Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The inside of his house was small and sparsely decorated. A raised hearth sat in the far right corner, near to a window that overlooked the patio for a view whilst cooking. He had the window latched shut, the rust on the metal clasp likely unwilling to budge loose just yet. Behind the door to the right was a small wooden worktable, a set of shelves built into the wall to hold dishware and cutlery, but they were barren. Across from the hearth, in the far left, sat a full sized bed, the sheets and mattress new, the bed immaculately made. There was a small chest of drawers to their left beside the door as they entered, the clothing within, while very few, were likewise folded and neatly set. Against the wall by the chest of drawers worn wooden feet sat a pair of boots, well worn, regardless of the fact that their owner was rarely seen inside them.

When dawn arrived, the elves raised their eyebrows as Narda carried Kire along the pathways. They watched, concerned, until Kire was placed on her feet, no violence between the two, before they went back to their tasks, labouring up and down the stairs. The sky turned a brilliant shade of pink and yellow as it lightened, the sun creeping behind the jungle-covered hills at the end of the cliffside city. The air was cold as it blew in their direction, carrying the scent of rain from a distant storm.

"Ahem." Said a soft voice behind them. Ysaryn stood, grinning cheekily, her hair bound tight to her head in a plait to keep the wind from tearing at it. Her eyes wandered them both briefly. "Hungry?" She offered. The sun, peering over the horizon ever so slightly, lit up her jeweled eyes as she jerked her head, beckoning. "Come."

The elf wandered back toward the northern edge of the city, winding her way down the snaking stairs and across a platform. A rather large building was nestled into the cliff, its second story teetering over the stairwell, that ducked beneath it under a neatly made archway of stone. Ysaryn led them through, then turned inward to open the door and allow them in.
The stepped into a long, rectangular room that was broken into two pieces by a wide stone archway. The smell of fish, flowers, and her herb tea coated the large room. The left side, where they entered, was mostly empty, lacking in furniture. The right side held nearly as little; A very worn, elf-made rug sat in the center of the right-most chamber, a small altar at the end. Incense was lit, though its scent currently lost, devoured by the aromas of breakfast.

Another archway in the center of the back wall vanished into the cliff itself, the home carved into it in solid refuge. Ysaryn crooked a finger and led them in, while putting a finger to her lips to request silence. She was not alone in the house.
She led them deep into the house, where the walls became less smooth and unpainted, into a large square kitchen. Another raised hearth, so the elf could cook while standing, rather than crouched. The fire burned with a low, purring heat. A kettle, a skillet, and a large pot all sat over the heat, tended to by a waif-like elf. Her hair was a deep shade of merlot.
As Ysaryn led them in, the elf turned to regard them warily, her eyes a much deeper shade of fuchsia than Ysaryn's, who greeted her with a smile. "My mother." Ysaryn introduce. "Yena." She whispered in their tongue again, speaking Kire and Narda's names, though Kire's a few times more often.
Yena didn't smile. Only lowered her chin nearly imperceptibly before she turned back to her task. Ysaryn muttered to her, touching her shoulder, her voice soothing. Convincing her mother to leave the cooking to her, it seemed, as the elder elf turned and shuffled aimlessly out. She wore bags beneath her eyes, her stare hard as she looked Kire and Narda over once more before she left.

"Sit." Ysaryn said, gesturing to the table against the wall that seated four. "Do not mind her stares. She does not sleep. And she does not trust." The lingering elf took over the breakfast, prodding at the meat that sizzled noisily in the skillet. "We got all items for you scry. So when you are finish, we'll return to the mountain. Envy has decide it is better to begin there. Closer to where you first arrive. Stronger chance to find you friend."

She bustled for only a few minutes more before pulling their meals onto four plates, setting two before the guests. She departed the kitchen for a couple of minutes before returning, seating herself beside Narda. "You like the sunrise?" She questioned, having seen the giantess drag the shorter woman across the cliffs to get a look. Ysaryn's eyes shifted to Kire across the table as Ruli shuffled in, his hair sticking up oddly to suggest a deep sleep. "Or is it you? Not many I know wake just to see sun rise."
Ruli sat heavily in the vacant seat beside Kire, rubbing sleep from his eyes, but otherwise utterly quiet as he tried to wake.
"We often face the wind to breath in the day." Ysaryn explained. "You can smell rain in this sunrise. Storm nearby. Later will tell if it will greet us."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kire breathed in the cool morning air, smelling a hint of impending rain. The pinks and yellows of the early morning sky reminded Kire of spring flowers, and despite thinking about going back to Ruli’s new bed, she smiled. “Alright. We’ve seen it. Maybe we could grab a nap before we need to—oh.” She turned when she sensed and heard Ysaryn’s voice, and though her eyes still looked droopy she had a smile ready for the elf, Kire’s blue sapphire eyes on her pink ones. “Good morning. I like what you did with your hair,” she commented. “Breakfast would be lovely.”
“I thought you wanted to go back to sleep,” Narda said grinning. Kire was still too sleepy to find the proper retort.

They followed Ysaryn down, taking their time to observe how the elf side of the settlements were adapting the houses. Kire looked, impressed, at the large building that stood against the cliff, and the archway outside it, before Ysaryn beckoned them to enter her home in silence. Definitely her place, Kire noted, wondering who else was inside. Perhaps her family. She wondered where the Chief himself was, if he too was staying here or someplace else. As they stepped inside, the passages only just high enough for Narda to walk through without bowing her head, Kire pictured herself finding a small home here like Ruli’s, or another structure like this one, where she could receive guests in a makeshift anteroom, while the other important chambers were nestled into the cliff. It was rustic enough for her liking, and reminded her of a cozier version of Elva’s Northern manor in the snow and ice.

Narda and Kire could smell something cooking in the kitchen, and they waited while Ysaryn introduced them to her mother. Though she was much thinner than her daughter, Kire could see the resemblance. Kire was drawn to the color of her hair, too. “We’re honored to meet you, Yena,” Kire said. Yena didn’t acknowledge them with anything more than the nod. Ysaryn answered the ‘why’ of it soon enough. “Understood,” Kire said, and indeed she did, just as she couldn’t entirely blame Narda for her outburst at Gavin. Pain and hurt passed down through generations of hatred could not be undone overnight, no matter how great the good deed. They sat down where she had indicated, Narda sitting across Kire, who wondered about the fourth plate. Maybe Yena would join them, or the Chief?

“That’s good to know,” Kire commented in reply to Ysaryn’s update on the scrying items. If everything went well, they could find their answers by the end of the day. Maybe even find Edward by then . Narda saw the hopeful gleam in Kire’s eye and smiled, though a shadow of worry was in her own expression as they ate breakfast.
“We both do,” Narda answered Ysaryn for Kire, reaching to tug at the blonde’s ear. “But between the two of us, it is easier for me to rise and enjoy it. This one, she would prefer the sunset.”
“Easier to catch, too,” Kire mumbled, just as Ruli joined them. She turned, her eyes on his messy mop, and her cheeks puffed up into a stifled chortle. “Morning. I rather like your place,” Kire said. “You are very tidy, I’m impressed.”
“That’s because she isn’t,” Narda muttered, smirking. “Spoiled little princess, this one.”
Kire rolled her eyes. “So Envy will be doing the scrying? Is it a one-man—er elf job?” Not having seen either Ruli or Envy actually perform their enchantments, Kire was curious about the process.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruli turned his head, his bleary eyes peering at Kire as if he was having trouble seeing her. He'd gotten little sleep, only woken because he demanded Ysaryn not allow him to sleep in. He regret that demand, now. As Kire's face came into slow focus, his eyes found her lips. Those lips. His expression went guarded and he tore his gaze away. "Mm." He grunted tiredly. "Coffee?"
Ysaryn pursed her lips, and shook her head. "No. Sorry. Only tea here. You wait til we are with Envy?"
Another grunt sounded from the blond as he accepted he had no choice but to wait.

The elf watched him, delighted by his sleepiness. When Kire's question went unanswered, she took the reins. "Envy can do the spell itself. Ruli will have to help. Hard with the blind, yes? So Ruli pulls information from Envy's head to put pieces together."
Finally, Ruli reached forward to pull his plate towards himself, moving to eat. Gradually, as he ate, he came to life.
"We decided to do the spell in Zi-erm. The mountains." Ruli began. "Because its where you and Ikegai both came through, so we figured if he's anywhere, it'll be closer to there."
"I said this. Before I wake you." Ysaryn informed him sweetly, still grinning.
"Oh." Ruli grunted, turning to look at the two women, gaze only passing over Kire for a moment. "Sorry. Would that be accurate? I mean, do the gates open in the same location? You came to Ziad, it wasn't only because of his signature, right?"
"She not use gate." Ysaryn pointed out, gesturing to Kire with her fork, her cheek full of whatever breakfast gruel she had in the pot; root vegetables, herbs, and some very strong broth that was used to boil everything.
Ruli blinked, as if he only just realized this.
"But if Ike-a-gai─" She struggled with the name. "came through there, it would still be a stronger tether if you friend did, as well. Shorter distance."
Ruli took a moment to rub his face, groaning softly behind his hands. "Right." He agreed, dropping his hands again. He looked straight to Narda. "I'm much more competent when I've had coffee. Or sleep." He added.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Kire glanced at Ruli, amused, and feeling just a smidge of pity for him, given that she had similarly been reluctant to get up not that long ago. “Coffee,” Kire said longingly, and it was Narda’s turn to look with amusement, the giantess looking at the pair of sleepyheads sitting together. Kire nodded along at Ysaryn’s explanation, though. She wondered briefly if they would let Gavin participate in this, or if this was still something either too advanced or too off-limits to involve the Gemini lad. She chewed through her food slowly as she pondered the questions about the world gate Ruli posed. Narda tried to follow along, but this was Kire’s field, and all she could picture at the moment when it came to gates were actual gates of wood or metal.

“World gates are larger portals, and given the amount of energy, the elements involved, the complexity of the ritual, somewhat less predictable. They’d leave physical signs of their presence, but I haven’t found evidence of a world portal staying open permanently. In fact, I haven’t actually gone through a world gate. You’d have to conduct another ritual each time. They’re like explosions of magic, happening only temporarily until they collapse or close, after which only the altered terrain would be left.” She glanced at Narda’s scrunched-up face, knowing such talk always left a sour taste in the giantess’s mouth. She leaned an elbow on the table, resting her chin on it, as she thought it over. “Ikegai would have to have first stayed somewhere where he’d encounter the Kartaians, right? Or at least, find out about their existence.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruli's expression was taut as she explained, his mind following along despite his grogginess. Ysaryn, understanding more than Narda if no where near as much as Rulitus, looked between the two as she devoured her meal.
It was her comment about the Kartaians that made him grimace, suddenly looking fearful. "If your cousin came out anywhere near them, Kire." Ruli said gently, cautiously, glancing her way again. His eyes remained on hers, expressing thoughts he didn't feel the need to say. We had trouble with mindless dolls. You've amplified power. Mine matches theirs. Your cousin would stand little chance.

He swallowed, looking back toward his plate, trying to gather any thought to an alternative. "There is a chance that he came within distance, just enough to sense them, or they him. Ziad and Lithilote are both within distance. It is why the Kartaians came when you did." He offered, trying to soften the blunt edge of his expectations.
For a moment, he wondered if Ed had made it to Lithilote, then. Aera's court, the anti-social, nocturnal band of elves that rarely showed their faces, and even less interest in the world outside of their own. If they found the Amrian, he would at least be alive.

Ruli pushed his plate away, unable to eat more. Ysaryn put her fingers on his plate and dragged it toward her, looking to finish what he'd neglected. "Shall we?" Ruli asked, rising to his feet.
"I will meet you." Ysaryn said, gesturing to the dishes. "I need to feed my family. Don't go hunting without me." She added sternly, leering at Ruli.
He raised his hands in silent surrender to her demand and led the Amrians outside, only long enough to offer his hands and Walk them through the long darkness and into the mountains.

A low grumble sounded overhead, storm clouds blocking out the sun without letting rain fall. Ruli glanced upward, inhaling, never quiet accustomed to the smell of wet earth, before he led the way inside.
Envy was waiting within, enjoying one of his cigarettes as the trio walked in. Even over the smell of the tobacco, he paused, eyes scanning both Narda and Kire curiously. "Why do they both smell like you?" He asked Ruli.
"They took my bed." Ruli answered indifferently. "I slept elsewhere." He added for good measure, to avoid the assumption that would follow.
Envy only hummed, glancing over the women again before he beckoned them and led them into his room. He'd set up a small table within, upon which sat a few bowls and pouches of varying ingredients. Feathers, animal parts, powders, and more. Envy sat himself at the table, leaning back to observe the two. "How do you like the new location?" He wondered. Ruli started to mess with the ingredients before them, pulling the recipe from his memory to aide the blind Kartaian. "We're in debates on its name. New Ziad is a mouthful, but less so than the language of the locals. Risa has suggested naming it as a blend. Taking Ziad's meaning and translating it." He squinting, looking thoughtful. "Maggiore, I think she said it would be."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kire held Ruli’s gaze as he began explaining Ed’s fate should her assumptions on his location come true. “I know.” He didn’t need to say it. She realize it as soon as she had asked the question, and she dearly hoped she was wrong. She didn’t relish the idea of facing both the Kartaians and the truth of what they could have done to him. Lithilote? Kire wondered, deciding to ask about it later as she and Narda finished their breakfast. “Alright, let’s go.”

A brewing storm waited for them there. Kire and Narda looked up. “Not happy are you?” Kire said, glancing with a smirk at her friend. The giantess grunted.
“Bad omen.”
“We’re not at sea, Nard,” Kire murmured, shaking her head as they went inside after Ruli. They found Envy up and about in the main chamber, smoking. “Good morning.” She raised a brow at their conversation in Elvish. Beside her, Narda grinned at the sight of the giant elf before both of them followed him in. Inside, Kire saw the bowls and pouches on the small table and watched as Ruli started fiddling with them. Some looked familiar, others not; she couldn’t decide whether it would be Elva or Daryll who would find those interesting.
She turned to Envy when he asked her opinion about the place, and she beamed as she answered. “It’s wonderful. Perfect, really. Ruli suggested I find a place for myself if I’m to visit often, and admittedly I’ve taken to the idea already.”

“What does ‘Ziad’ mean, then?” Narda asked. “Maggiore?” She turned to Kire. “Sounds familiar. Another Off-Worlder language, then?
Kire shrugged a shoulder. “This world has parallels to ours. Possible.” Then, to Envy, “Where is ‘Lithilote’? Ruli mentioned the place earlier to us.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Envy grinned, pleased that Kire and Narda had found it as wonderful as the rest of them. "Did he, now?" Envy turned his face toward Ruli, who ignored him over his tasks. "Well, I suppose he's got some manners, after all. I've done something right." Ruli finally cast him a dark glare as Envy inhaled from his cigarette.
"More. Greater. Abundance. That sort of denotation." The Kartaian answered. "Because it was the grand source of life, the heart of the desert."
"You got into the good herbs this morning, did you?" Ruli muttered under his breath. "Awfully talkative."
Envy chuckled, the sound resonating deeply in his chest, which, today, was covered in a plain tunic that had bright swatches of amber and orange triangles sewn across the breast. "Kire did deliver an interesting supply. I am greatly appreciative." He added with a low bend of his head.

"Lithilote is directly west of us, the far side of the desert. Geographically, the exact opposite direction from Ziad that we are." Envy answered, taking another breath of his tobacco. "There, another clan of elves live. Cousins to the Kartaians. You see, in the beginning, there were-"
"Envy." Ruli interrupted. "I've informed Kire. She knows."
"Oh." Envy blinked. "Brilliant." He sat forward, resting an elbow on his thick thighs. "The Raielwen clan, then. Anti social, nocturnal, paler than moonlight. Usually docile until provoked."
"I mentioned that one of theirs stayed with us for a while." Ruli added quietly, glancing toward Kire as he ground up a few unappetizing ingredients in a bowl.
"Oh, Aera." Envy said, his expression suddenly guarding itself. Ruli noticed and stared for a moment, waiting for the Kartaian to explain. Instead, Envy gestured. "Nearly done, there?"
Ruli only grunted, pouring in the lump sum of the mess into a final bowl. "The pin, if you would."

Envy raised his eyebrows, craning his neck as if he could see it. "Pin?" He extended his hand, running his thumb over the smooth surface before he sniffed it. Then he shook his head. "No." He voiced, looking disappointed. "There's barely any signature."
"You mentioned he wore it for special occasions." Ruli recalled. "How many? I haven't mentioned we may need a drop of her blood to her, yet." He whispered to Envy, switching dialects.
"Well, you may have to, now."
Ruli cleared his throat, taking a quick glance toward the entry way to make sure no one, particularly no one with green eyes, loitered. "Uh. We may need a drop of your blood. Blood relation and all. It will make it far easier than what is on the pin."
"Though we'll use the pin to draw it." Envy added, looking thoughtful.
Ruli held out his hand, looking apprehensive. Kire had had a lifetime of suffering at the hands of a bloodmage and his puppets, and he knew it. Had seen it. "Trust us?" He requested.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kire and Narda chuckled at the mention of herbs. “Very welcome,” Kire said, before Envy explained where Lithilote was. More elves. Kire remembered the conversation she had with Ruli about the Moon God and his children, and as Envy described the Raielwen people, she wondered how they would have treated him. Kire also realized he may not have been alone when he disappeared. Would the suspicious elves have shot him on sight? Would they have seen his presence as provocation? Would they take care of him, or treat him like a prisoner? She steeled herself from spiraling down into further assumptions and handed Envy the pin. “Many occasions,” she explained. “He’d been Captain for decades.”

She frowned when they spoke in Elvish. That can’t be good. When the two men started talking about how best to go about the trace, and what they would need for it to work better, Narda frowned with a grunt. “Blood magic,,” she muttered in Taakalon.
Kire raised a hand at her. “It’s fine, Nard. It’s for Ed, and I trust them.” She did give a look to Ruli that said do not fuck this up before extending a hand to him. “Just a drop, right?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Just a drop." Ruli promised without hesitation. He scooped up the pin from Envy's outreached hand and set it in Kire's upturned palm. "I'll even let you do it. Poke you're finger. Its all we need." He swore.
"Sadist." Envy chuckled again. "Making her do it herself."
"I thought it would make her feel better." Ruli snapped, pulling the bowl from before him to set in the center. "If you want. I mean." Ruli added, realizing that pricking ones own finger was not as easily done. "Over the bowl."

He took the pin once her fingertip was punctured, holding it beneath her finger as he gently squeezed. The crimson droplet built against her calloused skin. Envy's nostrils flared as he inhaled, the Kartaian bloodline in him unable to avoid the instinct. The ruby-red droplet fell across the pin, sliding across its etched face before dripping into the bowl.
Ruli pushed the bowl toward Envy, touching his hand to tell him where it was. The Kartaian, after setting aside his cigarette butt, raised the bowl to mutter softly over it. Ruli sat back on his heels, his eyes on Kire's finger for a time, his lips pulled down in a frown.

Her blood smelled ... normal. He wasn't sure why it surprised him. She was not Akuma. He knew this. She'd bled before, when they were in the caves, fighting the abomination that still lurked in his dreams. Nightmares. The pretty face that laughed as rot and spoiled blood coated his tongue and wrenched him from sleep. But then, he'd been so full of horror that he hadn't noticed.
And somehow, this, today, using her blood for a spell, bothered him. Made it different. He couldn't understand why. Ruli swallowed thickly, looking to the bowl held before Envy's nostrils.

The mixture inside appeared to melt, withering like a flame caressed it. They blackened, shriveled, and molded into a thick, tar like liquid that began to steam. Envy inhaled it eagerly, eyelids fluttering. Then his brows furrowed. "I see." He said, and Ruli, on the cue, reached out to touch Envy's wrist. His eyes unfocused slightly, trained on the edge of the table beside Envy's elbow, as he connected his conscience to Envy's to share in what the elf saw.

They remained quiet for a moment, both looking perplexed, brows pulled in matching frowns, eyes shifting slightly as they 'saw' something in their heads.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Ruli grumbled at last, dropping his hand with a heavy thump.
Envy set the bowl down gently and groaned, as if he'd suffered a headache. Indeed, he rubbed his large fingers across the space between his eyebrows. "I suppose he's lucky."
"We don't know that." Ruli bit back unhappily, before looking to the two Amrian women as if he'd forgotten they were there. "Lithilote it is." He stated.
"We think."
"Damn close." Ruli sat back on his heels again, looking far less than enthusiastic. The fucking Raielwens.

"I sent word recently, trying to see if they have been unharassed by the Kartaians, unlike we were in Ziad." Envy admitted quietly.
"You did what?" Ruli asked. "Envy, she asked us not to contact her."
The Kartaian merely shrugged. "I assumed such an inquiry would be an extenuating circumstance."

Envy still looked cautious. "We've arrived at a small issue." He began to explain. "Lithilote, like Ziad had once been, and like these caves are now, is warded. Protected by a long standing spell that prevents its location from being discovered by accident. Mortals who wander too close cannot see it, instead only seeing barren hills, so they will leave. Anyone who lingers, if I recall her explanation from decades back, are ... removed by their scouts. While I am sure your friend, er, cousin, is fine," Envy said with a gently raised hand. "it still leaves us with the difficulty of finding it. Ruli and I, at best, got a rather vague location."
He went quiet for a moment. "Take skins full of water, food supplies, weapons, and Zeke. Those are my instructions."
Ruli exhaled noisily, looking displeased by much of this, before he rose. "I'm going to start preparing." He grumbled before stalking out of the chamber.

Outside, he ran into Gavin, who was speaking to, coincidentally, both Ysaryn and Zeke. The former was dressed and prepared for a hunt, her body bathed in her combat leathers, her hair still in a neat plait against her her to keep it from being used against her. Her dual blades were strapped to her side, and her arms were folded, making her reek of attitude. Zeke, in opposition, was dressed in casual clothing, having even skipped his shave and brush since waking.
"Get dressed." Ruli said in passing, the three heads turned toward him. "You're coming with us."
"Who?" Gavin and Zeke demanded at once, while Ysaryn barked, "I am not standing naked, as far as I am aware."
"Zeke." Ruli answered over his shoulder. "We're going to Aera's."
Zeke straightened, looking perplexed. "I'll be damned." He whispered before turning to find his armour.
"Ah, ah." Ysaryn raised her finger at Gavin, who looked seconds from arguing. "Part of soldier training. Know when you are out of you league. We need a soldier here. And who is Aera?" She asked, waving a hand when he raised his hands in obvious ignorance.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kire sighed, nodding, taking the pin to prick her index finger, handing it back to Ruli afterward. She had seen blood magic, known how its taboo forms worked, but this was almost the opposite of that. It needed care, precision. We’re trying to find life, not take it,, she thought, as if reassuring herself. Narda remained quiet, but she could tell the giantess was tense. Kire sucked on the pricked finger and watched, curious, as the mixture in the bowl transformed. She wrinkled her nose at the steam but made no comment, not wanting to interrupt and somehow spoil the process by talking.

When they finally saw what they were looking for, Kire looked from Envy to Ruli, the latter much less enthusiastic about the results, though even Envy seemed to receive the information cautiously. [i]Curious.[i] Besides the general complication of encountering the Raielwens, there seemed to be some other history provoking these reactions that had to do with this Aera. “Well, that sounds like the better alternative,” Kire said, when Ruli finally addressed them. She listened as Envy expressed the complications of trying to find him. “I may not see through the illusion, but there’s a big chance I’d sense the wards, anyway, just as I did yours.” And Ed is tough. The thought was more a wish than an assurance.
“Wards, illusions, scrying,” muttered Narda, anxious about all the magic involved in this quest. “Next thing you know, we’ll be dealing with dragons and fairies.”
“With the luck I have?” Kire said grimly. “Come on, let’s grab some water for the trip. Thank you, Envy.”

Kire and Narda stepped out just in time to see Ysaryn admonish Gavin. The Gemini and the giantess stared at each other then. The lad seemed then to reconsider the very desire to come with them. Narda narrowed his eyes, before going off to fetch waterskins for herself and Kire. “So everyone else is going?” Gavin commented when she left.
“Mmhmm.” Kire waited for Ruli’s answer to the question of Aera. Given this was Ruli, though, she also made a bet with herself on whether or not he would actually answer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ysaryn turned her head, her eyes roaming between Narda and Kire, then only the latter as Narda made off to gather supplies. "Envy?" Ysaryn's voice sang as the Kartaian emerged with the bowls stacked in his hand. "Who is Aera?"
"Aera was once someone under my care." He explained. "She was lucky enough to be able to return to her family after having quite a few ... difficult experiences." Envy said, even his voice faltering. He shifted his hindered attention between them. "The details are not mine to share. But I will say, even I cannot decide if she is glad she survived."

His head shifted again as Ruli appeared once more, holding the sword Kire had gifted him in one hand, and a small pack in the other. Ruli's face flashed with guilt, before he wiped it blank and looked away. Envy sighed as he heard more footsprints; a heavier, swaggering set -Narda, and an uneven limp -Zeke, return.
"They have always been cautious, but they are deadly. Make no sudden moves, and plan ahead."

"Zeke." Ruli said quietly, moving to stand beside the former soldier, now wrapped in armour that appeared new and untested. The armour he'd once been so fond of, that of his soldier uniform in Ziad, had been crushed and destroyed. Zeke tucked a strand of his long hair behind his ear and stepped aside to speak softly to Ruli. The tension between them was still palpable, in the angle of their bodies and the distance between then. Neither looked thrilled to be this close to the other, but Zeke listened as Ruli whispered, his grey eyes darting to Kire more than once.
When Ruli offered his hand, a symbol of some thread of peace, temporary or no, Zeke sneered and walked away without taking it. Unfazed, at least in appearance, Ruli made for Ysaryn, who almost skipped over to him. "I can't pull everyone. May I show you where we're going?" When she nodded, Ruli cupped her face and they both closed their eyes, focused for the moment.

"You're not to draw weapons." Zeke warned Narda and Kire. "Hands where they can be seen. They d-" Zeke realized something and frowned. "They don't speak the common tongue, so Ruli and Ysaryn will need to translate." Great. "So try not to speak out of turn." Zeke turned toward Ysaryn and Ruli, where they were silently locked together. Zeke added more in a whisper. "Try to stand before Ysaryn. I fear they'll attack her just because of her colour."
A pair of fuchsia eyes and pale blue eyes both snapped open to gaze at Zeke, having heard every word. Ysaryn looked furious over the idea of being protected, while Ruli looked saddened by the idea.

"Zeck." Ysaryn said, finally breaking away from Ruli. "You with me."
Zeke frowned, then extended his hand, devouring the elf's delicate fingers beneath his own. Ruli approached the Amrians, then glanced toward Envy. "We'll be back as soon as we're able." He promised, offering the women his hands. He glanced to Ysaryn, who nodded, and the five of them were gone.

"What fuck!" Ysaryn screeched loudly as she emerged. She gripped Zeke's hand with strength enough to make him wince as she twisted, her leg snared in a bush yielding thick thorns that tore into her flesh through her leathers.
"Easy." Zeke instructed, reaching for her, trying to steady her.
Ruli dropped Kire and Narda's hands as he went to crouch beside the elf and untangle her, but with an angry snarl she vanished again, reappearing just behind Ruli before she toppled to the ground. She rambled furiously in elvish, and Ruli raised his eyebrows at the language. Ignoring her, he turned back around to the other three.
"She's fine." He promised, still looking shocked as she continued in the background.
Zeke was already looking around them, at the tall bluish mountains that rose upward like fangs from the earth. The reached toward them, ending perhaps a mile or so eastward before the sand gave away to dry and broken earth. The plant like that sprouted from it were vicious and unyielding.

Making her way to her feet, Ysaryn bared her teeth at the thorn bush that attacked her as if it would try again. Ruli, now likewise looking around, spoke without tearing his eyes from the scenery. "Kire? Do you sense anything anywhere?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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As she had expected, Ruli didn’t fill in the details about Aera, but the little Envy divulged made Kire wonder what tragedies she had experienced. As Narda returned, the two Amrian warriors observed the exchange between Ruli and Zeke. “How are you feeling?” Narda asked Kire. “No weird blood magic after-effects?
No, Nard. I’m more worried about what those elves would have done to Ed if they did find him.” Kire smiled, despite the thought. “But if the scrying led them to the Raielwen, that means he’s there. He’s alive.” Narda still looked skeptical as Zeke went to them to tell them what to do.
The list of things he told them made both Amrians frown. While Kire understood the situation—a group of armed strangers infiltrating your territory would elicit such a response—neither of them liked being vulnerable in that way. Kire glanced at Ysaryn when Zeke said she would need to be shielded, knowing the elf would take issue with that. Kire had thought at first that having an elf who spoke their tongue would be an advantage, but remembering the fates of the Five children of the Moon God, she realized the mistrust between even elvenkind was probably expected.

The first thing Kire and Narda heard was Ysaryn’s swear. Alarmed, Kire turned to her, then looked about them, her hand almost darting to her blade, expecting an ambush. But when it was clear it had been a mishap with the thorny underbrush, Kire put down her hands. Already just the deceptively simple instruction of keeping her hands away from her weapon annoyed her. She pushed the annoyance aside, however, in order for her to concentrate. “Not yet,” she said, her gaze cast forward. “Nard, cover me.

She took a step forward, looked around them for signs of hidden enemies, then closed her eyes, breathing deeply, trying to get a sense of anything unusual. There was something faint, up ahead, but she needed to get closer to be sure. She crouched down, touching the soil. “Ahead,” she said simply, standing up. “And closer to the slopes.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zeke offered Ysaryn a hand to help her walk, and she nearly bit him, strolling forward with all intentions to lead before Ruli muttered something to her and she reined back, glowering. Zeke led the way for them, heading in the direction that Kire had indicated, his eyes scanning endlessly. Behind him, Kire and Ruli walked, and Narda and Ysaryn brought up the rear. The elf turned her head now and then, using her sharper hearing to listen for anything behind them. Not that there was anything in the desert wastes than thorny shrubs and plantlife.

The sun bore down on them even in the early hours, the heat from the desert choking them. They made their way toward the foothills, where the promise of shade from the trees called to them. With the exception of Ysaryn's quiet ranting, and Kire's occasional direction, the group was quiet. Zeke picked his way carefully around shrubs, boulders, and fissures, his limp slight, but his gait slow.
A few hours passed before they finally reached the trees, ducking into the shade. Zeke called for a brief pause, all of them drinking from their skins. Ruli bent to look at Ysaryn's leg, which bled slightly over her boots, but she bit his head off, and he retreated. Zeke watched Kire as she scanned the area, following the invisible magic as it hummed some unknown distance away.

Another few hours, the terrain thankfully shaded but no less dangerous. Uneven paths, jutting roots, more jagged stones, and small seed pods that bore hard spikes that ripped through the soles of their shoes. Ruli, for once, wished he'd grabbed his boots, but made no mention of it near Kire, who would comment relentlessly on it, no doubt. He picked his way carefully, eyes down, falling behind Kire a few steps.

When they passed through the wards, indicated by the crisp chill and the strong aroma of flowers, Kire warned them, each of them growing more tense, but still silent. They kept going, eyes alert; even Ysaryn had fallen quiet to focus on listening. There was no noise in the woods, no foxes, no birds. Even the wind seemed muted.

"Stop." Ysaryn hissed after nearly an hour of slow progress. Zeke halted at once, just as a whistle ripped through the air and an arrow of white wood burrowed into the ground about a foot before him.
Zeke raised his hands at once, freezing. "Ruli, help me out here."
"We mean no harm!" Ruli called, his own arms raised as he stood closer to Kire. Ysaryn lingered behind him, caution written across her dark face. "We're searching for a friend. Maybe have been lost here."
Quietly, Ysaryn muttered the translation to Kire and Narda, her voice low.
Silence answered. Zeke turned to glance at Ruli, who shrugged. "Ask if we can step forward."
"May we continue?" Ruli called.
Still, silence.
Inhaling, Zeke took a step forward, then another, and a second arrow punctured the earth, this time, directly between his boots. He turned to leer at Ruli, who frowned. "They didn't answer!" He insisted.

"You are unwelcome." A voice finally answered. Ruli translated for Zeke. "Turn around, and leave, or we will will aim higher."
"Tell them we're looking for someone. A man named ..."
"Just tell them, don't answer me."
Ruli sighed. "We're looking for a man named Ed. May have arrived some nine months ago. Speaks a foreign language." Ruli turned toward Kire. "What does he look like?" He asked in a whisper.
"We have no one." A different voice answered, somewhere further to the right. Ruli translated for Zeke again, who glanced over his shoulder at Kire.
When she looked sure he was still alive, her expression saying she was not giving up, he squared his shoulders. "Tell them I am a friend of their princess. Ask them to tell Aera that Zekiel is here and wishes to speak with her. We will wait here until further instruction."
Ruli swallowed. "You sure that's the best idea?"
"Just do it, or I'll get the elf the to do it."
The 'elf' looked at Zeke as if she was biting back a million livid remarks, but kept her mouth shut.

Ruli translated. "We ask that you inform Princess Aera that Lord Zekiel of Ziad is here. They are friends, and he wishes to speak with her. We will wait he-"
"We will pass along no messages."
"-wait here until we receive instruction from her."
Another arrow flew, whizzing passed Ruli's shoulder. Ysaryn stepped quickly to the side, nearly bumping Narda. Tense, Zeke knelt, the motion strained from his injuries. Ruli followed suit, his hands still raised, and he glanced behind him to see that the others followed. "Tell them again that we'll wait."
"And get us shot at a-"
"Fucking do it."
"We'll wait." Ruli repeated. "Your princess, is a friend."
Zeke glanced over his shoulder to Ruli, his gaze dark. Not yours. His eyes said, and Ruli ignored him.
Silence met them, and Ysaryn, sitting on her heels, tilted her head back and forth. "I cannot hear anything." She whispered. If they were doing as asked, or getting into position to kill, she had no way of telling.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Ah. This part, I didn’t miss. Kire remembered how oppressive the desert heat had been her first two days in Ziad three months ago. Now and then she would pause to glance back at their party to see how they were doing before quickly going back to following the trail. At times the hints of it wavered, and the heat interfered with how clear her senses were, but she had a general sense of the direction, which she would periodically indicate to Ruli. Ysaryn’s injury concerned her, as well as Narda’s tolerance to the heat, though the giantess made no comment, only continuing on in watchful silence. Kire was glad her friend came along, then.

The closer they got to the slopes, the rockier and more rugged the terrain. The trail is getting stronger, Kire observed, though the signature hadn’t materialized in her mind into a concrete scent or sensation just yet, not until they had stepped over the wards. Despite the heat that blew in from the desert, Kire felt a chill throughout her body, and the smell of night flowers filled her nostrils. Kire warned them, her gaze forward. Nothing assailed them yet, however.

An hour in, Ysaryn’s voice rang out, and Kire and Narda stopped, just as an arrow whistled through the air. A warning shot. Fucking archers, Kire seethed, trying to look around to see if she could spot the source. She couldn’t trace it; whoever it was, they weren’t actively using magic, or had not been the one to cast the wards. For now, she and Narda were powerless in a delicate situation, and she disliked every ounce of it. She wasn’t going to retreat, however; no matter what, she was leaving with Ed. The Amrians listened to Ysaryn translated the exchange, and it was clear to Kire the Raielwen wouldn’t give them any quarter, even when Zeke offered his name and affiliation to the princess.

Kire almost jumped to her feet when another arrow whizzed past, this time towards Ysaryn. Fuck! Kire hissed, every muscle tense, itching to spring into action. When Zeke and then Ruli knelt, Kire followed.
“Kire!” Narda hissed.
“Do it,” Kire muttered back. Then, to Ruli, “We look similar. He’s got blonde hair. Blue eyes. Like mine. Taller than me. He should have something on him with the Wyvern sigil, like in the pin. On his armor. Amrian steel.” Kire chewed her lip. “Will they take a prisoner? A hostage?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ysaryn was silent, listening. She couldn't hear any footsteps, no creak of the branches that said their archers were moving in the trees, no crunch of leaves to announce their movement on the ground. Utterly silent. The few times Zeke and Ruli glanced at her, questioning, she shook her head. Nothing.
So they waited. Ruli, now and then, would speak at Zeke's insistence, offering Ed's complexion. Ed's wyvern insignia, though he had to describe that in further detail, only reason he knew what a wyvern looked like was from Ed's pin and the insignia on his blade and Kire's gear.
He asked if they'd take a hostage. A prisoner.
If they'd felt or sensed anything odd in the last few months.

They never responded.

Zeke went from kneeling to a full seated position, making his statement to any spies that he meant what he said. They would go no where. The fact that none of them had arrows to the hearts gave him enough confidence that something was being relayed.
Ruli, after a quiet argument with Ysaryn in their fast language, convinced her to let him look at her leg. He patched up the small puncture marks left by the thorns with a bit of salve he kept in his pack, well aware of her watchful gaze. One wrong move, and he'd have matching marks left by her sharp canines.

An hour went by. Then two. The noonday sun pulled over the canopy of trees made the shade less pleasant. Zeke and Ruli were quiet, the dark haired man with his legs spread out before him, his body pointed toward where the arrows had come from. Ruli folded his legs beneath him and sat beside Ysaryn, her knee resting against his as she stared off into the trees. Now and then, they spoke in elvish, voices whispered. Ruli eyes shifted to Kire and Narda every few minutes, as if worried they'd grow impatient and charge.

The hour of noon had long passed when there was a slight rustling of leaves. Five heads snapped up, pointing toward the source. A tall figure appeared, not quite at Narda's and Envy's height, but greater the Ruli's. Ysaryn growled quietly, annoyed he had snuck up on her. Cold grey-blue eyes shifted to her, the male's lip curling in visible distaste at the sight of the dark elf.
His face matched the coldness in his eyes; angular, emotionless, and symmetrical. His long black hair hung straight, pulled into a braid that was as long as Ysaryn's. When he spoke, his voice was hard, but lovely.
"We're to follow." Ruli translated as Ysaryn tensed. "If any of us moves in a way they don't like, we will be shot." He glanced to Ysaryn, not translating the part where the elf had singled her out to be shot first should she so much as speak. Ysaryn, understanding, burned in anger.

Slowly, they rose, Zeke struggling for a moment before he followed their guide. The elf wore silken robes over his engraved armour, swords in their decorative sheaths concealed beneath the flowing hems. Zeke watched his every movement, calculating the elf's strength by the way he moved, the controlled steps, the stiff shoulders. Magic or not, one bad move and this elf would shred him.
They continued along a path only the elf seemed to be aware of; he turned at odd sections of the forest, as if there were invisible walls he had to get around. Small families of flowers grew at the base of the trees, the white-purple blossoms closed against the daylight. Still, their smell, while subtle, spread; the same scent as the one enveloped in the wards.
It was just over another quarter of an hour of walking before the rounded a cluster of trees on a raised bit of earth that Lithilote came into view.

It was as if the blue-grey mountain before them opened up and bled silver and white. Built into a groove that climbed up the mountains face, carved of marble, stone, and tree, the court rose. Three tiers, each smaller, burrowed deeper into the mountain than the last. It was blindingly white in the sunlight that broke through the trees. Ivy devoured and climbed much of the stone and columns. Banners, baring a stunning white and brilliant shade of purple, swayed in the breeze from the balconies; each one crowned with a trumpeted white flower bordered in glittering silver thread.
Even Ysaryn inhaled, struck by the sight. When their guiding elf turned to leer at her, Ysaryn took a calculated step to the side, letting Ruli obstruct her from view.

There were very few Raielwen elves to be seen, but all who were visible bore weapons and the same cold, guarded expression. Their eyes, shades varying from grey to blue to black, followed the group as they were led to the near left side of the mountains foot. Into an archway lined in white stone, the carved corridor inside far cooler than the forest outside. Candles that gave off the scent of flowers lined the wall to illuminate their path, and small urns of more ivy were nestled into minute alcoves in the stone wall.
Zeke turned to glance at Ruli, privately wondering where they were being led. Neither believed they would be led directly to their once-was friend, nor did they think they'd be led directly to Ed.

No matter their guesses, a cell had not been on the list.

The guide held out his arm, inviting them into the neatly carved cell that was large enough for them each to spread out and get comfortable, either on the cushioned stone benches along the three sides, doubling as beds, or the swept and tidied floor. When even Zeke hesitated, the guide spoke, and no one needed a translation to know he ordered them inside.
Upon entering, Ruli felt a chill crawl over his flesh, and judging by the uncomfortable shift in not only Ysaryn's shoulders, but Kire's, he was not alone. His eyes shot upward as he turned around, facing the door that was shut behind Narda. Markings he barely recognized were carved into the stone, so worn they were no doubt made centuries ago. Even with the mountain slowly erasing them from view, their purpose held true.
"Yes." The elf grinned. It was not a pleasant, friendly smile. "Your magic will not work here. So do not bother with trying. It will only lead to your harm."

Ysaryn and Zeke moved to sit, both heavily, as if their legs wished not to work anymore. Ruli could feel Narda behind him, trying to judge how best to break out without causing an all out quarrel. Kire, like Zeke and Ysaryn, sat, but Ruli could feel her contemplation from where he stood. Ruli swallowed, staring the elf down. It seemed like minutes passed, the two leering at one another, before the guide smirked. "Refreshments will be brought. You will remain here whilst we decide what to do with you."
"And of our friend?" Ruli asked stubbornly. "The blond man bearing the wyvern?"
The elf glared. "Enjoy your rest." Was all he said before he left them.
Growling, Ruli grabbed the iron bars and shook them; they didn't so much as shift as he pulled. He opened his mouth to shout when Zeke cut him off.
"Don't even think about it." The former-soldier ordered. "You'll only annoy them."
Seething, Ruli let go of the bars, pacing slowly, already restless and anxious in the cell.

"What did he say?"
Forgetting the others hadn't understood, Ruli grumbled. "We're here until a decision is made. They'll bring us refreshments."
"I hope its fish." Ysaryn sighed, leaning back against the wall.
Zeke chuckled, an old memory crossing his face. "You're out of luck. They don't eat meat." Or at least Aera hadn't.
"Fish is not meat." Ysaryn argued, and Zeke glanced to her, his smirk arguing for him. The elf folded her arms over her torso.
"They're also nocturnal." Ruli pointed out. "So a decision may not come until well past nightfall."
"Then stop your damned pacing." Zeke snapped at him.
Ruli only glared at him, his hands flexing. He felt different. Weaker. More tired. Judging by Ysaryn's closed eyes, the exhausted look on her face, and the rather spacey expression on Kire, they felt the same. "There are wards. Enchantments." Ruli explained to the other blonde, realizing she hadn't understood the elf when he had mentioned it. "It locks all magic. We're helpless."
"Doubtful." Zeke voiced. "All of us are trained to fight without magic."
"We still have our weapons. They did not take them. This tells me we are still helpless." Ysaryn yawned.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Waiting was the worst. Narda would glance now and then at her old friend; between the two of them, it was Kire who had the worse temper for waiting, though she herself wasn’t much better. But the both of them knew what the stakes were, here. Just like Zeke, the fact that they hadn’t either been struck down or run out of the mountains by this time told them not only were the elves still undecided about what to do with them, but that there was a possibility of them seeing Ed, soon. Kire ran through every possible scenario in her mind, from best case to worst case, as noon dragged on to afternoon, trying to temper her own expectations. Her sapphire eyes burned with impatience, but she stayed where she was. “Soon, Wyvernling. Just like a siege,” Narda whispered. “Patience.” Kire only nodded.

They all looked up when, at last, their guide had made himself known to them. Kire frowned; she didn’t like the look this elf had on his face. She glanced briefly back at Ysaryn in concern, before standing up, following the instructions Ruli had relayed. The Amrians stayed quiet as they followed the guide, though Kire occupied the silence in her mind with a long string of curses in Amrian and common tongue, looking forward to when they could break the silence. Soon, she could smell the actual flower that provided the wards with their signature, noticed the way their graceful guide moved through the forest, while she weighed the risks of moving against a potential ambush. Herself, Ruli, and Ysaryn at least could Shadow-Walk; they’d have to be fast enough to disappear with Narda and Zeke if it came down to it, but given how stealthy the archer had been earlier, it would be hard to do that unscathed.

When they, at last, finally arrived at Lithilote, the Amrians gazed in wonder. Against the afternoon light it shone, almost as if it had been carved from the whitest ivory. It was, admittedly, a beautiful sight, like a dream or vision, a home fit for the descendants of gods. But it seemed to her cold, too, a coldness mirrored in the faces of its people, who followed their every move as they were led forward. As they made their way down a fragrant corridor, Kire turned to Narda and smirked. The giantess did, too. Neither were so optimistic as to expect Ed or a grand welcome; they were silently making bets about what was on the other end.

Of course we’re prisoners. Nothing in the manner of the elves had indicated they would be treated as guests or even equals. Had the elves answered Kire’s relayed query earlier, she would have expected to volunteer herself as hostage, and both she and Narda had been through enough parlays, sieges, battlefields, and negotiations to realize that the cells were a likely possibility. At least it didn’t look like a typical dungeon. For one, this was much, much cleaner. No matter; once they were inside, they could brainstorm how to get out, or how to proceed.

But the moment Kire stepped through, a chill crawled throughout her body, along with a loud ringing in her ears. She got down on one knee, a sudden wave of tiredness overcoming her. As Ruli exchanged words with the guide, Kire waved, or tried to wave, her hand in front of her. Her mind felt foggy, even as it tried to concentrate and drown out the sound filling her ears, and she felt as if she were moving underwater. “Why’s everything so slow?” she asked, not quite understanding that it was she who was slowed down. Before she could collapse onto the stone floor, Narda pulled her to sit with her back to the wall.

“Wards? Where?” she said, her speech sounding like she was drugged. She leaned against Narda, looking up at her; the giantess had an anxious look on her face, as if all her worst fears about magic had come true. Locks magic. Kire frowned, her half-lidded eyes looking at the Ring on her finger. “Make that sound would go away,” she slurred, raising her hands slowly to cover her ears. It did nothing but isolate the ringing, and she gave up, her hands thumping down onto her lap. Maybe I can try a portal? Maybe wards won’t work on another world’s magic, she thought, leaning forward, about to stand and try.

No sooner had her mind thought this and relayed the command to her Ring than a sound like electricity erupted. The Ring flashed blue only briefly, sending a jolt through her body and making her thump against the wall with a hiss. If anything, the attempt had sapped more energy from her. Narda cursed, wrapping one arm around the very dazed Kire, whispering something to her. Kire nodded in answer, holding her right hand up for Narda to carefully slide the Ring off. While the Wyvern still felt the lethargy, the loud ringing had at least lessened.

“Nightfall, hm?” Narda said, looking at the bars. At least Kire had no choice but to wait, now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Nightfall." Ruli grumbled, turning to look Kire over. His brows knit together. "Is this how she's reacting to it?" He asked Narda, noticing Kire looked incapable of speech. He hummed. "Just don't let her hurt herself." He instructed, resuming his pacing. His body felt weak and heavy, his mind choppy. Nothing like Kire's, however, but he felt as if his thoughts came in pieces. Without grace or fluidity. It's like being Gods-be-Damned plastered.

The refreshments arrived; fresh water in an ewer coated in condensation, a flask of a deep red wine, fresh fruit, cold cheese, and a sort of honey coated, sweet yogurt that Ruli wouldn't touch. Ysaryn glanced at it, looking utterly betrayed by the lack of fish, and leaned sideways, curling her arm beneath her head to rest, rather than eat. Zeke helped himself, offering Narda a bit of everything to allow the giantess to remain holding the empress. "Try to get her to eat." Zeke muttered, before attempting to do the same for Ysaryn, who grumbled, but ate the fruit offered. But not without wrinkling her nose.

They were left alone for hours after. Ruli continued to pace, growing more and more annoyed by the hour, and more and more drained. Ysaryn was quiet and unmoving, her eyes closed, her head pillowed on her arm. Zeke sat still, eyes forward and on the ground, a calm washing over him; the battle-ready soldier preparing his mind, going through every scenario.
Narda remained sitting beside Kire, clearly restless, but looking just as collected as the soldier across from her.

Near to dinner, another meal was brought; more wine and water, a thick broth of rice noodle and vegetables, and some sort of casserole wrapped in thin lettuce and baked under a green cause. Ruli wasn't sure what filled it, but it tasted close enough to pork that he ate his fill without complaints. Ysaryn woke long enough to eye the meal before her eyes closed once more, so they set aside a portion for her, knowing she disliked the plethora of vegetables.
Still, Ruli refused to sit, grumbling orders at every elf that happened to walk by, which was only when their meals were delivered or the chamber pot was taken and replaced. They ignored him completely, though one; a female with soft gold-white hair, studied Ysaryn curiously for a moment before she departed.

"Would you sit the fuck down!?" Zeke finally snapped, tired of Ruli's incessant pacing. Ruli only turned and leered at him. "Pacing is only driving us mad and winding your energy down. Sit on your ass." Zeke ordered.
"Fuck you." Ruli snapped.
"The only reason I agreed to come along was because you said you'd listen!"
"You came because Envy listed it as a term."
"I didn't have to agree!" Zeke hissed. "I could have just let you waltz in here and get your head shot off."
Ruli growled. "She knows I would not have come without good reason. She wouldn't have ordered it."
"Please." Zeke ran his hand through his dark hair. "You wouldn't have made it that far. You would have said the wrong thing and you'd all be dead."
While he wanted to argue, Ruli faltered, unable to come up with a proper retort. He would have said the wrong thing and gotten shot. He needed Zeke for this, and he knew it.
"You're still a fucking ass." He growled instead.
"I don't care, sit on yours."
Exhaling noisily, Ruli turned and sat beside Zeke, who looked as if this was not what he had in mind at all. But with Narda and Kire on one bench, and Ysaryn spread out on the other, there was no where else for Ruli.
"Didn't think that through, did you?" Ruli complained, as if reading his mind.
"Shut up."

They both jumped up upon hearing her voice, heads turning toward the corridor. She stood in soft lavender robes that had to have taken an hour alone to don. The hems were adorned in small stars in the same glittering thread as the banners that hung throughout the city. Her gloved hands were clasped delicately before her. Her deep black hair was unbound, hanging like a curtain behind her. Her face was just as symmetrical and listless as many of the others, but her eyes, which were a deep shade of violet, were empty. They moved slowly from face to face, silently assessing.
"Aera." Ruli and Zeke said together.
Her eyes moved right through Ruli, as if she didn't see him, or didn't wish to. When she gazed at Zeke, she smiled, but it didn't meet her eyes. "You've grown." She spoke the common tongue flawlessly, but there was a hint of accent from years of disuse.
He stepped toward the bars. "As have you. I think you might have grown a whole foot."

"Get us the hell out of here." Ruli moved beside Zeke, gesturing to Kire. "We've been trapped for hours, and that one is losing her mind."
Aera blinked slowly, as if the sound of his voice riled her temper. When she opened them again, she gazed at Zeke, ignoring Ruli completely. "I hear you're looking for someone." Her empty gaze went back to Kire, studying her face; she didn't look concerned, but her lower lids raised just slightly, as if she recognized the features. "Are you well?"
Zeke blinked, turning to look over the three still women. "We are. Considering."
"Can you carry the elf?" Aera turned, beckoning to an elf that was out of sight. It was their guide from earlier in the morning; he approached, handing her a set of matching bracelets. Ruli backed away from the bars, then.
"The elf?" Zeke asked, turning to look at Ysaryn.
"You have not noticed that she is unconscious?" Aera asked casually, and heads turned toward the dark elf again. Ruli bent, touching her cheek, shifting her head. She was limp. Ruli looked up, alarmed.
"Did she step in a bush covered in thorns, about thigh high? I can smell it on her." Aera extended her arm to offer Zeke the bracelets. "Its the drosarus plant. Its venomous. Envy will be so disappointed. Its where the sundew extract comes from. Put those on her wrists, then carry her. You're coming with me."
"All of us?" Ruli asked, his voice betraying his high hopes. Zeke turned to clasp the bracelets around Ysaryn's wrists, unfolding her arm from beneath her head as he did.
"Just Zeke and the elf." Aera answered, staring coldly at Ruli as Zeke lifted the elf, wincing as he did. "Your search will have to wait until this one is tended to." She stepped back, allowing their guide to open the door and permit Zeke through. "Thank you, Cohnal." She said to the guide.
"You won't ... harm her, right?" Ruli asked, approaching the gate once more as the guide, Cohnal, locked it.
"We are not in the habit of harming people without just cause." Aera said with such ice in her voice that Ruli stepped back again. "They'll be returned when we're finished."

And they left. Ruli sat on the bench now vacated by Ysaryn, his head in his hands as he exhaled.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The two Amrians remained quiet. Kire hadn’t spoken for a long time, her tongue feeling heavy, her thoughts coming to her slow, like she had gotten into one of Elva’s stronger herbs. Now and then Narda would check on her, just to be sure she wasn’t going unconscious or having other dangerous reactions to the dampening wards. The giantess said little, observing the elves that came to deliver their food in silence. She ate without complaint, prodding Kire to eat, though the latter could only do so in slow increments. Though the continuous pacing of Ruli annoyed the countess, she held her tongue. Really, if Kire hadn’t been so depleted of energy, she most likely would have been doing the same, or something worse. Kire’s heavy eyes would flit now and then to Ruli, then to Ysaryn, brows knit in concern, before leaning against Narda again.

After what felt like ages, a woman appeared that caught the two men’s attention. Narda nudged Kire, who sat up straighter, frowning in concentration. Aera. Despite the words that came out of her mouth, she regarded the two men as if they had been passing acquaintances. Cold, empty. She seemed to Narda to be someone incapable of real fondness. If this is how she treats friends, then this whole place be damned, the giantess thought. Kire was quiet, both from the wards and from her attempts at observing the interactions between the princess and the two men. But when they started talking about carrying Ysaryn out and of poison, Kire moved to stand—albeit unsuccessfully—in confusion and alarm.

“No, where are they taking her?” Kire said, frowning through the lethargic haze, a beat after Zeke had already carried Ysaryn out of the cell.
“They’re taking her to be treated, Kay,” Nard said in Taakalon, prompting her to sit still. “Conserve your strength.”
Kire huffed, shaking her head, cursing her slowness. “She really doesn’t like you doesn’t she,” she finally commented, seeing Ruli on the opposite bench. “Can see why you don’t like this place so much though.”
“Mhmm. Beautiful. But lifeless,” Narda put in, rubbing Kire’s back.
“If they turned Ed into a mindless husk, I will…” Kire grumbled, dissolving into Taakalon.
Narda chuckled. “That’s the spirit.” She frowned, looking at Ruli. “What is this bad blood between you?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carantathraiel
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Carantathraiel Cara

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruli looked to Kire as she mentioned his dislike for the place. "I don't like being trapped." He said unhappily. Even though he sat, his heel bounced against the stone floor, his knee likewise bouncing under his elbow.
"I can't answer that." Ruli said about the following question. "If I do, you'll look at me like she does."

He straightened, bracing his back against the stone wall, drumming his fingers on his knees. He saw Aera's face in his head, the cold, empty look she gave him. Like she saw through him. Like he was nothing but a memory.
Then, her face changed. Younger. Rounder. Her eyes bright with life and humour. Her smile had always been charming, but reserved, like she'd never been told it could make the flowers bloom in winter.

"She wasn't always .... that." Ruli whispered, sure some elf somewhere was listening, despite theft that they couldn't understand. "When Aera lived with us, she could knock a man off his feet with a staff in seconds. Loved to cook, even if she couldn't tell the difference between salt and sugar. Had no tolerance for alcohol." He gazed at the place she'd been standing.

"Do you remember what I said to you in Ziad, about the Kartaians?" Ruli returned his head to peer at Kire. "That they don't take prisoners?" Sighing, he flicked his fingers to where the princess had been. "She was the exception. Their last prisoner, as far as I know. Until I heard them say you were to be." Ruli frowned, his expression dark. He reached up and absent mindedly rubbed his hand across his left collarbone. "She never came back." He glanced back her way. "Its why I stepped in instead of letting you take them on alone."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Michellin
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Kire frowned with a pout. “Who likes being trapped?” she said after a pause, rubbing her face to try and wake herself up more. “Don’t like being trapped. Don’t like being made to wait too long.”
“There, there, little Wyvernling, I know,” Narda said with a smirk, patting her friend’s head, before turning to Ruli, his answer making her frown. Kire peered at him, more curious than wary. She listened as best she could as he talked about who Aera used to be, and it sounded like a much different woman than the one she and Narda had seen earlier. Someone with life inside her. And the way he talks about her…. Her eyes followed his gaze lazily, to where Aera had been standing.

When she heard him address her again—with a helpful nudge from Narda—Kire turned to him, nodding when she recalled the moment he had been talking about. “I…see.” Kire sighed. She wondered, if the Kartaians had captured her, would she be as cold and lifeless as the woman they had just seen earlier? Kire looked at Ruli, still grateful that, despite their initial differences, he had decided to help her that night. Her mind sank into stupor once more, though, and she leaned against Narda again, wishing she would be out of this cell soon.

“So, these elves,” Narda said, when it was clear Kire had withdrawn again, “Besides these wards, and their stealth, what other kind of magic do they possess? Ysaryn has that—mm, what’s it called again—”
“Shdw walk,” Kire mumbled, head raised slightly before leaning on Narda again.
“Right. What else are they capable of?”
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