Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

So can I just? Jump in?

yup, that's right. it's free to join

Update: if no one posts, I'll make something of my 3rd fleet coming in and blowing shit up.

fine by me. i thought datadoogie would post by now
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah, what is datadogie doing?

I'm waiting for him/her to post in our collab.
Think i will visit someone else after having terrorized the zenohunts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

he dropped off
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Without telling me? Apparently very busy.

Right, i need a new place to appear.
Any takers?

Naaw, we had gotten so far.
I guess i could use all that in a solo start, having his stuff as npc's. Or something?
Since i added a lot of good stuff in the collab.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

yeah! i guess you can use his nation as an npc, and do what you would have done if he was still here for the collab

or wait i guess... if he's really busy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by o0V0o
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o0V0o The Honorably Mentally Deranged

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Well...this place has been busy

Ok, sorry for not posting, I've been busy due to academic matters and some writer's block. Anyway, I will be working on a post soon in response to @Luna_Maria's advance onto my territory. I will be readying defenses. Also, question, are the Zerg individual ants and their ships are artificially constructed or are the ships large organisms with tinier ones inside?

BTW @OfWindAndRain, I'll try to clarify things in a later post but I'll be blowing up Zergs for a moment.

Another BTW - Will be adding a new character, a commander (or two) to get a better eye on the field. I will still be keeping those I have now though and the next post will have a bunch of switches.

Seeya guys soon!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CowboyCommando
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CowboyCommando A topless man, with godly pants.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Without telling me? Apparently very busy.

Right, i need a new place to appear.
Any takers?

Naaw, we had gotten so far.
I guess i could use all that in a solo start, having his stuff as npc's. Or something?
Since i added a lot of good stuff in the collab.

Me? ;) Would be interesting to say the least. Since my nation is a bunch of trigger happy, PTSD driven, paranoid survivors. #Xenophobia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

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@Luna_Maria I got a pm from datadogie.

To quote his own words.
"Life has went horrible the last few days...it's all going to shit." with some rough real world stuff in the dotted place i left out, out of respect.

So now i am less confused about what is going on.
Slightly worried for datadogie's sake.

I guess i'll just finish the collab up by myself and start mucking around.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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@OfWindAndRain @Luna_Maria
Be advised, I will be posting like, tomorrow. I just need a little time. Thanks to @Klomster for explaining this better than I could in the state I'm in right now and for worrying about me.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

Also, question, are the Zerg individual ants and their ships are artificially constructed or are the ships large organisms with tinier ones inside?

the ships are large organisms with tinier ones inside. but all we have are carriers haha


woot! everyone's back! woot! welcome back! i hope you can overcome your writer's block. writer's block is a real pain.

i hope you all get better
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CowboyCommando
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CowboyCommando A topless man, with godly pants.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well any chance of me getting out a intro post is dead this week(12 hour shifts), unless I magically get more time. Couldn't pull myself from world building since I'm a bit OCD about it. Added a lot, just want the FMSF fleshed out properly before I start, pretty much nearly there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ouch, 12 hour shifts.

I don't envy you.
I guess i shouldn't mention that i'm on 100% sick leave...
Until september....
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

sorry guys, i got writer's block again
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

sorry guys, i got writer's block again

Anything i/we can help with?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CowboyCommando
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CowboyCommando A topless man, with godly pants.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Writer's block as of late has eluded me. The key to defeating it, is not caring. Just write at first, whatever comes to mind. Make something comprehensible out of it later. That and music, exquisite music that tells the story you are writing through it's notes and ques.

Also be sure to have pants on while writing, it may be a superstition of my. But writing pants-less is unthinkable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Luna_Maria>

Anything i/we can help with?

i don't know. sometimes i can be very perfectionistic and expect great things from my writing and then when i feel like i can't meet those expectations then boom, my limbic system takes over and yells "DO NOT WRITE, OR YOU WILL FAIL MISERABLY IN MEETING THOSE HIGH EXPECTATIONS" and so i stop writing

recently, i read on an author's website that the brain has two areas that deal with writing. The limbic system/reptilian brain/subconscious brain, and the conscious brain. Both deal with a writing problem like high expectations. The subconscious brain is the one that prevents you from writing and causes writer's block (by going, "oh snap, those are very high expectations, you can't meet them, so don't write or you'll fail miserably"). The trick, according to this author, is not to engage the problem (like high expectations) with your subconscious brain but with your conscious brain, instead.

how he states on doing that is a little fuzzy.

Writer's block as of late has eluded me. The key to defeating it, is not caring. Just write at first, whatever comes to mind. Make something comprehensible out of it later. That and music, exquisite music that tells the story you are writing through it's notes and ques.

Also be sure to have pants on while writing, it may be a superstition of my. But writing pants-less is unthinkable.

i'm afraid i cannot "not care" about my writing. but i did read in a book about writer's block that in order to overcome it -- you should stop being perfectionistic and stop caring about meeting extremely high expectations, but... there's a difference between perfectionism and normal high expectations. I think i can stop being perfectionistic, but as for ordinary high expectations, i don't think i can stop myself from expecting that. The way i think of it: When you're writing a book or any piece of fiction, that stuff you're making is your baby. it's natural to care a lot about it and have normal high expectations...

so i think you have to somehow realize that you do have high expectations and, yet at the same time, continue pumping those words out... somehow

i just don't know how right now
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Luna_Maria Random words from an old RP: Do not care about your posts.

This may sound bizarre and counter intuitive, but if your issue is that your perfectionism is leading towards writer's block, then stop caring so much about how long is has too be. Two well written paragraphs is always better than several meaningless fluff paragraphs. Care about the sum and not the parts. Care not about how people will see something short and say "oh that's bad" since at the end of the day, they aren't holding a gun to your head and saying you must write X amount or you are dead.

Lower your expectations and swallow your pride; hubris is the downfall of many things in life. RPing isn't about having quotas to fill on a timetable which is what you are making it out to be, its about just writing about fiction you find interesting. You're afraid of failing and afraid of writing something that will fail thus you don't write, you're fearing fear itself dear. Write whatever comes to your mind and post it without thinking. You cannot be afraid to make mistakes and fail since otherwise you will only ever stagnate and repeat the cycle. From my experience its always been better to trip over your toes a few times RPing and learn from it rather than being hung up on standards and not posting.

You will have good posts and you will have bad posts and sometimes you just need to make "sacrificial posts" where you do not care about what it is and just throw it out into the IC. If you are afraid of making mistakes then you will make nothing but mistakes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luna_Maria


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

too sleepy, can't even read, will read and think about this later
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CowboyCommando
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CowboyCommando A topless man, with godly pants.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Bump, anyone looking to collab with me? Just asking been working on my intro.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Righty, i've now added my initial post!

I'm all for making first contacts with other nations, individuals or drones!
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