Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded and thanked the orc chef after he wished her good luck. She scanned the kitchen, getting a sense of where everything is. She accepted the apron from Pylia and she nodded to her, answering "You got it. Thank you again," After placing on the apron, and Shortfang and Buddy returned, she called for them to come to her so they could have a meeting of sorts before they start cooking. She had an idea as to what her friends could do. Once they're around her, she hands Shortfang and Buddy an apron each, and she speaks to the group, getting straight to the point,

"Alright, guys. We're going to need Granny Smith apples for this. If there aren't any, Pink Ladies, Johnathans, and Honeycrisps will also work. Make sure you don't pick any apples that are very sweet and soft, like Red Delicious. We'll also need to make sure that the peels of the apples are not too smooth or waxy. We want as much caramel to stay on the apples as possible. We will also need wooden skewers, and I don't think the Silver Stag staff would appreciate us using theirs. We're also going to need to figure out some way to store, or wrap up the candy apples so that they're ready for the party. Other than that, I'll take care of the caramel, 'cause that can be tricky. While we're cooking, remember to keep communicating! It's key in the kitchen! Got it? OK! Let's get cooking!"

After telling her friends what was needed, Sylvia immediately started a stove, and prepped the ingredients while the stove heated up. Once it's heated, she would start mixing the sugars and water to make the caramel.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Everyone gathered around to listen to your orders, though it was a bit difficult for them to understand certain things. The apples you were naming weren't at all familiar to your crew. Fortunately, Pylia was able to infer what you were looking for, and mainly just got the tart green apples. Shortfang was able to take care of the wood skewers using his own fetching kit, simply shaving the wood he uses for his crossbow bolts into even thinner wood skewers. His deft hands allowed him to easily do this without making splinters or weak skewers. And finally Buddy had the idea of simply storing them in the Bag of Holding, since that would ensure they're safe and don't jostle. He also helped maintain the fire for the stove and pretty much went between you, Shortfang, and Pylia as needed.

Over the next hour or so the party would get into a pretty good rhythm and make a little over four hundred caramel apples, at Shortfang's suggestion. He wanted to make sure there was at least one for everyone. He even offered to use his own money to pay for the needed ingredients, since with some quick math he was able to deduce it would be around 50 GP total. After that was paid for, the four of you managed to get four hundred or so caramel apples made, with your simple caramel mixture sweet, sticky, and delicious with the tart green apples. Putting them into the bag of holding was somewhat strange since again, you didn't really feel them in there, but they were safer there than in any box or bag. At some point the owner of the kitchen came back with his workers after their break was over, and fortunately by then the group was in the process of finishing and cleaning up.

"Mhmm, sumthin smells nice. Caramel an apples, now dats a treat! Mixing two of me most favorite things ta eat. Surprise yer know wot ta hell caramel is, sugar ain't exactly peasant food. Were ya learn ta cook, lassie?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia was glad to see that Pylia was able to get the Granny Smith apples without much confusion. She managed to get into a rhythm with her friends. When Shortfang suggested four hundred apples, Sylvia agreed. As she was busy, keeping an eye on the caramel to not let it burn, she let Shortfang pay all of the fifty gold. She can pay him back later. Soon enough, the apples were ready and they were all in the bag of holding. She helped clean up the kitchen just as the orc chef came back. She smiled a bit at his question, though she did feel a little embarrassed at the fact that she didn't realize that peasants didn't exactly eat sugar like the people back home did. She answered the orc chef as she continued to clean up, "My grandma taught me how to cook. She had a lot of recipes, but she always loved cooking desserts,"

As she answered his question, she had faced away from him and her friends, hoping that they wouldn't see the sadness behind her smile as she spoke about her briefly. It hurt...to talk about her. It hurt to even think about...

She realized that her hand had stopped scrubbing for a moment, and she focused back on the task as she clarified for the orc to clear any suspicion, "My family and I from far away. Sugar's readily available there, so desserts are not a problem, even for peasants,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The orc's features seem to soften hearing you talk. He motions for his people to get back to work silently as one of them, the strange scaled half-elf, walks over with a bag. "Well den, sugar ain't so easy ta come by 'ere, but ya seem ta know wot ta do wif it more den some of dem land lubbers out dere. So 'ere. Maybe ye could show me sum real fancy treat like yer gran taught ya, eh?" The orc hands you a bag of sugar with a smirk. Soon the hostess came with a few notes, and the orc looked serious as he put his hat and apron on. "Aight nuff chitchat. Me and mines gotta get ta work now, so if you an yours are done doin wot ye need ta do, kindly clear out." The orc left you and your friends alone as he started barking orders for his people to start cooking, with himself picking up a large cleaver as he took a box of potatoes out to cut them up. Pylia puts her apron away as she motions towards the door. "Sounds like that's our cue to leave. If there's nothing else you wanna grab, how about we head over to Dragon's Watch? I'm sure the party would be ready by now."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia honestly didn't expect the chef to hand her a bag of sugar. When he asked if she could show him a fancy dessert recipe she learned from her grandmother sometime, she nodded and answered with a smile, "I'd be happy to. Thank you," She accepted the bag of sugar, and had it placed in the bag of holding for safe keeping. She took off the apron, and put it back just before the orc chef told them to clear out. She nodded to him and led the way out of the kitchen. As she did, she answered Pylia, "I think I'm good when it comes to my stuff. Let's go back to our room to make sure that everything's secure, and if there's nothing else you guys want to grab. After that, let's head to Dragon's Watch,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The party would return to their rooms for one final check. Buddy grabbed his axe while Shortfang made sure to pack his weapons too. Pylia did a security check and locked up their valuables behind the wooden compartment in the closet, though she didn’t bring any of her weapons. Only her holy symbol and her dagger, which she was able to hide in her sleeve. Finally she out out the fire in the fire pit. Once you finished your own preparations the group would set off towards the sewers. Buddy would also pick up a large metal couldron of soup that’s Shortfang had ordered earlier.

As per usual, the sewers smelled fat from pleasant. Fortunately Pylia had prepared for this and had some incense made while you were under going the familiar ritual, burning it to help neutralize the sewer stank. Arriving to Underhaven, there was notably less Kobolds here, most of them guards. Two of the giant crocodiles were here and one of the guards informed you that most of the kobolds went to Dragon Watch, with only some guards and workers here. Incidentally, Yorik of all people were here.

“Aye kid! Ere fer da party aye? Shor and da others can’t make it unfortunately, got dere hands wrapped up in sum business up at da castle. Got standing orders ta take care of Underhaven till da bossman sorts outa how ya help da kobolds wif dere situation ere. Politics an shite. Dat soup?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia grabbed her tonfas, just in case. That was really all Sylvia needed to do for preparations. After everything was secure, she headed out of the room with her friends and headed for the Underhaven. She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to the smell down here. It was still awful. Thankfully, Pylia had prepared incense for this situation. When they got to Underhaven, and after the guard informed them where the kobolds were, they found Yorik.

She smiled as she greeted Yorik, "Hey Yorik! We thought we'd come early for the party," She listened as he mentioned that Shor and the others couldn't be here due to business and politics. She nodded understandingly. Of course they would need to take care of that aspect. Though the mention of politics still brought a sense of annoyance to Sylvia. When he asked about the soup, she nodded and answered "Sure is. Fresh from the Silver Stag," She then mentioned, "The four of us also made some caramel apples for the party,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Haha! Sounds like a right treat! Me and da lads ere already had us a feast of our own not ta long ago, so we got full bellies. Still kinda wanna see how deez kobolds party, but gotta job ta do. Oh ye, and just so ya know while we managed ya push back da trogs, dere still a few creeping about. Not only dat but all da dead trogs we been cleaning up draw in some right nasty critters too, so deez sewers still got trouble. But at least it ain’t some war against monsters.” Yorik wipes his nose as he informed you of the other new threats, including things like slimes, undead, feral beasts, and there was also sightings of some big flying creature down here, but no kobold has been brave enough to find it.

“Wif all dat said, we’ve been making sure dat deer’s patrols between Underhaven and Dragon’s Watch, ya Lee it safe down ere. So, if yer wanna head on over just lemme know and I’ll make sure ye all don’t find no trouble.” At some point in the conversation Shortfang left, only to return with nothing to show for it. “Mum not here. She at Dragon Watch maybe?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded at the information of the new threats down here. She had a feeling she had a good guess as to what the flying creature might be. It could be the undead beholder that Migehalc...what'shisname (she wasn't even sure if that was the right name), had mentioned after the rap battle. She agreed "At least it's not a war," When he told them to let him know when they're ready to head to Dragon's Watch, she nodded and "Okay, thank you, Yorik!" She then looked to Shortfang when he came back and told them that he couldn't find his mom here. She answered his thought with a nod, "That's certainly a possibility,"

She was about to say that she was ready to go, but then she realized something. Between summoning Dinah with the scroll and making caramel apples, Sylvia had completely forgotten to meditate to get her ki back. With a blush, she told her friends and Yorik, "Oh! Right. Sorry, guys. I'll need thirty minutes. I'd rather make the journey to Dragon's Watch with my ki back. Just in case. I'll be back soon," She then headed to find a good place to meditate, despite the smell of the sewers. She summoned Dinah and had her help keep watch on the surroundings. If there was anything that needed her attention, she told Dinah to bat her with a paw.

If nothing happened during the thirty minutes of meditation, she'll head back to Yorik and tell him and her friends, "OK, I'm ready. Sorry about that,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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While you went to meditate, Shortfang and Buddy passed out the caramel apples to the guards. Pylia stayed with you, her incense helping you meditate as she seemed to be doing some sort of prayer or meditation herself. By the time you finished the kobolds on watch seem notably happier, chewing in the wood skewers as they kept an eye for danger. Yorik would assign some kobolds to escort you to Dragon’s Watch, the journey itself having no real trouble, and you’d arrive just in time to see some large bonfires being lit up along the walls.

The kobolds has taken some wood from the fortress to create fires alongside the walls and throughout the fortress, allowing the citizens to mingle and warm up near the flames. Pass th keep itself was Dragon Watch itself, the hidden port of Gransys. Unlike the sewers this area smelled less foul, and with the bonfires burning incense the whole place smelled like buttle and honeysuckles. Makeshift wooden huts and tents have been set up for kobolds to live in and it already seemed like they were settling in, considering all the food they had prepared.

Fortunately for you, what was being served wasn’t rats, though it may still be terrifying. Because somehow or another these kobolds had managed to catch and cook massive fish, almost as big as the giant crocodiles. You could see one kobold carrying two giant eyeballs bigger than his own head, which were being put onto a plate. Aside from the fish, it seemed like the kobolds diet was sea food based. You could see shellfish and kelp being prepared, as well as deeper sea crustaceans. The kobolds even had bread, some sort of course black bread, mostly in a flat form. They had piles of these flat breads as tall as a kobold themself. And finally there seemed to be quite a collection of mushrooms that were being cleaned, roasted, or stewed.

“Sylvia!” A familiar voice called out to you as Skinwalker ran over. “Hello! You look nice.” She said as she admired your clothing. Indeed it was quite striking compared to the environment you were in. Skinwalker also had a large bundle in her arms. “Kobolds can do pretty too! Soon, when party start, all kobold put on fancy dress. Skinwalker make many! You try on!” She handed you the package, which contained the dress she made for you. “Oh my. Right now? Hmm... Sylvia, why don’t we go over there? So you can have some privacy.” Pylia pointed over between some huts. That’s when Buddy pulled out the tent equipment from his own bag, taking out the tarp once more. “Oh! How convenient.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia traveled to Dragon's Watch with the kobolds and her friends. Thankfully, there was no need for the ki she regained, as nothing attacked their group. Soon enough they reached the Dragon's Watch, and she was pleasantly surprised to notice that it smelled more like butter and honeysuckle here. She could see that the kobolds were already settling in. What really caught her attention was the fact that somehow, someway, the kobolds managed to catch and are cooking giant fish!

Her eyes had widened at the sight, and she was still as she watched a kobold, carrying a giant eyeball walk past her and the group. She started asking in surprise, "How did they...?!" She then glanced at a giant crocodile, before going deadpan and commenting "Right. Sewer Dragons. Never mind," She had a feeling that they were the answer to her question. And even if they weren't, they kinda rendered her question moot anyways.

She heard someone call her name, and she turned to see Skinwalker. She greeted with a smile, "Ah! Hi Skinwalker!" When she complimented her dress, Sylvia thanked her. She accepted the package from Skinwalker, and she answered her, "Sure. I'll go and change. Thank you!" She looked to the hut and to Buddy. She answered Pylia and Buddy, "Good thinking, guys! I'll be right back!" She then hurried over to between the huts, and had the tarp set up there. No reason to not use both!

Once the tarp was set up, she quickly changed from her dress from Cassari, to the new dress that Skinwalker had made for her. After that was done, she would take the tarp down and head back to her friends, and she said "Tada!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You outfit was an crimson robe of sorts, though instead of a long skirt you had some somewhat poofy trousers which neatly tucked into your boots. Despite how big it was it felt warm, light, and very breathable. Your sleeves even had pockets and straps inside of them, allowing you to store things inside of your sleeves. When you came out everyone was surprised except Skinwalker, who began to speak very rapidly about the dress. Unfortunately entirely in Draconic, so it was impossible for you to understand. Pylia translated it a short while after she got over you new look. "She ah... She says that the dress is made from Fire Rat Fur, a rare magical beast. It will protect you from flames and the clothes themselves will always repair it's damage. Basically." Shortfang walked up to you and touched your sleeve. Dinah, who was sitting on Buddy, also came over to jump into your arms. "Wow boss! You pretty! Mom makes best clothes!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia was in awe at the quality of the new outfit she was wearing. It was amazing to say the least. This was probably the ideal outfit for adventuring. Her thought was proven right when she heard the explanation that the clothes were made from fire rat fur, and when she noticed how the clothes were light and breatheable with pockets. She smiled happily as she caught Dinah, and she told Skinwalker, “This is an amazing outfit, Skinwalker! Thank you so much!” She easily caught Dinah in her arms when she jumped to her.
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Skinwalker smiled at your thanks. It was around that time a horn was blown, and Skinwalker motioned towards where there was a big bonfire. "Celebration starting. Let us go." Following Skinwalker, she leads the party to a large square were most of the food was being set up. There were at least three different areas where the giant fishes were being roasted over an open flame, seven places serving soup, and one huge table serving various roasted mushrooms, sea foods, and other things that can be spread or put onto flat bread. Additionally Longstrider was here, giving some sort of speech in Draconic. But soon she'd see your group and speak in common.

"For the longest time, we kobolds have been living in darkness, away from the surface and it's people. Ever since our kind had joined with Kalmeet, the Chaos Dragon of Black, our kind have always been enemies of humanity. Even after thousands of years since the epic tale of the gods and their immortal enemies, the kobolds have been hunted, enslaved, and banished from everywhere touched by mortal hands. Even among our own dragonkin, we are lesser beings, brought to this world imperfect and pitiful. And yet despite that, we live. Despite our enemies and our struggles, we survive. And despite our cursed birth, we thrive. Because if there is one blessing that kobolds received, it is the blessing of change. No matter what happens to us or the world above, we will always be there to see the new day rise. We will be there when a new chapter starts, even after the story has ended. And that is possible, because of people like Sylvia Thorne, Pylia, Buddy, and Shortfang, who are willing to change how the story is told. Instead of telling the same sad tale that we kobolds always have, they have helped us make a new story, one with a happier ending."

Finally Longstrider raised a cup. Cups were also passed out to everyone. The content seemed to be some sort of green alcohol. Shortfang explained it. "Mosswine. Sewer Dragon specialty. Very strong, very tasty. Make Sewer Dragons good swimmers!" Londstrider said something that must've been a toast as she drank the mosswine, as did every other kobold in the room. Shortfang and his mother gulped it down in one go, though Pylia was somewhat hesitant. She did drink from it though. Buddy drank it, but didn't seem affected for perhaps obvious reasons. Afterwards the kobolds got really rowdy and almost immediately started to go swarming for the food. Shortfang and his mother was already in the crowd. "Hurry boss! First come first serve!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia looked towards the sound of the horn, before she turned her attention back to Skinwalker, and she nodded before heading to the celebration with her. She stood in the back of the crowd and she looked to Longstrider as she gave her speech. She didn't understand the Draconic, but thankfully she switched to Common when she spotted them. She listened as Longstrider spoke, and she rubbed the back of her head at the mention of how they helped change their story from tragedy, to one with a happier ending. She accepted the cup and looked at the liquid curiously. She looked to Shortfang as he explained what it was.

When Longstrider made the toast, Sylvia quietly said "Cheers" with a raise of her cup as well, before she drank a bit of the mosswine. She wasn't sure if drinking all of it in one go was a good idea. She called to Shortfang after he called to her to hurry, "Coming!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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This stuff was pretty strong. As you drank it, it was bitter but with a spicy sweetness to it that almost seemed pleasant. Than it hits you all at once. This stuff was way stronger than even Ferric's Breakfast Beer. For such small creatures these kobolds made a potent drink! You notice your steps seem a bit wobbly, but in this impaired state it's hard for you to tell with certainty if that's just what it looks like or if you really are swaying. No one else seems to notice at least. They were all focused on the food.

What would come to pass afterwards were peaceful merriment for the night. The kobolds ate well, and many take great pleasures with the caramel apples you made for them. Very few had even had fruit before (As the sewers aren't exactly the best place to store temperature sensitive foods) and sugar was almost entirely foreign to them. Many of the kobolds ask you about how you make them, most of them mothers with their children. At some point there was dancing and even a fashion contest of which you would get to judge. Sure enough the kobolds, when not wearing their day-to-day attire, actually had some quite elaborate embroideries. While many of their outfits had only one or two major colors, the details in the embroidery or stitching was topnotch. Not to mention many of their clothing weren't even made from fibers like silk or cotton, but hides from various beasts they've hunted in the sewers. There was even a Trog skin dress which you wouldn't even recognize as trog skin until it was mentioned. Before it was just a very nice looking outfit that seemed to have water resisting properties.

At the end of the night you would be give a place to sleep at Dragon's Watch in the old keep. The kobolds have done a pretty good job of cleaning the place of of all the blood, bodies, and the demonic ritual markings. It helps that there was a separate area for bunks and such too. Shortfang himself said that he would come in later, as he was hanging out with his mother and the other kobolds. A few of them who were part of the fashion show and very interested in him. Pylia herself got herself completely plastered on Mosswine and needed your help going anywhere. Super Drunk Pylia was also Super Loud Pylia, as she loudly started prophesying about the Defiance, similar to those religious weirdos back at the military camp. And while you weren't drunk when that happened you were still wobbly due to the Mosswine, so Buddy stayed nearby to help you. Dinah seemed to make friends with the kobolds too, playing games with all of the children and pranks on some of the more belligerent drunks. A clever kitten.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia was surprised at the potency of the mosswine, but she had to admit it was really good. She just wasn’t going to have any more for the sake of not getting wasted. Despite that, she was pretty sure that she isn’t able to walk straight. She was happy to see that the kobolds enjoyed the caramel apples she and her friends made for them. When the kobolds asked how she made them, she told them how she made them step by step. She did note that apples are sensitive to temperature. She hadn’t expected to be a judge for a fashion show, but she certainly didn’t complain. She had to admit that the dresses looked beautiful, and the trog skin dress was the most impressive of the bunch since she had no idea it was a trog skin dress to begin with.

Overall, Sylvia had fun at the party. She almost couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun. She helped Pylia to her room while listening to her ramble and rave about the Defiance, like she was the weird priest from the military camp. Despite the rambling, it was still hilarious to see Pylia this drunk. She noticed that the kobolds who were part of the fashion show seemed very interested in him, but she didn’t comment on it. When Dinah pranked the belligerent drunks, she laughed and petted Dinah saying “Good one, Dinah,”

When it was time to go to sleep, she did so, with Dinah close by. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep considering the day they had. She kept Buddy company in ghost form. When the next morning comes, she would come to realize that they didn’t sleep at the Silver Stag. They were going to need to get their stuff and return the key if they weren’t going to stay there for another night.

Before that, she would take note of her friends and their bearings as well as her own.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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At some point at the night, Shortfang would've returned and went straight to bed without even taking off his gear. He seemed really tired since he came back so late. And before everyone else woke up, Buddy would've mentioned that he was going to go take a small walk around Dragon's Watch, just to see if everything is alright. Eventually you'd feel your body awakening before he'd return, and you'd be one of the first of your party members to wake up. Shortfang and Pylia were solidly out cold still, and it was difficult to say if they're sleeping in or if you're just waking up early. It doesn't sound like there was much going on outside, so it must still be early before any of the kobolds would've gone to work. Once you'd work out how you'd deal with Dinah who was sleeping on you, you would be free to do what you'd like for that morning.

If you went out of the keep to look around, you could tell from the nearby opening towards the ocean that it was indeed still rather early. The morning sun hasn't even started to rise though it was also a very clear day, as the moon and the stars provided just enough illumination that you could see clearly out into the ocean. There were only a few bonfires out now, and these were solely meant for illumination purposes rather than celebration. There were only a few kobolds, five or six from what you can see, who were on watch. The strangest thing you'd see would be Buddy in the keep's courtyard, armed with his axe and doing some motions. He seemed to be practicing.

There was still some time before people would wake up. Is there anything in particular you wanted to do?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia would gently try and to place Dinah on her own shoulders, trying to not wake the familiar up, and let her have a place to keep sleeping if the cat wanted to. After that, she would head out and take a look at the keep. Buddy was clearly busy practicing, and the sun wasn't even up yet. There were only five or six kobolds on watch, so it didn't seem like Shor or any of his team is here yet. So, trying to find them to sell the Wakestone might not be possible right now. She felt for the marker medallion around her neck, just to make sure it was still there for sure.

She then came to realize something. The cultists were here...maybe there were some other clues here that nobody else had found? It couldn't hurt to do a sweep of the area, and the keep where the party rested. Who knows? Maybe she'll find something that she and Shor's group missed the first time around...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Without having to worry about trogs trying to eat you or being shot at by giant arrows, the keep itself wasn't nearly as big as the others made it out to be. It was mainly the one big wall, and even the keep itself was little more than a two-story stone building. Which granted, was pretty big underground, but you've seen subway tunnels that were roomier. It wouldn't take you very long for you to look around the area, trying to find things you missed out on before. Most notably, that big crack that you and the others came through in order to infiltrate into the keep. It looks like the kobolds were planning on repairing it at some point, as they've set up some wooden planks in front of it. And that itself gave you a clue of what to look for when you decide to check in the other wall. Inside here didn't look too different aside from the placement of tables, barrels, and bags, all filled with equipment needed to take care of currently broken balistas. But looking around the walls and you'd find what you were looking for; another crack in the wall. It wasn't easy to spot and harder to see into, but you could feel wind blowing through it. There was something beyond this wall and it led outside. At the moment you would lack the sheer force needed to break down the wall, but you know Buddy's good for that. Dinah, who was well awake at this point, also seemed curious about the crack in the wall, climbing up to peer into it while pawing at the crack.
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