in this thread feels like you are intellectually owning me, better keep responding to protect your reputation as a laid back, rational debate machine. xD

EDIT: also make sure you re-run another tired google chrome spelling mistake joke, I can tell by all the laughs you are getting that everyone here thinks you are hi-larious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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@Dinh AaronMk I'm very tired, but I will attempt to read and respond. Be lenient. <.<

I know that was a joke, but really people that can look at America. See that it's the most powerful, richest nation, largest population, who uses it's military overseas to protect the rest of the free world. Yada yada 'Murica' yada. Just saying to make a point. (of course every system is flawed and can be corrupted. Humans exist.) And go..."Yep, Capitalism probably doesn't work as well as Socialism does." and be sincere about it...the internet would not be what it is today, without it. (yes, it may have possibly existed, but not in it's current form.)

Just to briefly state a few things. The theory makes it seems likes it a universal statement. Like all people are equal in what jokes they find acceptable, but clearly isn't the case. The Irish went through plenty of shit and they had senses of humor and absolutely no one is rioting for past transgressions, nor are they offended by others making fun of them. (And honestly it seems a little racist to assume that blacks, are the only ones that -can't- take jokes from others outside their social circles.) Which I know isn't true, because friends or not. I was in a ghetto high school and lived there. Racial jokes are nearly an exclusive source of jokes, to friends and strangers. If you heard a joke, it would probably give the average crybaby on the net, a heart attack. Everyone of my friends grew up in the ghetto and not exactly well off and not all of them were black...But that aside.

If it's true, I must just know plenty of anomalies within the theory. I'm sure there's some truth to it, but at the same time I think. My point is more than ever people are taking jokes, far too seriously and trying to silence and label people as evil for jokes. Usually it's people getting offended for the sake of others who don't care. It's a growing and I'd argue a recent problem. Safe spaces did not exist back then...this is a legit concern of where the future is going. I don't find that because teenagers post things on the internet, that makes PC culture somehow valid. Freedom of speech is actually being attacked...(Canada right now, is undergoing parliament to ban all criticism of Islam...) That's not the only example, but it's a recent one. An example of literal thought policing. Which legit scares me to put into law. I can only fucking imagine, if something like this for Christianity passed in America...

Canada isn't passing a ban on criticism of islam, it is passing a motion to condemn islamophobia. As in, it's not a law, it's just a statement. They won't enforce it.

Also, safe spaces are pretty old. A lot of "Safe spaces" are rebrands of what we used to call "Support groups."

Also also, racial jokes are still pretty fucking common. I feel like I'm in a bizarro land where we are all pretending that the racial joke is universally condemned or something
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Garattee
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Holy Jesus, this back and forth tennis match is getting boring can you two just fuck already?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@SleepingSilence So now its not only goal post shifting you are adding qualifiers. 'Twisting your words' give me a damn break. You can just make up these standards and say what does and doesn't count as discussion to you, but all those threads were a discussion. I'm starting to get Deja vu of you accusing me of trolling, when I'm just responding to your posts, which would place you in the same boat as me. I also don't really care how much emoticon fueled fun you are having but the fact you need to bring it up makes me think that the lady doth protest too much.

@Dynamo Frokane Literally nearly every post you have twisted my words...must I give you examples? (I won't because basically my next reply will never come...) I wanted to say completely failed to comprehend the things you read, but I can only have so much leeway given to someone.

And yes, you pull so many things already that I think it be in your best interest for me to call you that vs what I'd rather say...

And don't wink at me with those sarcastic emoticons or I'll get @Tulpa in here :D

Something off topic, but something you shouldn't ever do. Don't harass someone and throw someone's name under the bus with you...Let's even remotely pretend Mods greatly enforced rules. Maybe you shouldn't lump people in to YOUR personal tirades. Maybe they grew up and don't want to be included in a post only meant as a pointless jab. I've seen people get banned on (other) forums in this way merely because someone decided to harass another user and suggest several people were also in on the harassment. If that person wants to harass me, their perfectly capable of doing it themselves...they don't need your help.

You cant stay away from these 'divisive' threads you claim to hate so much, so clearly me and everyone else who makes them should continue for your benefit.

Are you...........admitting these threads are divisive.....(I can talk to people with different opinions and not try to circle jerk and give out as many ad hominems as possible. If you can't understand the difference...I don't know what to tell you.)

I didn't call you creepy, I said your one comment was creepy and over familiar, and I removed the post at your request, but for someone who's having so much fun, it really seems to be making you quite upset, sadly I can do nothing to erase it from your memory, you're just going to have to deal with it.

There is literally no difference between calling someone creepy and saying the things they say are creepy...(especially if it's coming from someone whose already called you a dozen other things...) <.< And I said remove it, because I don't want people to see bile online, they probably see enough. And thanks for implying what you think/were trying to do. But already knew that. I said remove it for your own best interest, not mine.

Anyway I'm sure everyone in this thread feels like you are intellectually owning me, better keep responding to protect your reputation as a laid back, rational debate machine. xD

For someone who is pulling every step on "what to do when losing an argument." I really don't think anyone is cheering you on either...I don't do this to win. Clearly, nothing was accomplished aside from you thinking you got something over me, and I killed some time inbetween listening to some new albums. I do this because I'm bored. But even then, I'm not my roommate, there's only so many times people can misspell first grade level words and imply I'm the foolish one, before I just get very tired of responding and it becomes less funny and more pathetic...<.<

EDIT: also make sure you re-run another tired google chrome spelling mistake joke, I can tell by all the laughs you are getting that everyone here thinks you are hi-larious.

Evil assumes evil from others. I was suggesting it for your benefit. (mostly) It would immediately stop anyone from ever using that jab online ever again...If I really wanted to go the extra mile (actually attack) I'd show every mistake, spelling and punctuation. (But I'm not and believe me there's more.) You can stay a glutton for punishment. No skin off my bones. After it KEPT happening in every single post. (Under the impression that it was no longer just a typo.) I was suggesting it so you'd stop embarrassing yourself now and in future.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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<Snipped quote by SleepingSilence>

Canada isn't passing a ban on criticism of islam, it is passing a motion to condemn islamophobia. As in, it's not a law, it's just a statement. They won't enforce it.

Also, safe spaces are pretty old. A lot of "Safe spaces" are rebrands of what we used to call "Support groups."

Also also, racial jokes are still pretty fucking common. I feel like I'm in a bizarro land where we are all pretending that the racial joke is universally condemned or something

@Vilageidiotx So there's that label again...do you think that won't include literally every criticism of Islam? Do you really not know what people have already been punished for various "thought crimes" around the world. If that passed for Christianity in America...would you feel the same way? Fucking just drawing their prophet IN ANY WAY is illegal...Islamphobia may mean even less than every insertphobia label on god's green earth. All of those words mean nothing and are so vaguely defined it hurts, but Islamophobia. I can only imagine the wide, wide umbrella of rules that would fall under...

Support groups, are NOT the same as safe spaces. (For starters they were probably never racially segregated.) Trying to say stuff like trigger warnings and all this nonsense has somehow "been here all along." Just doesn't even make sense at any glance because no one was talking about them then...

Well the reason people act that way is because the privileged of the world have no grasp on the harshness of reality and just assume. When the rest of the world has bigger problems to deal with...the fact anyone's agenda somehow implies america has all these problems AND IS STILL defending the worst/least modern culture on the planet that really does have real hate for women and gays and everything else. Just makes me a little sick and also unable to take them seriously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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@Dinh AaronMk I'm very tired, but I will attempt to read and respond. Be lenient. <.<

I know that was a joke, but really people that can look at America. See that it's the most powerful, richest nation, largest population, who uses it's military overseas to protect the rest of the free world. Yada yada 'Murica' yada. Just saying to make a point. (of course every system is flawed and can be corrupted. Humans exist.) And go..."Yep, Capitalism probably doesn't work as well as Socialism does." and be sincere about it...the internet would not be what it is today, without it. (yes, it may have possibly existed, but not in it's current form.)

I think Vilage has got the rest, so:

America... most powerful

If only because after two world-wars the traditional old guards of the world police stage had been ground down into minor powers on the global or became restricted to an inactive regional stage and there were only two powers now they could turn to to resolve their concerns with their overseas Empires: The Soviet Union who would sooner dissolve their Empires and the US who would sooner get involved to attempt to preserve their Empires.

And because the USSR was effectively isolated for not being friendly to the notion of people owning capital as private property and in general hostile to capitalism, they weren't going to be invited to the party. So it was the US on the world stage from then on: because we only lost one navy base.

richest nation

Only because like above the rest of the world was badly hit by two world wars and there was no one left in Europe to run a global market. So the US stepped in and profited - especially after the second - in the reconstruction of Europe. Even the Soviet Union had to resolve physical damages to Russia, and the US was the only country left with a well-functioning material and commercial economy to supply Europe with the food and manufactured goods to set them back on their feet.

And not only that: The Japanese.

Unlike in the inter-war period when the US hoarded the world's gold supply and quite possibly forced the Depression, the US kept the wheels of capital moving and in return got a booming mid-century economy.

largest population

who uses it's military overseas to protect the rest of the free world



the internet would not be what it is today, without it.

Actually, it probably would have.

The key thing to consider about the internet is that the coding infrastructure behind it did not arise because it was the superior product, it did not offer the fastest or necessarily the easiest language to build the internet off of. And it certainly was not compatible with the other networks out there (see: Gopher). What it was however was: free.

Generally in capitalism anything that is free is inherently anti-capitalist because you're not making money off of it. But it wasn't just free, it was open source. Which makes even more so.

If Socialism is defined as the theory in which the workers or the community owns the means of production, then being free and open sourced and totally without royalty means that it is one of the ultimate socialist frameworks to arise from late-stage capitalism. There's no boss or leading organization telling you how to use it to maximize profits, or them owning all the rights to do with it as they will to maximize prophets.

The internet, its code being available to anyone and its backbone being so easy and publicly built upon and changed by anyone sets up a world of perfect anarchy.

Of course corporate server farms exist, but that's a whole other notion. But back in the early days when companies hadn't made the jump over when the internet began becoming more ubiquitous this wasn't the case.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dinh AaronMk *sighs* Well this won't go anywhere either. So I'll do my best again to briefly comment.

Letting someone argue for you...is well...when I feel like people were dog piling on me before. No pun intended...that's the kind of things I'd expect people to say. How else does a man take that? Not saying that's what it is, but I don't think I can possible change someone's mind who lives in america and doesn't grasp how damn lucky they have it. I feel there's basically no point in discussion.

Ironic criticisms aside. Most of your responses seems to factor on world war 2 being the literal only reason, we are powerful and well off...and then you seem to imply we somehow did something wrong in the process...I feel I don't even understand your reasoning behind that, so I can't argue to counter your point because I'm almost not even sure what your point is...same thing with how much it just seems you don't respect and acknowledge what the US troops have done for foreign aid around the world. Can't change minds when perspectives are that far apart...

And when I say largest, I mean in the places people want us to be like or attempt to defend. I said I was tired. A mocking gif doesn't give me much leniency, just sort of does the opposite. And feels like this will just lead to toxic nonsense. And I just finished dealing with someone and don't feel like doing it again. <.<

And I really disagree on that, completely ignoring economies. For starters, free speech on the internet would not exist. (at least as free as it gets...)

Agreeing to disagree is about as far as I think I'm going to get here...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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@Dinh AaronMk
Ironic criticisms aside. Most of your responses seems to factor on world war 2 being the literal only reason, we are powerful and well off...and then you seem to imply we somehow did something wrong in the process...I feel I don't even understand your reasoning behind that, so I can't argue to counter your point because I'm almost not even sure what your point is...same thing with how much it just seems you don't respect and acknowledge what the US troops have done for foreign aid around the world. Can't change minds when perspectives are that far apart...

Disregarding the rest to make a point here, but to briefly address what sounds like personal moaning: if you don't like it, why do you partake? It's like what Dynamo's been saying: if you claim you don't like it, why are you here? Are you a masochist? If you are, it's OK; but just be honest about yourself there and I'll be happy to meme "Read Bookchin, luddite" or "Read Stirner, spooked man" at you all day.

But here's to the point: Because basically it boils down to our geopolitical situation after the Second World War.

We were a rising economic power prior, but we didn't really come into our own after the First World War when we were able to turn Europe into debtors of America and hold the first sway over them, when in the prior century it was often European powers banking on things in the US. And the US had to undergo the demographic and geographical growth to obtain the manpower and resource diversity to get there. Basically: America's growth isn't actually responsible to Capitalism. The Workers could have made such sweeping and absolute victories during the Labor Movement period in the post Civil War to Great Depression era that they conquered the factories in which they worked and at the least established an Anarcho-Mutualist economic model to run the factories and the farms in worker democracy in competition between each other as if in a quasi-competitive state and because Europe was so degraded and Asia such a clusterfuck that when the Second World War rolled around we would have or could have stepped in.

I am not denying America isn't a great country to live in, but the interests of the country I feel are misplaced. You could go about saying the American military marches about the world protecting freedom, but whose freedom are they defending? We weren't protecting Mexican freedom when we invaded Mexico to secure Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and so much more from the Republic of Mexico. We weren't defending Cuban, Filipino, Guam, or Puerto Rican independence when we went to war with Spain and occupied all those Spanish possessions we took over (two of which are still direct territories, one of which was stolen from us by 28 plucky partisans, and the other actually went through a planned path to self-determination but was ultimately scooped up Japan for a while). We weren't defending the numerous democratic interests of central America and the Caribbean during the Banana Wars period. We didn't get involved in the First World War or even the Second World War because we felt we had some great moral incentive to combat imperialism; we only got involved when the 'evil' side of history attacked us first (the torpedo'ing of a passenger liner for the First World War (overlooking a history of diplomatic drift to the UK since Teddy Roosevelt), and the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan for the second). And all through the Cold War we didn't act in the direct democratic interests of the countries we defended; given we ostensibly backed people who were as big a cunts as the Soviets themselves backed.

Time and time again throughout history we either acted in the selfish interest of ourselves through nationalism or commercialism. Either it was Manifest Destiny to force the change of national allegiance of vast territory or populations, or because some fruit company said we should (looking at you United Fruit Company).

Even into the modern era with the invasions of Afghanistan on the basis we're removing an unpopular dictatorial regime who just happens to be harboring Al-Qaeda we weren't operating on the actual moral rule of defending Democracy since as Noam Chomsky openly observed: we didn't invade Uzbekistan as well because they have a government as bad as or worse than the Taliban. If we invaded Iraq to depose a dangerous dictator in the name of Democracy, why didn't we turn around and remove the Saudis as well?

If you're going to use the point that America is the world guardian of justice and democracy and that the military defends the world and these qualities then you have to stop and realize for a moment that to actually fulfill this goal we need to practically invade everyone and enact regime change on a near global scale. From Russia to Africa and from China to the Middle East. It's just not a realistic or even valid point to make, it's a propaganda claim put out to enhance our feeling of self-worth.

Don't get me wrong, I know where I am and that I was born here and I feel a lot better about that I was in comparison to somewhere like Russia. But we need to reshape ourselves, and if we need to be realistic drop the whole notion we're the police of democracy unless we want to finally act on it; irregardless of the possible geopolitical direction our new democratic regimes will go when the people elect their own leaders post dictator or monarch removal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dinh AaronMk...Very first sentence... "sounds like personal moaning."

*deep sigh*

Do you people just like-not understand, not grasp, not realize how to NOT personally attack someone when you speak...

Seriously...are we both adults? 18+? Am I alone here?

Did I say something that seemed personal? Pretty sure I didn't. (to you.) So when I feel (or know) someone has other intentions. Why would it be smart for me to continue on? Well...yeah. Not continuing this...

I talk to people because I like being social, shocking a statement as that might be. Is pointing out my opinion we won't make progress somehow offending you in some way?

If everyone I disagreed with started a discussion, and I said right off the bat "Looks like you're being a crybaby bitch." And expect them to continue to be cordial with me...something is faulty with that logic.

I also don't like people that are purposefully harassing other users...it looks bad for everyone. If no ones else cares enough to make improvements on a site and how people address and articulate with one another. Fine. But, I do occasionally find toxic stupid people mocking me quite funny for a bit. Having a dark sense of humor is a curse sometimes. Just gets old fast. But as an adult, I've stopped caring about the internet and what random cunts think about me, a long time ago. I do it, because I'm bored and because I can.

Maybe I'll get lucky and have an intelligent and non ad-hominem discussion one day. Also becoming an adult, I've learned 'ignoring' problems doesn't make them go away. If it did, a certain thread would probably still be active. <.<

Before I let you continue, simply don't appreciate how you speak with me. So before it gets worse on either side. I'll be the first to acknowledge, this discussion will not get us anywhere. Have a good day.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

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@SleepingSilence Im genuinely confused now, are you still having the time of your life? Because you've stopped using all those cute emoticons, maybe that 'happy mood' of yours had a viciously short time limit.

You bringing up the tulpa thing is interesting, because you seem to think we lead some sort of a dual harassment campaign when she was just another person having an argument with you. In fact looking back through that thread, you were having these sort of spats way before we even knew who each other were. Maybe your evil is assuming evil, maybe you are the harasser. I mean this thread, the jontron thread and even that VGM thread you seem to have a very telling behavior when it comes to interacting with other users, but I'm sure that's just out of boredom right?

And at this point if we are literally just arguing about arguing then I'm not interested in 'winning' against you, I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be leaving each other alone, but I get the feeling you are enjoying this too much to drop so I'll be happy to take anymore of your spelling suggestions during your stay here ;D

Just know that if I'm really this universally hated toxic user and you are the super popular widely respected dude who everyone thinks is not only funny but smart and rational too, you are REALLY hurting your own pristine record right now by stooping to my level to bicker with me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Seriously...are we both adults? 18+?

But as an adult,

Also becoming an adult,

Hmmm, I might be wrong here, but I think he's an adult.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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@Dynamo Frokane Hmm...you might be on to something there. Out of seriousness though, when does the whole "leave each other alone thing" happen?

Edit: Through all of that nonsense up above, exact same question. You were the one to bring it up afterall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Dynamo Frokane Hmm...you might be on to something there. Out of seriousness though, when does the whole "leave each other alone thing" happen?

Edit: Through all of that nonsense up above, exact same question. You were the one to bring it up afterall.

Right now, I wont respond anymore. I'm done now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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