Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"Tsk," Livia sighed, leaning back in her seat and gave Himeko a cold look. "I was attempting to be civil, you know, but I suppose I'll simply be blunt, since that is all you fools ever seem to understand." Livia lowered her voice, leaning over the table a bit as she gave the other people around them a cautious look. "The ruling parties in this city...shall we say, don't take kindly to non-humans or those humans that can perform...certain feats. My family is one of the only ones who have legal permission to do so. I was going to offer an ignorant traveler protection," She leaned back in her chair, giving a dismissive huff. "But I suppose since you are a human, you don't need to worry, then. Apologies for bothering you."

Livia got up from her chair, just as Gerald was bringing out their food.

"I'll be eating with my sisters after all, Gerald." She said, motioning to him. With a friendly smile he sat her food on the previous table, and proceeded to bring Charlotte and Himeko their as she took a seat.

"Here we are..." Gerald sat the food on their table, quickly setting everything up. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call." With that, the servant left and they were free to do as they wished.

"...if what she said is true that might pose problems for both of us, Himeko." Charlotte replied. "What do you think?" Livia was still close enough to pursue further conversation if they wished, but it seemed like the younger girl might have been done with them.

"A demon am I?" Livia gave Katherine a light swat on the back of her head. Nothing too hard, just a little friendly shove. "Better a demon than a pervert who flirts with their sister." Livia returned to her previous seat, taking a great interest in her food now that she didn't have to speak with Himeko and Charlotte.

"Welcome back, sister. Have fun harassing the travelers?" She gave Livia a smile.

"Hm...they were quite obstinate. I was simply offering potential help should they need it, and they were quite rude." She looked over to Katherine. "Are you done making Marise question her morals, Katherine?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Himeko took a bite of her food. It was good enough. Not quite what she enjoyed typically, but it sufficed. "It's pretty simple really. You know my strength. If they attack us, I attack them. The death of a few shouldn't obscure the true destination. Should this thief plan to use the Leaf for evil purposes, there will be more than a couple of deaths. I will not be stopped here and by extension, neither shall you." She said before taking another bite, swallowing it after chewing and continuing. "Well, it should be nothing to worry about. I'm just a strong and dextrous human and you're a learned scholar so there's no reason for us to worry." Plus, Tengu should be close enough to human in case anyone used magical detection. She was hardly worried.

Katherine giggled at Livia's return and rubbed the back of her head where she smacked her. "For now. That said, knowing your personality, I can only imagine you were probably a bit rude to them first, just walking over there uninvited and all." Katherine said, digging into her thick stew. The beef was nice and practically fell apart in her mouth. "Anyways, I can flirt with my sister.... Or I can flirt with both of my sisters." Soon enough, Livia would feel a foot on her knee, rubbing it. "Cause I think I sense a bit of jealousy coming from you, Livia."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"Are...are you crazy? Is that your idea of laying low? Killing people?" Charlotte asked with a sigh, holding a hand to her head. What Himeko was saying was troubling. She'd like to avoid any death or conflict at all, if needed. She cast a glance over to the three sisters again. It might have been better to accept her offer, though it seemed like they might be a little late to that. "Look, I'd prefer if we didn't cause such a scene so before you get all 'I'm a great tengu fear me'. Let me handle the talking if something happens and under no circumstances do something stupid." She was at least, confident with building a logical and sound argument should they be accosted by someone. She might have to use a few of her tricks.

Still, she turned back to the food, taking a bite of the fowl.

Hmm...it wasn't half bad, heh.

"Please, Katherine," Livia sighed, feeling Katherine's foot on her knee. "The only thing I'm jealous of is how you remain so playfully frivolousness when you're so incompetent." One of her hands disappeared under the table grabbing Katherine's ankle. Not that she'd admit it of course, but she did enjoy a little playful attention from Katherine every now and then. "And I was as polite as Marise was. I even introduced myself and everything, but no. They are either liars or think themselves careful. If its the former then they are immediately scum." One hand lifted the slipper-sandal like shoes off the sole of her foot, the other began giving her foot a light tickling while her face remained as calm as it ever was. "If it is the latter, then I will watch with amusement when they are confronted by the guard. Why, I almost want them to try resisting if they do so I can put them in their place myself."

"...Aha, That's no good Livia." Marise chuckled lightly, knowing full well that even if she said that, Livia would likely end up helping in the end. "Perhaps Katherine was right when she said you were a demon?" She teased, giving her younger sister a playful smirk.

"A demon? Please. A demon wouldn't have offered assistance in the first place. Isn't that right, Katherine?" She cast a glance over to Katherine to see if she was reacting at all.

Lunch went well enough for them. The waterfowl was delicious, as was the salad. It was, well, exceptionally well done. Huhm, she had to wonder if all food tasted this good outside of Astril's walls. She leaned back in her chair, full and honestly, she could go for a nap after the meal. That would be a delay though, and they had plans here. So after finishing off the last of her drink Charlotte stood, glancing over to Himeko.

"Done yet?" Charlotte asked, stretching. "Whew...I haven't eaten something so good in awhile." They still had to pay of course, but she was pretty sure she could cover it herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"I thought you were going to help them and then take them for all they're worth. Cause, you know, you're a demon and all." Katherine said after finishing a bite of her stew. "One of them looked extremely tired and just wanted to eat and the other was a bit on the grumpy side. I'm not surprised they wanted you gone when you accost them immediately as 'non-humans' and all." Katherine added. She just wiggled her toes at her sister's touchings. She wasn't exactly ticklish or anything but it still felt weird to have someone handle your feet like that.

Himeko almost begrudgingly took a bite of her... Bowl of greens and ... Whatever this meat was. Though, at the least, it turned out to be decent for something humans prepared. She had definitely had worse so far. She got through the most of it by time Charlotte stood and asked if she were done. "Was that good? I don't know." She reached into her bag, searching for something until she pulled out a gold coin. Not too intricate, but well worth their meal and another. "Use this to pay, and have them use this to pay for those girls table. Let's not irritate the locals."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"Tsk." Livia frowned, dropping Katherine's foot and finally turning to her food. "Fine, I'm a demon then. A demon for trying to help fools. Rather, I'm the fool for expecting fools to want help in the first place." She grumbled. Really, she did just want to help. It was annoying that she was being made out to be the bad guy for it, but that was just how most people were it seemed. Be nice, people question your intentions. Maybe she should have just turned them in to the guard for a reward? Hmph, would certainly have been much easier and more productive.

"Now now," Marise smiled. "Lets enjoy our meal and leave this behind, hm?"

"Eh," Charlotte shrugged. "Astril isn't exactly fond of fine dining. Everything is very...utilitarian." Charlotte replied in response to Himeko's question about the taste of the food. It was good to her at least. She was a bit surprised when Himeko offered to pay for the girls meal and their own. She had intended to pay for theirs herself at least, but hey, she wasn't going to argue.

"Humph...well, hopefully that will ease their suspicions...though I think it might make it more obvious." Charlotte grumbled, finding the waiter that had given them their food, and handing over the payment and telling them to pay for the sisters as well. After a small exchange, her and Himeko left the restaurant and stepped out into the streets again.

"I think our first course of action would be to find a library of sorts." Charlotte said. "Or some place we could find the records of."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"I think I would provide little help there. Perhaps I can find something else to do during that time. Hmm, well... I did need to sell off these gems anyway." Himeko said, reaching to her bag and touching the precious gems. Not like she cared much for fashion anyhow. She thought about leaving but remembered something. Her footwear was much too tall. It was a sign of skill back home, nothing these humans would appreciate. Hell, their doors didn't accommodate them. "Let me shorten these quickly. They are worthless here." She took them off and carried them. She'll go to some corner and do it. Somewhere out of the way. It was probably a good idea. Her weapon would be more than sharp enough to give a clean cut to the thin wood.

"Yes, yes. Let us enjoy this. I'd hate for this food to go to waste after all." Katherine said, continuing eating. She was hardly a match for Marise was she? What was the say? "The one that falls in love loses?" Something like that. Well, realistically Katherine couldn't say it was love or anything. After all, she fawned over most pretty women after all. "Still though, that girl with the weapon an the exotic clothes was definitely something else. The other one looked like someone that walked right out of an academy or something."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hmm...no," Charlotte began, responding to Himeko. "I think it would be better if we stuck together. We are strangers here, and I would rather have your help than have you running off and causing trouble. You don't exactly blend in." The young alchemist continued walking. Not like she could stop Himeko from doing something if she wanted too, though. Perhaps she should ask someone about a library. "But hurry up with those shoes of yours. I don't want to linger in one place to long and draw more attention to ourselves."

"Ho, travelers!"

Before Himeko and Charlotte could consider their options further, not a few steps away from the restaurant a group of armored individual wearing simple, though finely crafted armor with swords and a few shields between them, numbering around ten in total. The one speaking looked to be a much more prominent member of their party. A large sword was strapped to his side, and his armor was dressed in bright greens and golds.

"Apologies for stopping you, but I couldn't help but notice your attire is a little out of place." The man was clean shaven, with brown hair and an overall friendly demeanor. "And this is admittedly a little unconventional, but there has recently been an influx of items being smuggled in from outside." He continued. "I simply would like to check either of you for contraband."

Charlotte didn't move an inch. Welp, this was bad. 'Contraband' was probably something she had on her in great numbers. She gave him a cool look, trying to decide what exactly her options were here.

"Indeed," Marise replied. "It's a shame they didn't want to stick around...I would have enjoyed speaking to them myself a bit." She shook her head. "But they were probably fairly busy people and were only stopping for a bite to eat. I doubt they'll be staying long anyways." For the most part, Livia remained silent, for the most part deciding to eat rather than speak. Unbeknownst to either Charlotte or Himeko, she had one of her spirits follow them. It could only go so far from her - but she could at least get a general idea of the direction they were heading and she could use them to scout for them later.

"...Though, if Livia is right and they aren't human and they run into anyone in the guard..." Marise frowned, shaking her head. "It would end badly for them. Worst case scenario they run into Laurence."

"They declined my help already, sister. They should reap what they sow." Livia harrumphed, smiling a bit to herself. "Huh, and they might already be doing so."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Stick together? That was obviously an option, but Himeko didn't want to sit around in a library. More specifically, one where she couldn't read anything anyway. Not that they had the chance to split up as they were hailed by wandering guards almost immediately as they left the restaurant. They weren't unfriendly sounding... For now at least. At first her hand rested on the hilt of her katana, though she quickly removed it. They were looking for contraband? Well, Himeko was happy enough that she had food in her stomach now.

"Oh my, apologies for looking out of place. I am a warrior come from far west. A nice region, fairly temperate though mountainous. As for contraband, I believe you're searching the wrong exotically dressed woman. Aside my katana..." She said, unsheathing it about halfway, enough to catch the glare of the sun to reveal the odd design in the metalwork. After the guards had a nice look at it, she returned it. "...and a few coins and gems I carry." She retrieved her purse and showed the few gems and coins off to the guards. "I cannot imagine such things being contraband in places aside those that are run by dictators of which I'm to understand your fair city is not."

She wasn't quite sure whether she was saying anything good. Hopefully she was. This was her "kind human act" that she was oh-so proud of. In fact, she acted friendlier with these guards than Charlotte seemed to! In fact, Charlotte didn't seem all too happy with this.

"And so it seems they are. Ten guards or so." Katherine mentioned, looking to Livia. Her dolls had many uses. They could act as eyes and ears, though not mouths. "I have half a mind to help them, if nothing more than to spite you and your fun, Livia darling." Katherine teased. She then turned to Marise, "What do you say, Marise. Perhaps you could talk to them still, they might even be happy to do so if we save them from the long arm of the law."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"A-ah?" Marise frowned. Well, she would loathe some innocent person to get in trouble simply because of some silly laws the ruling class here uses to keep themselves in power. "Mhm. I'll handle it, then." Marise said, taking a final bite of her food and standing. "Livia, be a dear and handle the payment, would you?"

"Ah, no need miss Fiore...those two from earlier have paid for your meal." Gerald said, walking over. "It seems the young miss left quite the impression on them."

"Oh? Well...we'll have to give them our thanks then." She glanced a look over to Livia.

"Fine, fine," She grumbled, setting her teacup on the table. "We'll go 'help' them then."

"Thank you for your cooperation, miss." The guard replied, going through the purse a few seconds. After a minute or so of a thorough look, he handed her the purse back. "Keep those under watch, miss. Pickpockets are rampant these days." He chuckled. "Though if you're any good with that odd blade of yours I wouldn't expect you to have much trouble with that." He turned to Charlotte, giving her a quick look over. They seemed compliant enough, and likely wanted this to be over with just as much as they did, judging from the fact they didn't look too deeply at Himeko's belongings.

She didn't really have anything she could give to placate, them though. Her cloak? Its where she kept her valuables. She had it specially made to not only have dozens of pockets and compartments in it so she could keep her potions in, there was also the fact it was treated to be fire resistant.

"Hm, very well..." She sighed, removing a few pouches of items from her belt. First rule as an alchemist, you should always have ingredients and potions on you in case you needed to make something on the fly. "I think you'll find everything in order. Just a few plants and materials for study."

The guard went through the pouches, frowning a bit. No doubt he was finding things that weren't from the area. Preserved snowgrass, snowhawk feathers, and rock-ice from the caves beneath Astril. It was lucky she didn't have any particularly...macabre, items with her. Animal hearts. Rabbits feet. Frog eyes. All useful in potion making to some extent. That was definitely something she'd get in trouble for having here, likely.

"Hmm...you've come from a long way, then." He finally commented. Likely he didn't recognize most of the items, but he didn't seem like he was done just yet. It likely raised a few more questions than answers. "Where'd you say you were from, miss?"

"From the north." She replied with a stern tone

"Hm...very well, I'll need to inspect that cloak of yours too."

Well shit.

Charlotte frowned. She'd need to see their reaction before doing anything drastic.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Katherine smiled, it was nice seeing Livia lose an arguement of sorts like that. She finished her food as well and stood, following Marise. Their big sister was resourceful and didn't lack in brains like one might think considering she was quite the aesthetic piece of art. "What did you say to them, that they paid for our meal? Did extort or blackmail them? Oh dear, our Livia is such a brute."

"Of course, I am a master of the blade. No thief is a match for my hands." Himeko stated, resting her hand on her katana again. So they understood her greatness! Of course! Perhaps these guards were not so bad, for humans. Still, they wanted to see Charlotte's cloak. What could she even hide in there? Truth be told, she never cared enough for her outfit to take a look at it. Now she just looked to Charlotte. Did the girl have something hidden in there? Her face kind of said it really. To Himeko at least. She still had the same grumpy face really.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Do you take me for our mother or something?" Livia harrumphed, following Marise out of the restaurant. "Maybe they're not as rude as I thought. Maybe they just thought I was pretty. I don't know, and I don't care."

"Now now, Livia, I know you and mother do not get along well, but it would be silly to speak rude of her, especially in public." Marise moved quickly, hoping to arrive before something happened to the two of them. "Where are they, Livia?"

"They didn't get far," She sighed. "Just follow the road and we'll see them. The academic looking one looks like she might be a little in over her head."

Now the question was to let them have her cloak and potentially lose all of her resources, or decline and try and talk her way out of this? Well, she really didn't want to lose any of her things. Some of them had required both time and rare resources she might not be able to get her hands on again easily. she sighed, holding her arms against her stomach. Should she be truthful here? She couldn't decide what the best course of action would be. It was annoying, that's what this was.

"What exactly is 'Contraband', exactly?" Charlotte questioned. If she could keep them talking she might find a way out of this.

"Items of questionable nature." The guard replied curtly. Quite a vague and non specific answer. Just an excuse to label anything questionable if they had reason to take someone in, then.

"Define questionable." Charlotte continued, unstrapping her cloak from her shoulders. She might be able to talk her way out of this yet. "I am a healer of sorts, and I keep quite a few materials in my cloak." Not technically a lie, though it wasn't quite the truth either. "A few of them are definitely 'questionable in nature' as is the nature with medicine sometimes in its unfinished state."

Now that it was off of her shoulders, one would quite easily see the inside of it once it was turned outside. Numerous glass vials filled with different colored liquids of all sorts lined the inside of it. Near the top collar was her notebook. Judging from the guards expression as he looked it over, it wasn't a good one.

"Healer, huh..." He fixed Charlotte with a cool glare of his own. "You'll have to come with us, miss." Well shit.

"And if I refuse?"

"That would be unwise."

"Now now, is that anyway to speak to a lady?" Oh thank heavens she had made it in time. The guards eyes widened a bit at Marise's voice, quickly straightening his posture. Charlotte herself, was mildly surprised. She hadn't expected them to actually follow her and Himeko. Marise flashed her a pleasant smile, before turning her attention to the guard. Livia remained a some distance away, not seemingly taking much interest in the events.

"Lady Fiore." He greeted. "I apologize if I've offended in some manner. These two foreigners made it into the city before we could send the order to start searching everything for contraband. It would seem they have some on them."

"Hm...I suppose it would seem that way," Marise began. "However, these two are guests of the Fiore's and they are here under our care. I can assure you that they are not here to cause trouble, so if you could return her cloak..." Charlotte remained silent, not wanting to potentially give something away here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Himeko had all but readied her hand on her katana. It'd be easy since the focus was on Charlotte now. If the guards needed to get in her way, there was no need for them... That is, until those girls from earlier showed up. The eldest among them spoke, and on their behalf as well. Himeko couldn't help but give a pondering look at the girl. Why had she shown? Not that it mattered much now. What was her name again? "Ahh! Miss Fiore... s. Oh, how gracious you all are to make an appearance." Himeko said, faking as well as she always did. "They seem to have misunderstood Charlotte's intent." The Tengu said, happily making a performance of it.

Katherine herself quite enjoyed theatrics. She'd been watch the whole time of course. Dolls could hide in places humans most certainly could not. She approached Charlotte looking happy. "I apologize if those samples I asked for caused you any trouble." It couldn't hurt to bring the theatrics up a bit could it? "I was also interested in some of the research you had." She said, turning back to the guard. "Can the poor girl have her cloak back?" Reaching out her hand to the guard as if to take if off his hands. Katherine was known to dabble in just about everything, so hopefully, if the guard knew anything about her he'd make the 'correct' assumption.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I'll need to speak with Laurence about this," he said, not making a move to return the cloak. "I haven't heard of the Fiore's having guests from outside the city." He looked over to Marise, who simply gave him a smile.

"Now now, no need to be so suspicious knight sir," She continued to smile, somehow the tone of what she was saying and the smile seemed completely opposite of what it should be. "I would hate to have to tell mother that you accosted our guests." The knight visibly straightened his posture, a mildly cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"O-of course not!" He made a moved to hand the cloak over to Katherine, but before the younger girl could grab it she did so herself, giving Katherine a mildly annoyed look as she draped it back over her shoulders. "I wouldn't want to get in Lady Fiore's way." He turned to the other guards, motioning them to continue on. "Apologies for troubling you, miss. Won't happen again." He began moving quickly himself, seemingly eager to get away.

"Whew," Marise said after they were out of earshot. "I promise they have the best of intentions, but they can get a little overzealous sometimes." Marise sighed. "Are you both alright?"

"...Humph. I am fine. Thank you for your assistance." Charlotte said, taking a few steps away from Katherine, and dusting off her cloak.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Himeko relaxed a bit, removing her hand from her katana. There was no reason to worry not. Probably at least. It wouldn't be good to drop her guard until out of the city. Still, she hated acting so friendly with these humans that have yet to prove themselves. She looked to the Fiores then. Making a studied gaze at all three.

Katherine of course, noticed quickly. "Oh my, are you trying to figure which of us you'd like to take first?" She teased. She was most likely talking about in a... 'Romantic way' if one could call it that. "You sly girl, you." She teased.

Himeko was tired of this family sans the eldest. Did they have to be this annoying? "Hardly." She replied, looking to Marise. "Thank you for your assistance Miss Fiore and... Miss Fiore?" She asked, looking toward Katherine, unsure. She hardly said a word to Livia, though she did give her a glance. She hadn't done anything other than what she said earlier. Paying their meal should have sufficed enough for that.

Katherine nodded, "Just Katherine is fine. I'm a Fiore in name alone to be honest." She said bluntly. "Now then, how to make you all pay for our help..." She added, giving a sly look over to Marise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"If we're done here, I'm heading back to the estate." Livia replied coldly. For the most part, she remained completely disinterested. She had better things to do than waste her time with this. "I have my own studies and research to deal with rather than watch these two blunder about on their own." Marise frowned, watching Livia leave with a mildly disapproving expression, but there wasn't much she could do to stop her. Besides, they were heading to the same place now, hopefully.

"I apologize for her," Marise said with a sigh. "She's a good, honest girl I promise. She just doesn't have much patience for people, especially dishonest people." She fixed both of them with a smile and a friendly gaze that masked a very analytical look she was giving them. "Anyways, I believe introductions are in order. I am Marise Fiore, and the scheming philanderer next to you is Katherine, my younger sister. The one who is currently walking away is Livia. Despite her attitude, she's the one who alerted us to your troubles."

"Hm...I see. Thank her for us then." Charlotte replied carefully. "...Charlotte, if you need a name." She pulled on her cloak lightly, straightening it a bit.

"And despite what Katherine says, I want nothing for aiding you. You paid for our meal, so I say we are even in that regard." She smiled. "But I am sorry to trouble the both of you further, but I must insist you come to our estate. I can use my authority to help you so much, but it would raise questions and if I overextend my bounds...well, my mother might get curious to your presence herself and I can certainly say that you'll be here for months if that happens."

Perhaps, they could use this family to their advantage in some regard?

"Perhaps they could help us, Himeko." Charlotte said, glancing over to the Tengu.
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Himeko looked over the two "siblings" with a bit of skepticism. "Yes, Himeko. Perhaps we can help you. It's hard to find better friends in this town as it is. I'm happy as long as you stay entertaining." The Puppeteer girl said, giving a little giggle. "It's not all the time, but what I'm saying is the truth after all. For now."

Himeko gave her an odd look, wondering what the deal was with her. "Is that so? Perhaps we should find solace in your aid them." There was no need in introducing herself now was there? They knew her name. "Very well then. Charlotte, if it's fine for you, then it's fine for me." She mentioned, looking to her partner.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Wonderful." Marise replied with a smile. "It's been awhile since we've had guests." She began walking at a brisk pace towards their estate, Charlotte, for the most part remained neutral. This could be a good opportunity but she wouldn't get her hopes up for now. She'd reserve judgement for now, and wait to see if they could actually help or not.

The trip to their estate was a thankfully short one. Once they had gotten out of the main city and headed to the more well off parts of the city, it was clear that the Fiore's at least, had quite a bit of wealth compared to most people. First they'd see a large, extremely well taken care of yard in front of the estate, walled off with a large iron gate and complete with a stone road for carriages or other such modes of transportation. The building itself was three stories tall at its tallest, with several chimneys extending from the roof, though only a few seemed to be in use.

"Here we are," Marise led them to the front door, opening it and motioning for Himeko and Charlotte inside. "Katherine, be a dear and show them to my room would you? Livia ahem, probably wouldn't like them intruding on her privacy." She gave a mildly nervous seeming chuckle but otherwise walked in behind them.

"Ah...Marise, we have guests? Young Miss said we might have company, so she had me prepare some tea. I've already put it on, and it should be done momentarily."

"Oh, thank you Nynette. I must speak with mother about something, so Katherine and you are in charge of the guests." She teased.
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Very well, dear sister." Katherine said with a slight bow. "See you in a little bit then Nynette. You are looking beautiful as always." The girl teased. She was always ready to flirt with a pretty girl and all. She wondered why she was like this once, but well, she gave up wondering why a while back. She just loved to tease people, but she never really felt like going beyond that with anyone one. Maybe a kiss on the cheek, but that wasn't too odd. Overall at least. "Alright you two, let me lead you through the place."

"So, that Livia had her prepare tea? Perhaps she is not quite so bad as I though." Himeko said as she looked somewhat surprised. In the culture of Tengu, it was only proper to make tea for guests so this resounded inside Himeko a bit.

"She's a bit of a grump most of the time, but she's not that bad really. She just likes to act like she doesn't care. Well, I think that at least. Can't see in her head. Truthfully, I think she gets a little jealous when I dote on Marise too much. I can't really tell if it's because she wants me to dote on her, or she wants to dote on Marise..." She said, realizing she might have said a bit too much. Well, whatever, it didn't really matter much in the end. As she showed the girls through to Marise's room, she noticed one of the maids. "Good afternoon, Lily. Lovely to see you today." The girl said as they passed. The maid smiled and bowed.

"Good evening, Miss Katherine." The woman that looked to be in her mid-to-late twenties said. Katherine liked to think she was in good with the help. Sometimes when she wanted to practice her motor skills with her dolls, she'd help them with their tasks... Specifically, the ones where there were tighter areas to clean or maneuver.

When they passed, the woman went back to her work. Soon, they arrived at Marise's room. Katherine opened the door and entered. "Welcome to the room of my elder sister, Marise. 'Please make yourself at home.' At least, I'm sure that's what she would say."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"Tsk, oh please Katherine dear." Nynnette gave a playful smirk towards Katherine, but otherwise said nothing else. She had the other young miss to attend too.

For the most part, Charlotte followed in silence, taking in the decor of the place. Not exactly any different from what she had expected. Gaudy and ostentatious. She herself, didn't like tea so much or wasn't one for needless displays of wealth, but it was at least refreshing to see some courteous behavior for once. She could understand Livia's sentiments, at least.

Marise's room was...well, as one might expect. Plain and not too much out of the ordinary. A doll made to resemble Livia and Katherine were laying on the bed, and the shelves of a bookcase lining the wall were filled with simple item and the floor was covered in plush, comfortable carpet.

"Hmm...I take it you are someone of importance here." Charlotte commented coolly as she ever did. Hmm, how did one go about being...'friendly and sociable' again? "So what exactly do you want?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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"What do I want?" Katherine asked in return. What did that mean exactly? Maybe she meant personally. "A harem of women to call on whenever I please?" Katherine teased a bit. "But if you mean why we have you here... Well, that was my sister's call. It's hard to say no to her beauty though, isn't it?" She said, complimenting Marise in the process.

"I could do it rather easily, actually." Himeko mentioned, electing to stand instead of sit. She took a peek around the room and felt it was both grand and rather bland. The only sign of character were the dolls that seemed to resemble Livia and Katherine.

"Oh, hush you." Katherine said to Himeko, relatively unconcerned about her doings. Instead she turned to the other girl, Charlotte. "As for who I am... I suppose I am fairly important. Being a daughter of the most powerful family in the city is not laughing matter. Even if I was only adopted, but try not to spread that too much. That aside, you are looking for something? What pray tell are you seeking?" She was just playing nice for now until Marise returned, and she rather hoped it would be soon.
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