Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Jerod Staudinger

Jerod had been keeping the touch of nerves about returning home under very tight wraps, focusing on the small group's surroundings and keeping general watch in case trouble was following them from the Battle of Dragonreach Pass. Whatever gods willing though, it seemed things were going to be quiet on the way back to Elibe. The spearwoman had also joined them, to focus his thoughts elsewhere, apparently owing her life to the Crown Prince of Elibe. Not the worst person to owe their life to, even if that sort of arrangement rarely ended well as far as the sellsword was concerned. His thoughts were snapped out of his mind when the Crown Prince mentioned them not having introduced each other at all, not really, and he read the hidden meaning into that. Who were the two of them, who were they really that is, and the sellsword knew full well that he couldn't keep avoiding a formal introduction at this point.

Jerod knew full well who the Crown Prince was, though he couldn't recall how much interaction his elder siblings, Ansgar and Lashiel, had with the royal family directly. That was mostly due to his own focus on swordplay instead of statesmanship, though the latter he knew enough about to get by as needs must. The retainers of the Crown Prince, he did not know by who they were alone, and the introductions were useful. A Sage, Keerin, icy and professional it seemed, and that suited Jerod just fine. He could work with a cold professional, assuming that wasn't just a face put up towards newcomers and unknowns around the Crown Prince. The second, a Hero named Merilia, louder and more blunt about not trying anything funny around the Prince. Loud and upfront, paired with cool and reserved, the Prince covered the spectrum rather well as long as he straddled the two extremes well enough. With Merilia's eyes more focused on the spearwoman than him, he could tell who she was aiming that at, though considering their appearances, one could hardly blame her for such things.

A subtle slump of the shoulders was paired with the realization that, since the spearwoman had not introduced herself yet, Jerod would have to do so first. Returning his posture back to its usual as they walked, he wasted no time with the introduction that was necessary. "Seems I indeed forgot to introduce myself in all that excitement. Jerod Staudinger, at your service. And to get the chain of potential questions out of the way, yes, the same as the House Staudinger back in Elibe. You might have had the misfortune of meeting my elder two siblings, circumstances depending." His tone somewhat implied a joke, though it was deadpan enough that there was reasonable room for doubt to be cast on the intent of joking or not. Notably he seemed to not know of their exact status at the moment, thanks to him avoiding news from Elibe whenever possible, which was not too hard given his employment usually carried him well and far from home. Until now, but considering the war brewing, his siblings bleeding or dying for his families running desire to secure the throne was Gods damned stupid. So if he could prevent that, they would owe him for keeping them off the field of battle, even if the glory seeking was cut short.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 11 days ago

It seems the princelings and royals and vagabonds and... Well whatever was gathered here, were on their own separate ways. This was indeed a curious turn of events, and he was really only here because his own camp was boring. He seemed to be right, this was far more interesting.

Still, as was expected of him, he should return to his own camp and confirm the situation and report what has occurred here. The paths these parties took was obvious, so catching up, especially alone versus a group, should be easy, should pursuing any of them be necessary, and no one seemed concerned about this swordsman from Tellius either, as much as it hurts to not be seen or recognized, he didn't quite mind as it suited his job nicely if that was the result. Disappearing like a shadow, he was off to check in on the Tellius camp and report to whatever other similar or higher ranking generals were present.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 19 min ago


A nervous silence occupied Rionach during the first portion of her trip as a part of Prince Jarde's party, though her inner thoughts swam with turmoil. Over and over again the embarrassing scene from last night played in her head. There she'd been, kneeling in front of someone she'd just offered her service to, and his response: nothing. She might have just as well not existed.

He hadn't stopped her when in the morning she, presuming his lack of denial a roundabout form of acceptance, tagged along with him, but his total lack of response to her sincere pledge rattled her. Even if those she met were not impressed with her appearance, attitude, or history, they typically told her so. Never before did someone greet what she was positive had been a heartfelt declaration with indifference. When he did speak several hours down the rode, Rionach jolted to attention as though she'd been shocked with Elthunder. Jarde asked for an introduction, and the redhead blanched. Could I have really forgotten? No way. If I didn't say anything, it was because I was intimidated! He didn't look like he wanted anything to do with me last night! By the time she composed herself, the more important-looking individual out of her and Jerod had already given his name and a short response, which was just as well. In the pecking order, commoners went last—of which she appeared to be the only one here. No matter; Rionach would have to keep up the pretense of being a well-known heroine much longer, and hope that she could excuse the lack of battlefield experience that Jarde witnessed in the battle.

“My name is Rionach. A traveling hero from Valentia, hoping to spread my name across the land.” After introducing herself, Rionach felt sure that she had said as much last night by the campfire, before the whole bloody kerfuffle got underway. One by one Jarde's retainers gave their names, and from their manners Rionach could deduce their natures without much trouble. In fact, she found herself stifling a giggle at how blatant the disparity was between them, like something out of a fairy tale. [i]A calm, collected woman all in blue, and a fiery, aggressive woman in red. This prince must have an eye for aesthetics, though not just in terms of theming.[i/] Both the appearance and the attitude of Merilia irked Rionach; her first shared words during this entire trip were of flippant vocabulary and accusatory tone. Did she think Rionach was some sort of assassin or harlot, chomping at the bit to get at Jarde? More importantly: weren't royal retainers, weighted down by the honor of their positions, supposed to be more restrained and subtle? Keerin fit the bill, but if not for the quality of her gear, Merilia could have been some pushy greenhorn high on the sort of unearned authority that one might get from a fledgling city guard.

Making sure not to appear too slighted by Merilia's presumptuousness, Rionach bowed her head. “Never, my lady. I would never impugn on my Prince's honor after he saved my life.” As for whatever implications there might be for another big name from Elibe traveling as a mercenary, Rionach elected to steer clear. Politics weren't her business unless Jarde told her they were. All she needed to worry about now was making a good impression and not giving Merilia the slightest satisfaction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

On The Road To Elibe

~@Lugubrious, @Eisenhorn~

"Seems I indeed forgot to introduce myself in all that excitement. Jerod Staudinger, at your service. And to get the chain of potential questions out of the way, yes, the same as the House Staudinger back in Elibe. You might have had the misfortune of meeting my elder two siblings, circumstances depending."
Jerod Staudinger

"Ah, I knew I recognized you." Keerin noted, still with an emotionless tone. "You are quite famous, well infamous, for being the problem child of the Staudinger family. You were prone to fighting and then ran away with a rapier." She listed some of Jerod's past. "I'm not sure being associated with a delinquent noble would help Prince Jarde's position."

"Well as long no one recognizes Jerod and he doesn't stick his head out, I'm sure he can help." Jarde argued for Jerod. "Although, we may come into conflict with your family, Jerod, or your friends. Are you alright with that?" He then asked the mercenary.

"Or better yet, do you have any friends that could help us out?"

“My name is Rionach. A traveling hero from Valentia, hoping to spread my name across the land.”

"Ah, I remember you. You were the one who pledged to serve me since I saved you." Jarde recalled. "Err, sorry for not responding to that. My mind was a bit occupied at the time. Well, that was a lie, my mind was pretty occupied, hehe." The prince sheepishly apologized. "B-But anyway, please think nothing of my rescue towards you. We were allies and comrades in that battle and comrades must look out for each other." Jarde explained. "You don't have to serve me out of gratitude but I will accept your service if you still offer it."

“Never, my lady. I would never impugn on my Prince's honor after he saved my life.”

Merilia's glare only sharpened. If it were a knife, Rionach would already have been stabbed.

"Miss Rionach." Keerin called Rionach's attention. "We are heading to Elibe which is very far from your homeland Valentia. And with war as a possibility, your home might be in trouble." The Sage began. "Do not misunderstand, I am not trying to drive you away. I just want you to know that we may not be seeing Valentia in the near future." Keerin explained.

"Well, if she's helping us out, she would helping end the war. Right? Heck, we might even stop this whole thing before news even reaches her home." Merilia, surprisingly, argued in favor of you.

On The Road To Archanea

~@Polaris North (LNA)~

"My name is Luna, a General from Archanea sent jut in case of a fight. Needless to say, I haven't done my job properly, regrettably. I hope you do not change your way of treating me to befit my position."

"Well, we're not under your command so we weren't going to treat you differently anyway." Shade replied with a smirk. "...Hey uhh, sorry about what happened back there. I'm sure you had men there under your command as well as people you knew..." She suddenly apologized.

"What will you do when we get to Archanea?" Emma then asked. "Me and Shade here are going to try and find out what really happened in Dragonrage Pass. But you are a general of Archanea..." She then gave a sad smile. "You're going back to the army, aren't you? A general doesn't belong in a ragtag group. A general should be serving his or her country and leading armies."

"Come now, Emma. Everyone's got their duties to perform." Shade assured the Pegasus Knight. "Although, I hope you'll lend us aid as a person of authority in Archanea."

On The Road To Somewhere

~@Polaris North (FRN)~

"No, I am not that 'special person'. I was merely stopping over for a quick nap before continuing in my travels."

"Picking a nap in a place called 'Dragonrage Pass'? I'm not sure if that's a bright idea." Jake said, unintentionally echoing someone who made a similar remark.

"I know you."

"Oh, really?" Anna giggled, not at all perturbed by your words of recognition. "I guess I just have one of those faces."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Ferrian." Jake said. "Though, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you really going to stick with us?" He then asked. "I'm gonna be honest with you, man. Where we're going, it's going to be rough. Right honey?"

"Hee hee. I really hope you didn't take me seriously when I said I was just going to sell stuff." Anna smiled. "Me and Jake, well me especially, aren't... Twenty-four seven merchants, if you know what I mean."

Dragonrage Pass

~@Sho Minazuki~

You return to Dragonrage Pass at the site of the battle. Arriving there, you find that you were the only soul there besides the crows and ravens helping themselves on the remains of the aftermath.

A sea of dead bodies, both human and Dwarven, covered the pass and the stench of death filled the air. The place was eerily quiet besides the caws of the scavenging birds. Even the sky itself felt dread at the scene, opting for a gray sky with clouds covering the morning sun.

Making way to the Tellian encampment, you simply see more dead soldiers with these ones mostly dressed in Tellian uniforms. You recognize some of the bodies belonging to captains and sergeants. Some had the wounds from the axes of Dwarves, some from the hellish blades of Varjo while some had wounds from weapons from the Concilium itself.

There was nothing for you here but a prelude of what was to come in Arcadia.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Jerod Staudinger

Jerod could not say he was surprised that the name was recognized and that he was still either famous or infamous for his fighting manner and being a general problem child. Well, that was not entirely wrong, but it was hardly entirely right either. Such was being the run away, kind of hard to defend one self when they are not present to defend themselves from such unkind words. Keerin's remark on the delinquent noble got her a smile that, if it could project its chill, would have frozen a raging inferno in an eyeblink. Jerod didn't readily take kindly to the moniker of a delinquent noble, considering that he thoroughly cut ties his parents and even his eldest brother, and only cared about his sister as she still owed him a few favors, and had been by and far the least obnoxious. "Why, such kind words my dear. You'll make me blush at this rate."

"Though, much like any proper story, Fame and Infamy are two sides of the same coin. Fascinating to hear that my time as a second for my elder sibling's duels was not forgotten." The sellsword gave what the Crown Prince said due thought, bringing up the very clear concern that he could find himself fighting friends or even family, depending on how things turned out once they arrived in Elibe proper. While he could appreciate the thinking behind the question, it was of little concern. He was a sellsword, he did what he was paid to do. As he would say, even family, all part of selling one's sword arm for a living after all, sometimes jobs got nasty. "Your concern is appreciated Crown Prince, but unnecessary. I'm a sellsword, I do what I am paid to do, including crossing blades with my family. Gods, my brother would relish the chance to try and teach me the error of my ways, though that would likely not go well for him. I fought their duels as their second for a very good reason, after all."

When Merilia asked if he had any friends that could help them in Elibe such the need arise, Jerod cocked his head briefly, chin resting in his hand as he gave the suggestion some thought. Lashiel still owed him several significant favors for duels won on her behalf, and thanks to his mentor, he had made several friends in army of Elibe that wouldn't have cared for the political advantage of distancing from the black sheep of the Stuadinger family. He gave her an appropriate answer, considering he would have to follow up on a great deal upon his return to confirm those friends still existed after all. "Besides the favors owed to me by my sister for the duels won at her behest? My mentor in swordplay and combat training, Sir Fyodor, moved onto a posting within the Army, if memory serves. Well liked by his men and his superiors, tad stern, but a good man all the same. I could also, if necessary, do some digging with the morally questionable of society, being a sellsword has taught me a thing or two about the seedy underbelly that every kingdom hides. Enough gold can get you just about anything, if you pay the right professional."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Ferrian gave out a small grunt. "That's what the dwarf said." He grumbled, but it was less towards them and more towards himself and the air around him. The white haired male then snapped his fingers and replied, "Contrary to its name, it's usually rather peaceful." Maybe he should give people a small history lesson about Dragonrage Pass since everyone seems to be gearing towards the fact that it's always a choatic place. But perhaps they were going for a joke? A jest to lighten up the mood? Perhaps that really was what they were going for. Hm. Interesting. Oh well.

The Manakete was rather disturbed when Anna didn't react any other way than that, but he simply shrugged. Fine. Perhaps he'd find out what the reason was later in the adventure, so he let it slide. He then looked over as he explained how everything will be rough from now on, added on by Anna saying that she isn't exactly a merchant all day every day. He then instinctively reached up to his neck and he began to rub it. "I'm more than willing to dive into Ortus and back again while Gaia is still alive. I've done it before and really... nothing sounds so dangerous now." He continued with a shrug.

He paused after that. "In other words, yes, I'm in. But if you would care to share what your other... job is, then that will be appreciated."
General Luna

Luna looked over to Shade, giving her a small smile of appreciation thanks to her apology. "It's fine. I believe they were in the wrong for not listening to reason, or their refusal to do so." She assured her. Again, while she was still rather stuck on the idea of killing her own brethren, that didn't exactly mean that she was going to be in this state for long, nor would it hinder their progress. She let her hand fall from the hilt of her sword as she continued to speak.

Upon being questioned about what she will do once she gets to her kingdom, Luna paused. She's been asking herself the same questions over and over again - but mostly becaue of how news of Dragonrage Pass would anger King Hardin and brand her as a traitor. The sad smile on Emma's face moved Luna to say otherwise, but really wasn't sure about it. Shade reprimanded Emma, telling her that they all had their own duties - as Luna had her duties to her country as one of its generals. She gave them a smile but raised her hand. "Yes, I will be going back to the army, But I do believe that this problem is something that is high on the priority list." She pointed out before crossing her arms. "As a general, I cannot turn my head away from this problem. There are many other generals who can do my job, I believe." She gave them both a smile and a thumbs up.

Luna then nodded at Shade. "I do believe I have access to information that would be otherwise privy to you all." She did have access to a small portion of the royal library, thankfully, and a mere letter from the king could give them full access to any informaiton they may get. "King Hardin is rather accomodating, given the right conditions and reasons for whatever we have to do. If we're restricted, then perhaps we can talk to him about it."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dancia was quiet during most of the journey, having decided to go a little bit ahead of the group to scout and thus missing most of the conversations. By the time she returned they were already in the middle of a discussion that Dancia didn’t wish to interrupt with her inane commentary. Suited her just fine: better that they don’t get too attached and only watch her when needed. Frankly Dancia wasn’t too confident with this group either and was only part of with out of her own self interest.

This talk of Archanea made Dancia wonder about what contacts she had there. A few fellow performers and three inn keepers she’s in good favor with. No enemies as far as she could remember. Perhaps not the grand tide changing allies the others are hopeful for, but if they need safety among commoners perhaps they’ll be helpful. Though that made Dancia wonder about something else.

“How dangerous will it be in Archanea, you think?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 19 min ago


Though Rionach couldn't boast of a thorough knowledge of the man introduced to her as Jerod Staudinger, she got the distinct impression that he would not react well to the titles 'problem child' and 'delinquent noble'. She shifted nervously. Status might protect Keerin and the rest of her group, but even with her self-proclamation of heroism, the Valentian doubted any of them would forgive a verbal misstep from someone like her as easily. Distancing herself from the bad blood brewing between Jerod and Keerin, she focused on Jarde, and after a few moments noticed that he was studying her. Her eyebrows rising just a touch, Rionach adopted a cautiously optimistic expression. Perhaps he remembered?

His next words told her as much. Of all the reactions to have, however, she had not at all expected him to be abashed. Still, his apology shocked her more. How was a blue blood in any way beholden to her? Either this prince endeavored to hold tight the principles of formality, despite his appearance, or...could he think highly of her? Rionach rushed to quash the notion. He must be buying into the heroine deal, that's all. I need to be sure to act the part. Well, I am something of a heroine, but maybe not as much as I've said I am. She swallowed, a stinging sensation running through her mind, when Jarde told her to think nothing of his rescue. “Ah! Yes, of course. Comrades looking out for one another.” She did her best not to look put out at all. “S-still...ahem. Still, it would not be right for one such as I to walk away without paying you back. No good deed should go unrewarded—that's the hero's way. It'd be a cruel world, otherwise.” Her spare hand formed a fist that came to rest on her hip, cutting a suitably heroic figure despite the baleful, withering look of Merilia.

Rionach, hearing her name, attended Keerin. The Sage imparted a troubling truth, one that had darkened the doorstep of the spearwoman's consciousness already, but one she'd been too distracted from to give proper attention. Valentia could be in grave danger. Before she could stop herself, Rionach envisioned Gadanka in flame, the handiwork of the craftsmen crushed underfoot and the herdsman fleeing to avoid being slaughtered like the animals they kept. Despite herself Rionach shivered, calming her imagination by reminding herself about Valentia's great army, and by focusing on Merilia's voice. A sudden shift seemed to have taken hold of the acerbic blonde, who considered cooperation with Rionach in preventing war from ever reaching a Valentian front. Though wary of some sort of trap, the spearwoman allowed her head to nod. “...Yes, that would be ideal. I thought as much myself, of course. We might not have gotten the whole story when chaos broke out last night, but we were at 'ground zero' so to speak. If we can put a stopper in this...calamitous brew, I need never worry for my homeland. And of course, the world would know our names!” A resolute grin had taken hold of Rionach, though inwardly she could barely keep herself from shaking. There was only one option here, one she knew well but had never before used with stakes this high: refuge in audacity. From now on, there could be no Rionach: Peasant Footsoldier. These people would come to know her as nothing less than Rionach: Hotshot Heroine.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@Eisenhorn, @Lugubrious~

"Besides the favors owed to me by my sister for the duels won at her behest? My mentor in swordplay and combat training, Sir Fyodor, moved onto a posting within the Army, if memory serves. Well liked by his men and his superiors, tad stern, but a good man all the same. I could also, if necessary, do some digging with the morally questionable of society, being a sellsword has taught me a thing or two about the seedy underbelly that every kingdom hides. Enough gold can get you just about anything, if you pay the right professional."
Jerod Staudinger

"I see. Looks like we'll be relying on your sister and mentor then." Jarde said, choosing the former options than the latter. "We're not exactly in a position to be hiring a lot of mercenaries. We can only rely on the goodwill of others right now." The prince continued. "Ah, but don't worry Jerod. I believe we have enough to pay for your services though just your services alone."

“...Yes, that would be ideal. I thought as much myself, of course. We might not have gotten the whole story when chaos broke out last night, but we were at 'ground zero' so to speak. If we can put a stopper in this...calamitous brew, I need never worry for my homeland. And of course, the world would know our names!”

Keerin could not help but give a small, subtle smile. "I admire your feelings toward this, Miss Rionach."

"We are glad to have you, Rionach." Jarde was the next to speak, welcoming Rionach into the fold. "Let us work together and save Arcadia and its people."

~@Zaphander, @Polaris North~

"I do believe I have access to information that would be otherwise privy to you all. King Hardin is rather accomodating, given the right conditions and reasons for whatever we have to do. If we're restricted, then perhaps we can talk to him about it."

"That's good to hear." Shade replied. "We'll be counting on you, okay? The fate of Arcadia may be resting on our shoulders."

"We'll keep in touch regardless though. You know, to keep you updated about what we find and stuff." Emma interjected, back to her cheery self. "Still, it's quite a way to Archanea so we're not going to be separating anytime soon. Let's enjoy our time together in the meantime."

“How dangerous will it be in Archanea, you think?”

"If the war between the League and the Dwarves goes through, it's going to be very dangerous." Shade answered.

"Well we're not at that point yet so it's going to be pretty safe." Emma added. "I mean, besides any bandits, Undead or Terrors we encounter." She continued happily as if the information was nothing to be worried about. "But if we do, I'm sure we can handle them. We're pretty awesome after all. I mean we've got you, me, Shade and Luna who is an Archanean general."

Shade chuckled softly. "This is going to be one interesting journey."

And thus, the first chapters of this tale end and the true journeys begin.

A Girl From The Plains

~@Eisenhorn, @Lugubrious~

Two weeks passed after the Battle Of Dragonrage Pass. Jarde's party have finally reached the border of Elibe and entering the region of Sacae. The place was dominated by grasses and mountains. Prince Jarde explained that the region lacked a solid form of government with the local people living inside nomadic tribes although there are a couple of villages and town here and there that were mostly trading hubs between the Sacaeans and the rest of Elibe.

The party's destination was one such town called Bulgar. However, their trip was interrupted when they chanced upon a traveling band of what appeared to be axe-wielding Brigands. At the front of this bandit group was a warrior who was more decorated than the rest. It was safe to assume that this was the band's leader.

With the party hiding behind the hills, they could let the band pass by without incident. However, the bandit band was stopped by a lone figure who bravely stood in the path of the Brigands. The figure was a she of of green hair and a blue dress-like clothing. In her hands was a drawn Iron Sword, ready to do battle with the thugs. Despite being outnumbered ten-to-one, the girl kept her ground as the bandits readied their axes.

"We need to help her out." Jarde declared quietly to the party. "Does anyone here have a plan of attack?"

A Foreign Visitor

~@Zaphander, @Polaris North (LNA)~

Two weeks passed after the Battle Of Dragonrage Pass. The party were almost at the border of Archanea, stopping by a town to rest. The town appeared to be there for people traveling large distances as evidenced by the amount of inns and taverns the place had. An ideal rest stop for the party before they finally enter the kingdom of Archanea.

However, the town was in an uproar. A crowd had gathered upon the center with four bound men standing on a wooden stage with rope tied upon their necks. It was becoming clear that this was a public hanging with the aforementioned four men being at the receiving end. A man in robes stood with them, addressing the crowd.

"...them! They have engineered the incident in Dragonrage Pass! I was there, my brothers and sisters! They wish for us to go to war so they would weaken us! Ripe for the taking! But we have seen through their plots! They will not get away with this! The Ortusians will pay! Starting with these four!" He motioned to the captured men. "We shall show them what happens if they mess with us! We shall show them the wrath of the Concilium!"

The hatches below the four men opened and the nooses were about to do their parts when suddenly, with a single slash from a blade, the ropes were cut and the four men simply fell. All attention were shifted to the interrupter, a girl with purple hair in foreign clothing clutching a single blade. "Accusations of conspiracy must be investigated thoroughly rather than mindlessly thrown about, no?" The girl said.

The guards of the town immediately surrounded her. They were but meager Footmen, the militiamen of the League Of Arcadia, but what they lacked in quality was compensated by their quantity. There were eight of them but only one Myrmidon. Still, the girl did not budge before her opponents. Ready to do battle once it started.

What will the party do?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

General Luna

With two weeks into the adventure, Luna had come into terms with going back to Archanea without thinking too much about it. One week into it, she was still thinking about it, but was growing extremely tired about it. The general soon just decided to let it go. The new challenge was trying to get through the night without waking up, so that he may actually get a good night's sleep. Two weeks into it, and there was still no progress. Still haunted continuously by nightmares of people she had come to know, but also come to kill. She tried to not bother any of the others from her waking nightmares, knowing that it would just cause needless worry for them.

Seeing the familiar town near the border of Archanea, she was put at ease now that she was in familiar territory. It wasn't in her homeland, but it was close. And close meant safer, unless there were bandits hanging around. But she was pretty sure that there were none around here. Hopefully. She trailed behind Emma, Shade and Dancia as they walked to the town. Luna was always leading the vanguard, given her position as general, but she was always more than happy to take to the rear. She did look around as they entered, wondering if someone she knew was around. Travelers from all around. It was a good place. She had hidden her badges that would give away that she was from Archanea - nor that she was a general of any sort. Bringing any more shame to Archanea was not to her interests.

Then came the shouting.

She saw the four men about to be hanged. She saw the robed man. And she heard the words - that the cause were these people - or at least their people. Ortusians. Luna was well aware of their transgressions from before, summoning Gaia and plunging the whole continent into war, but that didn't exactly mean that their descendants were that bad. But wait, Ortusians weren't at Dragonrage Pass, so why are they being blamed from this?

"Ortusians? Out here. Were they looking for something? They fully know that the area isn't too kind ot them." Luna muttered, enough to be heard by the girls around her. She placed a hand on her sword, and her shield was now on her left forearm. "This is injustice." She said as her grip on her sword tightened. Luna looked like she was about to jump into the fray to protect them.

But then someone had already cut all the nooses to hang the Ortusians. Luna blinked. When did she get there? Nevertheless, this proved to be good as they were unharmed. But everyone rallied against her. The Ortusians must pay, they still think, and pay with their blood they shall. Luna turned to Emma and the others. "We must help the girl. We all were there at Dragonrage Pass. We know the Ortusians aren't at fault, they weren't even there. Not in the vicinity even, we know. We've checked." Whether or not they would agree, she would unsheathe her blade.

There was no time. She would hope to settle this peacefully, so close to Archanea and so close to anyone who might see her... rash actions. But she will protect anyone who is innocent. And these Ortusians was such. Therefore, she must protect them.

Fighting had been so frequent here. And it was damning. Despite being a soldier, she would never wish for this much bloodshed. If only there was a way to stop them without having to fight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 11 days ago


Tellian Camp > Heading for Jarde's Party

The whispers of the wind making an ode to the dead as the swordsman stepped among the corpses. Some familiar faces, some not. This at this point was not an unfamiliar sight to him, the wind sang the same ode, whether it was the forest, the plains, or the deserts he called home, it was always deafeningly quiet following a battle, and then soon the crows would come down, or other scavengers, and the ground rots as everyone is returned to the earth.

He entered the Tellian camp tent, the commanders were not present so it would seem, and neither were their bodies. So his peers of similar rank were either safe, on the run, or died but simply away from camp. Well regardless, it didn't make much difference. Still, the normal course of action was to find a way to regroup. So far he was in the dark, and so shedding light on this would be best. Regroup, inform superiors, wait for the next thing to do.

Exiting the tent he began to make his way back down the route, heading back to the campsite he was at previously, and then following the tracks.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Jerod Staudinger

The two weeks of travel had gone relatively smoothly, a small miracle considering the problems with bandits, as well as impending war, would have possibly suggested. He'd had little to say once confirming he would indeed be receiving a fair pay, having shared what valid information he had that would be of assistance, otherwise it was just another job at this point. As much as most of the group was opposed to the outbreak of war, and his own beliefs it would be a damn fool amount of blood shed if war sparked off properly, he couldn't say it wouldn't be good for business. When you sold your swordarm for coin, anytime a war sparked off was good for business, and that was the long and short of it really. Of course, his own private thoughts were interrupted when they spotted a group of bandits on their way to whomever was unfortunate enough to cross paths and be an easy target.

Resting on one knee, Jerod observed the situation at hand while getting a handle on the situation. Mostly axes, leader was much of the same, bigger and tougher. Typical bandit hierarchy, biggest led by example, which meant break him, break the bandits. Once again, one singular leader holding everything together was a idiotic idea, but he kept the idle mental sidetracks to a minimum. He was about to quietly suggest letting the bandits pass undisturbed, but of course some young woman was playing at hero. Alone, against an entire band of bandits, the hell kind of thinking was that? He briefly pinched the brow of his nose, the fact she was taking on an entire band of axe wielding bandits stupid. Of course, the Crown Prince wished to aid her and asked for battle plans, and he spoke briefly, low and fast as time was of the essence.

"Hit their flank, wheel in to link up with that damn fool playing at hero. She joins the maneuver, we take out their leader, and kill those too stupid to run. We'll move fast, hard, and don't give them a chance to rally properly. Put Merilia on our left flank, I'll lead the right. As we swing by, either the Crown Prince or Rionach support the damn fool, get her moving with us. The other watch Merilia's ass. Keerin, you cover me so I can reach their leader once we save the fool, otherwise, provide support for anyone in need and stay out of axe reach. Questions?" Jerod spoke from experience, having taken part in ambushes before, though not for nearly as noble of causes, the coin had been good none the less. Considering their group's lack of a healer, the last thing they needed was some half dead woman that the Crown Prince would insist on dragging to the nearest town to have patched up. Then again, he was being paid to follow orders, so if his orders were to shoulder some half dead fool, so be it. He'd earned harder coin then that before, after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

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Over the course of their travels, Dancia slowly grew more comfortable around the strangers she saved. Normally she concealed herself entirely with her cloak, even going to sleep with it on. But after the first week she was comfortable enough that she would doff her cloak when it wasn’t needed, allowing the others to see her dress; she was a dancer, not a soldier. Despite that during their lulls she would tell them a little about herself including her skills and her past adventures. While nothing too personal Da cia was at least willing to see them more than just strangers.

When they finally arrived to a town in Archanea Dancia was quick to verify her contacts. Unsurprisingly, the thee performers she knew were long gone; such was the life of traveling minstrels. A few of the taverns she worked with had also closed down it traded ownership. However there was at least one that still remained, and it was one that always did well for itself: Nereid Bless. It was a tavern that was ran and owned by former privateers, or pirates but with government backing. They had a nautical theme to their tavern and always needed a good wench to liven up the atmosphere.

However the atmosphere of town was anything but festive. Barely a minute inside and there was already an execution on display. A grim but inevitable thing in these times; with the world at war it wasn’t easy to keep the peace. Sometimes you need to make a good show for the common folk to ensure your own strength, less they get any ideas if taking advantage of the chaos for their own ends. However the headsman was accusing four strangers about their involvement in Dragonrage Pass. While Dancia wasn’t exactly sure who it what happened there, she certainly did not see those men before, during, or after the battle.

Before the men would hang someone slashed their nooses. The men fell to the ground alive, but now their rescuers was in trouble. Possibly; a woman like her was far from defenseless. Dancia had no doubts that she could take in this militia with no trouble. Frankly however, that sort of spectacle was the last thing anyone in this town needed. After all, would t instil confidence in the common folk ya see their own protectors cut down by a wanderer who disagrees with their judgement.

It didn’t help that it seems like Luna already picked her side and had her sword drawn. Dancia sighed; this was exactly the sort of thing she was here to help with. Not nessisarly fighting, but keeping everyone out of trouble. Dancia went ahead before any blood would be spilled, donning her shield while her body was covered by her cloak. She stood alongside the stranger but tried to resolve this peacefully.

“Now now, let’s not be hasty. A public execution shouldn’t be performed without a public trial, yes? Not to mention if you are wrong, and these men did not instigate any trouble, you’d be putting yourself in quite a spot murdering visitors from afar under accusations of conspiracy. Now then, why don’t we all put our weapons away and speak over some ale? A drink can help unravel the truth.”

@Polaris North@PaulHaynek
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 11 days ago

Elibe, Sordan had hoped to pay this place a visit on better terms. He had heard of their swordsmen from the plains, the same plains he beheld with his own eyes. Tellius was still going to be a trek, but here he was coming up near Jarde's party. He had shadowed them for the most part, seeing no need to step in, but as soon as they reached the roads, watching a brigand party pass by, they stopped. Sordan got himself a view of what they were seeing too, stepping up beside them as if it was natural, listening to the prince bark orders.

"Dear scion of Staudinger, take a much closer look at her stance, and that gaze of her's", he suggested. He himself a seasoned swordsman recognised the skill in which she possessed from this alone.

"Those bandits would made short work of by her alone by my estimates", giving his evaluation he looked over her again... Besides her being an unusual beauty, almost picturesque, he recognised her... He had heard of a female swordsman of the Sacaean plains, one who held incredible skill, known for her hair a lush green like her home... Was this her?

"Ah yes, my manners, Sordan of Tellius, at your service, suppose just call me a wandering swordsman. I drift from group to group so to speak, I have merely chosen this one, you all look a nice lot", he definitely looked the part. His normal combat attire always hid away his symbols to make it more difficult for his targets to identify him should they even escape, though it was still a Tellian garb, just not military. His name was not as well-known as the other Tellian generals, in fact due to his designation, his name is rarely mentioned.

"Though you have the right of it, we help her, but not because she needs it, because we need her. I'm sure she'll appreciate altruistic passersby and help us through these plains, besides look closely at her garb. It is rather ornate. She likely holds some status around here", he shared his observations.

"Now then, apologies for my interruption. Please consider me as a part of your forces for the time being, I am much a skilled swordsman myself, so please, do not worry for my safety. Let me worry about it", with a bow he then awaited the next move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

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Though to some the two weeks of travel might have passed in a flash, the whole time was agony for Rionach. Exertion she did not at all mind, of course; it was the uneventfulness of it all that drove her out of her mind. One one hand, which stood as worrisome for perhaps occupying the least important of her concerns, it represented time one-hundred-percent wasted in her tireless pursuit of edification as a hero. Any number of things could have been accomplished by Rionach of Gadanka during those fourteen interceding days. On the other side of the coin, the same held true for the world at large. While Rionach spent time traipsing across the countryside with a ruffian prince, a sellsword noble, and two color-coordinated companions, wars could very well be fought and won, kingdoms topples, and the face of the continent forever altered. Multiple times a day, Rionach wondered how in Duma's name she could hope to help prevent catastrophic violence from gripping the nations when the dogs of war had a two-week head start.

Then again, I'm just a nobody. How much could I really do? All I can hope is that some chance lay at the end of this journey.

Rather than a chance to make things right, however, the little group ran into a group of murderous cutthroats just after crossing into Sacae. Even in peacetime such curs threatened the outskirts of all nations, but if Rionach guessed right, the tidings of turmoil had emboldened vagabonds like these to seize and slaughter what they could while militaries and militias were otherwise occupied. In her own travels, Rionach most often stuck to tricky terrain that helped keep her out of bandits' purview, or escape them if she did blunder into such a band of not-so-merry men. Today, however, a conflict seemed inevitable, and not just because the fearsome bandit chief sent shivers down her spine. A pretty girl stood alone save for a standard-looking sword before the brigands, soon to be surrounded on all sides.

Jarde's whisper prompted her to weigh the odds. If Jarde was any indication, Keerin and Merilia could hold their own, and Rionach remembered Jerod being no pushover. Provided that the green-haired girl accepted the help, that made six against ten, which was doable if not ideal. For a moment she didn't pay Jerod proper attention, but once she realized that he meant business and harbored a solid plan to back it up, she riveted her focus to him and absorbed every ounce of what he had to say.

Such was her focus that she almost jumped when Sordan appeared. She brandished her spear at him but, since he gave no immediate indication of hostility other than a vaguely condescending tone, did not go so far as to assume fighting stand or point the spearhead in his direction. Even so, she did not bother to keep a suspicious frown off her face. He's been following us all this time. Don't like it. If his intentions were honest, he'd have joined us from the start. We moved slowly enough. She also didn't like how he seemed to be inserting himself in Jerod's plan. When he spoke of the girl in blue as someone of notable status, Rionach raised an eyebrow. “So we just stumbled upon some legendary swordswoman just in time to rescue her? What're the odds?” Regardless, Sordan offered nothing concrete, aside from the tenuous promise of an additional unit in the little group's ranks. Rionach shrugged. “Well, seven skilled warriors against ten thugs shouldn't be an issue. A walk in the park next to Terrors.” She gave a smirk before glancing at Jerod. “Sounds like you know what you're doing. Left flank it is.” Now excited, she addressed Jarde next. “So, considering my weapon, when we get in there I'll support the fool while you watch ass.” She blinked twice, her eyebrows furrowing. “Merilia's. In combat, I mean. Like...Jerod said.” A brief bur accusatory look flew the noble sellsword's way, as if he was to blame for her turn of phrase. Otherwise, the Valentian was combat-ready.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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A Girl From The Plains

~@Eisenhorn, @Lugubrious, @Sho Minazuki~

"Alright, sounds like a plan." Jarde said, not at all minding the rather coarse language used to deliver said plan. "However, let's get Sordan to go with Jerod. Two skilled swordsmen should guarantee the bandit leader's demise, right?" He modified the plan to include Sordan. "Let's not tarry then." The prince concluded before the party got moving.

Like Jerod's plan, Jarde and Merilia went after the left flank, Jerod and Sordan went to the right flank and Rionach linked up with the swordswoman at the center. Keerin covered Jerod and Sordan by casting a few Thunder spells at the Brigands, scattering them and allowing the two swordsmen a clear path towards the leader. The party had the added benefit of a surprise and the battle commenced.

Over at Rionach's side, the green-haired woman was surprised that she had allies in this battle. "W-Who are you?" She asked Rionach as the two of them stood against three of the axe-wielding Brigands. "Ah, we should save the formal introductions later. Right now, we need to deal with these bandits. I'll follow your lead." She then added. "Although, at least knowing your name would help communication."

Meanwhile with Jerod and Sordan, the bandit leader saw magical lightning bolts scatter three of his men. "W-What the?! An ambush?!" He panicked briefly but immediately regained composure. "Who do you think you are?! You think you can stand up to Batta the Beast?!" He yelled at Jerod and Sordan as he prepared for battle.

When Jerod and Sordan made their first strikes, the bandit leader caught both their attacks with the handle of his two-handed axe. He then parried them both away and followed it up by tackling Jerod into Sordan, knocking both the swordsmen into the ground on top of each other.

"ÉG RÍF YKKUR Í BITA!" The bandit leader brought his axe up high, ready to bring it down on Jerod and Sordan and deal the killing blow to at least one of them. But they had time to react.

A Foreign Visitor

~@Zaphander, @Polaris North (LNA)~

“Now now, let’s not be hasty. A public execution shouldn’t be performed without a public trial, yes? Not to mention if you are wrong, and these men did not instigate any trouble, you’d be putting yourself in quite a spot murdering visitors from afar under accusations of conspiracy. Now then, why don’t we all put our weapons away and speak over some ale? A drink can help unravel the truth.”

The standoff was interrupted by Dancia speaking. Something that irked the public speaker.

"What do you know?!" The speaker barked at Dancia. "Were you at Dragonrage Pass?! Were you there to witness that battle that would tear Arcadia asunder?! Were you there to witness the horror?!" He angrily asked the Dancer. "No! It's all too obvious! Who shall gain the most out of this war between the League and the Dwarves? Of course it's those who will not fight it! The Ortusians!" He explained to everyone. "Even the blind sees this!"

"Ah, don't tell me. Are you actually sympathizers of Ortusians? How much have they offered you to lick their boots?" He began accusing Dancia. "Perhaps it is not only these four men that need be hanged..." As soon as the speaker said that, the Footmen have begun to slowly descend upon Dancia and her group with their arms at the ready.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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General Luna

Luna saw Dancia shoot a disapproving look at her, which really didn't bother the general, but decided that maybe she had a plan of action that would be better than going in swinging. Entering a relaxed posture with her blade resting on her shoulder, she watched as the Dancer walked up to the stage to shield the other woman and then went ahead on a speech to attempt to solve this peacefully. She admired the woman's level head, to be honest, but Luna saw the public speaker react negatively from body language alone - and the townsfolk weren't exactly in favor of her little speech either. Her hand tightened around the grip of her sword.

Looking towards Emma and Shade, she gestured for them to get ready just in case things were to get out of hand. What the Footmen lacked in skill and weaponry, they made up for sheer number and that was what really worried her. This was an entire village worth of Footmen after all. Taking a deep breath, she sheathed her sword and then headed up the stage as the speaker started retaliating Dancia's speech. Luna positioned herself near the Ortusians, who were huddled up in the middle. Luna looked at the public speaker - her mere presence commanding respect and obedience. "And what of you? Were you at Dragonrage Pass? What proof other than mere speculation do you have to hang these people for crimes they may not have even committed."

She thought of pulling rank - telling them that a General of Archanea was speaking to them personally and did not approve of what they were doing. But what power did she hold in this village? Being outside the actual borders of Archanea, she had no real power here that would make them bend the knee immediately. However, the mere fact that they were at Dragonrage Pass was at the very least true. If they were to believe that much, then their group would be safe. Well, it's time to see what would happen. "I can tell you this much, we were at Dragonrage Pass personally. We saw that tent go up in flames, and the blame was thrown around without any sort of concrete evidence. Only the Dwarves and the League was present. Are you saying that security was not tight enough that an Ortusian managed to get through to do all that? All while entire armies were watching?" She then shook her head, wondering whether or not the man would even listen at this point.

Then they were blamed as Ortusian sympathizers. Even though centuries have passed since their 'mistake', Ortusians never seem to get a break. Poor people. And now those who didn't stand by while injustice was happening before them were also being branded as traitors to their own kind. It took her ever fiber of her being not to charge at this man here and there to slice his head off his shoulders. Taking another deep breath, she continued. "We were merely asking for proof of what they have done to warrant a hanging. Is being an Ortusian a crime now? Last time I checked, it was not." She turned towards Dancia, hoping that the girl also had something to say. Maybe swaying the Footmen would be better at this point. After all, a leader without people to lead is as harmless as a baby.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Batta the Beast, well a certainly fitting name. His mooks were made short work of, the thunder spells from Rionach made it all too simple, it was more like cutting down training dummies than it was a battle, but things changed when they reached the leader. Turns out it was probably just strength is why these men even followed him. Simply getting in a strike may not be the ideal way to deal with him. His type was the tenacious sort, if he was to make a strike, he would need to ensure it ripped through the target's vitals, a single stroke leading to a clean kill.

As Jerod would move in, Sordan kept in his shadow, a fair distance behind and to his side, ready to exploit his target's weakness. while not cluttering each other's movements. As a honed swordmaster, he was able to pinpoint moments and spots where he can deliver a critical blow with a single strike, and that was what he was looking for, though he was not picky, ideally he wanted such a moment. He could neutralize a powerful threat right away like this after all.

The Beast insisted on using force, barrelling into the two of them. Being in Jerod's shadow was a blessing though, for it allowed him to step out of the way, preventing the two of them from crashing into each other, allowing him to at least maintain presence between the two fighters, essentially switching their positions with Sordan at the front now.

As Batta took his axe on high, Sordan wasted no time to sweep past him, trying to block such a blow would be foolhardy, but as he did, he slashed at his arms in the exposed portions, this would at least off-balance the swing and let Jerod easily slip away.

As soon as this manoeuvre ended, it should result in Jerod facing him from the front, while Batta's back was faced to Sordan. In such a position he would simply remain outside of his line of sight, and then deliver a killing blow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Jerod Staudinger

"All the skill in the world doesn't excuse being a damn fool. Fighting surrounded is never an optimal choice, and they will surround her in a hurry." Jerod was regarding the sudden newcomer critically after his remark on overlooking her skill. Sure, just because she can choose to stand against that many doesn't excuse doing so without a damn good reason. At least having one other person to watch her ass, figuratively, would have been helpful. He wasn't giving her looks a close observation, preferring to see her in action properly before making any judgement on her skill level. Not that it would change his mind on her being a damn fool for taking on multiple foes alone, there was likely no good reason for that.

With the newcomer entering the plan, Jerod would choose to deal with that problem later, since he did not appreciate random people just inviting themselves along. But, if this man was as good of a swordsman as he said he was, he could make use of this man. "So be it, we'll discuss your stalking of the group later, Sorden of Tellius. Like the Crown Prince said, follow me, and we shall deal with their leader. The rest of the plan stands unchanged." With that, the attack was set into motion and Jerod moved fast, the blue of his coat billowing behind him as he rushed forward, Rapier in hand and ready for anyone that attempted to intercept either Sorden or himself. But the Sage was doing her job, which meant the plan was going according to plan.

As an early saying Jerod learned as a mercenary went, though, no plan survived the first encounter with the enemy. As such, this bandit leader, mouthing off as Batta the Beast, and asking who dared to oppose him. "Jerod, sellsword and duelist, not at your service. Shall we gut you and be done with this?" The initial lunge he opened with was snagged on the haft of his axe, an impressive feat given the speed and difference in angle of both the Tellian swordsman and his own opening attack. As seemed to be a running trend amongst his recent foes, they liked to throw people to the ground, and he quickly found the Tellian had landed on top of him and rebounded, striking at the Bandit leader's arms. Getting off the ground quickly, having grown used to rebounding off such blows increasingly quickly now.

Warcry aside, the attack wouldn't be simply blocked, not with the weight behind it. Watching for the moment that Batta was committed to his attack, Jerod would appear to glide under the axe head, guiding it over him with the guard of his rapier braced against the haft of the incoming axe blow. He would use the opening created to grab the man by the red lengths of his beard, yanking downwards as hard as he could muster while aiming a gut punch with the guard of his rapier. While these wouldn't be killing blows, he was looking to create an opening for the Tellian swordsman to strike and end the fight. Situations like this showed why someone didn't challenge a numerical superiority on their own.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

A Girl From The Plains

~@Eisenhorn, @Sho Minazuki~

Batta's overhead swing struck nothing as Jerod and Sordan evaded the attack without much effort. However, the Beast appeared unfazed by Sordan's strikes to his arms while he pushed Jerod away before he received any gut punches. Still, he was surrounded with Jerod in front and Sordan.

With than in mind, Batta made his move. The Brigand launched a heavy but slow horizontal swing aimed at Jerod but had a wide enough arc that it would also reach Sordan. It was easily evaded but Batta expected that. As soon as his swing was over, he immediately closed in on Sordan in an attempt to finish one before the other could help out. Batta appeared to start with an overhead swing but that was a mere feint, opting for a thrust from the butt of his axe to Sordan's head.

Meanwhile, the others were still fighting and, unsurprisingly, winning. Their opponents were just thugs after all. Not at all like this somewhat skilled Brigand Sordan and Jerod were fighting. Then again, Batta was the leader of the Brigand band for a reason.
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