Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The sun was starting to dip lower into the sky, it was dusk.

Lamp posts were being lit along the roads by now, and most people had gone inside for the evening, but some people stayed outside to enjoy the cool breeze of the weather. It was peaceful. At least, that was what it seemed like. A boy had been sitting on a tree stump, not too far from the tavern. In his hands were a roughed up bit of paper, and a piece of charcoal fit for writing. He was staring. Staring into the forest. Deep between the trees that blocked out the dusky sunlight. It wasn’t very clear what exactly this kid, who wasn’t even 10 yet, was looking directly at. But he was scribbling things onto that paper. He was drawing things he could faintly see.

The trees were about a hundred feet away from the edge of town. How could he possibly see anything? Did he see anything? And where was this boy’s parents? No child should be left alone at that age.

But that forest was watching him.

Meanwhile, the tavern cleared out just a bit, most of the patrons and workers had gone home for the day. There were few people left other than our little band of adventurers. The bartender on the other end of the tavern was doing the usual, cleaning glasses, wiping beer stains, looking attractive, that sort of thing.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Tag: @Eviledd1984

Neith was fairly impressed. She didn't realize she'd hit a jackpot upon arriving at Helsend. Granted that forming an alliance with a seemingly crazy person that talks about themselves in the third person was very risky but it sure was better than nothing. At least, she already had someone to help her to find out whether or not the rumor she heard about the forest was real or not.

However, she couldn't help but notice the obvious fear in his eyes and voice when he spoke about the forest. He, or rather they were as stoic as a stone when a man was this close to punching them but just the mere thought of this particular forest gave him the chills. That almost made her turn tails and leave but deep inside, she was also getting excited about it. She felt like this will be the most fun she had in her life yet.

She waited for Micah to get his stuff, taking the time to look around the tavern. Night-time was approaching and most of the patrons left the tavern to go back to their houses and rest. Even though they were only a few people out there left, Neith still wanted to be extra careful.

"I think it's best if we discuss this outside, at a less populated place." Neith softly said to Micah, grabbing his arm as she guided him out of the tavern. The sun was setting on the horizon and lamp posts were gradually getting turned on one by one. Most people were already going back to their houses while there were still those lingering around, perhaps enjoying the cool breeze or do something crazy. Neith really didn't care.

"Let's keep walking." Neith said softly to Micah as she walked around just near the tavern while walking. "I know very little about this 'cursed forest' but from what I hear, they say there's a huge pile of gold in it. All the treasures you can imagine laying somewhere within it. Of course, I wouldn't want to pass up on an opportunity to be instantly rich. That's why I want to know..."

She didn't continue what she was saying because her attention was caught by a boy sitting on a tree stump nearby and fervently scribbling something on his paper. She noticed the kid was facing the direction of the forest but she couldn't see anything eye-catching about it save for the trees. It was getting so dark and it's impossible for anyone to see anything through the forest but somehow, this kid was drawing with a purpose.

Neith poked Micah's arm and pointed at the kid's direction. "That kid looks like he knows what's up. Let's see if we can get something out of him." She told him as she casually approached the young boy.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Micah Aarseth

Micah quickly matched her step outside of the tavern, agreeing on her sentiment about speaking about sensitive matters around other ears. Listening to her about the gold inside of the forest, a fact he had knowledge of beforehand. “We have heard of the rumors, we fear that there is something dangerous guarding this prized treasure” One of his hands starting to rubbing his arm, feeling a sudden chill running down his body. Personally he was not interested in the gold, what he was more interested in was the unknown knowledge inside of the forest.

He wanted to know what kind of secrets tombs and magic he could find in the forest. The only issue would be the horrid creatures roaming the forest grounds. The thought of being near thoughts creatures made his skin crawl. But if he could use others to help him to find this knowledge, turning to the child and peeking over his shoulder seeing what he had drawn. Noticing they were like the drawings he would jot down in his journal.

“Child what is this you doodle?” He asked the child now standing over behind the child. His appearance to the child could be quite frightening, his appearance and social skills being well known as being nonexistent. But his tone of voice was soft, he kneeled down a little so he was eye level with the boy.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The kid looked at them both, clearly unfocused in his doings, after all, he wasn’t put off in the least by Micah’s appearance...Was he really paying that much attention to them?

“H-here” He meekly handed his scribblings to Neith, it was...weird to say the least.

Most of the paper was untouched it in the center was a figure surround by swirls that were supposedly leaves of some form. Honestly, it looked like he just smacked it around against some charcoal for a bit. But in the middle of the mess was a clearly separated mass, humanoid, seemingly emaciated and definitely not the kind of thing meant to be rooting around in a forest.

Given the obvious childlike nature of the drawing, there were few discernible features about whatever he was drawing, but the most striking part of any of this was that it was implied that this small child, roughly 30 or so meters away from a forest that was near black from the low sun, could see this thing as clear as mid day. Something wasn’t right with the scene, and it didn’t help that the population outdoors was dwindling still as the sky was on the verge of going black. The light from the lamps in the street were due to be blown out soon, and the village was soon to go dark as everyone went to bed.

“Koa!” A woman called out, it was the boy’s mother.

“Coming!” He scurried off, leaving the two adventurers there to ponder what they were witnessing.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

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Tag: @Eviledd1984@Blizz

Weird was putting it mildly. Neith didn't need to be a master of the occult to understand that what she was currently seeing on the boy's drawing was something very, very dark and demonic. Even though she barely started her search, Neith could feel that the rumors about the riches being kept in the forest were highly untrue. Still, it's too early to back out. She needed to get to the bottom of this mystery no matter how scary it looked.

Even if it didn't have any riches, Neith could imagine her being famous for being the only person who solved the age-old mystery regarding the forest of Helsend. Of course, with fame came riches too. She could be a bit delusional but no one could fault a woman to dream.

"H-Hey kid, what did you-". Before she had the chance to finish her question, the kid's mother called out to him and he ran off to her. The only ones that were left there were Neith and Micah, her new companion.

The dark elf looked at the same spot the kid named Koa stared at but all she could see was pitch-black. Did the kid really saw whatever this 'thing' was clearly or was it just his imagination? Either way, she'd have to save her investigation for some other time. Everyone's already in the safety of their own homes and the lamp posts were going to go out anytime soon too.

"You should... You should keep this just in case." Neith said while gingerly handling the paper to Micah. "I think I should also find a place to stay for the night too. We can maybe go back to the tavern and ask the bartender if they know a place I can crash even just for tonight. I'm really tired..." The dark elf added before letting out a yawn.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@baraquiel @Blizz

Micah Aarseth

Looking at the drawing feeling a sense of dread; he was trying to gather some information from the boy. But before he could ask some important question the boy was called by his mother. Cursing under his breath holding the drawing in his hand; studying the drawing he felt like he had seen this figure before in a tomb. "We have seen this figure before" Pocketing the drawing and following Neith. "Perhaps in the morning we can discuss what our next plan of action should be" Keeping his pace with the elf woman.

"Their is a inn in the village; we can rest their and come up with a plan in the morning" Pointing towards a two story building deep inside of the village. Micah would need to perform a ritual to see what other's cannot. However he may need a private room to perform the ritual.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mentioning: @Blizz@baraquiel@Eviledd1984

When she'd left the tavern, it had been with the intention of seeking out Dion but instead, Guritag found herself wandering about the town. There was a certain feeling in this town she couldn't quite place when she'd come in. Too many people gave her too many glances, as she was still such a sight to see for them, so she'd resolved to spend more time on these streets. Guritag wandered about, stopping here and there, addressing curious questions and pretending not to notice as people stared, up until the night began to close in, and they had grown somewhat used to seeing her walking about.

Until she was just another odd face in town, no need to pay much more attention to, and thus their subtleties began to emerge.

It was in the wary glance toward the forest that a worker on his way home tried not to make-- the forced aversion of a child's eyes from the silent tree-line as they walked with an elderly woman. It lurked in the hushed conversation and avoidance of certain roads-- the twisting of nervously sweaty palms as one woman's pace sped up, as if running from the forest. A small child ran past Guritag at a call from his mother as she stood looking at the forest. Paying him no mind, she stood off to the side of the road then, observing the people he'd left behind.

Squinting, Guritag's brows eventually raised after she placed their faces-- the Elf and the Nervous Man Formerly-About-To-Be-Punched from the inn. Guritag watched them in silence for a moment, unslinging her horn from her back with gentle swiftness, as the shaky man pointed at a nearby building. With a hum, Guritag stared into the forest then, as a tune drifted into her mind.

She lifted her horn, tilted her stetson low, then began to play a rather haunting melody. It was as if she were serenading the forest itself in the night, on the edge of town, as she played seemingly for no one else but those dark trees-- as if she were playing a tune that fit it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Dion's time at the mayor's was something of a mixed bag. The mayor didn't really reveal too much new information to Dion. It mainly served to reinforce what he already knew. At the very least, the organization's presence was known to him. And he had the go-ahead to go check out of the forest. And so with a cordial goodbye, Dion would leave the mayor and send a message back to the Arcanium via the seer talisman. He would inform them of his presence, the meeting, and what he knows.

As he exited the building, Dion was surprised by how late it got. The meeting which he felt was quite light took longer than expected. The sun was setting as evening was rolling in. Dion's mind immediately flashed to Guritag and the others in the tavern. "Damn, I sure they didn't leave for the forest before I could reunite with them." He said to himself as he went back to the tavern. No such luck, there were plenty there but none of them were the people he was looking for.

Dion would wander around the street thinking to himself where to look. Or what to do next as he was confident his plan would go without a hitch. He'd wander around until he saw a group of people standing around. And then he heard music being played? That sound, it was very familiar. It sounded like Guritag 's instrument. As he approached it would confirmed that it was Guritag playing it. Around her was some man he didn't see before and Nieth. "Hey there. What are you three up to? About to leave and probe the forest? Perhaps I can make a business proposition to you all."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Just as Neith and Micah were about to proceed to the building he pointed, Neith was surprised to see the large female orc she saw back at the tavern. Neith could tell she recognized the two of them too judging by how she reacted. Should Neith go and say hello? She barely knew the woman but it wouldn't hurt to make new friends. Maybe she could know a thing or two about this supposedly cursed forest. Just as she was about to approach her, Neith was surprised when the orc unslung her horn from her back swiftly and played it while looking at the forest.

Neith's body froze, shivers running down her spine while the orc played that haunting music. It was just so weird and out of the blue for someone to play that kind of music, especially when everyone in the town was fast asleep and everything was practically covered in darkness by how dimly lit the lamp posts were. Aside from being scared, the elf was irritated by what the orc did. She didn't know if she also had some weird connection to the creepy forest or if this was just a prank but this had to stop.

Before she could do anything, the group was approached by another person. Seriously, all these people popping out of nowhere will give Neith a heart attack. It was also a huge coincidence when it was the same guy she saw back at the tavern. In fact, it was the same guy she bumped into a while ago. Another coincidence for him to still be here like the orc woman. Just what the hell was going on here?

"Wait, you're going into the forest too?" She asked the guy in confusion. It took her a second to remember that a lot of people were probably interested in this forest like her as well. They could either be competition in finding that lost treasure inside it or they could be very helpful to her in getting that treasure if said treasure really did exist. "This is really weird... What kind of business proposition are we talking about here?"

After asking another question to the guy, Neith pointed at the orc woman. "And can you please stop playing that song? It scares the shit out of me."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@baraquiel@Jerkchicken @Utrax

Micah Aarseth

Micah was standing where he was; listening to the music he felt a terrifying feeling fill up his body. For some reason he swore he had heard of this melody before; but he could not put his finger on it. He was curious where she had learned that song form; “We are curious where you learned that song? And what is this song called?” He asked her.

Turning to face the man speaking to them; talking about some sort of deal involving the forest. “And you want us to join you in your venture into the forest?” His eyes following the woman with the horn. He wondered if he was after the “treasure” inside of the forest like Neith; He thought about joining them for the pursuit of knowledge inside of the forest. But he thought that the risk would be worth the reward.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Mentioning: @Jerkchicken@baraquiel@Eviledd1984

When Dion approached, Guritag winked at him ambiguously, as she tended to do, when surely winding up to not answer any questions she was asked. Very notably, it wasn't Neith's request to stop playing the music, that got her to finally end it-- there was Micah's question, as she was finished, that caught Guritag's attention. She let her final note ring out as she looked him over. While he wasn't the oddest thing she'd ever seen, the stuffed goat head he wore seemed to keep her attention more-so than anything else at the moment.

Tipping her hat to Micah, as another gesture-that-could-mean-anything, Guritag told him, "Played from th' heart. Ain't no learnin' for improvisation'-- felt the mood n' went with it." Her gaze shifted to Dion then as she said, "Much rather'd leave, ya know, when it ain't darker n' a blind fool's midnight, but I ain' gonna stop ya from talkin'. Met a feller in th' Tavern what want's goin' in too. Big Scales. If ya ain' seen't 'em then this ya midnight too, I says." She smirked, looking from one person to the other, "I'd tag along with ya instead of him--" her eyes landed on Dion "--if ya sound better fer story."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kaze had watched the green-skinned woman drain her cup quickly. He never really understood alcohol, most of the time it tasted like crappy bread. It also didn't seem to work too well on him, probably the slow metabolism of being a reptilian being. A mental shrug and he was back to listening to her talk. Had to be a bard thing, lots of talk not much movement. "I need to grab something. I'll meet you outside." He rumbled to her before she left the tavern.

He went to the storage closet of the place and tugged open the door. Within was the enormous cleaver he called a sword. He grabbed the grip and slung it over his shoulder before leaving the building. His exit was met with haunting music, okay the bard could certainly play. She was talking to a male with a strange head ornament, and a shadowy elven woman. A third person approached, another male, who was probably this Dion fellow Guritag had spoke of earlier.

It seemed that the group was getting bigger judging by the conversation. Although the orcish woman seemed against wandering about at night. "Can't see in the dark?" He questioned as he casually strode up to stand next to the other tall being. He gave the other three bystanders a lazy once over now that he was closer. It didn't look like they had much in the way of melee, and the only one who seemed even really armed was the elven woman.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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"What's the matter? Don't feeling like rushing headfirst to fight the monsters on their own terms?" He said teasingly to Guritag as his eyes seemed to shimmer in the dimnesss. His tone would then slip into a more serious one and continue, "But it's understandable to not want to set in now. I doubt any of us had made the preparations for venturing in yet."

There was a pause as he then looked at everyone else to make sure that they knew he was addressing all of them. "We can discuss this inside of the inn if that's more comfortable. But my proposition is simple, I'm looking to hire out people to accompany me into the forest. Aaannnd to sweeten the deal, I'll also be offering my services free of charge." He'd say. "So what do you say? Any takers?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Neith was shocked and quickly turned her head at another newcomer and then raising her eyebrow at him in annoyance and amusement. This was the big, muscular dragon-man she saw earlier back at the tavern talking to this other big orc woman. Neith was especially very impressed with the huge long sword he got. He was definitely the dark elf's type but she didn't know, he seemed like a boring man to her. She might have to save her judgment for later. Still, she's irritated by these people that were just popping out one after the other. At least the orc woman stopped playing that annoying and scary song.

She then looked back at Dion and thought about his offer. "Hm, so it's true then. Looks like almost all of us are planning to into that super creepy forest." Like Neith, she was sure they all had their own different reasons in going to the forest. She figured it was better than just venturing out there on her own. At least when the time came, she'll sacrifice these annoying people and save her own skin. Well, maybe she'll save Micah. He could prove useful for her in the long run.

"I'm in. Well, we're all here so we might as well form a party. We should introduce each other and tell what each other's specialties are. My name is Neith and judging from this large bow strapped to my back, I'm more of a marksman and long-range type person. I know my way in and out of a forest but something tells me that ain't no ordinary forest like the ones I'm used to." She said, pointing her thumb at said forest. "Still, forests are my expertise. How about you guys?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Micah Aarseth

Micah could not make out what she was saying; he was nodding his head while she was talking. “You must have heard it somewhere; did they teach you that particular melody?” He pointed his pointing finger towards the forest. In the back of his mind he wondered if the entity in the forest had came to her in a vision. But while he waited for his answer; he thought similarly to the one named Dion. “We agree that we should take this conversation; somewhere more private” Looking around feeling unnerved being around the forest.

“We would be willing to accompany you all into the forest; we are sure our knowledge will be helpful for your venture” The strange mage spoke walking towards the inn. Hoping that the others would follow him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Can't see in the dark?"

Guritag shifted her focus over to Kaze as he approached, smirking in amusement, just as Dion made a similar remark. It was then that she fell into hearing Dion out. So, it seemed he was going to assemble a group of his own to parade into the forest too. As expected, they were here for the same reason-- and then the other two confirmed it.

And then spoke the elf, "I'm in."

Raising a brow, Guritag looked Neith over, then lapsed into thought. Should she even bother with introductions if she wasn't going to stick with this group? Sure, there would be strength in numbers and that was a good point, but then again? Kaze looked more formidable and better for song and story than any of the others-- goat headed man and everything. And what was to say that a larger group of people would be necessarily safer?

As Micah began ambling toward the inn, their remarks gave cause for further thought. They seemed to know the forest and possibly what was within and, if it were true they could influence thought, then Goat Man would be a very good ally to have-- if he actually knew what was going on. This was likely one of those pivotal moments that determine two very distinct futures-- quite a heavy one at that. Smiling, as she tilted her head downward, hiding the rest of her face within the darkness of her hat, she figured she'd just leave it all up to chance. With that same sly smile, Guritag simply looked up at Kaze, then tilted her head.

This was a non-verbal way to communicate that she would wait to see what he would do-- following the gesture with a slight shrug of her shoulders. If he wasn't willing to go with them then she was definitely going to stick with him. She could see it now-- a glorious tale waiting to be sang to the ring of his sword and the thud of her axe. Such a story would surely excite the tribe and bring glory to her name.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Dion would look to Micah. Despite his rather odd appearance, he could tell immediately he was one of his kind. This guy seemed like he'd be useful on the journey. He'd walk up to Michah and give the secret handshake all magicians knew. "I look forward to collaborating with you, if you choose to join me that is." He'd say cordially.

He'd then look at Nieth and he'd reply, "Dion Tacgnol. If you're interest, I think we should take discuss things further in the inn. Like this fellow suggested. I'm another magic user. Anyway I'm heading inside." And seeing if I can get some free beer. He thought completing the sentence he said. He was hoping some might be interested in getting pay on top of whatever they might find in the forest. some extra people to fight whatever might pop would be useful, and then there were whatever skills they might have that would be of use. Like Nieth's knowledge on forests could be useful and wouldn't harm to have.

Inside the inn, Dion would chat up the Inn-keeper and then ask about the beer. He'd offer to chill all the beer in storage for a favor. The favor being, drinks on the house after he chilled the barrels. To demonstrate, he'd chill one of the barrels. The beer that came out was refreshingly cool as the Inn-keeper took a sip of it. Convinced by the display, he'd take his offer. Five minutes later Dion was done and was drinking a beer slush as he relaxed at the table.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Micah Aarseth

Micah did the secret handshake he was taught; but adding a few more hand motions that was taught to him by the ancient ones. “We are interested in accompanying you inside of the forest; however we feel that we should be careful while venturing” Suggested the strange man as he made his way into the inn. Once inside he walked over towards one of the empty tables in the room; Ordering a glass of water which the inn-keeper who brought it to him and was paid. Waiting for the other's to join him before discussing the plan.
Watching the half orc wondering if he would be able to defend the group form what moves inside of the forest.

Physical attacks he would think would not do a lot of damage; Some of these creatures were corporal or hard to put down. So in his mind he thought that the knowledge of ancient magic he had learned could be useful to combating the creatures. He thought that Dion and perhaps the other magic users in the group would far better. But he thought he would be perfect for the job because the comprehensible knowledge he learned.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Kaze glanced at the smaller elven woman when she snapped her attention to him. Amusement and annoyance all at once was on her face along with a raised eyebrow. He just gave her a rather bored look until she turned her attention elsewhere. His kind weren't commonly seen outside of their territories, but he figured they were common enough to not warrant such strange reactions. To him elves were a copper a dozen, same with humans. The fleshy people were everywhere.

The mage, Dion, that Guritag had told him about was trying to hire escorts for the forest. Said orc woman looked to be in thought, hiding her face in the shadows of her hat before looking up at him. He just gave off a shrug. "Numbers could be useful, and I'm not magically inclined. Something isn't quite right in that forest and magic could be a huge game changer. He rumbled out to her. Given his build, weapon, and gear he looked more purely fighter or barbarian than anything even remotely magical.

He gestured for her to go ahead before bringing up the rear to go right back into the building he just left. The smaller races seemed to like the comfort of booze and buildings. Introductions were starting to pop out, the elven woman was a marksman of course. Dion was openly a colder mage since he was cooling booze for the keeper. Guritag had mentioned earlier some of her prowess of a hunter and bard. Goat head hadn't mentioned what he was capable of, or he had missed it. But he figured another magic user of some sort given his clothing and that weird as hell way he spoke.

Well he might as well play this little game as well. "Kaze, and I'm a barbaric monk. I haven't met something that can't be cut apart of pummeled to death. I've also traveled a lot so I have some basic general knowledge of flora and fauna." He stated, he knew he didn't have the look of a monk but hey. Don't judge a book by its cover.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kaze certainly had a point. Numbers were useful, even if it simply came down to someone to trip up while being chased. With a smirk, she walked on to the Inn, and entered it with a bit of a sigh. Introductions were being passed around and she took her place at the table without ordering a drink. Guritag was so content with simply listening and watching the others that her introduction came last.

A soft chuckle escaped her in the beat that passed after Kaze stopped speaking. And then she told them "Name's Guritag-- some folks call me Rita-- and," she deadpanned as best she could, "Horn go Doot. Axe go Slice." She didnt even crack a smile. Inside she was fighting against her laughter but the solemn reciting of this fact was better for comedy.

Jerking a thumb to Dion, she said with seriousness, "He can verify."
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