Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If you are reading this letter, then congratulations. You've been accepted into the Ordinary Mythical Academy. Please find attached the two maps of the location of the academy, and if you cannot make it to the Academy then please go to the second location. The large field will be our meeting place for all students who cannot fly or reach the academy in any way, however any student is free to go to the meeting location to meet and greet fellow students. There, I, the Headmaster Arkan shall meet you all personally and take up all to the academy myself. I look forward to seeing all the students there. For those who can get to the academy themselves and do not wish to go to the meeting location, please head straight to the Grand Hall once you have arrived.

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi looked to the lowly peasant that read the letter to him, staring at him with his cold dead eyes. Sure, it wasn't really a peasant but that was what he called all of his royal guards. Nothing but mere tools to be used in his ultimate goal. The man spoke once more as he slowly stood back a little.

"So, Prince Ali Sekhemi, when do you plan on going to the Grand Hall? You can fly, after all."

Sekhemi's fingers twitched repeatedly as he stared at the man in front of him. He didn't say a word, all he did was chuckle a little. Suddenly, the royal guard caught on fire and began to scream and shout while the flames burned him alive. Within a matter of minutes the guard that was there became nothing but ash.

"You lowly, good for nothing peasant. I shall not fly, it is far too much effort for a Pharaoh!"

He clicked his fingers and suddenly a few guards came. They cleared out the dust then the guards picked Sekhemi up and took him outside. They placed him on his throne which was on the elephants back then, with that Sekhemi, Sabertooth and his lowlife peasant guards set off to the meeting point where he would meet this Headmaster.


Rika slowly walked out of his home and let out a soft sigh. Honestly, he was partially hoping he wouldn't be accepted into the Academy. He was worried that his demon side would attack the other students there. He looked at the map and then looked to the sky. He could hardly believe it, an academy in the sky, it was wonderful. He closed his eyes and suddenly angel wings grew from his back. He checked his suitcase one last time as well as pockets to make sure he had everything. He then checked his right eye, his demon eye. Luckily the bandages were wrapped up tight around it. He didn't want anyone seeing who he really was. He flew up towards the large floating island slowly, making sure to hide himself within the clouds.

Prince Kuro

Kuro smiled and bowed to his messenger once he had finished reading. He was glad that he had been accepted into the Academy. Yoruichi looked to him as her tail swished gently side to side.

"Prince Kuro, you're not supposed to bow. You're a prince after all. The messenger is meant to bow to you."

Saying that, the messenger bowed back to him. Kuro smiled brightly, and stood up for a moment. He gave a soft nod to Yoruichi in agreement.

"I know, but it's polite Yoruichi."

He gave a small nod to the messenger and with that the fellow neko left. His ears twitched gently and his own tail swished before he began to walk to the exit of the castle. Yoruichi quickly followed behind him. The two walked out of the castle and got into the royal carriage. There, the escort turned to Kuro with a polite smile.

"Where to, Prince Kuro?"

Kuro quickly gave the escort the map to the meeting location and with that he gave a soft nod. Kuro, Yoruichi and their personal escort began to drive off towards the meeting location.


Miarikia read the letter quickly and then gave a gentle nod to herself. She clicked her fingers and like magic, she was in the Grand Hall with Flash by her side. She looked around for a moment before giving a few nods in approval.

"It's so useful knowing magic. I'm never going to be late for class."

Flash stared at her blankly for a moment. He had to admit, he was a little insulted with what she had just said. Sure, he knew she didn't mean it, but it was how it came across.

"Miarikia, even if you didn't have magic, you still wouldn't be late for class. Dude, you have the Flash by your side!"

Miarikia nodded to him approvingly. That was very much true. She yawned and laid back with her eyes closed. For now, all she could do was wait until the others arrived.


Red had read the letter and was on her way to the meeting place. Her large paper snake carried her their while she sat on it's back. Serpent also sat on the paper snake, saving him from tiring himself out for no reason. After all he had to be there with Red at the same time to protect her. So, the three went on ahead, going towards the meeting place on a giant snake. Of course, nobody would realise it was a paper snake. Red made it very realistic, just so she had a friend. Well, Serpent was her friend, but the more the merrier.


Shade read the letter slowly, he then placed it on the floor, not saying anything whatsoever. He just stared at it blankly until eventually, he turned his gaze to the sky. He wasn't sure how he was meant to feel, happy because he was accepted? Scared because others may judge and attack him? He didn't know. He wanted to meet others, he wanted to make friends, and besides, he didn't want to use his powers anyway, he was too scared his heartless nature would take over, and so Shade began to walk towards the meeting location.


Soul was already at the meeting location. It was strange when the letter had appeared right in front of him while he was wandering. He looked around slowly and sighed. Nobody had arrived yet. He really wanted to meet the other students but he was afraid he'd scare them off. After all, a ghostly ball didn't really scream out welcome, did it? Nor did a ghostly body. So for now Soul kept hidden. Only those who could naturally see spirits, or those who possessed the power to do so would be able to see him. He was invisible to the naked human eye but as all spirits, being in the area made the entire meeting location errie cold with cold winds blowing softly.


Pozuzy read the letter carefully and with a small giggle, burned them to ash with his black fire. He then teleported to the meeting location immediately and looked around, so far, nobody was here. That was good, he didn't want to miss anything. There would be plenty of chances to play tricks on others here, plenty of chances to have fun. He giggled softly, he couldn't wait!


Celestia was already up on the island. After all, she lived there. She stayed upon the island for her own protection. Arken came to see her personally to welcome her as a student of the Academy. Celestia still wanted to meet her fellow students however. She opened her wings and flew down quickly from the island. It didn't take her long to land. When she did, she looked around and tilted her head when she saw a lingering spirit with her magic. She gave a small smile, Arken always did recruit some interesting creatures but this took it to a whole new level.


Grace quickly ascended from heaven and began to fly down towards the meeting location. She gave a small smile when she got there, seeing a Pegasus, and strangely enough, a lingering spirit as well. She wondered why the spirit hadn't passed on yet, what was keeping it bound to this world? More importantly, was it here to be a student? How would that even work? She was interested, and she couldn't wait to see this spirit in action. She knew spirits could be very powerful while some hardly possessed power at all.


Shela slowly walked out her house holding a small suitcase as well as her stuffed toy. Drake walked closely beside her, coming up to her waist. The two slowly walked towards the meeting location together. Shela stayed completely quiet however Drake couldn't let the situation pass. He was annoyed greatly that Shela brought the stupid stuffed toy with her, of all things.

"Seriously Shela? You're taking the stupid stuff toy with you? I know I say it a lot, but jeeze, you really are pathetic aren't you? Do you know the reason you've been accepted to this academy? Do you? It's because they feel sorry for you. I mean, c'mon. You got no powers! You are completely useless and pathetic. You will never change."

Shela said nothing, continuing to walk silently. Drake huffed and looked on forward. It would be a long walk, especially with Shela walking slowly like she always did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

His human form was still very odd, it was foreign to him and holding it took effort. These limbs were shaky and weak, the senses were muted and he lost all of his ability to see in the dark. This form was inconvientent, in every conceivable way but unfortunately, so was his other form in this place. Masquerading as human was hard, he had almost forgotten to dress himself before coming here. Luckily, he'd caught himself just in time and now he was one long line of black.

The note in his hands was water stained, the paper crinkled, and tearing at the edges. He had been worrying it between his fingers, clenching his fist over it and folding it and unfolding it. It was hard not to be anxious, he had spent his entire life in the lonely depths of a lake. Seeing so many people would be terrifying, he didn't even know if any of the other Fae folk were here. Would he see any of his own kind? Would he end up just as isolated as he had been in his lake?

Rightfully, he had absolutely no way of getting to the academy. He was a swimmer, he didn't have wings and he didn't really know how to attain a form that did have wings. Honestly, the mere idea of being aerial wasn't a pleasant one. He much preferred water, even being on land made him feel uncomfortable. His human form couldn't handle being absent from water for too long and was already started to bruise along the arms. It was going to be a long day.

He stepped into the meeting area, observing the few people who had already shown up. His human flesh was prickling with goosebumps and he wrapped his arms around himself. Just what I always wanted," he said, voice barely a mutter. "To look like a human in a field full of monsters. God, I'm delighted."

He couldn't help feeling misplaced, all of these strangers made him more and more aware that he belonged in water. He was so far from home, he was so far from the courts. Unseelie fae weren't supposed mingle too much unless they were wreaking havoc. He wasn't in the mood to wreak havoc, he wanted to learn more about the world that he'd avoided so well when he'd lived beneath the surface of the lake. This was the best way to do it. Not only would he meet humans, he'd meet other species.

He drew in a breath to calm himself and squared his shoulders. Whatever came of this new situation, he'd be ready to face it. He'd just have to keep his nerve about him and try to remember that these people may be new and confusing but there nothing to fear with them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The paper held between her fingers was just as crisp as the moment Dawn had found it, her thumb idly sweeping over the carved text and coordinates as she slipped through the woods. The so-called meeting place was a far ways away from her little apartment in Chicago, and had taken both multiple consecutive flights, as well as several favors from a friend here and there, to reach the woods that had surrounded it. She had been dropped off near the edges of the place, her ride having taken one look at the thick treeline before laughing in her face. Dawn was grateful for the help regardless, and had given him her thanks before hiking into the woods alone.

She had been at it for quite some time now, allowing her to stew in her own thoughts. She wasn’t particularly nervous or worried- age had long since tempered her nerves- but she was definitely curious, to say the least. Curious about the Academy. Curious about who else had received the acceptance letter. Curious as to what she might find in the upcoming months.

Curious, curious, curious.

One of her questions was promptly answered upon stepping into the light, only to catch sight of a rather...eclectic group, to say the least. There was a small, pink creature, a pegasus...Dawn found herself naturally gravitating to one of the more hesitant seeming of the little gathering, a dark haired young man who seemed to be gathering up his wits. She smiled at him as she moved to his side, bowing her head politely before turning towards the clearing.

“A rather, ah, mixed bunch, here, wouldn’t you say?” Her voice was soft, warmed by her accent hanging off the edges of her words. “Colorful.”

Hopefully her approach wouldn’t put him off even more. Poor man looked thoroughly out of his depth.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Irvine navigated the back alleys of the town he most frequented as he looked down to the invitation letter. How their messenger had been able to locate him despite his constant movement made him question the integrity of the locals in his head. Though it would do him no benefit to seek payback upon them, how did he even get invited to this place anyhow? The 'Ordinary Mythical Academy' the letter appeared official enough so it was definitely worth checking out, they clearly at least had some knowledge of his lack of social skills, the messenger had merely handed him the envelop and then left without explanation. Irvine pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he adjusted the battered bag strap for the rucksack bearing what few possessions he owned. A field was the designated meeting spot for those who couldn't fly... a field, an open space with little to no objects that would cast any shadows apart from those stood in it. Just the idea of being out in the open was discomforting enough, Irvine tried not to think of how many people might be there, or if there'd be anyone similar to himself.

With walking being his only method of getting there Irvine have been travelling for some time before the destination was in sight. According to the letter the headmaster would be meeting the students that had gathered there to take them to the academy. The location of the Academy itself was clearly nowhere reachable on foot, especially with the ability of flight being a prerequisite of getting their alone. Perhaps however there was other means than flight? Well even if there was Irvine probably didn't have the means of using such a method. Surely that would be why the headmaster would be meeting those that head to the field after all. Reaching the final stretch before the field Irvine once again pulled the strap of his bag trying to shift its position as the material strained rubbing against his shoulder.

By the time he had made it over to the field it would appear that some students had already gathered at the meeting point. This open space was an even more unwelcome location than what he had previously imagined. There was too much, well, openness the only light struck things were those that were there, some of which weren't even human. "This was a dumb idea..." Irvine mumbled to himself as he turned to leave. Before him however stood a silhouette of himself as he glanced behind him to see the sun at his back he sighed. "We don't need their help, we're fine as we are, we make ends meet." Irvine exclaimed, but the silhouette of himself simply shook its head in disagreement before pushing him. "If you insist, just remember that I didn't want this." Irvine turned again to face back towards the field as his own shadowed encroached and hung over him against the will of the light. The shadow almost seemed to become a more dense object as it shrouded over him like a heavy cloaks hood. All but his mouth hidden behind a shield of darkness, Irvine slowly approached the others gathered on the field.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

Leval closed the door of his beaten up, old family car, placing the letter with his map on the seat beside him. He looked back at the rest of the his family, gathered on the lawn. There his mother waved him on last tearful goodbye and his father gave him a proud nod, the rest of his large family yelling out their farewells. Leval gave one final wave of his hand, started the car, and headed out onto the road. As he rounded the corner he sniffled slightly and rubbed at his eyes with one hand. Luckily he had plenty of time to get himself composed. The field indicated on his map was only a few hours away by car and it would be easy enough to get there quickly. He took his car up onto the highway and, with a slight wave of his hand, conjured up another rider in the car to sit in the passenger's seat. That done, he moved past the busy single driver lanes and entered into the relatively faster carpool lane to his destination. His eyes kept glancing to his rear view mirror with the packed gifts of his family, gratitude mixed with nervousness coloring his thoughts. 'How on earth did I get accepted into such a place? I didn't even send an application...'

He turned the radio on to one of the countless top 40 stations hoping the usual repetitiveness would help him keep his mind off it. But still doubts plague his mind. What if they had accepted him as a mistake? Or what if he got there and they decided that he wasn't good enough? Would he really be able to keep up with the other students? He had heard stories of some of the beings that attended the schools. Fantasy creatures of all types out of both legend and nightmare resided in its walls. Even the place itself seemed like it must be incredibly powerful. According to the maps he had received the academy resided in the clouds themselves. Leval was at a loss to explain how even that feat was done, let alone how it was kept hidden. These thoughts kept him occupied as the miles dwindled before him. Taking the carpool lane ended up being a wise decisions, he cut almost a full hour off of his estimated travel time before arriving at his destination. He parked at a small lot just off the side of the road.

He gulped slightly, then slapped his hands to both sides of his face. "Okay Leval, you got this. You hear me? You-Can-Do-This!" His attempt at self-cheer-leading surprisingly successful, he exited the car and grabbed his things. He donned the black cloak his mother had given him, feeling its soft weight on his shoulders, proud of his family's symbol emblazoned on the back and second, smaller one over his heart. Bag in one hand, staff in the other he walked towards the field. He was rather early, as only a few others seemed to have arrived. Some of the figures were obviously not humanoid, and despite knowing that would be the case from the letter, it was still mind boggling. Deciding it would better to ease himself into the strangeness of the situation rather than deal with it all at once, he pushed his staff down into the soft grass and dirt of the field until it was secure then sat down, resting his back upon it. The sun was out, the sky blue, and the clouds were making interesting shapes. As he sat in a slight doze, content to wait, he idly wondered what the wifi situation would be like in a school in the sky. Cinder and Ash, the butterflies that were always with him flew around him, occasionally fluttering down to nibble at something or other in the flowers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Cyber read the letter, then looked at the maps. She nodded before screwing them up and throwing them up and threw the screwed up ball in the air. She raised her gun, aimed and fired quickly which incinerated the details. After all she didn't want anyone to follow her. She switched up the technology so the claws became wings so she could fly. Cyber checked her suitcase and everything else to make sure she had all the essentials then flew off into the clouds and towards the academy.


Dante grabbed his suitcase and placed the details of the letter and map in his pocket. He looked at the time seeing it being 7:30 in the morning. He pulled up his sleeve and pressed the middle button of his watch and as he did the watch began to expand and form armour all around him. Soon enough he was fully covered and encased with high tech armour. He grabbed the suitcase and used the boosters on his feet to blast himself off towards the Academy


Winter got the letter......somehow? Even though she had been in her crystal ice cave hiding for 5000 years, which was her entire life time. Anyway she got the letter and decided it was finally time to leave her crystal ice cave however she wanted to meet some of her fellow students and decided to go straight to the meeting place so she could meet both students and the headmaster himself. She opened her crystal wings and flew out quickly towards the meeting location. It didn't take her long at all to reach the large field. When she arrived a huge shadow loomed over Leval and if even he didn't notice that he'd certainly feel the ground shake under him as Winter landed directly beside him with a almost deafening screech.

"Hello there. My name is Winter, it is a pleasure to meet you."

She looked around seeing that even the headmaster had not arrived yet. She looked around at all the other students. She nodded her head in a greeting to Leval.


Drumdawn got the letter somehow and read it over to himself. He got himself up and opened his wings and immediately set off towards the meeting point. He wanted to meet his fellow students and teachers so he could get to know them. He flew quickly towards the location and got there soon after Winter did. Once again a huge shadow loomed over Leval and this time Winter. Then as he landed the earth shook once more as he landed right beside Leval but opposite Winter.

"Greetings you three. My name is Drumdawn and who would you be?"

The two heads took in turn to speak. Even though there were two heads they both had half a brain each which made up to one full personality between them. He folded his large wings and sat himself down while studying the phoenix in front of him as well as the small human.


Lilith got the letter and headed for the meeting location, she wanted a chance to cause as much chaos as possible ang grow stronger. Her best bet of doing that was heading to the meeting location where most students would go. She smiled sadistically, she had to admit, she was excited, wondering who and what would be there when she arrived.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Well. Hell of a party going on, I’ll tell you that.”

Epsilon took a deep, lazy drag of her smoke, then sighed, idly flicking the ash from the end into the grass below. It wasn’t every day a two headed dragon just went and dropped in out of the blue. Or a blue phoenix. Or a pegasus, or a...whatever the pink, fluffy thing was. Cat, maybe? If a cat had undergone some pretty nasty surgery. Of course, they were probably around for the whole school thing, but she had expected more...traditional folk showing up than anything. Her bad, really.

She took another drag. She had shown up some time ago, loitering around the edges of the woods after biking her way there. Epsilon was sort of surprised that she was one of the earlier arrivals, but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Might earn her some brownie points or something with the staff. Would give her some pretty ample time to get acquainted with her fellow students, at least.

Instead of taking a shot in the dark of approaching the whole dragon-phoenix situation (looked a bit too crowded for her tastes, honestly), Epsilon decided to go pester one of the guys who was off by himself. He looked sort of pissed about the situation, honestly.. She paused a moment to flick her cigarette to the ground, snuff it beneath her foot, and draw herself a new one before sauntering her way over, offhandedly lighting the thing as she did so.

"You look like you got forced into all this by your parole officer,” she commented. “What’s the matter, kid?” Epsilon paused. Plucked a shred of tobacco from her lip.

“Nice hood, by the way. Real stylish.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

He jumped, her voice having shaken him from his thoughts. He was quick to turn on his heel to face the young woman. She wasn't imposing in any way, shape, or form but she was so different than what he was used to seeing. She reminded him of the human that he'd once met, maintaining that so fragile build but there was something odd about her. He sensed power beneath the surface. She didn't seem to fear him either, probably because she hadn't grown up with Irish folklore warning her away from the waters in case of Kelpies or perhaps she just honestly didn't know what he was.

Either way, this was different. His eyes were black, he'd mostly been lucky that they weren't the same dead, white, orbs that his horse form possessed. They were still strange to stare directly into. He appraised the young lady for a moment longer than necessary, sealing her into his memory. She had thick dark hair that framed a pleasant face and very pale skin. Her eyes were gray and bright. She looked friendly, and that caught him off guard.

"Yeah," he responded, his voice was hesistant and carrying a thick Irish brogue. "I. . . I've never actually been around this many people before. Where I come from, it's a wonder if the stray human finds their way there without help from a will o' the wisp. Even then, it doesn't ever work out for them much."

He said this with a hint of cynicism, humans that found their way to the lake were often drowned. If not by him then by some other Kelpie. They all had their tastes, he'd stuck to drowning humans that he deemed worthy of a watery grave. He was also one of the few who found it important to warn kids away from the water, first in his horse form and later in his human form. He found that most people trusted him more when he looked like them instead of a rotting, wet, horse.

Even in this form, he was very estranged though. His flesh couldn't seem to take the excess of iron and lack of water. At times he'd catch rot blossoming in his human skin, it was all very perilous. Self-cautiously, he rubbed at one of the dark purple bruises on his arm. "And. . . what of you, miss? Have you ever met so many oddities? I. . . I've been to Unseelie court parties and been less nervous than I am currently."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue


Leval was having a pleasant doze now, face warm from the sun, his staff in this perfect position to be functional and comfortable. A shadow moved overhead blocking out the sunshine, Leval grumbled slightly, opening one eye to look up at whatever was casting the shade. It looked as though some type of blue bird was flying up there getting in the way of his light. He eyed it curiously as it started to descend, it almost seemed as though the bird were getting bigger and bigger and... Leval jumped up, brain now working in overdrive to catch up to the situation at hand. As the bird grew clearer, he could see that it was no bird at all, it had the general shape but its body was made up of giant crystalline shapes that could have almost been made of ice. When the bird finally landed, the earth shook with its massive weight. Leval, unbalanced by movement below him, grabbed a hold of his staff, still buried in the earth, to steady himself. The giant crystal bird whatever, then began to speak! 'Is this some sort of test? he thought to himself staring at the talking bird in some wild eyed disbelief. While it spoke, he rose his free hand spreading out threads of magic, probing for some sort of illusion. Finding none, he was forced to accept the reality of the situation was that a giant crystal bird was going to be his fellow student. Leval cleared his throat, briefly wondering how it would fit in a desk before replying. Hello there, nice to meet you Winter, my name is-"

He never got the chance to finish that particular sentence as the sound of massive leathery wings beating against the sky entered his ears. Leval froze up, turning around slowly, one hand still clutched on the hook of his staff. Two heads. Two heads with two fang filled jaws. Two heads with two fang filled jaws with one body. Two heads with two fang filled jaws with one body with arms and legs ending in razor sharp claws. 'IS THIS THE TEST?? A dragon. A DRAGON. Ancient behemoth monsters that were the undisputed kings of lore and legend, inspiring a near infinite number of stories with their power and greed. And there is one flying right towards... me.' Leval looked up at the sky and raised his arms, slightly bent at the sky as if asking the universe what he had done that demanded this level of reckoning. The great beast landed against the ground fluidly, again causing the earth to shake below it. Leval, now somewhat used the minor earthquakes caused by massive mythological creatures, bent his knees slightly and kept his balance. The Dragon named itself a fellow student, much to Leval's bafflement and asked their names. 'Exactly what is it that these giant, ancient creatures are expecting to learn from this school? Mathematics?!'

Still he had his family's honor to uphold, combined with his desire not to be a crystal skewered roast kebab, he thought that politeness may be the way to continue this conversation. He bowed low to each creature in turn. "Hello to each of you. My name of Leval of the family Lamrue. Forgive my surprise, I did not expect to see any of my classmates yet and was napping." 'Or so large.' he thought to himself. He was grateful that his cloak hid the slight trembling in his knees. "It is my pleasure to meet the both of you. Drumdawn, this is Winter."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Watched as other students began to arrive. Some could still see him despite trying to stay hidden, but he wasn’t surprised. He knew certain species could naturally see spirits and he also knew that magic could allow others to see spirits as well. As more students arrived, Soul tried to bring himself to go and talk to someone. He took a deep breath before floating towards Leval. Suddenly, the area around him would hit freezing temperatures as he appeared out of nowhere, inches from his face.

“Hi. I’m...... well I don’t actually know my name. It has been too long, so I just call myself Soul. Who are you?”

He turned into a giant smiling face then looked to Drumdawn and Winter.

“Greetings, who are you two”

He then focused back on Leval. Suddenly the little spirit ball shifted and changed, becoming a ghostly human like hand which was aimed at Leval to shake.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 7 mos ago

@The One

Oshikuru was meditating under rushing waterfall when a letter landed lap somehow was not washed away by the current after a little while he opened his eyes and saw the letter he gave it a quick read as he did he begun to smiles he was honestly reliefed that he had been accepted Oshikuru stood up and drew his sword and with a single swing of his sword he opened a portal to the grand hall as he step though it he sheathed his sword he took a quick look around and saw a young human girl with demon horns and demonic residue surrounding her he walked over to her
"good morning my name is Oshikuru and i can tell by your appearance and the demonic residue around you that you have had more then a fewe interactions with demons and yet i don't sense any evil inside you i was wounding if you Wouldn't mind explaining to me how you managed that"

@EurmalEye@DragonKingUk@The One

Rose was sitting in the library sitting down at her desk with stacks of magic books researching verious types of magic when a letter appeared in front off her she quickly gave it a reed as she adjusted her glasses she smiled as she placed the letter in her pocket she wasn't surprised she got accepted but she was glad she grabbed her bag and with a wave of her hand all of her magic book flew off the selfs and off her desk and into her bag after a few minutes she picked up her bag and waved her hand in the air as she did the rune for portal appeared in the air and a portal to the meeting place opened up but as she steped though it she felt a cold breeze as a chill shot down her spine she muttered to herself "thats odd" as she did she waved her hand as a rune for sight appeared on her glasses and took a quick look around spotting a dragon a phoenix a angle a demon a Pegasus a kelpie and a few humans thats when she noticed a lost soul that floated over to a youg man who was standing next to both the dragon and the phoenix the spirit tuned into a smiling face then a floating hand she walked over to them and as she did she could feel the air getting colder Rose took one last look at the creatures then back to the man

"you seam quite popular today and very fortunate having all theses wonderful creatures drawn towards you my name Rose by the way"

she then stopped for a second and loiked to the ghostly hand she reached out her hand to shake its body she could feel how cold it was she stared at it and after a minute she spoke to the hand

"i have read many stories about ghosts and ghouls but to actuality meet one to actuality shake its... Body i guess this is quite fascinating i assume you'll be attending the academy which would technically mean the academy is haunted" Rose then let go of the ghost and looked up to the mythical beasts

"It's an honor to meet such magnificent creatures and i am looking forward to being class mates this is shaping up to be a very Interesting year"

@EurmalEye@DragonKingUk@The One

Beast was packing up his nest and erasing his tracks to make harder to track him as he was finished a letter appeared in front of him he read it and let out an exited roar he quickly transformed into his beast mode and flew into the sky and headed towards the academy he swooped down to the ground as he saw a herd of African Bush Elephants he grabbed the biggished one with one claw and begun eating it bones and all as he continued his journey to the academy when he saw a dragon and a phoenix in the distance he changed his course to meet them he a large shadow would fall over head as he decended towards the ground the force of his wings flapping would create powerful gusts of wind as he slowed his decent by this point all that remained of his meal was the Elephants head he took one last bite shoving its entire head in his mouth as he landed on the ground he sucked up the trunk like he was eating spaghetti "i wasn't expecting to find othe mythical beasts here..." it was then he noticed humans at his feet he begun to change into his humanoid form shrinking down to a 9ft 7inc tall man as he looked to the humans and a floating hand "well this seams like an odd group I'm Beast nice to meet you all"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Is that so?” Dawn rose a brow, then smiled again. “Things are the, ah, complete opposite for me, really. You can’t take a step without running into another human being. It’s...very crowded, to say the least.” Her tone was pleasant, the sort you’d take when making idle chit chat when waiting in line for a movie ticket. Even the knowledge of what the man truly was, flickering in and out in the surface of his thoughts, didn’t change it in the slightest.

She met his eyes for a moment, glanced at the bruise, but didn’t comment on it. Instead, she said, “I’ve met some...fairly unique people here and there, yes.” Dawn opened her mouth to continue, but whatever words she might have had were stolen by the sound of rushing wind. Clutching her hat tightly to her head, she turned to see a giant, two-headed dragon, accompanied by a phoenix of some sorts, land beside one of the students.

Her eyes widened in genuine surprise, and she found herself going silent for a moment before suddenly clearing her throat.

“...That, um. That’s...probably a first for me, though.” She gave a somewhat sheepish laugh, took a moment to adjust her hat, then turned back to her newly found companion.

“Anyway. Um. I can understand why you might be nervous, but I’m sure that none of us bite- in a metaphorical sense, at least. I know that I don’t.” Dawn smiled at the stranger from beneath her hat, then extended a gloved hand towards him.

“Dawn Memoli. Mage. It’s nice to meet you.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Irvine flinched at the sound of an approaching voice, this definitely was not what he had in mind for when he came here. Social interaction was not exactly a strong suit for him, but typically it wasn't something that bothered him. "P-Parole officer?" Irvine tilted his head to one side in thought. "Fortunately, I'm not that bad at what I do to get by. Take what you need, what not you want." Irvine shifted his right hand on his rucksack strap trying to get a tighter grip, it didn't feel like it was going to hold for much longer. "So long as you keep your head reasonably down, the law won't come looking for you."

Having answered the first question it only seemed what most would class as 'polite' to address the second. "Aside not knowing where the heck I am? Not much is the matter, apart from maybe the 'stuff of legend' that are standing on this field." Irvine sighed. "I had come to accept that not all thing is the world are what society would call 'normal' didn't know how not normal can get." As was clear from most of the conversation earlier it was apparent that his ability to pick up on sarcastic remarks weren't so good. "The hood is merely in place to not draw attention, but I suppose that would only work in the city. Clearly it didn't work, so it really serves no purpose." On making that point the hood thinned as it faded from existence.

Irvine was in half a mind to walk away after making his points. However as he glanced around the field and the others that had gathered there he decided he fancied his chances much more where he currently stood. "So I've answered your questions. Why did you come here?" Irvine motions to blow smoke away from himself before his shadow forms at his shoulder almost as a thin fan as it wafts it away from his vicinity. He shook his head in reaction "Stop." and with that the fan like shape dissipated back into the air. "It can't always be controlled, hence here we are."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 7 mos ago

@The One@EurmalEye@DragonKingUk

Max was in his diagnostic chamber while dr Gero ran a few more tests when a latter came though the the door he quickly read it and reactivated max once Max was back online he hadnedhim the letter and the map Max "you are to attend that academy it should prove to be an effective field test Max took a quick look at them 'how can an academy be both ordinary and mythical... conclusion the academy must be ordinary among other mythical academys' after that he walked out the door "engaging thrusters" as he said the his trusters came online and fire shot out of his feet as he took of from the ground like a rocket flying towards the academy as he got closer he could see a dragon a phoenix and a manticore all together he stopped for a moment and looked up at the academy then back down to the beasts he decided to inveterate the strange creatures he landed by them and begun scanning them one by one he looked to the dragon " interesting two heads but only one brain is this true for all dragons further analyzes is needed" he put that on hold for the moment without other dragons to scan he he could not find the answer he then looked to the phoenix "its made up of a highly denes carbon alloy twice as strong as diamondbut still has a crystalline base would a plasma cutter still cut though it hard shell expirmentation is needed" with that he walked over to the phoenix and held out his right hand and plasma stream came out of his index finger he pressed it agents the crystal scales "no effect increasing heat and pressure ten foled" suddenly he begun to cut though its armor but the cuts healed almost instantly "plasma can be effective but with the creatures healing factor could prove problematic" he then looked to floating hand "reading strong EMF signals corolating with ghost sighting previously believed to be myths" he took one mre look at the dragon and the phoenix "conclusion myths are in fack real" after that he looked to the manticore that had changed into a humanoid "blood belongs to an African Bus Elephant DNA scans show parcel matches to lions hawks and scorpions query do all manticores process this ability or is it a unique ability to this specimen further investigation is required" he then turned to the two humans "scans not needed"


Sky was out getting supplies for her village she was walking though a market place she headed to a medicine stand when the owner headed her a letter "this letter just arrived with your name on it" Sky quickly looked at it and with a smile it seams she had been accepted into the academy she quickly picked and payed for the medicine then telported to her village and handed them to the chief then telported to the closest town to the academy that she has visted so far then she pulled out two kunai and she threw one into the air towards the academy she then teleported to the dagger and threw her second dagger as she caught the first one then teleport to the second dagger she did this repeatedly as she flew though the air heading for the academy once there she put her daggers away and walked into the grand hall she took a quick look around and saw a few students had already arrived then decided to sit down and wait for the head master to begin the welcoming ceremony
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@DragonKingUk@PharaohAtem@The One

As Leval waited for the beings that he was hoping were not, at this particular moment, hungry, tha air around dropped to a freezing temperature he could feel in his bones. The grass in the field around became coated in a light frost in under a second as the sudden temperature change affected the air as Leval’s teeth began a chattering dance. Leval’s eyes diverted to the large blue bird-like creature who had called itself “Winter.” But a voice and sudden appearance of an animated ball of light a few inches from his nose startled Leval. He took an instinctive step back, but slipped on frost cover grass, leg slipping out from under him. He had let go of his staff to bow before the two hmythical creatures and thus fell on the ground onto his rear. The ball turned into giant smiling face similar to an emoji in Leval’s perception of the being.

Wary, pride also stinging slightly, he rose up to his feet’s again dusting the small amount of ice off his cloak. A younger girl wearing glasses that would certainly difficult to see out of due to an intricate etching upon the actual glass part of the glasses. She praised his good fortune with mythical creatures, introduced herself, and explained the spiritual being, Soul, who now appeared to be a hand, not helping Leval’s perception of him as some kind of sentient emoji. ’She may be right though. I didn’t even know that all of these creatures existed. And now they seem to be lining up to say hello. Maybe they are actually harmless?’

Leval reaches out tentatively to the hand ghost, Soul, and shook it quickly, hands now bright pink from the exposure to the source of the frigid air. ”Hello there, I am Leval Lamrue. I am sorry for my reaction you just caught me a little overwhelmed. Is Soul your actual chosen name or just the classification of what you are?”

Leval was finally starting to relax when giant blasts of air came from the sky and yet another large shadow blocked from the sun from his view. Leval looked up at first in exasperation and then in horror as he saw an elephants head swelled down in a single bite and it’s trunk slurped up like a noodle. Bones did not seem to give the being any trouble whatsoever as it somehow changed into a human form. ”Harmless my ass! Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Where the hell did the rest of it’s body go?’ The creature, who very aptly named in Leval’s opinion, called itself Beast. Leval looked around him, besides the... maybe human girl with the scratched glasses, he was surrounded on all sides by mythical creatures. And some elephant blood.

Another being came out of the sky, this time a robot/cyborg/Android humanoid figure. Leval’s eye twitched. He pointed in a random direction away from the group and very calmly stated. ”I am going over there now.” He pulled his staff out of the ground and walked in a somewhat dazed fashion about 30 feet away, mumbling slightly in a nonsensical way under his breath.”That’s too many. Why didn’t they fly to the academy? Is it my shampoo?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The approach of the fantastic beast had made him flinch. The breeze ruffling his dark hair and tugging at his shirt. He had never seen something so magnificently terrifying before, it was huge. It was larger than even his horse form. He didn't like being outsized though he had expected it, he watched it with a spark of curiosity in his eyes. He had never wanted to fly before but this giant lizard made it look appealing.

He cleared his throat, looking back to the young lady quickly as she introduced herself as Dawn Memoli. It was a good name, it was just so odd to hear someone introduce themself. How did his kind even interact? He could barely remember the last time that another person had told him their name. Fake names were so common amongst his kind, it almost baffled him that other species could give their names up so easily.

"Isaiah Blackwater," he returned, his black eyes scanning her face carefully, as if he were looking for some sort of catch. The suspicion came with his culture, the fact that Fae were often malicious and nasty. The fact that names weren't usually traded this easily in the courts. You won names in the courts, you won servitude. He had never been much of a gambler, he had no need for some drunken sprite. If he stayed out of their games then his name remained his own, his will remained his own. It was best not to gamble with the Fae in general.

"I'm. . . I'm a faery. A kelpie specifically. Some people call us the spirits of the water, some people call us less pleasant things. You get what you get. I'm actually here in hopes of meeting different types of people. It's. . . It's been kind of a dream of mine to explore beyond the water."

His struggle to talk was obvious in his small stutters, his words seemed halting and strange. Some words were formed oddly in his mouth, like he had rarely ever used them. "Might I ask, what does a mage do? You use magic, am I correct? My magic is mostly compiled of glamour which isn't quite the same as solid magic."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Rika flew over towards the meeting place. As he did he saw a number of different species, he found it rather interesting. He stopped for a moment before checking his bandages then gave a soft sigh. Slowly he flew down and landed away from everyone. He looked closely at all the different students, studying them from afar. He wasn’t sure who to go to first, so for now he decided to stay where he was and watch from afar.

Prince Kuro

Kuro entered the field shortly after as the carriage stopped right in the middle of it. The neko guards opened the door and Kuro came out with Yoruichi by his side. He looked around for a moment. Then he looked over to Yoruichi with a confused look on his face.

"Where's the Headmaster Yoruichi?"

As he began to talk some of the guards left and took the carriage away while the other remaining guards stayed. Yoruichi smiled gently before looking around.

"It looks like he isn't here Prince Kuro."

One of the guards bowed before Kuro and slowly looked up to him.

"Prince Kuro, will you be safe here with Yoruichi?"

Kuro nodded and with that the remaining guards left. They all trusted Yoruichi, in fact Kuro had pretty free range as long as Yoruichi was with him. She had all the brains while he had the brawn, of course he wasn't completely stupid. He looked around, wondering who he should talk to first. After studying the students, he stopped his gaze on Rose who stood by several mythical creatures, and using his magic, he could also see a ghost. Interesting. He walked up to them all and bowed respectfully.

“Greetings, all of you. I’m Kuro. Nice to meet all of you.”

He smiled then looked to Yoruichi who spoke up.

“I am Yoruichi, loyal advisor to Prince Kuro.”

Kuro didn’t really care for his title, here he was just like everyone else. His title meant nothing in the school.

“Just call me Kuro, despite my royalty, I am just like anyone else. I am still flesh and blood.”

He smiled at them, but Yoruichi disagreed although for now she said nothing of it. After all, Kuro had the same mind set for years now.



Red came through the field with a huge 10ft snake. She giggled softly as she finally arrived and stroked it's head softly, she loved snakes so much. She had to have snakes as a pet it was the only thing she wanted. The huge snake began to speak to as it turned it's head towards her.

"Massssster. We are heressssss, yesssssss?"

She nodded then jumped off the huge snake. Just before she landed a trampoline constructed in front of her made entirely out of paper. She bounced on it happily while she spoke to everyone.

"HELLO! My name is Red, Yippie!"

She giggled happily as she continued to bounce on the trampoline that she had just made.


Shade continued to walk towards the field, and soon enough, he arrived. He looked around but the light was bothering him. Normally, his left eye could see only the darkness, which meant he had partial vision during the day, but, if he used his powers to give his left a pupil like his right, then he would be able to see during the day however, it was the power thing he was worried about, but, he wanted to seem as normal as he could. He stepped back into the shade for a moment and lowered his head. His eyes closed and darkness formed around him. At that moment, those who were paying attention would feel a sudden dark presence around the area. The darkness moved around Shade as his ears folded back slightly, all that darkness seeped into him, flowing into his eyes, then he finally raised his head before looking towards everyone. Now, both pupils were present, and he could see into the light perfectly fine. He walked forward slowly before looking around once more. His gaze stopped on Beast and the rest of the mythical creatures gathered around there. There was even a ghost which he was able to see and a robot. He was able to sense bio materials within it, which meant it was a biodroid. Suddenly, his entire body melted into the ground, all that was left was a black puddle. It moved towards Beast, Winter, Drumdawn, Rose, Kuro, Max and Soul slowly, before the puddle rose and formed Shade once more. His yellow circle eyes looked around at everyone slowly while the sun lit up the bright white skull.

"Hello there, my name is Shade. Who are all you called?"

His voice was dark, one that held no emotion, one that could be called eerie at best. It was a voice that was not to be trusted, full of misgivings and danger. Of course, that was just how the heartless were.



Soul smiled when a woman came up and shook his....body? She even began to inspect him. She listened to her and nodded, which was actually floating up and down awkwardly. Then the man shook him and asked him a question which he didn’t have time to answer as he walked away when a robot came. Interesting, then there was a neko and another creature he didn’t recognise. He turned to Rose quickly as he transformed back to his normal state.

“Greetings, I suppose the school will be haunted. I apologise in advance for the noise I make late at night. I tend to just wander sometimes. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

He floated towards Leval and stopped in front of him.

“Hey, I didn’t get chance to answer your question. Soul is what I am. I am a soul, or a ghost in other words but I call myself Soul because I don’t remember my real name. I can’t really remember anything about who I was actually. I’ve been a soul for longer than I can actually remember.”

He floated around Leval’s head casually before stopping in front of him again.



Pozuzy watched as students came, and his eyes lit up with full of joy, who should he play with first? There were so many options! More than he thought they'd be. He looked among the students, before laying his eyes on someone. He turned in the air so he was hovering upside down, before letting out a soft giggle. Immediately, he made himself upright then began to fly towards Epsilon and Irvine. He casted a quick spell which turned him invisible for the moment and attempted to sneak up on them. If this worked, he'd whisper directly behind them.

"Graves shall rise, fires will destroy, people will die and Chaos will win. Are you scared?"

He then immediately flew to their front, he let out a snicker before he flew around them making sure not to touch them, instead, he would just watch, and see how these students would react to the eerie message he had given them. It wasn't much, but he loved his silly practical jokes.



Celestia looked around as everyone began to arrive. Her gaze fell on a human, or what appeared to be a human anyway. There was in fact another human who approached and began speaking with the first. She really should start learning names. Either way, she walked up to them both and nodded respectfully.

“Greetings you two. My name is Celestia, who are you two called?”

She gave a friendly smile as she relaxed herself, waiting for an answer.



Grace looked around, seeing lots of different species. However, there didn’t seem to be any angels here other than herself. It was a shame really but at least her cover was safe for now. She then tilted her head as someone looked over to her. She quickly recognised the rune that she made. It was popular for seeing through lies and disguises. She hated that kind of magic, it made things rather boring and ruined the fun and mystery. Quickly she focused on Rose and sent a telepathic message to her.

‘Hey, do me a favour and keep my real identity a secret. I’d hate for you to ruin the mystery for everyone else.’

She then walked up to Max who was inspecting everyone. There was Kuro there, Shade, and well, quite a few people actually.

“Military Android X, aka Max. There have been nine attempts, I guess the tenth time is the charm. So, how’s Dr Gero, is he doing well? He seems to be. Anyway, having a Biodroid around will be rather interesting.”

She smiled at him, she knew pretty much everything about everyone around here. After all, she was an Angel. She had access to very personal information. Even information thought to be lost and deleted.



Shela walked with Drake slowly as they approached the field. When they finally entered she held on to her stuffed toy tightly. She stood still looking around quite stiff. All Drake could do was stare at her and the more she did nothing the more he got annoyed until it came to the point where he had to say something.

"HEY! Are you just going to stand there like a stupid pathetic little girl that is wasting everyone's precious time or are you actually going to socialize like you came here to do!"

Shela sunk her head lower and continued to grip her stuffed toy tighter not saying a word. She whispered a single word which wasn't much at all. 'Sorry' Drake shook his head and sighed once more.


Miarikia continued to relax when someone walked up to her. She opened her eyes and looked at Oshikuru before smiling at his question. Flash stepped up first and spoke up loudly.

“None of your damn business! Why should she tell you all of her secrets? I’d beat it now otherwise you’ll have to deal with The Flash!”

Miarikia patted Flash before stretching out a little with a yawn. She could also sense demonic energy coming from him. In fact, he had a Demon in him right now. She smiled, the demonic energy was to strong to be residue.

“It’s fine Flash, it’s fine. He’s like me. He’s got a Demon inside of him.”

She turned to him and spoke again.

“It’s my magic. I use a very powerful, but also a extremely dangerous and forbidden spell called Demon Possession. It allows me to possess a Demon, becoming them in every way but I’ve yet to master it. The Demon takes over me instead and controls me. Another benefit is when I use this spell I gain access to all recent memories however it works the other way round too. Using the spell, I can possess some of the most powerful Demon lords in hell. So you can probably guess why it is forbidden from that little information I gave you.”

She smiled, wondering what he’d think of that information she had just shared with him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Was making a joke, kid. Don’t take things too seriously, yeah?” Epsilon grinned, giving the guy a playful nudge on the shoulder. “You’ll get an aneurysm or something.” She took another leisurely puff, this time making a well and proper effort to aim the smoke away from his face. “Wish I had some fancy powers that’d let me make a hood or something. Word of the wise, kid- if you ever learn how to change shape one day, pack an extra set of clothes somewhere. Unless you’re into the whole nudist thing.” She seemed content enough to ramble, only his question of why she was even hanging around giving her some sort of pause. Epsilon mulled over the question for a few seconds. Took a few more puffs. Dusted off some ash.

“I was bored,” Epsilon finally said. “Looking for something to do.”

She gave a little shrug, then whipped the box of cigarettes from her coat pocket and held it out in offering to the other. “Smoke?” Epsilon didn’t really think the guy would take her up on the offer- he seemed more the type to wander around guitar shops, brooding and talking about the pain in his heart or something. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to offer him some courtesy.

As Pozusy approached, Epsilon didn’t react. Or really seem to notice his presence at all. She just kept idly puffing, even as he appeared behind them, whispering threats into their ear before reappearing in front of them. She sort of blinked upon catching proper sight of the creature, smacked her lips a little, then spoke up.

“Sounds like a hell of a time, honestly.” She shook another bit of ash loose of the cigarette. “‘Specially since chaos isn’t that bad of a thing. You ever gone to a place without it?” Epsilon spat. “No offense to the good folk making their living there, but I can’t stand it, myself. Need a little bit of spice to shake things up.” She found herself reminiscing about times long since past. The scent of copper and sweat.

Epsilon blinked, then shook her head a bit. Probably not a good time to go daydreaming.

@akirashadow@The One

“Isaiah?” Dawn considered the name for a moment, before nodding her head a little to herself. “That’s a lovely name.” She didn’t comment further on the matter. The man, Isaiah, seemed suspicious of the question as it stood already. As if he were expecting her to suddenly whip out a contract, giving a 90s movie era villain laugh and telling him he had somehow signed his soul away there on the spot. Not entirely surprising, given his nature.

Her brow rose a little. “Well. It’s not every day you meet a member of the fair folk. I suppose this is, ah, a chance for both of us to meet different sorts of people, isn’t it?” She smiled warmly. “I’m glad that you’re, um, getting a chance to explore your dreams. In the fullest, that is.”

At Isaiah’s question, she gave another nod. “We use magic, yes- although the, ah, the exact type depends on the mage. Mine is largely based around psychic ability and, uh, shadows. In a way. For example…” Dawn took a deep breath, then stepped back into the shade that the forest provided. As her body faded away, seeming to blur into the darkness, she could almost feel it, as keenly as she would her own right arm. In her mind’s eye, she could see the extensions of the point that she had disappeared into, the shadows criss-crossing into pathways for her to cross. After a moment of deliberation, she took a path, slipping through them before bursting into view some distance away from where she had disappeared. She gave a sort of half-wave at Isaiah before vanishing again, and popping out in her original location.

“Like that,” Dawn said, blinking a little in the sunlight. Her vision cleared just in time to see the pegasus from before come wandering up, talking in somewhat stilted language and bowing respectfully. Despite her initial surprise, Dawn returned the gesture regardless, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.

“My name is Dawn. It’s, ah. Nice to meet you, Celeste.”

Making casual conversation with a pegasus also had to be a first.

@Prosaic@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One
Exiting the area surrounded by dangerous mystical, technical, spiritual and unknown beings did quite a lot for the state of his mental well-being. He let out a large sigh relief regaining some of his composure. The spirit, Soul, followed after him and resumed the conversation Leval had started. Leval could not help but feel bad for the lost spirit. To have been gone for so long you lost all memory of your identity sounded like one of the worst fates Leval had heard of. He shivered still, as Soul circled around his head still spreading an icy chill in the air.

”I’m sorry Soul, that sounds like a difficult situation to say the least. There do seem to be quite a few different ability users here though. Maybe one of them has an ability to help you regain your lost memories? If that is what you want anyway.”

Leval noticed a girl, younger than Rose even, standing by herself and caught #the last few words her lizard had spoken. Any other day a talking lizard would have seen like quite an amazing thing. Today though, while chatting with a ghost? Not so much. Leval frowned in annoyance at the lizard. Wanting to comfort the girl but not interrupt Soul in what was probably not an easy conversation for the creature to have, Leval sent out a few strands of illusion magic out through the bottom of his staff. The invisible lines of mana snake over to her before taking shape. In front of Leval’s eyes a red carpet would roll in front of Shelas feet from a distance and not too quickly lest he frighten the anxious looking girl. At the other end from Shela was a small doorway not large enough for even Shela. The door opened and four stuffed beaver toys came out each looking almost exactly like the one she held except for one distinctive difference on each and they were movingg on their own. One had a purple bow on its head, another a different eye color, the third had a tiny backback, and the last one had a small lizard toy in it hand.

The toys began to somersault in unison, moving forward and then hopping up and raising their cute, stubby arms in the air in something akin to celebration. Then, they climbed atop each other to form a tower of four, the top one jumping off and flipping in the air, sticking the landing. The stuffed beaver toy illusion continued to do adorable feats of acrobatics. Their faces did not change, but their bodies were expressive. They seemed to be having a fun time. Leval hoped the antics would help to set the girl more at ease.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ash Ventri

Ash Waited patiently, he watched as the numerous other students had arrived and began to chit chat, going on like the world around them was putty they could shape as they wished, he had no such delusions, this was a cold and dangerous place to him and every being that stood there represented to him a threat that could, without a doubt, lead to pain for him. Ash could already feel the skin beneath his fur tightening and the plates instinctively beginning to form however he tried to focus on the words his mother gave him before leaving, "It will be okay, darkness always gives way." He tried to breath as his form reverted to his human shape. Good always comes through, we just have to wait it out. he repeated it in his mind like a mantra as he stepped forward into the clearing, he was wearing his favorite coat, a heavy carhart that his father had gave him when they found him, dark brown from time.

The others were still speaking and introducing each other, a child riding a large snake, a horse, many other human shaped entities, the fear began to set again however the moment he began wonder take in the scent of the area, there were no wolves here, not yet, what would they do? How would they react to him? The idea of a roommate now weighed on him more than it had ever before, if he were roomed with a wolf from his old pack they would surely recognize him wouldn't they? He had to stay calm, there wasn't any here yet so for now he would just have to stay quiet.
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