Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 41 min ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

The words meanings escaped Jon's mind even though they had reached his ears clearly. The recent kick already forgotten now as he tried to piece together what just happened.
He looked blankly at Millicent, confused and disappointed he stared longingly at her as he awaited her reaction for guidance.
Despite knowing better he had fallen for her story himself. Now he was waiting for some sudden action or proposal from her that would somehow rectify all this.

Was this some cruel joke or taunting jest? Was there some sick mockery at play.

He had come so close...
Millicent was right there.
Who in their right mind would pay the asking price for Jon now, let alone double!?
He made sense of the insensible situation by accepting it without question. Instead his mind followed his eyes to ponder upon who this new lady was that paid so generously for him.

The 'Honourable Miss Alice Blackwood'. Jon prided himself on his strong ability for memorisation, but after his beating and recent events, his brain was a bit slow to tick over. The name strung a chord that resonated within his skull. If he wasn't so caught up in the term 'honourable' being used here of all places while purchasing a slave, he might have caught on a bit sooner. But slowly the pieces clicked into place.
Her accent, that attire, the person standing over her shoulder, her mannerism and the abundance of coin. She was 'that' Blackwood...

Jon remained speechless, contemplating what all this could mean. He looked around expectantly, waiting to see what happens next. He still wasn't sure if this was good or bad thing. Real or just a ruse. Was he even awake or was this all just some ill conceived sea-sickness induced delirium.

Only time would tell.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: Hit and Run by LOLO

“You poured the gasoline, and I drove into the flames. History will hate us, but they’ll never forget out names.
They never saw us coming ‘til they hit the floor. They just kept beggin for more, more.”

The corner of Sirena’s fine lips pulled up into a smirk as her beautiful blue eyes took in the people in the room. She turned to face the men Édouard had left behind when he had departed from the tavern. The devious mischief that lit up her eyes was under toned by her overwhelmingly charming demeanor. So, are any of you interested in the job my captain has to offer. After all, it would seem that we are going after the same item, the cursed flask in the Devil’s Triangle. It’s really just a matter of whose allegiance you wish to be under. Certainly you have some doubts of Édouard’s validity as a captain,” she stated temptingly as she strolled past each of the men. She looked up at them from under her pale blonde lashes as she let one of her hands lightly graze them.

She stopped when she had passed the last man and then spun on heels to go back down the line again. She gave them a charming smile before her countenance grew a bit more serious. “Now, the question is to what lengths will you go to gain the power of the flask. I am going to be frank with you all. My captain is not your traditional captain in the sense of the word. My captain is a woman, Captain Harlianne James. She is known as Mad Eyes to some, and she has been a part of the life of piracy since infancy. She is a more than capable captain, whom I would be more than willing to lay my life down for. Now my final question is will your pride of working for a woman get in the way of being on the winning crew,” she explained with a devious glint in her eyes, punctuating the word winning.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

The Captain had done what she figured he would. She wasn't expecting an easy way to obtain her goals, but that was fine. In fact, it was more fun than anything. She was, after all, a woman of lowly status. Regardless of that, she appeared to be your average lady. If only these men knew what she could do to them, they wouldn't be looking down at her like they were now, chuckling in their own piss-stained clothes.

Before she could comment on what different ways she could flay the men, a woman stepped up and offered to by Jon. Millicent had to hold back from rolling her eyes. Another person in this bidding war? She looked to see a young, blonde haired girl. She could hardly believe a woman that looked like her would be here of all places. However, it wasn't until she spoke her name that Millicent put some pieces together.

Alice Blackwood. That Alice Blackwood.

Having gone around in the circles of the upper class, Millicent knew of Alice Blackwood. She could hardly believe she was here. She almost forgot why she herself was standing here until she looked over to Jon, who was now a somewhat free man. The question that remained was: would Alice free Jon or keep him for herself? She eyed the woman up and down before slyly grinning.

Things were about to get very interesting, it seemed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - The King's Arm

Elissa did not like where things were going with the men and the woman. They were being terribly rude to her, and she started to smell the makings of a brawl coming. Sure, the idea of women being pirates and needing a crew was a bit peculiar, but in no way did that give them an excuse to practically attack her like that. Elissa smiled a bit as she saw the woman stop herself from leaving, and stood her ground. She admired the woman a bit, she wasn't sure what she would have done in her place, but that didn't really matter. Looking over at Aravis, she noticed that the woman had her hand on her sword. Elissa was leaning towards stepping in herself, but she was better off just waiting until something happened.

However, she wasn't one to just stand around and wait. Her own hand went to the hilt of her sword, and she started to rise slightly out of her chair, preparing to jump in if needed. She knew that she shouldn't, but she just couldn't stand by and watch this happen."Araffis, zoze itiots need to pe taught ein lezon. Arh ! Hobefully zee voman von't need it, put it is not bozible for me to chust zit here und vatch zem humilate her. I smell ein pravl coming, und I hobe zat zey giffe me ein excuze to sdab zem," she said to her friend, as she kept her eye on the trouble brewing nearby.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 1:41 PM Local Time

@mnkee -

Well, Sirena certainly is putting her talents to good use. While some may think that Édouard's men would hate to work under a woman, the crew seems entirely eager to hear Sirena's proposal. They've been working under a moron for ages, after all, so even working for a woman must seem like a good deal. There are some nods and murmurs of agreement at her words, yet none of them pledge allegiance to Mad Eyes. None of them respond directly to Sirena's words. Instead, almost every head is turned towards the second in command, the quartermaster of their ship, Édouard's right hand man. It is unspoken but clear that the crew is loyal to him, rather than to Édouard. If he accepts the proposal, then they'll go with Sirena. If not, then they won't. It's that simple.

Harlianne James

Location: Main Deck of the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Alice smiled slightly as the Captain undid any and all pieces of bondage for Jon, as well as handing her the papers to the man. Or rather, he attempted to. Alice stared at them blankly as her minder accepted them instead, looking as frustrated with Alice as Millicent was curious. There was an odd strength to her minder as well, with the knowledge of hardship and the world showing in her eyes. The entire situation just appeared to be curiouser and curiouser. Why would the Honorable Alice Blackwood be in a place such as Tortuga?

Alice, of course, seemed to be the picture of innocence as she snatched Jon's papers from her minder, her eyes widening in horror as she looked over the details. "Oh heavens..." she muttered, before looking up at Jon apologetically. "Good sir, I have no designs for you. Please, attend to this woman's father and you may have these papers to possess yourself." And while it wasn't clear, Alice wasn't trying to extort or blackmail him. She had an earnest glimmer in her eyes.

"Such a barbaric institution," Alice mumbled, though her voice was not quiet at all. The Viscount's only daughter then walked idly back towards the Bellona, with Harlianne having overheard her final remarks. Of course, that only wouldn't have been an issue had the slave traders not heard it as well. And with the young Alice Blackwood appearing to be a meek and rich woman, without any defenses, she'd be an easy mark.

"Blackwood, right, cost o' protection is one 'undred pounds. Includes yor mates for an extra twenty five," Harlianne called out, moving down from the Bellona and stopping just a few feet above the ground. "Yer just insulted a slaver in Tortuga, right, girl. Yor've got no guards 'ere, no forts ter run ter, nothin'. It won't end pretty."

Her minder, of course, only returned a glare to the female pirate. "Miss Blackwood does not need any additional protection." Her voice was strong and determined, with the woman's words even implying that the peer already had some sort of guard with her. And true to Harlianne's words, of course, the slavers were continuing to eye Alice, with darkness in their hearts and consuming their minds.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the King's Arm - Port of Tortuga

Anna's punch doesn't connect with the man, hardly even grazing him. There's not a single scratch. Of course, aiming a punch and grabbing a mug isn't an easy thing to do at once, so it's to be expected. Her mug smashes over the man's head, the shards cutting into his head and causing him to bleed badly - as in, get to a doctor soon or you won't be alive tomorrow. Of course, the shards cut into Anna's hands as well, though she's lucky that they missed any veins, the cuts are extensive. It'll be a lot of pain, even for a woman with nine fingers.

"Bitch! Whore!" the man shouted angrily, attempting to rise to his feet but he couldn't see. His own blood was blinding him as it dripped and slid down his forehead, blocking his eyes almost as effectively as a blindfold would. But with Anna in such close quarters with him, he swung his fist upwards, clocking the woman in the neck. Her head snaps back slightly, the feeling of the punch vibrating throughout her jaw. Combined with her bleeding hands, this isn't fun at all.

"Who da hell do yer think ye are, cunt?" the man growled, pausing in his attack for the moment as he pressed his hand up against the gashes on his head in an effort to stop the bleeding.

"I couldn't agree more," Aravis said to her friend, wincing slightly as she saw the extent of the damage the two had done to each other. His friends were surprisingly calm, clapping the man on the back after he decked Anna in the jaw, pushing through the head wound. The rest of the tavern was drunk and merry, a few people staring at the scene that was unfolding, but it hadn't become a full blown barroom brawl. Not yet, anyways.

Aravis drew her cutlass and nodded at Elissa, seeing that the pair of them had a moment of opportunity. No one had yet noticed the two girls about to jump into the fray and Aravis intended to keep it that way. A clean strike would hopefully break up things, or at least, enough for the girl to escape with her head held high. She was already certain that Elissa would decide to go with the girl, a fact that broke her heart as she missed spending time with her dear friend, but it couldn't be helped. Some people just had the sea in their blood.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

Édouard frowned at the lack of response. The witch did have odd habits and customs, she was a witch after all, but it wasn't like her to ignore his shouting. Either she'd try to hex him and turn him into a newt (which had happened before, of course...and logically, he had gotten better) or she'd welcome him into her little hut, curious as to what questions he had. For of course, when he first was sent to the Caribbean to retrieve the flask, he had exhausted Alucard as a source of information.

But the witch knew things. She wasn't always completely there, so it required patience - a skill that he obviously possessed tons of. She drew his tarot cards for him and told him what was in his future, causing Édouard to visit the witch at least once a week. He never bothered to learn much about her, only knowing that she spoke in odd tongues and never seemed bothered to explain how she had ended up in Tortuga.

"Sorcière! Où es tu?" he shouted out, using the more informal French, rather than the clean and proper French used in front of royalty. But predictably, there was no reply. He frowned deeply, beginning to feel a bit worried. From what he could recall, the witch had gone to Port Royal a week or so ago to run some errands (he hadn't been really paying attention as to the reason for her visit), but she was due back in Tortuga two days ago. Pulling his cutlass out, Édouard hurried up inside of the shack, only to find the condition was worse than expected.

A drunkard slept on the floor, with the witch's things scattered and smashed. She hadn't returned from Port Royal, then. Cursing, Édouard swung his sword wildly, before thrusting it downwards into the drunk. Rubbing his face, Édouard's heart pounded. He'd need to get back to town and speak with Edgard, let him know that their witch had gone missing. And without that advantage, just about anyone could grab the flask and use its power. Huffing, he pulled his sword out of the drunk and wiped it on the corpse, improvising a quick clean, before putting his blade away.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - The Kings Arm

Anastasia groaned loudly in pain when the mug shattered over the man's head, cutting into her hand as well which made her instantly hold onto her hand looking down at the bloodied hand wincing in pain. Holding her hand she looked up at her handy work she had done to the man, seeing the blood coming off of his head and over the man's eyes. "Yer better git dat noggin av yers checked sexist pig!" Anastasia said with a smirk, she then felt the wind being knocked out of her causing her to stumble backwards reaching for her throat as she started to gasp for air from being punched in the throat.

Taking a few deep breathes as she rubbed her throat and jaw, she then started to reach for one of her flintlocks she had on her holsters, however she was having a hard time pulling it out. "Tá tú píosa fucking caorach cac fucking!" Anastasia yelled in Irish, using her native tongue, she glared at the bloody headed man who tried to hit her again but missing due to his poor eyesight from the blood. Her breathing slightly raspy from the punch to the throat, as well as her jaw hurting like a mother fucker, her eyes scanning the room.

The men seemed to be cheering him on after he had punched her in the throat, she looked around the room things seem to be going as normal a few were watching. "'As yisser mom ever towl yer ter never belt a feckin lassy? cuz it seems loike yisser arse is gettin' kicked by wan roi nigh. Belt me again oi dare yer!" She said trying to goad the man into hitting her again, Anna always did enjoy a good old fashioned bar fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Bad Company" by Five Finger Death Punch

Sirena's lips pulled up into a genuinely pleased smile as Édouard's men reacted more positively from the get-go than she had initially anticipated. It was clear to her that they were desperate for a new captain, as surprisingly none of them seemed greatly opposed to working for a woman. There were even some nods and murmurs of agreement amongst them. Yet they still did not give her a direct yes or no. Something, or someone, seemed to be holding them back. When their heads turned in unison, her brows furrowed slightly and her blue eyes followed their gazes to the source. That's when she noticed the man sitting not too far off from them, his feet propped up on the table in front of him and his face hidden partially in shadows. His mug of rum was rested on the table, and from what she could tell, his gaze was intently on them.

Edgard had been watching all the happenings in the tavern with great interest from his reclined position. He had long since forgotten about his rum, the alcohol not nearly as intriguing as all the drama that had been brewing since Mademoiselle Ikaria had stepped foot in the door. He was unsure as whether to consider her brave or too foolish for her own good. She certainly knew how to scrounge up information and wrap men around her fingers. However, in the process she inadvertently provided her competition with useful knowledge about the flask's power. Not that Édouard was bright enough to realize that, but as Éd's quartermaster, Edgard could put the information to use. Regardless of her slip-up, weak was still not a word that he would use to describe Mademoiselle Ikaria, which was a good thing, for her own sake. He despised anything and anyone he deemed as weak, and he wished to purge that weakness from these lands with blood and fire.

But when Sirena had the gall to try to tempt Édouard's men into abandoning their ship and pledge allegiance to Captain Harlianne James, she was treading in dangerous waters and she did not even know it. His jaw clenched, and there was a dark intensity to his deep blue eyes as he waited to see how the men would react to her proposal. His hands clenched into fists when he saw them nodding and murmuring in agreement; however, his darkening mood was abated for the moment when the men looked expectantly to him. A devious grin lit up his features, his ego sufficiently fueled by their actions. He slid his feet off of the table and stood up to his full 6'1" height before striding over to them. "Superb job, Mademoiselle. You just about got them wrapped around your finger," he exclaimed mockingly, even clapping to add to the derision. As he stopped in front of her though, his features hardened and his voice became cold. "However, you forgot to factor in one thing: me, the quartermaster."

As the man's dark gaze came into the light, Sirena knew right away that he was not at all like the others. This man was dangerous. But that realization did not frighten her as she had dealt with plenty of powerful men in her lifetime. All it meant was that she would have to play her cards more carefully for now on. She raised her chin up confidently. She did not take kindly to the way he mocked her, and she had to focus harder on keep her indignation from showing on her face. As the man drew near, she found that she had to look up higher and higher to meet his eyes. He towered over her much shorter height, and he appeared as if he could easily crush her petite frame with his muscular arms. She maintained eye contact with him even as his demeanor became more threatening. "The offer stands for you as well, sir," she stated as alluringly as she could manage as she smiled up at him.

Sirena's statement and attempt to woo him actually made him laugh. And it wasn't a small laugh. No, he laughed at her heartily. "Tempting, really, but no." he replied, his voice amused at first before quickly darkening.

Sirena's expression faltered when the man began to laugh her face. How dare he treat her in such a manner. But as much as she wanted to give the man a piece of her mind, she bit her tongue. She was caught a bit off guard as the man suddenly bent down and put his face inches away from hers. She fought the urge to take a step back so he was no longer in her personal space, but she stubbornly did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was making her uncomfortable.

"The only way these men are abandoning the ship is through death," he hissed. His gaze remained intense as he held that position for a few seconds longer before retreating. He righted himself again and turned to directly address the men. "Quittez le navire si vous le souhaitez, mais permettez-moi de vous rappeler ce que je fais aux traîtres. Je les tue lentement et douloureusement," he exclaimed threateningly. He was curious to see if they heeded his warning. If not? Well, as far as he was concerned, any man foolish enough to betray him was a dead man walking.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 41 min ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Jon had not moved far, he was a bit slow to seize the moment. He stood still in shock and disbelief amongst the cargo massaging his wrists. He could feel the stares from the other slaves beside him. It had really happened. He had just been purchased and offered his freedom back for completing just one job.
Not arguing with orders Jon lifted his bag over his shoulder and headed towards Millicent. His many fresh bruises tormenting him as he walked. The sooner this place and these people were far behind him the better.

A thick tension was growing in the air. It seemed not all were to fond of lady Blackwood's words or actions. "My lady." Jon said as he approached, trying to regain some of his gentlemanly mannerisms. "With a life hanging on the line let us wait no further, please escort us to your father with haste. I would see him immediately." Jon looked to Lady Blackwood and her minder. Greeting her with a bow he quickly tries to draw them from the growing situation."Miss Blackwood, I thank you graciously. Will you accompany us to see witness the fruition of your deeds, and to ensure my part of the deal is done. We do not have time to dwell around here any more than necessary. A mans life hangs in the bounds." With that he tries to usher them along.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

Things were quickly turning to a head. Now she had some elaborate story cooked up with no "father" to return to. She chastised herself in her head for even bothering to help release the doctor. He was proving more of a nuisance than she first gathered. Now, this Alice Blackwood was getting involved and she didn't want any more attention to herself than she already got. There were two courses of action she could take. The first would result in a lot of bodies turning up and she didn't want that. Not yet, at least. The second seemed much more appealing.

"Oh, thank you, miss! Your kindness knows no bounds! My father will be ever so grateful! But surely you are busy and as that woman says, it is dangerous on these ports, with or without your own protection. I will bring the doctor with me alone, you need not bother yourself." She curtsied before turning to the doctor and, in a low whisper for his ears only, said "Get this woman away from us or so help me I will respond in kind to my last threat I issued you. Is that clear, Doctor?" She said it with that sweet smile she had on her face before. The doctor should recognize it well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - The King's Arm

Elissa watched as the scene unfolded. "Of courze," she said, and soon, she was almost right next to Anne. She drew her sword as she walked, having some difficulties within the crowded bar, but managed to grab ahold of it as she moved up. The men were pigs, and Elissa hated those sorts of people. Especially when they could have just turned the woman down, but instead they had to embarrass her in the middle of a crowded bar. Sure, she liked a barroom brawl as much as the next guy, but she tended to try and avoid them.

Elissa's sword slashes through his chest, making a clean cut right up the middle. She had no idea what Aravis was going to do, but Elissa was fine with the way things seemed to be going overall. Her sword came down again, dripping with the man's blood. She pointed it at the men, all of them, and glared. "I don't like bigs like you, don't you know how to treat ein voman broperly?" she asked as she looked at them, and gave a smile to the woman that she was standing next to.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 1:53 PM Local Time

@mnkee -

Edgard's threats not only work, but they succeed beautifully. Any whiff of mutiny, any hint of indecision, even the very idea of it is crushed from the men's minds. Their fear--or perhaps respect--for the man is absolute. Sirena's words no longer have any purchase on them. However, there are always others in taverns to speak to, others looking for work on different ships. And who knows, maybe she'd have better luck once the quartermaster was gone. Yet it is unlikely. These are men who will follow Edgard to the grave.

Harlianne James

Location: Main Deck of the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

"Yeah, right, right, and I'm bloody well the chuffin' Queen o' England. O' course yer need protection," Harlianne snorted, picking a bit at her fingernails. The slavers might not have done anything yet, but it would only be a matter of time. She doubted that they'd allow Blackwood and her company to leave the docks, possibly biding their time and waiting for the young noblewoman to make a move. If Blackwood refused her on the offer of protection, Harlianne might help them, too, in order to get a cut of the spoils.

"I apologize. I was not clear. The Honorable Alice Blackwood does not need protection from the likes of you," her minder snapped, practically seeing red at that moment. Alice's minder felt a bit grateful that the girl seemed to be distracted, though she kept an eye on her. Alice was enchanted, practically, by Jon and Millicent's words. For a sheltered daughter of a peer, this was the closest to adventure she had ever come.

"Nonsense, I shall accompany you both," Alice replied eagerly, a warm and honest smile on her face. "It is the very least I can do. Your father must be so proud to have such a caring daughter, miss." Harlianne cackled, shaking her head. It didn't take a genius to put together what was going on--but Alice was naive and young. The truth of the situation evaded her.

"Yor right. She don't need protection, i'n it? She needs common sense. The bleedin' girl is daft as 'ell," Harlianne said to Alice's minder, cackling more and more. To the pirate, this was prime entertainment. She couldn't wait to see what would happen with this mess.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the King's Arm - Port of Tortuga

The man whom Elissa had drawn her sword quite literally into had tried to grab Elissa's cutlass, only to narrowly miss. He was losing a lot of blood at this point, thanks to Anna smashing a mug against his head and Elissa giving him a lengthy cut. It hardly seemed needed at this point for Aravis to act as well, but the man was stubborn to the last.

"Cunts!" he shouted, practically screaming at Elissa and Anna. "Yer filthy cunts! Only witches could do that to me!" Anna's goading seemed to have hit its mark, with the man red in the face and rage swimming in his eyes.

"You talk too much and say too little," Aravis interjected, attempting to flip her cutlass as to grab it by the hilt. Instead, it fell to the ground and the Indian woman shrugged, before decking the man across the face. The blow, combined with the blood loss he sustained, knocked the man out cold. He fell backwards, his rear end facing up towards the ceiling in the pathetic position he landed in.

Meanwhile, the rest of the tavern hadn't stayed too quiet. In these situations, one party getting knocked out either ended all fighting or brought on complete chaos. In this case, it was the latter. Everything that wasn't nailed down was thrown or smashed, made into weapons whenever possible. Aravis snatched up her cutlass, before glancing over at Elissa. If they stayed in the tavern, they'd have more than just one sexist pig to fight.

"Ladies, shall we continue? Or have we had enough for today?" Aravis asked, looking towards Anna as well. She still hadn't learnt the woman's name, but the girl seemed to be a formidable fighter.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

Édouard cursed to himself as he left the witch's hut, kicking at the ground as he went. Without the ace up their sleeve, the flask was anyone's game. All of the confidence and charm that he had shown towards Sirena, well, it all felt useless and pathetic now. He groaned as he shook his head some, wanting nothing more than to fall to the ground and never get up again, to the let the marsh consume him and devour him.

"Foutue sorcière stupide," Édouard muttered, slashing his cutlass at a tree as he walked, accomplishing nothing in particular. "Où est-elle? Personne ne sait!" His eyes then flashed dangerously, as the man continued to pout on the walk out of the Misty Mire. He figured that Edgard would be at the Seven Daggers' still, perhaps whipping the crew into shape and telling them that they would receive their orders shortly.

The main problem, of course, was that he had no orders to give them.

He then stopped, smirking slightly as an idea came to him. No one had to know that the witch had vanished, did they? He could always make some nonsense up and it'd likely be just as helpful. He never understood much what the witch said either, never even bothering to refer to her by her name. And if their main competition for finding the wretched thing was a bunch of women, his fibbing wouldn't hurt their chances at all. Everyone knew that women couldn't think that hard--they didn't have enough blood going to their heads, had to be diverted elsewhere so they could be fertile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - The Kings Arm

Anastasia was about to fire her flintlock, when Elissa came out drawing out her cutlass and cutting into the sexist pig's chest she wasn't expecting any backup. Looking over towards the woman giving her a grateful nod for the assist, then an Indian woman came into the fray as well but clumsily dropping her weapon. The man didn't take to her taunting well at all, she couldn't help but just smirk seeing the rage in the man's eyes and just yelling her and Elissa. Then Aravis ending up just decking the sexist pig across the face, which made him fall to the ground, ass up in the air.

"Might want ter git 'is arse chicken's greg oyt before yer man bleeds oyt!" Anastasia taunted them again, if the man died because of her she probably would careless about him. If the man survived maybe he would actually learned his lesson, then all hell started to break lose around the three of them. Anastasia turned her attention towards Elissa and Aravis, ducking the occasional object that was thrown through the air.

"Ah've certainly 'ad me fill av a boozer brawl, de names Anastasia by de way." Anastasia said as she took the red sash off of her belt and started to wrap her hand around it. "Shud git a doc ter chicken's greg it oyt, if yer two want ter come wi'" She offered Ana didn't want to stay here much longer, with her hand all cut up, though she did hate to leave a good old bar brawl.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 41 min ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Threats and insults all around. It made Jon sick to his empty stomach. There was a child in play but still these men (and women) knew no bounds.
Still feeling sickly and weak, his mind raced as their words were thrown around him.
There was more than one party here he realised, noting the obvious only nearly too late.
And while he may not have the strength or skill to fight on par with these pirates, he would not go down without a fight. His mind was as sharp as their swords and his words could strike as fiercely as any weapon. But before he began Jon eyed the remaining forgotten, overlooked, un-oiled, underestimated slaves. It was but only for a moment but a moment was all he needed.

Knowing his ex-captain to be a proud a boastful man, Jon looked to Harlianne. He played the fool as that is what the situation demanded of him. Taking a deep breath and a long step forward Jon cleared his throat as he called all attention to himself."Sorry m'lady, but I just can't see how that's a profitable deal. You are a woman of a proud ship but your protection only invites more danger. For I don't see how you could stop my old captain an' his crew. I've seen em fight and they'd clean through you and us, then take it all for them selves." It wasn't hard for Jon to put on a face of serious concern. He didn't think it possible but stepping forth made him feel even sicker than before.

"Hell, you strike us first and the plentiful bounty is even easierly his with half the effort." A dramatic pause is left allowing others to come to the thought he is pretending to have. He speaks slowly with a sense of realisation.
"Unless that was your plan all along? Why risk the repercussions of an angry father with unlimited resources over a divided pittance when in the name of 'duty' you could earn a whole new ship and a dock full of gear just rearing to go..." Jon's eyes were wide as if he just realised that he spoke secret words out aloud. He shrunk back into himself and took a step back, removing the single focal point from the discussion.

He needn't beat any one, just remove certainty from their thoughts. He subtly set in their minds a dangerous consequence of attacking Miss Blackwood. He gave incentive for alternate actions while also sowing seeds of distrust. To top it all off and divert their focus elsewhere he questioned their strength, pitting their pride against one another, opening channels for them to further berate each other.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Jekyll and Hyde" by Five Finger Death Punch

Sirena watched the quartermaster as he spoke to his crewmates. Though the man spoke in a language that was foreign to her, the threatening quality to his voice was clear as day. Her cool blue eyes took in his features, which one would consider immaculate if they were not so marred by his arrogance and dark intent. Her gaze moved to survey the other men, intently awaiting their reactions to their superior's barely veiled threats. She pursed her lips as she had a strong feeling that this was not going to go the way she had wanted it to. Regardless, she would concede to whatever decision they made. She really had no desire to further expend her energy on the pursuit of people who did not want to be pursued. And besides, the last thing the Bellona needed was people who would only give half-assed service.

Her suspicions were soon confirmed as she watched any interest that the men had in her proposal get quickly snuffed out by their ruthless quartermaster. She could not help but think that whatever "respect" they had for the man was born out of fear. But, in the end, it mattered not. It was their loss, and in time, they would see that when they were outwitted by a bunch of women. Talk about a kick to their pride.

A smug grin came to Edgard's features as every single one of his underlings quickly and utterly heeded his warning. The slate was wiped clean so to speak. Admittedly though, a part of him was a bit disappointed that none had tried to defy him. Few things could cement their loyalty to him more than an example made in blood. He was always itching to inflict pain, induce fear, and cause a little destruction in his wake. His stormy blue eyes turned to the source of the momentary waver in his men's loyalty: Mademoiselle Ikaria. There was a dark glint in his eyes as he looked at her. He had no qualms about tearing down a woman a peg or two. No, not all. In fact, he would enjoy this greatly.

"It would seem that you have failed in your pursuit, enchantress," he arrogantly stated, rubbing her failure in, as if it was an open wound.

Sirena's attention returned to the quartermaster as she felt his eyes boring into her. Her own eyes narrowed slightly at his brazen, pointed words. He was quickly getting on her last nerve, though she tried not to let it show. Granted, he probably already knew exactly what he was doing. He clearly had experience in pissing people off.

"Enchantress, that's what they call me actually," she responded, pointing out his inadvertent use of her nickname while purposefully disregarding the rest of his statement. "And what do they call you? Arsehole, maybe?" she added scornfully. If he wanted to insult her, she could do just the same. Possibly even more masterfully then he could.

Her pointed jab easily hit its mark. Edgard's nostrils flared as anger quickly boiled to the surface. If she wasn't careful, he would snap, and it wouldn't be pretty. "The name is Lord Edgard Pyrbeest, Baron de Sang et Feu. The Baron of Blood and Fire," he growled, his voice quickly growing in intensity and volume. "Now, I suggest that you leave while you are still unscathed, and you best do so BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!!!"

Sirena's smirk only grew, undeterred by the man's outburst. She had kind of expected it. "Now, now. I don't think your Captain Édouard would like it if you hurt me. After all, he likes me. A lot," she stated sultrily, contrary to the devious glint to her eyes.

Edgard scoffed, before leaning in towards her to say something that was sure to irk her even more, "I think he will change his tune when I tell him what a naughty girl you have been."

To his satisfaction, Sirena's poker face broke, and she let out a loud huff of frustration. At this point, she was openly glaring at him. "Mark my words, I am not finished with you," she growled. She then abruptly spun on her heels and strode out of the tavern with her chin held high, despite her wounded pride.

"Prepare for war then," Edgard muttered, with a cocky smirk on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - The King's Arm

As chaos erupted around them, she found that it would be good to make a tactical retreat from this encounter. The woman who identified herself as Anastasia had an injured hand, and if they stuck around much longer, odds were that someone was going to get something worse. "I couldn't agree more. Ve need to get out of here now, let's ko!" she said, as she started making her way towards the exit, every now and then dodging around people or objects that were flying.

"Nice to meet you py zee vay, I'm Eliza, und zis is Araffis," she said over her shoulder as she continued her way out. By now she was putting her sword away, since the bar brawl that had come up was probably more important to the men than chasing after them. At least she hoped that was the case. Elissa had no idea what they were going to do, but her goal was to get out of the King's Arm as quickly as possible, so they didn't get caught up in the commotion more than they needed to. She didn't pay attention to whether or not the other two were behind her, her main goal was to just keep moving.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

Millicent had to give credit where credit was due.

She hadn't expected Jon to sow the seeds of distrust and malice in the populace surrounding them, but she couldn't have done any better herself. She already kicked herself for putting on a character with no easy way to get out of this situation, but Jon opened up a new opportunity. She kept quiet as Jon addressed all involved. The lady pirate seemed to be enjoying this and the woman along with Miss Alice seemed insistent on the matter they needed no protection. Millicent could see that by outward appearances, they would certainly need help. But as she knew all too well...appearances were deceiving.

She backed up along with Jon, close enough to whisper to only him. "If we stay here any longer, we will both be in danger. I have a feeling what's about to transpire is one we do not want to get involved in. When the opportunity presents itself, we will both run and make our way out of the docks. You will have your freedom and I will be rid of a headache I did not want. If you wish for more protection, you can come find me at The Faithful Bride. The choice is yours, Doctor. Don't make me regret it."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:03 PM Local Time

@mnkee -

Outside of the tavern, the streets are abuzz with action. While entertainers normally wait till dark to come out and strut their more dangerous stunts, a crowd has formed a thick circle. Just barely, Sirena will be able to make out a rather odd sight, though perhaps not as bizarre as some other things she has witnessed that day. The performer tosses little balls, all of them aflame, only to catch them without any indication of pain. The crowd gasps in astonishment and the performer pauses, dipping her hands in some form of liquid, before returning to juggling the balls.

But as exciting as that all is, a little girl with dark skin tugs on Sirena's shirt. "No puedo encontrar a mi madre..."

Harlianne James

Location: Near the the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Harlianne gave Jon a bit of a strange look, followed by a slow shake of her head, as if chastising a small child. She still stood on the rope ladder on the side of her vessel, a good few feet above the ground. It wouldn't be too much effort for Harlianne to climb back aboard or to jump down to be on the same level as the rest of the small gathering. "'ow do yer think this works, right, man, then, squire? We kill the bleedin' wee bugger just ter cop wot she 'as on 'er now, then, eh?" Harlianne asked incredulously.

"Nah, mate, i'n it? We're pirates but we ain't daft. We 'ave wot she 'as, rough 'er up a bit - few o' the men will likely 'ave their way wiv 'er. And then, right, we 'old 'er 'ostage. Right good and proper. There's a low risk o' any navy layin' siege ter Tortuga, so 'er dear ole dad will 'ave ter send payment. Maybe they let 'er go. Maybe they kill 'er anyways." She shrugged, dropping down to the docks, with one hand still on the ladder.

Alice paled, hearing Harlianne's words to Jon. She might have been engaged, but she was still a child in many ways. She turned to look towards her minder, searching for strength and courage in her face. "Waverly, we are perfectly safe, are we not?" Alice whispered. Waverly turned to look towards the pirates to their back, the ones that previously held Jon captive and had at least five more slaves left to sell that day.

"No harm shall come to you, Miss Blackwood," Waverly, her minder, replied solemnly. "Need I remind you that I am far more than merely a Companion to Ladies?" Waverly added, the slightest hint of a smile on her face. Alice relaxed considerably at the reminder, paying no attention to the pirates behind her. She instead turned to Jon and Millicent, the two whose whispers had gone unheard.

"Let us go to attend to this poor woman's father, good doctor," Miss Blackwood said, her tone simultaneously light and indicating that it was not a request. It was the politeness of a peer--seemingly kind and soft, yet with no indication that it was anything but an order.

The pirates who had held Jon captive may have been biding their time before, but the doctor's words brought a crooked smile to their face. Rather than inspiring indecision and fear in them towards attacking Miss Blackwood, they saw a far richer profit to be had. It was precisely as Harlianne had said, or so, it appeared to be. There was no honor amongst thieves.

"Miss Blackwood!" Jon's previous captain called out, sauntering forward with a pistol drawn and cocked. The pistol was aimed for the young Alice. "The good doctor here is correct...We wouldn't want to cross a powerful father with....what was it? Endless resources?" The captain chuckled slightly, nodding over towards Jon. "But ya see, if that were true, he'd be right...But yo're engaged, aren't ye, love? Yer the property of anotha' man, one methinks will be too daft t' do much about this...Édouard Riviere, ain't it? The Cabbage."

Aravis Zacharia

Location: Outside of the King's Arm - Port of Tortuga

Leaving a barroom brawl is always easier said than done. One of the combatants picked up a table and lobbed it halfway across the pub, as if in an attempt to show off his strength to any of the lovely women near by. The table crashed a few feet behind Anastasia and Elissa, with bits of wood flying and splintering themselves into the girls' legs. It'll sting, but as injuries go, it isn't too bad. Anastasia's sliced up hand is far more concerning.

"You're bleeding, Elissa," Aravis pointed out, once the three of them had made their way out of the pub. "Ought to get the pair of you to a doctor..." She racked her brains, trying to think of a good physician to visit in Tortuga, but she came up empty. Most of them were attached to ships, and if they weren't, they were generally pressed into service quickly enough. If there were any in Tortuga, she figured they'd either be hiding out in the Misty Mire or staying in one of the many taverns. Aravis herself lived in one of the abandoned huts at the moment, finding that only those who didn't want any questions asked would venture out there and that suited her perfectly well. She was a thief, after all.

"Does your ship have a surgeon, Anastasia?" Aravis asked, hoping that the answer would be affirmative. If not, the best they could do for now would be to wrap up the wounds and look to see if any doctors could be found nearby. But with Anastasia's wounds, Aravis wondered if it would be perhaps best to take the woman back to her own humble abode while she set out to search.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Édouard arrived back at the tavern just a few minutes after Sirena had left. The men were still looking a bit uneasy, sitting quietly and not doing much talking. It was to be expected, after all, due to the threats given by Edgard. There was practically a bit of a saying when it came to those members of La Fraternité du Sang--never trust a man with Ed somewhere in his name. They were either a complete idiot or the most terrifying person you would ever meet.

"Bonjour, bonjour!" Édouard called out, making up a bit of news to give the crew as he walked into the door. The witch hadn't been there to confuse him, so he had been trying to come up with his own bit of explanation about the cursed flask. The most obvious conundrum was why the thing always ended up back in the Devil's Triangle--the last person to take it would die and then the thing would vanish, only to be found back in the triangle once more.

Édouard decided that a good old fashioned ghost story would like explain the thing. In his mind, he made up a lost spirit--or perhaps, no, the spirit of someone not yet alive! He grinned a bit to himself, imagining a ghost attached to the flask who gave bearers powers, but ended up growing tired and killing them before returning to its home in the triangle.

"Edgard, salut! Comment ça va? Ça va bien, j'espère?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - The Kings Arm -> Outside of The Kings Arm

As the three of them were making their way out Anastasia would look around as all of them men were just being rowdy, and continued to do their bar room brawl. She wondered why men like these were actually rulers and leaders, all of the men that Anna had come into contact with in her life were all fairly stupid or used more of their muscles rather than their brains. Anastasia was about half way towards the door as they weaved through the bar until one of them threw a table across the room. She groaned loudly in pain as she felt the wood splinters hitting the back of her legs.

Once they were out Anastasia looked down and knelt down, letting out a low groan in pain as she pulled a few of the wood splinters that imbedded themselves into her leg. "Nice ter meet yer two." Anastasia said grunting slightly as she looked at her bloodied legs and her hand as well, it certainly wasn't what she thought her day would turn out to be from a simple recruitment to a full on brawl. Her attention went towards Aravis asking if their ship had a surgeon on board, she slowly shook her head.

"We don't at de moment, that's de call why oi wus tryin' ter recruit a cru. Looks loike that's down de shitter." Anastasia wasn't sure how Serina's efforts were at looking for a crew at the moment, or Harlianne's if she was also out searching for recruits. "Any av yer guys nu av a doctor nearby?" Anastasia asked, maybe they knew of someone that she didn't doctors were pretty hard to find at times.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Jon turned to Millicent. "Alright miss, let's go see to your father." he casually replies aloud, giving her a faint nod of agreement. This situation was beyond him. Maybe if it were occurring anywhere else he might find within himself the righteous spirit to oppose, but here there was no point. Every turn presented new vile monsters lacking morality, dignity and boundaries. The calm confidence of the young lady's minder gave him hope, but it was hers and not Jon's duty to protect the young lady at every turn.

Nearly tasting freedom his survival flight reflexes were now stronger than ever. As proven he could not fight or talk his way out of this. Millicent was right, they needed to run. "Captain. Such a shame, you just made all that money but now because of greed you won't even live to spend it. If you do somehow survive, oh what damage that will do to your reputation. To attack a business partner...
Miss Blackwood, thank you endlessly. May the holy grace of God be with you."
Jon spoke calmly as he knelt down to gather his things and gain a better grip of his items. As he stood back up his large surgery blade lay left behind on the floor.
Pushing it with a short sharp kick of his boot, it should easily slide across the floor back to the feet of the other slaves. With that distraction, noticed or not, Jon turns and makes for a hasty retreat. He aims to break line of sight with the docks, looking towards the most crowded area nearby. Just eagerly putting as much distance between himself and those ruthless greedy people as possible.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

At the doctor's word, she nodded in turn. It seemed the two would be allies for the time being. She couldn't help but grin at the mention of Édouard Riviere. Yes, of course he would find his way into this situation. That's for later though. She needed to get out of this. She waited for the right time to leave. The doctor reached down and picked up a surgical knife before kicking it over to the nearby slaves. She had a glint in her eyes, it was the glint of trouble on the horizon. The doctor was turning out to be smarter than she gave him credit for.

Soon, both her and the Doctor were on the run. She let him lead a bit, but she knew she wanted to get off the docks as fast as possible. She would let the others deal with the trouble, she couldn't be bothered. As she ran, she called out to the Doctor, "That was a nice touch Doctor. You've proven yourself useful. Let's be off quickly."

She looked back to see if they were being followed. She worried that the woman with Alice would be targeting them. That woman gave her a chill. There was something off about how casually she responded. Be that as it may, if she tried anything, she would be dealt with. No matter what.
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