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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia entered with her friends, and soon enough they found Longstrider. After Longstrider, Sylvia nodded and answered "Yes, there is a reason we brought back this corpse," She then explained, "We found this corpse among what used to be the Jabrani's territory. With how this human is dressed and what he had on them, we can be sure that this was a cultist. Thus, his corpse is irrefutable proof that the cult of Elysium is responsible for the trogs attacking. Not only that, but we brought the corpse back in hopes that once Shor and the other guards come back, they might be able to identify this guy and figure out who his associates are,"

She then respectfully apologized, "We're sorry to impose like this, but we certainly don't plan on bringing any more corpses back. Once we rest up a bit here, we'll be heading out to take on the Toxin Croak tribe,"

She kind of wished that she had her smartphone with her in Keratia. It would have been better to just take a picture of the body with it, instead of having to bring it here physically.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Longstrider looked at this corpse, then at you. “I am surprised to hear that you are aware of my people’s talks with the people of Elysium. I suppose Shortfang made that known to you.” Longstrider looked at Shortfang who seemed oddly bashful at the look. The grey scale simply sighed. “I understand your concerns, but know that our situation is a complex one. The grudges between the Sewer Dragons and the humans of Gransys is not going to be an easy one to amend, and with all of these troubles coming, we cannot afford to deny allies where we can.” Longstrider used her cane to poke the body, looking at his face and around his body.

“Not to mention, a dead body isn’t exactly proof that the cultists are working alongside the troglodytes. If they were, why would the cultist be dead, among creatures who are suppose to be their allies? It does not surprise me that the cultists may have been down here and attacked by the trogs. After all, they came to see us, and may see the cult as a new enemy due to offering us aid.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia blinked at Longstrider's words in surprise and confusion. She asked out loud right after Longstrider mentioned the talks, "Huh? You guys were talking with the cultists?" Did Shortfang mention that before? Sylvia couldn't really remember. Though then again...there was a lot of stuff going on, so of course she was bound to forget something. She felt kind of embarrassed at the fact that she may have forgotten that Shortfang mentioned it to them.

The cultists were talking to the Sewer Dragons...

She listened to Shortfang as she explained that they needed allies where they can, and how a dead body wasn't exactly proof. After she asked her questions, Sylvia answered her, "Well, my guess is that the cultist is probably dead for the same reason that they're killing the other trogs, who are supposed to be their allies as well. Troglodytes value strength, and they clearly don't have any problems with killing other trogs, so they probably have no problem killing a human cultist ally. Plus, considering what you just said, I wouldn't be surprised if the trog chieftain realized that the cultists were helping the kobolds as well, and decided to have the cultist killed in order to ensure their victory in this war,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Longstrider strike her chin as she ordered her guards to take the body away for sake keeping. She just sighed and looked towards you. “A likely story, however we still have no proof that the cultists have allied with the troglodytes. The trogs do not need a particular reason to have anyone down here killed, friend or foe, and without more proof all this deadman proves is that he was a victim of the trog’s hospitality. I would suggest you go out and find more evidence, Sylvia, if you intend to build a stronger case.” One of the guardsmen came over to whisper something to Longstrider as she sighed again and headed back to the stone building. “I must leave. Rest if you must, but do not be idle. There are still many battles to be fought.”

Longstrider would leave, allowing the group to rest. It doesn’t seem like Shor or Skinwalker’s team came back from their mission, however during your rest a kobold scout who was with Skinwalker finds you and reports an update about the situation at the Toxin Croak. The scouts have spotted their leader, a purple troglodyte with magic powers, and they were mobilizing east. It seems like they’re going to go aid the Black Claw tribe. The scouts have put hazards in the way to slow them down, but the scout urges that you leave as soon as you can and try to deal with the trib before they reach the Black Claw and overwhelm Shor and his party.

Hearing this news Shortfang loads a crossbow bolt for his light and hand crossbow. “We attack chief en route! They never see it coming. Take out chief and whole tribe break like Jabrani. Save Shor, than go fight Black Claw!”

Pylia was mending the damage to her shield when she suggested her idea. “We should Attack their base instead, that will give us a chance to grab anything useful, and when the word reaches the trogs that their home is under attack they’ll abandon their allies to defend their home anyways. Plus if they sent their warriors to aid the Black Claw, then that means there shouldn’t be too many guarding their home.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded. She definitely intended to find more evidence and piece together the situation. She let the kobolds take the body for safe-keeping. After Longstrider left, Sylvia took some time in their rest to meditate. She figured she was going to need all of her ki for the coming battle.

After she was done, a kobold scout came back and reported the news of the trogs' activities. She listened to both Shortfang and Pylia and took a moment to think on it. After doing so, she answered the both of them with her thoughts, "If we attack the base, the trogs might not care, or the news wouldn't get to them in time to help Shor and the others. Getting rid of their leader would be more effective. The Kobolds have given us a chance by slowing them down, so we need to take this opportunity,"

She then stood up, ready to leave, and she told them, "Let's try and ambush the Toxin Croak while they're en route. We'll have the element of surprise on our side this time,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The group accepted the decision. The kobold scout would be able to guide you to where he last spotted the chief, and hopefully they haven’t gotten much further than that. As you all travel north, the kobold explains what other intel they have on the Trog Chief. He goes by the name of Venomfang, and unlike most trogs he’s actually quite smart, which extends to his warriors as well. They’re disciplined though still rather savage, and they make use of poisoned weapons. Hearing this Pylia handed out the two antitoxins she had made yesterday to you and herself, since they’re likely going to attack the two of them.

Additionally, their warriors number at around thirty. The kobold knows there’s no way they can take all of them on head on, and hope to use the traps to weaken their numbers. Skinwalker has a plan too, so the kobold will take you to her first so they can discuss. Finally, they know Venomfang has magic abilities, though they aren’t certain about the exact nature aside that he can conjure fire. Unlike most chiefs he hides behind his warriors and doesn’t fight up front, so getting to him will be more difficult. But at the same time they’re certain that taking out Venomfang will do a lot more damage to the trogs morale than other tribes, since they’re more reliant on his guidance to fight.

Eventually you would reach a small tunnel that you’ll need to crouch to get through, though the kobolds can move just fine. The scout leads you to Skinwalker and her party, who were crouched around a small campfire. Seeing you and the group she smiles. “Hello. You ready fight, yes?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia accepted the antitoxin and drank it in preparation for the battle ahead. She listened as the kobold explained about the Toxin Croak and their capabilities. Sylvia felt dread at the mention that the trog numbers came to about thirty. She was relieved to hear that Skinwalker has a plan, so they were going to meet with her. She crawled through the small tunnel to reach Skinwalker and her party. She greeted Skinwalker once they reached her, "Hi. We're ready to fight. We heard you had a plan?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Skinwalker nods and explains, though she does so entirely in Draconic, since that's the language she knows best. Fortunately Pylia translates it more or less word for word for you so you can understand. "Not too far away is a sort of... Bridge, going over a channel. Past that is a sewage gate that is holding up a lot of water, enough water to easily sweep over the bridge. If we can time it right we can wash the trogs away with the sewage water, taking out a large swath of them all at once. The difficult part however is keeping them on that bridge since it's only about thirty feet long, so the trogs aren't going to stay on them for very long. So they need... Someone to distract them, to stand their ground and keep them from going pass the bridge while one of them tries to get to the sewage gate, and activate it just in time to wash away as many trogs as possible. However is that there's no short path to get to the sewage gate and it requires a lot of strength to move."

On the ground Skinwalker has drawn out a rough sketch of the area. Pylia continues to translate. "So Skinwalker plans to take her team to the sewer gate and try to get into position to open it. However they won't do so until we give them the signal. Meanwhile, we'll get to the bridge and try to hold off as many trogs as we can, try to get as many of them onto the bridge as possible. We don't need to fight them, we just need to withstand them." Pylia gulped hearing this plan. She whispered to you. "This sounds like a terrible plan. Us against all those trogs... I'm not a fan, honestly." Skinwalker continued to talk and Pylia quickly tried to catch up with translations. "Their chief is a prideful one, but also very cautious. We need to make sure he doesn't realize this is a trap, and see if we can't lure him into sending his warriors straight towards you, all of them. It would only take a few seconds for the flood of water to knock them all away. Afterwards, that ought to help cull their numbers and then they can go directly after Venomfang themselves. If they try to just attack him while he still has warriors, his warriors would protect him with their lives, or worse, they might try and make a run for it towards the Black Claw tribe. We don't have the numbers to stop them if the assassination doesn't work, and even if it does the remaining trogs will still go to the Black Claw tribe and attack Shor's team. This is the best way to try and take out as many as they can, without too many risks."

Taking a deep breath while rubbing her eyes Pylia seemed exasperated. "Gods. This plan isn't sounding any better."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia, once again, was glad that Pylia was here to translate. She listened to the plan. It didn't sound easy, and she can understand Pylia's hesitancy. However, Sylvia couldn't think of a better plan and she knew that she didn't know these sewers as well as the Sewer Dragons did. She answered Pylia, "It's better than nothing. And I don't think I can come up with anything better. We don't know the sewers as well as they do,"

She then asked Skinwalker, realizing a certain aspect, "If it requires a lot of strength to move that gate...then do you need Buddy to go with you? He is the strongest among the four of us,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Skinwalker shook her head, motioning to her team. It was her and four other kobolds, so a total of five. "Five kobolds enough. You need his strength." She said simply. Buddy looked towards you and nods as if agreeing with her. Pylia however was still worried, looking at you with concern. "Are you sure you want to do this? Even with all four of us I just... This is going to be insane, Sylvia." Shortfang put a hand on Pylia's forearm since he was too short to try and touch her should. "Trust mom! She know what she doing. We just be brave, and we beat trogs!" Buddy nods. Pylia just sighed as Skinwalker clapped her hands. "Okay. We go. Let's go!"

If there was nothing else to discuss, Skinwalker would lead your team from the tunnel to where they'll split off and try to intercept the trogs. You arrive to a narrow hall that goes to a much larger bridge, with the sewage water just inches from touching the bottom of the bridge. Shortfang would send Syfr with his mother to rely the signal; when the owl squawks, that'll be the signal for her and the team to release the water. There was no sign of the trogs so far, but Skinwalker says they'll have maybe ten minutes before they show up. Thus they'll have no time to waste and need to make whatever preparations they can now to get ready for those trogs. With one last word for luck, Skinwalker's group leaves you and the others behind.

Pylia just sighed and looked around. "Alright well... If we're going to have to hold this location, why don't we build some fortifications? Maybe move some stone into walls or something. If those trogs know how to use javelins, then we'll need cover and lots of it." That's when Shortfang smiled, looking at the stone walls. "Shortfang know earth moving magic! Help break rock, and Shortfang make barrier!" Buddy simply took out his axe and javelin, ready to use either for the coming battle. His axe had a small mattock like head on the reverse side of the axe, so it'll be effective for digging up rock. Looking at you Pylia took a deep breath. "If you have any idea to make sure we survive what's about to happen, do it. I'll help you however I can."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded in response to Pylia's question. She smiled as Shortfang reassured her, as did Buddy. She added her own reassurance, "I know, Pylia. It won't be easy, but I think we can do this,"

"We have to..."

Sylvia thought to herself somewhat filled with worry herself. It was insane, but she wasn't going to waver now.

Soon enough Skinwalker led them to the bridge, and her team headed off to their position. She answered her friends, "Let's get to making those fortifications. Buddy, when you're done breaking the rock, I'll help make the barriers," After Pylia made her comment, Sylvia started, "I don't really have..." She then stopped when she remembered that she brought the doll with her this time.

She pulled the doll out of the backpack and she told Pylia while Buddy broke the rocks, "Forewarned is forearmed right? I thought of saving the doll for the main hideout's entrance location, but I think it might help us here. We just need to think of a good question to ask it,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Right, the Oracle. Hah, but what to ask? It gives pretty vague wanders before.” Pylia says as Buddy and Shortfang got to work digging into the nearby wall. Eventually Pylia figured a decent question. “Alright, why don’t we ask it how we can survive these trogs? We have the key to defeat them, but we need to try and survive u til the right moment.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded and she answered her, "Alright, let's give it a try!" She then held up the doll and she asked it, "Alright. Oracle doll, how can we best survive through the attack on the coming trogs?" She watched the doll and listened as she waited for its answer with baited breath. She just hoped it wasn't going to say something that implies that they'll die.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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”Troglodytes are weak in direct sunlight.”

That was the message that the statue told you as it glowed, but afterwards the glow stopped and it went inert as it always does. Pylia waited for you to tell her what you heard as Buddy managed to dig into dirt, breaking through the stone wall. This allowed Shortfang to pull the dirt behind the wall out in large piles as Buddy took some bricks to try and set them up to help keep the dirt piles more secure. Further away, you could hear the echoes of many footsteps coming towards the bridge. Shortfang gulped as he pulled out more dirt. “Hurry! They come!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia told her friends, “They’re weak to direct sunlight. If we can get some sunlight to come in, that would help. In the meantime, I’ll have to use my light beam attacks,” She quickly put the doll away when she heard the footsteps and she moved to take cover behind one of the dirt piles, and readied a beam of divine energy for the coming trogs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Sunlight? Uuuuuh..." Shortfang wasn't really sure how to produce sunlight until he looked up. There was a small sewer grate up there, however it was at least fifty feet towards the ceiling and frankly not large enough to cause any meaningful amount of light to come through. "Light up there? Maybe we attack it?" There were precious few minutes left. Every second was going to count. Pylia gritted her teeth and aimed her club towards the ceiling. "Let's do some damage to it! Maybe if we destroy enough of it, it'll draw in more light." Pylia called for sacred fire to strike at the stonework, doing some damage to it and causing dust to fall from the ceiling. Shortfang aimed his crossbow towards the ceiling, but instead of an arrow, magical bolts fired from his crossbow and into the ceiling as well, taking out more notable chunks. Buddy took out one of the javelins and tried to throw it towards the ceiling, however it was just a bit too far and lost momentum, clattering onto the ground in front of you.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia watched her friends strike the ceiling, and as they attacked, she watched for any specific weak spots to appear. She doubted that her knives or darts would do the trick, so she was going to have to rely on her Sun Bolt. After Buddy's javelin clattered to the ground in front of her, she raised her hand towards the ceiling and channeled the divine energy once more. She fired the beam of light at the ceiling's weakest looking spot in hopes of making the hole and creating more sunlight. She just hoped she found and fired at the right spot.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You and your allies continued to chip away at the stone above you, causing rubble and scraps to fall down from the ceiling. Though try as he might, Buddy was just having no luck getting his javelins to strike the stone; either he didn't throw them with enough strength, or even if he did, they ended up clattering against the stone above and failing to do any damage. He was lucky the javelins didn't simply fall back onto him. With a combination of Pylia's scared flames, Shortfang's heavy crossbow bolts, and your sun bolts, you were able to do a considerably amount of damage. Pylia raises her hand to signal for everyone. "I think that's good enough! I'll shoot another flame bolt at it when we get the trogs here, if we do this too early they might turn around."

And as if Pylia's warning summoned them, you could see the first of the trogs just rounding the corner. "They come! Behind dirt wall!" Shortfang shouted out as he dove behind the makeshift walls. They were little more than large mounds of dirt that you'll need to kneel behind to get full cover for, but they would have to do for barriers. It was at least big enough to provide half cover for you and Pylia, though Shortfang was small enough to hide behind a considerably smaller one that only Buddy could barely fit behind. The trogs could easily see you up ahead and screamed their vicious warcry, getting ready to attack. They didn't charge immediately however; it seemed like their shouting was some sort of signal or message, and before long a distant echo shouted another bestial scream back.

Next to you, Pylia was breathing heavily. She was scared. But she was trying to look strong. "Alright... Here we go!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia kept firing her energy blasts until Pylia said that the damage they did was enough. She nodded at her friend's advice, and answered "Sounds good to me," She then turned to hear the trogs, and she followed Shortfang's call to hide behind a dirt wall, kneeling in an attempt to take cover. She could hear the trogs communicating with each other. They were suspecting something! She readied another Sun Bolt in her hands, and she answered Pylia, "Let's do this guys!"

She waits for the trogs to come close enough for them for Sylvia to throw her Sun Bolt.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The trogs charged, however unlike the ones before they didn't bother to go all the way. Instead they ran about thirty feet towards you; close enough for you to get your shot in, striking one of the trogs as he came up. It wounded him heavily, but he stood his ground as he hurled a javelin right towards you. Fortunately, the dirt cover was able to foil the shot, causing the javelin to land into the dirt but fail to actually do any harm. But what wasn't so great was when all the trogs proceeded to take out their javelins from their bags, hurling them em mass towards the party. "Take cover!" Shortfang shouted as the javelins rained onto the party. Thanks to the cover they made, most either overshot or were buried into the dirt, though one did manage to bounce off Buddy's head and cause a notable cut. He didn't seem too bodied however you could see a smear of greenish-brown where he was wounded; that javelin was poisoned!

But now it was time for the counter attack. "Focus fire!" Shortfang popped out from cover and shot one of the trogs right in the chest, just inches away from his heart. Buddy picked up the javelin that smacked his head and threw it back, however his aim was off and it went sailing over the trog as it was heaving from the bolt in it's chest. Meanwhile Pylia gave a quick, frantic prayer as she also stood out from cover and tossed one of her flame orbs at the trog you had blasted, hitting exactly the same spot you did and sending him sprawling to the ground in pain, and shortly dying. Pylia ducked behind cover while her breathing was heavy and frantic. "W-We should send the signal now! That's a lot of trogs!" You can see beyond the first line of trogs another wave that was preparing to come in, likely to swarm or otherwise assist the first wave.

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