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"Kili's wounded!", the eldest heir told his uncle once he appeared at his little brother's side. Saeril gave him the remaining strands of the rag, and allowed him to tie it off. All she could do right now was give the youngest comfort and sincerity by holding his hand to help him work through the pain.

As Ori was getting rid of the water in his boots, a bowman came up from behind, and was ready to shoot. As he does so, Dwalin intervenes and the arrow hits the piece of wood in his hand. Another was shot, but was miraculously shattered by the she-elf's sharp finger cuff. "Do it again and you’re dead", the mystery figure warned them as he continued to point his arrow at them.
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Thorin looked over at Kili, whom tried to brush it off as nothing. "It's nothing...I'll be fine." he reassured his uncle. Thorin just narrowed his eyes at Kili with worry..his nephew always tried to brush it off. He then stood besides his nephew Fili protectively, seeing Bard.

Yavanna cleared her throat gently. "Excuse me? Are you from Lake town?" she asked Bard softly...when he turned to face her, she raised her hands up. The young Princess knew of that little town. "Would that barge be available for hire?" she asked softly, nodding to his boat. The she-elf smiled warmly at the stranger.

Thorin was about to say something. But Yavanna simple shook her head at him, to let her speak. "If you could help us, we would really appreciate it." she said softly.

"I am sure you have hungry mouths at home to feed." Added Balin. If they could reason with Bard...they could get some transport to Lake town and a few supplies.
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At the barge, the mystery man began putting the empty barrels onto the barge. The company followed, clearly stripped of protection, and though Kili claims he was fine, Saeril insisted on carrying him on her back, almost in a sort of piggyback position, along with Fili following them.

"What makes you think I would help you?", the man asked them in annoyance. Hearing the question, he answered while continuing to reload. "A boy and two girls", before loading the last barrel. Glaring at the them, he demanded answers. "What's your hurry? I would like to know who you are, and what you were doing in these lands"
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Yavanna looked at Bard. "I know a good person, when I see one." she said softly. "I believe, you would have turned us away already, if you didn't intend on helping." she said softly, as he loaded the barrels onto the Barge. Answering his question about helping them. Kili tried to walk on his own, but due to his God mother, instant that she carry him...he let her.

Balin smiled, hearing Bard talk about his children. "And your wife, she must be a beauty." he commented, not knowing it was a dangerous territory. "We're simple Merchants, from the Blue Mountains. Going to visit our kin...these lovely ladies, are friends, companions."

"We need Food, Supplies, Weapons..will you help us?" Thorin asked, looking at Bard.

Meanwhile, back in the palace Halls. Thranduil circled the Orc that his son and Tauriel had captured. "Such is the nature of evil, there in the vast ignorance of the world. It festers and thrives. A Shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless Malice, As black as on the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so it will always be. In time, all foul things come forth."

The Orc struggled against the blade, that the Prince held to his neck.
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The man ignored that comment about his wife, clearly affected by the comment. Instead, he picked at a dent on one of the barrels where the wood had started to peel away. "I know where these barrels came from", he stated. "I don't know what business you had with the elves of Mirkwood, but I don't think it ended well".

Turning her head to the side, so she could see him at the corner of her eye, Saeril had that glare of a traditional concerned mother, and adjusted his position so she and the young dwarf are in a comfortable position, before looking back at the bargeman.

Back in Mirkwood, Legolas held the orc at knifepoint while holding him on his knees. "You were tracking the company of thirteen dwarves, and two she-Elves. Why?", the prince demanded, the memory of the girl vaguely hovering within his mind, but kept a straight face.
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Yavanna saw the look in his eyes, as Balin mentioned his wife. She gave Bard a sympathetic look; clearly sorry for his loss. "That is a slight complicated matter. And a some misunderstanding good sir." she told Bard softly. She then lowered her voice to him "If you can smuggle us in, we'd pay double." she promised him.

Kili held onto Saeril, watching Yavanna dealing with the Bargeman. He was glad, the young Princess had a way with words. Letting her mostly deal with Bard was a good idea.

The orc choked slightly. "Not Thirteen...Twelve." he corrected with a sick chuckle. "The young one, the dark haired archer. We stuck with a morgal arrow...the poison is in his system. Soon he will choking on it." he laughed evilly.
Tauriel narrowed her eyes at the Orc. "You like killing things Orc? You like death?!" she asked "Well, let me give it to you." she yelled almost stabbing the Orc...but the King stopped her.
"Tauriel...leave." Thranduil told her. He knew that the she-elf cared for most living creatures. Tauriel had a good heart. But he did not want a dead-orc before getting answer. Tauriel left, leaving the two royals with the scum. "One dead dwarf doesn't concern me. What do you want with the she-elves...especially with Lord Elrond's youngest daughter?!" Thranduil said looking down at the Orc.
The Orc smirked with a chuckle "Pretty little elf isn't she?" he asked glancing at Legolas "Pretty little head, that will be be-head and pretty little heart...of the Star..will be ripped out." The Orc taunted.
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The dwarves all gathered on the deck of the boat as Bard sat at the helm and steered it through the waters. "Watch out!" shouted Bofur as he saw a large structure in their path, and all the dwarves ducked out of the way and yelled in panic. Luckily, the Lakeman steered the boat to evade the obstacle.

Saeril had her hair flowing in the cold breeze, while sitting with the brothers. Noticing Kili being stubborn again (it was obvious that he was pale and shivering), the she-elf sighed and stretched out her cloak to wrap it around his shoulders. The lack of layers he and Fili had, were not the best of wear in these kinds of weather conditions. She figured that they were either stripped of protection, or if they just plainly forgot about their coats back in Mirkwood.
Since she boarded the vessel, Saeril felt a light-weight upon her head, before noticing that she couldn't feel her horns anymore. The deformity spell must be slowly fading, but what was the reason why? She had to ask Gandalf about this. Even if she didn't have horns now, she still wanted to keep her black horned headress.
What she was worried about, was Kili's condition. He was hit with a weapon she knew was particularly fatal, and if not treated quickly, it would surely hurt from the inside-out. Letting him lean against her shoulder, she kept her cloak laid on him like a blanket. "Are you okay, young Durin?", the she-elf asked him softly.

His taunting seemed to have negatively affected the Elf Prince. It was evident in how he tightened his grip on both his blade and the creature. "Do not test me", Legolas sternly warned him. The statement was unexpected, even for him. Why would he say that? Since when did he learn to even care about the girl? He knew about the good deeds she had recently performed, but they can't change his perspective of her, can they? "The Dwarf runt will never be King!", Narzug responded. "King? There is no King under the mountain, nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor", Legolas told the orc with his grip on the dagger tightening even more.
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Yavanna sat near Fili and Kili. Looking at the youngest one with concern. Something caught her nose...scent. It was partially Kili's blood. But something else...her elven senses were sharp...and the wind, help carry the scent. Poison. She noticed Saeril's usual horns, were gone. It surprised Yavanna, but that wasn't the important thing right now. Yavanna didn't want to alarm Kili...especially Fili and Saeril, with what she knew. But Kili needed help fast...but right now, she did not have the herbs that would help to heal his wound.
She just reached over...squeezing Fili's hand softly. His hand felt cold. Trying to reassure the elder Durin boy.
As Kili got wrapped up in Saeril's cloak, he shivered slightly but nodded "Just cold...and tired." Kili said. "You all worry too much." he said softly...feeling shooting pain in his leg, but he ignored it.

The Orc smirked. "You know nothing! Your world will burn!" The Orc choked out. "Our time has come again. Our Master serves the one!" The Orc breathed out, in a threatening voice. "You will all face the flames of war."
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Saeril's hand trailed against Kili's hair, gently smoothing it out, and still trying to transfer some body heat to him. Her face was staring straight ahead, not looking at him. There was a grudge to be settled; Bolg nearly had him killed, and the Defiler's son will have a potential death coming.

“I have had enough of this lippy lakeman." Dwalin snarled to his kin, his arms folded across his cheast. "I say we throw him over the side and be done with him.”
Bilbo turned towards Dwalin, shaking his head lightly. “Bard, his name’s Bard.”
Bofur blinked in surprise. “How do you know?”
Bilbo sat down, still hugging himself for warmth. “Uh, I asked him.” Dwavres could be so infuriating.
Dwalin frowned, then moved towards Thorin. “I don’t care what he calls himself, I don’t like him.”
Balin was busy counting what gold they had left. “We do not have to like him, we simply have to pay him. Come on now, lads, turn out your pockets.”
Hotheaded as ever, Dwalin remained skeptical. “How do we know he won’t betray us?”
Thorin glanced towards his nephews and Saeril, then back to tattooed dwarf. “We don’t.”
Balin counted once, then twice. Then three times. They hadn't enough. “There’s, um, just a problem: we’re ten coins short.”
Thorin instructed Gloin to give up what coin he had.

Nearby, Fili watched Saeril and Kili before him, as he sat with Yavanna, holding her hand. There was absolutely no jealousy evident on his features, and for his little brother's sake, he was sure to not cross in the middle of their close relationship. That didn't mean he loved them both any less, though. Their Delva was Kili's dream, and his muse; one of the people he came to deeply admire, growing up. The blonde held no ill-will in his devotion to his little brother, and his long-term goal was to take care of him, as well as always make him come first.
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After beheading the Orc. Thranduil instructed a lock down of the realm. No one was to enter, no one was to leave. All gates, rivers, entrances to be watched for a higher evil. As he was about to leave, he smiled at his son. "I see you came to care for young Yavanna." he commented, subtly. He did take notice of his son's actions and word before, as the Orc taunted about harming the girl. Thranduil always hoped, his son one might day find happiness.
Yavanna was no low Silvan elf. That would not be something, the Elvenking would approve off. But the young girl...potentially yes. She was kind. An innocent pure soul, despite her picking of friends.

Yavanna heard the bickering among the Dwarves and Biblo. "Enough you all." she told them in a hushed voice. Feeling about in her own pouch, she produced 6 coins. Giving it to Balin. Gloin had turned out every pocket he had, and managed to find 1 coin.
"We still need 3 more." Balin muttered.

The young Princess, stayed near by Fili. In attempt to warm him up slightly. But her mind kept wondering back to the Prince of Mirkwood. His eyes, the clear icy blue. As cold as his eyes might have been...they were a beautiful color. As Yavanna found herself thinking about his handsome features, she shook her head. Noticing the look on Saeril's face.
Kili just leaned his head against her shoulder...closing his eyes slightly. He felt warmer, with her sitting near by. As his eyes opened, he smiled over at Yavanna and Fili. Noticing the look in her eyes "Someone on your mind?" he asked her, with slight concern.
Yavanna blushed a little, as Kili seemed to pick up on that. "I...nothing...never mind." she shook her head "Just, worried about you. We need your leg looked at as soon as possible." she said softly. In attempt to change the subject. Hearing the Princess, Thorin rose a slight eyebrow at her. Wondering what had happened, when she fell behind for a while during the Orc pack attack.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Legolas honesty didn't see the action coming, still finding holding the creature's head. "Why did you do that? You promised to set him free!", he dropped the head to the floor. "There was more the Orc could tell us", he was slightly upset that his father would perform such an action. "What did he mean by the flames of war?", the Elven Prince asked his father, as he followed him while the king made his departure.

However, no accurate words were answered to the young prince, just as his father ordered an instant lockdown upon their kingdom. Plus, before Legolas could even leave, Thranduil brought up the young she-elf, who only brought wonder and curiosity to the prince. He looked down at the ground, lightly and faintly blushing, almost embarrassed when his father took notice over his change of behavior. He was reluctant to admit this feeling, but there was something to her that was drawing out some kind of vulnerability behind his cold exterior. There was a light to the girl that Legolas saw; the innocence, and the purity. Besides, she saved his life; how could he thank her? The thought was evident in the way he was tapping his dagger against his leg.

Saeril blankly looked in front of her, almost appearing grim. She wasn't blaming herself; she was wallowing away in brooding. She finally sighed with her eyes closing for a moment. "I'm sorry, Kili, that I haven't been myself these past few days. I just...it felt like my mind was...dissociated", she gave another sad sigh. Before she could get further into explaining, she watched as her companions looked up at the Lonely Mountain before them, including the brothers.

She rose to follow them, still having her cloak around the youngest, and Saeril did have to admit that she gaped her lips a little bit in astonishment. It's been a long time since she has last seen the mountain up close. "It's been an age since I have been to this mountain", she said aloud. What she heard next was the footsteps of the Lakeman. "The money, quickly, give it to me", he told them. "If you value your freedom, we do as he says", Saeril added to his command, remembering the deal. "Besides, there are guards up ahead", the bargeman said to them as he gestured to the incoming port.

Quickly acting fast, Bard told the dwarves to hide in the barrels, while the Saeril concealed herself with her cloak creating a hood to cover her head. With the horns gone, it was now easier. She looked enough like a commoner, but her dark auburn hair was still draped over her chest.
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"And I did. I freed his miserable head from his wrenched shoulders." Thranduil said...seeing the body still squirming. He stomped on the body a little and the twitching stopped. "There was nothing more, he could have told me." The king told his son. The matter was complicated. But a forces of dark power, that would consume and destroy anything in it's path was coming. All Legolas needed to know, was that their realm was in danger...their world. But Thranduil only cared about Mirkwood. The others, were not his concern as such.

Noticing his son's actions. He smiled a little to himself. It reminded him, of being younger. When he first met his wife...Legolas' mother. In so many ways, young Yavanna reminded him of his late wife. The two alike in so many ways. Of course his son, somewhat stubborn to admit what he was feeling. In many ways, he got that after him. "I am sure, you'll find a way...and do the right thing." Thranduil spoke...as if reading his sons thoughts. Before he left, returning back to his throne room.

As Yavanna watched the scenery pass. She smiled in wonder and awe at the mountain before them. She had never seen anything beautiful like that before...it was more wondrous to see it up close. She rubbed Fili's shoulder softly and she smiled softly. Hearing Bard, Yavanna put her hood over her head...her dark raven locks visible. But her elven ears concealed. Looking like a mere mortal. Yavanna had helped hide the Dwarves into the Barrels. Before she was sitting back on the bench.

Kili listened to his God-Mother. Giving her hand a soft squeeze. "Things have been tough, these past few days." he said softly "I am not upset. I promise." he told her. He didn't blame her for anything. But he did worry about her...she seemed more grim than usual. He also worried about Yavanna of course. It seemed like something was troubling them both...besides his injury.
He couldn't admire the Lonely Mountain for long..as Bard warned them and he hide in the Barrel...with Searil and Yavanna's help. Even Bilbo was hidden in one.
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There were plenty of protests, but finally the company listened to reason. One by one, they hid in the barrels on the barge. Fili found it impossible to sit comfortably. The way Saeril had acted was indeed worrisome.
Without any visual, he grew uneasy. "What’s he doing?”

Bilbo peered through the hole in the barrel. “He’s talking to someone. And he’s...pointing right at us! Now they’re shaking hands.”
Thorin's eyes narrowed. “What?”
Dwalin was ready to fight if necessary. “That villain! He’s selling us out.”
Just then, each and every barrel was filled to the brim with dead fish.

Bard then went back to steering the boat, kicking the barrel nearest to him when the dwarf inside started squirming and making noise. "Quiet! There are guards ahead, we're approaching the toll gate", he brought the boat to a stop at the gate and nodded at the man who approached him. "'Ello Bard, anything to declare?", he was a senior-aged fellow, but overall a seemingly nice man. "Evening Percy, but I am cold and tired, and ready for home", Bard replied, handing over a tattered piece of paper to the other man, which he stamped and went to hand back to Bard. "There we are, all in order!"

Saeril kept her stance to act and look like a commoner, so no one would notice her as an elf. Using the hood to cover most of her face, she looked like a mysterious young woman. The toll gate was barred and it seems they do a thorough job of checking their goods. She also kept her presence near Yavanna, standing near her, while she sat on the bench.

Under his father's order, the kingdom had to be sealed off. Legolas began to walk towards the guards by the gates. "Close the gate! Keep it sealed by order of the King", he commanded under the Silvan tongue; one of the guards approached him, “Man os Tauriel? (What about Tauriel?) Edevín eb enedhor na gû a megil. En ú-nandollen. (She went into the forest armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned.)" Having to hear this, the Elven prince walked out, looked into the woods.
Tauriel, what have you done?, he solemnly thought to himself.
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Yavanna heard Fili and she whispered "Shhh.." she said softly. If the guards, heard any noises. They'd all be rutted out. She could hear the Dwarves debating in the Barrels...thinking Bard had betrayed them. But indeed, he was trying to cover them up. The young she-elf made a slight face as tons and tons of fish, were dropped ontop of the Dwarves. Hiding them.

Being half mortal, young Yavanna didn't have to act much. She glanced round innocently...taking in the view of the Gate and the buildings before them. Lake Town was beautiful. Just as she thought it had been going well...another man walked over. A bit younger and less pleasant. "Not so fast." he said, taking the piece of paper from Percy. "Consignment of Empry Barrels from the Woodland Realm...Only these are not empty." He pointed to the Barells full of Fish. "Last time I checked, your licensed as a Bardman...not a fisherman." he reminded Bard sternly.
"That's none of your Bussiness." Bard said.

"Wrong. It's the Masters Bussiness...which makes it my Bussiness!" The unpleasent one spoke. As he picked up a fish.
"Come on Alfred...have a heart! People need to eat." Bard tried to convince him.
"These fish...are Illegal." The younger man tossed the fish into the lake. "Empty the Barrels over the side."

Watching the scene. Yavanna grew worried...when a few guards, hopped aboard the Boat...and tried to tip out the barrels off Fish. As Bard tried to persuade the young man...the guards stopped...as the unpleasant man held his hand up to stop them. Agreeing to let them through with the fish.
"You may be the protector of the Common Folk. Everyone's favorite..but that won't last for long. And Master has his eye on you...you will do well to remember.. We know where you live Bard." Alfred Threatened him.

Tauriel had been following the blood trail, of where they fought the Orcs Earlier. She felt sorry for the Dwarf Company...one of them was dying. Not that Tauriel normally cared for Dwarves...but she had spoken to the young one in the Dungeons earlier before their escape. He was kind...and did not deserve such fate. The young Princess had saved the life of Legolas...the last Tauriel could do, was help them out.

She stopped at the edge...looking at the water. Hearing a noise...she spun around with her bow in hand. Her arrow pointed towards Legolas..she sighed in relief. "I thought you were an Orc." she spoke in Silvan.
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The gates were raised, and Bard was permitted entry. "It's a small town, Alfred. Everyone knows where everyone lives", he sneered back to the Master's right-hand man. From underneath the fish, Fili sighed in relief, but he tried not to breathe too deeply. The fish smelled horrible.
After what felt a lifetime, he felt the barrels begin to tip over. Thorin and the others were exiting from their hiding places, for Bard had gotten them to the dock. Having to climb out, the blonde grimaced as he brushed a dead fish from his shoulder. At least they hadn't been spotted. Yet. "What are we supposed to do now?", they were cold, wet, and tired.

"If I were an Orc, you would be dead", Legolas recalled back to his friend, before lowering down his bow. "Tauriel, you can't hunt thirty Orcs on your own". That was when he realized. "You knew I would come".
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Yavanna closed her eyes in relief...when they were let through. That was a relief...after they arrived. As they were all tipped over. Thorin jumped out of his own barrel...well almost. Brushing off a few dead fish from his shoulder. All of the Dwarves and Bilbo smelled bad after from the fish.
A young boy, run from the house. "Da..." the young man greeted Bard, whispering "The house is being watched." he warned in a low voice, as he saw the odd people that his father brought with him. Yavanna just smiled kindly at the young boy, as she helped Kili stand up carefully. Brushing off a few a dead fish from his shoulder.

Tauriel smiled softly as she lowered her bow. "But, I am not alone." she said. She then gave the young Prince a soft nod of her head. It wasn't long before he tried to convince her to come back. "But I will not...I can't go back." Tauriel said softly. She would feel shame, if she went back. Tauriel was trying to do the right thing...and she did not believe, what King Thranduil would have them do was right.
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"Follow me", the bargeman told the company as Saeril was right behind him, still having her hood up. Bard began to lead them through the town center when they are met by a young boy, who appeared to be in a panic. This wasn't going to work. They had to find another way in. Laketown's spies made their round to pass news of Bard arriving home, as he walked home with Bain, Yavanna, and Saeril following, while the company was nowhere in sight. Before he entered the house, he whistled before tossing a piece of bread to the two fishermen in a boat below them. "You can tell the Master I’m done for the day", he said to them before entering.

Inside, Bard's two daughters ran up to meet their father. “Da! Where have you been?” Tilda hugged Bard, as did
Sigrid. “Father! There you are. I was worried.”

Bard hugged back his only two beautiful daughters, Tilda and Sigrid, while Saeril pulled down her hood, but keeping her cloak on, (what's to say? She can't take it off). The house was warm and cozy, albeit small. It was totally different to the Shire, and there isn't a speck of any riches in sight; it's almost as if there was hardly any money in this harbor at all.

Their father peered out the window to make sure that the spies weren't watching anymore, eventually nodding to his son. "Bain, get them in", he murmured. The boy headed down to the toilet and rapped three times on the wall to give the dwarves the signal. Dwalin's head rose up, eyes narrowed at the young boy. "If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off!", the dwarf hissed at him, slapping his hand away when he tried to help. "Up there!", the boy pointed to where they should go, pulling a shivering Bilbo up after Dwalin.

Legolas stepped forward to her, so he would be in front of her. "The King is angry, Tauriel. For six hundred years, my father has protected you, favored you. You defied his orders, you betrayed his trust", he calmly told her with softness in his voice. Sometimes, he almost saw her like a sister rather than a comrade-in-arms. "This is not our fight".
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Yavanna kept her hood up, aswell. As she walked after Saeril. But slightly taking in the view of Lake town. It was small, but a beautiful town. Once they were inside, Yavanna smiled as she saw Bard's daughters. They were indeed beautiful, after their mother she supposed. Putting her hood down, standing by the fire place. It was a rather, nice, cozy house.

Soon enough, the company began to pile in one after another "Da...why are there Dwarves coming up from our toilet?"
"Are they going to bring us good luck?" The two girls questioned in curiosity, as they watched the company.

Bilbo nodded at the boy, with a thank you. Before he followed upstairs shivering. Kili struggled a little bit because of his injury, but managed to get through the toilet...with some help on both sides. Before he limped upstairs.

Not long after, Thorin stood by the window. And something had managed to catch his attention. He stared at it, turning bit paler.
"Thorin?" Yavanna asked him softly. "You look like you've seen a ghost." she said softly.
"That's because he has." Balin said as he looked to the young Princess. "he last time, we seen that object. Was the day that Smaug destroyed the city of Dale and took over Erebor..." the elder dwarf began to tell the tale, of how they tried to defeat Smaug that day, with the one and only thing that can destroy a dragon. The Black Arrows.

"It is our fight." Tauriel spoke looking at Legolas. "The king has never led Orc Filth into our lands, yet he let them through our borders and kill our prisoners. It will not end here." Tauriel spoke, as she briefly glanced at the lake, before back at the young Prince. "With every victory, this evil will Grow! If your father has his way, we will do nothing." Tauriel breathed out. Feeling a little tense. How could Thranduil ignore this? Not help? "We will hide in our walls, live our lives away from the light. And let Darkness Descend. Are we not part of this world?" she said looking at Legolas.

"Tell me...when did we let evil become stronger than us?!" she asked, with a raised eyebrow. "And may I remind you.." Tauriel added softly. "The young girl...she saved your life. I know what you think of her; but she has great conscience, kindness that is not seen among many. I know her friends, aren't what you approve off..but they don't deserve to be left to such fate either."
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Later, the company sat by the fire to dry themselves off as Bard gave them dry clothes. "They may not be the best fit, but they’ll keep you warm", Saeril took some of the clothes from Tilda, and helped pass them around, especially for the brothers. She did hear with her elf ears that Kili was in pain, but she didn't want to make herself too worried. Right now, all she did was silently pray to Mahal that the poison wouldn't kick in, until they got to the mountain. If Thorin finds out about the pain that he was in, Kili's dream, as well as his heart, will be crushed. The last thing she and Fili needed, was a very depressed young Durin.

"You speak as if you were there", Bard frowned slightly, standing behind Thorin, Balin, and the Hobbit.

Legolas looked at Tauriel, as soon as she began to explain about the danger that the Orcs have posed for the Mirkwood realm, in comparison to the rest of Middle Earth. As much as he wanted to keep his home safe, the rest of the world was also their home. If it weren't for the Elves, things wouldn't be as they were today. In many Elves, the she-elf wasn't wrong. Also, if he wished to learn more about the girl, and who she was, it would be best to clear the obstacle that stood in the way; in this case, Orcs. Plus, evil shouldn't get in the way of that, either.

With that thought, the blonde looked out into the direction of Laketown, having to make up his mind.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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As they got dressed in warmer clothes. They were grateful, to be in something much warmer. Thorin's jaw clenched slightly as he heard Bard. "Every Dwarf knows the tale." he told him simply. The Bargeman was starting to get a little on his nerves. "Our weapons?" he demanded, with a slight raised eyebrow. They had after all paid him, Bard had yet to give them protection.
"Then you should know, that the arrow loosened a scale under his right wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast." Bain said looking at the Dwarves.

Meanwhile, Yavanna had asked Sigrid and Tilda permission, to use some herbs from the Kitchen. She really needed to attend to Kili's wound as soon as possible. If the poison was in his system, she could slow it down... little and start the healing process; until she would find the desired plant, she needed. But what would be her luck; that what she desired, would be here in Lake Town? She hoped so.
As Tilda got Yavanna some fresh, clean clothes to use for bandages and such. Yavanna had found some good herbs to use...she let them soak in fresh water. The natural healing properties...would be in the water. Acting as an antiseptic. Carrying what she needed over to Kili, she smiled up at her dear-friend. "I'll be gentle as possible." she promised him.
Kili nodded; he trusted Yavanna. She knew what she was doing...since she was a healer. As she carefully undone the bandage, throwing it away as it was dirty, from poisoned blood. She carefully lifted up the pant leg...so she could get a better look at the wound. Kili bit the bottom of his lip. He felt the pain rush through him again...but didn't flinch. Yavanna's touch was gentle...careful. It seemed like the bleeding had stopped. Dipping one cloth, into the herbal water. She gently began to wash his wound. Her touch delicate. She felt Kili flinch a little and she began to hum to him softly. Before singing in Elvish. Quenya to be exact. The Language of Rivendell people. But Yavanna was educated in different dialects. Speaking mainly in Quenya and Sindarin. She knew a little Silvan.
Kili listened to Yavanna's singing. He did not know, what the song was about. But her voice was tender, soft like silk...beautiful. It was almost, as if her singing were a healing spell of it's own. It helped him take his mind off the pain, finding it rather soothing. The two young girls, enjoyed the Princess' singing...watching her in curiosity. Bilbo smiled as he heard Yavanna...the girl was really a god-send. He wondered, what the girl could not do.
As Yavanna cleaned Kili's wound carefully and thoroughly. She then wrapped his leg, in a clear fresh bandage. Before uttering a few soft, words. Her hand glowed a little...as it brushed over the bandage on Kili's leg. A small healing spell, that would help fight the poison in his system. Giving him more time, to fight.

Tauriel saw how Legolas, was debating what to do. Not that she could blame the young Prince. He was loyal to his people, to their home. But they were a part of this world, they couldn't leave it to doom. She began to make her way towards Lake Town. Knowing, if and when he made up his mind, that he would follow her.
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