Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mand’alor the Risen

When I hear Jerus’ message, I do not attempt to hide my anger. “I knew that snake would turn against me! Zar’kun and I will deal with Zarka here at the base. Jerus, do why you can to stop his renegade men.” I am not in my armor, at the moment, and I waste no time getting it. I only grab my gauntlets and my blasters. Otherwise I am in civilization clothes.

Armond Organa

I kneel beside my wounded bodyguard, the other one watching my back in case more Saxons attack. I have my small defensive blaster in hand as well. “We need to get out of here now!”

Hunter Ordo

Talion and I fire back at the Saxons on the stage, taking two down almost immediately. The others, seeing us, suddenly break off their attack. I can’t tell through their helmets, but their body language is that of surprise and confusion. Rather than attack us, they begin to retreat. “Go after them, Talion! I’ve got the leader!” I jump on stage and rush at Gida, who has his blaster aimed at Cosen Greshh. “Stop this madness in the name of Mand’alor!”

Gida Saxon

I turn, surprised at Kamari’s appearance. “Kam?! What are you doing?”

Hunter Ordo

“Stopping you, of course! This is against Mand’alor’s command! Stand down or I will shoot you!”

Cosen Greshh

Gida doesn’t get the chance to make that decision. My lightsaber springs into my hand and I slice his head clean off. With only an angry glare at Kamari, I dash to my brother, turning over his limp body. “No no no no!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Zar'kun Je'and

Joining Ava, I head out towards where we last knew Zarka was. "Strange. I thought your people's customs required he face you in one on one combat."

Jerus Je'and

Even from my elevated perch as I provided cover fire for the other clans engaging Clan Saxon's men, I could see something was off about them. There was a hesitation as they turned their blasters on their fellows. "Hunter, something's off. The Saxons are hesitating when they go to engage the other clans, some are even retreating."

Talion Wren

Jetting after one of the Saxon men, I tackle him, slamming his helmeted head into the ground. "Stay right there, traitor." The man struggles, trying to throw me off.

"What are you doing?! You're supposed to be helping!"

"Manda'lor never ordered this! Your clan chief is a aruetii and a kyramud. And your clan will be disgraced for it." He struggles for a couple more seconds before stopping and accepting defeat.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mandalore the Risen

“Apparently he lacks the courage and the honor to face me. I plan to repay him in kind.” Zar’kun and I reach the common area of the command center, where the Clan Chiefs usually hang out. “I’ve been keeping a close eye on the building since the attack yesterday. Nobody comes or goes without it being reported to me. Zarka is still here, and probably doesn’t know I know what he’s done yet.” I give Zar’kun a grave look. “This is between Mando’ade. If things get violent, I welcome your assistance. But otherwise, leave it to me and my chiefs to deal with.”

Hunter Ordo

The Saxon uprising was strangely short lived. By no means do I believe it’s over, but the fighting seems to have stopped almost as soon as it began. The Saxon men have all either fled or been killed. “I want survivors! Someone bring me a conspirator ALIVE! I want answers!”

Duny Saxon

I lay on the ground, Talion Wren still pinning me in place. I don’t struggle much, as I realize it is pointless. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Talion Wren

"On your feet, traitor." Hauling the one I'd tackled to his feet, I walk him to where Kamari was. "One survivor, ready for interrogation."

Zar'kun Je'and

I nod in understanding. "I will remain uninvolved until absolutely necessary then. You expect much of a fight?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hunter Ordo

I nod to Talion. "Good work. Restrain him for now. I'll deal with him momentarily." I go to Cosen, looking down on her and Gavin sympathetically. "Is he...?"

Cosen Greshh

"Get away from us!" I lash out, swinging my lightsaber at him to keep him back. "If you come any closer, I'll kill each and every one of you!"

Hunter Ordo

I jump back. "Whoa! Easy there, Cosen! The traitors have been dealt with. You're safe now..."

Mandalore the Risen

"Safe?! I don't believe that for a moment. You think I'm stupid?" I point my blade at the Mandos around me. "Get back! Leave me alone!"

Mandalore the Risen

"I hope it won't become a fight, but I don't know who else is involved. For all I know, there are other Clan Chiefs on his side. I need to act quickly and nip this in the bud before his treachery spreads too far through the ranks."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

I land next to Hunter with my hands up, the sniper rifle on my back. "Easy, Cosen! This wasn't all of the Mandalorians, just Clan Saxon! None of us knew this was going to happen."

Zar'kun Je'and

As we approach the center, I pull my sabers off my belt. "You'll know as soon as you go to deal with Zarka. So we'll know soon enough."

Talion Wren

I sit the young Saxon down and secure his wrists with binders while Kamari and Jerus deal with the Sith girl. Couldn't afford for all of us to get distracted from the prisoner.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cosen Greshh

I look at Jerus, but don’t say anything. I am clearly shaken, and I don’t lower my weapon. Jerus is the only one I allow to get even remotely close to me.

Hunter Ordo

I look to Talion. “We’ll take the prisoner back to base. I’m not much for interrogations myself, I confess. I don’t have the heart to cause pain to a brother, even a traitor.” As I signal a transport, I ask Jerus “Have you heard anything from our... your family? They may have been targeted too.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

I slowly approach Cosen, my hands still out in front of me and don't immediately respond to Hunter. "Easy, Cosen. No one's going to hurt you. Just put the lightsaber away."

Talion Wren

"It's a shame it's even came to this." Standing the Saxon back up, I look at Jerus trying to defuse the situation. However, given that Gida had attacked Gavin while his back was turned like a coward, I couldn't say I blamed her for her reaction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cosen Greshh

I begin to calm down a little, but I don’t let my guard down. “Where is my mother? Did you murder her too or was it just my brother?”

Hunter Ordo

“Last I heard, she was helping Temari with repairs.”

Cosen Greshh

I exhale slowly. Of all the Mandalorians, I found Temari to be the most honorable. I didn’t fully trust anyone, but I could not imagine her being in on this conspiracy. “Find her. I need to make sure she is safe.” I look at Jerus. “And I want off of this planet. Myself, my mother... and my father. We’re done.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"Your father's in no condition to go anywhere, Cosen, you saw that yourself. As for you and your mother, well, you want to leave then go, but I don't think either of us can speak for Vette. Just give me a second." Opening my com channel, I contact Temari. "Teacher?"

Temari Ordo

I stand over the corpse of one of the younger members of Clan Saxon, Vette behind me as she didn't bring any combat armor. I had been wearing mine since the day before and was running on two hours of rest and a lot of caffeine, as repairs had needed to be gotten underway quickly and I'd stayed up celebrating later than I should have. When Jerus comes through, I set it to speaker. "Go ahead Jerus."

Jerus Je'and

"Is Vette with you? Safe?" I switch to speaker so Cosen can hear as well.

Temari Ordo

"Safe and unharmed, despite the Saxon youth's best efforts. Zarka has crossed a line."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hunter Ordo

A transport shuttle flies down and lands in the spot where the crowd once was before they all scattered. “Come on, Talion. Let’s get this traitor back to base.” I turn back to Jerus. “Meet us when you can. I trust you can handle Cosen better than us.”

Duny Saxon

“I’m not a traitor! I was only doing as I was instructed! I had no idea this was part of a coup!”

Hunter Ordo

“We’ll talk about it later.” I jerk my thumb towards the transport. “Now let’s go.”

Zarka Saxon

Back at the command center, I am in on a recreational room with the other Clan Chiefs. I lightly spar with Khomo Fett, throwing kicks and punches back and forth while others either watch or lounge around in chairs.

I duck a roundhouse kick, catching his foot and spinning him to the ground. “Nice try, old friend, but I fear your brain is slipping.” I chuckle, holding out a hand to help him to his feet. When the doors opened and Mand’alor enter, I smile up at her genuinely. “Ah! Our Sole Ruler has joined us at least! Looking to join in on the tournament? See what your Clan Chiefs have got?”

Mandalore the Risen

“I know precisely what you’ve got,” I point my blaster at him. “Traitor!!”

Marcogar Wren

I, along with several of the other Clan Chiefs, am understandably surprised. “Mand’alor? What’s going on?” I look at Saxon, who looks most confused of all.

Mandalore the Risen

“So, word has not reached you all yet? Allit’alor Saxon here has betrayed us. He organized an assassination attempt on Gavin Greshh and his Revolution leaders, presumably to undermine my alliance with them. Had the plot not been thwarted by LOYAL warriors, I have no doubt I would be his next target.”

Corridan Ordo

My jaw drops, and I glare at Zarka. “Is this true? How could you do this?”

Zarka Saxon

“I gave no such order! I have no idea what your talking about!” I back away from all the angry looking Chiefs. “This... this is some sort of mistake!”

Mandalore aThe Risen

“First you go behind my back, then you deny your involvement? Have you no honor, Allit’alor?”

Zarka Saxon

“I have more honor then...!!!” I catch myself, biting back my anger. “Clan Saxon is fiercely loyal. We would never turn against their Mand’alor!

Mandalore the Risen

“Oh, they are loyal to their Mand’alor: you! Because that’s your end goal; killing my allies to weaken my position, turn everyone against me, then kill me and claim the title for yourself! Don’t tell me I’m wrong!”

Zarka Saxon

“This is ridiculous! This... this must be some kind of frame up! I’m a battle tactician! I plan battles, not schemes! ShT your describing is more the game of that Sith Witch Naberrie, not me!”

Mandalore the Risen

“Stop talking or I’ll execute you here and now.” I shrug. “Come to think of it, I might just do that regardless and save everyone a lot of time.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Zar'kun Je'and

I remained nearby, but my eyes were closed as I used the Force to focus in on Zarka Saxon's words. Under normal circumstances, I was sure she would have gunned the seemingly rebellious clan chief down, but it would seem even she doubted his guilt enough to withhold immediate Mandalorian Justice.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zarka Saxon

"Wait... Hold a moment. Let me call my lieutenants. I'll speak to them and find out who gave them the order to attack."

Corridan Ordo

I aim my blaster. "Touch your commlink and you die. You've already betrayed Mand'alor once. I won't give you the chance to do it again."

Zarka Saxon

I hold my hands out to show I'm not reaching for anything. "There could have been a miscommunication! Or... or someone manipulated them into acting outside of my orders!"

Marcogar Wren

"You are responsible for the actions of your men, Saxon. If they took matters into their own hands, it is you who are at fault for not training them to follow orders..."

Khomo Fett

I sneer, drawing my blaster on the man I once considered to be a friend. "Clan Saxon is one of the most disciplined clans there is. They take orders from no one by their Allit'alor and the Mand'alor herself."

Zarka Saxon

I stare at Khomo in surprise. "Gar sa, Khomo?" I turn towards Mand'alor. "I challenge you to single combat, Mand'alor! You know something here doesn't add up! You're just letting your dislike of me cloud your mind! I have been nothing but loyal to the Mando'ade! It is you who have strayed for the path! Making ally of the Jedi and Republic diplomats! Allowing them to use us as pawns in their war! You think none of us knew what this was all really about? You never wanted to conquer Coruscant! All you wanted to do was please your Jetii lover!"

Mandalore the Risen

I fire a single shot between Zarka's eyes. As he slowly collapses to the ground, I fire off several more shots into his body. "Challenge denied." I say, trembling with anger.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Zar'kun Je'and

I sigh as Zarka falls and open my eyes. The deed had been done, but something about this still didn't feel right. "That was...decisive."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mandalore the Risen

I don't look at Zar'kun. Instead, I stay focused on my Clan Chiefs. "Would anyone else like to voice their disagreement with how I lead or the company I keep?" I pause to allow them to reply, but none do. "Good to hear. You should all feel proud of your warriors today. When the Saxons showed their true colors, your men sprang into action and put a quick end to their insurrection. Now, all that's left is the cleanup. I expect all members of Clan Saxon to be tracked down as soon as possible. Now that their Allit'alor is dead, they have two options; swear loyalty to me or die like him." I turn away and begin to stalk off back down the hall.

Marcogar Wren

I lift my blaster over my head. "All hail Te Motir Mand'alor!" The rest of the Clan Chiefs follow my lead, chanting 'Te Motir Mand'alor' over and over again, even after Mandalore has left the room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Zar'kun Je'and

I follow after Ava and once we were in the halls and the door behind us closed, I catch up with her. "Manda'lor, while it's just us, I feel you should know that there was some truth to his words back there."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mandalore the Risen

I glance over my shoulder. “I just shot one of the most prominent members of my army dead. Do you really think it wise to tell me he had some compelling arguments?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Zar'kun Je'and

"Now I didn't say that. In the long run, you might have just saved your army some serious trouble later down the road. But his mentioning Xanthippe..." My eyes darken at the thought. "With your leave, I have a witch to deal with."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mandalore the Risen

I wave my hand. “Granted. I need to go find HJ and make sure that bastard didn’t send any kids after him.”

Jakito Twilight

Meanwhile, during all of this chaos, Becca and I are visiting Korré in her room. While the new mother sits propped up in bed, Becca sits on a sofa close by, holding the newborn in her arms. I sit next to her and look down at the sleeping boy. “So, Valkorion, huh? Interesting name.”


I smile sheepishly. “I can’t remember how I came up with it, but I like it. Though I admit, it is a bit of a mouthful.”

Jakito Twilight

I shrug. “He could use a nickname. Like Val.” I think it over in my head. “Yeah, I like the sound of that.” You know, we never did catch your last name.”


“Hmm... I don’t know. I prefer his full name; Valkorion Durantus. Sounds quite noble, don’t you think?”

Becca Twilight

“Durantus? Is that your last name? I just realized you never told us that. It’s always just been Korré.”


“Well, that’s because Korré isn’t my real name. It’s my handmaiden name. You see, when Naboo girl enter the service of a noble woman, they abandon their birth names and take on handmaiden identities. My real name is Kordelia Durantus. But, as long as I serve Senator Naberrie, I know no other name but Korré.” Speaking of the senator, my holo communicator on the side table begins to beep, showing a transmission from Xan. “Ooh! I need to get that quick! I don’t want it to wake the baby!” I grab the holocomm and answer. "Yes, Mi'lay?"

Xanthippe Naberrie

I look very panicked. My hair is a mess, and I keep looking around, as if expecting someone to appear and attack at any moment. “ Korré! Stay where you are! I’m on my way!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Zar'kun Je'and

"If he did, I hope they didn't wear their armor." Turning down a side hall, I head down it with the utmost speed as I pull out my comlink and contact Becca. "If Naberrie shows up, don't let her leave."
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