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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Shadow leads the two into his study and offers them a seat at a table. As Raia settles herself Shadow passes her a bottle of whiskey. Raia immediately passes it to Sia.
"I heard your meeting with Karnariel?" Raia says getting right down to business.
"I am." Shadow answers. "This one's companion, Lexianna, has been mediating the negotiations as a neutral party."
"You know she got Sturm's command sphere for him right?" Raia states.
"I am aware. I had her look into his death." Shadow sips his tea.
"And?" Raia presses.
"It seems we aren't as invulnerable as we were led to believe. Our Soul Void can be invaded. If our true bodies are killed... well, you can imagine."
"You think Karnariel is using Lexianna to get to us? I mean, he's desperate for vengeance."
"I don't think so. She seems genuine in promoting peace. I'd call her naive. But with the kind of power she wields it's not naivete." Shadow says as he empties his cup. Raia glances at Sia, recalling that night she witnessed her true form.
"You should know that the pirate king is going to be attending this meeting as well."
Raia informs.
"Smough?" Shadow asks. Raia nods. "I suppose I should prepare for more guests."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 9 days ago


Takeing the bottle from Raia i wink at Shadow. Placeing the cork between my teeth i yank it out and spit it onto the table. Feeling one of my teeth go with it i look down at the cork. "Um..Babe? Do all my teeth look like that?" Sticking my finger in my mouth i feel the rows of shark teeth. "Huh..." Opening my mouth my skin begins glowing in patches and patterns. Shedding all my teeth and regrowing them in the hopes there normal. I feel them again too find them unchanged. "Well...thats not normal...Any way. Were haveing a party thing right? Are all the pirates comeing? I like Smogh. Hes awesome."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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I open my eyes and turn to look at him. My eyes narrow.

"I don't fear it."  I say in nearly a growl. Anger getting the better of me this time, then I remember. He wasn't there. He has no idea what we've fought. What I've seen.

" We've gone through way more dangerous situations then I can even count. It's normal for this group. Armies, AIs, spaceships, hell a friend of ours was an extremely powerful reality manipulator we had to go and kill him. That is a long story. " I shake my head and then lean back on the floor staring at the ceiling.
If I'm going this far he has to understand it all. 

"No.  I don't fear it. I fear what it'll do to her and..."

What is this shit? I'm sharing my feelings. I shake off my reservations and make myself say it. Just say it dammit.

"I feel guilty. It shouldn't have been Flame, it should've been me, or Inferna. "
When it was time to pass on the spirit both of us passed it up and thought Flame would follow suit but... she's too much like our mom. Inferna and I are cut from the same cloth, we look more like our dad and Inferna acts more like him. Flame looks and is more like our mom.

" Flame is like her name. She's bright, beautiful, mesmerizing. She can also be wild, unpredictable, dangerous. I'm afraid that spirit will give her fuel until she burns herself out.  I don't know if it can be controlled. But you're welcome to knock yourself out trying. "
I stand up and motion for Gaul to stand.  "My other sister will have my head if I don't do this properly. Up. Please state your full title. "


When he caresses my lips with his thumb I go still. Mesmerized. I barely breathe. I have the strangest desire to nibble his thumb, then it's over. I bring my hands up to my lips, feeling the enchantment there. I suppose I should test it out.  I rub the whale goodbye before dipping into the water. Slowly, I sink a little and....I can breathe. I'm breathing underwater.  I bob back up and am already laughing. I can't wipe the grin off my face. 

"This is the most amazing thing ever! "

I shake my head and lock eyes with him.
"As a little girl since I loved pirates I also loved the sea, when my mother asked once what I wanted to be when I grew up if I wasn't a princess, I said a mermaid because they tend to meet pirates."

Now I can breathe underwater, like Ariel. I swim up close to Smough.

 " Please, show me more. "
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gaul stands slowly, a little stiff from the sitting position he had adopted.

“I am Gaul Giantsbane, Last King of the Aesir, Ruler of Asgard, Warden of the Nine Realms.” As he speaks, his mind mulls over their conversation, thinking of ways to tackle the problem before them. He isn’t sure what formal custom Blaze is invoking, but he trusts the fox king.

Unknown Land

A full moon casts gloomy light over a large mead hall in a frost-covered forest of dead trees. Standing in the half-opened doorway is a bare-chested man who seems to cast his own corona of light upon his surroundings. He shuts the door and meanders back inside, stopping to cast a half-interested glance at a strange throne set in the center of the feasting hall. He runs his hand over the furs draped over the seat, half of them the harsh white of the winter wolf and the other half as black as midnight. From the darkness at the edge of the room, a female voice rings out.

“I see you’ve made your way back here. After you rejected my generous offer I did not expect you to return. And yet...here you are.” The voice is like dusky velvet scraping across gravel, a perfect representation of who she is. She steps from the shadows and traces a long, gnarled fingernail across the man’s collarbone. “What are you doing here, Baldur? I have not the patience for your silence.”

Baldur seems to find his voice. “I am here to plead with you for the release of my wife.” Before she can refuse, he speaks again, “I offer myself in her place. Simply release her, and I am yours.”

She pulls back the cowl that covers her face to reveal the terrible visage beneath. Her face is divided right down the center, one side a grotesque skull with bits of rotting and dried flesh clinging to the bone, and the other is the vibrant face of a young woman, as beautiful as the other is revolting. Hel, Goddess of Death, smiles.

“So you wish to bargain with me? How quaint.” She spreads her mummified hand across Baldur’s chest. “You did not like my offer to spend eternity together, presiding over the souls of those killed in Ragnarok. Why the sudden change of heart? Do you think that the act of freeing your dead wife from her eternal slumber to walk in the land of the living, far from my halls, would somehow quell the trepidation you feel regarding marrying the Queen of the Damned?” She cackles. “I told you before that your vows were broken the second you crossed into Helheim, null and void. Til death do us part is quite a literal term of the contract. You died, Ragnarok came for the Aesir, and I offered you everything. You turned your nose up at me, no doubt in the hopes that the two of you would be reunited here.”

A deafening silence falls upon the hall. After a long moment, Hel speaks again.

“I will grant your wish, but only after our vows are consumated. It would not do for you to back out of your end of our bargain.” She strides to her throne, and gracefully sits upon it. “Do you find these terms agreeable, favored son of Odin?”

Baldur, to his credit, does not hesitate. “I do.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


I can't help but wonder why. We'll have to see if that desire can serve as a moral compass of sorts for now. "I'm glad you feel that way as I could use your help."

Slowly, I approach the corpse of Lord Mystic and gently brush my hand over his face to close his eyes. "Rest well Your Lordship. You've done well." I turn soft eyes on Baruss.

"I'll leave you to bury him. I'm in search of the Bright Blades. They should be imprisoned here. I'm going down to look. After, if you would accompany me I'd be delighted."

I teleport to the prison. As I walk the aisles, cells start opening on those I feel have been wrongly imprisoned. Those who saw too much, those who didn't see enough, those who asked the wrong questions at the wrong time, those who asked the right questions at the wrong time, and the like. The criminals' cells stay locked without a second glance from me. Only the souls and actions matter to my eyes.

The cell block of the Bright Blades is massive and buried deep in the bowels of the Bastille. I breeze in on a ray of light. The cells all open with a snap of my fingers. "Hello gentlemen. Karnariel sent me. Pardon the delay. I was meeting with Lord Mystic and his heir." Bright light sparkles through the block and the light motes instantly rejuvenate the men.

I sweep my skirts to the side and dip a quick curtsy. "You are all free to go. Thank you for your service and sacrifice gentlemen. Karnariel is expecting you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


I start the recitation in a bored tone. I'm only doing this to save myself an excessive nagging from Inferna.

"Do you Gaul Giantsbane, Last King of the Aesir, Ruler of Asgard, Warden of the Nine Realms swear loyalty in your solemn duty of Instruction for Her Highness Flame Vulpes Second Daughter of the Phantom Crown and Honorblood Garde to myself King Blaze Vulpes of Haust, House of the Phantom Crown?"

I take out the sword he gave me and plant it firmly between us. " Lay your hand upon the sword and speak your answer."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadowhold one week after Lexianna liberated the Brightblades.
Karnariel and his fifteen thousand troops are camped to the south of the keep. Shadow's ten thousand strong force is withdrawn into the castle and at standby in the barracks. The other ten thousand have been deployed on patrol and peacekeeping duties as a ploy to fill the countryside with reinforcements that can be easily called. There are also another ten thousand Mystic Knights camped to the north. Sir Baruss had taken command of his fathers forces and shipped them to South Point.

With all these forces mustered in one place the tension is palpable. Each of the groups stare at each other across a field that they expect to soon be fighting on.

Shadow, Raia, Smough, Sir Baruss, and Karnariel have decided to attend a meeting to discuss their futures. When Lexianna returned with the Brightblades Karnariel was ecstatic. Then came the news of the newly risen Lord. With much coaxing from Lexianna he was invited to attend the talks. The few days of tension before Smough arrived with a windswept Flame was almost to a breaking point.

Smough enters the large room where a large meeting table has been cleared. He takes note of the bloodstained stone in his assessment of his surrounding. He's the first. He sets himself at the table and has a servant fetch him some coffee.

Raia had been given a room for her and Sia's use. But Raia who still doesn't sleep well indoors made nightly excursions into the contryside late at night. Sometimes with Sia. Sometimes without. She has ever increasing worries about the meeting. The day of she kisses Sia and asks her to rejoin her companions before heading to the meeting.

When Raia enters the meeting room she sees Smough. Managing to remain civil she sets herself across from him.
"How was the trip?" Raia asks.
"It was wonderful. Kind of you to ask. I'd reciprocate but I know you don't really travel." Smough replies.
"One of the perks of befriending a cosmic being." Raia hums. The door swings open and the rhythmic clunk of armor rings out as Sir Baruss enters. Both Raia and Smough narrow their eyes. Baruss takes note of their apprehension at his armor. In an instant the armor melts away and is replaced by a simple doublet.
"Is that more to your liking?" Baruss asks. The two of them give each other an uneasy glance.
"You're not human." Raia says. She pictures Sia as she says it.
"I am not. Correct. But this is the form that father imagined me as. So I don't see a reason to change. I understand that my creation may pose a moral dilemma. But that is no fault of mine. I cannot change the circumstances of my birth. All I can say, is that, I am here to help."
"But who will you help? Us? Them?" Smough says sitting forward and point his cup at Baruss.
"Pardon my saying but you are all Them to me. I will help you both as much as I am able."
"But what if our intentions are opposed? What then?" Raia continues to grill Baruss.
Baruss, without missing a beat, smiles. "Then I will establish peace." The way Baruss says it makes it seem almost like a threat.

Shadow enters from a door at the back of the room.
"Peace is an admirable goal. But it is not always possible. Sometimes one or more parties are unhappy with the proposed peace. What then?"
"You humans love to ask that. What then. It gives you a sense of power. Your curiosity pointed like a weapon. To dismantle what you believe I am. But I know myself. I know the contradictions my logic brings. To you I am an outsider. Not to be trusted to understand you. Or to propose solutions to your problems." Baruss takes a cup and sips it. Smugly. His tone. His body language. Everything he's doing and saying all aimed at eliciting favorable reactions. "But I'd argue that I am more suited to reaching a fair and just solution than any of you. Not in spite of my third party observances. But because of them."

A singular pair of clapping hands rings out. Everyone's attention turns to Karnariel.
"Quite a speech. But you didn't answer his question." Karnariel says at Baruss.
"I will fight. For whoever I believe will be most beneficial to the well being of the most people."
"So we are in agreement. I should have a Command Sphere." Smough says fixing his gaze on Karnariel.
"The hell you should." Raia interjects.
"My men brave the raging seas to ferry your cargo with the utmost security. They deserve the same protection your men have." Smough argues back. Karnariel makes a sound of disgust.
"You have something to say, young Kar?" Shadow asks.
"You all bicker over this like my people haven't been hunted like animals." Karnariel spits.
"Don't act like it was ever about anything but revenge for you." Raia barks.
"We fought hopeless battles to try and improve the lives of those you neglected." Karnariel slams his fist down on the table shaking everything on it. "The rampant corruption and sanctioned extortion in your lands Shadow. The hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in Baruss's creation. The literal underground slave trade in west point."
"What did you say?!" Raia is fuming.
"But none of you would notice. You never bother to look at anything beyond your own ambitions. Or frivolities. You're all too important to see how the people suffer. The only one here who has the slightest amount of my respect is Pirate King Smough." Karnariel finishes. The room is quiet. Servants have stopped in their tracks and no one says a thing. Finally shadow speaks.
"Raia, do you remember what I said that day? When we stormed the castle?" Shadow looks down into his wine.
"Them today. Us tomorrow. What of it?" Raia asks still defensive.
"We've reached that tomorrow."

The five of the them sit and sip their drinks. Not long after Lexianna arrives with the rest of the group in tow. And the Meeting begins.

Blackout 482,004,911
The Lady of the Forest turns in horror giving Zaak the opening he needs to strike. With a swift lunge he runs her through with his sword. She lets out a pained gasp as Zaak extracts the Umbra from her existence. As she collapses to the ground she weakly pleads.
"No, they'll burn me at the stake. Please. Without the Dark Gift the children will..." The Lady passes out. The children who were healthy only a moment ago are all stricken by their illnesses. Zaak holds in his hand a small black quivering flame. It seems to speak directly to your innermost self by way of images. Each new image defining itself in the instant you observe it. The Umbral Wish flickers and goes out taking the Blackout with it.
"Lilianna, see to the children. I'll help the girl." Zaak says as he kneels and sees to The Lady's injury.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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My mind is a whirlwind. Smough made good on my request and showed me everything. The ocean hides breathtaking views. An entire world of bioluminescence that made me giddy. I played with deep sea fish and inspected coral reefs. I never could have imagined what was all hidden below. It was indescribable.

Then Smough flew us back. The man flies. That experience was life-changing. I will say windblown hair isn't my best look but my ears and tail are fluffy perfection. Thankfully my messy long locks weren't anything a good brushing couldn't take care of.

I've experienced more than I ever thought I could. I now understand why Blaze spends so much time away from home. If he thinks he can keep me quarantined on Haust after this he has another thing coming.

For now I trail behind him, right on his heels. He's in his signature jeans, tight white t-shirt, and leather jacket. I've donned my uniform. He takes a seat near the end and for a second I'm at a loss on what to do. Do I stand sentry behind him? I take a quick glance around. This is basically like a cabinet meeting. It has the same tense undercurrent in the air as one too.

I take a seat next to my brother, reassured in my role in this. It's time to act royal.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


When I sweep into the room, I take a count of everyone's emotions. I could hear them bickering before we arrived. Which probably foretells how the rest of this meeting is going to unfold.

Tenketsu has twisted himself into a gown for the occasion. It's white with golden stripes crisscrossing through the bodice and skirts. The skirts themselves are multilayered but light as they trail behind me on the floor. It gives an effect as if I'm being followed by soft waves.

I settle into the chair next to Baruss with Jalen on my other side.
As the others get settled, I start off in a soft voice. "I hope you all don't mind but I took the liberty of putting together some agenda items. That way if we get side-tracked in our open discussions we can find a way back to the main points. Feel free to add your own as they come." I wave an arm and the following list is displayed above the table in a glowing orb of light.

  • The state and well being of the people
  • Fair distribution of power & influence
  • Avoiding war
  • The False One

"I think we should all be prepared for a long productive talk." My eyes settle on Kar across the table. "Karnariel would you like to fill everyone in on the state of the people as you have seen it."

Li-Li-Blackout 482,004,911

Interesting how he thinks I'll listen. I leave The First Lotus to heal the children while I come to watch over Zaak's ministrations. As I lean over his shoulder I take a good look at the lady's features. "How were you able to extract it?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 9 days ago


Following the group into the room, i scan the others at the table. Seeing Raia i make my way over too her and drag the nearest chair next too her. Sitting down i lace fingers with her under the table. "Relax babe, Shes got a power point." Waveing a servant over i ask for food and hand him a gem from my pouch. Turning back too the table i wave too Smough and attempt too pay attention too Karnariel.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gaul strides into the room wearing fresh clothes for once: a white tunic, gray cloth slacks, and newly-shined black boots. He had considered wearing his crown, but thought it would be too gaudy for the occasion. He takes the seat between Flame and Smough, doing his best to fit in the chair with his massive frame.

He had given his word as a king to help and protect Flame, and the thoughts of where to start had not left his mind since. Today’s meeting would either be a welcome distraction, or an absolute shitshow. Either way, he makes himself as comfortable as possible, and awaits the fireworks.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meeting
Raia and Smough tense as Lexianna enters. Her similar appearance to Hands puts them on edge. They both come to the same conclusion but keep their questions in the back of their mind.

"I'l start by saying that things here in the south are going exceptionally well since Shadow purged the corrupt officials. There are still raiders and defectors who fled into the forests but incidents with them are fewer each day. Things are going well." Karnariel states.

"West point is doing well now that the bloodmen stronghold has been toppled. The kidnapping and slave trade is new and still very small. My contacts in the capital say that about upwards of fifty Son Kai men, women, and children are being smuggled to nobles in the capital."
"I still don't believe you. Do you have proof aside from these so called contacts I'm supposed to believe you have?"
"You can see for yourself. You do ride the Eternal Wolf." Karnariel replies. Raia looks around the table. Chron is instantly there. Raia reaches up, placing a hand on him, and vanishes. She reappears seconds later both livid and mildly embarrassed.
"It's true." She says quietly. It took every ounce of self control to not kill the posh noblemen who have stolen her people. She knows that would only tip off the slavers. She mulls over her options as Karnariel continues.

"I won't talk of East Point. We all know the outcome of that." Everyone casts an accusatory eye at Baruss.

"The north is mostly okay. The real problem stems from Valkyrie herself." Karnariel says.
"Yes, she's very... zealous in her duties." Smough chimes in. He and Sia have been chatting in pirate code involving simple gestures and seemingly insignificant movements and actions. The conversation has mostly been about booze.

"Most of the people freed from the Bastille were sent there by her. It's not a far stretch to say she's a fanatical follower of the father. She turned her back on everything she knew for his ambition."

"As for the mainland... it's hard to say. I haven't been but my agents say it's an eerie sort of tranquil. No one will talk. No dissidents. The city guard and soldiers are well behaved. But every agent seems to... change. Their messages go from suspicion to acceptance far too quickly. But they do still report. I don't know what to make of it."
"Could it be The Commander? I don't know much about them." Jalen asks.
"No one does. She's an enigma raised after our coup and given the capital by the father. We can tell she is female. But that's about it. No one has seen her outside of her armor and any attempt to see her appearance has proved fruitless." Shadow elaborates.
"The armor. It masks her from being seen." Baruss announces.
"Really." Raia answers sarcastically.
"In more ways than you realize. I have knowledge. An analysis report from mother. May I? Baruss asks Lexianna who nods. The light Lexianna placed at the table moves over and a holographic representation of the information takes its place. Baruss reads.

Subject's armor is of normal construction. Steel and leather. Chain mail protected joints. Padded inner lining.

After acquiring [redacted] a secondary analysis of the armour has revealed paracausal properties. Hypothesis: [redacted] must be an ontological shaper of extreme potency.

Hypothesis: Bearer of the armor: Lord Commander, is unable to be identified while wearing the aforementioned protection.

Note: due to lack of tested variables regarding [redacted] it is unclear as to the armour's true potential. Exercise caution when interacting with subject: Lord Commander.

The file ends and vanishes.

"That's all mother had to say." Baruss finishes.
"That sounded like a human report. I thought your mother was the- what was it? Prime Mind?" Karnariel asks.
"Yes. It was from before her accident." Baruss answers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Once a hologram pops up I slip my tablet out and download the date file. I also take a few keynotes. The notification of my log on Gaul,from earlier, flashes ready to be sent once we're out of this godforsaken communication dark zone. Inferna will be seething that she hasn't heard anything from me.

Flame leans over to scan my notes and blinks at me. I nod my head in answer and she speaks up.


So the Commander is the only Lord no one has more information on.

"I think it should be assumed with these unusual behaviors that mind manipulation is at play to make your agents complacent, Karnariel. In that case, shouldn't someone with more resistance go in to investigate?Complacent or not they're hostages and may be feeding information back if they continue to report. Could one of you Lords ask for an audience with the Commander, get in that way?"

I look down the table, pointedly, at the new Lord Baruss that everyone seems wary of. Maybe since he has no prior ties he'd be a good candidate to send. I wouldn't mind going with him to investigate either. Blaze and I both have a sixth sense and could probably pick up on the location at least of where the manipulation was coming from.

I mull these things over while I wait for an answer or addition from the others.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 9 days ago


Finishing my chat with Smough i stand and yell " Deal!!" Twisting around i open my pouch, stretching the opening as far as i can i hoist a barrel up onto the table. Setting it down with a clunk, i pop the cork on the top and tip my flask into it, dropping two Trench berries into it. Ducking under the table and dragging Raia with me i wait for them too settle too the bottom. Several seconds later i poke my head above the edge of the table. "Nobody is dead right? Good." Resealing it i tip it onto its side and roll it acrossed the table, through the light projection and off the table next too Smough. Catching the small box he slides acrossed the table, i hand it too Raia and give her a peck. "Your gonna love this babe." Turning too Shadow, i give him a sharks grin. "Im not paying taxes on this so dont even ask."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


They still seem to eye Baruss with contempt. Though he's unfazed, it unsettles me. He can't be blamed for what happened. Like any child, he's not responsible for how he was created. The blame lies with Mystic who is now dead mirroring the tragic souls he stole. It's disrespectful to speak ill of the dead so I should think the book would close on the matter.

I turn to watch for his calculated response at Flame's pointed question. It's then that I notice my hand has been making the rounds through Jalen's hair, trying to smooth over the top strands.
He doesn't seem to mind my absentminded attention, which is a relief.

Still, I place my hand in my lap, noting the glance I get from across the table. I'm sure Jalen and I sitting side by side paint a clear picture for some of them of the Hands. Ironic with Jalen having been one, though only Kar knows it. I don't have to probe their minds to see the question in two pairs of eyes. I'm disappointed with their apprehension over my resemblance but I don't blame them. There's no telling what they must have suffered from the group.

I'm distracted from my thoughts when Sia jumps up and slams a barrel on the table. This couldn't have waited until after the meeting? Nonetheless, I can't help but smile at her. Some things never change.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gaul shifts forward in his seat. A barrel of booze with trenchberries? What kind of deal did they just make? He had noticed bits of the pirate code flying back and forth, but hadn't been paying enough attention to keep track of the conversation. He'd been mulling over the prospect of Valkyrie.

"I'm glad that the efforts of Flame, Blaze, and myself have been noticed. The bloodmen were an...interesting diversion from our objective, but they were handled easily enough. I killed their chieftain with my own hands, so I'm fairly certain that they'll be more amenable to my influence if they are anything like the early ancestors of my people." Gaul leans back slightly in his chair, and continues.

"Valkyrie is my problem to deal with. Leave her to me." He gestures pointedly in the direction of Blaze and Flame. "These two should go with whomever this Council decides will head for the mainland to investigate the Commander. Sia, I believe, is rather fixated on staying with Rider, and should continue to do so for the time being." He turns to each of the group one by one, "That is, of course, if you all agree with me. Especially you, Lexianna. You are our leader, after all."

Gaul stands up and takes a quick glance around the table. "Now I believe there's been some alcohol passed across this table. What are we waiting for?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meeting
Smough defensively places a hand on his prize. He wasn't planning on sharing. From what Sia told him of Trench Frenzy it's a drink fit for gods. And after parting with an official emblazoned band of Raia's old house crest for it. A trinket Smough had been planning to bribe or payoff the Western Warden with.
"Not with my booze..." Smough says summoning a few well dressed pirates to carry it off. Raia at the same time is scowling at Gaul.
"That reminds me." Raia says loud enough to get Gaul's attention. "What is your objective? I thought you all might be doing the same but it's clear that everyone here has different goals."
Shadow grimaces, anticipating this the moment Gaul began to speak with certainty. "Raia, I don't think now is the best time."
"Who the hell do you think you are? I get you're all big shot outworlders but you..." Raia says ignoring Shadow and fixing her gaze on Gaul. The news of slavers in her lands has put a bad taste in her mouth. "I know your type. Strength is all that matters to men like you. You think everything is just a dick swinging contest that you can kill your way out of." Raia has her arms crossed and scowl pointed at Gaul. She knows she's making a few assumptions and probably in the wrong but can't stop herself from lashing out.
"I do not think that is an accurate assessment of this man." Baruss states.
"Damare, bakemono!"
"I agree with Raia. This one is dangerous." Karnariel announces. Karnariel shifts in his seat but keeps his assertive posture. He's not forgotten Gaul's destruction of the moon.
"I am grateful you cleared the Bloodmen out of the mountain fort. From what I can tell their Spawning Pool has been destroyed as well. But the Bloodmen, for all the horrid things they are, are fiercely loyal. Not one would turn on their Baron." Raia taps the table with her finger.
"Gaul, what are your plans on dealing with Valkyrie? I think it would set everyones' minds at ease if this were discussed amongst all parties involved." Shadow states. "I also think it would be best if everyone here stated their intent as well as what brought them to this meeting in the first place. No one has asked. I'm not certain if that's because it hasn't crossed anyone's minds or because they don't want to know. But you all know each other. It's obvious to me that you came here with a set objective in mind. If someone could explain what that is."
"That is simple." Baruss speaks up. Everyone looks at him with confusion. "They wish to depose The Father."
"That's what Sia told me." Raia adds in, still very much standoffish. Karnariel looks at Lexianna. Partially for assurance. Partially to gauge her reaction.
"It's why I've decided to ally with Lexianna." Karnariel levels his gaze at Gaul once more. "Kara is mine. She may be daughter of Loki but I'm her half brother. She dies by my hand."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Gaul laughs as Smough gets possessive with his liquor. “Fair enough, Smough. What’s yours is yours.”

He grimaces slightly at the accusations Raia is throwing around. “Me? My primary goal is to find a way to bring my family back. In order to do that, I need to defeat the Father and get our companion back so we can get the hell out of here. I told Shadow when I first met him that I wanted out, and that hasn’t changed.” He turns to Karnariel. “I’m sorry if I pissed you off, or made you piss yourself when I blew up your moon. I assumed, wrongly of course, that the magic that brought back the fallen soldiers was tied to it directly, and wanted to help you by evening the odds. I tried to take a shortcut, and it backfired. My bad.”

Gaul takes a deep breath. “Valkyrie, Kara, whatever her name is, has been oppressing Viking culture in this land. As the king of the Viking gods, you can see why I’d be more than a little upset about that.” Another deep breath.

“My plan for Valkyrie cannot be revealed. I have seen the path forward, but if I tell any of you it will fall apart. Karnariel, if you wish to try to stop your sister first, be my guest. If you fail, I will insure that you live, step in, and finish the job. I can offer you no better deal.” He folds his arms across his chest, exhales forcefully through his nose, and turns to Flame.

“I promised your brother that I would help you get your power under control,” he begins softly. “Once my business with Valkyrie is concluded, I will fulfill that promise. For now, do me a favor and stay out of too much trouble?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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After Gaul finishes I stand and slide my flask too him. "Too be fair, the moon was my idea. Seemed the best option at the time. I'm here for three reasons. One, Find Razz and Liv, Two protect Raia and my own..." intrests", and thirdly remove the Father. Leaving this place can come after I'm in no rush, and I have time.

Turning too Karnariel I point at him. "Your information on West Point was wrong. You need too check your Intel. There were no slaves there. You led us too believe the whole culture was based off slavery."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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-The Meeting-

Karnariel explains that Raia shut down her borders. The intel he received was based on the reports from those who fled her lands and therefore could have been biased. He had been trying to get people in to verify those reports and the group was the first able to make it across. He apologizes for any misinformation he may have had.


With Sia's question answered, I take the initiative. It's become clear to me that not everyone is on the same page. It's time to rectify that and make sure all cards are on the table. I rise softly like the flutter of a butterfly's wings. My voice stays gentle and even, a spring breeze.

"If everyone is done passing judgement based on assumption alone, it seems I have some clarifications to make on behalf of the group. There's our mission, our goal, and our differing values as some of my friends here have already stated. First, our mission is quite simple really." My words being dynamic it feels right to move with them. I circle the table making eye contact with each person as I pass, a teacher assessing the class.

"The mission of the group was to investigate your blackout: find the cause and fix it. As it's a disease on reality. All of reality is what we're tasked with safe guarding. Once we arrived, we were attacked by The False One and two of our team were taken. So he must be located but we don't have enough information about him which is why he's on the docket." I indicate the agenda with a hand flourish and continue," The goal of the group is to help. We're professionals who realize with power comes the responsibility of changing what you can for the better." I stop at the other end of the table where everyone has a clear line of sight on me. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. When they open, they're golden, blazing with my passion though my voice doesn't lose its gentle cadence.

"I value one thing. Life. I wield the life force. I am the code of creation incarnate. From the tiny fragile blade of newborn grass, to every person in this room. I value life above all else." My gaze turns to Kar. "If you are going to confront Valkyrie I ask that you show her the same courtesy you did these other lords and ladies. Put aside your blood feud. Use your words first." I then turn my golden gaze on Gaul. " Gaul dear, whether you are accompanied or alone I must insist that you go in not as a wrecking ball but a shield. Strong enough to withstand her attacks and possibly talk some sense into her. " My eyes scan the room again, "If she can't be reasoned with then I propose doing what needs to be done to ensure no other innocence is punished and no other culture is repressed. Culture is as much a way of life as growing." My skirts whisper around me as I gracefully take my seat. "Would anyone like to fill in the blanks, so to speak, where Valkyrie is concerned?"

I'm confident in Gaul's sight and ability to accomplish the task. This is in the interest of full disclosure and everyone being fully aware of what they're facing.
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