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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 15th - New York City, New York

Quinn thought about it, but having more than one person made more sense. Unless this individual was a world traveler, able to get from state to state, possibly country to country, in order to commit these murders, it had to be more than one person. Or...if it was one person, perhaps it was someone who could transport? Maybe they had powers and Olivia was right. Maybe they stole powers.

"Individual or group, you may be on to something. Maybe I should contact the wife again and ask if her husband displayed any abnormal abilities. Something a police report wouldn't say. If this person or persons are stealing powers, then they may have the ability to transport and who knows what else. Either way, Claire should be made aware for her own safety."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Fumiko noticed Jimmy immediately, the rather plump man was always given away by his fatherly appearance. His face one that would remind anybody of their own father, part of what she adored about him. Pulling into the spot, she could hear the crowds already cheering "Kuīn" at the sight of her car. With a small sigh, she opened the door and let it move up as she stepped out of the vehicle. Immediately a brilliant smile on her features as she waved towards her fans then blew a kiss before turning and heading towards Jimmy and the security guards. "Thanks for being here despite the rain, boys. I appreciate it." She said to all of the group as she briefly hugged Jimmy then strode out into the middle of the area cleared for her. A small pseudo stage had been set up in the center for her, with camera crews spread around and guest viewing behind them. Thankfully, this was nothing major like some big show. But still, even for album releases, you were expected to put on some entertainment for the crowds.

Looking around she once again waved as she spun to look at the crowds and blow them kisses, taking care to ensure each of the cameras got one as well. "Heya everybody! It means sooooo much to me that you all you could make it to the album launch despite the weather! You guys are just the greatest!" She said in a trained tone to sound even more excited about it, and seem a bit cute as she went through rehearsed movements. [color=#9400D3][b]"Can you guys believe this is the 10th time we've met like this!? Its such a special occasion, that I felt like we needed to do something for each of you to show how much you mean to me! So first off, everybody who got here today gets a copy of the album, on me! We'll get it to you as you leave, and then be sure to come say hi and get it signed, alright?"[/color] She asked to get a roar of cheers in response, eliciting a smile from her.

"But we aren't finished yet! You all may notice my cover track, Hoshi, never had a music video released. That's because today, we're going to shoot it live, and you all get to be in it! Though I'm going to need a couple helpers to come up here and dance with me..." She said as she walked along the crowds, stopping when she found a trio of girls no older than 10 practically bouncing at the fence. Wearing a brilliant smile still, she gestured to the trio as her security came over to open the gate. "You three dears can help, then I'm taking you and your parents out to lunch after, okay?" She asked the overexcited preteens.

Nearly five hours after that, the girl was finally back at her home, unable to get out of her clothes fast enough as she collapsed onto her bed. Pulling out her phone, she opened up a conversation with a contact simply titled 'Bestie! <3'. Snapping a quick selfie of herself laying there and ensuring to tilt the camera just enough, she sent it to her friend with a brief message. Heya Riley, I'm lookin' pretty cute after that album drop, don't ya think? She'd always been one to tease her friend a little bit, wanting to see just how far she could push Riley before getting some reaction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aaliyah Cruz

Interacting With:

Aaliyah watched the woman carefully, seeing how she was reacting to her questions, it was looking pretty clear she was new at this, either that or she is a dam good actress, still her answer didn’t really please Aaliyah though as someone had given her address for this reporter and then that said person acted upon it to be at her front door. So a freaky guy and now a reporter, what was it with people wanting a piece of her today?

“I guess I can answer a few questions, but the camera stays outside and my name stays out of it, I prefer my privacy if you don’t mind.” Aaliyah replied. “Give me a moment” shutting the door, Aaliyah then fully unlocked it and opened the door, stepping aside to allow Kira to come inside her apartment and gestured for the woman to come in. “I don’t suppose you have a business card or something to prove you are who you say you are?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: A Pastry Shop - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Jace, Janelle, and Cynthia

Scott laughed, looking at Cynthia. She was asking him what he suggested? His first suggestion would have been to forget each other's faces and go back to their lives. Of course, given how boring and uneventful their lives likely were - they couldn't all be mercs - he'd then recommend a hearty dose of alcoholism. But the Ginger Girl? He'd tell her to go to college. And stay away from the armed forces. Make something out of her life. She deserved it - he could tell.

"Nothing. I say we do absolutely shit," Scott suggested. "Look, I love crazy plans as much as the next guy, but we don't even have one of those. We aren't even a we, yet. We're just a bunch of freaks who met up in this goddamn pie shop or whatever it is." He huffed, contemplating leaving himself. "Best case scenario, we die and none of this stuff is responsible for it."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 27 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Gideon, Scott, Isley, Cynthia

"There isn't much we can do at the moment, at least with the information we were given... However, it would not be impossible for the others from the dream to be scattered around the country at the least. There might be some near the murder that we witnessed, others could be from somewhere else in the country, who knows... We do not have much to go on..." Janelle said softly, though she was not too thrilled at Scott's word choice there.

Jason wasn't too thrilled about what Scott had just said either, basically calling them a bunch of freaks. He hated it when people called his sister that growing up because of her being blind, but still, just because they had powers, didn't make them freaks. It just made them different, not so much freaks, though this guy probably belonged in a mental hospital or something with the way he was acting. Or jail.

She didn't like being called a freak, she never had, and it always bugged her slightly whenever anyone said the word, even if it wasn't directed towards her. Janelle looked down, away from the others, just thinking of what was being said. They couldn't do anything, there was literally no way they would be able to do anything about this. They had nothing to go off of, nothing at all.

He noticed his sister got a little quiet after a moment, so he knew she wasn't taking what Scott was saying too well, so it made him start glaring at Scott even more so than before. "Well if you don't want to be here, than leave! Not like a few of us haven't been called freaks before all of this and the powers stuff, so whatever. Nothing is making you stay here if you don't want to be here!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: Streets of New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene gave her an odd look, "Pretty similar circumstances actually." Surprise evident in her voice. "I got so sick about a month ago, I couldn't even keep working, I went to the hospital." She said. Now that, was interesting, and she thought about this as she kept walking. She wasn't sure how something like that could happen, at worst something malicious might be going on, but hell if she could speculate on it, "Let's grab a bit then... Pizza sound good?" She asked, not waiting for an answer, as they came upon a small Pizza shop on the corner.

Once she stepped in, she realized what a pair the two of them must look like. She was drenched from the weather, and Emmie looked (and was) homeless. She hoped that they would still be served, but hey, money was money right? And hey, it was New York, so if this didn't work out, they'd just go somewhere else. Now, Adalene had no intent on eating, but she hated the idea of being mistreated, and that's why she had no problem leaving at the first sight of anything close to that.. She looked to Emmie once they were inside, waiting for her to confirm that this was, in fact alright.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 2:00PM, New York City, New York

@rivaan It seems that the little bit of rest that Claire was getting was about to end now, as the construction started back up again the noise of drilling and hammering started to fill the room rather quickly. They had gotten to the floor that Claire was on now as well. And then she would hear her neighbor's music starting to go on full blast. Just to counteract the noise of the construction, she would also hear her phone going off with a text from Olivia.

@Damo021 "Don't worry you have my word your name will not appear in the news, and no cameras." Kira promised her, and then nodded as she stood by the door for a moment and waited patiently until Aaliyah unlocked the door for her. Kira looked over her shoulder at the camera man that she was with and gave him a slight glare when she saw him holding his camera. "Just keep the camera off." She stated, before sighing, and then headed into Aaliyah's apartment. "Ah yes, here it is." Kira said as she dug into her pockets and pulled out her card with the news station and her full name, and phone number as well. "So how did you learn those moves exactly?" She asked giving her a friendly smile.

@Jasonhero Fumiko once she had finished her shoot and signed various albums for her fans she would get a text from Jimmy right after she had gotten a text from Riley as well. 'You did great today lovely, set you up for a few appearances in Seattle, and Los Angeles as well, your flight leaves for Seattle tomorrow.'

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 11:00AM, Seattle, Washington

@Morose @BlueSky44 Cynthia looked between Scott and Jason for a moment it seemed that things were starting to get a bit worse between the two of them. And Scott seemed to be pressing just about everyone's buttons in just a span of a few minutes which made her rub the temple of her eyebrows. "Can we just like calm down and not call each other names?" Cynthia asked as she looked at the three of them. "We have our numbers so we should be fine." Cynthia said as she looked at Jason and Janelle as well for a moment. "I can drive you guys back to your place if you'd like." Cynthia offered.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Claire's Apartment, New York City, New York
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

Olivia nodded it was a good idea to let her know what they had actually found out now, rather than later anyway which was a good idea to do now anyway. "Alright i'll text her now." Olivia said as she took out her phone to text Claire what extactly that they had found out through the searches that they did. 'Hey Claire its Olivia, you know Quinn right? Well her and I did a few searches through the medical bases and found some stuff. Some bodies turned up like the one we experienced in our dreams last night.' Olivia hit send on her phone before putting it back into her pocket looking over at Quinn.

"That would be a good idea to make sure that we can actually confirm that he was someone like us anyway." Olivia said as she walked over and put her lab coat onto a nearby coat rack. "We can go and call it a day if you'd like I have your number right?" Olivia asked Quinn as she grabbed her purse. She did spend a large portion of her day and night working in the morgue, and she did want to get some shuteye at least before going with the plans that they had planned.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne

Riley smiled towards Amelia before pulling out her apartment keys and then she proceeded to unlock the door, and then allowed Amelia to enter her penthouse apartment. There was a very nice view of the city and it looked like it was rather expensive as well as Riley looked at Amelia. "Welcome home, and no problem its better than being in a place with some really creepy perverted guy." Riley said shuddering slightly as she remembered that guy and she was lucky that her power did kick him. "Follow me and i'll show you to your room." Riley offered as she turned and walked over towards a spare bedroom.

"This is your room, you can put whatever you'd like in the drawers and you can change it up if you'd like." Riley said, it was mainly a guest room for her guests whenever she had some friends coming through. Riley then stopped for a moment as she heard her phone go off and then looked down at her phone. She blushed slightly as she saw the picture her friend sent her and rolled her eyes as she knew that she always did try and tease her. 'You are such a perv.' Riley simply hit send and looked at Amelia. "Did you need help unpacking or get you anything to drink?" Riley offered.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

"Sadly I didn't go to a hospital, I just got sick and passed out woke up several days later, and all this stuff happens." Emmie said softly as she looked at Adalene when she offered to take her to pizza and her face instantly lit up and quickly nodded giving her a slight smile. "Pizza is fine with me totally." Emmie said as she followed alongside her into the pizza shop and looked around for a moment before finding an empty seat and sat down in it. As she sat in an empty seat she looked around as she thought about what kind of pizza she wanted. "Just a regular cheese pizza if that's alright with you?" Emmie asked.

Emmie and Adalene would both get a few strange looks towards them since they both looked rather drenched in water, and Emmie's clothes were pretty much dirty and torn in some places as well. Emmie shifted slightly in her seat, she was used to this point on getting strange looks at people, but she didn't say anything as she started to get some of the rain water out of her hair.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 15th - New York City, New York

Quinn waited as Riley texted Claire, confident that at least the woman would be in the know. Once done, Quinn got up and collected her things. "Yes, I have your number. I'm probably going to head home and tackle some more work. I'll call the wife in the morning. I'll let her have tonight since she only did just get her husband's remains back. I'll talk to you later then." Quinn exited the girl's office and made her way outside.

She remembered the plans she made tonight and texted her friend to cancel, claiming sickness and a migraine from work. She received a reply, anger but acceptance, and made her way to the subway to get home. She had some powerful thinking to do, after all. In just a matter of hours, she had evidence of a possible larger conspiracy at work, one that she was now invested in and a part of (if her dreams were to be believed).
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Claire Winters

Location: Her home, New York City, New York
Interacting With: Trevor the GeneticLab Annoyance.@Nallore

Claire's dream was just getting to the most serious part when the noise from the construction started once more. Just as she was knocking on a door in a dream, the noise of machinery and construction started to leek into the dreamworld and her dream mudded up, turning weird as she was waking up. Sounds overlapping and the like until she finally woke up completely with the nice addition of music from the neighbors. Meeting the attractive ME aside, this day was not turnign out too great so far. She had lab annoyances and now also this construction work. She had the feeling she should just go on a proper vacation. Maybe a rental cottage somewhere away from the big city.

"For Pete's sake... what time is it...?" She mumbled then her phone went off with a message. She sighed, rolled around in bed, sighed some more and finally reached for the phone to check what it was. Apparently a message from Olivia. Now that made sense... She sighed and quickly typed back a message.' Alright, I will check what the police database has on it next time I'm on shift.' That was her reply and she finally rolled out of the bed, slipping off the silk robe exposing bare skin as she headed for the bathroom to take a bath. After that was done, she dressed up in some casual tshirt and jeans and crashed into the sofa in the living room, waiting for time to pass, and wondering if she had to punch a dude to get things more quiet or something.

Amelia Payne

Location: Riley's car, Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nallore

Amelia followed Riley into her home and couldn't help, but look around as she did so. THe penthouse looked just so different from anywhere she's ever been. More importantly she's only seen such lux on the tv or other shows about high end homes about people." It's a great place!" She exclaimed as she threw a look at the view outside the window while she was following Riley. The scenery was certianly spectacular. Amelia briefly wondered if her uncle will believe her if she told him where she was going to be staying at... and with whom." Alright, I'm behind you!" She hurried to say following right behind the singer.

When she saw her new room, Amelia couldn't believe her eyes at first. She blinked a few times and walked ot the bed where she put down her luggage." It's a nice room! Really nice!" She added and sat down on the bed next to her luggage. She couldn't believe her luck, but was it really luck? She even missed that Riley's phone got a message as she was too preoccupied with thinking and spinning in circles in her mind.

"No..." She said blushing slightly with a smile and looked at her rather small ammount of luggage. It was just a few bags so it wasn't too much." I can get that sorted myself easily enough, thank you, Riley." She made sure to thank the other woman with a bashful voice and slight blush." I would love a drink though, a glass of water will be enough..." She started saying, but panicked about it sounding too forceful. That said her voice was quiet, shy and meek so there was simply NO imposing vibes going on even." I will come to get the glass, no need to concern yourself with me...!" She tried to add.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Fumiko groaned in complaint as she read the text from Jimmy. Always traveling! She just wanted to lounge around at home for a few days, maybe hit up a club or two. But mostly stay at home with her large fluffball. Speaking of that very fluffball. she reached over to scratch behind the dog's ear before responding back to the man. Always traveling! you chartered my Private Plane, right? She texted back before opening the message from Riley and giggling at it. Yet you still love meeeeee! What's that say about you? ;P She responded back quickly before stretching and getting to her feet. Quietly she moved through the bedroom until she reached where her consoles were stored.

Firing up the Xbox, she decided that perhaps it was time for her to earn some more money. That is, celebrity endorsement always was welcomed by the gaming companies. Today she decided to fire up a game that she admittedly felt a guilty pleasure towards, Destiny 2. Though pausing before she began to play to text Riley once more. Hey, hun, I'm gonna be in LA soonish. Wanna get some drinks and hit a club while I'm there? I miss my bestie! She tapped out quickly before tossing the phone lazily onto her bed and turning her attention towards the starting music for the game. Meanwhile her dog got up for the first time today to move over to lay with next to her, enjoying the company.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: A Pastry Shop - Seattle, Washington ----> A Bar
Interacting With: Jace, Janelle, and Cynthia

"Great, I'm going to go shortstack," he said with a grin, getting up from the table. He threw down a few dollars to cover the price of his coffee and as bizarrely as he came into their lives, he was (for the moment) gone again. Scott got a bit of a skip to his step as he went down the road, contemplating even tripping a nerdy kid he saw with his telekinesis, but something told him to hold back. He contemplated going back to his house, but it'd be a few hours still until his next job would kick up. He shrugged to himself and changed directions, heading for the seediest bar he knew.

Once inside, Scott nodded at the regulars - most of them were fellow mercs like him - and took a seat at the bar. He couldn't help but check the dead pool up at the top with a chuckle. There had been a bunch of money bet on him, ever since he had gotten sick, and he couldn't help but sometimes consider faking his death, just in order to get some of the winnings himself. It wouldn't be too hard to arrange someone to place the bet for him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 27 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Scott, Cynthia

Jason let out a sigh, hearing Cynthia's words. She did have a point, and he hated to admit it, but hey, at least she wasn't just calling him out on it, she was calling Scott out on it too. They were being a little childish with their behavior, he didn't want to admit it, but he figured Janelle probably would accept his silence as an answer, but it wasn't much.

Janelle was not too happy with what her brother and Scott were saying to one another, it was getting insanely annoying actually. Her brother really needed to know what to do to be at least somewhat diplomatic, he was probably the worst at it, maybe even more so than Scott based on how the conversation seemed to be going overall. She liked Cynthia, she seemed nice enough to them, compared to everyone else.

"Good bye lunatic, and good riddance if you ask me, I mean seriously... The guy is an idiot..." he muttered to himself as he watched Scott leave. It was a good thing that Scott was leaving, since he felt like he might start throwing a few punches at the guy if he stuck around. He looked over at Cynthia and his sister, he just shook his head slightly, falling silent again.

Hearing Cynthia's words, Janelle nodded her head slightly. "That would be appreciated Cynthia... Then we wouldn't have to walk home... Thank you," she said, giving a slight smile in Cynthia's direction, before she fell silent again. She wanted to smack her brother upside the head slightly for the comments he made about Scott. Since that was not a good way to make friends or anything like that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: Streets of New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. Chick could eat a whole pizza? She then realized, of course, that Emmie probably expected Adalene to eat with her. She shurrged, and smilled, "Yeah, sure." Adalene then approached the counter and put in their order. She reached into her purse, and took out a debit card to pay for it, and swiped her card quickly, before stuffing it back in her purse. She didn't like spending money where she didn't have to, but hey, pizza was good, right? That was what she told herself at least, in an attempt to keep her calm.

She turned and walked back towards Emmie. Adalene wasn't the best at making small talk, but she figured she might as well try. "So uh. What's your story?" She asked, "Are you a New York native or...?" She'd heard stories of the past of people who end up in the city, end up homeless, and practically can't get out. She hoped Emiie wasn't like that, that'd be pretty sad. "I'm here for school, but I really like it here! I think I'll stay after I graduate..." She said, trailing off.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 7:00PM, New York City, New York

@rivaan The noise continued to go on for another several long minutes, it just turned seven now and then things finally started to quiet down for Claire in her apartment. The construction was finally done for the day, but a note would be slipped under her door, the construction would continue again early in the morning hours. From the letter from the land lord of the apartment, the rain finally did stop now.

@Jasonhero 'Yes, yes our private plane will be ready. Just make sure you get there at 6AM sharp lovely, first stop will be Seattle. Was Jimmy's reply as the game started up. Fumiko would be able to play a few rounds, it was around seven at night now, and it was going to be a very long day tomorrow might as well get some rest as well.

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 4:00PM, Seattle, Washington

@Morose There were a bunch of fellow mercs all either drinking, eating or just talking amongst each other about previous jobs that they had done. Also bragging about what they did to certain people, there were a few people at a pool table playing around of pool while also placing bets on who would win and who would lose. There was a bartender as he approached Scott and looked over towards him for a moment and smiled. "What can I get you to drink?" He asked, there was a drunken man as he walked and stumbled his way over towards Scott, it was obvious that the guy reeked of alcohol as well. "Hey, youuu look stuuupid.." The guy said drunkenly towards Scott, before he ended up puking all over Scott.

@BlueSky44 Cynthia watched as Scott got up and left the bakery behind she looked directly towards Jason for a moment, she didn't say anything towards him and his comment, if he was actually there it would just end up spilling trouble for him. "Of course." Cynthia said towards Janelle and gave her a friendly smile as she stood up and left an extra tip for Isley before gesturing towards the siblings to both follow her towards her car. Which was parked outside of the bakery and pulled out her car keys and unlocked it for them. "Just give me directions and i'll get you there in a jiffy." Cynthia said.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Claire's Apartment, New York City, New York
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

"Sounds like a plan to me, just keep me posted and if you need anything just let me know." Olivia said towards Quinn and gave her a smile as she watched the woman leave and then stopped for a moment as she received a text from Claire before replying back towards her. 'Thanks, still up for tonight?' Olivia texted Claire before getting all of her things and got all of her things packed, she then locked up her office, and turned off the lights to her office and the morgue itself.

Quinn would be able to make it to her apartment safely with no issues or problems at all, the weather started to finally clear up as well, nothing has happened and her apartment would be rather quiet as well. Olivia went to do the same thing as well as to get herself changed into something more comfortable as well once Olivia got back to her apartment, she was fairly tired herself as Olivia waited for a reply from Claire. Whether or not she wanted to hangout the rest of the evening was up to her, she would crash or go out and enjoy the night Olivia didn't mind either way.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne

Riley looked at Amelia and smiled seeing her reactions towards the apartment which was great to hear that she liked them, as Riley felt her phone going off again she looked down at the text for a moment. Of course her friend did tease her again and rolled her eyes at the text. 'Just let me know whenever you are in town and we can certainly go and hangout somewhere.' Riley hit send and smiled for a moment before looking back at her new roommate. She gestured for Amelia to follow her, she figured she could use a more formal tour around the place and where to find everything.

"Why don't you follow me, I'll show you where everything is in the kitchen." Riley said towards Amelia and smiled seeing the girl blushing she was certainly cute. But Riley didn't say anything and she certainly didn't want to make her feel awkward or uncomfortable ether as well. Riley then headed over towards the kitchen everything was stainless steal and a nice set of marble counter tops as well, Riley then headed over towards a cupboard and pulled out a glass. "Here you go lovely." Riley said smiling towards her as Riley started to show Amelia everything that was in her kitchen and where to find it as well.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

Emmie sat in the seat by herself until Adalene came back with the pizza and her face instantly lit up as she felt her stomach starting to growl a little bit more. She reached over and grabbed a slice of the pizza and started to eat the single slice rather quickly about half of the slice was gone already. Emmie looked at Adalene once more when she asked her a few personal questions, and then shrugged slightly. "Not much to say." Emmie said as she took another bite before putting the slice down on her plate. "Folks died when I was little, moved from orphanage to orphanage, and then just decided to go it alone." Emmie stated calmly as she finished up the slice of pizza and ate the crust as well.

Emmie wasn't sure to say, she was used to being alone and always just got by however she could and going as far as stealing and pawning it off at a pawn shop if she could. Emmie didn't really have any formal education she was taught at the orphanage she grew up in but other than that she never really went to high school. "So what else did you want to know?" Emmie asked, she was at least willing to open up to the woman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aaliyah Cruz

Interacting With:

Aaliyah nodded when the woman showed her credentials as she allowed them to walk in before closing the door behind them, walking back into the main room, she decided to jot down the information quickly before returning back to the woman. She did glare a couple of times at the camera man just to make sure he got the picture that it was best to keep the thing of or it was going out the window.

She looked at Kira when she asked her question with a smile. “Straight to the point I see” Aaliyah motioned for the woman to sit. A moment after Aaliyah herself sat down from across the reporter. “Well to start of I don’t think it is that hard to kick a guy in the balls, they tend to drop pretty fast when you do that.” Aaliyah smiled and chuckled a little, feeling a little laid back. “As for the second guy, he really did all the work for me, I just used his own momentum against him with a little bit of basic self-defence” She answered.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:

Wednesday, August 15th - New York City, New York

Quinn wanted nothing more than a hot cup of coffee, a nice sit down on the couch, and letting the day's events pour out of her. She also didn't want to fall asleep, less she dream again. Those dreams were now her reality. It was how she came across Claire and Olivia and how she put two and two together about all of these happenings. Surely there were others in the world. That guy she was with when she transported, was he one of them?

Quinn sipped her coffee and turned on the TV. She wanted to watch something funny to forget about today until she could barely keep her eyes open. She would deal with all of the tasks tomorrow. The wife would be first priority. Hopefully things would be smooth sailing after that. She would have to double check her locks. She wasn't safe, after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Claire Winters

Location: Her home, New York City, New York
Interacting With: No one in perticular and a message to Olivia@Nallore

"Finally!" She exclaimed when the irritating noise died down at last and she could hear her own thoughts again. All things considered it wasn't the best way for the day to turn out so far. She was a lil crankly, but some coffee had helped with that and now she wasn't as sleepy anymore. She still felt a lil bit off, but given the amount of sleep she was running on it wasn't surprising. Never the less she was an adult and running a day or two without sleep wasn't new to her. She had messaged Olivia earlier to tell her that the engagement for tonight was still standing too.

Taking a glance at her phone she noticed the day had rolled over and it was finally 7pm. She cracked her neck as she was just about done getting dressed up for going out tonight. A fancy dress, a nice hairdo, the make up and the accessories, she was all ready. So she pulled her phone and messaged Olivia again.' Just leaving from my place, will be over at yours soon." She smiled as she send it and pulled her coat from the hanging rack and left her appartment heading to her car and getting in, checking herself in the rear view mirror one last time before heading out.

Amelia Payne

Location: Riley's Appartment, Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nallore

Amelia finally noticed that Riley was recieving texts and was rolling her eyes at them. It made her rather curious what those texts were about, but it was the singer's personal space so she wasn't going to intrude into her affairs like that. She just smiled a little and nodded." Alright, I'm right behind you." She added with quiet voice and left her luggage on the bed before following after the other woman into the kitchen.

The kitchen was different from what Amelia was expecting. For whatever reason she had this really classy image in her head that was made of a loot of mahagony and marble and maybe other types of costly woods and wooden carvings and decorations. What she got instead was a lot more modern and streamlined which left her feel like she was in some kind of near sci-fi place. It was a good design too!" T-t-tha-k you..." Amelia bushed all the way to the ear when Riley gave her the glass with the comment of 'lovely'. that was a little too bit for her to take in at the moment so she completley became unable to respond properly and was just nodding to all of Riley's explanations to where everything was while looking red like tomato.

"I..I... I will go deal with my luggage...! See you later... for dinner!!" Amelia finally stampered with flustered voice and ran off towards the room she was given. She felt she was in an oven with how hot she was right now. She wasn't used to compliments and especially ones like 'lovely'. 'What's wrong with me?!' She screamed in her mind as seh hid behind the door into her room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Scott Rydzynski

Location: A Bar - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Idiots

Scott sighed, looking at the man who puked all over him. It wouldn't be the first time someone had vomited on him and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Scott spat out a bit of the vomit that had gotten in his mouth, looking at the bartender. "Sorry about this," he said, before he drew one of his pistols and used the butt of it to hit the drunkard across the head, aiming to knock him to the ground. Scott knew that fighting was frowned upon in bars - and that was the main reason he hadn't put a bullet between the guy's eyes.

Unfortunately, it meant that Scott was going to need to swing by his apartment and change his clothes before work. It was annoying and meant that as much as he wanted to order an alcoholic drink for himself, he just didn't have the time for it yet. Sitting around drinking had to wait until he was fully ready to pay the bills later that evening. Otherwise, he'd end up wasting time and before he knew it, it'd be time to go and he hadn't even polished his guns yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 27 min ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Cynthia

Jason wasn't too thrilled about the idea of talking to Scott again at all, and he did notice the look that Cynthia had given him when they went to the car. He left a few dollars for Isley as well, not wanting to let Cynthia be the only one leaving something behind, it wouldn't exactly be right to have Cynthia pay for things or whatever when she hadn't even been there very long.

"Thank you Cynthia, it is appreciated," Janelle said, giving her a smile, as she stood up from the table. With her cane in hand, she easily was able to maneuver her way outside after Cynthia. Se wasn't too sure where exactly she was going, or what exactly Cynthia's car looked like, but it didn't matter, as long as she was able to follow after her.

Jason stuck close to his sister, guiding her somewhat, though he knew she probably didn't want, or need, his help, but it made him feel a little better. He looked at Cynthia's car, and said nothing as he guided her over to the side of the car. He expected his sister to argue, but he didn't care. She would complain, that much was obvious, but he didn't know if she could tell where everything was, so whatever.

Janelle got into the car along with her brother, a little annoyed that he insisted on sticking close by her so much, as if she couldn't do things on her own. She glared at her brother for a moment, at least somewhat, as much as she could anyway since she couldn't really see anything. After a few moments, she gave directions to Cynthia that would lead to their home, and she fell silent afterwards, just thinking about everything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Adalene Jones

Location: Pizza shop
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene raised her eyes in surprise. "Wow." She couldn't imagine what'd she'd do if her parents died. She was dependent on them even now, so going through life without ever really having them would be so tough on her. "Sorry I asked..." She said, feeling pretty down after that. "Um.. Well, I just wanna say you can crash at my place as long as you like." She was clearly uncomfortable at this point, and was very relieved that her number was called quickly after. "I'll go get that." She quickly stood up, and hurried towards the register. She grabbed the pizza, and brought it back, taking a moment on the way to recompose herself.

Sitting back down, she smiled at Emmie, "School's starting up next week for me, so if you do stick around that long, I'll be gone most days, just please don't wreck the house if that's the case." She didn't want to presume, but she wasn't sure what Emmie would be like as a roommate, and setting ground rules would be a good thing to start off with. "Also, dibs on first shower when we get back." She said with a smile.
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